#help panic button mode
zingaplanet · 2 years
Somebody needs to go to the fucking archive and gifshit the hell out of those 2017 2019 laver cups that we were too busy being absolutely floored to actually process properly
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luveline · 4 months
oooh what about hotch's sister calling spencer to pick her up at the hospital after an accident or something because she doesn't want hotch to know since worry and go into protective big brother mode, but spencer tells him anyway and they both show up and lots of fluff ensues :)
adopted fem!reader, 1.5k
cw for panic attacks
You should call your brother. 
You think about it, even pull up his contact, he’s the first person you go to when you need help and he always has been, but lately Aaron has been so stressed you hesitate, clicking the text button by mistake. 
You read back his last message. 
I can feel myself being spread too thin but there’s nothing I can do to fix it, he’d text. I guess I’m frustrated. But how are you, working girl? New jobs are scary. I bet you’re doing better than you think already. Jack and I are super proud of you
You’d sent him a meagre response. You aren’t always sure what to say to him. Sincerity is easier in person, but even then, he can be terse and deflective; he looks after you and no one looks after him. 
You didn’t tell him about work, and you won’t tell him about now. You call Spencer instead. This is a good way to test the almost dating thing, right? 
He doesn’t answer. When you call again, he answers on the first ring. “Hey, are you okay?” 
“No. Are you busy?” 
“I’m not busy if you’re not okay. Two seconds.” There’s a pause where you assume he’s moving from one place to another, perhaps closing a book around his hand, or closing the lid on an early lunch. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m, uh, in hospital. I had a huge panic attack at work and I… thought I was having a heart attack, so I–” You’re so embarrassed your voice turns to a thread. “Sorry, I know it’s so stupid.” 
“It’s not stupid, that’s not stupid. How do you feel now?” 
“Like someone hit me really hard in the chest.” 
“Are you calmed down?” 
“Mostly.” You wince. “They want to talk to me about medications. Uh.” You clear your throat. “I want to go home.” 
“Angel… I’m on my way, okay? I’ll get Hotch and–”
“You can’t tell him.” 
“Please, Spencer, he gets so worried, he’s worried enough. And if he finds out I had a panic attack he’ll try and make me take time off of work and that’s just another thing on his plate he didn’t ask for–”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says softly, “please don’t panic. You’ve had a hard morning, panicking again is really gonna hurt. Try and think about things that don’t wind you up, alright? Is there anything you need me to get?” 
“You don’t have to come.” 
“That’s why you called me, right? I’ll be there.” 
You can’t know that he says goodbye and ducks straight back into Hotch’s office, where he’d been, to tell on you. It’s not to hurt you and it isn’t because you told him not to —it’s two parts concern, and one part self preservation. Aaron needs to know and you need him with you, and he also can’t imagine things going well for himself if he kept the news of your stay a secret. The shovel talk plays in his mind. 
Aaron’s shovel talk being, You won’t do anything to hurt her, said simply, and with an impassive expression that bordered terrifying. Not overly unaffected, just casual. 
You’re laying in your hospital bed with your hands clasped across your stomach when Spencer arrives. He frowns at you in your bed, worse when he sees your smudged makeup and the chafed inside of your wrist where you’ve picked and squeezed at your own skin. Your panic has left a physical mark, your chest aching as you force yourself to sit, and it hurts doubly so when your brother lets himself in behind your nearly-boyfriend.
You don’t have it in you to complain. 
“I’m sorry,” Spencer says, reaching down to give you a quick hug as you sit. “I had to tell him.” 
 Aaron’s hug is similarly apologetic, though much longer. “You weren’t gonna tell me?” he asks quietly, his hand settling at the place between your shoulders. “How do you feel now?” 
“I’m fine, I– I really thought I was having a heart attack.” 
“That’s common,” Spencer says, “it’s the feeling of impending doom, thousands of people mistake anxiety for medical issues every week.” 
Aaron holds you by the shoulders. “It’s okay,” he says. “Was it a doctor that checked you out, or a nurse?” 
Aaron probes the name of your nurse from you and promises to be back soon. He seems to have gleaned that the quickest way to get information today won’t be from you. 
Spencer goes in for another hug when he leaves, and then, to your delight, a very quick kiss pressed to your cheek. He ducks away after that and sits on the side of your hospital bed, his knuckles gracing the outside of your thigh. “Thank you for calling me,” he says, smiling at you, and better when you smile back.
“Thanks for coming.” 
“Of course. I know how it feels, okay? If they want to talk about medication it’s a good thing, but everyone has moments like this.” 
“I can’t believe you told Aaron,” you say, giving a weak but playful glare.
“I can’t believe you weren’t going to. He loves you, he wants to know what’s hurting you, no matter how much stuff is on his plate.” 
You bite the inside of your lip, contemplative for a few slow seconds. “You think so?” you ask finally. 
The hair flicked under his ears wobbles as he nods. “Absolutely.” 
You lean forward to readjust his collar and tie. He’s wearing one of his cutesy waistcoats, dark grey over a light blue shirt. His tie has patterns you trace with your thumb, like fish scales. “Sorry, I know you were working,” you murmur. 
“I think my boss will forgive me.” 
You let your hands fall. Spencer, perhaps picking up on a hint you hadn’t meant to give, takes them both into one of his and squeezes reassuringly. 
“It’s harder than I thought,” you confide softly. 
“It’s an adjustment period. But maybe it’s not right for you, there. That’s what started it, right? Your job.” 
“I’m not sure. I don’t know. I get panicky about all sorts of stuff, but I’ve never had one this bad before. I was a miserable kid, you can ask Aaron, but I really thought I was better.” 
He rubs over your fingers with his thumb. “I think we all have stuff that messes us up. Doesn’t mean you’re not better. You don’t even really have to be better. And I… I am here for you, I promise. I know you have no reason to trust me with it yet, but I’ll listen whenever you need me to.” 
You think about kissing him. Spencer kisses like he’s suffocating and your air, it’s cliche and undeniably true. Whenever you kiss him it’s like a shock —he steals your breath, he can’t stop himself from grabbing your face, and any other time you’d love it, but right now you just need a peck. You’re hoping he can do those kinds of kisses too. 
“Will you kiss me?” you ask tentatively.
He gets the memo on gentleness. You shouldn’t be surprised, your very first kiss was tame, his hand running up your arm as he encourages you forward. Your eyes shutter closed at the feeling of his lips on yours, and the exhausting thrumming that’s lived beneath your skin since you woke up numbs to a more manageable ache. 
Spencer breaks away. He cups your cheek quickly, dropping it immediately when the door opens. 
You shuffle backward nonchalantly. 
Aaron gives you a sarcastic look. Really? it says. I wasn't born yesterday. 
“They want to give you a prescription for Paxil, honey, what do you think?” He turns his attention to Spencer reluctantly. “What’s her best option here?” 
“Paxil could be fine. They didn’t suggest a benzodiazepine? Paxil is an SSRIs, it slows down the rate of serotonin reuptake, basically increasing the effectiveness of your bodies natural serotonin, which could decrease the risk of another attack, but taking it won’t stop her from feeling like this,” —he frowns at your location— “very quickly. Ideally she should have a medication for general anxiety and the option for quicker relief if this happens again.” He smiles at you suddenly, nearly shyly. “If that’s what you want, that is.” 
“What are you thinking, honey?” Aaron asks you. 
You have the two of them here to look after you while you decide. You take Spencer’s hand gently, desperate for reassurance. “I’m not sure.” 
“It’s okay, we’ll work it out,” your brother promises. 
Spencer squeezes your hand. 
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ja3yun · 9 months
Stitch Me Up | L.HS
Tumblr media
underground fighter!heeseung x nurse!reader
warnings: smut (mdni), ex heeseung, unprotected sex, cream pie, weapon and blood mention, if i missed anything lmk!
wc: 4.5k+
synopsis: after a tough shift in the hospital all you wanted was to rid yourself of the tension and your ex turns up just in time
a/n: hi! hope you're all doing well. a quick one shot from me so i hope you like it. not much to say on this one <3 ilysm
Dragging your feet behind you, you unlock your door. Everything that went wrong today could have gone wrong; first, you caught your fingers in the mobile hoist, a patient spat in your face, and you spent the last 30 minutes of your shift cleaning shit from the toilets.
No one ever said being a nurse was a glamorous job, but on days like these, you wish you picked something a little more dignifying. 
You kick your shoes off and head to your bedroom to grab some pajamas. Every bit of you is emotionally and physically drained, this past month has been exhausting. Working 70-hour weeks and being underpaid for it was starting to take its toll on your fragile body.
Nights like these you miss Heeseung, you shouldn’t but you do. 
Picking up scattered clothes that made a mess of your bedroom floor, you groan when your lower back aches. Someone in their 20s shouldn’t be in this much pain. They should be living their best life, staying up late, going out at the weekend, and having a healthy social life. 
You love your job, it’s rewarding and you love to take care of people. Seeing people who are in your ward get better makes your heart feel full like your life is actually worth something and doing some good in this shitty world.
You used to have balance. Heeseung was your balance. 
Sifting through your drawers you find some pink shorts with white love hearts and a cropped white tank top. Usually, you would settle for a set of sweats and a baggy t-shirt but after practically spending 3 days straight in unflattering scrubs you wanted something pretty.
When you walk you can feel the pain in your feet, and blisters start to form. You needed this shower asap. Luckily the bathroom is less than 5 steps away from your bedroom door so you can keep your hobbling to a minimum. The shower is so enticing as you switch the button on and set the temperature just right, or in your case, scolding hot.
A roasting hot shower is what you need to forget today. You need Heeseung’s hands to melt away the pain.
You miss him.
Heeseung and you have been broken up for precisely 1 month and 13 days. For some reason today you can’t shake him off your mind. 
The water cascades down your skin, tiny droplets sit on your face as you wash your hair. The smell of coconut fills the tiny box bathroom and for the first time today, you feel content.
After you rinse the conditioner from your hair and wash your body with a matching scented soap, you pull the shower curtain back and step out carefully - the last thing you need is to fall and break a bone.
Wiping the mirror to rid it of the steam you stare at yourself. The dark circles under your eyes and the redness of your cheeks showcase just how tired your body is. Nothing an overpriced and overrated skincare routine can’t fix. You grab the cleanser and start your regime. It reminds you of him, how he used to always help you, the pads of his fingers gently rubbing the product into your skin, and when he had any left over he would use it on himself. He looked so cute and sweet during those times.
What is with you today? Why do you keep thinking about him?
Quickly, you dry your hair and body with the towel and get ready for bed. Typically, you would sit up and watch an episode or two of Brooklyn 99 but honestly, you’re too burnt out to enjoy it.
As you leave the bathroom there is a knock at the door and you freeze on sight. It’s late and none of your friends would come over, so your brain goes into panic mode. Being a girl alone in her flat was scary enough these days never mind taking in the factor of the time. All the lights are off so hopefully if you just stay still, they’ll leave.
Another knock.
Grabbing a coat hanger from the clothesline in the bathroom you arm yourself with it, it would do enough damage to the person on the other side of the door if you had to escape. 
So you couldn’t second guess yourself, you briskly tiptoed to the door and swung it open, hanger tightly in your grip ready to swing.
The figure turns around and jumps, backing up when they see the coathanger ready to be lobbed at their face.
“Woah, Y/N. It’s just me.” He puts his hands in front of him in defense.
You breathe out and relax, dropping your arms to your side. Although your exterior seems to have gotten over the fright, your heart is thumping still. That could be because when you look him in the eyes finally you register who he is.
“Heeseung it’s past midnight, what are you doing here?” 
He steps forward and you see his face battered and bruised, his lip has been bust open and a black eye forming on the left side of his face, he was a mess. There have been countless times he’s looked like this, it’s how you two met.
A year ago there was a knock on your door, not unlike tonight, except that time your friend Jongseong was carrying a half-to-life version of Heeseung. The boy couldn’t stand on his own two feet.
“Y/N, sorry, I didn’t know where to go, he didn’t want to go to the hospital,” Jongseong explained, although it didn’t clear anything up.
“What the fuck, Jongie, who is this?” You grab the other side of the spent boy and sit him down on the couch, “What happened to him?” Looking at the guy in front of you, you see the blood on his t-shirt, slash marks on his arms, and his face is blown out.
Jongseong rushes to get the first aid kit from your bathroom, “He was fighting tonight and some arsehole pulled a knife on him, and got him in the stomach a few times,” You lift the fabric covering his torso and see wounds bleeding, “I tried to pull him out of the fight but he wasn’t having it.”
You don’t know a lot about Jongseong’s work life, all you know is that by day he’s a simple office body, filling, paperwork, a pen pusher of sorts. But when night came he was an underground fighter, all of it illegal, but he fell into it with some guys at the gym. From what you hear he is pretty good at it.
“Heeseung, buddy?” Jongseong slaps the boy's face a few times, “Stay awake, this is Y/N, she’s a nurse.” So his name was Heeseung.
“Jongie, these are pretty serious, he needs to go to the hospital.”
“No hospital.” Heeseung coughs out. You suppose if you take him to A&E how could any of them explain what happened? 
You rub his legs to soothe him, “Okay, no hospital.” 
That night you stitched his wounds and cleaned him up. Obviously, he survived, and you took him in like an injured winged bird. Let him stay at yours for 2 weeks, and by the time he was ready to fly away back into the world, you wanted him to stay forever.
