#henri jaakoppi
yokyopeli · 19 days
@suomiplorpoturnaus innoittama tein kyselyn omista suomalaisista (mutta ei suomi-) blorboistani. Kaikki nämä hahmot ovat jotenkin suomalaisia ja minun lemppareita.
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Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska) A Discovery of Witches (2018-2020); noita Suomesta. Malin Buska on tornionjokilaaksolainen ja osaa suomea ja meänkieltä./ Finnish witch. Malin Buska is tornedalian and knows Finnish and meänkieli.
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Aikku Jokinen; New Avengers/ U.S. Avengers; supersankari POD/Enigma. Norjasta, kummatkin vanhemmat ovat suomalaisia. Naissuhteessa Toni Ho'n kanssa./ From Norway, both parents are Finnish. Superhero. In a sapphic relationship with Toni Ho.
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Nathan Wuornos (Lucas Bryant) Haven (2010-2015); poliisi Stephen Kingin Mainesta. Ei tunne mitään fyysisesti. Wuornos on suomalainen sukunimi. Lucas Bryant on kanadalainen, jonka isä on amerikansuomalainen. Näytteli myös Tyttökuningas leffassa./ A cop in Stephen King's Maine. Incapable of feeling anything physically. Wuornos is a Finnish last name. Lucas Bryant is Canadian and his father is Finnish American.
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Serafina Pekkala; Eva Green The Golden Compass leffa/ Ruta Gedmintas His Dark Materials tv-sarja. Noita Suomen tapaisesta maasta./ Either version of Serafina Pekkala. Witch from a Finnish-like country.
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Henri Jaakoppi The Selection: The Heir/The Crown; maahanmuuttaja, ei osaa edes rallienglantia. Leipuri, lempparit on omenalörtsy ja korvapuustit. Asuu Sotassa./ Immigrant to Illeà, doesn't speak any English, not even with rallienglish accent. A baker, favorites are apple pastry and cinnamon bun. Lives in Sota.
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Lotte Yanson Little Witch Academia; noita koululainen Suomesta. Mahdollisesti suomenruotsalainen ja/tai suomensaamelainen. Fanityttö. / Witch student from Finland. Possibly Fennoswedish and/or Saami from Finland. A fangirl.
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Sophia 'Valmet' Velmer Jormungand; Suomalaisesta armeijaperheestä. Palkkasoturi. Lesbo. Puuttuu toinen silmä./ From a Finnish army family. A mercenary. Lesbian. Missing an eye.
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Jukko Hämäläinen Wildstorm: Team Achilles/ Osasto Karhu; empaatti, joka tuntee ihmisten kivun kolmen kilsan sisällä (nukkuessa puolen kilsan sisällä). Kiroilee suomeksi./ Empath who can feel people's pain within about 2 miles (a quarter mile while sleeping). Swears in Finnish.
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Veera 'MK' Suominen (Tatiana Maslany) Orphan Black: Helsinki/ Orphan Black s4-s5. Autistinen klooni Helsingistä, Suomesta. /Autistic clone from Helsinki, Finland.
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Joseph Elo (Kris Kaiyala) Dirt an audio drama (2020--). Podcast amerikansuomalaisesta Joseph'ista, jonka aikoja sitten kuollut isoisä alkaa lähettää mysteerikirjeitä. Kolme kautta on ilmestynyt, neljäs/viimeinen alkaa myöhemmin 2024./ Finnish American Joseph Elo starts getting mystery letters from his long dead grandfather.
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Reading the heir by Keira Cass right now and finally got my chapter with bestest boy, light of my life, perfect man Henri I am winning right now
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shadyrebelbitch · 2 years
I absolutely love how my country is portrayed in The Selection series.
I’m from Finland and (if you didn’t already know this) one of the characters speaks finnish in The Heir and The Crown. 
First of all Henri (I fucking love him) is from Swendway which is the combination of Sweden, Norway and Finland. Also Eikko is from Illéa but his origins are from Sweden. Their names are finnish. Henri Jaakoppi is full on finnish. And Eikko Koskinen is also full on finnish name. Koskinen is as finnish as names come. Eikko is a variant from a finnish name; Eikka.
