silhouettecrow · 1 year
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 284
Adjective: Fuzzy
Noun: Dragon
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Fuzzy: having a frizzy, fluffy, or frayed texture or appearance; difficult to perceive clearly or understand and explain precisely, or indistinct or vague; (of a person or the mind) unable to think clearly, or confused; (of popular music or electric instruments) having or producing a distorted buzzing tone, or fuzzed; (computing) (logic) relating to a form of set theory and logic in which predicates may have degrees of applicability, rather than simply being true or false, and it has important uses in artificial intelligence and the design of control systems
Dragon: a mythical monster resembling a giant reptile, sometimes shown as having wings, and in European tradition the dragon is typically fire-breathing and tends to symbolize chaos or evil, whereas in East Asia it is usually a beneficent symbol of fertility, associated with water and the heavens; (derogatory) a fierce and intimidating person (typically used of a woman); another term for flying lizard; (historical) (in the 16th and 17th centuries) a short musket carried on the belt of a soldier, especially a mounted infantryman; a soldier armed with a short musket carried on the belt
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rosamundpkes · 2 years
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HELLA’S VALENTINE’S DAY COUNTDOWN         ➛ 12. Cosima & Delphine (Orphan Black)
The day you left for Frankfurt, I almost died. I had some kind of near-death experience. And it was so easy. I could have just slipped away. But then I had a vision of you. I came back for you.  
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thewertsearch · 4 months
Ask Comp 01/07
Anonymous asked:i think youre the first liveblogger ive seen to actually remember that orphaner dualscar was eridan’s flarping name?
Mindfang clearly describes the Serkets, so I wonder if Dualscar says anything about the Amporas?
Eridan's greatest enemy does have a duality theme, after all - and he was certainly scarred when the guy stole his crush >:)
@captorations asked:i have terrible news regarding homestuck and the good place: https://x.com/nbcthegoodplace/status/1039908767763259392?lang=en not to mention that. well. the two share more than you've encountered yet. it's very likely not a coincidence. have fun! oh and. re: my ongoing campaign of pointing out the homestuck ancestry of tlt characters. please compare aradia's "i am very much alive and i intend to stay that way" with dulcinea's "i'm not in the river and i won't ever be again"
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...oh my god.
On reflection, this makes a lot of sense. Homestuck's fandom is pretty large, and some of its members were bound to be involved in the production of mainstream media. Still, it's wild to see a Homestuck reference - or, technically, a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff reference - on the official Twitter for a show this big.
And Aradia does have a lot in common with Dulcinea, doesn't she? For one thing, they didn't really start influencing the plot until after they died.
Anonymous asked: Not really important anymore, but looking at what Gamzee has in his Strife Deck, it doesn’t look like he has any ranged options: he’s got the bowling pins, what appear to be a discarded sickle and lance from Karkat and Tavros respectively, what I’m PRETTY SURE is a whip of some sort, and the Zillyhoo hammer. The closest to a ranged weapon in that stack is the whip, or maybe the pins if he’s willing to throw them, but neither seem like they’d work very well against Vriska. Barring some secret power or other plot twist, I think Gamzee would genuinely be the underdog in that matchup. (Which feels weird, because Gamzee’s been mutating into a slasher villain while Vriska’s still very much an antihero protagonist. Usually the power balance is the other way around with those archetypes!)
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On the face of it, Gamzee didn't seem to have great odds in that fight - but it's hard to know for sure with this pesky Bard. His Strife Deck contains plenty of cards we haven't seen, and whatever he did to the Black King is still shrouded in mystery. Everything's just so uncertain with him.
@mimescantscream asked: I've really been holding back all this time, but now that we've met the Grand-highblood, it really is extra painful to see a Gamzee who was once incredibly loving of his friends (despite their constant ridicule) end up falling down the path that fate seems to have pre-ordained for him. Was he truly always meant to repeat echoes of the past? Could things ever have gone differently for him?
Yeah, I've been having similar thoughts. His PoV seemed completely sincere, so I don't think his original personality was a fabrication, or anything. I think there is a part of Gamzee that cares about his friends - and maybe even he wants it back.
@jade-harley-real asked: […] I want a rant on the bad doctor from you pls pls pls
Scratch is straight up the scariest character in Homestuck.
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What's he up to now? Hard to say since we're not telling him what to do. Guardians can never be told what to do.
The aura of menace he's cultivated is incredible, especially considering he barely even moves. He's playing the entire cast like a fiddle, armed with nothing but a typewriter and his own supercharged brain - and there's no doubt in my mind that his confidence isn't a mask. He knows he's going to win in the end.
English is coming. He's basically already here.
@elkian asked: I'll probably never be a Vriska FAN, but I gotta admit, she really never had a chance, what with the only adults in her life being: a trollvorous spider 1 missed meal away from eating her, Marquise "I do what I want" Mindfang, and Doc Scratch. Some role models! @manorinthewoods asked: So, now that Mindfang has been revealed, here's a question for you: how much of Vriska's Vriskyness is because she's Vriska, how much is because of Mindfang, how much is because of her lusus, and how much is because of Alternia in general? ~LOSS (20/6/24)
This is why I don't think she'd be like this on Earth. At this point, it's obvious that none of her Incidents were the result of her personality as it naturally arose.
