#he wont survive truth :)
r-truth · 8 months
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Truth: Hey, I even got t-shirts made for my boy, Tom & Nick Mysterio Damian: Tom & Nick?
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emoreooo · 8 months
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oh, come on. everyone’s afraid of something.
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sunlessveils · 7 months
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The household of Dr Cards.
Most are surprised to find the doctor lives so secluded in the marshes, what secrets does he keep there? The truth is not far below the surface. The secret is his daughter,Clara, Sent from the surface by her mother due to her "unladylike" behaviour.
While her claims of singing from the marshlands and Visions of miracles are a source of some concern the doctor ensures she's well protected and cared for.
Rumours stick to the girls caretaker, miss Harpe, that say she used to be a vake hunter. Though most whispers follow the House's guardsman, A faceless fellow in ancient armour but with no lacking in its sword arm. are they dedicated to reenactment or did the doctor animate a suit of armor,or the bones of a long dead warrior, to ensure the safety of his constantly wandering child and the staff?
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theostrophywife · 1 year
here in your arms.
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author's note: couldn't resist writing for my little foxy boy. this is the twin to this request.
eris preferred to sleep alone.
at least, he used to. when it came to his bedchambers, the autumn court heir abided by one simple rule: he could invite whomever he pleased to bed, but they were not to overstay their welcome by any means. it was a good rule and one that he had upheld for centuries. until you came along.
eris wasn’t even sure how it happened. the most likely scenario was that the two of you had stumbled into his bed after a night of drinking and debauchery, taunting and teasing one another as you were wont to do. you were the one person at court whose sarcasm rivaled his own. ever since you where children, you had kept eris on his toes with your sharp wit and fiery personality. you challenged him and though he'd never admit it, the future high lord was absolutely soft for you.
perhaps that was why he hadn’t objected when you had fallen asleep on his bed, blankets greedily wrapped around you while you cuddled with his favorite pillow. you looked so serene laying there, still dressed in your ridiculous ball gown with your hair loose and unbound, fanning around you like a waterfall and framing that beautiful face eris had come to memorize.
he had simply crawled in beside you, his eyes heavy from the alcohol and his thoughts flowing like honey. the last thing he remembered was your hand reaching for his, weaving your fingers together.
the autumn court heir convinced himself that it would only be that one exception, but then he laid in bed the next night, tossing and turning. unable to sleep without the warmth of your body next to his or the soft breaths that lulled him into sweet dreams or the way that you reached for him even when you were unconscious.
he thought he could will it away. eris had survived centuries sleeping alone, so there was no reason for him to suddenly crave a bedside companion. he didn't need anyone to cuddle with. night after night, that's what he told himself. until two days passed, then three. finally after an entire week of fitful sleep, eris admitted the plain, ugly truth to himself.
you had utterly and completely ruined the male.
so he pushed aside all of his pride and walked to the other end of the forest house where your bedchambers were located. you had opened the door to find the rumpled, weary redhead glaring at you with accusation.
"what have you done to me, woman?"
you yawned, pulling your robe on tightly. "i have various schemes and plots against you at the moment, so you'll have to be more specific than that, pumpkin."
eris sighed exasperatedly and marched right into your suite. you shut the door behind him, watching with an amused smile as your friend paced in front of the hearth. "yes, eris why don't you come on in. it's not like you were interrupting my sleep or anything. of course, midnight is a perfectly reasonable time to drop in unannounced."
the eldest vanserra rolled his eyes. "i can't sleep!" he whirled around, folding his arms in a regal, yet disdainful way. "and it's your fault. it's been an entire week and i cannot take it any longer."
"and how, pray tell, is your sudden bout of insomnia my doing?"
"because," eris stated matter-of-factly, "ever since that night that you fell asleep in my bed, i haven't been able to get your damned lily soap scent out of my sheets. my room is too quiet without your obnoxious little snores and my legs are perpetually warm without you pressing those frozen icicles you call feet against them."
"let me get this straight," you said with a snort. "you marched all the way across the forest house, just to insult my soap, my snoring, and my cold feet."
"as future high lord, i am allowed to voice my displeasure with court subjects."
"as your loyal subject, i am also allowed to tell you to kindly fuck off."
eris bit back a smile. "i'm being serious, y/n. i cannot lose any more of my beauty sleep. it is absolutely maddening."
you rolled your eyes. "then stop being an insufferable twat and sleep with me."
the redhaired male opened his mouth for another snarky retort, but you merely tugged him towards the bed. you peeled back the covers and gestured for eris to make himself comfortable. he did so, albeit looking a bit peaked as you slipped in beside him.
“oh, you look positively virginal eris.” you said with a chuckle. “fret not pumpkin, i have no plans on ravishing you. now come cuddle before i come to my senses and send your sorry arse back.”
eris scrunched his nose in feigned annoyance. “you’re such a bossy little fox. you are aware that you’re speaking to the heir of the autumn court with such insolence, aren’t you?”
you tugged him to you, pinching his cheek as he laid against your chest. “i wouldn’t have to resort to insults if the big, bad future high lord had the balls to simply ask for what he wanted.”
“and what do i want?” eris asked, shifting to face you as you ran your fingers through his luscious hair.
“to be babied,” you declared. “admit it, pumpkin. you just want someone to play with your hair and cuddle you at night and give you all the kisses.”
“you’re wrong,” eris declared, his lids fluttering shut as you snuggled against him. “i don’t want just someone. i want you, little fox.”
you smiled. “well, i’m already playing with your hair and cuddling you so all that’s left is —“
eris took your face in his hands and pulled you down to him. his lips were velvet against yours, playful and teasing just like the male you were kissing. butterflies erupted in your stomach as eris clutched you closer, his breath warm against your cheek as he deepened the kiss, filling you with the taste of freshly picked apples and rich cinnamon with a hint of mint toothpaste. eris pulled away reluctantly, pressing his forehead against yours.
amber eyes full of heat pierced through you as you smirked. “it took you damn well long enough.”
eris rolled his eyes fondly before pulling you against his chest. “you absolute menace,” he said, kissing the top of your head. “you’ve finally pierced my wretched heart. it feels as horrifying as i imagined.”
you buried your face against his neck, smiling against his skin. “good night, you insufferable drama queen.”
