#he's actually my least favourite character in Doctor Who lol
thirddoctor · 10 months
as the world's number one and possibly only Sabalom Glitz hater I despise when the Doctor and companions talk about him affectionately however I AM going to take it as a win that he's dead
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theink-stainedfolk · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire Tag
Thank you @drchenquill @the-golden-comet and @paeliae-occasionally for the tag
how long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
It's been at least 6 months or more I believe.
what led you to create it?
I actually had it from before but i never really posted anything. The thought that there might be people willing to read my works more than my own family and friends led me to create it. I was done shying away.
what's your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
I absolutely adore the supportive and inclusive nature of the writeblr community! It's a space where writers from diverse backgrounds and genres come together to share their passion for storytelling. I love how everyone encourages and uplifts each other, offering constructive feedback and celebrating each other's successes. The community's enthusiasm is infectious, and it motivates me to keep writing and improving my craft. I also appreciate the wealth of resources and knowledge shared within the community, from writing tips and prompts to editing advice and publishing insights. It's amazing to see how writers willingly share their expertise and experiences to help others grow. Most of all, I cherish the sense of belonging and connection that comes with being part of this community. Writeblr feels like a virtual writing group, where we can discuss our projects, share our struggles, and rejoice in our triumphs together
what's one thing you'd like your mutuals to know about you?
That i really love talking about my WIPs and OCs aand everything related to my story. I feel happy, seen and appreciated. If you like anything i woorte, please don't hesitate to ask or just tell me how you feel.
is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
Uh..memes? More aisan drama related things? More HSR stuff everything about my interests etc.
which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Very wrong question lol. I've been going back and forth between my WIPs. But the most recent one I've done, or am thinking about is The Masque of Murder .
how long have you been working on them?
Hahaha.... Since months, years and i still haven't even written a chapter for some of them. I hate myself for that. But since The Masque of Murder is recent, it's been a week or so.
do you remember what inspired them/ what got you started?
Yeah i remember reading a manhwa which had this crazy but mad genius doctor as a minor villan. It got me thinking that it was a waste of his abilities and damn good looks and he would have been surely protected by the plot armour had he been the main character instead. This forced me into making it lol.
how much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
🎵Every hour, every minute, every second. And night after night, I'll thinking 'bout you right, 7 days a week.🎶
name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who've never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you'd like!
Uh... every single one of them? I created everyone, if that's what you're asking haha.. I'm not sure if i understand it correctly but i created everyone on my own. I'll mention the one that comes to my mind first then.
Side character- Emrys from In The Silence, Strength
Protagonist- Dr. Phineas Abel Thorncroft from The Masque Of Murder
Antagonist- Dante from Beyond The Pages (but he is also the protagonist)
And i can't really remember the last two.
when someone asks the dreaded, "what do you write about," question, what do you usually say?
Yknow, fantasy stuff with magic and murder mystery with actual murder and blood and stuff and all that hahah none of the stuffs that you like or understand or are interested in right? Hahah it totally doesn't have queer peoples. Just fictional stuff you don't wanna know hahaha.
who's the most unhinged?
Dr. Phineas Abel Thorncroft (from The Masque Of Murder), Acheron (from Legacy of Creation), Dante (from Beyond The Pages) and Eitenne Lumiere( from Wicked Games, Wicked Fates) from what i remember .
who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Vesperine, Cleo, Pareen
do you ever cringe at them?
Hahaha... sometimes..
how much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever "write themselves," refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn't expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
I feel like i have 70% control and 30% is something they do it themselves because i give them the freedom to do so. Because that is the story of my character and not of me, even if I am the one who wrote it. Sometimes the decision i make for them is not what they'd do.
do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Yes i absolutely love it please ask. Doesn't matter how just ask♡♡♡
what makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow 'em as you see 'em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I take time scoping out the blog to make sure i align with it's content. And i follow based on both, wips and vibes but mostly vibes.
what makes you decide against following?
If i don't align with the content or i don't fond the story interesting, i don't follow.
do you interact with non-mutual often?
Not often but i do.
do your mutuals' characters occupy space in your noodle?
There are so so many characters of my mutuals that i love love loveee but my memory rn isn't functioning at its best so i will just write whom i can remember rn.
The Madness, the lady and that guy from Foliè written by @drchenquill, my friend. Whose writing always leaves me with surprises and cliffhangers. She supports me so much i almost feel guilty 💕💕💕💕 i love you so much💖💖💖
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@paeliae-occasionally Xanren, Marsh and Paeliae. I love their stories it captivated me. I hope you can tag me on their journey 👍, @cssnder, my first mutual whom i talked with so much courage that i almost didn't open tumblr the next day due to embarrassment and nervousness. Her works are like renaissance paintings, truly mesmerizing and beautiful. Thus Saith The Lord is truly a work of art and i hope i get to read it soon.😭 And also, @roarintheheavens , my new friend, I'm so happy. Vron Carson, he is very interesting and i can't wait to know more about him. And of course, @the-golden-comet, I'd very much like to read more about peter hart.
Just because i didn't mention everyone doesn't mean i don't appreciate your works, it's just that i haven't read them yet. I hope you all can send it to me. I'll definitely read it.
I'll tag @finickyfelix @willtheweaver @ascotwriting @agirlandherquill @leahnardo-da-veggie @illarian-rambling @winglesswriter @graveyardshift111
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oreo102 · 5 months
What's your favourite episode of 13's run and why?
Ok! I surprisingly enough do have a favorite episode… but it’s by such a small margin I’ve made an executive decision to talk about 2 other of my favorites episodes and then a few honorable mentions and why I love them
I’m half sorry for how long this is, I’m fully sorry for the fact that it took a while to actually put my thoughts to words
We’re starting with my absolute favorite because that’s what was asked lol. The Power Of The Doctor is my favorite episode, the plot is fun but it’s really the characters that make me love it so much! Every character that shows up is used really well.
Yaz is absolutely the star of the episode. I love her in every episode but especially in this one she shines a lot. She takes charge so well and really does fill the docs shoes with flying the tardis and making the plans and all that jazz. Her interactions with everyone is amazing to watch but especially the master, their dynamic is so interesting to me! Mandip also does a great job portraying emotions in this one- her anger at the master, and sadness about 13 regenerating in particular is one of my favorite parts. Also yaz with a gun is hot, and I fully believe she woulda shot the master if he gave her a reason so this episode would be in my top five just for that
Speaking of the master! This is 100% his best appearance. The dancing, the outfit, his interactions with yaz being a mix of cruel and endearing, in a way? Maybe that’s not the right word… interesting at the very least. The way he talks to her like they’re friendly, like they both know the doctor very well… kinda like they’re two sides of the same coin, in a way?
13 is lovely in this episode. A) I ADORE the navy version of her coat and am so happy they brought it back in the inbetween cliff (or whatever that was) B) her regeneration might just be one of my favorite scenes, even if it pains me to watch (ignoring 14’s existence for this) and the hologram is so smart (btw does yaz still have that? Do you think it activates still?) also love the fugitive doctor appearance even if it was hologram form. Her comforting yaz, their conversation, the icecream <333333
Love ace and Teagan and vinder, they’re all great but especially ace is SO FUN and I love her interactions with graham(did they flirt?) who btw, I love that he was right back! Too bad Ryan isn’t there tho, it’s fun to see how the dr leaving affects the companions, the bitterness Teagan holds is definitely a really fun bit that I’m glad they included. Also Kate is amazing as she always is! Dan wasn’t that bad either but I’m still glad he didn’t stick around
Also! I really like the plot! I saw someone complain about having all 3 cybermen, daleks and the master in the same episode but honestly it was just super fun- and the master was really the main villain with the cybermen and daleks as minor/background/subvillains. I much approve fun plots over anything else and having the master dance to Rasputin is very fun!
