#he saw eclipse and was like this is a normal movie that i like
ashkgray · 4 months
Shawn Spencer is cannonically a vampire romance girlie which also means he's cannonically a twilight girlie. In this essay I will...
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mikerickson · 6 months
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8/5/2024 - 8/8/2024
Time for the latest installment of my "Don't post about a vacation until after I'm back home" series:
We were killing time in a mall before leaving for the airport on Friday when I noticed the overhead lights swaying in a store. Felt like a massive train was rolling by just outside, but I knew we weren't close enough to the NJ Transit line to actually feel it. Turns out it was a ⋆⭒˚.⋆4.8 earthquake⋆⭒˚.⋆.
Our flight got delayed for three hours while the runway was inspected for damage. While waiting to get dinner in the terminal, the lights started swaying again and we felt a 3.8 aftershock six hours after the first.
@perilous-pursuit-of-perfection and @humdrumhootenanny picked us up from the airport and let us stay with them and we didn't take a single group photo the entire weekend, but just trust me.
Next day we went to the Ohio statehouse in Columbus for a free tour. Learned that Ohio bounced around three previous capitals before the state legislature passed a law to create a permanent capital. Also Abraham Lincoln was in this building giving a speech to the state assembly when he received a telegram informing him he'd won the 1860 Presidential Election.
Next day went to the Columbus Art Museum and I was trying to get that picture of Morning Sun by Edward Hopper but this hipster couple stood in front of it chatting for honestly more than 10 minutes so I left and came back later. Also there was a cool exhibit from 2023 about "Final Girls" in horror slasher movies. Slumber Party Martyrs by Robin F. Williams was my favorite.
We also went to a Field of Corn, except the corn was made out of concrete. Andrew climbed and stood on top of one without killing himself and it was very impressive.
Day of the eclipse we left for the National Museum of the US Air Force super early and hit no traffic, and were directed to park surprisingly close to the exit. Got to see literally dozens of planes from pre-WWI up through current models (was not expecting to see an actual F-22 on display). Also the B2 stealth bomber is enormous in person and really does look otherworldly compared to "normal" planes.
The sunlight started getting noticeably dimmer about a quarter to 3 PM, and the rate of dimming felt exponential. Things started getting dark very quickly in the last minute. The museum was having a huge event for the day so there were maybe a few thousand people there with us. I thought that would take away from the experience and be distracting, but it kinda made the whole thing even more thrilling to hear a massive crowd around us cheer and shout when the sun disappeared. Totality honestly looked fake. It looked like a hole was punched in an old CRT computer monitor. The air got noticeably colder and you could see stars in the sky. The entire horizon looked like a sunset in every direction at the same time. Honestly got emotional and lost my breath in a physiological reaction; it felt like I got punched in the gut without the pain. About 2 1/2 minutes later a very bright pinpoint appeared in the bottom right quadrant and the sun started coming back. A few minutes after that, looking to the northeast where the shadow continued it just looked like a massive thunderstorm without any clouds.
Managed to beat the crowd out of the museum parking grounds and hit zero traffic on the 1-hour drive back to Columbus. The eclipse was even still happening when we got back to the house.
Other than the earthquake (which, who the fuck saw that coming), this trip went exactly as I planned for, which is such a relief considering how much I was stressing myself out over the weather in the week beforehand.
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lovely-peace · 1 year
Eclipsed hearts
Summary: Reader is avoiding remus for weeks now. But when the hogsmeade weekend comes in sight this task becomes impossible, because their friend group wants to go their together. But when all things come together it doesn't go as planned....
Warnings: self hatred, panic attack (tw!!!), bad to no communication, might get mad at everything lol, I am a very angsty writer sryy
I might went a little over board with this one, but whatever right?
Masterlist part 1 ~~~ part 6 part 7
Weeks passed. Weeks in which I avoided Remus as much as possible. In class I worked together with Luis. In the meantime I would call him a friend. It was nice to know someone who wasn't also friends with Remus.
But then the first hogsmeade weekend came in sight. And just like we talked about it, it was planned that we went there together. So I couldn't avoid Remus there. I was afraid of it. But at the same time I was excited.
What was wrong with me?
It was during the last Potions class that Luis suddenly approached me.
"Hey, would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me? It's totally okay if you don't want to!" he said it so fast that I needed some time to understand what he was saying. He asked me if I could go to Hogsmeade with him.
But I had promised Lily not to chicken out. He stood in front of me waiting for my answer and I felt like the worst person on earth. In the end, I just sat down next to him to hide from remus.
I was cruel. I mean what if he liked me?
I somehow managed an apologetic smile. "Hey, I'm sorry about that, but this weekend my friends and I were already planning on going on a group outing."
I could literally see his hope dwindling and him feeling embarrassed. "Oh."
He couldn't look me in the eye. I just felt worse. Why was this so hard?
"We can meet some other time though." why did I say that? I didn't want to give him hope, that was cruel. I didn't like him like that.
He looked at me with a crooked smile. "Yeah, we can do that. Sorry if this has all been a bit awkward."
"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll see you soon then. "I felt awful. How did it all look so easy in the movies? Even in books it's so simple. But in real life, it's all so difficult.
He walked slowly and waved at me before disappearing around the corner. It was only when I exhaled that I realized I had been holding my breath.
Suddenly I heard a crack behind me and turned around. I saw only sand-colored hair, which quickly disappeared behind the next corner.
"Are you ready to go?" Lily was all excited and had put on one of her most beautiful dresses, which looked incredibly good on her. We were going to meet up with the boys in Hogsmeade and to be honest, I was dreading it.
"Yes, yes I'm ready." I hadn't really dressed up. I had normal clothes on and even with my hair I hadn't done anything special. Lily seemed disappointed, but she didn't say anything.
"Are you guys finally coming?" Mary had been ready for a long time and was waiting for us.
"Yeah, we're already done." Lily literally pulled me after her. And We set off on our way. ~~
We approached the three broomsticks in which we would meet with the others. To say that I felt uncomfortable would have been an understatement. Why was I so nervous?
As we approached we saw a couple of Ravenclaw boys. I had the feeling that they were looking at us. I had the feeling that they were looking at me.
They whispered to each other as we got closer. One of them looked me sourly in the eye. I wanted to just keep walking, but I stopped. I could not help it.
"What's wrong?" Mary followed my gaze and became quiet. I hadn't told them what had happened with Luis. But that won't have anything to do with it, will it?
Suddenly one of the boys stepped forward and came toward us. He stopped in front of us and looked me straight in the eye.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" his voice was quiet but firm. I looked briefly at mary and lily who exchanged a quick glance. They just shrugged their shoulders.
"Sure," I said. He looked at me briefly and then raised an eyebrow.
"I think it would be better for you if we were… Alone."
That sounded like I was hiding something terrible from my friends. And maybe that was the case. We talked very little now.
"Can you leave us alone for a moment?" I asked the two. Even if it was more like a request.
They looked at each other again and it was as if they were talking to each other in a language I didn't understand. This frustrated me.
Lily looked at me worriedly." Are you sure?"
I just nodded and the two of them hesitantly went into the store. I turned to the boy, expecting the worst. And yet, I wasn't really prepared.
His eyes rained down before he spoke.
"Listen, I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, but I'm tired of it. You seem to constantly portray yourself as a victim here, even though you're just playing with the people around you. I mean sitting down next to Luis and giving him hope? You're only doing that to make Remus jealous. Everyone can see that something happened between you. "
I was speechless. I wanted to contradict him, but I was at a loss for words. But he wasn't finished anyway.
"And this whole cat and mouse game that you play with him is pathetic, honestly. I heard your friends talking about you. Everyone is worried about you. And you? You just go ahead and shamelessly take advantage of it. If I were your friend, I would have told you off long ago. "
I pushed down the tears that were slowly coming up. I couldn't cry, not here. I was tired of crying all the time. So this is how the whole situation looked to the outside world. I didn't want people to think about me like that. I couldn't stand that. I couldn't stand that.
"I'm n-not taking advantage of luis." When I said it like that, it sounded like a lie. It didn't feel right to say either.
Was I really as he described me? I didn't want to be like that. The person he was describing was a cold heartless person who took advantage of everyone around him. I wasn't like that, was I?
He scoffed.
"Do you really believe that? Or do you want to portray yourself as a victim again and run away? Honestly you're pathetic."
His friends were standing a little further away, but it sounded like the whole world was hearing his words. I wanted to run and hide, he was right. This was really pathetic. The world started to spin. I didn't want him to be right. But I couldn't listen to him any longer either.
"Look, here comes your lover boy and his friends! You want to hide behind them?" he mocked me. I couldn't move, I was frozen.
"I'm not going to hide behind them…" the words came out as if in slow motion and were much too quiet. I almost choked on them. My body did not listen to me. Everything inside me was screaming for alarm, but I was still frozen.
"Sunny?" I wanted to disappear. "Hey, asshole what are you doing to her?!" I was acting horrible. "We were just talking, chill." I wasn't really aware of the voices around me anymore. Inside my head I was alone and it was holding me captive right now. "What's going on with her? Why isn't she saying anything?" Eyes everywhere. Everyone seeing what I'm doing. "She suddenly froze, I don't know either…" I just want to be normal, what's wrong with me? "Sirius go check on lily and mary! Maybe you can help." Everything I do is seen and evaluated. Everyone sees my mistakes and feelings. I don't want to be so transparent. "Nothing to see here, get lost!" I don't want to be weak. "Hey is someone getting help?" I don't want to be vulnerable-
Hands wrapped themselves around my shaking ones. They were warm. My breath slowly became slower. I didn't even know I was breathing so fast. Calmness spread through me. Followed by cozy warmth.
"You are safe, all is well."
Slowly my surroundings became clear again. I was in front of the three broomsticks. I just wanted to hang out with my friends. But I had ruined everything.
When I realized who was holding my hands, guilt rose in me. I pulled my hands out of Remus' warm hands and immediately regretted it when I saw the look on his face. I regretted it when I saw the looks of the others on me.
"I'm fine." I said quickly, trying to forget the whole thing. If only it were that simple.
"Are you sure? You were shaking all over and didn't answer us for a whole 20 minutes!" lily's worried expression came into my field of vision. How many times had I seen that expression the last few weeks?
"Sorry, I just spaced out a bit." I turned to the boy I was talking to. "Sorry if I worried you. Wasn't your fault or anything like that."
He wasn't angry anymore.
He almost looked like he was scared. As if he was afraid for me. His eyes were no longer so cold. I suddenly saw similarities between him and luis. They had the same eyes.
Could it be?
We looked at each other quietly for a while, then he cleared his throat.
"I'll leave you to it, then..."
Mary scoffed at that. "Thanks. And just so you know, we won't leave you 'alone' with her again!!!" she literally screamed after him. If looks could kill, she'd be a serial killer.
I tried to fight it, but my eyes moved to remus' eyes as if by themselves. And suddenly I realized what kind of situation I was in. All my friends were gathered around me, looking at me worried.
Everyone is worried about you. And you? You just go ahead and shamelessly take advantage of it.
I felt like I was going to throw up.
If I were your friend, I would have told you off long ago.
"I just have to go to the bathroom."
And I ran past them into the three broomsticks. I quickly went into the bathroom and locked myself in.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Do you really believe that?
Breathe in, breathe out.
Or do you want to portray yourself as a victim again and run away?
Breathe in, breathe out.
Honestly you're pathetic.
Breathe in.
Look, here comes your lover boy and his friends! You want to hide behind them?
"There you are! We were getting worried." Mary spread her arms as I approached their table. I mustered a wry smile and sat down next to her. Across from remus.
"Should we take care of him?" James' voice sounded threatening. He was talking about the ravenclaw boy. I shook my head.
"No, we were really just talking."
His look told me he didn't believe me. I didn't say anything more, though, so he dropped the subject.
Lily smiled warmly at me. "Are you feeling better?"
I nodded and smiled at her too. I didn't want to make her worry anymore. I wanted her to smile more.
Everyone is worried about you. And you? You just go-
"What did he want to talk to you about anyway?" sirius asked the question floating in the air. Everyone went quiet and looked at me, waiting.
"It... It wasn't anything important-"
"It was about his brother, wasn't it? Luis. The one who asked you out yesterday." Remus' voice wasn't as warm as usual. It was almost... Harsh.
"What, Luis asked you out?" mary looked at me in shock. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"I just didn't really get around to it..."
"I think she could hardly believe it herself." remus interrupted me the whole time. All of this was so not like him.
He was making me angry.
"And what exactly couldn't I believe? Please, tell me."
Now he hesitated. It was almost as if he realized what he was saying. But then his eyes hardened again.
"Well, that he's playing with your feelings. The fact that his brother showed up right after you hurt his brother's pride only proves it."
Who is playing with my feelings here?
"Oh, is it so hard to believe that someone might actually like me, Remus?"
His eyes widened. "No, I just meant-"
"I think we all know what you meant." This time, I didn't let him speak. I was behaving terribly, but he was just as awful.
"Besides, he just asked me if we want to do something together. It could easily be meant as just friends hanging out. And you don't even know him!" I was angry.
Remus scoffed at that. "Yeah, sure. That was definitely meant as just friends hanging out. Sometimes you're really naive." He whispered the last words, but I still heard them clearly.
"Oh, really?"
James looked panicked between us. "I think we should all calm down a bit..."
"Why do you even care so much? It's none of your business who asks me out on a date!"
