#healthcare triage
infinitemonkeytheory · 10 months
“RFK Jr. is claiming that scientists do not test vaccines with placebo-controlled trials, specifically against a saline placebo, and that all he’s asking for is that they are tested this way, as all other medicines are.
On its face alone, that probably sounds like a reasonable argument. I, too, would like vaccines to be tested in randomized controlled trials – and thankfully, THEY ARE.”
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cliffdog01 · 11 months
Does caffeine make the voices go faster for anyone else? MandatoryFunDay
I drink Caffenr for Pain relief, and I’m a Graveyard shift worker (10pm to 6am, 5 nights a week +covers). 
Also, I Watched Healthcare Triage's videos that went into the Studies of Tea and Coffee, and there is no evidence that Caffeine has any long-term negative health effects. Sugar is terrible, so if you drink Energy drinks, make sure to get the Sugar-free versions (also from Healthcare Triage, no good nutritional studies are showing Sugar-free alternatives to cause any negative health effects) and try to remember to drink Water as well, mostly to nullify the Acidity of Fizzy drinks.
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roshni99 · 1 year
One stop access to quality healthcare and wellness. Avail this from the comfort of your home or office. To know more visit https://www.raphacure.com or call our toll free no +91 95551 66000
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bittersweetblasphemy · 5 months
i never want to ever hear another dipshit say we can't do universal healthcare "bc wait times will be absurd" when i just spent 8 hours in the er waiting room.
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Tell me it’s a long weekend without telling me it’s a long weekend.
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dirtychaiofficial · 5 months
So i decided volunteering at a local healthcare organization would be the safest way more me to get my foot in the door with healthcare but tell me why they fucking assigned me to the EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 😭😭😭
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dranandhinduja · 1 year
Assess the Preparedness Regarding Triage Skills Amongst Emergency Medical Professionals in Pune, India
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I Want Them to Want Me Because I Will Need Them to Need Me But If That’s Not Going to Work, I Want a Lawyer.
Every time Gretchen saw the DNR forms on her desk at home, a wave of resentment rose. How did she know what it was like to use a feeding tube? Or a ventilator? Or have minimal brain function, for god’s sake? It was like asking an eight year-old to sign up for – or against – puberty. Choice was such bullshit. It wasn’t really her choice at all. The problem wasn’t too much extraordinary medical…
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theangrycorpsman · 1 year
Triage and Mass Casualty Situations: How to Prioritize Care in Emergencies
As a healthcare provider, first responder, or even just an average citizen, it’s important to be prepared for emergencies and mass casualty situations. One of the most critical skills you can have in these scenarios is the ability to triage patients effectively, prioritizing care based on the severity of injuries and the likelihood of survival. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the…
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The 2022 Shkreli Awards have been released! Each year, the Lown Institute passes out awards as a way of reporting on dysfunction in the US health care system. Dysfunction in healthcare is one of our foundational pillars here at Healthcare Triage, and these awards highlight some of the worst examples.
2022 Shkreli Awards
VIDEO: The 2022 Shkreli Awards, featuring guest hosts Dr. Uché Blackstock, CEO of Advancing Health Equity, and Amy Holden Jones, Executive Producer and Creator of Thre Resident.
JANUARY 10, 2023 — Welcome to the 6th annual Shkreli Awards, the Lown Institute’s top ten list of the worst examples of profiteering and dysfunction in healthcare, named for the infamous “pharma bro” Martin Shkreli.
Nominees for the Shkreli Awards are compiled by Lown Institute staff with input from readers of Lown Weekly. An esteemed panel of patient activists, clinicians, health policy experts, and journalists help determine the winners. (press release | previous winners)
Dentist bags a bundle by breaking patients’ teeth
How did Wisconsin dentist Scott Charmoli go from fixing 434 crowns a year to more than 1,000? By purposely breaking patients’ teeth, according to federal prosecutors. Charmoli allegedly drilled into patients’ teeth unnecessarily and submitted photos of the damage to insurance companies to justify expensive procedures. This move elevated his salary by $1.1 million, according to the Washington Post. The scheme was uncovered when Charmoli sold his practice in 2019 and the new owners reviewed his files, noting the absurdly high rates of crown procedures. Charmoli was convicted of healthcare fraud and sentenced to 54 months imprisonment and over $1 million in fines.
SOURCE: Jonathan Edwards, The Washington Post; U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Wisconsin
Talk about supplier-induced demand! Oy, pass the laughing gas.
“Dangerous” doctor deemed a star by leadership despite disgraceful malpractice record
Image caption: A February 1999 advertisement for CMC’s New England Heart Institute in the Boston Globe, featuring Baribeau. Source: The Boston Globe
Leaders of Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, NH knew their renowned cardiac surgeon Dr. Yvon Baribeau had one of the worst malpractice records in the country. Yet they continued to support Baribeau, featuring him in hospital advertisements and allowing him to keep operating over the objections of other CMC doctors, the Boston Globe reported. Examples of Baribeau’s alleged harmful behavior include surgical errors that led one patient to require blood transfusions of nearly five times her blood volume, and keeping another patient whose chest cavity had turned “black and necrotic” on life support as a possible ploy to protect his surgical 30-day survival rate.
Throughout Baribeau’s career, he racked up 21 medical malpractice settlements, including 14 related to patient deaths. In a statement provided by his lawyer to the Globe, Baribeau said, “I performed over 10,000 procedures at CMC, always with patient safety as my first priority.”
SOURCE: Rebecca Ostriker, Deirdre Fernandes, Liz Kowalczyk, Jonathan Saltzman, and Patricia Wen, The Boston Globe
The protection of doctors who are known to be dangerous is a national scourge that must be exposed and ended.
When a hospital administration puts “heads in beds” ahead of patient safety, it should be called to account—and not just by the media.
Medical labs bilk Medicare for $300 million in elaborate bribery scheme
Three laboratories in North Texas allegedly found a way to score $300 million in extra Medicare reimbursements, the Dallas Morning News reported. In collaboration with two marketing firms, they bribed physicians to order unnecessary drug tests and blood work, according to a federal indictment. Some physicians got as much as $400,000 in kickbacks. In one case, even a physician’s spouse got an illegal bonus. The founders of all three labs pleaded guilty to the fraud in April 2022.
SOURCE: Aria Jones, The Dallas Morning News
Unnecessary tests and procedures are bankrupting us and harming patients. There is nowhere near enough coverage of this.
Unnecessary “care” is a huge part of the $1 trillion (that’s trillion-with-a-T) the US wastes in healthcare.
Patients qualified for financial assistance; hospital sends them to debt collection instead
Nonprofit hospitals are required to provide financial assistance to low-income patients. Providence health system, however, did the opposite in many cases. Rather than ensuring that low-income patients received the financial assistance they were due, Providence hounded them to pay and sent debt collectors after them when they didn’t, according to a New York Times investigation. These actions were part of an official campaign to boost revenue called “Rev-Up” developed with help from corporate consultant McKinsey. The “Rev-Up” campaign directed employees to tell patients about financial assistance only as a last resort. The result: more than 55,000 patients were pursued by debt collectors when they should have been given a discount.
