#hellhouse of fun
thechaotichorselord · 4 months
Thank you for 100 followers!
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I honestly have been getting like— a lot of followers in the last few days.
WHICH I WAS NOT EXPECTING- I was actually planning on saying “if i get 100 followers by the end of may I’ll post an animation to myself singing” because I didn’t think it was possible-
Very glad I didn’t now-
But I’d like to do something special, so I will.
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Weekly Tag Wednesday !! I was tagged by @mickittotheman thank u so much :)
Name: dean :D
Age: 18
Location: mid Atlantic :)
Latest music discovery: we don’t speak anymore by bears in trees
Latest movie: last I can remember is hellhouse LLC
Last TV show you finished: 911 lone star! One of my favorite shows it’s sooo good
Most recently started book: leaves of grass by walt whitman + tales from the gas station by Jack townsend (first for school, second for fun but also for school bc ap test)
Most recent trip out of town: college visit the other weekend ! It was wonderful :)
Most recent trip out of the country: Disney cruise when I was like,,, 10 or 11??
Most recent gift you made yourself: I made a new patch for my jacket I’m gonna sew on sometime this week
Most recent gift you made to someone else: made a friendship bracelet for my sister
Most recent text message you received: screenshot of a comment from an Instagram video
Most recent text message you sent: “Stalking the play by play for the hockey game” (oilers have a game, talking with the family but also want to stay updated, we’re playing Vegas and we’re winning baby !!)
Last fic you read: currently reading beautiful by undisclosed69 it’s sooo good
Last drink you had: drinking Dr Pepper at this very moment :)!
Last thing you ate: oh the most wonderful ham sandwich when I got home and then immediately passed out
Latest piece of clothing you bought: I don’t buy clothes very much, so instead I’ll do the last I received which was Christmas and my favorite was these wonderful brown jeans they’re a very nice cut and go great with my yellow converse they’re iconic
Latest piece of advice you received: Looking into testing fee waivers and FRQs
Latest piece of advice you gave: I think this counts? Explaining stats to a friend in class (specifically difference of means t test,,, hypothesis testing I love u)
Latest thing you promised yourself: i am going to study for Spanish I am going to study for Spanish I am going to study for Spanish I will be an academic weapon
Tagging: @a-lil-violence @transmurderbug
@onthepyre @transmickey @spookygingerr
@iangallagherisadeadman @doshiart @liza420 and anyone else who wants to !!! To!! Really! And if u don’t want to no pressure !!
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each-uisge · 2 months
7, 15, 36 (u can escape I believe in u)?
7: Have tattoos?
No! But I want one real bad!
I'm just so picky and particular with art and also the work I would want is expensive and I am not well financially endowed.
I'm also unsure on subject matter, because the symbolism is really important to me as an artist, so picking both the correct subjects and then finding the perfect artist who could also put their own spin on the design in a way I would prefer while also already being familiar enough with the subjects that I wouldn't be asking, like, a portrait artist to paint me a horse, and also seems like the sort of person who I would want to spend hours in a chair besides.......I have Plans but it might take a while to make them happen
15: Favorite movie
For the bit I feel like I have to say Legend (1986) US release.
To answer sincerely, I think my favorite animated movies are a tie between Castle in the Sky and Princess Mononoke and my favorite action movie is either...Hellboy, Pacific Rim, or The Last Witchunter (which people hated just because they're boring and hate actual fantasy movies!!! Theres nothing wrong with it!! It's fun and flashy and not any less in quality than those bad Fast and Furious films!!! I'm Very Excited for the sequel!!!)
Horror films....Babadook is a solid but too obvious choice, maybe. Marrowbone is a good one(with a bad ending :/) And Crimson Peak is obviously gorgeous. The VVitch, obviously.
I'll list a couple of random favorites here: As Above So Below, Overlord, Color Out Of Space, Underwater, Cabin in the Woods, Suspiria(2015), Oculus, Thirty Days of Night, It Follows, You Are Not My Mother (Irish movie about changelings that isn't terrible! Crazy!)
