#he missed out on a key element of dad lore
active-mind-15 · 5 months
Masaomi being too strict of a father with the activities his son did led to him not experiencing the canon dad event of trying to keep your family together at a theme park in this essay I will—
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frogwiththephatahh · 24 days
I don't like Murder Drones...but I can't stop watching it
Okay, OBJECTIVELY...Murder Drones is bad. Like on a fundamental level. It's lore is too complicated and doesn't get explained well in the show itself, the characters are bland and most of them are unlikable, the voice direction can be a hit or miss, and overall it's written very poorly.
If you're just watching the show for the first time, going in completely blind, it is impossible to understand. Because the show wants to "show, don't tell" and honestly THAT'S GOOD! The issue is...this lore is too complicated to NOT tell. Hiding extremely important details in dimly lit backgrounds was a poor choice. I would be forgiving if lighting or camera direction brought attention to certain details, but the entire show is usually pretty dark and there's nothing eye catching about them that makes it clear "this element is important and I should look at it." The first time I watched Murder Drones all the way through, I then had to go watch like two hours of theory and explanation videos made by people who either 1. stay caught up on outside sources (interviews, forums, team social media, etc.) or 2. went through the entire series and meticulously analyzed every background to get the full story.
Don't get me wrong, it is perfectly acceptable to hide secrets and details in your backgrounds and environments. But not key information necessary for understanding the core elements of the show.
Also, a lot of important context is left out of episodes. I was so confused when I finished episode two, came back to episode three, and Uzi had superpowers. Important decisions and conversations characters have are done off screen. I understand this is probably because of budget and time constraints, but I also understand that Glitch gives their creators a LOT of creative freedoms to tell the story they need to tell in the amount of time they need to tell it. And Murder Drones is a series that definitely needed the wiggle room to explore its own ideas.
Now, the thing that REALLY made me almost turn this show off entirely...the characters. The writing of the characters is bad. Like...infuriatingly bad. This is because the show wants to "tell, don't show" with their characters. Which you should never do. ESPECIALLY with your main characters.
I do not need to be told three times an episode that Uzi is an "angsty teen." I got that when in her very first scene she brings a gun to her school. I do not need to be told how cute and nice N is. I got that when he mistakes Uzi for another disassembly drone and immediately starts acting chipper around her. I probably would have enjoyed Uzi's character a lot more if the show wasn't insistent on making her only notable trait "troubled kid."
And yes, I understand that Uzi refers to herself as an angsty teen because it's how she wants to be perceived. It is still very annoying. And she is not the only character that essentially walks up to the camera, says "hello, this is my name, and this is my character trait," and then walks away.
And all the characters who aren't Uzi or N fall into three catagories: Mean, Stupid, or Forgettable. And a lot of them are in more than one! You could not pay me to care about J, Uzi's dad, or really any of the other robots in the colony. And the show doesn't care about them!
Episode 4: Cabin Fever is the worst instance of this. (Vague Spoilers ahead) A vast majority of Uzi's classmates are killed off in this episode. In pretty gruesome ways. BY UZI. And the show passes it off as a lighthearted compilation of Monster!Uzi showing off her powers. Now, I know these are nothing characters. Most of them don't even have names. But they are still Uzi's CLASSMATES. People she grew up with. And yeah, she didn't get along with them, but we saw before this episode that, despite how much she claims not to, Uzi cares for others. She has a sense of morality. It's out of character and honestly pretty jarring to see her...not give a shit about murdering her own classmates.
It's a strange trait to give a character whose main goal is stopping the end of the world, is what I'm trying to say.
Clearly, I have a lot of problems with this show. Problems I don't have time to name here, or problems I just forgot about because there are so many of them.
So why do I love this show??
It has a saving grace. I can forgive the bad writing, the shitty characters, the nonsensical lore...because the art direction is just that good.
This show is gorgeous. It has amazing backgrounds and sets, appealing character designs, camera direction that's so good it should be in a cinema...it's a nice show to look at.
Despite having mostly the same base builds, every character (except V and J but that just might be me idk I can never tell them apart) looks entirely different and can be picked easily out of a crowd. The monster designs ESPECIALLY are what kept me coming back over and over again.
Despite everything I've just said, I do think Liam Vickers is extremely talented when it comes to animation and art. He was a storyboard artist before becoming a show runner for Glitch and Murder Drones SHOWS THAT. There were shots in MD that literally took my breath away. His character designs are also amazing. I especially loved the elements he brought over from Cliffside and gave to Cyn/Absolute Solver.
Having robot characters with LED screens for eyes that they can use to emote or even write messages for one another is genius. Having the main antagonist kill her human master and WEAR HER SKIN is crazy and I love it. Giving the robots a virus that can pass on genetically is also a really cool concept for humanized androids.
Although scenes are often darkly lit, because the characters have parts on them that literally glow, it's easier to pick them out.
The action scenes are phenominal as well, and have so much thought put into them. Characters like Uzi, Cyn, and uhhh the russian one I don't remember her name oh god being able to pick up and throw objects in their environment makes for really interesting and creative fight scenes. The anatomy of the disassembly drones also seem purposefully tailored for fight scenes. With hands that can shift into weapons, tails with poisoned barbs on the end, and huge, sharp wings, the murder drones have a LOT of different tactics they can use in a fight.
In conclusions: Murder Drones can best be enjoyed by turning your brain off and watching the pretty colors. And somehow it works.
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helioshellion · 3 years
Woah just went thru the gilded eden tag, so so interesting and intriguing!!! Do you have like a description for it or like what its about? Unless that's a secret for now which i totally get and am so excited to see more of :D even though I don't know much about ur au there's something really, really compelling about it in a way that sometimes i find the actual series misses (not trying to put the games down or anything!)
HEEHEE *EVIL SMILE* i can give a synopsis!
Gilded Eden is a semi-canon compliant semi-canon divergent story detailing Majima after the hole, but before Yakuza 0, though the story mainly focuses on Sagawa.
The Story Takes Massive inspiration from Disco Elysium and Breaking Bad, with a large focus on exploring how Sagawa and Majima see each other. Sagawa acts as a "surrogate father-uncle" after Shimano, Majima's adoptive dad, yknow. And Majima, who has just been through hell and back, has to recover, which is why you see pics of him in a cast or a cane.
There's a lot of slight story changes, such as making Mirei and Katsuya exist in the story for a period of time. It puts a large focus on the idea of Family. But like. Yknow. Painful family. Think Walter White and Jesse Pinkman if you've ever seen Breaking Bad. (I also took BRBA as design philosophy for the clothes that Majima and Sagawa both wear, earthy-tones and low-key jackets n shit.)
Shimano is also an active player in the story, and using some context clues from 0, GE explores that Sagawa and Shimano really don't like each other, and only speak to each other if they can get something out of each other. The story puts a lot of emphasis on exploring Sagawa's brain, since I find him a super interesting character. There's also a lot of OCs in the story that I may show at a later time.
Sagawa, in my own lore for Gilded Eden, was a nurse when he was younger, a very intelligent one, but he was like..Those nurses. Who only care about the Sick and Injured relying on him, not actually helping them. He cares abt the feeling of Controlling people, being the sole-savior of them, which is why hes the one in charge of Majima's recovery, and the more Majima RECOVERS, the more antagonistic, but also Friendly, Sagawa becomes.
As the story progresses, Majima becomes more and more the focal point, ending in him being the true Main Character. Also, it explores Sagawa living in "Two separate worlds," Existing in the day as seemingly, a kindly old man, and in the night, a cutthroat businessman playboy. These masks he wears becomes a super important element in the plot.
The story ALSOOO explores the idea of Sagawa and Majima being parallels of each other, they SEE each other in the other. Y'know, Self-Recognition through the Other. It sort of explores the idea that Majima didn't take the majority of the Mad Dog act from Nishitani, it mostly came from Sagawa. Nishitani was just the dressing.
Which- Nishitani! Him and Billiken are both main characters, with Nishitani first starting out as a friendly force in Sagawa's life, a sort of respectful rivalry, that slowly transforms into a bitter distrust and hatred on Nishitani's part. Billiken acts as a neutral party, sometimes helping out Sagawa, but remaining ultimately loyal to Nishitani, his son. Billiken acts as a reflection of Sagawa and Majima, a sort of, "Hey, we're both guys with sort-of sons, huh? What are you gonna do with that power?"
THE STORY is divided into "Seasons" like a show, with each season having a time skip, which reflects in the changing designs. One of the seasons include Men who were once apart of the Sasai Family, hunting Majima down as they blame him for the destruction of their family. Another has your usual Omi Alliance Yakuza conspiracy plot that Sagawa has to solve.
BUT YEAH, gilded eden is a story ive been working on for a long long time. Idk if I'll ever have the. Mental Power to make it a full fanfiction or a comic, but we'll see! It's supposed to be a super. Grim, but realistic grounded story, something super different from usual yakuza. Which, again, I took a lot of inspiration from disco elysium and breaking bad.
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fanfoolishness · 3 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
Tagged by @novantinuum, thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3?
242 works. The actual fuck??? Wow, me. Of course, this does span about 9 years, so I guess that's not that insane?
What’s your total word count on AO3
549,737! But that averages out to only 2271 words per story, haha. You got me! I think I have less than 10 fics that have more than 1 chapter. I love one-shots, what can I say?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Oh, you want to get into this? All right. We'll get into this:
The X-Files, proto-fandom, ur-fandom, first OTP ever... yeah, 15-year-old me went. WILD. Many horrible Mulder/Scully stories, and some Doggett/Scully and character study stories as well. Mostly not very good, but with occasional flashes of decent writing. Really had a difficult time writing romantic feelings between 30+ year-olds given a) I did not date in high school and b) was 17 and not an emotionally stunted FBI agent.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - not a huge volume of stories, but definitely some very angsty Spuffy and Spike tales.
Harry Potter - just one published fic (Lupin grieving Sirius), and one with Snape and Harry having a heart to heart I could never quite get right.
Then came the dark times (vet school) where I was exhausted and hard at work for a few years and I thought, horribly, I might have outgrown fandom. Thank god for...
X-Men First Class and the undying love of Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr! I'd never fallen for a slash ship before but my god I fell hard for this one and wrote my first fandom smut and my first real AU (mutants with zombies) that I never finished.
Then.... let's see...
Quantum Leap drabbles!
Two Avatar the Last Airbender fics!
Agents of SHIELD fics, mostly focused on Coulson and FitzSimmons, and super angsty.
Bioshock Infinite sads (god I love writing the sad bad dad)!
And then the juggernauts of Mass Effect (my longest fic to date with 30 chapters!) and Dragon Age, which were endlessly productive and are still productive given the variety of different protagonists you can create, different choices, and different relationships to canon characters. I'm still working on a Hawke/Varric fic in the back of my mind here.
There's one random Gravity Falls fic (wish I could have got a little more obsessed with it, or gotten into it while it aired) of Stan sads, and one tiny Avengers ficlet of a sad Tony and Peter.
There's one Wheel of Time fic! Dammit I wanted Rand and Tam to reunite so much sooner than they did.
40-odd Steven Universe fics! So many SU fics!
One random Schitt's Creek fic of David and Patrick!
And finally, The Mandalorian, with 47 fics. Phew!!!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. The Invitation, The Mandalorian. Din Djarin finds himself in dreams that seem realer than real, reminding him of his loss, but he begins to find a sense of hope again. A promise is kept.
2. The Outstretched Hand, The Mandalorian. Din Djarin is a man of action, but sometimes, the quiet finds its way in. Din reckons with the aftermath of the events of Chapter 14, the Tragedy. (My very first Mando fic!)
3. Not the Sentimental Type, Steven Universe. Priyanka Maheswaran has long prided herself on keeping her emotions in check. But a mother's love can only grow, and sometimes it expands to people she never anticipated. Like the Universe boy.
4. Translation, The Mandalorian. Din Djarin was a man of few words, but many languages. Some might have thought the Child had no language at all. Din Djarin and the Child grow to understand each other.
5. Full Disclosure, Steven Universe. Just as the world begins to recover from Spinel's attack, Steven starts having nightmares. The more he ignores his fears, the worse they become, until he's left with no other choice but to ask for help. (My thoughts on what would drive Steven Universe Future, and I wasn't far off.)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really try to! Even sometimes years later if I realize I've missed some. I appreciate each and every one, and have definitely made friendships through comments <3
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, hell... I'm too lazy to link these but if anyone wants to read them let me know or find them on my AO3!
A Stopped Clock from Bioshock Infinite has Booker DeWitt ravaged by Korsakoff's amnesia from his long-standing alcoholism. Is Columbia real or imagined? Hard to say.
The Viscount's Way shows Varric Tethras having become his parent, and a cruel, hard viscount of Kirkwall.
Songs in the Key of Red shows how Cullen fared under the dark future in Redcliffe in DAI, and they write happy endings, don't they? shows what happened to Varric. Both horribly depressing in different ways!
Two by Two, Hands of Blue shows a not unexpected end to lyrium addiction :( Poor Cullen, he got a lot of angsty developments, didn't he?
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever written?
Never really got into crossovers or AUs. Just... meh for me!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, I don't think so.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Charles/Erik, Shepard/Garrus, Shepard/Liara, Shepard/Tali, a mess of different f/f femShep drabbles, and most of my Dragon Age pairings have gotten sexytimes. On the other hand I helped start the NoRomo Mando tag for the Mandalorian to help find non-pairing Mandalorian content. Depends on the pairing and the fandom, for sure.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, thank goodness!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so! There used to be a Spanish-language wiki linking to some of my old X-Files stories XD
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but friends and I definitely will beta each others' things to help with sticky points.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ALL-TIME? Just, why? So many ships I loved in years past turned out to have pretty damn problematic elements I didn't see at the time, so it's hard to say... Mulder/Scully actually has a ton of issues, Buffy/Spike obviously has issues... so maybe Hawke/Varric (except not canon!) or Garrus/Shepard or Brosca/Alistair.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Still need to finish my Hawke/Varric fic for after Adamant! I have 3 chapters written that I haven't posted. Maybe posting them will help inspire me....