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ruru-me · 5 months
Tw: Corpse/Gore
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Fun fact: hertha has one time drugged strade and put him in the freezer (turned off) for about two days with a corpse of one of her victims, all this purely because she was curious (and bored) about how far strade would go.
After that he never accepted anything that hertha got her hands on and every now and then he plans something against her but truth be told he created a monster who knows his greatest weaknesses lmao (he wont survive)
Variant under the cut
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ghostieyanyan · 5 months
Could you do a Demon!Poly!Scarabia x AngelF!MC comic?
In which Jamil and Kalim are a couple of Demon Kings, but they felt that something was missing, or rather someone. And one day while walking through the forest, they find/meet MC, the Princess of Angels with her back bleeding, which leaves them both worried, so after using a spell to heal their wounds, they discover the truth about the Kingdom of Angels, that they pretend to be good just to have the adoration of humans and fight and kill demons for no reason and for power, and when MC protected and saved a demon who was going to be killed unjustly, her own parents ripped off her wings as "punishment for defending an evil demon", and before they could do anything else with her, MC fled to the forest, it turns out that this demon she saved was Najma, Jamil's sister who had been missing for a week, So as a thank you, Jamil and Kalim decided to welcome MC into their kingdom to help her hide from the angels, in addition to helping her expose the true face of angels to humans, but for the MC to be able to live and survive in the Demon Kingdom, she would have to drink a drop of blood from both kings of the kingdom and she did, and because of the blood, MC regained her wings, but now they were black. And during that time, the three began to fall in love with each other, and after exposing the truth to humans and the angels being banished, Jamil, MC and Kalim got married.
This was MC's angelic appearance before she had her wings ripped off and became part demon after drinking the blood of the JamiKali:
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What do you think?
hehehe... i love it x3 ive thought about different story lines to do and i think i thought of one that you might enjoy. hopefully lol This is isnt going to be in the same setting as the orginal demon au but it'll still use demons and angels
~Oh no! Youre still a good angel~
Yan!Demon!Jamil x Angel!mc x Yan!???!Kalim
Warnings: yandere, themes about heaven and hell, murder, blood, kidnapping, stalking,
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You were a freshly made angel. Made to guide innocent souls into the pearl gates of heaven! This isn't your first human and it wont be your last! You take pride in helping souls see the light and spreading that joy in the world until their last moments.
You learned to love the souls that you guide. Watching their growth and struggles, then watching them over come their struggles and become an amazing person that others can find strength in. doing your job is your heavenly pleasure.
This time, you were assigned a human named, Kalim Al-Asim. An innocent human that finds mayhem everywhere he goes. Assassins that try to kill him through food being poison to just being jumped in the streets.
Your heart broke watching this sweet boy being chased by thugs left and right. You knew you had to do something.
when you got to his home, with a little invisibility spell that makes you undetectable to mortal's eyes, you noticed that this boy's life, besides the murder attempts, was actually very nice. His family takes great care of him and they make lots of money.
"maybe that's why there's so many murder attempts made? why do humans care so much about these physical items..?"
"It's because human's need to sin."
You jumped at the mysterious voice and turn to find eyes piercing at you. It was a man! He was standing in the shadows so you couldn't make out his features. You stayed quiet and still. If this is a ordinary human, then he shouldn't have heard you, or even see you. But if he isn't an ordinary human, this could mean trouble.
Neither of you made a move, it was almost like either one of you were waiting for the other to jump...
Something finally happened as Kalim walked into the room you both were in to grab a cup of water. Kalim stayed for a bit until he went back upstairs to go back to sleep.
Once you heard Kalim's bedroom door clicked shut. The shadow jumped at you. you nearly dodged it but quickly ran to the balcony, opened your wings and took off.
even though you could cast a spell that made you invisible to mortals, it doesn't mean that the noise you make will be muted.
you were about to return to your home until something slams into you, grabbing you in mid air.
When you opened your eyes, you saw the same eyes that were looking at you before. this time with the help of the moonlight, you saw his features. dark skin and black hair, he had blacked out eyes with the pupils being grey. He wore black, red, and gold accents clothing. But the more important parts of him are his pointy ears, black wings and.. horns.
"Hello there~ I'm Jamil Viper. I'm the demon that was assigned... to you."
You tried your best at struggling but his grip on you was too strong. But what does he mean assigned to you? doesn't he mean, assign to the human..? you eventually stop your struggling to talk to him, maybe you could wait until he's distracted and fly off..?
"Youve got me. What are you gonna do now..? ...Cut off my wings? um..."
you drew a blank thinking of other torture methods. Then again, that is a demon's strong suit, it probably comes to them like second nature..
"Why in the realms would i do such a thing? You're wings are one of your greatest charms~"
Jamil pulls you close, speaking right to your face.
"I'll let you protect that HUMAN. But mind you, i will come back again-"
Black shadow-like clouds form, swallowing him up.
"- and when i do, i will collect."
You shut your eyes, still feeling his hands around you until the very end. when you open your eyes, he was gone and you were alone in the night sky...
The past few days, you've been on edge. both worried that the demon might come back to hurt Kalim or you. You tried your best to stay focused but you kept feeling the piercing eyes like someone is watching you.
The things that Jamil said is still stuck in your mind. the wording was strange. You weren't used to dealing with demons and you didn't have time to ask any other angels about it so you just have to go with your instincts... and what your instincts is telling you to do right now is to protect Kalim... as best as you can.
To say this was a hard mission, was an understatement. You loved your job, but with the paranoia about Jamil and protecting Kalim. you felt like you were on a fine line...