In response, a Providence spokesperson told the Times that they stopped sending Medicaid patients to debt collection, and said that they will issue refunds to about 760 patients eligible for assistance who were previously charged for their medical care.
*Note: The Lown Institute provided data to the New York Times about Providence Health System’s tax exemption for this piece.
SOURCE: Jessica Silver-Greenberg and Katie Thomas, New York Times
Large consulting companies like McKinsey are hospitals’ accomplices in revenue maximization.
Catholic hospitals have come a long way since the nuns of the Sisters of Providence provided services to the poor.
When smokers get sick, this tobacco company has the treatment
Philip Morris has spent 175 years selling products that cause heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other serious health problems. Now the tobacco giant is poised to make more money treating the very conditions it helped create by acquiring companies that develop inhaled therapeutics, according to a STAT News report.
Experts told STAT News they are concerned that Philip Morris could potentially use research on inhalation developed by these newly acquired companies to hook even more people on their products. But don’t worry—a representative from Philip Morris stated they have no plans to do so.
SOURCE: Olivia Goldhill, STAT News
When your corporation creates both the problem and the solution to it, you clearly care about one thing: finding and making profits by any means possible.
In the 1980s, the hospital I worked in still used machinery made and branded by Philip Morris to treat lung-cancer patients. This is NOT a novel abuse— it must be stopped.
Pharma giant exploits bankruptcy loophole to avoid legal responsibility for cancer-causing product
Johnson & Johnson had known for decades that asbestos, a deadly carcinogen, could be contaminating their talc baby powder products but continued selling them anyway. Now J&J faces lawsuits from 40,000 cancer patients, many of them Black women, as J&J allegedly marketed its talc-based products specifically to this population. To avoid the lawsuits, J&J created a subsidiary company with all of the baby powder-related liabilities and then declared this shell company bankrupt, NPR reported. Despite this “bankruptcy,” J&J ranked in the top 50 of Fortune’s largest companies last year. The fate of J&J and the lawsuits await appeals. According to the J&J corporate attorney, the bankruptcy will benefit victims by producing a faster settlement.
SOURCE: Brian Mann, NPR; Casey Cep, The New Yorker
Especially egregious because of delay in acknowledgement at the expense of patients
Big Pharma has become an evil conspiracy against public health.
Hospice CEO allegedly tells employees to hasten patient death to avoid caps on government reimbursements
Bradley Harris, the CEO of Novus Hospice in Frisco, Texas, and a dozen other Novus employees were sentenced to a combined 84 years in prison for committing healthcare fraud, according to D Magazine. The US Department of Justice reported that Novus staff were provided with pre-signed prescription pads and directed to dispense powerful medications like morphine and hydrocodone to patients, without guidance or oversight from physicians.
According to an earlier FBI investigation reported by NBC Dallas, Harris allegedly told employees to dose patients with more than the maximum allowed amount of painkillers to hasten patient death, with the goal of reducing the average patient stay to avoid caps on government reimbursement. The FBI investigation revealed that a Novus employee was allegedly sent a text message by Harris, “You need to make this patient go bye-bye.” It is unclear whether any patients were actually given overdoses or died from Harris’ instructions.
SOURCES: Will Maddox, D Magazine; US Department of Justice
This behavior is abhorrent, cold and heartless
Individual and corporate greed, meet well intentioned yet perverse financial incentives.
System keeps community hospital on life support to cash in on drug discount program meant to serve the poor
Image caption: Richmond Community Hospital.
The 340B drug program provides safety net hospitals with deep discounts on medications to ensure access to care for low-income patients. Richmond Community Hospital in Virginia, owned by Bon Secours Health System, has profited heavily off of this program, yet they don’t have an intensive care unit, maternity ward, or even a consistently-working MRI machine. That’s because Bon Secours has been diverting the profits from Richmond Community to its other hospitals in wealthier, whiter neighborhoods, according to a New York Times investigation. “Bon Secours was basically laundering money through this poor hospital to its wealthy outposts,” said a former Richmond ER doctor.
A spokeswoman for Bon Secours Mercy Health told the Times the hospital system spent $10 million on improvements to Richmond Community Hospital over the past decade. But that doesn’t seem like much considering the $108 million expansion at neighboring St. Francis Hospital, a nearby Bon Secours hospital.
*Note: The Lown Institute provided data to the New York Times about Providence Health System’s tax exemption for this piece.
SOURCE: Katie Thomas and Jessica Silver-Greenberg, The New York Times
Skimming profits from the poor is the sleaziest kind of theft.
Care facilities are thin on the ground in low-income areas nationally, which makes this story even more painful.
Private equity-backed firm runs rural hospitals into ground, leaves patients in unsafe conditions and employees without health insurance
When Noble Health, a private equity-backed startup, bought two rural hospitals in Missouri, residents hoped this might offer a lifeline to the struggling institutions. Instead, hospital employees faced shortages in supplies and drugs, leading to unsafe conditions for patients, Kaiser Health News reported. Noble Health also stopped paying for employees’ health insurance despite deducting money out of their paychecks that was supposed to be for premiums. Some staff members now face hundreds of thousands in medical bills because they did not know they were uninsured, according to Kaiser Health News. Noble Health closed the hospitals two years later, after taking $20 million in federal COVID relief funds. The company is currently under federal investigation.
SOURCE: Sarah Jane Tribble, Kaiser Health News
Private equity too often puts profits over patients, and is using the proceeds to swallow up the US healthcare system.
Private equity corporations are one of the biggest threats to healthcare quality and justice.
Insurers systematically overbill Medicare Advantage, siphoning billions of taxpayer money
The majority of large Medicare Advantage insurers have been accused of fraud or overbilling by the US government, a New York Times investigation finds. Overpayments to Medicare Advantage insurers were estimated to cost taxpayers as much as $25 billion in 2020. Because the Medicare Advantage program pays private insurers a set amount per patient based on their risk, there is an incentive for insurers to “mine” patients for diagnoses—for example, adding diagnoses for old or resolved conditions.
While Mark Hamelburg, an executive at AHIP, an industry trade group, said to the Times that some coding differences were due to doctors “look[ing] at the same medical record in different ways,” some of the diagnoses were clearly inaccurate. In one case, insurer Independent Health added a diagnosis for prostate cancer to a woman’s record, because “when a married couple has any disease, both were assigned to that disease,” Bloomberg reported.
Among the top 10 Medicare Advantage providers by market share, the following have been accused of fraud or overbilling by the US government or Inspector General and have ongoing lawsuits as of 2022, according to the Times: UnitedHealth Group, CVS Health, Elevance Health, Kaiser Permanente, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Cigna, and Highmark. These insurers have disputed the claims.
SOURCE: Reed Abelson and Margot Sanger-Katz, New York Times; John Tozzi, Bloomberg
The overbilling of Medicare Advantage has become nothing but a big game that private insurers play. There are no rules, no morals, no sense of right or wrong.
The “advantage” in Medicare Advantage plans seems to go to the insurers who exploited Medicare for billions.