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and POV writing from different characters; I feel fantastic writing Steven and Greg, though totally at sea trying to write from Connie's POV, randomly. But I think my dialogue and emotional beats are what people tend to tune in for. When I do write romance, it's usually very sweet and silly and pulled from life. I also love writing nature scenes and settings to help establish mood. Mood and emotion and catharsis are my bread and butter, and I like my poetic prose.
What are your writing weaknesses?
What the hell is a long, well-thought-out plot? Like what even is that???? My longest fic with 30 chapters is basically "Shepard has PTSD and hangs out with her crew. They have some funerals." THAT'S IT. How the heck people actually come up with plot that ties into the lore of a fandom I genuinely have no idea and it's the biggest thing that's held me back from finishing original work. I can come up with a setting and characters and then trying to make them do stuff that's more than just talking to other characters and deepening their relationships with them... how the fuck???
I also definitely have 10-20 words that I am in constant danger of reusing like every other paragraph, LOL!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't speak any other languages so I always avoid it as much as possible. I've seen people describe sign differently in fics and picked one way to depict it that made sense to me for Grogu, but that's about it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files, of course!
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Towards Another Day, the tale of how Cullen went from being a templar in Kirkwall to commander of the Inquisition, is definitely up there.
Reverberations is one of my rare multi-chaptered fics and one of my favorite for the catharsis at the end. It makes me tear up every time. 5 times Din and Grogu encounter the Dark Side, and one time they find the Light.
Either a world for the birds (Steven develops a closer relationship with his Uncle Andy, learning birdwatching along the way) or on the subject of rocks (Steven and Jasper finally reach a peace) might take the prize for favorite SU fic.
Tagging (if you’re super bored and would like a fun thing to do) fellow writers:
@lastwordbeforetheend, @runrundoyourstuff, @honestlyhufflepuff, @art3mys, and @fake-starwars-fan if you would like to play!
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dragqueenpentheus · 3 years
Okay no one has to read this but i DO have to write it:
Ya bitch needs an art break bc im getting angry about voices existing as i try to keep myself entertained. Today is NOT a god one for sinking into repetitive line work and that’s just about all i have on the table atm
SO! Im gunna do a little thinking about my little meow meows all fucked up by religion. Just a comparison for my sanity and interests. Pyroc is my baby i wrote him for the first time years ago. Five?????????? Whadda hell. Going on six.
ANYWAY john joined religion because of his trauma. His sister died and he felt lost. He was unmoored in this fishing village and looking for reason looking for hope. Hed had his heart broken and trying to make sense of tragedy on his own was totally beyond him. Thats why his interactions with riley in AA are SO good like. He knows that confusion and he knows the rhetoric that’s supposed to combat it. Only it dooesnt work for riley.
The same sort of thing happens for pyrc, only inverted. Loss urns him away from god and religion because its SO strong in his family and not only is he loosing trust in god, but his kin as well. He’s suspicious there’s mre they arent telling him, at the point of his fathers death. And he agrees to, on the surface, absolutely wholly throw himself in to being the second the family and the village need. But he’s keeping his treachery under wraps.
That’s one of the coolest things about father paul imo is like. That slow unraveling of what is. Frankly. An awful half assed plan, driven by fear and loneliness and desperation and dementia and love. Even VERY obvious things like. Taking down the newspaper photo of his young self ‘slip’ by him. I think, on some level, its DEEPLY intentional. He wants people to CHOOSE this. He wants people like bev. He wants people who see him and are in aw of him beating god. Of killing death. He wants to be worshiped and adored and for people to come to him willingly, no tragedy driving them to his arms.
Pyroc also wnats to be worshipped, but he ALSO wants to do the worshipping. He really longs for an element of almost????? But not quite??? Subjection?? He wants to be shown something and for a Great Voice to tell him, unquestioningly and unerringly that it is GOOD. Full stop. And then he wants to spend his life worshipping it. But this booko is an exploration of how….. no such thing exists. And more importantly no great voice exists either. There is nothing wholly good, nothing wholy evil. His lack of faith in himself once he becomes god is him starting to understand that as well. Thats on purpose baked into the lore. The starting point was ‘what if god was a position and in order to get promoted you had to be a murderer. No matter what’. He understands things are not wholly good, at that point. I onder how long it will be for him to realize they are not fully evil as well?
Bc pruitt does hm hm hm an interesting move. Where he takes something the narritve is very sure to communicate is EVIL no wiggle room just fact. Even if its driven by animal instinct its. Evil. And he makes it, not just good, but HOLY. And god i LOVEEEE that for him i ADOREEE that what a MOVE. Driven by desperation and dementia and relief and ‘if god saved me than maybe i can be good despite loving and sinning and maybe if i defeat god then i will be Thee Good’. SO sexy of him. Im really fascinated by his morality. He seems to have an understanding of the shades of grey in some respects??? But if he had a BETTER one with more forgiveness in his heart i feel like hed have left the church anyway after sarah was born??? Even if millie didnt ask him??? That might just be my own sensibilities creeping in but ….. like he culd have seen her on the weekends. He can do other jobs. Hes straight (??? Not totally convinced of this) he could have just dated her that makes me crazy. LIKE OBV HE HAD LINES HE THOUGHT THAT WOULD CROSS AND HE HAD INTERNALIZED THE CHURCH AND THE RULES AND SHE WAS MARRIED AND ECT ECT i know he couldnt have really but. Thye were straight. They coulda.
Im not gunna do fantasy homophobia bc i think its …………….. Boring. But i think some element of??? The vindlegaurd line MUST be passed along and for that particular rules must be applied. But thats also boring as hell :/ maybe i can work in my parthenogenesis lore?????????? I bet pyroc would love building that spell in any universe. That’s the sequal when he goes to magic university in helsin. But yeah i do like the concept that. Anyone can have a baby thru magic its just a time and energy commitment. Just a matter of wanting it enough together. Every baby is so deeply wanted and its mere existence is proof. Thats dope i love that. HMMM to be decided at a later date when im deeper into the story i think. I still havent figured out fully how and where and why orion is going to be invovled and if???? Pyroc and orion are even going to be romantic??????? Im torn im TORn…….
Thikns about john bonding w sarah over science and learning and starts wEEPING…. Like theres some surity beloved. Its just a matter of uncovering. I think sarah felt that same thirst for answers and hunted them differently. Her faith is in logic and science. I loveeee her god. Every scene w her and her dad absolutely RUIN me like!!!!!! SHE DOESNT KNOW!!! SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW LOVED SHE IS!!!!!! I hope at hte very end she saw the blood as the gesture of love it SO clearly was and not him trying to poison her. God i love that she spat it out. GOD. Thats about being gay, btw. Spits the religious offering that could save you across the gasoline soaked church floor like BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we as a collective should talk about the possibiites around sarah/erin more. Bc their defiance combined would be. Earth SHATTERING for crockett.
In the future pyroc gets a kid. Ever since that campaign where Enemy ended up playing his daughter im like. How did i NOT know this idiot wanted nothing more in the entire world than to travel it with his daughter. I dont care how or why hes getting a kid. Hed be so doting and awful abut it. He would need orion as a co-parent for the kids self esteem to be normal levels. thINKS ABOUT PAUL GETTING TO RAISE SARAH AND JUST ABSOLUTELY GASSING HER UPPPPPPPP HANGING EVERY DOODLE SHE EVER MADE ON TEH FRIDGE. BOASTING ABOUT HER SCEINECE PROJECT OT ANYONE WITHIN EYESIGHT EVEN THOUGH ‘WE K N O W JOHNWE WERE ALL AT THE SCEINCE FAIR’!!!!!!!!!!! Let these fuck ups be doting fathers im fucking begging. That scene where paul is like. You take ccare of everyone on the island sarah. Its more than being a doctor. You comfort them.
HM HM comfort is such a thing for Miss Bitch like!! He sees it as a Good Thing. He tries to bring it for riley by asking to hold the AA meetings on island ((also manipulation. Obvously also manipulation. I wouldnt have bene shocked if he was slipping the vampire blood into the coffee every meeting either. But thats just a theory. A game theory.)) ANYWAY he sees comfort as hly. The church gave it to him when he needed it. The angel gave it to him in the cave. Feeling safe and warm is HIGH on his list of priorities and what makes him hand over respect.
I think pyroc has lived a very comfortable life in SO many ways, but in none he. Activly recognizes. A key part of his character arc his him…. Opening his eyes to the world around them. Seeing the privilege he has and being like. Wait. This isnt Right. We have to change thi. And when no one agrees ti shifts to I have to change this. With Violence. A little revolutionary <3 it only costs the life of his whole ass family
Thats more fun comparison ground like…… paul is SO much about I know whats right and there is a cost but i AM ignoring it. Like HE KNOOOOWSSSS he knooooows he just doesnt want o See. I’m not sure if im going to surprise yroc with the ……megadeath of. His whole family. Or if it’s a choice he has to activly make. I think a choice makes it more compelling, more layerd. It has to be in the moment though, becaus ei think thats. A key difference between them. Pyroc wouldnt do it.. hed just leave hed peace out and do what he could in small ways. But he wouldnt do his big stand off with god. Hed shrink his goals in order to not hurt his family. Out of love?? Intimidation?? Some instinct wihtin him that balks at the idea of disobedience??? I think even he doesnt know. But i LOVE john becaue he jsut decides to lie. He closes his eyes and says i am being stupid on purpose. I think thats PERHAPS more compelling than good guy coward pyroc BUT!!!!! Thats who he is rip to ths little man. Cant change him now hes a whole ass child in my head. The PLOT i can change. Him….. not without massive character development <3
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MM set my brain on FIRE!!!! Im so glad nano is coming up. I love sharpening pyroc against the comparison of other AMAZING characters. Father paul hill my beloved millstone <3 anyway sorry to anyone who reads this its literally me unhinging my jaw and emptying my brain out. I had to write stuff that wasn’t novel or fic. A little character time down and dirty. I wil NOT be editing this love and light to future me trying to decode this
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Superman & Lois Reveals the Truth About Morgan Edge’s Krypton Plan
This article contains Superman & Lois episode 10 spoilers.
Superman & Lois Episode 10
Superman & Lois episode 10, “O Mother, Where Art Thou” picks up literally at the moment where we left the show last week, with Morgan Edge revealing to Superman that he’s not only a Kryptonian, but that he may very well be his brother. There was just enough ambiguity in that reveal to leave us wondering if Edge meant it metaphorically or literally, but as this episode explains, he really did mean it. If nothing else, he is biologically the half-brother of Kal-El.
But that’s somehow not even close to the biggest thing that went down in this episode of Superman & Lois, so let’s get down to it…
Tal-Ro and Zeta-Ro 
Just to get this out of the way up front, as far as I can tell, neither Tal-Ro (Morgan Edge’s Kryptonian name) or Zeta-Ro (his father) are names from the pages of DC Comics. In fact, the concept of Superman having a literal biological half-brother like this, one that doesn’t involve any kind of fakeout (or a dream/hoax/imaginary story) is completely new.
Lara Lor-Van
But, it’s important to note that the show points out one key difference between Lara’s previous family and the one she started with Jor-El later on. Lara (while in the body of Lana Lang) explains that she had been “genetically matched” with Zeta-Ro, and Tal-Ro was their offspring. She makes it a point to mention that she fell in love with Jor-El and “gave birth” to Kal-El. Why is this significant? 
When John Byrne rebooted the Superman comics in 1986 (before “reboot” was a word we all threw around a lot), one of the key changes he made to the mythology was making Krypton a society seemingly devoid of love, and one that had possibly even moved beyond the pursuit of sex as the primary means of reproduction (let alone recreation). Partners were matched based on their genetic compatibility to produce the most suitable offspring, and children were conceived and carried to term in a kind of high tech birthing matrix. Jor-El and Lara were unique in that they actually fell in love, and their love influenced their decision to send baby Kal-El away.
Sound familiar? There were elements of this in Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel movie. But that film took it a step further, where Jor-El and Lara conceived Kal the old-fashioned (and more fun) way, and Lara gave birth to him in the traditional manner, as well. So just the shift in those couple of words in Lana/Lara’s exposition points out the fact that while yes, Edge may technically be Superman’s half-brother, it doesn’t quite carry the same weight.
Nature vs. Nurture
Ah, the tale as old as time in Superman stories. Is a potentially all-powerful Kryptonian inherently good, or only as good as the environment in which they are raised?
But this episode takes it a step further. It isn’t that Tal-Ro was raised by an evil version of the Kents, it’s simply that he ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and only saw humanity’s less noble characteristics. Again, it’s subtle, but it’s a hint that in Superman’s world, nobody is truly beyond redemption…although Edge sure is making a solid case for himself in that regard. Jerk.
The Eradicator
So, it turns out that the secret ingredient to Edge’s infusing of Kryptonian souls/consciousness into human bodies was something called the Eradicator. What is the Eradicator? Folks, I sure am glad you asked!
The Eradicator was arguably the single most important macguffin in Superman comics (if not all of DC Comics) from the late ‘80s through at least the mid-90s. It’s a millennia old device that was created to preserve Kryptonian culture, albeit with the “eradication” of others. Uh-oh.
The Eradicator survived the destruction of Krypton and eventually came into Superman’s possession, and the device decided it should protect Krypton’s last survivor…sometimes by trying to turn Earth into New Krypton (whoops) and other times by altering Superman’s mind to make it more Kryptonian (double whoops), and ultimately by evolving into a humanoid form that looked like Superman after the Man of Steel perished at the hands of Doomsday (ok, that part’s understandable).
It’s serving a pretty similar purpose here, this time with the added bonus of having been corrupted by Zeta-Ro. Between that and the fact that Edge is basically carrying on the Eradicator’s comics mission for it, I have to wonder if we’re headed for a scenario where Edge merges with the device and basically becomes the Arrowverse equivalent of the humanoid Eradicator/Krypton Man/what have you down the road.
