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English newspaper advertisements: 300 years ago, today.
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 15, 1720 - We Are Moving Forward With Our Plans To Extract Silver From Lead
On Friday last, Notice was given in this Paper, that a House was provided for carrying on the Undertaking to extract Silver from Lead, &c. desiring all Persons possess’d of 5000l. Stock therein, to meet at the Vine Tavern to chuse Managers as [sic] this Day, and concert the most beneficial Manner of Proceeding. His Majesty’s most gracious Proclamation laying no Restraint thereon, it is highly necessary the Persons concern’d will not fail to meet at the Place aforesaid, this Day, at 4 in the Afternoon, for that purpose, there being no question of its being of very grewat Advantage to all Gentlemen concern’d.
Daily Post (June 15, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 15, 1720 - Just Published: The Works Of Alexander Pope (Mostly Homer)
Just published in 7 Vols. in large and small Paper, Fol.
The WORKS of Mr. POPE: Containing his Miscellaneous and Poetical Works in one Volume; and his Translation of Homer from the Greek in six Volumes. Printed for Bernard Lintot at the Cross-Keys between the Temple-Gates; at which Place only the Subscribers to Mr. Pope may receive their Subscription-Books neatly bound.
Daily Courant (June 15, 1720)
[I don’t have ready access to my copy of Griffith or The Bowyer Ledgers at the moment, which would probably clear this right up, but this appears to be an advertisement upon the completion of Pope’s translation of the Iliad (Large paper folio: ESTC T59731, Griffith 41, 49, 77, 95, 114, and 118; small paper folio: ESTC N937, Griffith 42, 50, 78, 96, 115, and 119), bundling together, respectively, the large paper (ESTC T5387, Griffith 83) and and small paper (ESTC T5388) folio issues of Pope’s 1717 Works. Both titles were also simultaneously issued in quarto (Pope’s preferred format).]
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 14, 1720 - Investment Opportunity: Let’s Turn Quicksilver Into Real Silver
Arcanum Lunare:
Being Proposals for raising of Two Millions for effecting the Transmutation of Fluid Mercury or Quicksilver, into a solid and malleable Body, so that ’twill spread under the Hammer, and be of equal Use, Beauty, and Value, with the purest Standard Silver; pursuant to which, Permits will begin to be deliver’d out, and continue till compleated, to Morrow, being the 15th Instant, at the Fountain Tavern, Stocks-market, from the Hours of 12 to 3, paying 6d. per Cent for the Permit, as a Gratuity for the Projector and Company. N.B. ’Tis demonstrable, by a just Calculation, that each Subscriber will get above 800 per Cent. When full, shall open the Books, and proceed to chuse a Governor and Directors.
Daily Post (June 14, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 14, 1720 - We Really Do Intend To Start A Business Supplying London With Hay And Straw
Whereas Advertisement hath been given in the Daily-Post the 11th of this Instant June, of a Copartnership to furnish the City of London and Westminster, and the Suburbs thereunto belonging, with Hay and Straw, This is to give Notice, that the said Copartnership is real; for that the Co-partners are now actually applying for a Patent, and may be satisfy’d of the Truth thereof, by applying at the Great James in Bishopsgate Street.
Daily Post (June 14, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 13, 1720 - Reward For Information Leading To The Arrest Of Debtor
If any Person can give Information of Jane Appleyard, so that she may be arrested for a considerable Debt owing by her, they shall receive 20l. Reward for such Discovery, and Notice is desired to be left at Sam’s Coffee-house behind the Royal Exchange. Note, She is a short Woman, of a pale Complexion, long visag’d, between 30 and 40 Years of age, and formerly kept a Shop in Westminster-hall.
Daily Courant (June 13, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 13, 1720 - Come To The Bahamas! (And Colonize Them.)