Weekly news for people who want a radically better health system
Judges for Shkreli Awards
Carole Allen, MD, MBA, FAAP
Immediate Past President
Massachusetts Medical Society (follow)
Special advisor to the president of the Lown Institute and lecturer at the George Washington University School of Public Health (follow)
Director of the Centre for Health Policy at University of Melbourne and senior fellow at the Lown Institute (follow)
Professor and chair emeritus at Duke University School of Medicine (follow)
Chair of the Lown Institute board of directors, former CEO of Denver Health
Assistant professor, NYU School of Medicine (follow)
Associate professor at Yale School of Public Health (follow)
Creator and showrunner,
“The Resident” (follow)
President of Physicians for a National Health Program and retired internist at Cook County Hospital (follow)
President of the Minority Health Institute, Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA School of Medicine, author of Blacks in Medicine (follow)
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michaelwittig · 1 year
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😷 Bei einem italienischen Künstler habe ich vorhin ein Werk anlässlich des italienischen Gedenktages für das Gesundheitspersonal gesehen. Das erinnert mich einerseits an den März 2020, als Militärlastwagen mit Särgen von Corona-Toten durch die norditalienische Stadt Bergamo rollten, zu dem Zeitpunkt das Epizentrum der Corona-Krise in Europa. Schockierende Bilder gingen um die Welt. Wir lernten die Bedeutung des Wortes Triage. Es erinnert mich zudem an eine kleine Fotoserie, die ich 2020 für eine für 2021 geplante non-profit-Kampagne für die Mitarbeiter in Gesundheitsberufen fotografiert habe. Leider ist das Projekt damals an einigen vor allem bürokratischen Unwägbarkeiten gescheitert. Die Fotos hat nie jemand gesehen. Eigentlich schade, darum zeige ich dank der Erinnerung mal was davon. #model @juuliaschwarz #makeupartist @sabinejonke 📸 @michaelwittigphotography © Gmunden 2020 #gesundheitsberufe #gesundheitssystem #healthcare #healthworker #nurse #krankenschwester #modernheroes #revisted #tired #debilitating #overtime #underpaid #coronavirus #covid19 #pandemic #bergamo #triage #dead #life #love PS: Die Aufnahmen sind kurz vor der verpflichtenden Einführung der FFP2-Masken entstanden. (hier: Gmunden An Der Traun, Oberosterreich, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5cFEkMqXI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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writing-for-marvel · 1 year
[He’s Hazardous To My Health Series]
Paramedic!Bucky Barnes x Resident!Fem!Reader
Series Masterlist | PART 2 > >
Summary: A slightly reckless and exceedingly charming paramedic carries a young girl into your ER, proving that not all superheroes wear capes.
Warnings: strictly 18+ due to the AU, set in an emergency room, I am not a healthcare worker and my medical knowledge is limited to what I’ve seen in Greys Anatomy lol, incident where people are injured from a derailed train, mentions of wounds & surgery & loss of life, injuries to a young child, needles & stitching, my terrible attempt at writing flirty banter
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: based off the winner of this poll, we say hello to paramedic!Bucky ❤️ this is my first entry for the Connect 4: Into an Alternate June-iverse Event by @buckybarnesevents, fulfilling the prompt ‘First Responder AU’. Thank you to @rookthorne who looked this over for me and gave me the confidence to keep writing it 🩵 banners by @vase-of-lilies
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“Incoming trauma. Train collided with a car and derailed. First wave ETA three minutes.”
At the moment your director of emergency medicine announces the tragedy and flood of imminently arriving patients, the televisions in the emergency room switch to breaking news - a presenter, wearing a solemn expression, speaks as a split screen shows what you can only describe as a colossal catastrophe.
The ER becomes silent as all eyes focus on the screens, only the rhythmic beeping of the pulse oximeters cut through the silence, a heavy weight blanketing the room as the realisation of what you’re seeing sets in.
You can’t hear what precisely he’s saying, but you can’t bring yourself to look away whilst watching the live chopper vision of smoke billowing from the train laying unnaturally on its side, barely any movement from the scene makes you wonder if anyone could have survived the incident.
The three minutes before the ambulances arrive go by in a flash, feeling like you hardly have time to mentally prepare for the extent of injuries and potential loss of life you will be facing. Then, almost in an instant, as if flicking a switch, chaos in its purest form descends upon the emergency room.
You watch on as paramedics and firefighters wheel patients in on gurneys, one by one filling up the limited trauma beds in the ER. Dr Stephen Strange directs medical personnel, making sure each case is assigned to an appropriate physician, the more serious injuries bypassing trauma intake all together and heading straight towards surgery.
Your eyes land on one man in particular between the sensory overload of people - tall, broad shoulders with long chestnut hair, carrying a young girl with one strong arm as he pushes a gurney with the other. Who you can only assume is the girl's mother, is unconscious and has blood staining the roots of her long blonde hair. Your heart aches for them as she’s handed over to the surgery team in wait, and even though the ER is filled with many conflicting loud voices, you hear the high pitched cry of the young girl for her mommy. The paramedic, now with his second arm free, pulls her into his chest before making his way to one of the trauma beds.
“You!” Dr Strange’s voice pulls your attention back to the fray and you find he’s pointing directly to you - you’ll forgive him for forgetting the name of a new resident during this moment of crisis. “The young girl with Barnes, she’s your responsibility.” That’s all the instruction he has time for before moving onto the next resident.
As you make your way through the maze of people towards the young girl, your mind flashes back to the footage of the wreckage and how grim it appeared. It seems like a miracle that this young girl is conscious and looks relatively unharmed with the exception of a few abrasions.
“I’m the one who brought her in, she’ll be all alone while her mother is in surgery, all I’m asking is to stay with her while she gets examined.” The well-built paramedic, Barnes, argues with your head nurse, pride and admiration swelling warm in your chest - he’s standing up for a scared, young girl who can’t voice what she needs right now.
“That’s perfectly fine.” You cut in, knowing Christine is a stickler for protocol and would never allow non-family members to stay with patients, even in dire circumstances. If there is a time to bend the rules slightly, you figure this is it. “I think she feels a lot more comfortable with you here anyway, isn’t that right sweetie?” The young girl nods her head, little hands reaching out to grab hold of the paramedics’ large one, eyes brimming with frightened tears.
“Thank you.” He mouths as Christine storms off to deal with the many other patients that require her attention. Your focus now switches to the precious girl in front of you - no matter how hectic the ER gets, how devastating the incident is, your thoughts need to be directed solely on her care, and not ogling at the attractive EMT who is currently soothing her.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” You ask the scared, little girl, but not before offering your own as a sign of good faith. She looks up to Barnes for reassurance before answering.
“Sasha.” She confesses with a small voice, partially hiding her face in the broad paramedic’s arm as she does so.
“Okay Sasha, I’m here to check you over, help patch up these cuts and make sure you have no other injuries so we can get you up to see your mommy as soon as possible. Can I do that for you?” She nods her head, sitting up a little straighter in the bed all the while maintaining a tight hold on Barnes’ hand.
