#help me idk how to tag
liliumsabyss · 2 years
Gold, Silver, and Hay
Jason Todd(DC) x Male Reader
Word Count: 2.699k
Tw: Fluff to Heavy Angst, Unedited, Mention of Overdoes(Jasons Mother), Parental Abandonment, Death, Swearing, Childhood love like growing up with each other but having feelings for each other since childhood, brief suggestions of homophobia/internalized homophobia, violence, Blood, just general DC stuff so readers discretion is advised
(A/N: I will probably do the same lines for some of the other top characters in the poll above but they will all be different stories and Thank you for Reading :D)
“ Hi! I'm Jason! Jason Todd!
“ Hi Jason, Im (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)”
Who knew that two seven year olds growing up in crime alley of Gotham would become inseparable after those two lines? The two boys quickly became good friends after meeting and learning on relying on one another rather than their parents, Jason who hated his crook of a father for abandoning him and his mother and (Y/n) who hated his mother after abandoning him and his father chasing after some old rich man to become his trophy wife dream, the pair was practically perfect for one another.  And soon seven turned to ten and that's when they became closer and closer and neither could quite explain their closeness but it was there and both were very fond of it. The raven haired male quickly became enamored with the other even if they were only seven he would turn flustered at the others close contact and the same could be said about the (h/c) haired males as well he would become bashful at Jason's affection for him. One day after the two had finished their regular shenanigans they were sitting in an alley on crates panting.
“ Hey (Y/n) what do you think of marriage?” Jason asked randomly, confusing the other at the question.
“ Um I think it would be nice with the right person I guess,” (Y/n) started shrugging his shoulders before continuing “ Why are you asking?”
“ Would you marry another boy…?” Jason asked as his voice got quieter at the end biting his lip and picking at the skin around his nails nervously. When he said that the (h/c) haired male took a sharp breath holding it tightly as if everything would come crashing down. Had Jason really found out the secret he had held so close to his chest for so long?
“ J-Jason, why are you asking me this?” (Y/n) said his voice trembling in anxiety as he asked the other refusing to look at his Jason just continued to pick and pick at his nails holding his breath.
“ Would you marry me someday…?” Jason asked, also trembling, Why did he do this? What if the other hated him for this? What if he never speaks with me again? His thoughts started spiraling but he had brought this upon himself he must see it out yet he refused to look at the other keeping his head down strands of hair slightly covering his face. 
“ Of course I would.” (Y/n) chuckled letting his breath go overjoyed and amused by the situation. Jason peered up hopeful eyes shimmering on the verge of tears as the (h/c) haired male stood up walking towards him putting his hands on his cheeks.
“ I promise the next time I ask it will be with gold,” Jason said, holding the others hands on his cheeks “ Man I've been wanting this since I met you!”
“ Jason we were only seven and slow down we are ten we still have a ways to go.” (Y/n) said laughing bashfully at the others outburst of affection and enamorment.
“ Ok and?”
The two laughed and hugged clinging onto each other that was only the start of their enamorment for one another. However things soon became complicated Jason's mother overdosed and he was only left with (Y/n) whom he of course cared for but it did still cause pain. Yet through all his pain the (h/c) haired male was patient and remained by his side which the raven haired male would always appreciate. But Jason started to strip cars for parts like his mother and in doing so put himself in danger he refused to tell the others out of some fear he couldn’t quite place. Jason was one night looking for another car when he spotted a sleek black car and stole a tire from it trying to go back for the other tires he had been caught by Batman. Soon one thing led to the next and Jason was adopted by Bruce Wayne which he had learned to be Batman. That made things complicated between (Y/n) and Jason, Jason got to live in a shiny new house in the upper parts of Gotham while (Y/n) was left in crime alley with a father who worked consecutive 16 hour shifts as a nurse in the local emergency room and was never home no matter how great of a father he was it took a toll on the boy. The boy was of course thrilled for Jason but it didn’t stop the void of Jason's frequent appearance to now be limited. The two boys tried to keep their contact up they definitely didn’t fail but it was exactly the best until Jason became the new robin which happened pretty quickly. When Jason would patrol crime alley he would take at least several hours at the end of his patrol to spend time with the (h/c) haired male. While it was quite late (Y/n) was just thrilled to spend time with the other. 
