#he'd /get/ it but it just wouldnt be for him
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mochinomnoms · 2 days ago
why were you digging? what did you bury, before those hands pulled me from the earth?
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art by wolfythewitch
Hozier lyrics in which they embody when loving you.
multi x gn!reader
[tw/cw} - some of the lyrics are gendered, few suggestive parts
[note] - i forgot i had this drafted for a while lol anyways only romantic vibes cause i couldnt find satisfactory lyrics for grim and ortho :( i also was gonna add the halloweenie boys but then it wouldnt have been evenly split and i didnt want that lol
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"I know who I am when I'm alone/I'm something else when I see you" - It Will Come Back
He's always been sure of who he is and how he presents himself. He has an image that he must uphold, his reputation is dependent on it. Yet, that perfectly sculpted person comes crumbling down, firm marble turned into malleable clay with you. He should be appalled by the very idea of someone having so much hold over him, yet he can't bring himself to care. You see through him, and it's addicting. You see through him, but still show him kindness, and it's addicting. You see through him, still show him kindness, even knowing just what thoughts he has of you at night, and it's addicting. He has an addiction, and you're his drug of choice. There is no rehab for getting him off of you, once he's hooked he's never letting go of the high that you are. Then again, if you knew just who he really is, perhaps the addiction was mutual.
Riddle Rosehearts, Cater Diamond, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper
"We lay here for years or for hours/So long, we'd become the flowers" - In a Week
He is admittedly a simple man, even if he might portray or say he desires otherwise. But deep down, he is very simple: he'd like to be with you forever, that's it. Laying in the grass, the sounds of cicadas and birds singing, the smell of dewy grass and freshly bloomed flowers, all of that with you would be his dream. He hopes that you two will live a long life together, that your graves will be one, your bodies decomposing together into the earth as nature intended. You hope that centuries into the future, some bright-eyed archaeologists will see the patch of flowers growing over your grave and dig to find your two skeletons intertwined. You both hope that theories and myths are created in the image of your long gone bodies so that the memory of your love will live forever on.
Ruggie Bucchi, Jack Howl, Rook Hunt, Silver
"She'll know me crazy, soothe me daily/Better yet, she wouldn't care" - Jackie & Wilson
Loud and impulsive to a fault is how most would describe him, and really he should care more about the problems this causes. He should, but why when you take him as he is, flaws and all? To you, the impulsivity, his loud mouth, his rash nature, his bluntness, they weren't flaws—they were him and you love him. And he loves you—for all your naivete, doting, and enabling ways. If there's trouble to be found, it's likely you're both involved: you chasing after him as he goes of. Is it naive to think that this sort of relationship won't eventually burst into flames? Probably. Is it a bit toxic if you were to look at your relationship critically? Probably. But he doesn't care (even if he normally would or should), and neither do you. Instead, for just a bit, you indulge in the present, rather than the past or future. Just for a bit
Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt
"You're bright as the morning, soft as the rain/Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape" - Too Sweet
Something about you is just a bit off-putting: you're a bit too put together, too cheery, too sweet for someone in your situation. It's more off-putting to him that he's drawn to you anyways. Part of him holds himself back, as he's a realist at heart. One day, any day now, you can go back home, where your sweetness rightfully belongs. Part of him though wants to that sweetness, make it rightfully his and his alone. It's why he can't keep himself away from you, he'd rather defile you, ruin you for anyone else so that you'd have no choice but to come running back to him for that sweet satisfaction that only he can provide. You're not stupid though, you know just what he's doing; lucky for him, you're happy to let him age you into a fine wine, made just for his taste.
Trey Clover, Leona Kingscholar, Vil Schoenheit, Lilia Vanrouge
"Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I" - Francesca
You have ingrained your very being into his own. The sight, the sound thought of you has him yearning for your touch in ways that would put a god to shame. But Eros had no role in his love for you. Since he's met you, somehow you've managed to core out a space in his heart in the shape of your body. Without you, he'd be empty. Without you, he'd be devastated, experiencing an anguish that would kill his very soul. His love is so strong, so overwhelming, so earth-shattering that he'd alter the very laws of the universe just to keep you with him. Could you even bring yourself to deny him if the choice to leave ever came? You have him in the palm of your hand, like a god with their worshipper. You'll be a merciful and loving god to your devotee, won't you?
Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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b4tteryaciid · 1 day ago
I'm in a pissy mood rn so you get an angsty breakup 👍 I'll write something cute and cozy to make up for it I promise
[This doesn't really have an ending it just kinda abruptly stops but you get the idea.]
It had been a screaming match from the moment they set foot into Ghost's barracks. They both had piss poor communicating skills and couldn't ever just talk about their feelings. They'd been skirting around eachother for weeks and Soap was sick of it. Sick that after they fucked Ghost would leave and wouldn't stay with him. They were dating for fucks sake. He was being distant and his temper was worse, snapping at Soap for seemingly nothing. Soap had recently messed up on the field and Ghost was pissed, screaming in his face instead of just listening to Soap and letting him explain his feelings.
Soap saw it before he felt it, heard it even. Saw Ghost pull his arm back and swing at him. The sound of the slap of skin on skin shook the room and forced his head to the side. Everything was silent. Ghost was deathly quiet. The sting started to creep over his face, sizzling pins and needles spread over the area like static. He tweaked his jaw and slowly turned to look at Ghost. His eyes wide behind the balaclava. "Johnny I-"
"Were done." Ghost froze, stairing deep into Johnny's eyes. They were black more than blue and he could physically see the rage seeping through them. Soap tensed and clenched his fists stepping into Ghosts space. "Johnny please I'm sorr-" Soap roughly pushed past him towards the door "We're over Simon, ya dinnae give a fuck about me and willnae even let me speak! Just devolving inta screamin' at me!" He yelled turning around and glaring at Ghost with tears in his eyes. "Wait please I'm sorry I was just angry, Johnny please." He reached out towards Soap but recoiled when he saw him flinch slightly. Soap sighed roughly and glared through red teary eyes "Ah willnae jus let ye slap me because yer angry Simon. We'll talk aboot this later." He quickly turned the door knob and threw the door open slamming it on his way out.
Ghost stood frozen looking at the door Soap had slammed on his way out. What was wrong with him? They hadn't been dating that long and to do something like that? To slap him in the heat of an argument that was surely his fault? He was turning into his father wasn't he? An abusive asshole who couldn't care less about his partners feelings and only his own? Would Johnny ever forgive him? He wouldn't blame him if he didn't. He wouldn't forgive himself either. He looked down at his own hand, tingling and red from the force of the impact. What the fuck was his problem. Tears started to well in his eyes as he clenched his fist, another sting coursing through his palm. It was bad enough that he'd laid his hands on him but to slap him with all his strength? He'd watched as Johnny's head had snapped to the side and he stumbled backwards. He watched the shock and horror overtake his face as he turned to look at him. Watched as all the colour drained from his face and was replaced with a stony expression. Watched as his eyes dulled and filled with a dark murkey blue rage. He cradled his hand softly and kissed his palm as his tears started to sink into the fabric of his balaclava. It was all his fault. Is all his fault. He never deserved Johnny and this is why, because he's violent and that's all he's good for, he's not capable of loving someone as soft and warm and loving as Johnny. It's all his fault he made Johnny cry.
The sting in his face worsened as did the one in his stomach. His eyes burned as he tried to hold his tears at bay. He stormed down the hallway the second the door had clicked. The sound of it slamming had shook the walls and reverberated down the long hallway. He barreled down the hallway, fisting the sides of his pants as he went. He wouldnt lie, he thought about punching that asshole right back and the thought made him feel guilty. He still loved Simon even through all his actions these past weeks. He could tell something had been wrong and when he'd tried to ask he just exploded at him. Tears were seeping there way out and he could barely see through his blurred vision. How could he? How could he just slap him like that? He was a soldier and was used to pain but God damn that hurt. He was sure his handprint was still plastered on his cheek as he rushed down the hall. He begged and prayed that nobody would notice him or be in the hallway. As always, nothing in his life could go right. Gaz was standing infrount of his door looking down at his phone, distracted. Maybe if he went the other way he wouldn't notice him. Too late. Gaz turned to look up at him with a smile. It instantly faded once he noticed Soaps face.
"You alright Suds?" He asked delicately, slipping his phone into his pocket. "Aye s'fine Gaz dinnae worry" He sniffled and rubbed at his nose. He could feel his tears forcing there way out of the corners of his eyes. "No your not c'mon tell me what's wrong." He slowly reached out to Soap and he nodded tears spilling out, ignoring his protests. Gaz opened his door again and ushered him in. Once the door was closed the dam broke. Soap reached up to his cheek which was now hot to the touch as he blinked harshly, letting lose all the tears he'd been holding back. Gaz carefully pulled him into a hug and Soap clutched onto his back and he sobbed into his shoulder. "Ahm so sorry-" He sniffled between sobs. "Aye no it's okay shhh don't worry" Gaz soothed, rubbing circles into Soaps back.
