#he names them Ragna :)
beneathtreemomo · 6 months
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My One Piece OC, Lagtha "Kit" Rori!
His name is Lagtha "Kit" Rori, and he can see and interact with the dead. I haven't completely decided on if he's 24 or 26 pre-timeskip, but I'm leaning towards 26.
He's also a Prince of a kingdom in North Blue called Valstasia.
Valstasia is a well-known kingdom in the North, praised for their furs and leathers (often created from creatures hard to find elsewhere, or particularly rowdy and difficult to take down). But mostly, the country is known as a country of magic-- is even given the moniker "the Country of Fae". Fairytales, runes, curses, spells, demons-- the country was known for its dedication to studying and embracing all of this. Very few countries actually believed in those same things, but it was a quirk many found charming. Some of the more annoying ones mocked Valstasia for it. But the kingdom was still considered highly across the world.
When Rori is about nine or ten, he almost dies. Drowning, getting reared by a horse, taking a dangerous fall-- something. (Haven't figured out what I want it to be yet) The stress of the event was enough to awaken his Haki, but it also changed it.
At first, everyone assumes it's shock-- the little one nearly DIED after all, and it was traumatic enough it turned parts of Rori's hair white; that's scary for anybody. But then, within a few days, they realize it's something else. Especially when Rori shows that he's somehow managed to awaken Observation Haki.
It becomes a well-known secret in Valstasia that the youngest prince has a "strange haki".
Upon some research, his family decides that it must be an offset of Observation Haki that came from Rori nearly dying that now allowed him to see the dead. The closer to the castle you lived, the more likely you were to know the details of Rori's ability, though no one aside from the family knew just what it was Rori could see.
His father, Haesgard, wasn't sure what to make of Rori's strange haki at first. Thought little of it in the grand scheme of things because it would make Rori too odd for it to be an issue, and he was more concerned by his step-brother's steadily rising popularity.
Haesgard poisons Kit's uncle, knowing he would never win against the Devil Fruit user in a fair fight. Leif dies when Rori is around 14.
He then catches Rori talking to Leif one day and it's like the implications of Rori's observation haki being odd really hits him. He starts making plans to use that ability for himself, though Rori is smart enough not to fall for it.
Then, when Rori is 21, things start going wrong.
Because Rori is now old enough to take the crown.
Haesgard plots something that his mother and brother overhear, or at least rightfully assume is about to happen, and they decide to get Rori out of the country as quickly as possible.
Lavi dies helping Rori escape from the country, finding him as a ghost anywhere from a few hours to a few days later.
Rori travels, Lavi and Leif by his side, all across the North Blue. He uses the name Kit, covers his face with makeup because everyone in North Blue is aware of the fact the Lagtha Royal Family all have constellation-like freckles/beauty marks under their right eyes.
A few years later, Valstasia falls to Haesgard's lust for power. Haesgard's hubris caused a violent monster attack-- there are theories there were demons involved, and that is why so few people managed to flee the destruction-- that wiped out most of the country before it was even aware of there being an issue. Kit's mother and younger sister perish.
Almost no one leaves the country alive. The survivors that do scatter to the winds.
Across the world, however, a quiet rumor began circulating. One of hope for a kingdom steadily being forgotten to the world.
The youngest prince's body had never been found.
There are rumors, across the Grand Line. Survivors of a kingdom fallen from grace whisper of a young man with a constellation under his right eye.
His Highness Lagtha Rori still lives.
And he will reclaim the throne.
(Kit meeting Law as well as some outfit variants are beneath the cut)
Kit and Law meet on an island a few years later, only a few years after Law, Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi have started the Heart Pirates. They've gather a few crew members by now and are making a name for themselves.
Law is passing time until he is allowed back onto the Tang (the rest of the crew was being taken down by a cold and Shachi and Penguin forbade him from coming back until he was no longer at risk of catching said virus) by going hunting for a cursed mirror. Kit is his Very Annoying Roommate at the tavern that also happens to be going after the mirror.
Things happen and Kit joins the crew with Law carrying the knowledge that Kit can interact with ghosts, but not the knowledge that Kit is a prince, nor that Cora is following Law as a ghost.
By the time Sabaody comes around, Kit is very firmly one of Law's closest friends-- so close they are in a qpr, and Law now knows that Cora is still by his side. The prince thing, however... that might still need some addressing.
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mcuamerica · 5 months
The Shadowsinger: Eight
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Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. More angst, PTSD/nightmares, misogyny, threat of physical punishment ACOTAR series spoilers. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're still at Windhaven, and you can't help that rage that builds by the day.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters or plot lines, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
My graphics are my own. If you wish to use them, please give credit!
Series Masterlist
Prologue - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven
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After a week, your nights were full of nightmares that entailed your wings getting clipped, being beaten to a pulp by your father, and (oddly enough) a young Azriel and Cassian getting ripped to shreds by an older Illyrian. Why it had been Cassian AND Azriel, you had no idea. But it didn’t sit well with you as you got up everyday and trained with the other females while Cassian went to different war camps. He never mentioned which one. 
You argued with him when he said he would need to go to another camp instead of train you. And since both Rhys and Azriel were busy with their own missions, that meant you wouldn’t train. But Cassian gave you the option to train with the females at Windhaven or to wait for him to come back at the end of the week. You would have said no, had it not been for what you’d seen that first day. How their commander wasn’t even training them, just letting them run around in circles, doing what looked to be endurance training. And maybe a little heavy weight training, if they were lucky. So you decided training with them was better than not training at all. And it would help you as emissary, especially if you could get the girls to start sparring and not just exercising. 
When the male commander didn’t even help the girls with their warm up stances, you had your shadows nudge them enough so they corrected it. And then, they actually moved on from their constant loop of motions to sparring. Just like you had hoped. There were five girls today, and then you. You paired with one named Ragna. Her skin was darker than anyone else you’d seen, and she had pointed ears which told you that she was only half Illyrian. Though she had wings. And she was the one that showed the most promise. You were surprised they even let her train if she wasn’t full Illyrian, but then again, neither was Rhys. Though you had a feeling Devlon didn’t have much of a choice with him as a High Lord’s son.
You helped her with her placement, chiding remarks that you remembered Cassian saying to you back at the House. You learned quickly, and it was easy enough to see what she was doing wrong. Two days were just spent in the mirror, Cassian showing you all the ways you made yourself vulnerable. You wondered if these females would ever be shown that. They hadn’t moved past the warm up exercises until earlier in the week when you joined. And Cassian mentioned they should have been training for the past month and a half. They should be far past your training level… or farther than they were. But they didn’t have a trainer that was willing to help them. 
So, here you stood, sparring with Ragna. You saw the male, Calder, approach as you let her sweep your feet from under you. You asked her to do it, and wanted to show her the proper technique. “And now you just allowed your opponent a break from standing.” He mocked Ragna. 
You glared up at him and stood up, shaking your wings so the dirt would fall off. “She gave herself an advantage.” You snapped. “And executed it perfectly, too.” You said, giving her a small smile before you examined the green Siphon Calder had on his hand. The one and only. Granted, there could be another one if it was exposed in his armor like Cass and Azriel. But it didn’t, Cass already told you the males that had two Siphons. And Calder wasn’t one of them. 
“I don’t see how you could know with your back on the floor. Though that’s probably where you spend most of your time. Especially with that bastard that calls himself our Lord Commander.” He scoffed. You cleaned your fists and walked closer to him, your shadows shooting out from you to swirl around his arms in a frenzy. They wouldn’t restrain you from this male as they had done for Cassian.
“You might be careful how you speak about our Lord Commander.” You growled, restraining yourself from hitting him square in the face. 
“Fond of the bastard?” He chided. You felt your nails dug into your skin. If he said one more thing…. “I bet you enjoy being in that cabin all alone with him. That’s why he’s allowing you to train. So he can have you with your legs spread-“
He didn’t finish the rest of the sentence. You knocked his jaw with your fist. Just how Cassian taught you to. He stumbled back from it. And then you had your shadows restrain him as he staggered forward, ready to repay the favor. “Speak one more word about it and you’ll find these shadows strangling your neck. And maybe snapping some bones too.” You ground out. Not that you even knew how to do that with your shadows. But Cassian’s told you about how Azriel’s done it before. If he ever bothered to train you, one day you would. For the time being, Calder didn’t know you couldn’t do it. But you’d bet your salary that he knew Azriel could. And that was enough for his eyes to widen. 
