#he's one of my “high-risk to leave” colleagues
onyxsboxes · 1 month
I just received a message from one of my colleagues on one of our work groupchat saying that he is leaving his apartment at the end of September 😱. And now I'm wondering if this is a way of telling that he's leaving and if it's the official start of the wave of resignations in the company 🥺😭
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
A red thread tying you to me (Charles Leclerc)
There was something pulling you to him and Charles was ready to act on it
Note: english is not my first language. I loved the blurb and now we have a big piece too!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: mentions the death of reader's father's and Charles' father's deaths
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"The congress is just outside of Milan, the exact city and details are in there", your colleague Lucia offered as she flickered though the pages, "I've been a couple of times before and it's really enriching, I just know you'll love the students and the department head - she was my supervisor for a couple of years".
"It sounds great", you looked at the panel information and then the travel details, "it's such a shame you can't come with me though, but I also wouldn't want to risk your little dude showing up and have me as your midwife", you chuckled as Lucia rubbed her baby bump.
"You're capable of many things, Y/N, but I would prefer if the fate of my baby and my underparts was in the hands of a professional!", she bumped your shoulder, "and the area is really nice too, I'm sure you'll find something to keep you busy during the weekend".
"I have plans, actually, I'll be fine I think", you smiled.
Like Lucia predicted, you had a great time in the conference and the guest lecture you gave was applauded and discussed for nearly an hour after you showed the last slide of the presentation, topics going back and forth until everyone had to absolutely leave the room before the next lecture began. For now, you'd get to enjoy the region, drinking some wine and taking in the views you recognised.
The park where your father used to take you didn't look too different. The slides didn't look rusty anymore, and the swing was a bright red colour as you sat on it once you didn't see any other kid around who might want to use them and let yourself feel the breeze on your face and hair as you kicked your legs in and out. Your father used to make you feel like you could touch the sky with how high he helped you go, "you're going to touch the clouds, mia piccola stella", he would say and you would laugh loudly.
You missed him every single day, but over the years, your grief allowed you remember all of the happy moments you lived with him, cherishing them close to your heart. Spending the whole weekend in Monza and attending the race was something you hadn't done without him since he passed away. The circuit was your father's favourite - "it's the fans, Y/N, there's a thrill in the air that no other circuit has - Tifosi cover the streets, they're all you can see around town and it's magical almost" he would say to you, so when you noticed the conference was in the area and coincided with the Grand Prix weekend, both you and your mother agreed you should take the opportunity.
On your way back to the hotel, you stopped by the track, wondering what the preparations for a race weekend looked like after so many years. You still followed the sport, but you never got the chance to catch this on television.
"Oh my, oh my", you heard someone say beside where you were standing, "I can't believe my eyes, it's Y/N Y/L/N".
Turning around you spotted Salvatore, one of the mechanics your father worked with. He also had kids around your age and you would often play together whenever you were both in the garage for the weekend.
"Salvatore!", you cheered, giving him a big smile after kissing each of his cheeks, "you better believe your eyes then".
"It's been so long since I've seen you last", he recalled, rubbing your back softly. You and your mother had gone to Maranello for a tribute ceremony the team had for your father - that had been the last time he saw you.
"It has been, yes - I'm sorry", you apoligised. You told the team you'd be around and so much had happened since and you only watched it through a screen instead of living it in the flesh.
"It's okay, it was the time you needed - What brought you to Monza this weekend?", he wondered as he walked inside the paddock with you, scanning his card and getting you both in.
"A work trip actually - I finished a conference yesterday and I also gave a lecture at the university", you nodded, "and my father always loved Monza", you smiled at the memory, "he knew how cliché that sounded, but he always said there wasn't a better weekend on the calendar. And I've missed the rush, too", you offered, letting the tears flow freely and accepting them even though you were in the middle of the paddock, loud noises coming from every angle as the teams prepared the finishing touches for the upcoming race.
"He's very proud of you, I'm sure", Salvatore comforted, "and everyone will be happy to see you here - the little girl with the high pigtails is a grown woman now who attends conferences and gives lectures, who would've known?", he joked as you stepped inside the garage.
"Is this little troublemaker Y/N Y/L/N?", one of the oldest mechanics said after he applied a sticker to the halo.
When your father took you to the races, everyone knew they had fun guaranteed with you, always pulling pranks and laughing loudly, "my troublemaker days are over, I'm a responsible woman now", you chuckled, giving a quick wave to everyone before greeting everyone individually.
"Do you have tickets for this weekend?", Fred asked. Even though he had just met you, it was clear to him how much you mattered to everyone who worked with your father, "we can get you a pass, I'm sure".
"I have grandstand tickets", you stated.
"Silvia!", the team principal called the woman, making her approach him and rub your arm kindly, "do we have any guest passes left?".
"Let me check", Silvia mumbled, "we have one left, actually! Charles didn't even notice he asked us to save a ticket for his mother twice - I'll get it for you, it's in the meeting room upstairs", she smiled.
"Charles will also be very happy to see you around, did you tell him you were coming?", Salvatore mentioned.
"I haven't actually - I've been really busy", you mumbled.
You met the monégasque driver when he was Scuderia Ferrari's development driver and Prema Racing driver in Formula Two, accidentally running into him in the dining area of the hospitality and ending up spending most of his free time there throughout the whole weekend.
Quickly, it became a tradition to do so whenever he was over and whenever he was done with his Formula Two duties and you happened to be at the same track.
When you stopped attending races because the memories were too painful, you lost contact, opting to react to eachother's Instagram stories every now and again and sending quick messages through the social media app.
"The boys arrive today, but they're only coming to the track tomorrow", Fred added, "you'll have plenty of time to catch up".
Charles had finally arrived to the hotel after all the flights and drives, thankful that there weren't many fans around already and he could get inside without a hitch, checking in and getting his room keys.
"Hold it, per favore!", he said to the person on the lift, dreaming of the changing from his travel outfit and the bed waiting for him. When his hand helped him inside the metal door, he couldn't believe his eyes, "Y/N?".
He could remember the last time he saw you. He had just started his first season as a Formula One driver for Alfa Romeo and you had come back to the paddock for the first race of the season like you promised you would. He sat with you whenever he had a little break, you caught up with him and his early days as a driver with a seat rather than just watching from the sidelines.
"Charles, hi!", you gasped, hugging him and feeling him squeeze your body against his.
"I- what are you doing here? Are you here for the race?", he wondered. This couldn't be a mere coincidence. He hoped it wasn't.
"I had a work trip here that coincided with this weekend, and I thought of it as a sign", you explained, "you're staying in this hotel too?".
"Yes, the team are at the one where we usually stay for the weekend, but until Thursday, I'm staying here, yes", he smiled, "Goodness, I feel like it's both been forever and like it was yesterday", he chuckled, "do you want to get a drink? I have a nice selection in my room whenever I stay", he offered.
"I'd love to, Charles", you said, hoping that the tingly feeling on your tummy mirrored Charles' own excitement at this unexpected but valued encounter, "are you sure though? You just arrived".
"No, don't worry about that! My room is... 705", he checked on the card he was handed, "so you can join me now or maybe you want to set those things down first and meet me there?", he pointed to the bag you were carrying.
"Yes, this is quite heavy actually", you blushed, "my room is on this floor, so I'll meet in your room in fifteen? I need to freshen up because I've been walking around town all day".
Leaving the elevator on your floor, Charles waved at your before the doors closed andyou headed to your door. Stepping inside, you left the totebag with the books you bought in the chair before heading to the bathroom, brushing out any tangles in your hair and splashing your face with water to freshen up.
After getting yourself ready to go, you went up to Charles' floor, knocking on the door and waiting for him.
"Come in, come in!", Charles offered after he opened the door, "I've unpacked but kept it very organised still", he chuckled as you walked inside the room. It looked the same as yours did, only a different colour pallette for the decoration.
"How have you been?", you wondered once you sat down and shared some sparkling water, neither of you really feeling like drinking anything alcoholic.
"You surely know more about me than I know about you", Charles smiled, "but it's been good, this season has been great so far, I feel like we're in a really good path and things are working well", he took a sip from his cup, "the team have done such an incredible job".
"And the driver on the car doesn't have anything to do with that?", you squinted at his ever so modest take on things.
"I suppose I do", he blushed.
"I may have not been here, but I've watched every race - minus some of the ones at daft o'clock, I only watched those when my sleep was all messed up", you joked, "you're an essential part of this team, Charles, everyone can see that so you should give yourself more credit", you touched his arm.
Even though it had been years since you last saw eachother, you hit it off immediately and it seemed like no time had passed.
"And you? What is this work trip that brought you here?", Charles nodded.
"You're not the only one who gets to travel for work, alright?", you tsked, "I had to do a presentation on a conference and then the department invited me for a lecture, nothing big".
"Who's being ever so modest now, hm? That is fantastic, mon ange!", he congratulated before he noticed the words coming out of his mouth.
"When I noticed it fell around this weekend, I told my mum and she said that I should try and dip my foot here - I've been wanting to come to race sooner but...", you trailed off.
"I get it - it's hard going to the places that remind you of them", Charles took his hand in yours and squeezed it, "he was so cherished by the team, I'm sure everyone will be very happy to see you".
"Actually, I walked to the track today so I could see it up close before the race - I hoped it wouldn't be such a big shock once I got there on Friday -, and I bumped into Salvatore", you smiled, "he let me go into the garage and I saw everyone, it was really nice", you looked up so the tears on your eyes wouldn't fall.
"I can get you a pass, let me just text Silvia!", Charles said as he got his phone from his pocket with his free hand.
"She already did", you chirped, "apparently you booked two for your mother, so they had a spare one".
"You see, a couple of years ago, my mum was too late to tell me she was coming to the race and I was out of the guest passes, so I always have one on hold for her and I sent the list with her name on it as well", he admitted, "but it seems to have turned out just fine - meant to be even".
You ended up requesting room service for the two of you for dinner, neither feeling like going out of the room after feeling so comfortable there. Conversation was steady, vulnerability was easy to show and the butterflies were happily dancing on your tummy.
"I better get to my room, then", you stated once Charles told you about what he needed to do tomorrow once he was at the track.
"I didn't mean it that way - I'm fine!", he said after doing his best attempt at containing a big yawn, "I'm fine!".
"You're tired, and frankly so am I", you admitted as you got up from the bed.
"Would you like to come with me to the track tomorrow? If you don't have other plans that is", he mumbled the last part.
"I don't - I was just going to work a little bit, but if you find me a spot in the hospitality, I'll happily take my stuff there", you smiled reassuringly as you put on your shoes and headed to the door.
"I can take you to your room", Charles got up from the bed and followed you.
"No need, my room is just downstairs", you reasoned, kissing his cheek in a silent thank you still.
"That's right - so we'll go tomorrow after breakfast?", he rested his body on the door once you opened it.
"Yes, that works for me! Good night, Charles", you smiled before walking up to the elevator.
Walking inside the hospitalitynwith Salvatore and the rest of the team, he was quick to show you where you could set up.
"Charles likes to spend as much time as possible with the fans and it's right about now that they start becoming more and more and they're everywhere, too", he explained as he helped you in the table on the lounge area, "there's food and coffee in there if you need anything", Salvatore smiled, "if you need anything, just ask someone".
"Thank you - this is perfect", you assured, sitting down and working on your laptop and reading some of the books you had bought.
Charles and Carlos finally arrived at the hospitality, greeting the team and talking to them for a while before they headed upstairs for a meeting.
"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend and you were bringing her here", Carlos told Charles as he poured some coffee on a mug after the meeting.
"I don't - I haven't brought a girlfriend here", Charles quirked an eyebrow at his team-mate.
"So who is that young woman you just smiled at and are pouring coffee for after giving her the heart eyes?", it was the spanish driver's turn to raise his eyebrows.
"Oh, Y/N!", Charles smiled as he mentioned your name, "she's an old friend! Her father was a mechanic before he passed away a few years ago - the older team members have known her since she was little, everyone loves her", he mused.
"Everyone loves her - I can see that", Carlos chuckled as he followed Charles to the table.
"We don't want to interrupt or disturb you too much", Charles announced as he set the mug next to your laptop.
"It's fine, sit sit!", you encouraged as you closed the books you no longer needed to make room for them, "I'm Y/N", you told Carlos.
"I'm Carlos", he smiled back, "nice to meet you", he said before you dove into conversation, discussing anything that popped into your minds and getting to know eachother.
"Don't let her fool you into believing she has always been a responsible, put together girl because she used to steal and hide all of our tools!", Antonio, one of the engineers pointed at you after he got himself a bottle of water, "Charles knows her tricks already but you, Carlos, don't fall for that!".
"You loved it every time I was on the computers and drew on Paint! You even had one of my drawings as the background for almost an entire season!", you threw at him as he approached you, patting the top of your head protectively.
"I'd like to see that! I've only known her since she was way older", Charles pouted.
"Jealous much?", Carlos teased, his voice above a whisper as Charles seemed to get flustered.
"Is it really that obvious?", the monégasque driver mumbled once you got up to get something to eat, "I've had a crush on her since I was a development driver".
"Why have you never said anything? She seems like she really cares about you too", Carlos mused as he thought to a few moments before where you too gqve him heart eyes. He would have to be blind to not notice it, and even then the energy between you too would still be felt.
"The timing wasn't right, I guess - her father passed away almost right after as I became a driver for Alfa Romeo, and she hasn't been in the paddock since. We have texted every now and again over the years and now she happened to be here for the race too", Charles offered.
"I'd say you should take a shot - trust me, she likes you back", Carlos patted Charles' shoulder after getting up, watching you go back to the table with a big smile on your face.
After Charles took pole position in qualifying, the team stayed a bit longer for the debrief, going over a few points of the discussion and the changes they still needed to make before the race.
"Y/N! We're having dinner at one of our favourite restaurants in town and I'm counting you in, okay?", Charles said as he spotted you in the garage, followed by Andrea, who had been keeping you company along with his brothers, Charlotte and Pascale.
"Your family is here for you, Charles, I don't want to intrude", you said as you got up, unaware of the Leclerc matriarch behind you.
"Chérie, of course you won't be intruding - we'd love to have you there!", Pascale chirped in.
"Well, in that case...!", you smiled, "just tell me where I should go and at what time, or are we going straight there?", you wondered.
"I was thinking we could go straight there if that's okay with you - you can can come with me and Andrea can ride with my brothers", Charles suggested, "unless you need to go back to the hotel", he quickly scrambled.
"No, I'm fine! Unless this outfit is not restaurant appropriate", you muttered as you looked down. Against all odds, you managed to not get any food stains on your dress. It was a midi skirt cut, flowy to allow your body to feel cool considering the warm Italian day.
"It's fine - you're fine, you look beautiful!", Charles was quick to assure you.
"Good, that's good then", you smiled before excusing yourself to go and get your things.
"You have to tell her, Charles - your affection is no use to either of you if you keept it in here", Pascale tapped her son's chest.
"Y/N", Charles called you before he had to go and get ready for the race, "I have something for you - we do", he said as some of the mechanics, including Salvatore, followed him.
"Oh, what is it?", you smiled.
"We commented with some guys back at the factory that you were here with is this weekend and they found something we thought you'd like to have", Salvatore said as he handed you a bag.
Looking inside, you noticed an old Ferrari cap and some embroidered lettering on the side, recognising it immediately. When you were a teenager, you decided to try different hobbies and hand embroidery was the one that stuck the most, so much so that on one of the race weekends, you embroidered caps for everyone on the team that asked you.
"My wife remembered the one I have at home and then the guys at Maranello found your father's and apparently one you did for Charles' as well", Salvatore offered as you took them both out.
"Dad always said he had plenty of embroidered things at home and this one was the one he had to travel with him", you chuckled as tears welled up in your eyes, feeling Charles soothingly rub your back.
"I remember getting this and loving it - I thought I had lost it!", Charles said, unaware if how close he was pulling you together so he could get a peek at the old caps.
"There's some loose string here", you chuckled, wiping the tears and fiddling with the red thread, "I didn't know how to properly tie it at the start, I kept losing it - I think I even glued it down at some point. Thank you for bringing this out", you smiled.
"Would you mind if I wore this for the driver's parade?", Charles asked you.
"I was planning on wearing my dad's while I watched the race", you offered, testing the fabric and placing it on your head before doing the same with Charles, fixing it on his head and looking up at him.
You never got over how handsome he was. The little scar on his cheek, his mole, the smile that never failed to make you smile, his beautiful green eyes. His kindness, his gentleness, his talent - there wasn't a way to deny how much you liked it. How much you liked him.
"We will be matching then!", Charles squeezed you against him before going to his driver's room.
Only when Charles was headed to take P1 on the grid did he hand the cap back to Salvatore and put on his helmet, giving you a wink before he left.
"How are you feeling?", Pascale asked as she sat next to you to watch the race. Over the last couple of days, she had grown close to you, not only because you had captured her son's heart and she wanted to get to know you, but also because Charles had told her how emotionally charged it was for you to be at the track, in Monza nonetheless.
"It's a lot", you admitted, "everyone has been so kind and warm, so all of the heavy feelings have been slowly infiltrating the good ones and it's been easier to deal with them like that", you blinked away a few tears.
"I get it", Pascale nodded, "losing someone is not easy, and I can't imagine what it feels like for you - the boys and I talk about my late husband every now and again and it gets easier to talk about it, I think that's what it is anyway".
"Yes, definitely like that. My mum and I have reached the point where we don't cry at every mention - despite what you might have noticed this weekend", you chuckled.
"It's emotional, chérie - I, for one, always cry whenever the boys achieve their goals. Hervé isn't here to see them, but I know he knows, and the boys know how proud he is of them", Pascale smiled, keeping some tears at bay too.
"You raised amazing young men, don't doubt that", you let out. At this point, you were sure she had noticed or had at least an inkling. As any mechanic for the red team who knew you since you were a kid would say, you were never a good liar - anytime you said you didn't touch something, they knew to look in your backpack first.
"Thank you, dear", she added, "you know, Charles is quite careful in who he lets in, but he's never been good at hiding how much he cares about someone and I can tell he cares a great deal about you".
"I care a lot about him too", you smiled before you were handed a pair of headphones each with the race about to start.
When Charles successfully kept the cars behind him away with a good gap, you clapped and watched the remaining laps number get smaller and smaller until there was only the current lap left.
Charlotte held your hand together with hers as you watched Charles be the first driver to see the checkered flag and when Xavi yelled "And P1!" into the radio, you did your happy dance, not having a care in the world about what others thought as you watched the Tifosi erupt in cheer.
"He did it! He did it!", Pascale clapped for her son, Arthur hugging her while Lorenzo did the same with his girlfriend while you softly touched your father's embroidered name on your cap with your fingers.
Running up to Parc Fermé, you stood in the sea of red, waiting for him to come back and hug them.
"You did so well, congratulations!", you said as you pulled Charles for a hug.
"Had my good luck charm with me!", he smiled back, kissing your cheek as he took advantage of you being shielded by the mechanics and engineers.
The team celebratory dinner was going really well, everyone happy with how the weekend panned out with both drivers on the podium and enjoying the meal on the restaurant's outside patio.
"If you guys want dessert, they're going to set them out on that table and you can grab as much as you like", Fred spread the message as you could see all kinds of sweet foods being brought out, a pudding catching your eye along with some raspberries.
You and Charles got the dessert plates and served yourselves, noticing the staff was already clearing up the tables, meaning you'd have to move to the bar area, many people opting to skip dessert and get some drinks instead.
"You can see the stars so clearly tonight", you mused as you looked up at the sky, setting your plate on the high table.
"My father always said that the stars did shine brighter here, and tonight the sky is very clear", Charles hummed in agreement, looking at your face. The moonlight and the dim lighting for the lamps and fairy lights illuminated all your features perfectly - your smile as you looked up formed the dimples on your cheeks, your eyes that were a tiny bit squinty and the way your whole body seemed relaxed.
The goosebumps on your arms caught his eye though, "here, have this", Charles said as he offered you the cardigan he had carried around all night since according to him his mother made him do it because it would be cold.
"Thanks", you smiled as you pulled the sleeves and folded them around your wrist so they would fit better, "this is really comfy, I might steal this if you don't ask for it back", you joked.
"I don't mind if you keep it, you have had my heart all these years", Charles stated. There it was.
"What?", you faced him, heart beating fast inside your chest.
"It's true, I've had a crush on you since I first met you, and these past couple of days have been amazing, and I can't believe it took me all these years to realize how I truly feel about you Y/N", he told you, no stutter or sign of regret on his face.
"I haven't been around, really, it's my fault", you fiddled with your thumbs before looking at him again, "but I can't lose you again".
"You never lost me, amour", he smiled as his eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips, his hand cupping your cheek your mouth pressed on his, ignoring everything and everyone around you.
Interrupting the kiss for air, Charles giggled as you hid your face in his neck once you heard the cheers and whistles, your lashes tickling him as his arms circled your waist and pulled you closer to him.
"He wins inside the track and outside of it, Charles Leclerc, P1 to Y/N's heart!", Carlos shouted before whistling again.
"Just so you know, I want an invite to your wedding!", Salvatore pointed his finger at you, "I still remember when you invited me for your wedding with Vettel!".
"You and Seb?", Charles chuckled once you pulled away from his neck.
"Sebastian was my favourite when I was little", you giggled, hiding your face on Charles' chest this time, "when he was back in RedBull still, I asked my father to ask him if he could take a photo with me and I cherished that for so many years - it was my most prized possession!".
"I can't promise you Seb, but I can promise you the very best of me", Charles said as he kissed the top of your head.
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LaDS Zayne Imagine
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Zayne x reader/mc
angst, fluff, pregnancy and labor
You had gone into labor before you knew it. Everything was planned and carefully organized for the big day that your little one would arrive.
No one is ever really READY though. Your excitement and nervousness was getting the best of you. While Zayne whom was often on the other side of that spectrum, calm and collected as ever, was quite the nervous wreck himself.
He'd been at work all day, not too busy. Regardless, he hated leaving you at home. Prayed in hopes that he would conveniently be home by the time you went in labor. His heart dropped receiving a call from the obstetrician gynecology department of the hospital.
"Dr.Zayne, your wife is in labor."
Throughout the months of the pregnancy, there were several talks with your obgyn about this being possibly high-risk. Every possible scenario surged through Zayne's head. During the whole experience, you often were met with doctor Zayne rather than what you needed the most, your partner.
The second the call hung up, he was quick to run to your side. He'd already given notice to his colleagues prior to your arrival just in case. He was almost always prepared. Almost.
His eyes gleamed upon seeing your already exhausted but seemingly relieved look. While he's obviously glad to see you're okay, his attention turns to the doctor, another colleague.
"How is she doing, Dr.Turner?"
"Oh Dr.Zayne, it's been a while! How have you been holding up?"
Silence sweeps the room for what felt like an eternity. Zayne clearly was not in the mood for a reunion. The doctor opting to answer his question instead.
