#he’s a weirdo and a rapist
jamethinks · 2 months
Y’all fr shipping Sage and the D*ep…
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tikurrdurr · 3 months
i feel like the cc fandom sometimes forget that a majority of the cast r in fact children and a lot of behaviors r learned from somewhere..........
like yes obviously they should be held accountable (anyone with a working brain knows this) but saying that "[this character] should DIE because of this bad behavior" is silly. thats a whole troubled kid
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wingsofhcpe · 2 months
I'll read the rest of the NG books I own because I paid for them eons before the accusations came out, but I won't be getting any new ones. I won't be giving him any more money, and likely I won't be watching the rest of his shows.
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alirhi · 2 months
Look, I will get back to my fandom shitposting in November if we all survive, but I need to make one thing very fucking crystal clear:
You WILL vote for Kamala Harris this fall. You will.
If you care about Palestine, you will vote for Harris, who has called for a ceasefire.
If you care about prison reform and changing the horrifically racist and classist prison pipeline, you will vote for Harris, who, as a prosecutor in California, kept hundreds of black men out of prison for minor "drug" (marijuana) offenses and only sent a handful to be incarcerated.
If you're a woman and you want to be able to live your life and make your own choices in it, you will vote for Harris.
If you are BIPOC and want to retain your freedom and your right to vote, you will vote for Harris.
If you're any flavor of LGBT and want to retain your right to exist, you will vote for Harris.
If you're an immigrant and you'd like to avoid deportation, a concentration camp, or death, you'd better fucking vote for Harris. If you're not a citizen yet, get your friends and neighbors to vote Harris.
Trump wants to be a dictator with unlimited, unquestioned power and a corrupt government beholden to him. He's said as much himself. The unhinged bigot frequently says the quiet part out loud, in the midst of his nonsensical ramblings.
Kamala Harris is level-headed, strategic, a cunning and experienced politician and lawyer. She's eloquent and delightfully sassy, but that last one's just my own opinion.
Donald Trump is a jabbering weirdo, a felon, a rapist, and he wants to kill, remove, or enslave everyone in this country who's not a wealthy cis het white man willing to lick his boots.
A third party vote is a vote for Trump. Not voting is a vote for Trump (I know. I and many people I know didn't vote in 2016).
A vote against Trump means only one thing: Vote. For. Harris.
It shouldn't even be a fucking question.
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nothing0fnothing · 10 months
Not letting your daughters develop a creep alarm is abuse.
Not teaching your daughter to uphold her boundaries when men make her feel uncomfortable is abuse.
Insisting your daughter be polite to creepy family members is abuse.
Expecting your daughter to cuddle and kiss family friends she barely knows is abuse.
You know one day you will be sending an eighteen year old girl into a world full of rapists, weirdos and creeps. You are intentionally training her to ignore her instinct to pull away from these men and intilling one where she puts male comfort over her own safety.
You know that dangerous men take advantage of the way women are socialised to be polite at all costs, to never even give a man a hint that they think he's a little bit creepy, and you are teaching her to behave in exactly the way these men look for in a mark.
She will go to college one day. Just her and 10,000 20 year old men. Do you really think the purity culture narrative you have instilled in her is going to protect her if she's drunk at a party and is starting to feel unsafe, when you've taught her that her saftey comes second to male comfort?
She will have a job one day. How hard do you think it's going to be for her to navigate creepy advances in a professional setting if you've taught her she's being rude when she so much as tells a man he's making her uncomfortable?
You have 18 short years to instill into her a sense of caution and a firmness in her boundaries that for the rest of her life the society she lives in will try to beat out of her. You know she won't learn it later if you don't teach her now.
You're intentionally setting her up for an adult life of silently witnessing her own abuse, why? So you don't have to have a slightly awkward conversation about no meaning no with another grown adult? So your perfectly obedient child can be used as an entertainment accessory at family gatherings? I'd genuinely like to know what the reasoning is to intentionally endanger your child by teaching her to be perfect prey to violent men for the rest of her life.
