#henri charriere
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carni-val · 9 months ago
Soooo it’s been a hot minute but I’m getting back into my Charlie Hunnam hyper fixation so if anyone wants to send some requests through, my ask box is open 👀
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jaucher · 1 year ago
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mesutbahtiyarolacak · 2 years ago
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Evet, şu sıra yalnızlığa katlanabilmek, eskisinden de güç. . Öyle bir haldeyim ki, düşüncelerimle geçmişte ve günümüzde gezinmek için gözlerimi kapamam bile gerekmiyor.
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cemyafilmarsiv · 1 year ago
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Papillon directed by Franklin J. Schaffner.
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blog-ruki · 2 years ago
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honestmysteries · 2 years ago
Aww I’m sorry to hear that 😢
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Also the chemistry between these two, damn 🥵🔥
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Rami Malek as Louis Dega Papillon (2017)
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audreygianelliart · 2 years ago
The timelapse video of my artwork of Charlie Hunnam as Henry Charriére dans the biopic PAPILLON
Made with walnut stain, technic close to watercolor.
Who saw this movie ?
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youremyheaven · 2 years ago
butterfly motif 🦋& vedic astrology
ive wanted to exclusively dedicate a post towards the use of the butterfly motif in pop culture, so here it is!! i think butterflies have had a re-emergence in fashion in the last few years and im here for it!!
🦋 as i've mentioned in many other posts, the nakshatras closely tied to using this motif repeatedly are the pisces rashi nakshatras of ubp and revati along with punarvasu nakshatra.
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Revati moon, Rihanna wearing butterfly eye lashes.
Venus exalts in Pisces and ive noticed that these natives are often drawn to Venusian aesthetics and imagery.
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Rihanna at a Savage x Fenty show. You cannot tell me this isn't reminiscent of the Birth of Venus and the colour scheme is super Venus coded as well.
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UBP sun Lady Gaga wearing butterfly face paint. she has often gravitated towards this motif over the years.
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here she is in a blue butterfly dress
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idk about you but when i see wings, i think butterfly 🦋. hence why this look is here 🤭😌
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yet another lady gaga butterfly lewk
2. bella hadid for Swarovski. bella has ketu in ubp and girlie is obsessed with butterflies 😍
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3. kendall jenner, ubp moon wearing a butterfly print dress
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4. emrata, also ubp moon wearing a butterfly print dress
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5. urfi javed, an indian entertainer who has ubp ketu wearing an outfit with a butterfly motif
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6. dua lipa, punarvasu moon and known for her butterfly obsession wearing a blumarine butterfly head to toe lewk
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7.brie larson ubp asc wearing a winged dress
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8. sarah jessica parker is ubp sun & venus with revati mercury atmakaraka and this is a vvv iconic look from sex and the city
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9.bella hadid had an nft thingie and the teaser(?) for it depicted her as a cyborg in a pool of water with butterflies. couldn't get more pisces coded than that tbh
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10. queen latifah, ubp sun with those butterfly tats. ive noticed a lot of pisces girlies specifically choosing blue butterflies over any other type👀
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11. halsey, punarvasu moon and has a butterfly tattoo!!
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12. mariah carey, i mean we all know the OG iconic butterfly top moment but here's an underrated lewk from this punarvasu queen who also has an album titled Butterfly
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she also has a perfume line called Lollipop Bling that's packaged like this:
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13. Kendrick Lamar's to pimp a butterfly
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he has mercury and mars in punarvasu. jup in revati atmakaraka and ubp rahu. lamar has implied that the title alludes to the nature of celebrity and how something free spirited and beautiful can be so violently controlled. again, VERY pisces coded.
14. brand new eyes by paramore
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hayley williams, who is the lead singer has revati mars amatyakaraka.
15. dolly parton has a very very famous song called love is like a butterfly, she has punarvasu mars conjunct saturn. look at the lyrics of the song, only a cancer girlie would go so soft like this 🥺
Love is like a butterfly
As soft and gentle as a sigh
The multicolored moods of love are like its satin wings
Love makes your heart feel strange inside
It flutters like soft wings in flight
Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing
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Dolly also has a perfume called "Tennessee Sunset" and its packaged like this:
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16. alexander mcqueen, the fashion designer had ubp sun and used lots of winged imagery in his work
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17. vincent van gogh, revati sun ubp venus and mars and punarvasu rising has a series of paintings called butterflies. i personally associate whimsical art with both pisces rashi and punarvasu. ill make another post some day but the impressionist movement and even the surrealist movement were vvv influenced by these two placements.