Although it’s pretty cool that this thing is going to be housed in the Fortress for a while, and that opens up other story possibilities.
The Solar Flare
Admittedly, the how and why Superman’s solar flare is able to help “fix” all the Smallville residents who were housing Kryptonian souls is a little fuzzy. But it IS the first time we’ve seen this particular power used in any media outside the comics.
Superman is often described as a living solar battery. All of his powers are a result of his cells absorbing solar radiation like they’re batteries, and as long as he’s in proximity to a yellow sun, it’s basically an inexhaustible power supply. Almost all of his powers are manifestations of that solar power in some way, with perhaps heat vision being the most tangible representation of it.
But in recent Superman comics, it was revealed that when necessary, Clark can release all that excess solar energy stored in his body in one massive blast. When he does, he’s out of gas for days or weeks, but it can be done where necessary. I have to appreciate how it wasn’t used as a video game special attack for a boss fight here, and was instead used in a healing capacity. Good lord, this show gets it.
The Fortress of Solitude…and Another One?
This is why at the end of the episode we see Superman crawling to the Fortress, clutching the Eradicator like a football. He used the last of his power to get there, and he’s so weak he can barely walk. Cut to Morgan Edge and Leslie Larr…
…who appear to have a Fortress of Solitude of their own, this one in the desert. It’s kind of cool that these Kryptonian fortresses always seem to have an elemental quality to them. How much do you wanna bet that Edge’s fortress is powered by the stolen Kryptonian sunstone crystal that houses Lara’s knowledge and memories?
Metropolis Mailbag
And none of the above even gets into all the other great bits in the episode! 
Another standout episode for the Kent sons, particularly Jonathan, who once again shows that he doesn’t need powers to be an awful lot like his Dad.
Or what about that genuinely chilling performance from Erik Valdez?
Or the introduction of Dabney Donovan to the Arrowverse! Another Jack Kirby creation joins Morgan Edge…this guy is one to watch if you know the comics.
Tyler Hoechlin spent more time in costume in this episode than several other episodes combined, and I can now safely say that nobody has embodied the character this perfectly since Christopher Reeve. It was all about the quieter moments, particularly his chat with Lana.
Speaking of quieter moments (and Lana), Elizabeth Tulloch and Emmanuelle Chriqui’s heartbreaking scene when Lana volunteers for the Eradicator process sure was something, wasn’t it?
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Got any questions about this momentous episode of Superman & Lois? Spot some deep Superman lore that we missed? Let us know in the comments!
The post Superman & Lois Reveals the Truth About Morgan Edge’s Krypton Plan appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3cJV5iZ
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prongsmydeer · 3 years
Ayesha Liveblogs Oh My Ghost (2018) Ep. 1-8
As a precursor to the mildly harrowing journey I’m about to take you on, you should know that I initially liveblogged this in a Discord chat, so what I liveblogged is purposely not emphasizing some of the stranger elements of this show. Anyway, I thought, well why not have this fever dream live on my blog too. Spoilers ahead, but as I’ve said: it’s not that I recommend this show, but I did watch the whole thing
This woman is chanting at a rooftop altar in a lightning storm so I'm guessing she's responsible for the horny ghost
Just as I was pondering the fact that this is the only piece of Thai media I have consumed in which the main characters are not, to my knowledge, mlm or wlw, the next three characters to appear on screen were all gay (I do think they're just bit roles and not important characters but it was funny timing)
Update: God this is the second show premised upon Magical Virginity set in Asia I've seen in the past few months; r u ok Thailand and Japan
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In an ironic twist of fate, she can't go to the afterlife unless she has sex with someone.... as a ghost????
I don't care for most of the chefs in this kitchen; both the sous-chef and executive chef seem to physically intimidate staff below them 
In more fun news Jiw, the shy main character, seems to see all sorts of dead people, since she is currently being haunted by spectres other than Horny Ghost, who has not yet met her
Grandma's explanation for why Jiw sees ghosts is that it's hereditary
I'm oddly endeared by this sudden auto-rickshaw-chasing-a-taxi shenanigan, makes me miss India a little
“The onIy thing I can’t let go now is just that” It appears that the fact her virginity is relevant not because it's part of some greater Thai ghost lore, but because she specifically really wants to have sex but died before she could. The Horny Ghost Title prevails
It has been implied that Sun the Executive Chef may somehow be one of the 1-in-ten-million-men who could withstand having sex with a ghost, I now understand the trajectory of this show
“If one day you happen to possess someone who has exactly the same frequency as you, you will never be able to leave that body” The heavy-handed exposition is great
Reasons I Do Not Trust Sun the Executive Chef: 
1) He seems p harsh with his staff
2) He was rude to his mum
3) He doesn't like rice!!!! Who do u think u are!!! Gluten-intolerant???
Oh my goooood, I think Win the Handsome Restaurant Staff Who Studied Abroad (who I have been rooting for since he was introduced purely because he's handsome) might be Jiw's love interest hkjhgkjhgkhg
It might be a love square!!! Jiw and Win falling for each other while Horny Ghost tries to get with Sun the Executive Chef
“You know why I don’t like you?” SUN YOU ARE HER EMPLOYER!!!
He's right but he's rude 😔:
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“A woman shouldn’t have scars on her hands” The context of this comment is that Jiw has just spilled hot soup on her hands kjhfkhfjhf sorry Sun, femininity isn't flame-retardant
Sun's tragic backstory is that he was also once a crybaby who apologized too much
Though in fairness to Jiw, if I were seeing ghosts and had this kind of work culture, I'd be stressed out too 
Jury's still out on Sun; I do like Sun's sister and her husband, they both seem very nice so far
I'm confused by the fact that Jiw's landlord seems to barge into her place anytime he wants??? Also he's threatening her to evict her for her Ghost-Be-Gone-Rituals   
The first actual hint of romance: Sun is commenting on Jiw's food blog, which he doesn't know belongs to her, bc he thinks her recipe and passion for cooking is nice
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KUHHGDKJHGKJDHGKJHSJDKHG Horny Ghost has now possessed Jiw and has just THROWN SUN TO THE GROUND for trying to root through her purse for the storage room key
My guess is that the Horny Ghost will try to get with Sun the Executive Chef, while inhabiting Jiw’s body Greed-from-FMAB-style
Ep 2: Horny Ghost is attempting to figure out what Jiw's job is in this restaurant while still impersonating/possessing her
Barely ten minutes in and she has already challenged the sous-chef to a fight
Horny Ghost’s only priorities are fucking and fighting
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God it's so hard get through this show it's too embarrassing
Jiw has been saved from further embarrassment because Sun has been taken into the police station. Bc he firmly escorted a food blogger out of his restaurant in ep 1 for yelling at his staff and now she's filing false charges against him. Whack
Why is there a shower in the back of this restaurant??? I was willing to accept the lockers for their stuff but the shower perplexes me. Was this building formerly a gym??
And yeah I don't know if I'll make it through this whole show bc I have to pause every minute or two to be embarrassed
I feel all of these emotions
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Horny Ghost!Jiw is taking Handsome Study-Abroad Win on a date; I feel bad for both Jiw and Win bc I think they have a vibe going on hgkjhgjh
Executive Chef Sun is solving his B Plot problems by leaving fake positive reviews about his own restaurant
Sun is mad at his mom for settling his legal dispute bc she wasn't there when he was a Sad Little Rich Boy (Now he is simply a Mad Tall Rich Man)
I keep forgetting that the Sous Chef's name is Rain; hgkjhgkjhg I wonder if Sun hired him for the comedy of it
Oh with added context Sun and his mom had a rough go of it actually, she had him young and sent his sister to live with their aunt and kind of really did leave Sun to fend for himself
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Sun's mom and Horny Ghost's Nemesis (Auntie Pu) are hanging out bc Sun's mom is very superstitious
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Also dear god these episodes are each an hour long???
An earlier sidenote: There was a scene where Auntie Pu seemed to be heckled by God for her inability to catch Horny Ghost
Executive Chef Sun is now shooting a cooking competition and Rain has been thrown out by security so I'm guessing that Sun and Horny Ghost will be ✨ live ✨ on ✨ television ✨
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So the theme of the cooking competition is Mom's Home Cooking and they've mentioned like 3 times that Sun's mom never cooked anything for him
I know this is supposed to be a sad moment for Sun but I'm cracking up bc he reacted like he'd just been shot kghkjgh
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Horny Ghost is helppppppppppppppppping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh noooooooo the sad old man restaurant owner having a hard time with his business who they occasionally cut to is Horny Ghost's dad, it seems!!
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You know, ironically even though the other Thai media I've watched has been set mostly coming of age/university stories, this is the first thing aside from Love of Siam that has  put such emphasis on the parents. Most other media has been ‘1-2 parent scenes in the whole thing is enough’
Awww Dad's Restaurant used to be so bustling with life when Kaopoon was still alive 💔
Kaopoon's obnoxious personality really suited her old life!!
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What an unexpected turn towards sincerity and emotional depth
In more light-hearted news, Sun is still vain as hell 
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Also shout-out to Thailand for the adult orthodontics representation kjhkgjh I noticed this in 2gether as well, it seems a p common thing
Kaopoon has made the bold choice of hanging out of with her dad and snooping through her old room. I can only imagine this will lead to a fight with her brother, bc she has Jiw's face
Another ongoing subplot mildly stressing me out: Sun's sister Nam is married to a policeman and it turns out that Kaopoon used to have a crush on him when she was alive and I'm like DON'T FLIRT WITH HIM IN JIW'S BODY PLEASE DON'T NAM IS HER FRIEND
Sous Chef Rain is being a real bro to Horny Ghost Kaopoon and saying “We should all be held responsible so we don't lose our trust in each other” to which Executive Chef Sun says “that makes you a thief,” bc being rich makes u lose empathy I guess lmao
🎶 This is I why do not trust the Bourgeoisie 🎶
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Executive Chef Sun is now expressing his regret for firing his Sous Chef to his dog, who, while doing nothing but eat, has stolen the scene and any of my sympathy
Whoops Horny Ghost's brother is about to reveal her Restaurant Crimes to her boss, I'm pretty sure
I hate that Horny Ghost's brother keeps insinuating that Horny Ghost/Jiw is seeking a “sugar d*ddy” or flirting like can't people just be nice jghjkg? I hope that Sun realizes now that family or not, she was being kind, not stealing for self-gain
This is so fucking funny Sun found out about Jiw/Horny Ghost's restaurant crimes, seemingly forgave her on the spot for no good reason, and hired Sous Chef Rain back only for the rest of the restaurant staff to immediately begin muttering about how much they hated Rain hahaha
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I'm beginning to think Sous Chef Rain has a weird passive-aggressive crush on Executive Chef Sun. I would support it only bc I find them both exhausting and the comedy of two people named Sun and Rain falling in love is great
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Rain: We have a strong bond. Stronger than friends, family or brothers. Sun, and also me: 👀🤔
“I helped you fix things with Rain,” said Horny Ghost Kaopoon, as if she had not also been one of several sources of conflict at her restaurant. (Also this dialogue is part of her drunkenly coming onto Sun.. which is quite something to watch)
Study-Aboard Win Who Probably Has Feelings for Real Jiw to the rescue
God, who has the mental strength to get through show all at once? Really and genuinely every time this show gives me a false sense of normalcy they do something embarrassing dhfjhfjk where is the pay-off? Where is the romance??
Sun's childhood friend Ida  who seems to have a crush on him tried to invite him up to her apartment [Tiktok voice "I wanna ruin our friendship"] but he said nah so now he's standing in the rain thinking about their history
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First of all, sir, you are 30, so I don’t see the point of trying to pretend the same actor makes sense in a school uniform. Second of all, is wearing glasses and having bangs all that it takes to make you unpopular? What kinda She's All That nonsense??
Sun's argument for denying the booty call is that they should've dated in university but now they've missed their moment
Horny Ghost has just found out her Cop Crush is married (to Sun's sister) and Sun has just rejected himself from the Friendship Booty Call, so I wonder if they're going to have Sad Sex in the Rain
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Update: No one is having sex in the rain but Horny Ghost Kaopoon has just been kicked out of her apartment and is now going to sleep in the restaurant I guess, this should end well
Sun definitely has a weird crush on Horny Ghost bc he keeps letting her get away with all kinds of shit kjhgkhgkgh she has punched him, stole from him, come onto him strongly, and snuck into the restaurant at night and she's just like “~~please chef 🥺” and he's like “FINE 😤😊 you can do whatever I guess”
That said despite taking it fine he did not let her stay the night at the restaurant so I guess that's the one thing she's not allowed to do jghkhgg 
Uhhhhhh it seems like the Cop Crush is reciprocated???????? Kaopoon/Jiw was like “You must love her a lot” and he was like “who” ABOUT HIS WIFE!!!
Sun has gotten caught up with Jealousy Antics towards Childhood Friend Ida and now Kaopoon is attempting to blackmail him to let her stay at the restaurant lmaooo
Okay Win his definitely in love with ONE of the two (Sun or Jiw/Kaopoon) bc Jiw/Kaopoon slept in the restaurant and everyone's like “Oooooh Chef and Jiw got lucky last night” and they had a lingering shot of Win looking longingly in their direction
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sun just kissed Jiw/Kaopoon bc of a fever-induced hallucination I bet u $85 that Ida is about to walk in
Kaopoon has confirmed that Sun is Ghost-fucking Proof and now she's 100% Mission Sleep with My Possessee's Boss Before I Get Turned Into an Evil Spirit in Two Months
She just straight up asked him, “Will you do it with me? Just once?”
Sun, emotionally, at this particular moment: [Donkey Kong meme]
(As an aside I really wish Kaopoon were not up in everyone's grill romantic advance-wise this is straight up worse than an anime in that sense)
Oh my god is this how they actually become friends?????? By her chasing him around asking him to fuck and him going “NO” and then physically rolling her away from him
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I have now pivoted and I think Cop Crush may have murdered Kaopoon???????? Auntie Pu (Horny Ghost Kaopoon's Nemesis) just said his identity was death and suspicious music played
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Every time I think "that's it, I'm done with this" they keep pulling me back in!!!
