#he's the character ever
martianbugsbunny · 7 months
Ahhhh thought I’d return the favour following your ask for me: gonna mirror it this time, what’s your LEAST favourite element of rumple’s arc in the show?
OMG this is wily of you!!! So excited to answer this lol
I think my least favorite thing about his arc is when he reverts to being villainous in the later seasons. I think it works pretty well for his character to revert, don't get me wrong, because the ongoing struggle becomes this sort of epic narrative as it continues across all 6 or 7 seasons depending on where you stop watching, and it makes him more human and it adds a layer of difficulty for him in actually accepting a happy ending that other ex-villains don't get. I just don't think it's handled well. As the show goes on it feels more like he's just in love with the power, and that doesn't really align with the best-written parts of his story. I adore Rumple when he's reluctant about power, when he begins to crave it once he has it because he didn't have any for so long, when he uses it for dark things, in the early seasons, because it always feels like it's born out of his immense love for others. He takes the dagger for Bae, to save Bae, but that ends up being how he loses Bae, too, so what does he do? He uses his magic, he collects more power, over centuries, because he refuses to believe he's been parted from son forever and he will do anything to get back to him and apologize and try to fix their relationship. He pushes away the other most important person in his life, Belle, because he thinks she might take his magic away from him, and he needs it to find Bae. All the wheeling and dealing over the years is for one reason: causing the Dark Curse to be cast so he can find Bae.
Stuff like that, where Rumple is doing the wrong thing for the sake of the love he has for someone else, but where he maybe enjoys the feeling of power because he was about as powerless as it gets, is really good. But that doesn't feel like it's how he was treated in the later seasons, where it's kind of just, oh he likes the power, he likes the darkness, he's chosen it over everybody he loves time and time again and they either have to live with that or leave him. That's not nuanced enough for him, and it starts to feel really annoying after a while, because he's such a brilliant character and he shouldn't be making the same poor, badly explained decision over and over again if it's not going to contribute something to the good core in him. Every time he chooses the wrong thing, but it adds to his innate goodness a little bit and gives a glimmer of hope that he'll redeem himself eventually, I love. Every time he chooses the wrong thing, and it feels like he's being a jerk to the people he loves for no reason, I loathe.
I also don't really like the element of his story where he keeps lying to Belle about his powers. He's an intelligent, cunning man. He had to be, to get the Dark Curse to align, even with his foresight (which is not a perfect power). He shouldn't be dumb enough to think okay, this time I'll totally get away with it, this time she won't figure out I'm lying. He's met his match in Belle, he knows it, he knows how intelligent and clever she is, and even if he has a touch of hubris after all the years of success in constructing his ultimate plan, it doesn't make sense for him to underestimate Belle consistently like that, and it makes him look less clever than he is.
gonna pull my own uno reverse card here: @wastingstarsss what's your least favorite element of Rumple's arc?
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belovedhomo · 9 months
thinking about how musical marius and book marius are basically two completely different characters; for who is marius when we remove him from his context of being kicked out/running away, being an orphan, living in poverty?
from what the musical tells us, marius is a rich boy very politically involved with Les Amis, the first time we see him he's talking about the injustices towards the People next to enjolras. he's also friends with éponine, which in the book he isn't and could never be.
like, in the book the main thing with marius is how strong his convictions are; he prefers to live in complete poverty before accepting his family's money, he defends his bonapartist views even when that leads to shaming. in the musical? we see a bit of it, with the way he stands up to enjolras telling him his lonely soul doesn't matter.
something they (book and movie) both share is marius suicidal tendencies, he joins the barricade when he realizes he has nothing to really live for now that cosette is leaving.
i get why the cuts were made, but musical marius feels incomplete without his full context.
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platykool · 9 months
Hi Clus! :> frost and harvest for the autumnal ask game?
Hello Sea !! How are you doing ? Thanks for the ask ! <3
Frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would it be ?