You look him up and down to take in his outfit, he wasn’t wearing sweats so this wasn’t a scheduled fight, instead, he was clad in jeans, a White Stripes t-shirt, and a loose-fitting leather jacket, “What the fuck happened, Heeseung?” 
“Is it lame if I say you should see the other guy?” He laughs but nothing is funny. 
Stepping aside you let him into your flat which he does like second nature, his shoes left exactly where they used to go, “Heeseung you can’t just come here looking like this and not tell me what happened.” On autopilot, you go to get the first aid kit.
He takes a seat on your kitchen counter and looks around, “Nothing much happened, some guys being dicks.” 
You come back from the bathroom and see him atop your kitchen, “Eh, get down from there. Now.” He always perched himself on anything but a seat. It didn’t bother you too much but right now after your shift, you couldn’t be arsed to pander to it, “Try and treat my place with a bit of respect please.”
Heeseung jumps off and walks to take a seat on the edge of your couch. It might be wrong of you to think it but he does look beautiful like this. You blame Leon Kennedy in Resident Evil for your attraction to busted up men.
As you open the first aid kit you feel his eyes on you, “Why did you come here, Heeseung? You could have treated this yourself.”
“I missed you.” He confesses and it’s true he did miss you. 
For the past month he’s been throwing himself into fights he knows he won’t win just to feel something other than heartache. In spite of his cold attitude and reckless behaviour, he held your love so gently in his heart that he couldn’t even act tough around you. From the first day he laid eyes on you, he knew you had to be his, and if that meant opening up his heart, that’s what he did. 
A first he thought it was because you were fixing his wounds and he owed you something but that thought quickly vanished when you fixed more than that. 
“Heeseung, we broke up. It’s done.” You say coldly. With the thoughts of missing him earlier still fresh in your brain, you had to nip this in the bud.
When you broke up with Heeseung it wasn’t exactly because you wanted to, it was to protect yourself. His lifestyle and yours don’t mix, he was always getting into trouble and you were trying to avoid it at all costs. But more importantly than that, you couldn’t see the man you love come home every night exactly how he is now, broken and beaten. 
The deeper into the fight circuit Heeseung got, the more dangerous it was. People were pulling knives, guns, and bringing back up, all for the sake of making sure their bosses won the bets. Your ex-boyfriend was a great fighter - or so you’ve heard, he never let you come to any of the fights - but these other guys played dirty and it was a threat to his life. 
So when you asked him to stop and he said no, you did what you had to and called it off. You lost sleep, precious never to be taken for granted sleep, every night he fought and it was taking its toll on you. You tried to compromise with him and pleaded with him to go back to the regulated (if you could even call them that) fights, the ones where the stakes are lower.
However, Heeseung was above that now, too much of a hot commodity. 
“Baby, I’m making us enough money so you don’t have to do so much overtime.”
“Seungie, I’m a nurse, all we do is overtime. Plus, this shouldn’t be about the money, it’s about your safety.” Your voice is cracking with every sentence you have uttered tonight, but he still won’t listen, “I’m not asking you to give it up, but please stop taking these high-stakes fights, you’re going to get killed.”
Heeseung scoffs and places a hand on your shoulder, “I won’t die, I’ve got you to stitch me up.”
“No, Seungie, you don’t. I can’t do this anymore.”
It was a brutal way to end it, none of you walked into that conversation expecting that outcome, but for you, it was the only thing you could do.
Soaking a cotton pad with some anti-septic, you place it gently on his lip, a hiss from him following your action, “Sorry.” You whisper. A sorry for the pain but also for breaking up with him. No matter how much you knew it was right for you, you knew it was hard on him. Opening himself up to love you wasn’t easy for Heeseung.
“I’m used to it, baby.” Your heart cries as he calls you baby, it always sounded so perfect coming from him.
“What did the guys do?” You ask and he looks at you with those beautiful eyes, masked behind purple and blue, “You said guys were being dicks, so what did they do?”
He didn’t want to waste energy on it, the fight being over in a flash anyway, “Just stuff. They got a jump on me hence the mess.” He moves his hand to gesture to his face but while his hand is already there, it engulfs yours, the one that’s cleaning the blood from his mouth, “Baby, I didn’t start it.”
“I know, Seungie.” You feel yourself falling back into how it used to be, his thumb running circles into your hand. 
Once you finish up, you place a skin closure strip on his mouth, your thumb rubbing gently to secure it in place. He takes the opportunity to take your thumb into his mouth and you nearly moan at the intimate act. 
But this isn’t how it is now.
“Heeseung.” You warn him. 
He releases your thumb and sighs, “Habit.” He was a man of few words, you knew that, so there was no need to say anything more.
“You should go. Keep it clean, and put some ointment on that black eye.”
“I miss you so fucking much, Y/N.” Ignoring him, you walk into the bathroom to return the first aid kit, “Don’t you miss me?”
It almost makes you laugh. You missed him more than anything, so much so that after the shitshow that was today all you could think about was him. All you wanted was for him to wrap you in his arms and tell you everything is fine, but that is a wish that can’t be a reality anymore. 
“It’s not about missing you Heese-”
“I’ll quit.” 
You turn the bathroom light off and brush past him, “No, you won’t. We both know it so don’t lie to me, don’t start that now.” 
Heeseung is a beat behind you when you walk into your bedroom, “Y/N, believe me.” He knew you didn’t need to believe him, there wasn’t even a reason to believe him because he had said this before. But this time is different, “If you just listen to me,”
“No, I don’t think I will.” The stare you have on him is angry, “I offered you a solution for all of this, and honestly? I am so tired of this conversation now. I need you to go.”
Hurt flickers in his eyes, “Baby, I’m miserable without you.”
Agitation builds up inside you. He’s acting like this is solely your fault, like you were the one that caused all this. Granted, you broke up with him but it was after giving him every solution to stop it, “This is not my doing, Seungie, okay?” He wants to retaliate but you snip in before he gets the chance, “You love fighting those losers more than you ever did me, you made that clear.”
He sees red at your allegation. How dare you even think for a second you weren’t his number one. Sure, he didn’t want to give up fighting, it was who he was, but he also didn’t want to lose you, he sees that now. He has to prove to you just how much you mean to him.
Heeseung takes two long strides to you and kisses you hungrily. It’s been so long since he felt your lips in his. The stinging from his wound is dull compared to how he feels to have you like this again, he has a whole month of kisses and fucking to catch up on and nothing will stop him.
“I love you so much don’t you dare fucking say that.” It was a rarity for him to say that he loves you out loud. You knew he did, it was his actions that showed his love more than words, but hearing it made your eyes well with tears. Because he didn’t say it much, you cherished every single time he did.
You fall onto the bed behind you, his weight crashing onto you as you both lose yourselves in the kiss, all that anger and hurt dissipated each of his kisses.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders you try and deepen the kiss but he pulls away. He takes off his jacket and t-shirt and that’s when you see the bruises dispersed along his chest and torso. This fight must have been a lot more brutal than he let on. 
Sitting up you kiss each bruise while he straddles your lap, gently showing love for each one. The nurse in you wants to tend to them right away, they really did a number on his stomach and you’re slightly concerned about the damage done to his insides. But right now all he needs is a few kisses to make it better.
“They don’t hurt, promise.” He assures you, but if you kiss him too hard, which isn’t hard at all, he winces. To fixate on something other than the pain he whips off your tank top and just the sight of your breasts has him feeling a-okay, “Missed you so much.”
You could laugh at his obvious ogling but with your burnt out body and his just the same, you just needed to feel him, “Seungie, please,” You whine into his right peck as you kiss him over his darkest bruise again.
Heeseung understands your pleas and pushes you flat against the bed before undoing his jeans and not so gracefully kicking them off, “What do you want, baby? I’ll do it all.” 
To quit fighting. That’s what you want to say, but you can’t risk the idea of an argument, not when you’re so close to having him inside you again, “Fuck me, Heeseung. Please.”
This is all he’s been dreaming about since you told him to go. Your love wasn’t the only thing he craved. 
Dipping his head down to yours he kisses you again, his hands dipping into your cute pajama shorts to pull them down, “Can I eat your pussy baby?”
You would love nothing more than to feel his tongue all over you but you are truly exhausted, “I have had such a hard shift Seungie, just need your cock to make me feel better.” You’re lifting your hips into his as you say this, staring into his eyes to let him know he has to do this soon or you’ll crash.
“Okay, baby.” He brings two of his fingers to your folds to assess how easy you could take him. You’re wet but you could be wetter for him. Heeseung is an average size but if you’ve been without sex for a month like he had hoped you’d need a little more. 
He clambers over you to reach the top drawer and grab some lube. His cock is basically in your face so who were you to not have a taste of it? You sit up on your elbows and your mouth engulfs his member. He's so shocked by the sudden action he nearly drops the bottle, “Shit, baby.” His free hand finds its way into your hair as you bob up and down his shaft, “Missed that mouth of yours.” He breathes out, “Missed it sucking me off, missed it saying my name, fuck I even missed it bossing me around.” 
Pulling back you look at him with an unamused look but he uses it as an excuse to kiss you once again. 
Slithering down to his previous position he coats his cock with some of the lube, sparing some for your hole, slipping a finger into you to slick your inner walls with it. You turn into a moaning mess as you feel his fingers for the first time in so long, your hips involuntarily buck up.
“I’ll only be a minute, baby.” Once he feels satisfied you won’t feel any pain, he slides his finger out and rubs the head of his cock on your pussy. He isn’t even teasing you but you feel like he is with how long he is taking.
Abruptly, he pushes into your heat, the feeling of you around him makes his head spin. No one will ever feel as good as you, that’s why he’s willing to do anything to have you, “So good,” he exhales, “So fucking good, baby.” Bottoming out, he can’t stop a loud groan from erupting out his mouth. You’ve missed the sound so much.
He starts to thrust into you at a fast pace once he knows your walls have settled, each hit making the room fill with sounds of skin slapping and curses. With the way he’s fucking you, you would think you hadn’t seen each other in years, but he craves you so much that even one day without the option of you around his cock was unbearable. 
“Shit, Seungie please go faster.” He listens to you and picks up the pace, knowing how tired you are he needs to get you off quickly. 
Between your thighs, his hand finds your clit as he starts to rub it harshly. You look unreal right now, with your mouth open and head thrown back into the mattress.
Lifting your right leg over your shoulder he reaches a deeper spot, his cock pounding into you with ferocity it makes you squeeze around him, “Oh fuck, baby, do that again.” You squeeze his shaft with your walls again, “Fucking pussy feels like heaven.” He whispers to himself.
His hips keep a harsh rhythm, the sharpness of each thrust sending you more and more over the edge, “Close.” Is all you say.
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me, baby?” he smirks, happy knowing that he’s about to feel your ecstasy around him, “Cum for me, Y/N.”
And just like that your pussy comes undone on his dick that is still mercilessly pummeling into you. A loud mewl draws out your mouth and your hands grab onto the duvet under you, he’s making you feel bliss right now. 
Heeseung can feel himself getting closer and if he wants full satisfaction he needs to cum now while your walls are contracting thoughtlessly, he needs you to milk his cock dry.
Feeling him lose his rhythm a little you know he just needs a little something to bring him over the edge, “Seungie, need your cum so bad.” He loved it when you begged for his seed.
“Yeah? How bad?”
“I’m starving for it.”
The last few words have his hips stuttering and ropes of his cum shooting into you, filling you up just how you like it.
You’ve finally regained composure from your own high and just in time to see his slack jaw and eyes screwed shut. He was one of the few people that looked good when they orgasmed and you loved when you got to see him in all his glory.
Heeseung falls onto you briefly to catch his breath, the pain from his stomach coming back slowly but that doesn’t matter right now, “Let me clean you up.” He slides out of you and goes to get supplies to look after you.
Because your job requires you to look after everyone around you, it was nice how Heeseung would do aftercare so well, making sure you’re okay.
He takes a while but as he comes back he’s holding a damp cloth and bottle of water in one hand and a cup of tea in the other, “Sit up for me baby.” 
After placing the tea and water on the bedside table he starts to run the cloth along your sensitve area. He loved to see you full of his cum, every time the white substance would leak from you he felt a bit of pride so washing it away like this was mourningful.
“I have quit.” He says lowly, “Fighting, I mean. I quit this morning.”
“But you only said you would quit earlier?” You question, recalling the previous conversation.
“I wanted to see if you would believe me.”
You’re dubious, not understanding what he’s saying, “You can’t just quit like that, Seungie. You told me it wasn’t that easy.” 
And it wasn’t. It’s not like you can hand in a two week notice and call it a day, there are too many stakeholders involved, too much money being thrown around to just up and off.
“Yeah, you can see it wasn’t so painless.” He finishes cleaning you off and goes to place the rag in the washing basket.
“What do you mean?” As he walks into the room you see his bruises again and it all hits you at once, “The guys being dicks…”
Heeseung nods and jumps back into his boxers but not anything else with the hopes you want him to stay, “Told them I wasn’t doing it anymore and next thing I know I’m on the floor.” He laughs embarrassed at the memory.
This was technically your fault, you asked him to stop the high stake fights and this is what happened. 
Seeing your face, Heeseung sits on the bed next to you and cups your cheek, “Hey, no, I know what you’re thinking but you didn’t make me quit. I chose too. This is my doing”
“But I asked you to.” You look down and trace over his bruises lightly.
“Yeah, but I said no at first.” His hand runs into your damp hair, “I decided to quit this morning because losing you isn’t worth it. I meant it when I said i’m fucking miserable.” 
