#he says there'll be pronouns in it before long
Found out tonight that my colleague who I talk about Star Wars with every time we're on the same shift is one of those Star Wars fans :/
We were talking about The Acolyte and he said he wasn't going to watch it because he's "fed up of all the woke nonsense" (as someone who actually has watched it, is the "woke nonsense" in the room with us??)
He later clarified that he meant specifically that there isn't a white guy in the main cast. Like, dude... you realise that every movie in the damn franchise is literally full of white guys right?? I'm sure you can cope without one for a single fucking series
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alieinthemorning · 10 months
Marry a Man Through His Stomach [Miya Atsumu]
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Content: Fluff, Soft, Marriage
Pronouns: None
Header: @/tsumoos
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work's concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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"Is that what I think it is?" He barely toed his shoes off at the entrance before bounding his way into the kitchen, coming right up behind you to take a whiff of the pot you were stirring. "Hell yeah!"
You rolled your eyes, dishing him a small portion into the soy sauce plate you had been using. He leaned down, eagerly slurping.
He hummed, smacking his lips before looking down at you with bright eyes.
"Man, I'm glad I married ya."
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It was a lunchtime like any other. You were sat at your desk, just finished with putting your materials away and finding a video to watch with your lunch. However, once you opened the lid to your bento, did someone decide to pester you.
"Oh lemme have some!" A hand reached for your food, which you quickly swatted at.
"I literally just opened this—can I have a bite of my food before ya start beggin'!" You huffed at him, taking a bite of gyoza.
"Fine, ya've taken a bite—lemme have some gyoza too!"
"Oh my—fine!" But just as you went to grab the gyoza to pass to him, a pair of chopsticks, that obviously weren't yours, snatched it up  and dropped it right into Atsumu's open mouth.  
His face went through the motions of: happy, disbelief, then finally happy again.
"Man, yer ma is a good cook."
You raised a brow, "Ma didn't cook this. I did."
"Ya made this?" He paused, taking another bite (from another piece of food he had stolen from you—the bastard) then nodded to himself. "Yeah, imma marry ya some day."
You blinked, felt the heat raising to your cheeks, then laughed.
"Yeah right!" You were sure he was just saying shit out of his ass.
"Ya laugh now, but I'm sure there'll be a ring on that finger." He tapped your left ring finger.
Then he left (making sure to swipe one last piece of food), leaving you to mull over the nonsense he had spewed.
This very quickly began to become a habit of his, pestering you for your food until you relented (which didn't take long) then commenting in someway about your alleged future marriage.
You didn't think much of it until you were making a bento for him (finally sick and tired of him stealing your food) and your mother said something to you.
"Feedin' a friend of yers?"
You nodded, "Somethin' like that..."
She hummed. "Well ya know, the way I won yer father's heart is through the stomach so—"
You whipped your head around so fast you were sure it was going to go spinning off.
She threw her head back, laughing loudly at your flustered face.
"Make sure to bring'em around soon, okay?" And she was out of the room before you could refute her.
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But in the end she was right—both she and Atusmu, actually.
You had won his love through his stomach, and just like he said, you were wearing that platinum band on your left ring finger.
You fidgeted with it fondly, a small smile gracing your fingers. The smile widen as he grabbed your hand, placing a kiss right on the band.
"You know, I'm glad ya begged for that gyoza that day..."
He raised a brow, a smirk threatening to split his face. "Oh really? Yer were that eager to marry me?"
"Not then no, but later...yeah." You leaned forward, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "I'm glad I said yes."
"Well, I'm happy I put the thought in yer head." He pulled you closer, "Now come're..."
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I was supposed to write something else first, but then I had this thought and had to stop everything I was doing to write it. 
Anyway, I've been sucked back into the Haikyuu! Hole and Atsumu has been my hyperfixation, and there simply aren't fresh fics for him so, it's time I feed myself and the people.
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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aidansloth · 2 years
{Pinky Promise - Gareth Emerson X GN!Reader}
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Warnings: a drunk guy trying to make a move on you but getting too handsy (nothing too triggering), alcohol, apart from this just fluff! Please tell me if I missed something. Pronouns used: they/them, you/you.
Summary: After graduation the whole school got invited to Chrissy's house to celebrate, that including Eddie and his friends. Gareth has been staring at his crush from the other part of the party and finally musters up the courage to talk to them. (By 'after graduation' I mean Eddie's, so Gareth will still be going to Hawkins High School next year).
Words: 1.3k
I wrote this as GN!Reader, but I had a AFAB Reader in mind, so there'll be some undertones I guess(?) If you've got any constructive criticism don't be afraid to tell me since this is the first fanfiction I've written in a long time, especially because English is not my first language. Either way, please enjoy!
A scent of booze filled the rooms, loud music playing in the background and still Gareth could not take his eyes off of you. He stood across the room from you with a half-empty red cup in his hand; he felt like a bit of a creep but he swore he was trying to muster up the courage to talk to you.
His highschool crush, the kind of crush that doesn't go away easily. He'd been stuck like this since sophomore year, since the day you sat next to him in History class when the rest of the students avoided him like the plague. You helped him during class, let him borrow your stuff and that one time when he forgot lunch, you gave him your KitKat. The guys at the Hellfire table teased him to hell and back for it (pun intended).
"Still staring, Gare-bear?" Eddie's arm attached itself with Gareth's shoulders, he had a shit-eating grin on his face. The drummer huffed and clicked his tongue; he damned the day Eddie heard his mom call him that.
"I told you not to call me that. And I'm not staring."
"Sure you're not." Jeff came up behind Eddie, a drink in hand too. They'd all been invited to the party by Chrissy, since this was in fact her house; she left Jason long ago, and for once, nobody was bothering them.
Jeff analysed the situation in front of him and sighed.
"This is basically your last chance man, they're there by themselves, come on. Even Grant found the courage to talk to Selina, they're literally talking right now, being all lovey-dovey and shit!" he encouraged Gareth moving his free hand.
"How would I know they want to talk to me? Maybe they just want to be left alone- look, they're talking to some guy now." Gareth nodded his head towards you.
"Yeah, not to break it to you buddy but they don't seem to be having that much fun over there." Eddie pointed out, stealing a sip of Jeff's beer, who nodded. Gareth's head sprang to you and he noticed said guy moving a bit too close to you while you were backing away.
"I'm sure they can handle it-" as soon as he saw you flinching at the man's hand on your hip he lost it, "-oh, the hell he isn't. Eddie, hold my beer."
"Good luck man, call us if you need help!" his friends shouted over the blaring music playing. He made his way across the room, avoiding the sweaty dancing bodies.
"Dude, you're coming on a little too strong, don't you think?" the guy turned around stumbling and looked at him up and down. Gareth felt a little intimidated by the guy's size but he stood his ground. The drunk man raised his finger but before he could say anything he threw up on the floor, missing Gareth's feet by millimetres. The drummer and you turned to each other shocked (and a little entertained), silently agreeing to get out of there.