“Can you tell me who your friend here is, Sasha?” You ask as you start your examination, feeling the medics’ pair of eyes watching you intently, something more than just concern for your patient's well-being has heat creeping up your chest to the tips of your ears in silent attraction.
“Bucky. He pulled me from the train.”
“All by himself? Wow, he must be super strong to do that.” You glance up at Bucky to find him staring at you with what you hope is a mixture of captivation and endearment. He offers an enchanting smile, making butterflies, which have no right to exist in an emergency room, flutter in your stomach.
“He also got my mommy too.” Sasha adds, you suspect with the youthful intent to impress you even more.
“As well!” You say in a dramatic tone which makes her beam a proud smile that she did in fact amaze you. “Sasha, I think you got rescued by a real life superhero.” You continue in a staged whisper that not only has Sasha giggling, but brings a flush to Bucky’s cheeks. The bashful blush only makes him more attractive in your eyes.
As you continue your examination, cleaning and bandaging all lacerations, keeping Sasha distracted by asking about her favourite activities and animals, you can progressively feel her opening up and trusting you more. From your experience, it can be difficult to earn a child’s trust when they are in such a foreign place, surrounded by strangers, and in particular in this scenario, when a parent isn’t around. Having Bucky, whom she formed a bond with as soon as he rescued her from the train, stay by her side through the ordeal, has been to both your benefit.
Once you cleaned all her cuts, making sure Bucky held her hands so Sasha could squeeze when the disinfectant caused a sharp, stinging sensation, you begin examining her stomach, prodding her abdomen for any signs of tenderness.
“Does that hurt, Sasha?” You enquire when she flinches and whines at your touch.
“Yes, right there.” You're proud she trusts you enough to admit that, though now concerned about potential internal bleeding. You need to act fast, but you don’t want to instil more fear in her given she’s already had a large dose today.
“Okay, it’s nothing to worry about yet, but I’m going to order you a scan so we can see what’s going on in your tummy.” Your eyes flick instinctively to Bucky, to provide some consolation in a time where you’re both worried about the young girl you’ve both become attached to in such a short time. You see the considerable concern furrowed in his brow soften when his eyes meet yours.
“Will it hurt?” Sasha’s frightened voice breaks your heart - she’s had to endure enough pain and suffering for the day, watching her mother cling to life in an ambulance, you’re desperate not to add to it.
“Not at all, it’s as painless as having your picture taken!” You explain, watching the alarm melt from her features, and feeling the tension in Bucky’s shoulders relax simultaneously. “All you have to do is stay really, really still, can you do that for Bucky and I?” The notion that there is a Bucky and you makes something in your chest buoyant.
“Yes!” She promises without missing a beat and Bucky squeezes her small hands with a relieved smile.
When Sasha’s attention turns to the nurse whose job it is to take her up for the scan, you notice Bucky discretely wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. He says a sweet goodbye before she’s wheeled away, knowing this is where a paramedic and hospital patient part ways. Sasha enthusiastically waves back to both of you as the nurses wheels her away, not stopping until they turn a corner and she’s completely out of sight.
Bucky clears the lump in his throat before stating, “I think it’s my turn to leave now.”
“Don’t think I can’t see you wincing every time you move. Sit your cute butt down, you aren’t going anywhere till I check you over too.” You say as you finish completing the form to refer Sasha for the CT scan, missing the downright cheeky smirk plastered on Bucky's face.
“You think I have a cute butt, huh?” You can hear the smugness in his voice and you have to fight the corners of your mouth from upturning in a smile. He does have a cute butt - not that you’ve been staring - but you’re certainly not admitting that to his gorgeous face.
“Not the point - now, shirt off so I can take a look.” Finishing your paperwork, you finally look up to notice his cocked head and flirty smile. Having studied long hours in med school and worked even longer hours all last year as an intern, you recognise it’s been a while since a stranger has looked at you with this level of desire.
“At least buy me dinner before you ask to see me naked.”
“I’m a doctor, I’m sure it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” You challenge, even though you’re positive his strapping frame, which fills out his uniform completely, will be even more impressive without a shirt. You have to swallow the saliva forming in your mouth so you quite literally don’t drool at the thought of his unclad body.
“Why don’t we find an on-call room and I can prove to you it’s not.” He teases in a low, alluring voice and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself smiling like an idiot - it, however, does not stop your face from warming like a heating pad. It’s infuriating how beautiful he is, and it’s definitely criminal to act as cocky as he is right now.
“Only if you let me patch you up first.” You bargain.
Bucky finally concedes, unbuttoning and shrugging off his uniform shirt to reveal a wound in his side about the length of a teaspoon which is still trickling blood. The tightening concern which overwhelms your body at the sight of the gash, which is much worse than you predicted he’d be concealing and will require stitches, distracts you from the allure of seeing his shirtless chest.
You shake your head, knowing he would have been fully aware he was injured since pulling Sasha and her mom from the train, and in an incredible amount of pain, but waited until others received treatment before allowing himself to be tended to.
“You should have told me about this.” Tentatively you place gauze over the cut, gently applying pressure to stop the oozing but not firm enough where he’s in pain. You can feel his attentive eyes following your every careful move, and maybe it’s just your imagination, but you swear you can hear his breath hitch in his throat and feel his thumping heartbeat quicken as your hands graze his bare skin.
“There are many people in need of more urgent care than me.”
You look up at him from your position tending to his abdomen to find his face intimately close to yours. You can’t help yourself, being this close to him, but your eyes flicker to his lips, noticing a faint scar along his top lip you could only perceive by being this close.
“That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it at all.”
Bucky gazes deeply into your eyes with a vulnerability which makes you doubt whether anyone has ever appraised him that he is worth taking care of. The thought feels like a punch to your gut.
“It’s relatively superficial, I can look after it myself.” He attempts to brush you off. If this weren’t your first time meeting the guy, and you didn’t feel like you were overstepping by protesting, you wouldn’t let him dismiss you so easily. “Can’t you overlook protocol this one time and give me the okay to get back out in the field? We are still looking through the wreckage for survivors, need all hands on deck” He flashes you wide, puppy dog eyes which have you melting at the knees. You suspect this isn’t the first time he’s used this ploy to get what he wants.
As if he can sense your resolve dissolving the longer you look in his mesmerising eyes, he starts to stand. But no, you aren’t going to let those ocean blues and infectious smile stop you from doing your job, and showing Bucky that his well-being is just as important as anyone else who came into the ER today. Placing your hands on his bare, broad shoulders, you push him back down onto the bed.
“You won’t be able to help anyone when you’re back in here with sepsis because this wound got infected.” You comment as you prepare the suture kit and implements you’ll need to first clean out the wound.
“At least that way I’d be able to see you again.” He jests, before sharp intake of breath as you begin disinfecting and debriding the laceration.
Even though you realise he’s joking, hopefully only about not taking care of his wound properly and not about wanting to see you again, you suspect there’s a small sliver of truth he’s hiding. There typically is a grain of truth in every joke - he seriously would have returned to the scene without receiving treatment if you hadn’t stopped him, twice.
“You don’t need the excuse of a life threatening illness to see me again. In fact, I would prefer it that way.”