Probably the same advice that I'm trying to apply right now ; to be kinder to myself, care less about how others perceive me, and to remember that cringe culture is dead so I should keep on enjoying stuff (honestly I don't really know what else to say to younger me, I guess I'm still figuring things out)
Harvest - what fictionnal character do you most identify with ? Why ?
aaaaah that's a tough question dbzjfacdvcz I think I've never really thought about it too much in fact, of course there are characters who speak to me much more than others and to whom I feel closer, but from there to identify with them? I'm a bit stuck, but I'd probably say Sigma (what a surprise lol), probably because of the character's perfectionist and anxious side (and when I say perfectionist, I'm talking mainly about the kind of perfectionism that prevents you from doing anything for fear of it being a failure, and where you get into a terrible state in order to do a simple thing) (dramatic much ?) (that's how I percieve Sigma at least duzefgz from that scene where we see him trying so hard to remember ALL of the casino's clients). I also find his goal so touching in a story as tough as bsd, the fact that he wants to find his place in this world, to have a house and feel at home, so I can identify with him in a way ! I've always wanted a place to feel at home, and I'm trying to make the place where my Home, and to surround myself with nice and fun people with whom I can feel at home too, so I guess that we have that in common. And at the same time, I think he's a character many people can identify with, because (and this is just my opinion) isn't it everyone's goal to find their own place in the world ? I saw such a good post talking about Sigma's character, and it was so on point and expressing really well the human side of him, I need to find it again and reblog it !! So maybe he's a character we can identify with, in which case my answer isn't very original, but there you go haha.
Oh, and the fact that we both have weird haircuts
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felixitous · 2 years
Flint giving his crazy speech in ep1 with blood all over him after pulling off a crazy stunt via charisma and fortitude makes me INSANE
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taahko · 3 months
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chilchuck voice alcohol never killed anyone except my dad and that has nothing to do with me. i have no plans to change my lifestyle whatsoever
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visenyaism · 20 days
Louis: so i got into the confessional booth and i said to the priest I LAID DOWN WITH A MAN!! I LAID DOWN WITH THE DEVIL!! AND HE HAS ROOTS IN ME, ALL HIS SPINDLY ROOTS IN ME! AND I CANT THINK NOTHING ANYMORE BUT HIS VOICE AND HIS WORDS! PLEASE! HELP ME! I AM WEAK! I WANNA DIE! but Lestat, he knew where I was and he found me, Mr. Molloy. He found me and punched clean through that priest’s-
Armand on that damn ipad:
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bigolialragu · 3 months
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i like thinking that laios would go crazy on birdwatching after the [SPOILERS] curse
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canisalbus · 27 days
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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Matpat will always be welcomed into the FNAF universe
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flodaya · 7 months
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#katniss is a victim of the sassy men apocalypse
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ineed-to-sleep · 8 months
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Collection of bg3 sketches I've been nibbling at over the month. teehee
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bumbleboa · 4 months
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I saw one scruffy older Cora-san design and had to draw my take on it immediately, with a bonus Law to fill space.
You can say a lot of things about One Piece Odyssey, but it did give us a Law & Cora tag-team fight in which Law shambled to the location of Cora's bullets and that is just objectively cool.
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junodoom · 3 months
birthday comic for wen ning 🏹
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it’s still april 11th in my time zone. this counts
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braxiatel · 2 months
You mean to tell me that Grian actually named his bow “his charm and good looks” canonically with his whole entire grick? You mean to tell me he ACTUALLY killed Scar and it showed up in chat as “Goodtimewithscar was killed by Grian using his charm and good looks” ??? Right in front of every other hermit on this good christian minecraft server??????? What in the homosexuality is going on I thought that was a fan edit,,,,,,
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soaked-doors · 27 days
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the pinoy piece is real. you reckon he listens to eraserheads in the OR
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kureijei · 2 months
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came to terms with the fact that i probably wont put anymore effort than i already did into these harveys (im busy...)- but i still like them and i had a ton of motivation to draw him from the update lol.. i am at fall year 2 on a save i started the day the update came out.
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