#help my heart is gunna exploded
froggycoded · 1 year
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starheirxero · 6 months
I've been holding it off, but I finally watched Solar's goodbye…
The absolute fucking pain in their voices, Moon literally falling to his knees- We've never seen him this broken down, not even in his worst moments! The horror and sorrow in Sun's voice…
FUCK, THE "I'm proud of you, both of you" GOT THE WATERWORKS RUNNING- He sounds like a big brother saying goodbye, it's so painful… MY BOY-
Not the forget, when he called them his family, and how proud he was to call them that…he loved them so damn much, adored them! After everything he's been through, after everything he lost, he finally found a home, and now he's dying… He didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to his two youngest! Barely holding himself together as he tried to reassure and comfort Sun and Moon, before fear took hold and he told them, that he didn't want to go!
And of course there are Earth and Lunar…oh god, I'm so afraid of their reactions! Solar's been their emotional support throughout all of it! His bond to them was truly special! He has always been there to calm Lunar down and reassure them, and he's always been so incredibly sweet and protective towards Earth! Just a few days ago, they were spending time together…hell, they probably saw him a few hours prior to his death!
They are going to break… Earth has never lost someone close to her before, she has never experienced grieve before, it's going to hit her like a train wreck!
And Lunar, god, Lunar! Solar was the one who gave them solitude, first put them on a path of healing by simply being there and loving them! This will break them! How will their powers act through grieve??
My heart is shattered…
-Stardust, trying his best to hang on
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itsb3a2 · 1 year
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I'm sorry, I know it's cheesy.
Louis Partridge, the school's bad boy, is your bad boy. You two have been dating for about a year now and had planned to meet at Lover's Lake at midnight tonight because you missed each other. After waiting for what seemed like hours, you decided to go swimming in the lake to help pass the time. A few minutes later, you hear the russet of leaves, and all of a sudden, you start to feel really terrible. Then Louis stepped out with a familiar smirk wagging across his face. "What the fuck, Louis?", you said loudly while still trying to slow down your pumping heart. "You scared me half to death." "I'm just looking out for you, sweetheart." His figure moved in front of your car, seemingly taking off his jacket. "Should I come in to make sure you're safe?" You knew that Evan, if you said no, would still come in. His facial expression, his eyes, the way his jaw clenched—it screamed horny, and oh boy, were you right?
"Sure thing, Mr. Lifeguard,", you replied while getting into the water at collarbone level. Some rustling was heard, a belt opening, a zipper going down, and soon enough, Louis joined you in the lake. He swam over to you, grabbing your waist as soon as he reached you. "I want to make sure you don't drown, pretty thing." The moonlight made his facial expressions clear and complimented his eyes even more than the sun does. But his lashes, oh, his beautiful lashes You thought they were so long and full, causing a bit of jealousy to arise in you. "Aren't you charming?", you teased with a smirk. A low chuckle left his lips while getting dangerously close to you. He kissed you as though it were his last meal, then slowly moved to kiss your jaw and neck. You striglined to hold back your moans, but one slipped. Louis let out a low chuckle and said, "I've missed you, baby. I've missed you so much." You moved your hands from his waist to his hair and gave it a light tug. "I've missed you too, baby." "Oh god, you're so pretty, baby, will you let me make you feel good, yeah? Yeah, Louis said, moving his hand and slowly starting to rub little circles on your secsative cunt, then he pushed two of his fingers into your pussy. "You like that, honey? Louis teases, laughing after seeing her quickly nod her head. "I thought you would," Louis added, pointing a finger. "Oh shit, Louis' dick was starting to throb just needing to be in you. "I'm gunna cum, lou." Louis took that as his cue to stop and throw you over his shoulder. "What the hell, Louis?", Louis slapped your ass and walked you over to his car, opened his door, and threw you in the back, proceeding to climb on top of you. "I swear to God if I don't get you in me in the next few seconds, I'll explode all over my new seats, and I'd much rather do that with you.
Louis places his cock into your sensitive folds and lets it slide up and down. His movements send shivers down your spine, and you couldn't be happier about it. "Do you think you want it? "Do you think you want it, honey?" "Yes! I've been so good, please, since you asked so nicely." You felt his dick enter your throbbing pussy; he was stretching you out so nicely. "You like that, baby?" All you could do was nod your head, because the feeling was too good. Louis pulled you onto his lap and started bounting you and fucking you like there was no tomorrow. "Shit babe, I'm going to cum." Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head, and the feeling was becoming all too much for you to handle. "Same lou, fuck." You felt a sudden wet and warm feeling in between your legs. "Shit baby, you did so good,", Louis said while resting his head on your chest, slightly panting from what just happened. "I love you, Lou, so fucking much." "I know, honey, after what just happened, I would be surprised if you didn't", You roll your eyes sarcastically and say, "Fuck you." "bet."
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Tw ⚠️
I feel like I’m burning up Can anyone save me from these flames I feel like I am trapped inside thick walls With no way to escape I feel like I’m drowning A chain with a weight on my legs I feel like I am going to explode My heart beating so fast I don’t know what to do anymore I need a way to end that I am being burnt And and breathing in the smoke I am inside walls Isolated and going insane I am drowning I am just being pulled farther down I’m am about to explode How can we live like that How are we expected to be happy with that How can we smile through that How can I go on with that But I smile every day And every night I cry How can we do this Why are we expected to keep going When our senses are telling us to stop we are going to die like this What are we supposed to do like that You don’t get us I don’t get us We all have pain No one understands Not even I understand We are all different But there are some of us that you just simply don’t get We lie awake every night thinking and sometimes crying about our lives The worst is when you just are so sad and depressed you don’t cry Like that would be a good thing to do to let it out but the tears won’t come out How can we live like this How can there be people so oblivious to pain that they tell people how easy it is to just get over it If I could get over it I would I feel like I’m trapped in my own body But this isn’t my body Like I am someone else I just can’t get out There is no one who can help And no one sees and/or tries to help There is no point in going forward I am trapped Burning and drowning and about to explode all at once And that is so hard But on top of all these feelings I have to keep up a regular life How can we live like this How are we expected to But I wish someone would help me I know I am just a little kid and I shouldn’t be thinking this but I am a human And sadly these are normal human thoughts for some But I don’t know if I’m gunna be able to finish this game of life I feel trapped and on fire And I feel like I’m drowning but before I hit the bottom I will explode And I am a mess and not normal I am insane I am crazy Don’t tell anyone I can’t tell anyone else what I think I feel trapped I can’t truly explain my pain and my thoughts Why are we expected to get better Why are we expected to suck it up Why am I told to be myself but then yelled at that I should be happy Why is life so unfair like that Life is unfair kids, suck it up You get what you get don’t get upset And in my case I got my mind and I’m not trying to get upset but I am Why does it have to be like this It doesn’t have to be like this But no one can help it’s hopeless I feel trapped I am burning up I am trapped I am drowning I am going to explode When will it end I want it to end
A poem I wrote in 2019
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 7 months
Runaway Wolf - Chapter 25a
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*Warning: Adult Content*
Levi Blackman
My shaky hands fumbled with the gold tie around my neck.
I glanced up from what my hands were doing in the full length mirror to see my light grey suit making my already pale face seem paler.
Was I really going to do this...?
I laughed shaking my head, hell yeah I was.
But I've never been so nervous in my life as I was right at this moment.
Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself with images of my beautiful mate which usually did the trick but this times it caused more butterflies to go fluttering around in my stomach.
"I think I'm going to throw up," I muttered to my reflection.
Reaching up I smoothed my long gelled hair back with an unsteady swipe of my hand when I noticed a shadow in the background lurking in the mirror and turned around.
A smiled grew wide on my face.
"What's with that nervous face? You look like your gunna shit you pants," Caleb said from the doorway.
He was dressed in a navy blue tux and his hair was gelled back.
"Caleb," I cried and ran to hug him.
It has been forever since I've seen him and it was a good thing he was here because I was in desperate need of his presence.
"How you been, Levi?" he muttered hugging me back.
"I've been well," I said shakily.
"I can tell from the 'I'm about to faint' expression," Caleb chuckled clapping a hand my shoulder.
I smiled before it fell and Caleb shook his head with amusement.
"Come here," he said reaching out and straightened my disaster of a knot.
"You look very handsome, Levi."
I met his gaze
"I still can't believe it."
"Me either," I said letting out a heavy breath.
"At least Kyle's seen the error of his ways," Caleb said give the tie a final tug before brushing his hands down my jacket smoothing out the wrinkles.
"You can say that," I mumbled to myself dropping my eyes to the ground.
'I just wish he hadn't been tortured to see the errors., I thought.
"I heard about what happened to him."
I glanced up to meet his eyes and I could see the concern and anger in them from what Kyle went through.
"I wish I could help him get past it but I can't. I can only help those with mate problems."
I nodded in understanding.
I remember when I though Kyle had left me, Caleb had help me and my father get past our grief of the loss of our mates.
"I know," I said hugging him again.
There was a knock on the door and we both looked to see my dad in the doorway in black suit and a smile on his face.
"Are you ready?" he asked me.
I bit my lip and glanced over at Caleb who nodded and pushed me towards my dad.
"Let's do this," he said, closing the door behind me.
As my father, Caleb and I walked down the fancy hallway of the hotel we were staying at I couldn't help but think about how this all came about.
I smiled as memories of that night came back to me.
How Kyle had confessed his love to me in out bed.
I remember how I thought my heart would explode just from the overload of feelings I was getting.
How I couldn't speak a work as he let me know his heart in that special moment we had together.
I though nothing could top this feeling of love and safety he was giving me and I him when he whispered those few words to me and I couldn't believe them.
We had moved up in our relationship in these last few months but what really made me believe that was the day I confessed to Kyle about the marks on my wrist.
I knew he had seen them but made no move to mention them which I was grateful for.
I told him about the way I felt the time I though he had left me and went to finish my pain in the bathroom thinking that is want he wanted.
I felt ashamed of my actions as I told him my darkest secret.
I thought he would be mad at me for being such a fool but unexpectedly he had grabbed me close and cried on my shoulder apologizing for all he put me thought and I joined him as I told him that I should have searched for him and not have given up like I did.
I remember how my heart ached as he gathered my wrists in his hand and pressed soft warm kisses on each scars.
"You will never have to go through something like this ever again, I promise," he told me and I truly believed him.
Mere days later he told me he loved me and made an even bigger leap and asked me a question I never thought I would hear.
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paul lahote | how to break a heart
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“Quil? Are you okay, buddy?” you asked, taking a cautious step towards your friend.
Out of nowhere, he’d begun to sweat… and he was looking over his shoulder repeatedly like something was coming for him. He’d been on edge since Embry had gone to the dark side with Jake, but nothing like this.
Not the best day to hike to the top of the cliffs, apparently.
“It’s hot… everything is so hot.” Quil slapped his hand to his own forehead.
“Quil, it’s November. I’m freezing,” you said, taking another step. You kind of wanted to get away from the edge of this cliff. Quil was inbetween you and the treeline, and he was freaking you out.
“Stay over there, I think I might throw up.”
“I’m just gunna go around you, okay? We need to go back home. My mom can help you.”
“Something is wrong, I feel…” but he never finished his sentence, because your closest friend exploded out of his skin, his furry shoulder hitting you with unnatural strength, sending you flying back, clearing the cliff and falling backwards towards the water. Hands outstretched trying to grab onto nothing. Your screaming was the only thing you heard until your back slammed against the water’s surface. You stayed conscious, but dizzy. It felt like the freezing water had sunk through your skin and straight to the bone.
You never should have never agreed to come on this hike, and now it seemed like it would kill you.
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a week ago...
You and Quil stood in front of the giant chip display, arms already filled with drinks and sweets, bickering about which bag of chips would go best with the candy you got.
"It's not that important," you sighed, "just grab whatever you want."
Your surrender made Quil smile as he grabbed his favourite kind. Someone laughed from behind the two of you, and you turned to see Paul Lahote with his back to you.
"You're not gunna let your lady pick?" he asked, turning towards you.
He lost his grin when he saw you. You'd heard of him, but going to Forks high school you never met Quil's school mates, except for Jacob and Embry, of course. He was beautiful. You felt something in your stomach lurch, and you had a weird instinct to reach out for him. It felt like he marked your heart with his name. It felt like the world revolved around him.
It felt like nausea.
You were gunna throw up.
Handing your stuff to Quil awkwardly but quickly, you ran down the isle and out of the store. You rushed to the side of the store and dry heaved for a minute before leaning your head against the brick wall and taking a breath.
That was something.
That was...
It was...
Really fucking embarrassing.
Quil found you quickly, snacks obviously abandoned in the store. He took a look at your flushed face, and realizing you were fine he started to laugh. A real laugh, one that you hadn't heard in a while.
"What was that?" he asked, clutching his stomach. "You see a hot guy and run for the horizon? No wonder you're single."
"You think he's hot?"
"I'm not blind," he said, shrugging. "If I looked like that I'd be confident, is what I'm saying."
A rustling bag was getting louder, and Quil went totally silent. Paul was walking towards you guys, his cocky attitude replaced with a different look. Concern, maybe? Second-hand embarrassment, perhaps?
"I got your stuff," he said, holding the bag out to you. Quil averted his eyes, looking at the ground rather than to see his face. Paul was part of some cult that was stealing Quil's friends, or something. He never really wanted to talk about them.
"You didn't have to do that," you said, reaching for your wallet.
He stopped you, and gave you a small smile. "I wanted to make sure you were okay anyways. See you around."
But you didn't really see him around much after that.
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Back in the freezing water, you fought for your life, but it didn’t feel like anything. The numbness had taken over your body. You managed to kick your way to the surface, and took a deep breath of air. The water was still, but your arms were so numb that you didn’t know if you would even make it to the beach. It was so close, but instead you paddled to a rock, and clung to it.
There was a splash close to you, followed by someone swimming up to you. Your vision was still blurry, but you would recognize Paul Lahote anywhere.
“I’m cold,” you stuttered. His skin nearly burnt yours as he wrapped an arm around you, effortlessly swimming and guiding you safely. “Did you see Quil?” You weren’t sure he could understand you through the stuttering.
When the water was shallow enough, Paul stood up, sweeping you into his arms like you were weightless. He rushed to the sand, and dropped to his knees. He pulled your jacket and hat off, and held you close against him. Every part of his skin that touched yours was warm and inviting. You passed out as he stood back up, racing towards his truck parked nearby.
The heat of the truck didn't make a difference, but Paul kept you tightly under his arm, driving like a maniac to the hospital. You were zoning in and out, and didn't even really realize you were already lying on a gurney in the hospital hallway until you heard Paul yelling that he wanted to come with you somewhere. Where were you going?
You passed out finally, and fully.