Onto The Woman Who Fell To Earth!
Yes, 13’s first and last appearance are my favorite episodes! This will be much less in depth but I did recently rewatch this one so it’s as fresh in my mind as the first.
I really like how… snappy they all are, in a weird way? The fam kinda mellow out through the series, especially Graham. Theyre all somewhat aggressive in this one and it’s very fun! It’s too bad grace died… she’d have made a great companion
Also the plot, the plot is great. 13 making her own sonic, not remembering who she is but knowing she has to help people, picking up the first humans she sees (which she has a habit of throughout the series, lol), being super smart! Just lovely! Also her in a suit is hot
“I’m calling you yaz, cuz we’re friends now.” Is 100% one of my favorite quotes too
Also Swiss army sonic should’ve been a running gag, it’s funny! I think that’s everything- my thoughts on this episode are very disconnected but oh well
My third favorite: the witch finders!
I’m not actually sure why I love this episode so much? Actually yes I do, soaked 13 is hot- that’s not the only reason tho, promise.
The fam is great, as always, but especially yaz this episode. It portrays how kind she is really well! 13 experiencing sexism and being pissed about it is also really cool, I kinda wish we got at least one other episode where it happened but I understand why we didn’t . Also the king being gay for Ryan is funny as fuck and I didn’t notice it my first watch
The background(side?) characters are also really good- the possessed lady is a fun antagonist, and the king is wonderfully incompetent at his job.
Also 13 telling them not to interfere and then immediately interfering is fantastic. I don’t think I have much to say about this one? I just really like it
Honorable mentions!
The timeless children, solely for the scene with Graham and yaz being family and for yaz being halfway to the portal by the time Graham is done asking who’s first- tbh this is my least favorite appearance for the master and I think the cybermasters are stupid so
Arachnids in the uk I love yaz’s family, i love jade, i love that the bitch ceo gets schooled by women in stem and yaz’s mom, i like that when asked if she and the doctor are together yaz’s response is “we’re [just?] friends!” But when asked the same about ryan it’s a very emphatic “no!”, I love “more of the universe… more time with you.”
Demons of the punjab “we can’t have a universe with no yaz!”, young umbreen is so much like yaz it’s amazing, i love yaz in this episode (this, ive realized, doesn’t say much, I love her in every episode), the plot is really fun and again i love yaz’s family
The legend of the seadevils my beloved gays. The characters are all really fun, the plot is great, all the thasmin moments I love and they hurt my heart, and Dan has a stupid outfit!
Eve of the daleks once again: my beloved gays! The plot is so fun, and even though the side characters aren’t my favorite I still really like them
Fugitive of the judoon FUGITIVE DOCTOR MY BELOVED <333333 also Jack is cool
Oh also My least favorite is resolution because it’s boring. Ok I think that’s everything… hope you don’t regret asking!
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higheldertala · 10 months
doing a little rant about the doctor and gender. i gather this discourse is getting stale but im gonna give my two cents anyway.
anyone who’s read my opinions on the ch*bnall era will know i really didn’t like how the doctor’s gender was represented during this era and unfortunately that seems to has passed on to the rtd2 era. not that the topic of gender in doctor who is new, i would say the topic of specifically time lords and gender became more prominent with our favourite misogynist st*ven m*ffat when he introduced missy, explicitly claiming that she could never call herself the master while being in a woman’s body. thanks m*ffat!
i think it’s safe to assume that time lords shouldn’t care about gender. at least not in the way humans do. they’re aliens, they wouldn’t follow human societal gender constructs. that would seem like a simple conclusion but apparently not to the white boomer men writing the show. even within the show the doctor has stated that time lords don’t ‘obsess’ over gender as written by said m*ffat (before of course immediately contradicting this just one episode later, showing time lord do actually obsess over gender to the point where it’s literally ever other line of their dialogue).
okay back to the point. as within the ch*bnall and now the rtd2 era the doctor’s gender is ascribed upon by others. no where in these eras does the doctor ever proclaim their own gender, it is simply assumed by other characters and then never questioned or challenged, much to my frustration. and sure perhaps the doctor doesn’t care what human gender humans assign to them but for me this greatly robs their character of agency. even from a genderfluid or agender perspective, if the doctor just says this out loud then that would be enough for me to be satisfied that the doctor gets a say in it.
secondly the doctor’s gender is still just being used as a joke. the doctor’s gender (and ability to change bodies) isn’t treated seriously and more just a funny little quirk the audience can point and laugh at, being presented as ‘lol i was a man/ woman 5 minutes ago isn’t that so funny’. not only is this such a cisgender/fixed binary way of viewing gender it’s also really insulting to actual genderfluid people who do change their gender. their gender and the ability to fluctuate gender isn’t a joke, it’s a person’s identity and should be treated with respect.
in the star beast, gender comes up in the resolution of the episode where it has no place to be. it’s makes no sense to add gender to the equation as it provides no further explanation of the resolution. and the line about the ‘male presenting time lord’ is completely baffling in every single way. rtd has clearly shown he understands the existence of the spectrum of gender and non binary gender yet with this single line contradicts this by resorting back to gender stereotypes and essentialism stating ‘a man could never understand emotional intelligence of letting something go ’. in an attempt to make GirlBoss™️ moment, rtd has just created average sexism. truly two steps forward then one step back. and to further bring this back round, again timelords would not care about gender and are unlikely to perform gender sterotypes this way so why bring it up at all. the doctor’s emotional vulnerability whilst present as a flaw in their character, is in all incarnations regardless of the gender of the actor playing the doctor. to suggest that the 13th doctor would be immune to this flaw is again sexist and also a fundamental misunderstanding of the character, with 13 has been one of the most emotional constipated and closed off incarnations. it honestly makes me question whether rtd has even seen the 13th doctor’s era at all.
unfortunately i think my desire for gender to be discussed and explored within the show seriously is not gonna happen any time soon, and honestly to prevent further frustrations i would rather the topic is not raised at all, if it is gonna be treated so carelessly and flippantly.
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bjfinn · 8 months
If you’re still up for it, Beetlejuice or Dewey (or both) for the character ask game? :D
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I'm always up for answering questions about my two favourite boys! So here we go ...
A headcanon I have for this character?
1. Beetlejuice: Lol -- that's a tough one to choose! I've written so many of them into my stories -- with more to come.
Beej has SOOO many issues, and it's no wonder. It's canon that his mother was verbally abusive -- we saw that during the wedding scene. It's likely that she was physically abusive, as well, though -- at least, that's what I think. If he were human, I'd say that he has ADHD, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, childhood trauma -- he's a walking, talking example of just about everything in the DSM. But since he isn't, there's no way to tell what is neurodivergence and what is just regular demon behaviour.
