#he's just mentioned
tribbles-the-lesbian · 4 months
🌦️~Rainy Days~🌦️
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Closer looks and some tidbits of info about these goobers~~
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⭐️Houi loves the rain in every way!! If it’s thunderstorming, he can stay inside and hang out with his siblings and play board games with them or listen to Mitt reading a nice story. If it’s just some good ol’ rain, he’ll happily put on his gear to go splash in puddles to his heart’s content
⭐️‼️Houi is not a fan of getting wet‼️ He is much like his best friend Wally in that regard, though not for the sake of messing up his hair/fur; he just doesn’t like the feeling of wet clothes (ick!!)
⭐️Houi’s rain gear is and isn’t new!! Lemme explain, so This is actually Tibber’s “old” gear that he never wore (he’s oblivious to weather) so It was past down to Houi with the price stickers/tags still on (though they were yellowed and peeling)
⭐️Houi’s rainboots were inspired by some goofy duck boots I saw when trying to find the official WH rain stuff (like Wally’s poncho and boots and stuff??) and went down a quick rabbit hole of funky rainboots
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⭐️Mitt likes rainy days as she gets an excuse to stay inside and read all day. She never goes out in the rain [willing]. E V E R.
⭐️Mitt hates getting wet, She feels gross when she is, like she’s sweating even when it’s not sweat (do puppets sweat??)
⭐️Mitt’s only rain gear are her signature red rainboots and watermelon umbrella (her favorite fruit is watermelon, so she has a good few things that are Watermelon themed hehe). She only has the bear necessities as, in her opinion, you shouldn't plan to be out in the rain for long
⭐️Houi and Tibbers have been known to occasionally drag their older sister out into the rain against her demands to not do so!... they Always regret it afterwards
⭐️Mitt's mug is from Howdy's Place! I imagine Howdy would have some brand-named mugs and whatnot, so maybe all the cupboards in the neighbor's houses have random Howdy's Place drinkware (??) 'tis a thought~
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⭐️Tibbers is, as stated before, oblivious to the weather. It's almost like he doesn't understand the importance of "dressing for the weather", ya know? He doesn't know how weather works (??) exactly or how to take it into account before leaving the house
⭐️Example of his obliviousness: it's already been raining before he and Houi leave the house (Mitt is staying in due to the rain). Houi is putting on his rain gear while Tibbers just waits by the door, humming "Toyland", yet Is shocked when he gets drenched 3 seconds after leaving!
⭐️Tibbers doesn't mind getting wet, and Quite enjoys it! He loves stomping in all the muddy puddles on his own, making big splashes with each stomp. He'll always join Houi in splashing in puddles, making sure not to go too crazy so his little brother doesn't get wet
⭐️Tibbers has no rain gear (duh!), he gave it to Houi and refuses to buy more
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eternalwritess · 7 months
no words to be spoken between us both (so please save them for later)
There was a direct light coming from the ceiling and he was here. He was proof. Living. Breathing. Proof.
It was breathtaking at first, she smiled and let out a small squeal and showed him around. He was kind, he was mature, he was an angel. He meant everything in the world to her at that moment. She went back to her home that night with a smile on her face. There was no more reason for this genocide of souls. Everyone could be in heaven. It was a win win.
The next day came around and there was to be a meeting after lunch. She waited around eagerly bouncing on the balls of her feet before seeing someone in the distance. Lute. Lute who was the second in command of Adam's army, Lute who took part in the genocide with glee, Lute who always seemed to have her mask on and when it was off a different one in its place.
Lute who's eyes were now almost burnt red with tears. Lute whose arm is missing with bandages that were most likely done by herself. Lute who looked as if she was a minute from dropping dead. Lute.
Emily walked over her hand outstretched as if to ask what had happened before Lute took off and away from her. Lute. Emily paused for a moment wondering whether if she should follow but decided against it. The meeting was in an hour, she had to be ready.
In the meeting that walls seemed to close in. Lute was standing there with her mask on and despite Sera trying to ask her to take it off she never did, and Sera didn't push it. It was odd seeing her disobey orders. But what was she to think anything of it? Maybe she just didn't understand, maybe she never will.
The meeting went on and on and on and Emily paused looking at Lute. She was missing something else wasn't she? She seemed awfully lonely by herself. She looked small, defeated. She looked unnatural almost, then it hit her, Adam. She looked up at Sera and stood up abruptly.
Was Adam injured? Hurt? Is that maybe why Lute looked the way she did. "Sera, where is Adam?"
