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schwarzwaldcr · 1 year ago
Eisbrecher - Tanz Mit Mir
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cryptic-murmurs · 1 year ago
Well, one does not anticipate grief. But tough times don't last, tough people do.
Enough serious stuff. Back to our regularly demented program.
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almatenebrosa · 3 months ago
El amor.
Y estuve ahí incluso cuando no te querías,
y estuve ahí incluso cuando no te entendías.
Y mientras corrías por la carretera, te oía,
y mientras huías del coche, yo trataba de llegar a ti, todavía.
Estuve incluso en tus peores momentos,
cuando te ocultabas en sombras y pensamientos,
cuando tus manos temblaban, roídas por el miedo,
y yo, en silencio, te abrazaba en tu desvelo.
Estuve, anteponiendo mi bien por ti,
por bajarte del cielo cuando querías huir.
Y poco a poco nos desprendimos,
como si no fuéramos lo que prometimos.
Como si aquello no hubiera sido suficiente,
como si los demonios cortaran el presente.
Y entonces desaparecimos,
como si jamás nos hubiésemos querido,
como si nunca nos hubiéramos pertenecido.
Y entonces la ayuda se desvaneció,
y el amor, a pesar de todo, siguió.
Entonces las bocas quisieron herir,
y nuestras palabras comenzaron a destruir.
Entonces nuestras manos se desenlazaron,
aunque en el fondo aún se buscaron.
Y todo quedó en nada, aunque en algo,
y aunque te busqué, ya no quedaba hallazgo.
Y todo se deshizo, todo se esfumó,
y fue la nada quien al final nos devoró.
siendo parte de algo que nunca concebimos.
© 2024. Sara Navarro Mora. Todos los derechos reservados.
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damemaladroite · 1 year ago
"-Marinette is not a good leader. Yes she is very strategic and a good hero, but she lacks the trust and confidence that are needed in Leader types."
I hate that you said this, because this feels way too accurate. It's like that part in One Piece where Vivy wants to handle everything alone, but Luffy makes a point that you have to rely on others (as a leader, you can't do it all!). Idk why Marinette has such bad trust issues but now that you've said that it's kind of opened my eyes to how much better Chat Noir is in that area. Like Marinette is better at coming up with the plan but doesn't trust the other heroes enough to be a great leader.
Miraculous Ladybug hot takes
-Zoé never actually proved herself on why she deserved the Bee miraculous until Season 5. And even so she got the bee before this so it was never truly earned.
-Marinette is not a good leader. Yes she is very strategic and a good hero, but she lacks the trust and confidence that are needed in Leader types.
-Marinette becoming the Guardian made sense on paper BUT it happened way too soon and ended up becoming irrelevant by the end of season 4.
-contrary to popular belief, Felix was never redeemed. He just sort of changed objectives after his plan failed and then everyone was just okay with that.
-Chloé being evil or bad after not becoming a hero isn’t a character assassination. She can be evil. It’s just that the shift/ moment switch that would have given this closure never happened.
-miraculous Ladybug sucks at making people seem sympathetic. The only people you end up feeling bad for naturally are Adrien and Marinette. And that’s more on how the show treats them than the backstory.
- The Paris Special was the best of the miraculous world special because it actually focused on character growth. Also the supreme was a legit threat despite not even being there. If the rest of the show just continued from this universe. I’d prefer it then anything they have planned for season 6
-I have yet to see a SINGLE explanation that makes the season 5 finale justifiable or even tolerable. I’ve heard arguements for ephemeral, Reflekdoll, and even Miracle queen. But recreation is bar none the worst ending to a season of a show I’ve heard of since Voltron. And at least in Voltron, the heroes actually won.
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asteridsasterales · 1 year ago
no cursin scary stop no wants hear
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una-vuelta-al-mundo · 2 years ago
Creí que íbamos bien…. Me equivoqué
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justhereforthecupcakes · 2 months ago
Because Israel’s never lied.
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ineffabildaddy · 1 year ago
last line challenge
thank you for tagging me, @eybefioro @ineffable-rohese @celestialcrowley!
rules - in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like)
alright, here goes:
Crowley's claws scratched lightly at Aziraphale's thighs. "Again, angel, again, need-"
teeheehee<3 there's some totally human-shaped sex going on here clearly
no pressure tags for people i haven't seen tagged yet: @voluptatiscausa @crowleyslvt @laurashapiro-noreally @thescholarlystrumpet @hakunahistata @malachitegrey @aspiring-pansy @greenthena @gingiekittycat @robinwithay @createserenity
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stellacartography · 1 year ago
Toe the Line (Rated E)
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Words: 18,505 Chapters: 8/8
As Crowley and Aziraphale dine at the Ritz they are treated to a particularly reminiscent parade of chef's specials that spark memories of the past 2000 years. Crowley quietly panics his way through each course, drowning his anxiety in rather large amounts of alcohol. Aziraphale is helplessly drawn back into his own memories of their time together in the world they both love and every time they walked right up to the limits of their association.