And I love the fact that Edelyn and Eikko named their daughter Kerttu. Kerttu is an old finnish name. It’s actually my second name. The name Kerttu was already used in the 13th century.
In books and in films it’s always thrilling to hear someone mention my country or my origins.
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eadlyn-sassy-pants · 5 years
Literally nothing makes me sadder than the fact Erik had to be jealous of his best friend in the world for getting to be in the selection and compete for Eadlyn
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sickwebsite · 5 years
I can’t believe Kiera Cass invented devotion when she made Henri Jaakoppi
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elliemarchetti · 7 years
I know The Selection fandom is basically dead, and I don't want to do Kiera Cass work, but imagine: Henri's translator is a young girl, instead of a boy, her name is Erika and Eadlyn falls in love with her, so she have to abdicate because, you know, royalties need a heir, and Ahren abdicates too, because he doesn't want to be the king, he just want to be the prince consort of France, so the throne passes to Kaden, and he doesn't want his own selection because he already met Josie and everythig ends all fluffly and more lesbian.
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kadenschrx · 7 years
the crown with dolls - favorite screenshots
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same america
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eikko the lurking non contestant
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erik the lurking non contestant. part 2
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erik the lurking non contestant. part 3
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freaking iphones in illea man
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French “Eadlyn nooo” Part 2
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maxon being relatable
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the return of “that’s what makes you beautiful”
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 part 4
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the culmination of it all
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henrijaakoppiisbae · 7 years
Today I started thinking about how much I love Henri Jaakoppi
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siemsbooks · 7 years
“I am slow here,” Henri said, pointing to his mouth. “Not here.” He pointed to his eyes.
Henri Jaakoppi, The Crown by Kiera Cass. I can’t be the only one who thought he was going to point to something else right? Like a more private part of his body (*ahum* his dick *ahum*)!
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viscountessevie · 7 years
After Happily Ever After Eady’s Elite Edition: Henri
The Elite: Ean & Hale | Fox | Gunner | Kile
A/N: I really wanna thank @illean-queen who has quickly become one of my really good friends who brought attention to my Where Are They Now one shots and inspired me to write sequels so here we are! Warning: Lots of angst towards the middle. Special thanks to these lovely friends of mine who I named the kids after: @not-your-dear, @illeaslockedbluebox and @prince-consort-lolz.  Also translations are below and after a while I realised if I translated too much, Google Translate would screw me over so I decided to italise the English dialogue that is originally in Finnish (you’ll see what I’m talking about later). I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! 
You know their story, they lived together for a while before pursuing their feelings for each other but what happens after happily ever after? Even though they lived with the rest of the Elite for most of their relationship, they soon decided to move out. Especially after Henri proposed which was a whole other funny ordeal altogether.
It was a typical ring-in-the-food type of proposal and his friends warned him not to put the ring inside the food because of a choking hazard so he took precautions to place the ring on top of the cake he had baked for her. It was the same chocolate cake he had baked for her the first time she moved in with him. The ring was hard to miss, yet she did. She came home late from teaching and was completely exhausted so when she saw the chocolate cake, she completely inhaled it, not noticing the ring at all. Until it lodged itself in her throat. When Henri heard her choking, he thought she had found the ring and was choking back tears and took it as his cue to come out to surprise her. His girlfriend turning purple was not what he expected to find. He immediately went into super-boyfriend mode and performed the heimlich maneuver on her. She threw up the ring with little chunks of chocolate cake. They cringed at the sight before Skye laughed.
“Well that’s the last time you put anything inedible in food.” “Deal.” They hooked pinkies just like the first time they met.
The Wedding
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A year after the engagement ring incident - in which he proposed properly a week later after having the ring thoroughly clean - Skye was running around making sure everything was perfect. She was a bit of a perfectionist and it did not help that the Queen who was also her future husband’s ex fianceé would be in attendance. Skye knew she couldn’t upstage the Queen, no one could but she was damn well going to try for her own sake. She had picked a soft blue theme matching her name and Henri’s favourite colour. Annika and Clara were trying to calm down their blushing bride. The only reason she was blushing so hard was because she was overworking herself and her face was turning red.