The whole court fell into silence and Sera looked at Emily. She couldn't describe it but she could feel the sorrow pulling from her eyes as she looked away. "He is gone."
Emily stood there mouth half open before looking over to Lute who couldn't look back at her. She was staring blankly into space glaring at some invisible object on the wall instead. Adam was gone. Adam died. One of them died. Emily felt the world shake around her, maybe she didn't care for Adam, but Lute did. Lute cared for him deeply. She saw it each time they were in a room together. They cared for each other in their own way. Isn't that enough?
And Emily cares for heaven, she cares for her people. Them dying would be horrible. She couldn't bare to see that happen. She heard something snap nearby but when she looked over all she saw was Lute with a broken pencil.
She muttered what Emily could only assume to be an apology and looked away, avoiding everyone's gaze. Lute was part of heaven, Lute was her people. She couldn't let her be sad.
Once the meeting ended Emily found herself naturally following Lute to the edges of heaven. A place in the clouds where you could see the people on Earth down below if you looked hard enough. A place where you could see the yellow rings of heaven spin around dizzying even the heaviest of hearts and stomachs.
Lute sighed and looked over to Emily. She knew she was following. Emily opened her mouth to speak but watched the look on Lute's face fade as she took off her mask and looked away from her. She shut it.
Emily awkwardly shuffled over to her and watched as Lute sat on the ground never glancing at her once. Emily did the same, but she looked at Lute. Waiting, waiting for her to speak to her. Waiting for something. She couldn't be like this forever, she wouldn't allow it. Emily couldn't even fathom the thought of Lute being sad forever, but why shouldn't she be? The only person she ever really saw beside Lute was Adam and maybe the occasional exorcist if she was feeling particularly social that day.
Emily saw Lute's hand beside her balled up into a fist, nails digging into her hand. Emily reached over trying to hold it, tell her that it was going to be okay. But with no avail as Lute moved her singular hand away.
"Lute-" Emily began but couldn't find the words or strength to continue on. She never met someone who wasn't truly happy in heaven anymore. People complained at times but they had people who they loved and people who loved them back for who they were. They were truly happy. They were going to be happy forever. But she couldn't find that thought for Lute. She watched the way Lute's eyes wavered down below her as she watched everyone on Earth run around.
The rings of heaven spin around them causing Emily to want to vomit even more. Adam was dead. He was gone. And with it it seemed that Lute followed, followed into another unknown state of being.
"You should go," Lute muttered softly and looked over to Emily for the first time. Her eyes once yellow had a red tint around the whites and her makeup seemed beyond ruined. Her face littered with bruises and her stub of an arm bleeding on her clothes.
Emily frowned and shook her head placing her hand on Lute's shoulder and turning her towards her. Lute was shaking, it was weird. So weird. But Emily smiled softly at her and pulled her in for a tight hug and watched as Lute curled into her.
It's gonna be okay, I promise. Those were the words that never left her lips that day, for she didn't have to stomach to say them. To tell someone who just lost what they thought was all to push through it. Maybe she can figure out how to fix this. Maybe she can make Lute happy once more.
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xxradzxx · 3 months
Get PTV trending??
ask and you shall receive
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(All these images were ripped from pinterest)
(Also sorry I'm answering this VERY late)
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yizukikhons · 1 year
Wilder Things(Or The Sea Takes, But D's Give)
Garp had known there would be trouble before he even entered the East Blue. It was his grandsons 17th after all, the day he would try to set sail, his chaos no longer contained to one sleepy village and the surrounding wilderness. But now, looking down at a scrawny recruit with eyes just a touch too bright to be normal, he knew that it was far more than he had anticipated.
Garp probably should have taught him more about their true nature, demanded promises to behave, but the boy had always been too stubborn for his own good. He took after his father in that, a fact he was simultaneously proud of and disparaged. Luffy had always acted on his instincts, following the rituals of D's with an almost religious fervor; but instinct would only get one so far, and the half-claim he had left on this pink haired brat was threatening to tear the poor boy apart, his gift undeveloped and weak with no one to nurture it.
'Well', Garp thought as he took the two recruits off of the Marines hands. 'I guess it's my responsibility to clean up this mess.' His grandson had better be prepared when he caught up. He had earned himself a Fist of Love.
