#heath monitor
honoratacarnage · 1 month
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here's my newest guy 0-3! he's a giant heath goanna that works as a high-speed rail! 6 legs for maximum mobility, a windowed belly for passenger confort and the snazziest uniform in the whole southwestern australian scrubforest, 0-3 is your best mean of transportation around!*
*(except between september to january, as it's its hibernating period)**
**(Heath goannas hibernte september to april. 0-3 is an early riser)
tell me what y'all think!
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demandhomecarellc · 2 years
Demand Home Care LLC takes psychiatric wellness seriously. As providers of In Home Care Services in Michigan, we understand the hardships of families facing mental crises.
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suetravelblog · 2 months
Bako National Park Sarawak Malaysia
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wosostories · 12 days
Heath Sisters PT 5 (USWNT x Teen!Reader)
USWNT X Teen!Reader
A/N: Sorry this took so long. I have a lot going on the last few weeks, but things have finally settled and I should be able to get back into some semblance of a writing schedule.
Summary: The first team meeting.
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“We won’t tell them. Unless… It's someone at this table.” Abby said more than asked. Y/N froze and her eyes went wide at how easily they figured her out. 
“I-it might be.” Y/N grabbed her sister's hand under the table and squeezed it twice. This was their sign to one another that they were uncomfortable in their current situation. 
“Alright guys that’s enough. You can continue your speculating later.” Keriger says, stepping in before Tobin could. 
“Come on Kriegs, we're just having some fun.”
“But you're making her uncomfortable. If she doesn't want to tell you who her favorite player is then she doesn’t have to tell you.”
Abby sighed and looked at her, “Sorry kid, didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“It’s ok.” The table went back to eating their dinner and soon enough it was time for the team meeting. 
“Alright once you’ve finished up go ahead to the meeting room and we'll get camp officially started.”
Tobin turned to Y/N, “Go on up to our room. I shouldn’t be too long, but you can go ahead and start getting settled for the night.” Y/N hugs her sister and heads upstairs for the night. 
Tobin sighs as she watches her sister leave and follows the rest of her table to the meeting. 
“Hey where’s the kid?” Kelley asks as soon as Tobin walks through the door.
“I sent her up to our room. She would be bored sitting through a meeting like this. Well she would be bored sitting through any kind of meeting.”
“And you trust her not to get into any kind of trouble while she’s on her own?”
“I don’t think she’ll get into too much trouble if she's just up in our room. And on the off chance that something does happen she knows where I am.”
“She’s not you Kelley she doesn’t need to be monitored 24/7.” Sonnett adds on. 
“Hey! Not fair.” Kelley exclaimed before chasing her into the meeting room. 
When Tobin walks in she notices that the only empty seat left is up in the front, right next to coach. She holds in a sigh and takes the seat while some of her teammates snicker. 
The meeting goes over the camp schedule and outlines some of the tactics they’re hoping to use during the two friendlies against Canada. 
Jill is in the middle of talking about the formation she is hoping to use and stops abruptly as the door opens. Everyone’s head turns and they all find themselves staring at Y/N clad in her pjs. 
She sinks in on herself as soon as the eyes hit her. 
“You can come in Y/N.” Coach said. Y/N looked around and darted into the room as soon as she saw Tobin. She cuddled into Tobin’s lap and let herself be held as Jill resumed the meeting. It only took a few minutes for Y/N to fall asleep. 
Tobin sat running her fingers through her sister's hair trying to keep her focus on the meeting. It was just over an hour later that the meeting ended and the girls started heading up to bed. 
Tobin didn’t even bother to try and wake Y/N, simply lifting her into her arms and carrying her out the door. 
“You look like you do that a lot.” Cheney says as they enter the elevator. 
“She’s always liked when I’ve held her. I don’t mind. We both know she’s safe when I’m holding her.” Tobin replies. 
“Why wouldn’t she be safe?”
Tobin tightens her grip and shakes her head, “No reason. Just… Just forget I said anything.” Tobin walks out of the elevator and makes it to their hotel room.
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leveloneandup · 3 months
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Christen Press on returning to soccer following ACL tear, season three of The RE—CAP podcast
Christen Press, the all-time leading goal scorer in Stanford history, has starred for club and country since graduating in 2010. With the USWNT, she has won two World Cups and scored 64 international goals. Press has played overseas professionally, including a stint at Manchester United, as well as in the NWSL with the Chicago Red Stars, Utah Royals and currently with Angel City FC.
After tearing her ACL in June 2022, Press required four surgeries and an arduous recovery. She returned to her first training session on Tuesday, after which she spoke to SBJ about her rehab and the new season of her podcast. Along with Tobin Heath, Megan Rapinoe and Meghan Klingenberg, Press founded a media and lifestyle brand called RE—INC in 2019. She and Heath are the co-hosts of the RE—CAP podcast, which returns for its third season on Thursday. The first episode includes appearances by USWNT legend Abby Wambach and author and podcast host Glennon Doyle.
On returning to the pitch . . .
I am currently in the car driving home from my first training. I would say the road to recovery happens very slow, and then yet it happens all at once. I have been back in the team environment for almost four months. So it's been a long time that I've been integrated into the environment, and it took four months for me to get ready to be in a warmup and a passing pattern — really simple, basic stuff. And I felt very ready for it. I felt almost underwhelmed by how easy it was because I've done a lot more complicated things, and yet it was also entirely overwhelming and joyful to be so connected to my teammates and be celebrated in the way that I have been these last two days.
I'm very grateful for that. They say it's the hope that kills you, and as I drive home, I just have this big smile on my face because I can't help it. I can't help hoping. I can't help believing that I'm going to make it back, and it's going to be everything that I see in my head. I'm relentlessly optimistic, I'm naively positive, and I like that about myself, and I'm not I don't intend to change it. I think the way that it left me feeling was just like, yes, I can do this.
On monitoring her rehab . . .
I'm a person of devices, so I have quite a toolkit, I'd say, of ways that we're tracking and measuring. The truth is we're really still working through issues with my knee, and I have chronic scarring of the knee, so I can experience some discomfort and some swelling that could lead to more scarring, which is incredibly rare, because most people don't scar after a couple months after their surgery. I'm now over nine months for my surgery and still at risk of scarring. So it just means that I have to try very carefully with how much impact my knee can take.
We're being careful, but we're progressing. In terms of my overall fitness, what my GPS has said is that I've got to like 60% of a match load, which is all that I really need to get in terms of volume. And yet, in the warmup and the passing pattern today, it felt like I played a 90-minute game. I was so fatigued. There's training, and then there’s really training. There's no way to get fit for football, except for playing football. And I've done a ton of running, I've done a ton of lifting, and now it's time to play.
On how deep she gets into data . . .
My performance staff would laugh because they said they've never worked with a player that cares so much. So right now, I wear a Polar Watch that I was given in like 2015 from the national team. It's just old school. And I wear my Apple Watch, which is connected to my GPS so I can see all my data live, from heart rate to distance to speed to all that. And then I do sleep with an Oura ring — although I'm not endorsing any of these products, I'm not connected to any of these products — but I do sleep with an Oura ring and track my sleep and my stress levels.
On season three of the podcast . . .
Our show really is about authenticity, and it's about creating a more inclusive space for sports and including diversity of perspective. And so that means we have hard conversations, and we have honest conversations and we have vulnerable conversations, and we have a lot of fun — the same spirit and joy that you saw last year during the World Cup edition of the show. We're back, and we're bigger than ever.
On the origin of the creating the podcast . . .
I never thought I would be in media. I think that's even more true of Tobin. There's two typical paths for athletes after soccer, and it’s coaching and broadcast. ‘So Christen, do you want to be a coach?’ ‘No.’ ‘So Christen, then you must want to be a broadcaster? I was like, ‘No.’
That's an interesting part of the story, but first and foremost, we decided to launch this show as current and active players, and that's unique and different. It's not really a stepping-back-from-soccer thing. It's current players trading stories and having a little bit more space to dictate the narrative.
And then secondly, we really approach this as business leaders. This is our business, this is our company. We are a 3C company: content, community and commerce. The most amazing thing about women's sports is the community, and we're trying to build the coolest women's sports community in the world in our membership, and we're feeding that with amazing content.
And I think because we have such an authentic and vulnerable relationship with our audience that we've developed over the last five years that we've been building this business, it made sense for Tobin and I to be our first piece of content that was really more large scale and more widely accessible. But the plan will be to find like-minded people that sit at the intersection of sports, progress and equity, to continue to hear stories from an insider's perspective. It really disrupts the industry in that way.