Bucky eyes you with fondness as you finish up washing out his wound, even through the sharp sting and you expressing your disapproval of his careless actions. You’re not sure what you’ve done to deserve the warmth in his gaze, but you enjoy it nonetheless.
Once the area is numbed, you can instantly sense the ease which overcomes Bucky at no longer being in discomfort. Though the grunts and groans that slipped past his lips were rather sexy, you much rather seeing him in an absence of pain.
The two of you stay in comfortable silence as you lend all your attention to the placement and execution of each stitch, knowing that if you do a good enough job, a wound this size will heal to an almost imperceptible scar. Though it’s difficult, you restrain your focus from how the taut muscles of his stomach flex as you're working.
“Alright, almost good as new.” Is what you comment once you’ve thrown the last stitch and placed a bandage over the area. “You’re ready to get back to being a real life superhero.” You tease, knowing the effect the word had on him last time. You’re pleased to see that same blush bloom lightly over his high cheekbones.
“Thanks for lookin’ after me, doc.” Bucky shows his gratitude with a lopsided smile you could get so used to basking in. As he buttons up his shirt, you allow your eyes to linger on his clearly defined abs for a second before they’re covered over. He really has no right to be as gorgeous and charming as he is. “And for being such a bright light in what has otherwise been a very dark day.”
“Same to you, Bucky.” Guilt eats away at a small part of you that during what is for a lot of people in this hospital such a tragic day, you’ve instead actually enjoyed the company of a cheeky paramedic.
“Take care of Sasha for me, won’t you?”
“She’s in the best hands.”
“I don’t doubt that for a minute.” He says with a tone which makes you think he’s only referring to you, when you were in fact meaning the entire hospital staff. Your heart flutters at the implication.
When neither of you say anything more, silence lingering for an almost awkward length, Bucky turns to leave. Even though you know you eventually must part ways, your heart aches that the end has seemingly come so soon. Luckily, you have a reason to call him back and spend an extra moment together.
“Hang on, you need to sign a release form before you’re allowed to go.” You say, hand brushing his as you provide a clipboard and pen, a shiver running up your arm which you hope Bucky doesn’t notice. If he does, he doesn’t mention it as instead he quickly surveils the document and chuckles.
“If you wanted my phone number, all you had to do was ask.” Damn him and that cheeky, smug grin you’re already falling for.
“This is purely protocol.” You counter, wanting to take his cocky persona down a peg. Bucky simply smirks, as if he can easily see through your half-truth like glass.
“So you’re telling me you don’t want my number?” He challenges, and though you don’t want to admit he’s won this back and forth between the two of you, you’ll consider yourself a winner as long as you come away with a means of contacting him after today.
“I didn’t say that.”
He hands you back the clipboard, a corner of the sheet torn off with his number scribbled specifically for you to take. You try not to look too desperate by taking the note immediately and putting it in your pocket as you plan on doing as soon as he isn’t watching you.
“The next time I see you, I hope we won’t be in an emergency room.” The suggestion there will be a next time makes giddiness rise in your chest as if you’re a schoolgirl with a crush.
“Don’t count your luck, James.” You tease, having spied his true first name on his patient form. “I haven’t called yet.” You try to sound calm, even though you can feel your heartbeat quickening the longer those captivating blue eyes regard your every move.
“I have a feeling you will, even if it is just to tell me Sasha’s pulled through alright,” Bucky pauses, slowly leaning in so you have a perfect view of his exquisite eyes, and his dilated pupils, as he lowers his voice. “Or for a rain check on that on-call room rendezvous.” He calls your bluff before flashing what you’re now sure is his signature smirk, leaving you with a fluttering heart and butterflies in your stomach.
As you watch Bucky walk out the exit of the ER, turning to shoot you a wink before the door closes behind him, you know three things for certain: firstly, you’ll definitely call him tomorrow, secondly, this man is going to utterly ruin you, and finally, you’re going to let him.
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Part 2 > >
Be added to the series taglist here
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josephquinnswhore · 8 months
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Good Girl
Pairing: Male Nurse Joel Miller x female patient reader.
Summary: the nurse in triage calls you a good girl.
Word Count: 2k
Content Warning: Joel Miller with curly hair and glasses, praise kink. Taking pills—painkillers and steroids. Implied age gap, older Joel—mid twenties reader. No outbreak.
Note: based off the sexy male nurse tonight at hospital that called me a good girl 😭 maybe it was innocent but I have a praise kink baby! Anyway, I’m high off painkillers and steroids and I’m super sick so this is probably a terrible fic. Anyway enjoy… or don’t!
You were worn from the endless beat down and busyness that work had drained you with. Your car keys in hand jingle in the silence of the night, glad you put on that ugly navy-blue hand knit old man’s sweater you’d brought from lowes. It was cold—perhaps a symptom of her sickness, or maybe it was just cold.
It was too quiet for your liking—never taking too kindly to hospitals, let alone at 10:00pm, in the complete darkness. It was silent, not one pair of footsteps, not a monitor beeping. It sets the anxiety on hold in your throat skyrocketing into nausea.
Your converse on the ugly off-white tile is comforting, at least you’re not completely alone in the eerie building. You look around the front desk, sighing in annoyance that to your surprise, there’s no one there. The box of masks and tissues occupy the space of the counter. And a sign; made by the staff.
The notice was printed on a foul-yellow in big bold writing.
Oh—okay, that’s fine. Everyone needs a break, especially healthcare workers in these dire times.
Walking back past the section of the building you’d come through initially, the permanently open sliding doors, you come to find again; no one at the triage.
But there’s no note, perhaps they’re just busy tonight. If so; why was it so silent? The ache in your ear dulled, but still caught the sound of someone shuffling in the background, through the window you could see an older lady, short with greying hair and rectangular glasses remaking a bed.
You decide to press the giant green button that says “call.” The woman notices the sound, turning the alarm off as she approaches the desk.
Her voice is irritable; like you’re interrupting the most important task of her damned life. “Can I help you?” She asks rudely.
A man in dark blue scrubs interrupts. “Are you here to see a doctor?” His voice is husky, tired sounding but still kind.
“Yes, please.” You plead tiredly, eyes dropping lazily and scoffing at how late it was, and how you’d have to be at work tomorrow.
Damn it all, right?
“Come in sweetheart.” He swipes his card on the door that’s attached to the pocket on his scrubs, unlocking the door with a beeping sound, he holds the door open for you.
“Thank you.” You wearily and slowly walk into the triage, the body aches infecting every limb of yours too to bottom.
“Just sit down here, and we’ll get some of your details. My name is Mr Miller, but you can call me Joel.” He grins cheekily.
You sit on the uncomfortable leather seat, a monitor right next to you, a second seat next to your own remains unoccupied as you arrived alone.
The details are boring, your name, birthdate, address and allergies are all rushed through quickly, although you did seem to notice how the man’s ears reddened at the sound of your name.
Great, now you’re sick and delusional.
He scoots his chair over to you, the wheels rolling along the slick floors, his legs guiding him to the monitor, he puts the cuff around your arm and checks your blood pressure.
He frowns at the result.
You refrain from looking until he’s back at his desk typing notes. That can’t be good.