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Relationship: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Snake behaviours, Crowley is deep down still a snake, Food and drink, Drunken ineffable spouses, Rome 41 AD, Council at Nicaea, Wessex 537 AD, The Invention of Fireworks, How did Crowley make Hamlet popular?, Teaching an angel to tempt, Dancing Lessons, Portland Place Gentleman's Club, Ambush predation, diversion, camouflage, Thanatosis, Constriction, Mimicry, Sexy Snake Pile, Ritual foot-washing as temptation, Snake musk is not lube, Don't try this at home kids, Season one fix-it of a sort
Written for the @go-minisode-minibang with art by @willow-tea
Acknowledgements and tags below the cut
A thousand thank yous to my friends who attended the @ficwritersretreat2023 and listened to my reading of chapter 5. Your laughter made this happen. Thanks to @fearlessdiva930 for your help with the menu. I had lost all my original research outside of the story itself and your assistance was invaluable. Thank you @kinkykinker for the first beta and @cumberbatchedandgatissmitten for the second round and coaching. Thank you @basketcasebetty for coordinating the bang.
Tagging @copperplatebeech @keirgreeneyes, @seriouslymarythough, @cirquedereve, @laurashapiro-noreally, @totallysilvergirl, @hubblegleeflower, @sevdrag
Reblogs are love and are much appreciated. <3
(Psst! Hey, @mevima! I finally finished it. Only took 4.5 years.)
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webspite · 1 year ago
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Finished my fanbind of @liverobinreaction ‘s Banshee in a Well! Do I know anything about Batman? No! However, @nothingmuch-noreally rec’d it to me and what can I say, it was absolutely amazing :)
Check it out on AO3 here!
This is not my first bookbinding project, but it is my first full-blown fan binding and I’m really happy with how it came out!
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the-haiku-bot · 1 year ago
I am just surprised
I didn’t see it before.
It was always there.
Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.
So I've been wrong the whole time.
I've always noticed that Crowley never bothered to learn people's names, but I always thought he basically liked being around people and enjoyed that aspect of the work.
And I thought Aziraphale found people annoying (customers are the worst part of owning a bookshop) and just wanted to be left alone to read.
Turns out, Aziraphale's the extrovert. He knows everyone in his community. He likes them. He wants to hang out with them. He wants to perform (badly) on the stage, host a party, help people -- always, he wants to help people. It's central to who he is.
And Crowley's the introvert. He wants everyone to leave him alone. He wants to be with his plants and his car and Aziraphale and that's pretty much it. He will find some enjoyment in helping others but, now that there's no Arrangement, he's not interested in going out of his way. He just wants to be alone with Aziraphale, a universe of two.
It's easy to see why they can't work it out yet.
I am just surprised I didn't see it before. It was always there.
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zantwixt · 2 years ago
timetravellingkitty I need you to know that tumblr, to many people, brings back war flashbacks to fucked up my little pony vore fanart when they think of tumblr so yes when I open this app I do indeed see multiple raccoons living in the remains of a dumpster fire 
I really can't get over Twitter people being like 'it's time to bring back tumblr' as if it were dead.
Like opening their long abandoned dumpster and finding a vast racoon society thriving.
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screampied · 8 months ago
Mil dolla baby is crazy bc kento gives himself exactly 48 hours maximum after pullin out of the cooch before he proposes. Its the gentlemany thing to do. (Ooooh maybe reader shuts him down for marriage so they negotiate he be her sugar daddy instead and thats the sugar daddy au spinoff 👀👀👀 MAYBEEEEE he finds her fuckin gojo and lowk find out gojo kinda her sugar daddy so kento takes over bc thats his woman 👀👀👀👀👀 but he aint handin reader over until kento proves himself that he can be a better sugar daddy than him 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 coughthreesomcough)
oh .. you’re kinda cooking 🌞
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NOREALLY virgin nanami’s such a menace 🙂‍↕️ one round and he’s already whipped, thinking what ring would best fit your finger. he’s so sweet i need him BADDDD. HELP THE REJECTION ???
oooooo i like that !!!! sugar daddy nanami ngh. oh wow so they’d fight over us is what ur saying. GAWWDD the thought of being smushed between them both. the banter ???? i can def do a threesome 🙂‍↔️
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liverobinreaction · 1 year ago
MASSIVE MASSIVE THANK YOU TO @thepurplestduck for binding and sending me a physical copy of Banshee In a Well!!! It is GORGEOUS AND I LOVE IT 💛💛💛💛
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ink-feathers-and-paper · 9 months ago
Oooh, that sounds fun.
Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening are no real Zelda games because we are not trying to save princess Zelda and she doesn't make an appearance, nor do we face Ganon/Ganondorf in those games.
I'm already seeing some people suggest that EoW is not a "real" Zelda game due to the new mechanics and lessened focus on combat. And like it's actually crazy to me how people call themselves Zelda fans but baulk every time the series gets a shake up (as if the devs haven't been trying to shake up the formula since Zelda Fucking Two.)
Anyway, with this I would like to start a thread called "Why Your Favourite Zelda Games Aren't Actually Zelda Games." I'll start:
Ocarina Of Time isn't a true Zelda game because Zelda shouldn't be 3D. The games began as 2D, and to change mediums is betraying the series roots and core gameplay.
Now, continue:
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inklingsplatoon · 1 year ago
Have you ever seen Barry at the general store I feel like Harmony is gaslighting me but chirpy chips is my favorite bands and it would break my heart if this were true could you PLEAAAASSSE confirm he is real. You or a friend. I'll take either. Please. PLEASE
Barry is a two-timing tuna fish!!!! i have noreal friends but barry is always down for a game of tableturf so i still hang out w/him.... sometimes i imagine him turning in2 stinkfish that i blow up w my dappledualies
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