I watch a movie a night so it's Absolutely Impossible to just say one lmao. I've even thought of making a movie review blog because I think a lot of critics are unfair or biased and have very bad opinions about movies and I have very good and fair opinions and I am never biased. (Horror fans on reddit holding up Hellhouse LLC...it's bad!!! The Hellhouse movies aren't that good! They aren't scary or compelling and I'm tired of every Hellhouse movie having that same gooddamn clown in them!!!!! Either go full Rob Zombie or stop using it!!!!)
If anyone wants horror recommendations I assure you I have seen nearly everything worth watching, and a good amount of movies that definitely AREN'T worth watching.
36: Where I would like to live
Aaaaaaa ANYWHERE but Los Angeles lmao
Honestly I just want to go back to some nowhere town in northern California in the woods in the mountains, with a decent sized property, where it's green and I have a big garden and big trees and I can get a big dog and chickens and a horse and my wife can have some rabbits and my driveway is long enough you can't see my house from the road because I hate the idea of my house being watched by strangers!
And I have high speed internet to play FFXIV........
And also maybe I have a big RV camper decked out and cute and cottagey inside and I travel the country hitting different conventions all year round.
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blackestnight · 11 months
trick or treat! 🍬
send an ask with "trick or treat!" for a fic-related surprise.
the real surprise is that this one is NOT a wip or a ficlet...instead i am going to ramble at you about Thought Processes and Headcanons, specifically regarding this fic (that i remember you liked) and specifically ft @nuclearanomaly's bookshop/punk band au
jayne was like "yeah hanami's here she's a cryptid and fray's friend and she drives a truck and scares the shit out of everyone" which, tbh, is her ideal form. she deserves to be vaguely menacing in the background of everyone's rom-com plots. she and fray both live with sid and rielle, a collective which is known as "the heckhouse" (formerly "the hellhouse," but there's a kid living here, c'mon, watch the language). absolutely no one in the band knows what the fuck is going on with that house and none of them are brave enough to ask.
i definitely alluded to both hanami and fray having had some kind of problems with alcoholism in the past, although tbh i still don't have anything super specific in my head about their early friendship (other than "they met when fray passed out from exhaustion after a 14-hour shift at a children's hospital while doing his residency and hanami literally tripped over him in an alley while she was walking to the parking garage and asked if he was dead"). i wanted to give them the "edging on unhealthily codependent" vibes that i Adore in any fray+wol dynamic, though. you can't fix them and whatever is wrong with them is more compelling anyway.
the entire heckhouse dynamic is great, though, because they all bounce off each other in the funniest ways. sid and hanami performatively hate each other but are also first in line to drag each other out of trouble, fray and sid are ride-or-die eternal partners in crime, rielle bullies everyone in the way only a twelve-year-old girl can.
family outings are fun too.
random classmate of rielle, pointing at fray: hey, is that your dad? rielle: no...? pointing at sid: oh. is that your dad? rielle: gross! no. pointing at hanami: well then who's that? rielle: THAT'S my dad.
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staringupward · 7 months
So I’m finally getting around to playing the FF7 remake. I’ve played the original, and it’s always going to have a special place in my heart as the first game that really spurred me on into gaming. So here are my thoughts so far.
The story beats are well paced, I think. The city of Midgar and its various slums are really well fleshed out. I really appreciate just how cartoonishly evil Heidigger and Pres. Shinra are. Classic warmongers and corporate greedflationists. They really do not give a damn about anyone beneath them and it shows. I’m excited about the additional story beats and the mysterious spectres showing up as drivers of the plot, and adding that little bit of “wtf is going on here” to the background.
The main characters, and even side characters, are nicely fleshed out, too. Being able to listen to their voices, reading their faces and body language, and the much increased dialogue paints a much better and clearer picture of what’s going on with these people. And that nobody is that dumb. (Except Johnny. This Guy. OMG.) Cloud’s PTSD/Mako induced hallucinations and flashbacks are well done. He looks like he’s dealing with it in a healthy manner, except that he’s keeping it to himself. Tifa’s uncertainty and strong morality based on what’s happened to her. Barret has a hard exterior, but deep down he does care. Jesse recognizes that the explosion should not have been that big. She logically blames herself for this because she didn’t intend so large a blast radius.