You backed up, taking a deep breath before you let go of your shadows, watching them return to the comfort of your shoulders. 
“Shadowsinger!” You heard a voice call. Not any voice, Devlon’s voice. “Out of the ring, now!” 
You whipped your head, noting that he probably watched the entire encounter. You huffed and glared at Calder as you walked towards Delvon. “What?” You said, trying to bury that rage that burned in your chest. 
“You know the punishment for laying a hand on your commander without him provoking you?” He asked, his arms crossed on his chest. The look you gave him was answer enough. “For a female, it’s two extra hours of chores.” 
“I don’t have chores here. And he isn’t my commander.” You said simply, not taking your eyes off him. 
“For males, it’s ten lashings.. which one would you prefer?” He ignored your statement, leaning against the fence of the ring. 
“Who says he didn’t provoke me? Because he was insulting-“ 
“Insults are not provocations. Words are not provocations. Unless he hit you or it was a training exercise, it was without provocation.” He stated. “Lashings or chores?” He asked. 
“Neither.” You replied with gritted teeth. He was starting to get on your nerves. 
“You know, I wonder what your father would think when he finds out where his little girl ran away to. And a Shadowsinger, too… he’d be pleased to know where she was after all these years.” Devlon said, a small smirk sliding onto his face. 
You bristled, not holding back the swallow that forced its way down your throat. The thought of your father knowing you were here terrified you. “He wouldn’t care,” you lied. Your father would be furious… Furious that you were still alive. That you made something of yourself without him. 
Before Devlon could call you out for the lie, or for the fear that replaced the rage, Cassian landed beside you. 
“What’s going on?” He asked. 
“I hit Calder and Lord Devlon wants me to do chores because of it.” You answered. 
“Or take the lashings. It’s whatever she chooses. Your High Lord is so enthralled to offer them a choice, so I’m letting her choose.” He said. Your High Lord. You didn’t miss the blow.
Cassian looked at you, and you looked up at him, a bucket of shame washing over you as you saw the disappointment in his eyes. He didn’t say anything as he grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the ring. “I’ll handle it.” He said simply and you stumbled after him. You yanked your arm from his hold when you were enough ways away from Devlon, almost to the cabin. 
“What are you doing?” You asked, flaring out your wings for balance as he whirled on you. 
“What am I doing? What are you doing? I told you to be nice. And you punched him? The one trainer that actually agreed to train the females and you punched him?” He asked, clearly holding in his anger. “Not to mention the stunt you pulled two days ago.” He said. 
You almost snickered at the memory. You had your shadows help the females finish their morning chores and you took them out for training yourself. Devlon was furious when he saw you training with the practice weapons. And Cassian wasn’t too happy that you were trying to train them, considering you didn’t know how to use weapons or techniques properly. Let alone teach them. 
But you held the snicker at the rage that bristled around him. “He was insulting you. He was calling you a bastard and insinuating that you were training me because I was sleeping with you-“ 
“I don’t care what he was saying.” He looked around, pulling you towards the cabin at a pace you had to run to keep up with. Once you made it inside, he asked, “Where is all this coming from? You haven’t even shown a drop to anger the past two months. And now it’s practically all I see from you here. What’s wrong?” 
You faltered, catching your breath. You went to answer that nothing was wrong, but you stopped short when you sensed another male in the corner of the room. Not only smelled him but felt that familiar tug. The one that slightly decreased during your training here. He was hiding in his own Shadows. “Azriel,” you said, your eyes on him immediately. 
Cassian whipped around. “Mother above… Az what are you doing here?” He asked. 
“I heard how your introduction with Devlon went, and the incident the other day, and I figured you might be able to use my help.” He said. 
“You never come here willingly. Did Rhys send you?” Cassian asked. 
“No, I did come here of my own will. Only to help (Y/N).” He said. “My spies are doing their jobs. And I think I should indeed stop brooding in the shadows and help you train. And I won’t leave this time.” He said, only looking at you. Whatever resolve to ignore you seemed to have disappeared. And it didn’t help that bubbling anger inside of you. 
“Fine, but you’re taking her to the mountains.” Cassian said. 
You whipped your head to Cassian. “What?” You asked. 
“You’ve got unbridled rage here for some reason. The better place to train will be away from it. And if Azriel trains you, you’ll need the space while learning about your shadows.” Cassian explained. 
“This isn’t because I punched Calder, is it?” You asked. 
Azriel stepped out of the shadows, and you saw his head shake as a small side smirk came to his lips. “You punched your commander?” He asked, something that mirrored pride washing over his face. It was gone in a blink.
“He isn’t my commander. And he was being a prick.” You snapped. 
“Cassian used to beat his trainer to a pulp sometimes.” He teased. You hadn’t seen this side of him before. 
“And I got the lashings because of it. Don’t encourage her. She isn’t helping us at all.” He said. 
“No? Did she not just show Calder that she wasn’t going to take his bullshit? Any other male would have done the same thing. Even you.” He said to Cass.
“How do you know it was a fair shot?” You asked. 
“My shadows got here long before I did.” Azriel said. “I hate this place, these camps. But that doesn’t mean I can’t watch from a distance.” He said. 
“Go pack, you’ll leave when you’re done.” Cassian said, obviously having enough, and nodded towards your room. 
“Go.” He said. “You’ll be gone for 4 days.” 
You held back the urge to roll your eyes and walked up the stairs to pack a bag for the journey. And you vaguely heard them talking about the route and where you would go. You didn’t bother to ask your shadows to listen. You would learn what you needed to soon enough.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed the double release! Something special is in store for the next chapter!
Series Masterlist
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@cherry-cin @cleverzonkwombatsludge @nickishadow139 @mybestfriendmademe @atomolvnar
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AITA for being hesitant to believe potential victims/not really caring about discourse? Any names will be fake and pulled from the game Wargroove but the situation will probably be identifiable to anyone familiar with the situation.
I (19) have been following these content creators for a while, Mercia (she/her) and Nuru. I think they generally have good takes backed up with research and evidence. Some time ago, they had a collaboration with Ragna (any prns, so I'll use he/him for clarity) to discuss Ragna's sister, Sigrid, who they've talked about in the past. It was enlightening and horrifying to hear what Ragna had been through during his childhood. There wasn't much proof that could be offered, but Sigrid has a pretty well documented series of behavior and childhood abuse is very difficult to prove.
But then there was a falling out between the Ragna and the Mercia-Nuru group for some hard to pin point reason. Mercia brought up having Ragna's nudes in conversation. The only screenshots I've seen were just her saying she had them. There's no clear timeline, so it could just be in response to the allegations. Ragna made a post saying that they had Mercia and Nuru's address, which was taken as doxxing. Ragna then clarified that he'd just go to their house himself.
Ragna's made a handful of friends in the anti-Sigrid community, and he, along with said community, has been saying a lot of shit about Mercia with little to no evidence. What evidence they have does lead a bad taste in my mouth but is nothing outright heinous. Mentally ill people can struggle with boundaries; it's not good per say but it's not Chernobyl toxic. But I'm hesitant to agree with Ragna and the anti-Sigrid community because Ragna has a lot of bad takes. Like a lot. Ragna criticized the US's (lack of) laws around media censorship in a time where book bannings are very real while using a very poorly picked example of something fictional that is "rightfully banned". What isn't word of mouth tends to be hyperbole or ad hominem. Nevermind comparing Mercia to Sigrid.
I get that creators can be two-faced. I've seen the illuminaughtii implosion alright. I would like to believe victims, but I don't want to stop enjoying content creators I like, especially when the potential victims aren't exactly easy to believe.
What are these acronyms?
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Things The Good Omens Fandom Has Collectively Decided Upon And I Love With Whatever The Hell Is Left Of My Soul
I do, however, have notes at the bottom.
Crowley's middle name is Janthony. †
Aziraphale's pyjamas are thus: light blue, either collar pyjamas or a nightshirt, fluffy slippers, and DEFINITELY a nightcap.
Gabriel is an Asshole™.
Muriel is a wholesome baby. (we haven't even MET them yet and we love them!)
Aziraphale and Crowley are just Together. It doesn't matter what your idea of their relationship is - they can be best friends, in love, in a queerplatonic relationship, married - but they are Together, and that's what counts. Also I love how there is basically ZERO shipping discourse in this fandom (that I know of, and I don't want to ever see it if there is).