Sighing you fear this happiness in your chest is going to disappear at any moment, “It’s what you love though, Seungie.”
“I love you.” He hates that you have this preconceived notion that somehow he loves fighting more than you, “And I know I should have said it more when we were together but, baby, give me another chance so I can keep saying it.” 
You want to cry again, “Have you actually quit? No more fights?”
He places his hand on his heart, “I quit, promise. The only fights now will be with guys who stare at you too long.” 
Laughing, you remember a time he clocked two guys out for even offering you a drink. Heeseung has always been protective of you, that’s why you missed him so much today. Coming home after a grueling shift made you want nothing more than for him to hold you.
He’s offering you that chance again and you can’t turn it down, “I love you, Heeseung.”
“Fuck, baby, I love you too.” His lips are on yours again as he pours his love into you, his devotion.
Heeseung wasn’t letting you go again. Not for any fight in the world.
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seullovesme · 1 month
cockwarming w/ kim minjeong
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pairing ⥬ stuco pres!minjeong x reader
genre ⥬ smut
summary ⥬ you'd do anything to get the student council's president to help your club out.
warnings ⥬ g!p idol, virgin idol, winter is a loser, penetration, cockwarming, mdni
WC ⥬ 1.1k
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“so what do you say, pres? you think you could do that for me?” minjeong’s heart wavered at the way you were talking to her, like she was your obedient little girl. you placed your hands on her desk and her eyes darted to then before returning to your eyes, a little intimidated by the aura you gave off.
you leaned in closer, inching towards the girl’s face. minjeong’s eyes widened and she leaned away, supporting herself by putting them behind her on the edge of her seat. once you were centimeters away from the girl, you stopped and stood up straight again.
it was like minjeong’s heart was racing at a mile a minute and was about to pop out of her chest as you turned away. she finally let the breath out that she was holding in, her face of disbelief showing now that you weren’t looking. fuck her soft spots for girls like you… “uh, i—”
“this is a great offer! my club’s performance will be absolutely life changing for the school with the help the council gives us.” you bite your lip and cross your arms, trying to come up with something to convince the student council president to just give in.
“that’s–that’s not even an offer…” minjeong whispers, but you hear her words anyway.
you spin around and minjeong locks eyes with you, startled by your sudden movements. you look the president up and down. you can’t lie, kim minjeong was a piece of work. her slim figure and defined features made her stick out like a sore thumb whenever she was with her friends, so you’d be a liar if you said she never piqued your interest.
“ah. so, you want me to offer something in return…” you walk up to her and begin playing with the tie of her school uniform. “how about in return for helping my club, you can have me?”
you reach for the buttons to your white uniform shirt and begin undoing them one by one, watching as minjeong stared intensely at your fingers as they moved.
like she was snapped out of a spell, the girl shook her head as if to warn off the thoughts that were starting to pop up in her mind. she turned away and covered her view of you with her hand. “nononono, no, don’t say that! you don’t have to do that, you don’t have to offer yourself! or… whatever.. i was only stating you weren't making an offer, so you can stop.” she spoke the words at the speed of life as she felt her heart begin to jump up and down in her chest again.
you chuckled at how innocent the girl was and put down her hand, grabbing her jaw gently and turning her to face your way. “don’t be scared, jeongie. i won’t bite… unless that’s what a good girls like you are into.” you continued undressing in the empty classroom in front of the council president.
minjeong was frozen once again. jeongie? that nickname alone could’ve killed her, but the way you said it in such a seductive tone short circuited her brain. and her being into biting? how would she know what she was into? she’s barely gotten close enough to kiss someone with all her responsibilities being her number one priority.
by the time her brain was done going into panic mode and jumping to thoughts about random things, your whole shirt was already gone, leaving you with only a pink lacey bra and your uniform skirt. minjeong’s mouth just opened and closed repeatedly like a fish out of water. she also felt like she was suffocating like a fish out of water the way the heat of the room intensified by 100. seriously, what was happening? and what was her luck?
“take your pants off, jeongie.” you instructed. the girl immediately responded by getting up and undoing her pants, strongly compelled to follow your order for some odd reason. she shimmied her slacks off and sat back down. you peered down and admired her package, a tent forming in her cute spongebob boxers. minjeong heard you snicker and saw you staring, so she put her hands over her boner, feeling shy.
it was cute how she was trying to hide out of embarrassment, but the last thing she should be embarrassed. “you’re still a virgin, right?” you asked to which she hesitantly nodded. “you’re okay with me taking your virginity?”
her face flushed at your straightforwardness before nodding again. you hummed, “can you say it out loud?” she looked up at you and tilted her head like a puppy.
“i want you to use your words and verbally tell me that you’re okay with this.” mustering up the courage to, she affirmed that she in fact did want this.
“i’m very okay with this, so please… please take care of me.” without taking one second, you lunged toward her and pulled her boxers down to her knees. her dick sprung up and hit her lower abdomen, her tip a pretty shade of pink.
as much as you wanted to take things slow for the girl’s first time, you had to finish this meeting to tell your club you got permission, that way you could help with preparing for the stage.
on that note, without engaging in any foreplay, you straddled minjeong in the chair, sliding your panties to the side with one hand as the other tightly held on her shoulder.
“just trust me okay? tell me if it’s too much.” minjeong grabbed your hips and nodded eagerly, her eyes fixated on what was underneath your skirt. it was adorable to see the girl so innocently let you do whatever you wanted to her.
you lined up her tip to your entrance and lowered yourself at a slow pace, pressing your lips together as she filled you up so nicely. “shit…” minjeong whispered under her breath as she threw her head back.
“i didn’t know you knew how to curse, ms. president.” you tease as your hips met her’s.
the girl grit her teeth, desperate to feel more pleasure like an addict. “how about you shut up and ride?” you were shocked by how aggressive her words were, but for some reason you just followed her orders obediently. but not without asking a question first.
“so you’ll help my club now, right?” you say, trying your best to not whimper as you fight the urge to begin moving. minjeong loved how warm it felt to be inside of you, the feeling being something she had never felt before. she could hold you here forever, even if it meant having you warm her cock as she did her homework and went over papers.
minjeong was getting distracted and she hummed, recalling your question. “oh, you already had the green light from the beginning. i was supposed to tell you that your other club leader let me know in advance, and i had sent some members of the committee to go help out earlier today.” she finished, and your eyes grew twice in size, your face flushed.
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nataliasquote · 7 months
Midnight | n romanoff
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Summary: Natasha has never learned how to rest, and at midnight is where she is most vulnerable
Warnings: throwing up, insomnia, ptsd
wc: 1.1k
note: this is so short but it’s also angsty with some fluff dw
Natasha wasn't very good at sleeping. None of the avengers were, really, but her mind was constantly plagued with the past and the future, which made it almost impossible for her to relax.
It was 1am. The compound was finally quiet as everyone had gone to sleep. Well, almost everyone. Y/n and Natasha were curled up in bed together and Y/n's soft snores were all that could be heard in their shared room. She were fast asleep, but Natasha just lay there. Her mind was racing, memories of the Red Room spinning in circles and driving her crazy. She had tried desperately to sleep, but no luck. Her heart was racing and her body ached to move, so she knew she needed to go.
She carefully removed herself from Y/n's side and stumbled out of bed, dragging herself over to the closet to grab the first set of work out clothes she could find. She threw them on blindly and went down to the training room.
The hallways were eerily quiet but Natasha didn't notice. She was too preoccupied with her thoughts to care. She barely even noticed when she pushed open the door to the gym and she suddenly found herself by the punching bag.
Her warm up routine normally was very strict. She would do fifteen minutes of stretching to make sure her body was warm so she wouldn't get injured. But this Natasha didn't care about that anymore. She put on boxing gloves and started a rhythm on the bag. She was punching away her nightmares, fighting the demons in her head.
She didn't know how long she was doing that for, but once her arms started to go numb she stopped. Her head was pounding from lack of sleep but she pushed on. Her thoughts hadn't subsided and she felt as tense as ever.
After taking the gloves off, she went over to the treadmill and started at a light pace. But very quickly she turned it up so she was almost sprinting. Every time her foot struck the machine she felt her mind spin.
After running for forty five minutes, her stomach started to churn. Her lungs were burning and her heart felt like it was on fire. But she kept going. After all, she was made of marble. No weaknesses.
Natasha felt the bile rise up in her throat but she pushed it down. Her stomach was uncomfortable but she still ignored it, and kept running. But then a strong wave hit and her mind went into panic mode.
She slammed her hand on the emergency stop button and jumped off, heaving into the bucket on the floor. Natasha collapsed to her knees as she threw up the remnants of her dinner, her hands desperately gripping the edges of the bucket. Her whole body was shaking, partly due to exhaustion and also the strain she'd just gone through in her workout. She continued to dry heave even after everything was gone. This was one of the only times Nat felt truly vulnerable.
She didn't hear Y/n burst through the door until she felt her hand on her back. Y/n had woken to discover an empty bed and panicked, immediately going on a search for Nat. Her heart broke when she found her girlfriend crouching on the floor of the gym in such a state. But what hurt even more was that this wasn't the first time.
"Nat, baby, you've got to stop doing this." Y/n whispered as Natasha dry heaved again. Nat was crying as her hands shook against the bucket. "Hey, hey, it's ok. It's ok." She unscrewed the lid of a water bottle she had grabbed. "Here, drink some of this."
Natasha finally lifted her head and turned away from the bucket to sit properly on the floor. Her weak hands tried to grip the bottle and with Y/n's help she slowly drank. Some ran down her chin so Y/n quickly wiped it up.
Only then did Y/n get a proper look at Nat. The bags under her eyes were dark and her usual bright green eyes had been replaced with dull grey ones, which were red from exhaustion. She was still sweating and some of her hair was stuck to her face.
"Oh baby. What have you done to yourself?" Y/n asked rhetorically and Natasha just sobbed. Pulling her into her shoulder, Y/n stroked Natasha's head and whispered comforting words to try and calm her down. "Shh shh it's ok. you're ok. Let's get you cleaned up." she suggested and Natasha gave the smallest nod. "Ok baby. Stand up on three."
Y/n counted to three and the couple slowly stood up from the floor, with Y/n taking most of Nat's weight. She debated going back to their room, but in the end decided to let Nat shower in the changing rooms as they were closer. She gave her the privacy she needed, and proceeded to sort out the bucket in the gym whilst Natasha was cleaning up.
Once Y/n had cleaned that up, she went back to check on Natasha and found her shaking in the shower, letting out small sobs as she held her shampoo bottle.
"Do you want some help, honey?" Y/n asked and Natasha nodded.
She helped her wash her hair and body very gently. Once they were done Y/n grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Natasha's shaking body to dry her off. She got her changed into the spare clothes that were in Nat's locker and they carefully made their way back to the bedroom.
Y/n sprayed lavender on Natasha's pillow and helped her into bed, holding her body close to her own. She knew the redhead wouldn't want to talk, so she just sang a quiet lullaby to try and lull her to sleep, hoping it would work.
Natasha buried her face in Y/n's neck and quickly fell asleep to the sound of her girlfriends voice and the feeling of her hand gently rubbing her back.
Y/n watched as Nat slept, not wanting to sleep and miss something important. She didn't mind staying awake if it meant that Natasha was safe. Even the strongest people need someone to help fight their demons.
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vaadazen-codes · 3 months
How To Get Started Making Visual Novels
Wanna make a visual novel? Or maybe you've seen games like Our Life, Blooming Panic, Doki Doki Literature Club, etc. and wanna make something like that? Good news, here's a very basic beginners guide on how to get started in renpy and what you need to know going in! Before you start, I highly recommend looking at my last post about writing a script for renpy just to make it easier on you!
Obviously, our first step is downloading it from their website
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thankfully, its right on the home page of their site. Follow basica program installation steps and run the program. I highly recommend pinning it to your task bar to make it easier to access.
From there, you're met with the renpy app, it's a little daunting at first but let's talk about what all these buttons are for.
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This part is simple, it just lists the current projects in the chosen directory. You probably won't have any in there of your own. You should still see Tutorial and The Question!
Both of those default projects are super helpful in their own ways, i highly recommend testing out the tutorial and playing around with it just to get comfortable with some of the basics.
Create New Project
The first step to actually making your game into a game!
You'll be met with a prompt letting you know that the project is being made in English and that you can change it. You can click Continue.
From here, you'll be asked to input a project name! Put in your games title, or even a placeholder title since this Information can be changed later! (this is also the title the folder will be in your file browser, be sure to name it something you won't overlook)
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Now we get to choose our resolution!
If you have no idea what to choose, go for 1920x1080! This is the standard size for most computer monitors and laptops, but it will still display with moderately decent quality on 4k monitors too!
You can choose 3840x2160 as well. This is 2x the measurements of the default, with the same ration. These dimensions are considered 4k. Keep in mind, your image files will be bigger and can cause the game to have a larger size to download.
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Now we get to choose our color scheme!
Renpy has some simple default options with the 'light mode' colors being the bottom two rows, and the 'dark mode' colors being the toop two rows.
You can pick anything here, but I like to choose something that matches my projects vibes/colors better. Mostly because depending on how in depth you go with the ui, it minimizes the amount of changes I need to make later.
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Click continue and give it a minute. Note: If it says "not responding" wait a moment without clicking anything. It can sometimes freeze briefly during the process.
Now we should be back at our home screen, with our new project showing. Let's talk about allll that stuff on the right now.
