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definedareasofuncertainty · 11 months ago
hi frienddd❤️ (im totally gonna spam your ask box but feel free to choose whichever lyric you wanna use)
guilty as sin
messy top lip kiss , how i long for our trysts
without ever touching his skin , how can i be guilty as sin
Also for @galvanizedfriend who asked for these lyrics too
She wasn’t doing anything wrong.
In fact, she wasn’t even doing anything. It wasn’t as if she had acted upon any of the… interesting ideas her brain had decided to come up with to torment her late at night. She would chalk it all up to some temporary insanity and, honestly, given the amount of trauma and stress she had gone through ever since she had literally died and come back as a creature of nightmares… it wasn’t as if she could be blamed.
Caroline held back a sigh, slumping in her chair as she gripped tight onto the table, careful not to break it in her frustration. She could leave. She should leave. Except… she had decided being home all alone was too dangerous given the directions her mind had started to wander, and she could really use the distraction of being around other people.
If only the person she was trying to distract herself from hadn’t decided on a night out as well.
Klaus was shooting pool, out of all things. His siblings playing against him. It seemed almost unreal watching these creatures who seemed to be older than time squabbling and bickering. But what looked very real was Klaus’ backside every time he leaned towards the table.
She bit her lowerlip, her traitorous eyes refusing to look away. God. This was getting ridiculous.
Awful, despicable men who ran her (now ex) boyfriend out of town should not have perfect shoulder-to-waist ratio. Their shirts should not cling to their biceps like that. And they most definitely weren’t allowed to have curls like an angel’s falling over their forehead like that.
She watched as he threw some barb or another after a perfect shot, transfixed. And her gaze must have been burning holes into his back, because he turned around, searching her. And curving his lips into the most sinful smirk when he caught her staring.
Caroline bit down a groan.
He was awful. Terrible. Disgusting. She had to remember that.
Even if Tyler was off to god knows where with god knows who. Even if he had broken up with her through a phone call. Even if her bed felt far too empty and lonely and cold. And even if her mind had become particularly creative and convincing and really, what would a thousand years of experience even feel like?
And maybe, if she just went there once to get this itching done with, she could get this out of her head and move on and-
Nope. Not going there.
She forced herself to close her eyes, even as her breath quickened, images pouring in her brain in flashes of kisses and entangled limbs and the overwhelming scent of him. And-
Caroline opened her eyes to find Klaus sitting across from her at her table, a knowing smile on his lips.
“Good evening, love.”
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year ago
hi yokan! its been a long while, i dont even know if u still remember me lol. How have you been!!
I just saw TW3 has ended!! im so happy for you and happy that the fandom got such a masterpiece. Thank you once again youre amazing!! Anyway, whats next for you? what other works have you been working on 👀
What do you meeean 😭 Of course I remember you, Natalie! It's been a while! Hi, how are you??? It's lovely to see you back on the hellsite (affectionate)!
Thank you, you are so sweet 🥹 I had my doubts that one would ever get finished tbh, but here we are. I wish I could tell you I'm done with the TW, but not just yet 😂 I have 13 more chapters to write for season 4 and then I'll be done forever and ever with God's blessing.
So I'm working on that 🥲 And also on finishing the other two WIPs I have up (We'll Always Have New Orleans and Speed Dating), and I also have some side projects, but I have no idea how successful any of them will be. 😂
Anyway, happy to see you back! What have you been up to? ❤️
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heatherstyles · 11 months ago
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“I am a gentleman. I have been raised to act with honour, but that honour is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment I spend in your presence. You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires”
klaroline edits (nat’s version)
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rosedforbes · 9 months ago
nine people i'd like to get to know better !!
tagged by my dearest @galvanizedfriend <3
🎶 Last song I listened to: "Lies" by Thompson Twins !! If you like old rock music, i really suggest this one!! it gives the same vibes of "Tainted Love" or "Girls & Boys"
📺 Currently watching: I watched "girl, interrupted" last week AND started "You" yesterday and it really is interesting, and I'm rewarching "Grey's anatomy" for like the 50th time. also I'm ALWAYS rewatching "Brooklyn 99" because it's my comfort show !!
🤩 Current obsession: Klaroline LMAO
❤️ Relationship status: single !!