Gaz had never seen Soap cry like that before. He'd seen him stalking down the hallway with red puffy eyes and what looked like a red hand mark slowly forming on his cheek. He had a suspicion of what happened but didn't want to believe Ghost had hit him. It must've been something else. Possibly a fight with another enlisted. He'd led him into his room and gave him a hug. Now his best friend was ugly crying into his shirt. He soothed him and led him to sit down on the side of his bed with him, rubbing soothing shapes into his back. "Think you can tell me what happened?" He asked quietly, not wanting to upset him any more. Soap nodded and tried to speak but he only managed gasps and stutters. "It's okay mate take as much time as you need" Soap nodded again and rubbed his arm across his face. Gaz stood up and went to grab an old camo shirt out of the little closet in his room, it was more like a locker but it still functioned. He would've grabbed tissues but he didn't have any and a shirt was softer than a towel. "Here" he returned, holding out the shirt for him to grab. Soap hesitated and he added "As a tissue, its soft and don't worry about running it, doesn't fit anyways" he assured nudging it closer to the mess of a man in his room. Soap gave a slight smile and wiped his face and nose with it, carefully avoiding his red cheek, patting it dry instead of scrubbing it.
He sat back down and rubbed Soaps back as he did breathing exercises. Once he could speak again he croaked out, "Ghost, we were- we were fightin' an e-" he sniffled again jesturing towards his face "slapped me." Soap looked ashamed but Gaz could only see red. That big bastard had the gaul to lay his hands on his best friend? Soap was his boyfriend for God's sake! He was pissed and he could feel the rage boiling in his gut. He was going to kill that man. "Dinnae do anythin' rash-" Soap sniffled wiping his nose with the shirt and glancing up at Gaz with a miserable expression. He looked like a kicked puppy. "Aye okay, for you Suds." He definitely was gonna give Ghost a piece of his mind later, but for now Soap needed him and he was going to help him.
"Ah broke up wif em" Soap supplied after he'd cried all his sadness out. "I'm sorry Suds" Gaz replied, trying to be comforting but not really knowing how. "Aye aits nawt yer fault, es a bastart who doesnae ken ow to talk to people. Been avoidin' me fer weeks, jus' refusin' ta talk.-" He paused with a sigh- "then e starts yellin' at me fer no reason an then." He jestured again. His accent was thickening and he was getting harder to understand as he went on. The night was getting late so Gaz suggested Soap stay in his room with him and Gaz would take the floor or the chair. Soap tried to argue but Gaz insisted so he relented. Once he was sure Soap was asleep he knew what he had to do. He was pissed at Ghost, and while it probably wasn't the right decision, he really didn't care. He wanted the man to know what he did.
He quietly left to room and headed towards Ghost's. He knocked on the door with a heavy hand and waited for him to open it. He looked like shit, his clothes all rumpled and his hair was sticking out of the eye holes of a lightweight balaclava. It looked like he'd shucked it on just to open the door. He looked tense already. Good. "Lieutenant, can I come in?" His voice was deep and he was sure he sounded angry. Ghost paused, tensing before relaxing again and stepping aside for Gaz to step in. "Sure you know why I'm here yeah?" He asked stepping into his personal space. "Because of Soap innit?" He asked. Ghost looked hard and calculated and he spoke, leaning heavy into the 'Lieutenant Ghost' persona. "Yeah. Care to explain why your boyfriend was just sobbing in my room Simon?" He spat his name like venom, crowding into his personal space. "We got into an argument and it got heated." He deadpanned. "Sure you've heard it from him haven't you?" Ghost crossed him arms. Gaz ground his teeth, seething. "Yeah I head that you fuckin' slapped him! Some fuckin' excuse for a boyfriend you are." Every word was dripping with poison. He wanted to beat ever syllable into his thick skull. "Sargent." He warned, voice dark. "Nah Ghost don't 'Sargent' me. Don't pretend to be a good Lieutenant now! You're the biggest asshole I've ever seen. Can't just have a civil conversation with someone! Devolvin' into a screaming match yeah!? How d'you think Price'll feel about all this? How do you think Soap feels being slapped by someone who's spose'to love im!?" Gaz roared, Stabbing into Ghost's chest with his finger. Ghost quickly snatched Gaz's hand away and pulled him close so he could whisper menacingly. "Might want to watch yourself Sargent." Gaz snatched his hand away. "Your fucking tough guy act isn't gonna work on me. I'm leaving. You should consider watching yourself." Gaz turned to leave, even more furious then when he walked in, slamming the door as hard as he could. He would've ripped it off the damn hinges if he could. Ghost had the gaul the slap Soap and then pretend to be all high and mighty and act like he did no wrong.
