valeriascoat · 2 days ago
Curly x Reader.
TW: moral fatigue.
Nothing bad. A little association.
* * *
It was long day on spaceship "Tulpar". Like many other days. At times they passed easily, when something funny happened or there was a good atmosphere, but more often – with some kind of heaviness inside your chest. Heavy thoughts that weighed on your mind, or some kind of unpleasant premonition, or simply anxiety that suddenly settled inside... Many other things also accompanied your day.
For example, there is also the difficulty of getting yourself out of bed. It seemed like you were getting up, but there was a feeling... Not entirely explainable. This is not laziness, this is not a desire to lie down and be pampered. This is something different. Almost a desire to hide, almost a desire not to appear anywhere.
In general, were you in the right place? Has life taken you there? Do you want anything at all?
As you sit with your legs dangling off the bed, you slowly run through the thoughts in your head. It seemed difficult to carry on my shoulders. Looking at yourself in the mirror that was opposite the bed, you see a drooping figure and tired eyes. You lower your head, letting it hung.
How long does this condition last? Sometimes it disappears, sometimes it returns, sometimes it completely knocks you off your feet, forcing you to get up with force.
Looks like today is one of those days. What a pity it’s not from a different type.
You put yourself in order, mentally tired simply from the constant, identical process of washing. Getting dressed. The form today sits especially incorrectly, shapelessly. You're pretty, you know it, but for some reason today everything is crooked and unpleasant again.
Coming out of your cabin-personal room, you immediately collide with someone’s shoulder, quietly gasping. You don’t fall, but you immediately apologize, raising your gaze and immediately meeting someone else’s open eyes. Beautiful blue eyes.
"Captain! Oh, I- I'm sorry, I di-" You explain with a slight smile, but are gently interrupted.
"Hey, calm down! Don't worry, [Y/N], I'm okay, but are you? Does it hurt anywhere?" He is polite as he examines you. He's worried that he might hit you inadvertently.
"No, nothing. Thanks, Cap..."
"I'm glad to hear it." He is silent for a couple of seconds, turning his head in the direction where he was going to go, after which he points in the same direction with a bent arm. "Are you going there too?"
This includes a living room, a kitchen, and an entertainment room. Where else to go?
"Yeah… You too, right?"
Curly nods. He takes a step and so do you, so that after a short time you two find yourself in.. the "main room", it seems. You should remember what it's called.
You grab a snack, but after thinking about it, you put it off. You don't feel like eating at this moment. Move the plate away. Curly looks questioningly while he waits for his bitter coffee with milk.
"Not hungry?"
"Yes. After sleep you don't need to eat right away, you know…"
He is a little doubtful, but still non-verbally agrees. By then the coffee machine had finished making coffee. You both slowly walked (more on your silent initiative) to the sofa opposite the “evening sky”. Sleeping during the day is still a good idea. A bit of a rule breaker, but hey, this Company is weird.
Something clicks in your head again when you look at the “sky”. You don't care about the pixels that are visible there. Yes, they are there. You just already got used.
Curly looks at the projection and, stirring his coffee without sugar, said thoughtfully:
"Once Anya told me about the pixels in the corner. They bother her, but I can't notice them at all. It's funny, isn't it?" he looks at you as takes a sip.
You are not responding very actively. It's like you don't want to talk about them, but do it.
"Yeah, pretty funny, I think." For some reason, your own answer feels unpleasant. "It would be worth fixing the screen somehow. It lags at times."
Curley seems genuinely surprised.
“Really? I wonder what the problem is... We could probably fix it ourselves. Swansea can probably figure it out." He says holding the mug in one hand.
You hum under your breath, nodding. The nods make your neck and whiskey begin to ache a little.
"Yes... it would be nice. But it seems that „hands will not reach“, you know… There are more important things to do than some pixels." You say calmly.
"If Swansea isn't busy, then why not?"
You turn your eyes to those same pixels. The first impression of the day is not what it seemed. Talking to Curly was good idea. But having lowered your eyes onto yourself, the clothes were still wrinkled, and your mind seems still stupid. Familiar feeling inside doesn't leave you.
Curly quietly gets up and pats you on the shoulder, saying he needs to check on something, and leaves. You quietly say goodbye, say something else, but he no longer hears, being further away.
You sigh and look on the projection again. The pixels would disappear and then become noticeable again. The thought arose that even if they were fixed, they would still appear. They're annoying, but it’s as if they have become part of the usual.
Not a very pleasant conclusion.
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littlelamy · 18 hours ago
Rafe x Reader, perhaps something similar to the vibe of how Rose and Jack meet each other in Titanic. A girl who is at the end of the line wanting to end it until a boy shows up and stops her in the middle of it. I’m a sucker for that movie, but hey it does not have to be a boat or anything. Whatever you want it to be to make it work for you.
a/n: thank you for sending a request! 💞
the night air was thick with humidity, wrapping around you like a suffocating blanket as you stood at the edge of the cliff, the ocean roaring below. you could barely hear the crash of waves over the thoughts echoing in your head.
you weren't sure how long you'd been standing there, staring down at the churning water, wondering if it would be cold or if the impact would hurt. maybe you wouldn’t feel anything at all. it had been a long time since you'd felt anything. the idea of nothingness, of silence, was comforting. it wasn’t the first time you’d come here, but tonight felt different—like you were actually going to go through with it this time.
you weren’t supposed to be here. you weren’t supposed to be feeling like this. on the surface, you had everything. good grades, parents who gave you everything you asked for, a big house, the life of a kook. but no one really saw you. you felt like a ghost floating through your life, invisible even in your own skin.
your phone buzzed in your pocket, a half-hearted reminder that people still existed in the world beyond this cliff. but you didn't want to check. it was probably just more messages you didn’t want to deal with—more people asking things from you without actually caring about you. a voice whispered in the back of your mind, asking what it would be like if you just… disappeared. would anyone even notice?
the sudden shout startled you. your heart leaped in your chest as you turned to see a figure walking toward you, emerging from the shadows. the moonlight barely touched his face, but the voice was unmistakable.
rafe cameron.
you exhaled sharply, turning your gaze back to the ocean, wondering what the hell he was doing here. rafe, of all people. the bad boy of the kooks. the person you least expected to see in a place like this, and definitely not now. he was the last person who’d ever care about something like this—or someone like you.
“hey, are you…” his voice trailed off as he got closer, and for the first time, you could feel his presence, not just hear it. it was like his energy was magnetic, pulling you toward him even when all you wanted to do was stay on the edge, teetering between decisions.
“what do you want, rafe?” you said, your voice hollow, drained of emotion. you didn’t even look at him.
“i could ask you the same thing,” he muttered, coming to stand beside you. he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket, his gaze sweeping over the cliff. “you shouldn’t be here, you know.”
“i’m here every night,” you replied quietly, your voice almost drowned out by the crashing waves. you hugged your arms around yourself as the wind picked up, chilling you to the bone despite the summer heat.
“yeah, i know.” rafe's voice softened, like he was trying not to scare you. “that's why i'm here. i’ve seen you a few times.”
you finally turned your head to look at him, confusion flickering across your face. “you’ve been watching me?”
rafe shrugged, but there was something in his eyes—something vulnerable and raw. it wasn’t the cocky, careless boy everyone else saw. “not watching you. just... noticing. you don’t exactly blend in, standing on the edge of a cliff like that.”
you stared at him for a long moment, trying to figure him out, but rafe cameron was a puzzle you weren’t sure you could solve. and you were too tired to even try. “well, i’m fine. you don’t need to worry about me.”
he let out a dry laugh. “no offense, but you don’t look fine. and i’m not leaving until you step away from that ledge.”
you turned your body fully toward him now, your eyes narrowing. “why do you care? you don’t even know me.”
rafe tilted his head, studying you in a way that made you uncomfortable. like he was seeing right through you. “maybe i do know you. maybe more than you think.” his voice was calm, but there was something stormy beneath the surface.
you scoffed. “right. like you know anything about me.”
“i know what it feels like,” he said, his voice dropping to almost a whisper. “feeling like no one’s paying attention. like nothing you do matters. you get stuck in this cycle, and no matter what you try, you can’t break out of it.”
his words caught you off guard. you stared at him, your heartbeat quickening. rafe cameron, the golden boy with the messed-up home life, the kid who always seemed to get in trouble, was relating to you?
“don’t act like you understand,” you muttered, but the words felt weak even as you said them.
“i’m not acting,” he replied simply, his eyes meeting yours. the moonlight caught his face, casting shadows over his sharp jawline, and you could see the weariness in his features. “i get it. you feel like you’re at the end of your rope, right?”
you didn’t answer. instead, you turned back toward the cliff, your gaze locked on the horizon where the sea met the sky. “what’s the point? nothing ever changes.”
rafe was quiet for a moment, his gaze flicking between you and the ocean. “maybe things don’t change,” he said finally. “but you do. you can. you don’t have to be stuck here.”
his words hit you like a punch to the gut. you didn’t know why, but something about the way he said it made you believe, just for a second, that he might be right. that maybe, just maybe, there was a way out of this dark place.
but then the familiar wave of doubt washed over you, and you shook your head. “it’s not that easy.”
“i know it’s not,” rafe said softly, his voice laced with understanding. “but it’s not impossible either.”
you felt a lump rise in your throat, and for the first time in what felt like forever, the weight of everything hit you all at once. the loneliness, the pressure, the suffocating feeling of being trapped in your own life. tears stung your eyes, and you tried to blink them away, but one slipped down your cheek before you could stop it.
rafe noticed. he took a step closer, and without saying anything, he gently reached up, wiping the tear away with his thumb. his touch was surprisingly soft, careful, like he wasn’t used to handling things this fragile.
“it’s okay,” he whispered, his voice almost lost in the sound of the ocean. “you don’t have to do this alone.”
you didn’t say anything, but the way he was looking at you—so intensely, so full of something you couldn’t quite name—made it impossible to pull away. his hand lingered on your cheek, his thumb tracing lightly over your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
before you could even process what was happening, he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in the softest kiss, like he was afraid you might break if he pushed too hard. it wasn’t desperate or forceful. it was just... real.
you closed your eyes, leaning into him, feeling the warmth of his breath against your skin, the steady beat of his heart through his chest. for the first time in a long time, you didn’t feel like you were drowning.
when he pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, his breath shaky as he spoke. “i’m not letting you go back to that ledge, okay? not tonight. not ever.”
you nodded, your eyes still closed, letting his words settle in. for the first time, you believed him.
rafe’s hand slipped from your cheek, his fingers finding yours, lacing them together as he gently tugged you away from the cliff's edge, back toward the world you weren’t sure you could face alone.
but with him, maybe you wouldn’t have to.
“come on,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “let’s get out of here.”
you didn’t say anything, but you didn’t need to. you followed him, your hand still in his, the weight of everything that had been crushing you easing with every step.
and when he turned to you one last time, his eyes soft and full of unspoken promises, you knew this was a new beginning.
taglist: @namelesslosers @princessslutt @averyoceanblvd @iknowdatsrightbih @starkeysprincess @sixrosberg @anamiad00msday @ivysprophecy @wearemadeofstardust0 @dinakisser
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alexstalkers · 2 days ago
Here For You
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in which you are the newest member of the bau and help reid with a problem that helps you get to know him better...
season 6 criminal minds
includes: black fem fbi agent, dr. spencer reid
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The tension in the BAU had become almost unbearable. Since Emily’s “death,” everything felt off, broken, like a crucial piece of their family was missing. You’d noticed Spencer Reid taking it especially hard, and while everyone else was struggling, he seemed to be slowly unraveling. His usual sharp, articulate self had grown quieter, more withdrawn, the familiar spark in his eyes dulled.
One afternoon, as you stood in the kitchenette pouring coffee, you caught Reid sitting at his desk, fingers rubbing his temples. You’d noticed the small, subtle signs over the last few weeks—the pinched expression, the way his shoulders slumped a little more each day, his normally neat hair beginning to look a little disheveled. Something was wrong.
You approached, careful not to startle him. “Hey, Reid,” you said softly, sitting down beside him. “You okay? You’ve seemed… off lately.”
He looked up at you, a faint hint of surprise crossing his face before he quickly masked it. “Just… headaches,” he muttered. “I’ve been getting them for a while.”
Your brow furrowed. “How long?”
He sighed, leaning back in his chair and adjusting his glasses. “Months. The only person I told was Prentiss. I didn’t want anyone else to… baby me.”
Your heart ached for him, knowing how close he and Emily had been. “I get it,” you said softly. “But you don’t have to deal with that alone. If you need anything, I’m here.”
Reid seemed to hesitate before nodding. “Thanks. I’ve just been trying to get through it.”
You smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “When I get headaches, I usually dim the lights, put on some instrumental music, and throw a warm towel over my forehead. It’s not a cure, but it helps.” You gave him a gentle nudge. “Try it and come back with results.”
The next day, Reid appeared at your desk, looking marginally better. “The music thing,” he started, looking slightly uncomfortable, “it worked for a while. But then I got another headache a few hours later.”
You frowned. “Okay, so we try something else.” Over the next few days, you worked with him, suggesting different methods—hydration, deep breathing exercises, even meditation. But nothing seemed to give him lasting relief.
“Maybe you should see a doctor,” you said one afternoon, concerned about the persistence of his symptoms. “Get some medication or—”
“No,” he interrupted quickly, his voice sharper than usual. He immediately looked away, shifting uncomfortably under your gaze.
You raised an eyebrow but decided not to push. “Okay,” you said carefully. “But if this keeps up, you really should consider it.”
A few days later, Reid approached you again, but this time he was wearing sunglasses inside, an obvious sign that his headaches were worsening. “I’m sorry about the weirdness the other day,” he said quietly. “I just… there’s something I haven’t told you.”
You tilted your head in curiosity, waiting for him to continue.
“A few years ago,” he began, hesitating as if the words were heavy on his tongue, “I had a problem. With pills. It started with the headaches, but it spiraled out of control. I don’t want to go through that again, especially now with… Emily.”
Understanding dawned on you, and your heart sank. You reached out, placing a hand on his arm gently. “I’m sorry, Reid. I didn’t know.” You paused, choosing your words carefully. “I didn’t mean to make things weird, I just… I care about you, and I don’t want to see you suffer. If there’s anything I can do to help, please, let me know. You can call me anytime.”
Reid gave a small, appreciative smile, and for the first time in weeks, you saw a flicker of warmth in his eyes. “Thanks. I mean it.”
“Anytime,” you repeated, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze before standing to grab some coffee. Things were heavy, but at least Reid knew he wasn’t alone. Maybe, just maybe, that would help him start to heal.
After your heart-to-heart with Reid, you couldn’t help but notice a shift in your dynamic. He sought you out more often, whether it was for help with his headaches or just to talk. You found yourselves lingering over conversations, sitting at the same table during team meals, and sometimes exchanging small, knowing glances during briefings. It was subtle at first, but undeniable.
One evening, after a particularly grueling case, the team had decided to head out for drinks, but Reid had declined, as he often did. You had stayed behind too, using the excuse of catching up on paperwork, but in truth, you found yourself wanting to spend more time with him.
As you filed away reports, Reid appeared at your desk. “Hey, you’re still here,” he said, sounding both surprised and slightly relieved.
You shrugged, glancing up with a small smile. “Yeah, thought I’d finish some paperwork. You okay?”
He looked down at the ground for a moment, then back up at you. “Actually… I was wondering if you wanted to come over. I know it’s late, but I’ve been trying to implement some of the things we talked about, and, well, maybe you could help me figure out what’s working?”
You could tell there was more to his invitation—an underlying need for company that wasn’t being voiced. “Sure, I’d love to.”
A couple of hours later, you were sitting on Reid’s couch, the lights dimmed as he set up his record player. Soft classical music filled the room, and a warm towel rested on his forehead, the makeshift remedy you’d suggested earlier. The space was small, cozy, filled with books and the odd pieces of evidence that told stories of who he was.
“Feeling any better?” you asked, leaning back against the cushions.
Reid adjusted his towel, nodding slightly. “Yeah, actually. The music helps calm my mind. And the dim lighting—it’s nice.”
You smiled softly. “I’m glad.”
There was a pause, the silence between you filled only by the sound of the record spinning in the background. Reid suddenly sat up, tossing the towel aside and facing you. His gaze lingered on you a little longer than usual.
“You know,” he said quietly, “I’ve been thinking a lot lately about… everything. About Emily, about the team, about you.”
Your breath hitched slightly. “Me?”
He nodded. “You’ve been there for me, more than anyone has. And it’s not just about the headaches. I don’t feel so… alone when I’m with you.”