When you woke up you were attached to machines, an annoying beep hummed in the background as you tried to make sense of it all. What happened? You fell off a cliff. Why did you fall? Quil pushed you.
No, no that's not right.
But could your memory of Quil exploding into a great beast really be the truth? Could he have changed his boy from a human to something in under five seconds?
You looked around. You noticed an ugly cast around your foot, and gauze wrapped around your wrist. It hurt to move it... stitches maybe? You didn't remember bleeding.
There was a coat on the chair beside you, but no one was around. A doctor, you needed a doctor to talk to. You reached for the button, but as you grabbed it, Paul walked in holding a cup and what looked like a wrap or sandwich. From the cafeteria, probably.
"Hey doc! She woke up," Paul said to someone in the hall. Then he set his stuff down on the table at the end of your bed and sat close to you on the bed. "How are you? Been asleep for a while."
You were still confused, and didn't say anything. You just kept looking at Paul. He was nothing like Quil had said.
"What happened to Quil?" you asked. Paul looked to the ground, and didn't have time to respond before the doctor walked in.
There was a long conversation about your broken leg, and the effects of the water. But other than that you'd probably be released today. There were some pain meds prescribed and a recovery booklet. For whatever reason, Paul was intently listening to all of it. Nodding and asking questions like it was his recovery. Where was your mom? She's a doctor here.
"I should go find your mom," Paul said. It was like he knew what you needed, all the time. Weird.
Paul left, and the doctor followed him out shortly after.
Once your mom got there, you didn't have any time to think about Paul or his weird behaviours. He hadn't come back with your mom. You were too busy answering a hundred questions from your mom. Why were you swimming at this time of year? Did you jump? You were gunna be grounded forever.
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A couple days later, you were sitting on the couch watching tv when there was a knock at the door. Getting up and moving around on crutches was annoying, to say the least.
Quil was at the door, and Paul was leaning against his truck in the driveway.
"You haven't answered my calls," you said, moving to cross your arms but were blocked by your crutches. You huffed in frustration.
"I know, I'm sorry... It was hard to cope at first."
"You couldn't even muster up a 'sorry I pushed you off a cliff, buddy. ttyl.'?"
"I didn't push you off a cliff!" Quil raised his voice as you chuckled, but it made Paul stand more defensively.
"Tone it down," he warned.
"Is he your bodyguard?" you asked, looking around him. The smile that hit his face when he made eye contact with you was a total change in personality.
"I think he's yours, actually."
"Yeah, right."
"I'm sorry I pushed you off a cliff, buddy." Quil said, looking at his feet.
"I'm just glad you're okay," you said. "You turned into an animal." You whispered the last part.
"Is there any way I can convince you that you hit your head?"
"Maybe before you asked me that."
"I tried," Quil said, turning to Paul and shrugging. "I don't really have a lot of time to stay, but I'll call you later, I promise."
"Wait, Quil," you said, trying to follow him down your front steps. But he already disappeared behind your house. Paul stood nearby, arms wavering like he's ready to catch you. "Why'd he leave that way?"
"C'mon," Paul said, putting a hand softly on your lower back and guiding you back towards the house. "Can I come in?"
"Sure, I guess. I can't do much."
"Are you up for a movie?"
"Yeah, we can watch a movie." There was silence as you walked. "You have to tell me what's going on."
Paul made you wait until you were settled on the couch. He draped a blanket over your legs. And asked you what you remember.
"Quil freaking out and turning into ... something else, and then falling. After that is all fighting and hurting. I remember being so cold that it simultaneously felt like hell, and like nothing."
Paul seemed affected when you talked about your pain. "I tried to save you."
"You did save me," you said.
"I would've made it on time if I didn't take my truck, I thought... I really thought there was enough time to save you and protect you from..."
"From what?" You were finally getting some answers, and you wouldn't let Paul clam up now.
"My life," he said, quietly.
"What if I don't want that?"
"Is this what you want? Broken legs and hypothermia? This is what this road leads to. Anger, injury... just pain and more pain." Paul focused his attention on the carpet.
It felt like he was trying to push you away. But there was this feeling deep down that you belonged with him. You'd met only a few times but you noticed a genuine calmness when he was around, and you noticed the same thing in him.
"I like you, Paul." You'd never said it out loud. "Since I met you in the grocery store I've been thinking about you."
"I know," he whispered.
"But you don't want me..." you said, piecing everything together. It hit you somewhere deep in your chest. You'd faced rejection before, that's life. But this felt like something inside of you had been suffocated. Like a glass jar was placed over your soul and put the fire out.
"Trust me, you're better off." his words didn't match the rogue tear that slid down his cheek. He wiped it away when he thought you weren't looking.
"Yeah well, next time don't save me."
"Don't talk like that," Paul said, shock covering his features.
"Just go," you whispered.
When you heard his truck start up, you started to cry. And held your knees close to your chest as the sobbing took over your body.
Paul, staring at steering wheel, couldn't make himself leave. He knew that he'd just broken your heart, but he thought it was for the best. With his anger... he couldn't let himself hurt you. If Sam could lose control like that, what chance did Paul have?
He cried as he forced himself to drive away, and didn't stop crying the whole drive back.
[anyway i'm trying to be back :) as usual lemme know if you want part 2]
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bold-writing · 3 years
The One With Whiskey Eyes || 18 || My Peace, Like Shattered Glass
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Words: 3200+
Warnings: Trauma, Acts of Violence
Previous || Next
“That’s why I wear gloves,” Iris teased gently as she smoothed a Band-Aid over the badly stinging cut that Jessica had obtained when trying to rip open a box—it was basically a papercut, but when it was caused by cardboard, the pain was considerably more; as was the amount of blood that had welled up to the surface of the cut.
“I thought that was to hide the mark,” Jessica admitted quietly, her low voice deliberately making sure that their coworkers didn’t hear what she said. “You’re always wearing them.”
“This is the fourth time you’ve cut yourself this week,” Iris pointed out in counterattack, causing the younger woman to flush in embarrassment before she simply shrugged her shoulders. There was no defense against that. Iris shook her head with a gentle smile, collecting the garbage from disinfecting and covering the cut, tossing them into the nearby trashcan of the office. “You should get a pair, you know. Boxes and books don’t just cause papercuts, but they dehydrate your hands as well. Wearing a pair of these will stop that.”
“Don’t rub it in,” Jessica grumbled half-heartedly. Iris just gave that same smile as she stood up.
“I know it’s a bit earlier than usual, but why not take your break now?” Iris asked instead, briefly checking the time on the bottom of the office computer’s screen. Jessica agreed easily, happy to get off shift and eat something. The two women went their separate ways once they left the office, Iris making her way back into the store as she smiled to her coworkers and reclaimed her place behind the register.
She knew they were whispering about her, confused by why she was constantly smiling and always seemed to be happy. Not that she’d been doom and gloom before, but they couldn’t remember a time when she had smiled and showed her happiness so openly and constantly. Jessica was still the only one to know about her marks—or at least the fact that there is more than one—but they had all been able to notice the change in their manager in the past few weeks. She’d gotten worse, to the point that she had been forced to take time off, before she miraculously got better.
There were still days when they could tell she hadn’t slept well, for whatever reason, but they were few and far between.
Iris wasn’t able to see her soulmates every day, try as either of them might, but they spoke constantly. She would wake up to emails from whoever was in the light that day, but she would usually write to all of them every morning—she hated feeling like any of her soulmates were being neglected. Continuing to do this as more and more of them are met, she isn’t sure, but she knows that she will go out of her way to make sure they are all…loved. Welcomed and acknowledged for their individuality.
It was surprisingly difficult to focus on her work—she had never had anything in her life to distract her before. Even fear of her parents had bled away after a time, but her soulmates were ever present on her mind.
Absentmindedly, Iris stroked a fingertip over the mark on the back of her palm.
They were all so different, it made her wonder who else was in the body of Kevin Crumb. When would she meet Hedwig, the supposed child? Or Jade, a younger female than Patricia?
“Looks like the cold-front has arrived,” Sarah called from the front window, a box perched on her hip as she glanced back toward Iris. The young woman’s eyes turned to the window, blinking in shock at the white-out of flurries that had overtaken the view outside the storefront.
Her face pinched slightly uncomfortably, knowing that her walk home was going to be horrendous. “That’s gunna be so cold,” she mumbled to herself, but it was loud enough for Sarah to hear. It had been chilly enough on the walk in to work, heading home through the snow was going to be so much worse. Sarah gave her a pitying look before she turned to get back to work.
Instead of letting herself become distracted by thoughts of walking home, Iris collected one of the boxes that needed to be scanned through and took it to the main counter. Sarah continued to clean and organize the front displays—it was a quiet day and there was very little to do for the group without more customers coming in.
Iris herself had been there since five o’clock that morning, completing some of the reports that needed to be sent to the owners by the end of that week. Not wanting to wait and rush through it, she decided to come in a few hours before her usual time and get in a bit of silent work. She was feeling more exhausted as the day drew on, but at least her sleep the night before had been a fitful one until her alarm had gone off.
Of course, her day did not get any better when she got a call from David, who sounded like death, saying that he had tried but he wouldn’t be able to come in to work. As an old habit, she didn’t want to bother anyone else and just decided that she would stay for the full shift and close the store down as well. Jessica and Sarah both shooed her to the back for a long break, however, and made sure she ate the soup she had brought and even made her a tea with the kettle they had in the break room.
It made Iris wonder if they had gotten a lecture about how she was always doing things for them. Her boss definitely had not liked how she was always working, taking the weekend and evening shifts or filling in for the others when they did not or could not come in. It wouldn’t have surprised her if her employees had gotten a lecture during her forced days off.
“Do you want me to get you a tea? Or a coffee? How about-”
“Jessica,” Iris interrupted, her voice carrying an amused tone as she shook her head at the younger woman. “Calm down! I’m fine, I promise. There’s only a few more hours before close and the snow kept it quiet today. I promise I’ll head straight home and eat.”
“Remember, I’m opening the store tomorrow so I better not find you here early,” Jessica forewarned, pointing a threatening finger at the frail woman. “I swear, I’ll make you sleep in the break room.”
Shaking her head at Jess’s antics, Iris motioned toward the door. “Go home, Jess. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”
She was given one more warning look before her new friend and old coworker disappeared out the door into the white flurries that had dominated the window most of the day. Supressing a yawn, Iris sat herself down at the main cash with some of the paperwork from the back office—she still had work that she needed to get done, even if she had to stay and help Sarah until closing.
The odd person or two would wander in throughout the day, making small or simple purchases that Iris handled easily and with little thought. Sarah kept up with cleaning and stocking to busy herself, giving Iris several assurances that she would take care of the aisles and to not worry. By the time the final hour rolled around, and it had been at least forty-five minutes since the last customer, Iris was tempted to send Sarah home early.
The shelves were spotless and there were no other boxes that needed to be put out, so there was nothing else for the young woman to do. Iris had even spent a good thirty minutes explaining to her how to run the computer programs that she used to manage all of the store’s books. Sarah just sat with a bewildered look on her face and they both decided that management was not something that she was interested in learning.
“It’s deserted today,” Iris finally declared, leaning against the counter as Sarah wandered by with a dusting rag. “You head on home, okay? I’ll stay and finish my paperwork and if someone does come by I can handle it.”
Sarah blinked at her owlishly. “Are you sure? I don’t mind staying!”
“There’s no point in both of us being bored out of our minds. Head on home, I’ll be fine.”
And then there was one.
Iris fought another yawn as she glanced at the computer screen. Just one more hour. Sitting back in her chair to rub at her tired eyes, the dark haired woman could feel them sting slightly with the effort she had been putting in to keep her eyes open.
She used to have no problem staying up for ungodly hours, but she’d been adjusting to a new way of living lately and now it seems going back to how things were would be impossible.
Sitting forward with a silent sigh, she tried to focus on the paperwork in front of her. Only a minute had gone by before her concentration was shattered, similar to the store window that exploded in a shower of glass as something was sent flying through it.
A shriek of surprise tore from her lips as Iris ducked behind the desk, too far for the object to reach but fear drawing the defensive reaction to the forefront. Her heart had rocketed into a galloping pace in her chest, hands shaking in fright against the edge of the counter. The roar of wind and the tinkling of glass hitting the once clean floors filled the silence of the store.
The rush of cold against her covered arms and bare neck made her shiver, skin already beginning to feel feverish from the sudden rush of adrenaline that flooded her system. Shivering and panting, Iris remained crouched and hidden as she waited and listened for any sign that the person who had broken the window might come inside.
However, even as time passed and nothing happened, she couldn’t bring herself to move. Trembling in fear and shivering from the cold, her hands gripped the desk above her head until her knuckles were white beneath her gloves. Eventually the distant sound of police sirens broke the silence, bringing her mind back to the present. She’d forgotten about the security system—if one of the doors were opened while the code was inputted, the police were alerted, but if a window was broken at any time the police were called immediately.
Trying to force her hands to relax on the edge of the desk, the sirens grew louder until the police cars came to a screeching halt outside of the store.
Taking in deep breaths of the cold air, Iris exhaled through trembling lips as she finally detached her hands from the desk. Shuffling out from her hiding place, she used the desk to support herself as she finally stood up and surveyed the damage. The front was a mess now, a combination of glass and snow covering the floor and surrounding displays.
The first thing that came to her mind was how the books were going to be ruined if they got snowed on.
“Police, don’t move!”
Iris jumped and choked back a gasp, hands shooting up as one of the officers stopped outside of the broken window. She was the only person visible in the store, so she could understand being suspicious.
“I’m the manager!” she shouted, her voice shaking. “My name is Iris Mayfair, my employers are Melissa and Gerald McIntosh. They would have been contacted as soon as the alarm was set off.”
“Please step out where I can see you, ma’am. Do you have ID on you?”
Walking around the desk on shaky legs, her hands still raised, Iris nodded. “My employee card; it’s with the keys around my wrist.” She shook her arm to demonstrate, causing the keys to jingle soundly and flash the little badge attached to it that had a barcode scanner for her to access the computers upon opening. Jess had one as well, for when she opened the store.
“Are you hurt?” the man asked as he stepped forward, some of the other officers entering behind him as they surveyed the damage and entered the store, checking through the aisles.
“No, I was behind the desk-”
“You have glass in your hair,” the officer interrupted gently once he had checked the ID on her wrist, comparing the information she had given to him with the name and photo on the card. Naturally, her hand lifted to her head to feel for the sharp projectiles. Thankfully, the officers caught her arm gently to stop her before she cut her hand. “No, don’t worry. It’s only a few pieces. Shake your head and they should fall right off.”
Iris did as instructed, shaking her head as she closed her eyes. She could feel when the fragments fell out, tapping down past her shoulders before they hit the already messy floor.