[W this is the ending. I'll make a part two or something if you guys really want it I just wanted to write drama and people yelling at eachother :)]
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vampxrebarbie · 3 hours ago
i have. a lot of guardians. lemme just....
luke: guy would take one look at future!him dancing off the edge of a cliff listening to Queen and go "ohhhhhh so THATS what my adhd is like unmedicated." (and he would then join in the dancing, forcing future!luke to stop dancing to prevent the not-so-immortal!luke from also dancing off a cliff). theyd get along well, and he'd probably admire who he becomes.
nikon: pre-risen!nikon was, hysterically, kind of a fuckboy frat dude. but like, one of endearing kinds, yknow? total jock. stands to reason he'd think it's BALLER that after he dies he comes back as this total badass who (technically) dodged death not once but TWICE, and also now leads an ENTIRE TEAM OF BADASSES, DUDE. (guardian!nik, otoh, would be begging for an ogre to reduce him to paste until this cringe-y nightmare of a mirror image is gone)
kel: please this would be a despair feedback loop. if it's not pre-risen!kel experiencing raw unfiltered horror at the knowledge he, with all his top-class soldier abilities, fails to save his wife and daughter in the collapse, then its risen!kel re-experiencing the all-consuming self-loathing and guilt of having failed to do so from the reminder literally staring him in the face. pre-risen!kel would loath risen!kel, to boot--kel is a mess of repressed emotions and stoic self-control, and his past self wouldnt be able to understand how he can be so aloof. (nvm the fact he's so reserved specifically bc otherwise his emotions eat him alive from the inside.)
gil-23: error 404 does not compute. on either end of the spectrum. pre!exo gil would refuse to believe against all evidence staring him in the face that he would ever become this...machine thing. willingly or unwillingly. (and gil-23 has been through so many resets and is so old and divorced from not only the gil that came before being risen but also the pre-exo gil that he could not fathom them being the same person bc he hardly considers himself a 'person' anymore)
nyx-14: ARTSY TYPES UNITE. pre-exo nyx is an adventurous photographer and risen!nyx remains an adventurer at heart. once past the "wait, im a ROBOT now?!" hurdle (followed immediately by "AWESOME"), they'd get along like white on rice and would probably become prankster menaces to the rest of fireteam ward.
roland: much like kel, just with less despair and a metric fuckton more rage and hate. pre-risen!roland was actually a sweetheart and well-liked by most people in his social circles--fast forward, and now he's become a bitter, cynical, abrasive social recluse (reluctantly being drawn out of his shell aside). they would fucking detest one another for exact opposite reasons. (ironically, this would reveal that pre-risen!roland has the same temperament at his core, and is simply much more well-adjusted in contrast)
ash: pre-risen!ash is such a sweet girl who would be HORRIFIED at the vicious little violence-happy spitfire she's been resurrected into.
finn: once a gender-dysphoric tomboy suffering through college trying to explain their eagerness for bulking up as "purely self-defence", now a 6ft butch enby titan capable of clearing entire fields of enemies in the span of a single fist of havok. past and future finn would be chilling over some beers easy.
adebole: pompous asshole then, pompous asshole now. ironically, risen!adebole would consider pre-risen!adebole an absolute aggravating embarassment he'd avoid being around at all costs despite having the exact same temperament and interests.
darin-8: he has a bar to run. bring him a philosophical question like this and he'll ask how many drinks he has to offer you on the house for you to not bother him with this shit again. he was an utter bastard before becoming an exo and wound up killing himself in a Despair Event Horizon before then being risen, and he doesnt like thinking about Any Of That before taking into consideration being taken off active duty after his ghost's death. (given the opportunity, darin would beat his past self to a pulp before the man could even form an opinion of his future self.)
discussed this with friends, but thought I'd throw the question at Tumblr folks too!
if your Guardian-pre-being-Risen met themselves as a Lightbearer now, what would they think? would they like or hate that new version of themselves, admire or fear it, etc?
