#he won the poll on twt so here he is
dawnszu · 9 months
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tfa ratty!!
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fresiants · 1 year
I found a character poll on twitter few weeks ago and I can't believe so many marauder fans were shocked that Severus is more popular than Barty and Rosier.
this is honestly so depressing, but i know i shouldn't be surprised, the other day i too found a twt poll that put remus/severus and remus/regulus against each other and remus/regulus won by SO MANY votes! i wanted to drink a whole bottle of hemlock. i couldn't believe it. that rich twink doesn't have a fucking personality he will Never be as nuanced as severus as a character, or as impactful!
"Hide Kreacher, I'll do anything" "Kreacher? After all this time?" "Always"
YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I LAUGHED AT THIS, I CHOKED ON NOTHING 😭😭😭 i'm sure you're aware of people shipping regulus and james? before i stumbled again upon this abomination of a fandom, i was rather open minded to the idea of shipping anything as long as it's age appropriate, but i just don't have the patience for ships involved fabricated personalities where one of the parties involved's ENTIRE personality was snatched from My favorite character.
but its as you depict it! there IS a prejudiced and shallow component in the way people choose their faves, for the lack of personality and depth to not matter when the character is supposed to be "attractive". the whole "making snape to be ugly" always rubbed me the wrong way, for the poor and neglected kid to be bullied and antagonized, and everyone justifying it TO THIS DAY, favoring their rich, "supposedly conventionally attractive" main characters? from r*wling it shouldn't be surprising, but from everyone else to run away with it, justifying every ugly action from james or sirius, even lily? then they act as if they're any better than r*wling herself 🤡
i've been reluctantly into hp again for at least two or three months and every experience outside of the snape fanbase has been so exhausting. loving remus and find content of him that doesn't involve sirius or james or that doesn't misinterpret his character is also hard, i really can only trust snupin stans and absolutely nobody else 😔
I too found a twt poll that put remus/severus remus/regulus against each other and remus/regulus won by SO MANY votes!
Lol Idk if they did this out of spite but I found a huge ship poll with thousands of votes few months ago and remus/regulus was in bottom five. I guess they were upset that Snupin at least managed to be in top 20, while Snily and Snegulus were in top 10 lmao. Here's the link if you wanna check it out.
I'm sure you're aware of people shipping regulus and james
Ngl jegulus is just Wallmart jeverus with Walmart James. Idk how they got so popular in a short period of time. They have no interacting whatsoever in the canon lol.
favoring their rich, "supposedly conventionally attractive" main characters
Because they're shallow-minded and there's just no way to change their opinions. They are too deep in the fanfiction rabid hole they started treating it like canon. According to them, ugly people aren't allowed to make any mistakes. This is the type of discrimination we see in real life as well. I expect them to be better considering how they always turn their favs into gay feminist icons but well... I guess when they mention feminist, they mean ugly people exclusivity radical feminist.
Loving Remus and finding content of him that doesn't involve Sirius or James or that doesn't misinterpret his character is also hard
I barely follow any Remus' blogs/content creator anymore because whenever i search for them, at least 60% of them contain Wolfstar, while the other 40% MIGHT contain Severus' bashing. I'd rather stick and wait for Snupin shippers to drop more Remus Lupin contents. Well.. I guess some Remadora fans are fine but there's just too many Snaters out there. I'd rather take care of my mental health and not get involved with these people.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Why do you think hobi called JK September husband? Isn't it rude to portray someone as available for Y/N fantasies when he's already in a relationship?
Uh no? It's because Koobi are husband's? That's his September husband 😍 they would be an iconic couple honestly lmfao
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Every year for the members birthdays, Hobi posts a collection of photo/video memories from his archive. He always tries to post things no one has ever seen before and he always shares cute heartfelt messages, his own hashtag and then he joins ARMY in using the trending hashtags for that members birthday. He used the hashtag #/September_husband_picked_faster_than_anyoneelse as he probably saw it trended and assumed it was ARMYs bday hashtag. When he realized it WASN'T he laughed and apologized for using the wrong trend and picked new ones that WERE part of the birthday tag projects. It's really cute that Hobi does this every year with us! He really sees everything happening on ARMY twt. Lol
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^the other hashtag included here is "#/jungkookah thank you for being born"
There were lots of polls happening about ______ idol of the month happening and fans would vote for an idol in various categories. Aka, husband material, cutest, hottest, etc on various popular Hallyu websites. A lot of these sites tally votes through hashtags, JK won for September being the most husband-like idol. These are fan voted popularity contests essentially lol its really cute and it's why the hashtag in S. Korea was also in the ARMY trends and therefore probably led to Hobi's confusion. OR he was just complimenting JK on being the fastest idol to win husband material in September along with armys lmfao. But considering the first tweet above was followed up with Bangtans inside joke of an apology with "I'm sorry for my fault" and new hashtags too, makes me think he just got mixed up lol
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Hashtag translations....