DGhfjdkjk?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They just made Cop Crush run over an unhoused man's recycling??? I guess to establish that we shouldn't trust him??? What is the writing on this show!!
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Dkjhgsdkjhgkjh a Canadian character has appeared for some wonderfully stilted English dialogue:
Sun: How's Canada sir?
Canadian Ambassador: Canada was very cold, but it's good to be back
Sun: It sounds like fun anyway!
CA: It is! It's always fun!
Sun: Ok!
I figure if I power through the show the psychic damage will be shorter term
Also I think Sun has accosted Real Jiw for a psychiatric evaluation bc of her reasonably erratic behaviour
To add to the layers of this show, Jiw and Sun are back to interacting via her recipe blog and he's all like “wow this internet gal is my soulmate 😍“ like the dumbass he is 
Not to detract from internet relationships or anything, but they've exchanged ONE comment
They're having at least a minute long back and forth of cutting to these two staring stupidly into the distance thinking about each other
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Kaopoon's father seems to have alcohol poisoning and Cop Crush just left him in the back storage closet on the ground????????????? Heavy-handed murder foreshadowing I think
Kaopoon saved her dad by possessing Jiw again; as much as I understand why she did it I really do feel bad for Jiw bc Kaopoon keeps living her life for her, you know? Seems unkind
Sun just offered to train Jiw/Kaopoon to be a chef (which Jiw really would want to do) but will Jiw be present for it? Hard to say!
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It's been narratively established that Jiw does not remember what happens while she's been possessed so it makes the possessions that much sadder. Particularly since everyone but Win seems to like Kaopoon better
Bc this show needs at least four dramatic plots per episode, Sun has invited his childhood bullies to his restaurant to mock them passive-aggressively with his wealth
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The bullies are like: Hey Sun, your childhood trauma's really harshing the vibe
Sun found out his Main Bully (Big) is really not doing well income-wise and now he feels slightly bad for mocking him with his wealth
Clearly Sun has not caught onto the Horny Ghost Situation
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Oh my GOD “I spring up every time you talk horny because I’m scared of your words” Sun really said: ‘Well mark me down as a scared AND horny’
Auntie Pu whacked Horny Ghost out of Jiw on the way to their Spring Roll Not-Date so Jiw will finally get to experience some chef stuff with Sun
Sun, despite his reservations, seems to have a crush on all of Jiw's various personalities
He's playing guitar for Jiw through their shared apartment wall just bc she stopped on the street bc she saw a guitar player 🥺❤️
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Real Jiw really likes him!! This is the Thai Jamie Oliver bullshit I signed up for
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SCREAM he's trying to take Real Jiw on a bike ride kjhgkjhgkh what a quit pivot from his standoffishness to “I will be involved in every aspect of your life”
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This biking day concluded in a way I could not have possibly predicted which was, as an interruption to their flirting, they had to high-speed foot chase a bicycle part thief, which they caught because Real Jiw BIT HIM on the leg
And Sun, because he is OUT OF HIS MIND, is just kinda like: “Love that for you babe 🥰”
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The Jiw/Sun/Ida stuff finally comes to a head because Ida brought him a cake but Jiw and Sun are already sharing a cake (and restaurant-apartment building)
“Think of it as... helping a hungry policeman” EVERYTHING THIS MAN DOES IS SO FREAKING SUSPICIOUS
Somehow I don't think this is a reasonable request, Kaopoon
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Things have escalated and now Auntie Pu, Kaopoon and Jiw are all on Team Sun Should Have Sex with Horny Ghost
I'm gonna power through as much of this show as I can at once so on it goes lol
I kind of understand Sun's "I'm not going to deal with this" way of approaching romance but man it sucks to be Ida who has tried to be pretty forthright with her feelings
So apparently Sun's sister Nam has not always had a wheelchair, she only had it starting three years ago, which is when Kaopoon died,,,,, did Cop Crush murder Kaopoon AND injure his wife,,,,, the stank vibes!!!
As weird as it is that Kaopoon and Jiw are working together to seduce Sun, it's exactly what I wanted and thought this show would be from the beginning
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Win said all women are queens 😌❤️
Rain:  Why are you protecting [Jiw as Kaopoon]? Is she your girlfriend or something? 
 Win: Do I need to be her boyfriend to do that? Fine, I'll be her boyfriend then
Sun purposely did not give Win the prize in their Friendly Vacation Cooking Competition because he is jealous that Jiw and Win seem to be flirting; this man said my love language is Passive Aggression
They're going on yet another couple's bike ride (this time ft. Horny Ghost Jiw, which Sun simply canonically thinks is a product of mania, which is fair I guess)
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Nam's friends are talking about the person who did a hit and run to Nam getting karmic justice while Lieutenant Murder sits there, probably the one that did it
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Lieutenant Murder (formerly known as Cop Crush) just keyed his wife's friend's car because they need to establish that he is not only evil, but also a run-of-the-mill dick
Gsdkdhgkhgkh Kaopoon as Jiw has been trapped inside a storage crate by a tween girl who can see ghosts and u can this is set in Thailand (or Asia generally) bc they cut to this temp gauge like 10C is a really threatening temp. Girl it's chilly but you are fine!!
Sun said, "I am in love with all sides of Jiw, Aggressive Horny Ghost I Think Is Mania included"
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nullanythorm-ao3 · 4 years
Just Some Random Fanfic Concepts
So I was going to wait and see if anyone else was interested in me posting up some of my general fanfic ideas. However, I’m bored and struggling to work with the CiM update I’m working on right now. So I’m just going to do it? Also, a heads up to look out for another post coming later, because I want to share some of my Variro YouTube playlist, too.  BUT FIRST, story ideas. You’ll get some working titles for the ones I HAVE working titles for, but otherwise I’m just winging it cuz there are a lot of them. These are in no particular order. Things being higher or lower on the list doesn’t mean they’re more or less likely to be worked on. 
#1 - A continuation for Land or Sea (title pending)
So a little background on this one. I got the idea for this one at the same time as I got the idea for Trust is Something Earned. I put which one I worked on first up to a vote on the Tangled Amino. 
It’s a mermaid(merman/boy??)!Varian AU that centers on the idea: What if, in Queen for a Day, instead of coming up with a solution that created the amber when interacting with the rocks, Varian creates a different one and winds up getting himself turned into a mermaid instead?
It’ll feature 4 OCs: two created by me, and two created by a friend. The perspective will shift between Varian and an OC that belongs to a friend of mine named Charlotte, Varian’s childhood friend and love interest. 
Without spoiling too much, it takes place primarily during the events of season 2 (and maybe stretches into season 3). It switches perspective between Varian, who’s sent to live in the ocean after the accident and becomes friends with an adventurous merboy named Caspian who helps him rediscover his passion for science and alchemy, and Charlotte, who’s left behind in Corona and is trying to rediscover her sense of self and direction after losing her best and only friend. Charlotte’s perspective will help show how the premise changes events in Corona, while Varian’s is wholly original. 
The other OCs that will be involved in the story will be my OC Adrian Claire, who followers of TiSE will know, and my friend’s OC Henry. 
#2 - Stitched Together (originated from Ragdoll)
Okay so the original premise for this was for it to be a Variro story. The focus was Hiro living a double life: a college student in San Fransokyo who realized the existence of the several magical realms that ran parallel to his home after discovering he had magical blood passed down from his mother (maybe even throwing in superhero and making it a triple life - poor Hiro). He finds what’s known in the multi-realm as a living doll - a doll that gained a soul either through devotion and affection of a previous owner and desire to become more human, or having a human soul literally shoved into it. 
Varian, his doll, is the latter. Due to crimes against his home realm of Corona and his own uncontrollable magical talent, they forced him into having his soul magically “stitched” into a rag doll, until Hiro’s magical talent allowed him to awaken.  However, because of his nature as a living doll, Varian now depends on and is subservient to Hiro, but the two soon grow a bond much closer than expected. 
Now, after working on the lore and world of the story, I’ve grown its scope a little. Rather than simply being a crossover with Tangled and Big Hero 6, I want Stitched Together to be a bigger-scale crossover, including How To Train Your Dragon and the Tales of Arcadia series as well. 
It’s going to be Hiccup/Hiro/Varian, along with Jim/Claire from ToA being close friends with the trio. They’re all going to be young wizards from different realms, with different magic specialties studying in Arcanum, the central realm that connects all magically advanced realms. Other characters from each series will show up as well! You’ll see a bit of all of them, it’s a pretty enormous project.
#3 - Maybe some Hogwarts Shenanigans?
I’d really like to do a short, maybe 7-chapter story on the Hogwarts Headcanons for the OT3 I did a while back. The big issue is I’m still trying to figure out where I stand on posting Harry Potter/Hogwarts content after the whole J.K. Rowling thing. 
It’d be a chapter focusing on each year the three spend at Hogwarts together, some key moments through the years, and things like that. Just a small, random story about some kids at Hogwarts having fun. 
Might do it, might not, we’ll see. 
#4 - Time Travel Variro Fic (title pending)
This is another one sort of meant to run alongside season 2 of TTS, and maybe s3. It also replaces the S3 of BH6 the series. Just cuz. 
Basically Varian escapes after being put in prison, and decides the best way to save his dad is prevent the amber from capturing him all together. Vindictive, feral little villain raccoon decides that if he can’t have his happy ending, he won’t let Raps have hers and plans to make a time machine so he can go back and prevent Eugene from rescuing Raps. 
Unfortunately, a slight user error and hiccup in his plans (namely the fact that Ruddiger doesn’t appreciate being left alone and hops in the machine with him and all the noise and flashing lights of a steampunk-medieval time machine spook him) causes him to catapult into the future instead. 
Meanwhile, Hiro’s dealing with his friends moving on to find work, his own internship at KreiTech while attending school, and being fifteen and struggling with hormones and his sexuality finally starting to rear its ugly head after being dormant for 15 years of being in an ongoing relationship with SCIENCE (aka he’s seeing guys, thinking ‘he’s cute/handsome’, and he’s PANICKING). Then, as he’s on his way home from internship one day, a random af raccoon tugs at his pants leg until he finds a boy in weird clothes unconscious in an alley somewhere
Varian, after being woken up, and unsure if he should bring up that he’s from the past or not, makes up a fake story about running away from a small town. Hiro, feeling there’s something more but empathetic to Varian’s story, invites him to stay with him at the Lucky Cat and introduces him to Cass. 
Varian is stand-offish at first, absorbed in his “pet project”, as he calls it around Hiro. Basically, the machine didn’t time travel with him, he’s stuck, and is determined to get home and continue his plan. Hiro, however, is drawn in by the mysterious boy and tries to reach out to him and open him up.
Varian catches on to modern technology and science pretty darn quickly. He’s a smart boy. He also stays holed up in Hiro’s lab or the room they allowed him to borrow reading all day. Until finally Hiro cracks him out of his shell, he starts attending SFIT, and meets the rest of the BH6 crew.
There’s more to the story than this but that’s all I’m saying for now. Lots of drama, tension, etc, and just a fun time as boys discover their sexualities, learn where they can call home, and all that good stuff. 
#5 - In Someone Else’s Shoes (Time Travel Team Awesome Fic!)
So this one is kind of meant to work in tandem with the Variro fic. While the Variro fic explores Varian failing in his plan and getting catapulted into the future, this fic shows the results of what would happen if the time travel worked.  
It centers around Team Awesome! Varian travels back to the past, and tells Eugene that he dies if he hides in the tower. He convinces him that he’s his partner in his future, by knowing his name and stroking his ego a bit. But inform him that the crown will lead to nothing but trouble and his death (conveniently leaving out the part where he meets the love of his life and gets brought back from the dead because of a magical healing flower). 
The alteration to the timeline erases the former Varian’s existence and overwrites the Varian of the new timeline with his memories - giving him the memories of both the former and current timeline. He wakes up in bed at the palace, being woken up by his personal attendant Flynn (Eugene, who only allows Varian to call him by his proper name when they’re alone) and told to get ready for his coronation as crown prince. It turns out, in this timeline, because Eugene and Rapunzel weren’t there to stop him from his running water experiments, the devastation on Old Corona caused the death of his dad and several others. Since he was the son of an old friend, and they longed for their missing princess, Frederic and Arianna take him in as their son, and monitor his scientific hobby to prevent him from causing more trouble. 
Of course, this won’t do. He confides the truth to Eugene, that he was trying to save his dad by returning to the past (but again, keeping out key elements), and the two decide to work together to rebuild the time machine and alter the past without the catastrophic results. 
Won’t spoil too much, there are some wild twists and turns here. But it’s one I’m really looking forward to, again!
#6 - Maybe some Percy Jackson/Camp Half-Blood shenanigans
I’d just really like to make some Camp Half-Blood AU stuff. It’d be more a series of one-shots, or just a story that jumps around in time in the course of it. 
Crossover with Tangled, Big Hero 6, Tales of Arcadia, and How to Train Your Dragon with a focus on (as usual) Hiccup/Hiro/Varian. 
Not going to say too much about it though, because I want to do an AU Headcanons post with some details on this one! I have lots of ideas.Some you might expect, some you might not. 
#7 - Hercules Inspired Variro Fic (Title pending!)
So this one is wild. Basically, after the events of BH6 s1, Obake escapes. He stays on the run, escaping to Germany, and finds a young boy of genius on par with Hiro, but in the field of Chemistry, and takes him under his wing.
Varian is distraught after his father, who’d contracted an incurable disease, falls comatose. The government does nothing to help him, even though he has friends that hold political power, and Obake uses that to lure him into becoming his protege. 
The pair lie low for a while, wreaking a little havoc in Germany while Varian looks for a cure for his father. The boy dabbles in all manner of fields while trying to help his dad, and before long finds out that the last component he needs is in America, in San Fransokyo. 