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triglycercule · 2 months ago
imagining this very funny totally amusing bit where dust (despite having a lot of pockets) makes horror carry a lighter for him (only because he can't be bothered to remember to bring one on him all the time) and horror keeps it in his head
but horror's a dick so everytime dust wants to smoke and he needs a light horror's always like "whats the password :3" (he actually said the emoticon i was the quotation marks) and dust has to guess. because horror changes it every time. and its never something predictable. and then he either just totally gives up on that cig or he has to forcefully dig into horror's head to get the lighter because horror's being a PRICK
now dust is shoulder deep into horror's eyesocket while horror is clawing and screaming and killer's just standing there behind them watching this unfold with that fuckass smile on his face (he can't get this type of entertainment anywhere else)
#bonus: this means that horror could theoretically breathe fire#like the world's shittiest magician!!!! he would need a shitton of fuel tho to get a big flame#peak mtt interactions i believe. knowledge of canon is only to make more ridiculous scenarios realistic#killer worlds best bystander to dust and horror's bullshit. he sees something he says NOTHING#erm well technically! the eye goop would get in the way of his vision so he actually doesn't see anything either! alright wrap it up pal#i COULD make this into a comic but i simply have larger priorities rn i cant (tweaking out over hw still)#horror if you were just less of a bitch maybe you wouldnt be in this situation#but it's the matter of the principle he says. dust has to guess the password he says. well who's complaining when dust is in your skull huh#this too counts as horrordust beefing. because you'd think that horror would just give the lighter to dust#but unfortunately this was posted by me (triglycercule) and i will have no such thing as bear horror on this account#dust would wear cargo shorts he would wear a cargo vest he'd have a belt with pockets he'd have secret shoe pockets he IS a pocket#why wouldnt dust just keep the lighter on him!!! CMON he's mellowed out since his dusttale days!! the human is dead so now he can be lazier#not lazy enough that he can couch rot for 3 weeks straight (he needs to stay SOMEWHAT active (force of habit))#but lazy enough where if he has a living purse then he will use said purse for its pursing purpose#horror's head doesnt even have enough space for dust to fit his arm in wtf. improper use of eye socket ahh 😭😭#tricule rant#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#utmv#sans au#THEYRE SO SILLY MTT MY SILLY GOOFS!!!! a rare moment where they beef but it has nothing to do with their lore/backstories
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writer-room · 1 year ago
Honestly the funniest thing about TDP to me is that Rayla for some reason always thinks Callum isn't 100% ride-or-die with her on any given situation. Seriously, she could decide she's jumping off a cliff and he'd do it too--oh wait.
I get that half of it is 'protecting' him but like. Girl he has been ready to die and kill for you since the first snake chain incident. It has not lightened up since. In fact its gotten worse. She's his special little guy and if anything happens to her he will kill everyone in the room and then himself. She physically cannot ever sacrifice herself for anyone because Callum WILL be following her straight into the afterlife in no less than a minute. I'm fully convinced he can and would go even further than Claudia and he'd barely have to think on it for five seconds before shrugging like "damn this sucks, can't believe I have to turn evil" "you literally don't have to--" "no I'm gonna"
And honestly I think that's peak teenagers first girlfriend behavior.
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ronihilator · 5 months ago
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they hate a bad bitch serving cunt
(lance redesign,, the eyebrow piercing is entirely self indulgent)
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st4rstudent · 7 months ago
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people seemed to like the last design so here's another drawing. this time featuring a surprise guest. haha wow whos that guy...