"She is one centimeter dilated. No imposing risks so far. It's been smooth sailing. However she's not progressing nearly as fast as we would like.
"How long has she been here?"
"3 hours, sir."
"Why wasn't I called earlier.."
His tone deepens, irritation seeping from his obviously overworked body. The doctor stayed quiet, knowing the words 'too busy' wouldn't have been a good enough answer.
"My love, I tried calling you first but you didn't pick up. I remembered you had a 6 hour surgery this morning. I chose to call an ambulance instead. I'm sorry."
Guilt stung his chest. Of all hours of the day, why. He walked to your side and took your hands in his, pressing your fingertips to his lips and whispered.
"You always come first. No matter what."
His words were meaningful and for a moment you had the man you had been longing to have for months. It was short-lived however.
Like the doctor predicted, it was an unusually long process. You didn't dilate your second centimeter until 6 hours after your partner's arrival at your room. It's been about 30 hours of nonstop cycles of contractions. Unbeknownst to him, Zayne hasn't been making things easier.
Both of you were completely worn out, haven't ate or slept. Zayne's surgeon mode was still on and you were about to combust. Talks with the doctors about your condition like you weren't in the room, like you were just another one of his patients. Looking over your chart and giving demands to the nurses as if he were still working.
You knew he was trying his best to keep his composure for you. Making sure you were in the best health at all times and he was doing an amazing job. It didn't change the fact it was making you feel a little alone in this. What you needed was his hands on yours, telling you that you were going to be okay. That you can do this. A kiss to your forehead every now and again for reassurance maybe?
Nine centimeters. Finally. You were close to the end and soon you'd be holding the proof of yours and Zayne's love. At least it's what it should have been but you were at your breaking point. Zayne had his back towards you still keeping up conversations with nurses.
He tensed hearing your strained shout. He turned to look at you with that oh so familiar concerned gaze. Everything was quiet once again. All that was heard was the sound of the monitors beeping. It was your turn to feel guilty.
You closed your eyes briefly and sucked in a deep breath before holding out your hands for him to take. Understanding your gesture, he walks to your bedside crouching slightly to your eye level.
You fought hard to keep the tears from spilling out of your water line. You spoke in the softest tone possible, in hopes to forget how you just yelled at him.
"You are an amazing doctor and I couldn't ask for a better one these past few months." You paused for a moment, letting a tear shed your cheek and huffing another breath. "But I would like to have my husband for this.. please.."
His eyes widened at the implication of your words and letting out a soft gasp of realization.
He stands up finally relieving himself of his white coat he had been wearing since yesterday and removed his glasses to set on your bedside table. It showed how disheveled he was underneath. Hair was a mess, tie crooked from his constant fidgeting and tugging, and two buttons at the top of his shirt undone.
Zayne motions you to scoot down your bed a little, sitting behind you to cradle you with his strong legs on both sides of your body. His fingers traced the back of your arms before resting them on your shoulder and giving them a tight squeeze. Small kisses made their way from your shoulder to your neck.
Your body reacted immediately, letting loose the tension you didn't know you even had.
"I'm sorry." Zayne's voice a little shaky but gentle and clear nonetheless. "I'm sorry I've left you alone in this. It was never my intention. I love you so much." He repeats those same two words over and over.
While you can feel your gown dampen from his own tears, you can't help but smile. This. This is what you needed to relax. Before you could open your mouth to respond, the obgyn breaks the moment.
"Alright, ten centimeters dilated. Are you ready to start pushing?"
Zayne drops his hands to your side, signaling for you to take them into your own as support. Placing more kisses to the top of your head, he whispers reassurances. 'You've got this' 'You can do it' 'You're so strong'.
You have a tight grip on his wrist threatening to break his arm, but he didn't seem to care. If he could take all your pain, he would. Dilation was a tiring process, everything after seemed to flow rather quickly. The head, then shoulders, and finally legs.
Within seconds of the doctors clearing your baby's nasal passage, you and Zayne hear that oh so beautiful sound you had been waiting for. Before moving on any further, the baby was placed on your now naked chest. You admired every inch of your baby, in awe. Thick black hair sat on top of their small head. Eyes glowing hues of orange and green.
You have a Zayne mini me. Speaking of which, distracted by your own emotions, you forgot to see how your husband was hanging on. And it definitely wasn't like you expected, he wasn't saying anything but he didn't have to. His expression said enough. Your baby already had him wrapped around their finger.
His hand came to rest upon yours that was cradling the back of the baby's head. "Thank you for this new chapter in life you've given me, my jasmine."
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Li, it's a—"
a/n: I never intended this to be a fic, it was just meant to be an idea for a better fic writer. one who writes more. It just rolled this way. however if anyone wants to use this, please do. Just give me a little credit ❤️
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shiorilizzy · 6 months
how about Yandere Wriothesley with an insecure female reader that is willing to be with him EVEN suggesting they should have a Baby so he would not leave her (basically obedient Reader
Thank you for asking, I actually love this concept. Sorry if this my headcanons go astray from your request.
Warning: Yandere theme, absolute no beta @@ because my head is full of thoughts but no words come out, Wrio x Clo may not like this one.
Couple: Yandere!Wriothesley x Female!Reader
In my opinion, Wriothesley is also insecure and has trust issues.
He is afraid that someone will take his precious lady. The sight of you getting bored of him and walking away with others is his worst nightmare.
But you are so well-behaved. Even when Wriothesley dragged you down and literally locked you up in his room, your eyes still looked at him so lovingly like he was your whole world.
Having you is like a miracle to him that he thanks Archon every day. It feels like his missing piece.
(You may be every yandere’s dream)
You are his lovely kitty, his treasure, his only exception, his sanity, his obsession, his comfort.
He loves the way you just accept every dark corner of him without hesitation. The more you look at him, the more he wants to spoil and drown you with his love.
Meanwhile, you always think that you are not enough for him. You are scared that someday, Wriothesley will find a smarter, prettier, and maybe from high society, suitable for Wriothesley’s titles.
So you try your best to be a good girl to him, obey everything he says. You know he likes it.
Both of you are insecure, but you have a way of comforting each other so days fly by peacefully.
Until Clorinde comes to the Fortress one day.
You hear Wriothesley’s chuckles and a female voice, so you take a peek inside.
You see a beautiful woman is having tea with him. You realize her. Clorinde is utterly famous in Fontaine. 
The sound of them, smiling and talking, ringing inside your head and tearing your heart. 
You’re drowning in jealousy but you do not dare to jump in and ask.
Later that night, you shyly ask for a baby. 
Wriothesley was surprised at first, but then he noticed your desperate face.
He knew something was wrong. He patiently hugged you and asked.
“Of course darling, anything you want. But can you tell me the reason for this sudden request? Tell me what’s on your cute mind?”
After a while of “interrogating”, he finally understood the situation.
While you blabbing about how you will be more obedient, begging to stay, Wriothesley's mind was on cloud nine.
Oh my Archon, you must be an angel for his gray life. How could he have such a perfect darling like you?
He was so happy that you were willing to do anything just to be with him.
You accept the risk, the responsibility just to be with him, just for the chance that he would not leave you. You trusted him wholeheartedly and only him. What could he ask more? 
 No one has ever needed him like this before. Your jealous, your insecure, your begging made him feel so loved. 
Wriothesley laughed as he hugged you tightly. He looks like the happiest man in the world.
“Silly, if I want to leave you, I can just take the child and push you out.”
“I want to have kids just because I love you. They will not affect my decision of keeping you.”
He told you that Clorinde was just a colleague. He had no feelings for her.
He planted kisses on your face, showing how happy he was and how much he loved you.
“My dear silly kitten, how could I look at others when I have you already? How could I live without you now?”
“You want it or not, I will never let you go, even till the day I die. I will drag you with me. Even the next life and the next next life. You’re bound with me. You cannot escape from me.”
“Besides, I am the one afraid about you running away…”
He soon lit up your mood with his sassy humor. 
Having a loyal lover makes this kinda twisted love completely normal.
After a few days, Clorinde and Navia were invited to a tea party in the Fortress. Clorinde looked at you, sat on Wriothesley’s lap, from top to toe:
“I think I know where all of the factory’s profit goes.”
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rs-hawk · 7 months
Gender irrelevant, an enthused archaeologist encounters a creature which would change the known history of the entire area, and sets out to track it to its lair for further (actual) research.
Instead, what awaits them is an education in why this thing was worshipped, and why they should start worshipping it too.
This just broke me out of my slump/writer’s block 😍 TW: the Raven Mocker. Light horror smut
You have been studying the development of civilization and population growth in the Appalachian Mountains. It was always your “special interest” as a kid, and now in your early 30s, you’re finally able to devote yourself to it properly. After years of studying everything in books, charts, even occasionally going to Indigenous Cultural Centers to discuss what they knew about their ancestors who lived there, you finally get to get into the field. Yet, there’s one creature that keeps popping up that you can’t get out of your head for some reason is the Raven Mocker. It makes you hesitant, but you push through.
Of course, even as a child your mother told you about them. You always sort of brushed it off because you always thought that it was just stories that your mom picked up from her mom. It’s not like you really grew up in the culture anyway. However, in the mountains, setting up your camp as night falls around you, a shiver creeps down your spine. There’s something watching you. You know it. The primal part of your brain is on sending out high alert signals to every part of your body.
You tell yourself you’re being silly. At worst there’s some predators, but you have a gun, and a fire going. You just want to make your way to a spot where your colleague said he saw some fragmented pottery and what he thought might be evidence of a small band who used to worship something they thought lived in these woods. From what he could gather from the shards, it seemed to be some kind of deity of death. This thrilled you. Against hope, you hoped that you might be able to discover a small, lost village or band that had vanished with time.
With that hope warming your heart and pushing away the anxiety creeping up your spine, you crawled into your tent, finally able to get some sleep. Although it was against the regulations of the park you where in, you left the fire going to ward off animals. You just set an alarm for every 90 minutes to check in and tend to it. That night, you are lucky. Nothing happened. But your recklessness has caught the eye of the very creature who lives in the back of your head.
Every branch you stumble over. Every time a twig scratches your face. Every time you cross a stream or go off trail because of something blocking your path. It’s there. Watching you with a curiosity that it hasn’t felt since it had its own body. How long ago has it been now? It looks down at its rotting limbs, twisting them this way and that. Flexing its wings. Centuries. It’s been scavenging for new body parts for centuries.
The sound of your voice filling the air as you curse a rock you had stubbed your toe on brings its attention back to you. The creature decides to scavenge new parts before approaching you. Just in case you can see it, it doesn’t want to look a mess.
You make your way to another spot you think is safe to camp. That might, you decide not to leave the fire going. You feel safer. More secure. And you’re worried about what might happen if you sleep through an alarm. The thought of being why a giant forest fire sweeps through the mountains makes your mouth run dry. No. It’s not worth it. You shouldn’t have even risked it last night.
Tonight, you curl up in your sleeping bag again, dozing off quickly despite your skittishness about your surroundings. However, you’re woken up by the sound of what at first you thought was a wild hog. Your blood runs cold as you sit frozen, knowing that you’ll be killed. You have no way to properly protect yourself from one, but you were in an area not known for them. After a few minutes of listening, you see a shadow cast onto your tent walls by the moonlight. It’s a bear.
You’re not sure what happens next, but before you know it, you’re laying on the shredded floor of your tent as the bear wanders away after not being able to find the food you’d tied high above the ground. The attack leaves you weak, but you manage to call 9-1-1 and tell them in a gurgled voice where you are. They promise to send park rangers as soon as possible. The woman asks you to keep talking, but your reception is spotty at best. After mere moments, the connection is lost. All you can do now is hope that they get here in time.
The Raven Mocker finds you easily. Even more so than it would have thanks to the delicious scent of your death. It flies over to you, inhaling the sweet scent of your life force. Through blurred vision, and a trembling voice, you ask it for help.
“Please. Just, make it quick,” you ask, knowing what it is as its wings fold behind its back. Those beady eyes peering down at you. “It’s not like they’re going to find me in time.”
It looks at you curiously. Do you really want to die? It can’t decide. Instead, it walks around you before straddling your weak body. It leans close to you, slowly drinking in your life and it leaves your body. You wince, but it doesn’t hurt. Not really. In fact, how gentle its being, the way its holding you as it slowly steals your life, is almost kind. Maybe its the blood loss. Maybe its because you’ve always been scared, and its not that scary. Not really. But you lean up to meet its deformed lips.
The Raven Mocker is caught off guard, even pausing its drinking of you. However, it soon returns the kiss. Its foul tasting tongue invades your mouth, making you let out a tiny sound of approval. The creature hasn’t felt like this in a long time. So long. It had been a long time even when it was a human. Its hands wander, exploring your slowly dying body, but you respond to every touch. Your cunt starts to get wet as it slips a hand between the two of you, palming and teasing it over what little cloth still covers it.
It tears the rest of it off with ease, quickly sinking two of its decaying fingers inside of you. A soft moan escapes your lips as it pumps in and out of you, spreading its fingers to stretch you out. You’re arching as much as you can in this weak state. You’re starting to feel cold, but this distraction is helping.
Before you know it, the creature pulls out its fingers and replaces it with something so large that you can’t help but cry out as it’s crammed inside of you. You can’t even look to see if the cock now jackhammering inside of your wet cunt is human or not. Not that you suppose it really matters. The creature’s wings shield you from the drops of rain that have started to trickle down onto the two of you. It was making you even colder until it shields you.
Its withered hands hold your upper body closer to it as it hunches over you, slamming its cock in and out of you. It bullies your poor cervix and stretches you more than you ever have been stretched. You can feel your life starting to slip more and more away as its talons scratch down your back, though not unkindly.
Precum coats your womb as it crams itself inside of you. To your surprise, you feel something else pushing into you. You try to shift slightly, the pleasure now becoming more of a pain, but it doesn’t let you. Instead, it pushes you to the ground and uses its full weight to pin you there. Before you realize what’s happening, there’s a popping noise, and you’re fuller than you’ve ever been. You grimace and try to move, but the decaying creature on top of you holds you still, decaying and cracked lips finding every soft spot of exposed skin as its wings shield you from the now onslaught of rain.
The cum feels hot. Too hot. Inside of you as it pumps rope after rope into you. All you can do is lay there, slowly slipping into unconscious as your blood pools under you. Just as it pulls out, you hear park rangers. The creature caws as it straights and bursts into a run before taking flight. From a distance, it really does just look like a raven.
The rangers manage to save your life, and the Raven Mocker leaves you alone. Even when you try to call it back, worshipping it for its power. All you can do now is wait for Death.
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lxstfathier · 1 year
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Phillip Graves x Reader
Summary: you knew your commander was interested in you, but you don’t like him in the slightest, and he’s not used to being rejected. You will be his, one way or another.
Warnings: non-con, unprotected sex, p in v, porn without plot, slapping, choking, manhandling, implied kidnapping.
A/N: i wanted to write non-con for sooo long and now i finally got the courage to do it. But, if i’m being honest, i think it fits more as dub-con. However, this fic is inspired on the song Animals by Maroon 5, give it a listen if you can. That’s all i had to say lol, sorry for any errors english is not my first language, and thanks for all the support, hope you enjoy this as well 💗
Read at your own risk
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“Did you really think you could run away from me?”
Graves’ voice is dark, low, and filled with lust, much more frightening than anything you ever heard before. His whole weight is pressing against your back, pinning you to the ground, and one of his hands grabs a fistful of you hair, forcing your face to the dirt.
“Let me go, please!” You beg, crying and shaking in pure fear, now regretting all those times where you rejected his romantic interests in you.
“Are you scared now?” He coos, mocking your desperate cries. “Too bad darlin’, cause i won’t let you go until i get what i want.”
And you know exactly what he wants. He’s gonna get between your legs and do all those gross things that he has fantasized about for months. And there’s nothing you can do to stop him right now, he’s bigger and stronger than you, he’s gonna take whatever he wants, whether you like it or not.
Without wasting no more time, Graves grabs both of your wrists, tying them together with a zip tie behind your back, and then proceeds to cut your pants and underwear with his knive, leaving your ass exposed in the cold air, all while you cry and whine at him to stop.
“Go ahead and scream all you want baby, no one’s gonna hear ya’ “ he says, leaving his knife aside and undoing his pants. Hearing your pretty cries has made him hard as a rock, and he can’t wait to claim you.
But, as desperate as you are, you know he’s right. You’re both too far away from the military base, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded only by trees and bushes. No one will hear you even if you scream at the top of your lungs. So you decide to save your voice, accepting the fate that your commander is creating for you.
Just let him satiate his needs and it all will be over soon.
Graves positions himself between your legs and grabs you by the hips, lifting you up a little bit. The pink tip of his cock already prodding at your bare pussy. And, without a warning, he slides into you with one powerful thrust, grunting in pleasure as you sob in pain.
He sets a brutal pace, abusing your tight little cunt with his big cock, slamming against your cervix over and over, his strong hold on your hips bruising your delicate skin.
“I knew you’d feel so fucking good. Fuck- you were made for me baby, even if you think you’re not.” He growls into your ear, resting his chest on your back. And a sweet moan scapes your lips. “What’s that? huh? are you enjoying my cock?.”
You know you’re wrong, it’s sick to moan in pleasure when he’s taking advantage of you like a fucking monster, but the way he stretches you open and hits all your sweet spots is way too good to ignore. The pain has faded and now your cunt is begging for more, coating his length with your slick, and arching your back to give him a better access.
Graves lets out a dark chuckle, knowing that he somehow managed to break you and make you forget that it’s all against your will, just lifting his ego impossibly high, feeling like the proudest bastard around.
What would your colleagues say if they saw you both fucking like animals in heat?.
You moan again, clenching around him, getting that familiar sensation building up in the pit of your stomach, closer to your release with each one of his violent thrusts. But he suddenly stops before you can reach it, pulling out just to quickly manhandle you into a new position.
Now with your back on the damp forest dirt and your legs spread open, you can clearly see him leaning on top of you as he slides inside your wet heat again. God, he’s handsome, but so damn evil.
“You like getting used like a whore, don’t ya’?” He asks, staying still, looking down at you with his pretty blue eyes. But, when you don’t answer, one hard slap against your cheek makes your face go red. “I asked you a question.”
“Y-yes, i like it sir” you say, kinda enjoying the burning sensation on your skin.
“Such a nasty little girl” his voice sends shivers down your spine, and his right hand finds a place in your throat, squeezing tight as he starts thrusting again, this time harder than before.
You squirm under him, feeling his thick cock pounding your tiny hole in the most delicious way, gasping for air while your orgasm comes closer again. But he’s choking you hard enough to cut all your airflow and fear washes over you once more. He could kill you right there if he wanted, there’s nothing to stop him, not even your own hands to push him away.
It’s a weird feeling. You’re scared to death, you don’t know if your commander will be kind enough to let you live, and still you can’t help but feel extremely aroused, bucking your hips to meet his thrusts, making your clit brush against his pubic bone.
Graves grunts in your ear and you finally come undone, writhing and spasming in pure bliss, soaking his cock in your sweet juices. And he follows right after you, swearing under his breath, filling your womb with white spurts of cum, loosening his grip on your throat just as you’re about to pass out.
You both stay still for a few seconds, panting and riding out your orgasms.
“I hate you” you say once you can speak again, looking up at the bright blue sky above, angry at him for what he just did and way too disgusted with yourself for enjoying such thing.
“Don’t lie princess” he speaks, a sick smirk appearing on his face. “If you hated me, you wouldn’t be creaming all over my fucking cock.”
Tears stream down your face and Graves pulls out of your poor pussy, staying on his knees while he admires the mess he made. His hot cum slowly dripping out of your abused hole, your bruised hips, the red skin of your neck and your sad eyes filled with tears. Way more beautiful than anything he had ever laid his eyes on.
You sit up, trying to get away from him, silently begging him to untie your hands and let you go, not even caring if your legs are still weak, you’re ready to run away as soon as he cuts the zip tie on your wrists.
But what a naive and innocent creature. Did you really thought he would fulfill his promise of letting you go? Did you really thought that you could give him a taste and then expect him to cut you loose? Oh, darling, what a shame.
“You know what, baby?… i’m gonna keep you all to myself.” Phillip says, caressing your cheek, the rough material of his black gloves absorbing your tears. “Just as a pretty toy for me to fuck whenever i want.”
Say bye to the army and your old life, you’re his now.
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jumexju · 4 months
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Pairing !! : House / Reader
Fic Type !! : Oneshot / Fluff
CW !! : House's jokes (He's an ass), reader is latino/a (gender isn't specified), untranslated spanish is used
Summary !!: He made a bet with Wilson.. and lost.
Note !! : the house md brainrot is consuming me lol (szn 5 is making me physically ill)
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“You Like them!” Wilson barged into House’s office as if he had made a grand discovery. House dismissed his team and continued eating his tacos de birria, waiting for Wilson to expand on his outrageous claim of him liking a woman. “It’s been three weeks and they're still living with you, ergo: You haven't kicked them out or you haven’t told me — and the latter can’t be true because you tell me everything!” The blonde had his hands on his hips while he talked. 
“Who? _____?” House asked, feigning confusion. “They cook and they're not boring. Plus they clean- And for free too!” 
“Not for free, they need a place to live, they're probably just being courteous, House!” Wilson warned, “You’re trying to hide the fact that you care about them because then it makes you seem more human and you don’t want that because you hate when people see your nice side!” The Oncologist kept lecturing him but he wasn’t really paying any attention to it. 
“I have a nice side?” House's words dripped with sarcasm. He did, however, seem to be enjoying the birria tacos you’d made the day before. Apparently it was a big thing in latin american culture to cook as if you were feeding a whole village, so you had a lot left over. 
“Yes, you have a-! That’s why you’re letting them stay!” Wilson argued, a boyish smile on his face at the realization that his friend had a crush on a fellow colleague. 
“I’m not letting them do anything, I’m just taking advantage of their cooking and cleaning skills.” He dipped the end of the taco in the consumè you’d made, savoring the explosion of flavor that was currently happening  in his mouth. 
“You know that’s not true.” Wilson sat in front of House’s desk, facing him with the smile still present. “You L-I-K-E  them,” The blonde spelled out, “Just admit it!” 
“If I do, will you leave me and my tacos  alone?” House lifted a brow as he licked his index finger and thumb. 
“You didn’t happen to delete a message they were expecting from an apartment manager, did you? ,” Wilson questioned, a knowing look on his face. 
“... No-”
“Aha!” Wilson exclaimed, “Your hesitance indicates that you did! Jeez, just ask them out, House. It’s not that hard,” Wilson shrugged, “Unless you’re too chicken of course…” 
“You wanna bet?” House laid back in his chair, empty tupperware sitting on his desk as he smirked. 
