thecornerofegg · 1 month
Don't think I've said anything bout it but
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the urge to craft keeps grabbing me by the collar and shaking me recently
(It's at times like these that my mom's pearl & bead + pliar + wire + thread (a lil bit) collections come in handy :D and my soda tab collection too)
(My childhood bottle cap collection would've been great right about now, but it's been lost in the abyss that might just be a trash bin who knows)
((I might complain, but being the spare storage room for craft things isn't always so bad :) ))
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regulusrules · 2 months
I just officially hit 9000 kudos all over my fics and I can't stop the tears from rolling 🥹
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my younger me would have never believed that my silly little writings would be loved by this amount of human beings from all around the world, and would be read by even more. So very grateful for fandom and all the love it continues to give 🤍
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sleepygirl32 · 13 days
....(hehe....heheheh)....this blog has 169 followers.....*hehehehehehehehehehehhhhh)
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This is us btw…
(I <3 stimming)
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Can Hermit jump out from worm grass.
fuck around and find out
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
❤️ for Thisday!
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Eisuke 👀 ]
Send a ❤ and my Muse will confess one thing they find attractive about yours.
"His laugh! Ehehehe. I really like his laugh! It's honestly really sweet, and cute, like a piece of candy."
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thornedswan · 1 year
It’s the first of September now. ✨
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thewickedjazzy · 27 days
𝑺𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒆 : A vignette fic
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Pairings: Chuuya x fem!reader x Dazai
Tags: crack, mention of word 'crotch' , mention of words' S&M' 'ropes & belt' but overall nothing nsfw, swearing & curses. please let me know if I forgot any Xx.
Author's note: omg, omg!! So this is my first vignette, i love the idea of it sm (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝), so a vignette fic is basically a collection of multiple shot scenes. And the fact that it's crack? Tops it *mwah mwah* hope you guys actually enjoy it? Please let me know if you want me to do more of this.
P.S. I'm not sure who created Chuuya and Dazai's bantering scene in the photo, but I edited it a little, and UwU, it's cute.
Word count: 2.2k
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You and Chuuya Nakahara stand side by side, squinting down a narrow alley that reeks of old ramen and questionable life choices. The tension in the air is thicker than a badly cooked stew, but it’s not because of the mission. No, it’s because you’re stuck with Chuuya—the guy who seems to have skipped the tutorial on how to chill out.
“I still don’t get how we became friends so quickly,” you mutter, glancing at Chuuya from the corner of your eye.
Chuuya huffs, adjusting his fedora like it’s the crown jewel of his entire aesthetic. “You think I get it? The last thing I expected was to actually like one of Dazai’s friends.”
“Wait, are we actually getting along now? I should definitely blog about this—‘Unexpected Friendships: How I Learned to Tolerate My Frenemy.’” You said with an exaggerated british accent, your head tilted slightly to the side, giving a flirty pout and holding up a peace sign with a wink.
“Don’t push it,” he warns, though there’s no real heat behind his words.
The truth is, working with Chuuya is surprisingly easy—once you get past the short temper, the constant complaints about Dazai, and the occasional death threat. You had always thought you’d be in over your head dealing with someone from the Port Mafia, but instead, you found yourself enjoying his company. His straightforwardness was a breath of fresh air compared to Dazai’s endless scheming.
As you two began your search for the culprit who had pilfered sensitive information from both the Agency and the Port Mafia, you couldn’t help but throw a bit of sarcasm into the mix.
"Okay, but imagine stealing information only to figure out that the most feared Port Mafia member has a whole wardrobe collection of fedoras. heeehh," You sighed, rolling your eyes playfully.
Chuuya shot you a sidelong glance. “If you keep making jokes, I’m going to start thinking you’re the one who stole the files.”
“Please, I wouldn’t risk getting on your bad side,” you replied. “You’ve got a way of making even paperwork seem like a death sentence.”
“I’ll torture you one day,” Chuuya said with a sigh, more exasperated than serious.
“Oh, absolutely!” you said with mock enthusiasm. “I've always wanted to experience the classic ‘tortured by Chuuya’ scenario. Make sure to use ropes and belts, though—nothing says 'fun' like an impromptu S&M session.”
Chuuya’s eyes widened, and he froze in place, his face flushing bright red. “What?!” he stammered.
“Bestie, I’m kidding,” you said, stepping closer and whispering in his ear with a mischievous grin, “Even though I’m not entirely joking... I’d love to see you try it someday.”
Chuuya’s blush deepened, and he turned away, clearly flustered.