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I mean, look how anti-Aradiacide she was! They weren't even really friends!
Anonymous asked: ‘AA: there are all sorts of friends to meet AA: ones you already know and ones you dont’ I mean…couldn’t she just be referring to various doomed selves? I don’t see why the dream bubbles would just be confined to the alpha timeline seeing as the furthest ring is weird in terms of time and space
I was assuming that only Alpha Timeline deaths would be preserved by the Bubbles, but you're right - I'm not sure that was a reasonable assumption.
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The Horrorterrors seem to eschew the concept of the Alpha Timeline. and, they've coordinated with both Doomed and Alpha versions of Rose and Dave. Plus, yeah, there is no time in the Ring, so timelines are probably meaningless there. Why would it only interface with the Alpha?
If the Bubbles do preserve doomed souls, then we might also run into the John who died to Typheus, and the Jade he couldn't save. That's a pair of ghosts I'd be very interested to meet.
Anonymous asked: If every Aradia comes back from every doomed timeline, the number would double each time, so you could get over a thousand of her with only ten doomed timelines.
Fair point- although, if an already doomed Aradia went back in time again, she'd be double doomed. Is that even possible? Would she die twice as quickly?
@mhafanlol2000 asked: Your issues with quirks and speech-to-text are pretty simple to explain. If a troll were to speak into a non-modified speech-to-text program, it would output text with their quirk. Because they, quite literally, speak in their quirk. Terezi probably isnt actually saying “YOU H4V3 LOST TH3 G4M3”, each number at a time, but the vibes are definitely there. I don’t know, this is hard to describe if you don’t inherently get it.
I think, jokes aside, it is indeed about the vibes.
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In the troll intro pages, you get told a little about how each troll talks, and I think that's how we're supposed to translate their quirks to an audible medium.
Anonymous asked: i think ppl in the fandom have over time kinda built up a like, generally separate understanding of quadrants from how theyre described in the "official" explanation. which is like, not representative of how these terms are used in homestuck, but probably more useful for describing Good relationships that Do Not Suck. like basically making moirails equivalent to being queer platonic partners, making blackrom more about having a healthy fun rivalry, that kinda stuff.
It's funny, actually - I don't think I've encountered a single asker who accepts the quadrants as they're originally described.
The main issue is that, with the possible exception of matespritship, we haven't seen a single troll relationship with reflects the infodump's explanation of the quadrants. I think Hussie might just have jumped the gun a little when dropping it.
Anonymous asked: Shoutout to Karkat poking his friends in the background! Terezi (crying over Dave) and now Soloux (talking to Terezi). Karkat isn’t sure what the right response is but wants to be included! Reminds me of actual cats, just putting a paw on you for no discernible reason. @manorinthewoods asked: I'd like to note that Karkat poking Terezi's tears is the same sprite (and same 'poooke'!) as Karkat poking Sollux's burnt-out eyesockets. ~LOSS (12/6/24)
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My man just likes poking.
@alicesoinions asked: not much to say just wanted to say I really enjoy your liveblog!!
Glad you're enjoying!
I've actually got a few new followers recently. Maybe I'm showing up in people's recommendations?
@heliotropopause asked: Dream bubbles are pretty neat, eh? Neat enough to inspire half of HtN, I'd bet.
Oh my god, you're right. It's literally a River Bubble. They're both located in afterlives, for crying out loud!
Anonymous asked: Wanted to thank your liveblog for reminding me of a lot that I had flat out missed in canon, due to not putting it together or just reading too quickly. Most recently and notably on my mind right now, is that Feferi is the one who set up the dreambubbles!!! I had always thought that they were just a part of the world that readers didn’t know about yet, like how we weren’t yet introduced to Alternia and it’s moons until act 5. This went right over my head and it has me absolutely REELING (fishing pun included just for fef!!)
Feferi truly is the MVP.
I wonder what happened to dead Players before the Bubbles?
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They're certainly not the only type of afterlife in the multiverse. Alternia has at least two types of undead, which implies that the Players are very, very lucky to have retained their personhood postmortem. Imagine this was what Feferi looked like in Jade's dream.
Anonymous asked: Knowing sollux, he probably already had coded his tech to recognize if his speech ever changed, and gave himself a different typing quirk for it, long ago. Not because he knew or thought it would happen, but because he thought it would be a fun coding project ((I know nothing about coding))
And yet, you somehow know exactly how we think.
Anonymous asked: Something I hadn’t really thought about, until I started reading this liveblog, is how much VRISKA ((autocorrect decided to caps that and I’m leaving it in lol)) was manipul8ted into a lot of her violence. Scratch pushed her towards vengeance against Aradia, and she didn’t want to go through with it. Did VRISKA ever tell anyone how much of her live she spent resisting these forces, or even really acknowledge it? She didn’t hide Spidermom, and arguably her need to kill other trolls was to prevent herself from being killed. BUT on the other hand, VRISKA voice would make it sound like a compliment “I almost didn’t kill you why don’t you appreciate me!!!!!!!!”
The thing is, VRISKA probably felt a lot of social pressure not to tell people she was coerced into her crimes. That would reveal that she was reluctant to kill, which is the opposite of what the Empire wants.