And we have a whole LIST of names for the failed apocalypse. ‡
† Here is my opinion on the Crowley's Full Name Thing (a lot of these are my own suggestions)
Tired: Anthony J. Crowley
Wired: Anthony Janthony Crowley
Inspired: Anthony Jay Crowley (he does say "just a j, so maybe he meant it this way?)
Desired: Anthony Jupiter Crowley (because he helped make SPACE)
The Person Who Wrote This Ought To Be Fired: Anthony Just-A-J-Really Crowley. (I'm the one who came up with this and I am so sorry. I'll see my sorry self out.)
‡ These are a few of my favourites (including my own ones), feel free to add more if you wish!
Apocalypse No
The Apoca-nope
The Not-Pocalypse
The Apocaflop
The Sikepocalypse
And finally, for your pleasure...
The Little Rapture That Couldn't.
Thank you and goodnight! (walks out of the room backwards, bangs into doorframe before continuing like nothing happened)
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nottoxicfr · 9 months
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This is, tentatively, Rize.
She is the combination of Nagoryuki (Guilty Gear) and Rachel Alucard (Blazblue). Relating to the concept of a data-Backyard, she has the role of a program meant to ensure the integrity of the physical world through Intervention. However, overuse of Intervention causes cracks in reality, therefore its use is controlled strictly.
This relates to the thematic idea of her character as “the Observer Who Averts Her Eyes." Nago's long meditation after the events of the Crusades combined with Rachel's nature as an Onlooker, cursed not to intervene in events, resulted in Rize's fitfully slumbering nature. Rather than Observe the events of the world, she wishes to sleep until the world has no need of her and is cursed by nightmares of terrible memories and future possibilities. Her story is about finding meaning in Observing individuals, rather than viewing the world as a single disastrous story.
(I'll talk more about her personality and her design below the cut)
I had a really hard time creating her! Honestly, I really didn't want to anything mess up. I feel happy with this art, but I want to draw her more and really get a grip on who she is. She looks really elegant, but I think there's more to her than that!
I mentioned before that fighting game characters are adjective filled, with Nago and Rachel being no exceptions! Rize is more focused on Rachel's style than I originally intended, but I hope parts of Nago still shine through. His older appearance is why I designed her around the age of 20, rather than sticking with Rachel's younger look. I'm not super comfortable with the type of character that is very old, but still looks young!
She's a gothic, lolita-inspired vampire, but I had more of Nagoryuki's "noble" personality in mind when I drew her. I imagine that she would offer advice to the people she meets, but sometimes the advice might be, "Don't wake me up from a nap." She can be a bit thorny, which draws on Rachel's "rose with thorns" tsundere motif to reshape the kindness both vampires possess.
There are parts of her that seem very childish in my mind, like the idea that she can sleep until the world ends or her grumpy reactions to others, but her deeper personality indicates that she's incredibly guilty about the events she witnessed and simply at a loss in what else she can do. It seems most of her childishness comes from a lack of sleep more than anything else. Her eyes are Nago's Blood-Rage mode, which implies she's also pretty hungry.
Originally, she was going to be named Arisu (Alice), with Bloodedge (Baiken x Ragna) being a Cheshire leading her to the source of the plot's problems. If this was a real game, I think that would still be the case as a relationship. However, with a different name, the allusion isn't nearly as prevalent...
Instead, Rize comes from Riza, from E-riza-besu, an homage to Elizabeth Bathory. It's supposed to be from romanji so it calls to mind the idea that it might be a translation she preferred. That’s not how you convert Eliz-a-beth into romanji, but I thought it was an acceptable break from reality for style. That’s the running idea for ArcSys, generally.
Rachel has servants named Nago- which was ironic- and Gii, who frequently take her wrath. Rize's servants are Tama (Ms. Umbrella in the art) and Chester (Mr Plushy next to her). Chester is a stuffed creature in the form of a Jester, meant to put her in a better mood after a nightmare. Tama, as mentioned in another post, is a joke about how you can take the first syllable of Excalibur, Ex, and say it as Eggs (Tamago). It's a really stupid joke, but it indicates that Tama is actually the sword of myth simply transformed and given sentience via old age. I don't think she takes her short temper out on either of them, but if she does then it's probably Chester. Lots of people punch pillows to feel better, so I don't think Chester minds as long as someone fixes him should he be damaged. She also has another servant, but they aren't created yet.
Gameplay wise, she'd be difficult to balance. Every small movement would inch her closer to a true Blood-Rage, which would significantly drain her health. To get around this, the player would have to use Rachel's Wind Drive to maneuver either Rize or her opponent into her range. To offset the difficulty of that, she has quite a lot of power. It might actually end up making her a grappler-type of character. Rize is the kind of character who changes the color palette of an anime when she shows up. Super strong, y'know?
Anyway, this is probably my favorite of the "ArcSys Singularity designs" that I made. I also tried out Slayer and Rachel as a combination, but it wasn't quite as fun. I feel very excited with Rize! I wanna draw her more.
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umbracirrus · 19 days
WIP Wednesday! 💛
So, I actually scheduled this to post on Sunday because I, as seems to be a trend with me at the moment, came up with a new OC - her name is Ragna Copper-Vein, and though she starts out as a bandit... she eventually ends up as Jarl Siddgeir's housecarl and partner :3
Here is an excerpt of what I have written in the run-up to her becoming his housecarl. For context, she was raised as a bandit at Knifepoint Ridge and tried to kill Siddgeir when he tried to have her camp eradicated for not paying him. She was arrested for it and is serving a life sentence, but gets a lifeline from Siddgeir.
I'm not sure if this will end up as a multi-chapter fic or a long oneshot when it's done! But it will be all done when I do go to post it.
Tagging a handful of people this time (with no obligations to post anything though!) @hircines-hunter (who has been listening to me go on about Raggy and Siddy on discord!!), @skyrim-forever, @thequeenofthewinter, @throughtrialbyfire, @bostoniangirl21 ,
@oblivions-dawn and anyone who wants to post a WIP!
Under a read more due to length 😊
It had been a long few months for Siddgeir, and it had all started with the Empire deciding that they wanted to execute Ulfric Stormcloak in his hold. The sooner the war the better in his opinion, even better if the Stormcloaks were to be defeated with the death of their leader, because how in Oblivion did they expect to keep things running in Skyrim with what little money they would have once the Empire was removed?
He had allowed them to use Helgen, and he thought that would be the end of that, and things could finally get back to normality. Perhaps he could even begin pulling the strings to try and become the next High King – the throne of Skyrim was empty, and being a Jarl wasn't that hard, so surely being King would not be much harder?
He never expected to hear that Helgen got destroyed by a dragon, that Ulfric Stormcloak had escaped, and a majority of people within the walls of the town had died. That had been an absolute headache in trying to sort out, even with Nenya handling much of the paperwork and Runil tending to the dead.
After that, to the north, the Jarl of Whiterun suddenly started mobilising guards to the border of their holds in Riverwood. It was presumably as a result of what happened in Helgen to protect the people there, but it was something which had needed to be kept a close eye on for a while.
Then the bandits which he had so generously permitted to stay on his land for a fee had started holding back their payments. First Bilegulch Mine, followed by Knifepoint Ridge. The rest were keeping up – for now – likely because a message had been sent showing them the consequences of what was to happen if payments were to stop.
To top it all off? That woman from Knifepoint Ridge who had the gall to tell him that they supposedly had no money before attempting to assassinate him when he decided that they had to face the consequences. Supposedly she was behaving in jail, he had seen it himself on the few times he had ventured in that direction to ensure that the guards were not lying, but she had proven herself to be quite… volatile, based on her original attack. Who knew what other magic she could use? Who knew what other weapons she could have hidden away?
He still needed to figure out what to do with her too. Even for someone who attempted to kill him, he could use her abilities to his advantage… she would eventually be an asset to him. Nenya would no doubt be able to come up with something for her to do.
The only good thing which seemed to have happened for him over recent months was that he had a new Thane. A survivor of Helgen who had made quite the name for themselves in the weeks following the disaster, and had proven themselves quite handy with a blade – they had taught the bandits at both Bilegulch and Knifepoint a lesson for him, after all. They had also bought a plot of land in the hold, and was frequenting the city and its businesses often, or so he had been told.