The TRUSTEES for the effectual settling and improving the BAHAMAH ISLANDS under the Charter of King Charles the Second, give Notice, that all Carpenters, Smiths, Sawyers, Bricklayers, Brickmakers, Masons, and other Artificers, Husbandmen and Labours [sic], who are free and willing to transport themselves and Families to the said Islands (which are of the healthiest, most improveable, and best situated of any in America, part whereof are already settled and fortified) and of becoming Inhabitants thereupon, shall receive all suitable Encouragement; it being resolved by the Proprietors concerned, not only to provide Passages for all such Persons, but to supply them at their Arrival with all needful Conveniencies and Materials, in order to their being immediately employed in their respective Vocations; and to such as shall, at their Arrival, or any time afterwards, be capable and desirous of employing themselves in Husbandry, to give to each such Person or Family a sufficient Quantity of improveable Land, to hold to them and their Heirs, and likewise to furnish them with Slaves and all Materials necessary for cultivating the same, upon such easy Credit as the Industrious may soon be able to discharge. Of all which Particulars any Persons may be fully satisfyied if they will come to the House of Mr. Smith in Duke-Street, near St. James’s-Square, any Morning from Six till Ten.
Daily Courant (June 13, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 12, 1720 - Warning: Do Not Fall For My Son’s Fraudulent Scheme
Whereas John Carver of Hutton in the County of Essex, hath sold a House and about ten Acres of Land in Mountnessing and Shenfeild [sic] in the same County, and by indirect Means hath got the Original Deeds belonging to the said Land into his Custody, in order, as it is feared, to sell or mortgage the same again. His Father John Carver of Hornchurch gives Notice, to prevent any Person’s being imposed upon.
Post Boy (June 11-14, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 12, 1720 - Announcing A Book On Sudden Death. Coming Today.
This Day at Noon will be publish’d
Observations on Sudden Death Occasion’d by the late frequent Instances of it, both in City and Country. By the Rev. Mr. B. Grosvenor. Printed for John Clark at the Bible and Gown in the Poultry near Cheapside, and Eman. Matthews at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row. Price 6d.
Post Boy (June 11-14, 1720)
[Note: ESTC T41761. A scan of a copy at the Wellcome Library (25845/P) is available at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/b30360092/page/n1/mode/2up.]
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 11, 1720 - Uh, I Think I Left My Sword In Your Cab?
Whereas a Gentleman and Lady were taken up in a Hackney Coach at the Harp in St. Martins-lane, and set down at Silver-street Bagnio, on Saturday the 5th of June, between 2 and 3 a Clock in the Morning, they left in the Coach a silver hilted Sword. If the said Coachman will be so honest to bring it either to Sam’s Coffee-house in Thames-street, near the Custom-House, or to the Harp aforesaid, shall have a Guinea Reward.
Daily Courant (June 11, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 11, 1720 - A Guide To London Pubs And Taverns
Tumblr media
On Monday next will be publish’d, that long expected Pamphlet, intituled,
A Vade Mecum for Malt-Worms: or, a Guide to Good-Fellows. Being a Description of the Manners and Customs of the most Eminent Publick Houses in and about the Cities of London and Westminster. With a Hint on the Props (or principal Customers) of each House. In a Method so plain, that any thirsty Person (of the meanest Capacity) may easily find the nearest Way, from one House to another. Humbly Dedicated to the Brewers, and illustrated with proper Cuts. To be Sold by Thomas Bickerton, at the Crown in Pater-Noster-Row.
Church Man’s Last Shift or the Loyalist’s Weekly Journal (June 11, 1720)
[Note: ESTC T120380. The Internet Archive provides a scan of a copy of a nineteenth-century facsimile of the work (with an imprint of "T. Bickerston") held by the University of Illinois: https://archive.org/details/vademecumformalt00ward.]
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 10, 1720 - Reward For Information Concerning Missing Black Man
A lusty Negro Fellow, about 18 Years of Age, in a grey Sagathy Coat, stript Wastcoat double breasted, and Breeches of the same, a speckled Shirt, and Woollen Cap, went away from Fleet-lane on Wednesday Night last: Whoever shall give Notice where he is, or bring him to Mr. Joseph Harrison, Distiller, in Fleet-lane, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward, have his Charges bore, and no Questions asked.