@manorinthewoods asked: You could have written a great Homestuck if you'd been Hussie. I think your style, if translated from reacting-to-comic to making-comic, would work great with what Homestuck is, and could have made a better product. I think you'd make a cerebral Homestuck, which would have been cool to read, except I would have botched reading it like I botched reading Homestuck in our Alpha Timeline. ~LOSS (11/6/24)
Thank you! I've tried to write before, actually, but whenever I reread my stories, they come off as esoteric, stilted and a little hard to follow. It's not an insurmountable problem, of course, and I really need to take a writing workshop at some point.
I'd love to make a webcomic, too, but my art also leaves a lot to be desired. I can adapt sprites just fine, but original drawings are hard, guys. Did anyone else know about this?
Anonymous asked: i counted just now, and only like 24 out of all 54 paradox space comics have zero spoilers. some of them are certainly more substantial than others (e.g. i counted ones that include jade’s consorts that you havent seen yet as spoilers) but a lot of them have Very Big Spoilers
It would have been awfully messy. I'm probably just going to read it once I've reached the Gigapause of 2013, and no longer need to worry about spoilers.
@bladekindeyewear asked: “Nepeta wasn't trying to pacify Equius, nor did she seem to be fulfilling any rigidly defined 'role' in his life. They just came off as very good friends, and their relationship was much better for it.” Well, maybe we ought to look at it through the lens of real relationships between friends? Once a healthy dynamic and boundaries are established, perhaps Moirails stabilize as long as they’re together.
That's a good way to interpret moirallegence - although, it does raise an issue with the quadrant that I'll be discussing on its own post, once I've finished the comp. There's no point in prehashing what I'm about to say, so I'll see you there!
Anonymous asked: karkats message didn't go through because of trollians narrative awareness feature, where it'll display something different in service of one of the several "all"-seeing entities, of which the reader is one <3 watsonian and doylist explanations are kissing with tongue
Since the fourth wall is an actual, physical piece of technology in this world, this isn't even that far-fetched!
@sashonya asked: So, as the session's timers continues to count down, what do you think will happen after The Scratch?
Beyond 'the session ends', it's difficult to say for sure. I think the two most likely possibilities are that the kids start exploring other sessions, or travel to a location completely outside the current scope of the comic. I am, of course, hoping for both.
@ericvilas asked: "I still believe that out of all the trolls, Karkat’s traits were featured the most prominently in humanity" yeah, I guess even humans aren't free from the effects of carcinization
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transmascswagpolls · 5 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
HENRY: Because I Said So JASON: Gender Tomfuckery
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator and the Silver Eyes books, DC Comics
HENRY PROPAGANDA- he is a depressed old man so he is automatically trans to me. JASON PROPAGANDA- He's an orphan who was on the run from the foster system before he was adopted by batman and became robin. He also died at 15 and when he came back he was a whole ass man which could definitely be a metaphor for transition- especially because Robin is very often described as 'flamboyant' and had pretty feminine features and wears literal booty shorts, and when he came back he was built like a fridge and was super masculine. And like the dying thing, as a trans person people act like their little baby has died and you're reanimating their corpse y'know? Everyone treats you differently. Jason was treated as if he never came back at first, because batman couldn't accept his boy had come back different. He's the black sheep of his family because batman refuses to accept who he is now. He even once said that Jason coming back "doesn't change anything", because he's still grieving the kid Jason used to be. Also deadnames. Jason used to be Robin before he died, and when he came back he changed his vigilante name to Red Hood. He has hella ace-spec swag, which a VERY popular headcanon in fandom. All the other bats have had multiple love interests and Jason has none, except that one time a woman (Artemis) kissed him and in the comic all he was thinking was: "This is... ...Different." Jason is also canonically a queer ally and is a supporter of his younger brother who's canonically dating a boy right now. So it's not hard to imagine him being in the community himself.
He has these really really cool autopsy scars from when he died (I think it's mostly a fanon thing. It's in basically every fanart of him shirtless). I like to think of these scars as another metaphor for being trans lol. Because by transitioning from Robin to Red Hood he gained these scars, the same why transitioning gives you top scars.
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randomshyperson · 4 months
Top 5 lesbian shows you'd recommend?
Wow this is actually a super hard question because I don't know many shows that are exclusively sapphic, like, most of them have a main story and the romance is happening parallel to that, yk? But I'll try to give you my favs shows with sapphic storyline.
Skam - Teenager High School Drama, with multiple seasons but you can skip it (story is practically independent each season and it's super easy to follow it) and only watch the sapphics storylines. You should check Skam German (Druck) Season 6, Skam Spain Season 2, Skam Belgium (Wtfock) Season 7, Skam France Season 6.
The Haunting of Bly Manor - Horror show with top-tier writing here but warning for bury your gays trope. Hella angst at the end and they don't have as much scenes they deserved but it's a beautiful story.
Yellow Jackets - This one is tricky because we have a canon main sapphic couple (they are adorable) but most of the fandom is obsessed with the noncanon couples (we are insane) like lottienat or jackieshauna due to the intense homoerotic subtext for them. The show is annoyingly heterosexual though, but I feel like most watchers ignore that. It's about girls going nuts after being stuck in the wilderness after a plane crash and it should be only about women but somehow they keep bringing man drama to this. You can always skip a lot of scenes like I did 😊
Dickinson - This one is theoretically a biography of poet Emily Dickinson, but it's a very light and adorable comedy series. Just be careful with the ending as it follows Emily's real life and what happened to her (google it if you want spoilers)
Harley Quinn/She Ra - I couldn't pick between those two incredible animations so they are gonna share this spot. They are very different, Harley Quinn is a dark comedy for adults while She-Ra is for children but both are amazing.