Varian, now in his early 20s (which means Hiro is too!), Varian travels to America. He’s currently working as a villain under Obake while daylighting as the head of a German medical research company. 
He meets Hiro by chance. He flirts a little, but tries his best to keep his distance while trying to achieve his goals. Unfortunately, Obake notices how flustered Hiro gets around Varian, and has Varian continue flirting with and pursuing him as a form of distraction, and confides in him about Big Hero 6 and their identities. Varian is against it at first, but goes along with his mentor. 
Varian continues flirting with Hiro, gets in with the group as a friend, and begins distracting Hiro and sabotaging Big Hero 6 while working on a plan to steal the last component he needs for his cure - a solution being stored under high security at KreiTech - where Hiro works, partnered with Krei.
It’s Hercules inspired so there’s a bit more to it, but that’s all you need to know for now!
#8 - Phantom Thief Varian! (Title Pending)
Similar to the time travel one, this one KIND of links with the Hercules-inspired one. It’s not necessarily meant to link narratively or thematically, like the two time travel fics, but it has some similarities. 
Namely the fact that Varian came to America after forming a company to research a cure for his terminally ill father. Whether or not Quirin is comatose in this one, I don’t know. 
But it’s hard for a small company to get the influence or money Varian would need for his research. So, he steals valuables and rare compounds and materials to fund his research and keep him going, under the name “der Waschbär”, which Google Translate tells me means “the Raccoon” so I’m rolling with it.
He meets Varian in a business meeting with KreiTech, or one of those fancy business parties or something along those lines. They become infatuated with each other pretty quickly (as adults that are more sexually aware, I always picture these two precocious kids being pretty flirtatious when attracted to someone so they just kind of click pretty quickly). 
It’s basically the story of Varian, the charming phantom thief who worms his way into Hiro’s life, and Hiro, the superhero aiding the cops in his capture. All while being completely oblivious to each other’s identities and flirting/pursuing each other constantly on the side xD I just like phantom thief stories okay?
#9 - POKEMON!!!!!
Yeah, I still want to do something with these pokemon headcanons
I’m still not entirely sure what kind of pokemon thing I’d want to do. Similarly to the other ones centered around my headcanon posts, it would probably be something I write in short bursts or one-shots and such. 
I’m not sure if I want to do something focusing solely on Corona as a region and the Tangled Characters, or continuing the Hiccup/Hiro/Varian that the headcanons focus on. 
#10 - The VTuber AU
Yes, I’m doing this! I’ve fallen neck-deep into the VTuber pit, and I love the idea of a VTuber Varian. I feel like his avatar is probably a combined effort between him and Rapunzel, who would probably be the artist behind his character. He’s probably an independent VTuber, streaming on his own with his own model - either because he was genuinely curious about the boom and wanted to try it, or due to the influence of his friends (whether a bet or something along those lines).
As stated in a previous post, I feel like his vtuber character is super steampunk, and probably raccoon-temed. There are a lot of VTubers that use the animal-ear look after all. His VTubing character is super chaotic, and tends to fly solo when streaming. 
Hiro is a pretty big gamer himself, but never got big into VTubers. He felt it was just a fad attached to regular streamers, and never really got into watching other people play games, so vtubers make it even weirder really. 
He was looking for help getting past a certain point in a hard game, though, and in his search came across Varian(in the fic, his VTuber identity will have a separate name! I just haven’t htought of one yet) streaming the game, and stuck around to see what he did in that part, and wound up staying because he was chaotic and fun to watch. Before long, he realized he was watching clips from previous streams and catching his streams regularly. The others start teasing him about it. 
Meanwhile, Varian, who’s recently joined in with the group after having started SFIT the year or semester after Varian (maybe Year, since Hiro can be watching it while the others graduate and start looking for work, since he doesn’t really have any other friends in SFIT so he just kind of falls into it to pass time)
Still dunno how he figures out Varian is a VTuber, and whether it’s before or after they start planning though. I just rcreated this one it has work to do.
Anyway that’s about it. There’s probably a few smaller ones I put off to the side of my brain for the time being that didn’t get added here. I forget which ones I start planning a lot and I almost never write them down, I just plan them in my brain as I go and the ones that stick are just keepers. Hope you like these though! Curious to see what everyone things and which of the ideas the, like, 20 of you that follow me like. 
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icharchivist · 4 years
...So Lucio can kill primals. Pandemonium would have regenerated otherwise. Why do I have the feeling that this is gonna be a complete fuck up in hindsight?
It would make sense that he can indeed do that yeah? After all he is not a being known to the Skyrealms, second hand to the Omnipotent all of that, it’s not unreasonable to think he can kill primals 
and yeah except if they go a road with the Pandemonium of it being spread across the skyrealms like weaker primal fragments, which i guess they could but i think i remind Shalam being a bit... surprised at least by Lucio’s action so it feels he went in another extreme. Besides if the Pandemonium was just spread in pieces it would raise the question of why Lucio even bothered doing what he did.  But yeah, as it is, as far as i know (i’ve only read screenshots and it’s possible i missed key infos tho) it seems like Lucio sure.... killed the Pandemonium by destroying it.
And yeah i actually kinda worry about that.... I mean the whole reason the Apocalypse all happened through the Pandemonium is because it was a gate from the Otherworld to... what would give enough power to go to the Tower of God (Eteremanki? I forgot the name) on top of being a prison of concentred Primals, whose suffering melting together creating a power too destructive in itself (with Avatar and the Chaos energy) 
The thing is that by the end of 000 nothing really says the way the Pandemonium is is solved. We know a few Primals escaped from the Avatar (Sariel, Az&Iz ect) but by all account they just *locked it*. And we don’t know how many Primals had been freed, we can just assume they keep trying to keep the Otherworldly creature at bay.
so Lucio destroying it... Either he mass killed all the primals who were inside the Pandemonium in the process, or he got them to spread accross the Skyrealms. And considering the level of madness we met Sariel and Iz&Az into until they are *deliberately saved by external forms* (Sariel losing his corrupted wings to Uriel and Belial, Az&Iz being saved by Cagsliestro), it is possible if the primals survived the destruction of the Pandemonium, they’ve spread around the world.
Hell also i am not advanced enough in main story to talk about how MC’s dad killed Primal but it’s also to consider that Lucifer’s “death” still happened by him managing to put his essence and memory into another vessel (Sandalphon) and he’s in a limbo between life and death ever since. Even our understanding of Primal death is a bit sketchy bc of this.  Even if Lucio killed the Pandemonium it is possible to wonder if the essence of the Primal itself may live on. Perhaps it could live on on surviving Primals. 
If Astaroth is to be trusted, the Pandemonium is a Primal Beast of “cycle of life, death, and rebirth”. If any primals could specifically take advantage of the cycle of life, death and rebirth, it’s the Pandemonium.
which imo makes it all the more worrisome. 
And all of that is just about Primal’s death and our understanding of death for a primal, but even going further than it, the Pandemonium acting like a gate to the Crimson Horizon, the Otherworldy creatures took advantage of this trying to get access into the Skyrealm. And we know it’s something the Otherworldy creatures are after. They have tried by others means to do it before.  But by all account we can believe that the Pandemonium was one of the best plan they had to get up there, and it seems they concentred their forces there.  while it’s possible Lucio killed most of them by destroying the pandemonium, it is also possible it means those remaining in the Crimson Horizon will try to find another way now that their most promising lead had been corrupted. And that’s gonna get messy.
So we either have: -Lucio killed the Pandemonium Dead with all the Primals in it, implying a possible total destruction to a Primal  -Lucio destroyed the Pandemonium’s body and the Primals may have spread around still corrupted by the energy keeping them in -Same thing + the Pandemonium may have spread around those Primals as well
all of which still with the implication: what will the Otherworldy Creatures Do Now.
We know Lucio wants to help and protect the Skyrealm especially knowing his Master won’t get involved on his own right but imo this seems to be also an ultimate act of deffiance against his (former?) master. Like a provocation. The one thing that kept chaos at bay (while boiling over itself to create more chaos) has been destroyed. The God has been silent ever through apocalypse and cataclysm and everything Lucilius pulled. It’s rightful from Lucio to be upset. I think i remember him questioning that esp in 000, asking why “despite everything Lucio did to keep the peace” and all, the God is still silent. 
EDIT BC I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT: Astaroth LITTERALY goes in length about how once they get out of the Pandemonium they will extract revenge on the Astrals and Lucifer and all that jazz. Astaroth is a hella powerful Primals who had been locked in here for their destructive habits, so if Lucio killed all the primals it would mean they died (unlikely for an antagonist that is being built up and tbh i feel bummed at the idea of the primals we met in the Pandemonium all being dead),  OR if the primals survived, Astaroth WILL be a problem.
 So yeah Lucio destroying the Pandemonium could bring... a hundred of different plotline and disaster their way. 
ofc nothing garentee the game would take it this far, i’m just overthinking it, but, yeah i doubt Lucio destroying the Pandemonium will go without causing some problems. If not only bc the Pandemonium is, lorewise, this important in term of what it represents both for the First Primals and the Otherworld lore, bc the Pandemonium has been an element of Gameplay for years, something that has loomed over the head of every players who had the unfortunate destiny to farm in the co-op missions for so long.  So i feel like it can’t just... go unacknowledged.
so long story short,
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elven-ariaera · 4 years
I was watching Steven Universe pretty much since the beginning. I thought it was a cute show at first, but I also didn’t mind missing a few episodes here and there. With each new episode, I was becoming more engrossed in this wonderful world created by Rebecca Sugar and her crew. While I will be the first to admit that the show did have its problems and there were some elements I personally feel did not need to be added, I would still rank this show as one of my all-time favorites overall.
Now that the series has finally come to a conclusion (spoilers ahead if you’re not caught up), I thought now would be a good time to reflect on the series and take a look back at some of my favorite characters. To me, they were the heart of the show (along with all the Gem lore), and watching them grow throughout the series is definitely what kept me coming back. With that being said, here are my top 10 favorite Steven Universe characters.
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Of course, before we begin, I must provide the disclaimer that this is, in fact, my personal opinion. There is no right or wrong best character (though there is a correct worst character, and we all know that’s Renaldo — Kidding. Sort of.) Whether you agree or disagree with my list or the order, perhaps I can at least offer a different perspective on these characters that I just find fascinating.
10) Yellow Diamond
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Yellow was the first Diamond we were introduced to, and she clearly made a presence on the show. Her enormous stature and terrifying expressions were enough to show us that she was a force to be reckoned with. Her design and demeanor alone were enough to capture my attention, but there was more than just that as we saw more from this so-called tyrannical leader.
“What’s the Use of Feeling, Blue?” is one of, if not my absolute favorite songs from Steven Universe. Yes, I love the melody, but Yellow Diamond shows her true colors during this piece and it is evident. It’s clear that she’s affected by all the strife of the past, but to maintain power and appearance, she hides it all away. She grieves with aggression, taking it out on other planets and people, but deep down she’s hurting badly. It’s clear to hear near the end of the piece where she tries so hard to keep from breaking down.
9) Pink Diamond/ Rose Quartz
A lot of people started to hate Rose Quartz when her identity as Pink Diamond was revealed. I personally found it fascinating. Rose was by no means perfect; it’s made quite clear that she’s had quite the troubled past both by her own doing and the doings of the other Diamonds, and through it she’s done some pretty terrible things. I understand that. The thing is, though, she learned from it and eventually lead a whole rebellion to right her wrongs and allow Gems to have their freedom.
I think the main concern of why people only seem to hate her more and more is because in the beginning, we learned how ‘good’ she was and as we learned more about her, going further and further back, we see all of her biggest errors. If we play those events in reverse, we see her grow as a person. Her dynamic change is what makes her such a well-written character. The mystery, the reveals, how we learned about her bit by bit — it all built up to some very heavy drama, which for a television show, is a great thing.
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I also believe that her transformation from a childish tyrant to a compassionate mother was a genuine one. I don’t doubt that she really wanted to have Steven more than anything. Even with all that we know about her now, looking back at that videotape she made for him, those feelings stand the same.
8) Amethyst
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If you asked me my opinion on Amethyst when I first started the series, I would say that she was a fine character. She made me laugh, she had a fun personality; there was nothing wrong with her as a character, but I thought that she would only ever be comic relief. I never expected so much depth to be behind this goofy facade. Then “On the Run” premiered.
I never expected the episode to take such a turn. I always had a feeling a Pearl-Amethyst fight was coming with the way they constantly butted heads, but I never thought it would be for reasons like this. This was probably the first thing that really impacted me on an emotional level in this series. Amethyst’s face when she wails out “I never asked to be made!” still stands out in my mind to this day.
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As the series progressed, Amethyst learns to love herself and embrace her faults, leading her to become, as Steven says, the most mature crystal gem. She has seriously come such a long way and I’m so glad that she was not simply comic relief. 
7) Greg Universe
I feel like a lot of us were expecting Greg to be a kind of absentee parent when this show first started, but he proved us wrong and has definitely shown us what kind of top tier dad he can be.
Is he perfect? No, but that’s okay. Yeah, he’s made his fair share of mistakes, but everything he’s ever done has only ever been for his son. The lengths he would go to keep Steven safe or to even push him to be his best self astounds me. There has been a lack of role model father figures in animation for a certain point, and ever since Steven Universe, I’ve definitely noticed an increase in them. While I’m not sure if he is the reason (probably not, but), I definitely think he’s an example to be followed for storytellers to come. 
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I guess it comes with getting older, but I find myself feeling more sympathetic, interested, and entertained by the parents of the child protagonist rather than the protagonist themselves. Seeing Greg come to learn about the Gems from an outsider’s perspective rather than Steven’s somewhat knowledgable background, being partially raised by them and all. I think that so many of Greg’s flashback episodes are among my favorites of the series. 
6) Rainbow Quartz 2.0 & Sardonyx
I had to give a tie to these two fantastic fusions because I adore them both for the same reasons. They’re fun, flashy, and always a pleasure to see them on screen. Also, they both include Pearl, who’s quirks are evident in each fusion.
