#heir to the autumn court
iocaisaint · 24 days
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@nerisweek Day 5 : Alternative Universe // made by xohikka on Instagram, commissioned by me
When a human Nesta crosses the wall but finds herself in Autumn she must rely on the devil himself, Eris, the heir to Autumn court.
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andromedaexists · 11 months
Heir To The Autumn Court || Elle Porter
I received an ARC of this book in return for a fair review!
I'm going to start off by saying that this is an erotic short story anthology surrounding a the creation of a royal polycule. That's really all I knew going into it, and I wish I had done a bit more research before signing up for an ARC. This story is high fantasy with the inclusion of creatures that I will refer to as The Fair Folk in this review. This is a personal sticking point as a result of the way I was raised, there are certain words that I will not refer to the Fair Folk as and this book is riddled with them.
That didn't stop me from loving it though!
Each story builds off the one before it and weaves a tale of royal intrigue as the heir to the throne of the Autumn Court creates their personal council! The creation of this council is also intertwined with high heat scenes that are enticing and attention grabbing. In one simple sentence:
The royal polycule is royal polyculing
Due to this being an ARC with the official release on the way, I will not get too into depth on the stories other than to say that I absolutely loved it! But I will include just a few snippets here, so if you do not want to see anything until you get your hands on the book please consider this the end of my review.
Okay so like, these stories, right?
They inherited their mother's arrogance, their father's cruelty, and the combined beauty of both.
"Thank you for making my cottage reek of sex. You owe me." "You'll have to get in line."
"You called me 'magnificent.' I'm afraid you're stuck with me now."
and of course, one that made me literally scream out loud:
"What a pretty whore you've caught for us."
ANYWAYS if you want a high fantasy erotic book, I highly recommend this one. I finished this book in the span of one (1) day. That is something I haven't done with a book since gods know when omg. Probably high school honestly.
Please buy this book, you will not regret it.
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illyrianbitch · 12 days
Of Our Own Devices
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For @erisweekofficial Day 1: Bargains
Pairing: Reader x Eris
Summary: Desperate to reunite with Lucien since his exile to Spring, you find yourself paying an unexpected price to his older brother.
Warnings: some mentions of death & injury, swearing, spitfire reader and a cunty eris. <3
Word Count: 3.2k
Part Two
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
The storm had rolled in with frightening speed.
It was one of the rarer, powerful storms of Autumn. The type that caused the sky to turn to charcoal, produced lightning that illuminated the canopy of fall leaves and made them seem like flickering, live fires. 
You stumbled into the dimly lit cabin, drenched from the rain that had come pouring down in sheets. The cabin was one you had never seen before— a hidden refuge of Eris’s that you weren't aware existed. Despite its small size, it was surprisingly beautiful, furnished with deep, velvety fabrics. Eris had pulled you into the home without a word. 
Crossing your arms across your chest, you turned to him, watching as he shed his outer layer and hung it on a hook near the door. He moved to the cold, empty fireplace next, and with a flick of his fingers, he summoned a flame from his hand.  The flame danced briefly in his palm before he extended it toward the blackened wood in the hearth. 
Seconds later, a crackling sound filled the room, bringing the fire to life and filling the space with a warm, golden glow. Eris watched the flames for a moment. Then he stood up, facing you once more. 
"You promised me I'd be in Spring by tonight," you said. 
Eris tsked, brushing past you as he sat himself on a velvet, red couch. His scent lingered in the air—a smoky, strong aroma. A shiver ran through your body. You attributed the reaction to the influence of the rain on your warm skin. 
He didn't bother to meet your eye as he responded. "I promised no such thing. I said I'd take you to Spring tonight."
"Then take me."
He raised a brow and for a moment, you almost expected him to make a childlike comment, a brutish joke about the sentiment those words could hold outside of the context. But he didn't. His eyes, however, told you that he was thinking about it. It was unnerving, how you could read him so well, how years at Lucien's side had come with an unexpected consequence: becoming familiar with his brothers, too.
"It's a storm. Winnowing is risky in this weather," he said smoothly, voice as cool as ever. "I’m not risking both our lives just because you're impatient."
The wind howled outside the cabin, rattling the wooden shutters as you took a deep breath— in through your nose, out through your mouth. The eldest Vanserra noticed the frustration immediately, and your efforts to calm yourself dissipated as a small smirk tugged at the corners of his lips.
“I’m not staying here,” you snapped. “I’ll walk if I have to.”
At first glance, the couch appeared almost pristine, but as the firelight grew and you paid closer attention, you could make out traces of dark grey, black, and brown hairs—the hair of his hounds.  The detail settled somewhere inside you. You weren't sure where.
“If you do that, you’ll either die of exposure or run into my father’s men. Either way, not a great plan.”
You froze, your hands tightening around the fabric of your cloak as you grasped your arms, fingernails digging into the material. “So my options are to stay here with you or die?”
He shrugged lazily, but the motion still held a sense of regality to it, an eerily elegant form. It made you even angrier.
“Seems so," he said, a smile forming on his lips. It was as warm and genuine as a snake’s kiss, much like the disarming charm you had come to expect from Eris.
You'd never spent this long with him alone, never needed to manage his calculated gaze or purposely chosen words without the buffer of Lucien. You would've gladly gone your entire immortal life without doing so. But you missed Lucien— your heart ached without him, longed to be near him, to have his laugh echo in your ears. And this was the only way to be with him again, even for a few days.
And Eris knew that. He knew it all. You assumed it was why he bothered to take you in the first place. It gave him the pleasure of knowing he had power– control.
Your blood boiled.
“Are you enjoying this?” You stormed toward him, standing over the couch as he stretched, clearly unbothered by the storm—or your anger. “Trapping me here, knowing I have no choice.”
“Trapping you?” He laughed softly, sitting up slightly to meet your gaze. “You came to me, Vixen. If you want to go, the door’s right there.”
The sound of the wind howling through the trees outside made his offer ring hollow. You struggled to rummage through your thoughts, through the anger, frustration, and disgust that he managed to stir in you.
The stupid, stupid nickname was all you could focus on, now. Memories of a younger you flooded your senses, memories of a younger Eris, one much less rigid, much more open, almost. An Eris you crushed on. You'd never admit the truth to anyone— that the reason you and Lucien had become so close, despite your natural connection, was because once upon a time, he was glued to his older brothers hip. And so you'd glued yourself to Lucien's.
Eventually, the years evened things out, and your feelings flowed from the eldest Vanserra to the kindest one. To Lucien.
Lucien. Your mind reminded you. This was for Lucien. Don't piss Eris off, don't ruin your chances at seeing him again. Don't engage—
"Stop calling me that, you arrogant prick."
Your hands dropped to your sides, instinctively curling into fists as Eris peered at you with a burning, amused stare. His amber eyes gleamed like a predator toying with its prey.
"I see Lucien's absence has impacted your ability to maintain that temper. Those breathing exercises not working well for you?"
Something twisted deep in your gut.
"Now that I think about it, I think I'll take my chances with the storm."
Before you could make a move to leave, Eris was standing, his chest now inches away from you as he peered down at you. You didn't move, then, only straightened your shoulders and met his gaze.
Eris wasn’t the beefy, broad-shouldered type that other males in the court might have been. He didn’t have large, bulging muscles meant to intimidate. Instead, he was a lean kind of strong, with a pointed nose and sharp features that cut through the dim light of the cabin. He exuded a different kind of intimidation, one that stemmed from his inherent authority and the staunchness of his posture. He carried himself like a prince—elegant and commanding, every inch of him a testament to his future role.
Beron was merely keeping the throne warm until Eris was ready to claim it for himself.
"We both know you're not going to do that."
You tightened your fists further. "And why not?"
"Because you aren't stupid, Y/n."
Eris cocked his head, his eyes narrowing as he studied your face with a cold, calculating gaze. His features were sharp and chiseled, the faintest freckles dotting his high cheekbones. 
"You're not going to risk losing your chance to see Lucien."
 He leaned down and his breath fanned your face, warm and mingling with the scent of cedar and smoke. His eyes danced across your face, moving from holding your gaze to traveling further down, lingering on your lips—on the scowl you wore on them—before he met your eyes again. The fire's flames grew larger, consuming the oxygen in the air that had already seemed to be thinning. 
You said nothing as he continued, "Uncurl those fists, take that soaked cloak off, and wait. "
You stayed quiet, taking a deep breath before you stepped to the side, purposefully brushing your shoulder against his broad chest as you moved. Despite your urge to resist him out of spite, you reluctantly removed your cloak and tossed it on the clean floor of the cabin.
Eris scoffed. "Really? Must you act like a child?"
The floorboards cracked as he walked and, faintly, he mumbled something about how his hounds were better mannered. Eris picked up your cloak, dusting it off with a gentle hand before hanging it up next to his own.
"I'm curious," he began, glancing over his shoulder as he walked towards the couch. "Does Lucien know?"
You glared at him. You were growing tired now, the exhaustion of the trip slowly growing deep in your bones.
"What are you talking about?"
Eris smirked, his gaze lingering on you with a knowing glint as he settled back on the couch. "I'm talking about how you're in love with my sweet, sweet little brother."
You stiffened, a wave of emotion crashing over you—cold and awakening, a nauseating mix of embarrassment and fury. 
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Eris's face remained insufferably composed, a cocky grin playing at his lips. His eyes gleamed with a self-satisfied spark.
"No need to lie. It's just us two here," he purred. "I've always enjoyed how honest we can be with one another. It's why I preferred you over Jesminda."
A sharp, uncontrollable heat seared through every nerve in your body, a wave of anger surging like a wildfire.