Their relationship only grew stronger and stronger until it stopped. Jason was killed by the Joker and the pain that (Y/n) felt was unimaginable, it felt like he was torn up from the inside out,  How could he just die? How could the person he cared for just stop being there? Why did this happen to Jason? But before he could even fully grieve Jason was back his Jason was back his Jason Todd was back but he wasn’t his Jason he was not the same Jason while angry at so many was also joyful to just as many this Jason was cold and shattered, cynical. (Y/n) couldn’t blame him but his heart crackled into a thousand pieces finding out what he went through. Yet he stayed by his side through it all and while neither were quite the same when they were younger they loved each other all the same. Then before they knew it they turned eighteen and Jason got the fuck away from that house from the man who had just replaced him and from the same man who had brought his killer back from the dead even if it was for the sake of his older brothers conscious. The (h/c) haired male soon after moved in with him while their place wasn’t exactly in the high end of Gotham it certainly wasn’t crime alley. The two were happy in their safe little space away from Bruce, away from the Joker, away from Black Mask, away from crime alley, away from everyone, a space where they could just be together. 
Jason still thirsted for the same feeling he got as Robin so he became Red Hood waging a war on his enemy Black Mask it was one of the easiest decisions he had made in his life after loving the (h/c) haired male. However he thought he would keep it a secret from the other which didn’t exactly work out as he had planned. One night as he attempted to sneak back in from the window from the fire escape only to notice that the light had been on and on the couch (Y/n) had been curled up in the corner covered in a fuzzy blanket with red bats on it and had been reading his course book very casually.
“ Hello Jason” (Y/n) said, folding his arms, setting his book on the armrest looking at the other inquisitorial. 
“ Hey love,” Jason said, chuckling nervously, rocking back and forth on the ball of his feet in front of the open window.
“ So what were you doing out in the middle of the night?” The other continued looking expectantly.
“ I was taking a walk?” The raven haired male replied, shrugging not exactly lying but not exactly telling the truth.
“ In spandex and a leather suit? I don’t think so.” 
“ Look I’m sorry I just didn’t want to make you worried.” Jason started walking towards the other male.
“ I would worry either way. I worry about you everyday because I love you but if you need to do this I won’t stop you but at least let me help with that.” (Y/n) said pointing at the scrapes and bruises that littered his torn up suit that Jason didn’t even notice. 
(Y/n) got up and led Jason to the sofa before leaving to go to their bathroom rummaging around grabbing the first aid kit bringing it back to the main room leaning down in front of Jason about to touch him but looking up for the others consent first Jason nodded quickly before (Y/n) went hard to work cleaning and bandage cut and scrapes and feather touches drag against bruises to check for breaks. After the couple went to their bedroom cuddling in their shared bed the (h/c) haired male twiddled with the two white streaks of hair the raven male had. This was the first of many nights like that however one night was different Jason felt the imprint of the ring in his jacket pocket and before he knew it he was getting onto the ground with the other, (Y/n) looking quite confused. Jason crouched on one knee at the same level as the other fumbling around trying to get his hand into his pocket, quite embarrassed at his lack of smoothness the other just staring at him peculiarly.
“ (Y/n) I have loved you since we were seven you have never left my side and while it's silver not gold will you still marry me?” Jason said his voice wobbling as his fingers shook holding the gleaming silver ring in the silence of their living room (Y/n) in shock before a wide smile graced his face, his eyes bending into crescent moons.