Open Directory
This just opens that particular folder in your local file explorer!
game - is all the game files, so your folders for images, audio, saves, and your game files like your script, screens, and more.
base - this is the folder that the game folder is inside of. You can also find the errors and log txt files in here.
images - takes you to your main images folder. This is where you wanna put all of your NON gui images, like your sprites, backgrounds, and CGs. You can create folders inside of this and still call them in the script later. EX: a folder for backgrounds , a folder for sprites for character a, a seperate folder for spirtes for character b, etc.
audio - Takes you to the default audio folder. This is empty, but you can put all your music and sound effects here!
gui - brings up the folder containing all of the default renpy gui. It's a good place to start/ reference for sizes if you want to hand draw your UI pieces like your text box!
Edit File
Simple enough, this is just where you can open your code files in whatever text/code editor you have installed.
Script.rpy - where all of your story and characters live. This is the file you'll spend most of your time in at first
Options.rpy - Contains mostly simple information, like project name and version. There aren't a ton of things in here you need to look at. There is also some lines of code that help 'archive' certain files by file type so that they can't be seen by players digging in code however. Fun if you want to hide some images in there for later or if you just dont want someone seeing how messy your files are. We've all been there
Gui.rpy - where all of the easy customization happens. Here you can change font colors, hover colors, fonts, font sizes, and then the alignment and placement of all of your text! Like your dialogue and names, the height of text buttons, etc. It more or less sets the defaults for a lot of these unless you choose to change them later.
Screens.rpy - undeniably my favorite, this is where all of the UI is laid out for the different screens in your game, like the main menu, game menu, quick menu, choice menu, etc. You can add custom screens too if you want, but I always make my own seperate file for these.
Open Project - this just opens all of those files at once in the code editor. Super handy if you make extra files like I do for certain things.
last but not least, our actions.
Navigate Script - This feature is underrated in my honest opinion, it's super handy for help debugging! In renpy you can comment with # before a line. However, if you do #TODO and type something after it, it saves it as a note! You can view these TODO's here as well as easily navigate to when certain screens are called, where different labels are (super great if your game is long, and more. It saves some scrolling.
Check Script (Lint) - also super duper handy for debugging some basic things. It also tells you your word count! But its handy for letting you know about some errors that might throw up. I like using it to look for sprites I may or may not have mispelled, because they show up in there too.
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Change/Update GUI - Nifty, though once you start customizing GUI on your own, it isn't as useful. You can reset the project at any point and regenerate the image files here. This updates all those defaults we talked about earlier.
Delete Persistent - this just helps you delete any persistent data between play throughs on your end. I like to use it when making a lot of changes while testing the game, so that I can reboot the game fresh.
Force Recompile - Full disclosure, as many games as I've made and as long as I've been using Renpy, i have never used this feature. I searched to see what it does and this is the general consesus: Normally renpy tries to be smart about compiling code (creating .rpyc files) and only compiles .rpy files with changes. This is to speed up the process since compiling takes time. Sometimes you can make changes that renpy don't pick up on and therefore won't recompile. In these cases you can run force recompile to force it. Another solution (if you know what file is affected) is to delete that specific. rpyc file.
The rest of your options on this right hand side are how you make executable builds for your game that people can download to extract and play later!
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Sorry gang! that was a whole lot of text obviously the last button "Launch Project" launches an uncompiled version of the project for you to play and test as you go! Hang in tight because my next post is about how to utilize github for renpy, so you can collaborate easier!
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
For a snapshot imagine a driver accidentally hurting the reader and she has to hide it from Danny because he would lose his shit. He gets worried but a bit angry that she’s lying the cause of it. Once he finds out he wants to kill the other driver because is a severe injury
The Taste of Temptation || DR3 {4}
WC: 1.6k F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five Snapshots One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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You settled into the driver’s seat of an Aston Martin used for hot laps, keeping your arms out of the way while you were harnessed in. Lando and Oscar doing the same in the other two cars parked beside you, except they didn’t need the extra help to be buckled in. “I’m telling you now, this is a bad idea. I want that on the record. There’s a reason I’m a passenger princess.”
“You’ll be fine,” Lando promised over the headset and you fiddled with the dozens of buttons on the steering console. “Just don’t touch anything!”
“You should have told me that before.” The cameraman sat beside you laughed nervously and you narrowed your eyes at the lens. “If I die, I want you to remember this: I told you so.”
You muttered under your breath that you were not paid enough for the crap your employer put you through but it only made Oscar and Lando laugh as the microphone picked it all up. 
“Okay, we’ll start off with a warm up lap, just take it slow and get used to the car,” Oscar said as Lando led the way onto the track. “I’ll follow so you don't get lost.”
“It’s a flippin circle, Piastri, how often do you get lost?”
The car shot forward, throwing you and the cameraman back into your seats as you pressed the accelerator and out of reflex you slammed your foot on the brake to counter the effect. Oooph! The air was squeezed from your lungs as the car stopped but your body kept going forward, the harness like a wall hitting your chest. 
“I think you’ve put it in race mode. Turn it to sport mode.”
You scanned the buttons and saw what he meant, making the adjustment before tentatively touching the accelerator, gently speeding up to 70mph.
“I know we said take it slow but you can speed up a little bit,” Oscar teased as he tailgated you, Lando nowhere to be found up ahead.
“You do realise I am not actually a racer? I just date one.”
“Danny must have taught you something in the last two years.”
“Yeah,” Lando interrupted with a giggle. “But from what I heard, it isn’t anything to do with racing.”
You might have laughed if you weren’t concentrating so hard on following the track, until something caught your eye. “Uh, Oscar, are there wombats in Canada?”
“No…that’s a groundhog.”
Another brown ball of fur charged across the track and you screamed as you slammed on the brakes, not wanting to hit the poor animal. Oscar hadn’t expected you to brake so suddenly, or try to swerve aside. There was nothing you or he could do when you started to spin out, straight into the space his car was aiming for.
“Shit, shit, is she okay? Is she okay?” 
You could hear the panic in Oscar’s voice as he tried to push his way through the crowd of first responders trying to open your door. Pain radiated down your arm but other than that you seemed to be in one piece, except the world was upside down. “I told you so.”
“What the hell happened!” Lando exclaimed as he arrived at the crash site in time to see you escorted into the back of the medics van. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“Not particularly,” you murmured around the tube you bit between your teeth. You sucked in another deep breath of pain relief as your arm was jostled and looked up to see Lando shaking his head.
“Not you,” he said as he looked at Oscar’s pale face. “Daniel’s going to kill you, mate.”
“No, he’s not,” you huffed as you got off the stretcher you had been guided to. “I’m fine so he’s never going to know.”
“You see those,” Lando stabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “Those are cameras, they record things, pictures, sounds. Yeah, he’s gonna know.”
“I know what a camera is, a heavy one just fucking hit me.” You cradled your arm to your chest and took a calming breath. “This wasn’t live so it’s going to be a few weeks before this even gets uploaded. By then I’ll be fine and we can all have a laugh about it, alright. I just need to make sure Danny doesn’t hear about it before then.”
“Kind of hard when you need to go to the medical centre.”
“Then I won’t go.”
So you didn’t.
You did however accept the box of pain relief and advice to see a doctor if the pain persisted or you showed any signs of a concussion. You weren’t worried so much about that since the helmet had protected your head, it was just your arm that took the brunt of a camera smashing into it.
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Daniel was surprised to see you already in the hotel room when he arrived from his meeting. Usually you stayed at the paddock later in preparation for the upcoming races but he was happy to have a few extra hours alone with you.
Leaning across the back of the couch, he greeted you with a kiss but you pulled away as his palms trailed down your body. His touch had been soft but you had still felt the burst of pain in your arm and you were glad to be wearing a long sleeve shirt to hide the bruised skin.
He frowned at the distance you had put between your bodies and he was instantly on edge. “What’s wrong, kitten?”
“Nothing, I’m just not feeling very good.”
He grabbed his phone and opened the app that monitored your monthly cycle before closing it with a frown. “Should I call for a doctor? Do you have a fever?”
He reached for your forehead but as his hand lifted it brushed against your arm and your face pinched as a pained cry hissed through your teeth.
“What happened?” he asked with barely restrained rage, his fingers desperate to touch you but unsure if it was going to cause you more pain. Tears were already welling in your eyes as you tried to keep the ruse up, but it was becoming unbearable.
“There was an accident,” you admitted as the wet streaks ran down your cheeks. “I didn’t want you to worry…”
“You’re hurt, kitten, of course I’m going to fucking worry.” He swiped the room key back up from where he had tossed it along with his phone and keys. “Come on. We’re going to the hospital. Now.”
You knew he was fuming from the clipped tone and the white knuckle grip he had on his keys. Reaching out with your good hand, you laced your fingers with his and whimpered into his chest. “I’m sorry.”
Daniel gently wiped the tears from your cheeks before kissing your forehead with a shaky breath. “I’m not angry at you, love, but don’t you ever lie to me again, not when it comes to your health.”
You nodded meekly before he reached for the door handle where he paused. “Lando or Oscar?”
“You were filming with McLaren today.” He looked back at you, scanning your face for the truth. “Who do I blame?”
“It was an accident. Please, Danny, can we just go? It's so sore.”
His eyes softened at the admission and he twisted the handle but you knew the conversation wasn’t finished, merely delayed.
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“He broke her fucking arm!”
The wince had nothing to do with the doctor setting the cast on your arm and everything to do with Daniel’s voice out in the corridor. He had been on the phone the instant the X-ray came back and showed a clear fracture down the bone. Now you were going to have a bulky accessory on your arm for the next six weeks.
“You’re lucky it was only her arm or I’d be on my way to jail by now,” he growled as he pushed the door open and shoved his phone back in his pocket.
“It was an-” you fell silent under the glare you knew wasn’t actually directed at you. He hated to see you hurt and hated he hadn’t been able to prevent it. It left his hands trembling with rage.
“I don’t know what they were thinking,” he muttered as he fell into the chair beside your bed and lifted your good hand to his lips. “Stupid fucking little videos...promise me no more.”
“But it’s my job.”
“Then quit,” he offered, like it was the simplest option in the world. “It’s not like you need it, I take care of you already, and I like taking care of you.”
“Danny…” you sighed, unsure how to approach the situation. “What if we ever broke up?”
“Is that in your plans?”
“No, but-”
“Good, because I plan on keeping you forever, and I’m more than happy to make that official. Obviously this is just a placeholder until we get home.” He started to pull the ring he wore on his pinky finger. “What? I’m terrible at losing shit, I wasn’t going to carry around your engagement ring until I found the right time to propose to you.”
You chuckled as he waited for your hand to unfurl from the fist it was in. “And you decided this was the right time?”
“I could have lost you today, kitten, I’m not going to waste another moment.” Your hand uncurled and the warm metal slid onto your ring finger before he kissed it and leaned in to kiss you too. “You’re mine, always.”
“Always,” you promised against his lips.
“Perfect, if we elope today I’ll get conjugal visits when I kill Oscar.”
Click here for part five
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lionesses-lover · 1 year
New Girl - A. Russo
The one where you are hopelessly in love with the new girl on the team but she doesn’t seem to notice you.
word count: 5.5k
Notes: First fic ever! Hope you enjoy :)
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The obsession wasn’t something you had planned. It crept up on you so suddenly that you never had a chance to process it. The minute you realised it was there you were already overcome with the powerful emotion and it was too late. You were hooked on the sweet, slightly clumsy blonde. 
Eight Years Ago
The first and only time you met was at an international camp. Norway U17s were playing England U17s at St George’s Park and at the big age of 16 it was your first time away from home and the pressure of representing your country was weighing heavily on your shoulders. The evening before the match you had felt sick to your stomach with nerves and nothing - not even the kind words of your best friend Ingrid - was able to calm you down
On the morning of the match you were still trembling with fear but tried to pull yourself together and eat some breakfast to help stop your stomach from screaming at you, telling you to go home. You eventually managed to get ready and go out to the pitch for your warm up. Then, you saw her. Chasing around a smaller brunette girl shouting something about shin pads.
“Tooney! I need those shin pads please give them back or I’ll tell the coach!” She shouted
“No way Alessia,” her friend, Tooney, replied, “this is payback for hitting me in your sleep on the bus.”
Alessia. That was her name. It was perfect.
You were stuck in place when you saw her. The light from the sun hit her perfectly, making her blonde hair shimmer and her blue eyes glisten. She looked like an angel, and just as she was turning around to carry on chasing her friend, her eyes locked onto yours. Only for a split second, but to you it felt like hours. However, before you could go and talk to her you were dragged away by Ingrid and then the match started. It was a tough match as the teams were quite evenly balanced, but unfortunately for you it ended 3-2 to England, with the girl who was already beginning to consume your thoughts scoring the winning goal in the 87th minute. All you wanted to do was go and introduce yourself, but sadly you had a flight to catch back to Norway. But that didn’t stop you from rapidly searching Instagram and eventually finding her account. Alessia Russo. Her full name sounded even more perfect. After scrolling through her posts, smiling to yourself at how gorgeous she looked, you quickly hit the follow button and turned your phone onto airplane mode before settling into you seat ready for the flight.
Unfortunately for you, that was as far as the interactions between the two of you went. A one second glance on opposite ends of a football pitch. When you switched your phone back on after your plane back home had landed you went straight onto Instagram in the hope that she had followed you back.
She hadn’t.
Present Day
“Have you heard the news?” Keira said as she bounced up to you upon entering training that day.
“No what’s happened now? Who’s injured” You asked, slightly worried as the last time Keira said there was news she revealed that Lucy had needed a minor surgery on her knee, which wasn’t the news you were hoping for.