He had found himself at the Dead Man's Drink a lot more often than usual as a result of it all. He'd also persuaded Valga to start stocking Black-Briar mead, which was something too. It was a lot easier to wind down with all of the nonsense that was going on with a real drink.
It was as he was returning to his longhouse after one such visit that something began to feel… wrong. As though there was another thing to add onto the pile of troubles in Falkreath.
He was proven right when he opened the door to his longhouse, and saw a group of guards gathered, with the sound of Nenya calling for them to make some space coming from somewhere within. He approached the group, and cleared his throat, which made the chatter stop almost instantly. A few of the guards stepped aside, allowing him to approach the source of the commotion…
Helvard was lying face-down on the ground, blood spread across his armour and the floorboards around him. A dagger was lodged into his back, pinning a sheet of paper bearing a black handprint to his body.
Somebody had assassinated his housecarl. He couldn't not have a housecarl!
"Where is the miserable wretch who did this, hm?" he asked, looking between Nenya and the guards who had the nerve to remain standing around. "Well?"
There was a nervous chitter from among the guards. "W… We don't know, my Jarl. He was found like-"
"Well find them! And get Runil and Kust to remove the body!" he snapped, which is all it took for them to spring into action and quickly make their way out the longhouse.
After that, he took a few deep breaths, before turning towards Nenya. "That could have easily been me, had I not gone to Dead Man's Drink," he stated, his brow furrowing. "If I was the intended target of the attack, I simply cannot go without a housecarl. What do we do?"
Nenya frowned, taking a quick glance towards Helvard's body before letting out a quiet sigh. "I don't know, Jarl Siddgeir…"
"Most of the guards have proven themselves incompetent from that little show a few moments ago, and aside from them not many people currently in Falkreath are warriors beyond the new Thane. Who else in this forsaken hold knows how to hold a blade?!"
"My Jarl… There is somebody, actually, though I do not know whether they would be willing or whether you would be too happy with them being your housecarl…"
"And who is it?"
"Your attempted assassin."
Siddgeir scoffed, before starting to laugh. "Ragna? Her? You must be joking."
"You saw what she could do when she tried to kill you… Perhaps with incentive, you could get her to use those abilities against those who wish you harm."
He brought his hand up to his chin for a moment, thinking the idea through. Nenya wasn't wrong… He knew that there was a reason he had kept her on as his steward when he was given the title of Jarl.
"Fine then. And if it does not work out, then she continues her sentence in prison. Come now, Nenya. Let's talk to her."
"Yes, now. The longer I am without a housecarl, the more danger I could be in."
It was late at night, and Ragna somehow found herself having trouble getting to sleep. Even with an actual bed in her cell now, she just couldn't seem to get comfortable – perhaps she had simply spent too long lying on the ground over recent years that it just felt odd to be using a bed now. It also didn't help that the guards appeared to be rather jittery, whispering to each other and constantly being on the move. Maybe something had happened. Or maybe they had finally noticed that the man from the cell at the other side of the jail had escaped after turning into a damned werewolf days ago.
All that she could really do was lie down with her eyes closed, arms folded behind her head with one of her legs propped up, trying not to focus on the hushed chatter outside the cell. However, she couldn't do that for long, the sound of somebody approaching the cell caught her attention, before they blocked some of the light from outside which she could vaguely make out through her closed eyes.
She opened the eye closest to the cell doors and tutted when she saw Siddgeir and Nenya stood there.
“What do you want, Siddy?” she remarked, hearing him scoff in disgust at the nickname. She'd figured out on the occasional visits to the jail he had made to check that she was behaving that he despised being called that, so had kept up with calling him that every time that she saw him.
“Well, I was going to offer you the opportunity to be free of this cell, but if you are to be like that...”
She sat upward on the bed, and properly turned to look at the pair. “Fine. What do you want, Siddgeir?”
He narrowed his eyes at the sarcastic tone in which she said his name. “Helvard is... Indisposed, at present. I need a housecarl.”
Nenya let out a sigh. “Helvard has been killed in a targeted attack,” she explained, her brow creased up in worry. “We are concerned that Jarl Siddgeir may also be a target, and decided that the best option with regard to his protection and Helvard’s replacement would be the person who got closest to killing the Jarl. You are quick, alert, and know how to use more than just a blade."
Ragna let out a snort as she raised an eyebrow. "Is this some sort of joke? I tried killing him, how do you know that I won't try again?"
"It would come with both a room at the Jarl’s longhouse and pay... You would also be free from this cell, effective immediately.”
She'd never had a consistent income before. It was... tempting. Incredibly so. Fenric would be rolling in his grave at the thought of her having actually done something with herself too… But it would mean spending the rest of her life in the vicinity of Siddgeir. Ironically the cause of the recent string of disasters in her life.
“So... One prison for another, huh? Shackled to Siddy’s side...”
“Ragna!” His voice was like a hiss as he glared.
“... Fine. I’ll do it.”
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watcher-servant · 5 months
Rusted Arc dialouge lines
This took way longer than it should've, but I did it.
Side note: His 3rd Ascension is a reference to Ragna from Ragna Crimson & Guider to the eternal edge from Granblue fantasy. He is a 3 star servant coming from an event.
Also, the Witch of the Holy Night Collab is coming out for FGO, and Aoko and Soujuurou look amazing. It also applies to Alice as well, but Alice and Aoko take the cake on NPs for the event.
Summoning (pre event): Greerings, I am the rusted knight, guardian of the Ever after. What's that, a fairytale, I see so you have servants connected to stories. Well then master, what story are you trying to tell?
Summoning (post event): Well, didn't think I see you again. Glad to see you again, Master of Chaldea. Since you helped me, it makes sense I do so in return. So master what will you have this freelance knight do?
Level up 1: Oh, I felt a change, it's almost like some chains have been lifted.
Level up 2: Mastery is a journey that almost never ends. I wonder what step is this?
Level up 3: Seems I reached a new step in my journey. Don't worry I'll always be of help when you need me.
1st Ascension: This form, never thought I see this face again. I guess proper introductions are in order. My original name is Jaune Arc. Though at this point it may not mean much to anyone.
2nd ascension: Hmm no changes huh? Well that's fine, though I didn't expect to return to my 19 year old self. Though it is nice Juniper recognize me instantly.
3rd Ascension: This...what is this apperance? These scars, my hair, and yet the strangest thing is, I feel so close to my aura. I think I reached a new understanding.
4th ascension: So, this is my limit as a Pretender. It's not bad, for a time I only accepted the role as the Rusted Knight just so I can survive. Though now, I owe a lot to the original guardian, if it wasn't for them. I shudder who or what I could've become.
Battle start 1: Despite the apperance, I'm tougher than you think?
Battle start 2: Now then what plan, would work on them?
Battle start 3: Which would you prefer, sword, fist, kick or a headbutt from a stampeding animal?
Battle start 4: Let's see what I can create?
Skill 1: *drinks from a cup* Thank you *hands it to a genial gem*
Skill 2: Think you can get past my shield?
Skill 3: Focus...*Quick burst of aura*
Skill 4: Gotta remember the basics.
Attack select 1: Got it
Attack select 2: Understood
Attack select: Grit your teeth
Noble phantasm select 1: As my decree of the rusted knight
Noble phantasm select 2: So shall we hear a quick tale?
Noble phantasm select 3: Looks like we reached a crucial point.
Noble phantasm select 4: A new chapter is about to begin
Extra attack 1: Go Juniper!
Extra attack 2: Get ready to fly
Extra attack 3: I'll mow you down
Extra attack 4: Now fall!
Noble phantasm 1: After all the leasons she learned, and the friends she made and lost. Who has she become? The leaves in the tress rustle on the wind. There was one question. Who are you? [Ever After]!
Noble Phantasm 2: I hope your next journey is more kind to you. [Ever After]
Noble phantasm 3: Everyone one is in place don't worry I'll patch you right up. [Aura Amp]
Noble phantasm 4: I got your back just leave the defense to me. [Aura Amp]
Damage from phantasm: I won't fall not yet!
Defeated 1: So...this is where my journey ends
Defeated 2: Finally I can rest...I leave the rest to you.
Battle finish 1: Looks like we made it.
Battle finish 2: *Sigh* that took more than I thought
Battle finish 3: Just like that job is done.