I've never spoken to him like this before. I don't know what came over me, but in that moment, it was all just too much.
He fell silent at that.
Lily placed a hand on mine. "Maybe we should stop talking about it..."
"No, please, Remus, tell me. Why do you care so much? If I remember correctly, you were the one who rejected me! So don't pretend like you really care about who I'm with or not!!!"
He looked away.
That was the final blow. I stood up and turned to the door.
"Well, you know what? That was a mistake. I shouldn't have agreed to do something together. This whole thing was just a big mistake."
I was already at the door when Lily stood up.
"No, wait, please! He surely didn't mean it that way, right, Remus?"
But Remus remained silent.
"Remus, say something?!" Lily's voice was frustrated.
"Lily, just stop."
I turned to the others one last time.
"I know exactly what he meant."
And then I ran away. Once again.
The sun and the moon meet again after a while. They long for each other and still don't come closer to the one other.
Taglist : @juleshadalittlelamb @fluffybunnyu @tendous-pretty-hair @helloitsmeeeeeee @valencia-rou @woohoney @mothermaryisdead
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mama-qwerty · 9 months
Common sense has chased Eclipse his whole life but he's always been faster
Callie stood out in front of her house, the snow melting on her shoes. She rubbed her forehead, eyes closed, and let out a long sigh.
"Okay," she said, and she sounded so, so very tired. "Tell me again how this happened."
Silver looked up at her, then over to his brother. Eclipse stood in the snow, brow furrowed, and tongue stuck to the frozen metal post of her mailbox.
"Eclipse got his tongue stuck," the hedgehog said with a shrug. Callie flicked her eyes down to him, one brow raised.
"I can see that. What I want to know is how. Why. Because my brain is having a very hard time picturing any scenario in which even you, my darling darkling child, would think this is a good idea."
Eclipse uttered a grunt, annoyed at being questioned.
"Ah anted oo no ith ih as poo."
Callie dropped her hand to look at her youngest. "What?"
"He said he wanted to know if it was true," Silver said, tucking his hands into his hoodie pocket.
"If what was true?"
"Ith ur dung thtuck to a poh ehn ith's told."
"If your tongue stuck to a pole when it's cold." At Callie's ongoing confusion, Silver continued. "Like the movie we saw the other night. With the kid and the bb gun? How that one kid was dared to stick his tongue to the pole at school?"
Callie nodded. Ah. Now it made sense.
Well, now she knew the catalyst, anyway.
"And you couldn't just ask me if it was true? You had to come out and try it yourself?"
The darkling uttered another annoyed grunt, and spit out a string of unintelligible words that even Silver shrugged at. Callie held up her hand to try and silence the boy.
"Okay, okay, calm down," she soothed. "I'm going to go get some warm water and we'll get you off there. Don't pull. I'll be back in a minute."
She uttered another long sigh as she climbed the steps back into the house.
Life with alien children was certainly never boring.
One alien child in particular.
Eclipse watched his mom head back into the house with a grunt.
Why did she always seem so frustrated with him? He had a question, he sought out the answer. She was always glad to indulge their curiosity normally, but whenever he gets his tail caught in a soda bottle, or his head stuck in between the banister spindles, or his tongue stuck to the mailbox post, all of a sudden it's bad.
He didn't want to wait until she got back with water. What did he need water for anyway? He wasn't thirsty. Besides, water freezes in cold weather and he didn't want to be more stuck to this thing. So he pulled back, trying to yank his tongue free.
Beside him, Silver gave a loud gasp.
"Don't! Mom said not to pull!"
"Ah on't are! Ah ant oth!"
"She said she'd get some water to get you off!"
"Ah on't yeed ater!"
Eclipse tried pulling, but his tongue was stuck fast. And it started to hurt when he pulled too hard, so he quit with a frustrated growl.
Okay, so he couldn't pull himself free. And it was getting really cold out here, he wanted to go in.
Sooooo . . .
Silver's eyes went wide. "What are you doing?? Don't! You're gonna get in so much trouble--"
Eclipse saw a problem. And he solved it.
Callie stood at the sink, waiting for the water to warm up. She'd have to ask Maddie if her boys ever did something like this. Unlikely, but it wasn't entirely outside the realm of possibility. Maybe.
A loud crash made her jump, and she rushed to the front door in time to see Eclipse dragging the mailbox post, still stuck to his tongue, across the porch. He'd snapped it off at the base, the sharp ragged metal end gouging a groove into the wooden floor. He awkwardly held the mailbox in his hands, making it ever so slightly easier for him to move.
"I told him not to Mom!" Silver was saying from behind the darkling. "I said he would get into trouble!"
Eclipse seemed to take offense at that little tattle, and turned to begin arguing with his brother. The post swung with him, and smashed into the front door, leaving a dent and deep scratches in the paint.
Callie stood and watched the scene with wide eyes. Then she turned to head back into the kitchen.
It's gonna be one of those days.
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twilightsleepjunkie · 9 months
Head Canon: Bella and the Cullens
I think a big part of Edward's draw to Bella is that she's the first human to ever show any interest in him and why he seems different from the rest of her classmates. The Cullen's a 'freaks' to the rest of the humans they encounter. They stand out in a bad way. For people who try to blend in, they don't do it very well. The traits of vampirism; charm, beauty, physically graceful. All of those things make them seem abnormal; which, they are.
I imagine that would be isolating. The Cullens have no friends because Carlisle lives in paranoia that someone will figure them out, or worse, lose control and go on a killing spree. They don't have a community in Forks. Yes, Carlisle has friends throughout the world, but how can he truly be friends with people who's fundamental beliefs clash so glaringly against his.
Enter Bella who genuinely wants to know and she accepted their status as vampires so easily because she knows the answer to her own question. The Cullens welcome her into their home with open arms. She's not the problem here. At least in Edward's mind, Bella isn't the burden. They are. Their thirst that comes with their nature as vampires is the biggest burden.
The Cullens are the example of a regular family, for Bella. She never saw a happy relationship between her parents. She sees Renee happy with Phil, but only from a distance because Renee can't be a wife and a mother at the same time.
Meanwhile, Carlisle and Esme are stupidly in love. They love and accept their children without judgement or rebuke. They are parents who protect and value their family and each other. They accepted Bella without a problem and agreed to change her because she asked for it. No one pressured her into that choice until the Volturi put their foot down. I think the Cullens gave Bella the family she needed. Movie Esme would stop at nothing for her family and the whole family fought like hell to keep Bella alive when she was pregnant.
(Book Esme didn't get enough airtime.)
Carlisle was always around to patch Bella up when she got hurt. Alice became the pushy little sister. While Rosalie was the pain in the ass oldest sister who just tried to stay out of the way and it's the same with Jasper. While Emmett is an older brother.
Not to mention in the book version of Eclipse, Bella has the whole Cullen family around the table and says 'Thank you for wanting to keep me.'
I'm sorry, WHAT? That implies that Bella chronically feels neglected and unwanted in her normal life. Which, given Renee's character, makes a lot of sense. But it takes her *not* actively taking care of Charlie every day to realize that he's her *DAD* and he's supposed to put new tires on her truck so she's safe. It's his whole job to take care of her, if for no other reason than she's his MINOR child. I thank God for movie Charlie, book Bella deserves him.
Bella accepted the Cullens and didn't care that they had to fight the urge not to murder her because that was better than being with people who didn't exactly want her around at all.
That's the real story here, 'a neglected child finds a family within a coven of vampires.'
Poor Bella.
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autumnsup · 2 years
Prompt: Beloved
For @wolfstarmicrofic
A throwback to the 90s (VHS marathons, anyone?). Set sometime during OotP, before the Veil incident at the Dept. of Mysteries.
“Absolutely not,” said Sirius, with a shake of his head. “I refuse to believe for a second that I resemble Gary Oldman in Immortal Beloved.”
Remus, without missing a beat, asked, “Well, what about Dracula then? Or even bloody Drexl, from True Romance?”
It was a testament to Sirius’ extreme boredom whilst holed up in No. 12 that he knew precisely which films Remus was referring to. They’d started with weird arty fare from the 70s and 80s – The Hunger with David Bowie as a vampire seemed to be a particular favorite of Sirius’ thus far – and then they’d discovered Gary Oldman. All hail Gary Oldman.
A thoughtful expression had drifted across Sirius’ face, and Remus waited patiently for the thoughts to crystallize aloud. “Now that you mention it,” Sirius said, licking his lips. “He kind of looks like you in True Romance. Not a dead ringer, but with the scars, and the generally scruffy appearance, I can see some similarities.” 
Remus bumped shoulders with Sirius none too gently. “Who are you calling scruffy? Mr. I-Can’t-Be-Bothered-To-Shave-Except-On-Sundays?”
“Mondays, actually,” said Sirius. “On account of – “
“The moon,” said Remus. “Got it.”
“Speaking of which, I know what I want to watch next. It looks tragic, kinky, and torrid as fuck.”
“Mmm?” said Remus, trying not to wince at each adjective like the elderly Edwardian gentleman he probably was at heart. “What film is that?”
“Total Eclipse, about the affair between the poets Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud. I don’t normally go for films based on true stories, but like Immortal Beloved, this one looked too terrible to pass up.”
Remus’ ears had perked at the mention of poetry, and he decided to humor Sirius’ insatiable thirst for drama. “All right,” he said, sinking lower into the loveseat cushions. “As long as we get to cuddle while we’re watching.”
Glancing over at him, Sirius slid a hand beneath his shoulder blades and leaned into him until he was practically straddling Remus, glance warmed into a simmering stare. “Cuddles shall be had, although I personally was hoping for a bit more.”
At that, Remus’ insides couldn’t help coming alive with flutters. “Yeah? Like what?”
In lieu of words, Sirius gave a long, luscious lick along the line of Remus’ throat, making him gasp. “Oh,” he said, when he saw how Sirius’ eyes were glowing between the wings of gently greying hair that framed his face. “So you do still feel that way about me after all.”
“Of course I do, Moony,” said Sirius, and the room stayed silent for a while after that.
Full disclosure: I've only seen half of the movies mentioned here, and I'm not a fan of either Gary Oldman or David Thewlis (although I do think they are good actors and did the best they could with what they were given for their HP roles). Somehow I picture Sirius being a fan though... who knows where these ideas come from. 😁
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Currently watching (june 2023)
(only thai dramas right now)
Be my favorite (ep5)
I started getting interested in this series when they announced the cast change, mostly for the drama. Then when the actual trailer aired I was like uhhh this could go very badly or turn out quite good, and at episode 5 I think we're going to get the second option. But I loved Vice Versa's first episodes and then it stopped making sense so I'm not 100% confident yet. This being said, I'm enjoying it a lot, both Gawin and Krist are doing an excellent job so far, all the characters have unique personalities and development, it has beautiful reflections about life and personal relationships. I can't wait for fridays so I can watch the next episode and that's the real test to know I'm loving it so far. Next week we'll get the "why do you like me?" and hair touch scene and I'm obsessed since I saw it in the trailer, I literally can not wait to watch it
Loneliness society (ep4)
I haven’t seen anyone mention this but this is an adaptation of a Sandra Bullock movie, which I like a lot so I decided to give it a try. So far so good, the mains are nice, have chemistry and it’s entertaining so far
Step by Step (ep9)
The problem I have with this series is that I was never able to connect with Pat, maybe because he’s so openly emotional and I’m not? But I can’t, I tried but no. I’m sorry but in my eyes he’s quite self centered and self important, I don’t understand why everybody, especially Jeng (who is his boss), has to change but not Pat. Like, at the start of the series he had been working there a month, I think? I don’t hate him, at all, but I don’t understand his character, I was waiting for him to get better, to have development, and it didn’t happen.
I was starting to get bored, and then we started getting Jeng’s perspective and I fell in love, so now I’m enjoying the series and I have a character I can root for. I don’t fully understand him falling in love with Pat but I want his happy ending so I still want them to get together
3 will be free (ep7)
This is one of The Series you’re supposed to watch and everybody says is so good, and in this case I agree so far. I was not expecting such quality and to get hooked so easily, I started it two days ago and I’ll probably finish it today or tomorrow, and I’m supposed to be busy right now. I love that there’s a bisexual character and obviously the relationship between the three of them but I can’t say anything else until I know how it ends. I’m very scared it’s not going to be a happy ending and I could accept that even if I’m going to suffer, but please I don’t want any of them to regret what happened or treat it like an adventure and not a real romance. That being said, if something happens to Shin I will kill everybody in this room and then myself
Our Sky 2
I don’t feel like writing a separate review for each series but in general I’d say it was kinda underwhelming. I knew it wasn’t going to be a masterpiece but I did expect it to be a bit better, especially the Aof ones. I wish they just showed the pairs being cute in their normal lives instead of creating plots that made no sense. MSP and NLMG are the only ones I can honestly say I liked, the others had great moments but it wasn’t enough. In order of enjoyment:
My school president
Never let me go
A tale of a thousand stars
Bad Buddy
Star in my mind
The eclipse
(I haven’t watched the ABAAB and VV ones)
This was a wild and silly ride from start to finish (especially finish). I did enjoy it, like reading a crack fic, sometimes what I need is bad watches with no expectations. Until the end, that was way too much for me, what in the world were they thinking I’d never know. One thing I have to say is the chemistry between the main characters was quite decent
Plan to watch
Hidden agenda (july 9th)
I didn’t hate Star in my mind but it was a bit of a waste of JoongDunk’s chemistry, they had a good connection in it and it was what saved the series, but it’s nothing compared to how comfortable they are doing fanservice in real life. I need whoever is directing this to please get that and carry it to the series intact. The first trailer showed more of the plot and the second one was basically them being cute together and even if I liked it, I hope that plot points still somewhat exist in the series
Wedding Plan (july 19th)
Another Mame series, I didn’t hate Love in the air so I think this could be good. The part I was more excited about was the supposed gl pairing but they didn’t appear at all in the trailer so I’m a bit worried about that
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saburo-kyoto · 2 years
I'm alone this Valentines Day so I wrote something for the holiday. Happy Valentines Day to everyone, it doesn't matter who you spend the day with be it family, friends, or lovers, as long as you spend it with someone you love 💙
Valentines Eclipse
(I use Yin instead of Y/N because it seems less immersion breaking)
You had been miserable all week and it showed. Sun and Moon were both worried but you always told them you were fine, you never took your anger out on them but still…
“Moon, what should we do about Yin? Do you think WE did something wrong?” Sun was cutting vegetables for a soup while he chatted with Moon in his head. Neither bot knew how to help the human who had sacrificed so much for them.
