#healing nyc
xolunarwitchxo · 3 months
I forgot what it’s like being single, but this time it’s healing from a narcissist. 😞🕯️🥺🪬
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angelicasdigitaldiary · 2 months
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Central Park today. Always mesmerized by the evening light and suddenly, my life didn’t feel so terrible anymore.
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scopophilic1997 · 11 months
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_790 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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super1girl · 1 year
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kny111 · 1 year
Mayor Eric Adams’ administration is promoting reparations in a bid to curb health and wealth disparities of black New Yorkers — but the effort is being met with accusations that it’s “sowing racial divisiveness,” The Post has learned.
The proposal for federal reparations is spelled out in a bombshell report from the city’s Department of Health and the Federal Reserve Bank entitled “Analyzing the Racial Wealth Gap and Implications for Health Equity.”
“The goal of a [federal] reparations program would be to seek acknowledgment, redress, and closure for America’s complicity in federal, state, and local policies … that have deprived black Americans of equitable access to wealth and wealth-building opportunities,” the report said.
The city’s Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan and his team offered three key recommendations including: a fresh approach to public health policy, how to improve data collections on wealth and health outcomes and getting the community more involved with health care decisions.
But moderate and conservative politicians opposed to reparations accused Adams’ health minions of turning into ideologues and social justice activists instead of doing their jobs.
“Add reparations and sowing racial divisiveness to the list of greatest policy hits by Commissioner Vasan’s and his health department, right alongside the crack pipe vending machine, heroin ‘empowerment’ signs on subways, firing unvaccinated city workers, supporting government drug dens; and banning unvaccinated kids from sports,” fumed Council Republican Minority Leader Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island).
The New York legislature approved a commission to address economic, political and educational disparities by black people in June and follows the lead of California, which became the first state to form a reparations task force in 2020.
New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, the first black person to hold the position, called the legislation “historic.”
Adams has previously expressed support for the commission which is awaiting Hochul’s signature.
“We have consistently brought together experts to discuss a variety of ideas to promote equity in our city and we will continue to do so,” said the Health Department’s spokesman.
“We have an obligation to help New Yorkers lead longer, healthier lives.”
As with most progress in this system, we have to first inspect its ongoing involvement in pro enslavement systems. Not only did the historical ties to the Trans-Atlantic-slave trade leave on going structural residual connections that linger in our society today, it continues to exist in the 13th amendment's clause: slavery illegal unless a crime was found on you. That "unless" aspect made it essentially persist as is under the guise of hyper-criminalization at a system level. This has had adverse, negative effect on everyone including the environment. These are facts that can be proven. Not just social justice counter points. Besides, we are literally (regardless of what we say about it) immersed in politics and social justice through our lived social experiences. Claiming "the social justice advocates are the issue for pointing out what exists" is not helpful and adds to the lack of communal education required to understand these things. We need problack proindigenx reperations and restituion.
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033h · 28 days
Need 2 be loved in a way that will move me
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eyeofthelama · 7 months
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god. can't run from the purpose. 💎
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annabeiie420 · 1 year
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brooklynmuseum · 2 years
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Larry W. Cook was born in Silver Spring, Maryland and currently resides in Washington, D.C.
In Movement in Every Direction: Legacies of the Great Migration, he documents his reconnection (and reunion) with his father and his extended paternal family in Georgia and South Carolina. Cook’s series, “Let My Testimony Sit Next to Yours,” includes landscape photography, letters, and archival family photographs that transform a painful pattern of absence—that of his own father and extending back five generations to his third great-grandfather—into a powerful meditation on estrangement, and a means of achieving reconciliation and healing. 
📷 Larry W. Cook (born Silver Spring, Maryland, 1986; based in Washington, D.C.). Savannah, from the series Let My Testimony Sit Next to Yours (detail), 2022. Inkjet print on Hahnemühle Baryta fine art paper. 40 × 50 in. (101.6 × 127 cm). Courtesy of the artist → Nakeya Brown
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||A phoenix's healing flame||
HI dears, hope your doing well today, I got a new drabble for you but it was something since I wanted to write something a bit wholesome. So, lets see what this drabble brings hmm?
||Drabble Summary||
Both Ethan and Willow have gotten stronger over the last few weeks showing their bond has proven that. Their teams know but that changed when Ethan got wounded heavily by another demon but Willow was worried. So she decided to let the group stay in their home till he heals. What will happen read to find out.
No warning just a wholesome moment but their will be injuries involved
||Guests in drabble||
Ethan and his fraction belongs to my beloved friend @demon-blood-youths
Willow and her fraction belongs to me.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Willow didn't believe this but it did make her worry from the results. She and her fraction, the Elemental Phoenix feathers were doing a daily mission when getting a distress call from the Seekers. Right away, her team goes to investigate to find out some rough demons teamed up with some drug dealers trying to sell something out of Pennsylvania. Of course, they went to help and did stop the group however, they got wounded in the process. Ethan was hit with something that leaves some bruises on his skin but Willow was with him right now to take care but check them out.
Which explains his team staying over her base/home for a few days to recover. Right now, Willow was checking up on him today while he sits up looking down as she was checking them.
