#help detect ai
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psalmsfordeedra · 5 months ago
these are made with ai aren't they 😭😭😭
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kugisakiss · 1 year ago
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watched m26 hehe, sorry for the word vomit
if anyone was wondering how i was counting how many movies they appeared in, i made a little timeline when i was trying to figure it out for myself ↓
all dcmk movies are released on golden week which is in april. shout out to the detectiveconanworld wiki i couldn't have done it without you x
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the real enemy is conan because he's got a perfect 100% movie spotlight
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clownakai · 1 month ago
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Very recently got infected by the Jodie & Shiho agenda. I'm chewing on drywall I need more interactions between them oh my god
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cyellolemon · 2 years ago
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The Detective Boys!!! sillies :3 also happy Haibara day <33
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doe-eye-oswald · 2 months ago
Just watched Movie 26: Black Iron Submarine and am finally done with all detective conan movies.
Too much conan, not enough ai
They reanimated the scene of ai taking the poison and made it so much more intense and horrific holy shit
Kir was amazing in this movie (and so hot). Love it when they bother to remember her existence
Like, how she stood up to gin and didn't back down?? I need more of her
Vermouth came, did some hot girl shit, heard about kidnapping ai and completely noped out of the plot lol
This is like the one time when I immediately knew who the culprit was bc I know about the counting on your fingers thing
Love how the detective boys have rich people privilege simply by knowing sonoko
Lmao not conan calling pinga a 'knock off street level gin' get rekt bitch
I wish naomi and shiho could have talked more:(
There were a lot of things I liked about this movie, but I gotta be honest the whole 'giving back your lips thing' nearly ruined it for me
Also, hilarious plot hole: they killed the lady in the beginning bc she saw them and then. did not bother to go after Ai and naomi even tho they saw their faces??
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t4tadrienette · 3 months ago
I understand why Shinichi couldn't reveal Subaru's real identity, it wasn't his choice to make, it's personal information that Akai might want to reveal with time. But he could have invented a better excuse other than "Aha, you're so silly for being paranoid. He seems like such a good guy. He's a Holmes fan as well!" Like, Shinichi, be for real, that guy literally asked to live in their house unprompted, he was a literal stranger randomly asking that, he was so fucking suspicious, maybe try to find a better way of not looking or sounding suspicious with him
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miyano-shiho4869 · 10 months ago
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did this instead of studying for my organic chemistry final
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seraheart · 1 year ago
I kinda wish that the DetCo canon would do more with the fact that the relationship (I don't mean this in the shipping sense) between Conan and Haibara has been, or at least logically should have been, really strained for a long time.
Originally, they had this development where Haibara was really messed up, overly cautious and trying to force her maladaptive survival psychological issues onto other people, and generally not good at positive interactions. Then, slowly, Conan and the others started gaining her trust (not entirely though), and also her general mental health improved (never completely though).
But then it turned around, and started getting significantly worse. Haibara isn't really in a healing arc anymore. If Aoyama still took her seriously as a character (which, to be fair, I don't think is the case), she would be in a retraumatization arc. Conan and his allies are limiting Haibara's agency, invading her privacy, dismissing her concerns about all this, and pretending that this isn't happening while she can obviously tell that it is happening.
I think the really obvious turning point was the Mystery Train arc. Haibara even called Conan and Agasa out on it and stated that she wouldn't forgive if she were to be treated like that again. Instead of taking her hurt seriously, they just told her she should "be thankful", and dismissed her hurt as "tsundere", refusing to take her trauma seriously after using it and using her as a mere chess piece in their plans (and Akai even triggering her more by gloating about it).
Since then, Haibara has been trapped under the constant, violating supervision of these people who have demonstrated that they don't respect her, and also refuse to acknowledge that the problem even exists. It's not a situation where her recover arc could realistically continue. By all logic, she should be spiraling, getting worse again.
And maybe this is on purpose; Aoyama definitely didn't plan the manga to get this long when he introduced Haibara, and originally the slow-burn of her recovery was a good way to postpone a scenario where Haibara could actually trust Conan enough to give him the kind of information that would lead to the finale arc. But... eventually, even with the extreme slow burn of DetCo, Haibara's recovery arc and relationship development with Conan would have gotten to the point where her continued withholding of crucial information would no longer make sense... and, I guess, rather than start concluding the story at a humanly reasonable rate, Aoyama just opted to nuke Haibara's whole recovery arc and character and relationship development (not only with Conan but also Agasa).
Which could have been tragic but realistic (albeit kind of a major downer out of tune with the manga's usual tone, and upsetting to anyone who had been invested in the slow-burn mental health improvement arc), but then Aoyama can't even be arsed to take it seriously, and is now just pretending that the situation with Haibara and her relationships with Conan and Agasa are still "normal" instead of FUBAR.
It's regrettable and really shows how much everyone dragging out this franchise to milk it for more money just... doesn't actually care about the story anymore, hasn't in a long time. They'll eventually just kill central, fan-favorite, long-running story arcs rather than actually letting them conclude or evolve in a satisfying manner if that would mean risking their precious status quo (which has warped beyond all recognition anyway, so I'm not sure why they bother).