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no dialogue ver
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crustyfloor · 7 months ago
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Either Ivan knows how to cry on command or he is actually the worlds biggest crybaby in disguise, and his tears are naturally so minuscule. He’s not a big crier
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His little baby teardrops 😭
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 9 months ago
if 9&10 were "dont wander off", and 11&12 were "the doctor lies", 13s rule #1 is "dont question me"
"have we not had a good time together" shes pointing yaz to the rule that yaz very well knows is there: we can travel if you dont ask me any difficult questions. yaz knows this is the rule - "because you ask too many questions", "this team structure isnt flat" - but she also was the one to invite the doctor into her home so im pretty sure she also knows shes not gonna kicked out that easily. she has some leeway. which she has been using between revolution and flux, which is why the doctor reminds her of the rules
i dont think she'd kick her out though. she wouldnt. i think it's just that the more you break the rule, the more unpleasant she becomes to be around, and eventually youre gonna walk out on your own. she doesnt want you to, she'd rather you stay and dont ask questions. but if youre gonna try to ask questions anyway, i think thats whats gonna happen
and yaz must think so too. because she does back off. because she doesnt want that to happen either. and it does anyway
#dont question me/dont challenge me. questions are the sore spot but the challenge is one she says explicitly once#because you see this in how she is with other people too. dont try her patience. dont act like shes smaller. dont challenge her or Die#based on the giggle - 'i thought i was clever' 'what do i say?! because im always sooo certain' - i dont think 14 is like this#also based on the expressions of affection#hes not that......reactive. to this. specific thing#so i wonder if it runs over to 15#he seems chill. i think? he seems fairly chill. but also i think we've so far only seen him mostly in control of things#faced with the maestro temporarily not entirely in control hes Notably Less Chill#but still bigger picture. hes mostly in control of things right now i think#or uhhhh based on how eager he seems to get out of the role of doctor#hmmmmm#13 didnt want it but like. was stuck with it i think#didnt want it but nobody else was gonna do it. thats why 12 regenerated#15 comes out 14 Literally Quitting#he doesnt want it and hes decided hes not stuck with it. maybe#none of this is true btw im just saying words recreationally#like those 13 moments are super cherrypicked and i havent rewatched in forever so#dont believe me gfkjghgjh#this is based more on how i write them than what ive seen basically#anyway in terms of 14/yaz i think it takes yaz a while to figure out how to deal with 14 Not being like this#bc she got soooo practiced at handling 13. most of which was abt like not tripping this rule too much#she'd keep it up with 14 and he'd just do stuff that like breaks the rule from his side and yaz wouldnt have any idea how to deal with it#he'd show her hes chilled out a bit. about this. over and over and it'd still take her moooooonthssssssss to start relaxing#just muscle memory at this point. doesnt help that shes also like this#i wonder if 14 - in a sort of compelte reversal - wants to be told what to do and how to do and#seeks out situations where someone else knows more than him so he can sit down and say 'teach me'#i think thats what he does. about all the human stuff. hes like teach me. all of it. show me how to do this
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birb--birb · 3 months ago
Soooooo I did lich emmrich...for science..
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screechingfromthevoid · 1 month ago
Okay but somehow the champions or extremely trusted followers get to raise the little god babies.
First off that's SO many kids in Vox Machina. My initial thought was the matron being raised by Vax like Purvan helped raise Emirah.
But then I thought about Pike and her connection to the Everlight (and allegedly they might be distantly related 👀) so I think the Everlight would go to Pike.
THEN I thought about Vex's connection to the Dawn Father. And sure there are probably people more qualified, but Vex does have his blessing. And the Dawn Father thinks about Aiden then. His softness, his kindness, and made the decision that if he could be raised in close proximity to his siblings, he would.
Second, I think the Stormlord would go to Yasha (and Beau. They wanted to adopt anyway) because of her devotion and her celestial blood.
And in the same vein as the Dawn Father and Aiden, the Wild Mother would go to Caduceus. He and his family had been so good to her. And she'd be raised so close to at least one of her siblings.
Idk I think that'd be neat
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harbingersecho · 5 months ago
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^ guy who doesn't know what to do when someone points a camera at him. he looks like he's getting his yearbook photo taken
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fisheito · 5 months ago
"Eiden and his companions accidentally run their carriage into two yokai wearing "maid costumes". To take responsibility and make amends, they set off to check out a maid café located in the forest—"
Girl that's just kuya and yakumo on their way back from the island
Wait ,no. Forest...
Girl that's just kuya and garu out for a walk
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habibisagi · 3 months ago
idgaf if this is crazy to say but i'd fuck oliver if he was dressed up as santa btw. i'd sit in his lap telling him what i want for christmas in a lewd and playful way and i want him to be surprised by it for a sec and then play along too well
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puhpandas · 11 months ago
Y’all ever think if Gregory was never possessed and heard the childish names Tony called him he would laugh at the names or just side eye Tony for the name, bc wtf is “story destroyer”…
I think if Gregory wasnt possessed he and tony would have some serious beef😭
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rexscanonwife · 1 month ago
How I look talking about my star wars angst :3
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