“We are your bridesmaids, tell us what you need us to do. You need to be calm before you walk down the aisle, honey.” Clara advised her calmly, surprising both the bride and Annika, the maid-of-honour. Clara was the brash and snarky one while Annika was the opposing calming force in their little group of friends.
“There is nothing to do and that’s stressing me out!” Skye burst out, catching her friends off guard. They knew Skye had a little controlling problem but this was worrying. Then came along Alice to save the day. She produced a stress ball and a glass of water. She coaxed Skye into drinking the water while she squeezed the hell out of the stress ball.
“Come on, Princess. We need to get you to make up and help you into your dress.” Alice linked arms with the bride while Clara and Annika joined on Skye’s other side. The woman of the day visibly calmed down by the time they sat her down for make up. Skye smiled easily when she saw Neena, who they had borrowed from the Queen for this day as their make up artist. Neena was always so nice and helpful with the wedding even though she really had no obligation to. Skye could feel them being fast and good friends. Their bride spoke a mile an hour while Neena painted her face.
“What if he gets cold feet? Entä jos huulipuna tulee koko kasvoilleni suudelman jälkeen? What if my heels break in the middle of the aisle? Entä jos mekko saa kiinni jotain ja repeytyy? What if I fall? MITÄ KUNINKAAN PÄÄTETÄÄN HENRI HÄNEN PALAA??” While the girls were used to Skye panicking and subconsciously switching languages, they did not see that outburst coming. Since Annika was the only one who could understand her in both languages, she tried calming her down. Annika ran her fingers lightly through her sister-in-law’s hair and muttered soothing Finnish words into her ear. Skye breathed easily just as Neena put the final touches.
“I'm so sorry I'm so difficult to deal with today. I'm just so jittery.” She gave them her first real smile of the day.
“Well that's one way of putting it.” Clara said dryly and her friends elbowed her in response.  Skye could only laugh at their protectiveness and waved off Clara’s comment. They were able to slip her easily into her dress and brought her to the mirror. The moment she wore the dress and stood in front of the mirror, Skye felt invincible. No one was going to ruin her day. It was hers for the taking. She and Henri would start a new chapter of their lives from this day on.
“I'm ready to be Mrs. Henri Jaakoppi.” With that the girls lined themselves up in order of how they'd walk down the aisle. Once they were in position, Skye’s father entered the dressing room to walk his daughter down the aisle. She grinned at him. Her Daddy who always there for even when she needed get away from the overbearing family. She remembered how intimidated Henri was by him when she first brought him to meet the family. It was funnier still when Henri mistook him to be her older brother instead of her father. Her fiance attempted to bond with her father as brothers-in-law would. It was an understatement to say that Henri was embarrassed after finding out who he really was.
“You still have time to change your mind, my little pearl.” She smiled at her father’s pet name for her. It was derived from her birthstone,  the pearl seeing that she was a June baby. She giggled at her father’s joke and nudged him.
“Daddy! I love him and he makes me so so happy.” Skye’s father couldn't bring down the light that had graced her face when she talked about Henri. He did, however, gave his daughter some parting words. “And if he fails to do so, tell me and I'll kill him.” “Daddy!” She exclaimed in a reprimanding manner as they were given the cue to start walking down the aisle.
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When Skye entered Henri’s vision, his lips parted slowly and gasped loudly. His bride was absolutely stunning in her dress. It was steel blue with ruffles of varying shades of blue and Skye shone through in that dress. He couldn't believe he was marrying a goddess. She could only giggle at his reaction. He didn't look so bad himself. In fact, she couldn't wait to jump his bones after the ceremony and reception. When she finally reached her future husband, they clasped their hands together, never wanting to let go. Her father gave him a steely glare as if warning Henri not to hurt his little girl. Henri gulped and nodded.
Without the pressure of her father, the couple looked deep into each other's eyes. A stranger on the outside looking in could tell how in love they were. It wasn't just the romantic love, it was the amount of respect, admiration and acceptance both of them held for the other in their hearts. It was also reflected in their eyes as they gazed upon each other. The couple looked to King Consort Maxon and nodded. He started the ceremony. They went through the motions of the introductions and then they came to the exciting part of the wedding, the part that mattered the most. The Vows.
