#he might as well get a poster of appreciation
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twilight-zoned-out · 2 years ago
Some things about Allan:
He’s the only one who reacts to the narrator
He’s the only doll (besides the Weird House) who isn’t swayed in some way by Ken’s takeover
He also declares himself as “Ken's buddy" (making canon his official box description) which makes his inability to be swayed more interesting
He has bendable legs (probably the only reason he tries to jump the fence instead of going around like everyone else)
He easily decked a half-dozen construction Kens and could probably singlehandedly win the Ken fight
He seems to know more about the real world than most Barbies
He knows what NSYNC is 
He knows about other Allan copies living in the real world (I’m trying to figure out if he made this up to convince the humans he can live in the real world, but even if he did, how does he know what NSYNC is???)
There are no other Allan models
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sourdeers · 12 days ago
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pairing ﹕ katsuki bakugou x reader.
— content warning: third year! reader & katsuki. profanity. lower case intended. katsuki has hearing aids. bakugou parents mentioned. alcohol consumption - not by reader or katsuki. minor angst. — word count ﹕ 1.4k — a/n: FIRST POST, YAY ! reblogs and comments are very much appreciated !
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“what do you want?”
katsuki has an attitude. his face is pulled into a pretty scowl, brows furrowed just the slightest bit, and his voice has a certain . . . edge to it. you disregard his attitude and smile widely. “katsuki! just the guy i was looking for.”
he blinks at you for a moment, then narrows his eyes. “you’re at my dorm.” another blink, a shake of his head. “whatever. what do you want?”
you push past him into his room, ignoring the grunt of annoyance that he gives you, and sit down on his desk chair. this is a normal occurrence—you barging into his room and talking his ear off. since second year, when you were officially adopted into what denki calls “the baku-squad,” his room has become one of your favorite places to be. 
unlike denki’s messy room, and mina’s completely cluttered room, katsuki’s room is clean, cozy, and neat. there’s a few posters on the wall, two of all might and one of katsuki’s favorite band. he absolutely never has the big light on, always opting for the lamp in the corner of his room that gives off an orange-ish hue. 
“i have a problem,” you state simply. he swings the door shut and walks to his bed—you take that as a sign to keep talking. “so, there’s that that in present mic’s coming up and—”
“no.” he lays down on his bed, resting the back of his head against the wall, and pulls out his phone.
“you didn’t even let me finish my sentence!”
“you want me to help you study.” he grumbles, eyes briefly flicking over to meet your own. “and i said no. go ask mina or shittyhair, or something.”
now it’s your turn to blink. because, while you love them both so very dearly, you and katsuki both know that they aren’t the brightest when it comes to grammar.
“please!” you exclaim, standing quickly and walking to the side of his bed. you sit down and feel your weight making a dip. “i am literally desperate, katsuki. like, name anything and i’ll do it. you want me to do your laundry? done. want me to make dinner for a week? i can’t promise it will be good, but that’s fine. want me to . . . to . . . i don’t know, beat the shit out of somebody? done!”
he looks up from his phone now, a smile on his face. a terrifying, creepy, mischievous grin. you narrow your eyes slightly. “anything?” he repeats.
you swallow hard. “with- within reason, of course.”
“alright, y/n.” he pushes himself up into an upright position, discarding his phone off to the side. “i’ll help you study for mic’s test. on one condition.”
“this is . . . not what i had in mind when you ‘one condition,’ katsuki.”
he clicks his tongue and turns to you, now facing away from the mirror. “what did you think i was gonna ask for? don’t got nothing for you to do that i can’t do myself.” his hands are messily fumbling with his tie, the same scowl from earlier plastered on his face. “are you gonna help me with this damn thing, or are you just going to stand there and gawk at me?”
you flush. because, yes, you were gawking, but there’s no reason for him to know that. “i was not gawking at you, just wondering how you have fashion designers for parents and don’t know how to properly tie a tie.” you roll your eyes, but walk over to him, fingers shaking as they reach for the red fabric around his neck. “i can’t even believe you come to these types of things. didn’t think you’d be into dinner parties.”
he doesn’t answer immediately, but you can feel his gaze in your face. you refuse to meet his eyes, not when you’re this close to him. 
there’s always been . . . something between you and katsuki. he’s always been nicer to you—well, as nice as katsuki can get, at least. ”accidentally” making extra of your favorite food; movie night, when he kicks kirishima off the couch so you don’t have to sit on the floor; texting you first, rather than never responding to your texts like he does to the rest of your guys’ friends.
you’ve noticed it, of course. how could you not? you notice him staring when he thinks he’s being discreet. you’ve noticed the small, barely there smiles that he gives you when you’re talking to him about something random.
“we’re going to be late,” you say, hands dropping to your side awkwardly. you take a step back, eyes still glued to the tie. “it’s fixed. come on, let's get out there before your mom kills us.”
you turn before he can say anything else. 
you can hear everyone before you even open the door. but once you do, the sound is almost magnified. you turn back to katsuki with narrowed eyes. “do not turn your hearing aids off during this dinner, or i will strangle you.”
he rolls his eyes and sighs heavily. “i won’t. i think my mom would kick my ass harder than you would.”
“oh, please,” you roll your eyes as you make your way down the hallway.
the party is . . . fine. it’s mostly adults—older women who work with mitsuki, accompanied by their husbands. a few of the men there work alongside masaru, as well. you’re not really sure why katsuki had to come, or why you both had to dress up so fancy, but you don’t ask him about it.
there are a few awkward moments when the said older women ask you two how long you’ve been together, or if you’re thinking about marriage and kids yet, but katsuki takes it like a pro.
“we’re not together,” he says, more than once.
“she’s not my girlfriend,” he says through gritted teeth, more than once.
“we’re friends.” he rolls his eyes and sends you a pleading look.
each time, it’s another stab to your heart. you’re well aware that katsuki does not have girlfriends. he has friends and he has school and he has being a pro-hero and, for him, that’s enough.
even when he invites you to a dinner party with his parents and their co-workers.
by the end of the night, your stomach is full, your head hurts, and you need probably ten hours of sleep to be caught up.
“that was . . .” you trail off, staring down at your heels as they click against the concrete. “i did not realize your parents were that big into parties. they go hard, huh?”
he huffs out a laugh, but it sounds more like a scoff. it always does. “yeah, it’s fuckin’ ridiculous. one glass of wine and the hag goes off the rails.”
you snicker, shoving his shoulder with your own. “how many times do i have to tell you not to call her that?” you playfully scowl, shaking your head. “your mother is a very nice woman.”
he stops in his tracks, and you do the same. his brows furrow and he jerks a thumb in the direction of his house. “my mother? bakugou mitsuki? are you sure we met the same person in there? blonde, loud, an asshole. sounding familiar?”
“very,” you hum, a small smile on your face.
“that is so not funny, y/n.”
he jogs back up to you just as you reach your car. “well,” you say, shrugging your shoulders. “that was . . . i won’t say fun, but i had an okay time. thanks for inviting me.”
“i didn’t really invite you. you kind of had to come.” he shrugs too, shoving his hands in his pockets. “but, uh, thanks. for coming, i mean. i didn’t want to do that by myself.”
“no problem, kats.” 
there’s a silence that falls over you two, like you both want to say something but won’t—or can’t. he opens his mouth to speak, but closes it again.
“i should probably go home,” you mumble, eyes drifting to your car. “my mom said be home by eleven.”
“right.” he nods once. you reach for your door handle, but he clears his throat and you freeze. “uh, hold on.” you turn to look at him again, head tilted. “my parents are doing another one of these things next weekend,” he explains, scratching the back of his neck. “do you wanna, uh, come?”
it’s not a confession. it’s not him asking you out on a date. hell, it’s not even him showing any interest towards you. but . . . your heart thumps in your chest and the smile that stretches across your face is almost involuntary.
“eat masaru’s food and gossip with drunk older women?” you ask, resting a hand on your hip. “count me in.” he starts to snicker, but you hold up a finger. “on one condition.”
the groan that leaves his mouth is the funniest thing that night.
and the smile on his face as you drive away is the prettiest goddamn thing you’ve ever seen. 
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steddielations · 1 year ago
Steve acts on instinct.
There’s this guy in all black walking in front of him, he’s too busy looking down at his phone to notice, but Steve doesn’t trust that lamppost. He’s been going for daily runs, he likes to keep it simple during the off-season, and that post has been getting more rickety every day. Now it’s swaying dangerously in the wind and he knows it’s about to tumble.
There’s no time to call out to the guy, so Steve just plows forward and tackles him out of the way.
They fall in a messy heap and Steve unfortunately lands heavily on top.
“Holy shit! What the— ugh!” The guy heaves in pain and Steve hurries to scramble off of him.
“Sorry, that post was about to fall on you, man. You alright?”
Pieces of grass stick to the guy’s long hair as he takes stock of Steve and what happened. With a labored breath, he surprisingly jokes, “Guess I’m lucky the best football tackler alive happened to be right behind me.”
It’s sarcastic as shit but Steve smiles with a tug of amusement as he offers his hand. “Baseball, actually.”
“You’re in the wrong league, man,” he lets Steve pull him to his feet and groans on the way up. “Well, nice to meet you, Baseball, you pack a hell of a first impression. I’m Eddie.”
Steve would appreciate his ability to joke so soon after taking a hit, but people are starting to gather around. There’s already phones pointed at them that probably caught the whole thing on camera. Steve’s used to public attention by now, knows the press is going to have a field day with this and he hates causing a scene, but he wants to make sure Eddie is okay.
“Just Steve is good. You wanna…? This way,” he gestures toward the sidewalk and thankfully, Eddie seems just as eager to get out of there too, shuffling next to Steve as they round the corner.
He’s wearing so much metal jewelry, it’s like a costume, the jingle jangle of his every step accentuating how shaken up he seems. They get far enough behind a building and Steve stops to have a real look at him and… well he’s interesting to look at.
It’s like he hopped off the album cover of an 80s rock band, or one of Steve’s Bon Jovi posters that he hid under his bed in high school. Way too much leather and way too much hair for the California sun, all disheveled with grass and dirt.
“You sure you’re okay? Here, you got a little…” Steve’s hand hovers until Eddie nods that it’s okay from him to pluck the grass from his hair and lightly brush the dust from his shoulders. Eddie watches him the whole time, his eyes big and dark, an intensity in them that Steve can’t quite read but he can feel. “Didn’t hit your head or anything, did you?”
Steve lowers his hands, stepping back a little when he realizes how close they are. Eddie’s eyes follow him, a slight quirk to his lips that makes Steve feel the heat of the sun a little warmer on his face.
“I’m touched by your concern, sweetheart, but my brain has been through worse damage than a little bump.”
Steve frowns at the ladder, but the first bit definitely makes him feel the heat. He’s admittedly a bit out of practice but he can still recognize a come on. One that he definitely invited with all the touching and indulgent looks.
Then Eddie starts profusely thanking him for the whole ordeal, asking to treat him somewhere nearby for lunch. It’s not that Steve doesn’t want to, he’s very interested actually, and thankful that out of all the jewelry Eddie’s sporting, there’s no wedding ring. That’s why he’s reluctant because he’s all sweaty at the moment. Not to mention, he didn’t finish his run yet.
“Surely saving my life was enough cardio,” Eddie jokes lightly and Steve snorts.
“I saved you from a minor concussion, maybe,” and okay he’s gotta accept now.
The place is small and unassuming, burgers and sodas type joint. Steve’s likely to be recognized there, which he doesn’t mind meeting fans in public just preferably not now, it might be jarring for Eddie.
He heads for the booth tucked in the back corner, the most private looking spot that Steve had his eyes on too. They get a round of sodas from the waitress and right away, Eddie starts thanking him again.
“I noticed that lamppost wobbling days ago,” Steve sparks a conversation instead of accepting any more thanks, “I was planning to let it fall on me so I could sue the shit out of the city.”
He’s pleasantly startled by the big cackle that gets out of Eddie, “Any chance to stick it to the man. I admire that.”
“‘Course I would’ve really stuck it to ‘em and donated it back to the community,” Steve adds.
“Giving the people’s money back to the people, imagine Big Brother’s horror. Noble guy.”
Eddie seems to bubble with contagious delight that doesn’t match his whole leather and chains thing at all, but it fits into the somewhat magic of him. It's a wonder to Steve.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” Eddie ventures, a glint of recognition in his eyes that Steve’s seen a thousand times. He doesn’t ping Eddie as much of a sports guy and he’s not vain enough to assume everyone knows who he is. Eddie’s probably seen him while flipping the channel past ESPN or something. Or maybe an ad for that Netflix thing he did documenting last year’s season.
“I think I’d definitely remember you.”
Steve didn’t mean it as a come-on, just that Eddie’s appearance really isn’t forgettable, but he can tell by the wicked little grin Eddie sports that it was taken as one. Steve likes that even better.
“Have you ever modeled, or anything? You’ve got the looks for it.”
Biting back a smile of his own, Steve shakes his head. “I bet you say that to everyone who saves your life.”
“None of them were half as good looking." That sounds concerning but Steve’s distracted by Eddie swirling his straw in his drink, regarding him with a long look. “Really though, I just feel like I’ve seen you before.”
Steve’s done a few covers of Sports Illustrated, but he doubts Eddie has ever picked up a copy of that, so he shrugs. “Must’ve been in your dreams.”
Eddie laughs softer this time. “You trying to sweep me off my feet or something?”
“Already did.” Steve leans back, enjoying the way Eddie’s eyes follow him.
Conversation sparks and it never really dies out. Eddie just grabs topics out of thin air, talking about the city and what they like to do and movies and his amazement that Steve knows all about D&D because he’s a nerd magnet. Eddie’s personality spills through everything he says like it can’t be contained. He’s talkative in a good way, not to a point where Steve can’t get a word in. He listens intently, has a way of putting all his attention onto Steve like he’s the most interesting person he’s ever spoken to.
It’s surprisingly easy to relax. Not because Eddie has a super calming presence or anything, his energy is just all-encompassing, it’s hard for Steve not to get sucked in and hang on to every word he says. It’s one of the rare times in public that he’s not hyper-aware of everyone around him and too paranoid of having a photo snapped and taken out of context to even enjoy himself.
That happens a lot, being one of the only professional athletes who’s open about his sexuality. The media is extremely invasive with his private life. If he’s seen with any guy friend, there’s a whole press storm about Steve Harrington’s “secret beau” within the hour. It’s ridiculous and he tries so hard to keep his lovelife under wraps that maybe he’s been neglecting it entirely, at least that’s what Robin says.
Of course, that’s when his phone lights up with a message from her. His heart sinks a little when he sees the title of the article she sent to him. He quickly shoots her a text and locks his phone without reading it.
“Everything alright?” Eddie notices the shift in Steve’s mood right away.
“Yeah just,” he sighs, bracing for the inevitable part when Eddie realizes Steve isn’t worth the hassle of all this, “Someone filmed us earlier and now it’s all over the press. I’m really sorry, I totally get it if—”
“Nah, don’t worry about it, it’s fine. I figured that would happen,” Eddie brushes it off, but Steve shakes his head.
“I don’t think you understand, it’s—”
“Wanna bet?” Eddie smirks for some reason, “I’m fine with it, I promise.”