A faint light from the lamps shined on their heads once they stepped out into the garden. It was filled with rose bushes and tiny pathways covered in rocks, a few wooden benches and a couple of cherry trees. Chrissy's parents never really cared about expenses.
"Sorry if I crossed a line by stepping in by the way." Gareth suddenly felt self aware of the situation he was in.
"What? Oh, no, thank you. I mean, he was drunk enough to fall over with as little as a push but still, thanks." You couldn't stop rambling and suddenly felt embarrassed. Gareth chucked and you swore it was the best sound you ever heard. You both sat down on one of the benches that was surrounded by flowerbeds; the setting felt a little too romantic for what Gareth was used to, but he liked it if it was with you. You awkwardly glanced at each other for what felt like ages, until he broke the silence.
"So... next year's senior year, huh?" Gareth wanted to punch himself. Really, that's the only thing you could think of saying?
"Yep..." you mentally cursed yourself for lack of a better answer. An awkward silence filled the air, while both of you looked the other way embarrassed. When your gazes met a giggle escaped both of you, which left a shy smile on your face.
Gareth was having an internal battle of what to say next, come on pull yourself together, what happened to Gareth the Great? Ok, maybe he did loose a couple of battles and die once or twice-
"You look very pretty tonight." He could feel his face heat up as he spoke those words. Your eyes widened and your mouth hanged slightly opened, not expecting that from him.
"I- I mean, thank you. You look pretty too." Now Gareth could die happily. His crush just called him pretty, they thought he was pretty, of all things. Not freak, not weird, not intimidating. Pretty.
"You think I'm pretty?" he blurted it out without thinking, now wishing he hadn't: he didn't want you to know he was insecure. You let out a giggle before scratching the back of your neck and nodding.
"Very pretty. In fact, I think you're the prettiest boy I've ever seen." Maybe you were laying it on thick, but it was working since Gareth's brain short-circuited. This is when you decided to scoot closer to him, which was Gareth's last push he needed to get his words out.
"Tell me if this is weird or I'm- I'm like, ehm- making you uncomfortable in any way or if I'm crossing a line but-" he took a deep breath in, pinching his thigh from the stress, "would you like to got out with me, sometime?"
He felt like was floating, a weight being left off his shoulders as the words were leaving him. Sure, he was stressing out like hell for your answer but he asked, and that's what mattered, because he tried (or at least that's what his mom always says). He got so caught up in his mind he didn't even hear you respond.
"Wha- what, sorry? I didn't hear." He turned to you alarmed, he couldn't remember a time where he'd been this stressed, not even for important Corroded Coffin gigs. Another chuckle left your lips.
"I said yes, pretty boy." At your words Gareth's lips lifted on one side before becoming a full on smile, a very pretty one at that; he was even biting his bottom lip and lowering his head to try and hide it. He came back to himself in a couple of seconds with a tiny cough. He felt like his chest was going to explode from all the emotions he was feeling in that moment.
"Ehm, yeah, cool! Can I have your number, so we can like, plan a date... or something?" He really hoped you didn't randomly decided he wasn't worth your time anymore. You nodded as you got a pen out of your bag, noticing you didn't have paper on you. A quick glance at the drummer and an idea popped up. Pointing at his arm you asked if you could grab it for a second, he agreed but didn't expect you to grab it so gently and fuck their skin is so soft. You wrote down your number while his eyes had a meaningless fight trying not to stare at your lips.
"Done!" you put your pen back after clapping your hands together proudly.
"I'll call you as soon as I get home." He honestly felt the sudden urge to sprint home right that moment.
"Promise?" You lifted you pinky at him, who stared at you puzzled.
"You gotta pinky promise." You explained as if it was obvious, a smile still glued on your face. It warmed him up, made him feel safe and secure, like you weren't going anywhere and you weren't going to judge him. He lifted his pinky and linked it with yours, all sweet smiles and loving giggles.
He did in fact, keep his promise.
Tell me if you want the actual date fic, I also want to do like a blurb or tiny tiny fic of the KitKat scene I mentioned.
(again, thank you @justraby for all of the support in writing this<333)
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vivisviolets · 14 days
how are you?
my initials are SB and my pronouns are she/her; my preferred gender is he/him and i love fashion, astrology and cats.
thank you. <3
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SB ✨🍷♥️ ♧♤˚。 The Tower (reversed), Three of Swords (reversed), Three of Cups, Five of Pentacles (reversed) (bonus), The Lovers (bottom of the deck) ♧♤˚。 321 (like a countdown), 333, 666, 3636, Aries/Taurus/Gemini placements (rising, Moon, Mercury), Virgo/Leo placements (Sun, Mercury, 6th house) 1st/2nd/3rd/6th house placements, modern romance, new year, year of the tiger/snake, channeled song, Je te laisserai des mots - Patrick Watson
♧♤˚。 AHA!- finally gotcha ;D~ I've tracked down your energy at long last- and oh my goodness it did not disappoint- the first keyword I heard was "modern romance"- there is like,, this element of innocence and youth to this connection, but there is also elegance and passion. similar to that in romance novels- *Timeless!* that is the adjective I'm looking for!! oh love~ this relationship is one for the books. it's like if one of those classic romance stories we're given a modern adaptation- with elements of individual growth and mundanity included, yet with that same warm glow of genuine human love flowing through each passing phase and scene with grace~ Ok head out of the clouds,- I feel like this might be an Earth/Air connection but with Piscean degrees/influence or smth- OH! Maybe you'll meet each other/be around each other most when Saturn is in Pisces! but anyway, the theme of "new year" was coming through, so you'll meet them during some kind of celebration, where there are themes of "fresh"/"new"... maybe someone here will be freshly moved on from a past relationship? (an example I'm hearing is if this meeting happens years down the line, like late 20s/early 30s and someone might be divorced?)- upon first meeting there will be fireworks- as in, it'll be like one of those classic scenes where before you two can further get to know each other, there'll be some loud interruption (maybe an actual explosion of fireworks 😭). but near right away, there will be a familiar feeling, could be a soul-family feeling, or it's the energy of you two somehow knowing each other since childhood, due to how matching your personalities are to each other, like even the individual parts of both of you that are different/should clash- blend together so perfectly- like- forgive the extra mood board but its giving:
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the coloring is little bit much ik, but really if you were to melt down all the worldly/earthly-ness, this is what you'd have, this supercut of a found counterpart... and the thing is- when you find "the person", there's so many more elements to it then just that soul connection, there's chemical differences, and emotional/mental alignments. there are so many in-between times within this "soul-connection"(/whatever you want to call it) *supercut*- this is two humans, just walking this earth together, by choice. because you like each other. this relationship will be built on mutual appreciation/admiration of the other, you'll both look at each other in this- intellectual way, where you see the other as someone you can learn from. and not just that- but someone *safe* that you can learn from. this relationship may help both of you in breaking certain karmic ties/cycles, but that healing and growth won't come from hurting the other- instead, growth will happen through love. not through more pain. now that's not to say there will be no strife, this is a relationship between two humans, as it is between two souls- for example, you two in your shared living space will disagree on whether to get a cat or dog. BAHAH AWW, no but for real- aspects of your domestic life will be one of the few areas of clashing between you two,- but even then, you both are so willing to work together that the worst your disagreements will get will be an eye-roll, a sigh, and taking some space away (across the living room lol) for a few hours (which is fine cause you two are "quality over quantity" when it comes to talking, so taking time independently comes easy). there may be financial stress surrounding where you two will want to live for the long run, and how that ties into your work. there also might be a misunderstanding/clashing at first concerning your person's past, as they may have had difficult previous relationships, but as more trust is built, the more that history is shed... this energy was truly stunning, and an extra message I have for you, and how you'll eventually meet this individual- is trust. you two are meant to find each other! please just keep going forward in your own life, because truly- without even realizing it- you'll turn a corner, and they'll have met you. both of your energies meeting each other halfway, and right where both of you are supposed to be ♡. ☆🎆 *i hope this was helpful my darling ♡~ consider leaving a tip on my Patreon if you enjoyed, or follow and become a violet~ doesnt matter to me tho :>~ sending you on your wayyyy, bye bye!!*
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puckrph · 1 year
taken from the album by the mountain goats. feel free to change pronouns, etc. tw for mentions/implications of familial abuse, drug use, and suicide
"i walked down to the corner store just before nightfall in my bare feet, the black tarry asphalt soft and hot." "i spread out my supplies on the counter by the sink, looked myself right in the eyes: st. joseph's baby aspirin, bartles and jaymes, and you. or your memory." "i ducked behind the drapes when i saw the moon begin to rise." "down there in the dark, i could see the real truth about me as clear as day." "if i make it through tonight, then i will mend my ways and walk the straight path to the end of my days." "my friends don't have a clue." "down in your arms, i am a wild creature." "i write down good reasons to freeze to death in my spiral ring notebook." "i write down good reasons to freeze to death in my spiral ring notebook—but in the long tresses of your hair, i am a babbling brook." "i broke free on a saturday morning, put the pedal to the floor." "my broken house is behind me and good things are ahead." "i am going to make it through this year if it kills me." "i pictured the look on my stepfather's face, ready for the bad things to come." "the scene ends badly, as you might imagine, in a cavalcade of anger and fear." "there will be feasting and dancing in jerusalem next year." "the delicate balance has shifted." "let's pretend the fog has lifted." "now you say you love me, pretty soon you won't." "if we get our full three-score and ten, we won't pass this way again." "kiss me with your mouth open." "stay sweet." "if we live to see the other side of this, i will remember your kiss." "indications that there's something wrong with our new house trip down the wire twice daily." "you're the last best thing i've got going." "what am i supposed to do? no way of knowing." "so i'll follow you down your twisted alleyways and find a few cul-de-sacs of my own, because there's only one place this road ever ends up, and i don't want to die alone." "let me down gently." "you were looking at the void and seldom blinking. the best that i could do was to train my eyes on you." "we scaled the hidden hills beneath the surface, scraped our fingers bloody on the stones." "we kept our friends at bay all summer long and treated the days as though they'd kill us if they could." "we were wringing out the hours like blood-drenched bedsheets to keep wintertime at bay, but december showed up anyway." "i went downtown, sold off most of what i owned." "there's bound to be a ghost at the back of your closet, no matter where you live." "there'll always be a few things, maybe several things, that you're going to find really difficult to forgive." "there's gonna come a day when you feel better. just when that day is coming, who can say?" "they will shake their heads and wag their bony fingers in all the wrong directions, and by daybreak we'll be gone." "by daybreak, we'll be gone." "i'm going to get myself in fighting trim, scope out every angle of unfair advantage." "i'm gonna bribe the officials. i'm gonna kill all the judges. it's gonna take them years to recover from all of the damage." "when your chances fall in your lap like that, you gotta recognize them for what they really are." "nobody in this house wants to own up to the truth." "i am going to regret the day that i was born." "i'm dreaming of you." "there's no good way to end this, anyone can see." "i am young and i am good." "if i wake him up, there will be hell to pay." "alone in my room, i am the last of a lost civilization." "but i do wake him up, and when i do he blazes down the hall and he screams." "held under these smothering waves by his strong and thick-veined hand, but one of these days i'm going to wiggle up on dry land." "try hard to do your best, the magpie will have his way." "remember what we had here when there was something left to save." "it took all the coke in town to bring down dennis brown. on the day my lung collapses, we'll see just how much it takes." "some things you do for money, and some you do for love."
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
Hi;; I don't know if u write for male readers but can I request a Granger x male reader NSFW?
"A Cosmopolitan, please."
Mobile Legends; Bang Bang
Pairing; Granger, You.
!! NSFW 18+ !!
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Requested? Yes.
Small note for requester; Hello!! I'm super duper sorry for the long wait, and I'm here to say that I write for any gender perspective! It's not perfect, but I try to be mindful of everyone when there's no gender specifics. So, thank you for clarifying! Also also, the reason I didn't do Third Person Perspective in this, is that I don't like writing Y/n or [Reader] because I think it ruins the immersion as you read.
Want to request? Click here.
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Warning(s); Swearing, Bad Attempt at Writing Flirting Dialogue, Devil's Tango, Semi-Public, Implied Strangers to Lovers, More Plot than Porn, Slightly OOC Characters.
Word Count; N/A
Second Person Perspective.
Pronouns used for Reader; 'He', 'Him', etc...
"Granger was never interested in parties, until an annoying someone dragged him into a 'shit hole'."
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"You're no fun, Granger. It's just a regular party. There'll be no fancy suits. Promise!" Alucard wrapped his hand around Granger's shoulder as they strolled around the Tavern. On the way back to Ms. Clara as they were done with running errands for her. Granger wanted to get a good night's sleep, so Alucard's invitation irritated him. "I will not attend a stupid party and waste an opportunity to get some sleep." He replied as they reached Ms. Clara's bartending table. "Welcome back you two! Say, will you attend tonight's party here at the Tavern?" She gleefully asked, much to Granger's annoyance.
The fact that she was in the party as well made him obligated to join. "I will join for sure! Trying to convince this guy to join though." Alucard answered, snapping his fingers and ultimately making Granger push his arm off his shoulders. "You're making my patience thin out. Ms. Clara, please ignore him and lets get this errand done." He whispered to her, she frowned but took the envelope he held out and crouched down— Searching a cabinet that was under the table. While she was doing that, her young apprentice walked over.