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18. Papillon 1973
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its based on the true story of henri charriere, who is played by steve mcqueen in the movie. not only is the movie called papillon (french for butterfly) the character also has a butterfly chest tattoo and steve mqueen has ubp sun, revati venus atmakaraka and punarvasu rising
19. silence of the lambs<3
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one of the most iconic movie posters of all time features a moth. this moth also plays a key role in the movie and is a major motif.
the book on which the movie was based was written by thomas harris, who has a revati stellium (sun, jupiter & ketu)
in the movie corpse bride, the titular character dissolves into a bunch of butterflies at the end of the movie
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corpse bride is played by helena bonham carter who has ubp saturn and ketu in revati
21. Kali Uchis, punarvasu sun often uses butterfly imagery
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This photoshoot was conceptualised and shot by the South Korean photographer Choi Gi Seok who has purvabhadrapada moon (0 degrees pisces)
His work heavily features butterfly imagery ;
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my own take is that, since pisces is the final rashi and the point of "absolution" it represents the end of chrysalis, when all elements have come together to create transformation; in pisces there is nothing left to do, but seek liberation from these cycles (its purpose is moksha,after all) and dissolve entirely into the cosmic ocean.
a butterfly is a beautiful symbol, representing not only the death of the creature that inhabited the cocoon but also reminding us that that death is necessary because only then can something as beautiful as a butterfly emerge from within that womb. the womb is the source of creation but you're not meant to stay there forever, that's not just stagnancy, that's death. birth is a painful process because you're leaving behind the only place you've ever known but you have no other option so you must be brave enough to face it.
this brings us to the connection of punarvasu nakshatra to butterflies. punarvasu's deity is goddess Aditi who is creation itself; she is the cosmic mother, she created this universe. in pisces, you seek liberation from the cycles of life but in punarvasu, life, the universe, creation itself takes place. thus it represents the butterfly emerging from the cocoon to claim its identity as a butterfly because the life it led before that was a non-life, it wasn't yet a butterfly, it was a non-being. goddess Aditi embodies infinite space and primordial vastness. what better way to represent the cosmic abundance than with a symbol like a butterfly? 🦋you cannot ask who created you because you are your own creation
“Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.”- Zhuangzi
that's it for now but i'll keep updating as i find more examples💛i hope this was interesting<3
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detournementsmineurs · 6 months ago
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Maison de famille dite "Le Chalet" ancien pavillon de la Finlande - ou de la Norvège - par l'architecte Holm Hansen Munthe (1848-1898) pour l'Exposition Universelle de Paris (1889), racheté et remonté au fond du jardin comme extension de la propriété par les grands-parents de Brigitte Bardot à Louveciennes, où celle-ci s'est mariée à Jacques Charrier (1959), puis occupé par l'écrivain belge Henry Bauchau (1913-2012), beau-père de Mijanou Bardot, sœur de l'actrice, octobre 2024.
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justreblogginfics · 1 year ago
This man and these characters are just 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I believe what I meant to say was dreamy 😅
I just absolutely love how @carni-val writes each of these characters, they are all so amazingly and beautifully written! I simply cannot pick one to praise because they are all worth praising!✨
Charlie Hunnam Characters Masterlist
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Raymond Smith
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Will “Ironhead” Miller
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Henri “Papillon” Charrière
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Jax Teller
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Arthur Pendragon
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theadaptableeducator · 6 months ago
Weekend Book Reviews - Papillon by Henri Charriere
Papillon��is an extraordinary tale of resilience, hope, and the unbreakable human spirit. The book is an autobiographical account of Henri Charrière, also known by his nickname “Papillon” (French for “butterfly”), who was wrongfully convicted of murder in 1931 and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious French Guiana penal colony. The memoir chronicles his numerous daring escape attempts,…
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lannisterdaddyissues · 2 years ago
tag nine people you'd like to know better thank you @pacingo for the tag!! 🥰 i'd like to get to know you better too
last song: undercover angel by alan o'day :^)
currently watching: rewatching spin city with my mom (i am not immune to michael j fox in a suit)
currently reading: unfortunately nothing at the moment but i would love to read papillon by henri charriere, i missed out on buying a copy at the interior mall a month ago and i am still thinking about the excerpts i read :'(
current obsession: tom cruise hehe
tagging @nicejobkid @starrybouquet @starryinspace @airlocksandaviaries @enthyrea @awkwxrdapple @calkale @doodledraw @ladywaffles @taeminsairpods @skinnycruise i know it said 9 people but idc <3
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shinkai-kaiju · 2 years ago
ill admit as an addendum i was weird bc i had just finished reading Papillion by Henri Charriere in like. end of elementary school. I also really likes the books we got told to read for class so the wrinkle in time series and miss frisby were read multiple times
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kuturkoglu · 4 months ago
Kelebek - Papillon
Papillon, işlemediği bir suçtan ötürü ömür boyu kürek cezası alan Kelebek lakaplı Henri Charriere isimli Fransız vatandaşının ceza günleri ve kaçma girişimlerini anlatan kitaptır. Çıktığı günlerde Fransa’da uzun süre en çok satanlar listesinde kalan bu kitabın şaşırtıcı yönü Henri Charriere’in aslında gerçek bir yazar olmamasıdır. Ben Kelebek isimli kitabı ilk okuduğumda askerdeydim. Okumak çok…
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manessha545 · 1 year ago
T 2017 ‧ Crime/Adventure ‧ 1h 57m
Henri Charriere, a young man, is falsely convicted of murder. In an attempt to escape from the penal colony on Devil's Island, Henri cracks a deal with a fellow inmate, Louis Dega.