He tosses a chip into his mouth and picks right back up with the story he was telling.
Steve is stunned for a moment, wary that maybe Eddie doesn’t fully grasp how deep this goes. But he stays there with Steve, seemingly thrilled to keep talking with him even when a family comes in and keeps staring their way, obviously building up the courage to come over and ask for a picture. Eddie’s acting like Steve’s the only person in the room and that’s enough to assure Steve that he’s really fine with it.
He’s so locked into Eddie, he barely registers when the older son from the family’s table finally wanders over and asks for a picture.
Steve is in the middle of wiping his face with a napkin, about to greet him when suddenly, Eddie pops up and asks Steve to excuse him for a minute.
“C’mon little man, let’s do it,” he says and much to Steve’s confusion, the teen excitedly goes with Eddie to his family’s table.
Steve watches, utterly baffled, as they start snapping photos and expressing what big fans they are and Eddie takes it with such bravado, laughing and chatting like he’s with a group of friends.
What the— Steve grabs his phone, opening the article Robin sent him at lightning speed.
At first, he wonders how the press was able to find out Eddie’s full name so quickly, then he sees the words "troubled rockstar" and "recovering star" so many times, it becomes abundantly clear.
He’s not so worried about the troubled part, everyone has their shit and he doesn’t read into any of it. Those are Eddie’s stories to tell Steve if he chooses, not some tabloid. But the rockstar part connects a lot of dots that have come up in the last couple of hours since meeting Eddie and—
Yeah, just. Oh.
Part 2
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erwinsvow · 10 months ago
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you had lived in the house next to tannyhill your entire life. though it was smaller, much less grand and a little older, it was home.
your bedroom faced the opposite side of the street, looking out onto the other neighbors. you occasionally ran into sarah and wheezie on the block or during a stroll on your bike and your dad would sometimes be seen talking to ward in the backyard about the weather or the updates to the golf course at the country club.
but in all the years you had been living here, you had never caught the older cameron's attention—at least until the tree poked through your window during the most recent hurricane.
your bedroom—your most sacred space—was now a litter of broken glass and scratched up floors. it would be easy enough to replace, once your parents found someone reliable enough to do it, and the best solution offered to you was relocating temporarily to the guest bedroom. it faced the other side of the street, looking out over the cameron pool and, unbeknownst to you, rafe's bedroom.
at first you just move some of your things in, knowing your parents wanted you to stop running back to your old room until it was fixed. then more things come in, making yourself more comfortable, until it seems that this might as well be your new bedroom. it's easy enough—decorating walls with photos and posters, dragging in your bookshelf and appreciating the joint bathroom a little too much.
you get very comfortable—though you don't realize the curtains in this room are completely sheer. it faces windows of tannyhill that you've never seen another person in, so you assume they must be empty too.
that's when rafe sees you for the first time—changing in your bedroom through his window. you walk in with a white towel wrapped around your body, drying your hair while you pace around. he feels a little green, staring at pretty exposed skin and wet hair like it's the first time he's ever seen a half-naked girl.
you brush your hair and then get closer to the window, a foot perched on the windowsill while you rub lotion onto your legs, and then your arms. rafe's still staring, and though he's sure he looks like a creep if you glanced up and at him, he doesn't stop. finally you get to your neck, and just when he thinks you've finished, you loosen the towel and let it fall to the floor.
all the blood rushes out of his head—watching your hands massage in lotion to the soft skin of your stomach, your back, finally stopping at your tits before you're out of his eyeshot. when you get back in, you're holding clothes in your hand, slipping into a big t-shirt and a pair of panties. he can even make out their blue color from how hard he's staring.
it's a little late—the sun's gone down but your room is still illuminated with light. he sees you crawl into your bed, getting under the covers and picking up a book from the nightstand. like an idiot, he keep staring until you turn your lamp off and go to bed, and like an idiot, he's still hard.
the next morning—after an entire evening spent trying to resist staring at your sleeping form—he goes downstairs to ask someone about you.
"who's the new neighbor?" rafe tries to ask it but it comes out more like a demand—wheezie looks up at him confused and sarah ignores him.
"huh?" his younger sister questions back, looking up from her breakfast. "what new neighbor?"
"on the pool side. saw a new girl. when did they move in?"
"what are you talking about, rafe?" sarah says. "she's always lived there. how are you this ignorant?"
"well, i've never fuckin' seen her before-" he thinks he's starting to get a little angry—maybe more at himself. how is it that he's never seen you before? how is it that you're dumb enough to leave a window uncovered enough for him to stare at you all night, naked, no less?
"dad said the neighbor's tree fell into a window. that's why he's getting the one by their room cut down, they said it was really bad-"
"that's so horrible. the tree was there first-"
rafe steps away, back up to his bedroom and his view of you. you're not there now, he saw you leave the room earlier. he can't help it—he wonders where you went.
that night, the same thing happens. it's terrible—he even turns the light off in his bedroom so you don't get alarmed. you come in around seven, talking on the phone with someone, juggling ice cream and shopping bags. you hang up the phone a little later, putting on something on your television and eating the ice cream from your bed.
he should've stopped looking the second you lick melting ice cream from your fingers, but he doesn't. he watches you pick up your towel and walk away, coming back wrapped in it just like yesterday. same as then, you put on lotion, taking extra time to blowdry your hair. you don't read tonight—probably too tired, he guesses—and go straight to bed. after he's sure you're asleep, he flicks his light back on.
it goes on for longer than he realizes, longer than he expects. it's fun watching your little routine, how oblivious you are to the fact that he's watching it. and you seem nice—sweet, even, with the way you smile brightly whenever your parents come into your room, the way you swing your feet when you're on the phone.
he does a little more digging—true to what his idiot sisters said, you've lived in this house forever. you've been a few hundred feet away this entire time.
like every night—he flicks off his bedroom light at eight. you bounce in, doing everything you always do, exactly the way you always do it. something seems different though—you don't seem tired, crawling into your yellow sheets a little too early.
rafe stands up so fast when he realizes what you're doing, he almost knocks his chair flat to the ground. one hand snaking into your panties—pink tonight—and the other under your t-shirt, you rock against your hands. your room is only lit up with the light of a faint lamp, but it's enough for him to see everything—the way your face contorts into pleasure, the moan you try to muffle with the back of your hand, when you finally cave and take off your shirt.
he keeps staring, about as hard as he's ever been, watches you give up on your hand and fold a pillow in half instead, mounting it and giving him the show he didn't realize he'd been waiting for. and fuck, it's perfect, exactly how he thought you'd be.
rafe doesn't realize he's doing it, palming himself before giving in and taking out his dick, angry and red already, watching you. his own strokes match your pace against the pillow, and it doesn't take long at all—you cum with your head pressed against your sheets and he cums into his hand, so close to the window his breath fogs up the glass.
he gives in twice more—repeating the events of that night when you touch yourself again. the other times he's content just to watch you, not sure when that become such a pleasure in and of itself.
one night you come home with some shopping bags—nothing new. you strip down and try on a pretty white dress with orange flowers, tight where it needs to be yet nothing you couldn't wear around family. you twirl around your room, and then call someone on the phone.
he doesn't know how the thought gets in—maybe because your window was a little cracked and his was open all the way, sound traveling through the window and the words he hears leads to the idea of you, going on a date with someone else, in that dress, plants itself in his mind.
rafe paces around his room, not even caring if you see. you can't go on a date, not with anyone but himself, and the very idea that you'd do something like that makes him angry. it's irrational, though he hardly cares, all he can think about is how to make sure it doesn't happen.
the next night—saturday—you get dolled up, though rafe's not there to watch this time. you put on makeup and even do your hair all pretty, slipping into the dress and tidying your room before making your way downstairs. your date said he'd swing by around seven to get you—and though he didn't seem the type, he was already ten minutes late.
you wait on your front porch for another ten, before deciding to send a text. it bounces back. you call him, but it goes straight to voicemail. with the bitter realization that you've been stood up almost twenty minutes later, you're about to go back inside with watery eyes, when you hear the sound of footsteps in the distance.
"hi, is that you?" you call out uncertainly into the night. your porch lights are dim, only giving you a little glimpse of a man walking towards your home from the street. but he's not coming from your driveway—he's coming from the side, from the cameron house.
when he gets closer, you see that it's rafe cameron—the boy you've been living next to for years but haven't ever spoken to. even if you didn't know your neighbors and his sisters, you'd still remember him—you only nursed a crush on him for years.
"hey, kid. what're you doin' out here all alone?"
"i.." you stop yourself short—you don't want to tell him you've been waiting for your date, it feels wrong. "i was just waiting for someone. um, what're you-" rafe doesn't let you finish.
"yeah, he's not comin'. not tonight, not ever."
"what?" nervous, frightened, your knees start to shake, feeling like you need to get far away right now.
"i said he's not coming. neither is anyone else. not goin' on any dates. get inside and get upstairs."
"rafe?" you question again, big eyes staring at your neighbor, fearful and confused.
"are you gonna make me repeat myself?" he asks, and almost automatically, you shake your head, complying, but still don't move. "go to your room."
you dart inside. rafe can hear your feet sprinting up the stairs. he turns off your porch light and walks inside your house, up the stairs, until he's face to face with your door with his hand on the knob. he twists, realizing you left it unlocked.
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thewertsearch · 2 months ago
@hussianphilosopher submitted: Sally - longtime lurker, first time poster, big fan. I'm perpetually amazed by how thoughtful you are about Homestuck and how well you understand it for a first-time reader (you might be surprised how many people watch Cascade and don't actually understand that the Green Sun was just created, much less immediately put together everything Doc Scratch said and did that led up to it!). The high point of the liveblog for me was the whole arc of you being confused about how predestination in Homestuck worked, because, essentially, you had already figured out that the alpha timeline existed before the alpha timeline was introduced. You were confused about the story for a while because you understood it too well, too quickly! As someone who engages with the story similarly to you, on both the character level and the deep story/analysis level, I want to make what is a pretty contrarian argument these days: that the Epilogues are A. good, and B. canon. They're a tough read for sure, but I think someone who reads the story as deeply and pays as much attention as you do will really appreciate what they're trying to do. The Epilogues were also the last time that Hussie was directly involved with the story, and I think if you read them now it's very clear that the story is the culmination of ideas he was thinking about from very early in Homestuck (He said for years before the comic finished that he planned some kind of epilogue). The whole "dubiously canon" concept was part of a failed experiment on his part to try to step away and empower the fandom - the people who actually worked on the comic in that era always treated it as canon and referred to it as such. I consider the Epilogues the final canonical chapter of Homestuck - at a bare minimum I think it should be thought of as Hussie's take on a post-Homestuck fanfic, and I think it deserves attention. Of course I also think the story is good and interesting, which a lot of people don't, so, it's all a matter of opinion, but, as someone who's been following your liveblog and respects your reading of the comic a lot, I wanted to at least throw my hat into the ring on the subject. Incredibly excited to see what you make of act 6!
I really appreciate this honest, impassioned, genuine defense of the Epilogues. It's not the only one I've been sent, either - and quite a few of the others have also cited my analytical style as a reason why I might get more out of them than I realize. I can't pretend I'm not at least a little intrigued.
I've been thinking a lot about Homestuck's tie-in material while drafting my response to this message, and after some serious consideration, I've decided that I'm going to change my planned approach to the Epilogues.
I originally planned to read it in a more casual, less analytical manner, and potentially transition to a full liveblog if and only if I'm sufficiently engaged. Instead, however, I'm going to do the opposite, respecting the faith its defenders have in it by giving it the complete liveblogger's treatment from the very beginning.
I reserve the right to transition back to a casual read if I'm not enjoying myself, of course! But, rest assured, I'll only do that after giving the Epilogues a real, good-faith college try.
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reader-from-nowhere · 4 months ago
AHHHHHH TAKE IT SecondBee by @yuukirita! :P Part 1, 2 here :DD
Cliffjumper was having the worst day ever, not only did he accidentally tripped and fall face-down at an extremely important meeting today, as a result, he got saddled with a scout mission by Elita - she probably felt bad about the incident and gave him an easy way out, and normally, he’d feel better away from the suffocating walls of Iacon, today just wasn’t his day.
Because the moment he stepped foot into the designated mine in his file folder, the ground collapsed. So, here he is, free falling down a seemingly never ending drop. Sure, he probably should freak out more and try to find a way to slow down.
But come on, one doesn’t just earn the name Cliffjumper from nothing.
So, case in point, today fragging sucks.
Crossing his arms, Cliffjumper frowned as he heard the faint sound of metal hitting solid ground. Seems like the ride is over, boo hoo.
Activating the duo blasters at the back of his foot and shoulder, Cliffjumper felt his body slowing down, taking the whistling wind away as it went. A shame, it was one of his favorite thing about free falling, his friends would sometimes joke about how he should’ve been created with an aerial frame.
No, focus, Cliffjumper, what was he doing again? Oh, right, scouting. His feet landed on the ground with a small clank, distantly, he wondered about the nature of this ‘mission’ of his.
Despite what other mechs whisper about (and despite Optimus’s best efforts to keep this particular information from him), Cliffjumper isn’t dumb, he was just a bit hot-headed and reckless, that doesn’t mean he can’t stop and think. Elita doesn’t quite know this just yet, and he intends to keep it that way, more for his advantage.
Nevertheless, this mine was not a usual place for a scouting mission, Elita had listed the description as ‘possible stray material locating’, but this specific mine was different, since it wasn’t evacuated during the incident with Sentinel (Cliffjumper would spit on that name if it ever comes to life), mechs had been able to extract all energons and precious materials after the battle, there was little reasons to send a scout here.
Still, Elita doesn’t do things without reason, so Cliffjumper didn’t question her. He kind of regrets that decision now.
Primus, when Elita finds out the mines had collapsed, she’d go straight to Optimus, and after Cliff got out, he’d do that thing where he lowers those antennas of his that almost makes Cliffjumper wanna swear he’d stay put. Then Elita’d make him swear it.
Ugh, he’s so grounded.
Welp, might as well enjoy his stay while he can. Looking around, Cliffjumper was hit with the sudden realization that, damn, he’s down pretty deep, actually. There was little to no natural light down here, only the dim sizzles of half-powered lamps scattered around the abandoned halls lit up the way.
Cliffjumper frowns, tapping on his comms, only for it to come back nulled. No signal.
Oh, he’s down deep deep.
Groaning, Cliffjumper kicks a pebble out of frustration, watching the thing bounces and hits the gray walls, he huffs. Primus, this place fragging sucks, actually, he wants to be picked up immediately. It was cold, empty and dead here, he hates it, those words don't belong in Cliffjumper’s vocabulary.
Even if an early rescue means he’d have to face Optimus sooner. Ugh, he doesn’t look forward to it at all, say goodbye to freedom for the next lightyear!
Cliffjumper slowly makes his way down the dim hall, grumbling to himself. It’s not that he doesn’t appreciate Optimus’ concerns, it’s just - it gets exhausting at times, he doesn’t want a repeat of that last time Cliff accidentally got shot in a scout mission. He was fine afterwards! Even Elita said so, although, she was trembling a bit while she did.
He loves the mech duo, but come on.
