#(garrison days)
linipik · 1 year
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Keith is very done with Shiro’s wishful rambling about his ~boyfriend~
BONUS 2 for my Garrison Days comic
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Ok so hear me out:
(in this au, Shiro took Keith in at a much younger age)
Adam trying to win Keith over while trying to woo Shiro?
Yes Yes Yes
So if you have seen Lilo and Stich, I’m going for the sibling relationship Lilo and Nani. Shiro is Keith’s legal guardian but big brother <3
“Who is that?” Adam whispered to his classmate, his eyes glued to the boy who entered the room. 
“Huh? Oh, that’s Takashi Shirogane.” 
He sent his friend the side eye, “and how do you already know his name?” 
They rolled their eyes, “he literally got the top score in our entrance exam? And look at him! Total hottie.” 
Adam allowed his eyes to look back at the other guy, who took a seat a couple of desks away from him. He looked his height, maybe slightly shorter. His undercut was fresh and he had to have something in his hair to make the top of his hair fall like that. He was muscular, defiantly someone who took care of himself. 
A sharp pinch appeared on his side and he smacked his friend's hand. 
“Stop staring, it’s rude.” 
“I wasn’t staring!” Adam whispered back harshly. 
“He might not even like men.” 
Adam felt his heart drop, a painful reminder that his dating pool is limited. He stared at his desk, tracing the different colors of the wood with his eyes. “Yeah...you’re right.” 
A comforting hand was pressed on his upper shoulder blade. “Chin up buddy. It’s the first day of the semester, you’re going to meet plenty of people.” 
He gave a weak nod, looking forward as the teacher walked in. 
“Adam right?” 
Adam nearly fell out of his chair, being snapped out of his daydream of actually flying instead of learning about how to fly. “Uhh yeah?” He looked at the voice, Takashi staring down at him with an easy smile. Why is he talking to me? And how does he know my name? Take a breath Adam, just in and out. Just like we’ve done since birth. He prayed his inner turmoil wasn’t readable on his face. 
The other guy laugh, the sound rumbling in his chest. Adam wishes he could save it to memory. “We’re partners...for the project?” He nodded his head at the bored. 
“Partners For Developing Your Own Flight Plan To Kerberos!” Was written in black marker. 
“Oh yeah...the project,” Adam took his glasses off, pretending to clean smudges that weren’t there. 
“You were zoned out weren’t you,” Shiro stated. A humorous smile on his face. 
“Wh-what? Me? Zoned out?” He cleared his throat, ignoring how his face felt. “I was just...seeing if you were paying attention...?” 
Takashi laughed again, throwing his head back at the action. “Understandable,” he extended his right hand. “I’m Takashi.” 
Adam took his hand, trying not to focus on the string grip on Takashi's hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“So I was thinking after dinner we could start the project? My roommate will be at their partner's dorms so it’ll just be me in mine. But whatever you’re comfortable with.” He held onto his backpack straps as they walked down the hallway. Attempting to keep his persona cool. He was only inviting the hottest man he had ever seen in his life to his dorm. 
She rubbed the backside of his undercut, his eyes on the ground. “I actually will be gone before dinner. I leave the grounds around threeish. Right after our last class.” 
Adam sent him a confused look. “Do you not live on campus?” Freshmen weren’t allowed to live anyways but in the dorms. Juniors and Seniors could get other housing but it would still be Garrison housing. 
“I don’t...it’s complicated.” He smiled. “I can give you my number and we could call later to work on it.” 
Adam nodded, pulling out his phone. He quickly unlocked it and got to the contact screen. “Here.” 
Takashi quickly typed in his info before handing it back. “I can call any time after 19:00!” He started to move down the hall. Leaving Adam still confused.
He ran his hand through his hair again. Groaning with the short strands didn’t stay where he needed them to. “Come on! Just stay where you need to be.” He mumbled to himself, hesitantly checking the clock. They were going to call at 19:15 and it was currently 19:13. He didn’t have time for this. 
He grabbed his glasses and sat down at his desk, propping his phone up on his laptop. Opening his notes right as his phone began to ring. He took another deep breath and accepted the video chat. His voice died in his throat as Takashi appeared on the tiny screen. 
He wasn’t in his Garrison Uniform, though he did make that orange work. Instead, he wore a white baggy hoodie. With a logo Adam didn’t recognize and the top of his hair was pulled back into a very, very small bun. “Hey, how was dinner?” 