I was immediately drawn to Sardonyx’s larger-than-life (pun fully intended) personality. She’s bold and poised, but also knows to get a chuckle out of her audience — No, really, she plays up her act as if she were performing for an audience. She has a tendency to break the fourth wall, but in a more subtle way than Sunstone. Everything she does is simply entertaining and I just love it.
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Rainbow Quartz 2.0 is similar in the sense of having a whimsical charm. Rainbow has a bit more tendency for being a caregiver than Sardonyx, but that only makes sense with both Pearl and Steven’s gentle natures being a key component in Rainbow’s makeup. Still, that doesn’t stop Rainbow for exerting a goofy attitude as well, which is so much fun to watch. A natural Mary Poppins! 
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5) Spinel
A character that I thought would be a one-off movie villain has squirmed her way right into my heart. She is one of the most precious characters I have ever seen. Seriously, I was going into the movie with not many expectations for this new Gem, but man was I blown away with just how equally charming and threatening this character could be!
As a villain, she was terrifying and crazy. There was clear reasoning for her behavior, but even though we didn’t find out her motivation until about the halfway point, that hostility was clear and kept me wondering why. To find out she had been abandoned for so long was heart-crushing, especially after getting a glimpse of who she used to be. While I still like Pink/Rose as a character, this was something that I could not just let slide by.
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She can still hold her own once she makes peace with what happened and moves on to befriend the other Diamonds. My heart skipped a beat when she reappeared for the series finale and she was as bubbly as ever. It’s so nice to see that she got her happily ever after too!
4) Peridot
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The first of many characters with solid redemption arcs, and I think hers was the most effective and well thought out from a writing perspective. The Crewniverse were allowed to really take time with this one and so it felt genuine when Peridot finally decided to make up her mind and join the likes of the Crystal Gems. I truly think she had one of the best arcs in the series.
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Aside from that, she’s also got such a strong personality. Gems made in Yellow Diamonds court have a tendency to be more on the snobby side, which she definitely is. Despite that, she still manages to be charming with her naiveté of Earth and its people. Even when she does have downright “unlikable” moments, such as her degrading mannerisms towards Pearl or the way she insulted Amethyst without even thinking, she eventually comes to the realization that what she did was wrong and makes it a priority to apologize in her own Peridot way.
Peridot is the product of what kindness can do to someone. Steven had no reason to keep caring for her the way he did, but in the end, it changed her. She kept her core personality traits, which I so appreciate as well, but she also didn’t revert back to her old ways either. She’s a changed Gem and had returned the favor by being a kind ambassador for Lapis, Bismuth, and I’m sure plenty of uncorrupted Gems once Little Homeworld had been completed.
3) White Diamond
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White Diamond was exactly what I expected and what I wanted her to be. She has a radiant presence (quite literally) and exudes authority. As an antagonist, she was a worthy final opponent. While I would have loved the finale to be a few more episodes to get some more depth on the matter, what we did get, I loved.
From her first appearance, I knew White would be a threat like no other. While she certainly had unbelievable physical prowess, it was her manipulative brain-washing that had me both intrigued and terrified. Simply when we first saw Pink Pearl, who we assumed was White Pearl, you could tell something eerie was going on. Slowly, one-by-one, she took hold of all Steven’s allies — even the other Diamonds — and she proceeded to remove his gem. She had all the power. Of course, if anyone was going to stop her, it was Steven, but she put up one heck of a fight up ’til the very end.
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A lot of people are iffy about how quickly she turned to Steven’s side, and I do understand that. Like I said, I wish there could have been a bit more time for that, but regardless I don’t mind what we received. I love how over the top White is, and how she’s trying so hard to be more compassionate but in the end, she’s still, so to say, living in her own head. Again, I love that these characters have a change of heart, but they still struggle with their past.
2) Blue Diamond
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Throughout learning about the Diamonds, we are told by the Crystal Gems how heartless they were and what tyrannical rulers they could be. Granted, all these stories were true, and these actions should not be simply overlooked, but what we weren’t told is the tragedies they too have endured. After seeing the brash conqueror, Yellow Diamond, it was easy to label them as the clear “bad guys.” However, when we first meet Blue Diamond, she is weeping over a loved one.
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Grief and sadness is something I easily relate to, so Blue was easy for me to sympathize with right from the start. Seeing how (for lack of better words) human she was made me think that perhaps there was another side to the Diamonds. Maybe they could be talked to instead of fought against. Seeing as Blue seemed like the most empathetic of the group, I was hoping that she would be the one they would turn to first, and she was.
Getting there wasn’t easy, and I’m glad it wasn’t — disregarding the last few episodes that needed to be a little bit squished to finish the story. Blue was the most emotional of the Diamonds, but she let them overtake her, deafening herself to hearing anything that might help her. Even Yellow Diamond, her closest confidant, could never fully restore her to a sound mind. This is an all too real problem, to let depression consume you, so to see that she was eventually able to be freed from this grief was truly satisfying.
Connie Maheswaran Connie is such an endearing character and the rock which Steven relied on. She was always the voice of reason and her love and dedication always shone above the rest.
Bismuth The only way to properly describe this character is strong. Strong personality, strong warriors, and strong beliefs. Though a little misguided, she believed in her cause and wanted to do what she could for her newfound family.
Padparadscha A precious angel of a Gem who needed much more screen time (along with Lars and the other Off-Colors.) Though her abilities were not so much helpful, she was still eager to do her part and help her friends. 
1) Pearl
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So here’s the thing about Pearl: I loved her since the beginning. She was my favorite character from the start, being able to relate to her overly-protective behavior and somewhat neurotic antics all with a side of salt. I always admired how graceful she was and enjoyed the show most when she was on screen. Wonderfully brought to life by the voice work of Deedee Magno Hall, I was eager to see what would be in store for my favorite Crystal Gem. Little did I know how much she had been through and was about to endure throughout the course of the series.
The world-building and mystery of Steven Universe are some of its most fascinating elements, and so much of this is explored in Pearl’s overarching story. There was so much we didn’t know about the world of Gems and in turn, so much we didn’t know about Pearl. There was so much hidden within her, whether it be her history with Homeworld, Rose, or the alleged shattering of Pink Diamond, there was so much to be unveiled and I was on the edge of my seat waiting to learn more.
Pearl has been through so much suffering in her life, struggling to know where she belonged, and once she thought she knew what that was, she was ultimately denied it in the end. After grieving the loss of Rose Quartz, she took it as her new duty to be there for Steven as she once was her. Though she was technically a liberated Pearl, she was still binding herself to someone.
Throughout the series, we learn these secrets and see her as she still struggles to overcome these foreboding obstacles. It was so uplifting and such a victorious moment when she claimed “I do this for me!” in “Reunited.” I know she’s a fictional character, but I am so proud of how far she’s come and the independent individual she’s finally become. She doesn’t need someone else to serve or define who she is, no matter what her future entails, she is the master of herself. 
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It’s rare that you find a show that has such an exceptional cast of characters where so many can resonate with you on a personal level. Each character in Steven Universe, whether we personally like them or not, has such depth and thought put into every one of them — and yes, that includes the townies. While I understand it’s not necessarily a show for everyone, I myself am glad I decided to give it a shot when it first aired. These characters have shown me so much in terms of both writing and personal growth, and I hope this little list of mine serves well as a love letter to thank all who worked on this show. Though it’s over now, these characters will always be in my heart.
I’m curious to know, who are your favorite characters from this show? Have any similar opinions? Different? Feel free to respectfully share your comments down below! 
Now that Steven Universe has finally come to a conclusion, I thought now would be a good time to reflect on the series and take a look back at some of my favorite characters. I was watching Steven Universe pretty much since the beginning. I thought it was a cute show at first, but I also didn’t mind missing a few episodes here and there.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
#10 for the ask game, let's say for couple of shows you watch, you decide which ones
Thanks for asking, this is a really intersting one! :3
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Huuuh, okay, lemme go through the shows I’m currently watching, see what I come up with. *tilts head*
Avengers Assemble: The current Black Panther’s Quest. But let me clarify: I don’t dislike the story of this arc itself; I dislike how it’s so awkwardly placed as an arc within Avengers Assemble. This should have been a spin-off, not a whole entire season’s arc of an Avengers show, considering the show has never given the individual Avengers huge standalone arcs like this before. As the plot for its own show this would be an amazing arc, but considering the show it’s on it’s... completely hijacking the show and that does bother me because when I watch an Avengers cartoon, I kind of want to see the Avengers in it, all of them, not just one? Just give him a spin-off, additionally to a real proper all-Avengers focused season of Avengers Assemble. It really ain’t that hard.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I am... absolutely startled to read that most of the fandom seems to dislike season 7 the most?? When in fact season 5 was the worst. The storyline of Dawn was so bad. Not just the retconning in of Sudden Little Sister and just how unlikable the character herself is, but also that the offered out wasn’t used. Just kill off Dawn in the end, use her as the key she is so this obnoxious character doesn’t have to be carried over to the next season, but nope, instead Buffy dies for her. IT was so dumb and so annoying and I find the overly religious story-arcs - whatever the religion - really creepy...
Doctor Who: I really disliked Clara’s post-resolution arc. She was such a good character and I really-really liked her and then the Impossible Girl was finally resolved... and she stayed. That was when she should have left. But that whole nonsense with Danny and how spiteful Clara turned toward the Doctor then and she still stayed around. Usually, this show cuts characters out too early, but in Clara’s case, she overstayed her welcome and the arc they forced there was just really not fun to watch...
Game of Thrones: I am mainly watching it for Dany’s arc, though also the Lannisters and Arya interest me. The others, not so much, but the worst arc is most definitely Bran. I just... care so little about him and what he’s up to, to the point that the one season where he wasn’t in it, I didn’t even notice he was missing. Only that then the next season, he was suddenly back and I was like “oooh... eeeh...”. He’s so boring and bad, I could do without him; the show has so much going on already.
My Little Pony: That last season. The story arc of the kids. This show is very distinctively about the Mane Six. And it was already stretching my patience when it went all about Starlight Glimmer, but now this attempt at making it about a next gen and their whole Elements of Harmony story arc? It was just... not interesting? There are enough established characters to focus on, even beyond the Mane Six. More about their families, more focus on the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, heck the background ponies like Octavia. Those kids...? I just... really did not care about them, I don’t remember a single name of theirs. The kids could have been used to further the Mane Six’s plotlines, as mentee and giving each a bond with one of the Mane Six. But this entirely separate own plot for those six new characters... was just not what I was interested in, not after seven whole years and seasons of caring about the Mane Six. Seriously, they could have had the Cutie Mark Crusaders make new friends and focus more on them as the next generation, but introducing fully unrelated, new characters... did not make me care...
Once Upon a Time: This might surprise some, but it’s actually not the Fr0zen arc, because that... at the very least... did a rather okay job at trying to fix the massive plotholes in the movie. I can appreciate that. It ain’t the soft-reboot either considering I refuse to watch that; can’t judge what I haven’t actually seen. I really disliked 5A the most; the whole Dark Emma nonsense and just how emo she was, I also really hate the storytelling tool of “here have a shocking now and let’s unravel it all in flashbacks”, that was so tiresome to watch. I dislike how King Arthur, the King Arthur, was turned into a fucking villain and how unnecessarily dramatic it was.
One Piece: Fishman Island Arc. It used to be Skypiea, but honestly I just dislike Shirahoshi so much. I find her brand of character absolutely nerve-grading. There was not really anything happening in the arc, it pretty much felt like a filler arc even though it was a major one. Waste of time.
Riverdale: The... damn how do I decide? This show started off so good as a fun murder mystery with intriguing characters. Haven’t seen season 3 yet so can only judge the first two. But Betty’s father suddenly turning serial killer was just such a horrendously over the top and unnecessary plot?? Veronica’s dad being a mastermind criminal had at least been set up from the get-go and even Jughead’s dad being the head of a gang and honestly was anyone surprised Cheryl’s mom would send her to conversion therapy? Okay, okay, I will buy all of that. But Betty’s father doing the serial killer bullshit was just way too much and unnecessary and just bad.
Shadowhunters: The addiction arc. It was the worst to watch for me so far. For one, because I am hard against drugs and really dislike addiction and drug arcs in general, but for another because it was just so badly written. That Isabelle, a brilliant scientist with a brain, would just cheerfully agree to take this risky drug from Aldertree to begin with, the utter lack of motivation as to why Aldertree would deliberately get her addicted to drugs aside from it being convenient for drama, then just how Raphael was completely reduced to a tool to further Isabelle’s plot and we did not treat him like a character facing addiction himself. It was so bad.
Stranger Things: The “let’s hide Eleven in my cabin and start to have secrets!”-arc? The reason I really loved the first season was because it was very up-front and open. No unnecessary miscommunication. So to then, in the second season force this miscommunication between characters who had already developed trust with each other... it was so cringeworthy. Eleven hiding from the boys, the sheriff not talking to them either. There was absolutely no reason to it aside from padding the runtime of the season. And that’s what defines a bad plotline; if it serves no actual purpose and has no grounding foundation, no reason behind it aside from “plot required it”.
Suits: The removal of one of their main characters?? This show? Literally? Has? Two? Main? Characters? And only one of them is the actual lead that separates this show from every other lawyer show. And... then... they remove him? The entire season leading up to that had such a good arc that was setting a separation between Mike and his girlfriend up because there were problems and there was distrust and they grew apart so much and I figured “Okay well the actress is getting married to a literal prince and leaving the show so they’re going to make them break up, huh?” and then in the last second, they decide to kit this and make Mike move away with her? I haven’t seen the new season yet but I... really can’t imagine it working out...
