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ilya-bazhan · 3 years ago
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In this article, I do not want to offend or humiliate anyone. I am not at all a supporter of making fun of anyone. I think you can joke about the situation or the events. But it is incorrect to joke about people, especially those who, depending on the circumstances, or chemicals. I'm interested in understanding this topic in more detail.
I was born and raised in a disadvantaged area. I saw drunks up close. I myself have been drunk sometimes. Therefore, I know a little about what I am writing about.
In my opinion, in a global sense, the existence of drunks is not good and not bad. It's just a given. This will be so as long as alcohol is produced on the planet.
Drunkards are people who have degraded morally or physically, during the prolonged use of alcohol-containing products. Drunkards do not always harm society. Sometimes they are simply engaged in destroying their bodies without harming others.
Types of drunks.
Novice drunk.
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This is usually a young man under thirty. He does not recognize himself as an alcoholic, but at first glance it is clear that he is a drinker. Addiction to alcohol can be seen on his face, in his eyes, in his behavior. He already knows what a hangover is and he is often under the fly. His gait is soft, relaxed. As a rule, he cannot be at rest. He is either good-natured or aggressive.
If in the early stages, the Beginner drunk does not quit drinking, then over time, he becomes either a "Quiet drunk" or a "Rowdy drunk".
Quiet drunks.
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These people drink in apartments or houses, far from people and vanity. They drink quietly so that no one interferes. They don't want to bother anyone either. Such people can be found with a bottle or in the process of drinking, only on their territory, but they do not hide it. If they have a long drinking experience, then their appearance easily betrays them. Their faces are slightly swollen, with characteristic signs of prolonged binges, and their gait is staggering. In their behavior, they actively try to portray people who do not suffer from drunkenness. Quiet drunks are usually lonely.
In my opinion, this type of alcoholic is less of a nuisance to others than others. I think, in a way, they deserve more respect than other alcoholics. In my opinion, they are more worthy of pity and condescension. It is to such people that I want to offer help to a greater extent.
Secretive drinks.
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As a rule, they are over forty. At first glance, they are no different from ordinary people. Recognizing the Hidden Alcoholic is extremely difficult. This can happen if you accidentally catch him using the process, or if his wife tells about him. The hidden drunk is usually a bad worker, but a professional at disguising drinking. He may have a straight gait, his eyes are normal, and he may not have bad breath.
It can be difficult to communicate and do joint work with such a person. Alcohol has long been destroying his brain cells. As a result, the personality of such a person degrades, work deteriorates. In addition, a hidden drunk, as a rule, has a difficult character, especially when he did not have time to take a hundred grams.
These people consume alcohol periodically, throughout the day, in small doses. They need it just to maintain tone. If they miss another dose of alcohol, they become lethargic, they lose their mood, they are not able to work.
Hidden drunks themselves do not remember when they became addicted. The level of alcohol in their blood is always the same. Alcoholic drinks are their life gasoline.
Drunkard rowdy.
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The age of such people, as a rule, ranges from 35 to 45 years. They still have a little physical strength left to prove to people around that they are cool. They have bold aggression to behave arrogantly and rudely. But only with those who are outwardly weaker than them.
The rowdy alcoholic does not allow himself and the people around him to live in peace. With a hangover, he terrorizes loved ones. When alcohol has accumulated in the body, it terrorizes the rest. As a rule, sooner or later, such "specimens" end up in a psychiatric hospital or prison, sometimes in a cemetery, bypassing the first two options.
Zombie drunkards.
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The face is gray or yellow-gray. He looks at the world with empty, red, clouded eyes. He looks more like a zombie than a human.
He does not need to eat. For him, food is not important at all. Zombie alcoholics are not gourmet. They are not picky about alcohol, they are ready to drink anything and always.
They do not have the ability to perceive and respond to demands from a civilized society, not to piss in public places.
Such drunks do not care what happens to him or what will happen in the future.
Zombie alcoholics accept their fate unconditionally. They have long forgotten everything and everyone. They do not care where fate has placed them at the moment: behind bars in a police station, a damp basement of a high-rise building, or a destroyed house. They are always as if in hibernation. They are in an amorphous state. In a state of oblivion and numbness. Only at the sight of an alcohol-containing liquid, they seem to wake up, come to life and immediately move in the direction of the smell of the potion.
These comrades can also be very aggressive and dangerous. You cannot stand in their way to alcohol-containing substances. Their body supports life for the sake of C2H5OH. In order to obtain the coveted chemical substance Zombie drunks can attack any living creature.