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Welcome to Helluva Boss, a TV show review in song parody form
Welcome to Helluva Boss
Have a look around
Everything you’ve heard about this show can be found
We’ve got episodes monthly
And merch drops for days
So if you don’t like it, well then you must hate gays
Welcome to Helluva Boss
A bold new take on Hell
Not much torture goes on down here, in fact everything seems swell
Don’t say that we’re sexist
Millie’s not ignored, haha
She has plenty of focus in this five-minute short!
Welcome to Helluva Boss
By and for Tumblr
At one point our ‘hero’ says a gross ableist slur
Be horny
Be sleepy
Be just plain confused
We could explain the lore in-show, but we refuse!
Welcome to Helluva Boss
Come on, bring a friend
Here’s a fun antagonist
We highly doubt you’ll see again
We got demons, up on Earth, who get paid to kill folks
Except we changed our minds and now
It’s about a red dude and a dumb bird fucking each other
Welcome to Helluva Boss
Views are down the drain
We’ve lost two-thirds of our audience to some weirdo named Caine
We’re out of animators
The critics are mean
We still haven’t sold all our stock from last Halloween
See a washed-up pop star’s
Freshly washed car, be in pain
Steal our employees’ work and
Blacklist them if they complain
Furbait gone mad, deadbeat bird dad,
Love stories you’d find on Wattpad
He’s a rapist because he’s sad
His wife’s bad, sex makes him glad
Here's the show's only non-psycho
Committing awful crimes
Here's the exact same character arcs
That we’ve done a thousand times
Here’s the puny pay rate
For our animators
Here’s the show’s creator buying taxidermied birds
Could I interest you in naughty words?
All of the time?
An awful lot of naughty words
All of the time
Not laughing is a tragedy
Criticism’s a crime
Tons and tons of naughty words
All of the time
Could I interest you in naughty words?
All of the time?
An awful lot of naughty words
All of the time
Not laughing is a tragedy
Criticism’s a crime
Tons and tons of naughty words
All of the time
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lilith-91 · 4 days
"katara should’ve kept her burn scars" nonsensical posts to punish another character
"aang the genocide survivor had it easy and he didn't suffer enough" nonsensical posts
creepy posts about a 14 year old girl "pronounced breasts and hips"
insane fire nation apologia, to the point that now gyatso is compared to sozin
hysterical posts about a 12 year old monk being a vile, rapist, incel, abuser and racist weirdo
weird obsessive parasocial hate relationship with the writers aka two white men
yeah nothing, every day i am more weirded out by what this fandom has become
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euniexenoblade · 2 months
I'm transmasc and I don't think I completely understand the discussion around TMA/TME.
I'm pretty sure I mostly agree with you. Like, "transandrophobia" is not a helpful or accurate description of the transmasc experience, and I can see how it could be used to belittle what transfems go through.
Transfems definitely get more attention from hate groups. Transmasc erasure sucks, but it can definitely be a blessing when the bigots are picking their targets.
I keep seeing posts comparing trans men to incels and MRAs. I haven't seen many transmascs who would warrant that comparison.
That's not to say it's necessarily an unfair comparison. On the contrary, it probably means that there's a lot of transmisogyny going around that I'm not seeing. And if I'm not seeing it, that probably means I'm inadvertently participating in it.
IDK why I felt the need to send this to you. I guess I was hoping you'd tell me how to do better, which totally isn't your job. Feel free to ignore me and/or tell me to fuck off.
I'll send you $20 for tolerating my bullshit. Have a nice day.
Ok I wanna answer this before I get too high (I'm honestly feeling it already). Thank you for the $20, when I realized I forgot to pack a lunch today that money helped me eat still so legit thank you.
So first off, "trans women get more attention from hate groups, transmasc erasure sucks but can be a blessing." (I can't copy and paste on this screen, so I'm paraphrasing) yes but I wouldn't call erasure a blessing, no matter who it's for. They're two sides of a very fucked coin, on the one side transfems get lots of attention and vitriol, and the erasure of transmascs makes it harder for some transmascs to understand they can be trans. But on top of that, the form of transfems we see are never real representation, 99% of the time it's a transmisogynistic ideal of trans women, it's the weirdo white boy spreading lipstick all over their face just before they smash the mirror in a fit of "dysphoria" kind of shit. Though transfems have extreme visibility, our actual selves are not visible, we are ultra violet rapist horn dogs or we're the super ignorant, super emotional crybaby.