Adam cleared his throat, did he talk to everyone this casually? “Good...y’know cafeteria food.” He paused, “unless you don’t. But you aren’t missing much.” 
Takashi sent him a toothy grin. “I’ve heard horror stories.” He leaned out of frame for a moment, repapering with his notebook. “Want to get started?” 
They worked for over an hour, making good progress until Takashi looked at something off-screen. “Yeah, buddy?” 
Adam stopped talking, holding his breath unknowingly. 
“No, it’s okay. I’ll be right there okay?” Takashi looked back at the camera. “Sorry, can we call it a night? Something came up.” 
Adam nodded, “yeah no problem. See you tomorrow?” 
“Yeah, see you!” He ended the call, leaving Adam in a still silence. Who was he talking to? 
Adam rubbed his eyes, flopping down in his seat. He stayed up too late watching movies. 
“Wakey-wakey Adam,” his friend snapped his fingers in front of his face. 
“I’m awake,” he crossed his eyes, sinking back in his chair. “Did you start your project?” 
His friend scoffed, “no, it’s not due for like two more weeks.” They gave Adam a quick glance. “Did you?” 
Adam hummed, “started it last night.” 
“Ohh you actually worked with Takashi? Didn’t try and kiss him?” His friend nudged his arm. 
Adam rolled his eyes, sending Takashi a small wave as he entered the room. “Yeah...we got some work done.” 
“I have to say,” Iverson took his reading glasses off his face. “This is the best plan anyone has come up with for a project like this.” 
Takashi nudged Adam’s arm, smiles forming on both of their faces. 
Iverson sent them a professional smile. “You two clearly work well together. Would you two be interested in a side project? It’ll look good in your academic folder. Might open more doors in the future.” 
They both nodded, not feeling the need to discuss it with each other. They did work well together. 
They exited the room, smiles plastered on their faces. Each holding a folder of the next project. “So are you heading home? Since Mrs. Dominic's class was canceled?” Adam asked as they headed down the hallway, their shoulders brushing against each other. 
Takashi shrugged his shoulders. “I was thinking about it. But that would put me home almost three hours early. I won’t know what to do with myself.” He chuckled. 
“Well,” Adam stopped walking, tightening his hands around the folder. “We could always get a head start on the project? The libraries are nice to work in, but you have to reserve a study room twenty-four hours in advance...and then I have my...dorm...?” 
Takashi turned to face Adam, having taken a couple of steps after he stopped moving. “Why did you say that like a question?” 
Adam shrugged, praying the other boy couldn’t see the heat on his face. “I just-” he cleared his throat. He needed to get over this unrequited crush. 
Takashi laughed, “we can do it to your dorm. I just need to leave after 15:00.” 
“Copy that,” Adam began to walk. Leading the way. They chatted back and forth as they walked, Adam scanning his badge to unlock his dorm. “Welcome to my lovely abode.” 
Takashi whistled as he walked in, “living in luxury I see.” 
“You know it,” He slipped his bag off, hanging it on the hook at the end of his bed. “Make yourself at home.” 
Takashi took off his own bag, pulling out the chair to Adam’s desk. His leg bobbed up and down. 
Adam slid off his orange jacket and climbed into his bed. Sitting with his back against the concert wall. The folder in his hands. “Did we want to start?” 
Takashi nodded, placing his folder on the desk, his eyes falling on the picture frame. “Awe is this you?” He gently grabbed the frame, lifting it up to his face. 
Adam ignored the embarrassment that bloomed in his gut. “Yeah...I was like five or six. First time I ever saw a plane up close.” 
Shiro stared at the picture, a nostalgic look in his eye. “I guess we all have a moment like there. Where we fall in love with flying.” He put the frame back down. “Is that your mom and...” He trailed off. 
“Mom and Mama,” Adam stared at the folder. He wasn’t ashamed of his familial structure, it was a good way to introduce new people to the topic. 
“They look nice. Loving.” Shiro opened his folder, pulling out the papers inside. 
“They are...what about your family? Your parents?” 
Takashi’s jaw tightened for a brief second. Before he met Adam’s eyes, “a story for another time. Let’s start shall we?” 
Adam nodded, his stomach tightening with guilt. “Yeah.” 