“Alright, what brings you in tonight lovely?” The man’s attention was undivided. Those deep brown—chocolate eyes were watching you. It felt a little intimidating.
“I’ve had a cough for a few days, but I’m struggling to eat and drink due to how swollen my tonsils feel. There’s also an ache in my left ear.” You explain hoarsely, your voice seemed to have changed as a result of your withering condition, even had started losing your voice.
“Alright now, I’m going to check your temperature first, so I need you to slip this under your tongue, okay?” Enamoured by how soft this man’s voice was, you only nodded in compliance.
He puts a small disposable plastic cover over the thermometer and when it beeps he throws the cover in the bin and hums to himself. “Temperature is okay.”
“Just going to have a look in that ear and see if there’s anything unusual going on, just hold on tight.”
You remain patient, watching his every move, eyes veering back and forth as you watch him, noting how small the ear torch thingy looked in his hands, Christ, was that even normal?
“Ears look alright.” He states confidently. “Now I just want to check your mouth, open up wide for me.”
You comply, wordlessly, tongue hanging out of your mouth, he can’t seem to find his torch as he rummages through his things, deciding to use the torch off his phone.
A phone that seemed old school to be owned by a nurse. “Just try and relax that tongue for me.” His voice was soft, squinting as he tried to see the condition of your throat.
He jumps in thought, pulling the small pair of glasses from his top pocket, he looks so sweet with them on.
“Let’s try again, just try and relax your tongue, keep it down on the bottom of your mouth if you can.” He encouraged, “relax that tongue for me.”
He pulls away, turning the torch off on his phone.
“Sorry sweetheart I’m going to need to use the tongue compressor.” He chuckles, you let out a huff of a laugh, due to your hoarse and irritated voice.
“Sorry—I was trying to keep it still, it’s hard when you’re trying to consciously keep it from moving.”
The man walks to the other side of the room, he lets out a laugh. “It’s alright—we’ll get you sorted.”
You notice more things about him as he walks around, the half sleeve that covers his elbow. Black and grey mainly, but a cherry blossom flower in pink. Not entirely neat, the ink had faded, you could only presume it was a result of being tattooed many years ago. Perhaps before your time.
His arms were thick, muscly. The poor seams of his uniform sleeves were holding with all their might in the double stitch. His neck were thick, and even though you could only see a small portion of his chest, you notice the defined collarbones and black coarse chest hairs that come up to the base of his neck. His hair was slightly grown out, curly hair seemed free range. The grey hairs in his hair matched his patchy—but neatly shaven beard.
God he looked tired, his expression matching your own, he yawned underneath the mask he wore haphazardly. “Pardon me, it’s getting to that time of night.”
“I feel you,” you mumble, tiredness laced in every syllable.
He takes the paper wrapper off the wooden stick, holding it out as he sits back in his chair, across from you. “Just gonna hold your tongue down and get a look.” He firmly presses the stick into your mouth, holding your tongue down to prevent it blocking where he needs to see.
Your tongue seems to dispute the sudden constriction and wiggles which he laughs at.
“Good girl, thank you.” He praises, sparing a glance before wheeling back to his desk to throw the wooden stick in the bin, going back to his computer to type in his notes.
Good what now? Surely that’s not apart of a normal checkup, or procedure, right? Your whole body tingles and you feel yourself feeling warm, almost faint at his praise.
“Alright darlin, if you wanna sit in the waiting room and wait for the doctor you’ll be right in,” he gives a polite smile, you miss the way he looks you up and down. He holds the door open for you, slowly you’re able to lift your aching body off the seat that's noulded around you, offering him a small smile as you walk past him. “Thank you so much.”
You hobble to the stiff seats, taking a spot in the second row from the front—directly across from the front desk.. where typically the attendant had turned the light on and sat back down, she stares at you as she takes down her sign.
The tv was quiet, but it depicted a movie you were quite fond of; Kingsman: The Golden Circle.
Well—your love for Pedro Pascal made the movie more enjoyable.
He made a fine cowboy after all.
After a few minutes of watching the scene on the quiet tv, and snap chatting with your friends to let you know that you’d been praised by a sexy nurse, you’re called into the doctor's office. In which; the sexy nurse himself was there, assisting the doctor.
“I hear you’re not feeling too well, young lady.” The doctor was an older man, lean and tall, one white patch at the front of his otherwise untouched brown hair.
“I’m just going to check a few things out, we’ll get this all sorted for you so you can go home.” He said cheerfully.
The doctor, same as Mr Miller—Joel.. checked your mouth, tongue, ears and asked a few of the same questions. After assessing you; he finally had an answer.
“Sounds like a viral infection—we’ll get you some pain killers, steroids and a list of symptoms we’ll need you to come back for, if you experience them. I’ll be back in one moment!” The lanky doctor exclaimed.
The nurse—Joel, stayed. “Why don’t we get you seated, you don’t look well.” His large hand guides your mid-lower back, taking your hand to sit you onto the freshly made bed, the linen now tainted with your sickness.
“Thank you,” a whisper is all your aching throat can manage.
The moment is ruined by the doctor. “These are the steroids and pain relief. I forgot to ask—do you need a medical certificate?” He tilted his head, handing you the small white paper cup that had 4 pills, two large and two small. With a cup of water.
“Yes please, I’m scheduled to work tomorrow but I don’t feel fit enough to work.” You manage softly, although feeling a little embarrassed to complain about working in your condition.
Joel looked tired and stressed, yet here you were complaining. You begin swallowing the tablets, the two large first, unable to stop yourself from gagging as the pill gets lodged in your throat—the swelling of your tonsils makes it difficult to swallow.
But you manage, thank t to the encouragement of Joel. “It’s alright, easy now, don’t rush.” He croons, standing a little too close to you.
You take his advise, taking a few moments to swallow the pills and eventually you’re done. “There you go, easy now sweetheart,” he murmurs gently. Your body halts it’s shuffling to get off the bed, but the man takes your plastic and paper cup and put it in the bin for you. You’re stunned by how thoughtful and beautiful this older man was.
“Medical certificate and some pain killers to take home.” The doctor stated, interrupting your delusion, sitting them down on the work bench across from your position on the bed. “If you start to feel worse, fevers, vomiting, shortness of breath please come back.”
You stand, suppressing a groan as your stiff ankles hold the ache for your weight. “Thank you so much. Have a good evening.”
He bids his farewells, and you pick up your paperwork and medication, noting how once again, the nurse is holding the door open for you, the stronger man gives you a soft smile.
“Feel better sweetheart. Don’t hesitate to come back. Want you looked after, yeah?” It sounded like a coo, like he was pleading for your condition to improve.
“Thank you for all your help.” You muster, feeling better already thanks to the fast working medication.
“See you around.” His hand brushed against your lower back as you walk past. “Have something to eat when you get home, won’t you?”
Your cheeks felt inflamed, not from sickness, but bashfulness. “I’ll do that.” You promised, making your exit out of that stale smelling room. Your stomach grumbled, as if it also wished to comply to this man’s sweet demands.
