#he respects vanitas’ choice even if he doesn’t agree with it
daylighteclipsed · 2 years
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kazayu · 8 years
Blood and Thunder
Fandom: Vanitas no shuki Pairing: Vanoé Rating: Teen and up Words: ~1.1k
Notes: Finally ends my writing hiatus with this angsty-ish self-indulgent piece bless. (also as a side note I am taking drabble requests right now and I’d love to write more of these two!!)
Summary: "Molten gold runs in his veins, brazing and hasty to spill in Noé's mouth, and Vanitas lets his head loll back with a soft exhale."
Read on ao3 
“You need blood.”
Noé has the audacity to look surprised and Vanitas fights the urge to roll his eyes. He unbuttons his collar, baring his neck, letting his actions speak for themselves. “If we want to get out of here in one piece.”
Noé is intently staring at him from where he sits crossed legged on the floor. He blinks. “You want me. To drink your blood.”
“Yes?” Vanitas quirks up an eyebrow. “You vampires grow stronger when you drink human blood, do you not? We need you strong if we are to ever see the wondrous sky of Paris again."
“Humans grow weaker when they get their blood sucked, do they not?" Noé has crooked his head to the side and his eyes are shining with mischief, but Vanitas knows he’s on the defensive. "I fail to see how your plan makes any sense.”
“Most humans do. Don’t make a fuss. This is a one-time thing.”
Noé stares a split second too long before swallowing and looking away. “But… You, I mean. I’m…going to see your past. Doesn’t it bother you?”
Vanitas pinches his nose. Noé obviously wants to drink his blood and in all other circumstances he would flatter himself over it but Noé is a conflicted person, conflicted enough to fight with his conscience on a daily basis over the most trivial things. And in all other circumstances, Vanitas would respect that. After all, this impressive game of tug-of-war he plays with his own mind is one of those things that give Noé his refreshing personality and set him apart from most people Vanitas knows, but today, right now, Vanitas just wishes he could shove his morals aside to realize they do not have much choice. It is not like he is in any hurry to reveal the shadows of his past but they are running out of options and he has offered, for god’s sake.
He shrugs, melodramatic. “Yes, it is immensely bothersome. This is why I have conditions.”
“Of course you do.”
Vanitas glares and goes on. “One. You do not speak of anything you see in my memories. Not to me. Not to anyone. Ever. Not a single whisper, not even in your dreams.”
Noé nods. He still looks apprehensive, but this one rule seems to ease at least some of his reluctance.
“And two. Don’t be careful. I am not made of fine china.”
Vanitas can’t handle delicate, can’t handle tender, and sure as hell wouldn’t handle the velvet in Noé’s eyes if he decides to go soft on him. Dominique can have kind and gentle. He has no need for it.
If Noé finds his demand odd, he does not show it. He probably thinks it fits somewhere within the idea he has of Vanitas. Another piece to add to the puzzle. To which degree his perception of him is factual, Vanitas does not know and he refuses to speculate.
If it isn't, why are you so willing to trust him with your past?
“So?” He steps in closer to Noé, a challenge in his voice.
“Alright.” It sounds like an agreement as much as it does self-reassurance.
Noé stands up, brushing the dirt off his pants.
Vanitas gets bitterly reminded of their height difference but whatever nervy remark is unfurling on his tongue dies when Noé tugs on his hand to close the last of the distance between them. He leans in and takes a deep breath.
“You smell nice.”
Up close, his voice has this rough edge to it and Vanitas pointedly ignores the heat creeping up his cheeks. He lets out a forced chuckle. “My blood is divine, taste for yourself.”
Oh. This was a terrible idea. Noé hasn't moved and his hair is tickling Vanitas' jaw.
“What? Out with it.”
Noé inches back to look at him and smiles. “I’m going to drink your blood because I want to.”
How arrogant. Vanitas knows Noé asks to make sure he has his undivided attention. The futility of it grinds his gears. Vanitas’ mind doesn’t roam like his does. He pays scrupulous attention to details and so what if that becomes his downfall.
Noé's pupils are dilated when he leans back in. He licks his throat with a low hum and Vanitas can't help a surprised gasp. "What are you...?"
He receives no other answer than the sharp pain of a bite piercing his skin.
It stings.