I feel that he doesn't like the Netherworld AT ALL -- not just because it's such a drab, dreary and dismal place, but also because he doesn't really have any good memories associated with it. As a half-ghost half-demon, he would have been hated and shunned by everyone. Ghosts would have been afraid of his demon side, and the demons would have considered him a dirty half-breed and bullied him horribly at every opportunity -- killing his pet sandworm, even sexually abusing him. And, because his own mother hated him, he probably felt that he deserved everything they did to him. He probably still feels that way.
2. Dewey Finn: First, I have no doubt that Dewey has ADHD -- and it's uncontrolled. He was probably diagnosed as a kid, but the doctors couldn't seem to get the dosage right for his medication, so once he was old enough he said "Fuck it" and went off meds completely.
I believe he's basically a good person, but doesn't always (or ever?) think through the consequences of his actions -- another ADHD trait. This has gotten him into trouble all his life -- at home, at school, with his band ... Nonetheless, his heart's in the right place, even if he thinks with his ass sometimes lol
I also believe that neither of them really knows how to fight -- Beej always relied on magic to defeat his enemies, while Dewey depended on his quick wits and his mouth to avoid physical conflict. So when they get into it with each other in my stories, it's meant to be more of a slapstick comedy thing than a Frasier vs Ali "Rumble in the Jungle".
Now, you might be wondering why Beej doesn't ever use his magic to win against Dewey -- he could easily defeat him without hurting him, after all. I think, once Beej becomes friends with someone, he puts a geis on himself prohibiting him from doing so. It's an Irish word (pronounced "gesh") that refers to a sacred obligation or prohibition, and was a feature of pre-Christian Irish culture. Sometimes a geis would last only until it had been fulfilled once, but sometimes it was for life. And you can't remove it yourself -- a geis can only be removed by the person who had laid it on you. But since he placed the geis on himself, he can't remove it.
What's my favourite thing to do when writing for this character?
No matter what I'm writing, I like -- no, need -- to voice-act the dialogue. Not just doing their voices, though -- I actually adopt their mannerisms, as well. (It's subconscious -- I just do it automatically.) So for Beej, that means the vocal fry, the raptor movements, the lip- biting, all of it. And for Dewey, it's his smoother voice (which is a bit higher than mine -- he's a tenor, while I'm a baritone), as well as his stutter when he gets excited or flustered, his rapid head shaking when he hears something that doesn't track at first (like in the song "Stick It to the Man", when Billy says he can't tell if his mom is happy after she's had Botox lol), his manic ADHD energy -- the whole bit. (I really should have become an actor lol.)
I do this for the other characters, too -- it's the best way to make sure that the dialogue doesn't sound stilted. Mind you, my cousin (who lives with me) probably thinks I need to be institutionalised -- and he might very well be right! 😜🤣
I also like listening to music as I write -- but it has to be the right music for the character. That's why I started making the playlists.
Favourite picture of this character?
This last question I'll have to answer in a separate post -- for some reason not all my photos show up in my gallery on Tumblr (maybe it's because I'm on a tablet idk). And it's really difficult to choose! I love just about all of the pics I've seen, but ... I'll pick out one for each of them and post them.
Thanks for asking -- I really enjoyed it! 😁
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m34gs · 7 months
Please tell me the plot, in point form, of your least favourite horror movie (to date).
House of 1000 Corpses. Without a doubt, that is my least favourite horror movie I've watched at this point. It's not even a contest. It's also been a while since I watched it so forgive me if I'm a little vague or fuzzy on the details, lol.
Also, it's a bit...well, it's a lot. Under the cut because LONG (and also murder I guess)
Two criminals attempt to rob a gas station run by a man in faded clown make-up (Captain Spaulding); and he murders them with his assistant.
Four teens show up looking to write about roadside attractions off the beaten path, and Captain Spaulding shows them his Museum of Monsters and Madmen. He tells them a story about a doctor (Dr. Satan. Yes, you read that right. His name is Dr. Satan) who was hung at a nearby tree and of course they want to go.
From there, they end up lured out to a house of a strange family. The family is *obsessed* with Hallowe'en. There is some attempts at seduction going on, also some sort of halloween show? but it's a private show just for the teens and the family.
The family tortures them. The family has also tortured and murdered several cheerleaders at this time in the story.
Cops have been called as one of the teens' fathers notice she's missing. The father also comes to help search?
The cops and father end up murdered as well.
3 of the teens (because one is dead) are paraded outside...in rabbit costumes? and taken to an abandoned well (I think? it might have just been a pit).
One gets murdered for trying to run, the other two are lowered down into the ground in coffins (in the well/pit thingy).
The failed experiments of Dr. Satan (under the ground on the property???) steal one of them away and leave the other to make her way through the underground on her own (there are tunnels????)
She comes across Dr. Satan (who was alive this whole time?????and his assistant is the mutilated but still alive ex-husband of the matriarch of the strange murderous family???) murdering her friend.
She manages to escape, and flees to the highway. She is picked up on the side of the road by Captain Spaulding.
She passes out from exhaustion and probably also shock. *jumpscare* suddenly one of the family members pops out of hiding in the back seat (he had time to get there???? before her????).
When she wakes up she is strapped to an operating table and Dr. Satan is there. She screams.
The End?
Ok ok ok so initially, initially I felt bad about disliking this movie so much. And then I found out that the director, Rob Zombie, actually doesn't even like it and won't watch it because he feels it is not good (source) (warning for clown if that scares anyone; that's the picture for the article) and I didn't feel so bad about it. (also, I get it, I also have things I created when I was first getting into writing fanfic that make me kind of shudder inside) Plus, it's not like I'm obligated to like a film. Also, I never said I hated it, just that it's my least favourite.
My reason for disliking it isn't really complicated. In my opinion, it's a bit of a hodge-podge of random horror tropes that are kind of pasted together like a giant horror collage. That's not bad, exactly, but it kind of made the plot feel a bit halfhearted at points and it made things a little hard to follow. It also made character motives hard to believe (or even figure out to begin with).
I think what I can say is that it explores the possible brutal and violent nature of humans, and that it clearly shows a love for horror, even if I personally think that all the tropes being mashed together like that are a bit much. (if people don't know what tropes I mean, I can list a few: teens on a roadtrip, mysterious stranger at a gas station, clown, cheerleaders/scantily clad women, local legend of an old execution that turns out sort-of true, disfigured hillbilly-ish villains, family that tortures together, doctor experimenting unethically on humans, plot twist that the man that supposedly helped the protagonist is actually in cahoots with the murderers, etc. That's not even all. That's just what I can remember.) The thing is, any one of those tropes alone can be a great plot for a horror movie. Even a couple of them fit really well together and have proven to be good horror stories to the masses (teen roadtrip + family that tortures together = Texas Chainsaw Massacre; mysterious stranger at a gas station + disfigured hillbilly villains = The Hills Have Eyes; etc). But putting them all together is kind of overwhelming and you end up losing the plot. There was a point where I went "what the fuck is even happening" and not in a good way.
That all being said, I will stand by my statement that the movie shows the director's love of horror, even if I personally didn't like it. I am still glad I watched it, even if I didn't get it at times or the plot seemed really disconnected. I definitely think it should be viewed as a "for fun" horror movie, rather than a super serious one, and honestly whenever I think of it like that I feel I can connect to it a little bit better. So, yeah. That's my thoughts on that one.