Cliffjumper sighs, tracing the worn-down walls of the place, sharpening his fingers when he went past a series of Sentinel posters. Honestly, frag that guy.
The false Prime not only ruined everyone’s life, he also separated the iconic team that freed Iacon from its chains. Maybe if the guy had never existed, then Iacon would’ve been fine, then Optimus and Elita wouldn’t have lost two friends that left them with visible scars that he can always see clinging to their clean frames. Maybe, then, Cliffjumper wouldn’t have lost his broth-
Letting out a very manly and brave sound, Cliffjumper unloads his blaster out of instinct, Elita’s warning of the potential of dangerous mechs going into hiding in deep mining levels. Crouching slightly, Cliffjumper tries his best to not make any sound moving forward.
He gulps, approaching the source of the noise, which is just around a corner. A very dim, shadowy corner.
No, he’s not scared, what are you talking about?
Cliffjumper steps closer and closer to the creaking sounds, inhaling, he readies his weapons. One more step, and he rounds the corner, raising his blaster as he did.
Now, across the cycles, Optimus has told him many, many stories about his brother. B-127, he stopped after…Well, he stopped after running out of new things to say, but Cliffjumper had always paid his utmost attention when the mech did. He had hung onto every word, rolling them around in his helm whilst recharging, committing them into his files, memories of what could’ve been.
What should’ve been.
Cliffjumper stopped dead at his feet, his blaster, raised mid-air, slowly tilting down.
He gapes. “Bee?”
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haikyu-mp4 · 9 months ago
Congrats on the milestone I love your work😸.
Applying with Sakusa, I am organized and a problem solver
thank you very very much, love!! I'm happy to hire you<3
Human error
Sakusa is a regular and finally asks you out, for the now hiring! event
word count; 1087 – f!reader
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Every time you got to see Sakusa, the mysteriously handsome volleyball player was accompanied by one or more of his fellow jackals. Their training facilities just so happened to be around the corner from the cafe where you worked and you had recognised him from the posters one of the first times he stopped by.
Sakusa wasn’t sure he’d ever have a chance with you, but he told himself it was even less likely if his teammates were to get involved. No doubt, they would try to play Cupid and ruin his already slim chances as if the prospect of them knowing he had somewhat of a crush wasn’t already embarrassing enough. So he put some effort into little ‘schemes’ that would allow him to talk to you without them.
One time, he left his MSBY jacket on the counter after he picked up his coffee. As he and Hinata left the shop, he put on what he felt was quite the acting performance, telling Hinata “I left my jacket, you go ahead,” before turning around to do so.
He had walked right up to the counter and you perked up when you spotted him, pulling the jacket up from behind the bar in a neat bag. You always wore a mask at work, which he greatly appreciated, but you pulled it down for a second to smile at him after he took the bag from you with a brief ‘thank you’. “You’re lucky I know you jackals and your uniforms by now,” you teased. “Someone tried to tell me it was theirs after they saw you left it.”
“Lucky me,” he agreed, completely abandoning the whole script. Instead, he just bowed and walked away.
Let’s just say, most of his schemes didn’t work out. Human error, one might call it.
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Sakusa wouldn’t say he gave up, but he took some time trying to come up with a new plan to approach you. The next time he saw you, it was with the full squad of Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu alongside him. They were talking loudly, not even lowering their volume when they got inside, which made Sakusa look away from them in embarrassment.
But then you laughed. And it annoyed him so much because he loved that laugh, but he never got close to being the reason for it. There’s one guy in line in front of the four volleyball players, and Sakusa was trying to tune in to your conversation. By now, one or two of his friends had caught on to where his attention lay.
“Would you let me take you out sometime?”
What did that guy just ask you?
Sakusa loudly cleared his throat and didn’t even realise he was moving until he stood in front of you, eyebrows furrowed as he turned his attention to the apparent competition. “Are you done ordering? There’s a line back here.”
You glanced at Sakusa and huffed out another short laugh, then looked back at the guy who had asked you out. “Sorry, I’m not interested. Remind me, did you want whipped cream on that?”
After a deep breath and watching the rejected guy step away to wait for his coffee, Sakusa was happy to find your attention back on him but not as happy about the playful glint of your eyes, even though it suited you painfully well. “Hello there, Sakusa. The usual?”
After confirming with a shy nod, Sakusa looked over his shoulder hesitantly. Atsumu was covering his mouth with his hand to contain his commentary, Hinata gave him a thumbs up, and Bokuto looked happily at the menu boards hanging above them to decide what he wanted to try today.
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Sakusa could not believe his luck. Not only did he have to stay late at practice, meaning he couldn’t stop by your cafe before you closed as he planned, but his car also decided to give up on him and stay in the parking lot. He called the repair guy, who said he could be there in the morning, and Sakusa begrudgingly agreed before hanging up. Taking public transport home was not an option if he could avoid it.
Might as well start walking. He stared at his feet while walking to make sure he didn’t step on anything gross, but the slam of a door in front of him made his gaze sharply turn upwards. His feet stopped moving and he stared as you locked up the door.
Is this... destiny- no. Sakusa didn’t want to entertain such childish ideas, but at least it was an opportunity. He hesitated. Should he finally talk to you? None of the other volleyball players were there to snicker or make teasing comments and no other customers could rudely ask you out right in front of him.
You were closing up the shop and it had been a long day. Working at the cafe was amazing, but even you were susceptible to bad days. It didn’t help either that Sakusa hadn’t stopped by, so you did your hair all nice for nothing.
Speaking of the devil, you heard someone clear their throat behind you, making you startle and clutch your key like a weapon. When you saw those brown eyes, you calmed down slightly before tensing up again.
Your mind went back to earlier that day when Bokuto, Atsumu and Hinata had come into the cafe and the trio leaned their elbows on the counter.
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“Between us girls, what’s your type?” Atsumu had asked, followed by Hinata adding,
“We’re asking for a friend!”
“Who might be interested,” Atsumu continued after realising that Bokuto had gotten distracted and forgot his line.
“Someone might call him the silent dark type, do you like that?” Hinata added like Atsumu had told him earlier.
“A friend?” you asked, pulling up the top of your mask a little to hopefully hide your cheeks more. They looked at each other and smirked, not giving you a proper answer.
“Could I get a raspberry refresher?” Bokuto asked with his sweet smile, and you clicked your pen more times than necessary before finally getting back into what you were doing.
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Now, you looked at Sakusa and the blush seemed to be back. Your mask was hanging off one of your ears and you thought it might be too obvious if you put it back on now to hide it.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you said.
Sakusa seemed to consider his words. “I was going to get something to eat. Would you join me?”
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yourfriendlyfanperson · 3 months ago
A Chemical Reaction Called Love
Chapter 1: A missing case in a small town
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~Pairing: Steve Harrington x F!reader
~Summary: Being the daughter of Hawkins Middle School Science teacher, Scott Clarke, has its perks. Constantly having to explain things to 'King' Steve Harrington wasn't necessarily one of them but it was something you had gotten used to. He might not be the brightest guy but at least he tried, and you appreciated that. You had big plans for the future, but they might be forced to change thanks to a phone call...
~Warnings: Sensitive topics might be brought up so reader discretion is advised.
~Word Count: 3.3K
~Authors Note: Hey everyone! This is my first time posting my fanfics in tumblr, I have them in ao3 or w-tpadd usually, but I've wanted to post them in tumblre for a long time. If someone knows how to do the fancy chapter thing where you add the numbers at the top please let me know! Any support is very much appreciated! This fanfic is still in the works! You can find me on Ao3 as Lilpipsqueak and W-tpadd as friendlyfanperson!
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~Narrator's POV~
"And to that, you need to add?"
"Hydrochloric acid," Y/n says turning to look at her dad as she remembers the answer, both of them walking through the car park of Hawkins Middle School as Y/n revised for her chemistry test which was in a couple of minutes. She always did well in her exams, especially her science ones, given the fact her dad was a science teacher so he always helped her out, but she still liked to revise before each exam.
"Great, you're all set for the exam," He tells her with a smile.
"Thanks for helping me out dad," She says.
"Morning Mr. Clarke!" Dustin shouts as he walks up to them, Lucas behind him, "Morning Y/n"
"Good morning Dustin, Lucas, how are you boys doing today?" He asks them.
"We're okay," Lucas tells him.
"Where's Mike?" Y/n asks them, knowing the three, though usually four boys, always arrived at school together.
"He should be here soon," Dustin told her, "What are you studying?" He asks.
"Chemistry, I have an exam first period, I should probably get going," She tells them with a smile, "See you later kids, be careful, and I'll meet you at your classroom after school dad"
"Good luck with the exam, honey," Her dad says as she walks away.
"Bye Y/n!" The two boys add waving at her.
She takes out her headphones and puts them on as she starts listening to "Oh, Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbinson, walking to Hawkins High School and focusing on the lyrics. She looked back at the boys who were happily talking with her dad, and all she could think about was the 4th member of their party, Will Byers, who had gone missing yesterday. She knew him really well, after all, she was always helping Joyce by looking after him while she and Jonathan worked, he was like the little brother she never had. When she heard the news about Will's disappearance she was devastated, she couldn't imagine Will running away or getting himself in some kind of trouble, but she also couldn't imagine him getting kidnapped by anyone in Hawkins, sure you had your usual creeps like every other town, but none that would ever do such a thing. All she could do, for now, was help around with the investigation and stay alert for anything weird so he could hopefully be found soon.
"Jonathan!" Y/n shouts as she sees him walking to school in front of her, she pauses the song taking off her headphones and walks towards him.
"Y/n, hey," He says, looking more tired than usual.
"Have you heard anything?" She asked him, hoping for some good news.
"Nothing yet, I'm going to check and see if my dad has something to do with it though I doubt it, he never cared about us" Jonathan explains to her as they start walking towards the main doors.
"Well if you need anything at all, just let me and my dad know okay?"
"Okay, I'll make sure to let you know," He says.
Y/n smiles at him, she looks down and notices a paper in his hand.
"What's that?" She asks him.
"Oh, just a missing poster my mom and I made, I'm going to put it in the school news board so people can keep a lookout," He tells her handing her the poster.
She takes it looking down at it, 'Have you seen me?' is written in capital letters on the top of the page with two pictures of Will under it, the general information about him and the clothes he was wearing when he went missing.
"We'll find him, I'm sure of it, Will's smart, he'll be okay," She tells Jonathan handing the paper back to him, hoping that the words coming out of her mouth will come true.
"I hope so, I really hope so," He says as they walk into the school, "I'll see you later"
"Yeah, I'll see you around" She adds waving goodbye at him as he goes over to the news board.
Y/n puts her headphones back on as she starts walking down the corridor, she sees Nancy and Barbara standing with none other than Steve Harrington, Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins, which she found extremely surprising, after all, Nancy and Barbara are not popular, at all, so it was strange to see them together, she had heard rumours though that Steve was going out with Nancy, so she guessed they must be true because there's no other reasonable option for them to be even near each other. Y/n gets along well with everyone really, she's nice to people and helps them out during lessons so luckily no one had ever really found a reason to bully her, which allowed Y/n to get through her so far 3 years of high school without a problem.
She talked with Nancy sometimes, they weren't necessarily friends but they were more than classmates, especially given the fact she knew the Wheelers quite well. Barbara and Y/n had interacted before but they didn't really talk, she got the feeling Barbara didn't like her very much, but she could never figure out why. She never really spoke to Tommy or Carol except when they needed help during class, but they didn't bother her so she didn't really care about them.
And then there was Steve Harrington, Y/n had known him since middle school, growing up in a small town means you pretty much grow up with everyone you go to high school with, in middle school they didn't really talk, Y/n had her friends and Steve had his, it wasn't really until the start of sophomore year when they started sitting next to each other in science that they started talking. Steve isn't the brighter student, but he has parents that have high expectations for him, so he needs to do good in school, lucky for him he sat next to Y/n. The first thing he said to her when she sat next to him on that first day of sophomore year was "Clarke you're smart, help me out here" and she did exactly that.
Did Y/n think Steve was a bad person? Not really, he had always been kind to her and he actually put effort during lessons when she helped him, so she appreciated that. Did she think the rumours about him were true? Yeah, Steve is famously known around the school not only for being the King of Hawkins high school, but also for making all the girls fall in love with him, and sleeping with them, and as far as Y/n knew that was true, most of the girls she knew had liked him at some point, most except her, and her best friend, Robin Buckley. Robin had an entirely different reason for not liking him than Y/n did though, Robin couldn't like Steve, Y/n on the other hand technically could, she just didn't see anything special about him, sure he's good looking, she accepts that, but he's a bit of an asshole to some people, he's way too popular and has a huge ego, and she didn't really like that.
"Oh, god, that's depressing" She heard Steve say as she walked past them, she knew they were talking about Jonathan, he was known around as a freak, but those weren't news to Y/n.
"Should we say something?" Nancy asked them.
"I don't think he speaks," Carol told her, chuckling.
"How much you wanna bet he killed him?" Tommy asked.
Y/n stopped walking, listening to what he said, she was a nice person, and she was calm, but like any decent human being, she had her limits.
She turned around to look at them as she opened her mouth ready to snap at Tommy, but before she could say anything, Steve pushed Tommy shaking his head.
"Shut up," He said, not much, the minimum actually, but his tone did show that even he knew Tommy had gone too far, she knew that in comparison to her telling Tommy something, he would at least listen to Steve, and so she decided to keep on walking away as she put her music back on.
Sometimes Y/n asked herself how things would be if Steve didn't hang out with assholes like Tommy and Carol, she believed, from what she knew and saw, that in comparison to them Steve was actually a good person, which she supposes isn't something necessarily hard to be, but from what she had learned about Steve from sitting next to him in the last year and a half, she could tell he was actually a kind person with a good heart when he was away from them, and she guessed he had probably ended up being the way he was because of the friends he has.
"Earth to Y/n!" She snapped out of her thoughts as she looked up, seeing none other than Robin in front of her, "Morning weirdo"
"Morning freak, how are you doing?" She asked Robin, pausing her music and taking off her headphones, stopping at her locker and opening it.
"I am actually doing pretty decent today, which is unusual given the fact I have a stupid math exam first period, and I also have to seat next to Jim, but I guess I shouldn't complain about being in a good mood" She explains to Y/n, rambling, as usual, thought Y/n didn't mind, she actually enjoys listening to Robin over share.
"Well, regardless of the math exam and having to seat next to Jim I'm glad you're having a good morning," Y/n tells her smiling as she takes out her books and puts them in her locker.
"How are you doing?"
"I'm alright, just worried about the chemistry exam and Will," She tells her closing her locker and turning around to fully look at Robin.
"I hope they find him soon," She tells her, worried, even though Robin had never spoken to Will she knew he was Y/n's friend, and she also knew no kid deserves to go through the trauma of going missing.
The school bell starts ringing, Y/n and Robin look at each other with worry.
"Time for the stupid exam," Robin says as they start walking to their classrooms.
"We've got this, it's just common sense," Y/n tells her trying to make sure she doesn't get too stressed.
"Right, just common sense" Robin repeats, not believing a thing, "I'll see you at recess, good luck, love you"
"Love you too, good luck" Y/n tells her as she walks away and into her chemistry room.