On topics they plan to cover in season three . . .
We're going to be talking about women's health, particularly in sport, which is obviously a really hot topic, and representation in sport — how we make it more diverse and equitable for more people, be it across the gender spectrum, the orientation spectrum, across different races and classes. I think that's incredibly important. Soccer in America is an upper-middle class sport, and almost everywhere else in the world, it's a very accessible sport that's found on the street. That's really the spirit of football, so that's really important to us.
On the role of athletes as activists . . .
The interesting thing about the community that surrounds women's sports in particular is they care about a lot more than the sports, and the values transcend beyond the pitch. And that's about diversity, inclusion, progress. And I think that's just inherent because it is disruptive in itself to see women embodied, powerful, unapologetic and also very celebrated the way that you do in the professional sports world today. The people that it's drawing in are the same people that want to march, and they want to create change and they want to stand up for what they believe in.
It's so embodied in the Angel City culture. The professional team that I play for has just nailed it. And when you're in the stadium, it's electric, and win or lose, it's a different type of vibe than any other sports arena I've been in because there's a connection point for all of the audience. They care about more than the X's and O's. They care about what we represent to them, the progress and the opportunity that we as women athletes represent.
On the versatility of women athletes . . .
It's always been that way in women's sports, and it's just becoming more popularized. I think the expectation is that we would always be multifaceted as women and expected to do multiple jobs in multiple roles, if we were going to have careers. And so it really did take to me and my personality to be a player and also be a leader off the field, on the US women’s national team, going through the Equal Pay lawsuit, going through the reestablishment of our players association.
For me, it was such a balancing sense of purpose that I continue to create space in my life for that, and I think that's what we've done with our business, RE—INC. RE—INC is reimagined, incorporated. We set out, in 2019 when we started this company, to reimagine the status quo, to reimagine the way women are seen and experienced in sports. And it's a very bold and ambitious goal, and we do it in a multifaceted way. And I'm really, really proud of that.
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1mmeee2 · 2 years
Greg House x Reader (First Oneshot)
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Plot: As you were doing your usual daily task as a doctor, you had one particular patient’s parent that is mistreating you horribly but like all hospitals, you can’t really do much except figure it out. You soon tried to ignore the parent’s manner but Dr. House who always kept an eye on you... well didn’t seem to enjoy seeing it.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Please Mr. Kennedy I'm just doing my job.” I said calmly trying to keep myself from slapping the shit out of him. “No way am not letting you add whatever is in that vaccine.” He said angrily. “Sir, your child needs it. Or he’ll get sick, he’s already sick as is.” I said explaining it again for the 100th time. “No, you can’t give it to him without my consent.” Mr Kennedy said making me sigh.
“Go do what you do best, at home.” He said making me back up on what he said. “Sir--” “Leave my son alone you sheep!” He said making me sigh as I looked up at the boy’s heart monitor to see it stable before leaving the room to see Dr. Eric there. “Anything?” He asked. “No, just more misogynistic comments and a lot of anti-vax comments.” I said to Eric as he and I walked down the halls trying to figure out what to do with the boy.  I soon found myself at the steps of Dr House’s office to find him there leaning on his desk. “House we got a issue.” Eric said to him making House sit up using his cane for support. “What?” He asked. “Father of a little boy won’t let me go near his son with a vaccine... The boy needs it, he is very sick.” I explained to house who sighed. “Ah, one of those Anti-vaxers who really need to get off the internet once in a while... But how is that my problem?” House asked making Eric and I sigh. “We just can’t help the boy, the dad won’t give consent on giving it to him and his son’s heath is getting worse.” I explained to him. “Here’s a tiny help that you two never thought of. Try talking to his dad like he’s a child. Let him hear what he wants to hear, lure him with a hypothetical ice cream, let him lick it for a bit then let him realized it’s not the flavor he wants. He took it, he licked it, he can’t sue.” House explained to the two of us making it a good point.  “Let’s give it a shot, you’re turn. I don’t think he’ll be happy seeing a woman.” I said to Eric who nodded and left the room. “What?” House asked making me turn to look at him. “He hates vaccines same like women for some reason, hence why Cameron Isn’t helping him.” I explained to house. “So... he does that to you?” He asked confusing me why he cares so much. “Why do you care about what he or does to me? You’ve done that even with other patients.” I said trying to read House for once. “It nothing personal, I don’t like anybody.” House said making me smirk. “That wasn’t my question. I asked Why do you care so much about me? Specifically me?” I asked teasingly trying to get some sort of answer till I heard the door open revealing Eric. “Nope, Y/n it’s you’re turn.” Eric said making me sigh as I soon left House’s office to see the man. “Hello sir, so I was hoping you rethought--” “I ain’t rethinking anything, you’re not giving my son more viruses.” Mr. Kennedy said making me just fill my body with frustration.
 “Sir, I understand why you don’t trust the vaccine, but we are only giving your son one, just to help his immune system feel better.” I explained hoping it could change something. “Absolutely not, you’re not giving him that vaccine you idiot!” He said raising his voice before I heard the room door open revealing House walking in. “I hope you are real doctor.” Mr. Kennedy said to House who pulled out a chair and sat down next to the kid looking at the him.  “You see. You’re son is dying fading away, his body is shutting down... All because some overbearing parent can’t handle a small injection of what is, you’re son’s last home in continuing his very short life.” House said to the dad making him too stunned at the comments. “Look as you can see, my assistant is doing her job, and I don’t think you’re misogynistic comments are helping. Heck if you really don’t want females in the hospitals I might as well unplug everything your son is on as it was all set up by our lovely female staff. Now you either let Dr. Y/L/N give the vaccine to your son, or might as well just leave as we cannot help you and you’re slowly fading away son who is probably at death’s door from all the procrastinating you’ve been doing.” House said leaving the dad and myself a bit held back. “F-f-fine... do it.” He said to me making me nod and got the vaccine and gave it to the kid. “See it wasn’t that hard, you can’t always get what you want.” House said before getting up from his seat and started walking out of the room but stopped. “Oh, and speak to Dr. Y/L/N, I promise you, you won’t get the best service from me or her. You better not do what you did to her ever again or to any woman again.” House said lastly before grabbing my hand and lead my out of the room.  “So?” Eric asked. “Dealt with the man-child. Again, dangle the ice cream, lick it, and let them realize they got the wrong flavor.” He said before walking down the hall to his office. “House.” I called as I walked over to him. “What?” He asked. “Thank you.” I said making him nod. “Just doing my job.” He said coldly before continue walking as I stood behind but grinned. “Still didn’t make sense why you added that last part about me.” I said and saw House stopped moving and froze in place. “So?” I added but still didn’t get a response.  “I got t-things to do.” House said suddenly before walking back to his office quiet fast making me chuckle.
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yona049 · 8 months
𝕄𝕚𝕘𝕦𝕖𝕝 𝕆'𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
Part 1
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
On a earth across the vast multiverse Miguel O'hara leaves a wife behind to grieve for him, she takes on the roll of Spiderman 2099, little to her knowledge another Miguel O'hara is about to find himself on her earth.
>mention of death/Funeral
>slight intrusive thoughts
"Miguel O'Hara. A son, A Friend... A husband." This was all Y/n heard before her ears started ringing. Her brain scattered as she looked down at the freshly dug grave and clean polished tomb stone.
This wasn't right at all. Her whole body burning with anger when she saw only one or two friends had shown up to her husbands funeral. They'll never know what he did for this city! The pain he drove himself through, mentally and physically. Nueva York wasn't and never will be thankful for all his efforts.
Once she returned home she dropped down on the couch wearing the black clothing soaked in the rain that continually poured outside.
A once Happy household filled with laughter or the occasional fight, felt quiet. Unlike the house, the city outside was busy, traffic ushers angry drivers to a psychotic honking fit. This wasn't unusual, tho it was more active since the once hero disappeared without a trace.
Feeling drained of all emotion, Y/n looks over to the still filled trashcan. Bandages and futuristic heath packs filling it to the brim. That one horrible night is what brought this nightmare to life.
Y/n stood up from the couch and walks right by the bin and down the hallway.
When she stops in the hallway and looks at a hologram picture of her and Miguel at some vacation resort, hanging on the wall. She clenched her fists and grits her teeth. "Lyla, open the door, please."