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The last hashtag was in reference to what JK tells ARMY all the time "ARMY must be happy no matter what, okay?"
And to be fully inclusive for my Koobi loves, his other JKday bday tweet, which was the first he shared with us
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The last hashtag trans to "#/Because we can’t live without Jungkook so we been together for 9years" on that post.
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If you are going to try and read too far into Hobi mixing up ARMY hashtags by accident and being adorable for JK on his birthday, then the only conclusion you should be reaching for is Koobi married. You know, if we are reaching and jumping to conclusions anyway, might as well go all the way! Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 😂🤣 (and yes, ending with saying this is something Hobi does every year for every member. He really recognizes ARMYs celebration efforts and joins us in them. Tae, Jin and RM examples of him using ARMYs bday hashtags below too)
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This has nothing to do with any of the members relationship statuses or any y/n fantasies. Sorry. Anyway. KOOBI MARRIED 😍😍🥰🥰😂😂
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abednadirsgf · 2 years
this is in relation to @w00f-woof 's post here
so, mythic quest lads on twitter 😋😼
like you said: CAROL </3 she probably gets tagged in everyone's bullshit twitter feuds and its a hr mess 😓😓😓 like Brad is doxxing everyone (or threatening it but he defo doxxed David for like an hour then took it down lol)
Poppy is trying to get free food off brands by scamming them by saying that she found hair in her food (probably put one of Ian's beard hairs ontop of like a doughnut lmao)
Rachel is having full ass threads/arguments/throwing shit down with twitter incels and man babies and conservatives, I feel like Dana is on stan twt so like kpop, celebs, maybe even anime(?) (I feel like Dana is a MHA watcher don't @ me) so she just rtwts alot of cute stuff and polls and has like cool banners and matching pfps with Rachel. Dana also gets sponsors and brands send her free shit too
Ian. Ian, Ian, himbo daddy viking bear Ian. He posts inspirational quotes everyday 9am on the dot and people actually live for it. HOLY SHIT IAN HAS THE ALPHAS FOLLOWING HIM🦈🦈🦈Has his whole resume in his bio (aka something along the lines of 'body builder, viking, inspiration to generations, God, video game maker, entrepreneur, swag daddy' and probably has like 'DNI Poppy Li' in his bio too lmao
David <3 my sweet David - has his yt linked and tweets regularly about whats going on in the office (aka talks about Ian and Poppy arguing and whether they're gonna leave or divorce or leave him or - yep), posts pictures of dogs and cats and nature (he takes surprisingly REALLY GOOD pics of sunsets) and gains a lot of followers purely for his photography aspect. People tag therapists and hot milfs in your area in his comment sections.
CW has posted 3 times on twitter and it's literally the most random shit. probably accidentally like rtwted a fucking h3ntai panel bc he wanted to share 'art' 💀🤡 like CW. you're gonna get reported and banned my dude. probably has his nebula award as his pfp, banner and as his pinned post.
MY SWEET JO <3 She rtwts every single of Ian's quotes, defo bullies David in his comments, her and Brad scheme by trolling people and telling them they've won a free Mythic Quest package or some shit but when they click the link they end up automatically buying some like $50 set😟💀 Jo also likes to post OOTD and Hair Clip of the Day and people ADOREEEE them (i just love her hair clips okay🙄💅🏽)
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icharchivist · 2 years
Belial getting 34k votes on that twt pool is insane this has to be cygames most brilliant idea to date
This is so wild like. The account has been up for two days. It's supposed to exist to promote merch.
so far it promoted 2 glass merch (not only i forgot about the fact it was marketting, but i also thought upon seeing the glass pictures, as Belial was just talking about drinking some alcohol "alone, but would love to do it in your company", that it was so on brand for Belial that it was part of roleplaying. I totally forgot the account EXISTS to pROMOTE THAT i was just that into this little twitter fictional world)
meanwhile else, it's just. "Belial in Shibuya taking pictures of ants and of the local aquarium, reminding you to keep your social distance and reminding you health protocol about covid"
all of that, while, also, saying every tweets, that he wants to fuck the audience.
and we're EATING IT UP. We're all here, following it, answering to his thirsttraps.