It’s hitting my nostalgia for the original just right, and it’s got enough new things to keep it fresh. I’m liking this.
TURKS!!!! Reno is a shit and I love him and his stupid man cleavage. Rude and his ever ready spare sunglasses. Reno having fun with gadgets. Rude just THROWING YOU AROUND LIKE A TOY. Like holy hell! What even was that?!
Okay, so now I’m into Wall Market, and I’m just past the Hellhouse. One: Chocobo Sam is neat, I hope he gets more attention later. Two: Madam M. WHAT DID YOU DO TO CLOUD’S HANDS. (Yes, I got the Deluxe.) YOU BROKE HIS BRAIN A LITTLE BIT. GIRL. Three: the colosseum fights. What. Is. The Hellhouse. Scotch and Kotch are A+ at amping up a crowd. That was a ride. I have one more question.
Why have we not seen all of Andrea Rhodea’s face yet? Am I about to be screaming? I’m probably about to be screaming.
Final Note: Scarlet. Girl. How did you decide that Business Professional and Cocktail Hour were both valid for a working woman? I mean, you rock it, but I still gotta question your taste.
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neondomino · 2 years
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Written for Siriusly Spooky 2022 on the Wickedly Wolfstar Discord.
“Okay, the sensor is showing supernatural activity,” Remus says, lifting it up and moving it slowly around the room, whilst James’ camera is fixed firmly on him. “Come, let’s see if we can find it.”
A door bangs in the background, and the pair jump, Remus spinning around.
“There are too many stories about Grimmauld Place being haunted,” James says. “But we’re here to offer you the truth, viewers. Deep inside one of the most haunted houses in all of Britain.”
Their movements are slow as they leave the foyer and head into the sitting room, eyes moving around. “Empty,” Remus says, not sure if he’s relieved or scared. It’s dark, musty, but there’s something that makes him feel cold about this place, that nowhere else has ever made him feel before.
“Set the cameras down, we’ll look around this room,” James decides.
“No, perhaps you should get out of here.” The pair look over to a man standing at the far end of the room, near another door. “Not safe here, friends.”
“How did you get in here?” Remus asks. The guy is handsome, sure, but they’re recording for their show and he likes his recordings to be perfect, and he doesn’t need strangers to interfere. Not again. It keeps happening. At first he was nice about it, but when equipment got broken, he drew a line and said never again.
“I’m local, you could say.” The man takes a step forward. “For fucksake, can you just leave?”
“Look, we’re recording and I don’t want to be rude, but—” Remus is cut off by James grabbing his arm.
“He’s a fucking ghost,” James hisses, and then Remus really looks.
The man is walking, but his feet don’t seem to touch the floor properly. His clothes are dated - maybe a hundred or so years old, he’d have to consult his books to figure out the right era. “What…”
“I said, get out,” the man hisses, eyes darting around. “It is not safe here. I’m warning you to leave. To be safe. Please. Get out.”
“You don’t scare us,” Remus says, though he is very scared. They’ve seen paranormal activity and strange things, but this is the first time they’ve come face to face with a real ghost.
“It’s not me you need to be scared of,” the man says. “I’m Sirius Black, resident trapped-person of this hellhouse that I grew up in, my brother Regulus is lurking around somewhere. We’re not the ones you need to be scared of. This house is cursed, and if you stay, it’ll take you too.”
“Curse?” James perks up. “Curses are fun.”
“Yes, and we’re having a wonderful time trapped here for eternity because of the delightful and fun curse,” Sirius snaps. “Just… look, if you stay, you’ll never be able to leave. I live that life. I don’t want that life for you. And for your information, I’m not a ghost. I’m a trapped soul.”
Remus reaches for his notebook, fascinated.
“Curses,” he whispers, noting it down.
“You’re… making notes,” Sirius comments. “How cute. I’m almost tempted to stop you leaving, because eternity here doesn’t seem as daunting if I had someone as adorable as you to be trapped with.” There’s a longing look before he frowns, shaking his head. “Get the fuck out, your time is almost up.”