Bond lv 1: Oh is there something you need master. Or did you come to pet Juniper?
Bond lv 2: Despite me bearing this title, there was another knight in the Ever After. The best way to describe them would be...my mentor
Bond lv 3: Won't lie I feel really out of place here. There's so many heroes around...if I was my child self. I know he would ask for a autograph...or to train them.
Bond lv 4: What? Surprised I can play guitar? I'll be honest it's been so long I didn't think I could. Guess the muscle memory remained after so long
Bond lv 5: Didn't think I reached a place Ike this. I won't lie I'm surprised I was actually summoned as a servant. Trust when I say I wasn't anyone worth remembering...though most likely it was my connection to my mentor that I ever reached here. To be honest there's probably more deserving from my world that should be here...yet here I am.
Dialogue 1: Oh hello master, you mind helping me brush Juniper? Trying to get some of this loose fur.
Dialogue 2: The master servant contract. To think you manage to hold so many, I think that speaks volumes to kind of person you are.
Dialogue 3: To think I can use and mold my aura like this. The possibilities I can do...let's try test them out master.
Dialogue 4 (Child servants): Hmm what's that? You wanna ride Juniper, I don't mind and pretty sure she doesn't mind either. You guys gotta take turns though at least 2 at a time.
Dialogue 5 (Jeanne D' Arc): Hmm there's something about her...that just makes me feel odd. It doesn't help she looks like one of my sisters. Plus her name as well...an ancestor maybe. Huh? Oh uh...it's nothing.
Dialouge 6 (Jeanne Alter): Oh its...wait somethings off. Jeanne Alter? Hmm so there are servants with counterparts. Something tells me she's really caring, despite her attitude.
Dialogue 7 (Voyager): Hmm to think I meet the original Voyager servant. So far there's only 2 of us, but I think we found good company in our current classes. Seems even Juniper took a liking to you.
Dialogue 8 (Deck of heroes reference): It's strange, I swear it was my first time fighting along side them. Yet I could feel I can trust them. A lingering trust...can't be right.
Dialogue 9 (Tamamo no Mae): Hmm, Hmm huh oh Tamamo no mae right? No, it's uh, it's nothing. No, wait, what are you? HEY!?! OH ohhhhhh
Dialogue 10 (Oberon): Fairy King Oberon or Vortigern? Either way, you wouldn't be the first liar I've been around. As you're the first pretender I'll give respect, but that doesn't mean I'll fall for your lies. Dealing with a certain cat was more than enough
Dialogue 11 (Hephaestion): Pyr...no sorry about that. You reminded me of a old comrade from long ago. It's nice to meet you Hephaestion...quick question you mind a spar?
Dialogue 12 (Tlaloc): Wait you embody a city? That's pretty cool...though a part of me is worried if the Ever After takes a servant form. No wait...the blacksmith is the closest I can think of.
Dialouge 13 (Alessandro): The grand scam artist. I'm not interested in any of your tricks
Dialouge 14 (Lady Avalon): Hmm..Lady Avalon? It's a pleasure to meet you though and if you don't mind me asking...what is Avalon like?
Dialouge 15 (Mordred): Oh its you Mordred, something you need? A sparring partner...alright then.
Dialogue 16 (Atalanta or Atalanta Alter): Oh Atalanta, I believe it's my day to watch over the kids. Don't worry me and Juniper will watch them.
Dialogue 17 (Diarmuid): Seems that curse of yours is still causing you trouble? If you want I think we can seal it for a moment. Oh it seems that's that needed. I wonder how different you fight with swords
Dialogue 18 (Medusa): Hmm, think Pegasus and Juniper might get along. I think they would and it seems she likes you as well.
Dialogue 19 (Medea): I think I see why you were hesitant with me for a while. Jason is...a bit of work. Though something tells me there's more to him
Dialogue 20 (Emiya assassin): Kiritsugu...it took some time but it looks like you find some light again. Even got a family as well.
Dialogue 21 (Frankenstein): Oh hello Fran, is there something you need. Alright I don't mind you tying my hair...no full bows though.
Dialogue 22 ( Edmond Dantes or Count of MC): It's good to see you again Lord Count. I can tell despite the change of scenery your act of guardian is still strong. If you don't mind, I want to have a chat when you have the time.
Something you like: Hmm good question, beside Juniper being on this list. I do enjoy a nice meal with people and maybe be it around campfire. That is a idea though, a nice camping trip.
Something you hate: The merciless pursuit of power...getting innocent folks involved and hurt in the exploits. Another I can't forgive...is a fallen maiden, who doesn't deserve any mercy.
About the holy grail: If I was younger I would've made a wish with the Grail. Though with my experience now...there's always a cost when using such powers.
During an Event: Sounds like something big is going on. Wanna go see what's that about?
Birthday: Your birthday? Have you already told somebody it's today? Know what, follow me. I think it's time to show how fast Juniper can run.
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abovexhorizons · 6 months
@ragnaofazure continued from here!
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"J-Just hold on, wait a second!"
Isa moved one foot in front of the other, shoulder reared back as she'd try to demand from this stranger; though, truth be told, from how impressively he'd just saved their lives, he'd crush hers in a heartbeat.
Maybe he still would, and this would be the end of their journey.
"You're right; they're after me and my charge. My name's Isa, and this... This is Rika. My father sent those soldiers to return us to the empire. We're... Complicated."
Her voice dropped several octaves, barely more than a whisper; sapphire eyes downtrodden as she thought about her past. If she should explain anymore than that to him, if she should beseech his help.
If she should ask him about why he helped her.
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"I heard the guards cry out for someone else as we fled; was that... You? Are you Ragna? Why did you help us just now; that puts a bigger target on your back."
With time to think, she'd heard the name a handful of times; both at the academy where she'd trained and from her father. People refused to discuss his name in public, let alone with her, so she only knew the name itself, not what it represented.
From how strong he seemed, it was likely that they spoke his name in fear. Yet it was that selfsame fear that'd give them protection; a name that they could use to keep danger at bay.
Perhaps it'd invite more to her doorstep, but the message it would send would be clear; that Isa was traveling in powerful company.
"Why don't we go together? We could-- use a name like yours, and on the flip side, you can use ours to keep yourself under the radar. It seems we're both wanted by the same people, so it'd... Minimize... Casualties?"
It felt as if she didn't believe her own words, simply trying any excuse on the spot to keep him around. His posture and frame may have beckoned danger, but his eyes bemoaned it; a life of solitude, on his own, always trying to be on his own.
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"I don't think we're too different, you and I; take a seat. Let's relax for a bit before we head out, perhaps it's in discussion that we can find mutuality."
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chordsykat · 1 day
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It's time for... Meet the @varulvcomic Cast!
Full name: Kjell Björnstrand
Stats: Male, Ulven (Human/Wolf)
Hails From: The Northlands
Rank: Beta/Captain, (Former Alpha/Commander)
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Kjell is a male Ulven of the canid (wolf) variety. He is a warrior of the Blaidfästt pack, and aside from Kit, the most recent addition to the group. Kjell’s history is something of a mystery, but from the markings on his arms (two bands, signifying he once led his own pack as an alpha) one can assume he is an old soldier with plenty of stories to tell — if one could only get him to open up and tell them.
Though he appreciates the security a pack affords him, and is deeply loyal and protective of his clan, Kjell is a bit of a lone-wolf. He is often quiet and distant — a man who prefers to to let his actions do most of the talking. He is a skilled combatant, and one would think he is supernaturally gifted in the areas of strength and speed. All that said, he has trouble following orders, and will often disobey his commanders, Ragna and Greta. One of Kjell’s greatest strengths is also his biggest weakness — self-reliance.
VARULV is heading into its very last issue of this volume in October and I'd love to have you as a reader! Come check it out at http://www.werewolfcomic.com!