It had been a couple of weeks since that day. They worked together almost daily, excluding the weekend. They were always around each other. Joined at the hip. Adam and Takashi slowly became Adam and Takashi. An inseparable pair.
Adam’s leg bounced up and down. Trying to contain his excitement.  Takashi was going to come over again today. Unrequited crush or not, he just liked spending time with him. They clicked really well. And sometimes, just sometimes Adam felt as if Takashi felt the same. 
Iverson entered the room, silencing the students with his presence. Adam’s eyes drifted to where Takashi sat. His seat empty. 
He didn’t show up the next day. 
Or the day after that. 
He let his bag drop to the floor, feeling defeated. He flopped on his bed face first, not even bothering to check his phone. Takashi hadn’t responded at all. Hadn’t even read his messages. He tried not to take it personally. But he was still hurt. He thought they were closer. They had an unspeakable, indescribable connection. Something drew them together and yet. He wasn’t allowed to be there for him.  
He awoke to his roommate entering the room. “Yo, you missed dinner. Are you feeling okay?” 
He pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes. “What time is it?” 
“Like seven?” They sat on their own bed, shrugging off their uniform. 
Adam shimmied off his bed, rolling his shoulders. “I’ll head down before the kitchen closes.” 
His roommate hummed, opening up their laptop as Adam exited the room. Glancing at his phone as he walked. A missed call from Takashi. 
He frowned and quickly dialed it back, pushing the anxiety down into his core. The call picked up, “Hey Takashi. Is everything okay?” 
A small voice responded. Hesitant. “Hi, are you Shiro’s friend?” 
Adam frowned, stepping off to the side to let others pass. “Uhh, I...who are you?”
“Shiro’s sick. Can you help?” 
“Wait what?” He ran his free hand through his hair.  “Is he okay?” 
“Ummm, hot but shivering. Sweaty and he won’t eat.” The small voice listed off the different symptoms. “What?!” He called to someone on his side of the call. “Adam!” 
Adam could feel his heart in his throat. Pounding in confusion and concern. He could hear a voice muffle on the other side but he couldn’t make out the words or the owner of it. 
The unnamed voice returned, “Can you help? I live at...” He recited the address quickly and Adam pulled a pen out of his pocket. Scribbling it down on his arm. 
“Sure...I’ll do what I can.” The call ended and he started at the location. It was outside the Garrison, but not too far of a drive. But a walk? That would take him hours. He chewed on his inner cheek. Turning to walk to the one teacher that might help. 
“I can’t allow you off campus Adam. You know the rules.” 
“Iverson, please! I don’t know who that was but they sounded like a kid. If Takashi is sick he might need some help.” Adam forced himself to keep his posture straight. His eyes ahead, trying to plead his case. “I don’t know his living situation that well, but given he’s allowed to live off campus I can only assume he’s the sole provided to someone.” It was a shot in the dark but it made sense. 
Iverson's face revealed no information. “Again. I can’t allow you to leave campus.” 
Adam’s face dropped, his shoulders sagging. 
Iverson stood, “I’m sorry. I know you two are close.” He moved to stand in front of the younger boy. “And I’m known for not always locking my office door.” He placed his hand on Adam’s shoulder. “The key to my truck is hanging by the door. I park in spot 34.” 
Adam sent his teacher a confused look. “What?” 
“Takashi Shirogane is a special case. One we teachers are not allowed to discuss. And he trusts you, so if you’re being requested. You should go.” 
Adam nodded, swallowing around the lump in his throat. “Thank you.” 
Iverson stepped back, moving back toward his desk. “You do know how to drive right?” 
Adam moved, grabbing the key that hung by the door. “Sure. It can’t be harder than flying right?” 
Driving was harder than flying. 
He managed to make it to the address in one piece. Trying to ignore the number of traffic laws he broke. He knocked on the door. It was a smaller house, with a couple of lights on. His palms sweated as he waited. Unsure who was going to open the door. 
The door cracked open, stopping on a chain, A younger boy stared up at him through thick raven bangs. “Um....hi?” 
The kid didn’t respond, just stared.  
Adam shifted under his gaze, “I’m Adam?” 
The kid nodded, closing the door briefly. Reopening it fully. “Follow me.” He lead Adam upstairs to a cracked door. He pushed the door open, leaving Adam in the hallway. 