Daily Courant (June 10, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 10, 1720 - Clearance Sale On Books
A Bookseller’s House, next Door to the Swan in Little Britain, being to be Lett on Midsummer Day next, the Remainder of his Dooks [sic] will be sold at easy Rates, every one picking out what he will. The Sale will begin this Day, being the 10th Instant, and end on Saturday the 18th, every thing being to be remov’d before Quarter-Day.
Daily Courant (June 10, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 9, 1720 - Investment Opportunity: Let’s Settle Some Caribbean Islands! (No Money Down)
This is to notify that Books will be open’d at Garraway’s Coffee-house, Up-Stairs, on Saturday next, for entering the Names of such Persons who have Permits, in order for the effectual Settling of the Island of Blanco and Sal Tortugas. From Nine a-Clock in the Morning until 12, and no longer. N.B. As no Money was paid at the Delivery of the Permits, none is to be receiv’d for such Entry, it being the Intent of the Persons concern’d first to obtain a Grant.
Daily Post (June 9, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 9, 1720 - Reward For Information Leading To Return Of Stolen Garden Items
Stolen on Thursday Night betwixt the 2d and 3d Instant, out of the Hon. Lord Viscount Castlemain’s Garden at Wansted in Essex, 3 Orange-Tree and 1 Lemon-Tree; and some time before that, 2 large Looking-Glass Doors, belonging to the Summer-House. If any Person will discover the Persons that stole the aforesaid Things, shall have 20 Guineas Reward; and if concern’d himself, shall have his Pardon. Give Notice at the Lord Castlemain’s House in Arlington-street near St. James’s.
Daily Courant (June 9, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 8, 1720 - This Diuretic Carries Off All Traces Of Venereal Disease
WRIGHT’s Diuretick, or cleansing Tincture.
Which Urinarily discharges all the Fæces or Relicks of the Secret Disease, as all mucous, filthy, sanious Matter lodg’d in the Reins, or spermatick Parts, which either cause a sharpness in the Urine or too frequently provoke it. This Relick is discoverable, partly by the subsequent Symptoms, viz. by a Debillity, or Weakness of the Back, a fætid, nauseous, and averting Smell of Urine, with a purulent Matter, or feculent Sordes residing at the bottom, or flying in it, with variety of Figures. Farther, this Tincture effectually carries off all Relicks of the Venereal Disease, after ill managed Cures, not only cleansing the Urinary Passages of all Sand, Gravel, Films, or membraneous Pellicles, &c. but after a singular Efficacy, invigorating the Reins, restoring them, and all their Genital Parts, to their Original Tone and Use. To be had of Dr. Wright, for 10s. a Bottle, with Directins, at his House, the Golden Head, in Bell-Savage Yard on Ludgate-Hill.
Daily Post (June 8, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 8, 1720 - Reward For Information On Gang Assault On Calico-Wearing Women
Whereas on Tuesday the 31st of May last, the Wife and Daughter of John Rollings was attack’d in his Rope-walk at Bethnal-Green, by 15 or 20 Men arm’d with Clubs and Staves, and in a violent Manner tore their Calico Cloaths off. These are to give Notice, that the said John Rollings, will give 50l. Reward to any Person that will discover any of the said Persons, so as they may be convicted.
Daily Courant (June 8, 1720)
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c18adverts · 5 years ago
June 7, 1720 - By Popular Demand, We Are Welcoming Further Investors For Our Plan To Make Money Through Alchemy
Upon delivering the Permits (at the Vine Tavern behind the Royal Exchange) for extracting Silver from Lead and other Metals, at the earnest Sollicitation of many eminent Merchants and others, who are fully determin’d to enter upon the Execution of the said Undertaking without Loss of Time, it was agreed to enlarge the Subscription, and make it 3 Millions.
Daily Post (June 7, 1720)
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