You chuckled and patted him on the back. “Come on, lighten up. Let’s get back to finding that bastard before you actually get the chance to use those ropes and belts.”
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You and Dazai were hanging out at Chuuya's house, enjoying some wine and the rare moment of peace that didn’t involve life-or-death situations. However, you should’ve known better than to leave these two motherfuckers alone together, even for a second. As you walked back into the living room, you were greeted by the sight of Chuuya looking absolutely furious while Dazai was laughing like he had just heard the best joke of the century.
As they both turn to look at you, their expressions shift from whatever chaos they were engaged in to sheer confusion. Why? Because you’re now wearing sunglasses—at 10 p.m.
Chuuya, barely containing his anger, is the first to speak. “Why the hell are you wearing sunglasses indoors? At night?”
You strik a dramatic pose, placing two fingers under your chin and lips bitten like you’re about to slide into someone’s DMs with a “Hey, baby girl, you up?”. With all the confidence in the world, you sit down across from Chuuya, leaning back nonchalantly.
“I’m wearing sunglasses,” you say, your tone oozing fake coolness, “so no one knows what I’m looking at.”
Then, you slowly shift your gaze to Chuuya’s crotch, your eyes completely hidden behind the tinted lenses. The room goes silent for a moment, tension hanging thick in the air. Chuuya’s face turns from angry to completely flustered, his eyes widening as he realises where your focus is.
“W-What the hell are you doing?!” Chuuya splutters, clearly thrown off by your audacity.
Dazai, who had been watching the whole thing, finally loses it, bursting into uncontrollable laughter. He nearly spills his wine as he clutches his stomach, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
“Oh my god! y/n you did notttt!!” Dazai gasps between laughs.
Chuuya shot Dazai a glare, his face still bright red. “Shut up, Dazai! This isn’t funny!”
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You stand in the middle of a crime scene in Yokohama, your head pounding like a drum solo gone wrong. Sleep? Who needs it when you’ve got coffee—enough to make your system hate you for life. You’ve been running on caffeine and sheer willpower, and it’s a miracle you haven’t started seeing pink sheep dancing on the rooftops.
Dazai is strolling around like he’s on a casual walk in the park, while Kunikida is already knee-deep in his notebook, scribbling down everything with the precision of a man who’s too serious for his own good. Meanwhile, you’re squinting at the crime scene, trying to piece together the puzzle through a caffeine-induced haze.
After what feels like a marathon of connecting the dots, you sigh heavily, shaking your head as the realization dawns on you. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you mutter. “It’s the dead guy’s girlfriend. Classic case of ‘hell hath no fury.’”
Dazai glances at you, an amused smile tugging at his lips. “Figured it out, have you? And here I thought you were too sleep-deprived to function.”
“I’m running on three cups of coffee zero hours of sleep I'm ready to fight god or become him, but I still have more brain cells firing than you, Dazai,” you shoot back, earning a chuckle from him.
The investigation leads you to the suspect’s location. Turns out, she’s an ability user, so the police are out of their depth. It’s the Agency’s mess now, and you’re not sure if that’s a good thing or if you’re just about to add another layer of mess to your already weird day.
The three of you burst into the room where the suspect is holed up, only to find her cozied up with another woman, their fingers interlocked like they’re the leads in a sappy romance drama. It takes you all of two seconds to figure out what went down: she killed her boyfriend because he cheated, and now she’s got with the girl he cheated on her with.
Before you can say anything, Kunikida charges in with the no-nonsense attitude of a man who’s had enough of everyone’s crap today. He knocks her out cold and cuffs her with swift efficiency. Meanwhile, Dazai’s just standing there, hands in his pockets, watching the whole thing like it’s the best entertainment he’s had in weeks.
As the suspect curses under her breath, you can’t hold back the joke that’s been bubbling up inside you. It’s too good to waste, and your brain is running on autopilot now.
“Well, well, well,” you say, grinning like a maniac. “It’s obvious she did it for the plot. You go, queen! Honestly, you better spill the tea when we get to the investigation room.”
Dazai loses it completely. He doubles over, laughter echoing through the room.
Kunikida narrows his eyes as he tries to process what just came out of your mouth. “This is serious! How can you joke about this?!”
“Come on, Kunikida-san,” you say, patting him on the back. “She’s in cuffs, the case is solved, and we’ve got a hell of a story to tell back at the office. Chill a bit, yeah?”
Kunikida just shakes his head, muttering something about needing a vacation. But despite his irritation, there’s a tiny, begrudging smile tugging at his lips.