His confession left you momentarily speechless, your heart beating faster as the weight of his words settled between you. You had always cared about Reid—his brilliant mind, his kind heart—but somewhere along the way, your feelings had shifted, deepened. And now, hearing that he felt something similar, it was hard to keep the emotions at bay.
“I feel the same,” you admitted, your voice soft. “It’s been good—spending time with you. I think… I think I needed it too.”
Reid’s eyes softened, and for a moment, it felt like the world outside his apartment disappeared. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he reached out, his fingers brushing against your hand. The gesture was small, but it sent a wave of warmth through you.
“I’m not sure what this is,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, “but I don’t want to lose it.”
You squeezed his hand gently, meeting his gaze. “Neither do I.”
In that moment, the distance between you seemed to close on its own. Reid leaned in, his breath warm against your skin, and before you knew it, his lips were on yours, soft and tentative, as if he was still testing the waters. You responded in kind, the kiss deepening as the emotions you’d both kept at bay spilled over.
When you finally pulled away, breathless, Reid’s forehead rested against yours, his eyes closed as if savoring the moment.
“Sorry,” he whispered, though the smile on his face suggested he wasn’t sorry at all.
You laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. “Don’t be.”
For the first time in weeks, Reid looked at peace, the weight of the world no longer visible in his tired eyes. And as you sat there together, the music still playing softly in the background, you realized just how much had changed between you—and how much more you were ready to embrace.
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i hope you guys liked this one! it's been long overdue, I've had a lot going on lately, going to try and be consistent! Please request what you want to read, it doesn't have to black fem, it can be any race, any gender, etc. I am still currently only writing in the three fanbases that I have posted for right now, but I am going to post more when I get the chance and get more consistent on the three that I already have!
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richeeduvie · 22 hours ago
hey👋 😊🤗
where’s wedding bells pt.2 😠😾🔫
Wedding Bells (Part Two)
Stewy H. x Reader, Roman R. x Reader (complicated), Kendall R x Reader (minor, minor as in what Baby was when she was groomed by him) here yall go damn!! (jk it's been long overdue after my failures I love u guys)
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PART ONE (OUT OF FIVE), AUTHOR MASTERLIST After assuring Roman that Stewy being your date was nothing but a platonic necessity for Shiv's wedding, the start of the night has decided on proving you wrong. It's much to your dismay...maybe not so much Stewy's (for the most part), but most certainly Kendall's. Knowing the aspects of the "DogandBone!AU" do help add content to both parts of this story, but you do not need to read anything prior to understand it. If you would like to, you can go onto my masterlist linked and browse through the masterlists/content of my succession characters. All are content for DAB!AU. Or you can simply search up the tag. (Stewy's POV next!)
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The ceremony was beautiful, vows mandated. Knowing Tom as your technical boss, you're sure he wanted to say something from the heart. Knowing Shiv...Shiv, Shiv, your only girl friend know she wouldn't have that.
Roman took to looking bored next to Tabitha. You caught him making quips to her and you hate to wonder what he was saying, if he'd tell you the same things if you were his date.
Or maybe there's just some different with you that you wouldn't get the default comments out of Roman. Something just for you.
Maybe that's true for the past, before Tabitha and the now. You hate to think that, you think to not be over it already - you were asking Roman the what ifs of finding someone for you and you've got nothing to show for being ready to find that someone. That not-Roman.
Almost. Not really. No, you won't say you do have something to show for you. That something being taking looks at Stewy in the aisles.
Feeling your heart skip when he caught you taking those looks.
You were to not figure what the fuck Stewy was thinking at your stares when you were supposed to be gooey-goo over the new marriage of your friend. You were and are to not think about the way he met your eyes. You were to not notice the way Roman's head quickly, curtly snapped to follow where you were looking.
And now it's time for pictures!
"Has new, tanner dick brought you cause to lie to me?"
Roman kicks the grass, cut and too green underneath the both of you. What he's wearing isn't much different than his suits day to day at Waystar, but he looks nice. You don't know how to feel about how you don't feel the warm roll throughout your body at the sight of him handsome. Like he's not your boyfriend anymore.
He never was, he wasn't ever anything but the only person you've ever been in love with. Felt your loins on fire for, if you want to be gross about it.
You tilt your head.
They're flashing pictures of just the bride and groom and it leaves Roman to whine to you on the sidelines. fact him and Kendall are nowhere to be found. You just know it's got something to do with whatever will ruin this family again. It'll be by tonight and forgiven in two weeks. At least the way you've grown into Roman over the years isn't something of a complete waste, you get understand the family you're working for for the rest of fucking time. Life.
Frank waves to you, you wave back.
"Ow! What the fuck?"
Roman's slapped your hand down mid-wave.
"You told me you just needed a date and you were too stupid to go with the obvious three-way Tabitha and I offered. Okay. I accepted that like I wasn't being fucked, but then you're fucking Stewy with your eyes, opening legs with your irises at my sister's wedding. Bridesmaid gangbang."
"...Are the bridesmaids gangbanging Stewy?"
Roman's brows are perpetually down, nose flared. You've shat on the grass, basically. The joke's bombed.
"You. Stewy...and his of color cock and his smarmy eyes. You think you can find out the number to his shaft shade by now? With all the times you've-"
Your eyes dart to where his fist opens and closes, then to where his neck rolls and head jolts. It's like a visual cough.
"Jesus Christ, you know what? Let me just not quip bullshit, I can be serious. I think I deserve that, maybe?" He sniffs.
And there it is...or there it isn't. No automatic, instinctual rush to comfort Roman and hold him or punish his insecurities with teases or insults punchier than his. Nothing.
Because you see Stewy coming up behind him.
You've always noticed he holds himself well, ever since you were younger. But
But then, you look into Roman's eyes, brown - facing rejection or no-care he's always so sure of. You sigh.
There it is. The rush.
Roman leans into your palm on his bicep.
"I'm going to ask if you've been keeping track of how many times you've ridden him. Or he's ridden you. You've taken to American Paint Horses."
"...When the fuck did you know pony breeds?"
"When you started fucking the brown kind."
Jesus. Roman.
"Roman! Fucking cool it. You're, racist. Cartoonishly racist over something that you've made up in your head."
"It's not racist. Stewy's brown. Shocker. You went from me, not brown, to him. That's a fact. I didn't press negatives onto the color of his cock or our cultural differences in...fetishes."
Roman blinks, he turns to Stewy smiling at you before he's talking to Kendall.
"And did I make it up? Really."
You blink. You sigh.
It just slips out.
"You went from me to Tabitha. Should I whine?"
The words already leave a bad taste in your mouth once they leave it. They're not even particularly jealous-sounding, it's more of a casual tease to bite Roman and his hypocrisy. Still, it reeks on your tongue - it's a gag of admittance and by Roman's smug fucking face, you know he knows it too.
It's a slow growing smugness, too. First it's comprehension of what you said in the first place, then it's realization - life breathed onto his face.
Complete satisfaction.
....She still likes me. Wants me. Fuck it, knew it. Her vagina cares enough to be jealous. Knew it, knew it. Knew it. Thank God, I thought I was fucking done for and ready to be shot out back.
"I'm joking, but it's also a genuine question...because you're doing that over something you're making up in your head, Rom."
Roman puts his hands on his hips, lips pursing out.
"I just question the stares, you baby. That's all I'm doing. It's fair, they were like - fucky eyes."
You don't know what they were.
"No. They weren't. And I-"
"Okay, now the family together!"
You turn to the photographer, Roman doesn't.
"I don't think you get to think over who I stare at, may-"
"Fuck you. Of course I do. I don't deny you from commenting on Tab's love for me as a result of pussy envy. I don't. I won't...and we..."
Roman turns to his family gathering, Shiv's blinking quick at him. It's like she's cursing at him to hurry the fuck up. He turns back.
"We can talk about it. Past the bullshit."
The word on your tongue is more sarcastic than it is in your head. And there, in the's like Roman's pulling back from the openness of himself. Taking what he's put out away.
"Me and Tabitha and you...sure."
"...Mm. Shiv's waiting for you."
"Like, do I have to stop playing bits here and be fun for you to actually still have fun with me-"
"Roman, hurry the fuck up, dude! Seriously."
"Cool it! I don't care that it's your wedding, Shivy Ginge. I'll set fire to your minge."
He taps into his British roots there before he's off. Not before he kisses your knuckles, though.
"I just fucking miss you, weirdo. I want conversations. I just...I don't things in spite - not towards you, even though you're being fucking weird. I don't make wounds and shove my dick into them as a gotcha."
It's said as he moves off. They take photos - the Roys...your Roys. You smile at Kendall when he smiles at you. Your thumb rubs your knuckle, you won't think about his kiss.
"Tabitha, just get it here."
But you don't think anything at all when they let Tabitha into the frame. It's easy for her. Rightfully so, but it's on your skin on a knife and you don't feel that's right.
But you don't feel it go away.
It hits you like the first time you cried as a child. It's a childish hurt and you can't make it go away as you watch the camera flash and Roys and Tabitha smile, as they bring Rava into the picture taking. Rightfully so.
It's a nail in the coffin, the confirmation what Roman has with Tabitha is real.
Your love, it still here thumping at your heart, is not.
Why are you about to cry?
"Hey, you."
You turn to the dark-haired, clean bearded man at your side. His knowing but soft voice.
"Hey, Stewy."
"What's with the glossy eyes?"
The burning is against the sudden, unwanted warmth you feel. You don't want to feel warmth at how Stewy's so close to you. You've been close to him before and nothing - nothing like what you feel with Roman.
But here, everything with what you feel with Roman. Maybe something new, something giddy that differs because Stewy isn't Roman, he's Stewy. He exists differently.
And now Roman exists away from you.
"Weddings, you know?"
Stewy smiles thin, brown eyes light.
"...Yeah. No. But even if it was yeah...I don't think it'd be Mr. and Mrs. Wambsgans getting me leaky. How's your legs from your formal-attire workout."
"...Upright planking?"
You are sore. "It was a workout. At least I didn't have to listen to DIY vows. That would've been the real challenge."
Stewy leans you. You try not to breathe, you don't know why.
"I don't know, I think it'd be fun to see a Roy attempt romantics in public. Do you remember Ken's wedding with Rava?"
Yes. You won't be mean in your thoughts, genuinely.
"Yeah. The singing during the dinner was cute, I'm glad he chose to put that stunt there instead of the altar."
Stewy puts his hands in his pockets.
"Isn't that fucking right." His voice is warm, almost teasing - well...always teasing, even if the conversation is genuine. You know him well enough to know he's not fucking with you, laughing at you in the bore of small talk. It's just how he talks.
You also know him well enough to know his cologne is wearing off.
"You're not going to join the happy family photoshoot?"
"No. Have no reason to."
You and him haven't been facing each other in your talk, eyes to the Roy family with Tabitha and Rava as the reception beings to bustle inside.
You wonder if Stewy feels the tension too. If you're crazy - if you're childish for thinking he does or if you're both for feeling it yourself in the first place.
"That's a same, you're basically a fifth child. Which makes whatever you had with Roman incested. Which makes it less hot. I know, I'm weird, not...illegally weird, though. For the most, the honorary incest is not hot, now that I think of it."
Stewy takes his hand out of his pocket. You see it out of the corner of your eye and you feel his touch on your back a couple seconds after.
You don't see how he pauses, you couldn't know how he thinks about how this touch is going to feel on his skin.
What the fuck happened, man? What happened that now things are...fucking coiling inside him. Like he's a boy - or no. Gross, cartoonish to describe it it's just different with you. What fucking happened?"
Stewy smiles.
"You're perfume is disappearing on us. I don't want to be sniffing up on your sweat follicles while we're dancing, princess."
You shiver.
Why the fuck are you on fire in the best way possible?
"What a bore, right? Let's get inside."
Shiv fixes the waist of her dress.
"Yeah, honey. Photos are a bore, but important for our memoralization of our love...tonight, right? And I think we're supposed to let everyone go in first before we come crashing as bride and groom."
Photos are done. Everyone separates and even in the fire, you look to see if Roman's watching the flames. And....
Of course he is. But then you realize that you didn't tell Kendall that Stewy's your date. You didn't think you had to, but his eyes catching to where his best friend holds you is where you remember that yeah, Stewy's his best friend. The only reason why you know Stewy is because he's Kendall's best friend that he introduced when you were 14. You'll give him more leeway than you give to Roman. Even though it's still a date you needed, it must be weird for Kendall to see without context.
"I think you looked very beautiful up there."
You turn to Stewy, heart beating quick. Too quick for you to judge yourself for it.
"For Shiv's sake, I won't say you outdid her were the closest bridesmaid to doing the out."
You smile to break away from that tension - between him and between how Kendall's hand drops from Rava's waist, how his eyes blink low from afar.
"You were examining all of us up there to figure that out?"
It's a joke you think warrants another smarmy-charming reply.
But all Stewy does is just hold his head up with something....serious along his face. Nothing under a tease, just eyes not blinking before he looks to the grass.
You can't stop your smile from falling before the photographer comes up to the both of you.
"Hey, you two want a photo? Cute couple."
"Oh, we're jus-"
"Sure. Have at us."
Stewy says it as charming as he says everything before he pulls you close by the waist.
"Oh, I can smell you better now. Smile, princess."
You do with every roll of fire on your skin. Your stomach turns over.
Maybe it's not's just new, it's just how you feel. What you hate is that you do, that it's Stewy. You have a right to new people, a new person to feel like this for...but not Stewy.
But it is, for some strange, new reason.
The camera shutters on you and him.
"Can I kiss you? It'll be modest. Cheeky."
It doesn't take you more than two seconds for it to slip out.
"...Sure. Yeah."
"Alright, yeah."
Stewy says it quietly before he kisses your cheek.
Oh, God.
The camera shutter, you might be...shuddering. You smile anyway. The photographer smiles too.
"Alright, make sure to catch the bouquet!"
They walk off and Stewy doesn't let go of you. You realize that he was holding it before the photographer came up for photos.
...Just breathe, just breathe.
And you do, Stewy's face doesn't stop you from breathing, you're able to breathe into it. Because of it - suddenly.
With his smile, with his smile.
...Maybe you'll indulge, maybe you have been indulging.
You were going to, just before there's the sound of immense gagging. Vomiting.
"Roman? What the fuck?"
Stewy turns to the commotion, brows rising up.
"Oh...oh. Fuck. That's disgusting."
It's Roman puking chunks onto the grass. Tabitha stands over him, complete ohs and rightful confusion on now knowing what to do. His father, Logan just looks completely disappointed.
Roman's hunches over. He's holding his head in what you know to be complete pain.
What the fuck?
Of course, he doesn't answer you. You go to go up to him, but there's a hand on yours.
"I think we can go inside. Roman's vomit breath will meet us there, it looks like he's got enough people to check on him and his insides."
"I don't th-"
Even after everything, or because of everything, you still try and go to Roman. But Tabitha's hands rubbing his back stop you.
It takes the breath out of you.
Yeah, it's just...he'll meet you inside. Roman's got comfort, he decided it wouldn't be you and that'll stop hurting.
Roman will stop hurting a lot easier than you, you're sure. It'll be okay, you've got the rest of your life to take his insults of tonight.
"Okay, yeah. Let's go."
You hear the last of the gags as you and Stewy head inside to the start of the reception.
"I think they got my favorite desert, actually. I don't know how. If I'm feeling sultry and you're feeling consensual, I'll fork it into your mouth for you to try."
"...Sounds sultry. Okay"
You neither lean or move away from his hand on the small of your back. You let him pick something out of your hair.
"Roman, what the fuck? You okay, bro?"
"That okay, son?"
You won't catch how Roman can't catch his breath. He can't recover. He can't come up from his knees. He actually lowers.
Tabitha's hands feels like bees, unfuckingfortunately. Roman crawls away and jolts at her palm finding him again.
"Stop! Just- it's fine. Stop. Sorry, sorry, Tab's. Dad, I'm good. I'm-"
He hacks. He can't breathe.
He knows why he can't breathe, but where are you? Where are the hands that actually feel like life digging back into his lungs?
Roman looks up.
What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?
Where are you?
Whoever's talking to him gets interrupted by more vomiting. He's choking on it.
"Oh fucking Christ. I'm going, I'm going inside, Pinky. Someone get him water. Absolutely disgusting."
He would say he doesn't know what he did, but he does. He just doesn't...but he's sorry.
Where did you go? Why don't you come back?
"Roman, baby-"
"Don't fuckin-I said! I said stop. Sorry, you'll touch me later. I'm sorry."