Honorable mentions: Orange is the new Black (too many sad endings), The Last Of Us (The main is a lesbian but don't expect happiness this show is brutal), Orphan Black (The couple is amazing but they lack screentime), Derry Girls (Beautiful show but no ship, we have a lesbian character though), Trinkets (Comedy), Wynnonna Earp (An actual Queer Supernatural). I Am Not Okay With This (Cancelled), First Kill (Cancelled), Gentleman Jack (Cancelled), One Day At Time (Cancelled), Everything Now (Cancelled yet season 2 in production).
(dis) honorable mentions: Euphoria (Very toxic couple with a bunch of controversial behind scenes drama. But Zendaya kisses Hunter Schafer so we win while we loose). Killing Eve (Amazing three seasons before the homophobics show runners ignored the book ending to go for the bury your gays in the end), The 100 (Lexa's death created a whole festival you just had to be there), OUAT (pretty sure there were canon couples but the queerbaiting of Swan Queen made me physically ill). Supergirl (I refuse to comment). House of The Dragon (Specifically season 1, because idk wtf they are doing with s2.)
Just remember to check the warnings before watching any of this, especially Yellow Jackets, Everything Now.
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hpsaffics · 1 year
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✨ WLW Wed: Bellamione (Part 1) ✨
A biweekly HP femslash rec list made by the lovely members of the HP SAFFICS (18+) discord server. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library.
Currently: Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange (see Part 2) Previously: Fake Dating (see list)
💫 HELLA LONG (>100k) 💫
Cover to Cover by NavalCat [E, 745k]
Hermione is lost... She has left the wizarding world behind her, hiding from the reality and expectations in muggle London, passing the time working in a small bookshop... When Hermione keeps being rescued by an oddly familiar stranger and discovers a new author she feels she knows through the pages, she doesn’t know if she is losing herself more or if she is finally found.
Breaking the Window by Useful_Oxymoron [E, 271k]
When they find a magic pool in the Forbidden Forest, it kicks off an unlikely friendship for two lonely girls thirty years apart of each other. Hermione begins a desperate search to find a way to save her new friend from the fate she knows awaits her, all the while dealing with the severe repercussions of having lived through a war. It becomes the start of an unexpected adventure.
Glass Silence by Zarrene Moss (Menzosarres) [E, 270k]
In another world, Hermione Granger never attended Hogwarts. Orphaned at age three, she grew up supporting a low-income adoptive family without the means to pay for her education. Post-war desperation and a chance encounter lead her into the employ of the three Black sisters. She finds herself caught in their deadly web, helplessly waiting to see who will reach her first.
Under My Skin by Harrytoad [E, 265k]
What if meeting Hermione had been enough for Bellatrix to change sides; the very feel of her in her arms enough to risk everything? Hermione is finally about to embark on her final year. As she approaches her 22nd birthday, she still cannot shake thoughts of the dark witch from her mind. How will she cope when they come face to face once again?
In the Dead of Night by Lost_my_soul_in_a_black_hole [E, 180k]
Hermione discovers something about her professor that leads her to go knocking on her door, late at night.
The English Rose by Loislame84 [M, 109k]
Non magical AU- 30 year old Hermione Granger is gifted a bookshop from her grandfather. She meets an intriguing patron who communicates through letter correspondence.
There's no blood like yours by isuckatnicknames [E, 102k]
Bellatrix is a pretty ancient vampire and Hermione is her 'meant-to-be'. There's no stronger bond that that.
The House Ring by annacec [M, 102k]
On September 19th, 1979, the life of Bellatrix Black was forever altered. 16 years and an Askaban stay later, Bellatrix is tired of waiting, and begins the process of claiming her witch. Hermione Granger receives a ring and innocently slides it on her finger, changing her life as she knows it, and paving her path to destiny.
💫 LONG (10k-100k) 💫
Black Jaguar by toujourspurbh [M, 97.1k]
Recently divorced, Bellatrix Black is looking for a helping hand whilst trying to juggle a young child and world famous business. Hermione Granger, star student at university, is looking to broaden her future horizon and teach English to the new generation. After applying for a nanny role one day, the student comes to find her life turned upside down by black curls and blood red lips.
Catching Midnight by deepforestspecter [E, 96.9k]
Bellatrix Black always gets what she wants, and right now that's the cute little barista that works at her sister's coffee shop. Hermione Granger turns out to be not at all what she's expecting.
Just an Itch by Loislame84 [E, 91.8k]
Hermione Granger is starting her Doctoral Program at her University and has a one night stand the night before. Little did she expect her one night stand to show up the very next day.
The Dark Mark by Loislame84 [E, 83.6k]
Bella owns a tattoo parlor and is looking for a shop girl. Hermione is a uni student who needs a part time job.
A Home at the End of the World by @ludling [E, 56.4k]
Hermione becomes Bellatrix's Horcrux. A love story in twelve parts.