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After what felt like an eternity drowning in paperwork at the Agency, you finally hit send on the last report and tossed your pen aside like it had personally wronged you. The boredom was suffocating, and you needed a break—preferably one that involved good company and even better wine.
You grabbed your phone and shot a quick text to Chuuya: “Yo, I’m crashing at your place before you head out. Got wine. Don’t argue.”
With the wine bottle in hand, you made your way to Chuuya’s place, already picturing the relaxation ahead. When you knocked on his door, it only took a few seconds before it swung open, revealing Chuuya in nothing but his black pants, the belt hanging loose, and his chest on full display.
You blinked. Then blinked again. It wasn’t every day you got to see Chuuya Nakahara shirtless—okay, maybe this was the first time, but still.
“Hey,” he greeted casually, as if this was the most normal way to answer the door.
“Sheeeshh, lord have mercy!” you giggled, not dropping your gaze off of him just yet.
He rolled his eyes, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks as he stepped aside to let you in. “Shut up. I was just about to get dressed.”
You sauntered past him into the living room as if you hadn’t just been blessed with the view of the century. You tossed your jacket and vest onto the nearest chair and unbuttoned the top few buttons of your shirt, trying to fight off the sudden wave of heat.
“How hot is it in here? Ugh, must be the humidity,” you muttered, though you knew damn well the real reason your face felt like it was on fire.
Chuuya, seemingly oblivious to your internal chaos, started yapping about something—what, you couldn’t quite tell. Your brain was too fried from the paperwork and the unexpected view to keep up. He eventually headed towards his bedroom to get dressed, leaving you to pour two glasses of wine. You took a deep breath and followed him, wine glasses in hand.
When you entered the bedroom, Chuuya was already half-dressed in his usual getup, adjusting his choker in the mirror. You couldn’t help but stare at his waist, so slim it could rival that of a top model. The words slipped out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“How many bicycle crunches do you do? Ain’t no way your waist is that slim.” You pouted, genuinely baffled at the injustice of it all. Like, seriously, what the hell?
Chuuya shot you a look that could only be described as utterly confused. “Say what now?”
Ignoring him, you walked over, setting the wine glasses aside before placing both hands on his waist, feeling the firm yet unfairly slim muscles beneath your fingers. “Ain’t no way you’re not wearing a corset underneath. Be honest.”
Chuuya froze, his face turning a shade redder than his hair. “Are you serious right now?” he sputtered, his voice rising slightly as he smacked your hands away. “Get a grip!”
You pouted dramatically. “I’m just saying, Chuuya. It’s not fair. I can barely do a sit-up without collapsing, and here you are, looking like you walked straight out of a fashion magazine.”
Chuuya headed over to his glass, holding it to his lips before drowning his wine in one go, probably regretting ever opening the door. “I seriously hate your guts.”
"Nahh, you love me," you say, raising your glass in a mock toast.
“Only because you bring wine,” he quips back, finally allowing a small smile to break through.
You clink glasses with him, both of you taking a sip. For a moment, you just stand there, enjoying the quiet. The mission can wait; right now, it’s all about enjoying the moment—and maybe, just maybe, teasing Chuuya a little bit more.
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You: [sends a photo of yourself in the arcade, holding an AK and posing beside the score] “Honestly? SLAYED 💅🏻"
Bandages Whore: Ah~,😫 my bella, it would be an honour to meet my end by your hand—your tight black dress has me mesmerised.
Tainted Wine: I will kill you, Dazai! And y/n delete that photo right now!!!
You: Too late, it’s already immortalised in the group chat, babe.😚
Bandages Whore: got my first death threat online ngl the world is healing.
Tainted Wine: Piss off shitty Dazai! But seriously, y/n you look absolutely gorgeous and with that gun? A real spitfire. (ꈍᴗꈍ)
Bandages Whore: Spitfire??? Chuuya, what century are you from? 😭😭😭
You: Spitfire? 😭😭 Where’d you dig that one up? I CAN'T- KSJEJWIW
Tainted Wine: Hey!!! I was trying to be nice! At least I don’t go around asking to be killed in every conversation, you damn weirdo!😠
Bandages Whore: Maybe, but at least I know how to give a modern compliment. You gotta keep up with the times, Chuuya!😭
You: It’s okay, Chuuya. I appreciate the effort. But next time, maybe skip the spitfire line and try something that doesn’t make me feel like I’m in a black-and-white movie. 😭😭😭😭
Tainted Wine: I HATE YOU GUYS! 😤
Bandages Whore: [sends a photo of Chuuya doing yoga, looking very zen]
Look at Chuuya here, so zen and peaceful.