“Are you sure you’re not hurt?” the officers asked again—a glance at his shirt revealed his name was Montez—and Iris nodded her head dazedly. “Were you the only one working?”
Iris stood in the storefront with the officer as she answered his questions, giving him the time to write them down between answers. As the wind and snow continued to blow into the store, Iris steadily started to shiver more heavily. The adrenaline was bleeding from her system, causing her vision to blur in and out. Montez must have seen her sway on her feet because he abruptly stopped talking and reached out to claim her arm.
“Woah, let’s go sit you down. Is there a back office in this place? Somewhere warm?”
“Yes, just back down that aisle. There’s a door that leads to the stock-room at the end.”
The place was crawling with police by now, and one of them informed her and Montez that the owners were on their way down. There was a camera out front that might have caught the person who threw what turned out to be an old pipe through the window, but Iris didn’t have authorization to scroll back into the recorded footage so she was no help to them.
As they entered the back office to finish giving her statement, Iris found herself wishing that her soulmates were with her. Glancing at the nearest clock, she realized that they would be home by now and waiting for her to let them know that she was home safe.
Her shift had ended twenty minutes ago.
“Ma’am, are you alright?” Montez asked from across from her, worry clearly evident on his face as she trembled and stared blankly at the clock. “Is there someone you’d like me to call for you?”
Small and pale, Iris look like a terrified, small animal. The chair she was in made her appear that much smaller; her feet didn’t touch the floor and her boney frame was enveloped in the black leather of the chair-back. Montez felt like he was interviewing a terrified child. If she got any paler in her face, he’d be calling in the paramedics to check on her again. She looked on the verge of passing out.
The liquid gold of her eyes watered further as she gave a stuttered nod.
“Kevin Crumb,” she answered meekly. “His number is in my cellphone,” she answered, motioning to where she had left the phone on the office desk. She preferred not to have her cellphone with her when she was working, so she usually left it in the back office.
She was probably never going to do that again, not after what she had just experienced.
Montez nodded calmly, picking up the small phone and having her input the password before he stepped away. One of the other officers, a woman named Sinclair, came into the office briefly to inform Iris that her employers were here and she could leave once her statement was complete, they would help the police with anything else needed.
Iris just gave a short nod as she stared at the floor, yet to regain any colouring in her face.
Sinclair gave Montez a sympathetic look as she left, understanding that speaking to someone who was in shock could be a trying endeavor.
The ringing in his ear cut off, drawing his attention back to Iris’s phone. “Hey, Iris, you get home okay?” The casual question, filled with true concern, almost caused the officer to wince. He hated when he had to tell the unsuspecting spouse or loved one that something had happened. At least Iris appeared unhurt and he could offer that assurance.
“This is Officer Liam Montez; is this Kevin Crumb?”
There was a pause on the other end, silence filling the line for a long beat. “Where’s Iris?” the male voice demanded, upping in pitch as fear sharpened his words.
“Miss. Mayfair is fine; someone threw an item through the window of her store but she is safe and unharmed. It would be best if someone was with her right now, she’s in a bit of shock and will able to leave as soon as we finish getting her statement. She asked me to call you—are you able to come down to Pages of the World right now?”
“Yes, yea, I’m on my way. She’s alright? You said she wasn’t hurt?”
“She was far enough away that she only got a bit of glass in her hair, but no, she wasn’t hurt. I might recommend bringing her something warm, preferably tea or something that doesn’t have caffeine in it.”
“Can I talk to her, please? Just for a second?” the plea in the man’s words were impossible to ignore—Montez was certain, as he turned to hand the phone to Iris, that this was a soulmate he was dealing with.
Iris could barely hold onto the phone as she leaned her head heavily against the cellphone, into the pressure of Montez’s continued grip on the device. He was sure that she would have dropped it if he hadn’t helped hold it up. “Hello?” He couldn’t hear the man’s words, but Iris’s bow-tight body finally relaxed slightly at the sound of his voice.
Definitely soulmates.
“Hey, Sweetheart, it’s Barry. You okay? I’m on my way right now.”
“I don’t feel good,” Iris answered weakly, as though she was ashamed of her body’s reaction.
“That’s just the shock, Sweetheart. I’ll be there in ten, okay? Just try and take some deep breaths. Are you sitting down?”
“Mhm.” The conversation barely lasted a few seconds more before Iris suddenly dropped her hand, letting Montez pull the phone away. Glancing at the screen told him that the man had already ended the call, so he simply placed her phone on the desk as he reclaimed the other chair.
“Are you alright to continue?”
Swallowing thickly, Iris gave a tired nod as she met his eyes again.
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slimy-eye · 3 years
You know what, I need to vent. This is going to be a hot take I guess. This is going to be controversial. This is probably going to get me cancelled, or maybe I’ll end up losing all of my followers, I dunno. I don’t care, because I need to say it, I need to vent because I feel like I’m going to fucking explode right now. (TWs for suicidal mentions, self harm, and ableism i guess because that’s what people are gunna accuse me of being). 
I HATE having autism. It’s not some ‘special, beautiful, and unique’ thing to me. I hate myself, and I want to die, and if there was a cure for autism available, I would IMMEDIATELY beg for it. I want to die. I hate that I was born. My mother abandoned me when I was a child, but how can I blame her for it? I will never be able to live alone. I will never be able to live my dreams. I can’t even talk to people outside of the damn computer. I can’t work, I can’t count, I can’t DO ANYTHING that the average, independent adult can do. I’m depressed, I’m covered in self harm scars, and I hate myself and if I could go back in time and prevent my own birth I would without a moment of hesitation. 
These emotions just suddenly came over me because I was watching a YouTube video about controversy surrounding Mark Rober’s new video about his son with autism. Seeing all the backlash from people with autism that are like “I’m so blessed, I’m unique, I never want to be cured and anyone that wants a cure is an ableist” just broke my fucking heart and made me feel EVEN MORE broken than OTHER PEOPLE WITH AUTISM. Because I don’t WANT to be like this. I want to be normal. I just want to be able to do normal things! I want to be able to walk through a grocery store and buy food without getting overstimulated, and screaming, and crying and hitting myself, and having to be locked in the fucking hospital for three weeks because I can’t stop harming myself because the emotions are just too much. I hate that everywhere I go, every sound is a hot iron nail stabbing me in the side of my skull because of my sensory processing DISORDER that I HATE HAVING. I want to be able to talk to people, and be understood, not just start uttering word salads, or stuttering, or going mute because I’m so fucking anxious constantly. I want to be able to have a job without a coach following me around all day, helping me do the most BASIC FUCKING SHIT because I CAN’T.
I can’t. 
And do you know how it feels when your own people don’t even understand you? When your own people look down on you because you don’t want to suffer anymore? Other people with autism that praise their disability and condemn all of us, people like me, who just want to be able to live a god damned normal life and not think about slitting our fucking wrists every day because we don’t want to be alive anymore. Because we don’t want to live like this anymore. Not only am I bullied by neurotypicals, but I am actively hated on by other people with autism that can’t seem to understand that not everyone WANTS to be like this. I didn’t enjoy being bullied for the 12 years that I was in school, being treated like shit by my parents, failing class after class because I’m a fucking idiot that can’t even do the most basic of things. And the worst part is that these people are probably going to come after my throat because of this post, because my emotions are so high right now that I just had to vent, and admit to this stuff, and now I’ll probably have people sending hate to my inbox but honestly, I just had to get this out there. I don’t understand why people like me are demonized because we don’t want to be the way that we are. I didn’t choose this!! IT WASN’T MY CHOICE AND IT ISN’T FUCKING FAIR. 
Obviously I don’t support abuses like conversion therapies or eugenics, but god damn do I feel like an absolute devil whenever there’s some kind of online outrage about how evil it is to want a cure for this illness that I was born with and have never had any control over whatsoever.
Now maybe I just feel this way because my childhood was shit, I was abused, my whole life I’ve been depressed and suicidal and tonight is no different. For the past few years I thought I got a handle over it all, I’m on medication, I’m seeing a doctor, I’m doing everything right, but now here I am, it’s almost 8 at night, and I have the near uncontrollable urge to slit my damn wrists because I hate myself and I hate life that damn bad. Whatever I guess. Send your hate, make me feel even worse. It’s not going to change how I feel. I don’t know how much longer I even have that I’d care. At this point, I’m just tired of hurting.
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kelltheowlenby · 4 years
Luz IS a chosen one and here’s why
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Omg I deleted this the first time and have to start over from a super rough draft cuz I spelled chosen wrong in the image and I’m not even gunna fix it now cuz I’m bitter.
OK ok so I feel like I've seen most of this information theorized about individually but with wing it like witches I feel like a connected some dots and my brain's going to explode. So in this essay I will be telling you why Luz is a chosen one, who chose her, and why.
This theory contains some spoilers for wing it like witches, and potentially the show going forward.
So lets start with the theory and then we can go back and review the evidence.
Luz is a chosen one, she was chosen by the writer of the Azura books. This person wrote the Azura books to influence her and created Clone Lus so she can stay on the boiling isles. Her goal is to take down the emperors coven. 
Now let me tell you why.
First, how do we know Luz has a clone?
Well we don't for sure, but the fact that when we are introduced to Gus's clone for the first time the show makes a point to show the clone misbehaving and having a personal identity outside of Gus makes me believe a clone developing it's own personality is something that will happen in the show. Now if Lus does have a clone that went to camp that means someone knew she was coming to the boiling isles. This was planned ahead of time. Owlbert is the one who leads Luz through the door, and it seems extremely intentional. This means it is someone who has a strong bond with Owlbert , which obviously leads to Eda, but I don't think it's her. Eda is genuinely surprised and confused by Luz, so that means it's someone who has a connection to Eda. Someone  Owlbert trusts and is willing to work for. Hmmm put a pin in that.
Now second, what evidence do we have that Luz is chosen and this was a long term scheme, not just a last minute decision?
The Azura books. With Wing it like witches I personally think it's impossible to ignore the blatant parallels between Luz, Amity, and the Azura books. I believe they were written and released in both dimensions to lead these girls in the right direction. They have had a ton of impact on both their lives and their relationship. Without these books they would not trust each other, and honestly would have missed out on a lot of character growth outside their relationship with each other. Luz wouldn't even have chosen to stay in the boiling isles if it wasn't for the cover art of an Azura book.
Not only that, but it’s pointed out MORE THAN ONCE that it’s strange that they have both read/watched Azura content. In the library Luz is surprised they are released on the boiling isles (letting us know this isn’t normal/expected) and amity is surprised in wlw that Luz has seen the same azura movie as her. I don’t believe this is a coincidence, the writers want us to be curious.
Third. Why Luz? What's so special about this human girl, and why would she be chosen for anything special?
Luz impacts everyone she meets, and the people she meets are important. She was intentionally matched with Eda, and not only has it softened Eda's heart but Luz gives her something to live for, to fight for. Twice in the first episode Eda seems willing to give in to capture only to change her mind when she realizes Luz is in danger. That's before she even knows Luz, what would she do for her now that she's her kid? Topple an entire oppressive government perhaps? Eda is a rebel but she’s not a revolutionary. She see’s the flaws with the system the way it is but she doesn’t have anything to push her to change it. Luz could be the key to that.
Now Amity, she freaking adores Luz, and that connection is only going to get stronger. The Azura books are pushing that connection hard. They WANT Amity to care about Luz. Why? Because Amity is connected to the emperors coven. She's a powerful witch well on her way to joining, and maybe eventually leading the emperors coven. Her mentor is the coven's leader and Amity likely has influence over her. Amity is intended to be the inside influence, or a spy, or something along those lines. Swaying her perspective can sway the power balance of the entire emperors coven if cards are played right.
And another reason Luz is chosen? She's powerful as HELL. Keep in mind she's only been learning magic for a FEW WEEKS, she only knows FIVE spells, and look what she's already accomplished. She has brought a house to life with her friends, and amplified Amity's magic enough to make a MASSIVE abomination. Theories are going around about that having to do with friendship or love or heart rates, but what if it's Luz? What if it's her connection to the island? Once she knows how to do a spell she doesn't struggle to cast it. If she has the glyph right she can cast it as big or small or as powerful as she likes regardless of the size of the glyph. She turns Grom into a massive tree with a glyph the size of a playing card. She is never tired after casting spells, she never runs out of magic, her form of magic combats creatures who can literally eat magic for dinner. Luz is no joke, she's a beast, and within weeks she's casting at levels on par with top students and graduated witches.
Now the final question. Who chose Luz?
The easy answer is Eda, because Owlbert is hers, but I don't think that's right. She seems too surprised by Luz and confused by her behaviors. She’s also too willing to let Luz leave. Emperor Belos is a decent guess too because we know he's trying to get to Eda, but why would he provide her with a powerful apprentice before he can even capture her? So I'm going to throw him out the window as well. Lilith? No, she was surprised Eda's apprentice was a human, and that she had an apprentice at all. Amity? lol no sorry. So who?
Someone we haven't met before. Mayhaps a character from season 2 that Dana is excited for??? Someone with access to powerful oracle magic to predict the future and identify Luz and what she needs to be guided down the right path, as well as illusion magic to create the Lus clone. Someone with close connections to Eda, that Owlbert would trust and work for. Someone who wants to take down Belos, and needs Eda's help to do it.
Maybe their relationship is strained, maybe Eda forgot her because of the curse, maybe there's a whole underground revolution and Eda's friend is just a part of it. I don't know, but I'm excited to find out if any of this theory is on par with what happens in canon.
hopefully I didn’t leave anything out. I’m so mad I deleted the post by mistake XD let me know what you think? Do you see any holes? Any additional evidence?
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
(Connor x PlusSized!Reader)
A/N: Yes this is absolutely self-indulgent, let me live my life. Also I didnt know what to to title it so yee
It was still dark when you came into work at the DPD that Monday morning and all you wanted to do was go back to sleep for 12 more hours. But alas, you had work. You weren't a detective or an officer or someone that went out in the field at all really.  Basically a secretary of sort, taking care of files of cases and such. How you weren't replaced by an android by now you had no idea, but you were grateful. Well, at least now you were.
You used to hate working at the DPD. Why? One reason. Gavin fucking Reed. The insufferable prick seemed to make it his goddamn life mission to make you as miserable as possible. Specifically targeting your weight. How original. It didn't really make you feel that bad, okay that was a lie. But it was more annoying than anything. You were so close to just quiting when a certain android appeared at the desk across from Hanks.
When you first saw him you were intrigued to say the least. He was.....drop dead gorgeous. And when he looked at you with those perfect brown eyes you were smitten. You were also extremely embarrassed that he had just caught you gawking at him and with a nervous laugh you waved at him before hastily getting back to work. Little did you know that Connor hadn't looked away, and was extremely confused as to why your round cheeks were rising in temperature.