He really fucking is, but someone else will be. If Roman sees Stewy in there...the bullet in Roman's head will be his to blame. That'll make him feel better.
Roman wipes his mouth, his eyes. He sniffles.
"Are you cry-"
"No! Tabitha, stop! Shiv - go get banged, it's your wedding day."
He can feel eyes. So, he's right. Staring does mean things.
"Fuck off!"
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cheynovak · 2 days ago
Between Power and Freedom
Characters: Dean Winchester x Y/N Shurley Female character     
Summary: Y/N, the ambitious daughter of a powerful CEO, grapples with her father's choices, while she secretly takes a job with Dean Winchester, the rugged CEO of a rival company. Sparks fly between Y/N and Dean as they navigate their growing attraction amid corporate rivalry and family pressure.
Warnings: This story is a slow burn but will eventually contain parts that are 18+!
English is not my first language 
*Please do not copy my work, reblog/comments/likes are appreciated* 
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I could feel my heels clicking too loudly against the marble floor as I walked into the banquet hall, trying to steady my nerves. Another event. Another endless parade of corporate games and social politics. I’ve attended these my whole life, yet I never quite fit into them. Maybe because I knew exactly why I was here, to play the part of my father’s obedient daughter. His shadow. His assistant.
I glanced toward my father, Chuck, standing near the bar, laughing too loudly with his PR manager, Gabriel. My jaw clenched involuntarily. Chuck, CEO of Shurley Enterprises, always had a plan. And his latest one? Marry me off to Gabriel so his precious company would be safe in the hands of someone he trusted.
I was nothing more than a chess piece in his game, even though I had graduated top of my class in business. He refused to see me as anything but an assistant.
“Smile, Y/N,” I muttered to myself as I forced my lips upward, brushing a few strands of hair behind my ear. This evening was already a disaster in my mind, but it wasn’t like I had a choice. I had to show up, play the role, and endure Gabriel’s slimy attempts at wooing me while pretending not to notice.
As I made my way toward the bar, scanning the room for any chance of escape, my eyes caught sight of two men across the hall. One of them was Sam Winchester, if I remembered correctly. HR and PR for their family company, Winchester Industries. I’d heard about him before, calm, intellectual, and known for being fair. He seemed like the type of person who would actually listen when you spoke.
The guy next to him was unmistakably his brother Dean Winchester, CEO, and the last person I wanted to get involved with. He was practically Gabriel’s mirror image—flirty, arrogant, and always surrounded by a swarm of women. But at least Dean looked like old money.
I tried to avoid looking at them, but for some reason, Dean’s gaze caught mine. There was something intense in his green eyes, something that made my heart skip a beat despite myself. It wasn’t like the way Gabriel’s gaze crawled over me—this was different.
There was curiosity there, maybe even recognition. I quickly turned away, shaking my head at how ridiculous I was being. The last thing I needed was to get caught up in another man’s game.
“Hey there,” a warm voice said from behind me. I turned and found myself face-to-face with Sam. I wasn’t sure how long he’d been watching me, but he gave a friendly smile.
“Hi,” I replied, straightening up. “Sam Winchester, right?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, offering his hand. “And you’re...?”
“Y/N,” I said, leaving out my last name deliberately. I was tired of being “Chuck’s daughter.” Tonight, I just wanted to be me.
Sam’s eyes softened in recognition, but he didn’t comment on my identity, which I appreciated. He seemed like the type who wouldn’t. We chatted for a few minutes, and it felt strangely easy. Maybe it was because he didn’t look at me like I was just an accessory to my father’s empire.
“So, what do you do, do you work for Chuck?” he asked, tilting his head.
My chest tightened. How did I explain that my father had me locked in a role way below my potential? “I… well, I just finished my business degree. I’m looking for something in management, but my father…” I hesitated. “Let’s just say, he has other plans for me.”
Sam frowned, clearly sensing the frustration in my voice. “I get that,” he said, his voice gentle. “Family expectations can be… stifling.”
I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could, a figure appeared at Sam’s side. Dean Winchester. Up close, he was even more intimidating than I’d expected��confident smirk, dark blue suit, and eyes that seemed to see right through you.
“Who’s your new friend, Sammy?” Dean asked, his voice low but teasing. He looked at me then, that same intensity in his gaze, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach all over again. Damn it.
“This is Y/N,” Sam introduced me, not missing a beat. "Chucks daughter."
“Y/N,” Dean repeated, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Beautiful name.”
I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I cursed myself for blushing like a schoolgirl. I didn’t want to fall into Dean Winchester’s orbit, not when I knew the type of guy he was. But there was something magnetic about him, something that made it impossible to look away.
“What brings you here, Y/N?” Dean asked, his eyes locking onto mine. “I’m... just here for the event,” I replied carefully, not wanting to reveal too much.
Dean raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by my non-answer. “Well, you certainly brighten up the place.” I rolled my eyes internally. It was such a line, and yet, coming from him, it didn’t feel quite as cheap as it should’ve.
He was testing me, seeing how I’d react. But something in his expression told me he wasn’t completely joking.
I stared at him, my heart pounding. Was this really happening? “I—” I stammered, trying to gather my thoughts. This was insane. I’d just met them, and yet, they left me speechless.
Dean smirked at my hesitation. I glanced between the two brothers, my mind racing. But as I met Dean's gaze again, that familiar flicker of something deeper passed between us.
Maybe I didn’t need to trust Dean. Maybe I just needed to trust myself.
Dean’s smirk widened, but there was a flicker of something more in his eyes—respect, maybe. Sam, meanwhile, felt clearly annoyed with his brothers flirtations.
“Y/N!” my dad’s voice rang out sharply through the crowd, sending a chill down my spine. I closed my eyes for a brief second, praying he wouldn’t ruin what little progress I had made with the Winchesters. When I turned around, Chuck was already striding over, that infuriatingly smug expression plastered across his face.
Dean’s jaw tensed the second he saw him, and I could feel the shift in the air—heavy, hostile. “Chuck,” Dean greeted curtly, his voice dropping to a low, almost threatening register. Sam looked equally uneasy, but tried to keep his calm, offering a small nod in my father’s direction.
“I see you’ve met my daughter,” Chuck said, his tone oozing with false charm.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Chuck continued, turning toward Dean, his words cold and calculated. I knew my father too well—this wasn’t a compliment, not really. It was a reminder. A reminder that I was nothing more than a pawn in his grand scheme. A means to an end. My stomach twisted, and I wanted to disappear.
Dean’s eyes flickered with something dark, though he kept his face impassive. “Yeah,” he said after a beat, his voice tight. “She is.”
There was a flicker of something in Chuck’s eyes—satisfaction, maybe—but it didn’t last long. His smirk deepened, and he turned the conversation in a direction I knew was meant to hurt.
“Speaking of beauty…” Chuck said, his voice suddenly softer, more venomous. “I’m so sorry about what happened to your sister. Charlie, right?”
I froze, my heart plummeting. The sneer in my father’s voice was unmistakable, and I could see the ripple of tension that went through Dean’s body, the way his grip on his glass tightened as if he was seconds away from shattering it in his hand.
A flash of pain crossed Dean’s eyes, but he held it together, though just barely. I could see how much he wanted to hit my dad, how much rage was boiling just beneath the surface. The mention of Charlie—Dean’s sister, who had died in a tragic accident years ago—was nothing but a low blow. A calculated jab to make Dean lose his cool in front of everyone.
“Dad—” I started, stepping forward, wanting to stop him before this got any worse.
But Sam was already moving, stepping in front of Dean, his hand resting on his brother’s shoulder. “Thank you for your condolences, Mr. Shurley,” Sam said smoothly, his voice filled with forced politeness. “We appreciate it.”
Chuck’s eyes gleamed with something like triumph, as if he’d won whatever sick game he was playing, but Sam’s calm deflection seemed to stop him from pressing further.
“Let’s go, Dean,” Sam said quietly, guiding his brother away before anything could escalate. Dean’s eyes lingered on me for a moment longer, and in that brief second, I saw the raw anger he was trying to keep at bay. He gave me a tight nod, then turned on his heel, following Sam across the room.
I stood there, frozen, my hands shaking with a mix of anger and shame. My father had just humiliated one of the most powerful men in the room, all because he couldn’t resist the opportunity to remind him of his loss. And worse, I was caught in the middle, powerless to stop it.
Chuck turned to me, a satisfied smile tugging at his lips. “Don’t bother with them, Y/N. The Winchesters are bad news,” he said dismissively, as if that justified everything.
I stared at him, my chest tightening with fury. “That was low, even for you,” I snapped, unable to hold back any longer.
Chuck’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t seem fazed. “It’s just business,” he said with a shrug, as if my feelings—and Dean’s—meant nothing in the grand scheme of his plans.
But as I watched the Winchesters disappear into the crowd, I knew one thing for certain: I couldn’t keep playing my father’s game. Not anymore. I had to find my own way—away from his control, and away from his cruel manipulations.
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It's a little different from what I usually write, feedback is welcome! 🙏
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realityjoey · 2 days ago
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Evan Buckley paced around the 118 station’s locker room, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He had too much energy, as usual, but today, it was all good vibes. It had been a long shift, but nothing could dampen his mood—because at the end of every shift, Buck knew he was going home with Riley Anderson, the woman who made everything in his life a little brighter.
They had been dating for a while now, and Buck still couldn’t believe how happy he was. It wasn’t just that Riley was gorgeous or that her British accent still made him grin like an idiot every time she said something sarcastic. No, it was more than that. They balanced each other out in the best way. Riley, with her laid-back, chill demeanor, and Buck, who was always bouncing off the walls, making immature jokes, pulling pranks on the crew. It was like they were two pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly together.
As Buck finished stuffing his gear into his locker, he caught sight of Riley heading over, her own gear slung casually over her shoulder. She smiled at him, that same easy smile that made his heart skip a beat every time. She was always so composed, so effortlessly cool, whereas Buck felt like a puppy that just got let out of a cage whenever he was around her.
“Ready to go, love?” she asked, her thick Northern English accent carrying a playful lilt that made Buck grin like a fool.
“Ready when you are!” he replied, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on her cheek. Of course, it didn’t stay quick. Buck’s version of “quick” usually involved lingering, and Riley didn’t seem to mind. She rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.
“You’re incorrigible,” she muttered.
“You love it,” he shot back, giving her a cheeky wink before grabbing her hand and leading her toward the station exit.
The pair made their way to Buck’s truck, and as soon as they climbed in, Buck reached for her hand again. Physical affection was Buck’s favorite love language. It didn’t matter if they were in public or at home—he always found ways to be close to her. Whether it was sneaking in a longer hug at the station, a quick peck on the cheek, or sometimes even a playful tap on her bum, Buck was all about expressing how he felt through touch.
Riley, on the other hand, was a bit more reserved. She didn’t wear her heart on her sleeve the way Buck did, but she had her own quiet way of showing him how much she cared. Like how she’d run her fingers through his hair when they were lounging on the couch or how she’d lean into him just a little bit more during their movie nights, letting him know she was right there with him, even if she didn’t say a word.
Buck was in love, and he wasn’t afraid to show it.
Later that evening, they were getting ready to head over to Maddie and Chimney’s place for dinner. Buck and Riley often spent time with Maddie and Chim, and it had become somewhat of a routine—a cozy, family vibe that Buck cherished. Tonight was no different. After a long shift, there was nothing better than relaxing with good food and good company.
As they walked up to Maddie and Chim’s front door, Buck leaned over to whisper, “You ready for another round of ‘let’s see how long it takes for Chim to embarrass me’?”
Riley chuckled softly, giving him a playful nudge. “I think you bring it on yourself, mate.”
“Yeah, but I do it with style,” Buck replied, grinning.
When Maddie opened the door, she welcomed them both with a warm smile. “Hey, you two! Come in, come in.”
Buck stepped in first, pulling Riley in behind him, his hand lingering on her back a little longer than necessary. Maddie noticed, of course, but she didn’t say anything—just gave them both that knowing look she always had when she saw them together.
Dinner was as lovely as always. Chimney was on top form, cracking jokes and telling stories about work, while Maddie fussed over Jee-Yun, who was now babbling and reaching for everything in sight. Buck kept sneaking glances at Riley throughout the meal. She was so laid-back, effortlessly charming Maddie and Chim with her dry British humor, and Buck found himself falling for her all over again. He loved how comfortable she was with his family—how she’d fit right in from the start, even with her quiet, more mature energy balancing out his own hyperactive nature.
After dinner, they all migrated to the living room, where the conversation turned into lighthearted chatter. Riley eventually made her way over to where Jee-Yun was playing with her toys, and before long, she was cradling the little girl in her arms, her fingers gently brushing through the baby’s soft hair.
Buck, who had been laughing at one of Chim’s ridiculous stories, suddenly fell silent. His gaze shifted from the conversation to the sight of Riley holding Jee-Yun, and for a moment, everything else faded away. The way Riley’s expression softened as she rocked the baby, the way she whispered to her in that soothing, melodic accent—Buck’s heart practically exploded.
It hit him like a ton of bricks.
I want this.
More specifically, I want this with her.
Buck had always known he wanted a family someday. But seeing Riley with Jee-Yun, the ease with which she held the baby and the way her eyes lit up when Jee-Yun giggled—it solidified everything for him. It wasn’t just any child he wanted. He wanted Riley’s child. He wanted a life with her, the whole thing—kids, a home, and all the love that came with it.
His stomach flipped at the realization, but it wasn’t nerves that washed over him—it was excitement. He couldn’t wait to get her home, to tell her exactly how he felt, to make sure she knew just how serious he was about their future together.
Once they’d finished up at Maddie and Chimney’s, Buck practically dragged Riley out of the door, his hand gripping hers a little tighter than usual. Riley shot him a curious glance as they walked toward the truck.
“You okay, Buck? You seem… different.”
Buck turned to her, his heart pounding in his chest. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… I need to talk to you when we get home.”
Riley raised an eyebrow but didn’t press further. “Okay, love.”
The drive home felt longer than usual, and Buck was practically buzzing with anticipation. The second they stepped into their apartment, Buck couldn’t hold back anymore. He kicked the door shut behind him, turned to Riley, and before she could even hang up her coat, he was on her.
He pushed her gently against the wall, his hands on either side of her head, caging her in. His lips crashed against hers, a kiss that was filled with all the passion and love that had been building up inside him for months. Riley gasped softly, her hands instinctively coming up to wrap around his neck.
When Buck finally pulled back, his forehead resting against hers, he whispered, “Riley, I want to have a baby.”
Riley blinked, her eyes widening in surprise. “What?”
Buck chuckled softly, his thumb brushing along her jawline as he held her gaze. “I mean it. I want a family. With you.”
Riley’s heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. She stared into Buck’s eyes, searching for any sign that he was joking, but there was none. He was serious. Dead serious.
“Where’s this coming from?” she asked, her voice soft but steady.
Buck took a deep breath, pulling back slightly so he could look at her properly. “It’s been on my mind for a while, but tonight… seeing you with Jee-Yun, holding her, taking care of her—it just hit me. I want that. I want us to have a family together. I want kids, Riley. Our kids.”
Riley swallowed hard, her mind racing. She’d always known that Buck wanted a family—he was such a natural with kids, always talking about the future—but she hadn’t expected him to bring it up so soon. And yet, as she stood there, looking into his eyes, she realized that she wanted the same thing. She’d been thinking about it, too, though she’d never voiced it out loud.
“Buck…” she began, her voice trailing off as she searched for the right words.
He didn’t give her a chance to finish. “Look, I know this is a big thing to drop on you, and I’m not saying we need to do it right now, but I just—” He paused, running a hand through his hair, suddenly nervous. “I love you, Riley. I’m in this for the long haul. And I want to build a life with you.”
Riley smiled, her heart swelling at his words. She reached up, cupping his face in her hands as she pulled him into a softer, more tender kiss.
“I love you too, Buck,” she whispered against his lips. “And… I want that life with you. I want it all.”
Buck’s heart soared as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “You mean it?”
Riley nodded, a grin spreading across her face. “Yeah, I mean it. Let’s have a baby.”
Buck’s excitement was palpable as he scooped her up in his arms, spinning her around in the living room, laughing like a kid on Christmas morning. Riley couldn’t help but laugh too, her heart full as she clung to him.
In that moment, everything felt right. The future stretched out before them, full of possibility, and Buck knew one thing for sure—he was going to love Riley Anderson for the rest of his life, and together, they were going to build something beautiful.