🌶️ Sweet/Savory/Spicy?: Savory. 99% of the time. Although I do need at least one Sweet treat per day, otherwise I'll go insane. I really cannot handle Spicy tho, just chicken with curry
tagging @push1na @theshipdiaries @that-sarcastic-optimist @lovelyandproblematic @definedareasofuncertainty @artemisravencourtney @heatherstyles (sorry, can't reach 9😭)
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1jemmagirl22 · 1 year ago
Aw, I'm so happy right now! Thank you so much my darling @recklessnesspersonified! You bring positivity to the world and I hope to spread it by continuing this!
Here are some of my darling mutuals who i think are amazing and incredible, and I'm probably gonna forget a few but I love all of you so keep sharing the positivity. @enniec123 , @bellemorte180 , @donnaamoss , @misssophiachase , @galvanizedfriend , @darkestgrays , @heatherstyles , @morningstargirl666 , @kiaraalexisklay , @skyla71 , @luxaii , @lovelyandproblematic , @umaficwriter , @eliliyah , and of course all the rest of my mutuals as well.
can u guys tag your favorite mutuals here please i am trying to spread a bit of positivity <33
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honestgrins · 3 years ago
klaroline outtake on TVD 4x23 love confession scene (we all know Caroline wasn't ready for his offer but I'd like to see more of Caroline's reply to him) thank you!
"Is New Orleans really as fun as you said, or were you just trying to sell me on it because you missed me?"
His smirk tilted with genuine amusement. "Both can be true, sweetheart."
She jostled her shoulder with his, barely fighting a smile. "Yes, but I think your idea of fun might look different from mine," she said. "Let me guess, you've already started two wars to preserve your ego."
"Three, but who's counting?"
Send me a “ship + trope” and get a disappointingly short drabble in return!
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darkestgrays · 3 years ago
Enemies to lovers trope x cheerleader captain Caroline and football team captain Klaus prettty pleasee💗
Really, Caroline thinks that the fact she was a blonde cheerleader made this ages-old cliché inevitable.
She had hated Klaus — he made the blood in her veins boil and her bones rattle — but she was forced to see him so often seeing as they were the captains for the cheerleading and football teams, respectively, and they ran in the same circles.
But just because she hated him doesn't mean she was blind, because (and she hated to admit this to herself) he was hot, ridiculously hot. She hated him but she could not stop thinking about his raspberry plump lips and what his hands could do (he was an artist and a football player, come on!) but she knew she wasn't the only one thinking about her enemy.
She would catch the way his eyes would linger on her lips or his darkened gaze when she wore her too-high cheerleading skirts. Despite the fact that they were enemies, they wanted each other but Caroline would not cave, she would not let Klaus—
Her brain short-circuited, her recall of how she got there stopping short as Klaus made a trail of kisses down her neck, his hand slipping past her cheerleading skirt as he squeezed her ass.
"Stop," she whined, swatting him on the arm. "The game's starting soon and neither of us can be late."
He dropped his hand from her ass but settled it on the nape of her neck instead. "Pity, the things I wanted to do to you," he mused with a sigh, caressing the skin of her neck. His words and the fact he was so close he could feel them on her face, made her shiver.
She licked her lips. "Well, there's time for that later."
They pulled back, turning away to go their respective ways to the game as Klaus called out. "I hope you'll cheer for me tonight, Caroline."
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You play for the school's football team, of course, I'll be cheering for you guys."
Of course, she knew that's not what he meant but there was no need to inflate his already enormous ego.
And if she did cheer louder for him than for anyone else in the team, well, that was nobody's business.
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misssophiachase · 3 years ago
Sooooo, I was given this amazing gift from the lovely, talented and sweet Natalie @heatherstyles​ for @klarolineseason​
It is AMAZING and I am IN LOVE with it. Caroline as the Queen of Witches, like wow this is SO my jam. The edit is STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS and the drabble is AWESOME (you need to write more often, luv, or a sequel cause I am greedy like that). So, everyone has to go and take a look and a read because it is FABULOUS. Thank you, Natalie 💖
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1jemmagirl22 · 3 years ago
Hi there!! for the fic ask game
🔁 💖 🥰
Yay happy things to answer.