"Keep her name out of your mouth."
It felt like a disgrace to have him say it, to hear her name immortalized on the tongue of the brother that allowed her to die. The brother that had killed her, according to Lucien. His sobs still echoed in your mind, the image of a broken male etched into your memory. You'd had only five minutes with him before he fled, five minutes of frenzied packing, desperate promises, and anguished confessions of what his father—and his brothers—had done.
Eris's gaze lingered as he analyzed you.
A beat passed.
Then another.
You were beginning to feel naked, as if he had stripped you of every defense you'd managed to muster around him. You turned away, unable to bear the weight of his stare any longer.
"I didn't kill her. I didn’t help.”
Your face went slack, caught off guard and momentarily confused. You pulled yourself together quickly, straightening your back, hoping he hadn’t noticed your reaction.  As you turned a little, your face almost sad now, you could’ve sworn you saw something in his eyes—something akin to regret, maybe even compassion.
Your voice was low, not bothering to hide the sadness, mourning, the raw anger, as you responded.
“I don’t believe you.”
The trace of care in his gaze vanished as he shrugged, the same indifferent gesture he’d made earlier. “Have I ever lied to you?”
You stared at him, taking him in with the same analyzing gaze he'd offered you. 
It was strange how alike he and Lucien looked, how alike yet so different all the same. But the longer you stared, the more you began to feel stuck— hypnotized, tempted to walk closer to him, to ask him what it was that went on in his mind, what caused those flickers of emotions you couldn't name across his face. 
But another moment passed, and all you could see was a male who Lucien hated, a male who was selfish, who reveled in the pain caused by chaos.  Your mind drifted to other rumors and stories you’d heard about him. You settled on one in particular. 
"You left an innocent female to die in the woods because she didn't want to mary you. Butchering your brother's lover doesn't seem outside of your past-times."
A cold shift washed over Eris’s face. His disinterested expression hardened into a mask of disappointment, then flared into a simmering anger. It was a contained fury, like a finely tuned flame.
"Don't tell me you believe the lies of Night Court trash. Surely you're smarter than that. I know you are."
"Fuck you," you snarled. "You know nothing about me. I'm not going to let you play some twisted mind games with me. I'm not a doll."
He shook his head. "You are not."
A beat. Then a smirk grew on his lips. "But you are just as pretty as one, if we're still being honest. You're wasted in your one-sided love, Y/n."
You said nothing, turning to walk to the other side of the cabin. The corner held a bookshelf with carefully arranged volumes, a finely crafted wooden table, and a collection of artifacts on the windowsill.
Eris just laughed behind you, a sound so smooth and soothing that it felt sinful against your skin.
You resisted the temptation to snoop, to explore the cabin and bask in the rare vulnerability of the brother who had always captivated you in the most wretched of ways. It felt strange seeing him like this—relaxed, almost at ease— as if simply crossing the threshold of this modest cabin had stripped away the invisible chains and burdens only a prince could bear.
You stayed still and stared out the window, focusing on the sounds of the storm. You hoped that the rain would drown out the sounds of his breathing— sounds that rang too loud in your mind. You didn't want to know why he seemed to do that, why he lingered so deeply in your head. 
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹
The storm raged on for a few more hours.
The time was spent in tense silence—at least for you. Eris remained on the couch, reading through a novel about the history of the continent. You would've never thought him to enjoy such a thing, to want to know about those outside of his court, of mortals, humans, no less.
And when the rain finally stopped, he rose wordlessly. With a brief gesture toward your cloak, he led you out, winnowing you the rest of the way in silence.
When you finally reached the border of Spring, a wave of relief washed over you.
The vibrant greens of the new season were almost blinding after the gloom of the storm. You took a step forward, eager to escape the tension that had gripped you for hours. You'd be with Lucien soon, be able to hug him, to tell him of all the things he'd missed in your life since his exile. 
But before you could move any further, Eris's hand closed around your arm. You turned to him with a glare, meeting his glowing gaze and infuriatingly calm smile.
“Are we forgetting payment?”
You strengthened your glare, gritting your teeth before you pulled yourself out of his grasp, reaching for the small bag hidden within your layers. 
Eris stopped you with a casual wave. “I don’t want your money.”
You stiffened, straightening your posture. The sounds of Spring echoed behind you, their vibrant melodies almost taunting as you lingered on the border. Eris’s smile shifted into a smirk, his eyes glinting with something dangerous, something that made you swallow instinctively. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask sooner.”
You thought back to how he had offered to take you to Lucien, how this entire arrangement had been his idea. You should've held back, should've been more wary of his motives. But you'd been too excited, been too blinded by the joy of being with Lucien once more. 
“What do you want, Eris?” 
He took a moment to take you in fully, eyes scanning you from head to toe, and then he took a small step back.
“A bargain,” he finally said.
 “A bargain?” 
He nodded. “You will not tell Lucien it was me who brought you here.”
You frowned, a crease forming between your brows as you blinked at the male before you. Perhaps you'd heard him wrong. “What?”
“If he asks, you’ll say you bought off a hunter in Autumn, a mercenary. Whatever you’d like,” Eris continued.
You drew your brows tighter. 
“I thought you'd want to revel in the fact that he might somehow owe you. Prove your power, even."
Eris shrugged nonchalantly. “Then maybe you don’t know me as well as you’d like to think.”
He extended his hand, his palm open and the gleam of his ring-clad fingers catching the light. You hesitated for a moment, body still stiff with unease, with confusion. 
You scanned his face. Eris loved played games. This was no different. There was no point in reading into it. So you rolled your eyes and prepared to shake on it, reaching for his hand.  He pulled it slightly out of reach.
“What now?” You groaned.
He hummed in amusement.
“And when I come to get you to return to Autumn, I want your help.”
You raised a brow. “My help?” you asked, incredulously. "How the hell would I ever be able to help you?"
Your family had no title, no powers beyond a tame ability to fight and heal. You survived in Autumn because you were ordinary—and ordinary meant no one looked for you. Noticed you. 
“I want to call in a favor,” he clarified.
“What favor?"
"We'll see," Eris said with a smile and a tilt of his head. “I think you could help me out dearly."
You let his words settle for a moment. His eyes, glistening with a dangerous glow, seemed to hold something predatory, something that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. There must've been an underlying threat in his proposition, something sinister you had yet to notice. After all, he was a male known for his ruthlessness— 
You stiffened.
He was a male. There was one easy way for males to assert their dominance, to gain pleasure, to accept payment. 
You took a step back instinctively and Eris’s gaze tracked your movement before returning to meet your eyes. A shadow flickered in his eyes, reminiscent of the dark, unsettlingly soft gleam you’d seen in his cabin when he first glimpsed your saddened expression. Seconds later, his face shifted to one of mild amusement. He rolled his eyes with an empty chuckle.
“Settle yourself, Y/n. Not that kind of favor. I can bed females without resorting to bargaining for their affections,” he said, his tone dripping with condescension.
A flush of embarrassment crept up your cheeks. You looked to the ground for a moment, taking a deep breath as you regained your composure. When you finally met his gaze again, he was already extending his hand towards you once more.
“A favor in the future in exchange for this time with Lucien,” he purred smoothly. “And your silence. Consider it our little secret.”
The smirk that grew on his lips was maddening and you could feel the heat of his gaze, the flickering fire of his amber eyes urging you to comply. Every instinct told you that binding yourself to him was a terrible idea.
You glanced back over your shoulder, looking to the green, sunny expanse behind you. Lucien was there, somewhere amongst the greenery, and with a simple bargain you'd be with him again. 
Without a second thought, you turned back to Eris and took his hand.
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
happy eris week yall!!! rising from the dead specifically to post this lol, i fear i love this pairing so lets see if i decide i wanna write anything else for them. thank you for reading!! (i miss writing so so so much)
i might make this into a miniseries, so lmk if you’d like
to be tagged <3
permanent tag list 🫶🏻: 
@rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria @georgiadixon
@glam-targaryen @cheneyq @darkbloodsly @pit-and-the-pen @azrielsbbg
@evergreenlark @marina468 @azriels-human @panther-girl-124 @bubybubsters
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @feyretopia  @ninthcircleofprythian @velariscalling @azrielrot
@justyouraveragekleemain @marigold-morelli @mrsjna @anarchiii @alittlelostalittlefound-blog
@m4tthewmurd0ck @beardburnsupersoldiers @isnotwhatyourethinking @tothestarsandwhateverend @raginghellfire
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Eris Week | Day 2 | Childhood | There had been joy, too.
"His mother, who had adored dancing and hired musicians to perform at the Forest House. Her flames had once been a rosy gold when she lit the nursery’s hearth, a blanket to warm their shivering faeling bodies after a day at the swimming hole...It was melted down chocolate and hazelnut on a crisp morning." --Just Enough Light to Cast Shadows
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Thank you to the talented Poppy for creating JEL's Amma and young Eris for me.
Art by @/poppypola and commissioned by me for @erisweekofficial
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erisweekofficial · 6 days
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This has been such a fantastic week, and we couldn't have done it without you. We'll put out something more formal later.
For now...enjoy 😈 (yes this is NSFW) Thank you @jessicafongarts!!!
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thelov3lybookworm · 5 months
Juice Stains
Summary: A day alone with the babe. What could go wrong?
A/n: because @secret-third-thing's this post inspired me to have eris washing socks lol you can all thank her for inspiring me 🤭
anyways, enjoyy!!
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No one told Eris that giving a two year old child a glass of juice would result in him cursing his own existence.