Teen Wolf: I feel like I should say 6B, but... I seem to hate that so much that my brain actually managed to forget it? And that’s... rare, but it happens occasionally. When something is really very bad and awful, my brain manages to forget about it. I clearly remember Jackson and Ethan making out and the whole FBI!Stiles thing and that it was about A Nazi, but... what the Nazi did and what actually happened and what, aside from the Nazi, I hated so much about that half-season... I can not for the life of me remember. Thank the gods. So I gotta go with 3A, because the True Alpha arc was the biggest bullshit. Don’t break your mythology. Don’t. Just don’t. Suddenly, a pack can be made up of all-alphas? How? The other alphas shoulda fall into being betas after joining Deucalion?? They should have become omegas after killing their pack because by definition they had no pack anymore?? They should not have gotten more powerful for killing their own pack? It made absolutely no sense at all and completely contradicted the lore this show had set up so far? And that Scott was somehow a ~True Alpha~... I still don’t see what the fuck’s so special about that if it doesn’t come with actual natural leadership abilities, which it should if you are a true and thus natural alpha, aka leader?? It was dumb and forced and you could taste the “Oh shit we want The Main Character to become alpha but we accidentally created a world where you can only become alpha by killing and of course can we not have The Main Character kill anyone!!!”... So dumb. So stupid. Do not like.
Wynonna Earp: THE BIBLE NONSENSE. This show started out so strong. And there was absolutely no reason to pull a sudden Bible on it. Bulshar could have just stayed his own OC demon self and this show could have kept its own mythology, but to suddenly make him the snake from the Garden Eden? To suddenly involve angels? Season 3′s Bible arc was just so absolutely unnecessary.
Salty Ask List
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jmkitsune · 6 years
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I wanna talk bout this more and not HIJACK the op’s post.
the idea is not far from exaggeration, like my grandmother asked me what Umbrella Academy is about and I explained “...so a rich guy goes around the world trying to adopt 43 super powered babies all born in 89, at the same time kinda thing, he only gets 7 and raises them to be child super heroes.”
she was like confused, so I went on to explain how one is super powerful, one can throw knives and like NEVER misses, another can “see dead people” one essentially can change reality by saying she heard rumors, etc etc etc
she was even MORE confused and I had to explain- IT WORKS in its universe, its our world...but their stuff is just accepted, and she asked how and why
I pointed out- no one questions why in Marvel there are super soldiers in spangly patriot uniforms, a Norse God, an alcoholic billionaire and a giant green rage monster agreeing to help co-parent a poor teenage kid with spider powers....it just IS 
so that made me wonder will Millennials (through comics and other story telling mediums) literally break away from conventional plot conveying and move towards more “stylized” stories where sure its BALLS TO THE FUCKING WALL but the core of the story will be relateable characters that are HELLA HUMAN and analogues for different groups/types of people who need to be represented WHILE STILL GIVING AN ESCAPIST fantasy
like ok let’s look at pop culture stuff I love at the moment-
Umbrella Academy- I just explained it above
Lore Olympus- Modern High Society Soap Opera styled Greek Mythology focused on how Hades got his shit together and fell for Persephone all while the other Olympians...do fuck knows what (oh and Hermes is a gem and needs protection)
Kingdom Hearts- Disney fucked Final Fantasy- had a baby, gave him GIANT shoes, and told him - swing this sword sized key, and save the world from darkness! OH and messages about friendship and whatever lol
the Marvel/DC universes- again kinda covered above
Grishaverse- ...alternative Russia has essentially elemental benders, one of which is a shadow bender, and a girl discovers she is a SUN BENDER and oh did I mention the Prince of Russia is a pirate who is the BIGGEST self insert for someone like ME? (anymore and I’d spoil 3 books let alone the later 3 books that have came out since the Original trilogy)
Percy Jackson books- young teens find out ADHD is a sign of being a DEMI GOD, a kid is given a PEN THAT BECOMES A SWORD, his dad is Poseidon oh and did ya know all the gods are kinda shitty parents- making their kids (who are ...we think mortal) do all their dirty work cause “we’re gods- do what we said!” oh and apparently Zeus/Poseidon/Hades can’t have kids anymore cause the last time they did- world war 2 happened (neat right?) OH don’t forget- Apollo is the original FUCK BOI (he invented mansplaining in universe- HE ADMITTED IT)
like explaining these series...they sound weird as FUCK but they’re not, they’re actually HELLA good
and these types of stories are gonna be influencing millennials, gen z and beyond AND LETS BE REAL- we’re gonna do what WE LIKE READING/SEEING so odds are who knows how balls to the wall crazy/style > practicality we’ll do
yes- we’ll follow OBVIOUS rules (all mediums have them) but the first rule of writing is- learn all the rules- so you can break them RIGHT
Millennials are probably gonna BURN THE FUCKIN RULES and start over cause we can
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magpiejay1234 · 3 years
I have been playing FFIV GBA for a few days, and here are my scrambled thoughts:
*Game is definitely cinematic in both best and worst ways. You can definitely understand why half of the script was cut from the game. Many of the plot-relevant dungeons like Tower of Lot and Giant of Babel are one-off dungeons, latter appearing temporarily on the overworld and the former never appearing in the overworld.
*While Cecil’s redemption story is wrapped up earlier in the game, the game doesn’t hold itself with Cecil’s war crimes during the invasion of Mysidia. Even though most of the people you fought in the opening turn out to be in Baron’s prisons, there is at least one person missing. Meaning you begin the game with Cecil killing at least a guy willingly. The prisoners don’t show up when you return to Baron, the implication being Cagnazzio, while disguised as King of Baron, executed them for the show. Ew.
*There is a weird theme of fatherhood here. Both King of Baron (essentially Cecil’s adoptive dad) and Kluya (Cecil’s dad) are important characters both in the plot and the overall lore. However, you also have Cid (deliberately designed as a father figure), Yang, and Tellah. For the other NPCs, you have King Giott (who stored the key to the Sealed Cave in her daughter Luca’s neclace) and King of Elban, who is the only monsterous parent of Edge you must defeat in the pseudo-boss battle. Of course, Cecil himself becomes a dad at the end of the game. It has become such a rare event to see a game focus on this theme, but here it is.
*The mysticism around the crystals definitely made me understand why people hate The After Years. In the original game, though the Crystals are implied to Lunarian artifacts, there is still something mysterious about them, as Lunarians, despite their technological advancements, are still clearly a religious people.
*The world building of the FFIV feels a bit weaker than the FFI and FFII, since they clearly designed backstories for the different kingdoms you see throughout the game, but they are not discussed in the game. Is Eblan supposed to be Japan with its ninjitsu? Is the town of Tomra a mining town?
The After Years of course develop these ideas further (yes, Eblan is Japan, yes Tomra is a mining town etc.), but I don’t feel the ideas are fully realized here.
With FFI all locations in the game had eleborate backstories, but the real connections the current script is focused on are the connections between the overworlds (Underworld, Overworld and the Moon). The relationships of the kingdoms before the death of King Baron isn’t described to its full.
*What is developed are the airships. Sakaguchi loves these. And they really sell you on the destructive power of the airships. This is because you have an entire regiment of airships, instead of one superweapon, like it was in the case in FFII (yes Mateus had an entire regiment as well, but you only saw it in the cutscenes.)
There are few more interesting things about the military power of Baron as well. The highest authority who willingly joins Golbez is Captain Baigan, who gets the power to transform into a demon. We don’t know if this is due to sorcery of Golbez, or a foreshadowing of Dr. Lugae’s experiments. In addition to our boy Baigan, Baron also has a regiment of the honorable Dragoons, who in the FFII were Wyvern Riders (they are just knights errands in FFIV). They really push the idea of aerial superioty screwing up the feudal system of FFIV’s world, while also noting that Baron has given up on its navy (despite the fake King Baron turning out to be Cagnazzio).
*There is also an interesting thing about the Elemental Fiends. Each of them have a sub-boss before you fight them. Scarmiglione has Mom Bomb, Cagnazzio has Baigan, Barbaraccia has the three Magus Sisters (a pastiche of the three Magi), and Rubicante has, grudgingly, Dr. Lugae and the mutated parents of Edge. The Elemental Lords themselves also become the subbosses of the Giant of Babel’s CPU, but I haven’t fought it yet (I lost to a random Mech Dragon encounter, so I’m stuck grinding here.)
This nested dolls boss system also works with Golbez, who has supposedly King Baron as his superior (turns out to be false), only to end up being the minion of Zemus, while also having, de facto, Kain as his minion throughout the game, who gives the final crystal to Golbez (this would be later homaged by both Cloud and Rinoa, obviously, despite being such a bad and undercooked idea.)
*Sylph Cavern was the first time I couldn’t grind my out of a debacle. I forgot Yang was in the first floor, so I ended up going to the next floor in the Sylph Home to end up outside. When I decided to do the item Monsters, the second set of Evil Dreamers defeated me for the first time (Giant of Babel’s Mech Dragons would defeat me the second time, since I didn’t grind on the Moon, and couldn’t get the Lunar Whale to defeat Bahamut.)
The floating gimmick is annoying even if the cavern (and the Cave of Summons) give you good EXP, which is really the only thing of value in later dungeons.
*FFIV obviously inspired Pokémon’s tropes in a big way. One way is the EXP/money system. Early battles you had would give you lots of money with minimal EXP. Later battles, predictably do the opposite. However, you need around 9 million EXP to get to Level 99, and unlike Pokémon, random encounters don’t get easier as you Level up. Lack of Ethers but abundance of Phoenix Downs, alongside the abundance of save locations, definitely seems to have inspired Pokémon.
Because of the abundance of save locations, the game wants you to use tents and cottages much more so than FFI-FFII. Most dungeons are not places you can casually escape, you must do the plot or otherwise you have to backtrack from the beginning. Even if most dungeons are fairly linear, secret items still require a walkthrough. This gives off a weird wibe, the main plot is linear but game is designed with exploration in the mind. Just like most Pokémon games, again.
*There is weird thing around Goblins. You have dwarves, who are humanoid creatures with their own cities and established culture (in The After Years, they are just dark-skinned people.) But Goblins, for whatever reason, decide to work for Golbez, in both Tower of Babel and the invasion of Fabul. Since you have an entire society of summons (who would later inspire Espers in FFVI), and you have Mythril Village for all the freaks out there, it feels weird to see Goblins be so prominent in the game as antagonists. I feel like there is an interesting plot here.
*Strangely enough, both Edward and Edge turned out to be really useful after I leveled them up to a playable stage. Rosa, in contrast, turned out to be really useless, since she cannot wear heavy armor, and game is designed against magic abuse. So even though she has insanely large amount of MP and HP, because arrows are perishable and don’t deal much damage unless you use Aim, you might have a better show with a staff or with her bare hands. Her punches ended being more reliable for most of the game until I got proper bows.
Tellah was another surprise, even if I couldn’t use him much, because I needed to grind a lot of time before Magnetic Cavern, his character eventually grow on me (especially now that I could level him up, unlike in Underground Waterway), so I feel his death worked better on me than most people.
*Speaking of Magnetic Cavern, there is also a lot of FFI and FFII in FFIV. Dark Elf is obviously a reference to Astos, Leviathan swallowing Rydia is a reference to the Leviathan in FFII, Kain’s initial equipment and Cecil’s intitial titles are both a reference to Leon in FFII etc. Kain is also left-handed just like Leon, which is a not-so subtle hint that he will betray the team twice.
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hyroole · 7 years
(There are definite 100% spoilers in this) I wanted to write a review of sorts of BOTW. I might forget some things, but here are my pros and cons of the game:
PROS: -the graphics, of course. The game is beautiful. I love that at certain angles there’s rainbow light spots from the sun, I also like how nothing was just ‘placed’, every tree and every object looks good. The style is very realistic, yet very Zelda. I really can’t praise the graphics enough. -exploration. The map is HUGE. Every time I have to go somewhere, I forget how long it really takes to run from one spot to another. You also always find something new or interesting along the way. Exploring is one of every Zelda fan’s favorite things to do, I think, and this game really gives you the ability to explore every single area. -side quests. There’s so many fun ones that are interesting and unique to Zelda and quests that also have great/funny/interesting dialogue to read. I personally loved getting Link's house and helping build Tarrey Town, I’m always a sucker for building things like towns from the ground up (why I love Animal Crossing and games like Harvest Moon/Rune Factory). There are also a lot of other interesting side quests that help give the game much needed life. -the music. I especially love the opening theme. It sounds so unique to Zelda games, but also EXACTLY like something that belongs in a Zelda game. (I do also miss the more charming music, like when you’re in a house, you all know the song). The music when a dragon is near is also a favorite. The Blood Moon song and when a guardian is attacking you are also great, anxiety-inducing songs. The only problem is, I wish there was more music. I like when it’s quiet while roaming a field or forest, but sometimes I wish music was playing. -towns. Hateno Village is huge and very nice to look at. There are 8 (I think?) towns to explore, which to me, is great. I was so surprised and excited when I stumbled upon Lurelin Village right when I thought I had seen the last village in the game. -the puzzles. Finding the Korok seeds is fun and an added bonus in the game. I think the shrines are really fun, and really annoying at times. I love how detailed and sometimes difficult each one is. (Although, I get sick of the same color scheme and design in each one. It really makes me miss the themed temples in past games, will continue in cons). -the characters. I think this time around we really get some good characters with interesting and fleshed out stories. Zelda and her dad, for example, are very interesting, and if you haven’t already, I would highly recommend finding and reading each of their diaries after finding all of the memories. Zelda herself, this time around, is definitely a fan favorite. She's very likable and interesting, it's a shame about that voice though (lmao, will continue). I’m also pretty happy that there are some non-white appearing side characters (besides the Gerudo of course). The only problem with the characters, which I’ll write about in the cons, is there’s not many we “get to know” and the ones we roughly get to know, we get no emotional attachment to. -collecting. Being able to cook is really fun and makes the game feel more modern, as I think it was meant to. I believe this game is the most “present” of the games, and it is also a land that is in ruins, so it would make sense that there’s a lack of random ruppes and hearts hidden in the grass, which leads us to have to cook for survival. Also collecting every type of weapon and shield and armor is fun. I also like having to collect the pictures for the Hyrule compendium, it’s not as good as the pictograph sculptures in Wind Waker, but it’s still cool, especially since you can pay to have a nicer picture in your compendium. -the physics engine. I use that term “loosely” because I barely know what it means (I’m not someone who knows a lot of terms like that lmao). But based on my understanding, it’s amazing. You can truly do so much in the game. You can test out how high the vertical limit is in the game by placing balloons on a rock and floating into the sky. You can travel by log if you want. It’s way too much fun trying to find what you CAN’T do. -the connections to past games. Discovering that Lon Lon ranch was destroyed years ago was completely heartbreaking. Recognizing the Temple of Time and realizing it’s in ruins was as well. When the master sword lights up in the final memory and makes that familiar sound, it was really just exciting. It made the world of Zelda feel more real and alive. I wish there was more lore to go along with it (will continue in cons).