The holographic picture quickly switches off before suddenly swapping to Lyla, wearing her usual white fluffy coat and pink heart shaped glasses. As she floats in the air in front of Y/n, she slowly removes the glasses. "This room is for Miguel's eyes only-" Lyla is suddenly interrupted by Y/n's sudden loud exclamation. "Miguel isn't HERE anymore!" This makes Lyla flinch back before she finally sighs quietly. Her eyes fill with sadness and sympathy as the pixels she's made of slowly fades out. A small opening starts growing bigger and bigger from where there was once a wall and finally Y/n walks through the doorway.
Once in the room, Y/n looks around at the walls with an infinite illusion of blackness. Completely empty and void of any objects she quickly calls Lyla again.
"Lyla, show me everything. Every file, every piece of tech, everything in this room that's hidden." she folds her arms into a protective self hug.
Slowly the infinite void starts to fill up with furniture one pixel at a time. Bits of suites in the making, a Soldering Iron and a motherboard laying on a desk.
Digital monitors watching all corners of Neuve York. Among all the digital things was real paper pinned to a cork board.
Y/n walks up to it and gently runs her fingers across the red thread. Just like she'd seen in all those old detective movies. She followed the thread to each pin seeing alot of different news paper cutouts. Tyler Stone, Carnage and Proteus. All classic villans of the great hero Spiderman.
Y/n finally spoke after a long few minutes of stareing and thinking. "The fate of Nueva York rested on his shoulders. He broke bones, scarred muscle and almost lost his life numerous times! And these people barely bat an eye. His efforts for them, all of this for THEM!"
Y/n makes a sudden scratch across the cork board! Papers are sent flying and pins drop to the ground, red thread hooking onto Y/n's fingers. This was anger, deep and uncontrolled anger. She kept clawing at the board. Ripping everything off and to pieces not bothering to take a breath or stop. When the board was finally free of all it's pins and papers, Y/n stopped, out of breath and not bothering to flinch at the holes the pins left in her hands and fingers.
A few moments passed. Lyla took this opportunity to appear again. "Y/n, your hands will get infected. I suggest disinfectant, and ointment. Please."
Hearing Lyla's worried tone, she slowly looks up though the loose strands of hair. "Lyla, I'm sorry. I-I'm.." she trails off as the warmth of tears cover her red puffy face. She sinks to the ground, hands too heavy to lift. All she could do was cry. A messy bundle of black makeup, tangled hair and bleeding hands.
After her hands were bandaged up, she was sat in the secret lab in her home. Dressed in one of Miguel's shirts with a cup of strong coffee. She looked around once more, the suit on a mannequin. No blood on the holographic suit, Only a large gash of broken pixels on the chest.
She looks back at the monitors now streaming some camera footage of all dark ally's or known crime hot spots. Her ears perk when she hears two guys waking down a particularly dark street and talking.
"This Spiderman hasn't shown up in almost 3 days now! Absent punk is binging all hell back to the city!" says a man wearing an irish cap.
His friend with a cigarette between his lips snorts and agrees "Yeah! No kidding. Well, it's not like much changed, villains always came back after he supposedly 'saved the day'. What a waste."
Y/n look a deep breath and exhaled a growl, she tried staying calm, but the anger in her boiled up once again. Her eyes seemed to redden before she looked right at the holographic suit.
Y/n Aggressively Brings the mug down onto the table.
"Lyla! That suit can be shaped to any body type right?"
Lyla looks at Y/n, not sure what she's suggesting. "Yes, but it's still a little damaged."
Maybe it was a chuckle of anger that escaped from Y/n's rapid exhales and inhales, but this ushered her on to stand up quickly and walk right up to the much bigger suit.
"Let's change a few things then."
The men on the street are still chatting the night away. Taking about how they could easily be the Hero! How that would get them all the girls and money.
The cigarette smoke from the man, drifts up past the harsh gleaming street light. This is where Y/n hid. Ontop of a streetlight, effortlessly balanced thanks to the suit she wore.
Atone to her figure, the suit was no longer fitted to Miguel's large shoulders. The large opening of pixels still remained on her chest right below the collar bone. But something was different, the once blue and red suit now flipped in color. A blue symbol for Spiderman and a fully scarlet body.
Listening, seething with anger. They undermine her husband so easily. In the moment she was ready to charge, to use a powerful blow against these pests who dare to complain.
But something stopped her dead in her tracks. A melody she recognized instantly.
A small song being played on a very old radio by someone down the dark ally by a dumpster fire. A song that was playing the night she and Miguel met.
She had been invited to a bar to celebrate a colleges promotion, still being relatively new, she didn't know alot of people from Alchemax.
The rain was falling onto the glass windows. The bar stood out among the white plastic and blue lined technologies of the future, because of its original wooden texture and orange lights. The bar's "vintage night" a mixture of music and drinks they used to use in the far past.
The band played vintage instruments, and there it started, a guitar solo with a slow pace.
One by one everyone went to slow dance, long time friends and colleagues laughing their way onto the dance floor.
Y/n watched from the corner of the bar, no drink in particular, just whatever the others got.
She looked down at her phone for just a second when thunder suddenly struck. She lost her grip and her phone went flying across the bar.
"¡Oye, míralo!" a voice exclaimed.
Y/n Quickly collected herself and rushed to her victim.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, the thunder caught me off guard!"
Her eyes land on the hand holding her phone and as soon as she grabs it she looks up into his eyes.
A very tall man with incredible build and intense stare. Brown, near red eyes looked down at her curiously before letting go of the phone.
Y/n brings the phone to her chest looking a little worried.
"Did it hit you?" she scans his face for any obvious brushes.
"No, I have really good reflexes." he finally speaks with a dark chocolate voice.
Y/n nods and reaches to put her phone in her bag.
"Again I'm very sorry-" The sentence gets caught in her throat before she could finish when another bolt of lightning strikes.
Miguel seems to notice her distress before delicately offering his hand.
"The music is louder on the dance floor. C'mon!"
A little taken a back Y/n smiles and takes hold of Miguel's hand.
Finally on the dance floor Miguel places his hand on her side and takes her other hand. She clears her throat awkwardly before placing her hand on his shoulder.
"First I throw you with my phone, now you have to inconvenience yourself with me."
He smirks at Y/n's remark and shakes his head quickly.
"Its really the opposite." they gently swing side to side with a respectable distance between them.
"I was actually looking for a dance partner to celebrate my promotion with."
Y/n looks back intro his eyes before finally feeling more at ease and smiles.
"Y/n L/n" she introduced herself.
"Miguel O'hara"
Finally being brought back to her scenes, Y/n looks back down at the men she was fully prepared to charge at.
Her breathing was rapid, eyes ready to bring down a thousand rain storms. She lifts her hand and the electric webbing shoots from her wrists.
Swiftly she lands on a rooftop but as soon as her feet connect to the ground her knees give way.
Finally she gives in to the waterfall pushing her eyelids and yanks the mask off her head. Messy mask hair and puffy wet eyes.
With the sunrise rising over the city, her cheeks gleam in the orange light.
"Miguel... How can I bring you back to me?" She whispered with barely enough energy to go above a whisper.
After some distant staring, her eyes get a flicker of an idea.
"The spider serum!"
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lupa-von-wolf · 3 months
I very rarely make serious posts on here, but this is a very serious one, and I need it to be shared as quickly as possible.
Friday, June 28th, the US Supreme Court overturned Chevron. What this means is that the Supreme Court will now have ANY and ALL power over any decision that has any generalizations that has come through congress. Previously this has been delegated to federal agencies that specialize in these generalizations, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Occupational Heath and Savety Administration (OSHA), the Federal Avian Administration (FAA), just to name a few.
Previously, the levels of harmful objects found in food, such as rat droppings or pesticides, were monitored and maintained by the FDA, going forward it will be up to the Supreme Court to decide what these levels will be.
And this is only exacerbated by the fact that the Supreme Court has also made it legal to bribe them into deciding in your favor (as long as the "tip" comes after the decision). They've made it legal to be bought by corporations so they can turn a blind eye to the safety hazards that they'll be allowing.
The vote for overturning Chevron AND the "tipping" decision were both 6-3, with all 6 conservative justices voting in tandem, 3 of which were appointed by Trump during his presidency.
This election is more important than just "I'm going to show how I feel about the state of things by not voting." Rights and safeties are deteriorating before our very eyes.