“No one is injured don’t worry,” she replied, laughing at the panic that had spread across your face, “we are getting a new teammate tomorrow.”
“And we think you will really like her” said Ingrid, smirking whilst watching your reaction.
“Who is it?” You said.
“Alessia Russo, the blonde ex-Manchester United player, mine and Lucy’s teammate with England” answered Keira, grinning from ear to ear and bouncing around the changing room excitedly.
“Oh my god” you whispered to yourself, sitting down in shock at the thought of the girl you’ve been madly in love with for eight years finally noticing you. You turned on your phone to see the announcement posted on the FC Barcelona Femeni Instagram. Then you saw another notification.
@alessiarusso99 has started following you.
You couldn’t believe it.
“Are you finally going to make a move now?” asked Ingrid as she came and shook you out of your daze, reminding you that you needed to leave the locker room and walk to the training pitch. “You’ve been following her on Instagram for ages now, never messaged her and I know you’ve been in love with her for years. I think now is the perfect opportunity!” She said hopefully.
“I barely know her and she’s only just discovered who I am and followed me back, I’m sure she won’t be interested,” you replied sadly, “but that’s not going to stop me giving her the best welcome to Barcelona ever.”
“Ingrid, Y/N” shouted Alexia, your captain, “you can give relationship advice later, it’s time to train!”
After a very tiring and busy training session, filled with lots of teasing from you teammates, Mapi and Lucy in particular, who all knew about your not so secret crush, you finally made it home to your apartment. However you were not empty handed as you had decided to stop at a grocery shop on your way home to pick up some gifts to give to Alessia to try and welcome her to the team nicely tomorrow morning. You had bought some of your favourite chocolates, some fresh fruit and a small bottle of champagne so she could celebrate her new contract properly.
You went to bed early that night and made sure to set your alarm to wake up an hour earlier the next day. You were determined to make an unforgettable first impression on Alessia and that required you to get into training early so you would have the chance to speak to her and give her your gifts.
As you started to drift off to sleep, all you could think about was that gorgeous blonde who stole your heart in one moment all those years ago.
Your alarm woke you up bright and early the next morning and you had to take a moment in bed to remind yourself that today wasn’t a dream. She was really coming to play with you. After eight years of wishful thinking about being with her, eight years of staring at her through social media, your dreams were coming true. You were finally going to meet her.
After a quick drive you arrived at the training centre with a full hour before training began. As you roamed the empty hallways on your way to the locker room your eyes searched for a glimpse of  beautiful blonde hair, hoping you could talk to her and introduce yourself before your teammates arrived.
Unfortunately it appeared that luck wasn’t on your side today as Alessia didn’t appear until the rest of the team had arrived, Ingrid and Keira smirking to each other when they saw you patiently sitting by your locker with a small package next to you.
But when she did finally enter the room you were blown away. She was even more beautiful than her social media showed. You hadn’t seen her in person since that match eight years ago, but you were well aware that she had changed from a young girl into a grown woman, and that she had grown even more into her beauty in that time. You were not aware that her social media didn’t do her enough justice, even though she looked amazing in her Instagram posts. She was spectacular in person. Her long, tanned legs and her sleek blonde hair which was tied into her signature ponytail. Her stunning blue eyes which were shining with pride having just signed a new contract with one of the best clubs in the world. All of her was perfect. 
She walked timidly around the room, being introduced to all the players by Keira and Lucy, who had taken it upon themselves to give their national teammate the best start to the team possible. Finally, after what seemed like years, they reached you. 
“Hi Alessia it’s so nice to meet you, I’m y/n” you said, standing up to shake her hand in introduction.
“Hey,” she replied, quickly releasing your hand before staring down at the floor uncomfortably.
“I think you two have played against each other before” interrupted Keira, grinning at you.
“Um, yeah quite a while ago, I think you actually scored the winner Alessia,” you chuckled softly, hoping she would feel more comfortable.
“Oh, that’s weird I don’t remember it,” she said.
Across the room your eyes met with Ingrid as she looked at you sympathetically. She knew how much it must hurt you that Alessia doesn’t remember the moment you have been replaying in your head for almost a decade.
“No worries, like I said it was ages ago,” you smiled at her, before turning around and picking up the package you had been anxiously waiting to give her, “I actually got you a small gift, sort of a ‘Welcome to Barcelona’ thing, I hope you don’t mind.”
You had hoped she would open it then and there but sadly she just took the package, murmured a few words of thanks and moved on, following Keira as she was introduced to Alexia. 
Despite the slight rejection of your gift, you carried on getting ready for training as usual, ignoring the pitying looks of some of your teammates. You remained optimistic as you knew exactly what type of training was happening today, because you had checked the schedule in the coach’s office this morning before everyone arrived.
Today, the Barcelona women’s team would be doing training in groups based in their position on the pitch. This meant that, as you were also a forward, you would be in the same group as Alessia, who you hoped would agree to be your partner.
However, the universe seemed to have decided to make life hard for you today. By the time you plucked up the courage to ask Alessia to partner with you for one of the drills you were met with rejection once again.
“Sorry, I told Mariona I would go with her”
“Oh,” you said, trying to hide your disappointment as she refused eye contact and once again looked uncomfortable in your presence, “no worries I hope your first training goes well.”
Once again, you only received a small murmur of thanks before she turned around and walked away.
“Don’t worry,” said your national teammate Caroline as you partnered up with her instead, “I’m sure she is just nervous about being here.”
“It’s just sad,” you replied quietly, “I was so excited to finally speak to her and now I don’t think she likes me. What did I do wrong?”
“I don’t think it’s just you, she doesn’t look very happy to be with any of us,” Caroline answered, subtly pointing over to the other side of the pitch where Alessia and Mariona were working together in silence, with Alessia awkwardly looking around at the rest of the team.
“Hopefully she warms up to us soon,” you said, “I’m not sure my 16 year old self would forgive me if I let the girl of my dreams go without making a move again”
A month later, Alessia had made her debut for Barcelona and attended every single training session, slowly adjusting to the style of play that was always seen at the club. However there was one major issue. Alessia had not gone to any team bonding nights or accepted any offers from teammates to hang out after training. No one on the team knew what she did with her time, not even Keira or Lucy despite their many attempts to get Alessia to socialise.
Throughout the last month you had continued to try to partner up with or chat to Alessia, eager to get to know her better. However every time you were met with the same reaction. Short answers rejecting you whilst she looked uncomfortable. Each time this happened, it felt like a small piece of your heart was shattered, and you were dangerously close to having no heart all together after being rejected daily by the woman you so desperately wanted to be loved by. 
The heartache you were experiencing eventually got so unbearable that you found yourself going home with Ingrid and Mapi one night, in tears after attempting to ask Alessia if she wanted to go out to celebrate the latest Barcelona victory with the team. 
“I just don’t understand,” you cried as you sat with Ingrid sobbing into the cushions on her sofa, “why doesn’t she like us? Why doesn’t she like me? What did I do wrong”
“You didn’t do anything. I’m not sure why she doesn’t like us but it’s nothing to do with you,” replied your best friend as she felt her heart ache for you. She knew how desperately you wanted Alessia to like you, and didn’t understand why the blonde was so adamant not to accept your attempts at friendship.
“I agree with Ingrid, y/n”, said Mapi, “I’m sure it’s nothing personal, maybe she’s just shy.”
After another few hours of crying your heart out to your best friend and her girlfriend you decided to go home and attempt to get some sleep before enjoying your day off tomorrow. But once again, the universe had other plans. You were driving through the dark streets of Barcelona when you passed the apartment block where Keira and Lucy lived. It was also the apartment block where Alessia lived, in the apartment next to her English teammates in an attempt to make the transition to Barcelona easier for her.
Angry, hurt and disappointed, you suddenly felt the urge to visit the blonde. You needed an answer as to why she rejected the team, why she rejected you. You needed to know whether there was a chance that you would ever be someone she loved. 
So, you parked your car, walked into the building, took the lift to the second floor and walked up to the door of Apartment 3. Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door and waited. Thirty seconds later, the door opened and you were met with the blonde beauty you cared so deeply for. 
“y/n, what are you doing here?” she asked, slightly alarmed at your sudden presence at her door.
“I need to speak to you, can I come in?” you asked shyly, now fully aware of where you were and what you were doing.
“Um,” she hesitates, looking behind her into the apartment, before eventually sighing and opening the door, “sure, come in.”
As you step into Alessia’s apartment for the first time, you are hit with a shock. It’s empty. The only things in the main rooms are a table and chair in the kitchen and a sofa and television in the lounge. There are no photos, no trophies or medals, no personal belongings suggesting that someone actually lives there. You look to your left into the bedroom and you see a mattress on the floor. She doesn’t even have a bed. 
Alessia clears her throat, “What did you want to talk about?”
“Why is your apartment empty?” you interrupt.
“I haven’t got round to settling in properly,” she answered, looking down sadly, “I also don’t really know my way around the city. I don’t leave the apartment that much.”
“I’m on the phone a lot. I call my mum, dad and brothers once a day, and my best friend Ella every two days. I also call some more of my old teammates every week.”
“Do you miss them?” you asked softly.
“So much,” she replied, looking up so you could see the tears that were appearing in her eyes, “I haven’t been away from them since I went to UNC for college but this is different.”
“I understand,” you told her quietly, “when I moved from Norway to Barcelona I was terrified about being alone that I texted my mum every hour. It was stupid but I genuinely thought no one else would talk to me.”
She stayed quiet, sitting down on the sofa playing with her fingers. You could tell she was trying not to cry. Taking a deep breath, you sat down beside her.
“Is that why you haven’t been accepting anyone’s offers to hang out?” you asked, “because you miss your family so you want to speak to them?”
“Sort of,” she confessed, “ I guess it started off that way but now I’m scared none of the others will like me. Barcelona is a tough team to join - you guys are all so close that it’s a bit intimidating to try and make friends with.”
“But we have been trying to get you to hang out with us for almost a month, you’ve even turned down Keira and Lucy,” you said.
“I guess I was worried I had missed too much. I thought it would be awkward if I tried to get close to the team now after being quite antisocial for the first month,” she sighed, running a hand through her beautiful blonde hair. “I’ve also been so busy trying to get settled into my new home at the same time as trying to improve and develop my skills on the pitch.”
“But you are doing great! You have played in 3 matches so far and the team is winning all the time,” you argued.
“I haven’t scored,” she whispered, “I’m a striker and I haven’t scored. I’m letting the team down because I literally can’t do the only thing my job says I need to do.”
“That will come with time,” you reassured, slowly reaching a hand out and placing it on her back, rubbing circles in an attempt to comfort the crying blonde, “when you are properly settled in you will be able to relax and just enjoy playing the game you love. The first thing you need to do is sort this place out. You can’t live with no bed and no photos and personal items around.”
“I don’t know where to go,” she admitted shyly.
“Well, we have a free day tomorrow, why don’t I go home now, you promise to get some sleep, and I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning and take you shopping. I’ll even help you organise everything so you feel more at home,” you suggested, secretly hoping she’d say yes in order to give you a chance to spend time with the blonde you had been dreaming of for eight long years.
Taking a deep breath, Alessia looked up at you.
“Alright, pick me up at 10?” she suggested shyly.
“I’ll be here.” you smiled.
The next day, as promised, you were outside Alessia’s front door at 9:55, five minutes early, which gave you five minutes to calm yourself down and reassure yourself that it was all going to be okay. You had been given a golden opportunity to make the girl you loved like you a little bit and you were not going to ruin it. Slowly, you reached out and knocked on the door, just like you had done the night before.
“Hi,” said Alessia as she opened the door, “I wasn’t sure whether you were being serious last night.”
“Of course I was being serious,” you chuckled, before holding out your hand and offering her the bouquet of flowers you had picked out at a local florist in your way to her apartment, “I um, I got you these, I thought they would be the first step in getting you settled into Barcelona.”
“Thank you so much y/n” she said, taking the bouquet as a grin began to spread across her face, “ I’ll put them in the sink until we buy a vase.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, it didn’t cross my mind that you wouldn’t have one,” you said, suddenly feeling very nervous.
“It’s fine don’t worry about it,” she chuckled softly, stepping out of the apartment, “that’s why you’re here, we are going to get me properly moved in so I can finally score my first Barcelona goal!”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m here for,” you said quietly. Was that all she thought this was? Did she just think you were doing this as a favour? You wished you could tell her how you felt, how you have been in love with her since you were 16 and you saw her once at a match. But sadly she didn’t even remember that match.
Taking what seemed like your millionth deep breath of the morning, you eventually said, “Come on Lessi, let’s go.”
If you had paid more attention to Alessia instead of focussing on trying to stop your hands shaking with nerves as you closed her front door behind her, you would have noticed the small blush that covered her cheeks as she heard the nickname you had used without noticing.
“I can’t believe you’re that clumsy!” You laughed as the pair of you returned to Alessia’s apartment, arms full with boxes of household items.
“It’s not my fault I couldn’t see the step was there!” she argued, grinning widely at you, “carrying this massive box is hard!”
You chuckled at her before replying: “Well at least you can finally sleep on a proper bed instead of a mattress on the floor.”
“Only if you help me set it all up,” she said, hoping you didn’t plan on leaving yet.
“Of course I’ll help,” you answered, your heart flipping around in your chest at the thought of spending even more time with the blonde, who finally seemed to be feeling more comfortable around you.