Heaven is a Pirate Ship by @vitaminpops [E, 33.9k]
Hermione's being shipped off into an unhappy marriage when the most incompetent pirate crew captures her. Featuring: one trigger-happy but sexy pirate, a dysfunctional father-son relationship, a general absence of morals, and the many uses of knives.
Muse by deepforestspecter [E, 32.3k]
Hermione responds to an ad titled Artist Seeking Model. One thing leads to another.
September by @hustlingrube [M, 31.3k]
Bellatrix’s uncharacteristic behaviour gives Hermione cause for concern.
🌙 Want more Bellamione? 🌙
@bellatrixfest | AO3
Discord Communities: Bellamione Cult | Bellamione Coven
Bellamione: Tag on Tumblr | Tag on AO3
WLW Library: Tumblr | Tag | AO3
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griffonsgrove · 9 months
OC || Introductions
hello my darlings!! I've really been wanting to introduce a few of my main characters to you all!! I was thinking of possibly doing headcanons/oneshots/drabbles in the future! (May be purely self-indulgent but we'll see) That being said, This is basically a very brief intro and info dump about each character. So let's get started!!
All characters and art belong to me!! Like I've said before I'm an artist and draw scenes and characters. I have a shit ton of art of all these guys that I'd love to share if anyone's ever interested!
cw: death, murder, cannibalism? minor sexual themes (one of my ocs is an incubus), minor violence.
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I've had her the longest, I made her several years ago. She's literally just a self-insert for EVERYTHING I enjoy sshejwka. But on another note! This is Night, she's a humanoid griffin hybrid (griffins being the mythological beast, half eagle half lion). She's very sweet and friendly. She's so mom-coded omg. Like she'll bake you little treats, makes sure your dressed for the weather, and reminds you of things you need to get done.
She has this locket around her neck that she keeps close to her. This is because it contains her "soul" or "spirit" inside of it. Every griffon has one, and it's what helps her to transform. Which btw shapeshifterrrr. Her true form being that of an actual griffin. She's a gentle giant though don't worry.
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I know what you're thinking and no, he's not related to Bill Cipher. Tom is a 25-year-old art college student. He's a no-nonsense kind of guy, and very easily irritated. He's a fine arts major and does a lot of painting. He HATES his roommate (there's literally nothing wrong with him he's so nice and friendly, tom is just a dick). He's got a pet snake!! He's a hognose named Poncho! He's a total stonerrrrrrr, it's the only time he'll be chill honestly.
He and his roommate live in a city style apartment, on the first floor, complete with a basement. Unbeknownst to his roommate, Tom has a secret black market business selling organs to dealers. The basement is where he does all the harvesting, it strictly prohibited for anyone to go down there. It makes hella money though, which he uses to help pay his tuition (art college is expensive!)
Orphan btw. His mom is Night actually (an adoptive relationship) She loves and cares about him very much, the same goes for him. He usually acts more behaved if she's around.
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Roman is, well he's a--thing?? creature?? I haven't decided in all honesty but he's dangerous. He travels all across the country, making sure to be well hidden. He's a serial killer oop. His signature weapon being a bowie knife. Bros got some major sadistic and animalistic tendencies. Eats his victims btw. He can't rly show his face in public, and the mans gotta eat right??
He likes to hunt. His victims are essentially "prey" to him, and he does so enjoy the thrill of a chase. He's got a looooooong tongue (as you can see) he's accidently bitten it once or twice with those sharp teeth of his. Has a tail as well, yk what espeons tail looks like? yea it's like that. His ears are sensitive btw he doesn't like them being touched.
Can never stay in one spot for too long, constantly on the move, he's got great stamina and can run for quite a long time.
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WOOO. RUFFmEOW. BIG STRONG MAN LETS GO RAGHHH. ya so this is Damien. As you can tell I love him very much and I'm so very normal about him. He's an incubussss (sex demon basically). Literal definition of a Himbo. He's a big beefy guy who's wholesome and sweet, despite his line of work.
Super flirty, and also hypersexual. It's what he feeds off of, and how he regenerates and gets his magic. which btw, he can be summoned!
He's got a looot of body hair, happy trail for dayysss! Also has a bunch of peircings, snake bites on his face, and nipple peircings on his pecks. He's got numerous scars littered all over his body too. He's really sweet an attentive, as well as respectful! What more could you want in a man??
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BIG WOMAN. she's literally just my "villain" version of Night, however she's not a self-insert. I gave her, her own story and lore. She's the main antagonist in an animated series I'm creating. Her name is based of the Mythological woman "Alecto" Who was a fury of the underworld, she symbolizes rage and spreads it across the world.
She's very quick to anger. "hot-headed" (Pun-intended). The back of her hair is literally fire, and it can grow and change depending on her mood. Those gauntlets on her arms are strong AF and razor sharp, you do not want to get on her bad side. Ngl, she kinda feral at times, yk how Miguel O'Hara literally ran on all fours to chase after Miles Morales??? Yea she does that.
She's evil muehahshegsh, but also classy. She's also really tall!!! like about 8'6'' DAYUM. she'll crush you.
annnndd thats a wrap!! These are the main Oc's that I adore and use on a regular basis, they each hold a special place in my heart. I rly would love to do occasional drabbles or head canons with my babies at some point, but I'm not sure anyone would read/enjoy them 😭
Nevertheless, I do hope you enjoyed my small ramble about these guys, as you can see, I'm totally normal about them.