You were scared that if you weren't careful, someone might get hur-
"my my~ You look awful.."
You spun your head around and saw Jamil, standing by the door way. He had a knife in one hand and rope in the other. You grabbed the nearest weapon, a knife, and threw it at the demon!
Jamil smirked and faded into the mist, leaving the knife.. imbedded into one of Kalim's maid that was just passing by!
She stumbled a bit before leaning against a nearby wall for support.
Your body became ice cold as you rushed to the maid's side and inspected her wounds. She was coughing a lot of blood and she held her wound with one hand. Tears ran down her face as she looked around confused and scared. You tried your best at helping her but it was useless. she was gone in minutes and no one was around to help...
You felt cold, this has never happened before and you weren't prepared for this kind of event. the angels gave you advice about "things you should know about humans", but they never mentioned anything if you were to accidently take a life!!!
You heard Kalim yell. You turn to look at him as he runs to check the maid.
"Oh no! Oh no! I'm so sorry!! ugh... ill have to call her loved ones..."
Hot tears started to fall from your face. what were you suppose to do..? What's gonna happen to this person? what's gonna happen to you?? all you could really do was hold the body in your arms and kept repeating "I'm sorry"s.
"My my~ what will the heavens think of this..? their sweet angel... murdering an innocent soul"
You slowly turns to see Jamil looking down at you, with a sickening smile. You felt so many feelings you've never felt before. Rage, hatred, disgusted, sadness, depression, and... fear.
Jamil walks towards you and kneels to your level.
"Heaven might not accept you now. But we will~"
"Don't worry, angel~ you're still a good angel to me~"
You slowly turn to look at Kalim. he was looking straight at you, giving you his bright smile.
Jamil tried to reach out for you but you quickly pushed him to the side and took flight. Maybe if you explain to them what happened, they'll forgive you. You open a portal and tried flying through. Not only did you fly through but the portal failed. Instead of going to your sweet home to feel the warmth of your angel comrades, you felt the burning feeling of your wings changing from white to black.
It felt horrible. felt like hot tar was being poured on your wings. you screamed in pain. the pain got so unbearable that you couldn't maintain altitude. you started to fall.
you watched as this was likely the last time you'll see the pretty blue sky and those comfy white clouds...
You watched as your tears fall in a different pace than you...
You watched as your halo disappears from your head...
You closed your eyes as you just felt numb to everything. allowing yourself to just fall.
you felt something strange, when you opened your eyes, you looked and saw Kalim with Jamil! Kalim with his horns and tail...
They were both looking at you, smiling. A smile that made your stomach turn.
Everything finally clicked.
They lure you in with the innocent human act!
Youve should have known from that first night, when you ran into Jamil. How Kalim conveniently joined both of you. The stares from Jamil, in the shadows, and Kalim, in the daylight, that stayed on you a little too long.
And that maid... that unfortunate maid. She wasn't suppose to be there... unless it was all planned.
Jamil made sure to were uneasy and paranoid and Kalim made it so that if your fight or flight kicks in, you'll fight to protect a "poor defenseless human"
They wanted you to fall...
You were tricked by these TWO HORRIBLE DEMONS!!!
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thicctails · 1 month
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@thundersteel this one's for you~ Thanks for giving me an excuse to blabber 'bout this au! This post really got away from me lol, kinda becoming a mini fic for a while there.
So, the catalyst for I Grow Maddened (with grief) happens between The Last Mabelcorn and Dipper and Mabel vs The Future, with the twins dying before the Rift gets broken by Bill. Ford captures the creature (not sure what exactly it will be yet, but something with large claws for sure) likely while they're gone on the road trip, and it escapes and attacks Stan, Dipper, Mabel and Soos while he is down in his lab trying to figure out what to do about the Rift.
He only realizes something is wrong when Stan barges in, holding his bleeding stomach and screaming for Ford to come and help. Any anger at being disturbed by his brother is immediately drowned out when Stan collapses, clearly very hurt. His multiverse survival skills get him upstairs in record time, but he's too late: the damage has already been done. Soos is knocked unconscious and the twins are sprawled unmoving on the blood-soaked floor. The creature takes advantage of his shock and manages to catch his right eye with two of its claws before Ford recovers and manages to kill it. He tries everything to save Dipper and Mabel, but their injuries are too severe.
Ford panics when he realizes what's happened, knowing that losing the twins will kill Stan. They are his brother's closest family members, and Ford has just allowed his work to kill them. When Stan finds out, Ford knows that whatever fractured bond they have now will shatter irreparably.
Which is why Stan can not find out.
That absolute truth kickstarts Ford to action, running on autopilot while his mind tries to force what he has just seen into a little box to unpack later. He rushed back down to his lab and finds Stan slumped over, bloodied almost as much as the kids were, yet still breathing. Stan rolled the dice and landed a saving throw, it seems.
Years of living in monster-filled Gravity Falls and even more years spent being a multidimension-hopping criminal has left Ford with incredible first aid skills, and he manages to get Stan to a state where he wont, you know, die when Ford moves him to his bunker. Its a struggle; his twin has quite a bit of pudge and even more muscle, but Ford manages to drag him up to the main floor and out to good ol' El Diablo without injuring him further. The dark night sky masks his shameful, selfish act well, and he freezes Stan without issue, if you don't count his minor breakdown and bout of vomiting that occurs when he catches sight of the form a frozen Shifty has taken.
Soos is awake when he returns. Ford knows because he can hear the young man sobbing and screaming hysterically from well outside the Shack. He's almost mirroring Ford's earlier actions, frantically trying to stop any more blood from escaping the now cooling, tiny bodies. He catches Ford's gaze, and instantly begs for the elder Pines twin to help him.
Coward that he is, Ford can only give the handyman a deeply remorseful look as he slowly shakes his head.