Later that night, after the excitement had settled, they found themselves curled up on the couch, a blanket draped over them as they watched a movie. Buck, as usual, had Riley tucked under his arm, his fingers gently playing with her hair as she rested her head against his chest. It was his favorite thing in the world—cuddling with her, feeling her warmth against him, knowing she was right there, safe and happy.
As the movie played on, Buck couldn’t stop thinking about their conversation from earlier. His mind wandered to the future, to the idea of tiny footsteps running around their home, of late-night feedings and diaper changes, of all the chaos and joy that came with raising a child.
“Hey,” Riley’s voice broke through his thoughts, pulling him back to the present.
“You okay? You’ve gone quiet.”
Buck smiled, kissing the top of her head. “Yeah, I’m just… thinking about the future. About us.”
Riley shifted slightly, looking up at him. “Good things, I hope?”
“The best things,” Buck replied, his hand resting on her cheek as he leaned down to kiss her again, softly, sweetly.
And in that moment, Buck knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as he had Riley by his side, everything was going to be just fine. They were in this together, and there was nothing in the world that could make him happier than the life they were about to build.
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gayleafpool · 1 year ago
varian buys platform boots to make himself taller but nobody even notices cuz he’s still itty bitty
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flowerakatsuka · 2 months ago
larry's tag about kurokara looking back on going around the summer festival together and realizing it was basically a date is making me chuckle bc it wouldn't be the only instance of kuroba inviting karamatsu out on what's essentially a date before they're a couple ( not even during that summer. )
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blujayonthewing · 10 months ago
fondly rereading the RP board elyss' DM made after an extremely narratively jarring and bewildering random encounter with a planetar where all of the posts are essentially just everyone in the party going around and taking turns saying 'what the fuck was that. that was stupid and sucked really bad'
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years ago
I wish the phrase “waste of space” wasn’t so overused because it’s honestly the perfect insult. The implications behind it. ‘We could’ve put a cushion on that chair instead of him’
#reading aita posts again & trying to resist the urge to comment ‘you’re a fucking waste of space and i hope she leaves you’#the guy who told his girlfriend that her (gorgeous and extremely skillful) crochet afghans are ‘useless’???? i hope she strangles him#with yarn. or crochets with his optic nerve#the way i’d leave anyone who had anything disparaging to say about my knitting in the fucking dust#there’s just no need for it. you can absolutely say ‘hey i noticed this patten is kind of holey; is that practical?’#and you can say something is not to your taste IF I ASK. if i didn’t ask you’re going to get ‘when did i ask’#constructive comments/questions are 100% welcome as is stuff like ‘honestly i don’t wear hats so i’d rather you didn’t make me one’#but call anything i do ‘useless’ and you’d better hope you have a fire extinguisher on hand#it’s not hard to get right. like. i had this flatmate who was an absolute grade A dick and even HE managed to not say anything stupid about#what i was making. the first thing he said about it was ‘are you knitting?’ (i guess he didn’t know the difference between knitting#and crochet which was fair) and then he said ‘oh cool my mum knits i think. what are you making?’ and then the second time he saw me#knitting he was like ‘oh cool you changed colour’ and i was like ‘yeah i finished the brim of the hat’ and he was like ‘cool’ lol#IT’S NOT HARD TO GET RIGHT!! i think some people on reddit just genuinely have no social skills whatsoever#like if you wouldn’t want someone to say something about your hobby; don’t say it about theirs. simple#tl;dr ‘aita?’ the answer is yes. and you are also a waste of space#personal
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years ago
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imaginaryf1shots · 2 months ago
Married? | Oscar Piastri
WC: 2.1K
Oscar x Wife!Reader
Summery: He never met to hide it, it's just the way he is.
Warning: none
Oscar Masterlist
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It was always a known thing, there was never any doubt in anyone that knew him, Oscar has always been destined to be an F1 driver. It was written. Anyone that knows him knows this. And you've known him almost all your life. Before he went to Europe and before he started travelling around for Karting and racing in the Formula series. It seems like there was never a point in your life where Oscar wasn't in it. What started as playground friendship turned to crushing on each other, turned to liking each other and then turned into a relationship. Not high school sweethearts, more like six grade sweethearts. No one expected your relationship to last due to you being so young, and still growing up and developing. Yet, the distance only made you grow fonder of each other. Your relationship survived him moving to the UK for school and racing, it survived the time difference and all the growing up you had to do. Video calls are your thing, you're the kind of people to have it on for hours doing mundane things not necessarily talking but just having the feeling that the other was there.
Now when you became 18, the next step wasn't surprising to those around you. You and Oscar talked about it for so long, you finished school already, so what was stopping you? Nothing. With the help of your parents you both got married, and so you relocated to the UK with Oscar. 
You went to Uni and he was off racing. Coming home to you was always the highlight of the day for Oscar, he'd leave his bags by the door and search for you in the apartment before he'd just all but throw himself at you just wanting some love and attention.
You'd be sitting on the sofa folding some laundry, the TV playing, the door would open and close and you would be none the wiser. Oscar would follow the sound of the TV finding you engrossed in the show that's playing, your hands moving on their own as you fold his shirt. Oscar would move to the sofa and you'd gasp in surprise, finally noticing him before he threw himself on the sofa, his head in your lap, his face hiding in your stomach.
"God, Osc, you scared me." You'd say but smile nonetheless, Oscar would mumble a 'sorry' and you'd barely understand it. Your hands go to his hair and you run your fingers through his locks, scratching ever so slightly. Oscar would groan and you lean down to kiss his head. "How was the flight?"
"Long." You hum and just let him have his time getting what he needs. Now it's not often that he'd fall asleep like that, but the flight was long and he didn't get any sleep, he doesn't remember when it happened, but he falls asleep. You'd stay like that for an hour or two, the TV still playing but the sound is lower until he'd wake up. Once he starts waking up, he starts moving around, he moves to his back and slowly opens his eyes, blinking up at you.
"Hey sleepyhead."
"Hey, I didn't realise I slept."
"Yeah, didn't even give me a hello kiss or anything." You teased him, Oscar sleepily sits up and places a hand on your cheek before he presses his lips to yours, once, twice, three times before deepens it. You sigh in content. Happy to have him in your arms after almost a week.
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Oscar didn't mean to hide it, he just didn't wear his ring, he lost it twice at races and since then he only wore it when he's not on a racing week. He's also not very talkative, he doesn't find himself sharing things about himself willingly, but if you ask he'll answer, you just have to prompt him. Maybe it was because he was a rookie, or because there was many things happening, but no one realised he was seeing someone in 2023, you've been to races, you didn't really like the limelight, not while you're still studying at least, so you'd go into the paddock alone, but you'd still be a guest of McLaren. Some people just assumed you're a family member (which is correct, but not how they thought) or just a close friend.
All of that came to an end when you finally finished Uni, and were free to travel more, and coming into the paddock with Oscar wasn't such a scary thing anymore. It all came with the fact that you got a new ring for Oscar and kind of 'proposed' to him with it in your living room, Oscar decided to try wearing his ring, he wouldn't have to take it off anyways. It's his wedding ring, and according to the rules he could keep it on.
It was a Grand Prix weekend, Oscar's family flew out for the race. You walked in with them, Nicole was by your side, a couple photographers took photos, manly because they're Oscar's family, not that they know about you. Getting into McLaren, someone tells Oscar that you're all here, you were back in Australia for 2 weeks, while he was at the factory working, it's more than you both had gotten used to in recent years. Oscar comes in and he ignores his family heading straight to you, you smile up at him and he leans in, giving you a hug and a quick kiss.
"Glad to know, you missed us." Nicole teased Oscar, and he went to hug her. She's always happy seeing how still in love you both are, it warms her heart. Her son is in a happy marriage while achieving his dream away from her. Oscar stands with you all as much as he could before he had to go back to work. You all made it to the hospitality.
"I heard Oscar's family is here." Lando walks in at one point, with a smile on his face, he greets everyone, stopping at you, seeing no similarities between you and Oscar. "I know I saw you before, but I don't know who you are."
"It's alright, I'm Oscar's w-."
"Girlfriend?" Lando cuts you off with a smile. "I knew he's in a relationship but he hasn't introduced you."
"No, I'm not-"
"Oh, are you not his girlfriend? I'm sorry."
"It's not tha-"
"I just want to meet his girlfriend, he never talks about anything unless you ask him and-"
"Lando, I'm his-"
"He seems like he's in a relationship, at least that's what I understood from him."
"I'm his wife."
"But I could be wrong and this is all a- wait... what?" Lando stops once he realises what you said, his eyes are wide while you just smile at him.
"I'm his wife." You say again, and his sisters all just giggle to themselves, finding it all very amusing. Lando looks at Nicole and Chris, as if he's waiting for them to say something, to say it's a joke, to deny it, anything.
"I told Oscar to just come out and say he's married." Nicole said shaking her head slightly, this is about to come out, and she knows Oscar will once again turn the internet on it's head.
"he's-you're-and." Lando looks to have malfunctioned. "I need a moment to come to terms with this."
Lando walks away in a daze, it leaves you all amused. You text Oscar telling him what happened with Lando.
Oscar didn't read your message, Lando walked in on him and his engineer while they were in a meeting.
"You-you- you have a wife?" Lando asked, and Oscar's gaze turned from confused to amused really quickly.
"Yeah." Oscar answered simply.
"What?" It was Tom's turn to be surprised.
"I'm married." Oscar held out his left hand showing his ring.
"I thought that was a family heirloom or something." Lando was exasperated.
"No, I lost one or two rings, so y/n, bought me a new one recently." Oscar explained.
"y/n? the girl you bring with you to races from time to time?" Tom asked remembering you, he saw you a few times, but there was never a sign that you're dating Oscar, never mind married to him.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"It just never came up." Oscar shrugged, leaving both men flabbergasted, astonished by the realisation.
"You're one of a kind, Oscar, seriously." Tom shook his head and sighed. "We have to get back to our meeting, this will have to wait."
It didn't take long for the news to travel, those that were in the hospitality and saw the whole thing go down with Lando went on and spread the news around. And Lando asked a few people if they knew, apparently only Zac knew, he thought Oscar wanted to keep it a secret so he said nothing.
The news took a while before it reached Williams.
"Mate, did you know Oscar is married?" Alex asked Logan, Logan frowned and looked up.
"Yeah." Logan answered as if it was a stupid question.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I thought it was a known thing, I don't know." Logan shrugged. "He's been married since he was 18."
"18!" This was an even bigger shock to the Williams driver.
"Yeah, the moment y/n turned 18, they got married."
And thus the news once again spread, this time the other way around, all the way back to McLaren.
By the time of the driver's parade almost everyone knew that the youngest member on track was married. Oscar was the last on the back of the truck/car thing. All eyes on the Aussie.
"What's... going on?" He asked as he moved down to an empty spot.
"Are you really married?" Charles asked.
"Yeah." It seemed like this was Oscar's favourite answer.
"So I have a daughter in law?" Charles asked and Oscar laughed before nodding. "Wow, they grow up so fast nowadays."
"And you've been married since you were 18?" Max was the one to ask, he's as curious as everyone.
"Yes, the month she turned 18, we got married, and she moved to the UK." Oscar informed them. "And before you ask, I knew her since we were like 5, and have been together since we were 10-11."
"That's crazy." George said to Alex next to him.
By the time the race was underway, a few cameras made it to the McLaren garage for a sight of you. As Oscar was leading the race, the camera flashed to you, with your name and Oscar Piastri's partner under it. The ones watching from home were left confused, but not for long. Oscar won his second race of his Formula 1 career in his 2nd season.
You made it to Parc Ferme, with his parents, his sisters opting to stay in the garage and not get squished. Oscar was the last of the top to make it back, he went to his team before he went straight to you, as always leaving his parents to be hugged after you.
"Congratulations, my love." You tell him, and he squeezes you tighter, the helmet is in the way, but you still kiss the side of it. Oscar then moves to his parents before he goes to get weighed and interviewed by Nico Rosburg.
"-and before we let you go, and not to take away from your win, I have to ask." Nico said and Oscar smiled, he knew what was about to be asked. "Set the records straight, are you married?"
"Yes, have been since I was 18." Oscar said and looked your way, and the camera panned to you, as you stood between his parents smiling with love and adoration for your husband.
"Well, it might be late, but congratulations." Nico said and patted his back, before Oscar made it to the cool-down room.
Cameras snapped a lot of pictures of you, as they waited for the podiums to start. It was obvious how familiar you are with Oscar's parents, and how they treated you like one of their daughters. The interaction was just filled with love and care. This has been going on for years, there's no denying it.
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"I didn't know it would be such big news." You said that night, as you and Oscar cuddled on the Sofa, having a quiet moment in the hotel with his family.
"I knew." Nicole said.
"I did too." Chris said.
"Me too." Hattie said.
"Of course it would."
"Noted." You said and Oscar smiled, kissing the side of your head. "Now everyone knows you have a wife."
"And everyone from your university knows you have a husband."
"You two are still as awful as ever." Hattie said and rolled her eyes teasingly.
"You should've been used to it by now." Nicole said and smiled at her family.
Main Taglist
@gnatthefly . @mochimommy2002 . @llando4norris . @mrswolffs-blog . @barcelonaloverf1life . @c-losur3 . @xoscar03 . @schniti-is-in-the-house . @lottalove4evelyn . @eywas-heir . @glow-ish . 
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lymtw · 3 months ago
The frustration that Satoru feels when he completely stops seeing you as just one of his best friends.
You’re so pretty, modeling the dress you’ll be wearing on your date with some guy who probably dims in comparison to you. Suguru says you should try the outfit without the cardigan, so you take it off for a second and do a little 360 for the trio. Shoko gasps when she sees the lacy details that were hidden by the coat and Suguru claps in validation. “You’re so gonna get some.”
Satoru just watches, cheek resting in his fist as he half listens to the little debate between Shoko and Suguru. It’s all a blur as he focuses on the one glowing in front of him.
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“Satoru?” You wave your hand in front of him.
“Hm?” He blinks up at you, acting like he wasn't zoned out while staring.
“Tie-breaker. Coat or no coat?”
He had heard what Suguru said when you took the cardigan off. 'You’re so gonna get some.'
He doesn’t want that.
“You should stay layered. You might get cold later.”
Suguru groans in disapproval, falling back into the couch cushion, while Shoko grins, smugly, at her small victory.
“Coat it is.” You smile, running back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.
“You like her, huh?” Suguru asks as soon as you’re out of sight, a squint of betrayal in his eyes.
“Pfft, nah. What makes you think that?” Satoru defends.
“She asked for our opinion on the dress and you went silent," Shoko says, throwing a knowing smirk at Satoru.
“You don’t want her to get laid or something? Why’d you vote for the granny cardigan?” Suguru adds, arms crossed over his chest.
“I want to see you take care of her when she’s sick. I did it last time, and she was unbearable. Also,” he turns to answer Shoko’s remark, “what can I say? I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
“A lot of her on your mind.” Suguru nods over at you.
Satoru turns, a lucent gleam in his eyes when he sees you.
“Alright, guys. I’ll be back before-“
“Don’t rush!” Shoko says, giggling at the dopey look on Satoru’s face.
There’s a smirk tugging on Suguru’s lips. “Have fun.”
“Call if you need me to pick you up," Satoru blurts, sitting up straight on the lounge chair he was seated in.
Shoko gasps and Suguru’s eyes go wide for a second.
“Uh... sure. Will do. Love you guys, bye!” You walk past your friends, opening the front door and shutting it behind you.
Your perfume had some effect on Satoru because for some reason his heart was racing and he was unable to calm it down.
“What?” Satoru asks when he notices the way his friends look at him. “I’m the only one with a car here.”
“Uh-huh, let’s put it that way," Shoko says, sharing a menacing look with Suguru.
You did end up having to call Satoru. Your date was the most annoying, insufferable person you had ever met and you weren't going to pretend like you were enjoying your time with him for the rest of the night. How can someone be so different the moment you’re alone together? You couldn’t stand him, so you excused yourself from the table and went to the restroom halfway through your meal.
You called Satoru, hoping he wasn't kidding about calling him if you needed a ride home.
“Hey, uh, I know this is really inconsiderate of me, but can you come pick me up from the restaurant? If you can’t it’s totally fine. I’ll stay.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I'm fine. It turns out I can’t stand this guy.” You chuckle, your hand reaching for the sensor beneath the water faucet, the cool water running through your fingers. "He's gross and just... I don't know."
“Did he do anything to you? Are you okay? ‘Cause, you know, I can kick his ass.”