She walks inside the classroom and takes a seat at her table, putting her bag on the floor as she takes out her chemistry book, she knows Mr. Thompson gives them some time to do some last minutes studying, so she can at least look over things one last time.
"You could've phrased it differently," She says turning to look at Steve walking over to his desk.
"What?" He asks looking at her confused.
"What you said about Jonathan, well, more like the way you said it, about him putting up a poster being depressive, it actually is, his brother is missing and his family have already been having a hard time, it's not really something to joke about" She explains to him.
"Oh, right, well I'm sorry," He says, and to Y/n's surprise she can actually tell he means it and is being serious, "Today's the exam right?" Steve asks as he takes a seat next to her.
"Yeah, did you study?" She asks him.
"You'll be proud to hear I actually did, so I think I'm going to do pretty well today," He says smirking at her, taking out his notebook.
"Well I am proud, I can't believe you actually studied"
"Neither can I, it was only for like an hour though so don't be too proud," He tells her chuckling.
"Right of course, that I am not surprised about" She adds smiling at him.
The class ended up having 5 minutes to study, which were all taken by Steve asking Y/n a bunch of questions regarding his notes and the things he hadn't understood, but at least she was able to explain things to him before the time ran out.
The exam lasted an hour, for Y/n it was an hour of her just answering the questions, which were surprisingly easy, but for Steve, it was an hour of either trying to remember what he just read or looking over at Y/n with puppy eyes trying to get her to help him up, and she did, for like two questions, the hardest ones in the test, because she knew that giving him most of the answers would help no one, not even him.
Once the time was up Y/n and Steve, along with the rest of the class, stood up and left the paper on Mr. Thompson's desk.
"How do you think you did?" Steve asks Y/n as they walked back to their desks and grabbed their bags.
"I think I did pretty good, how about you?"
"I actually think I did decent, but we'll have to see," He tells her as they walk out of the classroom.
"I guess we will," She tells him.
"Thanks again for helping me out with the two questions, I really didn't understand them"
"It's alright, they were a bit hard and took away a lot of points, I'll see you next lesson Harrington," She tells him, as she starts turning around to go to her next class.
"Yep, see you later, Einstein"
Einstein, Steve's famous nickname for Y/n, he came up with it after she started helping him in science, he called her Einstein for two reasons; The first one being the fact that in his eyes she was extremely smart, like genius smart, she didn't personally think she was that good at science, but she knew she was better than average, or at least better than Steve; And the second reason was that Albert Einstein was the only scientist Steve actually knew something about, because if he really wanted to give her a nickname that actually made sense, he would've called her Marie Curie, given the fact Y/n was better at chemistry than physics.
The rest of the day went by smoothly, just like most. Y/n had her lessons, then her breaks, and talked with Robin, it was a simple day, which was all she could really ask for.
"And I mean he doesn't even like her, I don't understand what she can see in him" Robin complained as they walk out of the school.
"I mean most girls probably like him based on looks purely, I bet most haven't even had a proper conversation with him, and come on Robin you can do better than wannabe Madonna anyway," She tells her.
Wanna be Madonna is their nickname for Tammy Thompson, they couldn't just go around the school talking about the girl Robin liked without a worry in the world, someone could hear and that would just be chaos.
"I guess, I mean she's just so pretty, and don't know what but there's just something about her that I find hypnotic almost" Robin explains as they walk to the bus.
"I mean she's pretty, but let's be honest how likely is it for her to be anything else but straight?" She asked Robin, whispering the last part.
"Not likely, like at all, god I'm going to be single forever," She said moving her hands to cover her face in defeat.
"No you won't, Robin I guarantee you that one of these days you're going to meet the girl of your dreams and we'll look back at this moment and laugh about your crush on her, trust me," Y/n says moving her hand to Robin's shoulder.
"I hope so, but we'll see, I'll see you tomorrow, take care weirdo," Robin says as she gets on the bus.
"Goodbye freak" Y/n shouts at her walking away to the middle school.
She sees Dustin and Lucas rushing out of the school towards their bikes, in a panic.
"Hey! What's the rush?" She asks them.
"I-umm, nothing, it's nothing, don't worry" Dustin shouts as they get their bikes and pedal away.
"Well that was weird" She mumbles walking inside the school.
She made her way through the corridor and knocked on her dad's classroom as she walked in.
"Hey dad," She says smiling.
"Hey honey, how did your test go?" He asks her, organising some papers on his desk.
"I think it went well, we get the results next lesson"
"Well, I'm sure you did wonderfully," He tells her.
"Hopefully, how were the boys feeling today?" She asks, taking a pile of the papers.
"Well Mike didn't come to school, his mom called to say he wasn't feeling well, he seems really worried about Will" He explains to her as he gets his bag, grabs the other pile of papers, and starts walking out of the room.
"I can't even imagine how worried they must be, I really hope they find him, have they heard anything?"
"Well apparently Earl saw Will, so I'm going around with some others to help look for him," He tells her, locking the door behind him.
"Can I go? I want to help, I don't want to sit at home doing nothing"
He looked at her unsure, ever since Will's disappearance he had been worried sick about some lunatic going around Hawkins, he was worried about something happening to Y/n, but he also knew it was better to let her do things before she found a way to do them herself.
"Sure, but you'll be with me the whole time, okay?"
"You got it chief" She smiled.
"So, what exactly do we need to look for? Apart from a small boy, of course," Y/n asks her dad as they walk through the woods.
The evening was a cold one, but it was early November so it was to be expected, the woods were covered in darkness, the only thing giving them light being the flashbacks they had. There were at least fifty people around looking for Will, so hopefully, they could find something.
"Well, we need to look out for anything that might give us a clue to someone being around here, maybe blood, some clothes, an object of his" He explains looking around the ground for anything.
Y/n nods looking around as well but stops when she sees a small hole, she wasn't sure if it was part of the sewers or if it led somewhere else, so she kneeled down in front of it as she looked inside, the space was small but big enough for a small kid to go through it.
"Will!" She shouts, she waits for a response, but there's none, and then she sees it, a ripped-out piece of clothing.
"Dad! Dad! I found something!" She says, Scott immediately turns to her kneeling down.
"What is it?" He asks.
"Look, it's like someone came out from here and ripped a piece of their shirt, don't you think?" She questions.
"Maybe," He says, he takes his whistle and alerts the Chief of police Hopper that they found something.
"Hey, what do you got?" Hopper asks as he runs up to them.
"Not sure," Scott tells him.
"I found this, in there," Y/n tells him, handing him the ripped piece of shirt.
"No way a kid can crawl through there" Officer Powell says, looking inside.
"I don't know, a scared enough one might, his brother said he was good at hiding," Hopper told him.
"And he's small, I could see him fitting through there" Y/n adds, "Do you think it could be Will's?"
"I don't know kid, we'll have to see," Hopper says standing up and walking away.
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Thank you for reading!
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manicpixiefelix · 1 year ago
baby, put your back into it {Farleigh Start/Reader/Oliver Quick}
1/2: i'm gonna talk you through it [SMUT]
Summary: You're the daughter of one of Henrys, and known to be a snobby, entitled Princess of a woman; neither Venetia nor Felix seems to like you. Farleigh, however, claims that you and he have an ongoing arrangement. Felix says that arrangement is that you and Farleigh bitch together, then fuck like wild animals every time you hang out. Turns out you're even bitchier in person, and after a cruel joke played on Oliver by you and Farleigh at the Henrys dinner, he decides to take a bit of power back. Not that it goes as intended... nor that it goes completely wrong.
Need to Know: She/Her. AFAB!Reader. Established FWB Brat!Reader/Brat Tamer!Farleigh
Warnings: PWP!! smut; fingering, oral (F receiving), dirty talk, lots of arguing, reader is very very bratty, demeaning talk, bondage & restraints, explicit discussions around safewords (it does happen a little bit into the action but before anything major), pet name used for the reader "princess"
A/N: 4730 words. okay turns out i can write pwp. i cut out like 1.5k of background and you get the gist of it in the summary. there will be a part 2 thats heavy on the smut, but this trio takes a while to set anything up because they can't stop arguing. hints of farleigh/oliver. this was a lot of fun but again i can't stress how long its been since ive written full, proper smut, so id really appreciate feedback. <3 unedited, i love you.
{ masterpost : 1/2 }
TAGLIST IN COMMENTS!! // TAGLIST ALWAYS OPEN ! (just message or comment to be added)
Fucking Farleigh Start. Oliver feels the fury as it burns and bubbles inside of him, stalking quietly through the halls of Saltburn. There, at the end of the hall, Farleigh's bedroom door, quiet and unassuming, and right next to it, Oliver's target; your door. Farleigh isn't the only one in the house who can wrap people around his little finger; he isn't the only one in the house who can get the Princess to kneel.
Trying the handle, he finds it unlocked, and eases the old, wooden door open.
"Farleigh was right," upon hearing your voice, bright, amused, and very much awake in the dark, Oliver jumps, "you're an A-plus lurker, I didn't even hear you come in."
"Was a nasty thing you did to me tonight," Oliver tries to regain some of his composure, some of the ire he'd built up on the way here.
"So you've snuck into my room, I assume you assumed I was asleep, to- what, wake me up and berate me?" There's something smug and biting in your voice, something that fuels the fury coiling deep in his gut, "that doesn't sound like enough for someone like you, tricksie, little, pauper boy." When you start to move from where you've been sitting up in bed, crawling to the end to sit on your knees as the moonlight streaks through your window and finally paints you in sharp relief, he sees you're already nude.
But even your stunning body in the moonlight cannot compare to the look on your face, the sharp, hungry, mean amusement he's never seen a person wear so well.
"Go on then, shout," your eyes shine dangerously in the moonlight; "don't you want Farleigh to hear?" They might have been right. You might be the devil. Your smile gets wider, and Oliver can only watch, rather transfixed, as you start rolling your hips with purpose, "or do you want him to hear something else?" He hears, quietly at first, a soft tap, getting louder as you keep insistently thrusting against the air, against the mattress, the sound of the bedframe hitting the wall behind it, the wall that you shared with Farleigh on the other side.
Then, all at once, you stopped. A loud, mean laugh is pulled from you as you pitch yourself back on the bed, kicking your legs out in front of you to hang off the edge, completely relaxed, completely exposed. You give a loud, amused sigh, looking up at the canopy of the four poster bed.
"God, you're such a little bitch, Oliver, Farleigh was so right," you snorted, "I was the one who actually saw you eating Venetia like your life depended on it, on the lawn of all places," you shook your head, "I don't know what you told Felix to get out of that one but I know what I saw," clicking your tongue, you raised your leg, pointing a foot at him, not even bothering to look at him, "now you won't even touch me in my own bedroom when I'm practically begging for it. I'm choosing to be offended about that; you've offended me, Oliver."
Slowly, your leg lowers, and you kick your heels idly against the end of the bed in the silence.
"Where do you get all your attitude from?" Oliver finally speaks, tone turning scornful as he approached you.
"The money," you fire back with ease, "which is why you always seem to have none." Then, in the furious silence that followed, you grinned sharply at the roof, still not bothering to look at him, "try harder."
When he touches your knee, his fingers gentle against your skin, you kick him hard in the thigh with your other foot -
"The fuck? Did you just kick me?"
"Yeah, and?" He can almost hear you rolling your eyes, "what did you think it was, the wind? Ghost of Grandma Catton?"
"Do you fuckin' want me or not?" He's still standing within kicking range, he learns too late. All the while you've never even looked at him, always looking at the ceiling, hands comfortably, casually behind your head. There's a smug grin on your lips now, something teasing and once more mean.
"Do you want me?" You respond, legs gliding open, an open invitation to your slick, moon-drenched cunt, "I thought you wanted to use me to get back at Farleigh," you said mockingly, finally looking up and meeting his deep, furious gaze. Propped up on your elbows, you give a grin that's all teeth, "wanted to show us who has the real power, that you can get us back for the stunt we pulled after dinner," you sat up further, intense, hungry amusement in your eyes that drew Oliver in to you, leaning in, his hands coming to rest on your thighs as you were almost nose to nose. Your voice lowers, gaze on his lips as your voice turns to almost a moan, "wanted to show Farleigh that you could take anything he thought was his; even me," and you start fake moaning, softly at first, but getting exponentially louder as you leaned back again, against the bed, arching and writhing from nothing, putting on a show that ended with you shouting - "Oliver's a fucking bitch!" At the top of your lungs, and cackling with glee.
Rage exploded within Oliver, and for a moment, overcome with a strange sense of betrayal at your demonstration, he smacks at your inner thigh with all the might he can muster. He can tell it stings, your laughter stops for just a moment, leg flinching up for just a second, but then you're laughing harder if possible.
"Your first mistake - of many - was letting her talk at all," Farleigh's voice from the door is frankly annoyed. You, however, gasp with delight, sitting directly up and looking at Farleigh with absolute glee.
"That's not his fault, I wasn't going to tell him," you pointed out, before looking down at your thighs, and Oliver's hands still on them, and the part of you that must have still stung from the slap, "why is your grip so soft?" You looked up at him with a derisive expression, and immediately Oliver's grip on you goes tight, nails digging into your skin; you're fucking laughing at him again, still, "awe, you're getting there -"
"Could you stop that already?" Oliver leans in, scowling at you. Eyebrows raising in mock surprise, you grinned with devilish intent.
"Stop what?"
"All that fuckin' talking you're doing."
"I don't know, can I -?" But then out of seemingly nowhere, Farleigh sits himself down at the end of the bed next to you, flush against your side. He's still in his crisp, white shirt, and black slacks, looking so put together next to your brash nudity. When his hand comes up to your jaw, barely two fingers beneath your chin to guide you, to have you looking him in the eyes, you have to bite your lip to keep yourself quiet. Both he and Oliver can see how badly you want to laugh, to make any kind of sound, but you hold yourself back.
"Okay, your fucking highness," Farleigh's voice is low and dangerous, full of warning, and Oliver sees you take a sharp breath in, gaze fixed on Farleigh's, "you don't get shit from either of us if you can't keep your dirty mouth closed." Though you nod adamantly, you puff out your cheeks, amusement in your eyes as you're clearly desperate to say something; "what?" Farleigh frowns.
"I have really bad news for you about what I have to do to suck dick," you point out, trying to keep your composure. It's not working, giggles are escaping you at a rapid rate.
"You are testing nerves I didn't even know I had," Oliver admits, desperately trying to sink his nails into you as hard as he could. If he could draw blood, perhaps that would be enough penance for having to endure your infuriating company.
However, it's Farleigh who speaks, lip curling with frustration as he smacks Oliver's hand away from the thigh closest to him. With a solid grip on that thigh, he pulls you leg close to him, forcing your legs wider, exposing you further.
"Then do something about it," he practically orders, and something about the tone sparks a kind of indignation in his chest, "you need me to talk you through it?" He snaps. This, however, quickly turns smug and mean as Farleigh leans in, nose to nose with Oliver and his building frustration with them both; "you know how to eat pussy, right?"
"You should both be very careful what you wish for," Oliver's eyes flash with a dangerous confidence as he sank down on his knees between your legs. You, thrilled and delighted by how the situation was no unfolding, lay yourself back on the bed with contented laughter, hands coming to rest confidently behind your head once more.