And, a side tangent, cuz you sorta did a thing the transandrodorks do that is frustrating. It's not a measurement of what's "worse." That's not how oppression works, that's not what we are saying, we are talking about the forms of oppression.
Men are not oppressed for being men. They can be oppressed for a variety of things, racism, ableism, interphobia (is this the right term I forget), homophobia, etc etc. Masculinity is rewarded, masculinity is the desire, patriarchy exists so men get to be above women. Things like "misandry" do not exist, they are inventions of violently misogynistic men, your MRAs, your incels, your conservatives (this includes liberals btw).
The person who coined "transandrophobia" used to talk about wanting to correctively rape lesbians. I'm not gonna go at someone's kinks, but the blog was not presented as a kink blog, I literally went there myself and read the posts when this first popped off and they come off as true lesbophobia in the context of their blog and coupled with the misandry posting, this person literally looks like MRAs and incels. The defense the community uses is "it's a kink are you kink shaming?? It was on a private locked blog!" Which, the latter, no it wasn't, I literally went there and looked, and the former. Idk I think if you're saying you want correctively rape lesbians while also talking about misandry and counting "transandrophobia," you look misogynistic and homophobic.
The main writers people follow for transandrophobia related content are straight up liars, who make shit up, and one specific non horse entity consistently cites himself as his own "source" and when he doesn't, he cites terf blogs that are connected to kiwifarms and sites of the sort. They will take bits talked about in feminism and present it as a thing they discovered and present it as transandrophobia. Ie. "Men can't show any femininity and can't cry and that's misandry" despite things like this are discussed at length in feminist texts, men can't do these things cuz that makes them more "woman" in the societal lens. Yeah it's fucked, but it's misogyny, not misandry.
I am, consistently, misgendered by the transandrodorks, and so is every other trans woman that disagrees with them. And it's definitely intentional.
Then there are token trans women who don't know much of anything about feminism or transphobia and will straight up harass you for saying women are oppressed. They often weaponize transmisogyny against other transfems, they misgender, suicide bait, or in velvetvexations case, will stalk your blog for two days even though you ignore her and when she's sees you're on a date with your wife, she goes to your wife's blog and starts messaging her instead. Legit, this woman is one of the worst people on this website, the only reason she's not seen as communismkills 2 is cuz men like her.
On top of this, terfs consistently support "transandrophobia" as a concept and constantly say that transandrophobia is compatible with terf ideology. The transandrodork community is ripe with terfs and crypto terfs. Like that one who said he hoped a friend and I get raped, cuz saying "men arent oppressed" warrants wishing rape on people. Or the trans guy that outright said "trans women are male" and tripled down harder saying "trans women don't experience misogyny and oppress transmascs cuz they're really men," claims that were so wild that even velvetvexations couldn't agree with them lol.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: not every person that believes in transandrophobia is a bigot or a bad person. A lot are just young transmascs who are under read about oppression and history, and this terf/transphobe community swoops in and pretends to be representing them and sucks them in. For every disparaging transmisogynist piece, there's two more that are talking about the problems of transmascs. So when you tell these guys "that's a hate group" they don't remember the post calling trans women men, they remember stuff about T being super illegal. So they think we are attacking them for having a problem, not the actual bigotry on display.
Honestly, if these people would just stop misgendering trans women, they might have more trans women who'd be nice to em. But that's the consistent trend.
Transandrophobia is a violent, transmisogynistic ideology that is propped up by terf ideology. That's why they are compared to MRAs and incels.
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"Both parties are the same!"
Kamala Harris is an intelligent, compassionate politician with progressive and sensible policies and views who wants to make America better
Donald Trump is a failed steak salesman and former reality TV "actor" who was best friends with one of the most prolific serial rapists and pedophiles in the worlds history and he's currently flying around in the jet he used to traffick children to his rape island
So like
I'm not saying Kamala Harris is perfect, I'm not saying she's without flaws
But I am saying that she's not a spray-tanned nazi weirdo with dementia that's flying around the country in a pedophile serial rapists private rape jet while he tries to destroy democracy on behalf of a cult of fascist maniacs who want to track when women have periods and put children in workhouses
So maybe go out and vote Harris/Walz this year and keep the guy whose travelling America in Pedo-Force One out of the white house.