He met the shining eyes of Koby and bared his teeth in a challenging grin. The boys eyes widened in recognition before a similar smile drew across his face
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RIP Michael Afton.. you would of loved FLAF
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starii-void · 3 months
going to chb must be crazy like imagine sharing a camp with
-one of the strongest demigods ever who's saved the world like at least 3 times, fought multiple gods & titans and WON (and is a tartarus survivor)
-the literal main architect of OLYMPUS who's also saved the world multiple times (also tartarus survivor)
-THE lord of the wild who's also close friends with the first two (and has helped save the world multiple times)
-an emo kid from the 1930s who again helped save the world and is also a tartarus survivor (TWICE)
-a son of apollo who survived tartarus with nothing but cargo shorts and sheer will (pun intended)
-the main designer and builder for the argo II, also the first hephaestus kid to have fire powers since hundreds of years ago (did i mention killed gaea? no? yeah he did that too)
-a girl who somehow charmspeak-ed gaea into falling back asleep (also side note daughter of super famous actor because why not)
-pretty much everybody is a two-time war veteran
-THE GOD APOLLO who just sometimes comes down to visit in the form of a teenage boy
-did i mention dionysus, god of wine madness and theatre
-also chiron, trainer of pretty much every greek hero ever
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desertduality · 16 days
something about the way the hermits try to blend their bases together when they're close by is just really sweet to me. I don't really know how to explain it other than like. it's art. they start out with their empty plots of land and then they shape it and change it and they start growing into each other. the lines blur. it's like they're all given a slab of marble and they carve their own statues but they make the statues hold hands. i dunno.
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shadowtraveled · 6 months
"mithrun is the only real monsterfucker in dungeon meshi" is objectively the funniest bit you can get out of his everything, but in all seriousness i think his attraction to his love interest is deliberately overstated—and that makes sense, because romantic jealousy is a classic and digestible motive, which is explicitly what kabru was aiming for in condensing mithrun's backstory, and also because until chapter 94, mithrun wasn't willing to admit to the true nature of his desires.
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but because romantic envy is both classic and digestible, it probably isn’t a unique enough or complicated enough desire to tempt a demon’s appetite. mithrun’s wish, as far as we can figure from kabru’s reduced retelling, was to have a life in which he had never become one of the canaries, and that carries like 3857 implications and desires within it. that’s delicious. his love interest acts as sort of a red herring to his motivation for making it, though. (side note: i'm saying "love interest" here because, keeping in mind that i barely speak japanese on a good day anymore, "想い人" is something i'd usually take as just kind of an old-fashioned and romantic way to refer to a lover, but in context i wonder if both the connotation of yearning and the vagueness are intentional, and i think this phrasing gets those aspects of it more effectively. anyway.)
mithrun considered his love interest to be untrustworthy. there was a minute where i thought that comment might be about a similar-looking elf (yugin, one of his squad members), but comparing the two…
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the "sketchy" arrow is definitely referring to the elf we know as his love interest—the bangs go toward her right, she only has the one forehead ornament, and, most notably, her ears aren't notched.
every time she’s given a full-body depiction in his dungeon, she’s drawn as a chimera, with the body of a snake from the waist down. (side note: the “what if a dungeon has chimeras before reaching level 4?”/“then the dungeon lord is unstable” exchange just being mithrun grilling his past self alive is so funny. he’s so. but anyway) there are a couple things about this.
first, the snake part of the chimera appears to be modeled after some species of coral snake mimic
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which, in the biology-for-fun manga, i… doubt is a coincidence, especially with the added context of the “untrustworthy” comment. the dungeon’s conjured illusion of mithrun’s love interest was a harmless copycat of a venomous original. for whatever reason, he felt this person was a threat and made up a "safe" version of her to be in a relationship with, and while it’s definitely possible to be attracted to or even love someone you find to be toxic and/or intimidating, when you take that into consideration alongside the configuration of her body, you get some interesting implications.
which brings us to our second point: if we assume that mithrun was not in fact fucking a snake, then sexual attraction, at least, was so far removed from his idea of a relationship with this person that he did not even bother to keep her dungeon copy human enough to maintain the illusion of the option of a sexual relationship. this is somewhat echoed in the depictions of their interactions, which also imply a frankly unexpected romantic distance. she kisses his cheek and he doesn't seem to react; she's at the edge of a narrow bed with only one set of pillows, on top of his blankets while he's underneath them.