It takes nearly an hour to convince Soos to let him get near the bodies once he realizes that it was Ford's captured creature that stole the life from his grand niblings. The man was closer to them than Ford had realized, and it only makes the gaping wound in his heart deepen as he watches him hold Dipper and Mabel close to him, uncaring that his shirt is now more red than green. He only allows Ford to take them when he points out that they will begin to rot if they stay where they are. As Ford leaves, he fishes one of those cellular mobile phones out of his pocket and shakily begins to dial someone's number.
It's not the police, not with the way Soos hesitates for so long before pressing the call button.
There is a large freezer within his lab, used for storing perishable specimens and the occasional popsicle. He lays Dipper and Mabel there for now; he will scour the valley for the perfect resting place when he has the mental capacity to grasp that they are truly gone.
When he returns, Soos is leaning against a doorframe, one hand holding his bleeding cheek as the other holds his device. Ford can faintly hear a feminine voice shouting on the other end, and he faintly recognizes it as the red headed cashier girl, Boyish Dan's daughter, if he remembers correctly.
In what seems to be his next breath, pain erupts across his jaw as someone delivers a powerful left hook directly into his face. There is screaming, the same as before but much louder now. He must have disassociated, because the girl is standing over him now, tears streaming down her face. Soos is beside her in a moment, pulling her into a hug as they both cry into each other's shoulder.
Ford cries as well, but the other two could care less. It is only what he deserves.
Yeesh, sad yet? I was originally just going to focus on Ford (and he's still my main focus) but then i realized that pretty much no one includes Wendy and Soos in AU's like these (heavy emphasis on Soos, my mans is done dirty) so i workshopped them in.
Soos is Ford's companion in the multiverse, coming along mostly to be a familiar face to whatever Dipper/Mabel they decide to 'adopt/rescue', but also to make sure Ford doesn't kill himself through neglect. He knows what happened was an accident, and he knows how badly Ford has been affected by everything, but a small part of him remains angry at the scientist. Dipper and Mabel were like younger siblings to him after the whole Globnar situation, and Stan is like a father to him. He leaves his handyman hat behind "until he can fix this" and instead sports a protective bandana and Dipper's Pterodactyl tooth.
Wendy absolutely blames Ford for what happened, and only doesn't enact lumber-justice because she also wants Dipper and Mabel back. She has taken up the role of Waddle's caretaker and occasional helper to McGucket, who is monitoring both the portal and Stan. The man feels he owes it to Dipper and Mabel to help, since they helped him get his memory back. She can usually be seen sporting the Huggy Wuvvy Tummy Bundle for Waddles and one of Mabel's sweaters wrapped around her waist. She and her friends also help keep the Shack functional, though she can't bring herself to go into the "incident room."
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
Request or just saying
One piece is so good but all I was thinking is how Law can be a bit of a brat sometimes especially when he runs off and gets his ass in trouble (I'm sorry I was dying of laughter when his ass got beat by the flamingo guy, I can not spell his name for the life of me). So imagine a bigger sly reader punishing him 🤤
Like reader is happy Law survived and he punishes him, nsfw or not
This could be a good fluff or smut type thing, I don't mind!!
Love your writing
Trafalgar Law x bigger male reader
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The thing I love about one piece is that a request can say bigger reader, and I can make reader anywhere from a few inches taller than the other character, or make them 10 feet tall, and it would fit into the one piece universe.
Reader is 8 or 9 feet in this, cuz hehe, I love size difference.
You were the holder of a devilfruit, a zoan fruit more specifically, the tiger fruit. This granted you the power of any zoan fruit, and resulted in you having a striped pattern on your skin most days, as well as tiger ears and a tail flicking behind you, as that was most comfortable for you.
You had been a part of the heart pirates for a long time, and had been dating Law for a good chunk of that. You regularly used your tiger form to get him to sleep, transforming into a huge tiger and flopping down on top of him to keep him down.
He could easily use room to get away, but Law learns you’ll just follow him and keep it up. When you don’t turn into a tiger, youll still pick him up and keep him in your lap, making tiger noises in your chest as you rub your chin on the top of his head after knocking his hat off.
You end up having to pull him out of trouble a lot, at this point you are sure it’s the D in his name, as he attracts danger like a magnet. It leaves the hairs on your tail puffed up and frizzy, as you always feel the need to look out for him.
More than once you’ve had to swoop in, in tiger form, and chase off any enemy that’s too much, just to scoop Law up and carry him back to the Polar Tang as he pouts and grumbles like the brat he is.
People outside the crew can’t seem to believe you when you mutter about Law being a brat. Everyone on your crew knows it’s the truth, and he can get especially bratty with you at times when he wants to rile you up.
Law always gets this lazy but satisfied grin on his lips when he catches your tail wagging from side to side in annoyance, your teeth and claws sharper than normal as you try to suppress the urge to chase him down and punish him in one way or another.
Laws sacrificial ways have always left you feeling stressed, and after the fight with Doflamingo you want to rip all your fur out because you really felt like you were gonna lose your lover.
You thank Luffy and the strawhats for keeping him safe, even if you are also very bruised and bloodied from the fighting, before carrying Law back to the Polar Tang like you are used too, still transformed into the more Anthro looking form similar to the form Lucci takes, but a tiger instead.
The rest of the heart crew knows to give you space as you rumble deep in your chest, scolding Law as you stomp back towards the submarine, Law pouting as he lays in your arms with his arms crossed.
The wild thrashing of your tail and the twitching of your ears also tells your crew to find somewhere else to spend the night, or else they’re gonna be hearing their captains voice throughout the whole submarine.
Some of the strawhat crew seems to pick up whats up, whilst others don’t, so the ones in the know have a little laugh at Laws fate, but they leave you guys to it, since the celebrating will take a while anyways.
Law wont even look at you as you throw him into your bed, a bed big enough to feet all 9 feet of your height, his arms crossed as he stares at the wall like it’s the most important thing in the world.