“A hundred dollars if  you ask them out and go out on a genuine date.” Wilson said as he crossed his arms. See, he knew something that House didn’t. Around a few months ago, you confided in Wilson and told him about your feelings for House. However, when Wilson had suggested that you ask him out, you said you didn’t want to risk it, especially because you knew there was a high chance he wouldn’t reciprocate. Of course, Wilson said it was reasonable and left it alone, listening to your vents about House and whatnot whenever your attempts to bury your feelings failed. 
Unfortunately for House, You were a great actor, because not even he knew of your feelings for him. You kept it professional, or well tried to before you had to move out. You didn’t tell him the details of that, but somehow you ended up living in House’s…  house. Certain that you would say no, House replied: “If you lose, you owe me a hundred.” With that, the bet was in place and House couldn’t be more excited to get his hundred dollars tomorrow and see the defeated look on Wilson’s face when he told him that there was no date. 
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With a pep in his step, House could hear the faint salsa playing before he even opened the door. His keys jingled while finding the right one but before he could insert it into the lock, you opened the door. Did you recognize the jingle of his keys? “Hey? You’re back late.” You smiled before leaving him to walk in and close the door himself. 
“Yeah it Wilson was begging me not to go, He’s clingy.” House joked. 
“You guys make the cutest couple,” You said sarcastically as you stirred the rice you were making. 
House sat on the couch and popped a pill, “I wear the pants in the relationship, just so you know.” 
“Yeah I can’t picture you wearing a skirt,” 
“I can picture you wearing a skirt,” House insinuated as he checked you out, “You’ve got a great ass for it.” 
You rolled your eyes, “You’ve gone senile, Atrevido.” You shook your head and laughed at his comments. “Has that line ever worked on anyone?” 
“Usually,” House shrugged.
“Yeah maybe back in your day,” You finished off the rice and began slicing the potatoes you’d put off to the side earlier. “Anyway, You haven’t heard any messages about  the apartments I applied at, have you? They said they’d call me back like two weeks ago and I haven’t heard anything.” 
House pursed his lips and acted clueless, “Nope, Nada.” The older man shrugged and positioned his feet on the coffee table in front of him. “What are you making?” 
“Carne con papa y arroz,” You told him. “My mom used to make it for me as a kid and I missed the taste so I’m making it. ¿Te terminaste los tacos de birria que hice ayer?” 
“Yeah.” House left out the part where he smacked Wilson’s hand for trying to steal a taco. 
“What’d you think of them?” 
“They weren’t horrible.” House, being himself of course, wouldn’t admit that he loved them. 
You smiled to yourself, knowing House, that was probably the closest you were going to get to a compliment about your food. Because the tupperware was basically clean, you could tell he actually liked them. For House, his actions usually spoke louder than his words. Once the meat finished cooking, you added the potatoes and put the lid over the pot, the only thing left to do was to wait for the potatoes to soften. With a sigh of relief, you grabbed your cup of mango-strawberry flavored wine and hummed the tune that played softly in the kitchen as you walked over to the couch to sit next to House. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, House spoke up. 
“Do you wanna go on a date?” 
You looked up from your magazine, “A date?” 
House slowly nodded, “That’s what I said, yeah.” 
You shrugged, “As long as you’re paying.” You chuckled and kept reading your magazine, you didn’t even take a moment to mull it over. House was a little surprised by your lack of hesitance, but it was overshadowed by his disappointment. 
“Wait, really?” House asked but he didn’t seem thrilled by your willingness to go on a date with him. 
“I mean, yeah?  It’s free food. It’s not like you like me or anything so why would I pass that up?” You chuckled, “Unless you actually like me, in which case, I probably look like an asshole right now.” Your eyes widened and you put your magazine down. “You don’t like me do you?” 
“No, it was a bet, which — thanks to you — I just lost.” He sighed and slouched into the couch. 
“My bad,” You laughed, “How much did you bet on me saying no?” 
“A hundred dollars.” 
You almost spit out your wine, “You were that sure I’d say no??” 
“I was, up until a moment ago.” House glanced at you as if you’d sabotaged him. 
You patted his arm trying to calm his butthurt-self, a bright smile on your face, “Sorry House, Free food is hard to pass up.” 
“Yeah, Milk the hot doctor of allllll his money, that’s your plan huh?” House looked up at the ceiling. 
“Dunno about the ‘hot’ part but everything else is accurate,” You laughed, picking up your magazine again. 
“Yeah, I’m not as hot as the burning food on the stove right now.” House stated. Your eyes widened as you hopped off the couch, setting the wine on the coffee table and running to the stove. 
“You ass! You couldn’t just  remind me like a normal person??” 
He sipped on your glass of wine as you checked if the food was burnt, “I’m far from normal, I thought you’d’ve known that by now.” House chuckled. 
“You shouldn’t drink when you’re on drugs y’know.” You snatched the cup from him as you sat back down, “You’ll end up doing some serious damage to your brain.” 
“Like I can get any worse, It’s not like I’m dying.” He turned on the TV, the  rom-com you two would watch together came on. 
“Yeah it’d suck if you died,” You finished the cup of wine. 
“Would it?” He asked as he glanced at your lips, wet from the wine. 
“Yeah. Where else would I live?” You met his eyes. 
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Freeloader.” 
“Hey-! I’m cooking and cleaning as payment, so not freeloading.” You nudged him with your elbow, playful smile on your face as you looked back at the TV. 
Maybe Wilson was right. Maybe he did like you. 
Just a bit though.
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astranne · 2 years
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MY LADY BRIDE !genshin impact
pierro x fem!reader
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words // 1.2k
notes // this is part of the #marry a harbinger collab @pyroxeene and i created and part of my lady wife series. the general idea has been sitting too long in my drafts, and now i finally found the motivation to actually finish this. the collab is still ongoing, so if you'd like to participate too, you still have some time!
warnings: only pierro pov, dottore and with him the usual chaos and slaughter that follows him everywhere (a mention of a bonquet made out of limbs)
extra notes // i would be very glad if as many as possible could reblog this, best with tags because i‘m not showing up there 😭 it’s my first time and right before my hiatus… i hope this will solve itself, because i really don’t have the time to worry about this now, not when we‘re flying in two days ._.
my lady series masterlist
It was the wedding of the year. No matter what the laws of Snezhnaya said, the Harbingers were royals in everyone's eyes. How could they not be, when they directly served under her Highness and led the infamous Fatui?
And when the first Harbinger, the Jester, announced that he would take a wife... it was the wedding of the year, if not the wedding of the century.
The ceremony would be attended by everyone who was anyone. Servants whispered about the most extravagant wedding they've ever seen, or well, prepared. Their words carried wide and vast, and soon nobles, rich merchants, and members of the Fatui heard of the rumors too.
Yet no one dared ask Pierro about the wedding or his future bride. They didn't want to risk his wrath, no matter how curious they were. Well, some dared to. His work colleagues all teased him for finally settling down, and all they got in response was an unimpressed glare. How else should Pierro answer the teasing of the youngest Harbinger? He didn't know much about love anyway, so he should shut his mouth, was what Pierro thought several times about Childe.
Pantalone had been a big part of the wedding preparations, so Pierro wasn't too bitter about the few teasing words that left the younger man's lips. Still, Pierro would've preferred it if they wouldn't tease him at all. There was simply no time for it. Just because he would be married soon didn't mean they could slack off with their work. And they did indeed slack off with their workloads and assigned missions.
The Fair Lady of the Harbingers didn't behave like a lady at all. Instead of getting the gnosis from Barbatos, she sent a letter from Mondstadt, full of mirth and teasing words. Pierro was very close to not inviting her to the wedding.
Dottore wasn't any better and gave him a bunch of limbs, still bleeding and making a mess of the floor. And then he had the gall to call this monsteraty a bouquet and demanded that he give it to his fiancé. He should've just chucked it right in his face, instead of telling his assistant to silently let this mess vanish.
And all the other harbingers weren’t better. Their comments and teasing words just worsened his mood the moment he saw one of them. 
But it was his darling lady, his fiancé, his soon to be bride, who always calmed him down. Not that he was a temperamental man, but his fellow Harbingers always brought the worst out of him. Sometimes he asked himself why he was doing this. Sometimes he just... wanted to leave. And he could. Take his lady love and leave the harbingers. But then he watched how Childe almost set the training grounds on fire again and got chased through the palace by the Captain and couldn’t bring himself to leave. The world would end if he didn’t keep them in check. 
This is why he tolerated their teasing and domineering personalities so that at the end of the day, he could finally fall into the arms of his darling lady, grumble about his day, and simply enjoy the time spent with her.
Soon they would be finally married and he could call her his lady wife, his love, simply his. And yet, every time he thought about the moment he would call her his wife, his mouth went dry and his heart started beating faster. He was nervous, oh so nervous- what if something went wrong? There could be so much going wrong, and Pierro wanted this to be the perfect day for his love, so she could always think back and remember their wedding day with a smile.
But he couldn’t show it. His face carried the usual scowl, only melting into a small smile when he saw his love. He had to be steady and calm. He was her husband and the strong man in her life. Not that his wife to be needed any protection, but the instinct was still in him. Arlecchino would tell him to knock it off and stop behaving like the stereotypical, overprotective husband. And he knows he is, and he knows he shouldn't be, it was wrong of him to do so. 
Of course, he knows this. His lady was strong, a powerful woman in her own right, and yet…and yet he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to protect her, keep her safe and satiated, without any complaints. It was his duty as a husband, his duty to love, cherish, and protect her. And he would. This he promised himself the moment it became clear he would marry her.
When the day of the wedding finally came, Pierro planned to prepare himself alone. He could clothe himself. He has always done it.
But then his fellow Harbingers barged into his room, chattering with each other and carrying packages upon packages with them.
"What are you doing?" Pierro hissed. Then he started slowly backing away from Signora’s disapproving gaze at his choice of clothing. 
"We’re here to save the day," chirped Columbia, and started humming one of the many tunes he had chosen for the wedding. 
"No", he refused, batting Arlecchino’s hands from his hair. 
"We definitely need to fix this," mused Pantalone, and started opening the packages they brought in. Then he went through coats and alternations of their harbinger uniforms, always picking them up and holding them in the air, only to put them away after a few seconds. 
Pierro sighed and prepared for an exhausting morning, while the harbingers around him chattered and chirped away, eyes gleaming with mirth. They knew exactly that he didn’t want them here, and yet they ignored his silent wish for peace. 
Time passed fast, and before Pierro truly realized it, he stood in front of his majesty, for she would be the one to bless his marriage. Behind him, people whispered and pointed, awed at the extravagance of his wedding.
And suddenly, the nerves hit. His breath hitched, his hands started shaking, and he started to feel uneasy. He would marry the woman he loved, link himself with her, exchange vows for life-
The sharp gaze of the Tsaritsa pulled him out of his spiraling thoughts and he took a deep breath. He couldn’t hesitate now. He had to stay strong and steady for his wife to be.
His eyes widened when the doors of the hall finally opened and his darling lady finally showed her in her wedding dress. Her steps were slow, her long veil being carried by two young children, and her white dress falling and folding like a river, trailing after her elegant person.
A small smile was on her face, her hands full with a bouquet of roses, which she passed to one of the children accompanying her. She took his offered hand, stepping next to his right side. 
"You are beautiful," he whispered, and the radiant smile she gave in return almost made him gasp. A smile full of love, directed at him. He would marry her; he is marrying her. His lady, his darling, his wife. The woman he will live with from today until his death.
And so he spoke his vow, to love and cherish her, to protect and take care of her, till the end of his days.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 4 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 5
Summary : The cuddle streak is broken by the end of your 30th birthday.
Warning: mention of drinking, sweet loki is sweet, short chapter (3k words)
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In the morning you again woke up before him. Thank the gods. This has been going on for a week now, you had decided to put a stop to it like three nights ago but that obviously didn't work. You sneaked out of his embrace slowly and tiptoed towards the bathroom as if you were doing the walk of shame. Why did you always feel like such a sinner in the morning?
"It's just cuddles..be a mature adult about this" you mumbled to yourself. Well mature adults don't cuddle their mature friends. Also you shouldn't be cuddling men who existed even before the 19th century.
It was your birthday tomorrow, the day you have been dreading since your last birthday, the awful 30th, you were officially going to step out of your 20s with nothing to boot about. Nothing you ever did in life had made you proud of yourself.
For once you managed to leave the apartment without bumping into him, though why did he have to look so good when he was in deep sleep?
"So your place tomorrow? We are excited" Lyla squealed and you gave her a smile. Her and a bunch of other colleagues at the gym invited themselves to your birthday party that you didn't want to have in the first place.
"Yeah okay I'll see you tomorrow" as if you had any other options.
As you went home, he was folding your laundry, he was such a good roommate that you'd often forget that he wasn't your roommate. However as soon as he grabbed your grandma panties you snatched it out of his hand with the speed of the lightening.
"It's just a piece of fabric" he let out a hearty laugh so you glared at him.
"It's …intimate" So are the spooning sessions at night but he didn't see you complaining about them. None of you mentioned anything about them cuddles in the light of the day and it was starting to rub him in a certain way. A part of him was relieved because he wasn't sure if he was up for that conversation just yet, he didn't even know how you perceived him, was he just a friend? Only a friend?
"So big day tomorrow, are we having a celebration?" you sighed as he said that. You felt anxious telling him that he'd have to stay invisible tomorrow when your co-workers would come, it was one thing to introduce him to the family but you didn't want to put him at more risk. What if you get drunk and mess up or he does the whole magicky thing out of nowhere. You didn't want him to get caught, what would they do to him if he was to get caught? Would they hurt him? The thought made you want to cuddle him again.
"Uhhh actually my coworkers will be coming. I guess people really do like free drinks huh?" He chuckled as you said that
"So I'm assuming you won't be requiring my presence here?"
God he made everything easy, he just always knew what to say
"Loki, I want you here, you're my friend. It's just I don't want to put your life at risk, there would be several people, pictures will be taken and shared on Facebook or something, I'm sure Tony Stark must have the high technology where they can trace you with your face print or something right?" He continued to smile as you blabbed incoherently.
"I suppose so"
"I'm sorry" your eyes teared up so he walked towards you. He was wearing that cute blue shirt you had gotten for him. The color really popped his eyes, it also contrasted with his light pale skin so well.
"You don't have to apologize my darling, we will celebrate afterwards if you'd be open to that"
"Of Course.. ofcourse"
"This is your home, I don't ever want you to feel burdened by my presence "
"You never burden me Loki, I love living with you" his brows wiggled as you said that "I meant I like it..just a healthy amount" you chuckled as you walked away to put the stack of clothes in the closet. You wanted to die at the moment, actually dying while still in your 20s didn't sound so bad "It's not like I'm obsessed with you or anything " you mumbled but he only gave you his signature smile in response.
"How are you feeling?" He asked you, making you sigh deeply
"Well I'm bummed for sure. I mean I'll never get to be in my twenties again you know? The ship has sailed, the boats have..uhh boated. I don't know." The boat has bailed would have rhymed better but nope "Did you feel this way when you turned uhhh I don't know.. seven hundred" Your voice got lower and then higher by the end of the sentence, sometimes it was hard to grasp that he indeed was more than a thousand years old.
"Well in Asgard the numbers barely hold any value. It is the intelligence that's of significance when determining whether or not a man has matured completely, we grow up in phases, numbers are just that..numbers"
"Huhh. So are you a fully matured grown up?" You asked him and he chuckled
"Merely a few years back I thought that the mass extinction of my own kind would finally gain me the approval of Odin so I believe the answer would be no"
He smiled but you could tell that part of his life really affected him. Of Course it did, you couldn't imagine this soft sweet baby hurting someone, let alone hurting his own kind so cruelly, but then you also didn't know what he was going through, maybe he snapped and had enough, you always felt you'd snap someday too and become a villain that's hungry for revenge. But then you always allowed the karma to do its thing, and also because you were too lazy to become an actual villain. It was too much thinking. You walked towards him and hugged him to comfort him
"Well I'm sure you have outgrown that phase of yours now because the man that i know here.. my sweet friend–" Again with the friend he thought "He's pretty amazing" Well pretty and amazing you thought.
"So are you princess" your face got warm at the pet name so you took a step away from him.
Did he just call you a princess? You would barely qualify as a peasant on Asgard.
"I'll go shower and we can eat"
You did the routine- Shower, eat, brush teeth, sleep in separate beds and then one of the two would crawl in the other's bed depending on the mood.
It was his turn today, as the clock hit 12 he crawled into your bed and snuggled into you. Before you could say anything he greeted you,
"Happy Birthday Princess" a birthday wish has never sounded so sweet
"Thank you Loki" you smiled as you hooked your arm around him "This is not as bad as I thought it would be, you being here is helping though" he chuckled as you said that "I'm not joking, i really would have been a crying mess right now if you weren't here"
"Even if I wasn't here at this moment, I think I would have find you sooner or later"
"No you wouldn't have, it was pure luck"
"I do not think something so frivolous such as luck brought me to you, that tesseract has a mind of its own, the cube wanted me here"
"Isn't it called mind stone? "
"No it's the space one..what I'm trying to convey is that perhaps our paths were destined to collide"
"You're very cute" he smiled as you said that he has never been called cute before, that word was only used for small little creatures on Asgard and not gods like him "Can I ask you a question?" You mumbled so he hummed in response.
"Are you always this cold because you're a frost god?" A frost god? He was just a giant monster.
"Yes. I can manipulate my temperature though, would you like me to go warm?"
"Would it be uncomfortable for you?"
"Just a little, nothing I can not bear"
"Mmmm then i don't want it Loki, besides i am enjoying this, perfect for summers " you chuckled as you finished your sentence, you didn't want to get so completely obvious with your crush on him. You had no idea how much your sweet words and your care for him has affected him though, someone cared about his comfort and that wasn't something he was used to having.
Next day once you got all dolled up for the party he couldn't stop staring at you, the dress you had on made you look different, he thoroughly enjoyed you being in your pajamas but this wasn't too bad either.
He wanted to give you a little something before your friends would arrive so he sat down with you on the sofa.
"I was so rattled all night because I couldn't choose what I wanted to give you as a present –"
"Loki you don't have to do that" you placed your hand on his so he looked down and it immediately made you pull back.
"I know I don't necessarily have to, I just really wanted to" you smiled as he said that "There were plenty of things I could have given you that probably would have been more suitable for a lady like you, however–" his eyes teared up and so did yours, the softness in his voice remained undefeated, you didn't even need a gift anymore, this was enough. He waved his fingers and there was a small gift box in his hand, wrapped in a pretty paper and bunch of golden flowers, he passed it to you so you started to unwrap it
"I believed you'd rather want something sentimental and personal, something that would make you think of me" When he's not there he thought. As you opened the box, you found a knife in there, it was a knife polished in pure gold, the handle made from the finest oak, it had your name on it and there was a small birthday wish engraved on the blade,
"If you ever find yourself trapped by the twisted paths of uncertainties, remember that you can always cut through and make a new one, Loki"
"Loki–" you could hardly whisper his name and then it suddenly hit you, it wasn't any ordinary knife, it was the knife you had thrown at him on the first day, you recognised the blade, he had just molded it to make it look extraordinary "Ohhh god–" you looked at him, your eyes filled with several little emotions and then you hugged him as tightly as you could,
"Loki..This--" your breath hitched in your chest, making it almost impossible to talk to him "This is the most thoughtful gift i have ever received..thank you" he grabbed your hand and placed a small kiss, the look on your face made him feel content.
"Thank you lo ..thank you so much" you hugged him for a good minute before you pulled away, at night it didn't matter because the sleep always got you but rest of the times holding him for such a long time only made your thoughts spiral.
Unfortunately you didn't have much time because your colleagues would be here soon.
"Sooo ..just curious, what were the other things you could have gifted me" you questioned him and it made him chuckle.
"Jewels Perhaps"
"Yeahh I'm not into jewels sooo" you smiled and it made him smile too. He knew you'd appreciate something that held a sentimental value "Ummm okay I was wondering if people can still touch you if you're invisible?"
"Yes, I am indeed tangible but do not worry I'll just hide in my vault "
"Its spacious "
"Nooo noo no Loki, I can't..i would like it if you're here..with me" you smiled and he returned it.
"Alright "
He disappeared as soon as he heard the door buzzing, it felt weird to not see him and you really really wanted to see him. But knowing that he was there made you feel slightly better. As you opened the door, Lyla hugged you and Loki glared at her, this woman kept calling you chubby, he didn't like her already. There were two other ladies and three men, he kept his eyes on this particular guy, his name that he learned was Chase, he couldn't stop flirting with you even though you didn't seem interested or maybe that was his wishful thinking.
You went into the kitchen as you made them all sit down in the living room which was basically just a few feet away. Loki has graciously offered you a bunch of chairs and a table for the party. He was like a genie, he was exactly like a Genie.
One of the guys turned the tv on , giving you the headache already.
"Guys look ..look.. queen of Asgard is on tv" you ran into the living room as he said that. Queen of Asgard as in Frigga? What was she doing here?
"Loki, my son, wherever you are please return to me, I can not lose you again, enough of the jesting, your father has given me his word that there will be no consequences, please return, your family awaits your presence"
Loki had told you about her, from what he had shared you knew she was that one person he really loved and cared for. What did she mean by losing him again? Loki never shared what had really happened after his fight with Thor all those years back in Asgard.
"Come on it's a party..shut it off" Lyla whined as she sipped on her drink. You looked around in worry as you couldn't spot Loki but you knew he was watching.
"Man i wonder where that murderer bastard is" Steven, one of the guys said
"Mind your language you hear me?" You defended loki immediately,
"He's right though..a criminal like him rolling around freely isn't good for us" Stacy said and you rolled your eyes. What did they even know about him? You did, and he wasn't as evil as he should have been after everything he has been through, you knew he didn't attack NYC on his own, he was compelled and forced to do it.
You looked behind and you could see the bathroom door opening and closing so you went in there and locked the door.
"Loki are you–" before you could finish your word he had you pressed against the door with his palm right over your mouth, you looked right up into his eyes as he appeared, he was in his Asgardian clothing, a long black tunic with matching trouser, the color looked the best on him, it complimented his raven hair.
"They can hear you" he whispered quietly so you nodded, as he took a step back you breathed in deeply, the proximity always messed up your brain. All you could think about was kissing him and then him picking you up to place you down on the sink while you two would make out
"Your mother–"
"It's just so typical of Thor to involve our mother in between our quarrels" he mumbled in frustration.
"Well it's more than just a quarrel" you chuckled so he gave you a smile "She said that..there will be no consequences –"
"She's lying ofcourse "
"But she won't lie to you would she?" He chuckled again but his eyes had gotten teary this time, you squeezed your eyes shut as you remembered that she had lied to him about his heritage all his life.
"Are you okay?" You whispered so he nodded.
"Go enjoy the celebration darling, I'm absolutely alright I promise " you nodded as he said that. Maybe he just wanted to be alone.