“You already asked me that, 'toru. I’m okay. He’s just…” you pause, a sigh filling in the silence, “...different from what I remember. I don’t know this guy.”
Satoru is already sitting in his car. The moment you asked him to pick you up, he grabbed his keys and headed for the car.
“Give me ten minutes.”
“It takes twenty to get here.”
“Too bad. I’m running a few red lights. Sit tight.”
The call ends and you’re left staring at the contact photo you have for him. You turn your screen off and stare into the mirror. You don’t know if you should stay in the bathroom until Satoru gets there or if you should go back out to the man waiting for you.
“So, Satoru likes her, huh?” Shoko says, leaning back in the lounge chair Satoru sat in before.
“Who would have guessed? We’ve all been friends for years and he’s never looked at her like that.”
“We should invest in some noise cancelling headphones. Who knows what could happen after tonight?”
Suguru furrows his eyebrows in confusion, so Shoko grins and demonstrates. She rocks back and forth in the old lounge chair, the chair creaking and squealing.
“Oh.” Suguru’s face further scrunches. He didn't need the image of his friends doing that together, in his mind.
Your phone vibrates on the sink, and Satoru’s name appears on the screen when you flip it. You quickly answer the call.
“Hey, i’m outside.”
“How do I walk out of here without seeming like a bitch? I didn’t think this through.”
“First, walk out the restaurant doors. Then, get in my car. It’s pretty simple, honestly.”
“We haven’t paid the bill.”
“Fuck it. Let him pay.”
“That’s just wrong. Alright, i’ll be out in a bit. Bye.”
You sum up all the courage you have and walk out of the bathroom. Once you reach the table, you pull out some cash you have just laying around in your purse, like forty-something bucks, and set it down in the middle of the table.
“Hopefully that’s enough to cover half of it.”
“Where are you going?” Your date asks.
“To keep it polite, I have to go. Have a good rest of your night.”
You walked out of the restaurant, immediately spotting Satoru’s blue Camaro.
The second you get in, you make yourself comfortable, removing your heels and taking down your hair from its updo.
“What’s wrong?” Satoru asks, when you don’t say anything.
“It’s fine. This guy just wasn’t the one.”
Satoru’s chest feels tight now that you’re in the car. The smell of your perfume has returned and you’re glowing in the moonlight. It makes him think of the effort you put into looking the way you do, and how you ended up having to hide in the bathroom.
“Do you wanna go home?”
You’re looking in the sun visor mirror, bobby pins in your mouth as you fix your hair so that it’s not in your face once Satoru starts driving.
“Mm… whatever you want to do,” you say, muffled by the pieces of metal pressing into your lips.
It wouldn’t be whatever he wants to do, though. All he wants to do is kiss you, right now. Do something to soothe the ache you must be feeling.
“Why are you acting like this?” He asks, watching you as you place another pin in your hair.
You laugh through your nose, a bobby pin still between your lips. You put it in your hair before answering.
“Like what?” You look at him while you put your seatbelt on.
“Like this doesn't bother you. You don't have to put up a front, you know? I'm not gonna laugh at you."
The metal clicks, and you fold the sun visor back up. “Because it didn’t bother me. I’m not gonna settle for someone I hate being around."
Part of Satoru wanted this to go well for you. He wanted to see a brilliant smile on your face when you got home. So, the fact that it didn’t end up that way strangely caused some heartache for him.
“Don’t look so down.” You give him a kind smile and pinch his cheek. “I’m okay. Really.”
He tries to distract himself from the warmth that seeps into his cheeks from your quick gesture. “Well, I don’t want to go home. Is that okay, with you?”
“What’s up with you?” You ask, bringing one of your legs up and folding it comfortably on the seat.
You stare at him until he breaks out his contagious smile and laugh.
“Really, nothing. I just want to spend some time out tonight. Shoko and Suguru want to stay home and be couch potatoes."
You see your date walking out of the restaurant, phone against his ear. He doesn’t look too defeated, but you don’t want him to see you with Satoru and make any bold assumptions.
“Okay, that’s totally fine, but can we go?” Your leg goes back down, meeting the floor mat and you turn to face the window.
Satoru analyzes your behavior and your expression. Your arms are crossed, you refuse to look in his direction again. It’s weird compared to how you were acting two seconds ago.
“What?” Satoru turns to look at whatever made you shrink, and as soon as he sees him he rolls his window up. “Really?” His eyes are lidded in disappointment. It’s not in you as a person, but in your lack of respect for yourself, choosing someone so far below your league.
“He was nice when I first met him.”
Satoru puts the gear in reverse, backing out of the parking spot. “He looks stupid and on top of that he acts like it, too? God.”
“I know, I know.” You lean against the car door and stare out the window.
“What made you think you deserved him? Honestly, I can’t wrap my head around how low this is for someone like you.”
“I don’t know.”
Your responses to Satoru's interrogation kept getting shorter and shorter and he realized he was beating a horse that was already down.
“You know I care," he mumbles, breaking the heavy silence. “I don’t mean to tell you who to date and who you should be with.”
“I hate this conversation. You’re not my dad, Satoru. It’s fine.” You sit up, back against the seat and face forward. “Where are we, anyway?”
“I just followed a random road to see where it would lead. I don’t wanna go home, but I also don’t want to know where I am.”
“So, we’re lost.” You laugh.
“Hey, as long as we have phones with enough battery, we’re not really lost.”
“Right.” You grin, continuing to watch the road. You look over the steering wheel to see how much gas the car has. It’s two marks below the bold F.
“Can you tell me something?”
You turn to Satoru, giving him your full attention. He’s been more serious than you know him to be since you left the house.
“What’s up?”
“I’m not trying to rehash this father-like conversation, but as one of your best friends… what were you thinking when you accepted a date with this guy?” He glances over at you for a second. “What went through your mind when you said 'yes' to a date with him?”
“Potential love, dates, butterflies. All the stuff that goes into getting to know someone as more than an acquaintance or friend.” You fidget with the extra hair tie on your wrist.
“You want all of that?” He asks, glimpsing at you again.
You nod, silently.
“You’re pretty enough to fuck around with whoever you want, you know? I know some people who wanna do some pretty... vulgar things with you."
Your eyes go wide at how far south the conversation went. You cracked the second you looked at Satoru though. He looked somewhat proud to be friends with someone who could get some anytime.
“That’s… good to know, I guess.” Your mind stumbles over the part where he called you pretty enough.
“You’re not interested in that, though, are you?”
You wince, jokingly. “It’s just not my cup of tea. I want something more long-term.”
Satoru grins, almost like he wants to talk about himself.
“That’s not your cup of tea, is it?” You reciprocate the grin.
“No, no. Believe it or not, the last relationship I was in lasted a whole two months.”
You slapped the car door dramatically. “A whole two months?!”
“Stop it. It’s nothing, really," Satoru jokes, grinning with faux pride.
“Hey, i’m not shaming you. You’re not down with commitment and that’s fine. We're young. There's no need to rush."
“I haven’t found someone I really want to commit to. I'm not stupid enough to ignore the fact that people are really only attracted to my body. They can't stand when I open my mouth, so I figured it’s better to fuck around than to put my heart into something that won’t last without sex.”
Satoru's personality was for people with acquired taste. On the other hand, Satoru's physical appearance was for anyone and everyone. The people who could appreciate all of him would be in for the most amazing ride, because even as his friend, you could confidently say that there is no one like him anywhere in the world. You can only hum in acknowledgement of how romantically lonely he must feel.
“What?” You ask when the car stops. Satoru puts the car in park before turning it off. “We’re not out of gas, so what’s the problem?”
He unbuckles his seatbelt and turns to face you, one leg bent on the seat. He’s met with a breathtaking sight. You look stunning in that navy blue dress, and that shade smeared over your lips was calling his name. He can see part of your thigh from where your dress rides up.
“Can I talk to you about something?” The tension behind the question was enough to make your ears go red.
“Of course you can. You’re scaring me, but go on.”
He smiles, trying to lighten up the mood. He knows better than to just dump information like this on you so heavily, but he can't go home tonight without telling you how he feels. He already doesn’t expect much to come of telling you this, but it's been eating him alive and he can't keep it in anymore.
“You've been on my mind a lot, lately." He sees your slightly furrowed eyebrows. They match the unintentional pout on your lips. You’re confused and for some reason you feel nervous, like your heart might escape your ribcage.
“What does that mean?” You ask, wanting a clearer understanding. He could be worried about you in a totally platonic way. He could be wondering about what you've been up to lately. You're having trouble assuming there's romantic notes to his statement after the brief discussion you just had.
“It's exactly as it sounds. I've been thinking about you." He's not smiling, he's not laughing yet this still sounds like a joke that he’s running to mess with you.
“You done with your jokes? We could both be home right about now," you say, not intending for your words to come out as sharp as they did. His hand is suddenly cupping your cheek, his thumb brushing away a speck of glitter from it.
“You say goodnight to me in the sweetest way—like you won't see me in the morning. And the soft smile you give me before you shut the door... it lingers in my mind. I dream of it from time to time."
You're trying so hard not to lean into his touch and nuzzle your cheek into his palm, but you make no effort to push his hand away. “What are you talking about, Satoru? Don't you think you're reading into it a little too much? I do that for all three of you. Ask Shoko and Suguru.”
His hand has been on your cheek for a while now, and he’s still looking at you like he has things to get off his chest. “I know you don't say it the same way to them as you do to me." He stops, a little sigh leaving him. He’s probably making you dizzy with all of this news, based on the look on your face. He retracts his hand and rests it on his thigh. You look stunned, so he cuts to the chase. “To be even more clear, I don’t see you as a friend. It doesn’t seem right to see you that way when I can picture us doing more. Being more."
“Doing more?” You repeat, cheeks growing warm.
“Holding hands, kissing, being alone together—more.”
The heavy silence returns, both of you nervously avoiding eye contact.
“I..." you huff. "I need some air.” You unbuckle yourself before exiting the car. Your scent remains in the car even after the door shuts behind you, leaving Satoru to wonder if things are screwed with you.
Your back is against the door, your hands interlocked in front of your eyes, shielding you from the gentle moonlight. You groan, irritated by the conflicted thoughts that came with Satoru's revelation.
It’s not long before Satoru comes out and joins you, leaning on the side of his car. It's cold and he doesn't want you to get sick again. His heart could barely handle your involuntarily weak display the first time.
“I didn’t stress you out, did I?” He asks, turning his head to look at you. You shake your head, your hands still covering your eyes. “There’s really no part of you that can envision an us between me and you?”
You chuckle, a sound that makes his heart pang. “It’s funny... you know, a long time ago it was all I dreamed about.”
Now this was baffling news to Satoru. How long ago was a long time ago? A couple months ago? Last year? Three years ago? And why didn’t you say anything?
“I considered you a pursuit that was out of reach. You had—have— all these girls just throwing themselves at you, and I couldn’t be one of them, so I befriended you instead.”
“How long ago was a long time ago?” He asks, nervous to hear the answer.
“Like last year in March. It was during your phase where you would never come home.”
He feels like an asshole. Especially since not too much later, he developed similar feelings for you that he endlessly denied.
“You liked the me you never got to see?”
You both chuckled at the rhyme of his words, your broken senses of humor adding some lightheartedness to the conversation.
“I guess you not coming home was more calming because I didn't have to be nervous to see you.”
You crossed your arms. The cardigan protected you, but not enough. The cold wind was starting to nip at your cheeks. Satoru notices and moves closer to you.
“Let’s go back inside, yeah?”
You didn’t want to. You were nervous being “stranded” with Satoru already, but minimizing the space between you was even more nerve-wracking. He was your greatest temptation before, and you could easily create those labyrinths that guide him into your mind again if you got close enough.
“I’ll be fine," you say, looking straight ahead at the field of weeds in front of you.
“You’re gonna catch a cold. Get in the car," Satoru prompts. He thought back to the tired look on your face as you laid in bed sick, waiting for him to bring you warm soup.
“No," you insisted, turning away from him.
He inched closer, not wanting to look at your back. “Please, get in the car." He thought of the gracious look on your sick face when he brought you another blanket to keep you warm.
“I said no, Satoru. I don't want to get in the car with you."
You were being stubborn as hell, and something about it made Satoru’s blood boil to the point where he did whatever his mind told him to do. You were suddenly pinned to the car, your hands on Satoru’s chest to keep some distance. He blocked every gust of wind that threatened to bite at your skin, and enveloped you in his warmth. You don’t know how, but in this freezing temperature, Satoru’s hands felt like sunlight on your cheeks. His face was centimeters away from yours, his bright eyes searching for a loophole in your feelings for him. Your eyes spoke with an infinite amount of possibility, and some of it didn't make sense, so he kissed you in hopes of translating what you were trying to say.
You didn’t have any fight left in you. Not when you felt so secure in this close proximity. Now, all you wanted was to be in the car with him, alone.
The kiss was released with light breaths from both of you, a look of feeling complete on Satoru’s face. “Will you get in the damn car,” he whispers, his arms caging you against the car.
“Say please," you say in the same intimate volume as him.
“Please," he complies, allowing his eyes to flit between your eyes and your lips.
“Pretty please?" you push.
“Pretty please," he says, the corners of his lips twitching.
“How about pretty please with a cherry on top?”
“Get in the car," he says through a laugh.
You chuckle, shoving him lightly before opening the door and entering the car. Satoru gets in the drivers seat and suddenly it all feels strange. Strange, but in the best way.
The tension from before returns. There's no wind blowing to fill in the silence when you both stop talking.
“Do you ever think of me when you're alone?” It was a weird question to be asked by him, especially since you had already told him that your feelings for him were left behind.
“Never," you reply, a softness in your tone that held memories of when all you thought about was Satoru.
He's somewhat disappointed, seeing as though there's a chance he might be too late.
“Do you think that will change after tonight?” He seems to be getting closer, or at least his hands are. Your skin is irresistible and he wants to feel how soft you are. He's been craving you for so long, and you're right there.
“There’s no way to tell.” You can see how slowly his hand is traveling. A minute ago it was on his lap, now it’s on the armrest between your seats. You can’t wait any longer. The suspense might make you jump out of the car again, so you grab his hand and put it on your thigh, where your dress rides up.
“I’ll throw the question back to you. Do you think of me when you're alone?” You ask him now because he won’t give you some bullshit response at a time like this, when he’s getting everything he’s wanted for who knows how long.
“All the time,” he responds so quickly. “When I wake up, before I go to sleep, in the shower, while I brush my teeth.” There’s this foolish look on his face, like he would give anything to never lose the ability to have you on his mind all the time. "You're in there, organizing the shrine I made for you," he admits, with a grin. His thumb presses into your thigh, massaging the plush skin. It makes you nervous as hell, but you like it.
“Have you told Suguru and Shoko?”
He chuckles, remembering the conversation he had with them after you left. “I’m positive they know."
Once again, you're left staring at each other in silence, drowning in the tension you’ve created within yourselves. Satoru has yet to move his hand away from your thigh, not letting up even when he feels goosebumps spread on your skin. He tests the boundaries you have set up, finding no resistance from you when his hand reaches further up your dress.
“You’re not gonna tell me to stop?” He asks as his fingers are met with lace, a texture that makes his heart thud rapidly in his chest.
You shake your head, leaning back in the seat. His fingers ghost over the front of your panties, finding a satin bow just below the elastic band.
“Were you going to let that guy touch you? Is that why you wore these?” He hasn’t even seen them, and yet he can tell they’re the cutest thing ever.
“Maybe," you mumble, looking away in slight embarrassment.
“Can I see them?” He asks.
You nod, allowing him to slowly pull up your dress. Your heart drops when you hear him gasp.
“God, no way," he says, sounding defeated. His ears slowly turn a bright shade of red as he observes the material covering your intimate area.
“Stop,” you whine, feeling flustered by his reaction and the way he stares.
His hand returns to its previous spot, continuing to play with the part of the elastic that sticks to your hip.
“You wear these types of panties on every date you go on?”
You nod, biting your lip as his fingers move just to feel the fabric. His touch is still ghost-like—light, barely there, but it’s working you up anyway. There’s barely enough friction, yet you can feel your wetness begin to ruin the garment.
He sighs. “You know, no one deserves you.” His tone is smooth and he smiles at you, an angel taking control of his features. “Not even me, but I can make up for the one who missed you tonight.”
He spares his attention to the spot in the middle of your panties, only smiling when a breathy moan involuntarily leaves you.
“God..." you groan in embarrassment, covering your face with your hands. "I can’t with myself."
His thumb rubs up and down your clothed slit, applying pressure when he reaches your clit.