Ever since then your little crush on the android detective just kept growing the more you interacted with him. In that time you also grew closer to Hank, you realized that he was actually really cool. And also definitely knew about your 'little' crush. Of course, you didn't know he knew. You thought you were being so slick, but in Hanks words you were being "really fucking obvious." Thankfully Connor didn't put the pieces together.
You knew that he'd never feel the same about you, even if he could feel that way towards anyone. Why would he pick you of all people? You weren't exactly the prettiest, or the smartest, and you couldn't kick ass to save your ass. But hey, you could dream right?
Despite that you always held a tiny piece of hope. A tiny piece that only kept growing as you noticed how he himself was slowly becoming the very thing he was meant to hunt. And when he finally became a full on deviant? You were beyond happy, and so so proud.
You smiled to yourself as you made your way over to your desk as you recalled the day he and Hank came to you with the news. It was the day after you saw your little Connor on tv leading an army of Cyberlife androids he 'woke up'. The first thing you did was bring him in for a bone-crushing hug, gushing about how proud you were. You almost kissed him right then and there but you had to force yourself away from him with a little awkward laugh.
"Good morning (Y/n)," Connor's voice tore you away from your thoughts.
"Morning Cony," you greeted him with a smile.
Glancing over to Hanks desk and, unsurprisingly, not seeing him there you chucked a bit to yourself.
"It seems that Hank couldn't be bothered to come to work on time like the rest of us. Again."
When you didn't get a response from Connor you looked back to him staring at you intently, his LED blinking yellow. You rose a brow and couldn't help but smirk slightly, knowing exactly what he was doing.
"I just got here and your already scanning me, hmm?" you asked amused.
He blinked a couple of times and his LED returned to its passive blue. The lightest shade of blue tinting his cheeks, seemingly in embarrassment.
"My apologies, (Y/n). But I noticed that your low in dopamine. Have you eaten breakfast?" He inquired, tilting his head adorably as he always did.
"Uhhh yep. Had a bowl of cereal," you lied.
You didn't really ever eat breakfast. Not because of your whole overweight thing, but because you just never really got hungry early in the morning. You could already hear Gavin's dumb voice fiegning shock. But surprise surprise, just cuz you're overweight doesn't mean you're constantly stuffing your face. You only do that at night.
Connor was just about to call you out on your obvious lie, he didn't even need a lie detector to know that since you were an awful liar, your stomach betrayed you with a low growl. He frowned slightly and you chuckled bashfully before looking down at your stomach.
"Traitor," you mumbled to yourself.
"(Y/n), you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for humans. You should eat something," before you could even speak he interrupts you with a playful smile, "and only having coffee doesn't count as breakfast."
"Okay okay, fine fine. You win," you sigh in defeat which earned a smile from the android.
God how you loved that awkward smile. Adorable.
"Lets hope that there's something decent in the break room," you said before turning in the direction of said room.
"Alright, I'll be out here filling out some reports if you need anything," Connor called out to you before you left.
You hoped to god that you got here before Gavin and that you wouldn't have to see his stupid-
"Well looky what we have here. Come to raid the fridge?" He asked with a smug grin, like he thought he did something.
Of course.
You didn't dignify his schoolyard taunt with a response, only rolling your eyes. However you did change your course to the coffee making instead. You could grab something when he left, not really wanting to deal with his judgment at the moment. As Hank would say, it's too early for this shit.
"Aww did I hurt little piggy's feelings?" He taunted further as he made his way over to you, pinching your cheek.
Immediately your hand came up to slap his away and you shot him a glare.
"You know pigs are actually really intelligent creatures. Shame the same can't be said about you. So thanks for the compliment jackass," you snapped before turning your attention back to the coffee maker.
Before Gavin could get out a comeback to reclaim some of his pride, Connor appeared in the doorway.
"Is there a problem here?" He directed to Gavin.
"I was just leaving," Gavin said bitterly before leaving, childishly chucking into Connor's shoulder on his way out.
Connor didn't move an inch.
You huffed as you watched him leave, subconsciously rubbing the cheek that he pinched rather hard. Connor noticed this and tilted his head slightly before making his way over to you.
"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" His voice was concerned and he looked back to Gavin, fully prepared to beat his ass for hurting you.
"No, no I'm fine. The prick just pinched my damned cheek. Who the fuck even does that?" You sighed.
Yet despite your words he gently grabbed your chin and tilted your head slightly to make sure no damage was done. He certainly couldn't let one of his favourite humans be injured, especially not by one of his least favourite.
Connor's actions immediately started making heat rise up to your cheeks and you couldn't help but stare at his perfect face. God how you wanted him to just kiss you right then and there. As soon as those thoughts entered your mind you immediately averted your gaze from him, your cheeks becoming even more warm.
Connor tilted his head at your odd behavior and did a scan of you quickly. When he came to the conclusion that it seemed you were flustered, he had to hold back a smirk. He might have been innocent, and a bit oblivious about your feelings for him for.....well longer than he wanted to admit seeing as though he was a detective and couldn't figure out you liked him without help from Hank. More like Hank straight up saying it in frustration. But now that he knew, he couldn't help but think how adorable you were. How didn't he see it sooner? Oh how he loved being deviant.
Suddenly, an idea popped into his head and this time he made no effort to hide his smirk. When you looked up to him you were the one tilting your head in confusion. Slowly, he leaned down and you swore you felt like your heart was either going to explode, or just stop altogether. Your eyes went wide as he grew closer, and when he planted his lips ever so gently on the spot where Gavin pinched you swore you died and went to heaven.
When he pulled back you just blinked at him in disbelief. The way your heartrate went through the roof made Connor's smirk widen and he had to stop himself from chuckling at how adorable you looked.
"All better?" He asked slyly, the smooth bastard.
You couldn't even get out a word in response, only making weird noises before nodding. You were definitely feeling better now. He pulled his hand away from you and stood up straighter, his face forming an innocent smile as if nothing happened.
"Good, then I suggest you get some breakfast," with that he turned to leave the room, but not before shooting you a wink.
You stared at the door he left from as you brought up your hand to touch the place the kissed you. Now you were rubbing it for a whole new reason.
Suddenly a thought came to your mind. Why did he do that? Did he know you liked him? How did he-?
Oh you were so going to kill him.
A/N: Sorry the ending is kinda bad, idk where tf this went lmaoo. Was originally gunna make Connor the innocent bby he is but then he turned out to be the smooth bastard he also is woops. Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed
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jjaybank · 4 years
𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐭 • 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader  (mentions of John B. x Reader) Summary:  You are a backpacker who has wound up staying in the Outer Banks for a while and being taken in by the Pogues. Starved of love, JJ struggles with the realisation that he’s falling for his friend. Hard.  In which John B is one of the best of friends  A/N: In my head The Pogues are like in their early twenties in this okay, so humour me.  It’s 4.20am and i’ve just finished this chapter pls don’t let it flop omg. Warnings: Some swearing, and passing mentions of drugs and alcohol Word Count: 2.7K
Taglist  @danicarosaline @sspidermanss @teamnick @x-lulu @pancakefancake @plantsarenice-love @mybnkjj @1believe-in-your-self1 @thistreasurehunter @pixelated-pogues @moldisgoodforyou @jellyfishbeansontoast  @otrbnks​
You wake with a start.  You don’t really remember much of the previous night.  You know that at some point John B had convinced you to move inside, out of the storm.   You also think that he may have sat with you while you spilled your feelings for JJ out incomprehensibly.  You can’t remember exactly it was that you said, which horrifies you.  You scrunch up your face, slightly mortified at your display of emotions.  It was out of character for you, and you would have to apologise to John B for both the outburst, and the inconvenience your altercation with JJ was going to cause within the group.   Your heart sinks, recalling the dramatics of your standoff in the centre of the storm.  Your throat tightens at the memory of the blue-eyed boy staring you down with pure betrayal shining in his eyes.  You rub your face groggily and groan at the splitting headache that’s expanding within your skull.  That’s what you get for crying all night you think, pulling yourself reluctantly from the bed in John B’s spare room.   It’s a tangle of sheets and blankets, an illustration of how restlessly you slept. You catch sight of yourself in the grimy mirror that hangs lopsided on the wall.  Your eyes are so puffy and irritated from the tidal wave of tears they produced that your irises are barely slits in your face.  You laugh despite yourself; you look ridiculous and quite frankly, pathetic.  
The shack feels awfully quiet as you make your way through to the kitchen. The storm had almost subsided, only the odd sharp gust of wind now shook the windows.  A nice break from the incessant beating they received during the night.  You note that yours and Pope’s patchy attempts at strengthening the window frame with all that duct tape had worked, and smile to yourself at the small victory. There is, however, a massive leak in the roof of the living area.  That’s where you find John B.   He is standing on a wobbly looking chair, inspecting the damage.  He has a bucket in his hands and is attempting to catch all the rainwater that is draining off the roof and directly onto the sofa.  You watch him for a moment, a bemused look on your face.  He notices you suddenly, and almost topples straight off the chair. The bucket crashes to the ground, spilling brackish looking water all over the wooden floorboards.    ‘Fuck! He yells, ‘Y/N, you just gave me the fright of my life.’ He steadies himself by putting his palms flat against the ceiling. ‘Sorry, I didn’t realise my face looked quite that horrific.’ You quip, helping him down from the chair before going to the kitchen to find a mop.   John B hurries after you, backpedalling massively.  You realise that he’s looking at you in a way that suggests he thinks you could explode at any given moment.   You raise your hand in an attempt to calm his onslaught of unnecessary apologies, and he finally quiets.    ‘It’s okay, John B, I’m okay.’ You say, too brightly.   He looks pointedly at your puffy eyes and knotted hair, concern vividly apparent on his face. ‘Really.’ You reiterate.   You try to push past him, mop in hand, but he steps back into your path.  You sigh, exasperated. ‘Y/N,’ he says cautiously, ‘do you remember the things you said last night?’ A lump catches in your throat and a spark of fear flickers across your face.  All you can recall is a whirlwind of pain and the salty trace of tears on your lips. You shake your head warily. John B reaches over and takes the mop from you gently. ‘C’mon, I’ll make you breakfast.’  You sit on the kitchen counter nursing a mug of coffee as John B whirls around making you up some eggs. ‘You really want me to tell you everything?’ he asks for the third time.  ‘Yes.’ You try to say it firmly, but you still sense the waver in your voice giving away the nerves twisting inside and eating you up.    ‘Okay, so first of all you tell me you’re in love with JJ.’ Wow, you think, he’s really going straight in there. ‘How do you feel about that?’ He asks. The matter-of-fact tone in his voice shocks you a bit.  Why was there no surprise? No shock in this ground-breaking revelation.  He hands you a plate of scrambled egg and buttery toast.  You take it thankfully, but quickly realise you’re not really very hungry. You swing your legs nervously, avoiding his intent stare. 