You: Aww look at him, very demure, very considerate, very mindful. ๑(◕‿◕)๑
Bandages Whore: Very demure? I'm dying 😭😭😭
Tainted Wine: Stop with that trend and those slangs. You’re older than that! Seriously!!🤦🏼
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➵Want more of Chuuya & Dazai ?
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ask-papa-terzo · 8 months
Does Dante "honk" the way other cats of his breed do?
He does. He makes this, ehhh... It is a breathy 'heeehh' sound instead of meowing.
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bunningchaos · 1 month
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile! Add a heart so we know how long the chain's been going! ❤️🖤💖🤍💚💛💗💙🩶🩵🤍🤎💟💜❣️❤️‍🩹💝🫀💖♥️💘❤️‍🔥💕🩶💜💛🫶💕💖💖💓💞🩷💚🧡💕💙💜🩶❣️❦💚
... heeehh??---
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snzyflowrr · 2 years
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Perfume spill Allergy OC fic
snzr: molly
Molly bustled around her flat. She was running seriously late. She was blow drying her hair in the bathroom when she heard something crash. 
She looked down and saw Emilia’s perfume has shattered in the ground.
“Shit…” Molly mumbled, this was Emilia’s favorite perfume.
She bent down to pick up the shards and throw them in the garbage, the rosy pink liquid pooling on the floor. The bottle seemed to break into a million pieces. 
As she cleaned her nostrils began to flare. Molly sighed. She didn’t have time for this, she had to go. She finished picking up the shards of glass.
“Heeh,… hehhheeeehh…. Hueehh…. Heeyyaaahhh.”
She fanned her fingers in front of her face to try and get some clear air into her nose but at this point the air was contaminated with the tickly rosebud scent.
The perfume was fine when Emilia sprayed two pumps, but as it permeated the little bathroom it engulfed Molly’s sensitive nose.
“Ehhhhehh… hiiiyyeehh… heh heh… HIH-ITCHNNGTT!!” Molly rocked from side to side. 
She pinched her nose as she grabbed a towel to wash up the spill but it did not stop her sneezes from  erupting from her.
“Kngtt! Kngtt!! Kngtt!! Kngtt!!” Her throbbing sinuses pulsed between her fingers which did nothing to stop the burning itchiness of her nose.
“Heehhhh… ugh” Molly needed to clean this up or she’d never stop sneezing. All the while more sneezes built up in her nose ready to burst any moment. 
Molly bent over all fours cleansing the spill, when the torturous sensation climaxed. 
She thrust her body forward with such a force her whole body jiggled. 
Now her hands were covered in the perfume and she reached her hand to scrub her flaring nostrils. Putting the irritant right over her nose.
Snot sprayed over her throbbing breasts as she succumbed to the violent urge to sneeze. There was nothing she could do to stop the flood of sneezes taking over her body. 
Molly finished cleaning the spill and immediately went to her room to change her contaminated clothes. Her nose still tickling fiercely, Molly moaned knowing this tickle would last all day. 
She felt the urge to sneeze again and fondled her bare breasts as the sneezes wracked her tired body.
Snot dripped down her face. Molly pulled several tissues from the box on her bedside and blew her nose harshly.
She took a deep breath and pulled out her phone.
“Hello t-this is Molly Williams, I…I’m n-not going to be heh-ITCHnnxgt!!!  I can’t come into work today.”
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ask-cardi-c · 1 year
Cardinal, respectfully saying, I would absolutely love to use your cane on you.
Oh, well... Heheheh... Heeehh... Maybe we could arrange that, Sibling? I am down to try anything once.
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four-teeny-babies · 2 years
my baby has decided to bless you all with this post
wigle little wigggggle iiii donnntt knoww whaat dio yoou waannt too saa heeehhe baabaa issss attacking mee heeellpppp
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obviouschild2014 · 2 years
Difficult to watch banshees in the cinema because ive been trained now to answer every time an irishman says ‘heeh?’ with a louder more gravelly HEEEHH??? so you can imagine how much restraint i had to show
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thedogtorwho · 2 years
An animation of mine all the way from 2015! Ross and Barry play Undertale. NYEH HEH HEEEHH!
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bunny-ruth · 7 months
Opinion on Hyena’s?
In General..?
heeehh ummm theyre fiine?
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