Many people think that Zombie drunks live long. In fact, the lifespan of Zombie Drunkards is very short. Zombie drunk - this is the last stage at which the brain is almost decomposed, the liver and kidneys are no longer functioning. But for some strange reason, unknown to science, the body is still trying to move.
I think all people, including drunks, have the right to choose how they live. They can drink or not drink if they like. The main thing is that they do not violate the rights and freedoms of other people. And if they violate, they must be isolated from society. Or treat if they agree.
Ilya Bazhan.
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goosedrunk · 7 years ago
message kept bottled up stick a cork in it, then crack caps ‘til the pressure’s off crushing cans to see how much you get for recycling a night melting down memories. it’s all a wash awash in liquid bread and sauce trying to find treasure through fogged beer goggles always toggled to 'on’ flossing with string bean garnish to keep these varnished teeth clean swimming like a fish cooked until tender and running out of the same this bender’s moving wrinkles to skin from brain no more sake for fuck’s sake
what wine goes best with your life at stake? two middle fingers of wry.
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years ago
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No matter the verse, she is a heavydrinker and is so far from being a lightweight it’ll take an ungodly amount of alcohol to get her to be truly drunk. So, lightweights, sucks to be you. 
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deathleadsarc · 3 years ago
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@kiryuiegerin​ sent a letter: So, is Christina a drinker? If so, is she a lightweight or a heavydrinker? Anything she's got a preference for?
When people are drunk, does she find humor in it or think less of them?
// Unprompted
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          Though I always go on about what a coffee drinker she is with the occasional tea ~ she does enjoy a glass of wine with dinner on special occasions. Champagne during special military events, red wine with her steak while on a date, hard whiskey at the bar, but never beer as she finds the smell to be repugnant. Though, that’s not to say that she wouldn’t have one sip��if offered by someone particular. I would say that out of all alcohols she’d drink red wine the most, but it’s not really that often. Maybe once a month? As for her opinion of drunk people, she’d find it amusing for the most part  -  so long as they don’t do anything sketch toward her. 
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          If they’re belligerent, shouting at her, violent, etc. . . they’re gonna have a bad time. Though it’s not her responsibility to deal with people like that, she’d certainly use her alchemy to incapacitate take care of them. 
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runningjokelife-blog · 6 years ago
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Shout out to my liver, the real MVP of this trip. . . . . . . #runningjokelife #comic #comicstrip #dailycomic #dailycomics #postits #postitnotes #postircomic #postitcomics #comics #drinking #heavydrinking #vacation #vacationcomic #travel #lasvegas #vegasvacation #realityhurts #drunklogic #vegas #vlv #truestory (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlEh7BFThV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iu5mmzaaf7zr
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hotdaddysstuff · 3 years ago
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#oldbulge #heavydrinker
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olympappclub · 7 years ago
👋 Friends! Please give 💓 an advice to the 😔 person in this ☔ situation. Repost this or click here and download app! Perhaps thanks to you there is a solution!
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humanforestsworld · 7 years ago
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Hemingway and Frozen Daiquiri @El Floridita、 República de Cuba #hemingway #cocktail #daiquiri #frozendaiquiri #cuba #liquor #great #writer #heavydrinker
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livelifeonlegendary · 7 years ago