He returned a couple of seconds later, waving Adam in. 
Adam followed, his eyes immediately falling on a very sick-looking Takashi. “Keith...I told you not to call him.” The other man wheezed out, trying to focus on the smaller boy. 
The boy, now known as Keith, crossed his arms. “I’m no doctor.” 
“Neither is Adam.” Takashi let his head fall on the pillow, his eyes squeezed shut. 
Keith looked at Adam, “he wears glasses. He has to be smart.”  
Takashi groaned, “it doesn’t work like that.” 
Keith rolled his eyes, “can you help him or not?” 
Adam nodded, “yeah.” He moved ahead, sitting on the edge of the bed. Leaning forward to rest his cheek on Takashi’s forehead. 
“Adam?! What are you doing-” The other man began to protest, his eyes blown wide. 
“Shhhhh. I’m trying to check how hot you are.”
Keith snickered, which resulted in his brother saying his name. 
Adam leaned back up, “have you eaten anything?” 
Takashi shook his head, “hard to eat.” 
“Drank anything?” 
He shook his head again. 
“Okay,” Adam stood, looking at Keith. “You have any soup?” 
“Okay,” he looked at his classmate, “mind if I steal your kitchen?” 
Takashi didn’t respond, slipping into a shivery slumber. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He looked at the younger boy. “Can you show me the kitchen?” That’s how Adam found himself. Chopping up slightly old vegetables, adding them to a simmering pot. 
Keith sat on the island behind him. Munching on a grilled cheese. “So how old are you Keith?” He slid the carrots into the pot. 
“Oh, that’s a good age.” He moved on to the celery. “Where do you go to school?” 
“Down the road. Shiro drops me off on his way to the Garrison.” 
“Ah, I see.” More chopping. “What’s your favorite class?” 
“Hmm,” Keith put the plate down beside him. “Science.”
“Mine too.” He finished the vegetables, giving the soup a stir. “Where are your parents? Away at work?” 
“They’re dead.” 
The room fell into silence. The soup bubbling. “Oh...I see.” 
“Shiro takes care of me. He’s been taking care of me since he turned eighteen. But they passed when I was four.” 
Adam squeezed the spoon he was holding tighter. Everything fell into place in his mind. Why he never stayed past three in the afternoon. Why he never came to campus on the weekend. Why he didn’t live on campus. His reaction when Adam asked about his parents. 
“Shiro likes you.” 
He turned, “what?” 
Keith hopped off the counter, placing his dish in the sink. A small pile of dirty dishes formed. “He talks about you a lot.” 
“Oh...we are good friends.” He turned to focus on the soup. Trying to calm his racing heart. 
“What’s a boyfriend?” 
“Oh...it’s a guy you date. Someone you like and may fall in love with.” 
“Oh...well Shiro said he wants to be your boyfriend.” 
He dropped the spoon he was holding. “What?!” 
Keith looked at him like it was everyday knowledge. “Only if I like you.” 
Adam stared at the kid, unsure of what to say. 
Keith began to leave the kitchen. “I don’t have any thoughts on you. But I thought he liked shorter guys.” He left the room, the TV turning on in the living room. 
Adam placed the spoon in the sink. Finishing up the soup while emptying the dishwasher and starting it up with the new dishes. Cleaning up the messes that Keith had created since Takashi was out of commission. 
He dished up a bowl, moving to head up the stairs. Keith curled up on the couch, asleep. 
He headed upstairs, knocking on his classmate's door. “Takashi? You awake?” He made a small grunt sound and Adam, entered the room. “I made you some soup.” 
“Adam, I am so sorry about this. I was just pushing myself too hard and...sometimes.” He paused, catching his breath. 
“Your body will make you take a break.” He set the soup on the bed-side desk. “Come on.” He helped Takashi lean forward, propping the pillows behind him. He grabbed the bowl, lifting the spoon up to the other boy's mouth. 
“You are not feeding me.” 
“You are not feeding me,” Adam mocked back, “just shush and eat.” 
Takashi fought him for a couple of moments before giving in. Letting Adam feed him. “Keith’s asleep downstairs.” 
“Yeah...he does that when I don’t make him go to bed.” 
Another spoonful. “He told me what happened...about your parents. Shiro, I’m so sorry.” 
His face scrunched up, “you called me Shiro.” 