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the kiss is particularly interesting because it seems to contrast the text. kabru's narration tells us this was everything mithrun could have asked for, but mithrun is there looking unreadable to pensive, likely because this is right before the panel that makes it clear things in the dungeon are beginning to go wrong.
walking through this backwards for a minute, we have the physical barrier of his bedding and the spatial separation inherent in a bed made for one person, the emotional barrier of his mounting anxiety getting in the way of his ability to enjoy the affection he sought, and... the snake, which historically carries the connotation of temptation, yes, but also mistrust, barring physical intimacy. okay. ok. if a dungeon reflects the mentality of its lord, all of this might suggest that mithrun was not able to have any real desire for a relationship with this person. his unwillingness to be vulnerable or let another person in was insurmountable. but in that case, why was she such a focal point that she remained to the end, after his dungeon had stopped creating iterations of his friends to come and visit him? why would he get so upset over her meeting with his brother that he became lord of a dungeon about it?
well. mithrun's brother was also interested in her, probably genuinely. and mithrun had to win.
you have an older brother who your parents completely ignore, probably in part because he is chronically ill/disabled and almost definitely in part because he received a ton of recessive traits that resulted in rumors that he was an illegitimate child. you are aware, most likely because those same parents fucking told you, that you actually are an illegitimate child. but they keep you around because you had the good fortune of looking just like your mother. what can that possibly teach you but that you, like your brother, are disposable?
it's utterly unsurprising that mithrun, under these circumstances, developed a pathological need to be better than everyone around him. people don't keep you otherwise. i'd argue this is also why he says he looked down on everyone he knew while milsiril claims his dungeon reeked of feelings of inferiority—he sought out people's worst traits and prioritized them in his mind to protect his already extremely fragile sense of self-worth, and all the while he tried to be as likable and high-performing as he possibly could be. his parents disposed of him anyway, but even then he tried to keep up the performance. he was kind to everyone. he never once lost to a dungeon.
when he saw his "love interest" meeting up with his brother, what he saw was himself being replaced by a person his parents had always treated as worthless, and if that was what they thought of the child they'd kept, what value could anyone possibly see in the bastard they'd given away to die? mithrun and kabru tell the story like he wanted to win this unnamed elf's heart, but it was never about being with her. it was about cementing his worth, proving that he didn't deserve to be thrown away.
and so it's particularly cruel that his demon discarded him, too. but maybe it's also particularly gentle that, in the end, there was someone who refused to even consider giving up on him.
kui laid it out in three panels better than i could hope to.
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yeah. it's love. you wanted to be loved, even when the only way you were able to understand it was through the desire to be wanted, and you wanted that so badly that the idea of being consumed felt like the promise of finally mattering to someone.
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setaflow · 10 months
Gay pride happens in June and gay wrath happens whenever hbomberguy drops a 3+ hour video essay about a specific topic
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midydoof · 21 days
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soulmate marks are out, shitty drunken back-alley tattoos you forget you've gotten like 20 years ago are so in.
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recny · 2 months
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what's the musical inspiration for the vampire lestat?
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junodoom · 13 days
swordtember day 8: sun
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egophiliac · 2 months
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he did it! 🐍 and it only took...uhhh...well, there probably could've been less punches, but why hold back!
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 9 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 9 spoilers#snakes#ONE MORE DOWN#oh my god happy jamil was SO scary and yet adorable all at once#i want real jamil to see him and just be utterly disgusted#and yet he got nothing on the return of everyone's favorite twst character: WEIRD RHYTHMIC ELEPHANT#oh weird rhythmic elephant what would we do without you#me kicking my stupid little feet as jamil wakes up through sheer force of kalim though#he was SO happy for jamil and SO ready to just go along with everything. my sweet boy.#jamil getting so flustered by him that he's just shocked back into reality#and the SLAPFIGHT#silver being like 'they need this' and doing his one smile animation as kalim and jamil are pulling on each other's hair and going YOU SMEL#mmm yes delicious#also this is probably nothing but#but...they brought up the whole thing with azul having dirt on crowley again#the thing that was briefly alluded to in episode 4 and never mentioned ever again?!#i had JUST finally convinced myself that i was reading too much into it and it was just azul playing along with jamil's plan#but now they've mentioned it again and i'm going to be all BUT WHAT DOES IT MEEEEEAAAAN for another three years about it#is it a meaningless reference to that one scene?! is it absolutely ridiculous foreshadowing?! am i ever going to be validated?!#I HAVE TO KNOW
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ciderjacks · 2 months
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dad issues
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(I think they were all fundamentally affected by what they saw and just collectively decided not to share the upsetting details)
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snek-eyes · 11 months
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The fact that Aziraphale emerges from this flashback
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Makes this face
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and then with a ginormous gap on the right side of the screen, proceeds to be like "I must call Crowley right now immediately."
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Pomni and Gummigoo reunite in TADC!
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