Trans people are going to be forcefully detransitioned, and in the state of Florida, the state officials can rip apart families if *anyone* in the house is trans. Being trans in the state of Florida, if there are children present, is considered a sex crime, which can be punishable by execution. Trump has already stated that he wants to eliminate term limits if he wins again, and make it so he can't be removed from office. He wants to force the country into a theocracy and is complete against abortions, no matter what, including loss of life, ectopic pregnancies, or impregnation by rape or incest.
Refusing to vote, or choosing to vote for Kennedy is choosing to vote for genocide. It's choosing to vote for Trump, because we all know each and every one of his cultists is showing up. It's choosing to vote for the death and annihilation of your friends, your family, and America.
Yes, Biden is fucking terrible. But he's not Trump.
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dearreader · 5 months
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hello fellow members of the tortured poets department.
today i enter into evidence so long, london and analyze it.
previous days: fortnight, THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT, my boy only breaks his favorite toys, down bad
oh… where to start.
so long, london is a song we’ve all discussed and talked about so much (because it’s so beautiful and heartbreaking) so most of what i’ll say might be redundant. but i still have stuff to say.
the song is done with so much intent to not only connect it heavily back to songs on reputation/lover/midnights etc. but also to really show just how much work taylor was putting in over the years and give hints into what led the relationship to ending.
the opening sound like the echos of church bells that you’d hear on a wedding day because she was left waiting at the alter for him to follow through on his promises and prove he loved her… similar to the reimagining taylor did of her life in its nice to have a friend where it ends with her being carried home from the wedding by him (and since that was a reimagining it can almost now be interpreted as a dream she was telling herself as she waited because she expected the end to be real but maybe none of it actually was).
the repeating of “so long, london” as if she’s telling not only him but herself, over and over, that it’s over… like they’d called it off before but he came back so all the past goodbyes are coming forth all at once
of course the repetitiveness being similar to the opening of death by a thousand cuts with “my” where in that song she would list parts of her he had touched so it felt like she just kept saying my over and over describing the loss. and with how taylor left all she knew for this place and made a new life here it would be like he touched every aspect of her life.
and even the first official line of the song reaffirms the idea of taylor picturing the future of past to get through the present
“i saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist/i kept calm and carried the weight of the rift/pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away”
fairy lights here can represent two things:
a bright warm and safe future. like in christmas tree farm where taylor closes her eyes and is taken away from the stresses of the modern world and imaging a cozy christmas with her lover surrounded by fairy lights or the christmas we see in the lover music video with the future of her lover and her with their child. so even through the worst moments where doubt was clouding her mind and worries for the future she just kept thinking if that warm bright future and kept trying to fix their issues while he was pulling back or glancing at others and possibly cheating on her. she just kept their future in her mind to keep pushing through the now
it’s another reference to how she constantly rewrote and looked back on how the beginning was to get through now. that he may be pulling away but he came in on a white horse with the winds of fate and he’d come back around if she kept trying. she just kept reminding herself of their love in its purist form before it started to die so she could keep trying to revive it
another interesting line connection i can’t stop thinking of is “stopped trying to make him laugh, stopped drying to drill the safe”//“stealing hearts/and running off/and never saying sorry” because taylor was doing everything to get his heart because he had stolen hers but he wouldn’t let her in to either let him love her or help him. also with cowboy like me in mind this hits hard because taylor saw herself in him and that’s why they could work and fall in love together… but he was the conman who didn’t leave his boots underneath her bed.
another one being taylor saying “i left all i knew/you left me at the house by the heath” because not only did she runaway with him but she left her country and old life behind. being an incredibly public celebrity who had her life monitored constantly to a life of complete solitude and finding different ways to get around together without being seen to not draw attention to them. this hurts harder when she says “and im just getting color back into my face/im just mad as hell cause i loved this place”. she is using london the place as a metaphor for him as she was living in his world for years and she did it because she really loved him. she would’ve stayed forever if he’d been there but he never came back…
and i’ll lastly touch on the boat line that i mentioned yesterday in down bad’s post. “and you say that i abandoned the ship/but i was going down with it/my white knuckle dying grip/holding tight to you’re quiet resentment.” this line feels like it’s referencing titanic, where rose was with jack until the end, even as the ship sank deep into the water and and was floating on a door that could only fit one and lost her love. it feels like taylor was on the boat until the very end and with the added line, didn’t even give up on it until she was taken away by someone else. who then kicked her off his ship and her waving desperately for him to come back but he left her alone to.
this song has so much more that i can’t touch on cause it’s so straight forward that i just say it and you know as well as just being an all around masterful song. it’s a truly gut wrenching track five. and with taylor’s monotone singing where she just sounds deflated and defeated through out it. just everything about it was done so perfectly and i can’t explain anymore without it being over kill cause like… yeah you get it when she says two graves one gun or saying she was the odd man out in her own lovers life. like even some stuff i said here is so straightforward i don’t need to add more cause you get it. its plain and straightforward cause at the end everything was so obvious to her.
list of parallels that i didn’t elaborate on/plan to elaborate on in the future:
“fighting in only your army/front lines/don’t you ignore me”//“my spine split from carrying us up the hill/wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill”//“i just don’t understand/how you don’t miss me in the shower/and remember how my rain-soaked body was shaking”
“is this the end of all the endings?/my broken bones are mending/with all these nights we’re spending”//“i think there’s been a glitch/five seconds later im fastin’ my self to you with a stitch”//“for so long, london/stitches undone”
“and the old widow goes to the stone everyday/but i don’t, i just sit here and wait/grieving for the living”//“you swore you loved me/but where were the clues?i died at the alter waiting for the proof”
“i can’t find a pulse/my heart won’t start anymore/for you”//“i stopped cpr. after all it’s no use/the spirit was gone. we would never come to”//“and my friends said it isn’t right to be scared/everyday of a love affair/every breath feels like rarest air/when your not sure if he wants to be there”
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
Covid cases still rising and could go higher later in the summer, scientists warn - Published Aug 5, 2024
Covid cases are close to their highest level for more than a year after numbers started rising again, new figures indicate.
Scientists are warning, however, that they are likely to go even higher in late summer and early Autumn as people return from the Olympics and the school year resumes.
The latest government figures suggest that Covid infections rose by approximately 2 per cent in the week to Sunday 28 July as the proportion of people in England with symptoms testing for the virus in hospitals rose from 12.2 per cent to 12.4 per cent, according to the UK Heath Security Agency (UKHSA).
This is the second highest level in more than a year, just behind the 13.2 per cent figure recorded a fortnight earlier, on 14 July.
The proportion testing positive dipped slightly following that high before rising again the following week.
Although the data is for England, Covid levels have been broadly similar across the UK throughout while separate wastewater monitoring in Scotland also indicates “an enormous July spike” scientists say.
The current elevated levels of Covid infections are driven by waning immunity built up from vaccines and previous infections, lower uptake of the spring booster among eligible groups and the continuing spread of so-called FLiRT variants.
Scientists cautioned that these figures cannot be taken as a precise estimate for the level of Covid in the general population.
However, they say these ‘positivity rate’ figures are the best indicator of trends we have for the virus more generally across the UK after the government stopped the Winter Infection survey in mid March.
And they point out that estimates of Covid prevalence based on tests taken by the general population are increasingly unreliable as testing rates have halved since January and were far below peak levels even then.
“This third Covid wave of 2024 tells us once again that this virus remains entirely unpredictable and shows no sign of slowing down,” Professor Steve Griffin, of Leeds University, told i.
“The scale of infection, though difficult to tell, seems at least as bad as the winter peak, and could be even higher according to waste water monitoring in Scotland.”
Covid hospital admissions, meanwhile – another key indicator of the virus – decreased slightly to 4.24 per 100,000 in the week to 28 July, compared with 4.69 per 100,000 in the previous week.
As an indicator of prevalence, hospitalisations typically give a picture of infection levels a few weeks earlier than admittance as that is the length of time it typically takes for the infection to become serious.
Experts said the small increase in cases last week suggests infections are stabilising but they warned that levels remain high and that they could well start to rise more sharply in the coming weeks.
Read the rest at either link! (CovidSafeHotties skips the distracting in-text ads, if that's your bag.)
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Sojourn Cinematic Analysis
Ok, there are going to be a few things I want to talk about so this is just a basic analysis with just my thoughts on the cinematic itself, along with some details I noticed on my first viewing. More Analyses are going to come out cause there are a few things I want to look at in more detail.
So let's get started.
First of all, I appreciate that they didn't dramatize Sojourn. What I mean is that a lot of her appeal to me is that, compared to all the other heroes, she's normal. Just a regular, grounded person. Though to us her being completely cybernetic is cool, in the Overwatch universe that's normal. Hell she didn't even get cybernetics for battle, she got them for her heath and to make living her life easier.