You transform into your more human form, pacing back and forth at the bottom of the bed, growling and grumbling as you scold him, making sure to get your point across, till Law starts to feel bad for his behavior, at least somewhat.
His shoulders climb up to his ears and Law finally looks at you, his pout melted away into something a little softer and almost guilty. But it immediately melts away when you stop prowling and crawl up the bed towards him.
Instead, a glint appears in his eyes, that bratty satisfied grin like he has gotten just what he wanted from his behavior.
But, Law soon comes to regret that, as you take that expression as a challenge, and he soon finds himself thrown over your large bulky thighs, his pants pulled down to his knees as you spank him, making him count each strike.
In this situation, your much larger size is something Law curses, as your hand covers pretty much his entire ass as you lay into him, growling his wrongdoings at him, fangs flashing as striped fur licks up your arms and sideburns, your eyes flashing between human and those of a tiger.
Its only when he loses the ability to count and hes reduced to a blubbering moaning mess that you slow down, basking in the tears running down his face as he sobs and apologizes.
Its only after you find his cries and tears satisfactory that you pull his pants the rest of the way off and sit him up, pulling him into your lap. You have to lean down somewhat to kiss his forehead, but after such a spanking Law is so sweet and pliable.
He whimpers and shudders, face wet with tears and drool as he clings to your chest, hips lifted to not press his aching behind against your strong thighs. But the punishment has also left him aching somewhere else, his cock twitching and leaking as need burns up his spine.
You make sure to praise him and mumble how much you love him as you rub his back, comforting him through his tears until he’s calmed down enough for you to focus on something else, as the pain of the punishment lessens, and Laws lust grows.
When Law starts to whine and whimper for something else, you roll him onto his back, shucking off the rest of his clothes as you go.
Law gasps and shudders as his aching behind presses against the sheets, but his focus is quickly somewhere else as you start licking at his neck and torso, your tongue rough and sharp against his skin, your feline tongue leaving red strips across his skin from the sandpaper like texture.
Law tries to keep quiet, but with him already being so worked up from earlier, its easy to get him to wail and moan loud enough for it to fill the entire Polar Tang. Especially when your rough tongue brushes against the underside of his cock.
The first time you do that his back arches almost painfully, the noise the leaves him sounding almost tortured as he grips onto your hair, his throat burning from the intensity of his wail.
Law shudders and moans, what little shame that had been before bleeding out of his body as your large hands hold his hips down, your tongue carefully rolling against his sensitive length, never dragging or hurting too much. You rub it against him just enough for him to feel and for it to leave him shaking.
You rumble and purr as his blurry eyes fall shut, a tear running down his cheer as he lets out a soundless wail of pleasure, his entire body tensing and toes curling as white spurts leave his cock, splattering across the flat side of your tongue and across his torso.
As he goes limp you rub his hips and thighs, pulling your tongue away from his sensitive flesh to mutter praise and loving words to him as he pants and continues to moan softly.
Its only when you know he’s returned somewhat to himself that you crawl up the bed again. After laying down on your back, you pull him on top of you, letting him curl up in your arms for a bit. You’ll get up soon to get stuff to treat the bruises in a bit, but first you need to hold him as he shudders and grasps onto you, Law needing you to ground him.
You end up curling your tail around him, letting some fur appear on your torso so he can run his fingers across it in a grounding and comforting manner, a loving rumble leaving your throat and chest and leaving Law feeling tired but comfortable.
He may be bratty at times, but he’s your brat, and you’ll straighten him out when he needs it when you have too. It’s a process you both love more than you two will ever admit, and a process that annoys your crew at times, but that’s just what its like being part of the heart pirates at this point.
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Im sad that we wont see the inevitable fight Wylan and Jesper would have after his name reveal
I think Jesper would take it personally like you didnt trust me with the truth
And Wylan refusing to apologise for doing what he had to in order to survive and that his life is more important than Jespers feelings
I know there are fics about this but I want to see it, and so few of them have Wylan putting his foot down and not simply begging for forgiveness
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liplinerloser · 2 months
Sukuna who absolutely destroyed you in a fight but last minute pities you and doesn’t kill you because he finds you interest
he’s eating my brain pls and thanks
Sukuna spares you
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The disgusting crunch of your destroyed cartilage was the only thing that met you in your futile attempt to raise whatever was left of you on the floor, tendons bubbling with the firing of the nerve endings, screaming at your brain for respite. even screaming ripped every last chord that this seemingly final fight had torn from you.
For a moment you had to pause, even with your unwillingness to lie down and die, what would be next for you?
Sukuna Ryomen, The king of curses, had never let anyone live a happy and fulfilling life after they had survived him. He was a ruiner, a corrupter, he would peel every ounce of happiness away from you and fill the void with tumours of despair.
There was no escaping him, which had become obvious at the unnatural state of your legs, bent in opposite directions, bones protruding from whatever flesh had survived his attacks.
Your legs would need to be cut off.
What good would they do now?
And yet even with such obvious weakness of your flesh you couldn't help try to preserve what was left of you, seeing his shadow looming over you forced you to pitifully crawl back, dragging whatever was left of you with you.
"You wont make it far like that", he practically sneered in your direction, words oozing with malice. but you knew there was truth to it. Roadkill looked in better condition than you, even a cannibal would be deterred by the state of your carcass.
You were a dead man walking.
Remaining defiant in your last breath, staring at the face of your mangler, spitting dripping blood in a spray at his feet, staining his pristine robe crimson. "id rather die trying", even the act of smiling caused all the muscles in your face to burn, your tongue hung limply in your throat, blood soaking your airways like a sponge. Eagerly you allowed the sweet metallic liquid to clog your throat, praying to die by your own vices rather than whatever cruelty he had savoured for you.