And it just kills me that like. The marketting roleplaying account made a jokey poll about whenever the audience would like to sleep with him, and 34k OF US turned in to express ourselves. And while "calling the police" won, there was still a STRONG 33% OF PEOPLE WANTING TO FUCK HIM.
And all of that to promote merch. This is insane. This is so funny.
Belial truly gets everything except a playable unit and we're eating it up because "omg it's Belial granblue tweeting", we're hopeless. It's hilarious. Thank you cygames for the fun of it all.
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evesbeve · 4 years
Hey there, you said your ask box was open for Justin Min's whole thing? I guess I just slept through the whole thing, honestly - could you just go over a gist of everything that happened? I get that it seems like a PR team didn't know how to use twitter (which, mood) and f-ed things up for him, but what were they "cleaning up" in the first place, who's Anna what did they do that warranted such a bizarre thread from the PR team, etc...? 😳
Hey! Okay so this is going to be a lot, so buckle up.
Right off the bat, I just want to say that Justin isn’t cancelled. The situation has been mostly resolved right now (more on that later).
So around a week ago, Justin Min started deleting his replies to fans. Depending on whether you’re on Twitter or not, you might know that Justin is one of the most interactive people of the cast. He knows a lot of fans by name, he has inside jokes with us, and he just interacts a lot with his fanbase. So you can imagine why him suddenly starting to delete his replies was a bit upsetting. There was nothing we could do about it though.
And suddenly, two days ago, Justin deactivated his account out of nowhere, which caused all kinds of drama to go down.
People started pointing the finger at specific accounts saying it was their fault that Justin deactivated (don’t even get me started on that logic; why a grown-ass adult deactivate because of a few teenagers is above me, it literally made no sense), even sending death threats. Others suspected that he got suspended because Twitter’s algorithm saw all these tweets get deleted and was like “welp, bot time.” Long story short, lots of misinformation was going around.
And then out of the blue, Justin’s account was reactivated, and he made a thread directed at Anna.
Now, who is Anna? Anna is a stan on twitter, whose @ I won’t be sharing for privacy, but here’s how they’re relevant in this:
Remember when I mentioned the inside jokes? Well, one of them was between a fan called Matt and Justin. Matt kept commenting on Justin’s tweets asking him to say trans rights. On the one year anniversary of Matt asking Justin to say trans rights, Justin finally said it. Then, Matt made a poll asking other stans what he should have Justin say next, and lesbian rights won.
Around a month ago, Matt replied to one of Justin’s tweets, and Justin responded with something along the lines of “haha, i know this is just an attempt to get me to say lesbian rights,” referencing the inside joke. People started commenting that the way he phrased it was a bit :/ so then he replied to his own tweet with something like “well, i’ll delete this before i get cancelled,” and that’s when things spiraled.
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[id: Justin Min’s tweet #1: i see that you are trying to butter me up to say lesbian rights, nice try, matt. nice try.
Justin Min’s tweet #2: oh, here we go. this is an inside joke between myself and matt, if you’ve been a part o fthis fandom for more than a few weeks. but alas, i will have to delete this now before i’m cancelled by the end of the day. keep loving, everyone.]
Lesbians get spoken over and looked down upon not only by straight people, but also the LGBT community. So when Justin tweeted that, lesbians were like “this sounds as if you care more about your own self image rather than our community.” Then, non-lesbians got involved and started either a) calling Justin lesbophobic (which lesbians never did) or b) blindly defending Justin and saying he did nothing wrong.
(Side note: I am not a lesbian, and I’m not trying to speak over lesbians in this situation. But I did talk about this to some of my friends who are lesbians, and they told me that what Justin did wasn’t as big of a deal as Twitter made it out to be. These are their words, not mine. All I know is that it was definitely not bad-intentioned, just a huge misunderstanding.)
Anyway, Anna made a thread explaining to Justin why him defending himself came out as harmful towards the lesbian community, and then Justin apologised and that was it.
Which brings us back to yesterday (26/9/2020).