Farleigh watches Oliver with intense scrutiny, and for reasons he's not quite sure of, Oliver meets his gaze, refuses to break eye contact. His hand moves first, no longer holding your left thigh, he digs his elbow into your soft inner thigh, bracing his arm against you, forcing your leg further open and keeping it that way, letting him comfortably rest his hand with his thumb on your clit.
"Smart boy," you hum appreciatively, shifting your hips back and forth a little as his thumb is rubbing circles against your clit, "knows where the start button is." He takes his thumb off of you, much to your confusion. His gaze is still locked with Farleigh's. "Fucking hell, are you tired already -?" You sat up on your elbows, scowling at him, but Oliver looks sharply to you.
"Weren't you listening to Farleigh, princess?" Oliver asks, and there's something so deliciously satisfying about the look of flustered surprise on your face in this moment. Beside you, Farleigh huffs a laugh to himself and stands, pulling off his tie. Oliver's full attention, however, is still trained on your. Slowly, as he speaks, he again begins to rub circles against your clit, teasing, never enough proper pressure to be satisfying.
"I -" you started, but he immediately stopped again; out of the corner of his eyes, Oliver sees Farleigh's approving nod. Something about this all has his blood rushing in his fucking ears. You press your lips together, giving him a now expectant look, as if here, I've done what you've asked.
You're so wet, so wanting, ready and waiting, right thigh inching closer, leg curling around him, heel pressing insistently into his back. God you look so fucking good, he wants nothing more than to eat you like a man starving, tasting every inch of you -
"Give me your belt," Farleigh interrupts, and Oliver pauses, mouth literally an inch from your cunt, looking up at Farleigh like he can't quite believe him right now.
"Farleigh!" You exclaim with utter frustration, right leg lashing out to kick him, but he grabs your ankle and holds it tightly. With his free hand he makes an expectant, grabby hand at Oliver.
"Belt, now please." He practically orders.
"Use your own belt, Farleigh," Oliver nods to the belt Farleigh had just tossed to the side of the room, and Farleigh gives him a thin, unamused smile.
"Mine's nicer, and I don't want your cum on it," he explained with a mean, humourless smile. Oliver sat back for a long, furious moment, undoing his belt. The minute his hands were off of you, you tried to whine, but Farleigh, now just in his boxers, sat further up the bed beside you.
"This is overkill, I'll be good," you pouted, twisting to lay your head on his thigh, looking up at him with as pleading eyes as you could manage.
"You're not even being good right now," he pointed out; "both your thighs are over Oliver's fucking shoulders, and you haven't gone thirty seconds without saying something," but clearly you're pleased and flustered at being called out. Farleigh says your name more insistently, and you try and play innocent before he practically orders, "get your fucking legs off of him!" Like he can't quite believe you're still trying these tricks, even though you both seem comfortable in this dynamic.
"Oliver~" Farleigh then practically sings like a warning, gaze turning much colder as it falls back on Oliver himself, "where are we with that belt?"
"What's it for anyways?" Oliver finally pulls his belt free, awkwardly half throwing it to Farleigh, who does actually thank him, before his attention is back on you, bare and warm and wet and - "princess," he says suddenly before Farleigh can even answer his initial question, looking up, and you make a noise of acknowledgement, "you want me to touch you like I mean it, then keep your legs spread like you actually fucking want it," voice going low and sharp, immediately you widen your legs as best you can.
"Oh, he's good," Farleigh says, surprisingly appreciatively, watching as Oliver makes a meal of you.
Finally, finally, Oliver's mouth is on you, tongue gliding playfully along your slit, his nose continually bumping his thumb as it continues to work your clit, firmer this time. You hips wriggle and roll with him, desperate for more, growing frustrated with his teasing lightness.
"The belt can be for several things," Farleigh began, matter-of-factly as he began to loop the belt through itself, focusing on his task at hand, "if she insists on closing her legs, I'm not above using both belts to make sure she keeps them open - this bedframe's especially good for that -" a hot spike of desire passes through Oliver all at once, picturing you bound and open and begging -
"Oh, don't joke about that Farleigh, come on, you know I love that -" you actually whimpered, but Oliver, still keeping in mind the earlier warning, once more stops entirely. You gasp, as if betrayed, before remembering for yourself, actually whining, "you guys fucking suck," you whimper petulantly. For a moment, Oliver wonders if he really aught to be here, if this strange, psychosexual encounter was really worth it.
"You're fucking loving this," Farleigh countered without a moment of hesitation, saying it with such confidence that it almost surprised Oliver, "you just hate that you can't shut the fuck up for any amount of time, and that Oliver isn't actually as much of a little bitch as you thought," clearing his throat, Farleigh cast an evaluative look, before trying to shrug it off nonchalantly, "as either of us thought, I guess."
A moment of quiet stillness passes, and Oliver looks to you, face scrunched up with embarrassment, as all of Farleigh's words apparently rang true.
"Are you hourly, Oliver?" Farleigh then scowls, much to Oliver's confusion. Farleigh looks at him like he's a downright idiot, "the princess is actually being quiet, which means..." he trailed off pointedly. Oliver sat back on his heels, frowning at Farleigh for a long moment, his hands coming to rest on your knees. You, yet again growing incredibly unsatisfied, groaned into your hands.
"Not if you're gonna talk to me like that," Oliver takes a deep breath, sitting tall, gaze unflinching as he meets Farleigh's sneering gaze.
"Then fuck off, Little Orphan Ollie, we don't need you," he spits, "you should really feel lucky that you even got this far -"
"You're all talk, Farleigh," Oliver, with a newfound confidence, and his hands on you, rubbing small, gentle circles against your inner thighs with his thumbs. Farleigh's eyes narrow, but Oliver's smile turns knowing, "I know you can throw her around, and tie her up, and give her orders, clearly," he tips his head ever so slightly to the side, gaze slipping to you, to where you've still got your face covered by your hands, "but we both know no-one can speak for her, but her."
The faint, frustrated whimpering that had been escaping you this entire time goes dead silent. Oliver feels the way you go very still. Farleigh, realising what Oliver meant, also turned to look at you properly.
"'s your bedroom, princess," Oliver leans in, presses a kiss to your inner thigh, murmuring softly against your skin, "what do you think?"
"I think you're edging each other with psychosexual, power-play, bullshit-banter that's doing fucking nothing for me," you snap behind your hands, "and I'm gonna start kicking people again very soon," you warned. Farleigh rolled his eyes.
"Sit up," he sighed.
"Make a choice," Oliver told you, tone firmer this time.
"Also no." Your voice was sounding particularly petulant, and you even brought your knees together, closing yourself off in front of Oliver. After a long, vaguely irate silence, Farleigh takes a deep breath.
"Is something wrong? Are we at a yellow light? Red light?" He asks, tone far gentler, he leans over, fingers gentle against your hairline by your fingertips.
"Light... colours?" Oliver asks with genuine confusion. Farleigh is far less patient when he turns on Oliver, like he's frustrated to even be explaining this.
"Like a traffic light; instead of a safety word like pineapple, we have green - go, yellow - slow down, red - stop," said like he wanted to include duh, obviously on the end, but refrained, turning back to you.
"And... they're for her?" Intrigued and surprisingly endeared by the concept, Oliver leans forward with a little smile, resting his chin on one of your knees, looking between yourself and Farleigh. He watches you sigh, even with your hands over your face.
"How do you not know how safe words work? What kind of sex have you been having?" Farleigh's judgemental tone hits Oliver square in the chest, but before he can even answer, you finally sit up, expression wide and overwhelmed with frustration.
"Farleigh look at him; he's like if they made repression a person! He's been having the most boring, vanilla sex known to man - if any - and getting off in his spare time to things that would make God cry. Look him in the eyes and tell me I'm wrong -" Farleigh's gaze flicked to Oliver, who suddenly felt himself begin to flush scarlet, and had to sit back again, frowning at his hands. There was something about the shame at being so concisely called out that was... thrilling. Something about how clearly you could see through him, through his persona to the raw want at his very core, it was freeing. You sat up further, with purpose, grabbing Oliver's chin so roughly it shocked him, forcing him to look in your eyes for a long moment.
"You came in here with purpose thinking I was asleep; creepy, hot, deranged; I'm into it," you told him sternly, "I literally could not care less about you otherwise, you're nothing to me the rest of the time. You came here to put me in my place, I don't want you here if you can't do that." Fucking hell, Oliver can feel his heartbeat racing as you shove his face away, your expression almost bordering on disgust.
"So you're..." Farleigh, as if frustrated by this little tirade you saw fit to go on, was unimpressed as he once more checked in.
"Green light, obviously," you threw your hands into the air in exasperation, "it's like you've never met me before -" but before you can slump back against the bed like you so clearly wanted to, Farleigh catches you, shifts behind you to prop you up.
"You're a brat," Oliver says, finally finding the words for the dynamic, and rather charmed by it all. Still, Farleigh has to get a word in edgewise.
"How long 'd it take you to figure that out?" He muttered sarcastically, doing something behind your back while you made a show of struggling and wiggling, refusing to keep your left arm with whatever he was doing.
"So," Oliver clarified, testing out the code, "green light?" You grinned at him, giving a pleased nod. Farleigh, finally having caught your left hand seemingly for good, reiterates the statement distractedly. Then, with a sense of triumph and relief, he pulls the belt, and his makeshift handcuffs, tight.
"Why are you still dressed?" You ask Oliver sharply. You may have had a point, but the game was back on. With your hands secured, Farleigh sat back behind you on the bed, pulling you flush to him, arms secured and pressed between the two of you that was just edging on uncomfortable.
"Why are you still talking?" He mutters into your ear, and he rests his chin on your shoulder, one hand coming to wrap over your mouth, while his other curled around your middle, pulling your legs apart, wasting no time in dipping two long, elegant fingers into you. Your eyes light up, gasping against his hand as the two of you watch with lust in your eyes as Oliver begins to undress.
"The belt," Farleigh's voice has that lazy kind of smugness that Oliver usually hated, but now kind of makes his head fuzzy and kind of like he wants to sink his teeth into him, "is to keep the princess in her place, because someone," he says pointedly, not that you seem to notice; your eyes are closed, and Farleigh's thumb is on your clit while the fingers he has inside of you curl lovingly into your sweet spot, "manages to escape every pair of padded handcuffs either of us have ever bought," he explains, turning his attention back to Oliver, "and she complains about metal handcuffs, and zip ties, has undone every rope knot I've ever tied, and ruined every single tie I've ever tried to tie her up with."
"I bought you new ones," your voice is faint, half a moan muffled behind Farleigh's hand, and Oliver, still unsure of how to respond to any of that, finally turns back to the two of you on the bed. There's something desperate about the way you're arching against Farleigh's firm hold on you, legs having fallen open as your hips rolled in time with his fingers, lewd and needy. But Farleigh's eyes are only on Oliver, watching him with hunger in his eyes, pupils blown wide, gaze roaming over Oliver's physique.
At the sound of your voice, Farleigh's gaze meets Oliver's his smile widening just a touch before he stops entirely. A desperate keening is pulled from you, hips shifting for friction, for anything, as Farleigh rests his hand on your thigh, fingers slick, practically dripping with you.
"No, I'll be good," you whimper, eyes fluttering, half closed, "I'll be -" you were already breathing heavy, "so so good."
"Hear that?" Farleigh murmurs with a vindictive little smile, hand uncovering your mouth, moving to hold your chin, your mouth falling open in a moan as his nails scratch up your thighs. Oliver advances on you both, entranced by the sight of you both, desperate to have a taste, to play along.
"Think she even knows how to be good?" Oliver teases, once more between your thighs. Still, instead of giving you the same kind of proper relief that Farleigh had been offering, he starts out gentle once more.
"Oliver, you're so cruel," you whimper. Farleigh's hand moves from your jaw to wrap around your middle, holding you secure, while the hand that had sat on your thigh moves to your open mouth, Oliver watches, rapt, as he slides both slick digits past your lips, but it shuts you up well enough, lips closing on his fingers as you diligently lap up your own taste from him.
"See, can't trust a word she says," Farleigh purrs. You bite gently on his fingers as you moan, Oliver finally deciding to do more than just tease you. Oliver's fingers are shorter than Farleigh's, but damn if they can't still hit the same high notes. Curling and pressing in a steady rhythm, he alternates dipping his tongue in as much as he can, and circling your clit. Farleigh's hand has moved from your mouth, spit slicked fingers pinching at your nipples, lightly dragging his nails across your skin, while he's started rolling his hips against your back, cock unbearably hard and still confined to his boxers, pressed against you.
You're whimpering and moaning in his ear, straining against your handcuffs, arching, writhing, but Oliver's holding your thighs still and secure and Farleigh is captivated by how enthusiastically he's going down on you, how its shining on his cheeks, his nose - he reaches out, cards his fingers through Oliver's hair. Oliver looks up through his lashes, a fucking gorgeous sight that you're too lost to appreciate. Just for Farleigh.
God he could say something snide, something about sloppy seconds or something about this being the most expensive meal he'll ever have, but he doesn't. He gives a sly, approving smile, and his grip on Oliver's hair tightens.
"Teeth and tongue," he tells Oliver quietly. Oliver doesn't seem to get it at first, but you choke out a whine, arching further into Farleigh, tipping your head against his.
"That's cheating," you gasped, but Farleigh kept running his fingers through Oliver's hair, whose mouth had never left your cunt, nor his eyes Farleigh's face, "you're helping him cheat; you want me to cum this early?"
"You know what's cheating?" Farleigh once more grabbed your chin, angling your head so you could watch Oliver working hard to get you off, "look at him," Farleigh murmurs in your ear, "eyes open, on his," the commanding tone was hard to refuse, and your eyes fluttered open; the fucking sight of him, a mess between your legs, Farleigh's hand in his hair, was almost enough to send you over the edge, "tell him what I mean."
"Gentle- uh, gentle teeth on me- on my-" you desperately tried to string two words together as Oliver began to get more of an idea. Farleigh's hand on his head becoming more insistent, firmer, nose pressed firm against your skin when he finally took the hint, focusing on your clit, sucking and lapping at it, teeth gently teasing as you completely lost the ability to speak. The rhythm of his fingers was consistent and firm throughout it all, pressing just right -
"Keep your fucking eyes on him," Farleigh ordered, almost snarling it into your ear, "I want you to watch Oliver Quick make you cum." But Oliver had eyes only for him, feeling you clench around his fingers, thighs pressing desperately against his shoulder and the hand that had kept them apart, he could feel Farleigh's nails on his scalp and see the heady, smug pride in his eyes.
As you start to come down, breathing hard and heavy and leaning all your weight against Farleigh, you giggle with out of breath contentment.
"Princess's got not manners," Oliver shook his head with an air of disappointment, and Farleigh smirked, brushing some hair from Oliver's forehead before he reached up and tapped your cheek gently.
"Say thank you, Oliver."
"Thank you, Oliver," you grinned, tone surprisingly sincere, as Oliver crawled up onto the bed beside you both. But there's something dark and hungry in his eyes as he watched you both; reaching out, he presses the fingers against Farleigh's lips, your cum coating them like syrup. Farleigh is more than happy to lick them clean, tongue dancing lewdly around Oliver's digits, all kinds of inuendo and promise in his eyes.