🔁 A fic you’ve re-read several times
Okay I first off i've re read many fic's many many times. But one I enjoy a great deal and have re read recently is She Deserves Better by CrazyGirl92. It's a Klaroline filled with joy fix it's, time travel, and many many Mikaelson hilarity scenes.
💖 A drabble that made you want 100K more words
Yet again, only one? I swear every drabble I read ends up being one of the best things ever. Seriously. Let's see, today i'll pick Tears Will Never Die by honestgrins. The world of dark Klaroline who destroy the world we found in Legacies 1x10, with added bonuses. This and all other Enemies of the sate drabble just would be the best as a 100k plus fic.
🥰 A fic that gives you warm fuzzy feelings
Quite a few, but to pick my current favorite. Sanctuary in Their Hearts by thatsanotherlovestory. I love this fic, it has so much Klaus with Hope and the twins fluff i can't even describe it. Not to mention how soft all the Mikaelsons are with Hope and the twins. It's beautiful, long, and pure awesome.
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morningstargirl666 · 3 years ago
oh heyyy omgg director's cut on Falling for you (sorry I'm so late in sending this!🥺)
Lol I was late responding to the previous ask so honestly no need to apologise.
The first concept for Falling For You sparked during the Klaroline AU season in March this year? I think? Around the same time I wrote the first chapter of Divided We Fall. They were planned out together, but I didn't post FFY until later in the year when I had two chapters written. The reason I waited to post, which is something I rarely do, is because the chapters had turned out shorter than what I normally write (around 3k instead 8k+) and wanted to give @certifiedceraunophile more to chew on. This fic was first and foremost written as a gift for her, because of how much an amazing person she is. I was immensely grateful for her support at the time, new to the fandom and with few people who I knew, so repaid her the only way I knew how.
(with lots of feels and pain lmao)
The first visuals that came into my head was a snippet of dialogue, which hasn't been written into the fic yet, but was used as the fic summary. Klaus asking "Did you miss me?" while the walls are covered in blood, dead bodies at his feet, and a very peeved Angel of Death!Caroline debating the pros and cons of hauling his ass back to hell.
As the rest of the fic formed, I'm honoured to say I feel the most proud of this fic. I never rushed or forced the writing for it, only working on it when the mood struck, and although its unproductive to do that all the time it worked well for FFY, creating what I like to think is my best work. It's not like TBBW, which has a bunch of OCs and separate character arcs - this fic is solely focused on the Klaroline and I loved the change of that. I also deliberately scattered canon references everywhere, making parallels to the progression of Klaus and Caroline's relationship in canon and in the fic, bringing something both new and familiar to the chapters.
I listened very attentively to srishti's favourite tropes and prompts, and have great confidence that I know how to break her now 😂🤣 You can see it in how I write Klaus and Caroline interact, in the intimate gestures like holding each others hands and Klaus kissing her on the cheek (I swear I’m squeezing in a nose kiss at some point just for you, srishti). Klaus is also totally whipped for Caroline in this fic, and in a unique spin, it’s actually Caroline who is the most powerful one out of the two instead. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t equals - Klaus is powerful and deadly in his own right, something you will start to see from chapter 4 onwards as he rises through Hell’s ranks. 
Another thing I should mention, is this fic is heavily inspired by the Lucifer TV Series which I absolutely ADORE. Like I love it so much and if anyone out there hasn’t seen it, you need to add it to your watch list NOW. It got cancelled at s3 and the fanbase was so powerful and loved the show so much they managed to get Netflix to renew it for two more seasons - like seriously the P O W E R. There’s a lot of elements I used in FFY that are common tropes in Lucifer fanfiction, like the wing grooming scene (I guess that’s popular in all angel au’s but still) and I often listened to the season soundtracks when writing (I highly recommend checking them out, season 5 had a musical episode and it was awesome not gonna lie). 
To this day my greatest ambition is to get srishti to watch it. Because if you can’t drag your friends kicking and screaming into other fandoms, what is the point? 😂😂😂
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enniec123 · 3 years ago
for the ask game<3
6, 23, 30
Hiiii Natalieee!! Thanks for the ask! I am proud bc I actually remember this ask game
6: List 3 positive traits you have
Hmmmmmmm...I would say energetic, friendly, persistant
23: What do you want your future to be like?