You went back to the living room but you couldn't stop thinking about him, he seemed troubled and you wanted to hug him as tightly as you could.
Once everyone left and you couldn't have been more grateful that they did, you called out for him, he clicked his fingers and there he was, on your bed, reading his book.
"Are you okay?" You asked him so he hummed
"Are you?"
"I'm fine..a bit drunk but fine"
You gulped so he nodded.
"So that's your mom huh"
"Adoptive mother, I never even met my birth mother " he answered as he flipped the page of the book.
"Ohhh .. ummm.. soo.. do you want to celebrate my birthday..ummm there's a cake, I think you'll like it" you walked towards the kitchen and he sighed. He put the book down and followed you, his mood had turned sour but he really didn't want to upset you. He also really wanted to kiss you right now.
"Ummm so Chase asked me out on a date" he crossed his arms as you told him. That boar wanted to romance you? He didn't deserve a woman like you. Nobody did. He didn't think midgardian men possessed the heart to value a lady such as you.
"So you'd court this man?"
"I uhhh–" what were you supposed to say? You just wanted to see his reaction, you weren't sure this is the reaction you wanted. You wanted him to get jealous
"What should I do?" You questioned him like a moron and he snickered. Did he just snicker? Was he upset?
"I'm no one to make that sort of decisions for you darling"
"Well..Perhaps one date won't kill me" you mumbled. You really were picking up his lingos.
"Yeah, perhaps " Did he just use the word yeah?
"Okay ummm here's the cake " you passed him the plate so he took it. He couldn't stop you from courting other people if you wanted to, he wasn't your significant other afterall, he was just a friend, probably not even that. He was just the burden.
That night he didn't approach you for cuddling because he figured you'd rather cuddle this new man, you didn't either because you thought he didn't want to do it anymore.
Did you just ruin the cuddling arrangement by opening your big mouth? You weren't even into this Chase guy. You'd tell Chase tomorrow that you weren't into him, you weren't going to do what other people had done to you. It was deceiving.
Well that was the plan you had made before sleeping but an argument happened and for some reason you ended up on this date anyways. And Loki was definitely bitter about it. Extremely bitter.
Tag list (if you want to be tagged or removed let me know.. also I’m not able to tag some of you, please check your settings)
@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72
@nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @huntress-artemiss @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @hyperlokilover @vickie5446 @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @tallseaweed @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @flashhxn-lights @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @nyxxharmonia @elthreetimes @grufteila @thenotoriouserg @optimisticyouthdefender
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crazycurly-77 · 3 months
Hey, Ms. Secret Service! - Chapter 14
Actually he was planning exactly what he said, you both were going to the bullpen to greet everyone. 
When they saw you, there was a big hello and hugs from all sides. 
As always Tony was the first. He came immediately to you “look who's back!” and gave you a bone crushing hug. You laughed wholeheartedly. It was sooo good to be back again and you were eternally thankful for that. 
Tim and Kate were no less pleased to see you, but they embraced you more carefully and said “so good that you are here. Welcome back.” And then there they came, one running and one walking and laughing because of the running one. 
Yeah, Abby and Ducky came definitely towards you. 
Abby ran full speed into you, all the while sobbing and repeating “you're back, you're back, you're back”. She only let go of you as Ducky tapped on her shoulder. You were freed reluctantly only for Ducky to embrace you tightly, too “we've missed you, my dear. So glad that you're back with us once more.”
The hug ended and they all stood around you - your family. You loved them dearly and thanked all that was holy to see them again. In this moment you decided to never do such a high risk mission again, for you didn't want to imagine never seeing them once more. 
Then Gibbs spoke up “to celebrate your coming back, I will invite you all to breakfast. Then Y/N can tell us all that happened and that's not classified. Let's go.”
Loud cheering was heard and everyone grabbed their things to go to the cars. Gibbs took your hand and walked to the elevator where the others were waiting. If they saw, they didn't say anything about that. It seemed that he needed physical contact with you to reassure him that you were indeed back. 
He never let go of you except when you both were eating and you told all that had to be told, while your colleagues listened to you intently. You expected that the others would recognize that he was never leaving your side and that they would say something, but they didn't. 
Only after you all were back in the office and Gibbs went to get coffee, Ducky leaned in and said “we wish you two all the best and please take care of him. He doesn't believe it, but he deserves to be happy like everyone else does.”
As he came back with two cups of coffee and gave you yours, you thanked him. He smiled, winked at you and pointed to your cup. You looked at it and there was a message written, which said “dinner, 7pm, at mine.” Your head shot up and you looked surprised at Jethro, who smirked at you. You smiled widely at him and nodded.
So that was settled, Jethro and you had a date this evening. And you were already nervous about it. 
You arrived at his house a few minutes earlier and you were totally tense, thinking “How should I greet him? With an embrace? What should I say?” Then you took a deep breath, brushed your thoughts away and exited your car. 
After making five steps to the house the door was opened and there he stood grinning. You couldn't help, but laugh out loud while walking to him. 
As you discovered, your doubts were unfounded. Because as soon as you were in his reaching distance, he embraced you tightly saying “hello my love. I'm so glad that you are finally here with me.”
You sighed and whispered “me too.”
Both of you were enjoying this wonderful feeling of hugging each other immensely and didn't want to let go, but unfortunately you couldn't stay all the time in the entrance of his house. 
Reluctantly he gave you free and grabbed your hand “come on, let's go inside.”
He led you to the dining room and you were totally amazed. He had outdone himself. 
The table was beautifully set with dishes, flowers and candles alight.
Standing there and admiring his work you felt two arms closing around you from behind. He laid his chin on your shoulder and whispered “I prepared a little romantic dinner for us. Hope you like it.” He kissed your cheek and you whispered “it's wonderful.”
At this moment the timer for the food was heard. “Food's ready! Sit down, I'll be right back” Gibbs said and walked to the stove. 
“Can I help you?” 
“No, just make yourself at home,” he said, smiling. He was very nervous too, because he wanted to impress you and wanted to tell you something important. 
As he brought the food, you ate and chatted about everything and nothing. It was simply wonderful and after dinner and doing the dishes you sat on the couch in the living room, side by side. His arm were around your back and you leaned on his shoulder. You were both dancing and cheering inwardly and enjoying your closeness silently. 
After a while Jethro said “you know, with you and my father I finally feel whole again. It feels like a real family, which I have longed for and missed for so long.”
You smiled “I'm glad. You just have to tell Kate that, since she is or will be a big part of this family, I assume.”
That irritated him “Why Kate?”
“Well, I thought you and Kate....?”
That made him laugh "no. There's nothing. I thought for a short time it might be a possibility, but no. She's the wrong woman.” 
He paused, looked intensely in your eyes and uttered “I'm talking about us. You and me. To hell with rule 12, rules are meant to be broken. And yes, I'm ready for a new relationship. And there's nothing I long for more than to be with you. But I have to warn you. I'm all in. I want the full program. I want to get married and start a family. You're the only one I can imagine that with.
My father, you, me and our children at a picnic in the park, at the campfire and everywhere else too. What do you say?”
You stared at him and were completely speechless. 
He laughed shortly. “It would be nice, if you say something about that,” he said nervously and uncertainly. You were stunned, because you've never seen him like that before.
You're still trying to collect yourself. “Um...to what exactly?”
“First of all to me as your boyfriend, because I love you with all of my heart. But with the option of marriage and a family in the future.”
“Hmm, yes...that's a good suggestion.” and laughing, you fell into his arms. “I love you, Jethro. And yes, I want that with you. All of it.”
You both were as lucky as one can be and couldn't contain yourself anymore. You began to kiss each other madly. 
And as you kissed more and more passionately and your hands started to explore each other's bodies, his father suddenly bursted into the house and saw you on the couch during your make-out session.
You wanted to quickly break away from Jethro, but he continued to hold you tightly in his arms. While you rested your forehead and hands on his chest, he continued to hold you by the waist and let his head fall back. He groaned in frustration, "dad!"
Jackson just laughed and said, "Keep going, don't let me disturb you. I want to be able to spoil another grandchild soon, so make an effort!"
You looked from Jackson to Jethro in horror and both Gibbs started to laugh loudly. It was so contagious, that you had to laugh too and Jackson came over to you for a family hug.
The next day, Gibbs' first thing of the day after drinking a coffee was to buy a new lock for his front door.
The End
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951 @hobby27
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wolven91 · 5 months
Drifting - Part 10
“Ah! Casper my boy!” Exclaimed Zeet. It was the older engineer geckin who had been supporting the young man's progress as a brand new mech pilot. The blue geckin had been the one in the first instance to suggest to the young man that he give piloting a try and so far had been a stalwart ally and straight shooting voice of reason for Casper.
Despite the engineer’s enthusiasm, Zeet had never led Casper astray, nor had any of his machines failed the young man. The human felt he could trust this geckin, as far as his equipment went at the very least. 
“Good morning Zeet, I understand it's the moment of truth?” Replied Casper, calmer than he expected. Qik stepped into the room not a single step behind the human and marched over to the correctly sized chairs. She pulled out the centre one and sat directly in front of the High Commander, the black and purple geckin in charge of the geckin people’s military actions.
She would be the one in control of the upcoming operation.  
This was when Casper noticed that there was a small crowd of geckins already sitting on the other side of the broad table that dominated the room. With only two chairs on ‘his’ side, it was quite obvious where he was meant to sit. Casper couldn’t help but squint and narrow his eyes at the people arrayed in front of him. Wasn’t it a bit heavy handed? Zeet, Wren, the High Commander and a slew of other geckins that the man had yet to have met, at least as far as he was aware of. Were they all needed to brief the pair of mercenaries?
Zeet seemed undeterred. 
“Indeed! The moment of truth! Oh, I can’t w-” Although the older alien couldn’t finish his sentence as a curt, sharp voice cut him off and he went silent instantly.
“Enough Zeet. Casper, why not sit with your… colleague?” Suggested the High Commander, not in the slightest giving him another option. Her tone was mocking, but he had no doubt she held little regard to either Qik or the pair of them.
Casper didn’t say anything, and instead calmly walked over to sit and join Qik at the table. She was perfectly still and a perfect picture of cold, calm and calculating. Casper kept his silence, and waited for someone else to speak.There was a pregnant moment of silence. 
The High Commander was the first to break the pause and spoke in a haughty tone.
“As per your contract Qik, we have need to run an op on the same planet as before.” She explained, blinking slowly and looking down her short snout at the lopeljack mercenary. Qik was unphased. 
“What’s the gig?” She asked without missing a beat.
“They’re amassing a sizable mechanised force in the former cities. Orbital operations are still at a stand still, neither of us want to have to report the loss of a ship.” The Commander explained, waving a hand dismissing the orbital fleets as if it were a non-issue. 
“So you want us to cut them down?” Qik asked, fishing for details.
“Exactly.” The purple and black geckin replied without assisting. Her eyes blinking slowly again, she kept them focused on Qik, pointedly ignoring Casper. He made no attempt to insert himself, he trusted Qik implicitly. The lopel stared the geckin down for a moment before breaking her gaze and shrugging, leaning back into her chair.
“Seems straight forward, I would have thought you would have used us in something more valuable.” She mused aloud, interlocking her fingers and gazing lazily at the geckin. Casper’s eyes narrowed a fraction just as he noticed the scale below her right eye twitch. A tell?
“I am a geckin of my word. This is the first combat operation we need to deploy against. The choice is our own mechanised force, which is a cost and a risk, or we rid ourselves of the two drains upon our resources.” The aloof geckin explained, again, waving her hand in the air without her elbows leaving them table. 
“Drains?” Casper asked, unable to bite his tongue in time. The geckin finally turned her attention to the human. 
“With your contracts complete you will have no need to stay and we can invest in professionals that mind their business.” Replied the commander, obviously peeved at the pair of them. 
The geckin turned her attention back to Qik, despite only being a foot tall, Casper was near certain he saw the mental image of a tank turret, slowly traversing as the High Commander turned and stared at Qik. 
The lopel merely stared back. 
“Make no mistake, we are not pleased with your interference with Casper and his training.” She explained curtly. Qik shrugged and pulled a uncaring face. 
“I trained him how I would train any pilot, just as you’ve asked me to do for the last hundred you sent my way. He’s no different.” She defended calmly. Casper had no idea if that was true. Did she use all her trainees as body pillows? 
He kept this thought to himself.
“And yet he’s the first to demand his own contract?” The High Commander demanded.
“Ask him yourself.” Qik offered, gesturing at Casper to her left. The young man tried not to have a heart attack. 
“Well?” The High Commander inquired, staring a hole through the centre of Casper’s forehead. Casper swallowed and gathered his thoughts, not sure if he was ready to be put on the spot already. But the man had, had plenty of time to think and consider the matter. Clearing his throat, he offered his explanation, as honestly as he could. 
“I’m not geckin ma’am. I would assume your pilots are quite loyal to your people?” He asked slowly. 
“Every one of them.” She replied without hesitation. 
“I am grateful for your help, but I’m not geckin. There was no plan for me to stay long term. You got me dropped into your lap. This was just an accident, you couldn’t have expected me to stay?” Casper asked, trying to appeal to her common sense. A human to babysit wasn’t exactly a boon to anyone, let alone a government or private organisation that would apparently need to prove he was happy on a regular basis?
Casper wasn’t expecting the cold, sharp, humourless grin to spread across her face. 
“Hmph, quite the contrary. We fought for a sizable number of humans to be provided to the geckin territories.” She explained, almost off handedly. It hadn’t been what Casper had expected her to say in slightest. He frowned, outright confused. 
“What, why? You don’t know us.” He demanded. 
“Politics, as with everything.” She offered, waving her hand as she did. 
“So not the kindness of your heart then?”
That got a snort of derision from the small creature. She leant forward and interlaced her fingers, resting her snout beneath her fingers while staring Casper directly in the eye as she spoke next. 
Her words were low and intense. She believed every word she uttered with every fibre of her being. Casper was certain of that. 
“You are not an idiot so don’t be naive. No. The geckin people are under attack by the cowardly ssypno and their gluttonous nobility. All the while, their queen sits idly while our freedom is crushed within their coils.” The High Commander explained, baring her teeth as she spoke.
“Our very existance is up for debate amongst the high tri-table and we will not merely sit by while the next hunt begins.” She pulled her arms apart, one hand slapping against the table while the other pointed at Casper to emphasise her point. 
“Demanding our fair share to the human population that was being divided amongst the other races was a method of establishing our legitimacy to be sat at the table, as frustrating as it is to have to resort to such methods.” She explained, waving awake the unpleasant concept as if it bothered her like a fly.
Casper blinked, turning over this information in his head.
“Humans were… divided up amongst the other races?” He asked. 
“Yes. Humans have captured the hearts and minds of every race across the stars. The general populace of every sentient race demand we ‘save’ you.” The geckin snorted. “I will be blunt as there is no harm in being honest at this point.”
She paused, but Casper gave her every ounce of his attention. This was not knowledge that was available to him. He needed to hear this. The High Commander locked eyes with the human and spoke with conviction. 
“I do not care if your people die. But while you’re alive, you are the perfect tool for my people. A shield to aggression. No ssypno force, noble or royal, would *dare* attack a base, city or maybe even planet if there was a single human present.” The High Commander revealed, shocking Casper to his core. He felt his lips part, as if to retort, but no words came out. 
“You’re the perfect shield.” She pointed out as if the sky was blue and water was wet. 
Casper turned this concept over in his head as he considered this from every angle. He was staring at the wood grain of the table, but wasn’t seeing it. 
Until he made the connection, and looked back up at her. 
“But now I want off the planet.” He pointed out. 
“So we will lose control of you and lose your protection.” She finished. Almost smug in that Casper had to have had this information explained. She was not talking as if she was in a poor position. Why? What was giving her this confidence? 
“Why do I feel you have another card up your sleeve?” He asked. 
“An odd saying, but yes, my tail has yet to fall off.” She retorted. She paused, and allowed Casper a time to stay there, in his ignorance. Qik also said nothing, but was still avidly watching her. The lopel eyes intense and serious. 
Eventually, the geckin spoke again. 
“I wonder… How will the many bleeding hearts of the galaxy feel ‘if’ or rather, ‘when’, the ssypno forces fire on a human?” The geckin tilted her head.  “We will record and present every moment of your operation. Success or failure, we remove at least some of their forces from the board and weaken the ssypno’s desire to fight.”
The wicked grin returned as the High Commander leaned forward, pressing her fingertips and claws into the table, leaving curled wood at the end of new grooves in the priceless wood. 
“The ssypno people will see their nobility attacking their precious humans and revolt. That… is the value you hold.” The High Commander concluded, grinning and licking her absent lips. 
Casper had no retort, nothing he could say. He would be used regardless of his actions. Qik however, didn’t care. A job was a job and the sooner she and the human completed it, the sooner they could get to the other side the spiral. 
“Fascinating as it is, can we finalise the contracts?” Qik asked disinterestedly, suspending her hand in the air as if offering a solution. The High Commander affixed a ‘smile’ across her features while the rest of the geckins remained perfectly impassive. Casper didn’t like it immediately and the hairs on the back of his neck all slowly raised on end. 
The only exception to this and seemingly oblivious to the ongoing power players, was Zeet who immediately piped up and began to present his PDA, turning it briefly.
“Oh! Yes! I have some marvellous plans for you to-”
“Zeet. Shut.” The High Commander demanded. Zeet paused immediately, returning to his chair and hiding the screen from view. Qik narrowed her eyes, glancing from Zeet, back to the High Commander.
“Something you’re not telling us?” She asked, obviously sensing the same issue Casper was. The High Commander acted surprised and grinned again. 
“Oh no. You will deploy as you have done in the past with your equipment.” She offered. Qik outright frowned and her voice dropped an octave. 
“...What of Casper’s rig?” She demanded, deadly serious. 
“Casper doesn’t own a rig.” The High Commander offered, seemingly confused as to why Qik would ask. . 
“How do you expect him to fight?” The lopel asked, audibly speaking through clenched teeth.
“I suppose we could…  supply a firearm, for free.” The purple and black striped geckin offered pleasantly, as if that was reasonable or acceptable. 
Qik was on her feet in an instant, hands on the table, looming over the geckins as best she could.
“This will be a breach of contract, under the ‘unreasonable’ clauses!” She announced, pointing down at the table and punctuating her words. Casper merely sat back and let her work. The geckin merely shrugged, unphased by the lopel’s display. 
“We would contest any claim, but we… being reasonable, are willing to offer an amendment to Casper’s contract.” The High Commander offered, leaning back and spreading her hands and arms out, as if a benevolent trader.
The room went still and the temperature dropped. 
“What kind?” Qik asked in a calm, steady voice. Too calm. Too steady. She was on edge.
“We will provide a mech of high quality, free of charge until the completion of the operation and contract.” The geckin offered calmly. Everyone waited for the other shoe to drop. 
“What for?” Casper asked. Qik glanced in his direction, but otherwise kept her eyes on the geckin, who was now pointedly ignoring the lopel.
“Hmmm, you’re certainly not a simple feral creature like some suggest. There will be a clause that is in our favour.” She admitted. 
“What is it?” He asked. The High Commander leaned back and glanced to her left, Casper and Qik’s right. To Wren. The biologist who had been caring for Casper since the beginning. She hadn’t done a great job, but the young man couldn’t fault her attempts to ensure he was okay.
Wren spoke calmly in a practised manner. She seemed to recite her words from memory, rather than form them on the fly.
“In the event of the need to eject the pilot casket, the operation is declared over and the loaned mech and all its contents and components are the property of the XixTech organisation.” The green geckin concluded before sitting back down and going silent. She too, adopted a haughty expression, lifting her muzzle slightly and staring Casper down somewhat. 
It honestly didn’t seem like much of an issue. It wasn’t his mech, he’d get his own rig later. Casper breathed in to dismiss and accept the terms, he had no want to take their property, but stopped when Qik’s hand grabbed his thigh. 
He glanced over to her as she spoke without breaking eye contact with the High Commander.
“All components?” The lopel demanded.
“Quite.” A nod. 
“No deal.”
Casper blinked, turning to Qik. 
“What? I can’t fight on foot! I need that rig.” He demanded, thinking about fighting tanks on foot with a single rifle! Qik or no, he’d more likely fall and blow his own head off than destroy a damned tank!
Qik’s expression when she turned to him gave him pause however. Without waiting, she spoke and explained in a slow, clam voice. Devoid of emotion. 
“Casper, the pilot in the casket, is included in this.” 
“If you need to eject, then XixTech will, literally, own you.” Qik concluded. 
Wren cleared her through before speaking as everyone turned to her. 
“More specifically, as their representative; I will own you.”
Casper frowned, seeing the green doctor in a new light. 
“Why?” He asked, confused as to why she’d go this route. If she had asked for anything, he’d likely have just given it to her. She needn’t of gone this way. 
“Ignoring that I don’t need to answer that, we can learn more from you.” She began, coolly. “From your connection to the machine to how you handle the load. I hasten to add, it need not be a bad life, you could work *with* me in researching this.”
Casper said nothing, she continued.
“Or I could put your brain in a jar and ask you questions where you are devoid of distractions like light or sound. I would reward cooperation with stimulation. Otherwise it would be a perfect void for you.”
The green geckin shrugged. 
“Either way works for me.”
The lopel stood and swiped her hand through the air, dismissing the whole geckin side. 
“No deal. My company is on their way, they will have several things to say about this coercion.” She warned before turning and breathing in to speak with Casper, but was cut off by the High Commander.
“So be it, but you’re not being asked here.” The purple and black geckin turned to the human and pointedly asked; “Casper? Your choice. Freedom, with the chance of failure, or stay here as our permanent resident. We will offer you opportunities to pilot mechs, albeit under our direct control.”
The High Commander turned back to the lopal, although still spoke to Casper. 
“We have learnt from our mistakes with our dear Qik here.”
Qik raised her hand, her fingers splayed and brought her palm down in a vertical swipe, holding it in place as if to highlight her words. 
“Casper, don’t. There's another way.”
The young man doubted it. The geckins were too sure, the contracts seemed too tight. 
“Is there?” He asked. 
“The company has lawyers, these idiots aren’t the first to try and strong arm a deal.” She offered. The geckin High Commander retorted again, with an almost gleeful tone.
“No, but we are the first with a human. We checked, your laws are fantastically logical and detailed. It even lists the species… unfortunate ‘human’ is not included.” The finished with a sharp grin.
“They’ve got us cornered.” Casper pointed out.
“No, theres another way.” Qik said, her eyes almost frantic as she mentally searched for an out, finding none. 
“No, just… give me a sec.”
“Qik do you trust in your training?” Casper asked quietly. 
“What?” The lopel asked, glancing up at him. He was still sat in his chair as she stood over him. Her fur was beautiful and shiny. He didn’t want to cause her distress, but there wasnt a way out here.
“Do you trust in what you’ve taught me? Could I survive in a fight?” He asked pointedly. 