"So...are they healing or going away?" she heard Ethan say but she looks up to check the bruises.
"From what I see, they are but they seem to be pretty dark. You said you felt pain when trying to heal them yourself but it could be you have some slight burns on you." she lowers her hand but Willow then moves to be in front of him while looking at him. True, he and his team was over here last night but she saw he was bandaged up in some way.
"Agana told me you were knocked out by the time she and the others came to help you or when we showed up. But try not to move so much okay? You won't be able to heal if you do." she knew Ethan was always strong but she did worry while he looks down to sigh but he shook his head.
"I don't know if I can. I need to find the ones that tried to ship off the drugs. They could be still out there." he tries to get out of bed but Willow stops him.
"You are not leaving anytime soon. You need to rest up and recover." she said.
"But I-"
"I know but trust me. If you head out then it might get worse. I even tried to see if your demon blood would kick in to heal you but it's slow. Seems you were also hit with the drugs they were trying to sell so it must have slowed your healing factor for a while." she saw him look silent but annoyed to remain calm. Damn it. They did do something to him and thanks to it, he's like this. Feeling Willow sit him down he looks up to her before she looks worried.
"Sorry for troubling you Willow, I don't tend to end up like this at times." he lays down but Willow didn't mind.
"It's fine. Now, you stay here and rest. I got some tea and some food if you are hungry but try to rest. We are also watching over your team as well so I'll be back later to check on you." With a gentle smile, she turns to leave the guest room as Ethan watches her leave. He did see the fresh made food by his bed side along with some healing herb tea. Even now, he hopes to owe her and her team for this.
~~~~~~~~A few days later~~~~~~~~~
Willow and her team did keep to what they said by tending to Ethan and his group. They made sure they were recovering but it turns out they were fine. Some did get hurt but they were not bad. So it was good but they were worried about their leader.
"Hey guys? I really think Ethan should thank Willow properly since Willow's team was this nice to help us. Even Ethan to." Everyone heard Zloth say this as they were sitting together thinking about it.
"Hmm? You think so? How do you suggest that?" Ashley asked but saw the others thinking.
"I don't know. She's always been taking care and watching over him to insure he's fine so I figure maybe he can owe her for this. Think about it; most of the demons in her section goes to her for healing and things from her little garden I saw she has. She can make home made remedies and stuff! That and she's always so nice" he said.
"True true..." everyone mutters.
"I mean, Willow is doing this because she wishes to help us and well..she's pretty good when healing."
"Her food is really good too. It's like a home cooked meal and made with love and care." Light mutters as the team agrees.
"Though, didn't you say that he also had a crush on her?" Ashley asked Zloth who sighed crossing his arms.
"I know he does he won't admit it! I mean, I know due to him always having a mature attitude but still..even deep down he cares about her. Just like her team. I mean look.." He sees the others helping Willow with things but Ethan's team was to rest nothing else. That and they were guests. While Ethan's team thinks, Jeremy (the water serpent) was checking on them.
"Hey guys, you still doing alright? Willow asked me to check on you to ensure your good." he said seeing them look up.
"No no, were good. Thanks for asking Jeremy." Ashley smiled as he smiled back.
"Great. Just letting you know, we need to check your bandages again to ensure your injuries are still healing for some of you but the others are still good?" he saw them nod.
"Jeremy!" he blinks hearing the other member rush over smiling. Maki riverbird was there as he smiled.
"Willow said can you help her with something?" he said.
"Alright, I'll be right there. I'll be back guys just call if you need something." he said turning to follow Maki to leave the Tribal seekers again. Yeah, they really hope Ethan has a way to thank her for this.
Ethan was sitting up again but he had his bandages off this time with Willow checking them. She saw that his healing factor was still slow but she had a idea. She looks to them but having one hand touch his back seeing him wince.
"..Still hurts?"
"..A bit.." he said but Willow looks while already applying some healing ointment on his arms but his back was worse. "Well, I think I might have a idea to help." she said to him turning to look at her.
"And how are you going to do that?" he asked.
"Well, I can use my flame." He blinks looking confused.
"Wait, your flames?" he asked.
"Yes. Even if my flames tend to burn and all..it can also do something else; heal. After checking the injuries, it seems I have to go in deeper to heal you or help. So, I'll use my healing ability to help you. Though, it's going to take a few more days before your back to your full strength again. I hope you don't mind that." she saw Ethan look quiet but knew that was going to be another few days.
True, he and his team has been gone from his section but Willow's offered to watch over his section till he recovers and her own too. She really wanted to help him that it made him sigh.
"If you really think that's the way...then alright. So what do I do?" he asked.
"I only ask you to relax, it won't burn you or anything, but it will feel like a warm soothing feeling in your back and body. So please turn away and I'll start right away." Ethan said nothing to nod but turns around facing his back to her. Willow carefully moves his hair from his back since it was out but the green strap that held it was burned from that night.
Focusing her self, Willow held her hands out as some azure like wisps show up showing them form into a med sized ball. The flame was warm in the palm of her hands but she looks to hold it. "Alright; please stay still..this won't hurt." she said slowly moving the azure orb but he kept still as she asked.