Then, Oliver's attention turns on you something dark, hungry, almost deranged in his eyes. He takes your face in hand.
"And you, princess," he says derisively, not even respecting you enough to look you in the eyes in this moment, "this is not your place that I am putting you in," god it almost sounds like a threat, but you're already squirming with want and anticipation, "but we'll get there," he squeezes your cheeks and your mouth opens on command, tongue as pink and wet and desperate as your cunt had been. He spits in your mouth, sudden sneer curling his lip, blue eyes ice cold and demeaning; "and it's thank you, Oliver Quick."
You feel fucking filthy, can taste yourself in his spit.
You want him to do it again.
"Thank you, Oliver Quick."
{ part two here }
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fandomfucker · 1 year ago
Judgement Day x reader Where the reader is an absolute cuddle bug, but is afraid they might be too clingy. So Judgement Day assure them that they love how cuddly they are?
Word Count: 2,053
Reader's POV
Ever since I was a child, I was extremely touchy. I always felt the need to be not only emotionally close to all my friends and family but also physically close.
I would hug each of my friends at least twice a day, along with my teachers and parents and my usually unwilling siblings.
I was able to calm down a bit by the time I got to middle school, restraining myself from hugging just my family members and my friends who were used to it by now. High fives and wrapped arms around shoulders and waists became a norm for anyone interacting with me.
In high school, I had better learned to keep my hands to myself, only occasionally hugging my friends. But, my friend group was also a bunch of pretty touchy people so sitting next to each other with our legs touching, or laying down with our head in the lap of the other while they finger-brushed our hair was a norm for us within our friend group.
I had accepted long ago that my love language was touch but that it wasn't for everyone. One potential partner in high school even broke things off because of how touchy I am. They said it was suffocating and just 'way too much'.
Touchiness has never been an issue with my four wonderful partners now, though. Rhea, Dominik, Damian, and Finn all seemed to appreciate my touches and would even go out of their way to be closer to me sometimes.
And I love and appreciate them all for it.
My partners are all very aware of my need for touch. So, on days when I get home from work, both physically and mentally exhausted, they'll center me a a big group hug until I feel better.
When I wake up in the morning, Dominik smothers me in hugs and kisses, usually ending in hours-long cuddles until we're forced to move.
Damian often has me sit in his lap, no matter where we are. A party, backstage at a WWE show, or just hanging out in the living room of our house.
Whenever I had a particularly bad day Finn would shower me with affection, figuratively and literally. He would help me take a shower, giving me small kisses on my shoulders all the while, before giving my shoulders a massage in our bedroom.
Rhea was surprisingly the most touchy out of all my partners. She constantly had to have a hand on my waist, shoulder, arm, thigh, you name it she was touching it. She's very protective and always had to make sure that not only was she giving me what I needed, but also making sure everyone else knew I was hers as well.
The doubts didn't start until about six months into our five-way relationship when I had been at home on the couch scrolling through social media while the four of them were at Monday Night RAW.
My for you page had decided to randomly show me a video of someone who had compiled a bunch of videos and pictures of me with my partners. They had all zoomed in on my partners' faces whenever I specifically was touching them and not the other way around. The person who made the video was saying "Look at how uncomfortable the Judgment Day looks. Y/n needs to stop fucking touching them and leave them alone."
The video instilled a spark of fear in me as I read all the comments agreeing with the original poster and for the next three hours I went down a rabbit hole of TikTok videos through the search from the original video; "Y/n Y/l/n being clingy".
There were at least a hundred different TikTok videos talking about it, with tons of comments throughout. I found videos so long that they had to post them on YouTube in which what they said about me was even worse because guidelines are a bit more lax.
For those three hours until my partners got home, I watched all the mean videos, read all the mean comments, saw all the mean posts, tweets, edits, etc, and sobbed as I realized that my partners probably were just doing it all because I wanted to and that they actually just hated me.
A little after midnight I heard the garage door open and Rhea's truck as they pulled into the driveway. I threw my blanket off my lap and sprinted up the stairs to our master bath. I needed to make it look like I hadn't been crying the entire time so I threw myself into the shower, making the water as hot as possible.
3rd Person POV
The four members of the Judgment Day walked through the door, into the house doing their best to stay quiet as with all the lights off they figured their partner was probably already asleep.
Hearing a noise coming from the living room, Dominik curiously made his way towards the couch, beginning to move around blankets and pillows.
Y/n's phone fell out of a blanket and bounced onto the thick carpet floor, it's face glowing up at the ceiling as a TikTok video played on a loop.
Hearing the clunk from the phone hitting the floor, Dominik tossed the blanket he was holding back onto the couch before bending down to grab the phone.
Mention of The Judgment Day along with Y/n's name made Dominik pause, focusing on the video playing. 
"I mean, just look at their body language whenever Y/n touches them. They all always just look so uncomfortable."
Dominik watched in disbelief, as he beckoned the other Judgment Day members over to him. The group has always been pretty out about their relationship and some of them about their sexualities so haters were a norm but it was beginning to cross a line by hating their partner, who wasn't in the spotlight at all.
He beckoned the other three JD members over as the video began to play from the beginning again, holding the phone out for them all to watch.
They all watched the video in concern, Damian took the phone out of Dom's hands once it was over and began to backtrack, looking at what had previously been watched before that video.
There were several more videos about this particular topic at hand which the four of them scrolled through with growing disgust.
After several minutes of this, Rhea had a thought. "Where's Y/n?" She asked the group in a small panic.
They all looked at each other in concern before Rhea bolted up the stairs, yelling their partner's name, the boys quickly following suit.
Reader's POV
I was still in the shower about ten minutes after I had heard the garage door open and my partners come in when I began to hear Rhea screaming my name as four sets of footsteps thudded up the stairs, becoming louder as they got closer to the bathroom.
Banging soon began against the door as they all reached it. I heard each of my partners distressedly shouting my name, Rhea, however, being the loudest.
I turned the water off in a rush, wrapped my towel around myself, and got out of the shower. I fumbled with the lock, unlocking it before swinging the door open in a rush. I was met with the four panicky faces of my partners.
"What's going on, is everything okay?" I asked, genuinely confused.
Rhea rushed forward, pulling me into a tight hug. My face was squished into her chest (not that I'm complaining) and was squished even further when my other three partners came around to join the group hug.
"Guys?" I asked nervously, tilting my head up and resting my chin on Rhea's collarbone so that I could see all of their faces above me.
Finn spoke aloud for the group from my left, "Love, you left your phone open downstairs. We saw what you were looking at."
The blood would have drained from my face had it not all rushed there as the tears began to fall again.
I dropped my chin off of Rhea's chest and covered my face with my hands, the top of my head now resting against her chest instead. The four of them hugged me tighter in attempted comfort which only made me feel worse.
They hated me hugging them and just generally being all over them all the time and were now hugging me to make me feel better.
"I-I'm sorry. P-please don't be m-mad," I managed to get out through the massive sobs. I began trying to push away, out of the hug barricade they'd created around me but I wasn't able to turn around very well with how tight it was, and Rhea's way too strong to move when she doesn't want to be moved.
"We're not mad, Princesa," Damian spoke gently from behind me. That just made me cry even harder.
I was crying so hard that I was struggling to breathe. My four partners kept me close and I could feel someone stroking my hair before someone gripped my hips and turned my body to face them. 
I dropped my hands from my face to my partner's waist, realizing who it was.
Looking up, my wet, red-rimmed, eyes were met with Dominik's wide brown ones. "Hey, hey." He shushed me softly. "Those videos are fake, mi amore. Okay? We all love how touchy you are. We love your hugs and kisses and all your little touches. If we didn't we wouldn't reciprocate them."
My sobs turned to sniffles at his sweet words. He gave me a small smile as he brought a hand up to my cheek, wiping away any remaining tears from my face with his thumb. 
I closed my eyes in acceptance, another tear or two slipping out at the action which Dominik was quick to swipe away. "We mean it, Cariño," Damian spoke up again, now on my right. "We love you and your cuddliness," He reassured me, his lips kept close against my hair as he gently pried me away from Dominik and tucked me into him.
"Promise?" I questioned faintly. It was directed generally towards all four of them.
I felt Rhea's hands snake around my waist, gently swaying me towards her a bit, "We promise. We love you so much and nothing and nobody will ever change that." She gave my temple a lingering kiss, squeezing my waist before turning me towards Finn.
"Don't listen to those morons on social media, love. We're just constantly uncomfortable on camera, especially around you just because we're worried about you. There's a lot of people and a lot going on and it can get overwhelming so we're a bit on edge trying to protect ya'." He explained smoothly as he brushed a few stray hairs off of my forehead and back behind my ear.
With their protective natures, this explanation did make a lot of sense. I mean, one time Rhea actually almost fought a fan at the airport because of how close he was to me despite, me telling him to get away. I guess them being my own personal bodyguards would make them a bit tense.
"Come on, as much as I hate to say it, let's get some clothes on you and put you to bed," Rhea ordered, shoving the boys out of the way to lead me back into the bathroom. I giggled at her statement, flushing bright red as she winked at me before closing the door to the bathroom, leaving me alone again as I quickly dried off and threw on some of my partners' clothes I'd stolen.
Coming out of the bathroom I saw all four of my wonderful partners seated on the edges of our giant bed, waiting for me to get into the middle for cuddles.
I grinned and got a running start, jumping full force onto the bed. Dominik made an exaggerated 'oomph' sound as I landed, causing Damian to swat the back of his head.
Laughing at my partners' antics, I crawled under the covers before opening my arms, signaling that I was ready for the puppy pile of cuddles I was about to receive.
I made my own 'oomph' sound as Dominik flopped on top of my chest, grinning wickedly as he playfully glared at me before sticking his face into my neck.
With all four of my partners now lying on top of me or next to me to some degree, I'd never felt safer or more comfortable.
Drifting off to sleep I only had one more thought.
"I love you guys."
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just1cefor4ll · 21 days ago
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—Our summer with the exchange student
Tyler Hernández x exchange student!reader
A/n. hey heyyy the long awaited sbg fanfic :3 this was pretty fun to write so i MIGHT accept requests but im still thinking about that. anyways, for now enjoy!
“Y/N L/N, please come to the office now.”
The voice crackled over the school intercom, earning you a few curious glances from classmates as you stood up. You had no idea why you were being called, but you tried to ignore the nervous twist in your stomach as you made your way down the hall.
When you stepped inside, the principal was waiting with a stack of papers. “You’ve been selected for the summer exchange program,” they said, sliding the packet toward you. “You’ll be staying in Alto, Georgia, with a host family for a few months.”
You blinked. “Seriously?”
“It’s a great opportunity. You’ll get to improve your English, experience a different culture.. I’d think about it if I were you.”
Your fingers brushed over the papers, the weight of the decision settling in. A summer in the U.S.? You weren’t sure if it was terrifying or exciting. Maybe both.
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truly.y/n usa here i come >:D RAHHH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
liked by itssaraaa, zeyynep20, alexr0cks and 27 others
2 commented
truly.y/n replied UGH ILL MISS YOU GUYS SM :(((
The heat in Georgia was overwhelming, thick and heavy like it wanted to press you into the ground. You adjusted your grip on your suitcase, scanning the small airport until you spotted a handwritten sign with your name on it. The people holding it—your host family, the Banners—waved as you approached.
Emma Banner, the mother, was the first to speak. “Y/N, right?” She pulled you into a quick hug before you had time to react. “It’s so nice to meet you. You must be exhausted.”
Mike, the father, clapped you on the back. “Long flight, huh? Hope you’re ready for a real Southern summer.”
And then there was Ashlyn. She stood slightly behind them, hands in her pockets, her expression neutral. “Hey,” she said simply.
“Hi,” you answered, unsure what else to say.
The car ride to their house was filled with easy conversation. Emma asked if you were hungry, Mike joked about how you might regret coming once you felt the humidity, and Ashlyn, while quieter, occasionally added to the conversation. It wasn’t as awkward as you’d feared. They were making an effort to make you feel welcome, and you appreciated that.
When you finally arrived at their house, Ashlyn led you to your room—well, your shared room. That was something you’d have to get used to.
“It’s not much,” she said, sitting on her bed while you placed your suitcase down. “But you’ll get used to it.”
You glanced around. The walls were covered in faded band posters, books were stacked on the nightstand, and there was a messiness to the space that felt lived-in. It wasn’t home, but it wasn’t bad.
Ashlyn watched as you sat on your bed. “You ever been to the States before?”
You shook your head.
She nodded like she expected that answer. “It’s probably not what you’re used to.”
“Definitely not.”
She smirked slightly. “Well, at least you won’t be bored.”
A few days later, Ashlyn took you to the school bus graveyard, which, as you quickly learned, wasn’t just a graveyard for buses—it was where everyone in their friend group hung out.
The group was already there when you arrived. “Guys this is Y/N, she’ll be staying for the summer just like I told you so don’t be annoying.” She introduced you and went inside a bus, grabbing some spray cans to most likely paint the buses with.
Aiden was the first to greet you, easygoing and friendly. Taylor smiled warmly, Ben gave a small nod, Logan seemed a bit shy. And then there was Tyler.
He scoffed as you looked his way, giving you an unwelcoming look.
"Don’t mind him," Taylor said with a soft chuckle, elbowing her brother. "He's just like that."
Tyler rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, glaring at you for a moment longer before muttering in Spanish. "¿Por qué tengo que saludarla si ni siquiera quiero estar aquí?" (Why do I have to greet her if I don’t even want to be here?)
Taylor raised an eyebrow and shot her brother a look. "Ty, no seas grosero. Deja de ser tan pesado." (Ty, don’t be rude. Stop being so difficult.)
Tyler huffed, glancing away, clearly unimpressed. "No soy grosero, solo no me apetece hablar con alguien que no conozco." (I’m not being rude, I just don’t feel like talking to someone I don’t know.)
Taylor sighed, a little exasperated. "¿De verdad? Estamos todos aquí juntos. No es tan difícil." (Really? We're all here together. It’s not that hard.)
"Bueno, ojalá el verano fuera más corto," Tyler muttered, rolling his eyes again. (Well, I wish summer was shorter.)
Aiden chuckled softly, clearly amused by the sibling banter, while Ben gave a friendly wave in your direction. Logan was still quiet, giving you a small smile.
Tyler let out a dramatic sigh. After a brief silence, he finally looked at you again and reluctantly said in English, "Fine, I’ll behave. For now." He shot an almost defiant look at Taylor, as if giving in to her persistence.
That first night, you mostly just observed. The group moved so naturally together, like they had their own rhythm. They talked over each other, argued about stupid things, and laughed in a way that made you a little jealous. You weren’t sure if you fit into that yet. But you wanted to.
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truly.y/n settling in pretty well so far! love my host sister <33 tagged: ashlynbann3rr
liked by ashlynbann3r, tayy.hernandez, reekidaiden, b.clark and 19 others
4 commented
ashlynban3r happy to have u here
truly.y/n replied i love you guys too!!
tayy.hernandez OOOO BODY TEAAA
As the summer passed, you started settling in. Mornings were slow, spent at the Banners’ house or helping with small community events you were demanded to do as part of your program during the exchange. Evenings were for the group, gathering at the bus graveyard or sneaking into the lake for late-night swims.