‘I’m not sure if it’s love-’ you start, and John B shocks you both by audibly scoffing. He slaps a hand over his mouth, ‘no go on’ he insists. ‘Hang on, no, what was that?!’ you protest, aiming a kick at his shin from your vantage point.   He raises both hands in surrender before  running his hands through his hair and pushing his fingers to his temples.  You keep a scrutinising eye on him.  What on earth was going on?  ‘It’s obvious, Y/N.’ John B sighs finally. He leans against the counter next to you and picks up a half-nibbled crust of toast from your plate.  He chews at it thoughtfully, and you can almost see the cogs working in his brain.    ‘You and JJ, you have always had this, uh I dunno, a connection?  Would you agree?’  He points the crust at you. You nod slowly, chasing eggs around your plate with your fork. ‘Okay, so the two of you, I think, have very slowly developed something – feelings?’ You open your mouth to speak. ‘No, no- let me finish.’ You snap it shut again with a huff. ‘He was hurt by the idea that there was something going on here’ he was indicating between the two of you, ‘and you know JJ, with vulnerability comes fear, and he was afraid of being rejected.’ ‘Wait, what?’ ‘He’s scared of losing you, Y/N, and I think he feels he’s gotten himself in too deep.  But he’s not ever gunna admit that.’ Your mind was running a million miles a minute. When you can finally speak it’s barely a whisper. ‘You think he feels it too?’   ‘Yes.’ John B says confidently, and you search the boy’s eyes and are soothed to find that there is sincerity swimming in them. You sit in silence for a while, mulling over everything John B had said. How had you been so slow to notice what was happening between yourself and one of your closest friends?  Perhaps you were the same as JJ – maybe you were terrified of the prospect of loss. ‘Do you want me to tell you everything else you said?’ John B asks abruptly, breaking your train of thought. ‘Absolutely not. ~  You spend the rest of the morning helping clear up outside The Chateau.  There are branches and debris everywhere, it had taken you well over an hour to clear one small portion of the yard and you wish that you had more pairs of hands to help with the labour.    As if on cue, the VW rolls into the driveway. You feel a pang of panic in your stomach, bile rising in your throat, as you recall the events of the previous day playing out in the very spot you stood now. You look over at John B and he shoots you an encouraging look. JJ doesn’t look at you when he walks across the yard.   He’s wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and it pleases you slightly to see that he had also had a rough night.  He looks exhausted and his eyes are red.  Whether that’s from weed or tears, you can’t confirm, but whatever it is he does not look great. He doesn’t talk to either of you, but rather just starts helping you clear up.  You and John B exchange looks but don’t say a word.   You work in silence for what feels like an age before you’re pretty confident that most of the ruin has been either repaired or thrown out.   You slump down on the pontoon as John B and JJ haul the HMS Pogue back into the water.  The marsh is still fairly choppy but the little boat will be safe in there now. ‘Whatcha thinking, Y/N’ John B asks loudly, taking both you and JJ by surprise.  You look out at the horizon, chewing the inside of your lip. ‘I’m thinking that I ought to go and check out my place’.   You twist your face into a grimace and pick at a tuft of lichen that’s growing in between the wooden slats next to you.   ‘It’s gonna be wrecked after that belter.’ You run your hands over your face, attempting to mentally prepare yourself for the ruin. ‘Tell you what,’ says John B, ’why don’t you go with JJ and sort out your place? I can handle everything else here on my own.’ You both stare at him, mouths slightly agape.   Your heart pummels against your ribcage, and you think you might vomit.  ‘Look, you two have got a tonne of shit to talk about, and you’d be killing two birds with one stone.’   You get to your feet hesitantly, trying to make eye contact with JJ but he’s boring a hole into the ground with his eyes.   You roll your eyes at John B and climb aboard the Pogue.   JJ doesn’t move.   John B steps forward and nudges JJ in the back with his index finger.   JJ scowls at him.   ‘Oh, you know what, fuck this.’ You say suddenly, throwing your arms up in defeat.   You reach over to release the mooring lines of the Pogue from the jetty and experience a white-hot sear of pain as you clash heads with JJ.   John B winces and swallows his laughter.     You rub you head tenderly, settling in front of the steering wheel as JJ jumps aboard.   ‘If I’m coming, I’m steering.’ He says roughly and you shoot him a glare but make your way to the bow of the boat.  ‘Please don’t drown each other.’ John B calls, as he waves you off and hopes that this isn’t the last time he ever sees you in one piece. ~  The trip to your shack is a quiet one. You don’t even dare look back at JJ, you can feel his eyes wearing into the back of your head.  But when you do finally round the corner of the marsh you can’t help but let out an anguished cry.   The devastation that lies before your eyes was even worse that you had anticipated. Your tiny little home doesn’t really exist anymore, in the sense that the structure has completely gone.  You can see what remained of your belongings scattered along the beach.  Yours and John B’s efforts had been rendered fruitless, and although you had prepared yourself for the worst, you feel heavy tears stinging your eyes.  You wipe them away angrily as you approach the jetty.    Once you’re on dry land you instantly start up the beach, collecting sodden items of clothing and pieces of your house on the way.  When you reach where your little beach shack had once stood, you drop the little bundle that you had salvaged and drop to your knees.   The angry guise evaporates, and JJ is there in an instant - he always is. You feel his arm around you, and he pulls you against him as you let the tears fall. ‘I don’t really know what I expected,’ you laugh sadly, ‘it only had a little tin roof.’ You stick out your bottom lip as you spot said tin roof, discarded by the wind some forty feet away. ‘I’ll be honest Y/N,’ JJ says softly, ‘I’m surprised it lasted this long.’ You nod in agreement and the two of you get to your feet and begin rummaging through the wreckage to gather the few things that you didn’t take with you the day before. You recover a couple of books, they’re water damaged but you insist that you want to dry them out. You pull your old travelling backpack out of the debris and begin stuffing your few remaining items into it.   JJ pulls one of the flimsy walls away from the heap of the shack and starts going through all the accessible drawers and cupboards.  There’s not much left for him to unearth but he does find your trusty walking boots which he launches across the rubble at you. ‘Careful.’ You warn. But he doesn’t reply.  He’s frozen in place, looking down at something in his hands.  ‘What, JJ, what is it?’ You ask, trying to peer over his shoulder at what he’s holding. ‘You kept it.’ He says quietly, and you frown in confusion.   You clamber over the wreckage and kneel down beside him.  In his hands he holds a small but perfectly formed shell.  Your face lights up in an instant. Your mind flashes back to that first day on the beach, the day you became a Pogue.    You remember sitting in the soft sand, a slightly warm beer in your hand.  John B was trying to get a fire started and you were all laughing at him for how badly he was failing.  You’d offered to go and find more firewood and JJ had volunteered to come along.  Kie was slightly disgruntled as you were her friend, but JJ had been insistent.  ‘Can’t let the Touron get lost now can we’ he’d explained.    ‘JJ.  It’s a beach.’ You had retorted, deadpan.   The two of you had walked much of the stretch of the beach and you had a substantial bundle of firewood gathered in your arms. JJ had stooped suddenly and when he came back up to face you, he held out a simple yet perfect shell, ‘For you,’ he had grinned, ‘so you don’t forget about us.’ You had smiled so widely, and assured him that you would never forget them, not in a blue moon. He’d put the shell in your pocket for you, so you didn’t have to put down your collection of sticks.    ‘I hope you stay here for a while, Y/N’ he had said. ‘I do too.’  JJ was looking up at you now, under his floppy mess of blonde hair.  His eyes are swimming with questions, he looks like he might cry. ‘Why did you keep it?’ He asks.   His voice is so serious that you don’t know how to respond.  So you do the only thing you can think of.   You kiss him.  His eyes are wide with shock for a moment before he sinks into your embrace.  His lips are chapped, and he tastes like the ocean.   His hands find your face, your hair, but he never drops the shell.  It sits in his palm as his finger tangle themselves into your tresses.   You relax into him in a way you don’t think you ever have before – so utterly at peace. Like it is the most natural thing in the world.  Meanwhile you heart is bursting out of your chest and there are sparks flying around your head.  You wonder if he can feel them.  His lips move against yours so softly.  He brushes his tongue against your bottom lip ever so lightly, testing the waters, working out what is acceptable. You open your mouth to his, deepening into him, savouring him.   You wish for this feeling of pure bliss to never come to an end. When JJ pulls away his eyes are searching yours desperately.  He needs a confirmation, something solid.  You nod reassuringly, touching your fingertips to his face, tracing his jaw. ‘Say it.’ He whispers ‘I want you, JJ’ you murmur, running a thumb across his bottom lip, ‘I think I always have.’ His face lights up and he grabs your face in his hands, sending the shell skittering across the beach. ‘Shit!’ He gasps, leaping to his feet and scampering after it. You smile, your bottom lips caught between your teeth and you watch the boy who makes your heart skip a beat give chase after a shell.  ‘You better fucking find that.’ You yell after him.  And while there is still so much to work out between the two of you, you feel your first real breath of relief in weeks.  And amid the ruin of your storm torn house, you are so undoubtedly happy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really enjoyed writing it!!  I had to repost it because Tumblr just refused to work so I am so sorry about that!   Please let me know what you think x
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harrylee94 · 3 years
The Tournament - Chapter 9
You can also find this on AO3!
Summary: Ser Salryn revealed himself to be impatient as he spurred his horse into a charge almost before Din had even finished speaking, but the Krayt Dragon reacted quickly, only a moment slower in nudging their steed onwards. Both of their lances exploded in a shower of splinters, and the crowd cheered at the display. Both knights wobbled in their saddles, but the Krayt Dragon recovered faster, and was waiting with lance in hand by the time the knight had managed to get himself upright.
Notes: Round two!
TW: mild warning of some minor animal cruelty
Chapter 8
“That was unexpected.” - Din
“Welcome, vode, to the second day of the Protector’s Tournament!”
Din smiled as the crowd cheered at Greef's greeting. The field had been freshly raked and the detritus from the previous day’s bouts removed, the stands were coloured with the banners of the day’s competitors (all the competitors that had banners that was), and he felt a little more optimistic than he had when this had all begun.
“We have witnessed the clashing of lance on shield and of sword on armour,” Greef continued. “The ground has been torn asunder by hoof and boot alike. We began this trial with over thirty contenders, but today we begin with but sixteen! These sixteen shields have been tested, and today they shall be tested again, for only eight can advance to the next round. And it is here, my dear vode, that we shall witness these trials!”
Din clapped along with the crowd as they cheered, and he smirked when Greef looked over his shoulder at him.
“Now, I’m sure many of you can remember our first bout from yesterday.”
There were many whoops and shouts of excited agreement.
“For those of you who have somehow managed to escape the spread of the stories, our first contender arrived at their bout in silence, defeated their opponent in outstanding fashion, and, after helping his foe to her feet, left without a word,” Greef explained dramatically. “No one knows who this mysterious contender might be, but speculation has run rampant. Are they a mercenary? Are they a disgraced knight? Are they a lord who has fallen on hard times? Who knows? All we know is their name; the Krayt Dragon!”
The rider arrived in his mismatched, painted armour as they had the day before, trotting onto the field in a controlled, careful circle of the list as the crowd cheered before coming to a stop before the main stand and bowing to Din, this time with their fist over their heart as they had at the end of their first fight. Din found himself giving the stranger a small, genuine smile, and he nodded in acknowledgement of the honour bestowed upon him.
“And what is a bout without an opponent?” Greef asked the crowd. “Our second contender for today won his bout with almost as much ease as our silent friend, taking only a few hits in his melee before his opponent lay defeated at his feet. From House Akaanar, we welcome, Ser Salryn!”
The knight rode onto the field with more flair than the Krayt Dragon had, the black sword and shield of his house sitting on a green field over his horse’s caparison. The horse all but pranced about the field before they came to a stop beside the Krayt Dragon, bowing to Din, but nothing more. Din nodded back, but his smile had become more stiff, less true.
He rose from his seat again as Greef stepped aside, and stepped forwards. “You are aware of the rules. Break them, and there will be consequences,” he said simply as he looked between the knight and the mystery wrapped in steel. They both acknowledged his unspoken promise -- only one verbally, as expected -- before he continued. “I wish you luck, and that your sword hand does not waver. To your positions.”
He waited patiently for them to lead their horses to the list, the Krayt Dragon retrieving their lance while Ser Salryn was given his by one of his squires along the way, before waiting for the crowd to quiet.
Ser Salryn revealed himself to be impatient as he spurred his horse into a charge almost before Din had even finished speaking, but the Krayt Dragon reacted quickly, only a moment slower in nudging their steed onwards. Both of their lances exploded in a shower of splinters, and the crowd cheered at the display. Both knights wobbled in their saddles, but the Krayt Dragon recovered faster, and was waiting with lance in hand by the time the knight had managed to get himself upright.
The second and third meeting went much the same, though the Dragon Knight seemed to be holding his own -- and his patience -- a little better, but on the fourth Ser Salryn was almost forced from his horse, and even from a distance Din could hear his growl of frustration.
As Din took the chance to return to his seat he almost missed the start of the fifth tilt, but Ser Salryn let out a battle cry, and then he couldn't look away.
It was almost like watched it happen in slow motion; the knight charging, kicking his poor horse harder and more brutally than he had before, pushing it faster and faster, his foe, silent and tall, gently urging their horse on, and then their lances met shields. Ser Salryn's had just barely clipped the edge, but the Krayt Dragon's caught the knight in full. The battle cry came to a sudden stop as the wind was driven from him, and his body fell back and to the side. It was only when his horse continued to charge that Din realised that the knight was still attached by the stirrup.
A murmur of alarm went through the crowd at the shout from ser Salryn's buir, but then the Krayt Dragon, who had also noticed the spectacle, dropped the remains of his lance and turned his horse on the spot. Ser Salryn's steed had run out of room to charge and was jumping and kicking about and away from the squires as it's rider struggled to keep away from its hooves, but the Krayt Dragon jumped gracefully from their horse and approached with a confidence Din doubted many others would have in this situation.
As the squires leapt away from income hooves, the Krayt Dragon simply continued their slow approach, coming to a stop and standing casually nearby.
"Sh," they hushed, and Din sat up straight at the sound. "Nothing to be scared of, girl." Their voice -- his voice -- was calm and strong, showing no sign of fear or distress, even if it was distorted and echoed within his helmet. "You're safe. He's not gunna hit you again, I promise."
The crowd was silent now as they, and everyone else, watched and listened to the Krayt Dragon's gentle words, and Din found himself unconsciously relaxing with the horse, who had stopped kicking and running around so much and was now just nervously moving on the spot. Ser Salryn wasn't moving anymore, which was a big worry, but the horse was still too twitchy to risk doing anything about it just yet.
"Good girl," the Kray Dragon continued, and slowly brought his left hand up. The horse twitched, but he hushed her again. "It's okay. You're okay. Could you lower your head for me, darling?"
The horse huffed, scuffing at the ground a few times, but then she seemed to smell his hand before lowering her head, her nerves quieting down to the twitch of her muscles.
"Thank you, beautiful," the Krayt Dragon said, stepping slowly closer until he could rest his hand on her neck, his other catching the reins. "You're such a smart girl. I'm so proud of you."
With a turn of his body, the squires followed his silent order and Ser Salryn was removed from the stirrup to be dragged to the medic, already waiting for the patient.
"Good girl," the Krayt Dragon said again, and he held the reins out to the remaining squire. "Don't you punish her for what happened. It w-... wasn't her fault."
"Yes sir," the squire said, awe in her eyes. "Thank you, sir." With that, she led the now calmed horse from the field, muttering and petting the mare's nose as she went.
Once the horse was gone, Din became intensely aware of the nervous chatter that had infected the stands, but still he couldn't look away from the armoured man, who seemed to move as though they didn't exist. He was focused on the medic, who had now removed Ser Salryn's helm and chest plate and had rested their ear on his chest. A few tense seconds passed before they rose again.
"He's alive."
The entire crowd seemed to release a held breath, and the Krayt Dragon's stance relaxed a fraction. He bowed to the medic, then went to retrieve his horse -- who had remained standing where they'd been left -- and stood at attention before Din. The captive audience had begun to applaud him once the news of Ser Salryn’s health had been confirmed, cheering and whistling for the man. It was clear that they favoured him. Taking a breath behind his hand to settle his nerves, he rose from his seat and stepped forwards once more.
“Krayt Dragon, you have behaved honourably, as a true knight would,” he said, his eyebrow rising when he noticed the twitch the contender tried to hide. Interesting. “You have not only won your bout, but you have also ensured that your opponent and his steed were able to leave the field alive and as safely as possible. For this, I thank you.”
The Krayt Dragon bowed silently, and Din found he was disappointed that he hadn’t spoken. There had been something so familiar and -- he was hesitant to even think it, but -- safe about it, reassuring in its strange way, and making him feel supported, warm.
“Krayt Dragon, you have won your bout, and you shall advance to the next round!” he declared, pushing such thoughts aside, and he smiled as the crowd cheered. “Rest and prepare, for you approach the end of these trials.”
As before, the Krayt Dragon bowed with his fist over his heart, and he left when Din dismissed him, leading his horse by the reins. When he was gone from the field, servants arrived to clean up the mess that had been left behind, and Din returned to his seat with a sigh.
“That was unexpected.”
Din looked up from pinching at the bridge of his nose and glanced back at Saruk, who had been an almost entirely silent presence at his side during his public appearances.
“That it was,” he agreed, “for many reasons.”
“You noticed how he reacted to your words?”
“I did.” He frowned. “He fears it.”
“There is a good reason to,” she said. “He has been careful never to introduce himself as such though, only the assumption of others, so there is not much reason for him to worry.”
“Fear is not always logical.”
The Protector hummed. “I believe that this man will deserve to be called as such by the end of these trials, his position in them notwithstanding.”
“I agree,” Din said with a slight grin, only for it to slip away a moment later. “I feel like I know his voice.”
Saruk turned their head towards him, and though their face was hidden by their helm, Din was sure she was somehow disappointed in him. “You do not know?”
“Know?” Din repeated, only to sit straighter as he grasped their meaning. “You know who the Krayt Dragon is?”
“I have my suspicions,” they confirmed. “I could not say for certain, but if it is who I suspect, then, should he win, I believe he would be worthy of the reward.”
Din blinked at her in shock. Saruk had never shown even a hint of interest in the jousts, not even when one of the contestants had broken their leg, but now they were admitting their favour towards one of them? “Who is it?”
Saruk chuckled. “Oh no, my Prince, I shall not say. He has his reasons for remaining anonymous, far be it for me to overstep them for your pleasure.”
Din sighed, but nodded. "Then I shall make my own guesses."