Especially since I'm pretty sure America's schools have field trips to it and Trump is definitely someone you want to keep your kids away from
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queer-ragnelle · 15 days
I'm honestly kinda disgusted by the way a lot of authors just seeped their misogyny onto Guinevere to make her so horrible, lol. effectively destroyed a lot of people's view of her and she gets blamed for everything?? people keep shitting on her, saying Lancelot should be shipped with "someone better" and I'm just really annoyed because.. Guinevere is horribly characterized by these weirdos authors 💀. It does not take much to portray her as a complex character while also not making her shitty on purpose because you don't like her for her affair, lol.
I love her so much and it's disappointing how she's been treated :(( which is why I'll never be able to hate Guinevere or her ship with Lancelot
My friend it’s honestly so exhausting at this point. It’s not even limited to writing Guinevere herself as insufferable, but writing other characters behaving worse toward her than they ever were in medlit. Arthur hitting and degrading her when he cheats on her? (Warrior of the West by M. K. Hume) Lancelot using her for political gain and never loving her at all? (Enemy of God by Bernard Cornwell) Owain blocking her passage as she flees danger? (Legend in Autumn by Persia Woolley) Agravaine threatening to rape her? (The Road to Avalon by Joan Wolf) Gawain threatening to rape her? (Guinevere by Lavinia Collins) WHO are these characters bro you got me fucked up!!! The subtext here is that the authors hate Guinevere (read: women) so much they’re willing to warp everyone around her to treat her like garbage!!!
“Guinevere is bad because she has sex outside marriage.” Yeah so does Arthur. He fucked his own sister. In the dark. Leading her to believe he was her husband. So there’s Mordred, but there’s also Loholt and Arthur the Less etc. Arthur has many bastards from his extramarital affairs. (Vulgate and Post-Vulgate) Yet he isn’t canceled. Hm. Wonder what the difference could be? Let’s investigate. Seems authors treat Morgause and Morgan similarly to Guinevere. Gee, what is the common denominator here? Meanwhile in medlit, Morgause didn’t commit any crimes—she didn’t rape Arthur to have Mordred, she never neglected her children, she never cheated on Lot, and she didn’t prey on young men, she had ONE consistent lover who was younger than her AFTER her husband died. And she was murdered for it. (Post-Vulgate) Yet every other author writes her as a rapist (The Once and Future King by T. H. White), child grooming (The Wicked Day by Mary Stewart), pedophile (The Book of Gaheris by Kari Sperring), trying to put one of her sons on the throne (many examples). Now, Morgan is evil. But not for lewdness, for trying to murder people. In literally every source. Hello. It’s very simple. These authors are ridiculous. They care more about highlighting their opinion that fictional women having sex is BAD than writing a good story. When there are plenty of actually bad things happening in medlit they could condemn instead. You know, like the misogyny? Burning Guinevere at the stake??? You couldn’t make this up. It’s the utter disdain for the material for me. Assuming these dumbasses are even reading the material. Write something else where I can’t see it. (To be clear, I don’t even hate all the books I listed as examples, but they are unfortunately examples.)
Thankfully I haven’t encountered the blogger discourse regarding this. At least not lately. My advice to anyone who sees people shitting on something you like is to block them. Just do it. Fuck that noise. It’s not worth it.
Also I have to laugh at ship discourse about Guinevere/Lancelot. Of all pairs! It’s so unserious. They’re not some random comphet duo from the newest tumblr trending fandom. They’re mythological characters from a medieval literary tradition. Lancelot was created for her. In the 12th century. That was 900 years ago. It feels juvenile to reduce them to ship discourse. Especially because the story is fluid, it can be reshaped to fit the author’s narrative. So if Guinevere sucks, it’s because they made her that way. This is the epitome of making up a girl to be mad at.