The summer air was thick and warm as you sat with the group on the hood of an old bus, the metal still holding some of the day’s heat. The night was filled with the usual chatter, but at some point, the conversation turned to you.
“So,” Taylor started, shifting to face you. “What’s home like for you?” You hesitated, rolling a loose rock between your fingers. “It’s.. very different.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Tyler scoffed. “Be more specific.”
Taylor elbowed him. “Shut up and let her talk.”
You thought for a moment. “I’d say it’s a lot quieter. Americans are.. a bit loud—not you specifically, but the people I met during community service and all that. It startled me a bit at first. And everything here looks almost the same—the neighborhoods, I mean. Back in my town, they all looked different from each other. It was more unique, I guess?” you rambled.
Aiden nodded. “Sounds neat.”
You shrugged. “People also act differently. Like, here, strangers say hi to each other all the time. Back home, that’d be weird.”
“That’s so wild to me,” Taylor said. “You just ignore people?”
“I wouldn’t say ignore,” you corrected. “It’s just.. people keep to themselves more. You don’t stop and make small talk with a random person on the street.”
Logan, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up. “So, do you miss it?”
You hesitated. “Sometimes. But it’s nice here, too.”
Tyler, who had been unusually quiet, glanced at you. “You ever think about staying?”
You looked at him, caught off guard. “What?”
“If you had the chance,” he said, kicking at the dirt, “would you stay here?”
The group fell silent, waiting for your answer.
You exhaled slowly. “I don’t know. I think.. no matter where you are, there’s always something you’ll miss about the other place.”
Tyler stared at you for a second, then looked away. “Yeah. I get that.”
The conversation shifted after that, but something about the way he looked at you stayed in your mind.
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truly.y/n just give me the citizenship atp LMAOO
liked by reekidaiden, tayy.hernandez, loganfields97, zeyynep20 and 31 others
3 commented
zeyynep20 oh no shes already changing citizenships (its over guys we’ve lost her)
reekidaiden replied yuh shes ours now LLLL
zeyynep20 replied [cusses him out in your language]
The next week, the group ended up at the lake, as they often did on hot afternoons. Someone had the idea to race to the other side, which ended with half the group exhausted and floating on their backs.
You swam to shore, wringing the water from your clothes when you heard Tyler behind you.
“Not bad,” he said, plopping down onto the grass. “You almost beat me.”
“I did beat you,” you corrected, smirking.
He scoffed. “Yeah, sure.”
You sat down next to him, both of you still catching your breath. The others were still in the water, their laughter distant.
Tyler pulled at a blade of grass, twirling it between his fingers. “So.. what’s up with you?”
You rolled your eyes. “What are you talking about?”
He turned his head to face you. “You hated me at first. I’d be lying if you didn’t annoy me but I feel like you’re slowly warming up to me.”
“Yeah you were pretty annoying.”
He faked being hurt, playfully hitting you in the shoulder. “You hurt me princesa.” You chuckled, bringing your legs closer to your body as the summer heat slowly faded into a cold, dark night.
There was a beat of silence. Then, quieter, he asked, “But you don’t hate me anymore? Do you?”
You swallowed, your heart picking up speed. “No. I don’t.”
His gaze flickered down to your lips for the briefest second before meeting your eyes again. You barely had time to think before he leaned in, closing the space between you.
His lips were warm, slightly chapped from the sun, and the kiss was hesitant at first—like he wasn’t sure if you’d pull away. But you didn’t.
When you finally parted, he let out a small breath. “Okay,” he muttered, almost like he was processing what just happened.
You couldn’t help but smile. “Okay.”
From the lake, someone shouted, “Are you two making out over there?”
Tyler groaned. “God, I hate them.”
You just laughed, resting your head on his shoulder. “So, what does this make us? Pretty sure sworn enemies don’t kiss.” You tease, earning a chuckle out of him. “Don’t know, whatever you want us to be.” You thought about it, but then the image of you leaving at the end of summer pressed into your mind. “Hm..”
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ashlynbann3r 📍Lake Rabun
liked by truly.y/n, emmabanner79, t.hernandez, tayy.hernandez and 17 others
2 commented
emmabanner79 happy you kids are having fun :)
truly.y/n replied ❤️❤️
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t.hernandez maybe I don’t want summer to be shorter anymore
liked by tayy.hernandez, b.clark, loganfields97, truly.y/n and 47 others
3 commented
tayy.hernandez te lo dijeee ;))
reekidaiden tyler and y/n sitting in a tree HEHEHE
t.hernandez replied fuck you aiden
The weeks slipped by faster than you wanted them to. The group had become your second home, the nights spent at the bus graveyard or the lake turning into some of your favorite memories.
But time didn’t slow down, no matter how much you wished it would.
Two weeks before summer ended the group brought you to a diner.. a very american one at that to be fair. They said they had the day planned for you and you couldn’t ask any questions, and so you didn’t.
As Aiden shoved some random food he ordered your way, you tasted it with a raised brow wondering why everyone was staring at you with such funny looks but then the spice kicked in. “Damn that’s—“ You coughed a bit and everyone started laughing, filling the atmosphere with positive energy which warmed your heart— literally.
Tyler smirked. “I told you it wasn’t for the weak, hermosa,” he teased, leaning back in his seat and throwing his arm over your shoulders.
You waved your hand, trying to play it cool despite the heat in your mouth. "It's fine," you said, though your face probably gave you away.
Taylor, sitting beside you, laughed. "No worries, you’ll get used to it. Aiden thinks spicy food is a challenge." Aiden grinned. "It is a challenge. But it’s also delicious." He pointed at Tyler. "You should try it, Ty."
Tyler shook his head, sipping his soda. “No thanks. I don’t want to die over something so dumb.”
The whole group laughed, and even Tyler couldn't help but smile as he watched you handle the spice. It was a fun, relaxed atmosphere, and you felt more and more at ease with the group.
After dinner, they all piled into the cars and headed for the bowling alley. You weren’t great at bowling, but everyone was in high spirits, joking around and making ridiculous poses. Tyler, usually serious, couldn’t resist joining in. He lined up his shot carefully, only for the ball to go straight into the gutter.
“That was pathetic!” Taylor teased, elbowing him.
Tyler grumbled, “I was doing it on purpose.”
“Yeah, sure,” Taylor said, rolling her eyes.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the sibling banter— the night going on and even Tyler loosened up, joking along with everyone.
You all headed back to the graveyard once the night came, everyone whispering about something they didn’t let you in on.
When you arrived, they lead you to the buses, some excitedly running ahead while Tyler and Ashlyn stayed behind with you. “Since you became such a special addition to the group during these past few months.,” Ashlyn said, putting a hand on your back.
“We wanted to do something special before you leave,” Aiden added. “A little memory to take with you.”
You walked behind a bus and there it was.
The buses were covered in soft lights, blankets and tents ready around cozy campfire which illuminated the scene even better. Snacks littered the ground with a polaroid camera ready to be used for creating memories you wanted to keep in a physical form.
Tyler walked over, giving you a shy smile. “I know I wasn’t the nicest when we first met, but I’m glad you came. It wouldn’t have been the same summer without you, princesa.”
Taylor, ever the tease, raised an eyebrow. “Wait, is that a compliment?” she joked, making everyone laugh.
You felt a lump form in your throat. You’d grown so close to everyone, and leaving was harder than you’d expected.
“I’m going to miss you all,” you said softly.
Aiden grinned. “You better. We’ll come visit. Or at least, we’ll make you wish we did.”
Ben, who had been quiet, nodded with a smile. “Yeah, don’t forget about us.”
Tyler stood off to the side, looking at the fire. “It’s been a good summer, amor. Don’t forget us.” He said, walking over and hugging you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
The fire crackled, and the stars above twinkled as you all sat together, talking and laughing well into the night. It was the perfect way to say goodbye, surrounded by friends who had become family.
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truly.y/n ugh i’ll miss these guys ;(
liked by t.hernandez, ashlynbann3r, loganfields97, b.clark, tayy.hernandez and 42 others
2 commented
tayy.hernandez STOPP WE’LL MISS YOU TOO :((((
reekidaiden bro thinks she’s getting rid of us that easy LOLLL (we’ll miss you)
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tayy.hernandez can’t believe summer went by so fast 💔
liked by truly.y/n, t.hernandez, ashlynbann3r and 23 others
At the airport, the group stood together, unusually quiet.
Ashlyn, never one for long goodbyes, was the first to speak. “This place is gonna be weird without you.”
Taylor nodded. “You better text us.”
Aiden clapped you on the back. “Or come back next summer.”
You laughed softly, but it was forced.
When you turned to Tyler, he was staring at the ground, hands shoved in his pockets.
Finally, he looked up. “So that’s it?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “I guess so.”
His jaw tensed. “You gonna forget about us?”
You shook your head. “Never.”
A long pause. Then, barely above a whisper, he said, “Good.” He pulled you into a hug, soft sobs escaping his lips as tears stained your— his hoodie that he gave you. He picked you up and spun you around, earning a small yelp from you once he set you down.
You wanted to say something else, but the announcement for your flight echoed through the terminal.
Everyone gave you one last hug and the parting gifts they had brought along. And then? You left.
You turned back for one last glance and saw them waving—tears already streaming down Taylor’s cheeks, with a few barely noticeable ones in Ashlyn’s eyes. “Shit…” you mumbled before abandoning your suitcase and sprinting back toward them. You pulled Ashlyn and Taylor into a tight hug, the others quickly joining in.
“What am I gonna do without you?” you choked out, your voice breaking. “Shut up. It’s not like we’re saying goodbye forever,” Ashlyn said, pulling away just enough to look at you. “We’ll come visit, I swear.”
“Now go! You’ll miss your flight,” Logan added, patting your back before nudging you toward the gate.
And so you did—without looking back this time.
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truly.y/n thank u sm for this amazing opportunity.. i’ll see u soon guys ❤️‍🩹
liked by zeyynep20, t.hernandez reekidaiden, ashlynbann3r, emmabanner79 and 39 others
7 commented
ashlynbann3r already miss you sis
emmabanner79 we were happy to have you sweetheart, our doors are open for whenever you decide to visit again ❤️
t.hernandez love you princesa, i’ll miss you so so much <3
reekidaiden replied simp (miss you y/n!!)
tayy.hernandez IM CRYING WE MISS YOU SO MUCHHH :(( </3
loganfields97 come back soon y/n :( we miss you!
b.clark have a safe trip, we miss you a lot
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© just1cefor4all— I don’t consent to my writing being reposted to other platforms or fed into AI. Translating it is also strictly prohibited. 🚫
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gmikaelson · 2 months ago
The Assistant 2 | K.M
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Summary: No one said being Klaus Mikaelson’s Assistant would be easy…and he’s definitely not making it easier on you either.
Part 1 <<if you haven’t read it yet
Part 3
𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚
The next morning, YN’s eyes flutter open and she see a blond woman hovering over her bed. She looked like she was studying her. Startled, she sits up, "uh, hello?" She say hesitantly as the woman continues to observe Y/N, an intrigued expression on her face
Rebekah Mikaelson, the Original Sister herself, smirked at her startlement. She leaned casually against the ornate four-poster bed, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders in soft waves.
"Well, well, well. Looks like Nik has finally brought his own little birdie home." She twirled a strand of hair between her fingers, eyes studying Y/N’s features with predatory focus. "You must be quite the feisty little thing to have survived meeting Nik last night. Or perhaps... you're simply too pretty to kill. Yet."
Rebekah moved to stand beside the bed, crossing her arms with a calculating smirk. "Tell me, darling, what's your game? Because if you're hoping to somehow manipulate my brother, you're in for quite the disappointment. Although..." her eyes darkened with intrigue, "I wouldn't mind seeing him wrapped around your finger for once. He can be such an insufferable ass sometimes."
Y/N furrows her brows, "you're... Rebekah, is that correct? I'm...uh...I don't know exactly what I'm doing here but...Klaus did something for me and I now owe him"
Rebekah's smirk deepened, her eyes gleaming with amusement at the predicament at handt. She settled herself on the edge of the bed, crossing her legs with a graceful flourish. "Owe Nik? My, my... how intriguing. And here I thought nothing could sway my brother's..." she grinned wickedly, "attentions. Though you do have a certain appeal about you." 
Her gaze traveled down her body with appreciation before flicking back up to her face. "Careful, darling. You might find yourself becoming his next fascination. Or his next conquest."
Rebekah leaned in conspiratorially, her voice dropping to a whisper. "But between you and me? If you ever need someone to help you survive my brother's rather... intense devotion, I'm just down the hall. And who knows? Perhaps you could even help me get back at Nik for something he did." Her eyes darkened with a mix of mischief and irritation. "I have quite the bounty of revenge I owe him."
Y/N did not know how to respond to her, "I...uh" before she could respond, Klaus cleared his throat from the doorway
He stood in the doorway, arms crossed and eyes narrowed at the sight of his sister perched on the bed. His gaze shifted between Y/N and Rebekah, a silent warning in his expression as he moved into the room.
"Rebekah," he acknowledged her with a tone that carried both irritation and suspicion. "I trust you're not here to cause trouble? We have enough of that with the witches and werewolves in this town." His attention turned to Y/N, his eyes darkening with a mix of possession and caution. "And you, love. I hope my sister has been... civil during her visit? Remember, you're here as my guest n’ow."
"Yes. I'm...ready to discuss things if you are" She was curious to know more about their arrangement
Klaus' lips curved into a calculating smile as he gestured toward the door, his posture rigid with authority.
"After you, love." His eyes flickered to Rebekah with a warning glare. "And sister dear, do try to resist any schemes involving our new... guest. I'd hate to have to put you back in that box you so despise."
He followed behind Y/N at a measured distance, his presence commanding and cold. "We'll discuss terms in my study. Though I should warn you -" his voice carried a dangerous edge, "any attempts to negotiate your way out of our arrangement will be met with... considerable displeasure."
Y/N look at him over her shoulder, “I’m not an idiot. I keep my word.” she says as they enter his study. 
“So…” she gestured at him, “begin?”
Klaus moved to sit behind his desk, a position of power he clearly preferred. His eyes tracked her  movement with predatory focus as he poured himself a drink.
"Straight to business then? How refreshing." He leaned back, his posture deceptively relaxed though his eyes remained sharp and calculating. "It's quite simple, really. You'll remain here, where I can ensure you won't be involved in any more plots against me - willing or otherwise. You'll work as my personal assistant, handling my affairs during daylight hours."
His fingers drummed against the desk as he studied her with cold intensity."You'll have the freedom to move about the compound, but any attempts to leave without my explicit permission will have... severe consequences. And should anyone approach you about harming me or my family..." his eyes darkened dangerously, "you'll report it to me immediately. Are we clear, love?"
“Yes and…no. What do you mean exactly by 'personal assistant'? I’m human. What much can I offer an original vampire such as yourself?”
Klaus' lips curved into a cold smirk as he rose from his chair, circling the desk to stand before her with calculated precision.
"You'd be surprised how useful a human assistant can be, love. I have businesses to run, appearances to maintain in this city." His eyes flickered with dangerous amusement. "After all, I can hardly compel every human I deal with - draws far too much attention. You'll handle the daylight meetings, the paperwork, the mundane tasks that keep my empire running while appearing perfectly... legitimate."