I think a big factor about this for me is the beginning few shots when she's getting coffee;
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Both of them have cybernetics and both of them had them either fitted or altered to fit they're occupation. This is a normal thing and I love that!
Not only that but it also disproved what I personally thought and that is Sojourn didn't do any vigilante work and just quietly retired, and though it seems like that was the initial idea, it didn't stay that way. At the very least when Sojourn heard Null Sector was up to something she started to step in, do her own research, collect her own data.
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Does that sound familiar?
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She is doing the same thing Jack is, but I don't think this make them parallels. I think this makes them foils.
Jack has been gathering data on Talon in order to fuel his crusade, a crusade which multiple people call out as an unhealthy obsession. Sojourn on the other hand gathered this data out of necessity, she knew something bad was going on and she knew that the regular law enforcement wouldn't be able to handle it, so she took matters into her own hands.
Now let's talk about Sojourns guilt about testifying and how the public seemed to react to it. It seems that some people saw Sojourn testifying as inspirational. Meanwhile Sojourn herself sees it as a sacrifice, something she needed to do. A necessity.
Sojourn is one of the three characters we see who join the new Overwatch who were disillusioned from the organisation long before it's fall, the other two being Cassidy and Angela. One of which also testified against Overwatch. All three of them believe that the original Overwatch lost it's way but only two of them needed to be talked back into joining.
Despite everything Sojourn is re-joining without any outside influence, yes, she initially refused the call but as we see in the cinematic, she get quarterly visits from the police. It wouldn't be smart to accept the initial recall because she knows she's being monitored. Again that theme of necessity.
I haven't read her book yet so I might update on this theme after in it's own post but now let's get back into what I thought of the cinematic itself.
As always the lighting, animation and colours were beautiful. I think it functioned really well as a "calm before the storm" type video, meant to show how quickly Null Sector acted while also showing the little seeds of trouble that were brewing beforehand. I was honestly hoping we would see Pharah's dad but that was more of a me thing.
The set up showing that Sojourn knew they were coming for her after what she the night before was amazing. It was a fantastic set up!
Anyway, stay tuned cause there are a few more things I want to talk about because of this cinematic but they might take awhile. So I hope this was enjoyable and I can't wait to continue this analysis in future posts!
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Hunter seeing his little wife wearing the pretty lingeries he gifted her. He can hardly hold himself when he went home and saw his little wife in the sexy lingerie he likes~
"Darling, you're wearing the lingerie I gave you?" Hunter asks, putting down his work bag.
"Yeah, all my other clothes seem to have disappeared," You reply, trying to cover yourself up.
Your clothes were hidden in Hunter's closet. Heath and Henry broke in while you were showering and hid everything away. They learned you were on a sex strike to protest Hunter, making you miss the latest sequel release to your favorite book.
"Well, would you like to wear mine?" Hunter suggests, unbuttoning his shirt. "You know, you look beautiful in that red lace."
"Absolutely not."
"I'm your husband!"
"And I got married to a weirdo jock at 18 in my first year of college!"
The room goes silent, and you turn over in the bed. You pull the covers over your body, hiding yourself from him. The bed creaks as Hunter climbs onto it and wraps his around your waist.
"Leave me alone!" You yell, tossing a pillow at him.
"Y/N, I know our marriage isn't the best, but could we please get along. If not for us, then for our little angel in the next room. Nobody wants to see their parents fighting," Hunter says, rubbing your back.
You hated it. You hated that word. Angel. It's what got you into this mess in the first place. If Heath and Henry hadn't seen you at the Halloween festival, perhaps you would've had a different life? Maybe you'd be with someone else? Someone kind, like Charles.
"Don't call her angel, please."
"Sorry. If it makes you feel better, they told me about the Halloween festival performance a month after we started dating. I never knew you were in it until then."
You turn to your husband and kiss him. His hands go to your head and rub your hair.
"You're the best wife a man could ask for," Hunter compliments, wrapping his legs around your waist. "God, you're so hot in that lingerie!"
"Why don't you take it off then?"
Hunter blinks, and then he laughs. Before you even realize it, he's removed your bottoms and stuck his index finger inside you. You bury your face in his chest, too embarrassed by the feeling of lust you've felt since dating Hunter.
"Oh, come on, baby~ You've had sex with me plenty of times since high school. You even gave birth to a whole baby, and you still can't have a single digit in you," Hunter teases, fingering you faster.
You moan with pleasure into his chest and gently ride his finger.
"You know, our sweet daughter said she wanted a sister. I promised her I'd give her one. Maybe I should knock out two birds with one stone and fuck so much your womb just accepts my sperm?"
"Well, I did want another child to keep me company for when I'm home and not working."
"In that case, I have no choice but to oblige."
Hunter unbuckles his pants and pulls out his cock. You put it inside of you and ride him. He grabs your hips and helps you bounce your ass on his cock.
"You feel so good!" You moan, your breasts clacking together.
"I know! That's why you stayed with me!" Hunter replies, speeding up the pace of your riding.
Before you could finish, he suddenly thrusts in you three times and paints your pussy white. Your back arches in pleasure, and you fall onto Hunter.
"You did good, darling," Hunter compliments, rubbing your back.
"Thank you," You say, relaxing at the sound of his heartbeat.
The baby monitor on the nightstand clicks to life.
"WAAAAHHH!" Your baby girl cries, giving Hunter and You a reason to get changed.
"I'll get our clothes," Hunter says, pulling out of you and getting out of bed.
"I'll clean up really quick," You reply, getting up and walking to the bathroom.
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alex-the-bard · 5 months
new draft
Disclaimer: The following content is not suitable for small children. It contains topics such as violence, mutilation, self-harm, depression, and PTSD. As this is a work designed to evoke fear in the reader, I would also not recommend reading this before bed. By proceeding, you acknowledge that though this book may seem fine at first, it gets incredibly dark incredibly quickly. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, depression, or anxiety, help is available. Call 988. 
Chapter 1: 
The cold was biting as Garrick Heath trudged through the snow towards the door of the shelter, certainly colder than London. Why couldn’t they have done this when it was sunny and bright out? Well, he didn’t suppose it would get any better, considering they were in the Arctic Circle. He’d just have to live with it. 
He’d gotten the call two months ago. They offered him a job, working an ice drilling rig in the Artic. He had accepted. The pay was good enough and he was assured the bunker would be warm and the coffee strong. Now it was time, and he was here. He opened the door and a blast of warm air from the heated shelter enveloped him as it rushed out into the cold. He hurried inside and shut the door, no sense in letting the heat out. He looked around, seeing six other individuals sitting in a sunken seating area in the center of the large room playing cards. They greeted him as he entered, gesturing for him to sit down.   
“Well then, now that we’re all here, I suppose we’d best get started” said a man in hiking gear, his voice layered with a thick Swedish accent. He stood up, the fabric of his clothing rustling as he did. “I am Jonas Pourison, I’m the NOAA representative on this assignment. My job is to monitor the samples we take for anything significant.” He gestured to the woman to his right, wearing warm clothes and a beanie with a red cross on it. She sipped her coffee and said in a faint Texas drawl “The name’s Darcy, and I’m here to make sure none of y'all die.” Having spoken her piece, she returned to her coffee. The next to introduce themselves was an Australian man named Ivakov Hill-Gray, the technician on the team. When he spoke, it was with a dry, gravelly voice. Next came a geologist, Olivia Runnisdöttir, another Swede. “We’ve had some reports of volcanic activity in the region, and I’m coming along to check it out.” Ryan Kurchatov, a paleontologist spoke next, he said he was tagging along from Russia to investigate possible Neolithic ruins in the ice, which could completely rewrite the timeline of human habitation. Walter Heyman, a Canadian, was the team’s guide, here to make sure no threats of the Arctic claimed them. Lastly came Garrick, who spoke with a heavy British accent. “I’m Garrick Heath, and I’m here as the historian to complement our good friend Kurchatov here.” As he spoke, he gestured to Ryan, who nodded curtly. 