Oh!!! and if you're ever wanting any more of my art just lmk!! I mainly post my writing on this blog, but if y'all wanna see, I can def show!!
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princessbutler1316 · 3 months
My new reason why I'm fucking afraid of Yana Toboso:
According to rumours, negotiations for the new anime began to be discussed between 2019 and 2020 (due the pandemic time and we all know this shit delayed a lot of projects, lucky for us, giving us the time needed to make the wonderful animations)
So, Most people know that the Cloverworks studio that is animating the new Black Butler animations is responsible for the first and second (horror bomb) seasons of The Promise of Neverland
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For those who don't know the synopsis is: At Grace Field House, life couldn't be better for the orphans. They are all adopted by the age of 12. There is only one rule they must obey: do not leave the orphanage. But one day, two top-scoring orphans, Emma and Norman, venture past the gate and unearth the harrowing secret behind their entire existence.
So why I'm afraid of Yana...
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But it could just be a "coincidence"
Coincidence...with that woman? A hella of coincidence?
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racetrackmybeloved · 3 months
im feeling judgemental so time to rate the outfits of some poor orphan newsboys:
starting out strong - this is surprisingly one of my favourite outfits! grey hat, black and white striped undershirt, grey/green and orange checkered button up shirt, black, white and brown suspenders, brown short trousers, short grey socks with blue and white stripes, black boots. beige bottom layer under his pants, only visible when he sits.
i don't know why this works, but it does. his shirt fits him well and the sleeves are properly rolled up, and in general he appears quite neat and tidy. the black accents of his undershirt, suspenders and boots really tie it together, and his hat, shirt and socks all include similar shades of grey. the brown stripe of his suspenders matches the brown of his pants. the stripes on the undershirt are thin enough that they don't clash too badly with the checkered pattern on his shirt. wish he had a bit more colour though, or that the shirt was less faded. minus one point because his hat is kinda weird looking.
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i love him (SO much) but his outfit is not it. dark grey plaid hat, light grey undershirt, light grey button up with horizontal stripes, brown suspenders with black buckles, brown plaid vest, brown checkered short trousers, short socks with colourful stripes, black boots. in later scenes he removes his outer shirt.
his only pop of colour is his socks (which btw go black, grey, white, and purple at the top, finch is asexual confirmed??), while the rest of his outfit is muted grey and brown tones. his undershirt and outer shirt being the exact same shade of grey gives very little dimension - the fit improves astronomically when the outer shirt is removed. the outer shirt appears to be ill-fitting, and is rolled up messily. finchy baby wear a colour PLEASE. bonus point for the ace flag, but pretty poor showing.
3.5/10 (4.5/10 without the outer shirt)
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thank you romeo for actually giving us some COLOUR. brown plaid hat, brown vest, grey short trousers with vertical stripes, short sleeved shirt with faded blue and grey horizontal stripes, high socks with bright blue and red horizontal stripes, brown boots.
i love his little pops of colour, my only complaint is the sheer volume of stripes. in general i think mixing vertical and horizontal stripes is a fashion crime but honestly? compared to most of the other newsies he's doing well. and the vertical stripes of his trousers are low contrast so they're not too noticeable. most of the newsies' clothes are hella faded but those socks are BRIGHT, my boy got those recently and takes good care of them.
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there are no words for how much i despise this outfit. grey hat, faded blue and grey striped undershirt, brown plaid shirt, brown plaid vest, brown plaid shirt trousers, grey and purple striped socks, brown boots.
this entire outfit is a crime. the pinky brown plaid undershirt clashes entirely with the yellow-y brown vest, and the darker brown pants. the various plaid sizes clash with each other and the striped pattern of his undershirt. when his socks are pulled up all the way it is difficult to tell the difference between his pants, socks and boots, as they are all similar tones. this outfit needs to be killed with fire.
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natsumisx2 · 4 months
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heyo !! natsu here, just wanted to share a few things about my new AU "The Eccentric Circus"
!! ICARUS'S DESIGN WAS FULLY INSPIRED MY MY FRIEND VICK'S OC, HE'S AMAZING AND HELLA TALENTED, SO THANK U VIC FOR GIVING ME UR OC TO WORK WITH, LOVE U LOADS <333 !! ( @0-v1ckky-0 ) - these are only 3 of the ocs, i'm still working on a few - All the performers are minors, you may admire their designs but please DO NOT sexualize them !! extra info general idea of the plot (under development) An older man ( unnamed ) takes in "troubled"/traumatized teenagers, who may be homeless, orphans, abandoned, runaways, etc who have nothing else to lose, and will do anything for a sense of belonging. He eventually gathers 7 of them, and promises them all a bright future or fame and fortune.
Every teenagers dream, right? But this comes at a cost... The kids are constantly overworked, exploited, used, and manipulated. However, no one else knows what's happening behind the scenes... yet.
- upcoming oc's : callista ( acrobat )
kiano ( magician ) luna + sunny ( trapeze artists ) ( i also tried to make milo's suit red but i fucked up the layers and couldn't change it from black )
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silvyavan · 1 year
Bada bing bada boom, I'm seeing fucken parallels over this chapter
Right off the bat, we can see that both Noelle and Yuno are paralleling Asta in two different battles of sorts.