Adam ignored the fire under his skin. “Sorry, hearing your brother say it. It just slipped out-” 
“You can call me it. I only let people I’m close to call me it.” 
“Oh,” another spoonful. “Are we close then?” 
Shiro sent him a weak smile, grabbing his wrist weakly. “I like to think we are.” 
Adam returned to his dorm around two in the morning. Falling on his bed as soon as he kicked his boots off. He didn’t leave until Shiro had eaten, he put the other dishes away and he carried Keith to bed properly.  
Sleep didn’t come easy to him. Every time he tried, all he could think of was what it would feel like to kiss him. 
The next Monday rolled around Shiro was finally back in class. Looking more alive than he did when Adam saw him last. He came in right in front of Iverson so they didn’t have time to talk. But Shiro sent him a bright smile when he walked into the room. 
The class dragged on but as soon as it was dismissed Shiro was in front of Adam’s desk. “I am so sorry again for last week.” 
Adam waved his hand in a ‘whatever’ motion, standing while grabbing his bag. “Again, it’s fine. I’m happy you’re feeling better.” He met Shiro’s grey eyes. A hint of pink on his cheeks. Was he flustered? 
Shiro bobbed his head a couple of times. Unsure of what to say but he seemed to be reluctant to move. “I should go...I have a lot of work to catch up on.” 
Adam nodded, both of them refusing to step away from each other. An invisible energy pulling them together. “Did you want some help?” Adam offered. 
“Yeah,” Shiro nodded, a smile forming on his face, “I’d like that.” 
They ended up sitting on Adam’s bed, leaning against each other as Adam helped him with the various assignments. 
Shiro groaned, resting the back of his head on the concert wall. “This is a lot.” 
“Missing of a week of school seems stressful.” 
Shiro closed his eyes, his body relaxed. “It was. I couldn’t do anything. I was so worried Keith was going to set the kitchen on fire. But, at least our neighbors could take him to and from school for me.” 
They sat in more silence. Adam finally broke it. “Why didn’t you tell me about him?” 
Shiro sighed, his eyes still closed. “It’s hard to talk about I guess.” 
Adam mimicked his position, closing his eyes as Shiro talked. His voice rumbled from his chest. 
“Losing mom and dad...it was hard. I was fifteen. I went to school, Keith went to daycare, and then one distracted driver left us spending a night at an emergency placement home.” 
Adam intertwined his fingers with Shiro, giving it a comforting squeeze. 
Shiro didn’t pull his hand back, and his grip tightened ever so slightly. “We were moved a lot. I made sure we stayed together no matter what. And as soon as I turned eighteen I got us out of there. I’m just happy the Garrison worked with me. Let us stay in our family home. I didn’t want to bring Keith on campus.” 
“He’s important to you,” Adam whispered. 
“He is. I would do anything to keep him safe. To make sure he isn’t hurt or left alone.” He released a shaky breath. Leaning to rest his head on Adam’s shoulder. 
Adam rested his cheek on Shiro’s head, “like date someone he approves of?” 
Shiro nodded. 
Adam knew what he had to do. Get Keith to like him. 
“What are you doing for Winter break Adam?” His friend asked as they sat down for Iverson’s last class of the semester. 
“I don’t know. I only live like forty minutes away so it’s not like I have to travel.” 
His friend nodded, going on a slight tangent of the layovers they would have to sit through to get home. 
He sent Shiro a small wave as he entered the classroom. Shiro smiled at him and sat down. Adam’s phone lighting up a couple of moments afterward. 
Good to see you. I wanna talk to you after class. 
He reread the message, quickly typing a response as Iverson walked in the door. Spending the entire class wondering what Shiro could want to ask him. 
“So what’s up?” Adam made it to Shiro’s desk first this time. 
“Adam!” Shiro’s face lit up and he stood, a slight bounce to his action. “How far do you live from here?” 
“Like a forty-minute drive...why what’s up?” 
“So Keith loves roller-coaster but um...I don’t.” 
Adam couldn’t stop a laugh from escaping his chest. “You’re in a fight pilot major and you don’t like roller-coaster?!” 
Shiro rolled his eyes, “mock me later. Do you like them?” 
“Great, I was given some free tickets to ‘Roller-Park’ and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me...and Keith of course. He’ll need someone to ride with him.” 