“No Sunnny, they haven’t been upset around us just… sad” That was true, Yin would be grumpy bit not outright angry at others. But when they were around Sun and Moon they smiled with sadness in their eyes. Sun tried so hard during the day to do everything he could to make them smile, while Moon spent the nights watching corny movies and preparing bubble baths before bed.
“Sunnny! I just realized something! Tomorrow is Valentines Day!” Sun stopped what he was doing, cutting board hovering over the pot and nodded slowly. That made sense, you just had a nasty breakup with your partner not to long ago because you caught them cheating. What made matters worse, your partner was going around saying that YOU were the one who cheated. Nobody believed them of course but still…
“Moonie, what if we did something special for them!” Sun felt his fans click on, and it wasn’t because of the pot of hot soup he was stirring.
“That’s a perfect idea Sun! OK, here’s what we’ll do…” The two plotted and made plans for your perfect Valentines Day.
You trudged up the stairs to your apartment, walking past your upstairs neighbors who were leaving for their date. You forced a smile as you shouted over to them.
“Have a wonderful night, and happy Valentines Day!” They waved and wished you a wonderful night as well. Your smile dropped and you sighed, this would be your first Valentines alone since your breakup. No, wait… you still had Sun and Moon. At the thought of the duo animatronic waiting for you, you hurried your steps and walked through your apartment door.
“Sun? Moon? I’m home!” You slipped your shoes off and pulled on a pair of soft slippers. When you received no response, you looked around. Normally they would be in the living room or the kitchen. Something yellow caught your eye, it looked like a paper petal. Picking it up, you saw Sun’s curvy handwriting.
‘Follow the petals of yellow and blue, for a special surprise just for you’
You looked and, sure enough, there was a trail of petals leading to your room. You walked down the small hallway and opened your door, pausing at the sight.
Your room had strings of fairy lights hanging from the ceiling, a tray of food was next to your bed, and a pair of your softest pajamas laid on the end. What was most surprising was Sun and Moon, you had heard of their Eclipse mode but had never seen it… until now.
“Hello Starlight, happy Valentines Day” Their voices were merged in the most beautiful way, Moon’s raspiness complementing Sun’s higher pitch. Half their head had Sun’s rays while the other half held Moon’s cap. Even their clothes were split between yellow/orange and starry blue.
“Guys… what?” You were too stunned for words. Eclipse pulled you further into the room, that’s when you heard the music softly playing. They spun you around in circles and danced until you smiled, then they had you eat. The three of you talked as you ate and when you we done, they led you to the bathroom.
The water was the perfect temperature when you dipped your hand into it, and soft bubbles danced along the surface. There were candles to give a soft light and real rose petals in the water. The boys washed your hair and let you relax before you climbed out. They wrapped you in the biggest, fluffiest towel you owned before carrying you to your room.
Once you were dressed, they tucked you into your bed and grabbed your laptop. Once everything was set up, you leaned against Eclipse as the three of you watched your favorite movie. You were almost asleep by the time it ended, so Eclipse shut the laptop and moved to put it away.
“Don’t go…” They kissed your head and quickly put the laptop away before joining you once more. They pulled you into their blue and yellow arms and you felt their chest rumbling, similar to a purr. Your eyes slowly slipped closed and you had a smile on your face. Before you slipped completely under, you heard Sun and Moon whispering to you.
“Happy Valentines Day Starlight”
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dreyarts · 11 months
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
I have been distracting myself with anime lately; it's the only thing that's been tolerable by my body and mind. But at such a random night because of a hashtag from TikTok, I decided to watch THIS movie. It awoken something in me — on the contrary, it REIGNITED my love for films about romance. I've always been a hopeless romantic and I keep being like that but because of academics I lost the will to watch movies that gave me and made me feel emotions. It's this type of stories that got me hopeful in my life. Let's stop talking about me being a hopeless romantic and focus why I'm writing this.
It's these type of stories that I hate and love. These kind of stories where it give me an OVERWHELMING amount of random emotions into one scene. You see... It wasn't just about love and there was someone STRUGGLING with his emotions and trying to keep up with it. You see love, friendships, and hardships; several others I know I haven't felt before and some that I want and don't want to feel. The perfect chemistry if I do say so myself. I'm simple lad with stoic energy and it's not often that a movie would actually make me want to cry. It's been so long since I felt this.
Ever since I got into Fine arts, I've started looking at details at which I ignored before. And the details I saw in that movie are so elegant. When Sam first entered the scene she had flood lights behind her at which any normal person would say that it's bothersome as she's against the light but I think it's completely wrong. That scene was so perfect even though technically she was against the light. But the thing is, it wasn't just showing Sam, it was the main leads pov. And the light was on the right spot because when the light was completely covered by her head, she looks like an eclipse and as there's a corona of light behind her symbolizing how beautiful and amazing she was at first sight of the main lead.
When Charlie decided to date Mary Elizabeth, it someone made me think about what it feels like and how'll it affect my life if I dated someone that I actually never liked before. It's so completely different when you see someone that you actually feel loved for from when you date someone you hope you can love. I think no matter how easy or convenient it is to just get a partner there's always going to be something missing when your feelings aren't INTERTWINED.
It wasn't just about romantic relationships, the way how Charlie's family responded to him and how he felt was an amazing portrayal of how families should show emotions and support when needed. I love the part that part when charlie barge in to her sister's room ready to kick someones arse when ponytail derek hit his sister. I love how his sister responded when he was in the rough part of his life in the movie; how his brother acknowledged him; how supportive his parents were; how his english teacher was observant and how open his new found senior friends were. The movie was well composed, like well written notes.
"We accept the love we think we deserve."
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mhahaikyuus · 3 years
avoiding him
tags:; sad reader, insecure reader, overthinking, angst to fluff, established relationship, angst to fluff, shinso x reader, happy ending 
wc: 3.1k
Bold: texts 
Italic: readers thoughts 
This is my first written work on tumblr  
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On your way to class 1-C to surprise Shinsou, you overheard something that really hurt your feelings.
You started listening when you heard your name.
“You going out with y/n after school?”
Shinsou replied, “Uh yeah man I am.”
“You don’t sound too excited.” His classmate observed.
“No, I am it’s just to deal with her all the time... And sometimes it’s just tiring because she’s so annoying. I mean all she does is talk and touch me and be hyper. It’s so irritating being around her I can’t stand it sometimes. I just wish she could be normal and quiet every once in a while.” He explained with a groan.
You chewed on your bottom lip at his words and walked away.
Honestly you were excited to spend time with him today but obviously he didn’t feel the same. It sucked that he felt that way, making you want to cry.
You were pretty reserved when it came to most people but dating Shinsou you let down your guard.
That was a stupid decision to make.
You turned off your phone, locked your dorm room, and buried yourself in blankets to watch movies ignoring the outside world and your hurt feelings.
Around 3am eyes burning as you watched the Twilight Eclipse you finally turned on your phone.
There were 16 missed calls and 12 texts from Shin making your chest hurt.
Shinsou would feel bad if he knew what he said and would take it back. But he meant what he said because he thought you weren’t around.
It hurt your feelings but at least you knew how your boyfriend truly felt about you.
It wasn’t the usual joking manner when he talked about you either.
He seemed genuinely tired of you.
Shutting off your phone you went back to watching Bella and Edward.
Fortunately the next morning was Saturday. Usually on Saturdays you spent all day with Shin but for obvious reasons you didn’t get out of bed with your phone on do not disturb.
Around 6pm and 2 movie marathons later you finally decided to get out of bed and go get dinner.
Stretching your arms you came to the couch to see Momo.
“Hey y/n haven’t seen you all day.”
“Yeah I just needed a break.” You admitted
“Well Shinso came by earlier but no one knew where you were, because you’re usually not in your room.” She told you
“Yeah I know he texted me.” You hummed. Entering the kitchen you ate leftover cold pizza on the counter trying to figure out what to watch next.
You were giving him space and the best way to do that without being called dramatic was to act like you did before.
Staying in bed all day watching movies was your favorite pastime before Shinsou. The only person who you could possibly annoy was yourself.
All his texts were along the lines of:
Do you want to hang out today?
Do you want to go out to eat
Are we good?
Are you upset or something?
Can I see you today?
Can you answer the phone
Seriously are you okay?
You finally answered all his texts:
Im fine.
You turned your phone off after and went to sleep early Saturday night. There was no point in staying awake when you could ignore your problems sleeping.
All Sunday you took a break from your laptop screen and switched to reading all the manga you had impulsively bought sitting on your desk untouched.
When a knock was heard at your door prompting you to get up.
Holding a manga in one hand, wearing a crop top and sleep shorts with a ratty bun on your head your boyfriend finally saw you for the first time in days.
“Oh hi Shin.” You causally said blocking your body in the door so he was unable to walk in.
He blinked at your calmness expecting a lot worse. Shin thought you were having a meltdown or going through a bad depressive episode anything that would explain your distance from him.
“Hi y/n are you okay?” He asked cautiously
“I’m fine why do you ask?”
“We’ll you haven’t been answering my texts and no one has really seen you. We always spend the weekends together.” Shin explained scratching the back of his head.
“Oh sorry about that guess it must have slipped my mind.” You shrugged
Finally seeing him after days just brought back a flood of your emotions. The same ones you tried to ignore in that hallway.
He frowned at your monotone voice, usually it softened when addressing him. It was unsettling.
“Okay I brought your favorite can I come in?” He asked with pleading eyes itching to touch you. Shinsou waved a small grocery bag to convince you to let him inside. 
You slowly moved from the doorway allowing him through.
Shinso felt uneasy at how different you were acting. Every time you greeted him it was with a hug and too many face kisses before dragging him in bed and talking to him for hours.
You climbed back on bed and kept reading not focusing on the other presence in the room. He was awkwardly sitting on the edge of the bed unsure of what to say.
You hummed in response flipping through the pages of the fight scene.
“What’s wrong? You’re acting weird.” He asked grabbing your hand.
You let him but your hand was limp in his.
Looking at his hand for a moment you met his eyes.
“Nothing I think it’s just good to get some space.”
“Why?” He frowned trying to get your hand to respond tightening his grip.
You looked in his eyes for a moment. 
Telling the truth wouldn’t do anything but make things worse. 
It would be better to just stay quiet.
“No reason. Um do you want to watch a movie or something.” Changing the topic.
“Yeah we can watch your favorite.” He suggested trying to put you in a better mood. Sometimes you got moody but he knew how to handle that.
“No that’s okay choose whatever you want I don’t mind.” You said tucking your legs underneath you and hugging your arms around you.
Usually you made it a joke about what to watch with him but now knowing what he thought, you analyzed all your actions with him and realized they were annoying and unnecessary.
Shinso froze at those words his hand nearly dropping the remote.
You always put up a fight with him to watch your favorite almost tackling him for the remote. The few times he voluntarily put it on you would be a chatterbox and giggly until the credits. You never just let him “choose”. Not that he minded all that much as long as he spent time with you.
He stared at you in disbelief causing you to notice. “What’s wrong, please just tell me so I can fix it.” He asked
You blinked at his words unsure of what to say. “Nothing I promise you can watch whatever.”
You didn’t need to make everything a joke. You could simply choose a movie or let him choose there was no need for the extra.
It honestly hurt to be around him now knowing what a nuisance you were to him. You were completely shut off to prevent him being annoyed.
“Are you sure?”
You nodded in response before going back to your book.
Act normal and quiet.
“Do you want to cuddle?”
You wanted to cuddle him but that was out of the question. He only asked to appease you not because he wanted to.
You looked up at him with a moment of excitement before shutting it down before you could get your hopes up. Opening and immediately shutting your mouth stopping you from saying yes.
He thinks you’re annoying.
He doesn’t actually like you
Act normal and quiet
“No I’m good thanks though.” You answered turning your back towards him and focusing on your book. Being this close to him and just knowing he was tired of you and how you acted was making you want to cry.
He deflated at your answer. You never said no, there was definitely a problem.
He stared into the side of your head trying to figure out what was wrong wracking his brain of every interaction you two had recently had to make you upset with him.
Shinso wanted to fix this so you two would go back. The stepping on eggshells around you was making him anxious.
“Y/n.” He asked once again
Not looking up from your book, “Yes Shin.”
“Are you okay.”
“Yes I’m just trying to read.”
