#heirloom recipe
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divinemissem13 · 1 year ago
A Very Voyager Holiday
@25daysofvoyager, day 8 submission.
After years of throwing Voyager's holiday parties, Neelix is surprised to learn that Federation winter holiday traditions include much more than just Christmas trees and Santa Claus.
This one got away from me a little bit... but then, it may have gotten away from Neelix too! Chapter 1 is below, but the full story will be on AO3 (4/5 chapters are already posted). Enjoy!
Chapter 1 “Eureka!” Neelix exclaimed as he finally found the box of Christmas ornaments he had been looking for, crammed into a corner in the cargo bay. Although he had only learned about Christmas once he joined the crew of Voyager, it had quickly become his second favorite holiday (after Prixin, of course!), and he was especially excited this year because Naomi Wildman was old enough now to help him decorate. He couldn’t wait to tell his goddaughter all about Santa Claus and his reindeer, or to see her face when she saw the lights on the Christmas tree for the first time.
In previous years, the tree had been on the holodeck and only available for viewing during the tree trimming party, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Neelix had noticed that many crew members never got the chance to enjoy it because someone always had to keep the ship running. So this year, he had decided to replicate a tree and set it up in the middle of the mess hall where everyone could enjoy it for the entire month. 
Recent events (starless voids, failed slipstream drives, endless encounters with hostile aliens) had resulted in a steep decline in crew morale. But Neelix was certain that a month of holiday festivities would go a long way towards lifting everyones’ spirits. 
Neelix entered the mess hall, grunting under the weight of the box of decorations as he hefted it onto the nearest table. It wasn’t meal time, so the mess hall was only sparsely occupied with crewmen scattered around reviewing PADDs or enjoying a beverage between shifts. As he scanned the room, Neelix was delighted to see Naomi sitting at a table near the massive pine tree, engrossed in a game of Kadis-kot with Seven. Neelix picked up the heavy box once more and carried it over to their table. 
“Well now, how are my two favorite non-Starfleet crew members today?” Neelix said in an exuberant tone that made Naomi giggle and Seven roll her eyes. “How do you like the tree?” he continued, without waiting for an answer. “It’s a big one this year! I hope that we have enough decorations to cover it. If not, we may have to start making some new ornaments!” 
In her typical Seven-of-Nine way, the ex-Borg raised an eyebrow at Neelix and excused herself, claiming to have other things to do much more important than decorating for a party. As he watched her leave, it occurred to Neelix that Seven probably didn’t know much about Christmas either. He made a mental note to include her in as much of the festivities as she would allow. 
He turned back to Naomi who had begun to pull on his sleeve, trying to get his attention. “Neelix, what about the other holidays?”
Neelix looked at the little girl, quite confused. “Well, they come at different times of the year… you know, Prixin was a few months ago. And then of course Valentine’s Day is coming up and then St. Patrick’s Day…”
“I’m not talking about those ,” Naomi insisted. “I asked my mom about the tree and she said that she didn’t celebrate Christmas when she was a little girl. And neither did my dad. They don’t even have Christmas on Ktaria.”
“Well, I… oh. Hmm. Do you mean that Christmas isn’t a Federation-wide holiday?” Neelix suddenly felt very foolish. He had thought Christmas was just a fun celebration where everyone gives gifts and sings songs.  It had never occurred to him that it might have a specific cultural or even religious significance.
“But Ensign Wildman celebrated a different holiday when she was your age?”
Naomi nodded excitedly, “Yes! It’s called Hanukkah and there are games and candles and food and presents too!”
“Well it sounds like you know all about… Ha-nuh-kah?” Neelix said it slowly, trying to sound out the strange word. 
“Only a little bit,” Naomi admitted. “Mom says we lit candles in our quarters last year, but I don’t remember. But she promised to tell me the story this year. And teach me how to play the game and everything. You can come too, if you want.” 
“Naomi,” Neelix smiled warmly, “I think that is an excellent idea. In fact, that gives me an idea… but let me do some research first and if it pans out, I can tell you all about it!”
“Please, Neelix! Tell me now!” Naomi begged. “I’m old enough!”
Neelix chuckled lightly and his eyes danced with excitement. “I have no doubt that you are, my dear. Just give me until dinner time and if what I’m thinking is correct, you and I will plan a big holiday surprise for the whole crew!” 
“Dinner time? You promise ?” Naomi raised an eyebrow skeptically and Neelix briefly wondered if that was a quirk she had picked up from Seven or from Captain Janeway. 
“Cross my heart. Now, I’ve got to get working… I’ll see you later, Naomi!” Neelix called as he bustled out of the mess hall to start looking up Federation holidays. 
Naomi watched her godfather leave and shrugged before turning to pack up her Kadis-kot board. Maybe Seven of Nine would have time to finish their game before dinner.
@elephant-in-the-pride-parade @gijane-7702 @hanukkahbingo
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tsuyuki-yuruco · 1 year ago
Barbequed Hamburgers
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This is an heirloom recipe from my grandmother. We used to beg my mom to make these. Not intended to be placed on a grill, they are best served over rice with a nice green salad.