Release date: August 24, 2018 (USA)
Director: Michael Noer
Story by: Henri Charrière, Dalton Trumbo, Lorenzo Semple Jr.
Box office: $10.1 million
Distributed by: Bleecker Street
Adapted from: Papillon, Banco
Papillon (2017 film) - Wikipedia
Devil's Island
The penal colony of Cayenne (French: Bagne de Cayenne), commonly known as Devil's Island (Île du Diable), was a French penal colony that operated for 100 years, from 1852 to 1952, and officially closed in 1953, in the Salvation Islands of French Guiana.
Devil's Island - Wikipedia
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Louis Dega and Henri Charrière + Touch | Papillon (2017) 
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wikiuntamed · 1 year ago
On this day in Wikipedia: Saturday, 16th March
Welcome, hoş geldiniz, bun venit, nuqneH 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 16th March through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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16th March 2022 🗓️ : Event - 2022 Fukushima earthquake A 7.4-magnitude earthquake occurs off the coast of Fukushima, Japan, killing 4 people and injuring 225. "On March 16, 2022, at 23:36 JST, a strong earthquake struck off the coast of Fukushima, Japan. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.4 according to the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA), while the United States Geological Survey (USGS) gave an estimate of 7.3. Immediately after the event a 30‑cm..."
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16th March 2019 🗓️ : Death - Dick Dale Dick Dale, American surf-rock guitarist, singer, and songwriter (b. 1937) "Richard Anthony Monsour (May 4, 1937 – March 16, 2019), known professionally as Dick Dale, was an American rock guitarist. He was a pioneer of surf music, drawing on Middle Eastern music scales and experimenting with reverb. Dale was known as "The King of the Surf Guitar", which was also the title..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Mike Burns from Somerville, MA, USA
16th March 2014 🗓️ : Event - Crimea Crimea votes in a controversial referendum to secede from Ukraine to join Russia. "Crimea ( kry-MEE-ə) is a peninsula in Eastern Europe, on the northern coast of the Black Sea, almost entirely surrounded by the Black Sea and the smaller Sea of Azov. The Isthmus of Perekop connects the peninsula to Kherson Oblast in mainland Ukraine. To the east, the Crimean Bridge, constructed in..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Maximilian Dörrbecker (Chumwa)
16th March 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Anne Charrier Anne Charrier, French actress "Anne Charrier is a French actress, who is credited with 7 films and 22 TV productions between 2000 and 2009. She was coached for TV by the Australian Elise McLeod...."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Frantogian
16th March 1924 🗓️ : Event - Treaty of Rome (1924) In accordance with the Treaty of Rome, Fiume becomes annexed as part of Italy. "The Treaty of Rome was agreed on 27 January 1924, when Italy and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes agreed that Fiume would be annexed to Italy as the Province of Fiume, and the town of Sušak would be part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Fiume and Sušak would have a joint..."
16th March 1823 🗓️ : Birth - William Henry Monk William Henry Monk, English organist and composer (d. 1889) "William Henry Monk (16 March 1823 – 1 March 1889) was an English organist, Anglican church musician, and music editor who composed popular hymn tunes, including "Eventide", used for the hymn "Abide with Me", and "All Things Bright and Beautiful". He also wrote music for church services and anthems...."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
16th March 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Julian of Antioch "Julian of Antioch (Latin: Julianus, Greek: Ίουλιανός; d. AD 305 x 311), variously distinguished as Julian the Martyr, Julian of Tarsus, Julian of Cilicia, and Julian of Anazarbus, was a 4th-century Christian martyr and saint. He is sometimes confused with the St Julian who was martyred with his wife..."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
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