“ Absolutely Yes! I love you so much Jason.” (Y/n) practically shouted, throwing his arms around the raven male's shoulders pushing him accidentally to the floor both smiling wide Jason leaning upward to kiss the other, the other reciprocating deeply. In their small safe space, safe from everyone else only love radiated and that was enough for the two of them it was enough. 
But nothing good can last forever and with Jason it was only inevitable for something to go wrong. Jason was out on patrol like normal however this time he had gotten a lead on Black Mask having some sort of base in an old abandoned warehouse which certainly seemed strange considering the villains flair for dramatics yet he had arrived at the warehouse walking in cautiously having his pair of pistols at the ready. The industrial lighting flooded the room when he stepped in but no one was in sight. Jason approached the center of the room only to notice the large black screen on the wall which flickered on only to show what appeared to be a video of Black Mask his empty eyes staring into Jasons soul through the screen.
“ Hello Red Hood I’ve noticed that you have started to take more and more of what's mine,” he had started with an annoyed tone dressing his hands on the desk in front of him “ So I’ve decided to take something of yours.”
The sentence made Jason's heart freeze No they couldn’t be talking about you could they Jason thought to himself.
“ You see we quickly figured out about your so called lover or I guess now fiance I should say which by the way congrats,” Black Mask said amused chuckling to himself his eyes sharp with malice “ However you should invite me to the wedding but I guess there will be no wedding when my men are done with him. Oh well I guess make that invite to the funeral.”
Jasons breath collapsed as he turned and sprinted he couldn’t hear anything else except his heart pounding matching his feet’s sprint through Gotham the cold night air whipped his face, his lungs burned, but he couldn’t feel anything except the overflowing amount of fear gush through his body his mind and heart screaming at him to go faster. The little light of their apartment shined dimly but shined in comparison to all the other darkened windows of the building. Jason reached the fire escape practically hurling himself up the ladder then the stairs trying to get to their window. When he arrived the window had but shut to his first relief but when he climbed through his heart plummeted the room had been absolutely trashed their dinner table broken, vases smashed, drawers and cabinets open but what scared him the most was the dark pools of red that seeped around the downturned unmoving (h/c) haired male. Jason rushed to his fiance's side without a single though except He must be alive. The raven male turned the other over gently but at a speedy pace. Jason could only feel his heart squeeze into an inexplicable amount of pain as he saw the huge gash across the others stomach practically gutting him. Just when Jason though he couldn’t possibly be in more pain, (y/n)’s eyes squinted open.
“ Ja-Jay” He said Jason's heart was absolutely shattered at the nickname he only called him when scared. Jason took (Y/n)s hands clinging onto them for dear life guiding them up to his face.
“ I-I'm here, I'm right here. You see I’m right here.” Jason said his voice worboling as he tried not to cry but only to feel little beads escaping from his eyes his lip quivering.
“ Jay, Jay, I'm scared-“ The (h/c) haired male started frantically only to be cut off with a cough that surged his whole body up red colored fluid came up which Jason very well knew was blood but refused to believe it instead rubbing the back of his hands.
“ Hey, Hey, it’s gonna be alright we're gonna see the venu tomorrow and we're gonna go pick out our outfits Roy and Dick are gonna make sure we don’t pick out the same thing and then soon we will be at our wedding, the demon spawn will bring us our rings and Tim will be the Dj and your going to walk down the aisle and look stunning and I will probably cry like a baby because I will be getting to marry the man I’ve loved since I was seven and we will get our happy ending the ending you deserve.” Jason said frantically trying to hold in his sobs holding his fiance closer on his lap.
“ Hmm that sounds very nice… You deserve a happy ending Jason, I’m sorry.” The (h/c) haired male said humming trying to look Jason in the eyes as best as he could with his blackening vision. Jason however broke out into full sobs. He should have known that this would happen yet he tried to ignore it and now he couldn’t do anything about it. He should have given his love so much more than he had yet it was too late but one promise in particular burned in his mind.
“ I promised you gold but all I’ve given you is silver.” The raven hair male choked no longer holding back his sobs as he grasped at (Y/n)’s hands.