Everyone is freaking out, posting misinformation, panicking. I don’t exactly,,, know how, but the #justinminisoverparty hashtag started being used for actual hate towards Justin for deactivating, and some people (including Anna, though I think their tweet was in the context of a joke? please take this with a grain of salt though. update: it was in the context of a joke) mentioned that Justin is a lesbophobe.
A few hours later, Justin reactivated his account, tagged Anna, and said this (though it was actually his PR team, more on that later):
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[id: Justin’s Tweet: @ [redacted] quickly jumping back on here from my twt break because i’m receiving messages that you’re continuing to spread misinformation, so i want to clarify.]
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[id: Justin’s Tweets: 1. all of my interactions with you were deleted because of the need to set clear boundaries due to the fact that your incessant messages and replies from multiple accounts over the last several months were veering into stalking/harassment.
2. for someone who appears to pride themselves on reminding their friends/followers on a daily basis to be careful of the language they use on this app, you seem to be fine with flippantly labeling someone as homophobic/lesbophobic as if they’re cute little adjectives to give to someone, not realizing that such labels have real-life consequences.]
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[id: Justin’s Tweets: 3. also noting here than in your original thread, you stated that you neither considered me nor my words to actually be lesbophobic, so a bit confused as to why your story has suddenly changed.
4. i realize you’re young, so i’m genuinely hoping you use this opportunity to learn and grow andbe a little more mindful the next time you decide to tweet.]
The next twenty minutes were pure chaos. Justin deactivated again, everyone started freaking out because that was very out of character for him. People were cancelling him because this could have easily been resolved in DMs, or tweeted without the mention of Anna (a minor) from a mainstream Twitter account.
And then, Justin Min DMed another fan on Instagram (her name is Em) about the situation.
Who is Em? For starters, I’d like to say that I personally know Em and that she’s one of my best friends. I’ve known her for more than a year now, and I can personally vouch for her. Everything that she posted is 100% true (if you want the thread where she posts proof of the DMs, please send me a different ask because I’m scared tumblr will not post this in the tag if I include it here).
The reason Justin DMed her out of all people is because he also kinda knows her? As I mentioned, Justin interacts with us on Twitter a lot, and Em is the one person he’s responded to the most, so he knows who she is. (He’s tagged her more times than other cast members, at least before all his tweets were deleted by his PR team.)
Anyway, this is what Em tweeted:
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[id: Em’s tweets: please read this !!!
justin dmed me on instagram and basically the gist of it is that he hired a pr team and they tweeted the thread at anna without knowing everyone could see it. all of the tweets being deleted/ him deactivating was also them.]
Below is the image Em attached to the tweet:
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[id: Justin’s DM to Em: hey. this is justin. i’m just hearing about what’s happening on twitter right now. for context, i was asked to work with a team of people to “clean up” my twitter in the past few weeks. they’ve taken the liberty of deleting a bunch of my responses and posts in order to safeguard me (whatever that means) as well as deactivating my account to comb through other things.i believe they accidentally sent anna a message and mistakenly believed the function for her to comment only would mean that she would be the only one to see it as well. needless to say, i’m no longer working with this team and want to personally apologize to her. do you know any way i can get into contact with her?]
And then, in a follow-up tweet:
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[id: Em’s text at Justin: sorry for dming you again. is there any other way i can help? i just feel really bad about this whole thing and i know how quickly this stuff can spread if it’s not taken care of
Justin’s text: i mean, i guess you can share the information i’ve given you? it’ll take a bit of time for me to take back ownership on everything as i sever ties with that team, so maybe the sooner the better people know.
Em’s text: okay ! is it okay if i tweet a screenshot
Justin’s text: sure.]
Then Justin’s account got reactivated an hour ago (almost 24hs after Em’s tweets), and he tweeted this:
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[id: Justin’s tweet: hi. it’s me. thank you for all your messages. this has been an incredibly tough week for me on multiple fronts. some things you might already be aware of; many other things you don’t know about.asking for a bit of privacy as i take sometime to unplug. hoping to be back soon.]
And that’s all, I think? There’s lots we don’t know about what happened yet, so please please please try not to spread misinformation. This is a stressful situation for us on Twitter, and especially for Justin, and misinformation going around is the last thing we need right now.
tl;dr: Justin Min hired a PR Team that started deleting all of his tweets and deactivated his account. Misinformation started spreading, people started cancelling Justin for no reason. The PR Team decided to respond to Anna, made the response public, deactivated again. Justin DMed Em and explained the situation, and an hour ago, he reactivated and said he’s taking a small break to sort things out.