James grabs Remus and starts to drag him away, but there’s something in Remus that urges him to stay. Still, they find themselves outside, and Remus’ gaze is drawn to the window where he’s sure he sees the curtain twitch, though no-one is there.
“Cursed,” James says. “Imagine if we could break the curse. Imagine… imagine our viewers reaction. Our ratings would double. Triple. More.”
Remus nods, though his thoughts aren’t on the ratings, they’re on the trapped man inside. This man isn’t a ghost. He’s just trapped.
And Remus wants to free him.
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cervicrazed · 1 year
The Hellhouses would be cooler if cops didn't wait under the bridge like fun-hating troll guardians
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yetanothercomicbook · 11 months
For God and Country
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Darkhold #2
Average story-driven fun.
Sam Buchanan, Louise Hastings and Vicki Montesi (the Darkhold Redeemers) track down a man who’s threatening to set off a gamma bomb!
This ticks a few boxes. It's a well-told adventure with proactive heroes, and nice crisp art. It's fast-paced and entertaining. Fido the Hellhouse is a highlight, as is Sam's cold-blooded execution of General Hamilton. (I kinda wish the Hellhound had stuck around for the rest of the series.)
On Sale Date: September 8, 1992.
Wizard Top 100: #31.
Chris Cooper (2 of 19).
Richard Case (2 of 4).
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liopleurodean · 2 years
Season 2, Episode 13: Houses of the Holy
Oh great, televangelists
The juxtaposition here
Sam would make for a great therapist
I'm honestly not sure what to make of this
Nazareth, huh?
Yes, Dean. Magic-fingers
Dean has a taste for the finer things in life
He's got a point
Churchgoer and everything.
Is it so hard to believe, Dean?
Well. That is a point
Cas is so disappointed right now
You will, Dean. You will
Who said the feathers were white?
Baby needs a wash
What's up, Sam?
Oh joy, a cellar
It's giving Hellhouse
Here we go again
What a waste
I wonder what the pattern is
Man, Netflix sucks at captions
Dude. You're an addict
Actually, that's proven to be untrue!
Don't underestimate Dean
Apparently that was hard to film
Obsessed much?
Always angels
Better than Flying Jesus Church though
Yeah, that's a spooky church alright
We like to say that 'It's a Small World' is the church theme song
Ah, yes, Michael...
Every person meeting angels ever
From one of the gospels, probably
Did he just call the priest 'padre?'
As a Christian, I don't know how to feel about this episode
That's freaky
Uh oh
Divine bat signal
I think I get it, actually.
Every new thing I learn about Dean makes me want to give him a hug
Actually, there is a God, and his name is Chuck. But you don't want to meet him
Whoopi like Goldberg?
If you don't have a prayer mat at home, store-bought is fine
Do this the smart way
That's... not exactly the smart way, but I'll take it
Oh, this is gonna go well
The guy wasn't even 40
Uh oh
Let me sum up
Dean was right
Ooh, he believes that people become angels when they die
Does nobody use turn signals?
I mean, yeah, but this is not good
Poor guy
One of the ten commandments.
Yeah, this is really not gonna end well
Dude. You're not gonna do it again if you slap your date
Dean to the rescue!
I genuinely don't know if she should be thanking God for this one
It's like. An exorcism, but for ghosts
Mm, I do not like those sparks
Holy crap
Holy crap!!
Yeah, holy probably describes it
Aw, Sam.
Don't worry, Sam. In two years, you get to meet Cas!
I mean. Chuck is watching, but that's not exactly comforting
Sure looks like an Act of God
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gentrychild · 3 years
Yknow I've been going through the suspected racoon tags (as you should) and saw a post that I apparently missed and it was where shoto made dabi wear a purple princess dress and then Deku showed his... Dog... That he... Found???? And I just want to know.. Just as uraraka... Where tf did found Deku the dog. And where is he keeping Jack might. What's his grooming procedure keeping big dogs in small flats isn't normally the best idea I hope inko takes Jack might out for walks regularly
Thank you for reminding me of Jack Might, Izuku's lovely canine companion.