Four hours later, as the sun began to set in Barcelona, you and Alessia flopped tiredly onto her sofa, before looking around at her apartment. It looked like a home. You had bought some nice decorations for the rooms, as well as convincing her to finally unpack the many boxes containing photographs, trophies and medals from over the years, convincing her to display them to make the home seem personalised.
“It looks lovely, I feel so much better thank you y/n”she said softly, turning to face you, “I’m so glad to have you as my friend.”
Your heart broke a bit more upon hearing her call you that. As you looked into those beautiful blue eyes you desperately wished you could find the courage to confess all the feelings you had been keeping secret for the entire day. But sadly, you couldn’t. You didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. You didn’t want to pressure her into something when she was still settling into her new life. 
“You’re welcome,” you replied quietly, “I’m always here if you need me, um, I should probably go, it’s getting late and we have training tomorrow.”
“Oh, um, sure,” she said, getting up to walk you to the door, “See you tomorrow.”
“Bye Lessi,” you said as you stood in her doorway, before taking a deep breath and doing what you knew deep in your heart you had to do. 
You slowly leant forward and hugged her. Putting your arms around her waist and letting her arms fall round your shoulders. It wasn’t a long hug, but it was what you both needed. You needed some love given to you after being in love for so long, and Alessia needed some comfort and a sense of belonging from a kind person who had managed to force themselves into her heart within a few hours.
As you pulled apart, both of you wearing matching blushes on your faces, you couldn’t help but smile at the hope that something could finally happen between the two of you.
“Right, I really need to go now otherwise I’m going to be late going to sleep, which means I’m going to be late waking up and so might be late to training and then Alexia will kill me,” you said, suddenly getting very nervous standing in front of Alessia.
“Bye y/n, see you tomorrow”
Two weeks later
If you said the past two weeks had been great then you would be lying. They had been like a dream. 
Every morning you walked into training and were greeted by a grinning Alessia Russo, who had become a totally different person. Her blonde hair shimmered and her blue eyes shone brightly as she chatted to many of your teammates throughout the weeks, making up for the time that was lost as she was adapting to Barcelona life.
You had finally had the opportunity to partner up with her in a few training drills and it was wonderful. The bond between the two of you was slowly getting stronger and that was showing both on and off the pitch. The pair of you had began hanging out after training every day - watching movies, visiting coffee shops and going shopping to grow Alessia’s wardrobe after she had admitted to you that she left most of her clothes back in England.
However, the only thing that wasn’t perfect was your growing love for the English blonde. You tried to keep your feelings hidden but it was becoming increasingly difficult not to confess everything to her as you became closer. 
“I don’t understand you,” said Keira one afternoon at training, as she watched you watch Alessia run around, chasing after Aitana and Claudia.
“What do you mean?” you asked absentmindedly, trying to contain a smile as the sweet noise of Alessia’s infectious laugh reached your ears.
“You are obviously in love with her and she is obviously in love with you, why don’t you tell her how you feel?”
You turned round to face Keira, the smile on your face vanishing, “It’s not that easy, she doesn’t like me,” you said sadly, “she thinks of me as a friend. That’s it.”
“I think you’re being stupid,” sighed Keira, “at least tell her how you feel, please. I don’t like watching you obsess over her. It just makes you sad because you’ve convinced yourself you’ll never have her, which is a lie.”
“I just don’t want to get hurt,” you said, “I’d much rather be her friend than nothing in her life.”
Taking a deep breath, you turned away from Keira, trying to stop your tears appearing at the thought of Alessia rejecting you.
“y/n! y/n!” shouted Alessia, desperately trying to get your attention over the loud music at the club, “come and dance with me!”
You hesitated, not wanting to risk being at such a close proximity to Alessia without being able to hold her or kiss her.
As if she could sense your hesitation, she shouted once again, “Pretty please, think of it as my reward for getting my first Barcelona goal.”
You were hooked. The combination of her adorable puppy dog eyes and the memories of her gorgeous 57th minute strike (assisted by you) against Real Madrid earlier that day were more than enough to convince you to go and join her on the dance floor.
As you approached the beautiful blonde you had your first opportunity of the night to take in her outfit. She was wearing a gorgeous all-black suit paired with a black crop top. She looked flawless. You just wished you could tell her that she took your breath away.
However, it seemed that Alessia had also been having similar thoughts, as she shouted “you look so good tonight, I love your style, you look amazing,” before throwing you a lopsided grin.
“Thank you Lessi, you look beautiful,” you said, finding courage in the compliment you had just received.
You slowly placed your hands around her waist as she looped her arms around your neck - the pair of you slowly swaying to the music that was being played in the club.
“I’m so happy you helped me settle in to life here, it’s wonderful. I’m really grateful to have found a friend like you,” she said happily.
There it was again. Friend. The word that made your stomach turn and you heart crack. You wished she would see you as more than that - you would give her the world if she asked you - would a friend do that?
Once again, it was as if she could sense your hesitation as she softly asked, “what’s wrong y/n? Did I do something? You seem sad.”
You rapidly looked around, trying to think of an excuse to leave the conversation before you became dangerously close to exposing yourself. However, all you saw was Ingrid and Mapi, dancing a few metres away from you. They looked so happy and in love. Mapi looked at your best friend as if she was the only person in the room and Ingrid looked at her as if she had hung the moon and the stars. 
You wanted that. You wanted that with Alessia. It was all you had wanted since you first saw her on that football pitch all those years ago.
Suddenly, you were hit with the realisation that if you didn’t do anything about your feelings then you would never have the love you so desperately wanted. Slowly, you turned back to Alessia, smiling gently as your eyes met with her.
“No I’m not okay Lessi,” you said calmly, trying to take deep breaths and say what you needed to say, “I’ve been in love with you since I saw you on the football pitch at St George’s Park eight years ago and I know you don’t remember it but you stole my heart and you are all I’ve been thinking about ever since. I’m so sorry if you don’t feel the same way and I really don’t want to make things awkward between us but I needed to tell you before it breaks me. Because I can’t keep living my life too scared to admit that I love you.”
You quickly shut your eyes after your confession, not wanting to watch her reaction in fear of disgust and rejection taking over her face.
“y/n” she said slowly, “I need to tell you something too”
You looked up to face her, ready to hear that you were too late - she was in love with someone else.
“I remember the match. I didn’t at first, but when I was sorting out all my photos the other day I found a photo from the match. We won 3-2. I scored the winner.”
You nodded carefully.
“You’ve been so lovely to me over the past few weeks. You made an effort to try and get to know me even when I was too shy and homesick to accept your kindness. I was so excited when I joined Barcelona from Manchester United. Not only because I was going to play for the best club in the world but because I was going to finally meet the player that my friend Ona had been telling me about. The beautiful Barcelona player who her Spanish teammates played with. I found you on Instagram and I was hooked, you are gorgeous.”
“Lessi..” you began, still trying to absorb the new information about her feelings.
But before you could ask what she was trying to say, Alessia leant forward and captured your lips with hers, pulling you into her by the waist whilst giving you a bruising, passionate kiss in the middle of the dance floor. 
Previously, there had been many times where you had dreamed of kissing Alessia. But no dreams could ever compare to the real thing. Her lips locked onto yours so perfectly it felt as though she was made for you. As cliché as it sounds, everyone else in the busy club seemed to fade away. You could vaguely hear Keira and Lucy shouting in the background but you blocked them out, instead choosing to wrap your arms around the blonde, trying to savour every second of this moment.
Eventually, you both pulled away, breathing heavily and smiling giddily.
“So does this mean you feel the same?” you asked shyly, hoping to hear her confirm what you already knew.
“How could I not? I love you too y/n” she answered, pulling you into her again and pressing her lips against yours.
“Finally!” You heard Ingrid say, “she’s only been crushing on Alessia for eight years”
Finally, you thought, finally you had the girl of your dreams.
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Elevator - Claudia Pina
"Come on, we are going to be late" claudia said grabbing my hand, causing me to blush as she dragged me down the hall to the elevator
“Someone not want to run extra laps?” You asked with a laugh as you clicked the elevator button
“Not all of us enjoy running” claudia said bumping my shoulder with a smile as the elevator open causing you both to enter
The next moment, the elevator started to shutter and shack causing you to stumble into the wall before it stopped
“This doesn’t seem good” you said as you realized the elevator wasn’t moving
“I think it’s stuck” claudia said quietly causing you to hit the help button as you moved to the railing and tried to think of anything besides the idea that you were in a small space for who knows how long
“You okay?” Claudia asked
"I'm fine" you said as your grip tighten on the railing in the elevator and closed your eyes to take a few steady breaths to control your breathing and lower your heart rate as you felt Claudia eyes on you
"Lets call someone" you said
"Your late!" Mapi yelled angrily over the phone
"Claudia and i are stuck in the elevator" you said over the phone
"Mapi, I don't like small spaces" you mumbled, hearing her lowly cuss before talking to someone
"We are going to get you out of there shortly, okay" mapi said "okay"
"Claudia?" You asked how watching her start to pace, causing you to ignore Mapi who was trying to figure what was going on with Claudia who was calm a second ago
"My phone isn't working" she said with wide eyes
“Who do you want to talk to? I can have Mapi put them on" you said gently, hoping to calm her down however it didn’t to a think, as if she hadn’t heard you
Completely forgetting about your phone as you focused on the girl in front of you who was in a full blown panic mode
"Claudia, hey listen to me"you said as you quickly as you held her face in your hand to get her to focus on you
"We are going to be okay. There are people working right now to get us out. We just have to hang out here together a little longer" you said trying to get her to calm down and prevent her form also causing you to panic.
Claudia started to struggle to breath as she eyes couldn't say focus causing you to panic so you did the only thing you think of, you kissed her.
It was a short kiss but it caused your heart to race
When you opened your eyes, Claudia has calmed down but was looking at you with shock but confused looked as you looked back nervously at what was going to follow next
"It calmed you down" you said with a blush as she smiled up at you before pulling you to her and her hiding her face in you neck. You gave her a gentle squeeze as whispered reassurances in her ear
"Your heart is racing" Claudia mumbled as you felt her breath on your neck causing you to nod as you felt a shivers up you spin
"Yeah" you finally replied softly as you felt Claudia come out of her hiding spot and place a hand on your heart as she looked you in the eyes
“Go on a date with me?” You hesitantly asked, hopeful that she would like you back due to her reaction
Claudia surprised you by pulling you in to a gentle kiss causing you to both to smile into the kiss before spreading, still nothing holding giant smiles
“I’m going to take that as a yes” you stated with a small smile as claudia laughed with a smile
The moment ended when you both heard shifting of elevator causing panic to shot through you, pulling claudia tighter to you as you felt her do the same
Only losing your grip once a panel was removed from the ceiling for you both to see fire fighters looking down at you
“We going to pull guys up and through the doors of the closed floor” one explained before reaching a hand down
"You go first" you said gently pushing her towards the hands that were reaching out to grab her as she sent you a hesitant look back
"I'll be right behind you" you said with a gentle smile said causing her to nod and watched as she was helped out of the elevator, leaving you alone in it. Feeling the panic start to rise at being alone and once again closing your eyes and taking deep breaths to keep calm
“Ma’am, your turn” a firefighter said reaching his arms down causing you to grab them, pulling you up and guiding you to the exit
Instantly looking for Claudia and only calming when you see her safe in Alexia arms before feeling relief as someone pulled you into their arms and another pair wrap around the two of you
"Are you okay?" Mapi asked causing to pull away some to see Ingrid was the others who arms you was in
"I'm exhausted" you said as you felt yourself relax against Mapi as you gave ingrid a smile causing her to place a kiss to your temple
"At least your first travel game will have a memorable story" Lucy said causing Kiera to slap her in the back of the head as Mapi and Ingrid glared and I laughed
"Very memorable" I mumbled as I glanced at Claudia with a small blush causing Mapi to whisper "I'll heard what you and Claudia talked about" as I look at her with a blush as Ingrid and her gave me knowing looks as you saw Claudia in the same position as you with Alexia
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hockybish · 11 months
You're Not Doing This Alone
l West Winds au l dad!trevor au l masterlist l
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March 2020
The second Trevor left her room, Bean grabbed her phone hitting the name of the only other person who knew about the whole predicament, a friendly face the was over 3,000 miles away.
"Hey Bean what's up?" The voice on the other end of the phone asked. Considering the time difference between Boston and Vancouver, she guess the hockey player she was talking with was about to leave for a game.
She sniffled unsure how to tell her confidant on the other end of the line about the transaction that just transpired between her and the baby daddy.
"Bean? What's wrong? Is it the baby?" Quinn frantically asked, going into protective big brother mode. He wasn't actually her older brother but the fact that she went to him for everything made him feel one.
"I " Bean started, but were unable to finish with what she were going to say.
"You told him didn't you?" Quinn somehow was able to read your mind. You never knew how he did, it was super power of his. "And let me guess he didn't take it well?"
"I'm pregnant ... and I think I'm gonna keep it"
Trevor ran his fingers through his hair. Bean was pregnant and it was his fault. What was he going to do? He was too young to be a dad.
The phone in his pocket brought him out of his thoughts. Glancing at device it was Cole. He didn't want to talk to him but his shaking hand accidentally clicking on the call accept button.
"Hey Z you wouldn't believe what just happened. So ..." Cole excitedly chatted his ear off. Trevor drowned out whatever crazy thing his friend was telling him.
"You're not saying anything. Why aren't you saying anything. Z what's wrong?" Before he knew what he was saying, Trevor spilt the beans, telling his friend everything, about Bean, the baby, his panic, how he didn't know what to do.