His wife had gone to visit her friend in summer court, only just getting the chance to leave Amelia in his care since her birth. Eris had forced her to go himself, practically spewing a speech to get her nerves to calm.
Oh how he regretted that now as he rubbed the tiny fabric against itself in his hands, the water constantly running proving to be of no help against the stubborn stain of the orange juice spilled on the sock.
And the culprit of this crime? She was happily laughing away as she watched her father suffer for her actions.
Sleeves rolled up to his elbows, Eris sighed, wondering how the hell Y/n handled situations like this. His back was screaming in pain, his fingers cramping after long moments of clutching at the tiny sock of his daughter.
The stain simply refused to come off, only adding to the list of things Eris was frustrated about as he leaned back, trying to straighten his back and get rid of at least some of the pain, his eyes wandering around the room.
It was a mess, and that was putting it lightly.
On the bed lay the heap of little clothes Eris had been looking through earlier to dress his little princess after her bath, wanting to pick the most comfortable and fashionable outfit suitable for someone so important.
On the couch and in front of it lay Amelia's toys, thrown around in the fit of rage she'd been before he handed her the juice.
Which, somehow, looked like the worst decision he'd made in his life.
The glass lay abandoned on the floor next to Amelia, who was chewing on her mitten like it was the tastiest fabric in the world, juice still pooled on the floor, slowly spreading.
Releasing a breath of frustration, Eris wrung the sock in his hand, then turned and stalked over to where Amelia sat, the mitten half hanging out of her mouth, her hand covered in saliva from when she had been trying to eat herself.
Eris knew it was ridiculous to think that, but how was he to shut his mind down when he was too tired to even blink?
"Come on, its nap time." He muttered lowly, leaning down to gather Amelia in his arms, who offered him a toothy grin for his suffering.
Despite her making him work so much, he could not stay mad. Hell, he could not even bring himself to be irritated or fault her for his tiredness. She was too adorable for that.
As he slowly set her down on her back on the fluffy mattress, uncaring that she was laying diagonally on the bed, he let himself smile at her.
"Are you happy after making daddy work so much?"
She squealed as he buried his face in her neck, giggling and trying to push him away when he tried to bite at her cheek.
"You deserve that punishment, you know that right?"
Her eyes twinkled back at him, and he sighed, settling down next to her, his body from the knee down hanging off.
"I'm resting a little before mommy returns. Remind me to clean up before then, will you?"
He patted her back, gently humming a tune to get her to sleep as she babbled out an answer he was too tired to even try and decipher. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, even though she was the one who should have been sleeping.
No, she stayed awake, talking to herself and playing with the wet sock he still had in his hand and giggling at the wet splat the material made when she slapped it onto her father's face.
She did not, in fact, wake him up before mommy arrived.
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Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo
@sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175
@starsinyourseyes @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
@cumuluscranium @byyalady @lilah-asteria @girlswithimagination @gardenofrunar @girlswithimagination
Eris Vanserra Taglist: @fell-in-luvs @azrielsmate3 @tele86 @caraaaaugh
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 21 days
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Part VII
Word count: 4400+
Warnings: mentions of blood and suffocation
Autumn themed divider by tsunami-of-tears
Part VI | Part VIII
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Eris kept his promise. At first, he met with you just once or twice a week, but lately it had been happening more and more often. That old library full of books and lacquered wood was your most frequented meet place. It took you some time, but eventually you learnt how to get there on your own and didn't need anyone's help.
Most recently, though your husband started to prefer meetings in his free time. He began showing up for meals in the chambers or invited you to secluded gazebo in the garden. Sometimes he even managed to take a break for hour or two and replacing your maids, now your best friends, he escorted you to the gardens, showing you secret paths. He knew this place as the back of his hand and you wondered how the heir could have so much time to explore it so well. It was so easy to forget about the fact that he had centuries to do so, his young appearance seemingly giving him maximally 9 years over you.
Time was passing in a slow flow of peaceful days when nobody expected you to submit, to stay still, to not think, speak or feel. Nobody bound you with ridiculous rules and you felt happier than ever. The memories of the nineteen years of your life were impossible to forget and you often wondered whether this life was just a fantasy of your tortured mind. Whether they finally broke you beyond the repair. It was strange that in this huge castle, you had ever met only Eris, his brother and advisor Killian, Ellen and Irene and several servants and guards. Were you the only ones living here? Where were the others?
These thoughts occupied your mind so much that you completely forgot about your upcoming birthday.
Back in Hewn City your birthday was a day as any other. Nobody celebrated it. You never got presents. You knew when you were born only thanks to your mother who every year secretly whispered you happy birthday. Your father most likely didn't remember it at all, so you strongly doubted that he could share such information with your husband or his court. You've never been asked about it, too. Thus you didn't expect anything to happen.
How surprised you were when Irene came to your chambers one afternoon with a bright smile, followed by servants who carefully brought in tailor's figurine in dress and set it down.
The doors closed behind the last servant and you could finally take a proper look. It was the most beautiful dress you had ever seen, worth of a queen.
Your eyes lingered on the bodice of bronze colour with sweetheart neckline that was held on place by ribbons with bows of the same colour. It looked like an polished armour thanks to the top layer of shiny chiffon and the crest of Autumn Court embroidered in its centre. If it wasn't for a gauzy floating sleeves falling from the shoulders, it would be too eccentric for you to dare to even wear it.
The bodice naturally flowed into a skirt composed of feather shaped strips of a dark silk and an embroidered chiffon in muted colours of autumn. The skirt pooled on the floor around the base of figurine, creating a train. The slit in the front part of it was reaching up to the half of thighs, undoubtedly supposed to reveal the legs with every step.
Irene took out the shoes she brought in a box. Simple lacquered black high heels were decorated with delicate bronze leaves and flowers that connected into complicated ornament of bronze wires in the front.
You had to sit down, short for a breath. You'd never seen anything like this in Hewn City. Your High Lady, her sisters and Morrigan usually wore impressive dresses, but this.. This was the masterpiece.
"Why.. What is this dress for?" you stuttered unable to take your eyes off of it.
Irene smiled sheepishly. "High Lord had it all made for you for tonight."
"For tonight?" You fished in your memory, but Eris hadn't mention anything to you despite of meeting him only a few hours ago.
"Yes, there's going to be a banquette. But let's get you ready. We have a lot to do."
"Wait. Where's Ellen?" You hadn't seen her since you returned from a walk.
"Oh, don't worry. She should be here anytime soon."
Irene helped you with bath and while your hair was drying she worked on your face. She chose palette of eye shadows that matched the dress, creating intrigued but for you maybe too heavy makeup. Ever since you left Hewn City you used only bare minimum and very light natural makeup. When Irene was applying a dark red rouge on your lips, doors opened and Ellen walked in with covered satin pillow. She was beaming.
"I'm so glad that you haven't started without me," she said as she left the pillow on the bed. "I already thought that I won't make it in time."
From the minimal reaction to the dress it was clear that she, as well as Irene, had already seen it before and so she wasn't surprised at all.
"I can't wait to see you in that magnificent dress. I tell you, our High Lord has a good eye."
Irene fixed last details of your face and they both helped you into the dress. But before you could look in a mirror, they ushered you back to the vanity.
"Don't be impatient and let us finish your look. You will love it," they reassured you and started to braid your thick hair into a complicated hairstyle. Of course, they didn't forget to cover the mirror so you couldn't see what they were doing. At last Ellen took the thing that she brought on the satin pillow and they put it on your head. It was round and a bit heavier than a headdresses you used to wear to balls under the mountain.
"We are done," they announced proudly with tears lining their eyes. They helped you to stand up and then took few steps back to take a better look of you.
"Y/N, you are so beautiful," they sobbed in unison. "Our High Lady."
"But I'm no High Lady," you objected in embarrassment.
"You are. Look!"
They moved the tall mirror, so you finally could take a look at yourself. The breath caught in your throat and you staggered. A powerful High Lady was staring back at you with slightly opened blood red lips. The dress perfectly hugged your body, accentuating your curves. And as if it wasn't enough, on top of your head sat a real gold crown of twisted twigs decorated with maple leaves made of opals and rubies. You looked as a totally different person, despite the fact that in your heart you were still that powerless, scared female.
You stood there staring at yourself until another knock sounded on the doors. Irene rushed to answer.
"You look so good, my Lord," you heard her say.
"If I knew that an angel will greet me here, I would wear something more fancy," you heard Killian's flirty response. "Is our fairy princess ready?"
"She is and she is fabulous. Even you will be short for words once you see her." She fully opened the doors and let him in. Killian affectionately pinched her cheek as he passed her and then he tripped, his mouth hanging open as his eyes roamed over you.
"What.." He gazed at you, speechless.
"If this doesn't break him.." he muttered under his breath. Then he cleared his throat.
"I'm here to escort you, my dear sister. Instead of Eris who will be a bit late, unfortunately. Can you give us a moment?" He turned to the smiling maids who bowed to him and left.
Killian returned back to you with serious expression, giving you a sorrowful look.
"Now listen carefully, doll. I have to warn you. Our court.. it's quite brutal kind of place like your home," he grimaced. "That's one of the reasons why Eris has changed several things here before your arrival and now keeps a whole wing of castle only for family. We, and I mean me and Eris, have to behave in certain way to be able to keep these people under control. Our beloved father made sure that they are all just as wicked bastards as he was. A single slip and we could be seen as weak, incompetent and easy to replace. We don't have resources to stop a revolution right now as Eris just took over the place. Once we have reins firmly in our hands and certain changes we are working on, are made, everything will be different and we can be who we are wherever we want. But for now, bear with us, will you?"