Yuno is directly paralleling/being a foil to Asta vs Lucius, from new spell shit and weaponry to being low on time he can use against Lucius, while the foil itself comes in the fact that Yuno sliced Lucius in the same way Lucius did with Asta as a form fo revenge. The problem is that, in ass backwards way like Asta, Lucius doesn't stay dead and instead catches Yuno off guard, foreshadowing to how Asta would likely catch Lucius off guard. Whether this is a sign that Yuno's gonna get the same treatment as Asta, by being run down through sheer physical mana strain, contrast to how Asta was run down by psychological strain, this is a big flag for trouble.
Noelle is paralleling Asta vs Lucifero. Coming in with a new form and shoulder critter, with having maternal beef over the enemy but using it to become stronger regardless. Her family members and the squad present are falling apart at the seams and Noelle has to tank her opponent on her own. One big foil to this is how Noelle is seen to struggle with Acier in this case and then later the Lucius clones and other sentries are arriving, similar to how Lucifero at first is limited to fighting Asta and then LATER the captains, Yuno and then Yami and Nacht. Whether she STAYS in Lucifero's role or not is also up in the air like Yuno's position.
Even the BLOODSTAINS and FORMS are parallel to the fights.
Noelle, like Asta, grows additional horns and a more specialised armor in battle as a sign of more power, having also features that make the form more armor like but later become like a second skin. Both Asta AND Noelle fought/are fighting in a more aggressive approach as well. Hell, Noelle's horns are similar to Asta's second horns too.
Yunos form is more tame and focuses more on newer/advanced techniques and weapons, like how Asta was using multiple swords and the condensed black forms. Yuno's HELLA mad but he's doing this calculating and aware of how the people around him are affected by the fight. Similar to how Asta says to Lily to get back and yells for the civilians to evacuate, Yuno is using his abilities to up his allies and counter Lucius' time/soul magic.
Yuno has blood trails that go from jawline to cheek to eye like Asta and Liebe share and was seen when Lucius realised he can't use either magic on Asta.
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Noelle has blood trails that go AROUND the cheek, which is primarily something we first saw more prominently in Lucifero fight and a signifier of a more combined/true devil union Asta and Liebe.
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And THEN, in the second half of the chapter, we get the Witch Queen (I knew she'd be relevant eventually), Vanessa and Dorothy use their combined magic and a spacial mage (I see you Langris, you're not getting out of the Finral parallels bitch) to create the DOORS OF DESTINY.
Blood (Yuno and Asta considering each other family despite being both orphans and unrelated, Noelle and Asta coming from different social castes of nepotism, both Yuno and Noelle being of Royal blood),
Dream (both Asta and Yuno having the same dream of changing the world, Noelle achieving a new dream and hope through Asta, Noelle and Yuno both having dreams of proving their strength to people close to them).
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There's 3 more weeks left of June but by GOD, if Tabata does some foreshadowing of Noelle, Yuno and Asta all together being a poly-couple endgame, I WILL COMBUST
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madwickedawesome · 2 years
*twirls hair and kicks feet* ok so theres this one anime whos manga was released in 2006 but then it got a first season(24 episodes) in 2008 and it follows a 13 year old orphaned boy named ciel phantomhive and when he was 10 his manor burned down and he was taken by some cult people and he was bouta get sacrificed but a demon showed up and killed everyone and made a contract w ciel so that he could get find whoever burned down his manor to avenge his parents death and ciel told the demon that his name was now sebastian and he was his butler so now ciel is the earl of phantomhive and he has to carry out tasks for queen victoria as he encourters new people and new immortal characters that will either aid or harm him as he does his job as an earl
shit i just realized i aint said the name yet its black butler and theres still somewhat of a fandom if youre ever interested(no pressure btw!!)(also manga still gets chapters monthly(i wouldnt suggest joining the fandom until youre decently caught up or arent afraid of spoilers))
wait this actually sounds hella cool mama mia ILL PUT IT ON THE LIST BRO🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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icharchivist · 2 years
Laughing crying near screaming about you ranting over Lobelia. I knew you were going to comment on it when I read the new day myself, and you didn't disappoint.
Ps. I thought Dark Santa was Sariel when I read it. Is it literally gonna be Krampus or something?
(Jokeful distress, obviously)
I'm honestly finding so funny that you read Lobelia being a menace and your reaction was "Icha's reaction is going to be so funny", I'm crying
And oh my god Sariel. I forgot he got a Santa skin.
When i read Lobelia's talk my mind went to the Dark Santa which is yeah a sort of Krampus i think??? I saw it in other mobages (a3 made so many reference to it and has cards of it) and, personally i had never heard of it before so idk if it's just a Japanese thing or something that just didn't make it to my country's lore, so sorry if you know and it's redundant, but from the gist of it it's the Santa that dresses in black and comes to punish the Bad Children, from just giving coals to more depraved interpretations (so yeah, up to Krampus)
With the way Lobelia said it, it felt up his alley and now i'm hella scared at the implications. We're really getting a Nightmare Before Christmas vibe of Lobelia looking for Twisted Christmas 😭😭😭
I would suspect Lobelia is talking about urban legends so it means one of two things:
Either Dark Santa exist in the gbf universe,
Or Sariel is going to be misinterpreted as Dark Santa.