“Oh but in Knight of the Cart—” Shh stop talking. If you’re pulling out KotC like some “gotcha” about Guinevere’s treatment of Lancelot, then you’re lost, buddy. You may be seeking entertainment in the wrong place! Guinevere and Lancelot aren’t real. Nobody was “abused” because they’re characters, narrative tools, to tell a story. Guinevere is flawed. Nobody ever said she wasn’t. If that’s too much complexity for you then I don’t know what else there is to say.
Honestly? Nobody is obligated to like Guinevere. I think it’s stupid to dislike her but the real take away is—if you dislike Guinevere so much, hate her even, why the are you writing so poorly about her? She’s as old a character as Arthur himself. Show some fucking respect or get out.
Anyway I’m going to end this with a recommendation! Today I started the third book of Sharan Newman’s Guinevere trilogy. The first two, Guinevere and The Chessboard Queen were utterly AWESOME!! Lots and lots of named women, like Guinevere’s mother Guenlain, Cador’s wife Sidna and daughter Lydia, Guinevere’s handmaiden Risa, and so on. The one downside is Morgause and Morgan are your typical modern retelling baddies, but overall it’s two thumbs up from me. Many points of view, but Guinevere is fascinating and complex and most importantly she is beloved!!!!!! Really hoping it stays enjoyable through to the end. Miss Newman is still in print, so I encourage everyone to seek these books out at your local library or from your favorite bookseller. Here’s a quote from book 2, The Chessboard Queen.
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i love when you write nikto because you're one of the few people who doesn't boil him down to "he's rough and has a mental illness he must be an abuser"
i wanted to read some nikto fics on ao3 and the very first one portrayed him as a rapist like yeah sure let's take this man who was tortured and has a multiple personality disorder and make him a rapist that doesn't add to the demonisation of people with that mental illness at all
why are people so stupid?
i mean he's right there and he's a weird little guy who has great unconventional shows of affection potential and potential for so many cute scenarios yet people don't see him as anything else other than an abuser or a typical "rough daddy dom"
im so glad you exist and have a working brain that gives us weird blorbo nikto instead
HE'S JUST A WEIRDO OFFICERR PLEASEEE. Nah but I get it, I started writing him mostly because I couldn't find any good Nikto content that wasn't like oh okay he's just standing there to literal abuse/rape/noncon. I get people like reading that but also cmon :((.
You can't boil down a character just to their mental illness nor can you do that to irl people because that's just really fucking weird first of all. Also I really don't get why people try to demonize mental disorders and act like oh, it's their true personality because they suddenly snapped yadayada. Like bro no. That's not how that works.
He's just a guy that acquired a mental disorder. Thats it. That's the main point. Just a guy thats gone through too much and continues to do so because he's so fucking disassociative that he doesn't know what else to do. That's how I write him ngl. Honestly just hoping that some people take inspo from my writing sometimes to write soft Nikto because genuinely. Pls. THATS WHY I WRITE THEM LIKE SIDE NOTESSSS.
Also xoxounhinged writes em soft sometimes too and like yes :3. My fav.
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thecatsaesthetics · 3 months
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Sometimes I seriously wonder if there is a different version of ACOTAR that people read, because calling Rhys a “child killing rapist” and that he wants to spread the NC to the rest of Prythian?????
Did you seriously read these books or did you just live in the “anti IC” bubble and repeat your weirdo talking points.
Acotar is not that deep of a series.
Rhys and Feyre are the good guys (Rhys isn’t even that morally gray)
Tamlin is a pathetic abuser
Hybern/Keir/Amarantha are villains.
Sorry you don’t like that, maybe this will help:
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star1117-archives · 1 year
Yandere pervert Mingi who finally shows himself to his live after stalking them for months - by maybe waiting for them in their room or something creepy of that sort
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if you’d had trusted your gut feeling, you wouldn’t be in this situation right now. the knife was cool against your neck, your skin burning in comparison. you stayed still, silent as the intruder had instructed, trying to breathe as shallowly as possible so you don’t accidentally cut your own neck. his breath however was loud, almost laboured, sickeningly warm on your neck as he leant into your ear. you had to fight the shudder that rose through your body when his lips grazed your ear.