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variousqueerthings · 3 months
things about the episode + season
yeah 8 episodes is just too rushed -- which i think feels even more obvious in this episode, because it's... rushed. what can ya do, if you've got 8 episodes, i guess that's what you've got but... alas
ruby's story was pretty satisfying. it's smaller in scope than most companions, almost it's own mini-story amidst the wider dw sphere of things, which may be a smart choice, but does mean she'll probably fall under the scope of companions that i think were fun and fine, rather than like. chemistry altering. but then, i don't think she as a character was entirely for me, as much as giving a little intro to new (younger) watchers
(once upon a time that was me and rose, *wistful sigh*)
can you imagine just being some lady who had a bad time of it as a kid/teen, but has managed to build a pretty okay life and then to discover that the idea of your existence saved the universe from the god of death... idk, just a pretty strange day in the life of louise that must have been
i also. listen im a slut for "the doctor can offer someone all of time and space, but for some reason it's never enough (and if it is, it implies something will go terribly wrong)" themes. they're some of my favourite DW themes
back to the "rushed" side of things, the compulsory DNA testing, ive mentioned it so many times by now lol, but eek and the like. as a gimmick to get the episode to the next plotpoint, i was not a fan unless that's something to unpack at a later point. i think in some other point of canon i might have been more chill about it, even as something more thrown in there, but something about it here feels both lazy and a bit tone deaf. may have to unpack that more separately at some point
UNIT continues. to be. my fucking nemesis. why is everyone working for UNIT??? why are we just chill about this organisation in-canon???? when are they ever actually helpful??? (in nu!who) I just. they both add nothing for me and are a politically fucked up notion within the scope of this story in the way they're currently written
sutekh. i think also suffers a bit from "rushed" syndrome for me, in that in the end he just kinda sits on top of the tardis (with a sexy voice) and then gets killed by being dragged behind it, it's kind of the least interesting part of the story to me
as a setup for where this doctor's story is going, am very excited -- both about all the susan mentions, the continued wtf-ness implied by the doctor not being a native gallifreyan, the doctor's therapy self lasting all of... well a few episodes really, but certainly by this episode it's like. "pat pat."
i liked this season. it's given some larger stakes for the future (all those gods i think are still going to make a presence + mrs flood who im ngl i thought for a lot of this season was susan triad woops), but overall was relatively contained and didn't build a million mysteries on top of an enigma on top of a girl and what does it all mean? we'll find out... later.... maybe....
ultimately: good new season, enjoyed our companion, liked her arc, like what it's doing for the doctor's arc
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finifugue · 4 months
tysm ahhhhhhh!!!!
The reference to Merlin in ch.2 is actually in relation to arguably one of my favourite modern movies of all time, Kingsman: the Golden Circle (2017). That whole section is from an iconic scene from the movie where the character Merlin sings John Denver's Country Roads, Take Me Home as a diversion, and given I'd already referenced other moments from the Kingsman trilogy (like the whole bit w/ them not trusting drugs/poisons because Rasputin survived them) I figured it would be funny!
It's also not the only fucky pop culture reference I make in the fic either lol. I know at least one person's already caught the fact that I shamelessly ripped the entire introduction of the fic from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but a lot of the little details are references as well. Oscar's car is a Ford Fiesta because when I was a kid my brother was obsessed with Jeremy Clarkson's 1995 movie Motorsport Mayhen (partially the reason I'm into F1 at all!) and he talked about that breed of car. The name of the enemy organisation - the Ecliptic - is because I had no clue what to name them but I was playing Starfield at the time, and there's a group with the same name in the game. Lando's fun fact that he used to be able to name all the stars is in part a reference to a monologue in season 2 of Good Omens, and in part a reference to one of my other fics, a Stranger Things one I wrote years ago where Steve Harrington has effectively the exact same little speech. The entire alternate history of the world which serves as a backdrop for the fic is a mashup of what little I remember from the WWII unit of my high school Modern History class, and the Harold Saxon/Master arc of Doctor Who.
My favourite part about writing fic is that it is, by design, unoriginal. It's not an exercise in uniqueness, which means I'm allowed to stuff in as many references to other shit as I need!
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bloodmaarked · 4 months
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this is my brain in love // i.w. gregorio
first published: 2020 read: 20 may 2024 – 23 may 2024 pages: 378 format: paperback
genres: fiction; young adult; romance (black and asian couple); mental health (anxiety, depression); coming of age favourite character(s): priya, amah least favourite character(s): will's mum
rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑 thoughts: though my thoughts on this is my brain in love changed quite a bit throughout the book, on the whole, i enjoyed this. when my sister pointed out that this didn't really seem like my thing, i had to agree and couldn't pinpoint why it had ended up on my reading list in the first place; in the end, i went into it quite blind and didn't even reread the blurb. it ended up being a mostly sweet tale of two teens grappling with their mental health, forming a relationship, and fighting to save a family restaurant, and i had a good time.
in the early chapters, it reminded me a little of the space between here and now, which i loved, and starfish, which i wasn't that keen on. to expand on that, it was reminiscent of the really cute romantic relationship that i remembered loving from TSBHAN, and the dynamic familial relationships too (it wasn't written as well, but there were definitely echoes). in terms of starfish, it was similar in its heavy-handed approach to the difficult themes, and this seemed to get increasingly difficult to cut through as the book went on. i feel that the author wanting to directly give the readers advice as to how to seek help for their own struggles affected the quality of the writing.
another thing that negatively affected my enjoyment of the story was the writing of the central character, jos. i liked her at first but she became more and more intolerable. the author wanted to show her increasingly struggling with depression, but it felt like jos went from a relatively normal character to suddenly becoming someone who couldn't brush her own teeth without criticising herself (an exaggeration, but it really did feel drastic). to me, the progression felt unnatural, especially when viewed through the lens of my own experience with depression, and it was going to make me drop half a star. *however* i read the author's note at the end and she states that jos quite closely reflected her own experience with depression. for me it then becomes difficult to criticise the character because there's not really a "right" way to be depressed, and jos could end up resonating with someone very deeply. i also did like the highlighting of "passive" suicidal thoughts, because that's something that definitely gets overlooked.
not to overlook will here. he was also a cute character and i liked his writing for the most part. i liked that he was an african-american (mixed) teen in touch with his nigerian heritage - mostly. some of it was written quite well, and at some point, i stopped to check if the author was nigerian or had just done her research really well! but there were a few lines here or there that made me think, "yeah this definitely wasn't written by someone who knows the culture" lol. i can't say i loved how the stigma against mental health was really pushed to the forefront when it came to the nigerian side of his family, and it seemed that for a lot of his journey, no one would support him, not even his mother. i know there can be a lot of stigma against mental health in the nigerian culture (and so many others), but not even his mother, being a doctor, could be there for him?
i don't want to rag on this book too much like i didn't enjoy it, because i did. i definitely bumped it up maybe half a star on reflection, which may be generous of me, but it was wholesome and cute. i really liked the plot of saving the restaurant; actually, i think that was my favourite part of the book and why i'm willing to give it a fairly high rating! (i wish will's journalism hadn't been brushed aside though.) all in all i'd still recommend it though.