(Or neither will happen but bear with me)
God imagine it's Lobelia looking for Krampus and he finds Sariel and he tries to test of Sariel is as twisted as the legend says. This is awful. We can't have that, Sariel already has ONE sexually depraved sadistic and masochist unfortunate almost boyfriend in his radar he doesn't need a second one 😭😭 that said if it has Belial come back in a sense of goodwill of "hey you can terrorize anyone you want but not Sarry" i might take it! Except that it'd mean Belial and Lobelia in the same room and i don't think I'm strong enough to witness the absolute disaster that would be.
How did a plot that starts as wholesomely as "let's throw a party for orphans with some of the most wholesome members of our crew like Ladiva" end up becoming a dreadful possible horror story 😭😭😭 Merry christmas 😭😭😭
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sadlittleratboy · 5 months
so music wise i think they’d be very nu-metal. think system of a down, limp bizkit, korn, ect. i also feel like there would be a lot of riffs in their music as well as drum fills (if you can’t tell i was in band so im using fancy words bc god damnit i didn’t do that shit for 5 years for nothing)
ok now lets talk voice types
i think himiko is a mezzo-soprano for no other reason than bc my friend is one (and over the course of our friendship i have heard her sing WAY too much) and it just kinda sounds like her idk
dabi is 100% a bass. like yeah his voice is hella raspy which kinda makes it sound higher pitched (but tbh thats prolly from his vocal cords being burned to shit so i think without that he would have a deeper voice) and idk it’s just like. it makes sense to me ok. (also i always imagined dabi as being that kid who’s voice dropped super early so he just had a baby face with the voice of a grown man)
my husband/mr. compress is a baritone just cus i KNOW this man has a deep buttery smooth voice that makes ppls knees weak (can you tell i love him? ik it’s not that obvious) also at this point im going off of vibes tbh
shiggy feels like a tenor to me. he’s just got a relatively normal voice and probably has good pitch control
spinner is also a tenor for the same reasons
now twice is interesting. i feel like he just has amazing range. like bro can hit rly high notes and rly low notes. like it takes some effort but he can hit em
NOW! for how they got together
i feel like it’s similar to how the league in cannon formed. a bunch of outcasts rejected by society who came together to form a family (they make me want to piss and throw up god i love the lov so much)
now lets talk details for each member
himiko’s story is similar, her running away and stuff. but here it’s because of her mental illnesses and her family having ostracized her. so she was just living on the streets until compress just picked her up like a stray cat and took her home bc his dad instincts were activated
spinner and shiggy are both orphans who grew up in the same orphanage (like pls do you see the childhood friends to lovers vision please hear me out on this) and once they aged out and were dumped on the streets they only had each other to rely on and then they kiss kiss fall in love im going insane please send help
dabi is the black sheep of his family, and he basically disappeared when he turned 18. he pretty much cut contact with his entire family and they think he’s dead. this is bc i have this amazing idea of them having thought he was dead for years and then all the sudden they find out he’s just this fucking rockstar lol
compress is basically the only one who’s relatively normal and well adjusted lol like he had a normal childhood and now he’s just an adult lmao
i feel like twice is an ex-con. like he did a few years for a string of robberies or smth idk i just feel like he’s done time. and as we all know ex-con’s are always screwed over by society.
SO!! how they started out was shiggy and spinner would run a two man show. yk dive bars, random underground concerts, shit like that.
they met dabi bc he was at one of the bars where they played and he just went up to them was like “hey i play guitar wanna hang out some time?” and boom dabi joined the band
similar story with compress. once they started getting a little bigger he approached them and offered to help manage the band bc these are all just a bunch of 20 somethings with no adult supervision
and after compress surprise adopted toga she basically forced herself into the band no matter how much shiggy protested
now i don’t have much thoughts on how twice joined in, so if you can think of any that would be totally tubuler
jesus this is so fucking long and i haven’t even gotten to the hc’s
i think im just gonna leave this as in and maybe i’ll send in my hc’s at a later date idk
anyway yapping over
I love this so much. Personally I feel like Mr. is the one with the insane range, because that man is an entertainer okay he is CLASSICALLY TRAINED IN VOCALS and the only reason the other's take any care of their voices. Shuichi has the heavy metal growls change my mind.
Anyway I feel like Shigaraki stopped caring who joined their band after Compress, because he really does just vibe and let the extroverts do the talking. The one who really protested was Dabi because he didn't want another younger sibling (too bad). Toga definitely brought in Twice. Not sure how they met but you're DEAD RIGHT about him being an ex con.
And listen Spinner and Shigs are in love love no matter how they met (which personally I think was over voice chat in a multiplayer game). They do have childhood friends vibes though, even in canon. It's like they're so perfect it feels like they've known each other their whole lives I'm RABID over them.
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wlwgif · 3 years
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I know why you did everything you did. To Shay and everything. I'm sorry I made you make those hard choices and then... and then blamed you for them. 
Give your sisters all my love.
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cinematv · 3 years
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We do terrible things for the people we love. 
Orphan Black - Certain Agony of the Battlefield (3.06)
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