Qik said nothing, searching his face for something. He smiled and shook his head.
“I’m not trying to trick you. Just honesty.” He pressed. 
She grimaced and wore a tight smile. 
“I’ve taught you all I can. Everything else comes from experience.” She explained, her shoulders sagging. 
“Like fighting technicals?” He suggested. Qik frowned, then turned to the gathered board of geckins. 
“If… Is it just technicals? By requirements, you need to tell me your intel now.”
One of the side geckins spoke, reviewing a datapad. 
“Only scuttle tanks and stationary emplacements. We need those emplacements destroyed, but we do offer bonuses for every additional unit destroyed. The bigger the better.” He offered. His lighter tone a stark difference to the hard tones of the others. 
“No enemy pilots?” Qik checked. 
“The ssypno are still scrambling after you took out the former ace.” The High Commander offered. Qik turned back to Casper and sighed. 
“I think… You got a good chance.”
Casper merely nodded then turned in his seat to directly address the High Commander.
“I’ll accept the contract if you give me a fighting chance. Give me a good mech and I’ll agree.”
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sequinsmile-x · 3 months
Even Statues Crumble if They’re Made to Wait - Part 3
She can't stop thinking about the fact she isn't even meant to be here. That she's still supposed to be at home on maternity leave instead of sitting in a church in Colorado wondering if she'd ever see her husband or her little girl again.
A Minimal Loss AU with a Young Hotchniss twist.
Part 3/4
Part 1, Part 2
Hi friends <3
Thanks for the love on this story so far - it means the world. Young Hotchniss is so fun to write and writing it mixed in with one of my fav episodes?! Amazing.
Please let me know what you think <3
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: Aaron Hotchner whump, (flashback) canon typical violence, references to domestic violence/Aaron's childhood.
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
April 1999
She knows something is wrong the moment Dave’s name flashes on the screen of her cell phone, because there was only one reason he’d be calling. 
He and Aaron had an agreement, that if one of them was hurt and couldn’t get in touch with their loved ones as a result, they’d call the other’s wife. Aaron often joked that if the time ever came he hoped he’d remember which one of Dave’s wives to call, something that would always make the older man roll his eyes as they both laughed at him. 
She abandons the translations she’d been doing, her focus immediately pulled from the documents spread across her desk as she grabs her phone, ignoring the slight shake of her hands. 
The way he says her name, the kindness and sympathy woven through it makes her clench her teeth, her eyes fixed on her desk as she feels her colleagues’ gazes burning into her side, their concern enough to make her feel anger she knows isn’t justified. 
“What’s wrong? Where’s Aaron? Is he…”
“He was shot, Bella,” he says and it feels like she’s suddenly underwater, the sound of her heartbeat so loud in her head that her hearing fades out, a high-pitched ringing loudly in her ears. 
Rationally, she’d always known that his joining the BAU would put him at risk. She knew that. He was hunting and capturing dangerous people, people who had nothing left to lose as the net started to close around them. In the 6 months since he’d joined, he’d had close calls. He’d come home to her with bruises and cracked ribs and been nothing short of impossible as he healed. That had been hard enough to watch, her breath catching in her chest whenever she’d see his mottled skin, whenever he’d wince if he moved in just the wrong way but this was worse. Something she’d actively avoided thinking about each time he left their home and kissed her goodbye.
This was the first time she could actually lose him. 
“We’re at George Washington,” Dave says, “I’ll stay here until you arrive.”
She swallows thickly and nods even though he can’t see her, and she suddenly finds herself overwhelmed with gratitude the case had been local, that she’d seen him only a few hours ago. She’d been half asleep, curled around his pillow as he kissed her forehead and told her he loved her. She couldn’t remember if she said it back. They’d said it so often over the years, the term no less meaningful even though it was now a habit, that she couldn’t remember if she’d said it, if she’d lost her last ever chance to. 
“Okay,” she says, already standing up, “I’ll be right there.” 
She hangs up without saying anything else and grabs her bag, offering her team a half-explanation, asking them to tell their boss, as she leaves, all of her focus on getting to her husband. When she arrives at the hospital she doesn’t remember getting there. Doesn’t remember a moment of the journey or anything other than the need to see Aaron, to touch him and feel his warm skin beneath hers.
She finds Dave in the waiting room. He stands up as soon as he sees her and she can’t hide her gasp when she spots the patches on his shirt, a grim pattern of her husband’s blood drying on their friend's shirt. 
“He’s in surgery,” Dave says, his smile forced and tight, an expression she’s sure he means to be reassuring, “The unsub got the drop on us. He was waiting and Aaron was first through the door. He is in surgery, the doctors said it looks good so far.”
She chokes on a laugh and shakes her head, wondering what could possibly be good about the fact her husband had been shot, and she briefly closes her eyes, heaving in a breath to try and calm herself before she looks at Dave again. She swallows thickly as she sees the look that flicks over his face, something he tries and fails to cover, “What aren’t you telling me?” 
Dave sighs, his hands on his hips as he tries to weigh up what he’s about to tell her. He clears his throat, “He coded in the ambulance.” 
A wave of nausea almost knocks her over, her stomach rolling in a way that must make her sway on the spot if the way Dave reaches out, his hands on her elbows to steady her is anything to go by, “He…he coded? He died?” 
“Emily,” Dave says, tightening his hold on her, forcing her to look at him, “They brought him back. Someone comes out to give me an update every 30 minutes or so and they’ll be here soon.”
She nods and blows out a breath that shudders through her. She struggles to fill her lungs again, her airways stuffed full of preemptive grief she can’t help but feel despite Dave’s assurances. She sits down, not sure her legs can hold her up any longer, and he sits next to her, ready to provide whatever she needs. They sit in silence. It’s all she can take. The thought of talking, of trying to pretend everything was okay, too much to take. It would break her and she didn’t want to break. Couldn’t break until she knew Aaron was okay. 
Eventually, a doctor comes out and calls out for Aaron’s family. She tells her that she’s his wife before she’s even finished speaking, and the relief Emily feels when she’s told Aaron is out of surgery is palpable. She barely remembers to acknowledge Dave as she’s led to Aaron’s room, the need to see him overriding everything else. 
He’s still unconscious when she sits on the edge of his bed. He almost looks like he’s sleeping, but the pallor of his skin and the bandage peeking out from under his hospital gown give away the trauma he’d been through today. She wraps her hands around one of his, the coolness of his skin, something she knows is down to blood loss, makes her chest ache. She lifts his hand and kisses his knuckles. 
“I love you,” she mutters, pressing her lips against his skin again, “I love you so much.” 
Every minute that it takes for him to wake up feels like a lifetime, her hopes dashed every time she sees his face twitch and he doesn’t open his eyes. When he eventually squeezes her hand, his eyes fluttering open as he groans, she feels relief wash over her, tears she’d been suppressing for hours pressing at the back of her eyes. 
“Hi honey,” she says quietly, kissing his knuckles before she unhooks one hand from around his and cups his cheek, “Welcome back.”
“Wha…what happened?” He rasps out, his voice thick with sleep and pain and she reaches for the small cup of water next to his bed, holding the straw in place for him to take a sip.
“You were shot,” she says, her voice shaking as her vision gets even blurrier, “Dave called me.” 
He gratefully drinks the water and squeezes her hand again, “You okay?” 
She chokes on a laugh and leans in, stamping her lips against his, “You’re the one who was shot and you’re asking if I’m okay?” 
He tries to reach for her but groans, the movement pulling at his chest in a way that makes pain spread throughout his body. She shushes him, leaning in closer, giving herself to him willingly as she rests her forehead against his. 
“If I got that call about you, I wouldn’t be okay,” he says, his breath warm as it skips across her face. It’s the thing that tips her over the edge, makes tears that she’d been resisting all day slip from her skin to his. Warm drops of her sorrow burning his still slightly too cool skin. “Hey, I’m okay,” he says, hating that his body isn’t cooperating, that he can’t pull her into his arms, “I’m okay sweetheart.” 
She sits up and wipes his cheeks and then hers, “I can’t remember if I told you I love you this morning.” 
He frowns, his brain muddled with anaesthetic and painkillers, “What?”
Her smile shakes as she straightens out the cannula delivering him oxygen, “When you left this morning. I couldn’t remember if I said it back. It’s all I could think about after Dave called…” she wipes more tears from her cheeks as they fall, “I couldn’t remember if I said it and I thought I’d never get the chance again.” 
He kisses her, his lips dry against hers, and he does his best to smile when they pull back, “I know you love me, Em. I’ve always known,” his smile turns dopey, an unrestrained edge to it she knows is the medication he’s on, “I knew you loved me even before you did.”
She chokes on a laugh and nods, resting her forehead against his again as she closes her eyes, desperate to seek out the scent of him underneath all of the antiseptic, “I wish I could argue with that. But you totally did.” 
“We’ve never needed the words, baby,” he assures her, “I love you and you love me. Everything else is just confetti.”
She smiles and kisses his forehead, “You are high as a fucking kite, my love,” she says, “You’re saying all kinds of crap you usually wouldn’t.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not usually thinking it,” he grumbles and she chuckles, the sound wet as it catches in her chest, the weight of the day settling on her shoulders. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she says, pressing her lips together as she tries to stop her chin from trembling. She runs her fingers through his hair again, fussing over him in the only way she could right now. “I’m too young to be a widow.” 
He hums thoughtfully, “Me too. Let’s make a pact - no more getting hurt at work for either of us.”
She knows it’s a promise they can’t keep. That even though she’s more office based than he is right now there were still risks involved when she was in the field, and that in the future she would likely move to another team anyway. But right now, with his hand in hers and his sleepy smile focused on her, she can’t bring herself to argue with him.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, mister.”
Aaron checks his watch as he paces the hotel room, his lips against Alice’s temple as he holds her to his chest, his hand running circles on her back as she resists sleep. 
“I know, princess,” he says soothingly, “I know. Mommy is my favourite person to fall asleep on too,” he says, kissing her dark hair as she finally starts to settle, her cries turning into whimpers, “But she’ll be back soon.”
He continues pacing, talking about anything and everything to his little girl. Emily always said Alice had found his voice soothing even when she was still pregnant with her, that she’d only stop kicking and finally give Emily the chance to sleep when he spoke to her. His cheek against Emily’s bump as he told their baby about his day. 
He tilts his head to check on her after she’s been silent for a while and sighs in relief when he sees she’s asleep, her mouth slightly open with her cheek pressed against his chest. His phone rings just as he sets Alice down, immediately waking the grumpy baby back up and he groans as he picks her back up.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he says, kissing the side of her head as he settles her against his chest, “Daddy should have put his phone on silent.” He picks his phone up and sighs at Derek’s name on the screen before he answers, placing the phone between his ear and shoulder so he can soothe his daughter, “This better be good, Morgan.”
“Turn on the news.” 
He frowns, Derek’s tone abrupt even for him, “What’s-”
“Hotch,” he says, almost pleading with him, “Turn on the news.” 
He sighs and looks for the remote for the television, “One second,” he says, sighing as he finds it and switching it on, “You know I’m not working today,” he says, flicking through channels until he gets to the news, “I’m in Colorado with…”
He drifts off as he lands on the right channel, the headline makes his breath catch in his chest.
Raid at Separatarian Sect turns into deadly shootout. 
He clenches his teeth, the weight of his daughter against his chest the only thing keeping him grounded as he spits out his response down the phone “What the hell happened?” 
Derek tells him what he knows, the limited information they already had about the failed police raid they hadn’t known about and says that the team are on the way. He doesn’t try and argue with Aaron when he says he’ll see them at the scene, each as aware as the other that it would be a waste of time and effort.
When he shows up at the crime scene, Alice strapped against his chest in the baby carrier Penelope had bought them, he flashes his badge at the confused officers manning the barriers but gets past them with little argument. The hours it takes for the team to arrive drag by, every passing minute feeling like a wasted opportunity to get Emily and Spencer out of the compound. Alice sleeps through most of it, safe and content against his chest and mercifully unaware of what is unfolding around her. 
He doesn’t waste a second to talk to the team when they do arrive, barely giving Dave a chance to get out of the car before he tells him he wants him on point for the negotiation. Dave is fighting him on it, questioning why Aaron is there at all, when he hears a commotion behind him, a man in a suit that costs more than Aaron earns in a month walking towards them.
“I’m the attorney general of this state and I demand to know why I wasn’t told the FBI were doing a covert operation at the Separatarian Ranch.”
Aaron feels his patience snap and he walks over, Dave just a few paces behind him in case he needs to intervene, “The only thing you’re in a position to demand is a lawyer.” 
The Attorney General looks him up and down, his eyes lingering on the sleeping baby strapped to Aaron’s chest, “Who the hell are you?” 
“I’m Aaron Hotchner, Unit Chief of the BAU and I’ll be the one telling the Attorney General of the United States whether to charge you with obstructing a federal investigation or negligent homicide.” 
“You can’t talk to me like that.” 
He steps closer, his jaw tight as he gets in the face of the other man, “One of the agents in there is my wife,” he says, watching as the Attorney General’s eyes go wide and he takes a small step back, “If anything happens to her because of your incompetence I can assure you that whatever charges brought down on you will be the least of your concerns. Now get off my crime scene.” 
For a second, he thinks he’s going to argue with him, but he backs off, shaking his head as he walks back towards his car and climbs in the back. 
“It’s strangely impressive.” 
Aaron turns to look at Dave, the small smirk on his face seeming out of place, “What is?” 
“The fact you’re still very intimidating whilst you have a baby strapped to your chest.” 
A strangled chuckle escapes him and then he clears his throat, “You’re happy to brief everyone?”
Dave nods, “Yes. You’ll speak to JJ?”
“I’ll brief her now,” he replies, turning to walk towards where JJ had set up, but Dave stops him. 
“We’ll get her out, Aaron.” 
He freezes in place, his hand on Alice’s back as he nods, “Yeah.”
He isn’t entirely sure he believes it. 
He was used to violence. He’d grown up around it. It permeated the walls of his childhood home, his father’s anger living in every corner. Every crevice. He didn’t need his training as a profiler to know that’s why he’d sought out the career he had, why he seemed to chase those who spread violence around them like a fire, desperate to put out each flame. 
When Emily was pregnant, he worried he’d turn into his father. The fear had settled into his bones, heavy and suffocating as he finally broke one night and told her what he was worried about. She’d held him close, his head against her chest as she told him he was as far from his own father as it was possible to get. That she’d never once thought he’d turn into him, that she only felt safe around him. 
It’s a conversation that he’s reminded of as he hears her getting beaten by Cyrus, the sound of fists and steel-capped boots hitting skin a flashback to when he was too young to understand not every home was like his. 
He’s grateful JJ convinced him to let her take Alice back to the hotel, that his little girl was likely asleep in the travel cot in their hotel room and far away from what was happening here. What he’d caused to happen. He was the one who asked Emily to come, who convinced her they could make it work, and he’d never forgive himself if he lost her. 
He’d never forgive himself no matter what the outcome. 
His instinct is to tear off his headset, his entire body folding in on itself as he holds it in place, forcing himself to bear witness to the situation he’d put her in. The way she breathes in sharply as she anticipates Cyrus’s next blow is familiar, a strange echo from when she’d do the same at the start of each of her contractions during her labour with Alice. It’s a comparison he hates. It makes his skin crawl, anger thrumming under his skin that he has to ignore so he doesn’t burst into the compound himself putting her and everyone else in there in more danger than they already were. 
“I can take it.” 
“She’s antagonising him,” Derek says as Emily’s repeated words crackle down the line and Dave shakes his head, his gaze fixed on Aaron.
“No, she’s not talking to him.” 
“She’s talking to us,” Aaron clenches his teeth, his hands in sharp fists at his sides. He’d always loved her bravery. It was one of the many things he had always been enamoured with - one of the many things that had always somehow made her more beautiful. For the first time ever, he finds himself hating it. Wishing that she’d put herself first for once,  “She’s telling us not to go in.” 
He forces himself to listen for longer than Dave and Derek do, the grunts of pain coming from her evidence that she was alive. It’s only when she’s dragged from the room, the sound of Cyrus’s men taunting her fading as they get further away, that he finally tears off the headset.
“Alice is fine, Hotch,” JJ assures him, her voice quiet as she whispers down the phone, “She took the bottle okay and she’s sleeping. I’m kind of hoping my baby is as chill as she is.”
He sighs, his head in his hand as he chuckles humourlessly, “Trust me, she can scream the house down when she wants to.” 
“How are things going?” 
He looks at the compound, his eyes fixed on the church, “They just went in. Dave told me if I tried to go in with them he’d tell Strauss to suspend me. I should go. Keep an eye out for the survivors coming out.”
He knows she hears what he hasn’t said, that he’d only be looking for Emily, wanting to see her as soon as possible. To assess the damage Cyrus had done, hoping more than anything that it wasn’t as bad as he’d imagined. 
“Call me when you have her,” JJ says, “I’ll bring Alice to you as soon as it’s safe.” 
“Thanks, JJ.”
He paces back and forth, his arms tight across his chest as he watches the front of the church intently. He steps towards it as people start to trickle out, the sound of gunfire raining in the background as men, women and children stumble out into the open air. He helps them, feeling useless standing there doing nothing, all too aware of the fact his wife would yell at him for not helping anyone. 
He keeps looking for her, his focus never on anything for too long, his gaze constantly drifting to the place she should be walking out of, the tension in his muscles increasing with every passing second
He’s directing a woman towards the medical tent just ahead of them when the church explodes behind him. It hurts his ears, the injury from New York still fresh enough that loud noises would knock him back but he pushes through it, the pain nothing in comparison to the fear that wraps around his heart as he turns to look at the church. He can’t spot his wife in amongst the crowd of people in front of him, the chaos and thick smoke and rancid burning in the air making it impossible to determine who had made it out from this distance. 
The way he yells is muted by the ringing still reverberating around his head, his chest vibrating with the name he’d said in every conceivable way since they’d first met. 
Their life together flashes across his eyes as he blinks against the ash in the air. Her smile, her laughter, the way she loved him. He ignores the sheriff’s warnings as he runs towards the stumbling crowd, no longer able to keep himself back. 
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albertasunrise · 2 years
Only You - When Benny Met...
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Summary: Having spent most of your life in relationships that went nowhere. You struggled to trust that this man… this ray of sunshine… wouldn’t leave you eventually. (18+)
Relationships: Reader x Ben Miller
Warnings:Like AO3, I choose to give none. Read at your own risk. (So bit of a short chapter but I promise they'll get longer... enjoy 🙊)
Series Masterlist
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"Stitch!... I know you're about to clock out but we got a 40-year-old male in bay six, laceration to left arm. Dude's lucky, just missed his Brachial Artery... Guy apparently hit on the guys wife, couldn't take no for an answer." 
"Why can't you do it?" You sighed as you threw your colleague a sideways glare. 
"We all know you're the best at stitching folks up. I have a tone of patients I need to see and you'd be doing me a solid if you could stitch him up and get him on his way." 
"Spencer I-" 
"He's got a cute friend with him." Your colleague pushed and you rolled your eyes.
"Because that's the way to convince me." 
"Come on Stitch... Please!" Spencer pleaded, giving you his best puppy dog eyes and you sighed, snatching the patient file away.
"Fine but you owe me!" You grumbled, pointing a finger at him in a warning manner. 
"One hundred per cent!" Spencer replied, hands together like he was in prayer. 
"Let's go see what the damage is then hmm?" 
"You doing okay there Fish?" Ben asked as he gave his friend's uninjured arm a squeeze. 
"They got me on the good shit so all things considered... Not too bad." The pilot chuckled, giving his brother-in-arms a dopey smile as he looked up at the blonde. 
"Glad to hear it Fishsticks." Ben replied, head darting up as the privacy curtain of Frankie's cubicle was pulled back. 
You weren't what Ben was expecting. 
You smiled at him as you entered, eyes sparkling under the fluorescent light. He couldn't help but be captivated by you. Your soft features and striking eyes instantly enchanted him. 
"Dr Sheppard... You got awful pretty since we last saw you." Benny flirted, grinning at the amused eye roll you gave him. 
"Dr Spencer has asked me to use my fine Stitching skills and help your friend." You replied, holding out your hand then to introduce yourself "Mr Morales, how are we feeling?" 
"We're feeling goooood." He drawled, eliciting a grin from you and Ben. 
"Feeling a little high are we?" You chuckled before pulling back the bandage that covered his injury 'Yikes... They got you good huh?" 
"Should have seen the other guy" Frankie grumbled and you chuckled.
"You got him good Fish." Benny assured his friend, giving him a firm nod before returning his attention to you "He got a few punches him before the guy sliced him." 
"I don't condone violence." You warned and Ben grimaced. 
"I won't tell you what I do for a living then." 
"What you beat people up?" 
"That's exactly what he does." Frankie replied as he attempted to big up his friend, only to chuckle after. 
"I'm an MMA fighter." Ben clarified "Special forces before that." 
"Explains Fish." You chuckled as you pulled on your gloves and started to prep what you needed to stitch Frankie up. 
You administered some general, noting the flinch on Ben's face when you pierced his friend's flesh.
"If you hate needles... I don't recommend you watch the next part." You chuckled as you readied the needle. 
"I'll be fine." Ben replied, eyes going wide as brought the needle to Frankie's flesh. 
That was the last thing he said before he blacked out.
Six months later...
"Hey, Princessa." You gushed as you welcomed baby Lila with open arms. 
"I thought that was my nickname." Benny pouted as he gave you a friendly nudge. 
"Oh, you're just, Princess!" You teased "Princessa is reserved for this little angel." 
"How you doing Stitch?" Frankie asked as he sat down beside its wife "Work still hell?" 
"It's A&E Fish... It's always hell." You chuckled, eyed flitting up to the pilot before returning to the smiley baby in your arms "How's this little one sleeping?" 
"Believe it or not but she sleeps right through." Replied Maria as she laid her head on her husband's shoulder "Pretty sure we've got a trick baby on our hands." 
"Got so many friends who ended up having another baby because their first one was perfect!" You giggled "But, it could just be that you two are acing this parenting shit." 
"Definitely the latter." Pipped up Ben and you smiled at him sweetly.
"Suck up." Piped up Will, eliciting a hearty laugh from everyone but Ben. 
You had never expected, after meeting Ben and Frankie all those months ago, that you would have gained such amazing friends. Ben had practically begged you for your number and you had given in. You'd not been able to resist his kind eyes and you'd found yourself excited at the prospect of going out with him. Turned out he just wanted to be friends. 
Or at least, that's what you thought. 
Ben had been over the moon that you'd given him your number. He'd spent that whole evening trying to plan the perfect date. Fancy restaurant, followed by a romantic walk on the beach and a kiss under the stars. But nerves got the better of him and he'd suggested going for a drink. It was safer. If things went bad you both had an easy out. Then as the night had come around, he'd ended up inviting the guys last minute and that's how you'd ended up becoming part of his circle. 