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general-marzipan · 11 months
hello i have le question. who is your favourite tf2 mercenarie
Hello Heough! My favorite for quite some time has been the Engineer! I love the emotion shown in his Meet the Team short despite his laidback nature. I love his newest cosmetics from the summer update - they really suit him well! Even with the development of my oc Darnell, I get to think about how Dell is written as a character and how he and Darnell would interact on the job (i think about these two constantly!). AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT LIL POOTIS SEASON 2 PREMIERE!! I think about that specific Engie all the time, how it took a completely different interpretation of Dell and still made it believable to the actual character (Dell is such a versatile character i love it).
Though I do think I’m going back to liking Scout again as my favorite merc. I’ve seen a lot of SFMs and other memes and shorts with him lately, and its so funny to see how people would interpret in modern day. The accent is also a plus! I love quoting him at random points of the day - the accent is just so fun to do! You even feel like a Scout when you’re doing it!
However, I’m slowly starting to realize the potential of Sniper being my favorite. Throughout the years, Ive fallen for each class at least once, but somehow never could see myself liking sniper as my favorite. Sure, he’s super cool and professional at his job, you cant deny that, but something was always missing. I’d see every go crazy for him, and i just wouldn’t understand why exactly. Id see sniperscout shippers thirsting over sniper and wonder ‘whats that all about’ (in a good way tho). After rewatching the Meet the Sniper short a bunch of times tho recently, I felt a sort of realization, and a little more of a connection to his character (not much, but enough for me to like him a little bit more than before). Something about his standoff nature always perturbed me before, but now Im slowly starting to unravel the mystery of his character. (Not to mention im also starting to see more SFMs with him in it). Maybe also one day finishing the comics will help me to better understand his character, but for now i just think he’s pretty cool.
Similar to sniper, I’m also starting to realize the potential of medic. Yeah, i kinda liked him before when i first started getting into tf2, but i think that was bc most content was made about him and being shown everywhere. Like you’d find fanart online and it’d be a chibi medic or a medic with slicked back hair or something (lol the 2 genders of fanart). Still, in a way, i never could understand the character more than what people thought of him at the time: “sexy doctor that is covered in blood but also kawaii when heavy is around”. Though, once again, im going through content again and love seeing the character development within all sources of media (i think emesis blue also made me like it bc of his struggle with the events going on around him :p). Still, babysteps when it comes to liking characters i suppose. (The recent SFMs ive seen with him tho are amazing).
But if we’re talking about Soldier, oh man oh man. HE IS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST AND MOST COMPLEX CHARACTERS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY. Every day i learn something new about him. I love his gruff voice, similar to scout, you’re just compelled to do it all the time cause its so fantastic and comical. I ALSO JUST READ THE SCREAM FORTRESS COMIC FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR HALLOWEEN AND HE’S HILARIOUS IN IT HELLO?!?! Love his dynamic with everyone in that one, he’s such a fricking man child i love it. For the past few days ive been thinking about his scenes in that. Absolutely love it. The SFMs and memes of him are super funny, AND THE RENDITION OF HIM IN EMESIS BLUE IS SO COOL, I DIDNT EXPECT ALL THAT TRAUMA TO HAPPEN TO HIM. Not to mention the workshop taunts i see of him are absolute gold, star spangled strategy will always live in my head rent free. CAN WE ALSO TALK ABOUT HIM IN EXPIRATION DATE PLEASE?! He is so funny in that one, every scene with him in it is hilarious, people are even pointing out new things i havent even noticed before years later. If i could, i would be Soldier tf2. I wanna be him so bad.
Uhhhh the other mercs are also really cool, but i havent made that much of a connection to them, though i will say when they have their moments, they truly shine through. Every day I learn something new about tf2, and it always throws me for a ride.
Lol sorry about the long post, can you tell I like these guys a lot?
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thedeafprophet · 2 years
what's this i hear about an imagined timeline for light fingers?? 👀
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this ended up being quite long lol. This is basically a summary of light fingers + my commentary, and a few places where i've made minor plot changes. had a lot of fun typing it up.
warnings for a) spoilers and b) this is about light fingers
under cut because of the length
My version of the story begins in 1898, when Alex, my light fingers PC descends to the neath alongside two of my other fl characters. (anyone who knows me, knows who Alex is lol), sometime in February. Imagine the general plot takes abouuuuut a year and a bit give or take. Alex doesn’t begin the Light fingers plot until after being in the neath for a month or two as well (shadowy myn)
Also gonna be upfront: Don’t like the beginning of Light Fingers lmao. Some parts of it are just unnecessary and never come up again esp in regards to the music hall singer. (The earlier stuff comes across to me like they had a few scenes written and then just mashed stuff together to connect them tbh). I ignore a fair bit of that stuff in my ponderings, since the plot didnt explore it and I don’t feel a need to.
( I think from a writing perspective it could have been neat to actually have the player meet up with the music hall singer sooner and cross notes instead of the long search. Have a text option of how much the player actually knew her on the surface, affecting a bit of the flavour text later on depending on the choice.  Talk more about Whats Going On, exchange info, and perhaps learn about her searching for Clara earlier? Before the lead up to her going missing at the violent scene and leading to the part with the bethlem? Though that part was also written weirdly like, what was going on with the manager, this seems like remnants before he was more established as a character- ok no no back on topic XD  Food for thought tho). Anyway, I think that part of the story probably takes a few weeks, maybe a month or so. The following time of tracking down Edward and all that nonsense in the lead up to the orphanage would be another two weeks. 
The actual process inside the orphanage and the searching would probably only be a few days…. But there’s the whole ‘buried alive section’, which makes it longer.  I’ve talked about my rewrite idea for that before. And then BOOM lighting the orphanage on fire. Still one of my favourite scenes. 
And then the situation of Clara being at the players house. I have a very vague idea for reworking Clarabelle’s parts of the story to actually have her be a character rather then a set piece. I think the Acquaintance and conversations system we have in newer plots now would have been a Great idea there. 
Letting her actually talk and do things would have been a major improvement without changing the plot. I think here would be a good first spot for a conversation- i don’t think the plot using the tea leaves as an excuse to not have a conversation is good. She would obviously be worried about her sister and clearly in a state of distress regardless. In my version Alex spends time talking to her and doing his best to help support before the bit of heading off to the university to the find the doctor.
The process of finding Dr Vaughan, zailing back and forth, bringing Clara, getting the items, etc. would be at least another few weeks if not months. And there’s the whole confrontation with Ed (Alex got some nasty bruises from that let me tell ya) and the ceiling part. Thankfully for me the story was already written when i got there, so i think in story the crew would only be there for a few weeks. This is another spot i think would be good to talk with Clara…. At least to establish more that she actually knows whats going on. 
And then the establishment of the basecamp. This is where that conversation idea really forms. Once the team is settled and one gear for preparations, in my timeline there’s a lot more general Talking between everyone. By now i think the timeline would be into later summer 
After that uhhhh well. The conversation with Fires is probably my favorite scene. What can I say but, Villains:™:. I’ve illustrated how that scene went on Alex’s part lmaooooo. 
Oh another thing i have with a headcanon is that edward goes immediately to the fingerkings after fires tells him to go away. This is because we get the uh. Gift. of the skin immediately following that conversation and i believe that since if you side with the fingerkings you tear off and get your own skin from that, its a similar situation with Ed here. 