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bluevelvetea · 2 years ago
Florida Beika Man Part ???
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andypantsx3 · 1 year ago
one thing that really gives me hope re: ai generated images & text is this wacom situation. whatever they saved on hiring a promotional artist is going to be lost to all the customers who drop them now and i hope that sends a message.
i hope in the future it becomes such a faux pas to use ai generated art that no organization feels comfortable doing so, and the companies who spent hundreds of millions of dollars training their plagiarism machines can't recoup any of it and go broke :3
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acacia-luna-royal · 11 months ago
Okay, I went away for what felt like a day but was really a week, spent my time hell-bent excited for Detective Conan Movie 27 to come out this past Friday. I opened up tumblr and I’m literally overwhelmed with people talking about a reveal of some kind… WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!? I don’t actually want to be spoiled, I just want to watch the movie so I can understand why everyone is freaking the fuck out.
Does anyone know where I can watch Detective Conan Movie 27? I think everyone is going to drive me into an aneurysm, I really need to see it before I have a melt down too😭
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akai-anna · 2 years ago
1/3 Szia!Láttam a bingót, és pont jól is jött mert azt hiszem, hogy nem értek valamit. [Sokmindent] Megtennéd, hogy választasz 3 tetszőleges párost a Detective Conan-ből, és kitöltöd velük? (Bocs, hogy szabályt szegek de fontos, hogy te válassz, mert kíváncsi vagyok, de még nem tudom, hogy ki-kicsoda, és szerintem hiányzik a képből egy-két más fontos mozzanat is.)
(For non-Hungarian followers: I was asked to pick 3 optional ships from Detective Conan for this Ship Opinion Bingo. Answering in English to make it available for anyone who might want to read it.)
In advance: I have no self-control and ended up making a whole project of this, my deepest apologies that it got quite lengthy, Lizzy, hope you'll still have some fun reading this essay.
me, failing right at step one: not 3 (i started thinking about, and kept coming up with more and more possibilities, then reduced them again to just A Few TM, I REALLY DID TRY) but 6 relationships which almost ended up as 9... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *Oops!... I did it again starts playing*
relationship: i mean the word in its broadest sense (felt like confirming this bc i see it around in only a romantic context these days, so not only OTP sense of shipping but BrOTP sense too), meaning every and all kind of connections between people/characters, bc as an ace+aro non-romantic connections mean a lot to me
i checked everything that apply, even if they seem contradicting at first glance (just like fic: in one This thing applies, in the other This other thing applies sort of way)
i love you and these characters too much to just do the bingo without Commentaries TM (you poked the door with a stick and it slammed right open)
I. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Mouri Ran
The Main Pair of DetCo (As you have likely gathered from osmosis knowledge + WATCHING THE FIRST MOVIE, I AM STILL SCREAMING ABOUT THAT)
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Elaboration on certain points:
Oh there's no way this will end well & I can make it so fucked up & I can make it so stupid: The Situation Is already fucked up, so I don't even have to do anything, and I'm here to see how it will unfold. And before it gets better (so not the ultimate end) they have to work through a really messy tangle of things. Also they are already endearingly stupid, so that is covered too.
I don't see them as romantic & In a Relationship & Most codependent bitches on earth: I do see them as romantic (DEFINITELY!) but they are so much more than just romantic; their relationship has so many wonderful layers. The deep connection they share is not just romantic; THEY SHAPE EACH OTHER. I view them as the Ultimate Example of the Soulmate trope: in every universe, they are connected and important to each other in one way or another. There is no Shinichi without Ran and no Ran without Shinichi. They can and do function without each other but also their driving force and motivation is very deeply rooted in each other.
brb gotta go through their whole ship tag: in progress, have been at it for a couple months now, still working on it.
Not dating but married nonetheless: ONLY DIDN'T MARK IT BC THEY ARE DATING (IT ONLY TOOK THEM ROUGHLY 1000 CHAPTERS!!!), AND IT'S A RUNNING JOKE THAT THEY ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE (Bless Suzuki Sonoko, the biggest ShinRan shipper and supporter out there).
A little ShinRan moment that I love:
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II. Takagi Wataru - Satou Miwako
The First Police Officer Romance of DetCo
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I can make it so stupid: THEY ALREADY ARE, YOUR HONOUR, and love them that way.
Oh the devotion: just one thing to say and one to show. *inhales deep* Takagi Wataru is absolutely besotted, the sweetest man, Malewife Material TM. *shoves these particular panels in your face*
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III. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Hattori Heiji
The Detective of the East and West AKA Detective Buddies And Bestest of Bros
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Basically canon to me & I don't really see them as romantic: THEY ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS YOUR HONOUR, SUCH HIGH QUALITY FRIENDSHIP, THE LOVE THERE, THE WAY THEY CARE SO MUCH ABOUT EACH OTHER, IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME I'm dYinG- (But also Heiji having the biggest Crush TM on Shinichi never stops being a source of joy because no one goes through the trouble of getting picked as a "Great Sherlockian" despite preferring Ellery Queen, to attend a Sherlock Holmes Fan meeting SO HE CAN POTENTIALLY MEET WITH HIS RIVAL HE MET THE ONCE AT THAT POINT, FCKIN DEDICATION THERE)
Compatible brand of freaks: they are definitely Weird TM, my little weirdo mystery maniacs, definitely forces of nature.