He clearly had enough fun playing with you, you hadn't broken even in your state, he would kill you and be on his way, and you would barely even be a memory in Jujutsu Society, another statistic victim of Sukuna. All you could do was close your eyes and brace, you prayed it was quick.
In a divine motion, his hand, balled in a fist had raised above him, in what you could only imagine to be the final blow; mentally you counted down the seconds. Your hands touched the soft grass pillow beneath you, a smile curled at the corner of your lips, it was the last time you'd know such earthly pleasures which you had been granted your whole life. your whole wasted life. The blow never came.
Your eyes which you had pursed shut in fear opened gently, cracks of light invading your vision and an expression of confusion plastered on your face. what was taking long, it wasn't like the renowned executioner was known for dragging things out; you're sure the king of curses has plenty of other things to tend to, like fucking destroying Jujutsu society. so what the hell was taking so long?! As much as you wanted to be grateful for the prolonged event of your death, unless you had a skateboard and morphine you weren't going anywhere.
His booming voice commanded so forcefully if it hadn't been for the state of your legs you would have scrambled to meet his gaze. Instead you craned your neck up to the best of your ability, his lifeless iris' stared back, holding a glint of disappointment.
"You have potential, I like a challenge. Improve or die"
As if he hadn't crippled you and potentially ruined your life, he turned on his heel and walked away without another word or anything as generous as a glance in your general direction. as if you were inconsequential.
You would kill him, or die trying.
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sunflowercider · 6 months
there are three very dumb things about writing llojavi fic that drive me nuts
1) i just know in my heart of hearts that lloyd would not start anything with javier without revealing who he was, at least not on purpose. Lloyd struggles to pretend he's actually the count and countess's son, which he had no say in happening in the first place, you can't tell me he would purposefully get into a romantic relationship without being guilty as hell not telling the whole truth.
So it's either post-canon, or you better figure out how to accidentally trip them into a relationship OTL
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2) there is no way on gods green earth lloyd would even entertain the idea of starting a relationship in the second half of the novel THAT MAN IS BUSY SAVING HIS FAMILY ROMANCE CAN WAIT
So it's either the first half of the story, post-canon, or you gotta figure out what on earth it would take to have that man think about having a partner when he's racing against the clock to save the people he loves.
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3) Javier i am so mad at you. Why are you so powerful. Where's my dramatic tension. By halfway through the novel the man can instantly defeat a bone dragon and can heal worrisome wounds within minutes. How am i supposed to work with this. Fucker.
So you either gotta do the first half of the novel, really fucking AMP up the power levels of your antagonist (you gonna make something stronger than an angel??? huh???), or entirely rely on making a political drama where his power isnt helpful.
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probably a good thing that the novel is so tight that finding cracks to play around with in the second half is tough for me to do but like also. 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
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luis-block · 2 months
Can I request helob x reader x sozo NSFW headcanon's where helob uses his webs to tie the reader up and sozo gets the reader high on his mushrooms? Or sfw love triangle with reader helob and sozo,either are ok^^
Ohh wow, this is absolutely some kinky shit I do lmfao. I feel like this is a good way to get back into the grove of writing! And a fun fact about myself, I’m polyamorous! I’ll be writing for both the sfw and a little nsfw of these headcanons, as to give the relationships between the characters (and Y/N) more diverse. I wont do to much for the nsfw part, as I’m planning on writing a whole fanfic on it. Hope you guys enjoy, and let me know what you think!!
Helob x Sozo x Reader in a Polyamorous Relationship
Explaining your relationship with Helob and Sozo can be… tricky at times. If you want to be a smartass about it, you say that you are in a Nonhierarchical polycule with the two and leave it at that. But more often then not, you blush and say they are both your partners and partners with each other as well.
Some gaff at the idea, whereas some are just curious. Either way, you are all more than happy with the arrangement. The path you have all inadvertently taken to making it work has taken years. But the main thing holding it together is communication and trust! Cheesy I know, but it has been what has held you all together all these years.
As for the living situation, you don’t all fully live together all the time. You technically live and are associated with the lamb's cult but spend most of your time out in the wilds on missionary trips. The reason being that even on the hardest missions with the least possible chance of survival, you always come back! Well rested and ready for another mission! Everyone (but the lamb and the former bishops) has no idea how you do it and treat you with a feared but admiring respect, but the truth is that you stay with Helob and Sozo during these trips.
This make you a very unfavored target for most, given the often scary or unstable reputation that they are known for in the Old Faith. As for Helob and Sozo, Sozo usually needs more time to himself and spends his time away from the group in the spore grotto. Where on the opposite end of the spectrum, Helob would MUCH rather you both just travel with him exclusively and live all together. But he of course is more than willing to just have you both spend lots of time at his camp instead.
 But you all try to see one another, when you can of course. The lamb has said that they don’t feel comfortable with Helob (Or Sozo with his, well, mushroom problem) into the cult for the others safety. Which is just fine with you, as you really don’t want your fellow cult members being nosey of you’re, well, ‘promiscuous mating habits’ as Helob likes to put it...
Light NSFW under the cut!
Helob is a hard top, a teasing one with a bit of a mean streak. But at the same time, even with the degrading commentary and rough touches is a loving touch that you feel so safe and loved you can’t help but crave more.
Sozo is a switch, going pretty 50/50 on which he will be depending on the session and who is involved. But either way, his touches are always so electrifying and passionate it’s as if it’s your first time with him every time your intimate with him.