Adam grinned, his heart fluttering in his chest. The perfect opportunity to befriend Keith just fell in his lap. “Yeah. Just let me know when.” 
“I want to ride that one!” Keith pointed to the 400ft rollercoaster that could be seen from the entrance. He dropped his hand back down on Shiro’s head. Holding on to the tuff of hair with his fingers. 
Shiro whistled, “that’s a really tall coaster,” he sent Adam a panicked look. 
Adam chuckled, looking up at Keith who was sitting on Shiro’s shoulders. “Let’s start on the smaller ones first okay?” 
They spent the entire day riding rides. Shiro waiting by the exit for them. Kneeling down each time to hug Keith as he ran at him. Adam was having fun. Keith was a good kid. 
“I want dipping dots,” Keith said, pulling Shiro toward the ice cream stand. 
Shiro let the smaller boy drag him along. “What flavor do you like?” He looked at Adam. 
“I don’t need anything.” 
“Come on, the least I can do is buy you some ice cream.” 
“I’m fine Shiro.” 
“Shiro?” Keith tugged on his arm. 
“Yeah, buddy?” 
“Can I have Adam share then?” 
Both men broke out in laughter. 
“Ready to try the big one?” Adam ran a napkin across Keith’s face. 
Keith nodded. “It’s going to go fast!” 
“90 miles per hour.” Adam stood, extending his hand to the raven hair kid. “Come on, let’s go check your height.” 
Keith was surprisingly tall enough for the ride and after a twenty-minute wait they were buckled into the coaster. “You ready?” 
Keith nodded, swallowing a bit. “I’m scared.” 
Adam frowned, wrapping his arm around the smaller boy. “It’s okay to be scared. Does it help to know that I’m scared too?” 
Keith looked at him, “you’re scared?” 
Adam laughed, “a bit. But’s going to be fine.” He removed his arm as the coaster began to move. It launched off and after a minute the coaster was stopping. They shared a look before laughing at how messed up their hair was. 
They kept laughing until they met up with Shiro. Keith immediately told Shiro about the ride and how brave he was. He whispered something in Shiro’s ear, causing him to look at his brother with a wide expression. 
Adam wasn’t sure what he said but he figured it wasn’t his place. They rode a couple more rides, Keith grabbed Adam’s hand a couple of times as they walked. 
“I’m going to go get us some food. Come on Keith.” Shiro grabbed his brother's hand.
“I’ll eat whatever you get.” Adam looked around, his eyes falling on something. “I’m going to check something out.” He waited until the two had walked away and made his way over to a game stand. “What do I have to do to get that?” He pointed at the giant blue and black wolf plushy that was hung up. 
The employee smiled at him and quickly explained what he needed. It took Adam a couple of tries but he walked away with the stuffed wolf. 
Shiro and Keith were sitting down. Chomping on chicken tenders and French fries. Shiro’s eyes widened at the giant stuffed animal. Keith had yet to notice. 
“I got you something Keith,” Adam sat the wolf down next to the boy who stared at it with wide eyes. 
He looked up at Adam, “for me?” 
Keith grinned at the plushy, hugging it tightly. 
“What do we say, Keith?” Shiro said, looking at Adam with an unreadable expression. 
Keith pulled back some, “thanks, Adam!” He let go of the plushy and jumped up to hug Adam. 
Adam hugged him back, glancing at Shiro who smiled at him. 
“He is knocked out,” Shiro plopped on the couch next to Adam, resting his arms on the back of the couch. 
“I’m happy he had fun.” 
“Yeah...me too. He named the wolf Kosmo.” 
“That’s a fitting name. Did he ever let go of it?” 
Shiro laughed, sliding his arm down so it was wrapped around Adam’s shoulders. “No. He fell asleep holding it. I had to pretend to brush its teeth while he brushed his.” 
Adam chuckled, sinking into Shiro more. Trying to keep his heart rate steady. Just two dudes...platonically cuddling. Nothing more, nothing less. “What did Keith whisper to you at the park.” He wasn’t sure why he asked, but something forced the words out. 
“He said that he liked you.” 
“Oh.” He tapped his fingers against his upper thighs. Trying to keep himself composed. “I like him. He’s a good kid.” 
“Yeah,” Shiro adjusted, so he was twisted on the couch facing Adam. “And I like you.” 
Adam turned his head so he was facing the other man. Their faces were closer than he expected. “...like a friend?” 