Izuku found this lovely boy as he was wandering in Kamino for an exposition about Heroes and Vigilantes Of The Past. He got a little bit lost on his way back and even if for a second he thought this dog was about to maul him, one sniff later, it appeared that he was a very good boy determined to follow Izuku home.
Izuku naturally tried to find his master and even brought him to a vet to know if he had a chip - the running theory is that his master was swallowed whole by this beast but no one had the heart to tell that to Izuku - and after talking about it with his mom, since it was very late, he decided to welcome Jack Might for one night before taking him to a shelter.
Jack Might was obviously very well trained since he obeyed every of Izuku's orders and he is also a bit of a snuggler, something that the Midoriya family can appreciate. But still, as you said, a small appartment isn't the best place for a dog that might be part jackal, so Izuku took him to a shelter so he could find a nice family.
Strange shelter, btw. The first volunteer welcomed Izuku with a banshee scream, the second quit on the spot, and all the dogs were desperately to escape as soon as Izuku (with his adorable hellhound right next to him, of course) were trying to escape. In the end, he decided that Jack Might would be better with them so they kept him and they never regretted it.
Do not worry about Jack Might, who accompanies Izuku on his morning and nightly runs, but also Inko on her grocery shopping and other walks. And once Izuku moved in the dorms, he will have the whole campus to run as much as he wants!
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wardenmages · 4 years
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Detroit Evolution Artfest Day 3 - College AU
“Is that... Gavin?”
Nines winced. “Drop it, Valerie.”
“He’s supposed to be working tonight, why’s he here?” she continued like he hadn’t said anything.
She frowned and lightly shoved his shoulder. “No, you’re both my friends, and he’s avoided this place for weeks because you like coming here. He had work tonight, but instead he’s here. Why is he here?”
“I don’t know,” he mumbled.
“Couldn’t be that he just wants to hang out,” Chris said dryly.
“Okay yeah, but it’s Gavin.”
Nines groaned and lowered his head into his arms on the table. “I really don’t want to talk to him.”
Ada, who had been silent the entire time, finally spoke up. “Too late, he’s walking over now.”
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spyroz · 5 years
OH YEAH IM REALLY HAPPY i thought i was going to have to miss the convention this year but turns out i can go on 2 of the days so now im KLSDJGLKSDNGKLSDNGS AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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google search am i getting sick again or am i just suddenly literally dying
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thecynicalcinephile · 2 years
So, About Hell House LLC 3: Lake of Fire,
Well, I watched this one just to see if the franchise managed to course-correct after the disastrous second entry, and credit where credit is due, they almost pulled it off. By letting all the extra worldbuilding they'd established in the second movie take a back seat, this film was able to just focus on the nice creepy moments we all loved from the first film.
Now I'll be honest, I've been trying for a week to write a perfect review for this film (partially because of procrastination, partially because technical difficulties deleted my first attempt) so let me just rip the bandaid off and say it. This film, up until the very finale, is essentially just a less subtle version of the first movie with a larger cast. That's pretty much par for the course in terms of horror movie sequels, so you could do worse than to watch this movie.
That's not to say it's without its flaws though. For instance, in the final act they really sort of jump the shark a little bit. Remember how I said in my review for the second film that you should be careful if you think you should include a portal to hell as a major plot point in your film? Well, you should also be careful if you think it's a good idea to include a warrior sent by God to close said portal to hell.
Additionally, whereas the original film kept most of the violence offscreen in a very less-is-more fashion, this film does exactly the opposite. In fact most of the climax is essentially one long bloated sequence of bloodsplatters and bodies hitting the floor. This is fine initially, but it really drags on far too long. Like we get it, people in robes are stabbing people, can we please move on?
Additionally, the decision to retroactively give the original hellhouse crew a bittersweet happy ending was bizarre, to say the least. I mean the original film was more or less perfect, why go back and change it? This doesn't necessarily damage the original ending, it just feels sort of off. Like, I'm not watching a found footage horror movie because I want to see a happy ending that wraps up everything in a nice little bow, I want an ending that leaves a sinking pit in my stomach and gives me nightmares for weeks. That's what I loved about the original movie.