Following that, the Hybrid is born in the fall (baby. My beloved child. I am so very fond of it.) Alex loved his kid immediately. I could say very much about the complexity of the situation for Alex, and the whole concept of breaking the cycle of abuse…..
I have less to say about the later plot stuff but also because I am getting tired lol. I think the time with the hybrids birth and raising it takes place over many months and takes the majority of time of the plot time tbh. All through the winter at the least. Introduce the baby to hanukkah. 
It’s into the spring when the whole Big Final Confrontation happens. And the wedding too I suppose. And of course, Catboy hours. There is no reason why siding with the cats *shouldn’t* give you cat ears. I mean, Edward gets snake eyes, it’s only fair. So Alex is a catboy in parabola. For fun. 
Now. You may wonder “Prophet, why would you choose to marry Poor Edward” and the answer is ‘because it was hilarious that it was an option’. And also I find yandere arcs in stories to be fun. We all know I have particular tastes lmao. 
In terms of in character justification ehhhhh its a little loose. Part of it the sway of the dream, but I suppose Alex found it the least violent end. (Wasn’t like he intended on getting married to anyone else lmao). And whilst i’m quite light on the topic in jest a lot I um.
Okay part of the thing I think isn’t talked about with Edward is that its entirely nonconsensual on his part, right? Like yea okay, he does the pursuing and stuff but its not like he’s actually attracted to the pc, its all because of a drug. And we SAW just how much that stuff fucks with people’s heads back at the orphanage, people literally would bash their heads in over being separated from the object of their affection. Like. Idk it just seems more serious to me then just ‘rejecting the advances’ of someone. This is mutually nonconsensual in a way. 
These are in no way his actual feelings. And like yea the dudes terrible and ‘deserves’ whatever is dealt to him or whatever, i’m not trying to woobify or anything, i dont care that much but.  Idk regardless the nonconsensual aspects make it quite weird.
This is a thing that bothers me with the moon milk stuff a lot. For obvious reasons. I often feel like I’m the only person reading it this way sometimes… i saw someone describe the Evil Light Fingers ending as ‘not that bad’ and ‘there’s worse things in the game’ and im just like ????? okay thats subjective whatever but uh???? anyway. yeah ive talked about my discomfort with the moon milk stuff before
Anyway suffice to say I have complex thoughts on the matter which is a whole other post in and of itself. 
So yeah anyway, end of spring, 1899 (the first one)  when the hybrid is freed to the ceiling and everyone says there farewells. I love that ending scene so much ngl,,,, I love the baby so much I’ve said so before but i will say it AGAIN. 
I still believe the team hangs out even after the plot. Alex goes to see Clara’s opera performances when he can, visits Heph in parabola when he’s doing silverer stuff (Alex becomes a silverer after LFs in response of all the weird dream stuff and wanting to have more control, and checks in on  Dr Vaughan at the uni from time to time (I chose for her to stay in London, I don’t care much for the starved men as a concept tbh) .
Annnnnyway yeah thats the whole timeline of lightfingers + my thoughts on it. If you actually read this whole thing thank you for paying attention to me I appreciate it <3
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torterrachampion · 1 year
I'll reciprocate what you sent me! Top 5 books?
Maybe I shouldn't have asked you that considering I'm not 100% on my own answer lol but we'll give it a go. Top 5 (not in order) or at least 5 that come to mind as favourites
Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It wasn't that long ago that I read this book but god, this is such good sci-fi. It's particularly appealing to me as someone who studies biology, I think because the evolutionary world-building is so juicy and fun. Also made me, known arachnophobe, feel deeply sympathetic to the wonderful spiders in this book (Portia <3). Something about seeing non-mammalian, non-humanoid societies being explored was uniquely engaging, and the spider misandry was really funny. Genuinely intelligent book with a good sense of humour and great characters of the human and non-human variety.
Tehanu by Ursula Le Guin. I love the whole Earthsea series so much and it was hard to pick a favourite of them but I do think Tehanu stands as the one I personally enjoy most. Earthsea was something I read for the first time in I think my early teens and it's really stood the test of time. Great fantasy series with a lot of heart. Tehanu might be less fantastical than some of the other entries but it has some of the best characterisation. It also centres a female perspective a little more than the previous books so I enjoyed that.
Deltora Quest by Emily Rodda. I am cheating by naming the whole series but I own an omnibus so fuck it. It's a kids book series and not necessarily something I'd recommend to anyone my own age who doesn't already have nostalgia for it, but it absolutely stands as great in my eyes. It was among some of first series to foster my love of reading and I'm really attached to it for that. It still has some of my favourite creature designs/concepts in anything ever and the world always felt really exciting because of it. Also there's a surprisingly rich amount of lore in the series and side books that I absolutely devoured when I was younger. And it's an Australian book series so this is a point of national pride for me.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The first book of the Hitchhiker's guide series is certainly the best in my eyes. And actually I'm only especially fond of the first two books in the series but those books are amazing. Douglas Adams' writing is hilarious and creative with some of the best descriptions I've ever come across. It's just about the wittiest thing I've ever come across and I adore it. Good for anyone who likes sci-fi or fun.
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. The first Neil Gaiman book I ever read actually. I picked it up after recognising his name from the credits of some Doctor Who episodes lol. The setting appeals to me in particular and I've always liked things with worlds on top of one another or just barely hidden from view. But besides all that I also have fondness for it as a way of bonding with my dad. After reading Neverwhere he followed suit and then we got into a rhythm of trading Neil Gaiman books back and forth between each other. It's weird now that I know who he is though and am always seeing him get reblogged by someone on my tumblr dash lmao
Man, this was such a hard question. I like reading a lot and it's always so hard to pick favourites. Too many criteria to judge on... it's overwhelming.
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Favorite shows tag game
Rules: List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
1. Doctor Who
2. Good Omens
3. Star Trek: The Next Generation
4. Over The Garden Wall
Kind of an odd list on my part, but I love all of them. Thank you @veraynes-blog for tagging me!
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Aziraphale. I’m like Crowley IRL, as interesting of a sentence as that might be, and I absolutely adore Azi. I love his character, I love his little actions and the details put into him, he’s such a sweet and wonderful person.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Opinion that’ll probably get at least one knife to my neck here, but if I am *fully* honest with myself, Rose or Jack. I just never liked Rose, I love series 1 of nuwho very much because of CE but some of those original scenes with Rose I just couldn’t watch. I’m not a fan of her at all. Give me any companion BUT Rose and I’m happy. 🫠
3. What’s your favourite episode of 4?
Ooh! Definitely into the unknown. when I first watched it so very long ago it really got to me. The real life aspect, showing the kids behind the metaphorical curtain, leading further into fan theories and canon lore, it’s fantastic. Runner up would probably be mad love, because who doesn’t love a talking horse in a mansion.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Hmm… probably season 2 or 3. I prefer the older seasons to the newer ones by a bit. But I am partial to newer seasons on account of Sunburst being there. x)
5. What’s your favourite relationship in 3?
Easiest answer of my life. Data and Geordi. No bias on my part, of course… but I adore them. The duality of human /android & the genuine love and care and emotion between them is fantastic. I love their adventures, who doesn’t, and of course I’m a massive fan of the sherlock one in specific.