“...more than that.” His hand moved up, slowly cupping Adam’s cheek. His thumb slowly rubbed over his cheekbone. “Do you like me?” He leaned closer, their breaths mingling. “More than a friend?” 
Adam took a shaky breath. This was it. No matter which way this went, this would change everything. “Yeah.” He whispered. 
“...can I?” 
Adam licked his own lips nervously, “yeah.” 
Shiro tilted his head slightly, pressing their lips together. Pulling back too soon. He leaned back, dropping his hand. “Was that okay?” 
“You better kiss me again Takashi or I will never forgive you.” 
Shiro laughed and leaned forward again. 
This...this got away from me 
But I hope you liked it!! This was so much fun <3
Thank you for reading <33333
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trivojol · 2 years
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Shiro doesn't have limitless patience
103 notes · View notes
snarky-magpie · 1 year
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You can read the whole fic on AO3.
Something stirs in the corner, a shade that barely takes form, and Shiro moves on him in a fluid lunge, muddled from sleep but wrapping the polymer of his mechanical fingers around the shadow’s throat on an instinct distilled in him through countless fights. He doesn’t crush the fragile breathing tube quivering under his grip but exerts just enough pressure to make it seem like he might. He doesn’t relish killing, but he won’t hesitate to squeeze the breath out of this stranger to save his life. They will not defeat him again. Not now, when he’s close to his goal he can taste it in the arid desert air. The shadow squirms and wheezes, voice thready, but it filters into Shiro’s confused brain and triggers an emotional response.
“Shi-Shiro. It’s Keith.” 
Shiro’s hold slackens as a horrible understanding crashes into him.
He’s almost injured Keith.
The one person who matters more than anything in this world, this universe, this reality. The bright light that has guided him home.
Shiro’s knees buckle, and he slumps down like a marionette with its strings cut. In an instant, Keith shifts and kneels next to him, putting a hesitant hand on Shiro’s flesh shoulder. He’s glad Keith’s not touching the prosthesis. Most days, he wants to rip the thing off and leave it in the dust, sickened by the artificial reminder of his captivity, but he knows that a soldier can’t afford to give up a fighting advantage, so he keeps the artificial arm and holds his disgust in check.
“Takashi, it’s me. You’re safe. Do you—do you remember me?” Keith’s voice breaks on the last question. He doesn’t sound like the cheeky cadet that loved teasing Shiro at all. Clearly, Shiro’s not the only one transformed by his year-long absence. 
“Say something. Please.” 
Shiro knows he should keep his hands off Keith, that he deserves better, not this broken half-monster he’s become in order to survive, but he’s pathetic and weak and desperate to touch, so he enfolds Keith in a hug and buries his head in the crook of Keith’s neck, inhaling the sweet smell of spicy chocolate. A rational fragment of his mind running in the background notices that Keith doesn’t resist and sinks into the embrace willingly. Tears of gratitude burn a path down his cheeks and fall into this lap with a splash louder than a clap of thunder.
“Takashi,” Keith whispers and brushes the dampness away. His hand is warm and soft and tender. No one has touched Shiro with tenderness in a year, and the gesture only unravels his loosely stitched soul further. The silence between them swells, unpleasant and ready to burst, until Shiro clears his throat once, twice, three times to spur his half-atrophied vocal cords into working.
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finelythreadedsky · 10 months
JSTOR Wrapped: top ten JSTOR articles of 2023
Coo, Lyndsay. “A Tale of Two Sisters: Studies in Sophocles’ Tereus.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 143, no. 2 (2013): 349–84.
Finglass, P. J. “A New Fragment of Sophocles’ ‘Tereus.’” Zeitschrift Für Papyrologie Und Epigraphik 200 (2016): 61–85.
Foxhall, Lin. “Pandora Unbound: A Feminist Critique of Foucault’s History of Sexuality.” In Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, 167–82. Edinburgh University Press, 2003.
Garrison, Elise P. “Eurydice’s Final Exit to Suicide in the ‘Antigone.’” The Classical World 82, no. 6 (1989): 431–35.
Grethlein, Jonas. “Eine Anthropologie Des Essens: Der Essensstreit in Der ‘Ilias’ Und Die Erntemetapher in Il. 19, 221-224.” Hermes 133, no. 3 (2005): 257–79.