Just not his girlfriend. 
Now six months down the line, he was still kicking himself for not acting when he should have. 
“Hey, babe… Sorry, I’m late. Got stuck on a call that I thought was never going to end.” 
Ben watched as the guy who had, had the spine to act kissed you sweetly and his stomach twisted at the smile you gave the man as he pulled away. 
“Well look who you have.” He gushed as he stroked little Lila’s cheek “You’ve gotten so big, little lady.”
“She’s growing like a weed!” Maria gushed “Already in 3-6 months clothes!” 
“You’re still so cute n’ little though!” You cooed as you cuddled the baby closer, smiling when she gave you a gummy yawn and nuzzled in closer. 
“Suits you.” Said Mike as he leaned in closer to kiss you. 
“What does?” You asked, giving him a bemused look. 
“The baby!” 
His reply took you by surprise. 
You had been dating Mike for a little over four months. You'd met him on one of your many nights out with the guys and had been swept away by his brown eyes and easy smile. You had found yourself settling into an easy relationship with Mike. It wasn't exciting like the ones you read about in your erotic novels but it was safe. Warm and cosy. He made you feel beautiful and that was more than you'd ever hoped for. 
Ben felt his heart shatter when he heard Mike's statement. He watched the two of you as you smiled and giggled whilst fawning over the tiny person sleeping soundly in your arms, hating that it wasn't him. He knew he was to blame for how things had turned out. He'd lost his nerve. He had never felt like this about anyone before. It was love at first sight for him. Something that up until that day in the hospital, he'd never believed in. 
Then you walked in. Soft smiles and kind eyes and he'd fallen for you instantly. 
Standing abruptly he made his way over to the bar, oblivious to the concerned look Frankie threw his way. 
"I'll be back in a sec." The pilot said, kissing his wife's cheek before following the younger Miller over to the bar. 
"Another beer please." Ben called out to the barman, ignoring the presence that had appeared beside him. 
He knew who it was and he knew what the man wanted to talk about but he wasn't in the mood. He just wanted to get drunk. Numb himself from the pain he was feeling at seeing you so happy with someone else. 
"Don't!" The younger man warned but Frank was having none of it. 
"You need to tell her how you feel." 
"And what is that gonna achieve?" Ben spat "She's got him now." 
"Maybe if she knew the truth, she might-"
"Leave him?" Ben scoffed "Leave the bigshot restaurant owner for the MME fighter that's just recently moved out of his Brother's basement?... Yeah, I'm a real catch!" 
"She's better off not knowing." Ben choked "At least I can have her as a friend. Telling her would only fuck that up." 
"You should give yourself some credit brother." Frankie sighed as he gave his friend's arm a reassuring squeeze "You're too hard on yourself." 
"I'm just being realistic." Ben growled "I had my chance and I blew it!" He sobbed "Now she's with a guy that can give her everything she deserves." 
"But so can you!" Frank argued, pulling a scoff from Ben "And I'd argue that you'd make her way happier than that Mike ever could." 
"I don't know Fish..." 
"Just tell her!... What have you got to lose?" 
Frankie's words echoed in his head for the rest of the evening. He knew his friend was right but he didn't know if he could risk losing you. You had become such an integral part of his life. You had become so close. Best friends one might say and he didn't want to lose what he had. He would get over you eventually, he couldn't remain in love with you forever... right?
This would pass. 
This pain would pass.
So as he’d laid in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling as images of your face flashed in front of his eyes he decided that it was best to just bury his feelings. Having you as a friend was better than not having you at all. So the weeks and months that followed played out like the ones that came before them. You and Ben would have your movie nights. Evenings at the bar with the guys and gossip over WhatsApp like two grandmas at Bingo. 
But the pain Benny felt didn't fade. 
He watched you fall harder and harder for Mike. Listen to you gush about the expensive restaurants and flash bars he took you to. The presents he showered you with. Ben hated that this man was able to give you everything he wanted to give you. He couldn't help but feel like Mike was showering you with all this because he was hiding something. 
That something came in the form of a busty blonde that nine months into your relationship, you'd found playing tonsil tennis with the man you'd thought was the man you were going to marry. 
How wrong you'd been. 
"How could I have been so blind?" You sobbed, spooning a ridiculously large scoop of ice cream into your mouth.
"You weren't blind Stitch... He's an asshole!" Benny growled before pulling your closer "Guy clearly didn't realise what he had!" 
You scoffed at Ben's statement. 
"This is just how things go for me, Ben." You sobbed "I meet a guy... fall in love with him and then he either leaves me or cheats on me." 
You ate a few more spoonfuls of ice cream before dumping the tub onto your coffee table and scrubbing a hand over your tear-streaked face. 
"Maybe I should just quit." 
"Quit what?" Ben pushed and you groaned. 
"Men!" You expelled "I mean... I'm not the sort of girl destined for marriage and kids." 
"What the hell makes you think that?" 
"I don't have a flat stomach, my thighs don't have a gap and my arms aren't toned." You scoffed "I'm the girl a guy dates to make him look like he's not shallow... Date a fat girl for a while and you'll look like you're deep... See past flaws-"
"Okay, I gotta stop you there." Ben snapped "You are not fat." He started, pointing at you "You are one of the most beautiful women I know... Inside and out." 
"Mike was a fucking idiot for letting you slip through his fingers and if he-"
Ben was interrupted by knocking at your front door. 
"I can get it if you want." 
"No, it's fine." You replied, pushing yourself to your feet "Probably just Mrs Bell in need of sugar again." 
When you opened the door and saw Mike standing there the air was stolen from your lungs. His eyes were red and puffy. Almost like he'd been crying. 
"What do you want Mike?" You asked, trying to keep your voice steady. 
"I wanted to talk." He said, almost pleadingly "Explain." 
"Explain why you cheated?" Ben growled as he stepped up behind you. 
"Of course, you're here." Mike growled and you sighed at the remark. 
"What?" Ben snapped, stepping forward only to be stopped by your hand on his chest.
"I mean that you seem to always be here when I'm not." Mike growled "Can't accept that you missed your chance." 
"Mike." You warned and the man backed down "Ben, I need to talk to Mike alone." You stated as you turned to look at the man standing behind you. 
"But you'll-" 
"I'll be fine." You assured him "Best get going. You got your fight later." 
"You sure?" Ben asked and you nodded sweetly at him. 
"I'm sure." 
Ben walked back into your apartment to grab his coat before leaving, hugging you tightly on his way out. 
"Call me if you need anything." 
"I will." You assured him, giving him a small smile before watching him leave. 
Ben didn't like the idea of leaving you alone with that man. He knew Mike had a hold over you and he worried that he'd manage to worm his way back into your life again. 
If only he'd just taken you on that date. 
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heart2beom · 2 years
2. how to get fired
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SYNOPSIS a romcom office series; in which you're a huge romantic at heart but the shitty men you attract leaves you with countless failed relationships. then, you meet choi soobin. in an elevator. he isn't interested in you, he finds you annoying, and he clearly has zero respect for you, so why the hell are you so bent on making him like you?
AUTHOR NOTE the way im literally killing my engagement by delaying my posting time so early on in this fic..tsk tsk. whatever, at this point, im writing this for fun
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Your history with men: long, futile, possibly traumatic -- which, you guess, is more reference of the ends of your relationships, but besides the point. The most important of all, of course, is how all of the men you've dated liked you more than you did them.
You don't mean to brag, really, but despite those relationships ending, it always starts off incredibly well. By making the first moves -- subtly to not risk a man's toxic masculinity hurting his ego, you get a guy right there, right under your fingertips.
It's worked for years, after trial and error, trial and error, your N.U.T strategy, originally developed in your sophomore of high school, has proved to be successful in all regards of getting a man.
Yes, the names silly, albeit best to remember you were a teen, but changing the acronym would mean changing the magic...the steps work! It's simple really, because it goes like the following:
N = NAME rule: repeat his name as much as possible (higher success rate with aegyo)
A week after the blonde had joined the team, Chaewon already decided to use him as an excuse. Inviting everyone to dinner on tuesday, because apparently it was to celebrate blonde's one week anniversary at the job. Apparently.
Beomgyu was the one who first started the dinner after work thing and everyday, you remember to sleep hating the man for leaving this legacy behind because even when the asshole left, it continued on, to your dismay. Chaewon was apparently his successor, because she had taken the role of pestering everybody about work dinners the moment he left.
Hanging out with your colleagues after work was such a bizarre thought. Not only was it a direct violation of your strict Separate Work Life from Personal Life policy, it was unnecessary. When she first invited you, you wondered if there were genuinely psychos who would go out of their way to hang out with people that remind them of work.
You didn't have to wonder for too long. Coincidentally (not) enough, the psychos were all around you. The entire office would frequently go out after work with the exception of you and Mr. Geuk, your manager. Who was never really invited in the first place.
"Hey! Fake blonde!" you shouted out to your colleague, who you found was in the elevator. Which really seemed to be the only place you could talk to him.
This time, different to before, he had acknowledged you and reached out to press a button. You expected it to close so you hurried your pace towards the elevator, but it didn't, it stayed open.
A bloom of proudness spread across your chest, was you mentally preparing to got through with N.U.T so incredibly powerful he already got effected? It truly seemed like it.
When you walked in, you looked over to him for a bit. Until you broke into a little smile. "Hey, thanks for—"
Your sentence was interrupted the minute your eyes fell onto Chaewon's figure, the back of her little bob right in your face.
She turned to you to give a little thanks — which you assume is about the elevator being left open. You just nodded, shamelessly taking the credit.
But when she turned around to face the closing elevator, you lightly scoff. If he didn't see Chaewon behind you, he would've let the elevator close like normal, meaning N.U.T wasn't powerful enough to transcend human capabilities, it was a shame.
It was also incredibly awkward. Your proudness deflated and the elevator still going as slow as ever.
"Y/N, do you really not want to go out with us today?" Chaewon suddenly spoke up.
You don't know why you took the time to pretend like you were thinking about it since her back was facing you, but you did anyway. "Sorry Won, just can't."
She turned herself to you again. "But why" she drawled, pouting.
"You know...you know how busy I get..." you lied, making sure to avoid eye contact.
But it didn't help you out too much. Chaewon figured you'd lie, as she just exhaled, knowing you wouldn't budge on your policy. Maybe the lie would've held up if you haven't been audibly complaining in the office about how you have nothing to do, practically every other week.
"It's a small get together, right?"
You looked at the person next to you, then you and Chaewon looked at each other, than back at the blonde, both of you clearly being startled that he spoke.
"Um, yeah. Yeah! It's just the people at work at some old diner and stuff."
"Well, I'll be there then." he said, to which Chaewon froze, then frantically nodded, smiling ear to ear, no sign of her previous sulky face, telling him the details of...whatever, you weren't listening really.
You only stood there, with your hand tightened on your bag as you let your thoughts go far too deep. You know Kim would've asked him out to the dinner, she invites anyone and everyone — with the exception of Mr. Geuk. You figured from that information alone that the blonde initially rejected the invite.
So the sudden change of heart baffled you, it left you confused. It wasn't like she added any new inciting information; she just asked whether or not you were coming.
Which you emphasized you weren't...and like a bulb lit up above your head, you've solved the mystery in a matter of seconds.
The elevator had reached the lobby floor, the elevator door open, exiting a hurried blonde.
You've figured who the blonde was by the one week of observation — he wasn't an easy man. But by this interaction alone, you'd concluded who he was -- a savage, an evil, annoying preppy little blonde.
So, you did what you promised to never do — turn into a psycho.
You ran to catch up a little to Chaewon, who was only a few steps ahead of you.
Before she could say anything, you interrupted with an inhale, then an exhale, giving up your life long policy. "I'm coming too." you said, dropping the bombshell.
"To the after work dinner, of course."
It was silent, for a bit as you both stared at each other.
"Oh, cool!"
You were most definitely hoping for a more enthusiastic response, but that was forgotten quickly.
Which is how you found yourself grumbling, as you had your arms folded holding a storming grudge, sitting right across of the blonde, dimpled, gigantic, ass. You made sure to push Sunghoon out the way to get the chair right in front of the little asshole, to which the silver haired rolled his eyes at.
There was a need bubbling inside your gut, a need to destroy the blonde…and also find out his issue with you. Other than you planning his doom, which, he doesn’t know about. He shouldn’t know about.
You had Chaeryeong, who was practically five seats away from you, squeezed in the tables corner, very confused, practically asking you hurd of questions with her eyebrows. You tried to make her understand but alas, you're no expert in transmitting information without using the art of the tongue, and it was getting awkward with everyone looking between the two of you, so you just shook your head at Chaeryeong in a way of saying 'not now'.
Which was simple enough for her to nod, and hesitantly tune back into the conversation with the rest — being Chaewon the bob cut, Sunghoon the idiot, Jaehyun the hot douche, Sakura the cool one, and Yunjin the intern. You figured the conversation wasn’t so hot to jump yourself into.
In the duration of the team dinner, you found it extremely hard to start up a conversation with the man across from you. He was right there, why did it feel like there was a literal gigantic wall between the two of you? You snapped yourself out of it by shaking your head, you were getting distracted and discouraged.
You had to follow up with N.U.T, no matter what.
"Hey!" you said chirply. You made sure in front of him, you slightly slammed your hand on the table, which, thank goodness, finally caught his attention. He smiled a little tightly, but it was a smile regardless.
Which you completely forgot to plan ahead of time, you were expecting him to ignore you again -- you even mentally prepared to make a scene and throw a drink at his face.
"Hi!" you said again, as a form of a greeting this time.
"Hey, Y/N." he replied.
And, as a direct result of your lack of planning, this was your first strike of crisis. Your head was blank, trying to search for names to match up with his face but the only thing popping up was, sickly, fake blonde.
Your faux confidence was deflating all the more, nervousness cracking a little more through the facade. "Hi, uh,"
His brow perked up, the polite smile he put up, dropped. Completely.
And so, your brain went into full red emergency blaring mode. "Hi So..hyun?"
His expression was far from impressed.
You had it in there somewhere, it was in there. "Soo...hyung?" you said again with the ends of your lips trembling.
"Um, my name is—"
"No!", you yelled out of impulse, which proved to be a mistake since it caught the attention of the entire table.
"What happened?", Chaewon asked, worried.
"Nothing, nothing. I was just—"
"She shit her pants." Jaehyun interrupted, which then shifted the entire table's focus on to him. He shrugged. "I don't know, she looks constipated."
"What? Nope, no, I'm not going to engage with this when we're in an out of work setting." you raise your hands in surrender then drop them, "Seriously, guys. It's nothing, continue talking about Die Hard...or something."
"Nobody... was talking about Die Hard." Chaeryeong said, which you figured was out of instinct. You glared at her, and thankfully she took the hint quickly as she made an 'O' shape. When she weirdly carried their not Die Hard conversation again, you and the blonde were made sure to be excluded.
You turn your full focus on the guy, seeing that a subtle pout was formed on his lips as he looked at the group, looking like he wanted to desperately join in. You sighed at the site; he was pitiful.
You composed yourself preparing to take one last shot. "It's Soomin right?"
"Soobin. It's Soobin." he said, cattier than earlier.
"Ah..." you nodded, your brows knitted together. "Are you sure? I clearly remember manager calling you Soomin!" you were digging yourself a bigger hole the more you talked, but no matter how many times you tried, you couldn't stop yourself from talking.
"You silly goose, you're trying to prank me! Just a warning though, I'm not the biggest prank fan." you said awkwardly following that up with a chuckle.
And to that he had his brows deeply furrowed, to which you respond with a dropped smile.
"Me and you, S-soomin," you said the name hesitantly, gulping felt like you were swallowing down shame. It was painful, incredibly painful. "Soomin, I just know we're going to be very good friends. Me and you," you point to him then back to your face. "A couple of best friends."
He didn't respond to that, rather just nodded, then refocused his attention on a totally irrelevant, not Die Hard conversation that was happening beside you both.
You had to take your shot or giving up your policy was going to turn out to be a complete waste. So, you cleared your throat, "Or perhaps lovers." you said under your breath.
He heard. Oh, did he hear. He snapped his head to you, again, with the same raised brow.
You gave him a quick smile, your eyes wandering down to the surface of the table as your lips kissed your teeth in embarrassment.
This was harder than you imagined.
But thus, you learned a new, valuable lesson. N.U.T wasn't fool proof, sometimes, a step might fall through, and when that happens, you need to remind yourself that human beings are diverse creatures—men are diverse creatures.
One step might not work, or can't work, but it didn't guarantee your complete failure. In fact, you had two more steps—frankly, better steps.
U = UNEXPECTED TOUCH rules: little touches, as unexpected as possible
Its been a few weeks after the Soomin incident, and you've learned to build up your relationship with the blonde in hopes of making the second step not be abrupt. So far, you've been ...failing. You don't even see him in the decade old elevator anymore! It was getting bad.
"So, what? Your nutting plan isn't working anymore?"
You snapped your focus from Soobin to the girl behind the desk you were leaning on, Chaeryeong.
"First of all, keep your voice down!" you hissed. "And second of all, it's called nut because I used to really like nuts in high school. It has nothing to do with nutting."
"For some reason, I'm having a hard time believing that." she said, then you rolled your eyes, shifting your attention back to the distressed blonde on a call.
"It's kind of funny though, if you think about it." you mumbled, reaching for the oatmeal cookie jar.
"Nutting? Not really."
"Oh my god Chae," you groan looking back at her again, "I'm talking about Soobin!"
Her lips make an O shape in realization, as she rests her forearm on the desk. "What's funny about him?" she whispered.
"How he's completely avoiding me." you mumbled as you noticed him getting up from his chair, heading to what you think would be the printing room.
"Okay, I have to go. Give me a high five for good luck." you quickly said raising your hand, Chaeryeong raising hers to slap yours, completely out of loop.
Then off you went, with a cookie you don't want in your hands, speed walking to catch Soobin in the printing room.
And thankfully, you weren't wrong. You noticed his back hunched over the printer.
"Want some help?" you asked, to which he turned around. You expected to see a horrified expression with the way hes been avoiding you, but he just had a small smile as he nodded.
Chaeryeong's high five...you have to thank her later.
"It's not printing for some reason. I have no idea why." he mumbled, stepping back to make way for you to take a look.
"Well..." putting your hands on your hips, you looked at the printer. The one thats been here since the building was founded. The thing is, no one knew how to make it work, it was spontaneous. It worked, then it didn't.
But you weren't going to tell Soobin that.
You put your free hand on his shoulder, looking directly into his eyes. "Soobin—hey look, I know your name now!" your changed tone was that of excitement but Soobin was left confused. So you cleared your throat, your voice deeper. "Soobin, I am so glad that you reached out to me. With courage like yours, I'd think you were an ex veteran. And I feel like, through this interaction, we can be the great friends that I promised you we would be. And maybe, something more—"
He pushed your hand away from his shoulder. "I was just asking for help with the printer?"
"I was just asking for help with the printer" you mimicked him in a mocking tone, you'd like to look back and believe this was your way of bantering. But he definitely didn't think so, with his face scrunched up at the impersonation. You shrugged. "Soobin, this is a bonding moment between two colleagues. Maybe friends, maybe two flirting buddies—"
"How are we anything more than colleagues?"
"Hey, what's going on here?" you looked at the door to see Sunghoon poking his head in, then you rolled your eyes.
"I just needed help with the printer." Soobin said pointing with his thumb to the back.
“Oh, that thing?", you glared at the boy in hopes of sending him a signal to shut up, but alas, it was no use. He just gave you a weird look back before continuing. "If it doesn't work, it's not going to work. You're better off with the printer in the manager's office."
"Ah, I didn't know that. Thanks."
You cursed under your breath as you saw Sunghoon walk away through the glass wall.
"I was about to tell you that. But you interrupted me." you said holding up a forced smile.
“You know I have, like, a hundred clients on hold? You completely wasted my time on purpose!"
"Okay, let's calm down. Hear me out." he raised his brow, waiting for you to continue. "Having a good relationship with your colleague is proven to be important—"
He rolled his eyes, as he dropped his hands to his sides, preparing to walk away.
"Soobin, look—"
"I would like it if you called me Mr. Choi from now on." he said coldly, turning away to leave the printing room.
And that was that. This man officially hated you.
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"Don't you think it was too easy for him to hate me? I only stalled for what, three seconds? And suddenly I'm wasting his precious time?" you sulked, staring down at your cup of coffee.
"What's stopping you from hitting him with nut's final blow?" Chaeryeong asked, then tilted her head. "Nevermind, probably a restraining order."
Like a light bulb switched on once again, you turned to face Chaeryeong. "No, but you're right. The last step is the most impactful." Chaeryeong shook her head to stop you from continuing, which was a failed attempt.
"Hear me out, okay. It could reverse his dislike for me, like I'm not even trying to make him fall in love with me anymore, I'm just trying to not make it awkward working next to him. Frankly, I'm really thinking for the team here, It'll be good for the work environment."
"Right." she drawled, narrowing her eyes at you as she took a sip of her coffee.
"If you don't believe me, watch." you said, getting up from your chair, keeping your head up high, as you walked out of the break room.
You found Soobin still sitting at his desk, using the computer. Everybody else was either in the break room, or outside eating lunch, but he was just there.
Looking at...hedgehogs?
When you squinted your eyes to see the search more clearly, you found it was 'hedgehog pet food'. It was odd, but you smirked to yourself as you slowly approached him.
You had material for your last step.
T = TAKE INTEREST rules: in his interests
"Hey." you breathed out. Soobin jumped a little, immediately closing the hedgehog tab. Then, he spinned his chair around to you, collecting himself.
"I'm so sorry for earlier today, you know, wasting your time and stuff."
His eyes widened a bit in shock, then he cleared his throat, holding up a smile. "Oh. Well, thanks for apologizing."
You nodded. "Yeah, you know, I just get so weird at work when I don't get enough sleep. My hedgehogs keep me up at night, it's a nightmare."
"Wait, you have hedgehogs?" his brow perked up.
Again, you nodded, that time with a smile of achievement. "Mhm, yeah. People say from time to time, 'oh it must be so easy', and I'm just like, go get yourself a hedgehog first." you were getting in character as you talked, arms folded.
“No, exactly. People think it's so easy!"
"Oh my god, wait. You have a hedgehog too?" you asked, fauxing disbelief, slack-jawed.
"Yeah, I do. Only one though. I heard its hard with multiple." he said.
"It is." you mouthed which earns you Soobin's light chuckle, his eyes morphing into crescents.
"Hey," your brows perk up at him speaking up. "I'm sorry for you know, getting mad at you. You were just trying to be friendly—"
"So, here's what I'm getting. Everyone with the exception of me, is betting on Soobin not falling in love with Y/N by the end of the month?" you heard Yunjin say, very loud and very clear.