He sighed scrubbing his face with his hands.
You were completely shutting down not letting him in.
He didn’t know what to do.
You two watched the movie and as you nodded off you turned to the wall curling yourself into a ball not letting him touch you.
He noticed all the small behaviors and was getting increasingly frustrated and your insistence that everything was normal. Shinsou couldn’t sleep staring at the ceiling, He needed your arms wrapped on him and crushing his weight into you to sleep.
This was bullshit.
The next morning restless he waited for you to wake up.
“Good morning.” He said to your fluttering eyelids with deeper bags than usual.
“You okay Hitoshi?” you asked rubbing the sleep out of your eyes fall asleep.
“No.” He honestly answered
You frowned at his words, “Why?”
“Because you’re acting weird.”
You sat up at his words fully awake.
“What do you mean?”
“You just won’t look directly at me, touch me, or speak more than a couple sentences.”
“I’m just tired.” Avoiding his gaze with your answer
“Stop lying! Just tell me what’s wrong so I can fix it and we can go back to before.”
He doesn’t want to go back to before
Your personality has changed but you being annoying has been apart of you since you could remember
“There’s nothing wrong I’m fine.” You lied
“Please stop, I don’t know what I did but i’m sorry.” He pleaded
You softly looked at him, “You have nothing to apologize for Shin.”
The next few days you still were shut down from him. You only had affection when he initiated it and it was always stiff.
He felt like he was going crazy.
You insisted everything was fine but was acting completely different. You didn’t talk unless spoken to, you didn’t touch him unless he touched first, you would just sit there quietly off in space when he was around.
Shin wanted you back. The one that clung onto him like a spider monkey, gave him way too much affection, made stupid jokes 24/7, and talked to him about any and everything just because you could.
The final straw for him was seeing you with Mina. Mina was your best friend and both of you acted gay when the other was around. The type of friendship both your parents questions if you even liked boys after seeing you two interact.
Shin was sitting on the opposite couch as you were in the kitchen shuffling around when he heard Mina’s voice.
She jumped on you tackling you with a squeal making you laugh and catch her. Both you two jumping around and Mina crushing you in a hug.
“Hi baby.”
“Hi shawty.” You laughed as Mina gave you a million kisses on your face.
“I missed you.” She sang holding you impossibly close.
“I missed you more.”
You bit her cheek and nuzzled her pink face holding her super close as she spoke. Mina had left for a couple days for a family emergency but now she was back.
Mina grabbed and smacked your ass making you shriek in laughter shoving her off of you only for her to pull you to the floor.
“Don’t do this to me y/n! I missed your sweet ass. Let me grab it!”
“Bitch get off before I start grabbing your horns.”
“Oh kinky.” She smirked, there was a moment of silence before both of you cackled at her words.
You missed your best friend. You could be as annoying and weird as possible with her with no problem because she did it 10x worse.
It was hard because whenever you weren’t with Shinso you were with Mina and she wasn’t here. You felt alone without her.
“So how is life without me.”
“Perfect.” You snorted in reply. You hadn’t told her about what you overheard yet.
Mina was currently straddling you while stroking your hair when Shin walked in with raised eyebrows.
“Hi Mina.”
“Hi Shinso.” Mina waved back still fully on top of you.
He cleared his throat but Mina wasn’t moving making you hold back a giggle.
“Uh Y/n can I talk to you for a second.” He asked scratching the back of his neck.
Your stomach dropped every time he spoke to you.
“Yeah, Mina babe you gotta get up.” You groaned as she pressed her weight into your torso.
“Boooo! Fine but we’re cuddling later.” She said standing above you. She pulled you up by your hands from the floor and gave you a quick kiss on your lips.
“She’s all yours lover boy.” Mina walked off to go unpack.
“Hi Shin.” You said clearing your throat.
“Okay that was some bullshit.”
“Huh?” You just greeted Mina like you always did.
Shinso never had a problem with how affectionate you two were.
“You’re acting weird with me and I thought it was just your mood but the second Mina comes you’re acting normal.” He squinted
You didn’t know how to respond.
“I just said hey to her like I always do.” Brushing past him to walk into your dorm room.
He was hot on your heels.
“No don’t do that. Stop lying to me so we can fix this.” He said exasperated in a tired voice.
“There’s nothing to fix.”
“You’re shutting down. Why? What did I do?”
You were busying yourself with laundry sitting on your bed refusing to look at him.
“Shin you did nothing wrong, you’re fine i don’t know what to say.”
It was true, he honestly did nothing wrong. He expressed his feelings and while they were negative, it wasn’t wrong.
Shinso can have negative emotions about you without you being mad, you were not a perfect person or partner and that was okay. It was insulting but if that’s what he truly thought then there was nothing you could do.
Shin groaned digging his hands in his perfect hair.
“Baby please.”He grabbed your wrists forcing you to look at him. “Talk to me.”
You stared at him sighing, “I went to surprise you for lunch on Friday and I overheard what you said about me to your classmate.”
His face dropped and he tried to interject but you stopped him.
“Y/n I-”
“Before you say anything,” you pulled your hands from his, “I get that I can be a lot and I’m annoying. And I didn’t know it bothered you that much. I’m sorry for that. I thought it would be better to work on not getting on your nerves as much and be more…normal. I still meant what I said you did nothing wrong I’m just working on myself. So yes when Mina came I was excited because it was a little break from that because I don’t have to worry about getting on her nerves and just be myself. I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable and i’m sorry for being not normal.”
Shin left his stomach twist at your words. He felt terrible. Friday was a bad day and he said things he didn’t mean. He loved you just the way you are. You were opposite from him always smothering him with affection and he loved it. He loved you.
“I didn’t mean it.” He whispered tears starting to water his eyes at how badly he hurt you.
He hurt you so badly you couldn’t even be in the same room as him comfortably.
You were sensitive to his words and both of you knew that.
“Yes you did Shin and that’s okay. You’re allowed to have negative emotions towards me. Please don’t cry. I just need time.” You whispered wiping a stray tear from his face.
“No I was having a bad day. I love you just the way you are you’re not annoying and you don’t bother me, you’re normal. I’m sorry I’m so so sorry.“ He tried to put his arms around you but you scooted away. His heart ached.
He really hurt you that badly that you didn’t feel comfortable even touching him.
“I think it’s better if we have some distance, or a break.” You said staring at your hands.
“What! No no baby please.” He felt his blood run cold at the thought of you being single.
“Shin I can’t be myself around you anymore.” You explained. “We can be friends?”
That word shattered his heart. Shin wanted to spend the rest of his life with you not be “friends”. He had to fix this now before you slipped through his fingers.
“No.” He answered with determination
Oh. You still wanted him in your life so that hurt. That makes sense though, being friends with your ex doesn’t sound fun to anyone.
“Okay I can respect that. I guess i’ll just see you around. I’ll have to go through your things to give them back.”
You stood up and went through your closet starting to pull out his things not wanting him to see you cry. Forcing yourself to look for his clothes.
“No.” He said again.
“What?” you asked
“I’m in love with you. So in love with you that the thought of being friends with you makes me sick. We are going to be together because you’re it for me. And we’re not breaking up over some stupid shit I said. Yes I admit you can be annoying but I don’t really care. Because you have so many other qualities that I love about you. I don’t want you to change you’re perfect and I love you just the way you are. So unless you stop loving me we’re not breaking up ever.”
He pulled you into him and kissed you cupping your face.
“Darling kiss me back.” He said in desperation. This couldn’t be over not because of him and his loud mouth.
You closed your eyes for a moment and realized how much you missed his touch. He sighed in relief as you tangled your hand to his nape pulling him closer.
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miceenscene · 3 years
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'tis the damn season
frankie/reader | childhood friends to lovers | pre-canon
wc: 1.8k/2.5k
summary: At one point in your lives, you knew Frankie better than anyone else on earth. When did that change?
warnings: none
an: don't let anyone tell you that second person doesn't work from another character's perspective, least of all yourself while editing
Masterpost | ao3
Chapter 2: Who am I Related to?
December 8, 2012 18:57
Hudson’s was a shitty bar just up highway 210 outside of Fort Bragg, the nearest watering hole to the base as the crow flies.
As a result, it served pretty damn near exclusively military personnel. When it changed ownership about four years back, the new management decided to reflect that and so the place looked like the Fourth of July and Top Gun had thrown up on it. Never mind that Fort Bragg was an Army base. Still, they had cheap booze and greasy food that was far better than the commissary, so it was always busy.
Pope had texted the usual suspects a few hours ago that he was heading to Hudson’s that evening, making Frankie immediately ditch his plans of drinking alone for drinking with Pope and whoever else showed up. Most likely just Benny and Ironhead now that Redfly had semi-retired down to Florida. It was a short drive to the bar from the dorms on base, but it was enough to make Frankie groan and press hands to his lower back as he got out of his car and made his way inside.
Pope was sitting at the bar and didn’t look up from texting on his phone as Frankie gingerly eased into the stool next to him.
“Hey, Fish,” Pope said, rereading the email.
“Hey.” At the bartender’s attention, Frankie pointed to Pope’s beer before daring a slight back stretch.
Pope sent his email and then looked over. “You alright?”
“Yeah, just finished PT.”
He chuckled once. “Back still fucked?”
“More tired than fucked anymore,” Frankie managed, shaking his head and wincing. The bartender delivered his beer, and Frankie took a swig. “When did we get old?”
“¿De qué estás hablando ‘nosotros’, viejo?”
Frankie jabbed an elbow and grinned slightly down at his next swig. “Culero.”
“Hey, before everyone gets here–” Pope looked at him, an oddly serious expression on his face for their usual bar. “I found out today you haven’t re-enlisted yet.”
Frankie immediately dropped his gaze to the suddenly very interesting glass in his hand. “Ah, no. No, I haven’t.”
“I’m trying to pull strings to get Benny into our unit full-time. I think he’d fit well with the team. Then Simmons tells me you haven’t signed your new papers yet. So what’s up?”
Frankie glanced over to see Pope still focused on him. “Nothing, nothing. I… I’m still thinking about it.”
He chuckled. “What’s there to think about?”
“We all want out someday, right? If we’re lucky enough to choose when we leave.”
“Yeah, but there’s thinking and thinking.” Pope smacked his shoulder. “What – are you gonna become a real estate agent like Redfly?”
No. Definitely not. Even just the idea of shilling condos was enough to make Frankie’s eyes glaze over. But still–
“Real estate agents make more money than we do.”
Pope made a considering face for a moment then brushed it off. “Yeah, but you’d miss it. You’re like me. We like the rush.”
Frankie nodded slightly. This is why he was still just thinking about it. It wasn’t a small thing to walk away from fourteen years with the Army. Especially since everyone knew the retirement benefits were absolute shit until you hit twenty. But he could already tell, he didn’t have another six years in him. He wasn’t even sure he had another deployment.
“You know the deadline’s New Year’s, right?” Pope said, cutting through his thoughts.
“Yeah, I know. I have some leave I have to take before the year’s out anyway.”
Pope nodded. “Good. Clear your head, get some perspective. See how fucking boring civvy life is, and then come back Jan 2 and join my team.”
Frankie smiled wryly; Pope always could make anything sound easy. “Something like that.”
“You have holiday plans then?” he asked, leaning an elbow on the bar.
Frankie sucked in breath. “I guess I’ll go back to my parents’. My mom’s been wanting me to visit for a while now.”
“How long’s it been?”
“I saw them in DC last summer, but I haven’t been back home… since I joined Delta.”
“Remind me where they’re at.”
“Up north. Little town in the middle of nowhere. Still in the same house I grew up in.” He could picture the wreath on the door, the twinkling lights his dad always strung across the front fence every December. A matching set used to be hung on the fence exactly opposite across the street. Who lived there now, he wondered. Would they put the tree in the front window too?
“Soldier coming home for Christmas. Sounds like a Hallmark movie.”
“Fuck you,” Frankie replied as the others finally arrived.
Frankie got his answer as he ducked out the front door of his parent’s house about a week later. His breath immediately fogged as he sucked in a few calming breaths of night air, the pressure in his head slowly levelling. Out in the still darkness, the noise level coming from the living room was finally manageable. Inside, with all of his cousins and his aunts and uncles and the music and everyone talking over each other and the heater set far too high for the number of people inside– he… he just needed a break.
Seven hours was a decent stint for his first day. He’d be around longer tomorrow. Wading in. That was the key. Because he was now the kind of person that had to treat time with his family like running a marathon. Apparently.
He walked down to the twinkling front fence, making a mental note to shovel the front walk tomorrow, and stopped. The house across the street – your house, as it would forever be in his mind – was completely dark. A small sign posted in the front yard announced some sort of home refurbishment company was going to be arriving soon. No doubt they would come in, strip away wallpaper and old tile and heart to paint it all beige and granite for the quick resell.
He hadn’t had the heart to ask his mother yet how long the house hadn’t belonged to your family. No need for another reminder of how much time had passed, how much he’d missed. He had more than enough already.
The front door opened behind him, casting a temporary warm glow across the dark snow, and his dad stepped out, pipe in hand. He meandered down the front steps to join Frankie at the gate, puffing a few times before speaking.
He shook his head. “It’d break his heart to see it so empty, but I understand why she sold,” he said, looking at the forlorn house with him.
“How long ago?” Frankie asked.
“Few months. Not too long after the funeral.” Dad looked his way for a moment. “I’ll give it ten minutes before I tell your mother you left.”