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Actually @god is my closest friend. 😇 So follow @god for the best memes on Insta 👉🏼 @god @god) • • • #friends #bestfriend #bestfriends #bff #bffs #friend #hottub #high #highaf #stoned #stoner #sleep #sleeping #eating #eatinghabits #meme #memes #memesdaily #dank #dankmemes #drunk #heavydrinking #dickjokes #seanspeezy #xbox #xboxone #xboxonex #me #meaf #blow (at Hot Tub Haven)
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bxhyung · 7 years ago
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“I may be a heavydrinker.” “The real question is are you a lightweight?” (( @secretstoriesx ))
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junya-okayama · 6 years ago
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おはようございます。 北海道は最高気温が マイナス12度!という とんでもない寒さでした。 そんな日はコトコトと ストーブの上でご飯作りが お部屋も暖まるし 節約にもなって なんだか得した気分になれます。 ストーブの上に乗っているのは 鉄の中華鍋に 和風キーマカレー。 ニンニクとショウガを1カケずつ 微塵切りにしたものを ココナッツオイルで弱��で 炒め、香りが出たら フードプロセッサーで 玉ねぎ、にんじんを1個ずつ 微塵切りにしたものを投入。 10分ほど炒めたら 特売で買った 豚ひき肉400グラムを どーん!と投入し 火が通ったら カレー粉大さじ2 有機クミンパウダー小さじ2 自家製トマトソース大さじ てんこ盛り2杯と オイスターソース小さじ1 梅昆布茶小さじ2を入れて 先ほどのフードプロセッサーに余ったカスがもったいないので 水400ミリリットルを入れて 少し回してから 鍋に投入。 その後、ストーブの上に 移動させて たまに底からかき混ぜつつ 20分ほどグツグツと煮込み 、水分が減ってきたところで オーガニックのミックスベジタブルと豆乳を好みの分量入れて、 さらに10分ほど煮詰めたら 出来上がり! ほんのり優しい味わいの中に スパイスがしっかり効いていて とても美味しいキーマカレーでした。 ルウを使っていないので ごはんに少し混ぜて 1歳の娘にも食べさせてみたら とても良いお顔で食べてくれました(^^) レシピは「まるごと冷凍弁当」 という本を参考に 自分なりにアレンジしてみました。 @heavydrinker さ���の本です。 遠く離れた家族が居る方には とてもオススメの本です! #makombu #真昆布 #函館真昆布 #昆布漁師 #todohokke #kombu #junyaokayama #japan #fisherman #hokkaido#hakodate #vegan #昆布 #ジュンヤオカヤマ #漁師 #北海道 #函館 #椴法華 #千切りビストロ昆布 #クッキング若昆布 #早どりダシ昆布 (Hakodate, Hokkaido) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bto3YEzHYCH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nhn6d3hs9kah
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ghrecords · 8 years ago
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Falcata de Fogo - Falcata de Fogo
Label: HeavyDrinkers Records Format: CD, Album Country: Portugal Released:05 Feb 2016 Style: Dark Folk
Amidst the Montes de Maceira (Torres Vedras, Portugal), where the land meets the sea, in the year 2014 a Lusitanian tribe was born, children of the land and the sea, whose name is Falcata de Fogo. This is a project that aims to honour and dignify his ancestors through the ancient ritualistic and melodic sounds. Chosen by the great Goddess Ataegina, their show is more than a music concert, it is an epic history about the life of a Lusitanian tribe told live, war is their motto. Falcata de fogo is a project of Lusitanian dark folk, that takes its audience to a trance, carrying them to the battle field of a distant past to the sound of traditional musical instruments.
We will meet in the battle field... That Trebaruna will guide you...
Buy: 10 € http://www.gh-records.com/1473-falcata-de-fogo-falcata-de-fogo.html
Payment methods: PayPal Pay by bankwire Pay whith cash on delivery (COD) 
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artforiasenibudayajepang · 4 years ago
6 Instagram Foodie Jepang Yang Bisa Kamu Ikuti
6 Instagram Foodie Jepang Yang Bisa Kamu Ikuti
Artforia – Dari yang lucu, homely, hingga gourmet, semua selera ada di semua daftar akun Instagram atau Influencer Jepang ini, pasti setelah melihat foto-foto keren dari beberapa Instagrammer di bawah ini, kamu akan mencari makanan yang bisa dimakan karena merasa lapar.
Simak Juga : Monica Sutantio Si Wanita Penggemar Berat Gundam
Makanan Jepang salah satu jenis…
View On WordPress
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gleib · 7 years ago
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Spending Thanksgiving with my girlfriend's family in Chicago. I think it's going well. #heavydrinking #doublefisting #thanksgiving #turkeyday #chicago #awkwardness #thankyoualcohol
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anamor-lyne · 7 years ago
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I'm in neeeeed for a #cocktail 😩 😍is it #weekend yet 🙏🏾😅#tbt #Throwbackthursday with the #babybrother @gilliano_hp #heavydrinking in #nyc #newyorkcity #chinatown the #Hester #drinks #cocktails #makemehappy 🤔🤷🏾‍♀️🤣 only #work and no #play is #nowaytolive 💁🏾
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tedyockey · 7 years ago
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猛烈な二日酔いのおじさん。今日のランチは面を食べて回復を図ります。 さあ〜今日も華南大移動、頑張ろう! #えいえいおー #二日酔い #ラーメン #面 #メン #麺 #中国 #広州 #飲み過ぎ #体が奈良漬 #ramen #hangover #heavydrink #lunch #guangzhou #china #foodstagram #foodporn #foodie #deliciousfood #lunch #tasty #yummy #follow #followme #goodfood (Guangzhou, China)
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