Noé is still holding his hand like they are dancing a bloody waltz, breathing him in and sighing in the crook of his neck and like this, Vanitas tells himself, anyone would be overwhelmed. If Jeanne drinking his blood was heavenly, this is extase.
Molten gold runs in his veins, brazing and hasty to spill in Noé's mouth, and Vanitas lets his head loll back with a soft exhale. Warmth is dripping along the curve of his neck like a caress, crimson drops blooming on his collarbones. Noé, as agreed, is not holding back. The ache of the bite is fading, a faint reminder concealed beneath a garden of pure bliss.
Vanitas' breath comes out ragged. His brain is shutting down. He's just barely conscious of Noé's other arm curled around his waist in a possessive grip and his own hand grasping at the vampire's shoulder with abandon.
He wouldn't mind staying like this forever.
Noé shivers and parts from his neck, lips lingering on his skin in something kindred to a kiss.
Despite what Vanitas has vowed earlier he does feel weaker, his mind a fuzzy haze and his legs threatening to give up on him. Noé slowly lowers them to the ground, for once his instinct not unkind to Vanitas' pride. The vampire is trembling and it takes a few moments for Vanitas to register he is crying, quietly weeping in the curve of his throat, hand grasping at Vanitas' shirt like his life depends on it.
Vanitas does not expect the wave of guilt that washes over him. That first condition was useless. Noé doesn’t need to talk. He is just like an open book with his emotions and Vanitas hates it. He hates Noé for making him care.
This is why you don't love. This is why you can't care. This is why you won't change.
He sighs and cards his fingers through Noé's hair and murmurs, "I'm sorry". He means it.
You knew what would happen and you hurt him. You hurt him. You hurt him. You-
Noé shifts and tighten his embrace. "Sorry," he echoes, muffled by the fabric of Vanitas' blouse. "Thank you," he adds. He's kissing the blood that flourished on his throat and his tears dilute the ache.
Vanitas doesn't answer and shuts his eyes.
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disneydreamlights · 7 years
Can you at least admit that Eraqus is violent? I mean, a reasonable person would have asked Ven to clarify what he was talking about, not decide to murder him the second he demands answers. I mean, if he had actually practiced what he preached, stayed calm, and asked for clarification the simple answer would be clear, lure Vanitas into a trap and eliminate HIM. But no, rather than take the route that takes effort, he'd much rather take the easy route and murder Ventus. Screw Eraqus.
Okay so first off I think we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on Eraqus. I love him a lot and don’t really agree with a lot of this stuff, but I’m gonna cite some sources anyways for this and debate my point.
Debate under the cut to prevent from having a long post defending Eraqus clogging people’s dashes.
Eraqus did not murder Ven the second he asked for answers. Ven came to him to confront him, thinking Land of Departure was a prison and that he was kept captive there. When he brought up the X-blade, Eraqus realized that Ven was a result of Xehanort’s obsession. He murdered Ven because the Keyblade could not be allowed to be made, let alone under Xehanort’s control. His fear of Xehanort using the Keyblade triumphed, and in order to protect the world he came to the conclusion that he had no choice but to kill Ven to stop Xehanort’s plan. (Source - Ven’s actions at the beginning, Eraqus’s reasons for his actions at 3:45) I’m not saying he was right, the attempt to end Ven’s life was a misguided try that in the end fell right into Xehanort’s manipulations, but they were with a noble goal in mind, and done in spite of his love for Ven, because he truly felt it was the best way to defend the worlds. As he’s dying, he expresses an immense amount of regret for his actions, saying how he regrets his actions, and going against Ven and Terra. (Source) These two scenes, if anything, show off Eraqus’s character best as a “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” he meant to do right. He just failed and hurt people he cared about.
Then there's the issue of Eraqus' being lazy, yes, LAZY. Rather than deal with the Unversed himself, he sends Terra, whom he admits to Aqua he doesn't believe is prepared for the mission. Then there's the fact that he wasn't even going to perform a Mark of Mastery Exam and just name Terra and Aqua Masters without checking that they're actually qualified. And finally, there's the fact that, rather than question Ventus to make sure he's not overreacting, he overreacts himself and tries to kill him
As for Eraqus telling Terra that he could handle it and then Aqua otherwise, that was never a thing? In the cutscene you’re referring to, Eraqus sends both Terra and Aqua out to handle the Unversed, and that this was a second chance for Terra to prove his Mark of Mastery. He in fact tells Aqua not that he doesn’t believe in Terra, because he does believe in him, but simply to watch out for him, because he doesn’t want anything to happen to him, since if Terra’s darkness lost control it could result in...basically exactly what happened in BBS, ironically enough, with Terra losing his body, his heart, and everything that makes him Terra. 
