#heart in knots
I just wanna say bc I KNOW you're somewhere on tumblr, to the teenage girl who attended Take Your Kid To Work Day at an office building in Ontario, Canada circa 2013 and had a conversation with a middle aged woman in which you showed her your Black Veil Brides fanart and fanfics and ship content and told her about different fanfic tropes including a/b/o verse bc she happened to know who Panic! at The Disco and Fallout Boy were and thus you felt the need to show her your bandblr ship art, that was my fucking mother and I had to clarify all that to her including looking my mother in the eye and trying to explain a/b/o verse without sounding like a lunatic.
It's been 10 years and I still regularly sent evil energies in your direction. Since you'd be probably two years younger than me and thus legally an adult now, please know if this post reaches you it's on sight.
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montereybayaquarium · 8 months
Whistling through the week with our radiant red knots, weaving whimsical waves of winged wonder!
Look closely and you may be able to see each bird’s unique leg band, which is used to identify them in our Aviary exhibit. Each bird has a unique backstory, with many of joining us after being rescued and deemed non-releasable. 
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shotmrmiller · 20 days
I love me a scarred up Simon Riley as much as I next guy or gal but somethin’ about that hurts my fucking soul because instead of seeing a scarred mug, he’s gotta see a broken body with his father’s face to boot
oh that's soooooo gross i'm in love
imagine him getting a vasectomy as soon as physically possible cuz he'd rather die than see his father's face on the fruit of his loins and contrary to popular belief he don't let anyone see his face unless necessary cuz he thinks they'll see a riley and not simon
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whitefireprincess · 9 months
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"Crazy Margarita" | Joe's Rotisseria
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wikitpowers · 4 months
ik everybody thinks that "his face crumpled. "he hates me," he said. "all i do is love him, but he hates me, he just hates me, i don’t know why." is gonna be ty talking to dru but what if it’s julian????!?
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firstfullmoon · 1 year
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Christopher Citro, “The Sweet of Being Made Right”
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i uh. i thought about someone getting me wet & hard through my boxers and then having me put on my strap and taking their time tying some really pretty shibari over it. maybe they’d suck my strap too, make a whole show of what their tongue can do while i’m desperately wet. feeling my clit twitch at the sight of them. eventually they’d either have me shaking and whining to fuck them, or i’d lose my patience, push them onto their back and spread their legs. tell them how good they look, ask them if they think i’ll find them wet, if they think i should find out. resting the head of my cock at their entrance and letting them squirm until i feel their legs locking with mine, pulling me into them.
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Prompt 13
How was Jaskier supposed to know that the lovely woman he spent the night with had a husband? Let alone a husband in a big scary poacher gang? So Jaskier is hauling ass through the forest, only to get his leg caught in a beartrap. He faceplants (very daintily, prettily, and most certainly not with an embarrassing wail, thank you very much) and begins sobbing with the pain. Not to mention his cheap lute breaking into splinters. Great. Just great. What a LOVELY day he's having! A pure white werewolf with bright golden eyes suddenly prowls out of the bushes, growling at him, and Jaskier decides that today really is his worst day. No matter how majestic the beast is, this is cearly the end of Jaskier the bard. He sobs and begs to live, apologizing profusely, and the last thing he sees is the monstrous snout getting closer. Geralt, the werewolf, is stalking for food for his pack, only to come across one of those humans in their own traps. Except... This human isn't one of them. He's wearing brightly colored delicate clothing, and wasn't familiar with where their traps were. It's an innocent human. One that smells very nice, under all the stench of blood and fear. Wolf!Geralt creeps closer, and pries open the trap, intending on releasing the human back into the wild, but it just kind of stares at him in horror before passing out. Hm. Well, it appears it needs more care than he initially thought. So imagine the other witcher's surprise when he doesn't bring food back to the pack, but instead brings a human to patch up. The moon dips out of the sky, they all turn back into their witcher-human forms, and now they're all SCRAMBLING over what they're meant to do!? HOW DO YOU CARE FOR A HUMAN AGAIN??? FUCK- I DON'T KNOW! Geralt stop petting him, he doesn't like that, he's human, not a wolf! What do you mean he likes it? Oh shit- EVERYONE QUICK PET HIM! No wait- He doesn't like it any more- One at a time pet him! And uh- Fuck- What do normal people eat!?