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supermaks · 2 months
max released his very own verstappie all-time win list, i must get your analysis 🔎
Omfg tastyyy ok heres Max's picks for his top 10 wins according to his latest red bulletin and transcribed by the awesome @tyrannosaurus-maxy , lets check if they feature in the verstappie rewatch
spain, 2016 ✅ mexico, 2018 ❌ ((analysis: a classic maxiel shootout that I wud have included if not for format limits and my pick of china, 2017. although very cunty of him to pick this as a crucial victory in his career, because it was a proper 'u wont win while I'm here' send off.)) austria, 2019 ✅ germany, 2019 ❌ ((analysis: ok I get it because that race was like .. netflix's drive to survive live action so to come out of it p1 is a classic max slay. also rip Hockenheim shout out to a real 1 u put the fear of god in those men fr)) 20th anniversary, 2020✅ france, 2021 ❌ ((analysis: entire 2021 season shud be its own verstappie rewatch lets keep it FRESH and TRUTHFUL howevr. I did go wid Emilia Romagna for my pick of the first wins because of what it represented ..dramaturgically. Like imagine the existential horror of knowing Verstappen has the car to challenge u in a classic f1 track on pure pace. Horrifying. But France did start to chip away at the 'average qualifier' myth in the culture and it did show rbr were willing to go freak for freak to dethrone Lewis. Looking back to it , it IS a champion drive from Max at such an early stage of his maiden wdc run, so makes sense it felt like that to him too.)) COTA, 2021 ✅, Spa, 2022 ✅ miami, 2023 ✅ , japan, 2023✅ 
Veredict: verstappie seal of approval. Some new insight particularly into COTA, 2021 which answered a few questions I had about the Silverstone crash and its consequences. Idk if yall ever saw pics of Max's lid after the crash, but the paint on the left side was completely scrapped off. Obvi we knew it the hit was serious enough from his radio, the general state of his car, how he looked climbing out of it, but I truly never expected him to share the full extent of the concussion. This isnt like the cramp or the like the bird he hit that one time, concussions are scary and uncomfortable and we still learning how to deal wid them in sport. Its an ongoing debate between medical responsibility and individual choice and that demands sensitivity and care and often lacks both. Because this time it involves Max and he didnt die, it now invites the worst people in the world to be purposely nasty and disingenuous in their interpretation of what he shared. But I think its important he told us. He shud not have to hide how much a crash like that impacted him, his title run, and what it meant to come out the other side a champion. I always said COTA 2021 is when he went from lil bro to big bro and now I'm sure he feels the same.
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genericnam · 9 months
Murder Drones AU I've Been Thinking About:
Wassup Murder Drones fandom!? I've been thinking about Murder Drones AUs, and I've got some exciting ideas, but my personal favorite that I'm brainstorming on is what I've been calling the "Imposter Uzi AU", where Uzi builds herself a fake Murder Drone body. Info under the cut.
My idea is that at some point after Nori died, so did Khan. Maybe he was a victim of Doll when she lost control of the solver (à la Cabin Fever with Uzi). Regardless of why, Uzi is left an orphan, and she gets evicted from her apartment, being left on her own since no one wants to let the 'freak' into their family.
Uzi grows up even more bitter than before, growing to resent the colony that has left her to rust and decided she wasn't good enough to be happy.
Using her natural tech skills, Uzi begins to prepare a plan to ditch the colony and go off on her own. Since she was already breaking down from rust and needed to replace her parts, what if Uzi upgraded herself?
Using the oh so feared Murder Drones as a model, Uzi begins to take herself apart and rebuild herself better and stronger than ever.
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(My model of Uzi in this AU. The sizes are inconsistent because my paper only had so much room.)
Uzi in her Worker Drone mode looks innocent enough, other than the fact that her mouth never changes expression, and that her feet are yellow-black striped. In her Disassembly Drone mode, Uzi shows off her REAL intimidation factor.
The reason she can't move her mouth is because she replaced it with a rusty but very strong bear trap that she unhinges her mouth to access. Her tail is made using one of Khan's screwdrivers that she kept ahold of for sentimentality. Her feet hinge to form the peg-legs of a DD.
The peg-legs give Uzi some extra height, but not enough to stand at a convincing Disassembler height, so Uzi also added the ability to extend her neck, allowing for her gargantuan bites to have deceptive range.
Uzi's hands can screw off and be replaced with her blade hand and Railgun hand, which she stores inside of her coat (that's also where she hides her tail)
Uzi was never able to figure out how to make the wings and headband work properly, so what she has is actually N's parts that she stole from him when she killed him (she had no clue he would come back to life).
All in all, Uzi has turned herself into a killing machine, though she still isn't strong enough to beat a REAL DD in combat. Her only advantage is a stronger bite, but she's still less agile, lacks acid, covered in rust, and lacks a healing factor. In exchange, Uzi can survive sunlight and doesn't need to drink Drone Oil to survive, being able to use other forms of sustinence.
Eventually, Uzi has to leave the colony after getting found out, and she meets N. Uzi kills him out of fear, and steals his parts, but when he regenerates, she now looks close enough to a real DD for N, V and even J to be fooled (they were actively programmed not to question sketchy things so that they don't uncover Cyn/J.C Jenson's secrets, and Uzi's a good-ish actor).
The Murder Drones accept 'Serial Designation Z' into their silly little murder group, deciding that the "rusty old model still can't be more useless than N." (J's words, not mine). Eventually, they all grow to actually care about each other as a found family, but tension is in the air.
Uzi knows that her secret is going to get out at some point, and that the DDs wont take kindly to being tricked. She's already changed her name, eaten her own kind, and all but erased any sign of her old self to be able to call the Drones her family, but she still lives in terror of what they might think of her when they find out the truth...
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turbulentscrawl · 10 months
Identity(V) Headcanons: Naib Subedar
yall know the drill ;) If you like how I write the characters, consider sending me a request or matchup!
I also don't really have the patience to sit on my posts for a few days and check for mistakes, so forgive my typos hahah
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-Naib got into his line of work out of necessity, not desire. He has never enjoyed taking lives…but he is both very good at it and very professional about it. He’s survived so long, in part, by being good at compartmentalizing his emotions. Work is work, and life outside is not, and he’s somehow managed to separate the two without separating his mental state. Nevertheless, he’s a very different person when he’s on the job and he would prefer that his loved ones didn’t see that.