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sillysystems · 2 months
I know I’m late, but I wanted to share the silliest (or maybe more on the interesting side) names that we have in here!! It’s not ten, but I hope it’ll do
—Abyssal: Lomando.com introject who’s source name is just “abyss”
—Chaos: His source name…… His full name is “Happy Chaos”
—Cinna: Natsuki introject who was forced by his friend to be named after a food. Short for Cinnamon
—Claw: Cat who couldn’t think of another name and didn’t want to use his source names
—Jelly: Our partner sys helped named them, but they said “Jolly” and this alter thought they said “Jelly” so they ran with it
—Lurker: Not his actual name, but he kind of doesn’t have one so he just sticks with this. He says he’ll change it when he finds something better (it’s been like a year now)
—Mango: Sayori introject who thought Mango was the cutest name ever. Also forced Cinna to choose that name because “Cinnamon goes good with Mangoes”
—Ragna: His source name,,,, idk I think it’s a very interesting name 😭
Even if it's late we still accept asks about pasts silly dynamics dw!!
Happy chaos... Sounds like they like doing chaos and makes them happy lol
Wouldn't be fun if Jelly used like both names? Jolly Jelly? Sounds double silly
Wait wait, Lurker will find a good name... Eventually... AFter 10 years /j
Mango and Cinna is wild lmaoo
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pikabysss · 2 months
My dear, dear angsty, impossible love, what did you do to me?
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I did a poll a bit ago on what drawing I should colour of them, technically... this one won, yaaaay! Naturally, I really like this pairing for how... complicated it is.
Poor Ragna, can't catch a break. (Yes, his right hand is reacting to being too close to 'Terumi'. He knows it's not Terumi, he just CAN'T unsee it.)
PS: the name I'm giving to this ship is Green Reaper, and you cannot change my mind (their name combined together just... doesn't work.)
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beneathtreemomo · 6 months
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My One Piece OC, Lagtha "Kit" Rori!
He can see and interact with the dead. I haven't completely decided on if he's 24 or 26 pre-timeskip, but I'm leaning towards 26.
He's also a Prince of a kingdom in North Blue called Valstasia.
Valstasia is a well-known kingdom in the North, praised for their furs and leathers (often created from creatures hard to find elsewhere, or particularly rowdy and difficult to take down). But mostly, the country is known as a country of magic-- is even given the moniker "the Country of Fae". Fairytales, runes, curses, spells, demons-- the country was known for its dedication to studying and embracing all of this. Very few countries actually believed in those same things, but it was a quirk many found charming. Some of the more annoying ones mocked Valstasia for it. But the kingdom was still considered highly across the world.
When Rori is about nine or ten, he almost dies. Drowning, getting reared by a horse, taking a dangerous fall-- something. (Haven't figured out what I want it to be yet) The stress of the event was enough to awaken his Haki, but it also changed it.
At first, everyone assumes it's shock-- the little one nearly DIED after all, and it was traumatic enough it turned parts of Rori's hair white; that's scary for anybody. But then, within a few days, they realize it's something else. Especially when Rori shows that he's somehow managed to awaken Observation Haki.
It becomes a well-known secret in Valstasia that the youngest prince has a "strange haki".
Upon some research, his family decides that it must be an offset of Observation Haki that came from Rori nearly dying that now allowed him to see the dead. The closer to the castle you lived, the more likely you were to know the details of Rori's ability, though no one aside from the family knew just what it was Rori could see.
His father, Haesgard, wasn't sure what to make of Rori's strange haki at first. Thought little of it in the grand scheme of things because it would make Rori too odd for it to be an issue, and he was more concerned by his brother-in-law's steadily rising popularity.
Haesgard poisons Kit's uncle, knowing he would never win against the Devil Fruit user in a fair fight. Leif dies when Rori is around 14.
He then catches Rori talking to Leif one day and it's like the implications of Rori's observation haki being odd really hits him. He starts making plans to use that ability for himself, though Rori is smart enough not to fall for it.
Then, when Rori is 21, things start going wrong.
Because Rori is now old enough to take the crown.
Haesgard plots something that his mother and brother overhear, or at least rightfully assume is about to happen, and they decide to get Rori out of the country as quickly as possible.
Lavi dies helping Rori escape from the country, finding him as a ghost anywhere from a few hours to a few days later.
Rori travels, Lavi and Leif by his side, all across the North Blue. He uses the name Kit, covers his face with makeup because everyone in North Blue is aware of the fact the Lagtha Royal Family all have constellation-like freckles/beauty marks under their right eyes.
A few years later, Valstasia falls to Haesgard's lust for power. Haesgard's hubris caused a violent monster attack-- there are theories there were demons involved, and that is why so few people managed to flee the destruction-- that wiped out most of the country before it was even aware of there being an issue. Kit's mother and younger sister perish.
Almost no one leaves the country alive. The survivors that do scatter to the winds.
Across the world, however, a quiet rumor began circulating. One of hope for a kingdom steadily being forgotten to the world.
The youngest prince's body had never been found.
There are rumors, across the Grand Line. Survivors of a kingdom fallen from grace whisper of a young man with a constellation under his right eye.
His Highness Lagtha Rori still lives.
And he will reclaim the throne.
(Kit meeting Law as well as some outfit variants are beneath the cut)
Kit and Law meet on an island a few years later, only a few years after Law, Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi have started the Heart Pirates. They've gather a few crew members by now and are making a name for themselves.
Law is passing time until he is allowed back onto the Tang (the rest of the crew was being taken down by a cold and Shachi and Penguin forbade him from coming back until he was no longer at risk of catching said virus) by going hunting for a cursed mirror. Kit is his Very Annoying Roommate at the tavern that also happens to be going after the mirror.
Things happen and Kit joins the crew with Law carrying the knowledge that Kit can interact with ghosts, but not the knowledge that Kit is a prince, nor that Cora is following Law as a ghost.
By the time Sabaody comes around, Kit is very firmly one of Law's closest friends-- so close they are in a qpr, and Law now knows that Cora is still by his side. The prince thing, however... that might still need some addressing.
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rwac96 · 4 months
Au:Original male stud Au Crossover Au
Fandom:Blazblue,Tale of berseria,RWBY,Metroid,Fairy Tale
Summary:It been a Year since Ragna lovers/Wifes had successfully gotten pregnant with his kid after their last mother day and with this new year and mother day approaching he spend time with his childrens and his wife as he prepares the day for them to show how much he appreciated the four of them as well as keep the kids company so they can enjoy the celebration that he had planned for them.
Meme:Mother day.
"My hands are full as it is," Ragna the Bloodedge replied with a deadpan expression, as he held a small, cooing blonde baby girl. Her tiny hands pawing at her father's face. "Celica," he hushes his child with Samus Aran, "Celica, Daddy'll be with ya in a moment." The infant cooed in response.
Celica's brother, a black-haired replica of Ragna squealed, was placed in a harness on the Reaper's back, while Celica was placed on the torso. Arthur, the Grim Reaper's son with Velvet, squirmed to get his father's attention. The silver-haired swordsman exhales, internally grateful for Klein and Markarof assisting him with the baby harnesses; due to Erza and Winter's boys being named after them.
"You look so precious," Samus gushed at Ragna, taking pictures of her baby daddy.
"So much for the fearsome Grim Reaper," The Lord of Calamity joked, approaching Ragna as she scoops up a fussy Arthur, calming him down. "Hey, hey, Mommy's here."
"I think you look pleasant, Ragna" Winter said, holding her son Klein Schnee.
"You do look adorable," Erza winks to the father of her child, a boy with scarlet hair who resembles Ragna as Arthur does.
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nkn0va · 5 months
A little (LMFAO) oneshot
So for all you Blazbros out there, you're more than likely familiar with @your-phantomfield by now. Recently they released some Nine headcanons and upon reading it the inspiration for this manhandled me by the jugular and would not let go until I write this. I have no reason other than that to do it really, this isn't a request, I just need to do this so it stops bothering me. You can check out the post that inspired this here.
This will not be an x reader like normal, it will be featuring a Blazblue OC of mine. It'll be the first time I've written for him (or any of my OCs) like this so hopefully this won't be a disaster.
So for the trouble you've caused me for this, phantomfield, affectionately, fuck you.
(Long ass post under the cut.)
This is 2.6k+ god damn words.
The distinct sound of shattering glass was heard for what felt like could be miles around. Though if one were to approach the direction it came from they'd be proven wrong. The temperature dropped significantly just outside the ruins of Ibukido, the winds carrying a cold, foreboding sense of overwhelming power. The sound could be heard repeatedly over and over with no end in sight, much to the dismay of one Ragna the Bloodedge.