I want to twirl in a ballroom with a big and poofy dress that swirls around my feet, preferably with Chris Wood with me. Realistically, a rad job with a cat and a cocker spaniel or yorkie with an orange tree. 
30: What makes you happy?
Family, Friends, Food, Fics, Baby Eve, Sleep (when it happens and the brain decides to turn off lol), Oranges, Rain and other things but this ask would be v long if I listed them all loll
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definedareasofuncertainty · 10 months ago
flower delivery💐
send this to your favourite mutuals and make them feel special today🌻🌸🌷
Thank you so much, Natalie ❤️
Back at you:
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galvanizedfriend · 10 months ago
flower delivery💐
send this to your favourite mutuals and make them feel special today🌻🌸🌷
You are so sweet, Natalie! 🥹 Here, have some flowers to brighten up your day as well! 💐
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heatherstyles · 10 months ago
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klaroline - footballer x cheerleader au
Caroline Forbes stood on the sidelines, her heart pounding with anticipation as the final moments of the championship game ticked away. The Timberwolves, had fought tooth and nail for this victory, and now, with the scoreboard in their favour, victory was within their grasp.
“History has been made tonight as the Timberwolves claims victory in one of the most unforgettable games of the season!" The announcer's voice boomed across the stadium, setting off a wave of cheers and celebrations.
Caroline couldn't contain her excitement as she embraced her squad, and chanted their cheers for the last time tonight. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she scanned the football field, searching for one person in particular.
And there he was, her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, the captain of the Timberwolves' football team, running towards her with a victorious grin on his face. Caroline's heart skipped a beat as she watched him approach, feeling all the butterflies in her stomach. 
"Klaus!" she exclaimed as he reached her, unable to contain her joy. Without hesitation, he lifted her up in his arms, spinning her around in a whirlwind of happiness. Caroline's laughter bubbled up as she clung to him, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins.
As Klaus set her back down, their eyes met, and Caroline felt a jolt of electricity pass between them. She wrapped her arms around him, savouring the warmth of his embrace.
"You were amazing out there! I'm so proud of you," Caroline said, her voice soft and endearing as she leaned in to kiss his cheek.
"Thank you for being here tonight, love," Klaus let out, his voice breathless after the game.
Caroline pulled away from him slightly, but laced her arms around his neck. "Seriously? I would NEVER miss your games, you should know that by now. Also, I gotta be on watch out for all of your groupies back there," she teased, nodding towards the crowd of adoring fans.
Klaus flashed her his trademark dimpled smirk, his eyes sparkling with affection. “Well unfortunate for them, I’m spoken for, ” he said, leaning down to press his lips to hers in a passionate yet tender kiss, sealing his victory once again with her by his side.
klaroline moodboards (nat's version)
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recyclingss · 3 years ago
Hi Nat!! Happy birthdayyy my friend🥺💗✨ You deserve all the love. Sending you hugs and love!! Have a great birthday<3 Having the same name is so fun omg. I love saying your name in our convos. (I'm weird like that)
from your twin xoxo
NATALIE MY TWIN 😭💕 I’m so happy we became friends this past year 🥰 you’re so sweet and I love that I can fangirl over all things T Swift and KC with you 😌 happy you’re back on tumblr heheh
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honestgrins · 3 years ago
klaroline + dancing with our hands tied- Taylor Swift
"Who were they trying to kid?" "I thought it was weird she moved up through the ranks so quickly." "Sleeping with her boss in this day and age? For shame." The office gossip was quick and mean, falling more harshly on Caroline than Klaus (go figure). Never mind that her promotions all went through Elijah as head of legal, or that she rarely interacts with "Klaus, the CEO" one-on-one.
Though she sits through the grueling HR meetings and department briefings where everyone watched their interactions with suspicion, the icy silences and sly glares begin to weigh on her. She puts out feelers to see if another company would be willing to take on an ambitious lawyer who happened to be dating a millionaire that used to technically be her boss's boss.
Unfortunately, Klaus doesn't find out about those feelers until a reporter asks him about the rumors surrounding a senior general counsel and a tip from a corporate headhunter that Caroline was generating high-value offers from his competitors. The fight they have is anything but businesslike, but they do end up agreeing to a contract...of sorts. Of the lifetime variety.
send me a “ship + song” ask, get 3 headcanons for the vibe
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