You blinked in confusion. "What are you trying to tell me?"
"What I meant is that we will be a bit different than our usual selves, brutish and rude if I should be honest. You probably already noticed it at your wedding. Eris had to hold back a lot that night."
You remembered the cold, contemptuous frown he wore while watching the dancers and the small cracks when you glimpsed his true self underneath it. If you learnt something about him this last few weeks, it was that he wasn't that kind of person in real. That he was in fact the opposite of all the rumours you'd ever heard about him. You slowly nodded.
"Tonight won't be ideal. Just think about it as about a masquerade. Nevertheless, I hope you'll enjoy it. It's your night after all and I prepared something special to make it more bearable. Let's go." He took your hand, heading for the doors.
"Wait!" You pulled back, stopping him. "My night? What do you mean?"
"You'll see," fox like grin spread on his face, amber eyes shone with mischief. "Oh, and one more thing. I guess I don't need to tell you this as you'll probably fall back to your old ways anyway, but be careful when someone approaches you. Not everyone who seems to be friendly, is our friend in real."
If all the strange stuff he told you before didn't seriously scare you then this last warning did.
Killian led you down the staircases and hallways, until you stopped before great double doors which you immediately recognised. It was the same ball room where your wedding party was held.
"Time to once again meet the elite of your subjects, your Grace," Killian winked at you and in an instant his brand smirk was gone replaced by that cold demeanour and bored expression he had when you met him for the first time.
He unhooked your hand from his arm and sharply opened the doors.
"Welcome her Grace, consort of High Lord of Autumn Court," his deep voice called into the room and everyone immediately fell silent.
You inhaled shakily. He didn't give you much time to prepare, but the lessons that were beaten into you, were good at least for something. You straightened your shoulders, holding your head up and the gaze down, and walked in.
A wave of surprised 'ah' and 'oh' ran through the gathered crowd and they all bowed down like one man. With the same bored expression Killian offered you a hand and with the other one behind his back, he gallantly led you to the steps and a table with three chairs, the middle one bigger and higher than the other two.
He was showing you off, making a spectacle of you and the dress. You felt like a trophy. As far as you knew, Lady of Autumn never wore crowns, only smaller tiaras. They were sending out some kind of message, but you weren't experienced in such political matters to understand it better. The number of glares you felt on you pierced your skin like blades, making you even more nervous and feel sick.
He held one of the smaller chairs for you and then taking the other one, clapped his hands. Everyone took their seats and servants started to bring in food.
In the chaos you got a chance to look around. The ballroom was huge, a show of opulence with its white and golden walls and high vaulted ceiling. It was decorated with garlands of autumn leaves of mainly red colours that contrasted with all that gold, hanging between massive chandeliers with fae lights. In the vases next to each marble pillar around the perimeter of the room were big bouquets of flowers in yellow and red colours. The last rays of the setting sun penetrated through the rows of windows that led to the terrace and bathed the room in a golden glow. It was breathtaking.
Each of the tables was also decorated with smaller arrangements of flowers combined with leaves. It perfectly matched the gold goblets, cutlery and trays. However, in the arrangement before your plate you noticed small pink nerine inconspicuously stuck among the flowers so that no one else could see it. Out of the corner of your eye you looked at Killian. He nodded inconspicuously and corners of his mouth slightly twitched. Eris.
As if you called his name aloud, the doors opened and he walked in.
Eris was freshly shaved, once again shorter red hair combed back. With high black boots, ash colour breeches and tunic in the same bronze colour as your bodice, he looked like High Lord through and through. The fact was emphasized even by a massive gold crown of entwined twigs with maple leaves made of opals and rubies, a pair to the crown on your head.
The breath caught in your throat as he was heading your way. The power radiated from him with every step, swirling and seeping through his skin. Everyone in the room immediately stood up and bowed and you did so, too, with a little delay. It was a bit of shock to see the frown on his face that in any other situation would already have been replaced by a kind smile. He was again wearing the mask of cruelty that you remembered from your home. However, when he came closer you noticed the warm embers in his eyes as they traveled down your body and then back up.
He took your hand to place a kiss on back of it, eyes never leaving yours.
"You're stunning," he whispered into your skin so only you heard him.
Still holding your hand he gestured to others to sit down.
"Welcome!" His deep, sonorous voice bounced off the walls. "Today we gathered here to celebrate the 20th birthdays of my wife. May you have a long life and soon endow this court with number of heirs."
You stiffened. While others took theirs goblets and toasted to you with all kinds of expressions that you didn't want to even try to decipher, you just stood there unable to move. Killian had warned you, but those words hurt nonetheless. It reminded you of the only purpose you were supposed to live for and overshadowed even the fact that he knew when you were born and decided to celebrate it.
Heirs. You were expected to give birth to heirs like some breeding mare while you hadn't even been deflowered yet. It was like a bucket of cold water, the worst of the worst mockery.
Eris sat down and you stiffly followed him. While you were trying to push the tears back and catch a breath, servants served food on your plate. You again lost all your appetite.
Your husband next to you hesitantly reached for your hand under the table.
"Can we talk later?" he muttered. You just nodded, gazing in front of you. He squeezed your hand, running thumb over the knuckles in a calming way and sent a wave of warmth into your body. "Please, now eat."
You did as you were told, but you couldn't manage more than a few bites. With whole your being you concentrated on the small pink nerine.
It's just mask. Don't take it seriously.
No matter how many times you repeated those words in your mind, it still hurt. After the meal was over a party had begun. At first it wasn't any different from your wedding. The guests gathered on the parquet while small orchestra played in the corner.
Suddenly different kind of music played, carried on the wind from outside. It was a wild melody full of booming drums. Everyone stilled, heads turning to the gardens, there was a tension in the air. All the windows to the terrace opened at once and the smell of bonfires filled your nose. As if it was a signal, the room exploded with laughs and everyone was heading out in a crazy maze of bodies. The etiquette-obsessed nobles turned into wild magical creatures right before your eyes.
Eris turned to his brother with raised brow. "I don't remember mentioning bonfires." The anger in his voice cause a shiver ran down your spine.
"She's twenty only once," Killian shrugged, unaffected.
Eris shook his head in disbelief. "As if she shouldn't see it every year at the equinox."
Killian rolled his eyes. "This way it at least will be some fun. Let's go out," Killian laughed and he was actually hopping on the way out. It was really comical to see such outgrown male doing so. If it was a different kind of situation, you would have laughed until you couldn't more.
Eris watched his back, frowning. "I'm sorry. This isn't what I wanted, not that I-," he sighed in disappointment, running his hand over face. His lips pressed into a thin line. "And I'm also sorry for what I said for a toast. That isn't what I really-.."
"It's fine," you stopped him. You didn't want to hear that anyway. All you wanted at the moment was to go out so you didn't have to be alone with him. And that's what you did. "Are we going?"
"Sure," he caught up with you in a few long steps and offering you a hand, he led you to the terrace. His steps faltered before you got to the windows. "No. Wait. I can't leave it like this."
He took your chin between his index finger and thumb, making you to look up into his amber eyes that burned like fires. The lights in the room dimmed until you stood there in almost complete darkness and the only light was coming from outside.
"I want to make things clear right now. I don't want you to be angry with me for wrong reasons. I asked Killian to prepare you for this, but I should have known better and do it myself in the morning when I had chance. Fuck all surprises." He swallowed hard, his gaze boring into you, pleading you to understand. Your lower lip quivered. He was still angry. "Except of the long life part I didn't mean it. All I really wish for is your happiness. I don't.." He exhaled shakily, composing himself.
"Maybe you've already noticed it, but you aren't a prisoner here nor I expect from you anything you don't want to give me. This all.. I wanted for you something that you could fully enjoy, but there are certain expectations that I have to fulfill currently. We can't leave right away," he gestured to the gardens and the guests scattered there, "but there's going to be another birthday celebration for you after this. The real one. The sincere one, even though not so pompous as this all. Just the two of us. And maybe Kill, if he won't be too drunken. I promise."
You listened to his words which he spoke with such urgency in voice, something really atypical for him. As he was talking, the tears gathered in your eyes.
"I understand. I really do. Killian told me that I shouldn't take it seriously. I'm so sorry for my behaviour."
"You have any right for that." His thumb wiped away a tear before it could roll down your face and destroy Irene's hard work. Hand lingering on your cheek, his eyes fell to your lips and then returned back to your eyes, asking for permission. A small nod was all he needed to slowly lean down. His soft lips brushed over yours, his breath fanned over your face. When you didn't back out, he claimed your lips in a tender kiss, lazily moving. Tip of his tongue pressed between your lips, looking for a way in. Before you could grant him entry, his chest vibrated with a low growl and he broke the kiss, resting forehead on your shoulder.
"Mother help me," he whispered out of breath. "You are so beautiful today, a goddess."
You shook your head, trying to calm down your racing heart. "I heard that you ordered this dress for me."
"I wanted them all to see their powerful High Lady, to fall on their knees in front of you," he snorted, "but your beauty exceeded my expectations. You have me in your grip, my Lady. At least for tonight, do whatever you want with me. I'll gladly accept it all."
You gasped in surprise and blushed, but he only grinned mischievously, took your hand and led you out. "This is the real Autumn Court," he waved his hand, showing you the bonfires on a meadow behind the flower garden.
The flames were shooting high into the sky, the wine was flowing in streams and all the lords and ladies had turned into a wild creatures, laughing and dancing around. Nobody cared about the status or manners.
In distance you saw Killian with feral grin dancing with some girl near the bonfire, their bodies swirled around each other and it was impossible to tell where one began and the other ended. It felt as if you were witnessing something inappropriate and had the urge to turn away, but you couldn't take your eyes off of them.