Ultimately, as far as horror movie sequels go, this one is pretty damn good. It's far better than this franchise's disastrous second entry. However, it is still a horror movie sequel, and is not immune to the sins that phrase implies. This is certainly a good fun and scary way to kill a few hours, but it'll never be near as good as the original.
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silver-wield · 3 years
Also curious for your Cloud Narrative run, would any of the Hard mode only rewards factor in for what might be canon? (Like when regarding the ch.8 side quests since 4 of them have a manuscript reward in hard mode: Weapons on a Rampage, Kids on Patrol, Angel of the Slums, Paying Respects)
I haven't finished hard mode because it's too...hard lol
I don't game to be good at it, I game to have fun and stressing myself out trying to beat monsters isn't fun for me. After six goes at hellhouse I noped away and went back to enjoying the game the usual way. I also didn't finish Yuffie's dlc on hard mode either. Almost had Nero, but in the end I suck lol
So, I have no idea how the extra manuscripts are distributed on that, but hard mode is for replay value, not narrative context, so the fact they force you play chapter nine more than once to get all the manuscripts is geared towards that.
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
Note-taking anon again! :D
I am absolutely enjoying the show. It's a bit of a long winded story as to how i finally took the plunge: i knew spn existed, and at some point in 2019 i saw on tumblr that 15 was going to be its last season. Out of respect for the trailblazing it had done in fandom space, i resolved to check-in on the fandom every time it trended.
So, i sort of experienced s15 in a very filtered way. I was there for 'you asked what about this is real? We are' and experienced all of the freakouts, despite not knowing the context. I saw the trap's prayer scene and went ohshit is the fandom okay? Are people okay? The answer was no but people usually weren't okay ahah 😂
And i honestly forgot about the show bc it hadnt trended in so long, and then November 5th happened. And i went to check in on the fandom. And they were Not okay in the best way possible.
I resolved to actually watch the show bc i needed to know how we got there. After years of fan support for destiel i was like i have to know the truth.
Spn is not a show i would normally turn to. I'm not a horror fan--ive never seen a horror movie. This is the only horror i've ever watched. I'm also not in the target audience. But it was such a Concept that i just had to.
And its been so much fun.
Ive spent hours watching and meticulously notetaking. I dont think i'd've enjoyed the show as much if i wasn't doing my notes. It makes me pay attention to all the layers and nuance--intentional or otherwise. Spn loves to introduce a concept and then disappear into the night saying 'now we dont have time to unpack all of that' while im sat there reeling in the implications.
I originally wanted to watch for cas, but i found myself invested in sam and dean as well. I figured the first 3 seasons were going to be the hardest for me as there was no cas, but they were able to explore some fascinating smaller stories. Some personal favourites would be Hellhouse, Heart, Roadkill, What is and What should Never be, and Dream a little Dream of me. Sam and dean are compelling characters, and if you skip those seasons you really miss out on what makes them, them.
As well, ive fully accepted that the finale is not canon so i'm also able to enjoy the show that way too. I actually took notes on november 19th, watching the finale live, despite not knowing what was going on, and now that ive seen half the show, its kind of crazy to look back on.
Anyway, this is getting long!
I think i am grateful to have all of the context in place for me. It is significantly less stressful to know the entire time. It also gives validation for reading scenes in certain ways. (Not that validation is required, but it is nice) I don't think i would have been able to handle the bereavement from everywhere for simply perceiving what is clearly being told in the text. Now that ive seen half the show, i have a huge amount of respect for everyone who endured the journey.
OH gosh, I’m really happy for you! 
And thank you for watching the first three seasons! I hear of a lot of people who started at 4.01 because they were most interested in Cas as a character, and I think later seasons lose so much by not having seen the first three seasons of Sam and especially Dean’s growth up to that point.
I have to laugh at the notion of watching the series finale without having seen any of the show and feeling like you didn’t know what was going on, because lol I’ve been watching for a decade and *I* had no idea what was going on. So at least you were in the same headspace as we were for that one. :’D
I hope you continue enjoying it, and sharing your notes occasionally. :)
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