#m26 spoilers
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kugisakiss · 1 year ago
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watched m26 hehe, sorry for the word vomit
if anyone was wondering how i was counting how many movies they appeared in, i made a little timeline when i was trying to figure it out for myself ↓
all dcmk movies are released on golden week which is in april. shout out to the detectiveconanworld wiki i couldn't have done it without you x
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the real enemy is conan because he's got a perfect 100% movie spotlight
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comickergirl · 2 years ago
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Would you believe I *still* didn't get to all the drawings on my list?? XD Spoilers for recent manga chapters and Black Iron Submarine! (And thank you to folks who sent suggestions, sorry if I missed some!)
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love4-bunny · 1 year ago
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Conan, you know how to do CPR, and That's not it. He immediately went for it, idc.
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mestos · 1 year ago
who in the m26 storyboard, sound engineering and score team did this scene so i can give them all my lifesavings. who
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keykidpilipili · 9 months ago
Also on the topic of M26 not a great fan of how did they revealed Pinga's cover though to be fair Vermouth has been known to go under cover as both man and woman but still the way they did this one felt more HMMM.
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lesbianhidemi · 2 years ago
saw m26 today and akjsjda god i wish this was canon
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itssagaruu · 1 year ago
Hello, it's your dcmk secret santa here! Hope your holidays went well ^_^ Seeing as you put movie 26 in the prompts, what were some of your favorite moments?
Hi hi heyyoo!! my holiday is great, I get to work on many things that I don't usually have time to do on school days! it's fun~~ I hope your holiday's is great too!
my favorite moments in m26 are when conan lighted up the ocean with fireworks! I really love the dynamic that goes behind that plan. How amuro give out information willingly to conan and how akai even joked that his rifle won't do anything against a submarine but fell flat because conan can't catch it!!
but then akai still come out bcs conan asked him to and brought bazooka, I just love how these three worked so well together and their dynamic is so wholesome! I love this idea of found family where akai and amuro just adopt this lil gremlin as their lil brother and goes along to his every whims~~
thank you for asking, dear mysterious giver! I look forward to your gift!!
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muslimintp-1999-girl · 2 years ago
M26 spoilers
Professor Agasa is so cute
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Genta is a mood
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Ofc the wife knows
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I'm kind of sad that Conan didn't get to see that beautiful whale spectacle along with the rest of them
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marshmallowgoop · 8 months ago
You came out of nowhere And you opened up my eyes to sunlight
[Song links: 1, 2] [YouTube link]
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muslimintp-1999-girl · 2 years ago
Yesss these lines are so them 🌸 and I'm so glad you shared these pics 💝💖. I will always reblog coai hand holds.
I finally got around to watching that CoAi scene from movie 26 and I have to admit that their interaction was so beautiful, way better than I expected. 🥺
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winterfieldfrontiers · 1 year ago
Dear BO members, don't let ran see your face.
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zimtphilosoph · 2 years ago
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asteralley · 2 years ago
hell on earth people are talking about the early screening of m26 and complaining
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mestos · 1 year ago
kir appreciation post (m26 edition)
let the movie marinate in my head for a night and i still cant stop thinking about how from start to finish kir comes back to the franchise and absolutely one ups every other noc character for me
from the very beginning they introduce her character and bring in her values as a person: for an audience who doesnt remember who she is especially its very refreshing because right from the bat you know three things:
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theres an obvious chase scene going on, but she's unwilling to catch the prey, meaning her allegiances lie elsewhere
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her heart is in helping people, and risks her own cover AND life in the process
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and that she's not above feeling fear about how close she was to screwing everything she's worked up for up until that moment.
the cold open shows us three things immediately about kir that sets the scene for her role in the movie, way better than how she's essentially been forgotten by our floating timeline canon. now you can argue these traits are absolutely present across our current babygirls bourbon (furuya) and former member rye (akai), but with kir (hidemi hondou) the way she actively faces consequences for her defiance (getting shot multiple times, both in movie 20 and movie 26) sets her from a different bar from those two
her next scene is when she's tying up the kidnapped haibara
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which is a great scene overall because it furthers her position as a woman of heart and someone who stands away from the org, but also because it is an extremely subtle nod that makes use of her high perceptiveness that was present all the way from her introduction arc BACK IN EPISODE 425
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where she sees immediately through conan's cheap ass lie but makes no effort to bring light to it. in fact, that whole case, you can straight up argue she KNEW she was being wire tapped the whole time. its nice that it made a comeback 18 years later
BACK TO THE MOVIE, THOUGH, biggest fave is that in her next scene, we get to see her display the difficulty of being part of an organization that actively goes against her core principles as a person AND brings back traumatic memories for her
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as naomi is being psychologically tortured by being forced to watch her dad be assassinated, kir finds this extremely hard to watch. you are then shown the flashback of what made her into a CIA agent today which you know IS KINDA FUCKED UP
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like imagine your dad killed himself in front of you. shes shaking with rage but also the core memory of having her beloved father ripped from her hands in pursuit of this seemingly endless goose chase that she's already too deep in to let go
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and as naomi is distraught over the death of her father she is reminded of her own position; memories, the harrowing experience of loss and how she is part of the organization that robs lives away from families.
but even after all that it strengthens her resolve to do the right thing.
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GIN THIS ENTIRE MOVIE (and arguably the whole franchise) is built up to be the most terrifying enemy for all the parties involved. haibara is traumatized from her experiences with him. conan is actively uneasy at the idea of him being anywhere close. his own damn coworkers still walk on eggshells around him. YET, kir — who had already been fucking shot by gin in the very beginning already — goes toe to toe with gin and challenges him.
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she shows
a) manipulative skill directly. playing on words, feeding on doubt. psychological tactics that she had been trained by the CIA for (a claim they had made 18 years ago but never bothered to show until now)
b) that she's dauntless. she pressed herself against that gun and walked that edge knowing full well she could die should gin feel like it, but also with the confidence that she can and WILL weasel herself out of this situation
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SHE LIVES AND MAKES IT OUT SAFELY. this girl knows her shit and will live to tell the tale. even if its just plot armour working, it damn feels good to have them show a character worth their salt this way
as an extended bonus, this woman-gaze directed promo art is crazy.
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im in love with her actually.
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kkangkkangie · 2 years ago
why is Gin's first reaction and solution to shoot machine guns/big guns/bomb smth? like the minute I saw the submarine and the big europol thing I knew something was gonna blow up
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keykidpilipili · 9 months ago
I have finally watched Detco movie 26 and I understand why it was so well received. I think it might have dethroned Raven Chaser as my favourite detco movie or it's very close to.
We will never get another raven chaser with how involved the intelligence agencies are now but they balanced them with the rest of the cast better. Speaking of movie 13, the kidnapping sequence felt like that cold open nightmare coming true except it didn't have a body count.
KIR WAS THE TRULY THE MVP SIDECHARACTER OF THE MOVIE ALONSIDE DR AGASA AND RAN! I love how hard this CIA spy tries to do good in small ways she can.
Korn's distraction to make the target come out of hiding was also really smart to me.
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