"Come," Eris's deep voice growled near your ear and your toes curled at its undertone promising you the same level of wildness and intimacy that those two had. He pulled on your hand, amber eyes burning, same wolfish smile on his lips.
The rhythm of drums pulsed through your veins and you got carried away by it. Eris led you through the rippling crowd to the closest bonfire and without warning pulled you to his body.
It was pure madness.
Without knowing the steps, led only by those drums and instincts, you swirled around each other, bodies pressed together so firmly there was no space in between you. His warm hands were at your face, shoulders, waist, hips, everywhere, caressing and squeezing until you were sure there would be marks left on your skin. Everything and everyone around you blurred into a mass of colours, only his face with those fiery eyes was clear. The fire was licking your skin, burning your body from inside out and you didn't mind it the slightest because you were the flame yourself.
You changed dancing partners several times, but you couldn't remember their faces even if you tried. At some point you danced even with Killian who with wide grin nuzzled to your neck in a very inappropriate way, but you both only laughed at it.
You danced and danced until you couldn't anymore and stumbling you went looking for something to quench thirst. Some female pressed a goblet with an amber liquid in it into your hand and you drank a few gulps without questioning it.
Tired and overheated you headed into an empty garden, letting the cool breeze to caress your hot cheeks. You groaned in relief.
"Here you are. I've been looking for you," strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind, pulling you to a broad chest. Heat radiated from his body as Eris nuzzled to your neck, placing hot kisses under your ear. "Tired?"
You hummed in answer, leaning into his touch. You both were still too high to care about the level of your intimacy.
"The evening isn't over yet," he whispered with his lips sliding down the column of your neck, his fingers lurking just inches from your breasts. He sounded out of breath. "I promised you to properly celebrate your birthday. Come."
He took your hand and led you away from the bonfires and music, to a secluded balcony overlooking the east gardens. Except of the small table there was nothing.
Your head was pounding, your sight blurred out and again refocused. You blamed all the dancing for it and took another gulp from the goblet. You still couldn't catch your breath.
Eris waved hand and on the small table appeared a beautiful cake and a small box tied with pink bow. With a snap of fingers he lit the candles and not only on the cake. There were dozens of them on the floor and the railings.
"Happy birthday, Y/N" he smiled softly. "Wish for something."
You wanted to return the smile, but couldn't. Your airways suddenly closed and you began to choke and cough violently, fighting for air.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" Eris immediately sobered and reached for you alarmed, his brows knitted together.
With another coughing fit, your mouth filled with something warm and sticky. The blood. Eris's eyes widened and he draw you to his chest. He snatched the goblet from your clenched fingers and sniffed it.
"No," he snarled and the goblet turned into an ash on his palm. He scooped you up in his arms, running through hallways with you. "Y/N, stay with me. Do you hear me? Look at me!"
You tried to focus on his face, really tried but he was nothing but blur. You desperately gasped for air, your consciousness gradually slipping away.
"What's going on?" You could hear Killian's voice in the distance.
"Bring healer! Immediately!" Eris barked the orders. "Bring her to her room! No one must know about this!"
Eris kicked some doors open and then again and laid you down on soft bed. His warm hand pressed to your cold cheek.
"Y/N, stay with me. Fight it! Please.."
You heard some commotion and voices, but after a while everything went silent except of buzzing in your ears. Gasping for air, you focused on his amber eyes. You wanted to take the memory with you wherever you would go from here as the darkness slowly swallowed you.
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chunkypossum · 9 days
Lord Eris
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I realized I didn't have anything for HOUNDS day of all days and cheated a little. This face was done originally for AU day so I reused it for this since it fit my reference so well. Which is why his face is more finished than the rest lol. We can call this one a WIP for WIP WEDNESDAY too!
For @erisweekofficial Day 4: HOUNDS
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are we just going to ignore the fact that Eris literally is an Heir of Fire. sound familiar??
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fieldofdaisiies · 11 days
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read below for a snippet | read the complete fic on ao3 | masterlist
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Birds scatter into every direction when the little boy‘s booted feet touch the ground, his makeshift wooden sword pointed at the older brother’s throat. His brows are bunched, his feet planted in a wide stance and mischief is etched upon every feature of his face. "You are under attack!" he shouts in a loud voice.
Eris tries to clamp down on the chuckle that threatens to leave him. He slowly puts down the branch he had been carving into, but then can’t hold back and laughs loudly. Quickly, he reaches out his arm, pulling his little brother into a playful headlock.
"Big brother Eris!" the little boy whines, tugging at Eris’ hands, trying to make him let go, his sword dropping to the ground. “Let go, Errrrris!”
Eris ignores his whining, only rubs his knuckles over the boy‘s head again. "First lesson: you don’t announce an attack, Lu," Eris chuckles and holds his little brother tightly, knuckles rubbing over his red curls. “Second lesson: you need to be calmer.”
“Let go, Eriiiiiiiis!”
 “Only if you promise that you will attack properly from now on!”
Lucien sighs dramatically, again wiggling against his brother's hold. Eris is just so much taller, so much stronger and Lucien thinks this is quite unfair. Reluctantly, he gives in.
“Aaaaaalright,” he whines, wiggling in his brother’s hold once again. 
“Do you promise?” Eris teases and has to laugh.
“I promise,” the little Vanserra boy bites out, glowering at the leaves on the ground.
Eris, proud and content, eventually lets go of his little brother who stumbles to the side, a small pout on his lips.
But then the little boy quickly picks up his wooden sword and dashes away, leaves rustling beneath his brown boots as he blazes over the pathway that leads out of the forest. Eris looks after his little brother, until Lucien disappears behind a tree, probably readying for his next attack. He smiles to himself, in his heart nothing but bliss. Little Lucien – the greatest joy of his life. 
continue on ao3
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@jules-writes-stories @the-darkestminds @mistandmemories @brunetterebel010 @chunkypossum
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iocaisaint · 22 days
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@nerisweek Day 7: Free Day// made by tasbaqaart on Instagram, commissioned by me
Based off this canon interaction below 👇🏾, Nesta & Eris together would be the ultimate history nerds.
Have you never seen it?” Eris asked by way of greeting, tracking her stare.
“No.” She looked away from the unnerving peak.
“Why is it sacred to you?”
Eris shrugged, and Nesta knew Cassian monitored his every breath.
“There are three of them, you know. Sister peaks. This one, the mountain called the Prison, and the one the Illyrian brutes call Ramiel. All bald, barren mountains at odds with those around them.”
“We didn’t come for a history lesson,” Cassian muttered.
Nesta cut him a look. “I asked. I want to know.”
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harperbrynne · 1 year
Eris was reading a book by the roaring fire, an ankle crossed over a knee, as if his presence here was nothing unusual. (ACOSF, Pg744)
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rosesncarnations · 6 months
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Have a treat of flats
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illyrianbitch · 9 days
Of Our Own Devices — Part Four
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For @erisweekofficial Day 4: Traditions
Pairing: Reader x Eris
Summary: The Autumn Equinox Ball is a tradition of royalty, an event to symbolize the growth, prosperity, and power of the court. This year, Eris has set his sights on having you at his side.
Warnings: yearning tbh
Word Count: 3.5k
Part Three | Part Five
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
Eris grimaced at the door shut in his face, the sharp sound echoing through the quiet night. The heavy oak door, adorned with intricate carvings, gleamed under the porch faelights.
He took a deep breath, grip tightening on the box in his hands— it was large enough to require both of his palms and weighed heavy in his hold. Not because of its contents, no, but because of the importance it held to him now, in this moment.
He knew you were still there, lingering behind the door. He hadn't heard your footsteps to prove otherwise. 
And he knew you. You were curious, and despite how much you loathed him—something he assumed was quite a lot at this point—your curiosity would be biting at you, begging you to understand why he’d come.
After all these years, you'd want to know why he was here, at your door. 
"Y/n," Eris said tightly. “It’s considered bad taste to slam doors in the faces of court royalty.”
He heard a scoff from the other side of the door. The sound tugged at his lips, almost coaxing a smile. His words had hit their intended mark, indeed.  It was oddly comforting, in a way he couldn’t fully grasp, to know he still knew how to get under your skin.
The door clicked as a lock was undone, but it only opened a crack. Through the narrow gap, the warm light from inside casted a halo around your silhouette. An angry eye glared at him.
"Go away," you sneered. "It's in bad taste to harass females who don't wish to speak to you."
Eris didn't have a chance to open his mouth before the door was shut on him once more. He let out another deep, frustrated breath. 
"You're going to ruin your door, Vixen."
He shifted his weight on his feet. He hadn’t seen you since before the second war on Hybern—since that night in his cabin following Feyre and Lucien’s trespassing. Maybe the time hadn’t been long enough. Perhaps it would take centuries to regain your trust, if he had ever held it in the first place. 
But Eris didn’t have that long. He needed to make this work now.
"Y/n," he tried again. "Please let me in."
More silence.
He was nearly ready to walk away, to accept this as one of his rare defeats, when he heard the click of the lock again. The door creaked open wider, revealing you standing just inside. Your anger was still evident, still rippling off you in waves, but there was something else in your gaze—curiosity.
And he suddenly found it hard to breathe.
He'd almost forgotten how beautiful you were. 
The years, which had been rough on him, seemed to have only made you more breathtaking. Perhaps it was the distance, or maybe it was what he’d seen in the war, but Eris had found a newfound appreciation for the beauty in life.
All of it paled in comparison to you.