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
I’m also going to steal an answer, Newton and Anathema. I loved Newt, I have a soft spot for, and I say this with love, pathetic loser men with glasses, but I didn’t like them together in the slightest. Blah blah blah, prophecies prophecies prophecies, I’m not for it. It’s just not a pairing I care for even if I love the two by themselves respectively.
7. How long have you watched 1?
Actually, only a little over a year, along with years of casual exposure. I’m just a smidge late to things, as I am to my appointments in real life. The only one in my personal life (IRL, at least) who watches it is my uncle, he’s a big old who (especially four) fan who had no real exposure to nuwho before we watched POTD and some older eleven episodes together, which he did enjoy. Soon he will join the rest of us, I’m sure
8. How did you become interested in 3?
I’ve had a casual interest forever, but got properly into ST as a franchise around when I was in middle school with watching TOS and TNG. My then best friend was a big warsie, and becoming a trekkie didn’t really put as at odds but it was a fun dynamic to have. We were both on the same robotics team for years, her dad having been the coach, and her whole family being big wars fans, so it was entertaining effectively being the sole trek fan in the team lol.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
… actor? Uh, the beast, I suppose. Are they really actors, though? VA wise, Melanie Lynskey with Beatrice or Elijah Wood with Wirt.
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
One. I love all of them, they’re all very dear to my heart, but nothing will touch DW when it comes to my favorite show. DW and GO are close but DW wins this series I’m afraid.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
Both are “long”, but DW as a whole is just so much longer than one ST series so it’s a no brainer. DW.
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Mr. President, Jason Funderberker, Greg’s frog. I think it’d be fun to be a frog taken on adventures through the woods, even if those adventures are horrifying and scarring. I’d even get to sing a few songs along the way
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
Kill off Sunburst… uh, make antiquing illegal. Probably. Kill off Time Turner… make Derpy disappear. Kill off Perfect Pace… make pocket watches stop working. Boom
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Anything is possible with the right attitude, but I have absolutely no idea how the Enterprise could enter the Unknown, so probably not.
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Stealing a second answer, odd variations of Doc/Mas. I’m fond of 11 and Spymaster, 10 and Spymaster, 13 and Missy, 11 and Simm Master, and I’m going to hold out a bit of copium for 14 somehow meeting Simm Master again. x(
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
I’m afraid it’s gotta be TNG, on account of levar burton.
Tagging a few cool people I’ve met here, but anyone is free to do this! @roxannepolice @magpiefrankie @fullofbones4444 @alexmey-does-an-arts
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hekateinhell · 2 years
Lestat next episode “she’s poisoning you against me”…..He beat Louis nearly to death and dropped him from the gotdamn sky, he poisoned himself. Nice to know though that Lestat considers it to be the equivalent of throwing a dish and doesn’t see what the big deal is. Lestat’s dumb but not this stupid. Not sure what the writers are trying to do here because even after seeing Louis’ broken and mangled body he doesn’t even blink and the preview makes it sound as though he doesn’t even feel real remorse. Lestat’s a vicious little gremlin but you get the sense he truly loves Louis and Claudia and would never actually truly harm them, he wants them to stay so badly and I think even he would know that something like this is a point of no return. This Lestat has no love for Claudia and is just obsessed with Louis in the worst way possible. I’m sad cause I love the characters, I love the actors and this all just felt so OOC. Also, people saying Lestat’s actions are just as bad as when Claudia tries to kill Lestat 🥲
Sorry I know you don’t watch the show but I had to vent lol
Actually I do, because I'm a fucking masochist. I AM done after today though.
I wanted to like it! Genuinely, I wanted to be proven wrong and I wanted to be having a good time along with three-fourths of fandom! Every week I would watch with my friends and wonder what's wrong with me, what am I not getting? I WANTED TO HAVE FUN TOO GODDAMN IT.
Didn't help that you got outright bullied for expressing the slightest bit of criticism around here lmao maybe that's what gave the impression that I don't watch it, since I did not have anything nice to say at all. I tried making my own tag so people could just block THAT and I wouldn't be raining on anyone's parade, but it doesn't stop those who are committed to creeping on your page (hi babes) so ANYWAY
I mean... I AGREE. And I never saw Lestat in Samstat, and given how he swung in like Homelander in Episode 1, I just felt... but then also like... I DIDN'T WANT THIS!!! I still haven't regained full coherency as you can see, I'm gonna need 3-5 business days at least.
Because Lestat did never and Lestat would never. I've said it many times with great affection: Lestat's an idiot but he ain't stupid.
This quote has been going around today, and I've been carrying it too to comfort my Loustat friends because the girlies are hurting in a bad, bad way (and tbh so am I):
Yet I couldn't hurt him. I couldn't even conceive of carrying out such awful, cowardly threats. I could never have brought harm to Claudia. Ah, to make something out of nothing, yes. To throw up the pieces to see how they will fall, yes. But vengeance. Ah, arid awful distasteful vengeance. What is it to me? ~ Lestat, TotBT
I can't envision AMC Hannibal/Homelander-Lestat as either IWTV-Lestat or TVL-onward Lestat. Plain and simple--it is an OC. They all are.
Even if AMC retcons it by the next episode, I just don't see any editorial justification for that to have happened on-screen without content warnings (yeah, I'm not going to let this one go). 
We talk about exposition and the art of a narrative a lot and not to sound ignorant but... RJ, BRUH. I don't blame the actors! Actors don't make the decisions on set and Sam, Jacob, and Bailey killed it with what they were given. And I have given them their props since day one.
IDK I'm sorry for anyone who got hurt today, honestly! The Doctor prescribes reading your favourite hurt/comfort fics and scrolling through your emotional support fan artists. ♥️
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valkblue · 2 years
1: among the two actual trilogies that have been made, of course.
4: Yes, you can name mandalorians. 😔
6: Marbled or not, it’s open bar today.
7: Mandalorians are not a race, it’s a creed. 😑
9: Go ahead, nerd on.
12: All Media Included.
Hehehehe... 🙃👍
1. movie
Of course. My fave, I'd say, it would be a tie (lol) between The Phantom Menace and The Empire Strikes Back. The first is because it holds a very special place in my heart because of how I saw it the first time (and the 345663213 times after), how my friends and I, we rushed out of school at lunch each saturday of every weeks to grab a burger and a ticket, and sit in the theatre, and then…
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We knew the film by heart at some point! But it was the whole point, actually. It was magical for us…✨
As for The Empire Strikes Back, it taught me an important storytelling lesson as a child: that your heroes don't always have the upper hand, sometimes the bad guys are on top of things and put up a real challenge to the main characters, even if they still win at the end of the story.
My least fave though would sadly be Attack of the Clones… while there are some of my favourite characters and moments in it. 🤔
4. character
I better be allowed to name Mandos! Because, obviously, my fave character is Canderous. But I also like Din very much.
Which character is my least fave is a little less easy, though… I could say Jar-Jar, but I don't hate him all that much. He's just an annoying character to me. Characters I don't like usually are from media I don't like and steer clear from, so… I couldn't really say. But from those I like or even love?! Now, I have food for thoughts.
6. planet
Fave planet would be Dantooine and Naboo. I kinda like Corellia (don't say that to Ela) and Onderon (from KotOR, please…) too.
And least fave planet… Hoth. I love the cold and snowy landscapes and all but, it looks like too much there! I like the taun taun, though… I could add Telos post bombing too.