That apprentice was you; and you caught Granger's eye— you were holding a knife on one hand and a plate of fruit on the other after all. "Ms. Clara?" She hummed and looked at you. "A customer requested for Commonwealth and I could not do it.." You grinned awkwardly as Clara stood up to look over your shoulder. The customer was waiting patiently, and she recognized them as her most loyal customer— Always ordering the one most difficult drink to do. "Ah, again?" She giggled and took the plate from your hands. "I'll take care of it. Can you find the box labeled Al and Gr on it? After you do, give it to these young men, will you?"
You nodded and moved away to let her walk past you. Then you quickly placed the knife on the plate and waved hello to the two. You started making small talk as you crouched down and searched for the box. Granger was speechless, and Alucard was amused. "You ran an errand for Ms. Clara, huh?" Alucard hummed, confirming your question. "Yep we did, you should have seen Granger. He killed those demons like they were nothing." Granger punched Alucard's stomach as you got up from the cabinet. A smile on your face, maybe it was from hearing about Granger? Or maybe it was just you being nice.
Granger accepted the reasonable latter and took the box from your hands. "Thank you for doing that for her. She's too busy to do her own, sometimes I wonder why the King always assigns her with difficult tasks." You slouched a bit after saying that. Granger felt pity for your worry but didn't say anything. Alucard commented something right after anyway. "We'll accept any errands she needs help with. And about why the King likes assigning her tasks like that. You should see her in the battlefield." A laugh left your lips before you heard someone call for you. "Coming! Thank you again, by the way." With that, you run off towards the back rooms.
Granger let out his breath and jumped when Alucard jumped up from the high chair. "You wanna reconsider? I saw how you looked at him. I can't blame you though, he is your type." Alucard's voice went up a pitch higher, and was sung in a singsong voice. Granger cringed as Alucard's voice broke at the last word. "Shut up. Your voice sounds awful." Granger muttered under his breath. Alucard pretended to get sad and skipped away, sword on his shoulder and whistling playfully. He stopped at the entrance and looked back at Granger. "You're not wasting a good night's sleep, right? What's taking you so long?" Granger looks up from the box and follows him out of the Tavern. Maybe he'll prove Alucard right, just this time.
Hours have passed since Granger last went to the Tavern, and it was nearly midnight. He barely remembered what time the party took place, but seeing the countless colors from the windows; he wasn't late. Nor was he early, since as soon as he opened the door. The place was crowded and a mess. Harley was performing magic tricks on stage, Lesley was watching over him and you— you were somewhere else. That disappointed him. He only attended to see you but-..
A voice from the loudspeaker caught his attention. "Everyone! Please clap your hands for the one and only! Ms. Clara with her signature tricks and magic!" Everyone cheered, gathering around the stage as Granger searched for your purple tie on the stage. He saw you behind the curtains and sneaked past the crowd, towards the small stairs where he quickly climbed up it and called out your name. "Granger? I thought Ms. Clara said you weren't coming." You say upon seeing him.
"I changed my mind. Even though I hate proving Alucard right." He admitted, his heart skipped a beat when he saw your smiling face. The crowd in front cheered for Ms. Clara while you mumbled something he couldn't hear. "What was that?" He asked you to repeat. "Would you like me to make you a drink? It's more quiet there." He thought about your offer, but eventually nodded after a few moments. Seeing your eyes light up made him hide a smile. He followed you on the way to the bartending table and sat down on the high chair. You took a menu and slid it over to him with a wink.
"I recommend a Soda to start off. But I won't be surprised if you could handle a hard drink already." You teased, leaning against the table as Granger picks up the menu. His heart stopped for a second before his eyes scanned the menu. The pleasing colors and photos made it easy for him to choose, and he wonders who made the creative menu as it wasn't Ms. Clara's style. "Well? Have you chosen?" You asked him, he looked up from the menu and nodded. "A Cosmopolitan, please." You raised a brow and took the menu back. "Great choice. Would you like anything on the side?"
Granger shook his head. With that, you got to work; You grab a cocktail shaker and turned around to grab a vodka bottle. Granger was in awe at how quick and precise you poured each ingredient in the shaker. He was impressed, even. And he was definitely not guilty for proving Alucard right. He didn't notice his eyes has wandered until he found himself oggling your waist. He shook his head as you turned around with his drink. You were curious at why he looked nervous, but brushed it off as you placed the drink in front of him. "First drink at a party's on the house."
Granger looked at you and hummed. "Isn't every drink on the house?" Your face flushed, and you nodded awkwardly with a laugh. "I forgot.. I have been serving too many drinks." Granger took his first sip on the drink and closes his eyes at the taste. The sweet and tang flavour soothed his throat, and the vodka went straight towards his head. He placed the glass down and closed his eyes. Giving you the chance to admire the scars that were on his face. Your heart started beating faster when he opened his eyes and met your gaze. You saved yourself from the humiliation by blurting out a question; "Tastes good?"
Granger hummed in approval. Keeping eye contact and making your cool falter. You looked away and stood up straight. "I want to ask, are you interested in tending a bartender?" You flushed even more after your poor choice of words and covered your face in shame. Granger chuckled in amusement after taking another sip. "I will gladly tend you if you want." You had to do a double take at what he said. "Excuse me?" Granger stood up and raised his drink. "The vodka is making my mind fuzzy, forgive me." He said to you. Offering the drink as an apology.
You smiled and took a sip after leaning close to his drink. The taste was delicious. No one would bat an eye as to why he ordered that. "If you haven't drunk this, I would have thought you were flirting with me." You said to him. He smirked and held the glass out yet again. "If I was?" Your heart stopped, the cheering drowned out by a ringing in your ear as you went autopilot— leaning close to the glass; Expecting to taste the Cosmopolitan again until you felt lips on yours. None of you pulled away until a loud thud made the both of you jump.
You laughed at that, but Granger was indifferent. "Jeez, we barely even went on a date first." Granger longed for more, despite what you had said. He moved towards the side and lifted the wood that separated the chairs and the tending table before walking over to you— You however were frozen in place. The tension was growing thick as he stopped right in front of you. His eyes lowered, and his gaze stopped once he saw the tent on your pants. You were hiding it behind the table all this time? He smirked and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"We'll go on a date after this." He told you. Your heart kept racing, and blood kept rushing to your crotch area. There was no denying that you were insanely turned on. "This is not an optimal place to do this.." You mumbled. He looked around and forced you down on your knees, catching you off guard and making you squeal. Thankfully, the intimidating height disappeared as he also got on his knees. But adrenaline began pumping in your veins as soon as his hands reached for his pants. You were nervous, slightly intoxicated and extremely turned on at how he was losing control of his actions.
"I will be waiting on that date." You manage to stutter. He nodded and got close to you, waiting for your approval as his hand reached for your belt. You swallowed and nodded. Nearly falling on your legs as he pulled your pants down, you haven't even noticed he already had his lower clothes on his knees until you looked down and saw his erection. You flushed at the sight— it was already leaking and somehow twitching without having been touched; How did you made him this way?