It was a shame—a sin, even—to have you hidden away from the eyes of the central Autumn Court, from the vibrant life that might have appreciated your beauty. It felt wrong to deprive the world of such glory, of the ability to witness you. But then, he thought, he was grateful for it. There was no other scent in the house, no jewelry on your hands, no glow of a bond. It was just you, here, and he was thankful for that.
You stepped aside. "Well?" You said, tone clipped. "Come inside before I change my mind.”
Eris didn’t need to be told twice. He stepped over the threshold, his heart pounding as he crossed into the warmth and light of your home.
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹
Eris almost rolled his eyes, the word feeling like a brick wall he was constantly battling against. 
“Is that the only word in your vocabulary?”
Something flashed in your eyes.
"Maybe,” you said. “I guess I’m too ordinary to have the vocabulary of someone as well-regarded as a High Lord’s heir.”
Eris flinched— he didn't bother hiding it, though he knew he should've. Instead, he quickly collected himself, straightening his posture further, adopting a cold, unamused face.
You were always one to hold grudges, always one to remember the details. It was why you'd bonded with Lucien, someone equally as observant.
Lucien had gotten that habit from Eris, whether he'd realized it or not.
Ordinary. It was one of the last things he’d called you, a comment that had haunted him more persistently than other nightmares. The memory of his father’s cruel hand, the sight of wounded siblings—all of it seemed to merge with the sting of that word, with the memory of your palm against his cheek.
He didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he took a moment to look around, absorbing the space around him. It was alive with the essence of you—every detail, every personal touch. He walked over to a table near the entrance and placed the box down, his fingers lingering on its edges for a moment. His gaze wandered to the art on the walls, running a finger along their frames. 
You cleared your throat from behind him. Eris turned, finding you standing with your arms crossed, jaw tight and rigid. You looked like someone who had allowed a wild animal to prowl around their home, ready to pounce at the slightest provocation.
For a moment, he was at a loss.
There was no sinister agenda here, no political gain, no deep analysis needed for his next move. But he still needed to tread carefully. He hated that he had to. There was too much to say and not enough at all. Small talk would be useless. You wouldn’t entertain it anyway. He was treading a thin line.
You nodded towards the box. “What is it?”
Eris, casually fixing his sleeves, replied, “A gift.”
“A gift?” you echoed, a bitter laugh escaping you. “I don’t want your gifts.”
He stared at you for a moment, taking in your features, your stance. 
“Come to the Autumn Equinox ball with me.”
You blinked. A smile broke across your face— it lacked any genuine warmth, any kindness. It was pure disbelief, pure anger even. Another bitter, humorless laugh escaped you as you ran your hands along your face. “You’re kidding me, right?”
Eris didn’t react, didn't so much as move a muscle. It only seemed to anger you further. 
“Where do you hold all of your audacity? Is there a specific pocket in those tailored jackets?”
In another situation, he might have laughed at the comment. It was funny, truly, it was. But this wasn’t that moment. Instead, he merely raised an eyebrow, unphased. “The ball is—”
“I know when it is,” you interrupted, your voice sharp. “I also know who it’s reserved for. And I’m not going.”
Your hands curled into fists and Eris’s eyes tracked the movement. His steady gaze returned to your face as he repeated, “Come to the ball, Y/n.”
Had your jaw been any tighter, you might have shattered your teeth from the sheer force of clenching them.
"Did you lose your hearing in this war?" You sneered. "I said no."
Usually, in any other circumstance, Eris would have respected your wishes, recognized the discomfort in your stance, and taken his leave. He would have understood, would have taken the clear signals that you wanted him gone. But tonight was different. He couldn’t afford to walk away, not when he needed you there, not when he needed a chance, a moment. His resolve hardened, his gaze unwavering as he faced you. He knew he had to press further, even if it meant pushing past your boundaries. With a determined breath, he pulled out the only card he had left:
 “Consider this calling in my favor.”
The world went quiet for a moment, absent of your breath as you processed his words. He watched as you blinked once, as your gaze took him in, then watched as you blinked again. A small crease appeared between your brows. 
"You're calling a centuries old bargain for some ball?"
Eris scanned your face, allowed his gaze to linger on your lips, to drift to your eyes. Then, he smiled. 
"Seems so."
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹
The Autumn Equinox ball was a spectacle of opulence and splendor.
It stood as one of the premier events in the Autumn Court, the kind of affair that young females, newly recognized as adults, fantasized about attending alongside someone of high standing, someone deserving of an invitation. You had only heard whispers of it, never coming close enough to the court’s grand celebrations when Beron hosted such festivities.
Despite his appreciation for the grander, more beautiful things in life, Lucien never attended such events. You always thought it was a waste. Lucien was immaculate in his presentation, in the way he dressed and carried himself. You used to long to see him dressed for a ball, waiting for you, asking you to stand by his side.
But you weren’t a family of title. These events were reserved for royalty and high-ranking court members. Beron extended invitations to other courts as well, but it was never out of friendliness. It was a display of power, a way to showcase the flourishing of his court.
But now you were here, surrounded by the Autumn Court's elite.
And you'd never felt so out of place. 
The grand ballroom shimmered as you entered, the soft glow of faelight casting a warm light over the crowd, the chatter of conversation blending with the gentle strains of a string quartet.
You looked around, hands clenched at your sides, gripping the fabric of your gown as if it were an anchor. You avoided the eyes of those around you, afraid that their looks would make you feel smaller than you already did, that you'd hold their gaze wrong, prove to them that you didn't belong. 
Within seconds of scanning the sea of elegantly dressed guests, you found Eris’s amber eyes. 
The rest of the world seemed to blur as that fire met yours. 
He made his way toward you, cutting through the crowd with the same grace and authority he commanded in all things, regal like a blade through silk. His attire was impeccable:  a deep, rich burgundy jacket adorned with intricate golden embroidery that caught the light with every movement, fitted trousers, and polished shoes that gleamed like liquid shadow. His outfit was completed with a pair of exquisite gold cufflinks and a matching set of earrings, each studded with garnets that mirrored the fiery tones of the autumn leaves.
Eris paused, running an attentive eye down your figure. A small beat of silence passed, as if he was deciding how to approach the night, contemplating what to say. 
“Dance with me,” he finally said, extending a hand toward you.
You hesitated, glancing down at the gown that hugged your form. “I—I don’t know how.”
Your answer didn't seem to phase him.
“Dance with me,” he repeated, his voice carrying a note of insistence. “I will show you how.”
You hesitated. It would be so easy to refuse, to walk away and leave this entire farce behind. But something in his tone, something in the atmosphere of the ball, made it clear that this was not just another game.
Fighting it was no use. This could be your last night around the eldest Vanserra. If you truly wished to never see him again, he would probably respect that. He had always been a male of his word when he wanted to be.
But as you looked around the beautiful ballroom, draped in the soft glow of countless lights, you felt the weight of the opportunity slipping through your fingers. You would never be in such a lavish dress again, never witness such finery. Take advantage of it, your mind whispered, pretend for a night that you are more than ordinary.
With a resigned sigh, you placed your hand in his, allowing him to lead you to the center of the ballroom. His touch was more gentle than you would have thought, though the palms of his hands are calloused. You felt an urge to compare him to something divine, to admire how he was finely polished like a beautiful, stone statue. Something of greatness, something worthy of being praised.
You did your best to keep your breathing steady as his hand wrapped around your waist, tried not to fully inhale his scent as his head dipped down when he spoke.
“Is the dress to your liking?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek, struggling to keep your expression neutral. To say it was to your liking was an understatement.
The box Eris had left was unassuming, its exterior plain and nondescript. But when you opened it, you were greeted by the most breathtaking gown you’d ever seen. It was a rich, burnished amber, catching the light with every movement. The fabric shimmered like fallen leaves in the dusk, and the intricate embroidery, reminiscent of autumn’s delicate patterns, wove around the bodice and down the skirt. It was as if the essence of the season itself had been captured and spun into the fabric.
It felt entirely too beautiful to be worn by the likes of you.
You glanced at Eris. Up close, you could see every freckle that decorated his nose and cheeks, could count them if you truly wanted to, each dot pronounced against the pale skin. 
“Yes,” you replied curtly, struggling to keep your voice steady. You turned your gaze away quickly, not wanting to stare at him longer. "What poor seamstress did you have to threaten to have it made on such short notice?”
 "None," he replied. "Do you truly think so low of me?"
Against your better judgment, you found yourself glancing back at him anyways, your eyes meeting his as he studied you. Eris’s gaze flickered, his expression briefly faltering before that well-practiced charm returned. He laughed, and the sound carried a note of sincerity, a rough edge that hinted it hadn’t been used recently.
“Well, no matter. You look beautiful in it.” His hand moved against the small of your back. "You look beautiful."
Your stomach flipped, a feeling so embarrassingly strong that your cheeks began to burn. You were supposed to be angry at him— you were angry at him.
“Flattery will get you nowhere,” you retorted, though a small smile tugged at your lips. The gentle movement of the dance seemed to ease some of your tension, some of that anger that had settled in your bones. Either that, or the warmth that radiated from Eris's hand. You'd never been this close to him, never felt his skin against yours. It resonated somewhere deep inside you, brought warmth to places you weren't aware were cold.
“Distance isn’t what I seek tonight,” he said, his voice dropping to a murmur.
For a moment, you faltered. He noticed, of course—he always noticed. His hand tightened on your waist, guiding you back into the rhythm. His eyes were trained on you, but there was something different in them tonight. A weight. A silence behind the usual arrogance.
“What are you seeking?” 