“Don’t be shy. Make as much noise as you want,” he says, luring a gasp from you.
You look away again, red-faced, feeling embarrassed beyond belief.
“What?” A low chuckle follows. His hands settle on your thighs as he leans in and tries to look at your flustered face.
“This is weird.” You look out the window, too nervous to look at Satoru.
“How come?”
You giggle. “I can’t stop seeing you as one of my friends. It’s strange to experience something like this with you.”
“I would hope Suguru and Shoko aren’t touching you like this.” His hand splays on your thigh, kneading softly. “Are they?” He asks, after a pause.
“Of course not.”
He seems satisfied with that response because he’s trying to hold back a smile, but the corners of his lips are twitching. His fingers snap the elastic band of your panties against your skin a couple more times.
“Is it too weird to go on?” He asks.
You consider the facts. He already touched you, he confessed his feelings for you before he touched you so you know he wasn't lying about his feelings for you and he doesn’t just want sex. You had those feelings for him before, but claimed to have lost them with time.
Your overwhelming thoughts are enough to put an end to what was going on. You pull down your dress, hiding the evidence of his touch, and sit up straight in the seat. “Maybe we should head home before we do something we might regret later.”
He hums and smiles, not an ounce of disappointment in his features. “No argument from me."
Satoru put his seatbelt on and watched as you did the same before starting the car. There was no need for him to set up the GPS because all he did was drive straight, so all he had to do was drive back the other way.
You didn’t expect the car ride to be so quiet. Maybe he did want things to go further. You couldn’t bear to look back at Satoru, even though you could feel him side eyeing you as he drove. There were a couple times where he turned his head to look at you when you stopped at red lights, but you knew you couldn’t look back until you had something to say. You were overthinking everything that happened until that point. What can you say when you just went through an entire roller coaster of emotions with someone you call a best friend? Someone who has now seen you in a vulnerable position.
“Did you at least eat?” Satoru asks, finally breaking the heavy silence that engulfed the car.
“Uh, yeah. I was able to get through my meal," you respond, glancing at him quickly before turning back to face the window.
He nods in acknowledgement. You see the stop sign at the end of your street, signaling the closeness of home.
Satoru parks the car in the driveway, and you finish removing your shoes. You enter the house, expecting to see Suguru and Shoko up waiting for you guys, but to your surprise, the doors to their bedrooms are shut.
“Goodnight, Satoru," you say. “Thanks again, for picking me up.”
“Yeah, no worries,” he responds. “Goodnight.”
You can’t shake the void left in your gut after your time with Satoru. You sit on your bed for a moment thinking of the intimacy that occurred between you and him. The gentleness of his touch, the lack of judgement from him when you basically told him that you dress your best even for scumbags. Something inside you was begging you to tell him how much you wanted him to sleep in your room—in your bed. And that’s exactly what you aimed for with this rush of adrenaline that surged through you. You rose off the bed quickly, and made haste to reach his bedroom.
You knocked, calling his name once. Once was all it took for him to leap to open the door.
“Can you help me with something?” You asked, hoping he held no ill will towards you and that he wouldn’t deny you.
“Sure. With what?”
You motion for him to follow you to your room, and he does with no further questions, following your bare feet as you lead him to your room.
“I tied the knot for my dress a little too tightly." You let out a quiet chuckle, your nervousness imbued into it.
“Oh, I see," he says, stifling a grin. "Turn around.” His finger circles in the air.
You turn your back to him, facing the mirror on your vanity. You can feel his knuckles grazing your lower back as he takes the time to slowly loosen the knot, the straps that once sat wrapped around your waist dropping loosely.
“There,” he murmurs, still standing behind you, looking at you through the mirror.
“Thank you,” you say so quietly that it’s almost a whisper.
Normally, that is the cue for someone to leave, but there was this branch of electricity connecting him to you. He couldn’t find a reason to step away from you, so instead he stepped closer. His arms encircled your waist, his hands interlocking above your lower abdomen. Your stomach swarmed with butterflies—blood thirsty ones that knew all too well that they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, so long as Satoru was in your room.
He leaned in to kiss your shoulder, an act that brought goosebumps to your skin. "You look really pretty." You give in to the feeling, tilting your head to give him the entire canvas of that side of your neck. He wondered if you would be upset if you saw his kisses on your neck in the morning.
He stops and looks for your approval first because he has arrived centimeters behind the line between friends who are really comfortable with each other and something deeper. You have to let him know that it’s okay to cross this line.
“It’s okay,” you say, squeezing the hands that rest on your lower abdomen. “Don't stop."
That’s the green light he needed in order to move on. He did not hesitate at all in pulling back his arms and undoing the knot that held your dress up. He watched as the smooth velvet cascaded down your body, pooling at your feet, leaving you in nothing but those precious lace panties. You felt vulnerable with your bare chest out, but made no attempt to hide yourself.
He was frozen for a second or two, speechless at the sight before him.
“No one deserves you,” he finally says, his arms snaking around your torso. His lips start leaving behind their marks on the other side of your neck. He drags his kisses down your shoulder, biting once, then twice, resulting in a couple giggles from you.
“Close the door, please,” you say, realizing Shoko and Suguru would see what was happening if they opened their doors.
Satoru releases you only to close the door, locking it for safe measures. As soon as he’s back, he’s wrapping his arms around you before pushing both of you towards your bed. He starts stripping his clothes off, until he's left in just his boxers. His eyes never leave yours, a lovestruck smile on his face.
“You will never know how many times I’ve dreamt of this scenario."
“Stop.” You giggle, withstanding the sting of his lips on more than you neck. It’s heat on your chest and on your stomach now, his hands holding your waist so gently. You’ll look like some abstract piece of art by morning with the endless waves of kisses that Satoru gives you. He wants you so badly. Devastatingly so. He wants to prove that he is the closest to deserving you by the end of the night.
Your heartbeat is inconsolable in your ribcage. The eye contact brought some reality to the situation. He chuckles at the doe-eyed look on your face before refocusing on his task. He's nearing the elastic band of your underwear, those cute lacy ones he got to touch in the car. His touch is already affecting you, the evidence being a wet spot reemerging in the middle of your underwear.
"You're so warm and soft, and..." he sighs, your body making his mind cloud. He couldn't have ever accurately imagined how stunning you would be with just the golden street lamp's light shining through your window. " smell really fucking good." His hands go beneath the elastic band of your underwear, dragging his dainty fingers through your slit enough times to earn a small gasp from you, before pulling his hand out. "Bet you taste amazing, too," he says, wrapping his lips around his glossy digits. "Mhm..." he practically moans when your taste coats his tastebuds. "Sweeter than I could have ever imagined."
You don't think you'll get over Satoru saying these explicit things to you.
"More. Fuck, I need more." There's so much he wants to do to you, so little time in the night despite it only being 11:30. "God, you're so..." he cuts himself off and kisses down your stomach, impatiently—desperately. " pretty. So—fuck— so pretty. Gonna make you feel so good."
"Okay, 'toru, make sure to breathe," you tease, running your fingers through his soft locks as he nears your throbbing core.
He drags his nose up and down the wet patch of your panties, audibly inhaling your scent and exhaling through shuddered breaths. He sounds feral, his aching cock creating its own pool of arousal in his boxers. The tip of his nose was covered in your slick, the remnants of you on his skin driving him absolutely crazy. Once he absolutely couldn't take it anymore, he yanked your underwear down, almost tearing the pretty fabric and tossed it onto the floor. You were soaked at the sight of his pure lust towards you. Those eyes were darker than you've ever seen them before.
He tries to be slow and gentle for you. You're the one thing he's wanted for the longest time and now he has you. You're not guaranteed to be his forever, after this, but at least the night is secured and he has this one chance to prove that he would do it right with you. That he could handle your body with a tenderness and loving that would make you weep. Everything you want in a lover will be given to you in one act of demonstrating how undeniably in love with you he is.
His attempt at slow sensuality never reaches you. His arms are hooked tightly around your thighs to prevent you from squirming away from his greedy mouth. He wants everything you give him to never end. The melodic sound of you moaning his name, the sweet nectar that just keeps drooling out of your cunt, the sting on his scalp from the firm hold you have on his hair and the tugging. He's in heaven. If the possibility of this reoccurring is nonexistent, he wants this moment to loop. For there to be a glitch in real life that allows him to replay this scenario as many times as he likes, like a story with multiple endings.
"You taste so good. So fucking good, princess. Wanna give you a taste," he rambles. He unwraps his right arm from your thigh and uses his forearm to pin it down so that he can use his fingers on you. He bends all his fingers down except for his index and middle fingers. Your slick is already streaming out of you, ready to be collected, but he can't resist the urge to dip his fingertips into your pulsing hole. "Oh fuck, you're so wet," he utters in awe, quickly tossing the idea of just his fingertips going in when his long, lithe fingers sink into you with ease.
"Satoru," you choke out, a sharp gasp following. The pads of his fingers brush against that spot within you that forces you to bite your lip. Your heart is racing. What if you get caught? How would you explain what's going on to your friends and would the dynamic of your living situation change because of it? You care, but clearly not enough to second guess this moment again, like you did in the car.
"Mmm..." he moans against your clit, his lips smacking after releasing the now throbbing bundle. "So sweet." He pulls his fingers out of you and admires the glaze that drips down to his knuckles. He wants to be selfish and put them in his mouth, but his need for you to know how good you are to his tastebuds overpowers those thoughts. "Open, pretty," he says, tapping his wet fingers against your lips. He watches with parted lips as you take his slick coated digits into your mouth, shutting your lips around them to completely suck off your essence. "Good, huh?" A pleased grin appears when you nod. "Yeah... I want it back." He pulls his fingers out of your mouth and puts them on your right breast, smearing your saliva all over your nipple until it pebbles.
All you can do is say "huh?" before your lips are enveloped by his. The kiss starts out slow— he's taking a moment to appreciate how perfect your lips feel against his. For a minute you can feel the way he innocently wants you. You have butterflies in your stomach all over again.
His hunger for you grows with every sharp breath you release and the squirming beneath his unrelenting hands on your chest. Your heart has been pounding in your ears since he slipped his tongue into your mouth and you have goosebumps from all the rubbing, brushing, and tweaking he offers your nipples, the throbbing in your cunt only intensifying as you withstand it. He thinks the whimpers that seep into your kisses are the cutest sounds ever and he doesn't want them to stop, so he glides a hand down your abdomen and gives you the touch you're missing.
You break the kiss, throwing your head back into the pillow at the feeling of Satoru rubbing your clit. He watches through gleaming eyes the way your jaw hangs and allows the sweetest moans to spill from your kissed up lips.
"Feeling good?" He asks, grinning when you respond with a moan that makes you clasp a hand over your mouth. "Yeah? That's an answer, too." He chuckles, watching intently as you crumble beneath his touch, not some zero's who made a fool out of himself.
You uncover your mouth, your sounds amplifying and flowing freely. "Satoru," you gasp. "Oh, fuck– S-Satoru!" The last words you manage to cry out before you cum without a warning.
You look way too pretty arching your back off the bed and chasing friction from his hand. Your neck looks palpable like that, exposed for him like you want him to mark it up and take a few bites.
"Let me make you feel good, pretty girl," he coos, drunk off the cute sounds of the heaves and sobs that wrack through your chest, your little whines shining through them. Lustful, lidded eyes watch as you try to wriggle away from his touch.
"P-Please," you huff out, your trembling thighs working to shut around his hand. It's too much, your peak has passed and now you're left to bear the overwhelming feeling of his unstopping fingers.
"I know, I know. It's terrible..." he murmurs. His tip is leaking so much at the sight of your body jerking and your eyes welling with tears. He really loves the way you've surrendered yourself to him. "You're so pretty." He sighs, dreamily. He stops and wiggles his hand out of the tight embrace of your thighs. You take a deep breath and blink away tears, focusing on the comforting movement of his hands caressing your thighs. He can see the way you look at his body. His chest, the sculpted muscles of his abdomen, the pale happy trail that leads to a part of him that you are unfamiliar with.
He crawls over you, his lower body wedged between your legs. "Don't be scared to touch," he says, his tone sultry. He grabs ahold of your hand and places it on his chest, initiating the contact for you. You take control and allow your hands to roam his body. Like you're in a room full of random unpressed buttons, you explore the different reactions you get from touching different parts of him. You discovered that his nipples are sensitive. He groaned into your neck when you palmed at his pecs and borderline whimpered when you focused your touch on his peaks. He shuddered when you traced along his ribs, but once you neared his stomach and waist, things got hot for you all over again. Your heart raced as he breathed into your neck due to the feeling of your nails gently scratching along his abs. He was rutting his clothed bulge against your cunt, desperate, low moans leaving him with every graze of your nails along his waist.
"F-Fuck, I can't wait anymore. Please, let me in." He whips out the cutest puppy eyes you've ever seen, and though they're unnecessary, you're not opposed to him having to resort to those means.
"Y-Yeah, okay," you breathe, feeling the throbbing in your cunt intensify when he stopped rolling his hips against you.
He's rushing, his movement stuttered and his hands shaking with desperation as he works his boxers off. He's impressed with the amount of precum that went into them, but he doesn't waste time admiring the mess any longer once he frees his achingly hard, drooling cock. It's sensitive to the touch. He'll cum if he doesn't play his cards right while lathering his length with the essence that beads at his tip. With that taken care of, he comes close to you again.
"This is gonna be the slowest start ever," he says under his breath, eyeing that sweet little smile on your face, like you understand the turmoil he's going through with just trying to get inside you. His tip nudges your clit, spreading some of his precum onto the nub as he guides it up and down your slit a couple times. He's working himself up to sinking in because he knows how wet you are. After a few more strokes, he presses just the tip in, nestling it into your warmth with a groan. You gasp as he slowly drives himself into you, the stretch his girth induces proving to be immense. He tries to steady his stuttering hips as he pushes more of his length in.
"Little more, just a liiittle more," he says through soft breaths, more to himself than you. Once he glides the rest of his length in, he feels like he's going to explode. He's throbbing so hard and you're not helping at all with the brief, inconsistent spasming of your walls. "Oh fuck... shit," he whimpers, thrusting only halfway into you. "Sorry—fuck—s-sorry... I can't-" He gasps when he thrusts the rest of the way in, spewing his load as he just grinds against you.
Your eyes widen as you watch him, his eyes shut tightly, his jaw hanging ajar to release shaky breaths. His cheeks, neck and chest are blazed, bright color smothered over his pale skin.
"Shit..." he rasps, still taking deep breaths.
You can't even ridicule him for this when he looks so fine. The laugh he let out was enough to make your thighs twitch.
"It's alright, Satoru. It's getting pretty late, anyway."
"No-the-fuck it's not," he says, looking down at you with the smallest crease between his brows. He's wanted this—wanted you—for way too long and he can't leave your room without showing you just how badly he desires you. It's a need, at this point.
A chill runs down your spine and your heart drops at his response.
"I mean, i'm not tired. Are you?" He asks, softening a little after coming in so hot with his last response.
You're not and even if you were, it's those eyes... They compel you to want to do things for his sake. They're so soft and you feel wanted beneath their force. You feel everything he said to you in the car when you peer into his eyes.
"No. I'm not tired either," you respond, which instantly puts a smile on his face.
"Good. Let me try again."
Neither of you mentioned any of what happened within that quick span of time. No mentions of him spilling the second he got inside you or you trying to end the night to save him the embarrassment, and it turned out for the better. No awkwardness once he recovered and went back to proving his love for you. He went straight into it, thrusting at a slow pace to start you off. He held onto your hips as he leaned in and kissed all over your chest, sucking your delicate skin to leave little reminders of him for you to see in the morning.
He groans, muffled by your warm skin, when you scratch the back of his head, guiding your nails through the short hairs of his undercut and down the nape of his neck. He's purring like a satisfied cat, the soft breaths he lets out through his nose grazing your neck.
With all these good feelings comes Satoru picking up the pace. His hips meet yours a little more quickly and suddenly both of you get a little more courage to make more sound.
"Fuck," you whimper. "Satoru... S-Satoru..."
"I know..." he grunts. "I know, baby. I feel really good, too."
You just look so damn pretty, with your starry eyes and your messy hair, and the way you keep moaning his name. He has to kiss you again. Each time he kissed you before was accompanied by fireworks. This time... who knows? He certainly won't unless he gains the courage to do it once more.
He leans forward and stares deep into your eyes. The level of intimacy has doubled down and you feel like your heart is trying even harder to lurch out of your chest. He's not stopping, you can feel his breath on your lips as he pants through the exertion of his hips. Then, once again, with a whimper as he closes the distance between your mouths, he kisses you. It's not fireworks this time, it's an entire fire and you kissing him back like you need him just as much is fanning the wild flames.