What was so unique about Skye and Henri was that they planned to deliver their vows in their second language. Skye would say them in Finnish while Henri said his in English. Skye went first. She cleared her throat anxiously. She was terrified of messing up. She accidentally caught the eye of Queen Eadlyn who smiled at her encouragingly and all feelings of being threatened by her disappeared.
“My Dearest Henri,
I stand before you today and give you my heart and soul in this beautiful union.  In doing so I also vow to do the following things until death do us part.
I promise to love and accept you as you are for as long as we are alive and together, even in death because that's how much I adore you Henri Jaakoppi. I promise to always be by your side especially when you're cooking; through the hard recipes and easy recipes as well times in our lives.
I promise to always read to you every night without fail because I know how you love it when I read to you, those are the times I really cherish my time with you.
I promise to be patient with you and always help you with your languages and I can only hope that you’ll be the same with me.
Most of all, I promise to be your best friend and beloved equal till the end of time.”
Henri started out slow. His English was amazing since Eadlyn’s Selection but he was no master so he was going to take this slow and steady and not mess up.
“My Darling Skye
I stand before you today and give you my heart and soul in this beautiful union.  In doing so I also vow to do the following things until death do us part. .
I promise to support you in everything that you do every step of the way for the rest of our lives.
I promise to be patient with you especially when you are in your writing moods or one of your tempers. I will make you tea and cake to calm you down
I promise to always tell you are beautiful and wonderful when you are feeling down because you always deserve to know how amazing you are.
I promise to love and accept you as you are until the end of our days because you are more than enough for me. Most of all, I promise to be your best friend and beloved equal till the end of time.” Both of them had harsh tears gracing their faces and were both happy to have included food jokes. They were ready to start the rest of their lives together.
The couple were still breathless from their wedding ceremony. It was an intense ceremony. They bared their souls to one another in such an intimate moment which was displayed to 100 of their closest friends. They went into Skye’s dressing room and started helping the other change. It was quick and efficient and also gave the couple time to themselves before they were pulled away by distant relatives asking about how soon and how many kids they’ll have.
“Well that was a success!” She commented as he pulled her dress up.
“I'd say and I love that I can now call you Mrs. Jaakoppi.” She beamed at how far they had come. There was a time where she promised herself she wouldn't get married because that seemed to be the only goal her parents had for her. But look at her now; she achieved her ambition of being a linguistics professor at The Illéan College, the most prestigious academic institution in the country. Afterwhich she fell in love with Henri and she didn't care about rebelling against her family, she just wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man she loved with her very being. Not to mention how Henri could barely string sentences when he first came to Angeles and now he could speak like a Native Illéan.
“Isn't Mrs. Jaakoppi your mother?” She teased him.  He shook his head amused with her and started tickling her. She yelped.
“HENRI NO I WILL PEE!” She repeated that in Finnish to get through his thick skull. Their tickle fight was interrupted by a knock. Annika spoke from the other side of the door.
“The guests are waiting,Veli ja Sisko ”
“We're coming!” They chorused as they quickly changed into their reception outfits and exited the room hand in hand.
“Aww don't you two look adorable!” Annika cooed at the newlyweds. They blushed in response and went ahead to the reception hall, ignoring Annika fangirling over them. Just like they predicted, the moment they entered the Hall, they were separated by their relatives and various guests who suddenly wanted to know every aspect of their life. They didn't like being away from each other. Henri, while his English has improved greatly over the years, he was terrified there might be a language break down with Skye’s relatives. Skye, on the other hand, hated personal questions and she knew these distant relatives of hers won't stop until she tells them everything. This usually lights her short fuse and Henri was always there to calm her down. Just something about his presence instantly calms her down.
After half an hour of entertaining personal questions and invasion of personal space, they were reunited when the Queen asked to see them. Skye gulped. While Henri told her that Eadlyn was actually a lovely person, Skye still found her intimidating. With interlocked hands, Henri was practically dragging her forwards. Skye just wanted it to stop. She thought she had put all the insecurities to rest when she and Henri started dating but they all surfaced when she saw how majestic the Queen. How could have Henri given up all of that for a simple life with her? She could feel the panic attack coming on. She suppressed it for Henri’s sake. He looked ecstatic to see the Queen and her family. He picked up little Kerttu who was bouncing up and down going,
“Happy Wedding, Uncle Henri!” Anyone would have found that little ball of energy endearing and cute but Skye felt repulsed. Did Henri see Kerttu as a symbol of everything he could have had? She heard muffled voices calling out to her but she didn't want to hear it.