“Now wasn’t that exciting!” Greef called as he moved to the front of the platform again, and the crowd roared their agreement. “I don’t know about you, but I wasn’t expecting such a show of kindness on this field, were you?”
But those guesses would have to wait; he had a part to play, and it wasn’t over yet.
Mando'a Translations:
Vode -- brothers/sister/siblings
Buir -- parent
Chapter 10
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wille-zarr · 3 years
ayy, thank you so much for answering like that, you're literally the sweetest 🥰
it seriously gave me so much confidence, not only to start and try to comment and be more expressive on your posts, but in any other art thingy i like... tho i think im still gonna stick to anons for a while jajsjs
and yESSS, IM SO EXCITED TO READ MORE, i adore ka'r'ika, shes so relatable and honestly a breath of fresh air... im thinking i'll probably re-read it al over in wait of the new chapter 🤪
AND dont worry, theres probably a lot of other people who, like me, just felt shy or creepy to express their obsession over your writing :)
we're all gonna be -excited yet patiently- waiting here for you<3
ANON!!!!!!! I JUST!!!!!11!!!!
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i luv u 🥺❤️
"i adore ka'r'ika, shes so relatable and honestly a breath of fresh air... im thinking i'll probably re-read it al over in wait of the new chapter"
bruh yall out here re-reading my stories gunna make my heart explode 😭❤️ Nothing makes my heart warm faster than when readers connect with Ka'r'ika. 🥺
Just knowing you sweet little anons are lurking around waiting for chapter 11 has really helped me. Like seriously, so much. Thank you for your kind, kind words.
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stanbillyhargrove · 4 years
Demons -The Rewrite
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Chapter 20: Beauty In Death
A/N: Sorry for the delay everyone!
Billy's POV
It’s been weeks since I found Cat in Steve’s house, wearing his clothes. Weeks since I lost control and I could still hear Cat screaming when things got too quiet. Every day that I saw her I wanted so badly to scoop her up into my arms and carry her away to shower her in apologies and beg, beg on my fucking knees if I had to, for her to forgive me. But I was a fucking chicken and I couldn’t bring myself to even look at her without feeling my heart break a little bit more. I needed her to forgive me but I couldn’t stop thinking of the bruise on Steve’s neck and I wasn’t sure if I needed her forgiveness or her apology more.
I had hoped to make things right by taking her to the dance but Neil had squashed those plans like a bug.
“Billy!” Max called, “phone!”
I rolled off my bed with a huff, stomach twisting with the slight hope that it would be Cat on the phone even though I knew it wouldn't be.
“Hargrove? Listen-”
“Fuck off, Harrington,” I growled, slamming the phone back into the cradle.
I barely made it out of the living room before the phone was ringing again.
I spun on my heel and grabbed the phone, “what?”
“Billy, you gotta-”
I hung up on Steve again and looked at Max, lounging on the couch, “Hargrove calls again, tell him to fuck off. I’m not answering.”
Max nodded as I left the room and I heard her answer the phone as I flopped onto my bed again.
Not fifteen minutes later, I heard a car pull into the driveway, skidding to a quick stop. But Neil and Susan weren’t supposed to be home for a few hours at least. Max answered the door and cautiously walked into my room, hands twisting in front of her.
“Maxine,” I grumbled, “what do you want?”
She breathed out before answering, “I told him you didn’t want to talk, Billy. Just like you asked but..well..he’s at the door.”
I arched an eyebrow at her, “who are you talking about?”
“Steve. Steve’s here, Billy. Says he needs to talk to you, it’s important.”
I huffed, rolling my eyes, “tell him to fuck off.”
She stepped closer to me, frowning, “Billy, maybe you should see what he wants. He’s not gunna leave.”
I groaned, rolling my eyes as I stood up and stormed to the front door, squaring my shoulders and clenching my jaw when I saw Steve in the door frame.
“The fuck you doing here, Harrington? I didn’t fuck up your face good enough the first time?”
Steve looked at me with a huff, the bruises on his face a stark contrast against his skin, “shut up. Is she here?”
"Cat!" He snapped, "is she here?"
"No, she's not."
"Fuck," he muttered, turning away.
“What? She get bored of you already?” I sneered.
Steve bristled and turned back to me, his jaw ticking, “Billy. Just...it’s important. Have you talked to her? Or seen her at all?”
My eyebrows knit together, “no, Steve, I haven’t talked to her since your house.”
“Fuck!” Steve yelled again, turning to stalk back to his car.
I followed him down the front steps, confused, “Harrington, stop. What’s going on?”
He spun around and it hit me just how stressed he was, how the darkness under his eyes was from more than just the bruises.
“She’s missing.”
“What are you talking about?” I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest, “she was at school.”
“Yeah, yesterday. But she wasn’t at the dance last night."
"So? She must have skipped it."
He shook his head, "no, she...she wanted to go, before..everything. And she wasn't at school today either. Her car is gone."
“Probably went around town. Doesn’t mean she’s missing.”
Steve took a few steps back towards me, “no, you don’t understand-”
“Gettin' real fucking sick of hearing I don’t understand, Steve,” I growled, “just fucking tell me what’s going on.”
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, groaning to himself, “she, I….fuck, I’m worried she hurt herself.”
“What do you mean? Hurt herself, how?”
Steve puffed out his cheeks with a long exhale, “I, it’s not-”
I stepped up to him, muscles tensing under my skin, “quit fucking around, Steve. What the fuck are you talking about?”
“She hurt herself, bad, real fucking bad, man…and I, I had to, to save her,” Steve was tripping over his words, his whole body shaking as tears formed in his eyes, “she was bleeding and, and it was on me, and I can’t stop th-thinking about if I hadn’t…if I hadn’t fucking kicked her out cause I was mad at you!” Steve spat, jabbing me in the chest.
I stepped back, unable to get a word in, and not wanting to add fuel to the break down he was having in my driveway.
“She fucking tried to kill herself because of you! And I saved her life, again! I fucking saved her and what the fuck have you done? You fucking punched her!”
My jaw ticked, fingers starting to get that familiar itching, “only cause she got in the way! She shouldn’t have been there in the first place!”
He glared at me while the full weight of what he said registered in my brain, “wait, she…she tried to kill herself?”
A few tears started to pour down Steve’s face and he angrily wiped them away, “twice. Well she said the first time was an accident but…Billy, I cleaned up her blood. Made her puke up pills. I told her I couldn’t do that again, it was just too much, and now I can’t find her, I was being a selfish asshole and what if she..?”
Steve’s words felt like knives in my chest, twisting my guts up tight, “twice? Why didn’t she…why didn’t she come to me?”
He shrugged, "I don't know.”
I looked around, wiping my hand on my face, “Harrington, let’s talk about it inside.”
Steve shook his head, “no, no, I can’t.. I-I gotta, I need to find her. I need to know she's okay."
“Well then get in my car, you’re not gunna find her if you hit the ditch cause you’re too busy fucking crying.”
Steve wiped his eyes before he walked over to the Camaro, collapsing in the front seat with a huff. I got in after him, my heart trying to pound it’s way out of my chest and swallowed the knot forming in my throat. I couldn’t stop thinking of all the times I had crawled through her window, when she had held me in shaking arms and comforted me when I was bruised and beaten down.
Why hadn’t she told me something was wrong?
Why hadn't I noticed?
“Where all have you looked?” I asked, backing out of the driveway.
“Her house and mine, I was hoping she came here,” he muttered, more tears rolling down his panicked face.
“Okay, calm down, we’ll check again. Maybe she went out for something.”
“Yeah,” he mumbled, “okay, yeah, maybe.”
When we couldn’t find Cat at Steve’s or her house, Steve was ready to explode. He was about to lose his damn mind and honestly, the only thing keeping me in check was the fact that I wasn’t about to break down in front of Steve. But my mind was starting to wander with all the possibilities now too.
“Where else, Steve?”
He just shook his head, “only other place I thought of was your house. What if…what if she’s-”
“Don’t. Don’t you fucking dare say it Harrington,” I growled.
He looked at me, his face taken over by big glassy eyes, “what if she’s gone?”
I bit the inside of my cheek, knuckles tightening on the steering wheel until they turned white as I drove us back to my place, not acknowledging what he said.
When we got there I jogged up to the door, yelling as soon as it opened, “Max!”
She came running out of her room, “yeah? What’s going on?”
“Has Cat been here?” I asked, trying to push down my panic even further, grind it into the floor.
She looked confused, “no, why?” Max looked past me at Steve’s puffy face, “why does he look so much worse than earlier? Did you guys fight again?”
I shook my head, “he’s been crying all over my car. We can’t find Cat, we’re just worried about her. She might be hurt, are you sure she hasn’t come by or tried to call?”
Max shook her head, “no, sorry, Billy. I haven’t seen her.”
Steve cursed behind me as I put a hand on her shoulder, gave it a little squeeze before ushering Steve into the kitchen, out of the doorway before he made another scene.
Steve was tense, his whole body shaking like he was feeling that itch to put his fist through something. I squared my shoulders, bracing myself for an outburst, a flurry of fists.
“Steve, listen-”
“No! You listen, asshole! She’s out there somewhere and I, we failed her. We left her alone and now, now we might not see her again! And you,” he jabbed a finger at my chest, “the last thing you did was call her a whore and maybe broke her ribs! And you don’t even care!”
His words hurt more than punches, spiking my anger.
"I care!"
Steve scoffed, “yeah, sure.”
I turned back to him, surged forward to grab his collar and crowded him against the counter, “you really believe I kicked your ass cause I don’t care about her? I fucking love her and I haven’t been able to look at her since then cause I’m so fucking pissed at myself! And her! If you weren’t running around with her behind my back, this wouldn’t have happened!”
Steve tried to shove me away but I stayed still, rooted to the ground in front of him.
"You weaseled in and tried to steal my girlfriend! Then you come here, demand my help and accuse me of not caring? If you just wanna fight, let's fucking cut the bullshit and fight!"
Steve leaned away from me, as much as he could with the counter right behind him, “I didn’t come here to fight..that’s not what happened.”
“Then enlighten me, Harrington, cause I still don’t see why you were the one she went to instead of me.”
Steve sighed and looked down towards the floor, “I don’t know why she didn’t talk to you, Billy. I told her to all the time, but she didn’t want to tell me either, I found out on accident after that first party when girls were getting drugged and she just trusted me after.”
I backed up, looking at him confused, “she mentioned that party a few times, but she told me it just freaked her out. Her mom said a girl got brought in to the hospital."
He shook his head and looked back up at me, “there was more than one.”
“More than one…?”
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the-headbop-wraith · 4 years
3 _ 39 The Land Time Forgot
  A rebounding thunder of cries tumbled across the vibrant blue sky, terror gushing forth, metal grinding and mashing and rattling. The clank and rasp howled forth, and then a yellow blur winked out as it hurtled through a subterranean burrow. Further wailing echoed within, until the terror-stricken voices extinguished, and silence curdled forth.
 “Oh my god, did you see that!” A blue blur dashed to the side of a rail and peered over into the hollowed pit, she leaned far over with her leg slung up high behind her. “That had to be sixty mph!” She’s joined at the shoulder by a snazzy dressed figure, his grin dazzling.
 “Vii, indoor voice. Save it for the rides, or you’ll go hoarse again.”
 She snickered. “Neigh!”
 Further from their station, another wail of cries exploded, hooting as a small train cart blazed across the tight woven and spiraling track. As far as the eye could see, the colorful flashes and whirls of other attractions, laughter and screaming – though a few of utter horror wound through the wild rush of adrenaline junkies. The theme park was a popular tourist destination, long established and flocked by trees and clean-cut brush winding among the many pathways dominating the sprawling acreage.
 It was slow season, a good time to take a vacation for young people who could nail down a select date that would allow minimal competition with typical season swarm. This was one of the rare occasions that the Mystery Skulls crew could set aside some time for a much needed vacation, in-between assignments and on the road. They totally did not travel a hundred miles out of the way for this.
 “Where d’we even start?” Vivi bounced at the rail. “Do we work our way up, or just hit up the biggest, scariest, heart attack?”
 Mystery borked. Maybe… work your way up. He gave his whole body a shake, his collar twittering with the vigorous motion.
 “C’mon guys” Arthur beseeched, hands in his pockets. “I think we’re gunna get evicted from the place before we even get through a line. This is not gonna work.”
 Vivi looked at him innocently. “What’s not going to work?”
 He pointed to the Mystery hound. “Stick a vest on Misty. It won’t work, they’ll figure it out. And he hates it.” On that note, Mystery gave himself another rigorous shake. “Knock that off, or they’ll catch on you’re not a real service dog.”
 Vivi went over to Mystery and wrapped her arms around his chest, lifting the hound by his front. “But we can’t exile our most devoted case worker.” She swayed Mystery. “This is as much our vacation, as it is his.”
 Mystery gave Arthur a snarky grin.
 “Lighten up, Art.” Lewis set his hands on his hips. “The park and staff don’t want to deal with regular puppers. Mystery’s better behaved than some teens.”
 “It’s not an insult. Work with me.”
 Arthur groaned and ran his hands over his head, pushing his spikey hair back. “Mind you, if we get caught this’ll be the fifth theme park we’re blacklisted from!”
 Lewis winced. “The ghosts in the spook house were so lifelike!”
 Vivi defended with, “You can’t tell me that magician wasn’t actually turning his audience volunteers into rabid hyenas!”
 Mystery barked! That whole buffet was going to waste!
 “You guys are nuts!” Arthur slapped his arms over his face and groaned. “I give us a half hour. We’re gunna beat our best record.”
 Lewis threw an arm over Arthur’s shoulders. “You worry too much, Artie. Relax for once.” He swept his other arm out, across the expanse of the theme park set before them. The looping coasters, the spinning gyros, lush fields of trees for the aesthetic. “This is our day to scream, not because crazy freaks in masks are chasing us. But because we’re having fun. You remember fun, right?”
 Vivi plucked Mystery up in her arms. “And I read the rules and regulations in-depth. No one’s allowed to ask invasive questions about our lovable teammate. All we have to do, is remind them he’s very important.” She did pouty eyes. “You wouldn’t say no to this face.”
 Mystery did pouty puppy eyes and made his lip quiver.
 Rolling his eyes, Arthur checked Lewis – who did eyebrow waggles – then returned his eyes to Mystery, who leaned forward and gave his nose a lick. “I get ‘Told you so’ rights, and unlimited churros, IF we get caught.”
 Vivi laughed and let Mystery drop out of her arms. “In the meantime! There are rides to check out and an assortment of foods to sample.” She bolted off, chasing Mystery.
 Lewis gave chase. “Vii! Honey! Don’t eat before the really big rides!”
 Arthur was not far behind. “Guys! Wait. Mystery! You can’t run, they’ll get wise to our illegal activities!”