Once the introductions were done, Jonas spoke again. “Now that we all know eachother, the helicopter’s waiting. Let’s go.” They all sighed, finished their drinks, and trudged out of the shelter to the waiting helicopter. They took off without incident, and no words were spoken during the flight. Indeed, no one could hear each other over the sound of the aircraft. When Jonas finally landed the helicopter an hour later, they were all too happy to stand up again. They entered the bunker, where they would be living for the year, glancing around at the welcoming decor and furniture. Darcy spoke first: “Y’know, as far as subzero shitholes go, this is top notch” she said as she plopped her bags onto the ground. The group nodded in agreement. Walter found a bottle of wine in storage, and poured drinks for the team. As they plopped onto the couches, Olivia asked a question: “So, do any of you have families?”  
“Yes, actually” Ryan replied, “a wife and two lovely daughters.”   
Walter set the bottle down and dug into his pockets, searching for his wallet. He eventually found it and he took three photos of it. He also pulled a body camera from his bag and clipped it to his collar. As he unfolded the pictures, he said “I hope you don’t mind me recording, our patrons want records of our stay out here.”  
Garrick arched an eyebrow at Walter. “And who exactly is financing this operation? This level of equipment certainly can’t be cheap.” 
While Garrick was talking, Walter had started passing around the photos from his wallet. They were of his family. His husband and their dog. One photo showed them on the bow of a cruise ship, smiling and laughing. Another was of the dog, Niki, staring at a Christmas tree in wonder. The last picture showed Walter saying goodbye at the airport before leaving for Sweden.  
Walter cleared his throat before answering Garrick. “We are being funded by several different agencies, but this rig belongs to Permafrost Group. This is one of twenty-seven they have across the world. Most of them are at the poles.” Garrick nodded, satisfied with the answer.  
The time passed quickly after that, with the team swapping stories and sharing drinks and good-hearted laughter. Jonas told them a story about the time he was stood on a sinking research vessel. The engine had exploded, and the hole in the boat's keel was filled with rushing water. Just as they were about to be pulled under by the currents, a group of fishermen spotted them and pulled them out of the water. He made it sound as if it were just another day in the life, and not an extremely perilous situation. 
After a night of revelry, they all retired to their bunks. After some tossing and turning, the seven of them drifted off to sleep, comforted by the soft humming of the bunker’s generators 
Ryan awoke to a pounding at the door, the dull clang of metal reverberating through the concrete and rebar of the bunker. He stood up, putting on his jacket and boots before wearily staggering to the door. He slid the shutter aside, looking out through the bulletproof glass that covered the peephole. He saw a man in a tattered ski jacket collapsed in front of the door. Ryan hurriedly unlocked and threw open the door, and saw the man was completely drenched in blood, the red liquid seeping into the snow around him. “Shit” Ryan hissed, before shouting back into the bunker, saying: “Darcy, Jonas, come quickly!” He started dragging the man inside, and shut the door. Darcy and Jonas rounded the corner, grumbling. Their objections ceased when they saw the reason Ryan had called them. 
Jonas rushed to help Ryan carry the man to the infirmary, while Darcy muttered a few Southern expletives and grabbed her first aid kit. Jonas and Ryan set the man down on a cot in the infirmary, and Darcy cut his jacket off, much to the objection of Jonas. “It’s fucking cold in here, he’s gonna need that later!” Darcy started wiping the blood from the man, replying through gritted teeth “There ain’t gonna be a later if he’s dead!” 
The man’s injuries were brutal. A large section of his torso was slashed, with scraps of broken skin dangling limply from his mutilated chest cavity. His right arm was bent all the way in the wrong direction at the elbow, with a bone protruding from his wrist. His face was a horror show of shredded skin and muscle, his eyes were clouded, milky white orbs in a pit of red.  
Darcy finished cleaning his wounds, sighing heavily as she readied bandages. “He’s lost a lot of blood, but somehow he hasn’t lost anything important.” 
The man’s chest was wrapped, his arm splinted, and his face bandaged, but every bandage they put on was quickly soaked with blood. The rest of the team had been awoken by the commotion, and they staggered groggily into the infirmary. Olivia and Walter both had mugs of hot coffee. Ivakov was furious, storming into the room. “What the hell were you three doing out here!? I thought there was a goddamn-” He paused when he saw the injured man. “Oh fuck.” 
The man started awake, screaming “No! No don’t take them! Don’t take them!” He winced as he sat up, looking around the infirmary, and then to his own injured chest. “Where- where am I?” 
“It’s okay, you’re safe. You were in a pretty bad shape when we found you.” Darcy answered, trying to calm the man. “What’s your name?” 
“Isacc. Isacc West.” The man replied, his hands shaking. Darcy turned to whisper to the team. “At least he remembers his name, eh?” She then turned back to Isacc. “What happened to you?” 
“I was with a tour group, we were up here to see the Northern Lights. We were on our way back to our camp when something attacked us. Long, sharp fingers. And blood. Oh God, so much blood...” He shuddered as he spoke, as if reliving the horrors he had experienced. “I ran, but one of those fucking things caught me, tackled me. It did this to me.” He gestured vaguely at his injuries. He whispered one final sentence. “I don’t think anyone else made it out.” 
In the bathroom, the group heard Olivia vomit. 
“Well then” Darcy remarked, “since I suppose we ain’t gettin’ any sleep now, might as well start the work.” The rest of the team murmured agreements and went to get ready for the day. Madman or not, they had a job to do. 
Chapter 2: 
An Ordinary Day 
The team shuffled into the rig, ready for the day and running on caffeine, adrenaline, and seven hours of sleep. Isacc was still in the infirmary, as he was in no condition to move. As the first core came up, Jonas stepped over to examine it. Ivakov played Sudoku with Ryan on the upper level of the rig deck. All was well. 
“Thirty-one!” Garrick exclaimed as he slammed his cards to the table. “Read em’ and weep.” Olivia and Darcy groaned. “That’s the third time in a row,” Darcy grumbled, “let’s just play poker.” 
“The problem there is I’m the one who brought the cards and I know absolutely fuck all about poker.” Garrick chuckled. Darcy mumbled something in angry Texan under her breath. 
Walter poked his head through the door, carrying several cups. “I brought coffee!” he said in a singsong voice. He placed the cups on the mess table, grabbed one for himself, and sat down on a bench on the lower deck next to Jonas. Walter leaned over quizzically, sipping the coffee and placing one next to the focused Jonas. 
“Find anything yet?” Walter asked, taking another sip. Jonas sighed. “No, not yet. Just ice, ice, and more goddamn ice.” Walter arched an eyebrow. “Isn’t that a good thing?” 
“Yes, but I thought I- Well I don’t know what I thought.” Jonas grunted the words from his mouth, as he hauled the next core onto the table. “Wait... Is that...? Ryan, Garrick, get over here!” The two men startled at their names and shuffled over. “What is it?” Garrick asked.  
Jonas pointed to an anomaly in the ice. A long, off-white splinter, about as long as a thumb, was embedded in the frosty substance. “Is that what I think it is?” He asked. Ryan leaned closer, inspecting the object. “I’d have to cut it out to get a closer look and know for sure, but at least from here it does look like bone.”  
Garrick leaned closer, trying to get a good view of the object. “There’s some equipment in the bunker, I could date this.” Jonas nodded, sipping his coffee. “Please do.”  
Garrick chipped a sample from the ice, cradling it as he trotted off towards the lab. Jonas turned to Ryan. “Do you want to take over?” Ryan shrugged. “Sure, go rest your arms.” Jonas nodded and went to sit with Ivakov, who had finished his Sudoku and was doing a crossword. He glanced up as Jonas sat down. “Seven letter word, a distilled spirit originating from Scandinavia.” Jonas chuckled. “That’s easy, Akvavit. It’s kinda like shitty, cheap tequila. I think we’ve got some in storage.” Ivakov grunted his thanks, scribbling the word down. Jonas shifted to face Ivakov. “So, what’s your story?” Ivakov set down his pencil and leaned back in his seat. “Well, my mother was a park ranger, and my pa was an accountant. They’re both retired now. I’ve hopped around from job to job for the past few years after the mines ran dry and they didn’t need me to fix the drills anymore. Turns out a degree in electrical engineering doesn’t do you much good as a tour guide. I got the call for this job a few months ago, and I thought I couldn’t get any more broke. I signed a contract, so the only way I’m not getting paid is if I die. And what are the odds of that happening, eh?” Jonas shrugged. “I suppose you could always fall off the rig. But you aren’t that stupid.” 
Garrick came back into the rig deck, carrying his laptop. “Alright, it was a bit of a pain, but I got the date for that bone. 523 BCE.” Ryan choked and spit out his coffee, the precious liquid becoming a fine mist. “I’m sorry, did you just say 523 BCE!?” Garrick nodded. Ryan stormed over, grabbing the laptop. “Let me see that.” His eyes panned over the screen, widening with amazement. “I’ll be damned.” 