"Love... you," he disperses the words through his kisses. He doesn't only say it once. He says it multiple times as your lips are moving, making those pauses purposeful. "Fuck– I love you," he repeats, breaking the kiss when you don't say anything. "Come on," he chuckles. "Say it back."
"Satoru..." you say, softly.
"You say it all the time to us. What's another time?"
You bite back a laugh when you see those brilliant eyes again. He knows the effect they have on people and uses them to his advantage.
"It doesn't..." he groans, cursing under his breath when you suddenly clench around him. "...have to mean anything more than it usually does."
You're hesitant, but figure that as long as he doesn't take it as more than what he's used to—at least until things are talked through—there can't be any harm in saying what he wants to hear.
"Love you, 'toru."
The words are way too sweet, too gentle on his ears. The smile you offered as you delivered those words was devastatingly beautiful. You've said this a million times, each time so friendly, so lovingly, the meaning never feigned or faded with its repetition, but in that moment, he felt the words more than he ever did before. Your plush thighs are pressed against his hips, your hands are on his chest, and he can still smell that perfume you spritzed on your skin before you left. He's never heard you like this before, so sultry that it almost seems like an invasion of privacy.
"Again... say it again, p-please." With the scene that is playing out before his very eyes, he wants to imagine you meaning it as a term for lovers.
"I-I..." you let out a sharp gasp, your words cut off by the feeling of his cock brushing against that weak spot within you. "I love y-you, Satoru."
You're saying it to him only, right now. It's not 'I love you guys', it's 'I love you, Satoru', and he's drowning in it all. Your voice, the words, the blissed out look on your face. He's weak.
"Yeah?" He laughs, sounding almost delirious from how good he feels and how he's trying so hard not to cum.
"Mhm," you respond.
"T-That's good to know," he says, breathily. He's picking up the pace again, almost knocking the wind out of you with that first thrust in the change of pace. You're scratching up his back, wrapping your legs around his waist while he moans into the crook of your neck.
"G-Gonna cum, gonna fucking cum, again."
"Please... cum inside," you babble, nonsensically.
"Yeah? You want it inside again?" He asks, grinning when you hum and nod in confirmation. Who is he to deny you of such a simple want?
With a few more harder thrusts, he's filling you to the brim again with his warm cum. He's breathing heavily into your neck, mouthing at your skin sloppily as your cunt flutters around him. He's babbling on and on asking you if you came and if you feel good, while you're trying not to cry out too loudly from how hard you did. It's only until he unsticks himself from your tacky skin that he sees the aftermath of your orgasm. Your lidded eyes, the rapid rise and fall of your chest, the sound of your shuddered breaths brushing past your lips. He's thinking about it again. No one deserves you, but clearly, he was the closest.
He tosses himself beside you once you both come down. Your blanket is shared between the two of you, it reaches just above your chest and above Satoru's hips.
He sighs as he turns over to face you as you stare up at the ceiling. "You think they heard us?" He asks, voice low and intimate, yet a mischievous smirk that tells you he wouldn't care if they did, plays on his lips.
"Not sure. I guess we'll find out tomorrow." Now it's your turn to sigh. You don't even want to think about how weird breakfast might be in the morning.
"Hey," he calls for your attention. You turn onto your side to face him, keeping the blanket close to your body. "It's gonna be fine. What's the worst that could happen? They tease us or call us dumb?" You give him a soft smile. Normally, you're the one calling him dumb while the others agree. "Don't know about you, but I don't mind. They don't know the story, anyway. Right?"
Time slowed down in that moment. You both just stared at each other in silence, thinking about what just happened. You were comfortable together, lying there, satisfied with your decisions. He pulled you closer by your blanket covered waist and pressed kisses into your cheek, enough to make you giggle until you started returning the kisses. To anybody, this would be considered a sight of two lovers taking care of each other after a night of intimacy. The whispered words, the quiet laughter between kisses, the gentle drags of fingers on harsh marks—it all points to love. You think things might be okay, after all.
It took a while for you and Satoru to untangle yourselves from each other. Eventually, he got up and dressed into everything but his messy boxers. You weren't going to get back into your dress so you laid back for a while and watched as he collected himself.
"Well... I'll see you in the morning." His hand is on the doorknob and he's looking at you, shamelessly raking his eyes over your body as if he's trying to memorize you all over again within the short span of his goodnight to you.
"Mhm. Goodnight."
He pulls the door open, still not detaching his gaze from you. "Goodnight," he says, his voice low, yet warm and brimming with love. He spares one more soft smile for you, before walking out and clicking the door shut behind him.
You think you finally understand why he's so hung up on the way you say goodnight.
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arts-and-drafts · 3 months ago
I decided to start compiling speech patterns and such for the Hermits I watch the most, because being a fic writer is hard sometimes 😭 then I thought “why not share it here?”
so here’s my very rough analysis of my most viewed Hermits, this is just what I’ve managed to gather so please don’t call me out for what I’m missing
Rarely stutters in normal speech. Maybe pauses if he’s started a sentence and doesn’t know where it’s going, but he doesn’t tend to trail off unless something interrupts his train of thought
Stutters a LOT when he’s startled. Also makes ‘hoo!’ noises repeatedly before he finds his words
Lays on the charm THICK when he’s trying to convince someone over literally anything; compliments their looks, their handiwork, and then pitches his proposition in smooth segue. Not one to entertain haggling though (however he DOES do a ‘look if you’ll pay full price I’ll throw in xyz’ thing). King of upselling even the most mundane things.
His tone is cheerful most of the time, no matter what he’s saying. He’ll actually often say very disturbing things with a light voice (ex. when discussing how to retaliate ie “what should we do about him?” “we could kill him! :)”)
Builds and locations somehow are always capitalized in his voice?? Like he says them differently. I can’t really explain it (when he talks about Aqua Town or Scarland or The Big Dig)
Literally has an evil laugh when he thinks of a way to prank someone or mess with people
Hums in thought quite often, and uses “huh!” quite often when confused or finding out something new (Mostly with redstone)
His farewell is almost always “Byeeee, have a great time!” even if the conversation he left was not a pleasant one. I’m almost certain he does this in tense situations just to get under other people’s skin and really push how unbothered he is
Doesn’t tend to insult people, the farthest he’ll take it is backhanded compliments
That said he is not afraid to outright threaten (“I will murder them.”)
References media a lot, both for concepts for builds and in speech (ie his greeting “Well hello there!” is from Star Wars)
Number one exclamation is “Sweet Baby Jellie!”
(More under the cut!)
Cold opens, both in videos and conversations (rarely says “hello, how are you, etc” when encountering someone, but he does say farewells/‘thank you’s)
Likes to sneak up on people and scare them if he realizes they haven’t noticed him yet, usually does so by getting real close and then yelling (“HEY!”/“HI!”/“WHAT’S THAT?”)
Uses the name of whoever he’s talking to pretty often while speaking to them (“Well, Mumbo, you never know”/“So, Scar, as you can see here-“), same goes for often addressing his audience (“you all”/“you lot”/“you guys”)
Usually pretty focused (when he wants to be) but oftentimes takes a minute to laugh at things he notices in the natural environment (An accidental face in a build, a mob in a strange place, etc)
Takes the lead in a conversation if nobody is the clear leader, but generally only speaks when spoken to if someone else has risen to that spot
Clarifies instructions after something is explained, both to his viewers and to anyone he’s grouped up with (most often seen in the Life Series)
Uses “Pardon?!”/“Beg your pardon?!” most often when surprised or startled (he’s very British), also sometimes uses “Sorry??”
Things are way more funny to him when he’s tired
Deadpans a lot in conversation ie “why not do xyz?” “Well because we’ll horrifically die 😑“
This man is allergic to committing to the bit unless he’s the one that initiated it
Not one to sugarcoat (“how is it?” “well to be honest it’s miserable”)
Number one exclamation is “WHAT?!” (though he often uses “oh my GOODNESS” quite a bit)
The start of nearly every episode is almost a pitch, does the same when bringing up an idea to others (“I have this idea”/“I was thinking”/“I noticed” etc)
Often laughs a little at himself when he speaks
Also often brings up how inexperienced/unqualified he thinks he is with literally any task he’s doing
Gets very distracted with the smallest things
Uses similes a lot when trying to describe a concept (“I’m thinking a this-type thing”/“Something like a [xyz]”/“Imagine like a [thing]”)
His voice gets higher when he’s startled or panicking
A very vocal thinker, which makes sense because he’s a MC Youtuber, but he also just. Seems to think out loud regardless
Comments a lot on the feel of things (“Oh this feels menacing”/“This looks like it’d mess you up”/“This makes it feel very intimidating”), often with building
Extremely modest. However will celebrate when he does something right in redstone/building (“YES! Oh my days, that took forever”)
Once and a while will have a rare banter moment with people he’s comfortable with (ie teasing and making fun)
Related to above, he gets very giggly when he’s hanging out with people he’s familiar with (Grian and Scar most often, but also Iskall)
Number one exclamation is “What on earth?!”
Greets people most often with “How you doing [name]?”/“How are ya [name]?”
He’s very northern. He often leaves out words in his sentences bc that’s just the way his dialect is (“What you doin’?” vs “What are you doing?”)
Says his th’s like f’s (“somefing”/“nofing”/“finking”) ((Stress also does this))
His jokes/teasing are very deadpan (“I made you this extra thing, because you’re trash at this”)
Actually gives gifts of resources very often, and always leaves it with a little note and signs his name
His voice gets higher pitched when he’s defensive/being extremely cheeky but other than that his tone rarely changes
This man. Flirts so much. If any other person initiates even the slightest of flirty banter he takes that and dials it to eleven I cannot believe this is a straight married man sometimes
Joel commits to the bit 100% of the time (slightly related to above), unless of course it’s jokes about his height
Makes a point to compliment himself if he gets the chance (words most often used are “handsome” “strong” and “humble”, as well as comments about his muscles and physique)
Insults his enemies diminutively (“look at you down there, tiny idiot”/“You’re wrong and also weak”) ((seen most often in Empires SMP)
His most often used insult is “idiot”
When he’s flustered/frustrated he uses “bloody” a lot (ie “bloody heck” or “this bloody thing” (loves to toe the PG line), also uses “blooming” (“bloomin’ heck”)
Most often used exclamation is also “WHAT?!”
Opens videos very jovially, talks almost like a radio host
Breaks down his builds down to the block, spends a lot of time discussing his block pallet choices and giving tips while he builds
Uses the affirmation “sure enough” a lot, and often addresses himself as “Ol’ Bdubs”
Talks affectionately about other hermits often (“[name], the absolute sweetheart, left me some materials”, “[name], you angel!”)
Adding to above, “angel” or “sweet angel” seems to be his most often used affectionate terms
Switches on a dime, though, if he gets offended (which of course causes others to poke fun at him even more)
Calls mobs “stupid” a lot when they don’t do what he wants (but takes it back if he says it to one of his horses ex. “Come here, stupid—wonderful, I mean, beautiful”)
THIS MAN IS THE #1 HORSE ENJOYER. He gets a horse first thing every season and rides it everywhere, and they’re always a focal point of his theme or builds in some regard
Pauses whatever he’s doing to sleep as soon as it’s possible, and gets very antsy if he can’t do it for some reason (“One moment, time to shreep!”)
Related to above, EVERYONE messes with him if he’s trying to sleep in their presence ie breaking his bed over and over, and he gets increasingly more frustrated when it happens
Rarely is soft spoken or quiet, he projects his voice and uses a lot of emphasis in his tone
Either straight up screams (and peaks the mic 😭) if he’s startled or scared, or yells “oh my GOODNESS!!”
Number one exclamation is “HEY!”
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a-b-riddle · 6 months ago
Part Four
Can't stop thinking about reader losing her cool.
"So we're closed, John." You said, trying to be cordial.
"Is that all you have to fucking say?" He practically growled before huffing. A humorless chuckle rumbling out of his chest. "I suppose not since you won't respond to any of us."
"Don't do that." You said taking a step back. Trying to create some distance between you and him. John would never physically hurt you. That much you knew.
"What?" He asked. His voice rising as he stepped closer to you. "Be angry that you pulled that shit and then left? Stopped talking to us. Changed your fucking locks. Last thing we even knew about you was that you got on a fucking plane and left. Even your friends wouldn't tell us anything besides that you were okay." "Which considering this came out of bloody nowhere, I find it highly unlikely that you are in any way 'okay'."
You took a deep breath. You wouldn't be intimidated. You wouldn't clam up. You wouldn't cry. You won't go back on your decision. You will be cordial and polite and not unleash everything you want to.
"I understand you might be upset, but it's for the best. It wasn't working out and I wanted to end on somewhat good terms. I would appreciate it if you lowered your voice and stopped speaking to me in that way." You could barely recognize your voice. It sounded so scripted. So robotic. But it was something you had been telling yourself. Excuses you had been telling yourself.
Because if you told yourself the truth. The picture you would paint would tell a different story. It wouldn't highlight the fact that John spoke to you like he was one of your men or that Johnny had the emotional capacity of a teaspoon. It wouldn't show what a flake Kyle was or that Simon was well and truly a mean-spirited person.
It would show how you weren't worth it. Four possible men. Four possibilities of happily ever after and none of them chose you. That no one ever did and no one ever would. You weren't worth it. You weren't loveable.
It wasn't right, but it was what the voices had been telling you late in the night. When you would crawl into your cold bed. The silence of the room not filled with John's steady breathing or the sound of Kyle's heartbeat as you laid you head on his chest. The absence of Johnny's occasional snoring or whatever Simon was watching playing in the background of your dreams.
In the void, all your dark thoughts came back at you.
"Upset?" He asked, his voice still louder than you would have liked. "An understatement considering the stunt you pulled."
"You think it was a stunt?"
"So Johnny thought with his dick and didn't plan things out. You should have told him instead of crying to Simon and then pulling this shit." "Christ, I knew you were still young, but I didn't take you for that immature."
"You know what?" "I'm done." "I am so fucking sick of making excuses for you all." "You want to act like I'm the immature one, John?" "You are 35-year-old man who cannot separate his work from his work like. You have continuously talked to and down to me like I am one of your men, only to turn around and always blame your shitty fucking attitude on work. I get that your job is stressful, but I did not sign up to be your verbal fucking punching bag."
"And this come and fucking go incident with Johnny. It has been a consistent issue with him coming over just to fuck. I've asked him for that last six months that 'hey, we've been seeing each other for a year and a half, I would love to meet your family' and suddenly the dates stop. He doesn't ask to see me until after 7 PM. He brings food occasionally, fucks me and leaves. Sometimes before I even wake up."
"And the only reason Kyle is the person I am the least pissed off with is because I haven't even seen him." You took a step closer, not noticing how the anger in John's eyes had softened. "I have not seen Kyle in weeks, to no fault of my own. I stopped reaching out to make dinner plans after the third time he canceled on a date night when I was either on my way or already at the restaurant."
"And Simon?" You scoffed. "Well, it doesn't really matter. After all, as he said I get mine. You all make me cum which is supposed to magically erase how shitty you've all been as partners. It's supposed to erase the nights I've cried myself to sleep debating on whether or not there was something wrong with me. How I'm not good enough to meet anyone else in your lives like some dirty fucking secret. How none of you can even bother to pencil me for a group dinner so I can tell you a publishing house picked up my book. How at some point you all stopped caring or maybe never did."
You took a breath. Blinking quickly to keep the tears at bay.
You wouldn't cry. You wouldn't cry.
"As Simon said it best, I should have known that spreading my legs wouldn’t end with one of you putting a ring on your finger.”
For once, John was silent. Unsure of what to say. An apology starting to form at the tip of his tongue before realizing 'sorry' wouldn't cut it. Not this time.
Had he really been that sharp with you? He knew that there were times he had gotten short, but he almost always apologized immediately after. If not at the very moment he took in your crest-fallen face, then definitely later. But he almost always told you he was sorry. Didn't he?
"So as I said," you swallowed down the lump in your throat. "I'm closed. We're done. Now get out." Your face held no sadness. Even though your eyes were nearly full to the brim with unshed tears, you weren't sad.
You were finally angry.