“I… thanks,” he replied weakly.
“Will you be back tomorrow?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be back.”
Dad nodded slowly, leaving just the pipe smoke wafting between them for a minute. “Take it slow, no need to rush.”
“Thanks.” He stepped through the gate, fishing in his pocket for his car keys.
“Francisco,” he said, making Frankie stop and look at him. “We’re glad you’re back.”
Frankie just nodded and went to his car. Even though he couldn’t bear another minute in the noisy press of his loved ones, the idea of going back to his lonely hotel room was truly abysmal. So after some finagling with the ignition, he started the engine and headed to the one bar he’d ever been to in his hometown.
There were Christmas lights in the window and a dancing Santa on the bar as Frankie walked in. Some sort of forcibly cheery holiday classic played over the speakers tucked between quirky memorabilia that hung over every square inch of wall space. And even though public smoking had been outlawed by the state well over a decade ago, cigarette stench had sunk into the very foundation of the place.
It was nothing like Frankie remembered. But it would do.
Eyes automatically sweeping across the moderately busy room for a Thursday night, he headed for a stool at the far end of the bar, ordering a beer when the bartender came by. It was just one step up from swill, but comfortably numbing in its mediocrity. He looked across the room again, checking for familiar faces this time and finding none. No surprise there. A decade was a long time, and really he hadn’t been around too much for the years before that too.
There were couples on dates here, friend groups, some sort of girls’ night happening in the corner, a few loners like him hovering at the bar. Most everyone was smiling, talking, laughing so hard their whole bodies shook. A whole world of Normal. And Frankie was a tourist.
Pope was right. He couldn’t go back to this. He couldn’t make it through one whole day with blood relatives anymore. What was he thinking? That he could just settle into a normal life like the last decade of his work was nothing? Get a 9-to-5 and a mortgage and a girl – not that he’d ever had too much luck in that department. Especially when there was one girl that eclipsed all others, and he didn’t even know her phone number any more.
The door opened, making the Santa on the bar dance, and every thought in Frankie’s head immediately stopped. His eyes drew wide as he stared, jaw barely restrained from slapping against his chest. Was it really – course it was, there wasn’t anyone else it could be. A whole century could pass, and he’d still know that face.
It was you.
Live, in the flesh you. Cheeks pinked from the wind, haloed by the street lights outside, wrapped in a truly astonishing number of woolen layers. Not a half-remembered fantasy, but Real and breathing and even more beautiful than his memory had claimed.
He watched you shake a few flurries out of your hair and stomp the excess snow off your boots, shutting the door behind you as you waved to the bartender. Your gaze swung across the bar, completely skimming past him, and landed on the girls’ night in the corner. You smiled. He stared.
You began to head over to the people you were obviously here to meet. On nothing but pure instinct, he immediately got out of his stool and followed you. Falling into step behind you, he stretched a hand forward to hook a few fingers inside your elbow.
You looked back at him, and for a heart-breaking breath there was no recognition in your eyes.
Till he gave you a half-smile and said, “Hey Bo.”
You blinked, mouth dropping open. “Frankie?” you asked.
He nodded.
Your astonishment ballooned so wide it froze your whole face solid for a moment. Then you laughed, out of far more shock than amusement, and gave him a smile all his own. “Oh my god!! You’re here!”
You immediately wrapped him in a hug. And though it took him a moment to return it, for the first time in ten whole years, he was home.
Chapter 3: Not my Homeland Anymore
taglist: @kelenloth ; @darnitdraco ; @gracie7209 ; @616wilsons ; @icanbeyourjedi ; @astroboots ;
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miniscule-meow · 3 years
Really enjoying the prompts and I'm glad you have fun with them! Here's another one for if you feel up for it! 16. “Wait, please don’t cry…”
Finally got around to writing this!! Thank you so much for the prompt <3 I wanted to write more with Felix and Charlie, the first story with them can be found here!
The room shrinks around him. Well actually, he just grows to fill the space. He’s able to reach both sides of the room all too quickly. Much to his dismay, it doesn’t stop there, the walls continue to close in around him. His hands desperately brace against the walls as he tries futilely to ground himself. He knows it’s too much to ask that he would just miraculously shrink back to normal, or even just stop growing for that matter. But there is a chance, albeit a small one, that he can slow the process down a bit. He’s used this space as a hideout before, so even if he grows to his full height, he’s not afraid of bringing the building down. He just won’t be very comfortable for the foreseeable future. 
He shifts, in an attempt to make himself as small as possible, only to bump his head into the ceiling. Gritting his teeth, he curls forward with a groan. He’d press his forehead against the floor, but he can’t quite reach with his current position. He doesn’t dare try to move his limbs to grab his now throbbing head, he might just get himself stuck in a worse position. He has to focus on getting his size under control. Of course, that’s when he hears a sound. A small, unmistakably human gasp. No. No, no, no. He was supposed to be alone here. This old band room hasn’t been used for anything more than a forgotten storage place in years. Why would anyone else be here?
His eyes shoot open to see Charlie below him. He’s almost relieved, because she’s already seen him do this once before, it’s not like it’s something he has to hide from her. However, this relief is short lived when he really looks at her. She’s on her back, looking up at him with wide eyes, and she’s crawling away from him. He realizes that she didn’t get nearly this close to him the last time she saw him like this. And they were outside, so she certainly wasn’t as cornered as she is now. They haven’t even been friends for a month, and now here he is, looming over her, shaking, and growling like the monster everyone says he is. He’s scaring her. This realization breaks his focus. Not only does he fail to slow the shift down, the burning embarrassment and shame only encourages his growth spurt. So much for getting back to normal any time soon.
“Uh…Hey Charlie.” He says awkwardly, as he tries his best to keep his oversized self out of her personal space.
“Hi.” There is an awkward pause where they just stare at each other. “So, I guess this isn’t… This probably isn’t a great time, huh?”
His mouth presses into a flat line. This is absolutely not how this was supposed to go. She probably just thinks he’s a huge, dangerous freak. Which he is, but he didn’t want her to know that. He remembers when she followed him into the woods. She had said that she thought that his shifting ability was cool, like a superpower. Looking at her now, pressed into the floor beneath him, eclipsed by his shadow, he can’t imagine her sharing the same sentiment. The room closes in further, forcing him to shift his position, curling in on himself more just so he can continue fitting in this room. He swears he hears her squeak as his hands close in around her, protectively shielding her from, well, himself. Though, it’s unlikely she would view this gesture the same way. He doesn’t dare touch her. Though, he does wonder if he could safely scoop her into his palm and move her to the exit. Just because he’s stuck here, doesn’t mean that she should have to be. Of course, the key word there is safely. He doesn’t know if he trusts his clumsy digits to be gentle enough.
He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to block out the panic and claustrophobia that’s sparking through his bones. He has to stay calm. For her, if for no other reason. Despite his best efforts, he feels his breaths growing irregular, and his heart flutters sporadically in his chest. He’s been stuck hiding in buildings before, it sucks. This time is even worse, because his only friend gets to have a front row seat to this break down. He grits his teeth, trying unsuccessfully to ward away the tears that burn in his eyes. Thoughts swirl viciously in his mind. ‘You’re going to hurt her. Crush her beneath your clumsy limbs, like the monster you are. Even if she manages to get out of this unscathed, she’s never going to look at you again without seeing some horrifying monster. I mean, you saw her, she’s terrified of you, and she should be. Freak. All you’ve ever been good at is-’
“Hey. Wait, please don’t cry. Felix, it’s okay.” Her voice pierces through his spiraling thoughts. “Look at me.”
He doesn’t want to. If he keeps his eyes screwed shut, he can pretend that none of this is actually happening. If he looks at her, he’ll just be reminded that it’s real. But her voice, calm and steady, repeats.
“Look at me.”
He flinches as he feels her hand press into his palm. His eyes flick open. He’s embarrassed to find that a few tears had fallen, splashing into puddles beside her. He wants nothing more than to just disappear right now. His eyes settle on her. She’s sitting up now, her hand gently stroking a small part of his palm. She basically has to look straight up to see his face.
“Just breathe, you’re okay.”
He has no idea how she’s handling this so well right now. He takes a deep breath and cringes internally as his shaky exhale blows her hair away from her face.
“Gah. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He’s careful to keep his voice down. He doesn’t want to hurt her, not even with his voice.
“Dude, you’re fine. I’d be freaking out so bad if I was you right now. Breathe, you’re good.” He takes a few more uneven inhales and exhales until he’s in a more stable position.
“Are you a shifter too, and you just haven’t told me?” He asks quietly.
“A what?”
“A size shifter?” She just looks at him. “It’s... Like what I’m doing right now? That’s what this is, it’s called shifting.” He can’t believe he never told her what it was called. Though on second thought, he supposes it makes sense.
After she saw him shift for the first time, he expected a bunch of questions about the ability. It’s kind of sad, but at first, he was skeptical that their friendship would be… real? That’s a lot of leverage to hold against someone. He honestly expected her to just parade around all smug knowing how much of a freakshow he is. Like P.T Barnum carting around his entertainers, he wasn’t friends with them, he was using them. However, Felix was quickly proven wrong. It genuinely surprised him to find that mostly when they’re together they just talk about normal people things. Music, movies, hobbies, homework, that kind of stuff. Actually, he doesn’t think they’ve talked about his ability once since that first day. He’s been really grateful for that, because she makes him feel really human when he’s around her. Of course, he doesn’t feel entirely human right now, but this might be a rare exception.
“Oh cool, size shifter. Creative name, I get it. I promise if I had any superpowers, you would know about them.”
“Superpowers, sure.” He scoffs, still not convinced that his ability is anything super, aside from super annoying. Felix hesitates, “Well, have you ever seen someone else do this before?”
“Other than you? No. Why? What’s with the survey?” She looks up at him curiously.
“I just don’t understand how you’re so cool with this right now. Aren’t you scared?”
“I mean,” she pauses, thinking out her response. “I don’t know if I’d really use the word scared. But sure. Maybe I was scared at first. You just looked more scared than I was, so I got over it.” She shrugs, “Besides, I know you. You wouldn’t hurt me.”
“That’s nice of you to say, but accidents happen. I mean, I’m so big. What if I didn’t notice you and-”
“Hey. Hey stop that. You’re just freaking yourself out, dude. I’m okay. You’re okay. We’re both okay. Okay?”
“Okay.” He sighs, quieting his worrying thoughts. She’s right, they’re both fine.
“So, when we get out of this room, do you want to go somewhere for food?” She asks, reclining back against his fingers. The contact threatens to send another wave of anxiety through him. But looking down at her, she looks completely comfortable. He realizes that she must seriously trust him, and that makes him feel really good.
“You say ‘somewhere’ like you’d be willing to consider more options than Panda Express.” He raises an eyebrow. He thinks it would be safe to say she has never suggested eating anywhere else.
“Hmm. What was that? Panda Express you say? That’s a great suggestion. Well since you have your heart set on the Panda, I guess we’ll just have to go there.” She laughs as he rolls his eyes.
“Yeah. Alright.” He grins down at her. As far as he’s concerned, Charlie does have a superpower. It’s making him feel like a normal person, even in the tightest situations.
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riley-phoenix · 2 years
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Pairing: Malia X Reader (gender not specified)... Eventually
Canon: Teen Wolf
Content: psychological disorder, murder, blood, angst
Author's Note: -
Chapter Summary: "Smile Begins" from your point of view
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You walked under the beaming lights of the city as the wind blew freely through the starry night sky. Taking the all too familiar turns around the city, outside the garage store, you stopped short at the sight of someone inside. You were never one to be caught off guard but the tension of the situation held a level of rarity, there was something special about the person inside. Your ability to read people at first glance was just one by-product of your troubled past, a childhood that moulded your mind into the fast-paced machine it is today. You observed the woman through the glass of the garage store, memorizing every detail of her physical stature. She had thick, brown, shoulder length hair. The most addicting brown eyes you'd ever gazed upon in your life. Her fashion choice was unorthodox, but not in a 'She doesn't know what she's doing' way and in more of a 'To hell with the latest trends' way. She wore jeans, knee high boots and a leather coat that only added to the mysterious aura that originated from her. You noticed her struggle, and then twitch her eyes. For a spilt second you saw something unbelievable, you could swear her eyes were glowing blue, before she struggled again and closed them, returning to normal when she opened her eyes once more. "She's a werewolf", you thought to yourself, also taking into consideration the full moon. One thing was clear; she'd piqued your interest.
In an effort to speak to her, you found yourself wandering aimlessly in the garage store, subconsciously running your hand over the shelves as you looked on at her from afar. Observing her closely and trying to find any excuse to talk to her, you grabbed a few random items off the shelf and walked sternly in her direction. In an effort to steal her attention, you purposefully brush into her shoulder, "accidentally" dropping your groceries. With an artificial expression of embarrassment on your face, you lean down to gather some of your things, not before the stranger joins you to help gather them. "Oh, my bad!... Working late, huh?", She asks as she gathers the last of them. "Mm? Oh, about to head back to the station, actually, I'm *your name*, detective *your name*". You say with a shortness of breath as you introduce yourself. "Malia", the stranger says as she returns your introduction. Everything seemed perfect, this could have been the fairytale meetcute you always dreamed of, just like in the movies. Two people accidentally bump into each other and unknowingly it's love at first sight... Then he came over. "Who was this man?" "Who was he to Malia?" That, and about 998 other questions flew recklessly through your brain as the man began to speak, "I think I've got everything, babe".