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morriscalvin · 1 year ago
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Burger - Barbequed Hamburgers This is a family recipe that belonged to my grandmother. My mother used to beg us for these. They are best served over rice with a nice green salad because they are not meant to be cooked on a grill.
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blithelybliss · 1 year ago
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Kentucky Beer Cheese Recipe Perfect to serve as an appetizer at parties or potlucks with bread, vegetables, chips, or crackers, this Kentucky beer cheese is easy to prepare and chill ahead.
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maleauctionblock · 1 year ago
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Burger - Barbequed Hamburgers This is a family recipe that belonged to my grandmother. My mother used to beg us for these. They are best served over rice with a nice green salad because they are not meant to be cooked on a grill.
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sketchingsands · 2 years ago
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Kentucky Beer Cheese Perfect to serve as an appetizer at parties or potlucks with bread, vegetables, chips, or crackers, this Kentucky beer cheese is easy to prepare and chill ahead.
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Ok but wouldn’t it be funny if
Arwen, newly arrived in Valinor after faking her and Aragorn’s death and squirreling themselves away on a ship: of course i have proof i am who i say i am! I know the family technique.
Arwen, making the rivers jump to her command via a Song of Power: see? I am clearly Elrond Peredhel’s daughter and of Luthien’s line.
Arafinwe, who damn well knows Maglor used that technique against rebellious baby cousins and various unfortunate Silmaril-thieving kin: oh you are definitely Elrond’s
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charlotte-liddel · 3 months ago
@adreaminmyheart asked: "Say, what's your favorite food? Mine's tomato soup! I have a special recipe and everything!"
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"That's tough to answer, actually. With how many recipes I know and make, its just hard to pin down." Charlotte tapped her own chin in thought, before settling on a thought, "I can at least answer seasonally easy enough. For autumn into winter, especially around my birthday next month, I like a variety of stews. I always tend to fall back on an old fashioned Ratatouille. I generally use vegetables I grow for it too."
She's already reaching into a little sparkling portal with a grin, tail swishing almost excitedly, "I can share the recipe for it if you want. We can also compare notes on your tomato soup recipe, since I have my own variation for my cafe menu. Tomatoes are actually my favorite fruit, so I have a lot of recipes using them."
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sikfankitchen · 2 years ago
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Foccacia with Tomato Sauce & Heirloom Tomatoes [RECIPE] 🍅
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timmurleyart · 2 years ago
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Tomato. 🍅🧅🌿🍕🇮🇹(mixed media on canvas)🧀🍅
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shishiikura · 10 months ago
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Everyone look at the paella I made yesterday
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nudeartpluspoetry · 1 year ago
Swedish Rye Bread Recipe
Quick Swedish Rye Bread
This is a quick version of my great aunt Bertha Åström’s Swedish (yeast) rye bread. The consistency is slightly denser, but the flavor is the same. The flavor is sweeter than that of other rye breads.
2 cups white flour
2 cups dark rye flour
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup low-fat buttermilk
½ cup molasses
½ cup prune juice
2-3 tablespoons of grated orange peel
1 tablespoon dried anise seeds
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
It’s best to sift the flour. Mix flour, salt, soda, orange peel, and anise seeds well.
Mix prune juice and molasses and briefly warm the mixture in a pan.
Add buttermilk and prune juice/molasses to the flour (etc.) and mix. The dough will be quite sticky. Add more buttermilk if necessary.
Briefly kneed the dough (until it has no creases) and shape it into a circular loaf on a floured surface. Cut an X into the top with a sharp knife.
Place on floured baking tin. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for @ 30 minutes or slightly longer. Remove from oven and let loaf cool on rack.
OR: Make the dough slightly more moist and spoon it into a rectangular bread pan. Bake at 350 Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.
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ohmytomatoe · 2 years ago
CHIVES YEAR 3 still growing despite the horrible lack of discipline in my gardening career. #shame
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thisislizheather · 1 year ago
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Above Photo: If I die in the summer, please serve these at my wake
If heirloom tomatoes were always in season, I would eat this every day for the rest of my life. Yes it looks boring, but you have to trust me. It’s as if you’re biting into summer and it is heavenly.
1 heirloom tomato (the ones only available August/September)
1 garlic clove, whole
Cheddar cheese, slices
Flakey sea salt
Toast a slice of sourdough bread, then rub both sides with the raw garlic.
Spread a thin layer of mayo onto the bread.
The sliced cheddar goes on top the mayo.
Slices of tomato go on top of the cheddar.
Sprinkle the sea salt on top of the tomato and be generous.
If you’re feeling fancy and you have any basil vinaigrette on hand, put a dollop on top of the tomatoes. And if you’re a little psychotic, then grate the rest of the already-half-used garlic on top of the tomatoes.
Absolutely the best thing to eat this time of year.
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dadvil · 6 days ago
Someone explain why mini cdrama’s have some of the best soundtracks
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islifearecipe · 4 months ago
Top Ten Heirloom Foods To Eat Before They Disappear
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