“ And I would be fine with hay.” (Y/n) spoke gently, smiling up at Jason, his already squinted eyes staring to close even more.
“ I love you Jason…” The voice drifted off eyes closing hands falling limp, his skin growing cold, his head lulling back, his chest freezing, his heart stopping and his smile becoming a neutral expression. Thats when the dam broke open for Jason a flood of anger, regret, sparrow, vengeance and anguish poured through him. He rocked back and forth with his love in his arms not caring about the blood in their little safe space that had been violated, turned into a crime scene, and a reminder of an unfulfilled promise and a shattered dream. He leaned in kissing his loves forehead and whispered.
“ I love you too. And in another life I swear I will give you gold.”
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aqg-arts · 4 months
I went back and had to add my signature to all the Warframe Pride pieces I've done over the past few weeks because someone (looking at past me here) forgot to add that vital lil thing to em. Good Griffin, I really do hate that mofo.
Anyway, Androgynous Volt was one of the few pieces I forgor to be smart with, so take them
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postalollie · 2 years
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yahoo finally finished this! :D wanted to try different color stuff and a background! [background without dude undercut!! ☆ ~('▽^人)]
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ssamlet · 2 years
bbruhv its sand
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oh my go sh its the man i think? i’ve drawn sans like once hello anyways erm im a proud horror fan
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stoopidstapler · 1 year
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daeyumi · 1 year
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Reawaken 🌌🌑❇️
First post here~
Never had a tumblr before so learning how things work here should be,, interesting lol
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justsomecouscous · 1 year
*points to a pair of random fictional gay men that I'm currently obsessed with for no reason and will be for the next month* These are my babies and I love them
*pushes the ones that I'm not currently obsessed with back into my basement* Hush children you can come back out when (if) your hyperfixation returns
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painting test with a limited color palette
here's the moon equivalent!
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actingwithportals · 3 months
Saw a textpost that actually made me really curious to see something
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ronihilator · 11 days
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SCREENCAP REDRAW OF LANCE! (ft. headcanons because fuck you)
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raydotink · 18 days
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I'll see you in hell.
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cheeseeits · 2 years
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anonymouscheeses · 2 months
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At first i was jst supposed to find a hairstyle for Anxiety cz i had no idea how to draw it... still dont.. and then it turned into an entire redesign so idk 😭 (i dont have any problems wiht og deisyns i jst wnated to ahve fun)
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Jumpscare! /j soo i made an au... cz im hyperfixating hard on inside out 2 rn... and im fixated on Riley cz sshes meeee 😭 and Val cz she's so chill i wnat to be rriends with her tbh
(Tell me if this is like- a shipping no-no cz im not sure what the fandom is like for shipping the adult vers of them 😔🫶)
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heartorbit · 7 months
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i'm sending this endless melody to a nameless you
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bunnysnared · 5 months
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*taps mic* is this thing on..
hello i am absolutely terrified to post on here for the first time AHHH hopefully i show up in searches.. but to kick it off here are some [at this point..] really old soap sketches ♡ when i was trying to decide how i wanted to stylize his facial features.. still not sure!!
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sanshinexx · 21 days
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After Angband, Maedhros had a complicated relationship with his hair for a long while. The thing he once used to cherish and carry with pride, inherited from the mother he had left behind, was now tainted with memories of unwanted attention and derogatory touch.
After his rescue, it had to be cut short for the sake of his recovery, and he could never quite figure out whether he was more hurt or relieved by the act. It was Fingon, during those times filled with anxiety and doubt and shame, who helped him learn to accept his own appearance again– from the stump of his right arm and the scars littered across his freckled body to the locks of copper hair, ever so slowly regrowing to their former glory.
And little by little, the lingering memories of malevolent hands harshly yanking at his scalp were replaced by the feeling of tender hands carefully braiding familiar golden ribbons into his hair, once again beloved.
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