McClure, Laura. “Tokens of Identity: Gender and Recognition in Greek Tragedy.” Illinois Classical Studies 40, no. 2 (2015): 219–36.
Purves, Alex C.  “Wind and Time in Homeric Epic.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 140, no. 2 (2010): 323–50.
Richlin, Amy. “Gender and Rhetoric: Producing Manhood in the Schools.” In Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, 202–20. Edinburgh University Press, 2003.
Rood, Naomi. “Four Silences in Sophocles’ ‘Trachiniae.’” Arethusa 43, no. 3 (2010): 345–64.
Zeitlin, Froma I. “The Dynamics of Misogyny: Myth and Mythmaking in the Oresteia.” Arethusa 11, no. 1/2 (1978): 149–84.
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warpedwings · 2 days
Happy Castiel Day!
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ronihilator · 2 days
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they hate a bad bitch serving cunt
(lance redesign,, the eyebrow piercing is entirely self indulgent)
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prince-pr1nce · 2 months
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Erm what the sigma
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thepettymachine · 6 months
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there were other reasons for getting that job in Moonlight Falls
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enigma-the-mysterious · 3 months
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Happy Father's Day to my favourite Musketeers!
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robottheodorlasso · 1 year
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Since I’m already dumping a bunch of sketches, here are a few more for the generic light fantasy au that lives inside my head rent free (aka my poor excuse to give Trent a sword) (read the captions and tags for a little more context)
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linipik · 1 year
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can you believe my long adashi comic Garrison Days didn’t have a cover?? 
>> Start reading here <<
Download the whole comic +  bonuses  >here<
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year
No matter what headcanon you have about Pidges identity, whether it be trans fem, trans masc, non binary, gender fluid etc, when she met Keith, she immediately had gender envy
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discordiansamba · 10 months
heath kogane and his ongoing war with the galaxy garrison. he strikes a new blow against them when his son enrolls and immediately blows all of the other first year cadets out of the water in the flight simulator.
just the idea of the garrison high command being exhaustively familiar with Keith even before he enrolls in the Garrison. Everyone knows he's Heath's son. they caught him doing graffiti on the walls of the barracks once when he was thirteen, but he got away before they could catch him. he and his father are hiding something, but every attempt they've made to buy out his land has failed.
and then their top pilot decides to take Keith underneath his wing and become his mentor. maybe that will finally smooth out the wild child's edges, they think.
(it does not, but shiro and keith are also inseparable now)
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snarky-magpie · 2 years
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You can read the whole fic on AO3.
Shiro pads across the room, grabs a T-shirt on the way, and tries to pour into it, but in his rush, he miscalculates, and his head gets stuck in the sleeve hole just as he opens to let Keith in. He can’t see his face but hears a familiar burst of laughter.
Keith closes the door behind him and steps around Shiro.
“I’d never guess a T-shirt would be the downfall of the great officer Shirogane. The breaker of records, savior of orphans, the golden boy of the Garrison, defeated by a scrap of cotton.”
“Hilarious,” Shiro huffs out through the fabric stretched to rupturing. “A little help, cadet?” 
“Alright, alright. Shame you don’t run our drills anymore because this should get me special treatment.” 
Keith moves closer, and his fingers steal underneath the treacherous piece of clothing to liberate Shiro from its confines. 
This was a horrible idea, Shiro realizes. Keith’s hands are warm and gentle, at odds with his jibes. He inches the tee upward, and Shiro experiences a surge of gratitude that the rustle of fabric masks the way his breath hitches when Keith’s fingers skim his sides. Once he pulls free, he quickly shrugs the T-shirt on, the right way this time, and staggers back from Keith despite every drop of blood in his body urging him to draw closer. 
Keith folds his hands behind his back and measures Shiro with an amused grin. Does Shiro imagine the bright red spots on the younger man’s face? No. That must have been a trick of the light. Keith doesn’t seem to be affected by the encounter in any way. Definitely not as much as Shiro, who feels off-kilter and jittery with restless energy.
“What’s going on, Keith? Are you breaking curfew again? If Iverson catches you—”
“That’d be the day. I can sneak circles around him. Don’t worry, old-timer.” 
“I can worry a little. What are you doing here?”
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peridotamethyst · 10 months
Somethin’ ‘bout you
Makes me feel like a dangerous woman
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