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IV. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Kuroba Kaito/Kaitou KID
To quote the creator: "But I wanted a rival that was an arch nemesis to detectives, natural enemy to appear. [...] who’s smart as Conan and can oppose him."
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I can make it so fucked up & I can make it so stupid: Been there, Done That, Canon Already Provides.
I don't really see them as Romantic & In a relationship: I can see them as many things, be it platonic, partnership, romance, friendship, really, I'm not picky about the nature of their relationship for some reason.
brb gotta go through their whole ship tag: as with ShinRan, it's a thing in progress.
They enable the worst of each other & Compatible brand of freaks: reckless tendencies, the both of them, Ultimate Chaos Bringer Duo, also Bastards To Each Other TM. On the other hand: they are already competent on their own, but they can work really well together too, these absolute gremlins, Scarily Compatible And Competent.
Oh there's no way this will end well & Thematically delicious: complicated situations, Detective-Thief (have always been weak to the trope) business, really, there's bound to be at least a disaster or two.
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V. Mouri Ran - Suzuki Sonoko ( - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan)
Childhood Friends since the start of time (or at least kindergarten, together with Shinichi they make my beloved Sakura Trio)
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General thoughts: THEY LOVE AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER SO MUCH, YET THERE IS SUCH LOVELY TEASING and the potential of stupid teenage shenanigans is STRONG. In any arrangement, they are dear to me, CHILDHOOD BESTIE SQUAD.
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VI. Takagi Wataru - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan
Police Officer of my heart and The Lil Gremlin Partnership
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Basically canon to me & I don't see them as romantic: they proved time and time again that THEY ARE AWESOME PARTNERS IN MYSTERY-AND-CRIME SOLVING, SO MUCH COMPATIBILITY THERE, AWESOME WORKING TEAM, FCKIN CANON ON THAT ONE.
I can make it so stupid: as always, They Already Are, most endearingly stupid too.
brb gotta go through their whole partnership tag: I already have, and even tried other kind of searches to find more content of them, I'm crying. T_T
Bonus: Takagi Wataru, always the witness for his Cryptid Moments TM, and also is amazed by him since day 1 (even if he doesn't know Conan is Shinichi), and Shinichi feeling a kinship with him. (Amongst other things not mentioned here.)
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Hope you enjoyed this weird ride, and if you have any questions about who is who, what is happening, or anything you are curious about, you know where to find me, Lizzy! (✿◕‿◠)~★
Bonus: you seemed to like the Kitten Hold, so have a litter of kittens as a goodbye.
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eccentric-enby-entity · 2 years ago
WHERE in the WORLD can I watch episode 129, The Girl from the Black Organization and the University Professor Murder Case, of Detective Conan AKA Case Closed AKA Meitante Conan. It's the episodes where my favorite character Ai Haibera is introduced and I cannot find it on any streaming services, youtube, or pirating sites!!!!
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t4tadrienette · 6 months ago
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Haibara just adding unnecessary fire to fuel
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brawlqueen · 2 years ago
∗ o1﹕ a  text  sent  late  at  night . for timmy
the other line / texting memes! (accepting) / @ofpersistence
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[NILE MESSAGE] timmy, right? yeah, i gave you my business card. [NILE MESSAGE] well, technically i have three of those. [NILE MESSAGE] er, nevermind, listen. [NILE MESSAGE] just checking, but something...felt off. [NILE MESSAGE] not you. well, i guess i kinda freaked you out. [NILE MESSAGE] robot making is serious business huh? cool. [NILE MESSAGE] anyway, my bad. so my partner, she... [NILE MESSAGE] she kinda told me she sensed something. [NILE MESSAGE] in your area, that is. you know anything about that? [NILE MESSAGE] nah, you won't meet her, she's shy. not. [NILE MESSAGE] anyway, mind if i check anyway? [NILE MESSAGE] i don't think it's anything . . . [NILE MESSAGE] but i'd like a check over just in case. [NILE MESSAGE] oh, and you can just call me mizuki. [NILE MESSAGE] i'm not gonna interrogate you don't worry. [NILE MESSAGE] i just want to make sure you're safe. [NILE MESSAGE] i really did mean your robot was coming along. [NILE MESSAGE] anyway, whatever it is, i'll take care of it. [NILE MESSAGE] thanks for letting me have your number! [NILE MESSAGE] let's both get some sleep, okay? [NILE MESSAGE] text me if anything comes up.
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johncarter54 · 2 years ago
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Make your life much easier with NetusAI paraphrasing tool - https://netus.ai/
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