The only thought of that handsome man on your mind, was she imagining things.. surely not?
Either way, your immune system was no good, it was almost a guarantee you’d be back sooner or later.. you just hoped, nurse Joel Miller would be on the clock to assist you back to health.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Finding Light + Snippet (LU in Healthcare)
(@hermitdrabbles56 @squigglywindy @alasse-earfalas)
(AO3 link)
Legend yawned as he entered the emergency department, energy drink in hand. He felt incredibly sluggish and worn out, torn in different directions between multiple shifts. Not to mention yesterday's fiasco - one day off in between multiple stretches of work never felt like enough. It was barely the amount of time needed to just get his head above water most days, and it figured that his one night off was the one that Warriors decided to drunk text him.
He still didn't know what was wrong with his new friend. People made dumb decisions and got wasted all the time, and it wouldn't surprise him if Wars was one of those people, but in the car... it had definitely seemed like there was more to it.
Sighing, Legend took another swig of his energy drink, pinching his nose to fight the oncoming headache. He didn't have energy to parse this out. All he knew was that Warriors was gone before he'd gotten up the next day. The military nurse had folded the blanket and left a thank you note and hadn't said two words to him since, despite a text he'd sent this afternoon.
Passing by the waiting room, Legend saw that there was a large group of people waiting. Dread weighed heavily in his stomach. Great. More fun times cleaning up day shift's mess - a room full of people who had been waiting for hours meant everyone would be annoyed, and they'd have to start doing protocol orders just to get things moving since the doctors were lagging. He hoped he wouldn't get triage.
As he wandered into the staff room, he caught sight of Warriors, who was staring at his phone absentmindedly. Legend immediately made his way over to him.
"Hey," he said quietly.
Wars glanced up, his face neutral, and then he gave a small smile. "Hey. Thanks for last night, sorry to put you in that position."
"Yeah, about that--"
"Did you see the waiting room?" he continued, barreling over Legend's words. "Tonight's going to be busy to start."
Before Legend could continue, the charge nurse entered and started huddle. "Hey, everyone, happy Friday! We have 100 patients in the department, 34 in the waiting room. Staffing's pretty good tonight, we're only down one nurse and two techs. Here are the assignments."
Legend bit his tongue as Warriors was assigned the behavioral health unit, and he himself was assigned the 300 block. He'd hunt his friend down later.
It was quiet. But it was a different kind of quiet from home. Home was solitary, quiet with gentle nature but also isolation. Beautiful and lonely, peaceful and too still all at once. But here it was a warm quiet, like the comfortable silence one felt while resting with friends and family.
The stained glass spilled colors into the area, bathing him in blues and greens and reds as the sun continued to set. A few candles were lit in around little shrines and statues, and one notable one in the center over the altar.
Sky sighed, trying to breathe in the peace of this place.
He wasn't entirely sure what was wrong with him. Things were better than they used to be. He wasn't spending one day to the next wondering if he'd live or die. He wasn't separated from friends and family. Sure, he was more distant from those he'd bonded with over the last couple years, but... was that... was that what was wrong? That he'd trauma bonded with those people and now they were less prominent in his life?
He didn't know. He was just tired. He was always tired now.
He hated it.
Sun had suggested he go home, but he wasn't sure. She wasn't there anymore anyway, so what was left for him? Instead, he tried looking up somewhere familiar to go, somewhere safe. A cabin in the mountains was familiar, away from people was safe. He loved it there.
But it was so damn quiet. But he wanted quiet. He was exhausted dealing with people but he wanted to be around people. But everything was so new and different here. He'd chosen this city because it was the only place a pilot's position was available, and in such a familiar capacity too. He hadn't...
He hadn't expected to see them. Any of them. But they were so happy to see him, and he hadn't known what to make of that either. Why would they be happy? He'd abandoned them.
He couldn't lie to himself and say that it didn't mean the world to him, though. But he felt guilty about that too, because now they wanted to spend time with him and catch up with him, and he just sat there and soaked up the attention and barely asked anything in return.
He felt like lately he just took and took and took. He had nothing to give.
He had nothing to give.
Sky slid to his knees, leaning heavily on the pew in front of him. Give me light. Give me hope. I can't give to others if I don't have any for myself. Please...
Give me hope. Give me hope.
He didn't know how to fix this. He didn't even know if he could. All he knew was he felt his life draining out of him, like he was bleeding from an invisible wound.
This was so stupid. He had no right to feel this way.
You have every right to feel this way, a voice whispered, a quiet reminder in the hurricane of thoughts in his mind. Sky took a shuddering breath, holding it as his world froze a moment.
Then he huffed out a tired laugh, relenting as he stared at the lit candle. "Fine. You're right."
Didn't make it any easier to deal with, though.
Sky's phone buzzed, and he looked at it distractedly before gazing back at the altar, silently asking for permission. Then he sat on the pew once more, checking his text message.
SKY HI you wanna get ice cream?? just got out of class and it's SO FRIGGING MUGGY EW I NEED ICE CREAM LET'S GET SOME
Sky smiled, Wind's excitement being infectious even through a simple speech bubble. Then he looked back at the candle, watching it flicker gently, before his gaze drifted down to the golden little doorway hidden from view by a veil.
"Thanks," he said softly before getting up to meet with Wind.
The first thing Hyrule thought when he pulled up to the house was this is going to be a pain to extricate her if she can't walk.
They were dispatched for someone withdrawing from their medication. The woman was reportedly unable to walk. She was on the second floor of a two-story home that had a gravel driveway and uneven paved steps leading up to the front porch.
Just as he was grabbing the stair chair, however, Mo, who had entered first alongside the fire department, waved him off. "Fire's going to help her walk out here. We just need to get the stretcher ready."
Relieved, the medic put the stair chair away in the side compartment of the ambulance and helped his partner prep the stretcher as the firefighters approached with the patient. One of the firefighters was carrying a couple of the woman's supplies - a large pink trash bag filled with items and a purse. As Hyrule and Mo lifted the patient and stretcher into the ambulance, the firefighter deposited the items on the bench seat. Hyrule thanked his fellow first responders and then hopped in the back to assist Mo.
Thankfully, despite the woman's distress and uncomfortable symptoms, she wasn't in dire need. While a trip to the hospital was necessary for her, Hyrule didn't have to be the one to do it. The 12-lead was unremarkable and her vitals were within defined limits. Mo gave him a thumbs up, and Hyrule hopped out of the truck to drive while Mo ran the call. Hyrule merrily listened to the radio, keeping a careful listening ear out in case his partner needed anything, and drove them to the hospital.
Upon their arrival, Hyrule told dispatch they were at the ER, walked to the back of the truck and opened the doors and saw Mo putting the patient's enormous trash bag on her lap. Confused, he was about to ask why his partner didn't just place the bag behind the patient - they had a little cubby behind the back of the stretcher where they could place things, after all. It seemed rude to put that on her lap.
But then Mo placed the purse on the woman as well. And then another bag of belongings. And then a trash bag filled with toiletries. And then a clear bag filled with shampoos and conditioners. And then another bag filled with more clothes.