Your stomach turned and your eyes twitched as the words left his mouth, "Babe"?, You could feel the vein in your neck pulsing faster than usual and you wanted nothing except for the earth to swallow you whole. It was okay though, you had ways of dealing with situations like this. Looking out the window and at the sky, you noticed the full moon fading away and the lunar eclipse fading in- the one period of time when shapeshifters are completely powerless. You camouflaged in the dark and waited as Malia left the store and trudged away. Seconds later, you spotted Scott heading for his car, and approached him, "Hey, Scott".
"Detective *your name*?"
"Yeah, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation; you're looking for a place to get beers?".
"Yeah, you know where I can get some?"
"There's a liquor house not too far from here, down on Smile Road".
"I don't know where that is, do you have any directions?"
"I'm headed that way now, why don't you just follow me", you offered with a hint of superficial charm.
"That'd be great actually, thanks".
You let Scott follow you about 20 minutes outside of town, Taking him into an area that had been written off from the construction plans of the city due to safety protocols, pulling into a road that didn't exist on any map, with the exception of one: yours. You allowed yourself to cruise closer to the waterfall --the same waterfall that had been the reason for this area being written off from the official city layout -- before getting out of the car. "We're here!", You exclaimed as you walked over to Scott who was still in the driver's seat. "Uhmm, I don't see a liquor st--"
With ease, you grabbed Scott's head and smashed it into the steering wheel, leaving him almost unconscious instantly. As blood began to drip from his forehead, you reached into the backseat of your car and pulled out two 6-packs of beers. "It's a good thing I had these with me". You say to yourself as you get to work, making this seem like an accident. You made short work of the bottles, wearing gloves so as to not leave any DNA on the scene. You emptied bottle after bottle onto the floor and threw them into the car, pouring a little bit on his mouth and body, leaving only two unopened. When you were done making it seem like an accident, it was time to finish the job. You pushed Scott's car with yours from behind. Edging it closer and closer to the weak railings that seperated the ledge of the waterfall to the pavement. And when you reached the edge... You didn't hesitate, with absolutely no hint of remorse or guilt and the absence of a conscience; you pushed the car over the ledge and watched it crash into the waterfall down below, the sound of the car crashing into the pool below was hidden between the natural echoes of crashing water.
He said he was going to get beer. He'll be found with beer. You didn't leave any DNA at the scene. You have an alibi. "The perfect crime" you thought to yourself. That was until you heard the sound of a car passing your way, you began to pray that the car wouldn't stop.
And it drove right past.
"That was too close", you thought to yourself as you watched the car drive far into the distance. You surveyed the area one final time so you wouldn't have to "return to the scene of the crime", before stepping back inside your car. You turned on the engine before stopping to think, thinking of the car that drove past just seconds after you had tilted Scott over the edge. "No... No they drove past which means they didn't see anything", you thought at first. "Then again... They could talk to the police if they did". Biting your nails nervously, as you pondered over the difficult situation, you eventually forced yourself to make a decision, "Cant afford to take any chances". That emotionless look fell over you once again as your impeccable memory recalled the license plate of the car; and you followed that license to it's address. Before driving off you took one more look into the starry night sky, watching the lunar eclipse fading away; and the full moon fading in once again.
Hours later, you arrived at the apartment building of the man named "Mr. Turner", who, to his misfortune, had unknowingly driven past you earlier. Unfortunately for him, you weren't in a position to take chances. You impersonated a building handyman and carried a toolbox as the rude and arrogant middle-aged man answered the door. "What?", He asked curtly. "I'm just here to check the thermostat, the building's been having problems and--". He interrupts you before you can finish, "Fine, just be quick". You reached down and pulled a hammer out of your toolbox as a wide smile spread across your face and he let you inside, "Oh... I intend to".
Hours later, after you'd dealt with Mr. Turner, you sat in your office and in your head it was as if nothing happened, just a normal night at the station and a clear, guiltless mind. Your phone began to vibrate violently as you pulled it out of your pocket, "Yeah?", You answered as Bobby, your partner, began to fill you in on the details of a DUI accident; except it wasn't an accident, and you were the only one who knew it. You made your way to the crash site as if it was your first time there, asking questions and furrowing your brow as if you didn't know what had happened already. You'd just finished warding off the area with yellow police tape when you noticed Bobby questioning a familiar figure - Malia. To no surprise at all, she'd rushed here once she heard the news, her body was shaking and you sensed the nervousness in her breath as you interrupted the conversation.
"We just bumped into each other at the grocery store", Malia explained to Bobby, who looked on in confusion. "Small world", she said as she attempted to divert her emotions with humour. "Anyway, what'd you find?", You turned to Bobby, trying to move on with the conversation. Bobby proceeded to ask Malia if she knew where Scott was last seen, or last known to be going. She recalled their conversation at the garage store earlier, ending with Scott leaving to get beers. You saw the expression on Bobby's face change as he listened; to one of empathy. Laying a comforting hand on her shoulder, he directed Malia to the wreckage, opened the door and watched as several beer bottles fell out. You turned away from the scene as Malia, who stood petrified in silence, finally burst into tears behind you. That was the downside of your masterplan, seeing her in pain, it was the last thing you wanted; but you knew you could take care of her, you knew that in each other's arms, neither of you would have to feel pain again; and the only way to achieve that, was to get Scott out of the picture.
Still, you knew Malia couldn't be there, and offering to take her home was the opportune moment you'd been waiting for to show her that you care, that you're special and that you thought she was too. She agreed and wiped away her tears as you followed closely behind. Inside Malia's apartment, you're trying to keep yourself calm and keep your emotions in check as she removes her shirt and puts a new one on. "You're a werewolf", you blurt out, wanting to cup your mouth with your hands in embarrassment as you clumsily speak your mind. "Werecoyote", Malia choked in confusion, previously unaware that you knew about the supernatural. You revealed what observations led you to uncovering her supernatural identity, to which she asked if you were in hiding. "No, I'm not supernatural, I just know that it exists. Long story short, that life didn't agree with me... So I left it behind".
"I'm sorry to hear that", Malia adds.
"I'm sorry for your loss", you say sympathetically, still trying to get her to open up to you and trust you.
Malia walks to the fridge and pulls out two beers, accidentally triggering herself. The sight of the alcohol makes it even harder to forget about the sights of the crash. She closed her eyes and gripped the bridge of her nose, trying to move past the nightmare. When she eventually lifts her head to you again, she seems like a different woman, driven by pure determination to achieve vengeance - and answers. She looks at you with pleading eyes, and begs you to believe her that this was a murder and not a regular DUI. Of course, from everyone that was involved in the case you were the only one who knew this was actually true, but you were impeccable at hiding it. You went on trying to convince Malia that that she's in over her head and that she's struggling to deal with loss, but were interrupted by a phonecall before it turned into an argument. Malia stopped and allowed you to pick up. "We found a possible witness", Bobby explains, "but... Let's just say he won't be talking any time soon... I'm gonna need you to come down here, partner", he adds on.
"Good call getting rid of him", you thought to yourself as the call ended and you filled Malia in with an update on the case --purposely leaving out the part about Mr. Turner being dead-- and saw that passionate look of determination in her eyes. It was at this moment you realised that if you wanted to get close to her, she was going to be involved in this case. You drove to Philadelphia to investigate Mr. Turner, the rest of the force should probably be discovering his dead body and the array of misleading "clues" you planted any minute now. You tried to make small talk but Malia wasn't in the mood, bottling up her emotions had caused her to be introverted, and you chose to give her space. Eventually you reached the residence, climbing staircase upon staircase until you reached apartment 6B on the 7th floor. "Why are the CSI here, Bobby?", You asked, as if you didn't already know. "Remember what I said about our witness 'not talking anytime soon'"?, See for yourself". You made an appearance inside the murder scene, putting on the perfect mask as if this is the first time you'd been there. After Malia joined you, she pointed out one of the fake clues you left, poorly hidden, in the apartment, the smile drawing next to the body, as well as the note In his mouth. You then purposely paid attention to the hieroglyphics carved into his skin, causing a heated discussion of the meaning behind the clues as well as their legitimacy between the CSI and police squad. Was this elaborate? Yes. But was it worth it for what you believed was true love at first sight? Again, Yes.
Shortly afterwards, you and Malia escaped the scene, and sure enough she started running her own list of theories by you. "Is there anyone you know that would've wanted Scott dead?", You ask her afterwards. Subsequently, you see Malia beginning to create a mental list of possible suspects in her head, and that's when you knew, this wasn't going to be easy. You've got work to do.
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
Werecat Snatcher/Prince/Arulius AU inspired brainrot from @asterofthedeepforest putting the idea into my head this morning and it’s haunted me alongside my Bee Movie Au
Here’s a snippet:
She blinked and he felt his face heating up. She grabbed his gloved hand to his horror and began to remove his glove.
“W-wait! No! No! Stop leav--” 
It was too late. She stared at the squishy pawpads on his hands and the claws on his fingers. She held his hand as she stared with wide eyes. He was ruined. This was the end of him. He held his breath as she was quiet before she began to play with the pink pads.
“Puni puni~!” she smiled as she squished them gently. He choked on a whine as her warm hands gently played with his hands.
And then the shameful noise. That noise he hated as he felt his ears twitching under his hat. A deep reverberating purr from his throat as she stroked the pads.
She stopped as soon as she heard the rumbling and snickered.
“Cat got your tongue?” she teased and he gasped when she reached and stole his hat. His ears flattened as he tried to hide his face in shame.
“S-Stop! D-don’t say---”
“I’m shocked your ears are out!” she huffed as she reached to pet them gently. He melted and began to purr louder as she stroked his head. Her hand moving down his cheek and under his chin. He felt his tail trying to sway as she gave him the affectionate touches.
He froze.
“Even a 5 year old pup can hide their ears!” she snickered. He looked at his secretary in shock. He gasped when from her fluffy black hair two large wolf ears flicked upright. She flicked one as she gave a proud smirk.
“Wh…” he couldn’t form words. For a month he’d done his best to hide himself. To keep normality. And Now. now his secretary. Eclipse. Had wolf ears.
She laughed, “what? Cat got your tongue?” she jested again, “Arulius?” she hummed and scratched under his chin again getting another purr from him. He gasped.
“S-Stop that! I’m trying to process!” He fretted as his ears flattened on his head as his face flushed, “W-why do you have ears?! Why aren’t you shocked I’m.. I’m a freak!”
“You’re a cat.” she stated plainly. “I thought it was weird how much you smelt like a cat when you said you didn’t have one but this explains soooo much~!” she giggled as she played with his hands again, “but you should hide your features in public. I hide my ears in my hair instead of shifting them away.”
“I-If i could I would!” he snapped with a hiss, “E-ever since i started changing I can’t stop it!”
“Oh you must have been bitten then huh?” she mused, “Then you haven’t had a full moon yet?”
He growled some, “I have no idea what’s wrong with me!”
“You’re a werecat duh.” she laughed and let go of his hand. She proudly placed a hand on her chest, “Lucky for you then, because I happen to be the BEST werebeast!”
He stared at her, “Eclipse…?”
“I’m an original, a 100% born and raised, Werewolf!” she held her hands up like paws near her face as she winked at him, “Awooo!!!”
He could only stare confused before his mouth twitched and he started to laugh. She smiled as her skirt shifted and he saw the black wolf tail swishing behind her. He continued to laugh as it turned to sobs. He leaned his head on her shoulder as he held onto her as he cried.
She pet his back gently as he released the pent up frustration. As he sniffled and slowed she shifted to wipe his face.
“Better?” she asked. She stood up to lick the tears from his face. He nuzzled against her as she bathed his face, purring all the while. He paused when he realized and pulled away red in the face.
She smiled with a laugh, “do you feel better?”
He wiped his face and sighed, “a bit. A werecat? I’m a werecat?” he asked. He looked at her ears and reached towards them. He gently put a hand on her head and stroked her hair, moving to gently hold her ear, running his thumb over the soft fur. She bumped her head into his hand to make him pet her head more, her tail wagging behind her with gusto.
“That’s my guess from how you look and smell like cat!” she stated, huffing when he pulled his hand away. She reached to smooth her hair and hid her ears back in the curly locks. She folded her tail between her legs and under her skirt as he looked at her.
“And you’re… a werewolf… is that new…?” he asked.
She shook her head, “Nope! I’ve been a wolf since the day i was born!” she explained, “I’m a naturally born werewolf!” 
He frowned, “so…. Do you… can I…. can I be fixed?” he asked but the look on her face, the wide eyes and frown, told him his answer. He sighed, “damnit…”
“I can’t ‘fix’ it. But I can help you manage it. If you want, I can help you at least hide some of these features. When you have proper control you can appear 100% human but you need to release your energy regularly. That’s why I just keep my ears in my hair instead of trying to shift them.” she laughed.
“Please…” he spoke softly, “Eclipse please help me.”
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
hi can u do a headcanon when a fem reader moves from karasuno to aoba johsai and still is friends with the karasuno boys.Iwaizumi falls for her because of her skills as a setter and also for being independent and not crushing on oikawa lol.She occasionally smiles at him and likes him too but shes too scared of relationships because of her past one and, scenario where iwaizumi is watching her lead her team and making fun of the other team lol after that he confesses to her
This is the first request I’ve received that is this specific and while I found it harder to write than the rest.... it was a fun challenge trying to follow your plot! I had so much fun! Thank you anon youre awesome💜
TRIGGER WARNING: this story slightly explores themes of abusive relationships. Please tread carefully.