Your eyes widened as you looked at Soobin, who was very confused, back to Yunjin, who was walking backwards, facing Chaewon, Jaehyun, Sunghoon, and Sakura. They were just coming in from outside, holding the lunch they promised to get.
When Yunjin turned around, she stopped at her tracks, looking at Soobin who had now stood up from his chair, then you, who was already standing.
You inhaled then exhaled, your arms crossed as you bit down on your bottom lip.
"Shit." you said under your breath.
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"So...so what I'm hearing is that you made up this stupid plan—"
"It's called nut." you muttered.
"You know that's not helping you out, right?" he scoffed, turning around to the side to quickly run through his hair.
Soobin had publicly embarrassed you by giving you a 'we need to talk', and making you follow him like a child to the printing room. Which, isn't known to be a friend to privacy.
He was practically scolding you right in the open, the glass walls showing the scene to employees outside.
"Look, I don't know how they found out. I only told this to Chaeryeong."
"The receptionist? Are you insane? Of course it'll get out if you tell the receptionist at work!" he hissed, then he exhaled, his shoulders dropping a bit.
"Was this, like, your way of hazing me? Be honest."
Would this get you out of trouble? You weren't going to admit that you did this to plan his doom.
Or make him think you did it because you liked him.
You finally nodded. "Yeah. Its like a tradition. We even did it to Yunjin when she first came."
"You bet on her falling in love with you? By the end of the month?"
"Yeah. People do this type of hazing a lot in sales." you lied. "I'm surprised you haven't heard of it."
"Well, that's weird. Because it's quite literally against the rules." when he saw your eyes widen, and your composure breaking, he continued, "Hazing is qualified as harassment to HR."
And then, boom. The final blow.
"Ah. I see!" you squeaked, your anxiousness reaching an all time high. "Well, good thing this was just friendly, you know, games." you said as you quickly headed to leave the room.
"I'm going to report you to HR." he said, as you reached out for the door knob. You spinned around, with hands on your hips, and a trembling smile. You took a deep breath in.
"You know what's so great about this country? Freedom! And rights! You have the right to report me to HR, and—and seriously, I commend you for it. So, you know, good luck." you said, then turned around to the door, a curse slipping out your mouth.
Then, you turned around to face Soobin again. "I would, though, like, appreciate it if you didn't. But, you know, your choice." you corrected your earlier statement, chuckling awkwardly.
Soobin only gave you a tight lipped smile, one that highlighted his dimples. Which just confirmed your doom.
You finally walked out, stomping to the break room. You needed to know how everyone found about this.
Everyone's gaze fell upon you when you walked in, the mood being tense.
"He's reporting me to HR." you finally said, breaking the silence.
"What? Wow, you bothered him that bad?" Sunghoon said.
"Oh my god, is she going to get fired?" Yunjin added. "Before me?"
You rolled your eyes, pulling out a chair to sit down, your energy was at a complete low. Your attention snapping to Jaehyun, who was chewing his fried chicken loudly.
"Can you close your mouth when you eat asshat?!" you snapped.
"Jesus—alright, alright." he said putting his wing down.
"Y/N, I don't want to say I told you so, but I really want to." Chaeryeong whined, flailing your arm around. You glared at her, but nod to give her permission. You definitely deserved it.
"I told you so." she whispered, which earned her Chaewon's shaking head in disapproval. "What? It felt good, if anyone's wondering."
“I think I can go convince him not to report you." Sakura spoke up.
You shot your head up to Sakura. "Wait, seriously? Oh my god, you're a genius—a mentee has to practically obey their mentor. Thank you so much Kkura, you're seriously the best."
She lightly laughed. "I mean, I'll try. I don't know if it'll actually work."
You blowed her kiss, mouthing a thank you, pouting at how cool she is.
"So, when exactly are you guys going to makeout?"
And, the moment was ruined.
You flipped off Jaehyun, to which he responded with sticking out his tongue immaturely. But then that reminded you of the reason you came here in the first place and your face soured.
"Wait, how did you guys know about the bet? I mean, it wasn't technically a bet—how did you guys know?"
Chaewon spoke up this time. "You told us. At the diner a few weeks ago. You don't remember?"
You shook your head, brows knitted as you slowly tried to recollect the memory.
"God, you must've been really wasted."
In conclusion, you caused your own downfall.
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For the rest of the week, you tiptoed around your manager. Especially after Sakura informed you that Soobin wasn't budging. You don't know what you thought it would do, Mr. Geuk was known to be spineless, he wouldn't fight for you to stay if HR determined that you had to leave. But you weren't in the position to risk anything, so you really tried to suck it up.
Mr. Geuk was easy, but exhausting to please. Another week went by, and every minute felt like you would be called up to his office and told about your termination. So, you went back to the break room, to prepare a plate of tea and a sandwich—you truly were a slave at this point on.
When you walked to approach his office, the tray in your hands, you heard yelling. Then immediately, the door burst open with Soobin coming out. He gave you a quick glare, but then went on to ignore you. When you saw him go, you hesitantly walked in the office.
"Mr. Geuk? I prepared you some food, I know the job gets hard." you said smiling, putting the tray on the small coffee table.
"Ah, thank you. You didn't have to, but thank you." he said smiling to you.
You walked over to his desk slowly. "What happened with Soobin?"
He sighed. "I really thought I'd get another you, but I think now I've just come to appreciate your skills a lot more." you raised a brow, waiting for him to continue. "He's a horrible salesman!" he yelled throwing his hand up.
"Way worse than Chaewon. He's driving all our clients away!"
"Ah..." you said quietly. "Are you thinking of... firing him?" you asked with a glint of hope. It was low of you, but if he was gone, that meant you weren't going to get fired. Of course that would make you attempt to bite away a smile.
"What? No! I mean, I wish! But we don't have the resources to go through another hiring process." he said, groaning as he spinned around in his chair. "Fuck, did you see that little brat? Stomping out when I gave him just a little more hours as punishment!"
You sighed. If the manager wasn't going to fire him, that meant Soobin was going to stay. You had to do something.
"Boss, don't scold him too much." you reluctantly mumbled.
"Huh?" he sneered. He stopped spinning, facing you now.
"I mean, he's practically a rookie. I wasn't the best when I first started working here, you know? He just needs a little guiding, I promise. Just... lay off the hours." you bit your bottom lip, "Pretty please?" you clasped your hands together, pouting.
He exhaled, shoo'ing you away. "Alright, alright, I'm trusting you. Go back to work."
You nodded, a smile forming at the ends of your lips as you exit the office.
You looked to find Soobin, but he wasn't at his desk. So, you tried the next best thing.
The printing room.
"What are you doing?"
Soobin was, once again, hunched over the printer. This time, poking the inside of it with a pen. When he turned his head to see you, he rolled his eyes, ignoring your question.
"That's a lot of attitude for someone who's bad at their job." you blurted.
"The manager told you." he concluded, sighing. You nodded, your arms folded, smugness overtaking your pose.
"I'm trying to fix the printer." he said, turning back to it.
"With a pen?" you asked in disbelief. "Hey, if you're doing this to impress Mr. Geuk, don't, it won't work."
"What? Seriously? So, what will? I can't get stuck with unpaid overtime this week." you didn't respond, choosing to stay silent, to which he responded to with a groan. "Look, I'll—I'll drop the HR complaint. Just tell me how to get the manager off my back, you're clearly on his good side."
You bright up, walking over to him now. "We should make a deal first."
He cocked his head to the side when you snatched the pen from his hand and took a sheet of paper from the printer. "A peace treaty, let's make a peace treaty." you corrected yourself, writing the title Soobin & Y/N peace treaty.
"Also, permission to call you Soobin?" you asked tilting your head, still holding the smug smile.
"Yeah, yeah whatever." he mumbled.
All there is to say, was that once again, you managed to dig yourself out of your own hole — successfully.
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ominist · 1 year
--- Part 2: Reaping ✧
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Pairings- Dark!Sebastian Sallow x F!Auror!Reader x Auror!Ominis Gaunt Summary- Sebastian escapes from Azkaban after 8 years. The Ministry were on high alert and searching for the escaped fugitive. Newspapers and flyers spread with the danger that could come within encounter. Sebastian Sallow’s face was plastered all over public and communal areas of the Ministry. After working for the Ministry for years, MC and Ominis Gaunt were cut off from the search. The Ministry’s numbers as of late were short due to ongoing violent events and kidnappings. Both aurors were denied any involvement due to conflict of interest. They were secretly put under a watchful eye in case the fugitive decided to reach out to one of his old friends. After 2 weeks, the search proved fruitless. It was almost as if the man had disappeared into thin air. Due to lack of resources, the search and security lessened when it came to Sallow. This was, quote, only a temporary decision until something new came up.This was exactly what Sebastian Sallow was hoping for. After a watchful eye and a calculated risk, he bids his time before cornering you. As painful as it was, waiting a little longer would prove to be rewarding. Warnings- 18+, language, trauma, depression, angst, aged up characters, explicit content later on. Word Count- 7,695 Words Author’s Notes- Warnings, finally some Seb, a lot of angst, and a cliff hanger. Also, thank you for reading my work! ❤
Writing Masterlist -- Part 1: Sowing -- Part 3: Mourning
With Sebastian’s disappearance, temporary demotion, and the emotional chaos from her social life.. 
MC’s ongoing frustrations and stress started to leak into her daily life. Exploding in the smallest and most obvious ways. It started with ripping the assignments waiting on her desk, slamming boxes of pending paperwork, spilling ink all over the floor.. 
But of course, these outbursts would not last long. Almost immediately, she would stop and feel embarrassed by the petty display of lack of control. She repaired and cleaned everything until it was back to its previous state. 
The reality was this. It was either running rampant with her magic (which threatened to spill over) or these minor micro-aggressions in her lonely office. It was taking too much energy to keep her ancient magic under control.  It only got more chaotic and spontaneous whenever she was in distress.
In addition, every other Auror in the department decided to leave her to her own devices. Correction, they decided to avoid her all together. Whenever she emerged from her office everyone either gave her a pitiful smile or turned their eyes away from her. She was deeply bothered by the change in the atmosphere. And irked by the revelation that the current situation provided. This was only a job. The what you-once-thought-were-close-colleagues stemmed from self-interest and forced respect. Your presence was replaceable. And it was very apparent at the present.
The new found solitude gave her the chance to do something she had been keeping in the back of her mind. No one seemed to pay attention as she emerged from the Archive part of the building holding a stack of folders. 
Within a few hours, she had exhausted the amount of times she re-read Sebastian’s case in her office. She went over Sebastian’s old records as they rested on her lap. Confident that she would be left alone, her boots were kicked up on the desk as she lounged in her chair. If no one paid her attention while she sorted through these embarrassing tasks, no one would become alerted by an unauthorized review. MC was technically still an Auror. Besides, the current groups of officers searching for Sebastian already had copies of the old records and were too busy creating new records from their investigations. Her eyes moved over the contents repeatedly for hours, almost wanting to conjure the hidden truth and details not recorded.
After 3 days of picking up entry level work provided by different departments, MC reluctantly accepted the current state of things and decided to take a break. She had been acting stubborn at first. She hoped that they would see her determination and eventually let her return to her position. But after engaging in such dull and motivation killing work, she could not continue for the rest of the week. MC dropped off the last of the completed assignments and returned Sebastian’s records to their proper place without raising anyone’s attention. 
Then she found herself at home, unable to finds ways to occupy her time productively. Time away from the Ministry only made her chaotic emotions worse. MC started to realize how much she depended on her hefty investigations and feeling overworked. She needed the fast and critical pace that came with being an Auror. It stopped her from overthinking, and most importantly it stopped her from being alone with herself. 
Since she had started to work, she had not raided poacher camps or pursued dark wizards in the hamlets near Hogwarts. In a way, being an Auror provided a little bit of everything she used to cope in the past. 
Now being in her apartment, she started to experience her first signs of paranoia. When she stepped out of her apartment, she swore she was being followed. It did not take her long to notice this. She had initially made it part of her routine to take a walk in the mornings. Whenever the rain paused and the heavy fog appeared, she found herself stopping by the local shops for groceries, picking up fresh flowers, or walking through the more populated areas of the city. The cold air and noisy streets had given her the distraction she desperately needed. 
The first time she caught sight of a shadow passing behind her, it had heightened her instincts. MC had been walking by some store windows, passing some glass lamps. A dark silhouette passed closely behind her as she leaned towards the window. Almost immediately, her posture tensed and straightened. Her eyes roamed over the reflection on the window with her hand ready in her pocket. But the figure disappeared around the corner without being seen. This happened again the next day, but this time she caught sight of someone wearing a bowl hat peaking around the corner of the street.
After those 2 encounters, she returned to closing herself in her apartment. She realized that she had somehow obtained an easy pattern to track in the mornings. She removed these morning walks from her new schedule.
Being enclosed in her apartment made he wish for a change around her. After a couple of hours of deep cleaning, organizing, and sorting through rubbish- she almost did not recognize her home. With her new found time, she even found herself sitting by the window and catching up with the letters on her desk. She spent many afternoons reading one of the many books from her collection. Majority of the books had been recommended by Anne at some point. She could not remember the last time she sat down and had time to read something of choice. Every now and then she would peer through the  window after feeling that creeping sensation on her skin. She was more than convinced that she was being watched. Whenever she felt exposed, she would draw the curtains and close her windows. 
Even if it had only been a couple of days, she felt the most alone she ever felt. She had not gotten a moment of relief. And to add to the ongoing theatrics, she could not stop thinking about Sebastian and his whereabouts. 
Sebastian’s news had put a stop to her ongoing progress with finding Anne’s cure. Now that she was more than convinced that she was being followed, she could not risk being caught in the middle of something suspicious. She was thankful that she had been smart enough not to keep her research and illegal books in her apartment in case her home was searched. She was also having a hard time focusing on one task for too long. MC had all the time of the world now with her inconsistent work. She tried to find ways to occupy herself productively.
She could not bring herself to get rid of the shadow that appeared the morning she received the news. MC had grown more tense, easily upset, and on edge. It was easy to admit that she never really let got of the guilt from being an accomplice during Sebastian’s imprisonment. And she believed it would never happen, especially now. 
Sebastian had escaped early on a Sunday morning and it was now Friday. Almost a whole week had passed. Ominis continued to check in with MC, even if it was briefly. Even with his full work schedule, he persisted stopping by to check on MC even when it was after hours. If he noticed her growing restlessness, he did not mention it. 
She knew his continuous visits were his way of showing that he still cared about her. But she could never be truly honest about her current turmoil. She was more than aware that Ominis was also going through his own troubling thoughts. The circles under his eyes had grown darker, and his skin started to look paler than usual. He was sleep deprived, exhausted, and even malnourished. But Ominis still watched out for her even when they had grown apart and detached in the recent months. He still checked on her every day, regardless of how platonic their friendship had become once again.
By Monday, she received a promising letter from both Natsai Onai and Poppy Sweeting. Poppy was always traveling and never stayed in one place for too long. She was engaged to their former classmate Garreth Weasley. Natty had moved and was now a professor at Uagadou. Between the two, Natty stopped by London more often to see MC. The former Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were so busy as it was, but she appreciated their concern and support shown in their letters. They had both agreed to come visit London the upcoming weekend to her relief. MC could finally take a break from feeling like a caged animal. 
During one of Ominis’ visits, he revealed something important for the MC. It was a little bit after 6pm on Wednesday. Ominis sat in the usual chair with the usual cup of tea between his fingers. He stopped by her home for a bit, already having plans for the rest of the night he had told her. 
“I have something to share with you. But before I tell you, you need to promise me that you will not be alarmed,” Ominis told her. The  he quickly added,“And that you will not do something to get yourself in trouble.”  
The way he added the last part made her smile in his direction. He was always so cautious when he knew something would upset her. 
“You know, I appreciate you trying. But you and I know better,” MC told him honestly. 
Ominis brushed his hand through his hair and nodded once. With his hands crossed over the other, he appeared apprehensive. He exhaled before continuing. 
“The department had appointed some officers to watch us,” he stated, sounding frustrated. Then he added in slow syllables, “Without our knowledge or consent, for the matter.” 
She breathed a loud sigh of relief at his words. And there it was, she could finally put her doubts about her own sanity to rest. If she was right, this explained the uneasy and cautious expressions that many of her peers wore last week. MC let out a small laugh and shook her head in disbelief. 
“The Ministry never fails to amaze me with their strategic methods. Let alone, their denial about the current number of able bodied officers.” 
Ominis gave her a small smile, agreeing with her words. “That was my initial response. But if they are watching us.. That could only mean that they truly believe that our old friend will be making an appearance.”
MC’s smile faded and she turned to look out the window. Ominis had chosen not to mention his name. And it further proved that he was still being careful. He was trying to cause the least amount of pain as possible. She was unsure if it was intended for her benefit or for his own. 
His name is Sebastian.
Her eyes looked into the dark street. The lamplight flickered twice and a stray cat crossed the street. The longer she looked out the street, the more noticeable the feeling became. She got up from her seat and approached her window. She drew the curtains in the hopes of removing the feeling of exposure. 
Her hands held the curtain for a moment longer than needed. Her eyes focused on the pattern between her fingers. The room became quiet.  
“Do you..” MC said quietly, without turning to face Ominis. “Do you think he has gone away to start a new life?” 
Ominis was unable to answer. He should have expected this topic to be brought up eventually. In reality, he dreaded talking about it with MC. The bitter feeling of the past was something he wished to get over as the years passed. He was not sure what Sebastian Sallow would be doing with his new found freedom. And as of the present, the Ministry didn’t either. Ominis preferred it this way. As long as Sebastian was not found, he could rest easy. 
It had come to his surprise that Sebastian had not reached out to any of his close friends in the first week of his escape. Not even Anne. 
But the again, Sebastian was smart. If he intended to survive, he could not give in to his reckless nature. 
Ominis had somehow convinced himself that he no longer knew Sebastian.
He believed he was the only one to wear the guilt on his shoulders for what he had done. He deserved to lose sleep, his appetite, his sense of character, and peace. 
And the most important of all.. He did not deserve to have MC. 
Ominis knew that MC and Sebastian had been close during their 5th year. He often times believed that he and MC would never be as close as Sebastian she she were back then. 
Ominis had almost proposed to move in with MC for the time being until things were safer. He hated to leave her during such dire times.
But he had not. 
Ominis shifted in his seat, unable to give her an answer that reflected the truth about his feelings. 
“I.. I do not know,” he confessed to her. His voice was suddenly fatigued. “I would like to believe that he somehow managed to escape the border and settled somewhere remotely liberating.” 
MC stepped away from the window, her expression unreadable. She did not return to her seat across from Ominis. She continued to stand idly near the wall. Her hands were hidden in her cardigan. 
Ominis turned his head towards MC’s direction before continuing. “MC believe me when I say, if Sebastian does not want to be caught, then he will not be.” 
MC shifted in place, her thoughts pouring over her like a rapid current. It was hard to believe that Sebastian would just escape the country and find a lovely home of some sort by the ocean somewhere in the world. She could not image him willing to settle down and find peace. 
He would not be able to do that as long as he sought closure. He would make his most important mission to find answers. 
She did not understand why Ominis was so set on lying and giving such empty answers. He could not possibly believe what he was telling her. She was starting to feel impatient with him. 
“Is someone possibly helping him hide?” MC asked out loud, somewhat ignoring Ominis’ previous response. She walked into the kitchen, her eyes settling on the dish rack as she thought hard.  
“I do not think it matters. It isn’t either of us, so I doubt it.” 
MC was now set on putting away the dishes. With her back turned, she occupied her hands with pushing the plates into the cupboards. The dishes were put away harshly, the sound of the dishes being pushed on top of each other echoed through the apartment. 
“I hope his whereabouts are not keeping you from your sleep, MC-”
MC finally turned towards Ominis, unable to stop her irritation from raining down on him. With a glass in her hand, she let her bottled discontentment interrupt him. 
“He has not forgiven us , Ominis,” her words were sharp. She inhaled and continued without sparing another moment of caution. “If you truly believe he ran off into the sunset with his new found freedom, then you are being delusional.”
She had almost broken the glass in her hand. She winced at the sound of her words as soon as she had said them. At that moment, she was unable to hide the pain and desolation she had felt for the past 8 years. MC watched Ominis with her unsettling gaze. Her jaw was tight and she felt as if she would cry out of frustration.
The air became unbreathable from the pressure in the room. The silence between them was daunting. Ominis’ expression finally broke from his shallow facade. His eyes stung from the truth in her words. Her tone dripped with culpability. 
His only response was getting up from his chair, letting is scrape against the wooden floor. His expression resembled a drowned man. His lips moved, and to MC’s dismay he did not give her the answer she deserved.
“I should go check on Anne.” 
Her eyes only followed Ominis as he stepped out of her apartment without another word. 
… *… * …
It was getting closer to the 2 week mark since Sebastian’s escape. And instead of feeling more at ease that there was no news about his whereabouts, she felt more restless. Her nightmares had started to take her sleep again. After the last meeting she had with Ominis, she could not bear any more wasted nights. She started to take sips of sleeping draught before bed.
On the following Saturday morning, MC received an email correspondence from the head of the Auror Department. To her surprise, the letter contained a series of updates.
Sebastian’s man hunt had been put to a stop until further notice. The Department was facing a a shortage of numbers, leading to a strain in their security and resources for higher priority cases. This is a temporary decision until further reconsideration. 
MC was scheduled to return to her previous position on Monday morning.  
MC held the letter in her hands under the sunlight of her window, the tension in her shoulders lessening as the minutes passed. She re-read the letter until she was able to process the contents. 
MC was beyond relieved to finally have her job back. She still was not used to being home so much. The letter did not mention whether she would continue to be observed and followed. But then again, she was not supposed to be aware in the first place.
With the hopes of celebrating her return, she was preparing to meet with her friends later on that evening. Natty and Poppy agreed to meet at one the pubs closer to the water’s edge. It was only a couple of minutes away from her home. She knew that Natty enjoyed the black friar bridge view. That was mainly the reason why this pub was one of her favorites.
With a couple of minutes to spare before she headed out, MC sat down to read through some of the letters waiting on her desk. The letters seemed to have increased now that she had time to respond.
She received a letter from her mother with news of her trip. Her parents were visiting America for a couple of weeks. Her father had decided to visit Boston in the hopes of reconciling with his mother. Her father had been raised in an orphanage before attending Hogwarts. At the age of 41, he recently found more information about his biological parents. It was a whole ordeal alone, one that she was sadly being updated from the sidelines. Her once extremely demanding position as an Auror had been the reason she denied the invitation to join them. She was aware of how important this visit was for her father. But she had no choice at the time the trip was planned. But now? She wished she had taken the opportunity to join them. 
MC wrote a whole hearted response to her mother’s letter and pulled Anne’s letter from the small pile. She moved the candle light closer to the page to read Anne’s small script. 