 For the benefit of Arthur, the gang started off on some of the less thrilling rides. They tried the high-speed coasters, with tight turns and mild dips. In between the crazy coasters, they tried the wicked spinners or the high-flying swings that soared above the parks landscape. Most of the ride selection was based on Vivi spying the next tallest spire, and the group navigating towards that through the winding paths, and then getting distracted by rides or shows along the way.
 Though Mystery couldn’t go on some of the rides, there were a few picked out specifically by the group that he could participate on. Those being low speed with minimum restraints, the bumper cars – which he enjoyed excessively. There was a log ride, that allowed him to sit aboard and ride alongside Arthur. Or the leisure car ride, where Vivi let him drive his car; due to the karts being on magnet tracks, and not a lot he could sabotage.
 None of the ride attendants questioned the dog presence. The most they got was a ‘well, he seems large enough for this ride’. He was so well behaved, but it helped that the park was having a relatively quiet day. The lines for some of the main attractions were nonexistent, and even in the mellow themed districts of the park, there were not a lot of kids.
 At around eleven, the crew stopped in one of the Ages Gone district for some eats. The aroma of sauces and simmer meats enticed Mystery, and when it came to food Vivi tended to trust the canine. Each member of the Mystery Skulls elected a preferred food item from the one stop cafeteria they were drawn too, and then took trays off for a secluded space under a tree. It put them on the edge of a cool plot of land, which divided their location from a nearby coaster track Vivi was adamant about riding right after.
 “We’re not doing that,” Lewis denied. “We’re going on the low-key rides, have a little down time.”
 “Aye-aye,” Arthur chimed. He dug into his ultra-saucy, meat burrito, getting sauce all over his hands. “No rush anyway. I can’t believe how much free time we got, without every other family not coddling Mystery boy here.”
 Woof. Mystery dipped his nose into the Styrofoam box, nosing at some toasted apples.
 The group finished their meal, Vivi somewhat in thought and a little quiet. Lewis gathered up the trash and dumped it in one of the trash reciprocals. Then, they went on their way scoping out the rides on this side of the park. They strolled on one of the paths near the river rapids, where a circular boat transported riders across frothing waters and through tunnels with theme appropriate critters.
 “I know this is off season,” Vivi mentioned, while watching an empty boat sweep through, “but I’ve seen more people in line at the dentist for root canal specials.”
 Woof. Mystery gave a large yawn. He wasn’t fond of big, congested crowds bumping and brushing against his doggy shoulders. All that static was a nightmare.
 “Maybe that’s the latest attraction,” Arthur muttered. He was still sipping the liquified ice of his beverage from lunch. “Scariest attraction yet! The dental experience! Check it out, people are already fleeing in terror.”
 The group stalled, Arthur choked on his flat seltzer coffee. “Wait—”
 On the other side of a high fence, a roller coaster train thundered by, momentarily drowning out the factual and alarmed shrill of park goers vaulting through a small garden plot. People launched over fences, darting across pathways, someone landed in a small decorative pool but kept going, drenched.
 Lewis sided up by Arthur, pointing. “Um, is that supposed to be happening?” Upon a better examination of the action, the initiator of the stampede became apparent.
 A dinosaur! A legitimate dinosaur was rampaging across one of the attraction landscapes; one decorated with lush plants and tall fronds, elephant ears, and palms. Ride goers burst through the greenery, as the feathered and toothed monster lunged or ducked through the flora. The species of prehistoric nuisance was game for debate, but one factor was certain – it was a biped, with a sharp snout, dozens of teeth, and claws. It roamed to the edge of the boarder set around the acreage and gave a theatrical roar.
 Arthur frowned. “Oh crumb, it’s just one of those costume meet-and-greets. Ignore them.” He swung away and began walking. “I hate those, I always get heckled.”
 Mystery tilted his head, whining.
 “Those are screams of legit horror, not glee,” Vivi pronounced. She ran back and snagged Arthur by the shoulder. “You should know screams of horror! You’re a connoisseur.”
 Arthur stumbled backwards. “It’s a skill I’m not proud of!”
 Lewis had his head tilt. “Is that a dinosaur?”
 “It’s a guy in a suit!” Arthur spat.
 The dinosaur clambered over the fence and flopped to the pavement. With some effort, it righted itself and crawled across the pavement. It used the shorter front arms to lift up on its large, muscular back legs and trotted forward. It hissed, turning its snout and many teeth toward one of the tourist that had not scampered out of range. With a snarl, the prehistoric nightmare lunged at the man.
 Despite the clear panic and full retreat, the person now under attack made an attempt at snapping off a picture. He wound up dumping the camera in his newfound occupation of retreat, and darted across the pavement a rock formation that served as a makeshift barrier. He made it over the top but tumbled, and crashed into a bush on the other side.
 The dinosaur didn’t fool around with scaling the boulders, it charged at a section of fence built up beside the rocks. It bit through the decorative wood barrier, the glittering claws splintered chunks of bark. The fence collapsed, and the dinosaur prowled in among the shrubs.
 “Whoa!” Lewis yelped. He snatched Arthur’s drink and abandoned his group. “Hold up now!”
 Vivi tried to snatch his shirt back. “Lew! Wait! Art, Mystery! C’mon!” She charged after him. Mystery yapped and wasted no time.
 With a sigh, Arthur ambled after them. “No, Lew. Don’t. Ahh. Scary. Come back. Danger-Danger. Eek.”
 In seconds flat Lewis reached the destroyed barrier and chucked the drink at the dinosaurs shoulder. “Hey! Pick on someone your own size!”
 The dinosaur gave a low, cackling growl and spun away.
 “I said hey! You!” Lewis braced and leapt. “I said, pick on someone—” Before he could clear the brush tangled around the dinosaur, it lashed out with its tail and smacked the would-be hero clear off his feet. He hit a portion of fence that remained standing and flopped to his side, groaning. “Ow….”
 “Arf-Arf!” Mystery dove in and snagged his collar, with every intent to haul the large mortal back. His fur bristled as the dinosaur shoved its snout through the brush and growled through its many sharp teeth.
 Still a distance away from the drama, Arthur stalled in his tracks. “Wait! Holy shit! That’s a lawsuit right there!” And nearby, Vivi shrieked:
 On her way to assist Lewis, she happened by a cafeteria and caught sight of a fire extinguisher attached to a panel on the side of the building – along with a fire hose, and one of the emergency phones. The phone box was locked tight. How practical. She rolled her eyes and delivered a high kick to the fire extinguisher box. The glass shattered, and the door popped open.
 “That… was unlocked. Wasn’t it?” She sighed and took the red cylinder and unclipped the nozzle. “Good to know.”
 Meanwhile, Lewis kicked back from the snapping jaws. The dinosaur clamped down on the standing fence and the whole pole cracked. Lewis pushed Mystery back, while he scooted away from the thrashing menace.
 Right as the beast lunged, Vivi dove in with the fire extinguisher. “Eat therma frost, extinct reject!” She unleashed a torrent of white froth, making sure to cover the eyes and get as much as she could into the mouth. When she tried to move closer, Lewis snagged her leg and the back of her shirt.
 The dinosaur shrieked and sprang backwards. It shook its body and appeared to be trembling. One final roar, directed the groups way, signified its withdrawal. Lewis heaved Vivi backwards, before the tail could slice out and knock her down. The dinosaur didn’t hang around, and stormed across the pavement back to the attraction it may have emerged from. The Land that Time Forgot ride.
 It was only when Vivi allowed the mist to clear that the three could see, the creature had retreated. Arthur came over and barreled through the mystification of what occurred.
 “For that, we should get dibs on every ride in this darn park!” Arthur stooped and patted Lewis on the shoulder. “C’mon. Ya gotta check the guy.” Lewis grumbled confirmation, and let Arthur with Vivi haul him to his feet.
 Vivi inquired, “How you feel?”
 “Mostly shookin’ and stunned.” Lewis flexed his arms and stretched. “It takes more than that to rattle me.”
 Together, the group ventured into the thicket to check the guy that fell. For the most part he was well, a little scratched up from the brush but that broke his fall and saved him a broken bone or two. Not long following, the security force showed up like secret service agents to assess the damage. Secret service agents dressed in dark blue and sweating through their uniform. They gave out checks to everyone who signed a release form, in the presence of one of the parks attorneys, alleging they would not press charges or speak about events, or anything. The affidavit was vague on details.
 “So,” Lewis rolled out, pointing to one of the guys clearly younger than him and getting minimal wage. “This kind of thing happens often?”
 “Um… no?”
 The park attorney, a short lady, pushed her glassed up on her face. Then, pushed the park security aside, and stood up to Lewis. “They’re not authorized to say.”
 Vivi pulled Lewis back and got before the attorney, and pushed her own glasses up. “Y’know what I smell. I smell corporate cover ups. You guys do a lot of that?”
 The attorney glared at Vivi. “I’m not allowed to say.” The two had a stare off, the electricity sparked between them threatening to ignite.
 Lewis got his hands around Vivi’s arms and hauled her back. Park security took ahold of the attorney and ‘escorted’ her aside. “Vamos arándana, don’t antagonize the staff.” Under his breath, “We might yet not get blacklisted from this park.”
 Vivi tried to look back. “I don’t like her.”
 Nearby and with Mystery, Arthur sat on a rock. “Honest, what attorney type are you chill with? I say, don’t sign the slip. Munnies or not.”
 Mystery reached a rear leg up and scratched at the strap of his vest. Woof.
 “Are we going to get back to our vacation?” Arthur harped. “Didn’t really sign up for dino-wrangling.”
 Attorney lady pried out of securities hands, and approached the group. “You three won’t be able to continue your stay with Fanatical Hypes ™, unless you sign the release forms.”
 Lewis looked down at Vivi. “Could it hurt anything? Signing away our souls for corporate profit?”
 Vivi stroked her chin. “Depends.”
 Arthur jumped off the rock. “Oh boy, I know that look. Vii, please. Vacation.” He pressed his hands together. “I’ll sign—”
 “We’ll sign,” Vivi blurted. She went over to the attorney. “On one condition.”
 The attorney sighed. “I am not legally allowed to speak of anything, regarding… this.” She gestured to the damage, and the work crews arriving in golf carts and supplies to begin clearing up the area. Another work crew was off beside the attraction entrance, clipping a chain across the yawning portal.
 Vivi shook her head. “I don’t want to hear what YOU have to say. I want to speak to your manager.”
 Arthur dropped his face into his hands. “Lew, don’t let her do this. Speak some sense into her.”
 Lewis rubbed the back of his head and turned to Arthur. “I think we’re gunna go ahead and do this.”
 With a wet sob, Arthur hauled up Mystery and buried his face in his neck. “We’re getting blacklisted for sure, buddy.
 Mystery sighed and rolled his eyes. He patted Arthur on the head. There-there.
 It wasn’t so easy convincing Ms. Attorney lady that her employer should have a chat with the Mystery Skulls. What this all came down to, was they wouldn’t sign the release forms, and they were suspicious of the dinosaur creature which attacked visitors. Arthur had to pull up their work credentials on his phone, and show off some of the cases dealing with masked people getting into trouble and all that shenanigans for a profit. While Vivi handled pressuring the attorney with her shrewd businesses conduct, and disinterest with discussing further details with attorney lady until she spoke with top management. Lewis backed up his team, being kind of tall and scary when irritated, but mediating the two parties when his team got a little overbearing. The bottom line of their negotiations came down to:
 “And even if they won’t speak with us,” Vivi concluded, “We’ll sign your… sinister contract anyway.”
 Attorney lady blinked. “It’s just a release form.”
 “It’s a legally binding contract! Ya can’t fool me!”
 Now, the group sat in the large and luxurious office. A replica model of the Fanatical Hypes ™, theme park, on the table beside the large desk. A door off to the right led to another room, where the attorney lady vanished into. The trio sat in chairs, and Mystery lay curled beside Vivi’s feet. They examined the room over, gauging the personality and temperament of the manager-owner. Some photos hung in order on one wall, underscoring debut attractions through black and white lens.
 “Daylight’s a’wasting away,” Arthur mumbled.
 “How are we going to enjoy the remainder of our day, if that thing comes roaming again?” Vivi snarked back.
 Arthur leaned back in his chair, letting his head recline on the headrest. “We can’t be like those storm chases, but we’ll be dino chasers. We should get pay per encounter.”
 Lewis leaned a little his way. “We already do that professionally.”
 Arthur twitched. “So why are we tryin’ to get tangled in this mess, on our one day off?”
 Woof. Mystery raised his ears toward Arthur. We’ll get benefits! His bob tail wagged.
 The back door opened, and a man emerged. He wore a nice suit with stripes, along with a bright electrifying tie. He surveyed the group, a set of small but trendy sunglasses fitted over his eyes. Following him was the Ms. Attorney lady. She shut the door and stood to the side.
 “I’m told you three refuse to sign some release forms,” he stated. The attorney nodded.
 Vivi shrugged. “We’re willin’ to sign, but we want to know what that… nasty thing was first. It’s for a little insurance. Your people seem to have a problem, one which my crew is prepared to assist you with.”
 The manager took his seat at the desk. “You think the three of ya’ll can help with an issue my park staff is prepared to amend? With our standardized procedures and dozens of work crews, on standby?” He leaned forward over the desk. “What’s your pitch?”
 The group exchange glances. Lewis stood up. “To start, your go to solution for this gig is have people sign the ambiguous release form. So I ask you, sir, what have you managed to accomplish with all your resources and park staff?” He crossed his arms and grinned.
 Manager blinked and edged back in his seat. “Er, well, my people are adequately trained—”
 “Adequately ain’t cutting it.” Vivi stood up. “My people are experts in this field of work, and we’re gunna save you so much money.”
 Attorney lady inched toward her boss. “Sir, you don’t need to listen to them.” She brought her arms from behind her back, and revealed the sinister clipboard with the forms. “They agreed to sign, if you afforded a short audience. You need not go further with this discussion.” She jolted when Vivi snatched the clipboard away.
 “Oh dear, you’re tots right. Guys.” Vivi set the clipboard on the desk and twirled the pen around her finger. “Guess we’ll be signing and leaving. We’ll just head off to some other amusement park, one with better rides, and the less likely hood of getting mauled. Though I love-love-LOOOOVVE the thrill of danger!” She cackled.
 Lewis brightened. “I love her when she gets like this.”
 “You would.”
 Mystery put his paws up on the desk and looked up at her. Vivi gave his head a pat.
 “A shame, isn’t it Misty?” She put the pen to paper. “He’s so excited to solve mysteries. It’s our raison d'etre. Isn’t that right, Mystery?”
 Lewis reached over and pulled Arthur up by the collar of his vest. The whole group standing, ready to sign and be on their way. When the manager looked his way, Lewis dropped the big grin on his face.