Iwaizumi Hajime x “The Spicy New Girl” Crush
Iwaizumi x Reader
After 2 1/2 years on the Karasuno’s volleyball team, you kind of figured that if you were really serious about getting a volleyball scholarship for University, you had to get on a better team.
A full-ride athletic scholarship was very important because you knew your parents couldn’t afford it otherwise and you’d just love to take that stress away from them
You were already in 3rd year and time as ticking
Not that anyone knew it, but your parents couldn’t afford your post secondary education because they had to tap into/empty your entire college savings fund in order to afford your lawyer expenses
The money had been used to fight a case against your abusive (all types), much older ex-boyfriend. You were susceptible and groomed in middle school by a 20-year old volleyball coach and you fell for him. It went how it usually goes for girls who stand up against their abuser who has power and was known as a stand-up coach in the community. No one believed you. The restraining order never worked or stopped him and the last time he found you he had beaten you so badly that you were able to put him away for battery only.
Your parents and yourself decided to pick up and move to the countryside of Japan in the hopes of starting fresh. You got to start high school at the charming Karasuno High School since the beginning.
They had a volleyball team, and you would be damned if you let your ex ruin your love for volleyball like he tried ruining your life
Each summer you trained like crazy and even though you were your own judge, you knew you were a force to be reckoned with as a player.
Of course you made the team and you were pretty happy
But you soon realized ‘happy’ did not equate to ‘scholarship’ not even close.
The Karasuno girls volleyball team wasn’t like the boys team, where it took shaking them up, new first years and determination to make them a killer team....
Your team didn’t even garner a 20% turnout at practices.
While your teammates are nice, none of them really saw volleyball as more than a club to satisfy a credit
Which meant you would constantly go over to the boys’ practice and wait until Ukai thought it was fine for you to set some spikes for them....
Kageyama, who became like a little brother to you, would bitch at you for stealing his reps while Sugawara (who was more like a twin brother since you were the same age) would give you corrections
While you had a strict personality by nature, It was great to watch talented setters like them
Improving was imperative because you just had to get that scholarship & if Universities were going to recruit you then you’d need to get to Nationals, at the very least
This was not going to be possible on your current team at Karasuno
Even though you adored your captain/bestie Michimiya —or what you liked to call her: Daichi’s dickrider who was always the only other girl at practice — even she had mentioned to your parents at a sleepover that they should look into other volleyball programs at other schools
She had known of your story because you trusted her so she was set on getting you that scholarship also
Your parents listened to Michimiya and sent your highlight tapes out.
Before you knew it you had been invited to multiple crash-tryouts mid-semester
Soon your parents received many offers, but they believed the best one was from a wealthy private school called Aoba Johsai (aka Seijoh) because they not only had an amazing team, they offered their daughter fully paid room and board on campus.
You immediately agreed because that meant even more money your parents could save after emptying their bank accounts on your awful lawsuit
So, after saying goodbye to your lovable Karasuno boys team and Michimiya, you traded your Karasuno high school uniforms much to Nishinoya’s displeasure for Seijoh’s turquoise accented fits
One week went by
You settled into Aobo Johsai school pretty quickly. The team was practically a shoe-in to win Nationals, especially with you, and your teammates were a little boy crazy but SO intense which you kind of loved.
The intense not the boy crazy .
You could get aggressive when it came to volleyball because you had so much on the line so it was nice to know the girls could take your attitude
Your team and coaches really got your head in the game to the point where you would caught yourself not even thinking about your past relationship some days
You made budding friends especially your roommate who was also on your team and everything was going smoothly for the first week
On your first Friday after move in you and your roommate were running late for practice
On the opposite side of school, Seijoh setter and Ace Oikawa Toru and Iwaizumi Hajime were making their way over to the gym too
They had just finished eating and were asked to run some errands for their coach, which included giving some time sheets to the girls volleyball teams head coach who they knew very well
Their coach happened to be the old captain of the boys team when Iwa and Toru were wee little first years
Iwaizumi had a little pet peeve of long treks with his best friend .... because they would be stopped 50 fucking times by his fan girls for shit-all.
It’s not that Iwaizumi was jealous of his best friend, not really. He knew he was a pretty good looking guy and he was sure Oikawa would die if he didn’t receive that kind of attention so it didn’t matter
It didn’t bother him most the time
But when it interrupted even a simple 10-minute walk to the girls gym it got pretty damn annoying
Granted, he would probably like for the hot girls in school to fawn over him as much as Oikawa but even when girls saw Iwa first and thought he was attractive, they would then see his best friend approaching and Iwaizumi would ultimately be eclipsed by his pretty-boy of a best friend
Oikawa’s bitch of an ex girlfriend once said that if Toru was “The Great King,” then Hajime was the attractive Lord Commander of the Kings Guard. Not as good as the king but, definitely still good.
He hated her lol. ❌ She really thought this was Game of Thrones or something
Iwa’s analogy was better:
It was kind of like that singing group The Pussycat Dolls...... while the other 5 members were smoking hot and talented, Nicole Scherzinger was the main event.
Toru was Nicole.
Maybe he should start calling him “Pussykawa” as a commemoration
Back to the present
Iwa-chan waited with his hands stuffed in his pockets like he always did while his friend thanked his admirers profusely for the compliments and gifts
The girls squealed and told him they’ve been trying to accidentally run into him all day
Yuck, are these chicks not embarassed to admit that? Iwa thought in disgust.
He’s heard worse before though. And then some. Even when they go off-campus on a normal outing to the movies or something with just the boys - Oikawa would be recognized from that volleyball magazine and tv and consequently get swarmed by cute girls. It made a lot of guys unable to even be around Oikawa because they were so insanely jealous
Over the years, Toru lost a lot of friends because of it
But Iwa-chan was a better friend than that. While everyone ditched annoyingkawa.... he endured the eclipse that was his best friend’s so-called peak-attractiveness because he was a real ass friend. They’ve been inseparable since they were kids. So, as much as he hated to admit it, and as much as they tease each other: he’d take a bullet for shittykawa and shittykawa would do the same tenfold.
Anyway, in double the time it should have taken, the 2 boys finally made it to the gym to deliver the sheets to the coach
Iwa walked over to the coach coolly while the girls team mostly stopped to wave and bat their eyelashes at Toru.
“Hey ladies, I saw your last game. Amazing pinch serve Natalie. Leah, awesome receives and—“
Iwa drowned him out as the coach began talking to him.
“Hajime, I thought I told you to keep Mr. Oikawa out of my practices? He distracts my players way too much.”
Iwa shrugged. “I’m not his keeper, coach.”
- Iwa squinted his eyes when he noticed there was one girl on the team that wasn’t gushing over shittykawa. She was setting herself in perfect sets, looking up at the gym ceiling so he couldn’t see her/your face.
Hajime looked away when the other squealed at something Toru said. He sighed. “You need someone on the team that will whip them into shape coac—“ Iwa started to say but he was interrupted by the yelling of that mystery girl. You had your back facing Iwa now because you were facing the group of girls who should be bloody practicing surrounding a boy who just walked into the gym. Getting PTSD from the times when your last team wouldn’t take volleyball seriously, you snapped at them.
The girls looked back with widened eyes before they jogged away from the boy, muttering their apologies to you and getting straight to drills.
“You were saying.....?” Laughed Seijoh’s coach to Iwa. He cupped his ear like he was listening. “I need someone on the team that does what now?”
Iwa barely heard because he was too busy staring at you in awe.
“W-wh-who is that?” Iwaizumi asked the coach as he crossed his arms in front of him.
“Meet Y/N L/N. 3rd year. New recruit. Used to be a crow, can you believe it? Tryna get a last minute scholarship. But she’s good. Very analytical. Setter. Brilliant and—“
“Gorgeous.” Iwa finished for the coach, finally gifted with the luxury of seeing your face as you let your bouncy hair out of its ponytail only to do it up again. His throat went dry temporarily.
“Iwa-chan, the new girl is pretty cute right?” Iwaizumi jumped out of his skin when he heard his best friend’s voice right beside him.
“Wha-when when did you get here?!” Hajime accused in surprise.
Oikawa studied his best friend with an amused smile. “Iwa-chan...are you blushing while you stare at our girls team’s new starting setter?!” He clutched his heart for dramatic effect. “I can admit that she’s almost as good looking as me but.... I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush before. My little boy is discovering the joys of the fairer sex.”
Iwaizumi was just about to punch the lights out of his friend for saying something so embarrassing before a volleyball did it for him. It hit Oikawa smack in the head and he fell to the ground.
You ran over in panic because you totally didn’t mean for your flying receive to go that far!
“Oh my God, oh my God I’m soooo sorry!” You ran past another tall boy and attempted to help the one that was on the floor back onto his feet.
Iwaizumi was on cloud nine when you brushed past him because you smelled like citrus. He openly stared at your ass as you bent down.
ya he was definitely going to be attending all of the girls games from now on just to see you
To Iwaizumi, you weren’t just gorgeous with a drool-worthy body, you were athletic, you put your team in their place just like he did without caring about being mean
which ultimately made you a fantasy of his
He wanted to know more about you
He wanted you to choose him.
For the first time, Iwaizumi silently held his breath because now was the part where you would come face-to-face with “the great kingkawa” and fall in love with him like every other girl did.
Iwa braced himself for dejection because for all he knew you hit Toru on purpose to have an excuse to talk to him
It was a volleyball players pick up strategy number #1
I’m serious lol
Well, if you did, at least she is better than the “we tried to run into you” girls, -__- thought Iwa.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” You asked, genuinely concerned.
Iwaizumi caught himself staring at your lips as you spoke to his friend. Keep fucking talking, he thought, as he felt himself get a little aroused at the mere fact that you were so close. Blame him as you may but he wanted those lips of yours to move against his lips, and on his chest, and on his.....well, you know.
Iwa mentally slapped himself. God, he’s already having day dreams about you?! And he had just seen you for the first time 10 minutes ago??!! He needed to get it together.
Oikawa shook his head and blushed in response to your question. While he may get tons of female attention, he was still a guy, and he still recognized that you were really beautiful. Standing up, Oikawa smiled down at you. “I’m fine. No need for alarm, new princess. I can still attend the boys vs. girls game next week so there’s no need to cry or worry....”
You looked up at the boy curiously.
No one could have prepared themselves for what you were about to say to Oikawa next:
“Oh, are you on the boys team? Are you the manager?”
“World Stop.” - *Beyoncé voice*
err-what’s worse than saying RIP Oikawa?
‘Sorry that you just ceased to exist’, Oikawa?
Iwaizumi froze when he heard what you said, instantaneously falling in love with you.
it’s possible ok? fight me
If there was ever a time when fast love was possible it would be now aight
Stunnedkawa, on the other hand, had frozen too.... but for entirely different reasons than his friend’s. He drew into himself, shutting his mouth and walking away like he was in a trance. He muttered something about going back to the room he and Iwaizumi shared and Iwaizumi watched him pass a few girls who were calling to him like he couldn’t even hear them.
“Strange guy.” You shrugged, turning your attention to the other guy who you thought truly looked like a volleyball player. “Can you make sure to tell your manager that I’m sorry for hitting him?” You ask hopefully.
Iwaizumi nods as you two maintain eye contact.
She’s perfect, he thinks
This man is so fine, you think. Tall, broad shoulders, brunette, looks like he could go for rounds, yes ma’am!
You snap back out of it, giving him an apologetic smile before running back to the court to finish the drills. Iwa melted at your smile. You yelled some more at your teammates who looked to be flirting with some more boys who came in.
Iwa’s gaze followed you as you moved out of earshot, unable to take his eyes off of you as you yelled again.
He thought you were beyonnnnd sexy when you yelled like that
Hajime didn’t know he had a type before today but he knows now that his ideal type is whatever comes closest to you
The girl’s coach, who was still standing beside Iwaizumi, nudged him lightly with his elbow.
“You stare at Y/N any harder and I think you actually will manage to ask her out telepathically.”
Iwa let a small smile grace his face. The desire to ask you out had taken off when he saw your little ponytail release. Now it was about — “Hey, thanks for the advice.” He mumbled sarcastically. “But, hey coach?” Iwaizumi asks in his deep voice, clearing his throat and still not taking his eyes off of you.
The coach turned to Iwa.
He smirked to himself. “Know any good jewelry stores in the city? I’m ready to buy your new setter an engagement ring.”
Let me know if you guys want a part 2 to this bc I couldn’t get to the confession in this post obviously.... I was writing too much. In part 2 I’m thinking you and Iwa run into your ex one day? And we see that Seijoh boys vs. Girls volleyball match? You decide!
Ps. I almost titled this story Iwaizumi x “The New Girl That Fucked Shit Up” lmao
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I knew this would happen. I accidently deleted an ask. Thank god I took a screenshot of it before deleting it...🙏🙏🙏
Whoever asked this, I'm praying that they will see this post.
Vert x Reader x Alternative Vert
You settled in handler corners about a year ago and made friends with the people who work at spectre motors. But, one day you became awestruck for the fact that you saw them coming out of a portal. That's when you knew what they really do. You have been nagging them to bring you with them but Vert refused. The reason why is because he's afraid you might get hurt and also, you tried to ride the saber the other day. But, what happened was you drove it to the maximum speed limit. And you crashed his car on a giant rock. You hit your head on the glass real hard and ever since then, he's been treating you like a kid. So, you kept annoying Vert to the point where he gave up and said yes. But he told you to not walk around the battle zone and instead, stay with Stanford.