Walter looked over at Ryan. “Everything okay?” Ryan whirled to face Walter. “Okay!? No I’m not okay! This is scientific proof that humans inhabited the Arctic more than four hundred years before the Roman Empire was founded! This could make my entire career!”  
Walter chuckled. “Alright, calm down. I just thought something was wrong. I’m glad I was wrong.” 
The core drill had stopped, the motor overheating from the continuous operation. Ivakov glanced over at the halted machine. “Drill’s stopped” he remarked, “it’s gonna take a while to cool off. Break?” The rest of the group nodded.  
The crew shuffled into the bunker, settling into the common room. Garrick sighed. “Since Darcy gets pissy every time I win at thirty-one, how about a movie?” Walter perked up at the mention of something to do other than play cards. “Yes, please.” Garrick flipped open his laptop, opening his library. “Let’s see... We have the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Incredibles, The Thing-” Olivia interrupted him. “The Thing, yes, that one!” Garrick shrugged. “Alright then!” He put the movie on as Jonas came back with a massive bucket of popcorn.  
The festivities were interrupted by screaming from the infirmary, followed by shattering glass and the sound of tearing meat. The team startled at the noise, rushing to the infirmary, only to see a gruesome scene. Torn scraps of flesh littered the room, which was splattered with blood. One of the windows was shattered, allowing the storm outside to whip into the bunker. Isacc was missing, along with the spare bandages. The rig crew rushed to suit up to give chase to the screaming of Isacc. Walter grabbed his shotgun, Darcy grabbed the medical bag, Garrick retrieved his camcorder, and Jonas hefted his hunting rifle. Walter glanced back at the rest of the team. ”After we leave, shut and lock the door. Only let us in when we say ”Canada is just a bunch of ice.” Got it?” Olivia nodded. ”Good. Let’s go.” Walter grunted, hurrying out the door, which was slammed behind them. 
Garrick yelled out to Walter, his voice shaking with fear. ”Walter, remind me again why we’re going out in fucking fifteen below to look for someone who’s probably already dead!” Walter replied through gritted teeth. ”Because “probably” doesn’t equal "is”, Heath.” Garrick grumbled assent, before shouting his response. ”Just because you’re right doesn’t mean I agree with you!” Walter just chuckled. 
The wind from the storm whipped at the group as they reached the helicopter, still where they had left it. Isacc’s trail of blood went off into the void of impenetrable white as Walter stopped them at the aircraft. ”Fuck!” he hissed. “Someone trashed the damn helicopter!” Jonas hurried over, recoiling from the stench of motor oil and smoke, still detectable even in the storm. “One problem at a time Walter!” The group carried on, into the storm. 
After trudging through knee-deep snow for several minutes, the trail of crimson they had been following through the snow went down into a cave in the ice. Walter shook his head. ”We’ll need the proper gear to go down there! We’ll come back tomorrow!” Darcy agreed, very openly. ”Let’s get back to the bunker. It’s colder than a northern night up here!” With that, the small group that had gone searching for Isacc began the trek back to the bunker, shaken by what they had seen. 
@shrimpysstuff @eternal-nyxx
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matrixxsystem · 4 months
Terrapin Soup Part 9 (4/7)
"Leo- I'm talking about real people here, like real ones with thoughts and feelings and families!" "You think regular animals don't have that?? You think cows and pigs and whatever else don't have emotions and connections? That they wouldn't want to die if asked? But that's not the case here is it?! I'm not saying its okay or that I wouldn't be.. Y'know, shocked to find something like that out.. Just that its not black and white, it's never that simple. I mean what if he grew up unable to afford food and hunted bad guys who no one would miss? What if he had a really fucked up childhood and just grew up doing that? What if it was normal and it was as common as being left handed or having red hair or something? What if.. What if he had some kind of brain defect that just made him that way? And no matter what he did he couldn't help it or stop? What then?" April took half a step back, she didn't expect him to get worked up about it like this.. She hadn't really thought of it like that though, in the human world it was pretty black and white. But in a world where it was hundreds of differed species all mixed together some starting from animals and others starting from people.. It wasn't as clear as it might be for others. "I.. Guess you're right. I'm not accusing them of anything either y'know, I just.. I worry a lot, not as much as Raph but I'm your big sister, I wanna look out for you guys. And if your boyfriends dad eats people what do you think could happen if he didn't like you? Or if they both did and him dating you was some horror movie plot to let your guard down so he could eat you too! I-I don't actually believe that, but I mean it could happen!" Leo rolled his eyes, the anxiety he had before quickly turning to anger. "You don't know what you're talking about, I love Usagi, and Usagi loves me. He'd never hurt me. And y'know what? Even if he did eat people, I'd still like him. You guys need to stop worrying about me like I'm too stupid to know whos good and whos not. I'm not as dumb as you all think so stop trying to protect me from problems that don't exist. I'm really happy with Usagi, I feel so seen and understood like I could make any mistake and he'd still be there, like I could be at my worst and he'd never hold it against me.. So as long as he doesn't hurt innocent people or my family I don't care what he does." "Leo…" April was about to say something else but Donnie's figure came into view, "Leo-! There you guys are, I got an alert that your vasovagal syncope might be triggered. Do you feel light headed at all or dizzy? Any vision problems?" "..My what?" Leo turned back to Donnie, his mood having yet to calm down. "An alert? Why the fuck do you know get alerts for my vitals?" Donnie's tech gave another ping but he quickly slapped his hand over to try and mute the sound, April put a hand to her neck trying to motion to Donnie that now was not the time for this conversation but he didn't understand the gesture in time. "I uh.. Well we all have them- Incase something were to happen, even dad has one of my state of the art chips somewhere super top secret so we can accurately monitor our heath and-"
Part 9.5 Part 1
TS Master Post
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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Dieter Bravo
x f!reader
A little Wardrobe flashback.
Warnings: smut. P in V sex. Dirty talk. M!receiving oral. Sex toys. F!masturbation. Porn. Drug use. Vaginal fingering. Mentions of M/M. A little angst.
That's Tomorrow's Problem
"There you are!" Dieter pulled you into a narrow gap between two sets of monitors.
"Dieter! I'm busy." This thing between you was pretty new. Heat boiled to your cheek about anyone finding out. Partly in shame and partly with giddiness. Imagine people finding out that a gorgeous man like Dieter wanted you. He wanted you whenever he could get his hands on you. It was thrilling but shameful, right? You were still a married woman. His broad form crowding you in this small, public space shouldn't be this exciting.
Speaking of exciting, you happened to look down. "Dieter! My god.."
Dieter was certainly gifted below the belt and those sweatpants did show everything but he seemed big even for him.
"I mixed up my pills. I took a Viagra by mistake." With his hangdog expression making you feel sorry for him you managed to swallow your laughter.
"Well, you can't go walking around like that! We have strict heath and safety codes." Unable to keep it in any longer you added. "You could have someone's eye out."
"It's not funny."
"It is a little. We'll it's not little..."
"I thought being an asshole was my thing?"
"Normally. I would laugh right along with you. But I have that scene in an hour."
"What? Oh. Oh!"
"Those things are already awkward to film. How am I going to explain having a ragging hard on before we even start?"
"We're all professionals, just explain you need some time."
"And cost the studio money. I'm trying to get a fresh start here."
"Okay so we have an hour."
"Yeah. We."
Fifteen minutes later Dieter was still hard and your jaw ached from drawing one orgams from him. Tipping his case out onto his bed frantically searched for something.
"Dieter. Calm down."
"We have forty five minutes left and if that didn't do it...."
Opening his laptop he found the porn he had ready to go. A lesbian three way in an exotic poolside location. Pretty tame for his tastes, you though. He saw the look on your face. "I didn't want to play anything too dirty with you here."
"You've just spent ten minutes fucking my face."
"I was polite about it. I held your hair back. I even asked before I came."
"Then you told me to 'Fucking take it.' while you did."
"Should I have added 'please'?"
"My point is I think we're passed niceties. Tell me what you need."
"Can you sit on my cock and use these on me?"
Your eyes widen at the toys he recovered from his jumble of clothes. One was a vibrating wand. It was huge. You'd seen one in a store once. Just the sound of it terrified you. There was no way you could put that on your most sensitive area. The other was a curved vibrator. It was long and thin with a bulbous tip. That you could see yourself using. It wasn't too threatening.