He clenched his teeth together, a mix of the inward feeling of frustration and the outward feeling of freezing his ass off. Mismatched red and green eyes stared down the opponent before him. Another man about his age, with short black hair, average height, wearing a purple coat around his shoulders that seemed...oddly familiar, somehow. It was the same feeling as meeting just about everyone else from his past when he'd lost his memories, but having them back and still not being able to recognize anything about this guy only pissed him off even more.
With a shout, Ragna charged once more at his opponent, sword in hand. The buildup of blue essence in the stranger's hand stopped him in his tracks before he could completely close the distance, being forced to hold up his weapons and block the chilling blast of energy. The hand gripping Aramasa and it's handle were frozen solid in ice, causing him to groan in pain.
"Son of a..." He smashed his arm against the ground, breaking the ice. Despite his loss of temper though, the stranger only smirked. Their long, intense battle had left him surprisingly winded, both combatants needing to catch their breath.
"I have to say, I'm impressed. You certainly live up to the expectations given by a name like the Grim Reaper."
"Well that's too bad. I didn't ask for your opinion."
The stranger only let out an amused chuckle, seeming to be enjoying their bout. Ragna leapt into the air, turning Aramasa into it's scythe form and barreling towards the ice user at astonishing speed, the stranger barely leaping out of the way in time. The blade suddenly swung in a wide arc again as Ragna landed too fast to react and sliced across his chest, causing him to let out a shout of pain and stagger back before blowing the SS-class criminal away with a freezing gust of power. Ragna only felt himself getting more and more sluggish the more the battle went on. The cold was seeping into his bones, making it harder to get his body to do what he wanted it to.
How long had he been fighting this asshat now? Could've only been a few minutes, could've been an hour. His mind was in much the same state as the space around him, almost in a haze from the temperature feeling like it was trying to turn him into an Azure flavored popsicle.
The stranger looked around at what he'd done to the environment around them, seeming to snap out of his surprisingly battle enthusiastic mood. He'd seemed like such a normally calm, collected person, at least until he engaged Ragna. Even quicker than it had appeared, the frost and haze vanished into thin air, as if it was never there. The sun was visible once more.
"Well...seems like I got a bit more out of hand than intended. I haven't had a battle like that in a while. We should really do this again, Grim Reaper."
Ragna only scoffed in annoyance. "If I ever have to see your face again, it'll be too soon."
"Come on now, don't be like that. I have a feeling we're going to be seeing each other again very soon." A swirl of snow emanated from the stranger, obscuring Ragna's view of him. By the time the snow faded away, he had disappeared without a trace.
Ragna turned to the spectator viewing the fight. "That guy just...teleported. And that ice...who the hell is he?"
The diminutive blonde vampire looked at the spot where the stranger once stood, a rather rare look of reminiscence crossing her pale features.
"So he's one of the Chosen as well... I suppose it's not in the least surprising."
"Rabbit, just answer the question. Who was that just now?"
Rachel paused for a moment before speaking. "...Six."
"See, was that so hard to do? It's Six, of the Great Sages." Ragna was clearly still pissed from their previous battle, it took a moment for Rachel's answer to really register in his head.
"...Wait, what!?"
Rachel sighed. She seriously doubted his ability to get any louder than he already was, but then again, he did always have a certain way of surprising her.
"I doubt you met Six during your foray into the Dark War. He was not appointed to his seat in the Mage's Guild until rather late."
She turned away as she thought back to that time long past. "He was abnormally young when he attained such a position, but despite that even Nine saw what he could become during his student days. She personally took him under her tutelage. His assistance was even instrumental in creating a number of the Nox Nyctores weapons as fast as they were made."
Ragna let out a low whistle upon hearing what Six had done. "So this guy's pretty legit, huh? No wonder I'm still cold right now."
"Indeed. His control over the element of ice is unparalleled. Even Nine herself has difficulty matching him in that department."
The Grim Reaper paused for a moment, thinking on this new info and what it meant for him now. "Hey...if he really does go that far back with Nine, then do you think they're..."
Rachel didn't take long at all to figure out what he was trying to ask. "There's no way to say for sure, but those two are indeed very close. I'd say it's rather likely they're cohorts in their schemes once again. Whatever they're planning, we ought to be careful."
The thought of being pitted against two of the Great Sages at once almost sent a chill down Ragna's spine, and it wasn't the one that still festered in his body. "No need to tell me twice."
A gust of wind in the workshop hidden between worlds alerted it's only occupant to it's new presence. Nine looked up from her work on the massive robot as Six teleported into the room.
"And just where have you been, hm?"
The Great Sage materialized the hat on his head characteristic to his title in a flash of bright blue. "Oh, nothing much, I was just seeing for myself what all the hype around the Grim Reaper was about."
The mere mention of Ragna left a bitter taste in Nine's mouth, causing her to scowl. "Really? You were out wasting your time with him of all people? Of all the things you could've left me alone for, it was to spy on Ragna?"
It was subtle, but Nine let it slip. She'd missed him in his absence, she probably let it slip without realizing it herself. It was almost an entirely new language he had to learn to understand her true intentions, but he'd had time to get good at speaking it. Considering how long he was really gone and the fact she was still working on Requiem, she'd been working for hours now without a break. Six sighed to himself softly upon realizing this. He'd always admired her drive and determination, but she really never knew how to pace herself in the slightest.
"Have you been working this entire time? How about you at least have some coffee or something?"
Nine wiped away the sweat that had formed on her head from all the exertion she'd subjected herself to, letting out a breath of tiredness. "...I suppose so. The caffeine would do me some good if this is to get finished on time."
She got up to her feet and walked over to the coffee stand in the workshop with Six in tow. The two mages got to quickly putting together their coffee, Six finishing his first. For someone who used ice magic his hands could work surprisingly fast.
He looked over to Nine as she was finishing hers, namely pouring in sugar into it. Most people would stop pretty fast when they're pouring such a high volume of it from a four pound bag, but Nine was not most people. She kept pouring...
...And pouring...
...And pouring...
...And pouring...
...This went on for a concerningly long time. No matter how many times Six saw her do this he didn't see himself getting used to it anytime soon.
Eventually though she did finally stop, though the bag was noticeably emptier than it was before. She stirred the now almost white liquid in her cup with a spoon before taking a sip, sighing in bliss. "...Now that hits the spot."
Six almost voiced his more honest concerns out loud for her physique with the practically waistline destroying amounts of sugar she consumed, but he managed to hold his tongue back. He knew damn well that commenting on her body like that would not end well, even for him. How she managed to keep in shape with a diet like that (even calling it that is probably debatable) he would never truly know.
"Are you...really sure coffee is good with that much sugar?"
Nine allowed herself a laugh. It seemed like such an redundant question. "Well it's the only way to have any warm drink of course, don't you know that? As sweet as you~"
Six stammered over his words, much to his lover's amusement and satisfaction. She took off his wide-brimmed hat and ruffled around his hair in a...lovingly condescending way before setting it back on his head.
The pair of them sat down for a little, taking a much needed respite. Not a word was said between them. It was a comfortable silence on the surface, but that only left room for both their naturally extremely active minds to think, especially Nine.
If she was being honest, she sort of considered her marriage with Jubei over. Sure, she did still greatly care for him, but relationships forged in the fires of war, especially one so brutal, had clouded her view on love. It was only after breaking free of the Mind Eater spell that she could think clearly. Whether Jubei respected her decision or not, it didn't matter. At least, it wouldn't when Requiem was complete.
Though speaking of love, the one she'd found with her fellow Mage was...well, it wasn't quite normal, either. They'd known each other for years during the war, yet she could only admit her feelings to both him and herself at the precipice of the apocalypse itself. That...seemed to be a habit, weirdly enough, meeting those she cared about in times of such crisis. Six was no different, in both cases.
Speaking of Six though, he seemed oddly comfortable with such circumstances. He was always an odd one, in a lot of ways. Though that's what intrigued her so much. Inviting him into her circle once more, as her lover got her mind racing. Celica had always been fond of him, though that's how she was with everyone. Would her dear daughter ever come to accept him, if she even accepted Nine herself in the first place? What would Trinity eventually think? Would she even get the chance to find out?
Izanami had taken an interest in him too, though mostly because he was one of the Chosen. He had the chance to fulfill his dream just like the others, to take fate into his own hands, yet...he chose to bet on her. Her dream, her plan. He was the only one who could still accept her for who she was despite the atrocities she'd committed.