“i’ll slit your pretty neck if you scream.”
gulping, you hummed in quiet agreement, allowing him to push you forward until you were at the bottom of your bed. fearing the worst, you closed your eyes as he pushed you onto it, just hoping it would all be over soon. however, when nothing happened, you dared to pry one daring eye open. the intruder’s head was tilted to the side in confusion, mouth and nose covered by a mask. finally understanding, he chuckled and unhooked one side of his mask, pulling it off as he spoke.
“i might be a stalker, but I’m no rapist.”
it felt as if your eyes had doubled, no tripled, in size, eyes hurt as you stared at your stalker’s face. surprisingly, it was a very familiar one.
“it’s you… from the café!”
when your voice rose, the man darted forward, hand on your mouth as he pressed the knife to your neck again.
“last warning baby, keep your fuckin’ voice down.”
tears now wetting your cheeks, you nodded slowly, gritting your jaw as his gloved hand caressed your face, wiping your tears away. sighing in content, he moved a few stray hairs into place, twirling one around his finger before letting it bounce back into place. finally letting up, he pointed to the pile of clothes neatly folded on your desk chair, gesturing with his knife.
“get dressed.”
eyebrows furrowed, you approached the clothes slowly, not wanting to make any sudden movements or noises. cold dread washed over you when you saw the semi-formal clothes, taking in his black slacks and dress shirt underneath his hoodie.
“why are you forcing me, mingi? I told you no-”
he paced forward, face now inches from yours, a stern expression on his face that he never showed you at the café. even when you’d turned mingi down, he gave you a small smile and thumbs up, seemingly disappointed but taking it fairly wrong.
how wrong you were.
“and now you’re gonna tell me yes. we’re gonna go to the fancy restaurant I’ve booked, have a lovely fuckin’ evening, and then we’ll see where it goes from there.”
your face darkening, a wave of confidence, or perhaps stupidity, washed over you.
“who says this is gonna go anywhere?”
mingi just laughed in an almost mocking fashion, holding up the knife and letting it glint in the moonlight.
“mr. knife says you might not have a choice in this, baby.”
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@lee--felix @plutoneu @17caratdiamond @seonghwasslytherin @galaxybam2 @a1sh1teruu @greenymar @hijirikaww @soft-teddybear @xuxibelle @m4rsluv @a-soft-hornytiny @anowamij @xye-weirdo @owjohny @hobietheii @csngf @leo-seonghwa @shinestarhwaa @kyeomyun
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vinnianlovesdinosaurs · 6 months
House of the Dragon Hot Take #6
I think it's time to voice my opinions on a few things that include both teams because I feel like in most of these posts I'm just blatantly staying neutral so here we go 😮‍💨
Joffrey Lonmouth and Vaemond Velaryon getting murdered - Both terrible injustices and a blatant display of ignorance from Daemon and Criston Cole. Neither should be celebrated or seen as "cool."
Daemon and Rhaenyra - Not a good ship at all I'm sorry. To be honest I don't think any ship involving Daemon is a good one because he's abusive, neglectful, selfish, and a pedophile.
Rhaenyra and Alicents victim-hood - Should not be compared in any way shape or form. They are both victims in their own right and they BOTH deserve better.
Blood and Cheese - I know most Team Green AND Team Black stans agree with me on this one because it was absolutely unforgivable. Daemon had an innocent child beheaded. Let's not ignore that a rape threat was used against a little girl and a distressed mother.
THE Driftmark incident - Both parties were in the wrong in their own ways here. Aemond didn't deserve to lose his eye, Lucerys didn't deserve practically having a death threat made towards him by full grown adults and his uncle who knew better than him, Rhaenyra didn't deserve to have her arm sliced open, Aegon didn't deserve to have the blame placed on him and he especially didn't deserve to be hit for it, and Alicent didn't deserve to be cast aside like that and ignored.