“Excuse me, please!” She finally choked out. She ran out of the Hall with such speed, neither the bridesmaids or Henri could stop her. He was bewildered. He had seen The Runaway Bride but Julia Roberts ran before getting married. After getting over the initial shock, Henri excused himself from Eady and ran after his wife. He saw her crouched down on the floor a few rooms from the Hall with her head in her hands. He sat down beside her and spoke softly.
“Darling, what's wrong? Please talk to me.” He spoke in his native tongue knowing it calms her down. She raised her tear streaked face to look at him.  
“I know I shouldn't but I have this paranoia that you'll realise I'm not good enough for you. When you could have had all of that.” She gestured at the door, referring to Eady in a resigned manner. He wrapped his sturdy arms around her and held her close to his chest where she could feel his heart racing.
“Do you hear that, my love? That is for you. Eadlyn never loved me like I love you and you love me. You're not just my wife, you're my best friend Skye and I wouldn't settled for less. I love you.” At this point she was sobbing into his suit jacket and he didn't mind. He knew she needed to get it all out. When she finally recovered, she giggled a little remembering how worried she was in the dressing room.
“I was stressing about little things and I was so panicked the girls told me I switched between Finnish and English without realising it.” “You were worried about cake too?” “What? Henri no.” She gave him the summarised list of what she was so worried about. Henri could only frown at that.
“I know everything was going to be perfect because you never miss a single detail. I was worried the cake wasn't good enough.” She threw her head back and laughed. That's her Henri alright. She snuggled closer to him and rested her pretty little head on his shoulder. They were more than happy to be in that little corner together away from the rest of the world.
7 Years Later
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“Daddy! Daddy! Daddyyyyy!” Look what I made!” Erik held up the cheese soufflé for his father to inspect.
“Erik, it's Wednesday.” Henri reprimanded in Finnish. Wednesdays were one of the days the Jaakoppi children spoke Finnish. While Erik inherited his father’s looks and culinary skills, he leaned more towards his mother’s native language. In fact the only child in the family who spoke Finnish and loved it was little Rory. Erik pouted childishly.
“I don't care! I hate speaking Finnish!” He ran off to his room. Henri could only sigh. Where was Skye when he needed her? She was the only one who could coax the kids into speaking Finnish.
“I speak Finnish for you, Papa!” Rory’s blonde little head popped up from behind the counter. He felt comforted by her toothy grin.
“This is why you are my favourite.” She giggled before skipping off. Henri counted off his kids in his head.  He had seen Eikko “Erik” Christian and Aurora Courtney. That was two out of three kids. He furrowed his eyebrows and searched the apartment high and low for his eldest child, Aline Rose. He started to panic when he couldn't find her. Just when he was about to call up his wife to break the bad news, Skye came home and yelled his name. She was not happy. Attached to her side was their eldest daughter.
“HENRI JAAKOPPI! What the hell, Henri! You didn't even notice that she was missing!” Then Skye proceeded to curse her husband out in Finnish, causing Aline to cover her little sister’s ears.
“WHAT PART OF IT IS WEDNESDAY DO YOU PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND? Speak Finnish!” Yelled Henri. Skye rolled her eyes. Usually they would try to compromise and not yell in front of the kids but they have both been agitated the last couple of weeks. Henri had lost his job as head chef because the restaurant was infested with mice and had to take over the role of the main homemaker (before his retrenchment, both Skye and Henri shared responsibility of raising the kids). Now Skye had to take a full time job at the College to make up for her husband’s previous pay. Screaming matches at each other seemed to be a daily part of the children’s routine.
This wasn't something Aline wanted to get used to and she was sick of her parents being at each other’s throats and being unhappy as of late. So she spoke up.
“It wasn't Daddy’s fault! I want to be just like you so I snuck away in the car. I'm sorry don't be angry at Daddy.” Even at the ripe age of 10 she knew how to manipulate her parents into getting what she wants, so she let her bottom lip tremble in a sad pout. Of course her parents couldn't resist that and rushed forward to hug their kids.