My dearest MC,
Thank you for that new cushion set! It made my new home feel more homely. I am adjusting to my home much better as of late. It is much better than the room I was staying in previously. The loneliness was hard to adjust to at first, but now I am able to look forward to every day.
I absolutely love working for Madam Ryder’s shop. I wish you could see how friendly and welcoming the people are here. It reminds me a little of Feldcroft. You need to come visit me soon. 
I was asked to go fetch potion ingredients by the shore this week. I found it to be a dream. It reminded me a little of your outdoor excursions and adventures. I can see why you enjoyed them so much when you were younger. 
Working at the shop part time is enough at the moment. The hours are quite flexible and I am able to fit in time for my studies. I am beyond grateful for Professor Sharp’s patience and willingness to continue to tutor me. I have you to thank for that.
Between working and focusing on my studies, I think that I want a change of pace. 
Living in this small town by the ocean the past couple of years has me feeling like a senior. Think about it, I live in a small house by the ocean. I wake every morning to tea and books. I water my new found garden and feed my cats before heading out every morning. Maybe this life was more fitting for the person I was before.
I visited Solomon’s house yesterday. I think I am feeling a little nostalgic. When I stopped by, I made it my mission to fix and replace the dead plants in the garden. It made me sad to see how vacant and unattended the home was.
Staying in the house let me reflect on what I want out of life. 
I want to open my own store in town. But I also find myself wanting to move to London. I miss you and Ominis so much, I want to spend more time with the both of you. I think it would give me the clarity I need.
Wishing you well and love always,
Anne S. 
She finished reading Anne’s letter with a sense of emptiness. She missed Anne terribly. 
But she could not overlook the implications that came with becoming close once more.
Could she put aside her conflicting emotions and invite Anne to stay with her for a while? She had done the same with Ominis last year, so what is stopping her from offering her the same? Would having her around more cause more tension or diffuse it? Would having her around cause a bigger rift between them? 
MC left Anne’s letter open on her desk. She was unable to finish her response. She had only gotten to the formalities. Anne’s letter was left unfolded and on top of the other letters on her desk.She got up from her seat and grabbed her coat on her way to the door. 
For the first time in the past 2 weeks, she felt a sense of reprieve. She was leaving her apartment for the first time in a while. She was on her way to meet with her two friends for some drinks. She was no longer demoted from her hard earned Ministry position. Her life was slowly returning back to normal.
MC walked into the gloomy street and hugged her coat tighter. She could not pass the opportunity to smell the crisp and smokey air once more. She walked for the first time without feeling paranoid. Her boots walked over the cobblestone, sometimes echoing louder in certain streets. She passed the familiar shops as they prepared to close early. 
When she finally reached the planned destination, MC paused by the door and inhaled before entering. She walked into the pub, staying close to the wall and away from the crowd. 
She made her way to her friends and was instantly embraced by two pair of arms. 
Poppy shared about her ongoing wedding planning and constant traveling. She was the happiest she ever felt. Poppy had Natsai and MC promise to be her bridesmaids and that she would not accept any excuses. Natty admitted that she had a new love interest. She explained how she had gone on a couple of dates and how it felt promising so far. She did not share the individual’s name or too many details. She rather not share too much in case it ended up not working out. Which, this had happened before. MC had witnessed her friend’s repeated rise and fall out of love in the recent years. The two witches respected Natty’s decision to save her from the possible pain once more. 
Poppy turned to MC, her eyes soft as she asked, “What about you, Y/N? Do you have any pending admirers you’re wanting to tell us about?” 
MC gave her a small smile, but it did not quite reach her eyes. Her attention turned to the drink between her fingers as she shook her head in denial. She could see Natty’s expression from the side of her vision. Natty was one of the few people she had shared about her temporary relationship with Ominis. 
“I wish I could go on about a new love interest,” MC finally told Poppy. She sounded a little regretful. 
“That is okay, do not worry about that. If you ever find yourself interested in meeting new people, just let me know,” Poppy told her with a genuine smile. “Garreth has so many family members and friends. I could have you meet them sometime if you like.” 
MC felt touched by Poppy’s thoughtfulness. The fact that Poppy thought she was agreeable enough to introduce her to new friends and her family to be, made her heart hurt. She thanked Poppy and took a long sip from her drink. She could taste the ice melting, dulling the affect. She looked down the counter and waved the bartended down for another drink.
Their conversation went on for the longest with no breaks or awkward silences. Poppy seemed to have kept in touch with a lot of their past classmates. With Garreth’s influence, she had a pretty good recount for almost every single Hogwarts alumni. The occupations she mentioned ranged from curse breakers, quidditch players, portraitists, apparition examiners, and astronomers. MC listened attentively and realized that many ended up working for the Ministry. 
Poppy had gone on for so long without stopping that she had to take a breather. She lifted her drink to her lips right before excusing herself to the lavatory. MC grinned as she watched Poppy walk off with a tipsy edge to her step. 
"She is still a lightweight,” she stated as she turned to look at Natty.
Her friend nodded in response with a blush on her cheeks. “You know Poppy. Some things just never change. I see that you’re a little giddy as well Y/N.” 
MC raised her glass towards Natty as she grinned widely. She did not deny her friend’s statement. Natty raised her own glass and muttered cheers.
“How are you holding up?” Natty asked quietly. MC had been expecting her friend to finally ask her more about the current events now that they were both alone. Before answering, she finished the rest of her drink. The bartender spared her a glance and started to make another drink without being asked. 
“I actually got my job back. I got a letter this morning,” she told her, trying to move the subject away from Sebastian all together. 
“What a relief! Tell me they apologized as well,” Natty responded, her hand came to rest under her chin as she leaned against the counter. Natty had been kept in the loop with the recent turn of events as MC wallowed in her apartment. 
MC shook her head once with a smile playing on her lips. Natty groaned and shook her head with annoyance. She continued to gaze at MC and finally moved on to what she originally intended to ask her.
“What about.. Sebastian?” Natty asked, she was not going to let MC change the subject. 
MC sighed in defeat and turned to face the friend next to her. She licked her lips and reached for the drink that came floating her way. She brought the drink to her lips as she contemplated. Under the influence of alcohol, she felt more willing to open up to her best friend. 
“I have no clue what is going on. All I know is that the Ministry have stopped searching for him. The letter gave little details about the progress.” 
“He hasn’t tried to contact you, has he?” Natty’s voice dropped to whisper. She was watching MC’s expressions, ready to catch her if she lied. 
MC shook her head in no. She felt her throat tighten, she did look forward to talking about him in the current state she was in. “I doubt he would. Why would he? I am the bloody reason why his life was ruined.” 
Natty said MC’s name and stopped her from continuing. Her eyes were serious. 
“You cannot possibly believe you are at fault Y/N. Are you forgetting that the decision was not yours to make? You were not alone during all of that. And I am sure Ominis would not agree with you.” 
MC shook her head again at Natty’s response. Her grip on the glass tightened as she started to feel the shadow fall over her once more. The shadow was peeking its ugly head as she felt the remorse and guilt build up inside of her. 
“It’s not that easy Natty..” She responded slowly. “I wish I could just turn it off. But I just..” 
MC tapped her temple with her index finger in frustration. “I think I am just delirious. My mental state has not been the best lately.” 
“Tell me what is not easy, please.” 
“I am having a hard time sleeping. It usually wouldn’t be such a bad thing, but..” MC paused before continuing. She could see Natty’s unwavering care and loyalty. MC breathed out before admitting something she had not told anyone.
“I still see Professor Fig,” MC confessed to her friend. “I see him in my sleep. I wonder what he would tell me now with all of this going on.” A bitter laugh left her lips. 
Everything seemed to be pouring out of her as she watched Natty’s expression. She swallowed hard and felt tears forming in her eyes. Natty was concerned now. 
“You told me your nightmares had stopped MC.” 
“I- I do not know how to undo my wrong doings Natty. I cannot move on,” she breathed. 
Natty’s hand reached out and took MC’s drink from her. She stopped her friend from drinking any further. Her expression was full of understanding and concern. Natty moved the glass far from reach and brought her hand to touch her friend’s.
“I don’t want you burdening yourself with unnecessary guilt. Professor Fig was not your fault. And what happened with Sebastian, that is not your fault to take either Y/N. He faced the consequences to his actions. Believe me, my friend. You deserve to live your life without these burdens and learn to forgive yourself.”  
“Forgive myself?” MC repeated in a small voice. She failed to notice the tears were falling down her cheeks. 
Natty tapped her hand against hers in affirmation. Her gaze was intense as she answered. 
“Forgive yourself for not learning how to look after yourself. I know you will learn to let go of these irrational thoughts and stop blaming every single misfortune on yourself. I just hope it is soon.” 
Natty’s hand tightened over MC’s, her gaze not moving away from her. 
“I will be alright Natty,” she told her as she wiped away her cheeks with the back of her hand. Poppy was approaching them once more with a big grin.”I promise.”
Their outing went on for a couple of hours. The mood lightened up as the three talked about other matters that were not trifling to MC’s sanity. MC felt more grateful for her friends as the night went on. Poppy was the closest to being drunk between the 3 of them. She watched as Poppy hugged her sides in laughter as she shook her head at Natty. Natty was smiling and continued to talk for Poopy’s amusement. MC’s smile was unwavering as she looked at her two friends with sad appreciation.
By the time the 3 witches were walking out of the bar, it had gotten late. 
Poppy and Natty insisted on walking MC all the way to her apartment. MC denied their request and told them that her apartment was not far. With bright and loud exclamations, they compromised and walked her down the street. 
With their final goodbyes and loud giggles, MC walked in the direction of her apartment. She passed a couple of bright windows, her mind distracted by the night’s events. She was busy thinking about Poppy was traveling all over the country and saving all kinds of creatures. She did not notice an unknown figure following behind her. 
The person’s face was hidden under a heavy black cloak. The figure followed her at a distance, but he seemed to be closing the distance as MC reached the street she lived in.
MC eventually felt the crawling sensation of being followed. She involuntarily moved her shoulders into a shrug, wanting to brush it off. Was it real? Or was she merely living the side affected of being slightly intoxicated? She did not want to turn around to look out of fear. 
Her throat suddenly felt dry as she saw her apartment building in the distance. There was not a single soul in sight. Most of the windows in her street were dark. She slowed her pace and thought hard on what she should do next. Normally, she would not feel so flustered and hesitant. But she did not have to think long when she purposely stalled in front of a shop. The windows had been recently cleaned and polished. She looked into the glass, waiting for the reflection to catch the light from the lamp post as she walked. 
She caught sight of the figure in the reflection. It was a tall man. She could not make out his build, he had a long cloak and dark boots. She did not manage to stare long enough to gather more details for her advantage. 
That was when she knew she could not go home. Instead, she kept walking down the street. Her shoulders stiffened and her back straightened with a new profound objective. 
She gripped the wand in her pocket and let her features settle in displeasure.
She would make sure that she is no longer followed once and for all. 
… *… * …
Sebastian waited for 2 weeks. The longer he waited, the more it felt like a game.
With the constant use of polyjuice potion, he moved around the city freely. He made it part of his day to disguise himself as a different person. Whether it was a middle aged wizard or a fish selling vendor, he occupied most of his time blending in with the city inhabitants. This was the first time he had visited London. It felt large and advanced compared to his hamlet. 
Sebastian had stopped by Feldcroft the same night he escaped. He did not know what he had expected, but it had left him feeling hollow and empty. It was completely empty and unoccupied. He had found his uncle’s grave, and to his vexation he could not find Anne’s. He walked around the town, noticing how many new homes and shops had been built since he had been away. He had only roamed around the town for less than an hour before he was gone. His visit to Feldcroft had lead him to London immediately. 
He was not aware of how heavily secured the country’s border would be. But by the lack of Aurors roaming around the city looking for him, he felt that he was over estimating the Ministry. 
He was dangerous and armed. He almost felt insulted by the amount of officers making an effort to look for him. There were so many times where he knew he could have been easily caught. But there was yet to be an altercation between himself and the Ministry. 
They could have fooled him by the amount of headlines he made on almost every morning paper since he escaped. 
He was going through the potion supply much faster than he had wanted. But it was crucial to not be caught lacking. He had been more than fortunate to have picked an old potion master’s home to ransack. As much as he wanted to save some of the last phials of the potion, he knew it could not be helped. What other moment would prove more important? Maybe escaping the country all together. 
That was, once he executed his plan.
Now, his eyes were unmoving as he noticed movement pass by the window below him. He was peering over the edge from the opposite building. Sebastian had a knee against the hard tiled roof. The rain stopped minutes ago. His clothes were wet but he did not feel the cold. He did not feel the cold anymore. Nothing could compare the nights that he almost freezed to death. 
Once Sebastian learned that Ominis and MC were Aurors, he had hoped that they would be ones assigned to hunt him down. But to his trepidation, they had been completely removed from the equation. Instead, Sebastian had been the one to hunt them down. 
Ominis never seemed to be anywhere else but at the Ministry. Sebastian somehow always lost sight of his old friend whenever he finished his shift. Ominis would apparate almost immediately, never idling around or letting his guard down. Whenever he caught sight of him to his surprise, he would be leaving MC’s apartment. 
Sebastian had settled with watching MC. She never seemed to be at the Ministry for whatever reason. He observed her for a couple of hours a day until he managed to create a pattern from her routine. With the consistent amount of Aurors following her, it had been difficult to even get close. There was always some hidden officer under the disillusionment charm watching her home or trailing behind her when she left her apartment.
He had enjoyed revealing the officers that followed her through out the day. He had even sent trip jinxes in their direction. But every single time he exposed the Aurors, they merely apparated on the spot. Sebastian knew that MC had caught on. She stopped leaving her apartment all together. 
The fact that they were carefully watching her confused him. The Ministry seemed to have appointed more officers to watch over MC than they have searching for him. The chance of his capture were growing more dim as the days continued to pass. It felt a little too easy.
He was not sure how far off his opportunity was. But he felt it coming closer. 
And surely enough, he finally caught sight of MC leaving her apartment once again. 
Her back was towards him as Sebastian looked over the ledge. She was walking alone with her hands in her pockets. The sun had already set and he tried to register the dark shade of colors she was wearing. She wore a long coat that stopped at her knees. Her heeled boots peaked under her slacks. She was wearing some fitted suit, he assumed. Her hair was out of its usual bun, it fell right below her shoulders. 
She always had long hair during their time at Hogwarts. He remembered how she loved to wear hand knitted scarves during the colder seasons. They were always a new and interesting color. But as he watched her walk further down the street without hurry, he could not see any of the colorful familiarity in her apparel. 
He had to tell himself once more. She is a complete stranger. 
She was not the person you once remembered. The MC he knew from Hogwarts would never turn him to the Authorities. 
Sebastian gripped the wand between his fingers tightly as he walked. The tiles were soundless under his shoes. He followed her at a distance, waiting for the signs of an officer to appear behind her. 
MC walked for almost 20 minutes before reaching her destination. She stopped by a crowded pub near a bridge. The windows were uniquely arched and colorful. It was difficult to even catch a glimpse through the thickly mosaic material. She disappeared into the noisy building without looking over her shoulder. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, she was not followed. 
With the new found revelation, Sebastian stepped down on to the street. He waited in the shadows, noticing the potion’s affects wearing off. 
Sebastian’s eyes looked over the leaving patrons of the pub. The more people left the bar, the more confirmation he received that the building only had one exit. He watched every single individual until they were out of sight. There were no familiar faces to anchor his growing delirium. He was growing more and more agitated as the hours passed. 
Then at last, MC was leaving the pub. He could see two others walk out with her. Their voices made his insides tense. He recognized the other 2 witches from school immediately as they insisted on walking her home. But they only walked her to the end of the street before leaving her on her own.
He could not afford to feel an ounce of nervousness or hesitation. He was shaking from the anticipation, his moment has finally come. Sebastian knew better than to believe this would be made easy for him. 
When MC finally caught on that she was being followed, she had been walking towards the light of a closing store in the distance. Her body was angled towards that direction, her head unmoving from that direction. She passed her apartment’s door all together. With one abrupt step into the left alley between the apartments, she was fleeing. 
With sharp turns and uneven footing, his ears focused on her movement as he kept up. 
He moved after her, just barely enough to not to lose sight of her. He heard his own breathing growing louder as he chased after her. 
He turned into an isolated alley, no it was still a street. There were countless barrels and boxes that smelled of fish. The buildings to the left stopped where the river started, leaving no outlet. The lamplights closer to the water flickered. When his eyes landed on the empty factory building down on the right, his focus was interrupted by a string of red lights. 
MC was huddled behind the barrels and shot curses in his direction. Sebastian deflected every single one and shot his own curses back. His spells hit the wooden obstacles and the sound of wreckage filled the empty alleyway. MC was successful with predicting every single spark and spell headed her way. She never stopped moving, her poise and expertise was apparent in her stance regardless how intoxicated she was.
The spells they shot in each other’s direction never seemed to hit their target. Everything else seemed to catch the force of their anger, leaving chaos everywhere they headed. 
Sebastian restrained himself ftom muttering the words he wanted to use for those long minutes. When finally, he felt an electric sensation course through the ground. He ducked quickly and dodged the boxes thrown in his direction. He felt the wave of ancient magic in the air and the static vibrated through his body. 
He knew it had only been a matter of time before MC started to use her full abilities. He kept running, dodging, deflecting, until it started to feel endless. He was slowly cornering her down the street. He was tiring her out.
By the time he was painting and sweating, he finally steered her into the area he wanted her in. She was close to the water’s edge near the factory. The amount of energy he spent the past couple of minutes finally made his blood seethe. Enough. 
Sebastian then destroyed the few lamp posts, letting the glass fall on to the ground. The only light in the street was reflected in the river. Sebastian removed the ability to see all together and he welcomed the darkness with familiarity. 
He vaulted over the obstacles until he caught sight of her running figure. She hurried behind more boxes. The sound of MC’s boots running over the broken glass heightened Sebastian’s awareness. 
Sebastian shot the disarming spell at her retreating figure. MC’s pace faltered once she realized she had been disarmed. She turned her head to look in his direction. 
By that moment, Sebastian had reached her. She had been milliseconds away from apparating.
Sebastian gripped her wand in his hand and pushed her back with the other. He pressed her against the wall roughly, feeling her body grow panicked and tense under his hold. Her lithe figure struggled under him until she finally met his gaze. She immediately stopped as she looked at him. 
Sebastian was finally able to truly see MC for the first time in the past 2 weeks.
Her eyes looked darker then he ever remembered. There were shadows in her eyes, ones she never had when she was younger. Her brow still had that stern angle whenever she was stressed or tense. Her skin was once flush and soft but now he could see areas where her skin looked sunken and sharp. 
The ghost that hung over her reminded him of something he knew too well. He had caught sight of it the first time when he had looked in a mirror. A haunted and unsettling wraith that refused to leave you alone. It was almost as if she carried some invisible pain that disabled her from looking truly healthy.
Even after all of this time, he felt his insides turn with the familiarity of her presence.
The longer he looked at her, the more he noticed the ache and longing pile on top of the revenge, hatred, pain, betrayal he already felt. 
Her voice was soft and pained. Her eyes did not move away from his and it was getting harder to move.
He rejected the upcoming confusion from muddling his thoughts. His grip on her tightened once more, suddenly growing aware that his hold had loosened.
He once again felt the instinct to hurt her.
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justplainwhump · 1 year
Adrian faces some colleagues. They don't get along.
[Pet Safety masterlist]
Content/warnings: BBU, WRU company internal quarrels, implied noncon, systemised dehumanisation, derogatory language. (This is a short one.)
When Adrian got back to the Clinic, there was a handler leaning to the wall next to the Chewtoy's room. Her grey uniform was slightly crumpled, Adrian noted, her hair tied into a messy ponytail. She was scrolling through her phone, but looked up as he approached.
He knew what happened, even before she spoke up. Fuck. He should've seen that coming.
"Not right now," she said, words drawn out lazily. "Handler Grimm's inside. Quality assurance."
"I don't think that's necessary," Adrian said flatly and stepped forward.
The handler pushed herself off the wall, folding her arms as she blocked his way. She was sturdy built, and even though a lot shorter than him the threat was tangible. "I don't think it's necessary a pet safety inspector tells us how to do our job. It's protocol. It's in the rules. And for all I know, you guys love the company sticking to the rules, huh?"
Adrian cursed to himself. Facility 012. Their department never get rid of that. It hadn't even been any Pet Safety Officer; it had been Adrian himself who had gotten the facility to shut down because of systematic misconduct. He still counted it as a success, morally; but practically it had come with a huge toll. There'd always been a rift between them and the handlers, but the atmosphere had never been this hostile.
"Pet gets shipped to an owner, it must pass quality control. 'Adhere to WRU's high standards', isn't that what you call it?" She grinned at him, but there was no amusement in her eyes. "So I guess you just go on your ways and let us do our job here, Delgado."
Adrian felt his jaw clench, holding back from pointing out he actually was the prospective owner. It wouldn't make a difference. He'd lost this fight already, and he couldn't risk any more.
Before he could say anything else, the door opened and Handler Grimm stepped out, hair damp from the shower, still adjusting his belt. "Wanna compare notes, Smith? I'd not let her pass if she weren't filed as an internal sale. Knows her positions, very flexible, pretty good fuck, but fucked up attitude. Complied just fine, but didn't even try to make me think she enjoyed any of it. Only way to get any reaction out of her is pain, and she doesn't even make that be any fun."
"She has several fractured ribs," Adrian said, as calmly as he could muster. "She's probably been in pain for all of it."
Smith jugged her chin towards Adrian. "PSI Delgado didn't think it was necessary to test her."
"Delgado?" Grimm raised an eyebrow. "You're the whore's prospective, aren't you? Makes it somewhat ironic to lecture us, doesn't it?"
Adrian folded his arms. "Maybe I just don't want you to break my property even more."
Grimm scoffed. "Trust in the company a bit more. This isn't my first rodeo. I'm pretty sure every Romantic handler here knows how to fuck a product with a broken bone and not leave lasting damage. Even on one that is that messed up already. Anyway. My assessment is a narrow pass. What's your verdict, Smith?"
"Passed." Smith smirked. "Knowing who's the prospective does make it way easier to ship a substandard product, doesn't it." She boxed Adrian's shoulder and he had to fight the reflex to break her arm for it. "Let's see how a PSI fares with a stubborn bitch Romantic and still keeps everything pretty and 'humane', huh."
Relax, Adrian told himself. They were done. This part of the game was over. He'd just need to keep his composure, before they could change their mind again.
It cost insane effort to just tilt his head and give them a cold smile. "Great. Now that we're done with the small talk, may I finally go in and collect my purchase?"
"Go ahead." Grimm stepped aside. "She's still in the shower. If you want to seize the opportunity."
They both chuckled behind his back, as they strolled off.
Adrian kept his shoulders straight. He didn't turn around, just counted to ten, forced his racing heartbeat to slow down, before he opened the door to face the person that was going to be his.
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