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kitten4sannie · 17 days ago
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pairing: peter parker/venom! yunho x gf! reader
genre: spider man au, smut
summary: your boyfriend is going through a phase.
w.c: 3.3k (porn with a microscopic amount of plot)
warnings: dom! yunho, sub! reader, venom should have his own warning bc bro is NASTYY (so is yuyu 🤝🏻), partial mind manipulation? on yunho’s part? bc venom is in his head? idk, praise/degradation, pet names/name calling, teasing, fingering, hand kink….,, SIZE KINK., manhandling, pussy eating, tongue kink, raw feral sex (doggy + missionary), bro has a monster cock, also monster fucking!! bc venom takes over <3, cum eating, breeding kink, bulge kink, dacryphilia, mind break, record breaking creampie
a/n: listen …….i LOVE venom, the things i would let venom do to me would set humanity back at least fifty years. NOW VENOM YUNHO ON THE OTHER HAND,, oh boy. boyyyy oh boy. i don’t think i have to explain myself when it comes to that combination bc this fic speaks for itself lol. are you curious now? why don’t you give it a peek then, hm? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ and then lemme know what you thought of it pretty please? <3
song rec: new woman - lisa feat. rosalía (get it bc he’s a new man - bc of venom - 😼)
fictober 2024
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“And just where have you been, Jeong Yunho?” you asked your boyfriend in a more teasing manner than anything, once he snuck in past the sliding glass door of the balcony, getting up from the couch you were waiting restlessly on. When he stood there silently just looking at you through the white eye shaped sections of his mask, you pouted, nervously wrapping a lock of hair around your finger. “Just be honest with me and I won’t be mad, okay?” 
Despite the lack of sleep, you were ready for him this time. He wasn’t about to casually sneak in or out of the house another night that week without you catching him. Usually, you wouldn’t have been concerned because you were used to him being gone when there was crime taking place or a super villain that needed to be brought to justice, but recently…your boyfriend was acting strange. He was starting to become moody and secretive, opting to brush you off when you asked him about it. Yunho had even taken up using substances in his free time, finding him drunk or high off his ass in the apartment when you got home from work. The final straw was when you came home one night to find him in the kitchen with freshly dyed hair and new piercings he had given himself, a few empty boxes of black hair dye and bloody safety pins laying haphazardly on the kitchen counter. 
Yunho took off his mask and rubbed at his eyes like he was tired, leaving a bit of smeared eyeliner underneath them, before shoving his hands into the pockets of his frayed jacket, the one that was slightly zipped just enough to cover his iconic red suit. 
“She knows about us,” said the annoying parasite that had just recently made a home inside him. “We should eat her.”
“No, I’m not doing that,” Yunho grumbled, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. 
You walked up to him, gently putting a hand on his chest. “Yun, I just wanna know where you were at, that’s all. You know I respect your space,” you murmured, your pout growing slightly, your eyebrows upturned with concern. 
“She’s looking at us with those big round eyes again, Yunho,” Venom told his host, letting out a disgusting groan only he could hear. “It’s gonna make us hard. If we’re not going to eat her, let’s fuck her, at least.” 
“Mingi asked me to take care of some douchebags that had been causing trouble at that new club he works at. That’s all, baby,” Yunho replied softly, reaching down to press the back of his hand against your cheek, before cupping it. He noticed the teary look inside your doe eyes. “Hey, are you okay?” 
You nuzzled into his big warm hand, before reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck to hold your boyfriend close. “I’m fine…I’ve just been worried about you, Yun. You’ve been acting a bit…different.” 
“Let’s show her just how different we’ve become, Yunho,” Venom egged him on, knowing Yunho could feel just how much he wanted to break through the barrier of his host’s mind and take control. “She’ll love it.”
How could he possibly explain to you that he was always in a never ending battle with a frightening otherworldly parasite that had found its way inside of him? You would be so scared and disgusted, you’d probably never trust him again. He couldn’t risk losing you, not when you were his only anchor to the normal life he desperately craved, and the first person he’s ever felt this strongly about. 
“I’m just going through a phase, I think,” Yunho expressed wholeheartedly, resting his hands around your waist, his thumbs slightly pressing into your hip bones through your sleep shirt, feeling just how delicate you truly were. You were so small compared to him, practically swimming in one of his band t-shirts that you regularly wore to bed; you were so tiny and cute, and…”Malleable,” Venom finished. Yunho couldn’t tell if the parasite was influencing all of his thoughts or if he was just that perverted. 
“Do you wanna talk about it, Yun?” You pressed yourself closer to Yunho, feeling his large hands enclose around your small waist, making you feel a bit dizzy. When he shook his head, you tilted yours, wondering if what you felt pushing against your middle was exactly what you thought it was. “Or, do you want to take me to bed?” 
It had felt like forever since Yunho had touched you, kissed you even. You had almost forgotten what it was like to feel him inside you, filling you up over and over again until his love spilled out. Just the thought alone made your body begin to overheat. Was it wrong of you to take his simple answer at face value rather than push the issue, instead of letting him push you back into the wall of the hallway? You weren’t sure, but you were just grateful that your boyfriend still wanted you like this. 
“Did punching those guys at the club make you this horny?” you asked playfully, a sudden shiver of pleasure shooting up your spine when Yunho’s warm hands snaked up underneath your shirt and began groping at your tits.
“So horny,” Yunho joked back, a shaky exhale escaping his bobbing throat as he swallowed. 
 “Nnngh, I didn’t know fighting crime did it for you, Yun.” 
“Knowing I’m already getting your little pussy wet just from this is what’s doing it for me, baby,” he whispered into your ear, having to practically lower himself to your height just to do so, able to clearly hear the breathless moan that left your lips. Yunho was already breathing hard, his mind swimming with constant racing thoughts that all pertained to his pretty little girlfriend and what he was going to do to you, squishing your soft flesh in between his slender fingers, using his thumbs to rub your hardening nipples in teasing circles. 
It had felt like eternity since Yunho had allowed himself to feel you underneath his touch, to even simply look at you with unbridled lust. He wanted to see all of you, witness the way you completely opened yourself up to him. It was driving him insane. Was it selfish of him to give into temptation when there was something else living inside him? Something that he knew was taking even more pleasure in this than he was? He wasn’t exactly sure, but he knew it was far too late to stop now. 
“Let us see her tits, Yunho, they feel so nice inside our hands, we need to see,” Venom demanded, desperately shaking the bars of his figurative cage. 
When Yunho tugged your shirt up and over your tits, your gasp became muffled, your eyes widening as he stuffed the hem of the shirt into your mouth. You were going to close your legs to keep your arousal from spilling down your thighs, but your eager boyfriend pushed his larger one in between them. 
“You’re so pretty, angel,” Yunho cooed softly, admiring the way you began to grind your cunt against his thigh, despite the sheepish expression you offered him, a bit of drool escaping the corner of his mouth from witnessing such a display of pure desperation. “Look at you go…rubbing yourself all over my thigh like a horny little slut.” 
“N-not a slut,” you whimpered softly, his insult causing a fresh wave of slick to leak out onto Yunho’s torn jeans. “Just need you, Yuyu.” 
“Her breeding hole needs to be trained to handle my size. Do it now,” Venom growled into Yunho’s mind, growing more and more demanding by the second, very aware that his host was starting to lose control of himself. 
“Yeah? How about this?” Yunho pulled your panties to the side so that he could watch as your greedy cunt swallowed up one of his long, bony fingers to the knuckle. “Is that enough, baby?” 
“I meant with your human sized cock, you insufferable prick,” Venom chided, simply not understanding the pleasurable benefits that prolonged foreplay could offer being the inhibited hothead that he was. 
Something about the way Yunho was taking his time with unraveling you, the way he was drinking in the sight of your bare body with pure lust inside his dilated eyes, all while he had one of his digits plunged inside you. It made you pulse and squeeze around it. “F-full.”  
“But I barely fit one finger inside you, sweetheart. What’ll happen if I put another?” Yunho suddenly tugged your borrowed t-shirt up and over your head, leaning in close to your face to catch the way your breath hitched as soon as he slipped another finger inside, curling them just enough to hit your sweet spot each time he finger-fucked you, earning a few whiny moans from his beloved girlfriend. “Oh, that’s right. You turn into my little sex toy, don’t you?” 
“Y-esss, Yuyu, just for you, fuck,” you cried out, hooking your arms around his neck to keep yourself from completely melting into the floor. 
“That’s a good girl,” he groaned into your ear, quickly stuffing his thick digits into you, unable to get Venom’s ungodly thoughts out of his head all the while, unable to keep himself from shoving a third finger into you, your slick walls pulsating around him. “You think you’re feeling full now…just wait till my cock’s inside you.”
Gasping, your nails dug into his back through his clothes. “Oh my god, Yunho, give it to me, please, please, please,” you whined breathlessly into his neck, trembling in his arms as overwhelming pleasure washed over you. “N-need your cock in me.” 
“Fuck, I can’t believe you’re already begging to be fucked like that. I almost forgot how much of a needy little slut you are when you need cock. You like the thought of me stretching out your little pussy that much, huh?” He smiled against your heated skin when you whimpered and nodded eagerly, not allowing you to witness the brief moment his eyes turned completely black. “I just might split you open.” 
You almost didn’t recognize your boyfriend when he tossed you onto your shared bed like you weighed close to nothing, and you certainly didn’t recognize him when he manipulated your limbs until you were laying with your head down against the mattress and your ass up in the air. Usually, he wanted to do missionary, so that he could kiss and look at you when you both came undone, but now, now he had you in a position that was apparently ‘perfect for breeding’, or at least, that’s what you thought you had heard him mumbling about from behind you. 
“Now’s the time, human. We must show her how great we are,” the alien reminded Yunho, delighted that his black parasitic poison was now making its way through his host’s veins, showing up from underneath his milky skin. It was changing him in ways that would most definitely benefit all three of you. 
Yunho squeezed his large hands into the sides of your ass and spread it open, hyper focused on your dripping cunt and how it struggled to accommodate his obscene size. “Poor baby’s so tiny, my little princess can barely take me inside her pretty cunt,” he sighed, pulling out just enough to send a few strands of spit onto his own cock, lubing up the base of it and pushing back in, a shiver of pleasure shooting up his spine as soon as he heard the broken cry that left your drooling mouth. “Looks like we’re going to have to break you in.” 
You felt like you were losing your mind. Your boyfriend had just barely bottomed out inside of you and you were already about to cream yourself. And, it might’ve been the cock drunk state you were in, but you swore to god that his dick got bigger. It felt like it was kissing your cervix already and he hadn’t even moved yet. Not to mention, it felt so hot inside you, and there was so much pre-cum coating your walls, you almost thought he had came prematurely, but he would’ve been asleep and snoring away already if he did. 
Yunho violently interrupted your train of thought by slamming his hips forward, letting out a deep, long groan as though he were experiencing euphoria. He grabbed your wrists and held them behind your back, tucking them together so that he could hold them both with one large hand, and quickly got to work, yanking you back onto his cock, using you like his own personal sex doll. “That’s fucking it, isn’t it, angel? You like that? You fucking like that?” 
“Yeah, fuck me,” you moaned back, realizing this ‘phase’ of Yunho’s was one of the best things that could’ve ever happened to the both of you, previously unaware that something this rough, something this animalistic, could feel as good as it did. 
“She’s ours, she’s ours, Yunho, fuck, we’re going to cum inside her,” Venom blissfully announced into Yunho’s head, fully taking over his host in that very instant, gracing Yunho with the symbiote’s much more endowed features. 
It was then that you let out a sudden gasp, the air that quickly filled your lungs leaving as a wavering moan of pleasure instead. It was almost as if Yunho’s cock had grown twice in size. You didn’t even know how that was possible, but you were too lost in the moment to question it. “So big, it’s so fucking big, Yunho, nnnngh, it’s gonna break me,” you exhaled, quickly pulling at the sheets once he gifted you partial physical autonomy, your eyes beginning to disappear underneath your eyelashes. 
“That’s right, pretty girl, and you’re going to keep taking it all, even after I’m done impregnating you,” Yunho agreed huskily, bending over you until his overheated body pressed into your shoulders and back, his long fingers curling around the softness of your hips. Just as his never ending seed spilled into you and made its way into your womb, Yunho dragged his long tongue up in between your straining shoulder blades and along your neck, savoring your flavor. He truly wanted to eat you, unable to stop drooling, but the annoying mortal he shared this body with wouldn’t let him. Venom figured he would have to settle for the next best thing.  
You didn’t even have a chance to finish shaking, let alone take a breath, before you were being lifted up and lowered back down onto your boyfriend’s face, your cunt fitting snugly between the curves of Yunho’s lips and nose. Just as he lapped at your extremely sensitive clit and slit, you couldn’t help but jolt away, his forearms suddenly locking tightly around your middle. “O-oh…!” 
“Hold still. Need a taste of this pretty cunt,” Yunho growled under his breath, angling his head back and opening his mouth wide enough so that he could explore the entirety of your used cunt, licking and drinking up the mixed arousal that spilled out of you to his heart’s content.
“Y-yunhooo,” you whined pathetically, reaching forward to hold onto the headboard to keep yourself from passing out from the pleasure that was overloading your mind, looking down to watch how he eagerly nosed at your clit. “Fuck, i’ll cum again…” 
“Then, do it, princess.” Just as he swallowed down more of your wetness, he realized it wasn’t enough, unable to keep himself from sliding the entirety of his tongue inside you, feeling you clench around the base of it. 
“Oh my god, your tongue, it’s so–haaaah,” you reacted breathlessly, digging your nails into the wood of the headboard, the longer his serpent-like tongue slithered in and out of you so seamlessly, unable to fully understand how any of this was possible. When the thickest part of his appendage rubbed at your g-spot, you saw white around your vision, your ears ringing, unable to hear the filthy slurping sounds Yunho was making underneath you as he drank up your squirt. 
When you came to, you were back underneath Yunho, in the missionary position he loved so much, yet this time it was profoundly different. His eyes were as dark as his freshly dyed hair, one corner of his mouth split open, inviting a myriad of long, serrated fangs, all while black wispy tendrils clung onto one side of his face like a second skin. You realized too late why Yunho was acting so out of character, and that you were never actually alone with him the past few weeks. You had an uninvited guest, an alien symbiote known as Venom, to be exact — and here you were, face to face with him, his disgustingly oversized cock stretching you wide open.
“Oh god, you’re actually going to split me open, what the fuck,” you gasped sharply, clutching the sides of Yunho’s cheeks, your fingers tugging at the ends of his sweaty hair. 
“Silly human, as much as we’d enjoy seeing that, you won’t split apart. You have a prime body for breeding, didn’t you know?” he chuckled darkly in a two-toned voice, pressing his hand down into your abdomen to feel the sheer size of himself protruding through your lower belly each time his hips routinely smacked into yours. “We knew Spider-man’s pretty little girlfriend would make a perfect host for our offspring. Just look at you, you’re taking us so well.” 
You didn’t know what was going to break your mind first, the fact that you were essentially being used as a breeding tool for an alien that would take great pleasure in swallowing you whole, or the fact that your cunt was eagerly swallowing up something so absurdly large, its heavy girth and width stretching you so wide, it felt as though you would fall apart at any given time. Despite the insanity of it all, your body and mind welcomed it, creaming yourself on his alien cock. 
“Good girlll,” Yunho praised, letting his long slimy tongue slip out to lick up the side of your cheek until he tasted the salt from the tears that fell down your face. He fully sheathed himself inside you one last time, before his large hands cemented around your waist, holding you completely still as his hot load joined the other one he had previously fucked into you, his heavy breaths warming the skin of your neck. “That’s it, princess, take it all, just like that…” 
You could hardly breathe, let alone move, simply laying still in your boyfriend’s arms, taking everything he gave you, as wave after wave of cum coated the insides of your aching cunt and flooded womb, some of it spilling down the insides of your legs and dripping onto the stained sheets below. It felt so good to be filled up in such a way that you came again without direct stimulation, letting out a broken cry, before Yunho silenced you with a kiss. 
When you opened your teary eyes, your boyfriend’s previously monstrous traits were gone, instead replaced with his usual soft, flushed features that you adored so much. You watched him open and close his mouth, as if he didn’t know what to say. You pressed another kiss to his lips, gently running your fingers through his hair. “Should we go to the drugstore to get Plan B?”
Yunho gave you a goofy, though apologetic smile, leaning his face into your neck to give it a few kisses. He pulled himself back up to face you, his eyebrows upturned. “D-do you think it would work on an alien symbiote?” 
You patted his head, knowing what you signed up for when you decided to date the Spider-man, figuring one of his superhero friends would have a solution for the both of you. You gave him a soft smile, happy when he returned it. “If not, let’s get a refund.” 
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© kitten4sannie, 2024.
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