 “Hold on a moment,” Manager stammered. “Let’s not be hasty. Your group is qualified, in this field of work?” He snapped his fingers, looking to the attorney lady. “The Mysterious Stalls?”
 “It’s Mystery Skulls,” Vivi huffed. “And that requires some assessment. What exactly is your problem here? We’ve seen the results,” she gestured around the room, “damaged property, terrified guests—”
 Arthur piped up, “Potential lawsuits. If that thing tangles with the wrong people.” He shrugged, “Those checks won’t cover an amputation, and our guy nearly lost his feet to the jaws of death.”
 Manager groaned and touched his head. “All right-all right.” He reached over the side of his desk and fumbled with the drawers. After a brief spell, he pulled up a pill bottle and a bottle of water. “Ms. Carter,” he turned to the attorney lady. “Can you draft up some new affidavits?” To the Mystery Skulls:
 “You won’t be signing these.” He took the clipboard from Vivi.
 “Sir?” Ms. Carter posed. “Are you certain? These are freelance….”
 “Investigators,” Vivi offered. “And we don’t have a long list of clients, since we are thorough with our work.”
 Manager waved her off. “A brief work contract, swearing their silence if they so choose to work for me. The details of compensation will come later, with the results. Go to it now, I’m paying you.”
 Ms. Carter cast her eyes towards the group, then her employer, before exiting the room by the back door.
 “Now,” Manager replied. “Where to begin?” Again, he rummaged around on the side of his desk. This time he brought forth some folders stuffed with files, and from between the documents tumbled blurred photographs.
 The attraction for The Land Time Forgot, had several independently mobile and free roaming dinosaur animatronics. Models were based around prominent carnivores and herbivores of the cretaceous period – such as stegosaur, the tyrannosaur, raptors, spinosaurus, to name a few. Guests partaking in the ride, rode in a small buggy that navigated through a preset path. The ride was always fresh and exciting due to the primary attraction, the dinosaurs, roaming around or other times interacting with each other. Naturally, certain fail safes were programmed in, which prevented the animatronics from becoming unruly with one another or getting into traffic jams, which would shatter the existence of a natural ecosystem. It was also imperative to keep the imposing machines from wandering through the buggy’s trail, or exiting the park – these features self-sabotaging, since the mobility of each animatronic was limited.
 Save for one.
 “It was a gimmick, an innocent error,” Manager admitted. “One animatronic, the baby Allosaur, began to… deviate from it’s program parameters. At first it was considered an acceptable risk, it was almost real with its behavior. Reacting to lights, the sounds, other animatronics – the flash of a riders camera. But now, it’s an issue.”
 The allosaur deviated further, no longer reacting to only flashing lights or screaming guests. It began lunging at the buggy’s, though it remained within the programmed barrier which kept it from passing onto the road. This as well changed, and now the machine was routinely venturing out of the attraction itself. It was fine for a while, but now the theropod was attacking guests and the outside rides. For the time, the park staff managed to keep a low profile on these events, but rumors spread that one of the rides went haywire and now attendance was dropping.
 “Before,” the manager went on, “Profits boomed. People wanted to come by and see where the Allosaur would appear next. What mischief it’d get up to. But now, it’s damaging property, and I have to pay a higher commission for my attorney to handle guests who encountered it. Profits have plummeted, and thus far we have not been able to contain it. The artificial interface is out of control.”
 While the park manager spilled his tale of woe, the Mystery Skulls crew had resumed sitting. When he dallied on further exposition, they sat quietly, brooding through the context of their situation. Arthur did not look impressed.
 Vivi cleaned her glasses, and spoke, “So… stupid question. Why don’t you, I dunno, shut it off?”
 Manager nodded. “I wouldn’t say that’s a stupid question, more intriguing if anything. There’s a remote kill switch, along with a switch on all the animatronics which cuts power flow. The remote, I guess signal – I’m not good with the technological tactics – the animatronic overrides it. It refuses to shut down.”
 Now Arthur spoke, “That’s some hella AI game there.”
 “It’s cutting edge!” Manager gushed. “The ride was refurbished recently. When I purchased this theme park, I was told it was because the latest innovations went well beyond the anticipated recurring profits the original owner intended to make. Now though? I’m not certain if that was the genuine issue.”
 Lewis held up a hand and began counting off fingers. “Okay, so that we’re on the same page. One, you can’t shut it down. Two, you haven’t been able to catch-slash-stop it.” Manager nodded. “Cool. I think we can manage one of those two things. How ‘bout it Vii? You think we can handle this?”
 Vivi crossed her arms. “I actually think we should. We can handle it sir….”
 “It’s Klayton.” He rose from the desk and extended his hand.
 In due time, Ms. Carter returned from the back room with the paperwork for the short-term contract. It was a few pages long of formality, barring the Mystery Skulls ™ from speaking about the park, or do anything aside from detaining the Allosaur. There was a termination order, should they fail within a week to fulfill their objective. The group signed, as with Mr. Klayton and it was notarized by Ms. Carter.
 From there, the Mystery Skulls exited the managers headquarters, and returned to the attraction which housed the disastrous Allosaur.
 The first stop was the small disaster zone, where the Allosaur rampaged. Caution tape and some mobile barriers had been set up, barring guests from the traumatized site. Arthur slipped under a slant of the tape and examined the splintered pole from the fence. A couple meters away, Vivi stood examining the blocked entrance of the attraction. On the pavement, Lewis checked a muddy footprint.
 “What’d you take from all that?” Lewis called. “About the AI going haywire, and targeting guests?”
 Arthur dropped a splinter of wood. “Utter bullshit. I think it could still be some guy in a costume, like those meet-and greets.” He pulled out his phone and began swiping through the internet. “Allosaurs are much bigger, so why not make an animatronic to scale? Also, the movement was too smooth for a machine.” He approached Lewis and gave him a show of the images. Lewis nodded.
 “What about the Walking with Dinosaurs show? They mix people in costume and animatronics.” He poked Arthur’s phone, swiping away the images.
 Arthur muttered under his breath, “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
 Lewis grinned. “C’mon, it’ll be fun. And we can bargain in free food and lifelong passes.” Mystery came over to them, and he reached down to pet the hound. “And there’s no way we’ll get Blacklisted.” He unclipped the vest from Mystery and folded up under his arm. “You won’t be needing that.”
 Mystery had a full body shake. His hair poofed up all across his formerly lean dog shape, making him look vaguely pufferfish.
 “This was our holiday.” Arthur snorted, and pulled up some more search sites with images. “Let corporate avarice deal with berserk Jurassic Park gone exactly as expected.” When Vivi came over, he handed his phone to her and gave a brief of the speculations.
 “Don’t get confused,” Vivi stated. “We’re not doing this for Park Avarice. We’re doing it for the people that come here, unaware that the ride is dangerous ‘cause of the coverups. Still, someone is out there spreading the rumors, and persuading people to stay away. That’s definitely not done out of any kind of Whistle Blowing moral obligation.”
 Lewis cooed, “You think someone tampered with the animatronic.”
 “Yup. Someone wants to sabotage the park, and they don’t care if anyone get’s hurt along the way.” She turned to Arthur and handed back his phone.. “You wanna help people, right? And you’re good with electronics, maybe better than the engineers enlisted here.”
 Arthur pocketed his phone. “I work engines. There’s a distinct difference between circuits and engines.”
 “Anyway,” Vivi announced. She brushed past the guys and climbed onto one of the lower rocks, within the small garden plot. “We’re gonna solve this case, and prove once again you don’t mess with professional investigators!” She pointed her finger high, a playful gust whipped around her hair. Mystery hopped up onto the rock beside her and posed.
 Arthur leaned into Lewis. “She’s doing the pose again.”
 Lewis slipped a hand beside his face, and stage whispered, “The pose is empowering. It speaks to the spirits, beseeches their protection.”
 Arthur sighed. “We’re cursed now. Our quest is doomed.”
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lunanight2012 · 4 years
My Self insert RenDocSelf story Part 1
Here is part 1, it’ll be under the cut, because i’m still nervous about it.
Also tagging @cuteypandapie because they seemed interested in this story
I smirked as a trident was pressed against my throat. Yep, me and Doc were fighting again. This happened every week. I felt the trident pierce my neck a tiny bit. I pulled out my TNT and within a millisecond, pulled out my flint and steel, lighting the TNT.
"See you after respawn, Docy~!" I teased before the TNT exploded, killing both of us.
I gasped as I sat up in my bed, in my base. Getting up, I walked over to my mirror, seeing all my respawn scars. But the one I reached up and touched was the latest one, on my neck. I turned around and grabbed my collar necklace. I couldn't show it off like I wanted to. I had stuff to do now.
I grabbed my extra set of enchanted diamond armor, diamond tools, and elytra. I took off using my elytra and rockets back towards where I blew me and Doc up. I quickly gathered my items, putting Doc's items in a shulker box, leaving a sign that read "To the Goatfather. From L" 
I smirked, before quickly taking off towards Dead Dog Gulch. I had to help Ren out with his Quadchopper. I landed as gracefully as I could before making my way to the Bigger Logz Inc meeting room.
I quickly got on my work helmet, my name painted across the front. I reached the door to the building. Fixing myself to make myself seem presentable before knocking on the door.
"Come in!" Ren called from inside.
I felt myself shiver at his voice. Yes, I had a crush on Doc AND Ren. Do they know? God no. I'm pretty sure neither of them feel the same. I opened up the door and smiled at Ren.
"Good morning Luna. Did you and Doc finish your fight already?" He asked with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes. "I had a meeting I couldn't miss. So I ended it quickly. Now what is wrong with your QuadChopper?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
"One of the timers isn't working." Ren explained, getting up from his desk, walking around and sitting on his desk, facing me.
His tail swayed and his ears twitched in different directions. God, he was so freaking cute! But he's my boss!
"Didn't you create it?" I questioned, smirking.
Ren tugged on his vest a bit, not meeting my eyes. Weird.
"Yea. But I figured a fresh set of eyes would help." 
"But you know I'm better at helping harvest wood than I am with redstone. Ren. You know you should ask any of the redstoners on the server to help, not me. So call Mumbo, call Tango, hell call Doc, "The Goatfather". I'm going to go refill the barrels at the shopping district. I believe in you boss!" I called out saluting before I took off towards the Bigger Logz wood storage.
I opened the door and began to gather wood into the shulker box for moving the wood between storage and the shop. I rubbed at my collar, people would call it a choker but I like to think of it as a collar. I mean hell I fight Doc every week, and I work for Ren. I belong to both of them but they don't know.
I finished loading the shulker box, placed it in my inventory and left. Flying towards the Cowmercial District. I landed outside of the shop, smiling as I went through the barrels and restocked. It didn't take long. Any profit from the shop, I placed in the now empty shulker box. 
"Alright, better get this to Ren." I exclaimed, packing up the shulker and getting ready to take off. 
I stopped, seeing something that caught my eye. Doc, Etho, and False walking down the Cowmercial district. I hid behind a barrel as I listened to them talk.
"Thank you once again False. I'm glad to finally have had BDubs killed." Doc stated, getting closer to the shop.
I held my breath and peeked out from the side of the barrel. Watching the scene unfold. I noticed that False now had the tag. Or as Grian liked people to call it, Tag 2: Electric Boogaloo. Yes I rolled my eyes thinking about it.
"Not a problem at all! Thank you for letting me have the tag in exchange for killing him. I better head out to my base! See you later Doc!" False exclaimed, taking off towards her base.
I hid behind the barrel once more. Why was I jealous? Doc and I were "enemies". Not dating… so why am I hurt he didn't ask me?
"I think I love her Etho."
I could feel my heart break.
"Doc, you've been talking about her for the last hour. I would be more surprised if you weren't." Etho explained, the two sounding as if they were walking away.
"She's an amazing fighter! How can I not be!" Doc exclaimed.
I stopped listening before I quickly pulled out my rockets and ran down the hill towards the water. Yea, I couldn't get my rockets out fast enough. I just swam over to Dead Dog Gulch.
It took me longer, but I made it there, walking over to the office, dripping wet. But hey it hid the fact that I was crying. I walked into the office, startling Ren.
"Luna? That was quick. Why are you soaking wet?" Ren asked, walking over to me.
"Fell into the water and had to swim over from the Cowmercial district. Is it alright if I just take the day off? I got the sales. Here." I handed him the shulker box before turning around and walking out.
"See you tomorrow, please stay safe!" Ren called out to me, worry in his voice.
I smiled weakly at him before running out and taking off towards my base. I entered into my base. Heading straight for the bathroom. I dried off and changed before walking to my room. I grabbed the only makeup I had. Something Cleo gave me in the last world, cover up makeup. Yes. I've been fighting with Doc since the S6 1.13 world. I sat on my bed and faced my mirror. I took off my collar and tossed it into the corner. It was a joke gift from Doc. From the first Christmas in the last world. That was the other reason I liked wearing it. There were many reasons but still. 
I opened up the makeup and began to cover up all my scars from my fights with Doc. The one on my neck, one going up my left arm, one in the middle of my back, one on my stomach, and the last one, the one over my heart. That one hurt to cover. It was the first time I had fought with Doc and the moment I realized I had a crush on him.
I hadn't even realized I was crying until I felt the tears hit my hand. I looked up at myself in the mirror. Tears streaming down my face.
I looked down at my hands. I was better with explosives then I was with my hands. I can't fight very well with a sword. Maybe I should practice.
I looked outside, it was night time. And BDubs was away for the week. Time to fight some Zombies without using TNT. I lived on the island to the far north, just behind Zedaph's base. I got on my diamond armor, pulled out my enchanted diamond sword. I walked out of my base, instantly finding a Zombie. 
I ran towards it, swinging my sword at it only to miss and shove my sword into the dirt, getting mud on my face. I groaned, trying to pull my sword out of the mud. 
I could hear the mobs getting closer. I was being too cocky. God dammit! Now I'm gunna get killed by zombies, skeletons, and suicidal creepers! And spider, yuck. 
"Ow!" I exclaimed as a Skeleton shot my arm, an area where my armor didn't cover.
I finally managed to get my sword out of the mud and slipped trying to get up. I finally managed to rush back into my base. Closing the door and pressing my back up against it. All I could do was cry as I heard the zombies breaking my door. It didn't take long. Zombies broke my door, and then a creeper blew me up. Of course everyone was notified. I gasped and sat up in my bed, running over to the door and grabbing my stuff before rushing back to my room and switching my spruce door out for an iron door. 
"I'm so stupid! Now Doc is probably laughing about how bad I am at PVE. I hate everything…. I think I'm just going to stay in here for a while… I'm sorry Ren sweetie. But I don't think I'll be able to work for a while." I cried to myself, pulling out a book and quill, writing in it like a diary.
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