Laena's Funeral (Pre- Aemond becoming One-eyed) - Honestly justice for my precious girl Laena because WTF even was that mess of a funeral? Her uncle was spewing vitriol at literal children during the ceremony, her husband laughed and was practically eye-fucking his niece, and then Daemon and Rhaenyra end up fucking like three hours later?? 😭
Viserys I Targaryen - I hate this man. He was a shit father to all of his children. He was a shit husband to both of his wives. He was a shit king. He was a shit friend. He was a shit brother. A PEDOPHILE JUST LIKE HIS MF BROTHER !! AND HE'S A RAPIST !! #Viserys should have died sooner
Aegon II, Aemond, Helaena, Daeron, Rhaena, Baela, Aegon III, Viserys II, Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey - Honestly, I sympathize with every single one of these children. They were all raised in terrible environments with immature people all around them. Most of them were practically abused.
Harwin Strong - Justice for my man. He loved Rhaenyra, Larys, Lyonel, Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey with all his heart.
Laenor Velaryon - JUSTICE FOR MY MAN!!! He was ridiculed, bullied, and blatantly used almost every day of his life for who he was. His lover was murdered right in front of him, his selfish ass father refused to accept him, and he had jokes made about his sexuality while he was grieving his dead sister that he didn't get to see for 10 years.
Rhaenyra and Criston Cole - The whole fucking situation grossed me out tbh. I understand Rhaenyra was under the influence and confused from what just happened to her but she practically coerced Criston.
Aemma Arryn and Rhea Royce - Justice for my wives ASAP!! Aemma was used as a breeding mule and Rhea was murdered by her weirdo fucking husband.
The Iron Throne - In my true opinion, I do agree that Rhaenyra was the rightful heir, but in truth neither her or Aegon were good rulers in their own ways. AT ALL.
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Lisa Needham at Public Notice:
Having realized people aren’t thrilled with the lack of abortion access for millions of people in the country, Donald Trump’s campaign has been flailing to explain his stance on the issue. One of his latest attempts is to scream at women in all caps on Truth Social: If he wins in November, “YOU WILL NO LONGER BE THINKING ABOUT ABORTION.”
In case that message, or lack thereof, wasn’t clear, he weirdly read his own post nearly verbatim at a weekend rally in North Carolina. According to Trump, under the Biden-Harris administration, women are “more stressed and depressed,” but if he wins, “I will fix all of that, women, I will fix all of that. And at long last, this national nightmare that we’re going through will be over. Women will be happy.” Things took an even weirder turn during last night’s Trump rally in Pennsylvania, where the adjudicated rapist addressed women directly and made a cultish attempt to hypnotize them into believing he’s something he most definitely is not. “I am your protector,” he said. “You will no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared. You will no longer be in danger … you will no longer be thinking about abortion.”
Donald Trump = sexist weirdo.
In 6 weeks, America has a choice: Elect a history-making woman in Kamala Harris or elect a past sell-by date sexist pig in Trump for President.
Choose wisely!
See Also:
Daily Kos: Trump vows to be ‘protector’ of women, once they get over abortion
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thatsheetyghost · 11 months
I don’t know how else to say it, and you can criticize him as much as you want (and to be fair, a lot of it is probably very accurate), but BIDEN IS THE ONLY VIABLE CANDIDATE TO STAVE OFF FASCISM IN THE US.
Could he do more? Maybe. Has he done nothing? Absolutely not; he’s been far more supportive of unions in the US. The past year we have had major labor victories in the US, and such victories would probably not have been able to happen under a GOP administration.
So to say you won’t vote for him under a single (albeit very bad) misstep in international politicking is absolutely fucking delusional and insane; you don’t give a shit about the Palestinians, you just want to stick it to Sleepy Man and allow even worse people in to not only give Israel funding forever, but to also enable genocides to happen IN THE US.
I don’t think the Palestinians being murdered by the Israel war machine would think highly of people who would throw their minority friends/neighbors/family into a fucking woodchipper to “”protest vote””. It’s a fucking pathetic virtue signal for Internet brownie points that works against pragmatic progressive policies.
I’m not requiring anyone to love Biden, he’s not great, there are a lot of valid issues with his administration, but look at his opposition next year: the GOP, lead by a fucking rapist criminal who want to genocide anyone non-white, non-straight, and non-Christian; they want to enact a cultural fucking genocide in my country, and I won’t just bend the knee to weirdo Marxist-Leninists screeching at me to start a revolution against one of the most powerful militaries in the world.
Fucking use your brain, vote Biden 2024.
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