If anyone has any other questions/clarifications, my askbox is open! Hope this shed some light on the situation <3
UPDATE 28/9/2020: Justin has DMed and apologised to Anna for the situation, and Anna has accepted the apology. Anna posted all of it on their account, but again, if you want a link, send me an ask!
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yibuo · 4 years
UMMM I would love to know what exactly happened with xnine too if you know??
i didn’t know how to answer this without hating on long danni but... that’s not possible when you’re talking about xnine
tldr ceo addicted to producing survival shows realizes boy group is incapable of feeding her fat rabbit because of her OWN mismanagement and throws them away (literally? probably not, maybe, idk)
long danni= wjjw company ceo
wjjw=company that xnine, xz, r1se, etc are under
huo mala: fat company rabbit that WILL give u nightmares goodness gracious thinking about him sends chills down my spine
alright so long danni (ldn i will refer to her) & ee media along w/ tencent and sm made the survival show x-fire... the premise of xfire was that 16 contestants split into two different teams (white and red) and then at the end it would boil down to each team having 4 members and the winning team would debut as a group called xfire...but wait...the group’s name is xnine? so out of red team (peng chuyue, baishu, xiao zhan, xia zhiguang) and white team(wu jiacheng, gu jiacheng, zhao lei, and guo zifan) white team won...and they unofficially debuted as xfire..went abroad to train yadda yadda yadda and then a few months later, TELL ME WHY LONG DANNI DECIDES TO RELEASE POLLS TO LET FANS VOTE IN 5 MEMBERS INTO XFIRE TO CREATE XNINE! ldn PLEASE if u wanted to rig the show you should’ve decided in the beginning what was the point of making the teams and the fans fight against each other...
so yeah xz and crew weren’t actually supposed to debut according to show rules...i mean i’m glad they debuted obviously bc x9 is x9 but ee media and frickin ldn couldve handled this better...like every member except chen molerat is amazing and great but....WHY DIDNT MaNAGEMENT NOT BLATANTLY RIG THEM INTO THE GROUP
but also thank u ldn for also letting us get to know the 4 guys who were added n not chen molerat <3 but like DO UR JOB PROPERLY
anyway the polls were RIGGED obviously thanks ldn what did u expect out of making POLLS, and xiao zhan, peng chuyue, xia zhiguang, yan xujia, and chen z*** were added to the group to create xnine...talk about rigged when chen z*** the molerat lookin turdface misogynist was added... anyway at the time he wasnt known to be problematic but ya the whole rigging thing caused a whole rift esp when x9 debuted bc there were fanwars and death threats initially but xfire did well because it was one of the (if not only) survival shows at that time and x9 debuted w/ a good response etc
then they got moved to wjjw (still owned by ldn thanks ldn) and wjjw is known for hoarding artists and not promoting them (THEY HAVE LIKE 45 ARTISTS BUT WERE FORMED 3 YEARS AGO MAKE IT MAKE SENSE) and not being promoted properly was EXACTLY what happened to xnine. as idols what they needed was music promotions, variety shows, etc stuff to get them as people out there but this genius ldn decided to promote them through stupid zodiac dramas like super star academy (to promote xfire finalists) and oh my emperor (which was an xnine drama). now i haven’t watched OME, but SSA gave me enough brain rot and gunk for me to not watch OME. (the only person who could act was baishu), and the story was SO BAD. nevermind the acting, because the boys weren’t initially slated to be actors, but the story was horrible, girl without superpowers suddenly becomes white cult goddess at the end??? WHAT???????? why didn’t ldn just promote them normally !!!!!! are they an actor group or an idol group???? I LOVE XNINE, THEY ARE TALENTED ARTISTS !!!! and eventually some went into acting (xz, guo zifan, gu jiacheng) BUT WAS THAT THE TIME DLFNJNF and then they just kept getting sent into random dramas and movies as random side characters instead of being able to make music and promote????? i’m sorry i’ve been stuck on using dramas to promote x9 for a while because that’s such a SILLY IDEA *vigorously shakes head* 
ldn knows how to do survival shows but she doesn’t know how to promote her artists thanks ldn. xnine has so much talented, we know xiao zhan is a great singer, but other main vocalists like wu jiacheng, zhao lei, and peng chuyue are amazing as welll, here’s me plugging this video of zl and pcy performing their self-written song on produce camp because it’s the most beautiful thing ever