You were with them on the training tracks watching the solar eclipse through those special glasses that allows you to look at the sun, until Sage announced through their coms that a stormshock was detected, with a warning. Those solar flares could damage their vehicles. Vert turned to you with a serious expression. "Don't get out of the reverb. If you do, then it'll be the last time I'm taking you to a battlezone". You nodded in agreement. You hopped on the reverb and they all took off.
"Stay double frosty guys. Sage said those solar flares could do nasty stuff to our instruments." Vert warned. "Solar activity peak level coinciding with portal entry" Sage announced through the coms as Stanford kept touching a button on the touch screen of his reverb. "Might explain why my rear axle telemetry a bit dodgy." Stanford said.
"Caution. Battlezone may also be affected."
Everyone got inside the portal and arrived on a planet that looks really fimiliar. Like the ones they show on science fiction movies. "Looks like a standard alien desert to me." Spinner said. "Everybody make some dust. Find me a key!" Vert said as he went to the other direction. "As soon as I find out what's wrong my axle. Catch up with you." Stanford parked his car on an area near a mountain. You got annoyed because you couldn't see the rest of the zone for a bit.
Stanford got out of the reverb with a socket wrench that he carries with him. He crossed your arms as you watched him open the bonet. "First rule of a manual servo repair. Never need one." Stanford started to twist and turn some of the parts with the socket wrench. You grunted in annoyance. "Hey Stan. Can I get out and watch the view. I wanna walk around a bit." You asked. "No. Vert told me to make sure your inside the Reverb at all cost." Stanford replied. Not looking in your direction. "Come on! I don't wanna sit here! I just wanna walk!!!" You whined. But, he just ignored you. You looked outside and sighed. Then you got an idea. "Hey stan. I'll make a promise to you if you let me out." You said. He looked at you, a brow raised. "What promise?" He asked. "If you let me out, I'll tell Grace how amazing you are! I know you like her and I'm sure she'll listen to me. That way, she'll ask you out!" You said, with a big smile. He rubbed his chin and thought about it for a second. A smile formed on his face. "Okay! You can come out!" He said. You felt really happy and when you got out of the reverb, you gave Stanford a big hug. "Thank you!!!" You said, before going to the other side, enjoying the view.
You kept walking around until you saw something coming from the distance. It looked like a gold chariot... And it was coming towards you. You ran to Stanford and hid behind him. He gasped when he saw one of his enemies right in front of him. He dropped his socket wrench as the mutant like creature aimed his crossbow at him.
"Go on then! What are you waiting for fang face?!" Stanford said with pure hate. "Even though you humans want to destroy my world, I cannot attack an unarmed man." Kalus said. Stanford looked at him, confused. "Who are you? And what have you done with Kalus?" Stanford asked. "And you, are not acting like a member of the evil battle force 5!" Kallus exclaimed. "Evil battle force 5?" You whispered. Stanford looked at you, indicating he was confused, just as you.
"Mount your vehicle and let us battle as honour dictates." Kalus said. Stanford took a step back, almost stepping on your feet. "Uhh.... One moment..." He said before he spoke through his com. "Guys! Kalus has me in his crosshairs, but he's being... Honourable. Please advice." "On our way!" Vert replied as he and the others went to where Stanford stood.
You saw the team coming towards them from the distance. The tension was relieved.
"Huh! Typical Battle Force 5. Refusing to choose the Vandal code to settle our differences like gentleman!" Kalus spat.
"A vandal gentleman? Huh! In what world?" Sherman asked. "Maybe in this world. Sage said the battlezone could be affected. Captain Kalus! Wait! Please." Vert stopped the Saber infront of him. You and Stanford quickly got inside the Reverb and he aimed the sonic canons at Kalus. "Captain Kalus!" Vert called as he got out, without bringing his double edged sword. Kalus aimed his crossbow at him. "I'd like to speak with you! I've come unarmed." He walked towards him. "Vert! We've got him surrounded. What are you doing?!" Agura questioned. "Playing a hunch I'm about to wish I never had. Cover me but stay back." Vert said. Kalus got out of his chariot. "What kind of trickery is this?!" He questioned. Vert held out his arm, motioning Stanford to turn off the sonic canons.
"You... Ordered your team to stay back..." Kalus said. "I did. So, where is yours?" Vert asked. "Ugh! You know very well what happened to them!" Kalus said before sniffing Vert's uniform. "Or do you?" Kalus got surprised of the scent Vert had. It wasn't the same scent he was fimiliar with.
"It's not Kalus!" Vert turned around to the team. "Uhh... How many talking lions with crossbows are there riding around in gold chariots?" Agura was confused. Zoom came and stopped the chopper beside the tangler. "Just did a flyby on the battle key!" He said before turning to Vert. Surprised to see Kalus standing next to him. "Whoa! And we're not whipping lion butt why?" "Somehow those solar flares must of connected us to a dimention exactly opposite our own." Sherman explained. You gasped in surprise. "Am I gonna see the opposite version of the team?" You thought. "With good Vandals! (Idk what word he said after that... lol)" Stanford said, confused and surprised at the same time. "So where's the rest of your team?" Vert asked. "My good friends Hatch, Xever and Crocomodo were elimimated... Long ago...." Kalus said sadly. His face drooped down. You looked at him with pity. "By who?" Vert asked. "By.... Them...." Kalus pointed to the distance, as he heard a team of cars racing towards them. The whole team looked at the distance and saw their opposites. "Those look just like our rides!" Sherman exclaimed. "Normally it's between me and that battle force 5. Which exists only to conquer peacefull worlds..." Kalus said.
"Well... Look what we have here?" The alternative vert's voice was heard through the com. You gasped at how his tone was so.... Evil... "They look like us, but they're so... Clean." "Not after I'm done with them." "I wanna smash them. Into teeny tiny bits!" "Wow Sherm! That was nearly a complete sentence!" "Oh, you boys are like soooo immature!" "Shut your traps. First we get the key. Then we play...." A fit of evil laughter sent chills down your spine. Anti-Vert noticed you sitting with Stanford. He looked at you and winked. "Uhhh...." You had no words to say. "Whoa. Doppleganger dudes really got their fight on!" Spinner said. "Can't let 'em get the key. What do you need Zoom?" Vert asked. "Battle key is in the side of a mini mountain. Gonna need Agura!" Zoom replied. "Nothings out of my reach!" Agura said. "Agura go for the key. Everyone else on defense. Let's go!" The team charged towards their opposites. They looked at each other in pure hate. You gripped on your seat because of how fast the Reverb was going.
"Looks like those goodie goodies are gonna get in our way!" Anti-Spinner said. "Split up. Take 'em one on one." Anti-Vert ordered. The Saber's blades collided with each other. Anti-Vert's blade scraped past the Saber. Vert grunted in anger.
Anti-Vert's Saber got near the Reverb and he came to your side of the car. "Hey sexy! He thinks he's better than me. Let me show you what I can do." He said before charging towards Vert's Saber. Vert got really angry when his alternarive self called you "sexy". God, he wanted to punch his anti-self's perfect teeth. "If you are trying to challenge me, you're doing a terrible mistake! I'm gonna kick your butt!" Vert said. "That will be in your dreams. The woman/man is mine!" Anti-Vert said. "No, mine!" Vert muttered. "She/he is mine!"
You were watching the entire thing. Each time Vert gets pushed back by his anti self, Anti-Vert has a grin on his face. He knows you are still watching the fight. But, you suddenly can't see them because the Reverb has gone away from them. "Stanford. Follow the girl/boy and try to wreck their Reverb." Anti-Vert said. "Consider it done!" He said. You saw Anti-Stanford following the Reverb really tightly. "Ohmygosh. Please go faster!" You said. "I am!" Stanford swerved the car left and right. Trying to avoid the sonic attacks. His anti self got to your side and you gasped when he made his car push the Reverb to the side. Both Stanford and his evil self pushed each other back and forth. "Coming here was a bad idea..." You regreted annoying Vert. This is what Vert has been warning you about. Something like this always happen. Suddenly, Anti-Stanford pushed his vehicle too hard on the Reverb. Causing the mirror on your side to break. Shards of glasses fell onto your arm. It's sharp sides grazed your skin. Causing a cut on the thin layer of skin. But enough to bleed. It stinged a little. "We'll get away from.... Me..." Stanford somehow managed to turn the Reverb, making it face his anti self. They both sonic blasted each other. Stanford and his anti self took the hit, causing the Reverb to be pushed back. You hit your head really hard on the back and on the side..... The glass shards cut the side of your cheek. It started to bleed and your head hurts fr om hitting the back too hard. "(Y/N)!!! You're bleeding!!!" Stanford gasped in horror. "I'm... I'm okay... Just go!" You said. The Reverb took off, leaving Anti-Stanford alone. You started to feel nauseous and a splitting headache took place. "I... I don't feel so good..." You said, covering your mouth. Trying not to vomit because of how the Reverb's movement is. "I'll take you somewhere that'll keep you safe!" Stanford said.
Stanford parked the Reverb on a small cave. A cave where it's not clearly seen. Both you and Stanford got out. You sat on the floor, leaning onto the wall, as Stanford inspected your injuries. "I don't have an emergency kit. Sorry about that..." Stanford apologized. "N-no it's okay." You said, as you took out your handkerchief from your pocket. You placed it on your cheek, hoping the bleeding will stop. "I should be the onr who's sorry. I shouldn't have come here." You said sadly. "It's okay (Y/N)." Stanford smiled. "You stay here. The Reverb is already damaged. If you're in it, then it'll cause more injuries to you. Our opposites won't find you." Stanford said as he got inside the Reverb. He disappeared into the distance and you sighed. "I shouldn't have come here..."
Vert and his anti-self kept pushing their vehicles on each other, causing a lot of damage. He chuckled. "You already know that soon, the woman/man that you have brought with you on your mission will be mine! I already know it. You're weak!" He said. "Not gonna happen!" Vert shouted. Then Anti-Vert saw the Reverb coming out from the side of a mountain, but you weren't there with him. "Are you sure Vert?" Anti-Vert asked before violenly pushing Vert's Saber with his blades. Vert's vehicle flipped over and Anti-Vert went to where Stanford came.
You started to feel lightheaded and your head was throbbing and you placed your hand on the back of your head. You felt warm liquid covering your palm. It was blood. You sighed, praying the team will come back to get you. You laid down and curled up like a ball, trying to fall asleep. After a few minutes, you heard a vehicle coming towards you. It sounded like the Saber. You felt relieved for Vert being here and you got up... Only to see his alternative self staring at you. He chuckled. "Are you trying to rest my love?" He asked. "I'm not your love! Leave me alone!" You said, as you stood up. "You don't know what I am capable of. I'm way better than the Vert from your homeworld." He said. "Oh no no no. You are just a freak. I don't like men like you!" You shouted. He looked at you with no emotion. He took a step towards you and you took a step back. "Me? A freak? Ha! You don't know me well dear." Vert said. "And you don't know me as well. I'm capable of fighting you off. I have a black belt in karate!" You exclaimed. Suddenly, Anti-Vert just burst out into laughter. "Do you really expect me to believe that?! You don't look like the type to be violent." He said. "Oh, But I am. Don't mess with me!" You said. He took a step forward and you lunged at him, ready to punch his face. But, he grabbed both of your wrist. "Hm... A black belt in karate, huh?" He said, mockingly. "I-I just went e-easy on you!" You said, as you tried to pull yourself out of his grip. But, he was too strong. "Don't even try. You're weak!" He said. You mentally slapped yourself from doing that stupid move. The amount of energy you took to get out of his grip made you feel as if the world was spinning around you. Your legs became weak and you almost fell down, but Anti-Vert caught you. He grazed his fingers on the cut on your cheek. "Looks like Stanford got a little harsh on you...". "I'm very sorry about that..." He suddenly pinned you against a wall.
He looked at how vulnerable you are. It didn't take long to smash his lips onto yours. You couldn't protest as your body felt like jelly. He stopped kissing you as you bit his tongue harshly. "Gah!" He hissed in pain. You fell down on the floor. "D-don't do i-it a-again...." You spoke. Your voice was weak. The blood from his tongue starts to drip down from his mouth. "I would love my woman/man to be a little more compliant. I don't mind playful biting.... But, not in a way it'll stop someone from kissing you..." He said. "Go... To... Hell!" You spat. He just laughed. "You will be under my control when I take you away from them!" He said, with a wicked smile.
"STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU SACK OF SH*T!!!" Someone shouted from the distance. You both looked at who it was. It was Vert. Your Vert. He ran towards his anti-self and kicked him in the guts. Anti-Vert grunted in pain. "You will seriously gonna regret doing that!" He said. "YOU WILL SERIOUSLY GONNA REGRET TAKING MY WOMAN/MAN AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Vert shouted. Then, both Vert and his alternative self started to have a fist fight. You couldn't move or speak, and you laid down almost unconscious.
Vert somehow beaten his anti-self down. He ran to you and picked you up. "You're bleeding!!!" He gasped as he felt the warm liquid from your head. He ran out of the cave and placed you inside the Reverb. "Get her/him home! Now!" He ordered. Stanford nodded and he took you to the hub. He went back to the Saber and looked at his anti-self. "You and I are gonna have a fight. With our vehicles..." He said.
Part 2 (Coming Soon)
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