He did wait for something to burn his skin but it didn't. Ethan felt a something warm touch his skin on his bruises and..it didn't hurt as much. Slowly, the orb sinks into his back as it leaves her hands pressed onto his back. A warmth begins radiating through Ethan's body as her orb was targeting the areas where the bruises were.
It almost felt like he was wrapped up in a warm blanket that he looks down when she did this. It was nice even if he closed his eyes. So warm; and so gentle too.
"Are you still alright Ethan? Are you in any pain?" he heard her ask but he opens his eyes.
"N..No. Whatever your doing is helping, the pain is going away but I feel warm from what you are doing to help me." hearing this made Willow happy knowing it was working.
In a few moments, she removes her hands from his back and looks at him. "Then I can keep this treatment up to help you. That way you should be back on your feet in no time. Now, try to still rest up okay? I'll get you some more herbal tea to help you." she turns to do that after helping him lay back. Though, he did notice she looked a bit tired.
Maybe that ability took a bit out of her? As she got to the door though...
"Hey Willow?" she stops to hear him speak.
"........" He looks to the side but his hair hid his face. "Thank you...really thank you and your team for helping us."
She blinks to hear this that it leaves her to smile. Her eyes closed but he looks seeing that. "Your welcome. I always loved helping others so I'm happy to do this and for my friends....." with that she turns to hurry off to get his tea.
From that day, Willow has used this same healing ability to help Ethan and it's been helping. The bruises on his back and skin was disappearing and he didn't feel as much pain now. Even his demon healing factor started to take effect again, speeding up with her doing this treatment.
On the fifth week, the bruises and pain was fully gone! His team was good as well while they were ready to head out. However, Agana double checked to ensure they were good but they were.
"Seems we all have healed up well, Ethan. We should be able to head out," Agana said this after checking. She couldn't heal due to being hurt too but she's alright now thanks to them.
"Good." He then looks to Willow and her team who was happy to hear this.
"Well, you all are cleared of injuries and other things. So you should be good to go. But, please be sure you stay safe alright?" she smiled as the team smiled back.
"We will. Thanks so much for helping us guys! We owe ya one!" Zloth laughed rubbing the back of his head with the others agreeing.
"It's no biggie. We don't mind helping our friends out!" Enya smiled with a grin and eyes closed.
"True. We all help who we can outside our turf or inside. So that includes you guys too." Mitena smiled and yet this made her happy too.
"Even so, we thank you all so much!" the Tribe Seekers said bowing their heads but the Elemental Phoenix feathers blinks to smile. Even Willow was happy as they were getting ready to head off but Willow remembers.
"Oh! Just a moment!" she said but goes to Ethan to see him turn to face her. "Here; take this." she held her hands out but he looks seeing some strap while he blinks to look at her.
"I remember the strap that held your braid at the bottom was burned so I made this. It should hold it even though I sewed it. I hope you don't mind." she said seeing him hear this but looks to it. She did make it and he saw the serpent design with some wind as well. She really made this for him?
".....I.....ahem, thank you Willow. You didn't have to-"
"I wanted to. You're my closest friend and ally so I just want to be sure your alright. I was scared when seeing you and your friends hurt but I'm happy to see your good. Please take it....." she smiled but he looks to her then at the strap taking it.
"Thank you Willow." he said about to take it but she looks to him.
"If you like, I can fix your hair as it was.." she said that he blinks then saw his team shocked. With a nod, he lets her. It didn't take too long as she carefully rebraided his hair then ties on the strap she made him to keep it there. In a moment, his hair was fixed up again.
"And there....I hope you like it." she smiled and Ethan looks to see the strap holding his braid as he team smiled finding it cute.
"I will. Again, thank you.." he said before turning to his team. "Come on guys, were heading back." he said as the group heads back home with Willow and her team waving bye to them. While walking, Zloth saw Ethan look quiet but he noticed a light dust of pink on his cheeks. Wait he was blushing!?
"Aha! I knew it! You do have a-"
"Shhhh!" he looks to him but keeps walking seeing his team following and Zloth trying to make him admit it. Willow and her team smiled seeing them leave but she was happy they were alright again.
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lunarcies · 1 year
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Attended the tale of Sweeney Todd 😌
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candlesandwhisky · 2 years
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Follow @ThePocss_ on instagram
“The People Of Color Safe Space” Is a page I created dedicated to disarm the negative stigmas surrounding mental health illnesses, in our community. As someone who has an Anxiety disorder, I wanted to share this technique that has helped me in many of my panic and anxiety attacks. I hope this helps & remember to take it one second at a time 💕
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disengaged · 8 months
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i keep getting tattoos in spots that are like. impossible to take good photos of
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jon-decor · 10 months
Self-belief is worth more today than ever before. 🙏
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aboutnavi · 8 months
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next chapter’s note is absolutely making me giggle like a teenage girl🎀
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eyeofthelama · 6 months
new interview with @chlorophyll--a on "Evrgreenestudios" 🌲🍀 OUT NOW !
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