-oh yeah somewhere in here insert chen molerat getting outed as a pedo misogynist cheater by his gf who still has the audacity to have xnine in his weibo name because xnine starting to get popular gtfo rat lookin ass i WILL barf, when we say ot8 xnine we mean xnine w/o chen toadratass but sometimes ppl think it’s xnine minus xz which is untrue-
they also have talented rappers (gu jiacheng yan xujia) and dancers (xia zhiguang guo zifan) like xia zhiguang can end me with his spinning flying kick thing and i WILL let him 
so YEAH !! TALENT that went to waste because wjjw gave them weird random hiatuses and kept pushing them as actors??? seriously what is with this actor stuff...so that’s why they debuted in 2016 and have very little discography to their name because wjjw just gave up...trying to promote them GOD thank u so much ldn for ur incomptency <3333 xnine had members in diff stages of life (ranging from xz who was born in 91, to yan xujia born in 2001, they were all close tho soo cute) and wjjw really was like nope we’re not gonna try to promote yall’s dreams of becoming singers on the stage because they couldn’t add 34783473 pounds to fat huo mala’s weight
so ya a lot of people are like omg wjjw hates xiao zhan!!! ya no they hate all of xnine but now xz is bringing enough money to make huo mala even fatter so good for huo mala i guess /s
also rumors and any bad media? lol wjjw doesn’t care they do a shit job at handling bad things too WHAT A WELLROUNDED COMPANY
anyway to summarize my rants above wjjw did  a SHIT job of promoting xnine as idols when the boys worked so hard and wjjw kept tryna push them to acting bye (some of them can’t act and literally don’t WANT TO ACT HHHSFLNF), wjjw is also horrible at letting all of the xnine members shine when as i mentioned before, they’re ALL TALENTED!!!! and then they just gave up on xnine somewhere in 2017-2018... ok anyway so is xnine disbanded? no although some may say their last concert in dec 2018 was their last concert ever they’re not disbanded
xiao zhan , gu jiacheng, and guo zifan went into acting
wu jiachang is focusing on his music etc (he was actually the first member of xnine i came across when i watched the collaboration/cyzj in 2018...yes carats this is That wu jiacheng!!!) MAN CAN SING
peng chuyue, zhao lei, xia zhiguang, yan xujia all went on produce camp 2019 (aNOTHER SURVIVAL SHOW BC THEY WANTED TO BE ON THE MF STAGE BC THATS WHY THEYRE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE WJJW) along w/ fellow labelmates zhou zhennan and zhai xiao wen ... and everyone but peng chuyue made it to the final 11 spots and got to debut in the group r1se...UNFORTUNATELY ALSO UNDER WJJW HELP SEND HELP
if they’re in r1se does that mean they quit xnine? no! they’re in both that’s just how survival shows work it’s kind of weird
peng chuyue recently released a song and it’s really good and you can’t not tell me that it’s gay here it is
anyway xnine hasn’t disbanded!! the X玖少年团 (xnine) in the non-r1se members’ weibo names say that loud n clear!!! and when the r1se members from xnine won produce camp 2019, they all made xnine signs SO XNINE IS ALIVE and they do keep in contact!!
why haven’t we seen blatant public interactions btwen xiao zhan and the xnine members? because some frickin annoying xz solo stans/xfx claim that the other members use xz for popularity (HELLO??????? IN WHAT WORLD DOES THAT MAKE SENSE HALF OF THEM R LITERALLY HIS KIDS BUT OK) 
anyway in conclusion wjjw doesn’t know how to promote any of their artists, thus screwing over xnine members and making them go on a group hiatus where they focus on acting/singing/r1se for r1se members but they are very much xnine as of now !!!
here’s some REALLY GOOD RESOURCES to follow xnine bc as an ifan it’s mf hard
-xnine slideshow
-xnine faq
-xnine eng sub channel by yuer
-all of that content i listed above was made/subbed by one person and she is the queen of uhh...xnine international fandom outreach (????) how do i word it but she’s been subbing and spreading xnine long before xiao zhan’s popularity skyrocketed so go follow her for updates and memes here
-xnine intl fanbase twt and tumblr
-and here’s this twt account with dumb pics of xnine because why not
also i’m pretty sure there’s a wip video explaining x9′s history being created (by yuer because queen) so when that’s posted i’ll rb this and post it here
also here’s this video dragging wjjw
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