His lips quirked into a smile, not the biting, sarcastic one you were used to, but something softer. “Time to think.”
You frowned, a crease deepening between your brows. “At a ball?”
"Liar," you muttered, but there was no venom in your voice.
Eris hummed softly, a thoughtful sound, but offered no immediate response. Instead, he guided you through a graceful turn, the fabric of your dress swirling around you.
There it was again—that strange softness. He wasn’t needling you like usual, wasn’t pushing for a reaction. It made your stomach tighten with suspicion. His grip on your waist felt protective now, and as you stared at him, you realized that the usual front he presented—the one of the cruel prince, the sharp-tongued heir—was slipping.
“You’re awfully quiet tonight," you murmured, "Did you finally run out of clever quips, or are you saving them for another unfortunate soul?”
You wanted to provoke the usual sharp retort from him, something to break the coil in your stomach, to bring a sense of cold familiarity. You wanted the mask back, wanted the bitter, sharp Eris. The one you knew, the one you could hate. But he didn’t bite. Instead, he glanced around the room, taking in the grand ballroom and its glittering guests. 
You followed his gaze, watched as it settled, momentarily, on a corner far across the room. On the Night Court's contingent. They were one of the few courts in attendance tonight. Rhysand stood in all his glory, a beacon of effortless power, and beside him, two females. One was shorter but radiated undeniable authority, and the other— the other you recognized instantly. The High Lady. Feyre Archeron. 
Their eyes seemed to lock onto you, and a shiver ran down your spine. You couldn’t breathe for a moment, an unsettling sensation settling over you. Instinctively, you turned to Eris, but he had yet to look back.
When his gaze did return to you, there was something unreadable in it, something that made the hair on the back of your neck rise. “Do you believe in second chances?” 
"What?" You blinked, instinctively pulling back, but Eris’s hands caught you, pulling you back in with a natural, effortless motion. 
“Second chances,” he repeated, his tone as calm as ever. "Do you believe in them?"
He spun you again gently. For a moment, you felt a flash of disorientation as you twirled, your feet struggling to keep up with the rhythm of the dance. Thoughts were pounding against your head, all equally heavy, equally damning. Your chest felt tight with an emotion you couldn't quite describe— not now, not here.
"I'm not sure."
Eris didn’t offer another word. Instead, he studied your face, his gaze tracing over your features like he was memorizing you.
“Our ancestors,” he began, “Used to believe this time of year marked change. The Autumn Equinox. A point when things are supposed to shift, make way for something new.”
You raised a brow at him. “Is that what this ball represents? Growth?”
Eris’s lips curled into the faintest smile. “In theory,” he said, "Our Court is one of endless change, after all. Decay and rebirth.”
You eyed him closely. There was something about the way he spoke tonight, something too pensive, too reflective. He was rarely like this—rarely this vulnerable, even in his cryptic way.
"Why did you ask me here?”
You fought to keep your voice steady, to keep it level despite the way his touch made your skin tingle. 
He continued to guide you in a slow, measured dance. You hadn't even thought about your skills, hadn't been granted a moment to overthink your movements. The ballroom around you seemed to blur, leaving just the two of you in a world of elegant isolation. With a practiced twirl, he spun you, and you found yourself dipping into a graceful arch.
“I owe you an apology, Vixen,” he said softly. He brought you back into his arms. Your head swirled with the motion, with his face so close to yours. Your bodies were touching now, nearer than you had been when the dance begun. The proximity intensified the warmth of his touch, making it difficult to breathe. 
“Many, in fact," Eris amended. His hand tightened around yours, and you could feel the solid weight of his words as if they were pressing into your very bones. 
“I know you may hate me,” he continued, his voice low, almost a whisper, a confession of sorts. To you. To himself. “But I do care for you. There is something about you. It unnerves me and entices me all the same.”
You were at a loss for words, completely unaware of the song’s ending or the shifting crowd around you. As you came to a halt, Eris’s eyes widened slightly, as if he were nervous. 
“I don’t hate you,” you said, the words slipping out before you could fully grasp their weight. His eyes now glowed with something else, flickered with something that felt like hope. You swallowed, forcing yourself to continue, “I wish I did. It would be easier. It would make more sense. But I don’t hate you.”
Eris looked down, a sense of vulnerability, of thoughtfulness, passed through his face. It was almost bashful, and the sight of it was so foreign, so out of character, that it made your chest tighten.  He lifted his gaze to meet yours, and as he released your hand, he took a step back and bowed. “Then I ask for you to hold onto that.”
A frown tugged at your lips. “Why?" You took a step forward towards him, now eager to close the gap, to have his warmth near you again. "What are you up to?”
But Eris simply looked at you, tilting his head with a fleeting smile that vanished almost instantly as he straightened up.
“Enjoy the rest of the ball, Y/n. But make sure to leave before the feast. You won’t enjoy it.”
He adjusted his clothes with a delicate hand, his face hardening into a mask of cold indifference. With a final glance, he turned and walked toward the far corner of the room, to where the Night Court’s presence lingered like an encroaching dusk. 
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
authors note: idk guys something about having someone who just sees straight through eris and despite knowing they have every reason to hate him, they still try to dig deeper and dont accept him at surface level... it gets me.
almost as if...she just has some innate sense... some connection...that pushes her to him...over and over.....hmm. strange.
thanks for reading <3
eris week/of our own devices tag list 🫶🏻: @i-know-i-can @scarsandallaz @anainkandpaper @ratgirl2020 @nyenye
permanent tag list 🫶🏻: 
@rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria @georgiadixon
@glam-targaryen @cheneyq @darkbloodsly @pit-and-the-pen @azrielsbbg
@evergreenlark @marina468 @azriels-human @book-obsessed124 @bubybubsters
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @feyretopia  @ninthcircleofprythian @velariscalling @azrielrot
@justyouraveragekleemain @marigold-morelli @mrsjna @anarchiii @alittlelostalittlefound-blog
@melissat1254 @secretsicanthideanymore
@m4tthewmurd0ck @beardburnsupersoldiers @isnotwhatyourethinking @tothestarsandwhateverend @raginghellfire
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Confessions (Eris X Reader) *
Warnings: Angst, and my first fic with smut. So yeah, a little plot but mostly SMUT. Oral, female receiving, actual sex, and maybe a sweet talking kink.
Eris and the emissary both have hidden feelings, but Eris has never been good at expressing emotions, especially jealousy...
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I walk down the hall, trying not to listen to the intensely infuriating male tailing me, bragging loudly about how back in the throne room how he had managed to convince his father to join forces with the Summer Court.  My court.
“I’m just saying-”  He drawled, staring at me as he kept pace with my increasingly fast footsteps.  “Wasn’t it supposed to be your job to convince them?  Maybe if I sucked up to Tarquin as much as you do, I could be emissary too-”
I turned towards him, diplomacy be damned- and pinned him against the wall, letting him see the raging power in my eyes.  “I don’t know what your problem is today lordling, but I will not tolerate your ridicule.”
He grinned, fire swirling in his eyes as he looked at my arms, caging him against the wall.  “How bold of you emissary, and here I thought you were here to please me.”
I snarled, dropping my arms and storming off.
Not looking back to see if he followed me, I went into my room, slamming the door behind me.
I hissed as I ran my hands through my ornately styled hair, ruining hours of hard work.
For the most part, I had grown to like the male.  There was more to him than people thought.  I had seen with my own eyes that when he had an option between good and bad, he chose to do good.
Sometimes we would flirt a bit too, but never had he spoken to me like that.  Not like the way he did with everyone else.
I stormed over to my bed, grabbing one of the fluffy pillows and shoving it to my face, screaming into it.
I hated it.  I hated this.  Because for the last week, I had been working up the courage to tell him…
Fuck, I still couldn’t even imagine saying it to him, especially right now.
You know how the worst thing they could say is no?  Well, Eris is a walking demonstration that isn’t the case.
I had seen him completely destroy people if he found them, or what they did distasteful.
Maybe I thought he was a good male, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be cruel if the mood struck him.
I looked in the long mirror that towered over me.  I looked like an absolute mess.
I tore out the circlet I was wearing, along with all the other pretty jewels.
Staring into the mirror, I stared into my own eyes, speaking softly to myself.
“I love you.  That’s all you have to say.  Three stupid little words.”
Leaning my head against the mirror, I felt pathetic.
I was way too sober for this.
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A few drinks later in the privacy of my room, not only was I still not ready, I felt even more pathetic.
Being a little tipsy, I decided to take a walk, hoping to calm my nerves and clear my head.
It wasn’t long before I was walking through the hallways, barely cleaned up enough to be presentable, but no one was out at this hour anyway.
I saw the hall that led to the library, and I paused.
The smell of books and the stories they held always cheered me up.  I was sure a good book and a comfy chair could help my hurting heart.
I entered the library only to see the red headed male that smelled of cider, crisp autumn air, and fire that consumed my nights and days.
He looked up, noticing me right as I was turning to leave.
“Y/N, please…”
I paused, my breath caught in my throat as I waited for him to continue.
“I’m sorry.”  His voice cracked as he spoke, and I turned around to see his red hair hanging in his eyes as he looked up at me, lips slightly parted and his eyes wide with a mixture of guilt and loneliness.
“Why did you even say all of that in the first place?”  I asked, letting the door close as I walked further in, standing next to him.
He looked up at me and swallowed thickly.  “I was jealous.”
My breath caught as I stared into the depths of his beautiful red eyes.  “Of who?  Tarquin?”
His hands fisted and he looked away.  “Of Tarquin, of all the males who look at you, of all the males you flirt with.  I’m jealous of all of it.”