“We weren't fighting my dear, we were just judging who could yell louder.” Skye attempted to make a joke out of it while Henri glared at her for speaking English. She sighed and whispered to the children to get ready for bed. “Henri darling I know you want us to desperately speak Finnish today but I'm frustrated and exhausted, can you let it slide?” She spoke softly to let him know she wasn't mad at him and wanted to make up. Her husband refused to budge. She huffed and crossed her arms. “Fine. Two can play the game!” She turned away from him. Then he burst out in full Finnish.
“I hate how since I lost my job, I've become secondary to you. We are supposed to be equals, Skye.” She knew better than to speak in English now. “What are you talking about? Being a full time father doesn't make you any less than me. We are still and always will be equals.” She interlaced their hands.
“It took us having a fight to get you to speak Finnish. Erik refuses to and Aline only does it to please you. It's like this family doesn't care what I think.” Her eyes widened at how raw his tone was. The damage had been done, she couldn't undo it. So she did the next best thing. She pulled him close into her arms and said to him the same thing he said to her on their wedding day.
“I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. You hear that racing heart of mine? That's for you. You're not just my husband, you're my best friend and you mean the whole world to me. I'll be better from now on.” His previously stiff body relaxed as he snuggled up against his wife. The kids came out to them from hiding.
“Yay!! Mummy and Daddy love each other again!” Rory announced happily as all three kids jumped on their parents. The couple cuddled their children and Skye remembered her big news. She was going to tell the family the moment she first came home if it wasn't for her horrid boss giving her shit for it and then finding Aline in the backseat of the car.
“You three are going to have another brother or sister!” It took them a moment to register that information. The children celebrated while Henri was deep in thought. “Henri?” She asked worriedly, the children took their cue to say their good nights and head to bed. “What's wrong?” “We can't afford another child, Skye.” She grinned slyly. “I have it figured out. I dropped your name with the principal and she offered you a job as a Home Econs teacher. That was after she gave me shit for doing pregnancy tests at work.” Henri’s lips lifted when his wife made the deadpan joke.
“I'll think about it.” “That's all I ask. We will work it out, we always do. I love you, Henri.” “I love you too.” They fell asleep cuddling each other.
Life did work out for the best for the Jaakoppi family. Henri loved being a cooking teacher and he was doing so well that he was always getting a raise. Over the past year, his relationship with Skye improved tremendously. The whole family took the Finnish speaking days more seriously. The children were growing up to be more beautiful and wonderful each day. Aline was a splitting image of her mother and still hasn't stopped trying to be just like her role model of a mother. Erik was a marvelous chef and writer; he had the best of both worlds. Rory was just like her Daddy Dearest, she spoke Finnish constantly which was a joy for Henri but her English was worrying but she was working on it and she could whip up a meal better than her brother.
Skye and Henri watched their kids adoringly as the three older siblings formed a circle around their newest sibling’s crib. Who knows what kind of person little Risto would grow to be?
*** A/N: Also yes; that is the same Erik in this post 
Entä jos huulipuna tulee koko kasvoilleni suudelman jälkeen? - What if my lipstick is all over my face after the kiss?
Entä jos mekko saa kiinni jotain ja repeytyy? - What if my dress catches on something and tears apart?
Veli ja Sisko - Brother and Sister
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princess-may-singer · 7 years
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make me choose edits-> Henri Jaakoppi or Kile Woodwork requested by @wecantlivewithoutdaylight
The ultimate cinammon roll
want one?
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yokyopeli · 2 months
Kiera Cass' Swendway and Finnish (rant-ish)
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illeaslockedbluebox · 7 years
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Twins Week: Day 4 - Eadlyn + our cutie cinnamon roll Henri 
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krisspiaria · 8 years
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The Selected Men:
10.Henri Jaakoppi from Sota
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eadlyn-sassy-pants · 5 years
Yes hello Henri is literally pure sunshine and I love him
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sickwebsite · 6 years
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Tag Yourself: Anne’s Favorite Side Characters From the Heir Edition I’m Aunt Rice, Family? What’s That, It Be Like That, & I Forgot You Were Here
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