"You're leaking too." A gasp escaped your lips when his fingers touched your tip, you were sensitive because you haven't touched yourself in a while. You whined when his thumb circled around your tip, gathering the pre-cum as he scooted forward. His erection made in contact with yours, you covered your mouth and moaned. You were trembling, choking on your own moans as he took hold on both of your cocks at once. His body heat, the small twitches he was doing— hell even the way he leans his face close to you was making your mind fuzzy.
"Holy shit, you're so hot." He moaned softly, tightening his grip and starting a slow stroking pace on both of your cocks. The pre-cum provided a smooth pace, and soon. He was stroking both of you at a fast pace. You were already so close because of the contact, but now it feels like you were being overstimulated. "I need to get back to- ah." You whined when he pushed you down on the ground and stroked faster. The position was uncomfortable for your legs, but amazing as Granger was more familiar in that angle. "I'm so fucking close." You muttered under your breath, Granger groaned and let his head fall close to your face.
Both of you were sweating, the sound of him stroking the both of you at the same time was growing faster and louder— and your moans were mixing together. The knot in your stomach was getting tighter, but the crowd in the other side of the Tavern was growing silent. "N-need- please h-hurry." You managed to say, Granger grunted and pressed his lips against yours. That one single action made you cry out and cum on your suit. Granger followed with a shaky moan, but even after he had spoiled both of your clothes, he kept stroking.
You were tearing up at the continuous stimulation and began pushing his hand, but Granger was fucked out— Drunk on the Cosmopolitan and your never ending gasps for a rest. Your body shook, and he nearly collapsed on top of you as you both cry out and cum all over again. That was when he slowed down to a stop, both of your breaths were hot and heavy— and the cheers turned into footsteps as nearly all of the attendees headed straight to the bar. None of you could move; so you were surprised when you were suddenly in the employees area with Granger clutching onto you. Encasing you in a cocoon.
As soon as your eyes was able to focus, you noticed a note taped onto the table behind Granger—
I'll tend the bar, but you're in big trouble tomorrow. -Ms. Clara. P.S; Great job on hitting it off with Granger!
You sighed and rested your head on Granger's chest. Humiliation setting in your stomach and making you bury your face in his chest further. "We'll.. we'll go on that date next time."
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
OPM Manga Update 211 Review
It's evident that I'm not going to get any peace until I write this review, so here goes.
Long, also contains gore.
So you may have been wondering about all the radiation allegedly flying around, it didn't seem to be having much effect on the people watching. Wonder no more... it just took a moment. One by one, first the children, then the adults, the witnesses are dropping, noses bleeding, hair falling out, worse soon to come unless help comes really, really soon.
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I don't think I'll ever get over how cute Zombieman's hands are
Meanwhile, Bang has managed to stagger to his feet and faces the still-approaching Garou. Bang shouts at whatever is in Garou to give Garou back, but it has about as much effect as you'd imagine it would. Garou tells Bang that no, this is his own doing. Blast does one of his cool-ass appearances and interposes himself between old man and abomination.
Since Garou is still himself, Blast tries reasoning with him, pointing out that his continued presence is literally killing everyone around him and offering him passage to another dimension in the interim. After all, this can't be what Garou wanted, surely? Blast hopes to avoid a fight as it could get ugly fast.
But there's a problem. Garou may not have wanted God's help and may only have touched Him lightly, but this Divine Power shit? Garou likes it, oh he really likes it. Worse, he loves the idea of people automatically prostrating themselves before him.... someone should point out to him that dead people can't be afraid. It's a poor Symbol of Fear who kills everyone.
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Bang continues to approach Garou, asking him to start by killing him first. And Garou pauses, contemplating how it's not necessary for him to be understood after all. He'll kill the old man and distance himself from Tareo, forever. @koumbaya has a very nice annotation on how the pronouns Garou refers to Tareo by go from close ones to distant ones as he talks about the boy (check it out here).
Speaking of Tareo, we find out what happened to him. An escaping Manako starts feeling the effects of the radiation and collapses, but not before noticing a small figure face-down in the rubble.
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...oh no...
The tense standoff between Garou, Blast and Bang is broken by a voice ordering Bang to get out of the way as Genos rockets past to ram Garou. Saying that there are other heroes resistant to radiation, he tries to push Garou back. It's futile as Garou grabs him by the hair and picks him up, but that's not the bad part. The bad part is that once again, unknowable information comes to Garou and he clocks that Genos is Saitama's apprentice.
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Oh no, pt 2: Genos gets that Garou knowing this is Not Good
Blast takes advantage of the opening and attacks Garou with his dimnsional portal, trapping him in another dimension... briefly. Garou works out pretty quickly how Blast is doing it and pops back into this dimension, wielding the same gravitational fist Blast was. He launches a series of nuclear fists which Blast fortunately ports out into the distance to explode as air bursts (fortunately from the perspective of present company not being vapourised, not fortunately for the planet).
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Blast realises pretty quickly that if this goes on much longer, there'll be no life left on the planet and starts thinking how he might prioritise getting everyone he can out. But Garou has other plans. He praises Blast, saying that the latter's number one status is not for show. However, it doesn't look like the old hero has anything new to teach him. On the other hand, the bald guy has plenty left to show him. If only he gives him the right incentive...
*no picture here -- easy enough to find*
...and with that, Garou commits a hideous atrocity. He punches straight through Genos, ripping out his core. A spatter of blood lands on the rubble, joined by the heavens opening to seemingly rain more blood as the dirt starts to land.
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I hate to dwell on gore, but the skill with which Murata has differentiated between the thickness and the way blood runs and the way the rainwater lands and runs is masterful. Also, sad.
And with it comes Saitama, black rain cascading down him like blood. Garou sneers, saying isn't he a little late as he tosses him an object. Saitama catches it, and yes, it's Genos's core.
Saitama looks around. At Genos. He remembers the latter remarking on how it was amazing that Saitama always arrived on time, like a true hero and his demurring. He looks at the other heroes, collapsed where they were. King had tried to shield Fubuki, who had tried to shield Tatsumaki. Sekingar and Zombieman had tried to shield their charges. Flashy Flash is just about conscious, trying to prop himself up with his scabbard, but it's clear he's not long for this world either.
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pathos, personified
And then Saitama throws a serious punch at Garou, which the latter looks to copy.
We close with Blast looking on in horror. At this rate, the planet itself might be shattered.
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Well, I guess this is what we call crossing the moral event horizon. Garou has hurt a lot of people. He is hurting a lot of people now, but he's never deliberately killed someone and that's been the basis for him being worth redeeming. It's been the basis of our going 'hey, for all the evil you're purporting to be, you're just performing'. It's been the basis of us looking forward to what it's going to take to make Garou reconsider and realise for himself that the reason he's just performing at evil is that it doesn't sit right with him and to listen to what he truly values. Even in this chapter, we could see that part of him still wanted to be understood, even accepted.