He laughed, the sound devoid of joy.  “I’m pathetic, aren’t I?  Not only do I not tell you how I feel, but I make you suffer for it.”
I don’t even think he realizes what he's confessing.
Moving so I was right in front of him, I took his face in my hands, forcing him to look me in the eyes.  “You are not pathetic, you are not bad,”  I pushed some of the hair out from in front of his eyes, “You have had a hard life, a life where your family taught you to be cruel.  I see the scars you hide that your father inflicts.  I know that inside you have the potential to be great.”
His eyes are tearing up, looking up at me as if I was some sort of deity, blessing him.
“I know this, because I love you Eris.  I’ve loved you for so very long, and I know that you have a good heart.”
It takes him a moment to realize what I had said, the meaning.
Before he can respond, I lower my lips to his, kissing him softly before pulling back.
He blinked, his whole demeanor changing in milliseconds as he shot up, his hands interlacing in my hair as he pressed his lips to mine, his tongue exploring as I let out a slight whimper.
Drawing back, his breath came out in pants, and I could tell he was barely holding himself back.
Lust clouded my mind, and I barely heard what he said.  “What?”  I murmured, wishing his lips were back on mine again.
“Did you mean it?  Do you love me?”  He asks, and I’m suddenly stone cold sober at the vulnerability in his eyes.
I once again bring my hands up to cup his face, stroking his jawline gently.  “I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you.  I was just so sure you’d see my flaws and turn me away.  I was a coward.”  I say the last part, looking away so I don’t have to see the look on his face as he realizes what a huge mistake he’s made.
He gently guides my face so I’m once again looking him in the eyes, and he looks down at me with such love and wonder that I almost crumple right then and there.
“I would never turn away from you my darling.  Never you.”  He leaned down, placing his mouth on my neck, speaking in between kisses, “You are an angel.”  I struggled not to let out a moan as the scent of his arousal hit me, his hands massaging my hips gently.  “Ever since I first saw you, that first snarky remark, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
He drew back, looking down at me lovingly.  “You are too good for me, but now that I know that you like me back, I will fight like hell to make sure I can keep seeing that sassy little smirk you love to send my way.”
“I love you.”  I said, throwing my arms around his shoulders.  “And I never want to be apart from you again.”
He growled, and I squeezed my thighs together, trying to keep my wits about me as I started to drown in this male.
Hoisting me up, he turned us, placing me on the large comfy chair he had just been lounging in.
“Do you want this?”  He asked, his thumbs gently grazing my hardened nipples as his voice dropped an octave, staring at my already abused lips.
I nodded, and he stopped breathing for a moment, pinching one of my nipples while whispering into my ear,  “Use your words.”
“Please Eris-”  I begged, whimpering as I tried to pull him closer.
He grinned, his eyes predatory as he dropped to his knees.  “Don’t worry angel, I’m going to take good care of you.”
Slowly, he felt every inch of my thighs, going to reach for my panties and hissing when he found me already bare.
“Oh naughty girl.  Were you hoping this would happen?”  He asked, chuckling as he pushed my dress up, placing my legs over his shoulders.
I opened my mouth to respond, but I only moaned as he dove in, his tongue flicking my clit and licking alternately.
I lost all sense of time as I was oh so slowly brought closer to the edge, that coil in my stomach tightening as I realized I wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer.
“Eris, I’m so close-” I said through whimpers, moaning as he once again flicked my clit.
I could feel him grin into my most private parts as he pushed two fingers into my slickness, curling his fingers and making my hips buck involuntarily.  “Eris, please!” I whined, rolling my hips in an attempt get him to start moving again, and he laughed darkly.
“I’ve been waiting to taste you forever angel.  When you come on my tongue, I want to be the only thing you’re thinking about.”  He said, his voice so seductive I almost came right there.
“You’re the only thing on my mind all the time,”  I said, letting out little noises of pleasure as he pumped his fingers, once, twice.
He grinned.  “That’s my girl.”
He dove back in, tongue and fingers working in tandem, pushing me over the edge of bliss, calling out his name as my body shook from the pleasure he drew from me.
He kept going, drawing out my pleasure as long as possible.
I was a puddle as he drew his fingers out, sucking my juices off of them before leaning down to kiss me again.
I could feel his hardness pressing through his pants, and I pushed into it with the palm of my hand, eliciting a hiss from him.
“My naughty angel.  Do you want my dick inside you?”  He asked breathlessly, nuzzling my neck before dragging his teeth over the sensitive skin, and he groaned in time with my moan.
“I need you Eris.  I need you in me now.”  I pleaded, working at the buttons of his pants.
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, suddenly gentle.  “Let me.”
Undoing the rest of the buttons, his member sprung free and my mouth watered from how big he was.
He picked me up, spinning us around so he was sitting and I was held aloft above him.
I waited for him to push in, but as I looked at his face, I realized he was giving me complete control.
Smiling softly, I lowered myself slowly, both of us moaning as I made it all the way down.
He helped me move up and down slowly as he spoke.  “I’ve never felt like this for someone before.  You scare the hell out of me because I’m falling, and I knew that if you told me you felt the same way, you would completely own me.”
I gasped as he started to rub my clit, unable to form words eloquently, I said, my voice guttural, “You’re mine.”
Our pace sped up and he growled, playing with my clit more roughly as his other hand went to my breast, massaging it as he took the nipple of my other breast into his mouth, making me moan in an obscene way.
He let go with his mouth, my brain frying as I once again reached the edge of bliss.
“And you’re mine.” he growled, thrusting hard and hitting that spot, and I let out a scream of ecstasy as he reached it with me, and he pushed his lips to mine, silencing me as we rode out the rest of our orgasms.
When we were done, he gently pulled me off, and I moaned.
“I love you, Angel.”  He said, nuzzling my neck and pulling me into a hug.
I sighed in joy, my heart fluttering out of my chest.  “And I love you Lordling.”
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erisweekofficial · 11 days
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One Year Later (OC x Eris) by @afandomangel 👑
Until I see you again (OC x Eris) by @mika-no-sekai-blog
Protection (Eris x Reader) by @littlest-w01f 👑
All’s well that ends well to end up with you (Eris x Reader) by @daycourtofficial 👑
yea, though i walk (Azris) by @brunetterebel010 👑
What Could Have Been (Eris x Elain) by @nocasdatsgay
Suffering his Scent (Azris) by @neciebee 👑
Falling For You (Eris x Reader) by @bubybubsters
Hold Me While You Wait (Eris x OC) by @fieldofdaisiies
Bedroom manners (Eris x Reader) by @lady-of-tearshed 👑
Pinky Promise (Eris x Reader) by @pit-and-the-pen👑
Still Beautiful Things by @climbthemountain2020 👑
Pull Me in Deeper Ch 17 (Eris x OC) by @zenkindoflove 👑
Ensnaring Marks (Eris x Reader) by @surielstea 👑
A Bond of Song & Flames Ch 1 (Eris x OC) by @sadiegirl2021 👑
Under the Weeping Beech (Azris) by @chunkypossum
Waiting for You (Eris x Reader) by @mcuamerica 👑
Day 1 - Bonds | Bargains by @clockwork-ashes 👑
A Wound So Deep (Azris) by @acourtofladydeath
An Unconventional Bargain by @hellcat8908 👑
Just Enough Light to Cast Shadows Ch 22 (Azris) by @jules-writes-stories 👑
Of Our Own Devices (Eris x Reader) by @illyrianbitch 👑
Gone Through Enough (Eris x Reader) by @thelov3lybookworm
The Uncertainty of Spring (Eris x OC) by @daycourtofficial 👑
Tomorrow Can Wait (Azris) by @myromanempiree 👑
By Turns by @jon-snows-man-bun 👑
Roots In My Dreamland (Eris x OC) by @lucienarcheron
Always An Angel, Never A God (Eris x OC) by @chairofchaos 👑
Your Scars on My Pulse (Azris) by @shadowsandlint 👑
To Dust or To Gold Ch 2 (Neris) by @queercontrarian
An Exchange in Etiquette (Eris x Reader) by @qwimblenorrisstan 👑
Into the Dark (Eris x Reader) by @prythianpages 👑
Lady Luck (Eris x OC) by @ginandtobacco 👑
Bond (Azris) by @thomasisaslut 👑
Being Seen (Eris x Elain) by @vague-shadows 👑
The Crushing Burden of Those Before Us (Eris x Reader) by @dee-writes-smut 👑
A Page From Another's Book (Eris x Reader) by @readychilledwine
Autumn Leaves (Eris x Reader) by @mirandasidefics
Eris' bond with Autumn by @elleybug 👑
Eris x Alexius by @zenkindoflove 👑
Neris Art by @rosesncarnations
Worried Eris by @secret-third-thing
Eris and his mate by @/artbyellat (on instagram)
Azris Art by @moonpatroclus & @cauldronblssd (@lucychanart)
Eris Week, Day 1: Bonds (Azris) by @the-darkestminds 👑
day one : bonds ( m o t h e r ) by @spore-loser 👑
Eris Week Moodboard by @fieldofdaisiies
Chopin by @chairofchaos 👑
Vanserra brothers in a modern AU by @wishfulimaginings 👑
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Thank you for all your contributions! It’s incredible and almost unbelievable how many stories and creative ideas you’ve brought to life on just the first day!
There was a bit of confusions about the crowns- so sorry for that. If it's your first eris week, let us know! If we missed giving you a 👑, please let us know so we can add it to the masterlist. We'll make sure that all masterlists are up to date before the full event masterlist is released 🧡
(divider by @tsunami-of-tears)
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