7. species
But Canderous said they were a breed appart!!!! 😲 So, clones then? 🤡… Ok, ok! I can't choose just one fave, anyway. I love Mon Calamari and Nautolan. Even Quarrens! And Bothans. And I know Kal and my babies the clones would hate me for it but… Kaminoans! 😅
Least fave, I'm sorry but Aqualish and Bith are making my skin crawl. They always did! I never watched the cantina scene as a child. Jabba is just disgusting (as a person, lol) but the Bith…?! I'm sorry, I can't. (Same goes with the Ood in Doctor Who, btw.)
9. ship
Fave ships!!! I love the LAAT/i the larty the GAR/clones gunships! 😭 And the Razor Crest definitely grew on me after a while and a few snickers. I have a few classes of freighters I like too. Like a certain Lantilian short hauler. And I know someone who's very proud of his newly acquired Gozanti… and I can understand why.
Least fave ships… Honestly, it may surprise you because how much I speak about them in Lost and Found, but I never liked the TIE fighters all that much.
But my real two least faves are the weird Jedi starship Obi-Wan is piloting in AotC, because of that dubious hyperdrive ring and how claustrophobic it looks, even compared to TIEs ans X-wings. And — unpopular opinion — Jango's Slave I. The way that thing takes off and fly like it's standing up… It hurts something in a corner of my mind, I can't explain! 🤣
12. moment/scene
Fave moment, more like moments, I'd say. Mando checking the Crest's vicinity on Arvala (the use of silences and calm ambient in this season!!!!!! 😭💖✨) Mando against the mudhorn (and almost all of episode 2, actually), Mando rampaging the safehouse to snatch the kid back + the whole scene with Pershing of course, Cara yelling 'Weapons ready!' in episode 4, Peli caring for the child and shoving Mando aside after he shot Toro, Din fist fighting Gideon's TIE… 🤣 Ok, sorry, I also like a lot of scenes in other medias of course! Shmi and Anakin saying goodbye brings tears to my eyes, when Leia hears Luke throught the Force the first time, Luke coming to 'negotiate' to Jabba's palace and when Vader yeets Palps down the shaft… Vader asking Luke to take his mask off too, and the pyre scene while everybody is celebrating. 😭💔
Also, in OG Clone Wars, Fordo and his brothers wrecking Sep forces on Muunilinst in apparent silence like the badasses they are!!! And don't get me started on Republic Commando.
Least fave moment would be in Revenge of the Sith, the whole Mustafar light saber fights between Anakin and Obi-Wan. I always found it awkward and dragging… 😫 Yes, much more than the Utapau chase.
15. line of dialogue
I'm going to stick to the media I like, because if I didn't it would be too easy to quote this and that… 🙄 So, fave line is from A New Hope, when Owen and Luke are fighting over him leaving Tatooine at the beginning.
Aunt Beru: Where are you going?!
Luke: Looks like I'm going nowhere.
This quote gets me everytime. 😔👍
Least fave, I had to think a little longer about it. There are a lot of things the Jedi say that rubs me the wrong way, and the turbo-cringe way Anakin is flirting with Padmé… But I think it would be 'Unlimited Powaaaaah'!!! 🤣 Because it kills the gravitas for me and makes me burst into laughter!!
> Ask me my fave and least fave!
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roseposts-stuff · 1 month
hello hello hello!!! it is time for doctor who rankings, this time, series 10!!!! disclaimer im just basically doing this for my own benefit and ALSO. i will probably disagree with myself the moment i post this so like. not definitive lmaoooo
1. Extremis (10x6) - i love love love this episode!! it's really good in my opinion, i like the flashbacks to Missy and the Doctor and i love the idea of the characters being in a computer simulation. having the doctor be blind is really interesting as well, and the monks look really cool (and creepy)!!
2. Oxygen (10x5) - this is such a brilliant story in my opinion, i love the plot throughout, it's really fun. i love the message it sends haha, and oh the spacesuits sort of coming alive is brilliant!! just really good all round i think
3. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls (10x11/10x12) - this is one of my favourite finales!! the gravity thing is really interesting, bill's death is just HORRIBLE, and i just love the design of mondasian cybermen, i love the master and missy together, and i was so surprised to see the sweet little guy turned out to be the master!!! it was really cool. i love the doctor just doing his best to protect the kids, i just love doctor who for the kindness of it
4. Twice Upon A Time (10x0) - i really love this episode as well, it's really fun, and i love 12 and 1 together, although i do think the misogyny could've been left out, or at least it didn't have to be THAT excessive, but honestly, i wasn't too mad because it was really funny to see 12 and bill react to it lmao. otherwise it was cool, and i liked the twist of there not being an evil plan actually, and i LOVED the ending so much!!! and obviously 12's regeneration is brilliant
5. Thin Ice (10x3) - i really like this episode, i love 12 and bill together, stan 12 punching a racist. i love the orphans as well, they were adorable and i'm so glad they got to be safe. the sea creature was cool as well
6. The Return of Doctor Mysterio (10x0) - this is really funny lol, way better than i remembered honestly!! i enjoyed it throughout and just had such a great time. initially i didn't like the superhero aspect of it, but it definitely grew on me on a second watch, and it did make great comedy
7. The Eaters of Light (10x10) - this was a lot better than i remembered as well! i love bill and the romans, i love 12 and nardole, and i really enjoyed the story as well. also, "death by scotland" made me laugh lol, i love nardole
8. The Pyramid at the End of the World (10x7) - i like 12's struggle with his blindness, it was really interesting to see. i really liked that people were able to choose peace, go us, for once! but yeah, i loved seeing 12 try to figure out what to do without being able to see, and bill giving up the world just so he could live was so sweet actually, bill is just so amazing
9. The Pilot (10x1) - i REALLY love bill's introduction, she's brilliant from the first second, and i love that 12 is a professor, it suits him really well. i definitely like this episode, but it's not among my favourites. still, decent doctor who, and i LOVE how bill asks so many questions lol
10. Knock Knock (10x4) - i liked seeing bill with her friends, and honestly, i kinda hope we could've seen more of them :( also, seeing hercule poirot suddenly appear was wild lmao. yeah, i like this story, actually, it's fun and it's pretty creative. not a favourite for me, but i enjoyed watching it
11. The Lie of the Land (10x8) - i like that bill was able to keep her memory, she's brilliant. once again love 12, bill and nardole together, but i'm not a fan of the fake regeneration honestly. either way, really enjoyable for the most part i think, but not my favourite episode
12. Smile (10x2) - i like bill and 12, this is a great second adventure for them, i like the robots, they're pretty fun. i don't think i'd rush to rewatch this, but it was nice enough and i don't really have real complaints about it, not bad but not the best either
13. Empress of Mars (10x9) - definitely my least favourite from the series, it's not as bad as i remembered, but it's. not very good, i don't think. it's a bit boring, and i think i've maybe mentioned, not sure, but mark gatiss' writing just usually isn't for me, not sure why not. yeah, i liked bill and 12's discussions and i liked the captain and i liked that the ice queen didn't kill him, but i think this was just a bit boring and not that interesting
there we are then!!! lol, hope you enjoyed my thoughts :D (edit: i moved lie of the land lower because i decided it wasn't that good)
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