CONS: -the story is lacking. It begins so interestingly and so full of potential, but then it falls short. There aren’t enough “temples”, there isn’t enough lore, and the memories don’t really coincide with actually experiencing things for yourself. It’s hard to get to “know” and like the characters when you’re only “secondhand” meeting them and experiencing their personality and story. I love the open world aspect, but it just doesn’t feel like Zelda without more of a story. -weapons. The variety of weapons is very cool and I like discovering new ones and collecting them all, but them being able to break so easily is annoying. I think the concept of them wearing down and you having to collect more is interesting, but they should be more durable. It feels like just as soon as you begin to get a feel for a certain (rare, probably) weapon, it breaks. I will say, however, I’m glad the Master Sword can’t actually break, that would be a disaster. (I wish I could say the same for the Hylian Shield). I also think the lack of “key weapons” makes this game feel a little more desolate and less like Zelda. I’m not saying they’re necessary, but I do miss items like the hookshot or the iron boots and so on. They’re really iconic Zelda aspects. -I have to say it, the sexualization of Zelda. This isn’t a HUGE issue, but it’s something that is bothering me, and hopefully some others. Zelda is 16, and then 17. In what way was it necessary for them to “define”/“emphasize” Zelda’s butt so much to the point where I can’t watch a video without everyone in the comments saying “that ass”? It’s blatant and really gross and unnecessary, especially because they clearly have her bending over, etc. -200 points for that, Nintendo. We all see it. -the voice acting. There were some characters’ voices I liked, and some I HATED. In my opinion, Zelda’s voice is all wrong. It’s way too grating and posh, I never pictured her sounding like that, it really ruined every single memory for me. The other voices were simply OK. They could have been better. -the final boss. So…. was it just me or was the greatly feared, the disastrous, the evil, Calamity Ganon incredibly easy to beat? I didn’t die a single time, I wasn’t even close, and I’m a Zelda player who dies CONSTANTLY and over stupid things. But the final boss was easier than one of the temple bosses? -the “temples”. I was really disappointed when I found out there were only four and they were essentially all the same with the same boss. What happened to all the variety and the themed temples with a matching themed boss? It gets really boring after four temples when they all look exactly the same and have essentially the same boss. It was a little hard to get the motivation to beat ANOTHER temple that looked and felt the same. Couldn’t they have made each Divine Beast a different color scheme or used the elements of each one just a little more? This con is forgivable because of how big and varying in environments the world is and how much you can explore, however. -the lore. This goes along with the story con, as well as the connections to past games in pros. BOTW is missing some essential Zelda parts, one of which is lore. This game is really an epic, or I guess it would be if it had more lore. There’s not much connecting us to Ganon, other than the fact that we have to help Zelda and the champions defeat him/it. He doesn’t even have a human form, a voice, or any dialogue. I would have AT LEAST liked to learn why or how he exists the way he does in the first place. There is also little information about those past game connections I praised earlier. They’re just THERE, which makes me feel sad, but I am happy to at least feel something, which is hard in this game with the lack of an emotional connection to pretty much anything.
There’s probably more, but I can’t think of them right now. Remember, these are just my opinions. If you want to make your own lists, go ahead (even tag me tbh), thanks for reading! (If you did).
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 8: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
This article contains WandaVision episode 8 spoilers and potential spoilers for the wider MCU.
“You didn’t think you were the only magical girl in town, did you?” 
Agatha Harkness makes good on that line from last week’s episode in WandaVision episode 8, which functions as a trip through Wanda Maximoff’s entire MCU history. Not only does it reveal previously hidden (and crucially necessary) depths to her character and her relationship with Vision, but it successfully adds new elements to her established origin story. These new wrinkles pull from Wanda’s entire Marvel history, and have massive implications for magic users and even mutants in the MCU going forward.
Here’s what we found…
Sitcom Influences
Among the bootleg DVDs Wanda’s father is selling we can see Bewitched, Malcolm in the Middle, I Love Lucy, Who’s the Boss?, I Dream of Jeannie, and The Addams Family, all of which have been major touchstones for WandaVision throughout its run. But Wanda’s favorite? That would be The Dick Van Dyke Show.
The Dick Van Dyke Show episode that the Maximoffs watch is season 2 episode 21 “It May Look Like A Walnut”, or as Wanda’s dad calls it “the walnut episode!” This installment finds Rob Petrie (Van Dyke) staying up late to watch a spooky sci-fi movie on TV, while his wife Laura (Mary Tyler Moore) tries to ignore it because it freaks her out. In the movie, aliens from the planet Twilo come to Earth in disguise to slow down humanity’s development by feeding us walnuts that contain the chemical element “absorbitron.” The walnuts take away our creativity and our thumbs – the two things that get us into outer space to challenge their Twiloian supremacy. The next day, walnuts seem to be the only food that Rob can find. He comes to believe that Laura is either playing a trick on him, or that the Twiloites have really invaded.
Why would WandaVision go out of its way to mention this episode in particular? Well, Wanda can certainly empathize with a protagonist who comes to believe his world is fabricated. And Marvel Phase 4 does seem destined to spend quite a bit more time in space.
The scene of Malcolm in the Middle that Vision watches but doesn’t quite understand has Hal build a deck, only for it to collapse on him. In the third WandaVision episode intro, Vision builds a swingset, only for it to suddenly collapse in front of him.
Wanda’s father sold DVDs as a trade and even had a Malcolm in the Middle box set in there. That’s pretty damn impressive, since he was killed by that bomb in 1999 and the show didn’t start airing until early 2000. That’s some Spaceballs VHS technology right there!
While at the HYDRA facility, Wanda watches The Brady Bunch. The episode appears to be season 1’s “Kitty Karry-All Is Missing.” When Cindy Brady’s beloved Kitty Karry-All goes missing, she thinks her brother Bobby stole her. The Bradys have a trial and everything! But it turns out the Bradys’ dog Tiger actually took Kitty Karry-All. Perhaps that’s why Agatha needed Sparky out of the way – dogs are unpredictable.
Wanda’s assurance that “He’s not really injured. It’s not that kind of show” is as much a commentary on superhero storytelling in both comics and in movies as it is about sitcoms.
Agatha Harkness
Kicking things off with an Agatha Harkness origin story is an inspired move…
Placing Agatha’s origin in witch-trial era Salem in 1693 ends up being a little piece of misdirection. She’s not on trial for being a witch, but rather by her own coven for seeking too much power. 
We get a sense of Agatha’s family here, with Agatha’s mother leading the coven against her while Agatha is still just a young witch. This doesn’t match her comics origin, where she was already centuries old by the time the Salem Witch Trials rolled around – she is old enough to remember Atlantis being above water. In the comics, she was a leader of the Salem community when the trials began. 
Agatha’s mother’s name is Evanora Harkness. She doesn’t appear to have a counterpart in the comics.
The Latin chant that the witches are repeating appears to be “mors monstru naturale” which would translate to “natural death is a monster,” which…given Agatha’s seemingly immortal nature, tracks pretty well.
The magical “crown” of energy that appears on Agatha’s mother’s head very faintly resembles the headgear that Wanda wears in the comics as the Scarlet Witch. Granted, it’s blue here.
Agatha’s use of “purple energy” may be the most damning sign of her intentions yet. In comics, purple is often coded as the color of villains.
We also learn the origin of the brooch Agatha has been wearing all through this series, with Agatha having taken it off her mother’s corpse. 
In the final scene with Agatha and the twins, she floats above them and holds them at will like marionettes. This is probably a reference to Master Pandemonium, whose reveal made the children look like hand puppets…except they were his actual hands.
Because comics!
Let’s dig into some of the spells Agatha says…is one of them “crystallum possession”. I also definitely heard an Imperio something in there, which calls to mind the Imperius curse from TERF High Harry Potter. The Imperius curse allowed the witch or wizard to control the victim’s body like a puppet.
The Scarlet Witch
Hoo-boy, we get a LOT of Wanda’s comics lore introduced in this episode…
This episode makes it pretty clear that Wanda was born with her abilities and that Strucker’s experiments merely amplified them. Should we officially welcome mutants to the MCU? If her powers were latent, then perhaps so were Pietro’s. The fact that Strucker’s experiments killed all the subjects except for Wanda and Pietro could be seen as further evidence of their mutant heritage.
We get some very different explanations of Wanda’s magical powers than we’ve had in the past, all via Agatha, and all of them referencing various ways Wanda’s powers have been explained in the comics in the past.
Why didn’t that Stark Industries bomb explode and kill Wanda and Pietro? She may have unknowingly cast a “probability hex” on it. For many years Wanda’s “magical” powers were explained as a mutant ability to alter the probability of outcomes, no matter how unlikely.
Later, it was revealed that she was a master of “chaos magic,” another term introduced here. Furthermore, now it seems that being able to wield chaos magic gives Wanda a specific magical title, that of “Scarlet Witch.” We…do not have to tell you where that comes from.
The vision (sorry) that the Mind Stone gives Wanda would appear to be one of her future, fully Scarlet Witch-ified self. This particular costume, which evokes a long jacket and crown, is very similar to the one she’s worn in the most recent Marvel Comics.
When Agatha finally discovers that Wanda is the Scarlet Witch, she says that the Scarlet Witch was supposed to be “a myth.” Big Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibes in this exchange! Buffy often faced off against foes who once thought she was just a fairytale created to spook demons and nothing more.
Agatha’s “That accent really comes and goes, doesn’t it?” is a terrific joke at the MCU’s expense. As well as her “so many costumes and hairstyles” also feels like a nod to Wanda’s changing looks in the comics just as much as it is about the chameleon-like nature of the WandaVision universe.
The scene of Wanda coming across the disassembled remnants of Vision’s body in the SWORD lab is taken from West Coast Avengers #43 into #44. Instead of dying heroically, Vision was taken out of commission by the world’s governments for trying to take over all of the world’s computers. He was reduced to nothing but metal and circuitry in order for writer John Byrne to drive home Vision’s lack of human biology. 
That disturbing scene of Vision being “dissected” with his body stretched out across multiple tables is a direct nod to a panel from those comics.
It also reminds us a little of how Thanos had Nebula pulled apart in Avengers: Endgame. At least Vision is offline!
Vision was then resurrected in the white form that we see here in the mid-credits scene, and brought back without his emotions or any connection to his past life as Wanda’s husband or Billy and Tommy’s father. This was one of the catalysts for Byrne sending Wanda into her Dark Scarlet Witch phase that abruptly ended when Byrne stormed off of West Coast Avengers for the cardinal sin of “being edited.” For more on this, type “Why did John Byrne” into Google and let autocomplete take you on a fun ride.
We’ll have more on White Vision in just a moment.
The Stark Bomb
The toaster commercial from the first episode was always supposed to be a reference to the Stark Industries bomb that tore apart the Maximoff household. That commercial also had the blinking red light of the toaster show up despite everything else being in black and white. We now see that the bomb itself had a very similar blinking red light and sound.
The popular running theory was that the commercials tracked to the different stones, and while that may still be applicable, do they also/instead track to Wanda’s memories or key parts of her life? 
We saw the toaster match up with the blinking light on the bomb.
We know the watch had the Hydra face on it. Could this match if future Wanda floating in through the stone was actually a paradox and not just a vision?
The paper towel commercial mentioned Lagos too prominently to not pair with that moment of trauma.
Does the fruit snack commercial match up with her conversation with Vision in the Avengers compound?
The anti-depressant commercial does track fairly well with Wanda’s visit to SWORD.
It feels like the only one that doesn’t have an obvious pair is the tesseract bubble bath. Give us a shout in the comments if you can figure out what that matches to.
When Wanda drives through Westview for the first time, she passes by the normal versions of Herb (John Collins), Mrs. Hart (Sharon Davis), and Phil (Harold Proctor). Notably, Harold is putting up an ad for piano lessons when in the second episode, playing the piano was his talent. It’s also when Wanda magically turned his grandmother’s piano into an illusion.
As Wanda transforms Westview, we see a billboard for “Super” paper towels become “Lagos” brand paper towels (ala the commercial from earlier this season), which “makes cleanup a snap!”
When the Coronet theater marquee transforms, it’s showing two Walt Disney Productions films of the appropriate WandaVision episode 1 era, Kidnapped and Big Red. But before that it’s showing Tannhauser Gate. Roy Batty, call your agent, please.
Fake Pietro
It’s revealed that “Pietro Maximoff” was indeed a complete fake. A “Fietro” as Agatha calls him. He became her “eyes and ears” and she refers to his manifestation as “a crystalline possession.” We sense there will be more revealed about this in the finale, as Evan Peters has been M.I.A. since his appearance in last week’s post-credits scene.
The Post-Credits Scene and White Vision
In West Coast Avengers #45, Vision’s personality was wiped completely, so by the time he was reassembled, he appeared as “White Vision”. He completely lacked emotion and didn’t even understand why Wanda was hugging him upon entering the room. This became the status quo version of Vision for a while until his old personality, look, and feelings for Wanda were eventually brought back. But hey, this version got to be a playable character in the 1991 arcade hit Captain America and the Avengers!
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What are the chances that White Vision will have James Spader’s voice?
We wrote more about that post-credits scene here.
Spot anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!
The post Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 8: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide appeared first on Den of Geek.
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