He believed in her in times of crisis. He trusted her more than anything. She had the temptation to call him a lost little boy running for help but...she knew better than that by now. He's proved himself time and again. If he couldn't, he wouldn't be alive right now.
That's how it was for everyone, especially for those she cared about. If they weren't strong enough, they were gone before her eyes. This twisted sham of a world had a way of doing that, one way or another. One that seemed to take some sort of sick pleasure in agonizing her in every way possible.
All these thoughts and countless more, messy, unorganized, and chaotic, were practically screaming in her head, almost as if they were turning against her. Yet all at once they were stopped. Stopped by the feeling of a hand on her shoulder. Her golden eyes met Six's.
"Hey, is everything alright?"
Well, that was kind of a stupid question. A better question was 'what wasn't alright?' Yet for Nine, it didn't feel like that, at least not as much. The look in his deep brown eyes, the cold yet comforting hand reaching out to her. A safe haven in a world of nothing but chaos and pain.
Nine felt an odd feeling well up in her chest, one she couldn't recall the last time it appeared. Yet she didn't let it show. She couldn't. At least she didn't feel like it. All she knew how to do was to put on the proverbial mask, a mischievous smile growing on her face.
"Aw, is my little snowflake worried? What a sweet little thing you are~"
She raised a black gloved hand to hold his cheek, doting on him not entirely unlike she did with Celica. "Don't you worry about a thing, that's supposed to be my job."
Six practically froze up, ironically. Nine just seemed to have a way of making him do that. Before he could completely formulate a response, she downed the rest of her coffee, clearly not wanting to waste anymore time than she already had. It was not on their side. As quickly as their break started, it just as abruptly ended.
He was left to his own metaphorical devices as she went back to her physical one after putting her now empty cup back on the table, letting out a quiet sigh to himself. This was nothing new to him, something he should've seen coming a mile away. Was he stupid for expecting anything to change? Probably.
More than anything, he yearned for Nine to be able to be vulnerable with him for once. He wasn't expecting her to turn into the mushy, sappy type of girlfriend, that just wasn't who she was, especially not with Doomsday on the horizon. When neither of them knew if they'd ever even get to see another sunrise. The sardonic sense of humor, the brashness, the unwavering drive, that was what drew him to her in the first place.
She deserved better. So, so much better. He didn't know yet if he could put himself into that category, but he'd be damned if he didn't help her get it. As far as he was concerned, she needed it more than anyone. And perhaps there was some objective validity in that belief. At least he hoped so.
Nine was a prime example of one being a product of her environment, and he knew that better than most. Though at the same time the idea brought him some comfort. Perhaps in the next world said environment would be better, they could live the life they were robbed of at every single turn...together. One free of violence, pain, and strife. One where Nine wouldn't have to sacrifice everything. One where she could be who she truly was and not have to watch her back 24/7. One where she could be herself, be vulnerable.
Six would fight for that life. Even if he had to experience all the pain and suffering she did ten times over.
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boonsmoon · 6 months
Request: Please more scenarios with Crimson (from ragna crimson), he weighed in one in which y/n was the past love of crimson and for some reason he died because of the dragon god (I don't know maybe a whim or something like that) and then crimson decided to betray him
Not sure I got this right, so correct me if I'm wrong! Fluff to angst? I'm not good at that stuff so pray for me
Request Masterlist Crimson x m!reader Genres:🎉🥀💞🧪
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You weren't sure how long you've been a dragon, let alone been apart of the winged bloodline. It was definitely long enough to forget your past life. The days of being human merged with dragon, sometimes you forgot who you once were, why you were here, how this all happened.
It wasn't hard to remember every time you saw your monarch though. He was as captivating as the day you first met him, what drew you into even willingly accepting to be a dragon.
At first your love could clearly be seen to be unrequited, Crimson held no care for you other than your use as a tool. It's still one sided if you ask anyone, however, you notice the glances he gives you, you notice how he pays slightly more attention to your words than others.
In your eyes, this was Crimson falling for you, no matter the lies told to cover up any emotions it was clear as day to you. The king finally started to love you back, after so many years of one sided admiration and love.
In private, it was almost as if you were a real couple, "what village would you like me to raid tonight, my love?" You would ask him.
"None, you will scout for the village with the densest population and report back to me," Crimson would respond with no change in tone or attitude to your pet name.
Around others was always different, not quite embarrassing, but almost seeming unprofessional. "Honey, there are 3 villages in close proximity to each other," you say to Crimson, "we could raid them all in one night."
"You idiot! I am no 'honey' of yours. Cease with these foolish ideas and focus on being more productive," he responds. The words seem harsh, but you know he doesn't mean them, so it's fine.
That was until the Dragon God started demanding more from your bloodline. Everyone was expected to meet his expectations, so you moved faster, worked harder, fought to become stronger.
Over time it was clear that you were overworking yourself, who knew dragons could get exhausted? Definitely not you this entire time.
Behind closed doors Crimson could easily tell you to rest, to take breaks and regain strength. But when confronted with your responsibilities after going back to reality? It must be forgotten, your life is expendable to him.
You were on your death bed, stuck in the sun and unable to move from the wounds you've been dealt. It was in your last moment you wanted to see Crimson, to have him tell you again to rest while the sun was out.
As a dragon, you couldn't be that lucky. Your sins far outweighed your wants in this cruel world. Your last vision was on a horrendous creature, one so terrifying you would've ran if you could. The aura of this beast was unlike any other you've seen.
It was after that you felt the ground move under you, that you saw it move. And with rougher movements came a deep voice that shook the earth.
"You have failed me, you have brought disgrace to your name and bloodline," your vision nearly went out completely before you heard its last words.
"Now you perish like the dishonorable monster you are."
Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. The rumbling stopped, and there was peace.
Your body was nearly gone when Crimson found you. Risking his own safety to bring you to some shade. It was when he finally got you somewhere safe, that he knew you were gone.
This broke the monarch. His resolve destroyed now that the one person he cared for was gone. None of this would've happened if the Dragon God never interfered, none of this would've happened if Crimson made you stay back for the night.
There was no one to blame for your fate than the Dragon God and himself. Crimson vowed that day to kill the 'god' and put an end to all dragons, including himself.
From now on he will never worship another other than himself. He will never love another other than himself. Only he makes the rules, and others will follow. They will know the cost of not heeding his advice if their life.
He will close his heart off to the world to save himself.
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i would like to clarify that im bad at angst, but im proud of this
again, tell me if the request was wrong bc im not sure this was what you wanted
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chaoskirin · 8 months
Review of Song of the Summer King (The Summer King Chronicles #1) by Jess E. Owen.
Really loved this book. It's an interesting take on someone caught between two worlds, and even though the main character, Shard, has grown up to respect the king, Sverin, he's also different from most of the other gryfons in the pride.
When he was a kit, his home was invaded by the father of the king, and he was the only kit spared. This means he's much different than the others his age in both appearance and ability, and much of the story focuses on this nature.
He WANTS to be part of this kingdom. He WANTS to be useful to the king. But there's always an underlying discomfort in the way he's written, and I love that. The book is also not predictable on the surface; Shard fears exile and I was so sure he'd be exiled immediately, and the whole book would be about him finding himself and becoming independent and returning triumphant, but time and time again, I was pleasantly surprised by the direction this book takes.
Shard doesn't want to make anyone angry. He wants the whole world to get along, and his decisions often reflect this. He refuses to believe that he can't please everyone, and finds himself working both sides in order to stay in everyone's good graces. And it's just so well-written. In fact, I couldn't put it down… I read it in two days!
The characters are beautifully written, each with a unique voice and purpose. I especially love Catori, the wolf, who felt so soft-spoken in her dialogue but had an inner strength I really loved. Also, I really loved Ragna and hope to see more of her in future books.
I had a few issues with the book, but the story shines through them, so I can't even take off a star. First, the very beginning did almost make me put it down. I'm talking within the first few pages. The main character's name is just written over and over, and it gets soooo repetitive. There's also a few typos. I was also grated by a switch that flipped in Shard's head that made him seem jealous of his wingbrother, Kjorn. We never really saw their relationship, but it seemed pretty solid from the snippets at the beginning, and Kjorn was always loyal to him. So the resentment behind anyone calling them "wingbrothers" was confusing, and was the only predictable portent in the book: I knew they'd end up at odds.
Anyway, loved it. Can't wait to read the next!
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