That was then. Killing Genos for defying him would have been bad, but it'd be understandable, straightforward power-tripping. Oh no, he killed him just so he could satisfy his ambition to acquire Saitama's power. That's truly evil. God may be influencing Garou, but he's ultimately in control of his choices. That's the trouble with playing at something: at some point, it stops being play. It's not going to be long before there's not a thing worth redeeming about Garou. You better stop him fast, Saitama.
Part of me started to go ' well, Genos could still be just about alive. We learned from the giant meteor incident that his core being out of power doesn't mean losing his life support and he's probably partially buried in the rubble which is why it looks so bad.' Then I look at this picture again and go, 'Nope, not kidding myself. He's bought the farm this time.' Garou didn't just rip out his core: he threw Genos down so hard he smashed.
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To say that this is a shame is an understatement. We know that Genos had so much more story to experience and potential to become. But then again, this is also One-Punch Man where lives are cut short for no reason. So it goes. On a related note, I guess too that this development is why it was so important that Saitama recognised that his disciple really was a hero and not just a guy picking fights to get stronger as he'd previously thought.
Ship-minded people might aww at Saitama holding Genos's heart even as he battles Garou, but there's a far more important callback. It's to Beefcake opening up his fist to look at the chemistry goggles and scraps of lab coat that are all the recognisable remains of what used to be his brother and despairing at what his quest to be the strongest has led to him losing.
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@inigollorentemartija has written on it better than I have, but Saitama's biggest problem is his carelessness. When he chooses to take a situation seriously, he resolves it quickly and with little collateral damage. When he doesn't, watch out around him! We wouldn't be here if he'd taken Orochi seriously instead of splashing around in a magma pool. We'd most certainly not be here if he'd taken Garou seriously from the get-go.
The term Saitama uses as he looks around at all the fallen heroes is “tsukuzuku” which is both 'to realise' and 'to be pierced through by something' (h/t @koumbaya) as it hits him just how lightly he's taken his hero work. It doesn't always just work out anyway and the people paying the price for his carelessness aren't faceless strangers whose plight he'd never get to know about.
Since chapter 16, Saitama has been musing that there's been something not quite right about the hero he's become. It's a topic he revisited in chapter 76 when he thought that he felt that he'd forgotten something really important.
I think the first shoe has dropped now. What he's been missing. The other shoe? Well, that we'll have to see.
Not that Tumblr attracts powerscalers and cock-fighters, but you might wonder why I'm not het up about Saitama fighting Garou? It's simple: he is the One Punch Man. It's never about whether or not Saitama will win. It's about the fallout and what happens next.
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omwriter · 4 years
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AH.. REALLY RELATING TO THIS ONE ..  also my first time writing the other dateables haha. 
Thank you for requesting as always!!
(Would you like a request? Please check the blog description to see if they are open and the rules before doing so!)
(GN! MC, they/them pronouns)
Warnings: None, ask to tag if you feel any are missing as always! 
FRUSTRATED. Frustrated beyond belief. 
It's actually really funny because for Lucifer to even intentionally try to get MC to pick up anything like that in the first place, they'd have to be close.. 
So chances are MC is probably picking up on the signs of FRUSTRATION but not the fact that he's being a LOVESTRUCK FOOL.
(It's. Also terrible because of what he considers "obvious"....) 
Unfortunately, if Lucifer is having a Bad Time, everyone else is getting caught in it as well. 
(It's like walking on eggshells…) 
The worst thing is that Lucifer's inability to make himself vulnerable in any way is going to keep him from saying anything outright.. 
If he ever lets it Out, it has to be a slip up. 
(But how long will that take… months? Years? MC's got better chances hearing someone else be outright about it honestly. Or if they like him already, say something first.) 
He assumes MC is just picking up on his cues..
This one's also funny. Things really progress. BOTH HIM AND MC ARE OBLIVIOUS TO THE OTHER'S MISUNDERSTANDING.. 
It's only when Mammon goes to make, like, a real move that he might realize.
(Because well... will MC let on that they were oblivious in the first place? 👀)  
Assumes MC is rejecting him
So actually, he might just back off. 
To his credit, he does his best to not make things awkward, MC is still his best friend and he doesn't want to lose them over something like this 
But inevitably he gets a bit more distant than usual .. it's the uncertainty. 
Is MC just being nice? Are they pitying him? Did he already ruin what they have right now? 
Might.. culminate into an explosive moment, whether it's Levi or MC reaching their snapping point 
(Hopefully… him and MC talk it out. He'll do his best to be more honest and spell it all out then.) 
Actually just in disbelief. 
They're not playing coy? They're really that…? 
Turns this into a study lmaoo 
Honestly, at this point Satan doesn't really have any problems stating his intentions outright but .. 
… he wants to see how far he has to go for MC to get it 
(Everyone around them gets to just. Sit there and watch all of this unfold.) 
He's dealt with this before 
… but that DOESN'T mean he's unaffected, 
Finds it super cute at first! 
… until it turns into major insecurity. 
The unique thing about MC is that they are immune to his Charm.. so if MC rejects him at his most natural.. 
(.. that speaks for itself, doesn't it.) 
But it would probably kill Asmo to not rip off that bandaid and go for it anyway after a point
So MC will be facing his feelings when he can't hold them in anymore 
Honestly… Beel is kinda chill about it. 
If they ever notice, they'll notice. He's not actively making an effort, but him being in love with them is not a secret either. 
The only problem is that the REST of the household gets frustrated just seeing it.
At some point he's had most of the others tell him some variation of needing to be more obvious if he wants anything to happen 
(The ones who haven't said anything.. well. Have probably tried to have it happen without directly saying so.)
which is. Interesting.. chances are he'd play oblivious if this was the other way around (where's the fun if he doesn't?) 
What actually pisses him off is that the obliviousness is GENUINE.. he has to actually do leg work to get MC to notice, 
Unfortunately also King of Stubborness, he's not gonna say anything if he can help it 
(Another one where MC might just find out from someone else faster.. the pent up frustration in the house is too much!) 
… very confused. 
Was he doing something wrong? Are there human specific customs that he's not aware of? 
(OK TO BE FAIR.. chances are Dia will pull some Obscure Demon Courting methods out of his pocket,) 
Is super earnest though… he keeps trying to find different ways to get MC to get it without saying anything upfront 
… Eventually though there'll just be a point where Dia point blank asks if he's doing something wrong.
Takes it in stride,
Actually does find it cute.. also likes to see how MC reacts to things he might say.
Not quite like Satan, who will go out of his way to find more things to test, but has no qualms trying anything that comes to mind.