♡!Optional addons!♡ • (ORIGINALLY A TAG) Is Aiden a werecat or also a werewolf? And if he is a werewolf (and/or a werecat I suppose), perhaps he's from a rival pack (against his will) and needs to be rescued by Lambert as a sideplot • Maybe the poachers find poor trapped Jaskier and Geralt has to fight them off first, or perhaps they come back later, intent on killing the White Wolf • Perhaps Geralt turns Jaskier into a werewolf (Either with his consent or without his consent ONLY if he has to do it to save his life, we don't fuck with forced bonds here, people)
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measlyscrapofseafood · 5 months
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unfinished rinzler doodles!! he’s soooo weird 👎
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randaccidents · 8 months
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Twenty-seven songs are yours Yet you still want for more?
I made some lyric posters for CCCC! (cause I was bored in class lol) They came out a lot like actual posters and Im honestly quite proud of them.
[I have not tested them as phone wallpapers yet BUT feel free to use these as phone wallpapers! Otherwise ask permission (shovel)]
Tiny things Im happy about (cause I wanna yell about stuff, itll go into the read more but theres Easter Eggs in there about stuff that literally writes itself but I couldnt fit in and hints to some of the deeper symbolism I used):
I started this because I wanted to make something really skeletal and visceral for Heart and Mind and it just went from there
Yes that is the Entire Reason why I used realistic body elements I had to separately import that heart in
Each of them has an element represents them - its the only element that is in front of the lyrics
Speaking of, Whole is special in their represented element (hint: Whole is only a medium for songs)
Having to make up something for Soul and Whole thats, yknow, a body part (or not in the end for Whole)
The lyrics in each poster is something that the character has said about themselves, said in reference to themselves in the songs or represents a view that they hold (mostly)
Speaking of I believe I represented almost every song/motif possible? I know I skipped Taken for a Ride - I think thats the only song not represented in at least one poster actually. huh. It is in the post though (I did that before I realised I didnt include Taken for a Ride)
Does this make the posters album posters instead lmao
The lyrics are also in order of song appearance!
The names of some of the fonts I went through are: Give you Glory for Soul, and Kollektiff for Whole. If the fonts weren't too small I wouldve kept them qwq the joke literally writes itself
Speaking of fonts, Souls final font is literally empty, zoom in and youll see that its made of only lines and no fill
The electric and acoustic guitar are flipped in the Whole poster. Thats cause uhhhh I planned it I dont have to make amends hahaha (I done fucked up thats why and Im lazy to fix it now)
Ironically, Heart and Mind were the easiest posters
Soul was meant to have a grey background but it was so fugly I just couldnt let it sit
Whole was a last minute addition, there were only supposed to be three in this series
I started Whole's poster expecting to lack lyrics. I have been proven VERY WRONG he has the smallest font size (and I thought Soul had a lot)
Whole is also the only one with coloured lyrics; HMS have their lyrics in black/white/grey
Mind has the least lyrics about himself (cause he spends so much of his songs dissing Heart lmao)
Canva doesnt have noose images :( /j/j/j
I absolutely forgot some of the tiny things but Im just happy about it and want to dump it out :) Maybe someone else would appreciate it too
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xxreireixx · 3 months
Read right to left 👈🏻
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Just before "Words to betray the heart" mission
Hope you liked it, thanks for read it! ^^
*fixed errors*
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housefreak · 2 years
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[id: a colorful cross stitch sampler that reads "Bad Vibes Only" across the center. It's densely packed with different motifs, some include: a death's-head moth, ghost, mushrooms, potions, a skull made of smaller motifs, a starry sky, and a large gnarled tree /end id]
finished bad vibes sampler :) was such a fun stitch except for me misplacing the coffin 5 times T-T
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Mable episode 8.5 Letter from Juniper, have you heard of it?
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malicedafirenze · 1 year
For the roughly seven other people in the Rook & Rose fandom on tumblr, please consider: Ren, Vargo and Grey but it's this picture
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girlcavalcanti · 4 months
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how are we feeling tonight
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