"So what you're saying is that you got your best friend pregnant and now you're gonna leave her?"
"I don't know"
"Well you better figure it out otherwise you're gonna have to deal with us." Alex's threatening voice came over the receiver.
That night Trevor made his decision. He waited until the next day after the one class they had together, that she didn't show up for, to go talk to her. Her roommate almost didn't let him see her, but Bean told her it was alright.
"Z I haven't changed my mind, I going to keep 'em." Bean placed her hand over her still flat belly. Trevor was about to make a comment on his part in everything when she starting talking again.
"You can be there if you want, but you don't have to. I know having a baby when you're still a kid yourself isn't ideal and you have hockey."
"Stop talking. Can I say something please?" He cut her off, placing his hand on top of hers. She was right, it wasn't the ideal time to have a kid, but that was his kid. He couldn't just abandon them.
"I know we're not together, or anything like that but if you want this I'll be with you one hundred percent of the way. Whatever you want to do I'll be there."
"Are are you sure?" she bit into her bottom lip, a nervous tic of her's. She was so sure her best friend wasn't going to take the out.
"You don't have to Z. I wouldn't come after you for money or anything like that if you're worried. You don't need to do this if you don't want to. I don't want you to regret anything because a child is a binding thing and you have your career and I don't want to ruin that experience for you."
"I'm positive Tallulah. I was there, it take two to tango, even if we both were drunk. I'm not going to let you raise a kid that's part me on your own. I'm going to help any way i can. It's the responsible thing to do. I'm not leaving."
"Okay, let's do this." Bean laced her fingers with his.
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
When Duty Calls Part 1 | Cyclone x Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: Your return home brings you inner turmoil, prolonged typing bubbles, and what may turn out to be a chance to mend what you broke.
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, a lot of internal thoughts/monologue, implied non-platonic feelings (if you squint).
a/n: This took a bit longer to get out than I’d hoped, but I’m so excited to have gotten the ball rolling!
Read on AO3
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In your experience, one of the hardest parts of being back stateside is the noise. Both the quiet and the loud.
Your former home — An aircraft carrier somewhere in the middle of the Pacific — was by no means quiet, but each sound, each movement, each person, had its purpose. the low hum of radio chatter or the sound of planes taking off overhead had become a strange comfort to you. You were one of the lucky ones who quickly found where you belonged amongst that noise. Now after years spent painstakingly carving your name into the Naval history books, you were far from just another officer. And yet, in some twisted way, that glorious reputation of yours is exactly what brought you back here in the first place.
Exactly 23 hours ago you were still stationed on that aforementioned aircraft carrier, completely unaware that you would soon be summoned and informed — albeit with more eloquent verbiage — that you were to pack your things and head back to TOPGUN. A thousand different questions brewed inside you, but you were well aware that the Navy has never been the place to voice them. Instead, you honored each following set of instructions with nothing more than a simple "Yes sir, no ma'am".
The subsequent hours were filled with personal chaos and three different modes of transportation. Luckily, not much could phase you at this point. At least not enough for anyone to pick up on your external cues of panic. Contrary to the aviator stereotype, you liked to think of yourself as level-headed with a strong preference for flying under the radar, both in a literal and figurative sense. You'd weathered through everything the last 24 hours had thrown at you without so much as a snide remark. You kept your calm when the airline briefly lost your single piece of checked luggage. You even brushed off each lingering stare and every all too frequent ask of "So, Is your husband/brother/father/next-door neighbor in the service?". Yet, approximately three and a half minutes ago, something in you started to crack. Logic told you that this was just your nervous system coming to terms with what the next several weeks would entail, but an increasingly large part of your mind knew that that was only half the story. But seeing as you currently found yourself frozen in the back of your Uber, gripping the door handle as if your life depended on it, these facts were neither here nor there. As the latest wave of anxiety runs its course you suppress a shudder and call on your now-sapped willpower. Logic once again tells you that fresh air helps in these situations, so you force your pointer finger out and roll the window down. You hold the button until the window is right above halfway down. Just far enough to let the bright San Diego sunshine in while still allowing you to lean your head against the cool glass. After a few deep breaths, you run your tongue along the outside of your lips. The air is laced with the familiar taste of sea salt. If your memory served you right, you were just under a mile from the ocean and no more than three from base. The thought had barely crossed your mind before the pang of countless different emotions hit you. You silently curse your faultless sense of direction. In sudden need of a distraction, your free hand reaches into your bag and pulls out your phone. You blink away the dryness in your eyes before shifting your attention to the small screen which only takes a halfhearted tap to flash to life. You swipe through your notifications before tapping on the message that's been lingering in the back of your mind since the early hours of the morning.
I'm assuming you've been made aware of your latest assignment. received 7:13 am. — followed by — We hope your trip back goes well. received 7:26 am.
I landed about an hour ago, you text back. Headed home now.
It didn't surprise you that Warlock would be the first to reach out. Given his rank and location, he probably knew all about the mission. Plus, if you knew anything about the man, it was that he's always been the diplomatic type. From the stories you heard of their younger years, a part of you has always wondered if this is why his friendship with Cyclone worked so well.
Speaking of Cyclone, you click the back button and select his contact. Your last conversation with him — dated just one day before your deployment — quickly appears. God, had it really been almost five months since you last spoke? At this revelation, you sit staring at the screen for a few beats. You knew him and his personality far too well to expect him to welcome you back with open arms, but that didn't make the radio silence hurt any less. You want nothing more than to reach out, but with a shaky breath, you remind yourself that he's a horribly busy man with fewer personal relationships than you can count on one hand. However, this doesn't stop a flash of sadness from coursing through your body.
Exiting the text thread, you click on the only other new message. It's from an unsaved number and its contents inform you that everyone who's been called back is meeting up tonight at the Hard Deck. Just as you are about to send back a quick "thank you. Who is this?", something else pops into your mind and grabs your interest entirely. You quickly back out and tap on Warlock's contact. You read his second message again, Then at least five more times after that.
We hope your trip back goes well.
You weren't one to get into the semantics of things, but the ambiguity of his word choice hung heavy over you. There was a possibility that he was innocently referring to himself and his wife. Yet there was an equal, and far more electrifying, chance that he was talking about himself and Cyclone. It was no secret to Warlock that the pair of you were, at least at one time, immensely close. That familiar itch returned to your fingertips, though this time you feared it would be here to stay. Over the last five months, You've been down this path countless times before. Yet each time it got harder and harder not to simply dial his number and ask about his day as if no time had passed at all. Reminding yourself that the chances of him picking up were firmly in the negative, you looked from your phone entirely and instead redirected your sights to the world outside. As you look up, The car rounds one last corner and the familiarity of your surroundings kicks into overdrive. The lump in your throat grows as both the ocean and your house come into view. Your heart swells as you realize your neighborhood hasn't changed a bit. You were fully prepared for your homecoming to be emotionally taxing, but what you hadn't prepared for was just how right it would all feel.
You come to a stop at the curb directly across from your house. You thank the driver as you exit, and a moment later your feet hit the concrete. Your hands are surprisingly steady against your luggage. The car slowly pulls away. You are left standing in your yard, phone in hand, staring up at your long-established home. The walk up the driveway is one you've made at least a thousand times. And something in you knows that it's the bittersweet familiarity of it all that finally allowed your one inescapable urge to take hold.
The rational side of your brain — the one you should be more inclined to listen to in this situation — told you that he's probably terribly busy doing all those terribly important Vice Admiral things he spent far too many hours a day doing. But the emotional side — the one that above all else, won't let you forget your history together — told you that all you really wanted was to hear his voice again. Or at very least get a few words of blunt (and often trenchant) encouragement. Your suitcase rolls over polished hardwood as you close the door behind you. The only thing you're greeted by is a stale silence. Your friends in the area had been kind enough to stop by while you were gone to ensure remained in working order, but that didn't make the stillness any easier to swallow.
Surely there's no harm in simply reaching out, right?
It was in that moment, standing with your back against the front door, that you hoisted up your white flag of defeat. Almost instantly your fingers were fast at work typing out your message before your conscience could reckon with how bad this idea was. Your words of choice were innocuous enough, yet you feel nothing but anguish the moment after you hit send.
Hey there. I know it's been… a while. You probably know I'm back in town on orders. If you have the time, I'd love to catch up. Sent >1min ago.
You kick your shoes off with a frustrated huff and immediately head for your bedroom. For what you lacked in the typical aviator ego, you made up for tenfold with split-second impulsiveness. On the bright side, you at least had the sense to leave the "I miss you so bad please respond" part unsaid. It's a short walk, and you toss your phone onto your bed once you're there with the full intention of taking a quick shower. Only, your phone lands face up. Leaving you watching in horror as your still unlocked screen proudly displays the typing bubbles on his end slowly appearing and disappearing.
Somewhere between bolting back out of the room and spending 45 minutes under the ice cold water coming out of your shower head, you pulled together a crude course of action. For the duration of your time here, you will do nothing but keep your head down, execute the mission, and be the Navy's perfect little flying angel. Somewhere between the lines of the damp post-it note you jotted this down on are the words "and no more attempts at reconnecting with the people you left in the past.". though even you know that even your best attempt at following that step will wind up unavailing at best. Post shower and with a slight semblance of a plan in place, you were already starting to feel like yourself again. Like every other mission, your ability to execute the plan would make or break you, and If the secrecy surrounding why exactly you were called back to Top Gun was anything to go off of you would have to be entirely focused and at your most cutthroat.
Exiting your room, you made your way to the front door where you quickly pulled on your boots and grabbed your keys from the dish in the entryway. The route from your house to the Hard Deck is one that's permanently etched into your mind. This wasn't the time nor the place to be making friends and in all honesty you wanted nothing more than to stay in and order takeout. However, you knew that you needed to scope out your competition as soon as possible.
You check the entryway mirror one last time before turning the knob and passing the threshold. You square your shoulders as you make the short walk to your car while also doing your best to ignore the growing feeling that the first of many wrenches is about to be thrown at your freshly made strategy.
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Taglist: @luckyladycreator2, @katesmadness, @natasharomanoffisbaebby, @nobody7102, @idiomaticpunk, @thebeckyjolene, @paintballkid711, @simpledyiing, @barbiewritesstuff, @bbooks-and-teas, @starshipfantasy, @saramaple, @marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @katesmadness, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @nyx2021, @qardasngan, @fanboyluvr, @mrsjaderogers, @bellamy1998, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff, @autumnleaves1991-reads, @dozcan123, @nani-kenobi, @noxytopy, @accio-boys, @the-winter-marvel33, @justameresimp, @abaker74, @starlightmoon2020, @comfortzonequeen, @flrboyd, @heyitskay-21, @kmc1989, @kkrenae (let me know if you'd like to be added!)
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nonranghaes · 1 year
tw: (loose?) depictions of a panic attack.
jihoon’s fingertip traces over the lines of your open palm. it’s soothing, in a weird way, and while he doesn’t fully understand it, he knows it helps you sometimes. tracing shapes onto your skin, or following your love line until he’s etched it into his own memory: touch, to put it simply, grounds you when you’re upset. its probably weird to see from an outsider’s perspective: you, sitting next to him on your shared couch, just staring blankly past the television screen and into infinity, while he holds your hand and traces the lines of you palm while your other hand is gripping the edge of the couch for dear life.
inhale. hold. exhale. hold. jihoon watches from beside you. he catches himself doing it, too, and he knows he must have started after turning off the television. he doesn’t even remember what was on that hit that little button in your brain and flipped the switch to panic mode. but he did see the way you tensed up, the way you started looking for a way out, and he had given you one. a pause, and then the flicker of the tv screen turning off as you hold everything inside and try to breathe through it.
he’s not always the most physically affectionate. but he brings your hand up so that he can press a kiss against your palm before he looks back up at your face. “i’m here,” he says quietly, just as a reminder.
and when you move, he embraces you with open arms, letting you bury your face into his shoulder while you hold onto his shirt tightly. all he can do is trace circles onto your back.
“it’s okay. i love you. you can let it out.”
and when you do, he can feel you exhale first before it all breaks: that sigh of relief that you are safe and he has you. so he holds you, and lets you cry for as long as you need him to. that’s all he can do now, but that’s all you need from him: a safe place to express what you need to. all he can do is hold you, and that is okay.
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pjsk-story-summaries · 6 months
April Fools Year 3: Past and Future
TL;DR: Everyone has been transported into one of two mysterious, seemingly inescapable SEKAI: a prehistoric forest with ruins and dinosaurs, or a futuristic city with tech and aliens. They split up into groups to survive and find a way home.
In the Past? SEKAI,
Team Survival Masters consists of Shiho, Airi, Nene, Kanade, and MMJ Len. They set up base camp and prepare delicious meals for the others.
Team Food Hunt in the Primeval Forest consists of Ichika, An, Ena, and L/n MEIKO. They brave the wilderness to collect materials and food.
Team We are the Pegasus Exploration Party! consists of Minori, Toya, Tsukasa, and MMJ Miku. As long as they keep high spirits, nothing will stop them from finding the way back home.
In the Future? SEKAI,
Team Relief Space Cafe consists of Honami, Shizuku, Mafuyu, and n25 Luka. They serve coffee at the place where everyone can rest.
Team NicoNico☆Food Search consists of Saki, Kohane, Emu, Mizuki, and WxS Rin. They try and find food while befriending aliens.