Like Beel, is perfectly content to wait until MC figures it out, whether by themself or from somewhere else.
But will he ever actually be obvious about it?
(Does anyone else even notice his affections...? Only if they look closely maybe.)
 Usually, he's really good at being patient, but this… 
Another one for Team "Won't Say Anything Directly" 
Because… he's understandably cautious. It's one of those things where saying anything directly makes everything too Tangible and Real. 
So he has no problem expressing affection, or communicating things like "I want to spend time with you alone", but can't bring himself to say the why of it.
...He'll consider doing it though, for MC.
Finds this INSANELY funny. 
Takes a page out of Satan's book and just sees what happens when he tries different things 
(Fuck around and find out…) 
Not that he ever gets bored of it, but he does want things to progress at some point
 So at some point when he's really feeling that way, he'll tell MC what's up 
Until then… he's gonna have fun. :) 
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anagnorvices · 2 years
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a writeblr (re)intro
about me:
nyx, aka anagnorvices
all pronouns (except it/its) but they/them is always a safe bet
previously @aurienyx but i decided to move to a sideblog for convenience's sake
favorite books: little fires everywhere by celeste ng, the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy by douglas adams, the weight of our sky by hanna alkaf, and many many more
big fan of found family, ComplicatedTM character dynamics, mythology, futuristic settings, and unnecessary amounts of worldbuilding (affectionate)
what i write:
mostly prose, but i dabble in poetry sometimes
unnecessary amounts of worldbuilding (derogatory)
a lot of fic. like a Lot. probably majority of the content i post will be from my fics but i write original stuff on occasion
loooove fantasy and scifi but i don't actually write a lot of hard scifi, more like fantasy with vaguely scientific magic systems—but i'm gonna change that :) scifi here i comeee
looking to experiment more with different styles (screenplay, transcript, epistolary, etc) and genres—i'm really excited to try my hand at horror/thriller, and currently attempting to forage into the world of mysteries
current wips:
curses and gifts: my firstborn child. first wip and still going strong...ish. the one thing i absolutely want to finish before i die. (kind of on the backburner for now, though.) ft. twins displaced from their home planet, a himbo who is unexpectedly competent in some aspects, and galactic conspiracies galore. excerpt:
"Wonder why Rizeol is out," Jasmin says as Daemis-kasin calls out instructions for the next strengthening exercise. She sucks in a breath before pushing up into the new position easily. "Dunno," I say. "Probably sick, a couple other kids have been out lately too. Didn't Audrie say something about it being the season for it?" Audrie grunts from Jasmin's other side, but I can't tell if it's because he's confirming what I said or if it's just because he fell. "Or," Jasmin says, "maybe that's not it. He lives on campus, Laeline, but I checked his room and everyone said they hadn't seen him in a while. Don't you think something's off here?"
atla murder mystery: what it says on the tin...because titles are a Struggle and they're usually the last step in my writing process, so that's what you get (for now). ft. detective sokka and dual timelines! there'll be a title someday... excerpt:
Ozai Kazuichi. Harsh angled contours, severely drawn eyebrows, piercing gold eyes that, even in death, seem to stare straight through Sokka’s soul. So this is the man that ruled an empire. Or, was.
dragon wip: also atla. a lot of Feelings, with a pinch of plot. dragon zuko is having a Time. probably going to be a lot shorter than i initially planned, but word counts have a habit of getting away from me, so who knows? excerpt:
Zuko stares at the long, scaly body now trailing down the hallway—his body, he realizes with horror—and tries not to scream. He’s a fucking dragon. What the hell? He clamors to his feet, slipping and thudding back to the floor several times as he tries to figure out where exactly his feet are now and how they’re supposed to move. What the hell. Stars and sands, he knew Peony was trouble.
tagging some friends hope u don't mind &lt;3
@songbirdii, @mortallynuttyqueen, @novaliae, @gelatinous-jellyfish, @inkflight, @aalinaaaaaa
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 3 years
Hello fellow readers! I'd like to say a few things before we begin. First, requests are currently open. I will do characters like Demoman, Pyro, Sniper, Engineer, Soldier, Medic, Heavy, Scout, and Spy. From either teams. I'll also do characters like Saxton Hale and Miss Pauling. I'll even do CBS, Gentle spy, and Tenta spy. The reader will be gender neutral using they/their pronouns. Secondly, there will be no smut/ lemons. I will do fluff and depressed one shots. I will do slightly suggestive one shots and I'll put a warning in the beginning. I will do happy endings, even if the one shot has a sad ending, there'll be a part two with a happy conclusion. Thirdly, I may use icons/emojis to represent the character. I may even shorten their names,  like using the name Solly instead of Soldier. Fourthly, enjoy!
You huffed as you pulled out the burning pan out of the oven. Black smoke filled the kitchen. The spy head in the fridge started coughing and cursing in French. You had agreed to bake Pyro some cupcakes, since no one else would. Everyone was too afraid of the mumbling pyromaniac, except for Engineer. But he was too busy fixing the teleporters to help bake. Your oven mitts began to heat up as you placed the metal tray on the kitchen counter. Sweat rolled down your face. Steam escaped the oven, indicating that you left the cupcakes in there for to long. You fanned the air, coughing. Hopefully, the smoke detectors wouldn't go off. Miss Pauling would be angry. You sighed, placing your hands on your hips. "Mmph?" a muffled voiced inquired. Pyro's mask popped in. You smiled, wiping sweat off your forehead. "Heya buddy," you said. Pyro walked in, holding his balloonicorn plushie. "Mmph mmph?" he asked. You shook your head. Most people couldn't understand Pyro very clearly, but you've known the man for about four years now. In time, you came to understand Pyro's mumbling. "Sorry bud, I burnt the cupcakes," you said. The vanilla flavored cupcakes were crispy black instead of a shade of golden. Pyro mumbled sadly but chirped up happily and grabbed the tray. Instead of disposing of the fried treats, he walked over to the counter and grabbed Soldier's can of frosting. He uncapped the top and grabbed a butter knife from the drawer. Pyro then began to smother the frosting all over the first cupcake. He repeated this process until all the cupcakes were covered in frosting. Pyro mumbled happily and handed you one. You smiled. "Pyro, these cupcakes are missing something," you said. "Mmph?" he asked. You chuckled, walking over to the kitchen cabinet. You stood on your tip toes and grabbed the sprinkles. You opened the cap and began to dust sprinkles over the frosted cupcakes. Pyro happily mumbled and clapped his gloves hands together. You smiled. He picked up a completed cupcake and tried to eat it. Pyro got frosting and sprinkles all over his mask. You giggled, for the attempt was adorable. "Mmph mmph," he mumbled. "I got it," you replied. You smiled and wiped the mess off his mask using a mask. "I mmph mmph," he said. Pyro hugged you tightly, surprising you. This gesture meant that Pyro had said that he loved you. At least that's the conclusion you came to. You patted his back and took a bit out of your cupcake. "I love you too, bud," you said. Pyro pulled away from the embrace and mumbled happily before smearing frosting all over his mask once again.