As soon as you climbed on top of him Dieter started to thrust. "Do you want me to use these or not?" The toys fell from your shaking hands while Dieter drilled into you.
"Can't I have both? I really feel like I need both. I'm still hard as a rock."
"Fine. I always wanted to go on one of those mechanical bull things."
Dieter fucked up into you harder as you managed to get the wand going. One touch of it to his balls had him coming. His fingertips dug into your thighs as he howled. You were very thankful that his trailer was so far away from everyone else. This was not something you wanted to be overheard. The slap of skin on skin, the rumble of the vibrator, the sound of your flooded pussy sucking him in with every thrust. Dieter was loud, even more so than usual. Even you were having a hard time keeping quiet as he thrust up into you like a man possessed.
"Oh, Dieter. Right there!" When you came you took him with you. One last blow of his load took the edge right off. He was soft enough to pull out of you and drop against his thigh.
"Thank fuck. That's a lot more manageable." He cupped his semi hard cock. "Right. I gotta shower. Twenty minutes to get ready." He ran off to the small bathroom next to his bedroom. For a moment you feel a little ashamed. Laying there being used by him. No, this is what this was. Just sex. No attachment.
Dieter was out the door ten minutes later. His porn was still on auto play. The deep grunts of two men fisting their cocks together filled the tiny space. Your day finished ten minutes ago. No one was expecting you anywhere. The long, thin, curved vibrator lay on the bed next to you. It didn't seem too aggressive not like the wand that looked like it could shake your soul out of your vagina. Finding Dieter's lube and cleansing wipes, Dieter always kept his toys clean but just in case, you prepared it. Changing Dieter's playlist, you found a woman using a similar toy. Laying down you relaxed, letting your knees fall apart and away from each other. Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself for the intrusion. The toy's head notched at you entrance, breathing and relaxing, you pressed it in further. A little maneuvering got it sat comfortably inside you. The speeds were on a dial at the bottom. It took a little wiggling but you managed to switch it on. The low setting wasn't too much. It didn't really do much for you either. The woman on the tiny screen seemed be enjoying it much more than you. Her toy was buzzing considerably louder than yours. Maybe the next setting? Sex toys came in all shapes, sizes and designs. A lot of thought obviously went into their design...so why in the ever loving hell did they have those stupid fiddly dials. A slip of your lube slicked fingers shifted the toy into it's highest setting. The vibration were strong, the sensations emanating from your core kept you pinned in place. It was so overwhelming all you could do was lay there with your head throw back and your jaw slack. Your body tensed and trembled. Your inner muscles started to bare down on the toy. Your body was balanced right on the edge ready to tumble down in to a blissful abyss, as it was you just hovered over it. The woman on the screen screamed like her life depended on it, enjoying her own orgasm. Lucky girl. This was the moment Dieter walked back in. A grin split his in two. It was like all his Christmases came at once. Reaching between your legs, he gripped the base of the toy. With a twist of his wrist he moved it in and out alternating the sensations inside of you. It was enough to push you over the edge.
"Oh. That's it." Dieter sounded proud as he rubbed your knee soothingly.
You let him lay next to you as you gathered yourself.
"Wait. Why are you back? What about your big sex scene?"
"That? I screwed the days up. That's tomorrow."
"What? I made a mistake! I'd much rather talk about your big sex scene."
"That was so hot. You should hang out in my trailer more."
"I notice you didn't say no." Slipping the toy out he replaced it with his fingers as kissed your neck.
In your post orgasm bliss it hard to resist his charms, hard to remember that you should be putting walls up between you and another man who could break your heart. Just for a moment you let yourself sink into his arms. Your fingers played with his soft curls as you even more bliss ebbed out from his fingers. Yeah, this man could be a problem but one you didn't have to solve right now.
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scarfacemarston · 2 years
Halloween with the Van Der Linde’s - Part Deux
This is part 2 of a Halloween post I did a while back. There are some lame memes of mine that reference part 1 but it’s of course not a necessity to read the first part. If you want to read it - here it is. Arthur - a pilot from Top Gun - he always thought it would be cool to fly and he loved the movie growing up. He thought about becoming a pilot himself as he loved freedom. However, he hated the idea of joining the air force and he didn’t want to be a commercial pilot.
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Dutch and Molly - Molly *really* wants to do Bonnie and Clyde. Badly. So badly. Dutch thinks the idea is too basic. He thought about doing Elvis briefly. Finally, Dutch decided on King Henry VIII and Molly as a princess. Henry VIII was known for his romantic notions of courtly gentlemanly love and all things grand.......but is more famous for how his wives ended up and his politics. (No, that’s not commentary on Dutch but I suppose you could make an argument for some minor similarities). Molly’s dress is indeed based on the deleted Ball Gown dress.
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Hosea- David Bowie 100%. He loved David Bowie for decades and since people have said he resembled David, he thought, why not?
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John - Like every year, he didn’t want to dress up. He finally “forced himself” to choose a Yellowstone employee shirt....which then caused the family to goad him into adding pizass to his costume...which was a jacket and some spurs.
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Abigail -Lara Croft, She watched the kids in one of her foster homes played Tomb Raider and she loved it. She always wanted to be like Lara. The only thing she changed was the shorts into longer pants.
”’My legs get cold, Gosh dang it!”
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Sadie - She saw Pearson and Charles dress up like pirates last year and knew she could do a better job. You bet she’d be the most bad ass pirate queen you’ve ever seen....her epilogue outfit even looks like a pirate’s outfit. 
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Charles - A Jedi and he’s comfortable as hell. He was a comfy pirate last year and intends to be comfty again. He almost convinces Arthur to join him, especially since “Jedi fly ships”. Star Wars gave Charles a lot of comfort growing up and he stills enjoys it through the ups an downs. Then Uncle appears....
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Uncle -  is a Jedi, too doing bad Obi-Wan Kenobi impressions.......just to follow Charles around and annoy him.
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 Sean, Lenny and Javier - the three Spider-Men so they can do the Spider-Men pointing meme....just with three Spider-men! Lenny’s back up was Marty McFly, Sean’s back up was Elton John and Javier’s back up was Legolas. Yes, I FIRMLY believe Javier is a “nerd” in the best of ways. 
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Jack - wanted to be involved, but remembered he was spiderman last year and the year before that so now he’s decided he’s Batman. He was not allowed to watch the Robert Pattinson film, but he’s watched the Kevin Conroy original Batman the Animated Series and loved it.
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Kieran - One of the classic Riddler styles, baby! He loves that Jack is Batman - the same version he grew up with. He tells lame riddles all night which annoys some of the gang members, but Jack has a ton of fun trying to figure them out.
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Josiah Trelawny - lost a bet and did not get to pick his outfit. He was horrified until…….it was the ladies who picked it out. They picked out Dr. Stephen Strange.
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Tilly, Karen and Mary-Beth - Charlie’s Angels. Mary-Beth wanted it last year and they didn’t do it so she INISTED this year. Note: I l literally do NOT know ANYTHING about Charlie’s Angels except that Farrah Fawcett was extremely famous because of it. If you know how to match characters to their personalities, go ahead!
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Susan Grimshaw - Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. It’s a fun costume with so many different interpretations so she gets to pick what pieces she wants.
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Micah - the Joker Heath Ledger version because he likes doing the impressions. He is monitored around Jack. (Oops, didn’t know I had 3 batman characters on here. Sorry, but I think it works!)
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Mr. Pearson - Bob’s Burger and people actually like it! 
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Reverend Swanson - Gandalf. He has a rivalry with the “Star Wars nerds”, but it’s all in good fun.
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Leopold Strauss - doesn’t dress up. He thinks it’s a waste of time. Some of the less festive gang members agree with him. However, he does hand out items like pencils which....is useful at least?
Bill - Freddy Kruger - but does not wear the mask around Jack and his sister. He wants to be able to choose when he’s scary and when he’s not...besides, the Marstons and co would kick his ass. (Jack would probably think it’s cool, though.) (Doing a collage image because watch someone report me for posting a horror costume lol I know people who have been reported for less.)
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Rufus -  Jack and Abigail decide Rufus will use his good boyness for good and make up for John’s lack of celebration.
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Amelia Marston - My name for Abigail and John’s daughter. Abigail and John want to raise a strong little lady so who better than a feminist icon like Rosie the Riveter? (To those who don’t know, Rosie the Riveter was a World War II propaganda figure who encouraged all women to work outside of the home for the war effort - usually in factories.
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