Team Here and There in the Futuristic City consists of Haruka, Akito, Rui, and VBS KAITO. This chaotic yet responsible team searches for the way back home.
Full fan translation (Project Sekai in English)
This summary is currently a work in progress. Area conversations will be added periodically.
Upon login, Miku asks you to join her in exploring two special SEKAI of the past and the future.
None of those transported to the Past? SEKAI know how they got there. The same happens in the Future? SEKAI. All the units cross each others soon after arriving and decide to team up to survive together. They'd decided to split into base camp/rest, food searching, and exit-searching teams.
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Survival Masters Cover: Setsuna Trip
Kanade and Nene greet VBS Rin, MMJ Len, and n25 KAITO. Nene's extremely intimidated by KAITO's harsh demeanor. She questions if she did something wrong, but Kanade explains he's just like that.
Shiho greets Airi, WxS MEIKO, and L/n Luka. Airi leads the group based on her past variety show experience. Luka divides up material gathering roles, impressing MEIKO and Airi. Neither of them are used to a reliable Luka. Luka offers her lap when MEIKO expresses loneliness without her sleepy one.
Food Hunt in the Primeval Forest Cover: Six Trillion Years and an Overnight Story
An, Ena, and Ichika make a fishing rod out of sticks and strings. Ichika realizes they need bugs or worms as bait, but all three are too scared to look. n25 Miku finds a bunch of worms under a rock and picks them up without hesitation.
L/n MEIKO leads Ena, MMJ KAITO and VBS Luka search for water. Ena's a bit frustrated by how easy-going Luka is in such a strange scenario. KAITO explains how it's cool to get to experience nature, and Ena reluctantly agrees that it would be great for references. She's also extremely thrown off by how nice these Virtual Singers are.
We are the Pegasus Exploration Party! Cover: Booo!
Tsukasa prepares the members of the Pegasus Exploration Party. L/n Rin wants them all to get cool nicknames and form an adventure huddle. Minori tries her best to get n25 MEIKO to join. She's forced to put her hand in the middle, but doesn't cheer.
The Pegasus Exploration Team has been searching for some time now. WxS Luka had fallen asleep, so Tsukasa yells for her to wake up. The scream ended up startling a dinosaur, who begins to chase them. Toya leads them to hide in an ancient ruin.
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Relief Space Cafe Cover: Meru
Shizuku suggests checking out a place she'd seen earlier. She tries backtracking based on the signs she'd seen, but Mafuyu points out they change color. MMJ Rin asks Shizuku to hold her hand, pretending she's nervous. She just doesn't want Shizuku to get lost.
Mafuyu finds a malfunctioning robot. Shizuku tries to help it out by clicking a button, accidentally triggering a self-defense mode. Everyone panics, but Mafuyu calmly tells it to stop. WxS KAITO notices something off in her demeanor when she said it, though.
Honami, L/n Miku, VBS MEIKO, and n25 Luka explore the back alleys. Luka teases Miku about being a senpai figure, but only MEIKO realizes the intent. Honami praises Miku.
NicoNico☆Food Search Cover: Alien Alien
Emu, Mizuki, and MMJ MEIKO head off on their food search with a wonderhoy, but n25 Len isn't quite sure what to do. Mizuki and Emu teach him how to do it. They do it one more time, this time with Len.
The group finds an octopus-like alien. Emu tries copying the alien speech, but it comes out like nonsense. The alien responds, to everyone's surprise. The alien then copies back Emu's wonderhoy.
Here and There in the Futuristic City Cover: Devil's Manner
Akito wants to leave the Future? SEKAI as soon as possible, but Rui and WxS Miku are too distracted by the futuristic technology. Miku keeps getting the number of "no"s in Akito's name wrong.
VBS KAITO thinks he saw an alien, but L/n Len and n25 Rin don't belive him. KAITO's thrown off by how different the two are here.
Haruka uses her idol charm on an alien. (There's likely more to this interaction, but the translation was cut off.)
Rui explains his exploration drone to L/n Len. He offers over the controller. Akito asks if n25 Rin wants to join since she looks curious, but she denies it since that's "just playing around". Akito asks for the controller for the spare drone and explains how it would help. Rin caves and takes the controller.
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dandylovesturtles · 7 months
out of curiosity, do you have a general idea of what Sidelined Leo's wheelchair look like?
I was just thinking about this today!
I wish I could do an artist's rendition of what I think it would look like but my attempt was so terrible I ended up erasing it all |'D So instead I will just describe it the best I can.
From googling around, it looks something like this:
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Which can swap between manual power, electronic power, or transport by someone else. From my googling, this is 1, pretty expensive, 2, maybe not typically the most efficient setup, but Donnie makes it work for Leo.
Obviously it is blue, with silver accents, rather than black with red accents like in this picture. And the Genius Built logo is on the front of the seat, the back, and the wheel rims.
Leo's is also decked out with a bunch of mods, courtesy of Donnie:
the foot rests pop on and off with a pretty simple release; useful for days when Leo may be up and down more, or may want to power himself with his feet
the handles retract or expand with a button press, and also have a non-electronic release that pops them out if Leo's battery ever dies when he needs someone else to transport his chair. The retract feature is meant to keep people from grabbing his chair when he doesn't want them to, but Leo has them extended often because he has a habit of hanging things off them.
a cupholder and an easy access spot on the arms for his phone charger
the back has a small dock for Shelldon to rest in
the back also has some storage for snacks/other mobility aids/fidget toys/whatever he wants
there are speakers built into the chair that bluetooth to Leo's phone
Leo can also pull up holoscreens similar to Donnie's own wrist tech from the arms of his chair, which he uses often while helping the guys on missions
a panic button, which sends out a distress signal and puts the chair on Defense Mode (it basically shocks anyone who touches it)
Shelldon can interface with the chair directly and move it around himself, which is strictly an emergency feature (for example, if Leo were ever incapacitated and the others couldn't get to him, Shelldon could steer his chair to safety). Leo tends to abuse this feature and treat it like an autopilot, because he left the chair somewhere and wants it brought to him, or just because he wants to use his hands for something else in that moment. Also yes, the chair has a tracker, because this is Donnie so of course it does.
Also it has its own shopping cart protocol in case anyone ever tried to take off with it for some reason. This also puts it in Defense Mode.
Thanks for the ask!
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Skeleton had to go under anesthesia. When he wakes up, completely shoot, he asks to the guy next to him who he is and what's he's doing in his room. That's his brother lol. Skeleton is shocked to learn he has a brother. Reaction?
Undertale Sans - He can't stop laughing at Papyrus' expression. Poor guy is clearly not himself at the moment, and Sans is 100% going to take advantage of the situation. He's going to make him believe the most stupidest things ever, like the fact that if he touches the button above his head, the whole room is going to explode, which makes him cry in panic. The only problem with that is that Papyrus remembers the whole thing perfectly afterward lol. Sans is going to wake up in a room full of traps the next day.
Undertale Papyrus - ???? Papyrus tries not to panic as his brother actually doesn't recognize him for real. He calls a doctor, who assures him it's normal and that he's just very tired right now and not thinking clearly. But still! He doesn't even remember he has a brother??? Papyrus doesn't like that very much. He's going to be tense until Sans starts to feel better.
Underswap Sans - Honey is just staring at him, frowning. Blue can't hold it together for more than ten seconds before breaking down, laughing hysterically. Poor Honey is so confused about what's going on, having no idea what's going on. Blue is so going to record him saying weird things and he's going to show it to all of his friends. Honey doesn't like it and will try all he can to escape the crazy skeleton in his room. Please someone helps him.
Underswap Papyrus - Blue is stubborn and will get mad at Honey for pretending to be his brother when he's sure he doesn't have any brother and threatens to fight with him. He then summons the most pathetic attacks Honey has ever seen to "defeat him". The bone is so tiny it's barely visible. It does no damage either. Blue grumbles and says that it's not over and that he'll see when he can get out of bed. At this point, Honey is just dying with laughter in a corner. Blue doesn't want to talk about any of this once he has a clear head lol. It never happened.
Underfell Sans - Uh... Red is not sure what to do about this. Edge is getting defensive and growling at him like a wild animal, asking him to decline his identity again and again. Red assures him he's his brother but Edge refuses to hear it and he's getting mad Red is lying to him. Red is just upset after some time and screams at him to go to hell, so pissed off. Edge is so confused when he remembers his brother only to find out he's pouting in a corner of the room, mad at him. The hell happened?
Underfell Papyrus - That's so embarrassing. Red assures him he has no brother, and then starts to flirt with him, in front of Undyne and Alphys, who are dying with laughter on the floor. It's not funny! He's really concerned. Are you sure they didn't take his brain off during the anesthesia or something? When Red remembers, he is devastated. Of course, Undyne recorded him, because she had too. Edge can't look him in the eyes. Alphys is writing the worst fanfiction ever in a corner. Please, make him a favor and send him back to sleep. He doesn't want to wake up before another century. He's begging you.
Horrortale Sans - Oak is already very uncomfortable because it's a hospital and he hates hospitals with all he has, but it gets even worse when his brother wakes up and actually doesn't remember him. Oak thinks he's playing at first, but then he realizes he's not and he's going full panic mode lol. Oak is ready to tear the hospital apart to understand what's going on. He's going to scare the doctors until one of them explains what they did to his brother. One of them explains he's just too tired to be coherent. Oh. That's fine then. He's going back to his brother's room and patiently waits for Willow to be fine again. No doctors want to get near him again however.
Horrortale Papyrus - He was a bit nervous when he saw Oak awaken, mainly because he had to sedate him to come to the hospital in the first place. When Oak wakes up, he's completely lost, his memory all fuzzy and he can't remember how he ended there. Then he looks at his brother and tenses, his pupils shrieking as he gets uncomfortable. Willow tries to comfort him, that's when Oak bites him and then growls angrily, mad he's at the hospital. Willow doesn't question it and just let him be lol. That's Oak, who knows what's going on with him sometimes. Eventually, he will come around. He's still mad Willow dragged him to the hospital though.
Swapfell Sans - Nox didn't expect Rus to wake up finding his face hilarious. He can't stop giggling, pointing at Nox's face and trying to put his fingers in his eye sockets. Nox is not sure if he should be angry, concerned, or offended. Probably a mix of that. The problem is that Rus is very insistent and won't leave him alone, lunging at him to try and stick his hands in his sockets, until he manages to. Nox just sighs. This is going to be a long day.
Swapfell Papyrus - "What you're looking at asshole?" "bro???" "Who send you here? You think you can kill me because I can't get up?!" "bro, seriously, calm down" "I can kill you from my bed, just so you know! I'm very dangerous!" "yeah yeah..." "I swear! I knocked an entire army once! All by myself! Lower your eyes! I'm the great general of the Royal Guard and the Queen's heir! Decline your identity!" Nox won't stop threatening him for four hours, but since his magic is down right now he can't really do anything except trying to be mean to make him flee. Once he has his mind clear, Nox will pretend nothing happened and that anything Rus is saying is a lie lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Coffee is having a panic attack, screaming after his brother. Wine stands up to comfort him, but then Coffee pushes him away and screams after Wine for help, looking more and more distressed seeing the skeleton in his room, staring at him in disbelief. Wine is not sure what to do honestly. So, uh, he does the only thing he's good at. He picks up a lamp and knocks his brother out lmao. The nurses are quite in shock when he tells them he put his brother back to sleep because he was too weird xD
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Wine decided he would get out of the hospital and Coffee is just an annoyance holding him back. So he summons a blaster in the middle of the corridor and blasts his brother, who can barely hide back in the room. Uh... Uh oh. Coffee is not sure how anyone is going to be able to stop him honestly. He looks pretty determined. Thankfully, Wine walks three meters before collapsing out of exhaustion on the floor, so it's fine. He's not happy, but the nurses put him back on morphine to keep him asleep while he recovers lol.
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scary-lasagna · 10 months
Masky teaching toby how to drive? (Can be headcanons or can be a little prompt however you like!)
Although this would be incredibly wholesome, with Tobys trauma he would never set foot behind the wheel unless it was an emergency and it was to run someone over.
He’s too traumatized form the car accident with Lyra and the injuries and everything that came along with them, that he gets panic attacks from even a revving engine of a car on the tv. He won't even ride a tractor lawnmower.
Toby AU where he’s not terrified of cars.
“Alright, remember the meme we talked about?”
Tim sat antsy in the passenger seat, although he didn’t show it through a bouncing leg or a shaky hand through his locks, his eyes were darting around the car.
Toby had already turned on the radio to "ease the tension" but really it was driving Tims' nerves up the wall.
“The PRNDL?"
"Yes, the PRNDL."
Toby looked over toward Tim, and if he hadn’t been afraid of insulting him and ending the lesson prematurely, he would have commented on Tim’s terrible state.
Toby’s foot wasn’t even on the brake yet. Granted the car wasn’t started but it’s the PRINCIPAL.
“So you know what all of them mean?”
Tim was mainly saying this to reassure himself he wouldn’t be broken into itty bitty Timmy pieces by the time the ride was over.
And to stall the impending doom, of course.
"Alright. Now, do whatever you feel is right in order to get this car from here to that parking space.
An empty parking lot seemed to be the best option, they were going to do it on the front lawn of the manor with the golf cart, but Tim couldn't help but think of every "Toby-Scenario" in the previous week.
Yeah, that wasn't happening.
Toby pressed the start button to the car. He did not press it long enough.
"Tim this car is fucking broken, all the lights are on"
"You're on the accessory mode. You need to start the engine."
"O shit you're right haha."
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