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
May I request a fluff fic or headcanons for Natan? I need content for that man.
"At least you put effort into it..?"
Mobile Legends; Bang Bang
Pairing; Natan, You.
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Requested? Yes.
Small note for requester; Yes, I agree. We all need content for that man. So here's me providing 20 of my fluffy headcanons. <3
Want to request? Click here.
Word Count; N/A
Second Person Perspective
Pronouns used for reader; 'They', 'Them', etc...
"Baking cake is hard! Well... maybe counting time is harder.."
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Natan would be one to correct you when you make a mistake on something. Not in a mean way, though!
He genuinely likes to educate you and make you explore a lot more than what you want. Only if you want that, of course.
Body worship king. Literally making you feel like the most loved person in the entire world.
Expect good night kisses after he comes back late from a conference, don't blame him though. He's too brainstormed to say anything! And he thinks that action that will comfort you, which it does.
But, even if he's tired. It's rest assured that you're greeted with the best morning meal that you'll get obsessed with if he comes home late a lot more. One thing about him and cooking, he's horrible at counting the time when baking a cake.
He's definitely the type to bring you into his workstation and show you all of his amazing inventions— He even showed you the hidden time machine he had invented, but hadn't shown off.
Expect warm baths together if you and him woke up early. Both of you need to rest, and that resting will be spent together.
Doesn't know how to initiate kisses, but one thing he does; Is that he cooks your favorite food, because you always give him a passionate kiss if he does that.
One secret he had; He thought that love was a waste of time. But after getting used to your relationship, he realized it was ridiculous.
He won't admit it when he's deprived of love— He's a prodigy! He'll repeat in his head. But you know him well enough to suffocate him with love.
Wanna know a horrible guilt he has? He went back in time to check if you were in a relationship before him. Don't blame him! He thinks he relies on you to keep the relationship going, and he tries to fix that!
Speaking of going back in time, he went back in time and saw you in your baby form. He may or may not have cradled you because you were too cute.
One embarrassing habit he has developed after being with you for a year..? He cuddles his pillow whenever you're not in the bed yet.
He honestly hadn't noticed how messy his whole house was until you started staying over. He changed his lifestyle after realizing how he put a burden on you by his messy attitude.
Please kiss this poor love deprived man. He deserves it, you'll get an award if you do it!
He was never interested in music until you brought a tape player under his computer. Since then, he had a certain interest in soft and steady music so he could focus while doing his work.
You definitely tried to slow dance together once. There, you found out how awkward he was in flexing his gorgeous body.
YOGA LESSONS. You made him take them because, one; His body'll be miserable when trying to move around fast— And two; You got an excuse to see him sweating. Yeah..
Bring him to a library, and he'll forget about his plans for tomorrow morning! He's one bookworm, but he doesn't have an excuse to go to the library. Except, the one and only; You.
Horribly terrible at telling the time. Yeah, it's ironic. He travels through time, but has to rely on his lover to remind him that there'll be a project deadline later at midnight.
After a long day of hoping to just go back to your comfortable, shared bed. You finally got the permission, given to you by your superior for you to leave. Not wasting a second, you tapped the stack of papers on your desk, leaving the papers with a booklet on top of it. You then gathered your personal things and left with a small wave to your fellow co-worker.
You thought about the current date, then facepalmed in defeat. It was your birthday, yet you're coming home at near midnight. Your poor boyfriend would be so upset if he prepared anything for you— Well, it's unlikely. But it was nice to think about him trying, failing miserably to try and count the time for when he should take out the cake.
You smiled at the small, imaginative memory and searched for your keys. You; Blindly, reached your apartment while imagining your boyfriend doing the most sweetest thing for you for your birthday. Well, unbeknownst to you, he was already trying just that.
Natan was trying his best to wait for the cake batter to bake, counting the time by the milisecond. He tried his best not to get distracted, in order to not mess up the perfect cake he was planning to make for you. He had already made the frosting for the coating— He couldn't mess up now.. Well, until he heard the shaking of your keys.
A literal, terrified shiver ran down his spine, breaking his focus. And he panicked, the time to take out the cake was nearing, and he had completely forgotten the time after he heard you. Panic, panic, panic!
Suddenly, there was a loud thud from the front door, earning Natan's attention and making him turn his head to look at the door. Apparently, there was a metal stuck from under the small gap of the flimsy, clearly unsafe, wooden door. His eyes lit up at the chance, and he quickly put on the baking gloves and took the— kind of baked cake out of the oven.
"Natan? Are you there? If you are, can you see if there's anything lodged underneath the door? It's stuck." You called out, huffing slightly and pulling out your keys from the keyhole and placing it back in your wallet. Shuffling was heard from behind the door, confusing you as Natan tried to clean up the messy-ly laid out equipment from the counter.
The frosting on the cake was... alright. Mostly because most of the frosting wasn't smoothed out. And the inside was probably needed a small more time for it to be fully baked. Natan mentally punched himself for the mediocre effort and used a small portion of your fondant collection to write out; 'Happy Birthday! My dear lover..'
He fixed a few disproportion on a few letters and hid the cake with a large bowl. Rushing to take the metal step out and allowing you to come inside— You immediately fell into his hold, hugging him tightly and snuggling into his warmth. "I missed you." You muttered out, muffled from your face being pressed againts his shoulder.
Natan returned the action, pulling you closer to him and stroking the spine on your back— Somehow comforting you, even past the shivers that kept running up your spine. "Have you noticed the date?" He whispered, you trail your thoughts back to your imaginations and nodded sheepishly. Not really caring if you miss it— now that you're here in his arms.
You felt your feet being dragged along his, then you were face to face with the darkness of Natan's palm. "I do hope you won't be disappointed with... how much I rushed." You heard him chuckle. A small hum rushed past your lips after he pulled his hand back, the dim light blinding your vision for a slight moment, until you saw the most adorable thing ever.
Natan wore an apron, and was holding out a poorly— yet adorable looking cake with a wish for you to have a happy birthday. The smalls sniffles you let out made Natan worry, and place the cake down to comfort you— But in seconds, you were back in his arms. Finger swiping a small amount of frosting into your mouth. Your mouth became watery in seconds, it tasted like the best frosting you ever had!
"Do you find it-."
"Of course I do! The frosting tastes like sweet berries, my favorite kind of berries, even!" You cut him off, leaning in to place a loving kiss on his lips. Completely wiping the doubt on his mind, and filling it with the desire to make you the most happiest you could be.
Maybe he should wait after you both finish the cake to give you the ring that he has been dying to give you, ever since... forever.
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I hope you enjoyed reading this, as much as I enjoyed writing it! Take care of yourself! <3
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