-Outside of work, Naib shares Norton’s sentiments of all life being created equal. Unlike Norton, however, he uses this as a motivation to protect people rather than concern himself with revenge. That’s not to say he won’t step in if someone is out of line, but he is primarily focused on contributing good to the world in his free time.
-That said, Naib’s moral compass has become a bit warped over the years. He does his best to be a good person, but at a certain point someone can have so much blood on them that it starts to color their vision. The opposite of rose-colored glasses, if you will. He is, however, an accurate and consistent judge of character, so he often thinks about his course-of-actions in the frame of ‘would my mother be proud of me for this?’ That helps a lot with any difficult decisions.
-Naib “gets along” with most people. Being rough around the edges as he is sometimes makes it difficult for people to tell where they stand with him, but in truth he’s very vocal when he doesn’t like someone. It generally takes someone intentionally and repeatedly antagonizing him before he starts to develop a negative opinion. Otherwise, he maintains politeness.
-He is very slow to let people in, however. Naib’s life is dangerous and fleeting, so even when he likes someone he’s hesitant to get close to them. Outside of the manor, he’s a genuine slow-burn sort. A real “we’ve known one another for years and I’ve liked you for almost as long but I wont let myself have you until it’s entirely too much to take and I initiate an explosive night of passion” sort. Inside the manor, though, I think it’s more of a “we take comfort where we can get it, and then it slowly becomes real” sort of thing.
-Used to being the man of the house, Naib has a habit of trying to speak on behalf of or otherwise handle people’s problems for them. Again, he’s a good judge of character, so he’s pretty accurate in gauging how people would want situations handled…but this can still cause tension with friends and partners who are more independent. And if you talk to him about wanting to handle something yourself? There’s a non-zero chance he’ll go behind your back and take care of it anyway.
-The best love languages for Naib are Gift Giving and Words of Affirmation! He likes receiving thoughtful gifts—specifically ones that help in his everyday life, or resolve an issue he’s having. (Even if that issue is just “I’m hungry” and you pick up some of his favorite snacks.) He also likes little trinkets that he can easily carry around to remind him of the giver when he travels. Naib also tends to give kind words the benefit of the doubt, so he accepts verbal affection without argument or doubt. Everything he does is for his loved ones, and he likes to know that he’s appreciated, loved, and missed when he’s gone. Letters are amazing too; he keeps every letter and picture he receives and treats them with as much care as possible.
-Naib could not be close with someone who has a problem with his work. He understands why they would, he himself is rather tired of it.... But he’s been doing this for too long and is in too deep to leave. He and his mother cannot afford for him to quit being a mercenary and take the time to try learning some other skill that may or may not keep food on the table as consistently. You don’t have to like his work, but it can’t be something you hound him about. If you don’t talk about it, neither will he, and you can both just pretend it doesn’t happen.
-He’s a walking garbage can. I mean it, he can and will eat anything provided to him. He has preferences of course, but after years of food insecurity and then subsequent years of service-provided meals, he’s learned to not be picky. He also never outgrew the habit of rationing and hiding food in case of emergencies, and is an avid believer in the 5-second rule because he dislikes wasting food.
-Because he eats so much--and in spite of having irregular sleep patterns—Naib always has a lot of energy. This is useful for work and matches but also shows itself in other ways…such as being a very animated conversationalist. (per the stageplay lol) It’s only obvious when he’s moderately comfortable, but Naib might legitimately be incapable of sitting still when he’s not on guard.
-He’s pretty bad at making jokes. His sense of humor came from his years in the service, surrounded by brothers-in-arms. As a result, his idea of good-natured joking is completely ragging on people. Norton is the main person in the manor who gets this, but it leaves most other people to wonder if they’re actually friends or if they hate one another.
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lemon-natalia · 6 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 28
i wont lie Colum is giving off such Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove vibes in this chapter
for a second i was like ‘why did Gideon go to see Teacher?? Mystery??!1?’ and then i realised that she just needed directions. i get the feeling i am way too suspicious about everything except the stuff i should be suspicious about
wow Silas is really buying into the whole Emperor cult vibes thing, yikes. also this feels like the first proper mention of him in a while, despite him being the guy who kicked the whole plot off and all the characters technically living in his house, he’s been kind of a non-entity so far
oh shit Glaurica and Ortus are dead?? but Silas is almost definitely wrong here about Harrow planting a bomb for Gideon, she was actively trying to get Gideon not to leave in the shuttle, but also very much did not want Gideon as her cavalier instead of Ortus. so either she was playing some kind of 4-dimensional-mind-chess game to get Gideon to be her cavalier (which i highly doubt) or i really don’t think she was aware of the bomb at all
ok, although i could be wrong, but i’m pretty certain (as in i saw spoilers about this, my own fault) that Harrow’s parents did in fact kill off the other Ninth kids in order to make Harrow a more powerful necromancer. what i didn’t realise though was that Gideon was apparently wasn’t aware of this at all
but even that leaves the question as to why Gideon didn’t die - maybe she just wasn’t needed? but then there’s the fact that Gideon was pretty much ok after the soul-siphoning thing, so maybe its something to do with Gideon herself?
also wasn’t there one other kid who survived, an older boy? what happened to that dude
i mean again as someone living in student housing, vent bacteria does actually feel very capable of affecting teenagers 💀
‘since when was power goodness, or cleverness truth’ Silas for someone who’s so into ethics you’re kinda a shitty person i won’t lie.
does Gideon even have her and Harrow’s keys at this point? i honestly can’t remember
Colum and Silas’s relationship imploding as Gideon just stands there like that awkward fox image
from Colum’s speeches here its really interesting to get a cavalier perspective different from Gideon, from someone who isn’t effectively faking it - that is, someone who has spent their whole life with the sole purpose of being secondary, devoting everything they are, to someone else. but the cavaliers, including Colum, are still their own individuals with their own opinions and moral codes, and that’s really coming into conflict here
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