I don’t remember the Mark of Mastery scene, but if it is actually a thing from the scene I linked above a bit beforehand where he’s like “If it were up to me I’d name you both masters in an instant”, to me it shows how much faith he has in his apprentices that he believes that they show the Mark of Mastery without the examination anyways. Besides, as KH3D and BBS both prove, the Mark of Mastery isn’t the be all to end all. I do believe both Terra and Sora deserve the mark, yet neither are Keyblade Masters in terms of earning that mark. 
For the last point, I do believe this was an overreaction and a hasty decision made without a lot of time to make it, I do not agree with Eraqus’s actions nor do I think they were right in trying to kill Ven, but this was done not out of laziness, but out of poor judgement and not having the time to think of a better solution.
Then there's the fact that he decides to let Xehanort anywhere near the Land of Departure after that incident with Ventus. I would have respectfully declined his offer to be there in person for fear of accidentally triggering any leftover PTSD Ven might have, but no, Eraqus would much rather risk Ven's mental health than look bad in front of his ex. There's being forgiving, and there's being apathetic to his students. Plus, no "You're only bringing this up NOW!" in regards to Terra's darkness.
Well first of all I don’t remember any canon source bringing up Ven having PTSD from his interactions with Xehanort, but that’s neither here nor there since it’s a headcanon I could get behind.
But second of all, Eraqus honestly had no idea Xehanort did anything to Ven. It doesn’t make it right by any means to trigger anybody without knowing, but the thing is he can’t really be held responsible either. If Eraqus knew that Xehanort had hurt Ven, I highly doubt Eraqus would’ve let Xehanort within ten feet of him, but as far as I remember the lie Xehanort fed him was that it was a really bad training accident and that Ven couldn’t train with him anymore. 
And I’m not sure what your point on Terra’s darkness is, but as far as I’m aware, he had no idea Terra’s darkness was an issue before the Mark of Mastery. Hell, Terra had no idea he had darkness issues before the Mark of Mastery. Kinda hard to bring it up earlier when you have no idea about it earlier. (This is actually a concept I expand upon with ocs in some post KH3 headcanons I have but that’s another day.)
There's also this, you can say that Eraqus loves his apprentices, that he's like a father to them, but there's just one tiny little problem with that: Terra is his favorite. His blatant favorite. What kind of father has a favorite child? That actually makes Axel a better father than him, he COULDN'T choose between Xion and Roxas, and he's not even an actual FATHER! In that sense, getting beaten within an inch of his life by his favorite is actually the perfect comeuppance for him.
A lot actually. It’s a horrible thing but both parents and grandparents have favorites among their children and grandchildren. I don’t necessarily remember this being stated in canon that Terra’s his favorite or that he had a favorite (but it also doesn’t really sound like it’s a lie, so it probably is easy to interpret from the canon) but having a favorite in Terra does not invalidate the love he felt for Ven and Aqua, especially if in front of his apprentices he never showed that favoritism off. I may love people more than others (I have a hierarchy of best friends) but it does not invalidate the love I have for some of them just because I love others more.
Which on that note, Axel is a horrible example for this. Axel did in fact make a choice. In 358/2 Days, Axel and Saix have a conversation in which Saix explicitly says that Axel chose Xion over Roxas to save. (Source) Yes this is an unfair choice because he couldn’t save both, and he did agonize over this decision as we’re shown in the Secret Reports (301, 353) but we still have Axel making this choice in the end that he would rather take active action to save Xion than take passive action and save Roxas. 
Furthermore there has never been a show of Eraqus showing any true kind of favoritism towards anybody except maybe Aqua. I personally would probably agree that Terra is his favorite, but most of the game bias’s heavily that Aqua was the favorite student, actually, so uh there’s also that.
Anyways, the long and the short of it is Eraqus made mistakes but he’s still a character who is real good and I love him, and can respect that you don’t, but I will argue against all your stuff.
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