Hyrule stared as the patient progressively disappeared beneath enough personal items to fill a luggage rack in a hotel - heck, the patient had become the luggage rack in a hotel. Hyrule tried his absolute hardest to not laugh, but the patient was out of sight and he kept making eye contact with Mo, who was looking increasingly more exasperated.
He supposed the firefighters had brought a few more personal items than he'd realized.
As the pair wheeled in their pile of luggage (and somewhere in its midst was their patient), Hyrule was half tempted to tell the charge nurse they were checking in for the night.
It only got better when he realized they were giving report to Legend, whose eyebrows immediately rose to his hairline as they entered.
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shmothman · 1 year
Sef’s Fic Masterlist | AO3 | Writing Tag
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figured it was about time I made one of these! most links go to my AO3 page, but I’ve cross-posted some fics to tumblr over the years, and there are some drabbles I’ve posted to tumblr that I never posted to AO3. I'll try to keep this up to date! Thanks for reading!
Rating Guide: G (general audiences), T (teen and up), E (explicit, 18+ only)
Kaiju No. 8
something's gotta give (Soshiro/Reader) (E)
Stardew Valley
Let it Steep (Shane/Reader) (T)
A Date With Death
the very mortal concept of “self love” (Casper/Reader) (E)
Internet Safety (Casper/Reader) (T) (Drabble)
Defying Fate (Casper/Reader) (T)
Kekkai Sensen
Bacon & Eggs (Zapp/Reader) (T)
heart-tell (Ginko/Reader) (E)
Just a Little Rush (Ginko/Reader) (E)
One Punch Man
Connection (Genos/Reader) (E)
lovebug.exe (Genos/Reader) (E)
Happiness (Genos/Reader) (E)
Vash/Reader Fics
Talk to Me (E)
Throwing Caution (G)
Triage (E)
Reputation (E)
Monsoon (E)
Vulnerology (T)
Bloom (E)
Wanna Be Yours (E)
Arms Tonight (G)
Dirty Little Secret (E)
Seven Minutes (E)
Nectar (E)
Throw Me a Bone (E)
you know, that one song by Jeremih? (birthday sex) (E)
Intense (E)
Stuck like Glue (E)
It’s the Thought that Counts (Part 2) (E)
Your Atlas (E)
Public Displays (G)
One Too Many (E)
Stampede (E)
Vash/Reader Drabbles
love, if your wings are broken (G)
morning, mayfly (G)
love, you're not alone (G)
hands (put your empty hands in mine) (G)
tits or ass (E)
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts:
"You don't have to be alone anymore"
"You have 5 seconds to tell me not to hug you"
"Tell me what I'm doing wrong! What's wrong with me?!"
"I love you. I'm sorry."
“I’m here. I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”
Confessional (Wolfwood & Reader) (E)
To Have and to Hold (T)
Vash with his hair down (G)
Desperation (E)
Alloy (G)
Blossoming romance prompts:
Hugs that linger (G)
Clumsy attempts at flirting (G)
Not reader insert
Uncanny Vash (G)
Counting One, Two, Three (Hassel/Reader/Brassius) (E)
Solamente (Clavell/Reader) (E)
The Wig Stays On During Sex (Clavell/Reader) (E)
Lentamente (Clavell/Reader) (E)
Quiero Ser Tuyo (Clavell/Reader) (E)
Legends: Arceus
Judgement | Forgiveness (Volo/Reader) (G)
Judgement | Forgiveness Related Drabbles (Volo/Reader) (G)
Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Volo/Reader) (E)
Denial's Not Just A River In Utah (Volo/Reader) (E)
Culture Shock (Laventon/Reader) (G)
Fireside (Laventon/Reader) (G)
Kiss Me Through the Phone (Leon/Reader) (E)
Hot Blooded (Peony/Reader) (E)
Bug Buzz (Guzma/Reader) (E)
The Stanley Parable
And Stanley Was Happy (Stannarrator) (G)
Just Like A Prayer (Stannarrator) (E)
The Sandman
Dream/Reader Fics
Enter, Sandman (E)
Another Taste of Heavenly Rush (E)
Dream/Reader Drabbles
Hurt/Comfort (G)
Who Dreams, What Dreams (T)
Nix Hydra (now Fictif? still don't understand all that)
The Arcana
The Warmth We Share (Asra/Reader) (G)
A Memory of Grief (Asra/Reader) (G)
Seeing Red (Lucio/Reader) (T)
Monster Manor
Soothes the Savage Beast (Casimir/Reader) (G)
After So Long (Casimir/Reader) (E)
The Adventure Zone: Amnesty
The Man, The Moth, The Lover (Indrid Cold/Reader) (E)
Can't See Me Lovin' Nobody But You (Indrid Cold/Reader) (G)
Pheromonal (Indrid Cold/Reader) (E)
Hindsight is 20/20 (but foresight is almost as good) (Indrid Cold/Reader) (abandoned) (G)
Boku no Hero Academia
Smile, Sunshine (Yagi Toshinori/Reader) (G)
Doki Doki, Todoroki (series) (Tododeku) (G)
But the Fire is so Delightful (doki doki Todoroki, part 1)
Much Ado About Shouto (doki doki Todoroki, part 2)
Feels Like Floating (doki doki Todoroki, part 3, tsuchako)
Cherry Blossom Season (doki doki Todoroki, part 4)
Cicadas and Sunshine (doki doki Todoroki, part 5)
Happy Valentine's Day, Todoroki! (Tododeku) (G)
The Magnus Archives
Employee Benefits (and I'm not just talking about healthcare) (Elias Bouchard/Reader) (E)
Mob Psycho 100
Oh, Your Love is Sunlight (Reigen Arataka/Reader) (G)
It's a Process (getting two silly boys to realize they're in love, that is) (series) (Klance) (G)
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pseudowho · 2 months
Hello there, how are you ? I got really curious when you said you had the choice between working in healthcare and another career and thought I'd ask you about it to glean more Haitch lore if you don't mind :3 Hope you had a great weekend ! (and thanks for being so nice and all I still marvel whenever I see your name in my notifs EVEN after you told me to stop the groupie behaviour sorry)
Hi! I'm all good thank you, I've had a lovely Sunday 😌🍻
So I'm a Midwife (UK based-- almost nowhere else in the world has midwives who practice like those in the UK do, for context), but I did my pre-Med exams too, and was offered a place to study Medicine in London.
However, doctors in the UK have very limited prolonged patient contact in the UK, and I felt like I'd be doing very little, in the grand scheme of things, to actually help anyone.
So, I care for pregnant women, deliver their babies, and look after them postnatally instead! I just chose one form of medical care over another really. But I'm now specialised as a midwife in all sorts of things, like Research and Development, care of the critically ill woman, labour ward coordinating and acting as the Head of Maternity Triage/Emergency services. So, I've done a lot before turning 30 💀
I've also been sat on a University offer to study Law for the past 2.5 years, but it just hasn't been the right time to start it. I need to do it soon, because I've deferred the offer for a few years now.
(and don't sweat it, really, I'm just a normal person too and I just love talking to people and I'm really not someone to fangirl over--)
-- Haitch xxx
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