He leaned against his desk, studying Yn with predatory focus. "Besides, having a human assistant provides a certain... cover. No one expects the big bad Original to keep an uncompelled human in his employ." His expression hardened. "Though make no mistake - should you betray this arrangement, the consequences will be far worse than what your former friend had planned for you. Deal?"​​
Yn thinks for a moment, "Deal"
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It’s been almost a month since stared Yn working for Klaus. Safe to say, he’s been working her to the bone
Klaus observed her from his study doorway, noting her exhausted demeanor with a mix of satisfaction and cool interest. He held a stack of new contracts in his hands.
"Tired already, love? And here I thought humans were meant to be resilient." He placed the contracts on her desk with deliberate precision. "These need to be reviewed and processed by morning. And do try to stay awake - your last attempt at multitasking resulted in scheduling two different factions at the same time. We wouldn't want another... incident."
He paused, watching Y/N with calculated assessment. "Though I must admit, you've proven more competent than I expected. Perhaps that's why I haven't killed you yet." His tone carried both threat and what might have been the barest hint of approval.
“Seriously?” Y/N groans, “Klaus, it’s 1 am. How am I going to finish these by morning?”
She runs her hands through her hair, “is this your way of slowly killing me?”
Klaus moved behind her chair, his presence looming and intimidating as he leaned down, his breath ghosting against her ear.
"Come now, sweetheart. Surely you're not complaining about our arrangement?" His hand gripped the back of her chair, his knuckles brushing against her spine. "Would you prefer I had left your sister to her fate instead?"
He straightened up, his voice carrying a dangerous edge despite its casual tone. "Though I suppose you have shown admirable dedication these past weeks. Perhaps..." he gathered half the stack of contracts, "I'll have these handled elsewhere. Consider it a reward for your... persistence. But don't mistake this for kindness, love. I expect the remaining ones perfect by morning."
As he exits the room and is out of sight, Y/N murmurs, “asshole” under her breath, forgetting about his supernatural hearing.
In a flash, Klaus reappeared, slamming his hands on either side of the desk with enough force to make her jump. His eyes blazed with dangerous amusement as he leaned forward.
"Careful, love. Hybrid hearing, remember?" His voice dropped to a threatening purr. "I've killed people for far less disrespect. Though your boldness continues to... entertain me." He straightened up, adjusting his jacket with calculated precision.
He moved toward the door again, pausing in the threshold. "Oh, and sweetheart? Since you seem to have enough energy for commentary, perhaps you can handle all these contracts after all." He dropped the stack he'd taken back onto the desk with a heavy thud, his smirk cruel and satisfied. "Consider it a lesson in watching that clever tongue of yours."
Y/N drops her forehead against the desk, groaning.
Klaus left, satisfied smirk on his face. He came back at 8am sharp to collect the contracts. They were all stacked neatly on the table with a sticky note that said ‘done’ in her neat handwriting while she was asleep on the desk
Klaus observed her sleeping form with an unreadable expression, noting the dark circles under her eyes and the way her hair spilled across his contracts. He picked up the stack, leafing through them with meticulous attention.
"Impressive," he muttered under his breath, finding each document properly reviewed and annotated. His jaw clenched slightly, an unfamiliar sensation of... something akin to guilt flickering across his features before being quickly suppressed.
He moved silently around the desk, considering whether to wake her with his usual threatening demeanor. Instead, he found himself removing his jacket and draping it over her shoulders with an almost imperceptible gentleness. "Sleep well, love. You've earned it." His voice was barely a whisper as he stepped back, his expression hardening once more as if catching himself in a moment of weakness.
He turned sharply and left the room, calling out to his hybrids. "No one disturbs her. And if anyone mentions this moment of... leniency, they won't live to repeat it."
Y/N wakes up and hour later, noting his jacket on her. She folds it, tucking it under her arm as she exits the study.
Running into Klaus, “hey,” she was a little grumpy after her nap, “if you want me to take your clothes to the dry cleaners, just ask me. No need to throw them at me while I’m asleep” she grumbles, walking past him.
Klaus was a little stunned. So that’s how she interpreted his little act of kindness Klaus' expression shifted from stunned to amused as he watched her stride past him. In a blur of movement, he appeared in front of her, blocking her path.
"My, my... someone woke up rather presumptuous this morning." His eyes glittered dangerously, though there was a hint of something else beneath his usual threatening demeanor. "Though I must say, love, your interpretation of events is... entertaining. Tell me, do you always assume the worst of those around you, or am I just special?"
He plucked his jacket from under her arm with supernatural speed, his fingers deliberately brushing against hers. "And for future reference, sweetheart - if I wanted you to handle my dry cleaning, it would be added to that rather extensive list of tasks on your desk." His voice carried a mix of irritation and intrigue at her continued boldness.
Y/N furrows her brows, crossing her arms, “then why would you give me your jacket? And yes I always assume the worst. Your not special”
Klaus' eyes darkened dangerously at her dismissive tone, though a smirk played at the corners of his mouth. He stepped closer, invading her personal space with predatory grace.
"Careful, love. Your sharp tongue might finally get you into trouble you can't handle." He tilted his head, studying her with calculated intensity. "As for the jacket... perhaps I simply didn't want my assistant catching a cold. Dead humans are terribly inefficient at paperwork."
He draped his jacket over his arm, his expression cooling. "Though since you're so eager to question my motives, perhaps I should give you more work to occupy that suspicious mind of yours. I hear the werewolves in the Bayou need some... diplomatic attention."
Y/n’s expression turns desperate. “No please. Don’t send me out there. It took me hours last time to get all the mud out from my boots. Just…make me clean the courtyard again. How about that?”
Klaus' expression shifted to one of genuine amusement, a rare sight that quickly vanished behind his usual mask of calculated control. He raised an eyebrow at her desperate negotiation.
"Afraid of a little mud, sweetheart? And here I thought you were fearless, given how readily you challenge an Original Hybrid." He crossed his arms, watching her with predatory interest. "Though I suppose the courtyard does need attention after last night's... festivities."
His eyes narrowed suddenly, remembering her exhaustion. "The courtyard can wait. Get some proper rest - in an actual bed this time. I need you functional for tonight's meeting with the witch covens." His tone remained commanding, though lacking its usual threatening edge. "Consider it a business requirement rather than mercy."
Y/N sighs in relief, “Thank you” she says, turning back to head back to her room.
“Wait” she pauses in her tracks, “Why am I thanking you for not overworking me?” She wonders more to herself. She shakes her head, continuing her walk. She was ready to collapse on the bed
Klaus watched her retreating form, an unexpected chuckle escaping him at her self-questioning gratitude. His expression wavered between amusement and his usual calculated coldness.
"Sweet dreams, love," he called after her, his voice carrying just enough sarcasm to maintain his threatening persona. "Do try not to talk in your sleep about my... supposed kindness. I have a reputation to maintain."
He turned away, barking orders at nearby hybrids to ensure silence in this wing of the compound, though his expression remained carefully neutral. "And if anyone disturbs her rest before the witch meeting, they'll answer to me. We can't have our human negotiator falling asleep at the table... again."
Klaus makes his way to his study, while he was frustrated with the way she reorganized everything, he had to admit, it was more efficient this way
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Klaus stood in his study, fingers trailing over the meticulously organized files. His jaw clenched as he noted how each document was now perfectly categorized and accessible - a system he hadn't asked for but couldn't deny the effectiveness of.
"Presumptuous little thing," he muttered under his breath, picking up a folder that was color-coded and labeled in her neat handwriting. Despite his irritation at having his space altered, he found himself appreciating the practical efficiency.
He settled into his chair, pouring himself a drink as he examined more of her organizational changes. His expression shifted between annoyance and reluctant approval. "Perhaps keeping her alive wasn't such a terrible decision after all," he mused to himself, before quickly hardening his features as Elijah entered the room.
Elijah entered the study with his characteristic grace, adjusting his suit cuffs as he observed his brother's obvious attempt to appear displeased with the reorganized space.
"Brother," Elijah's voice carried its usual measured tone, "I see your new... assistant has been quite thorough with her duties. Though I must admit, I'm curious about your sudden tolerance for having a human so deeply embedded in our affairs." He moved to stand before Klaus' desk, his expression carefully neutral but observant.
"While I appreciate the efficiency she's brought to our operations, are you certain keeping her here is wise? Your paranoia usually prevents such... arrangements from lasting this long." His eyes flickered to the perfectly organized shelves. "Unless, of course, there's another reason you've allowed her to remain?"
Elijah stepped further into the room, picking up one of the meticulously labeled folders with elegant precision.
“I've noticed how you watch her, Niklaus. The way your usual immediate violence has been... tempered since her arrival." He placed the folder back with deliberate care. "And while I appreciate having someone who can actually maintain proper records, I must question whether your interest in keeping her here stems from something more than mere convenience."
He moved to stand directly before Klaus' desk, his posture perfectly composed as always. "After all, brother, it's not like you to show such... restraint with someone who initially entered our home as part of a plot against you. Even if she was merely a pawn in someone else's game."
This, for some reason, annoys Klaus. He rose from his chair with dangerous fluidity, his expression darkening as he faced his brother.
"Spare me your psychoanalysis, Elijah." His voice carried a threatening edge. "She's here because she's useful, nothing more. And unlike your misguided attempts to 'save' every stray that crosses our path, I keep her here to ensure she won't become a liability."
He moved to pour another drink, his movements sharp with irritation.
“Don't mistake business efficiency for sentiment, brother. The moment she outlives her usefulness or proves treacherous, she'll meet the same fate as all who cross me." His grip tightened on the glass. "Now, unless you have actual business to discuss, I suggest you take your unfounded observations elsewhere."
Klaus turned his back to Elijah, a clear dismissal. "And do remember, brother - not all of us share your weakness for lost causes."
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The sun starting to set indicated it was time for Y/N to get up. Klaus paused in the doorway, momentarily transfixed by how the setting light filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow across her sleeping form. Her hair splayed across the pillow like liquid gold, her face peaceful in rest - a stark contrast to her usual defiant expressions.
He quickly masked his reaction with his characteristic smirk, striding into the room with purposeful steps. "Rise and shine, love. The witches await, and I won't have them thinking I'm running a boarding house for sluggish humans." His voice carried its usual commanding tone, though lacking some of its usual bite.
He moved to the window, yanking the curtains fully open with deliberate dramatic flair. "Unless you'd prefer I find more... creative ways to wake you? Perhaps a bucket of water, or letting Rebekah loose in your wardrobe?
Y/N groans, pulling the covers over her head, “remind me again why I need to be there?”
Klaus moved swiftly to the edge of the bed, yanking the covers away with supernatural strength and a dangerous smirk.
"Because, sweetheart, the witches are less likely to attempt murder when negotiating with a human." He loomed over her, his eyes glinting with dark amusement. "Besides, your particular brand of... stubbornness seems to work wonders in diplomatic situations. Though I do hope you'll show more enthusiasm than this when facing them."
He crossed to her wardrobe, pulling out a formal dress with deliberate precision. "You have exactly thirty minutes to make yourself presentable. And do try to look intimidating - well, as intimidating as a sleepy human can manage." His voice carried a mix of command and subtle teasing. "After all, you're representing the most powerful family in New Orleans. We have standards to maintain."
Y/N sits up, hair falling around her, the sun hitting her face and hair, highlighting the hazel and gold, “should have killed me in The basement,” she grumbles, taking the dress from him
Klaus froze momentarily, caught off guard by how the sunlight transformed your appearance. His expression flickered between his usual calculated coldness and something more intense before he recovered his composure.
"Now, love, where would be the fun in that?" He stepped back, his voice carrying a dangerous edge despite the slight softening in his gaze. "Besides, death would have been far too merciful. This way, I get to watch you suffer through endless paperwork and tedious meetings."
He moved toward the door, pausing on the threshold to cast one last glance over his shoulder. The sunlight catching her features caused an unfamiliar tightness in his chest that he quickly suppressed. "Twenty-eight minutes now, sweetheart. And do something with that hair - while the sunlit goddess look might be striking, we're aiming for professional intimidation."
An eye roll is all he got back.
Exactly 28 minutes later, steps out but almost runs into Klaus who came to check up.
Y/N had her hair in an elegant bun with some light makeup and the dress he picked out.
Before he can say anything she speaks up, “I don’t have anything with me but…you don’t happen to have a small necklace I could borrow…in the name of professional intimidation”
Klaus studied her with an intensity that bordered on predatory, his eyes trailing from the elegant bun down to where the dress perfectly accentuated her figure. He reached into his pocket with deliberate slowness
"As it happens, love..." He produced an antique silver necklace with a deep blue pendant, its design clearly valuable and centuries old. "I had anticipated such a request. Though I must warn you -" he moved behind her with supernatural grace, his fingers brushing against her neck as he fastened the clasp, "this belonged to a rather powerful witch in the 15th century. The witches we're meeting tonight will recognize it."
His breath ghosted against her ear as he adjusted the pendant. "Consider it a message of sorts - you may be human, but you belong to the Mikaelsons now. Anyone who dares to threaten you..." his voice dropped to a dangerous whisper, "will answer to me."
Y/N would be lying if she said that didn’t send a shiver down her spine. Klaus' lips curved into a predatory smirk at her shiver, his eyes darkening as they met hers at such close proximity. He didn't step back, maintaining the intimate distance.
“Are you sure they won’t want to rip it off my neck for some reason?” She meets his gaze over her shoulder, faces close, “It’s not some ancient witch relic, is it?”
"Worried, sweetheart? And here I thought you were fearless." His fingers traced the chain of the necklace with deliberate slowness. "Rest assured, while it did belong to a powerful witch, she gifted it to me willingly. More or less." His smirk widened at the memory. "Though their reactions to seeing it around a human's neck should prove... entertaining."
He finally stepped around to face her, his expression shifting to something more dangerous. "And if anyone dares to touch it - or you - they'll learn exactly why I've maintained power in this city for so long." His voice carried a possessive edge that seemed to surprise even him. "Now, shall we go make some witches uncomfortable?"
Y/N crosses her arms, smiling sarcastically, “That is your specialty isn't it?”
She follows him out into the courtyard and sees him head for the door rather than the garage. She stops in her tracks, “no,” her expression falls, “Klaus, please tell me we’re not walking to the cemetery. Klaus, you have a car for god’s sake. Multiple, if you would. And I’m wearing heels”
Klaus turned around with exaggerated slowness, his expression a mixture of amusement and mock consideration as he took in her distressed state.
"Come now, love. A little exercise would do you good after all that desk work." His eyes glinted mischievously as he observed her heels. "Though I suppose..." In one fluid motion, he was suddenly beside her, sweeping her up into his arms before she could protest. "We can't have you arriving disheveled. Bad for the family image."
He adjusted his grip with unnecessary thoroughness, a smirk playing at his lips. "Hold on tight, sweetheart. Vampire speed can be... disorienting for humans. Unless you'd prefer that walk after all?" His tone carried both threat and playfulness, clearly enjoying their predicament.
“Klaus!” She immediately wraps her arms around his neck, “This isn't what I—“ She was immediately silenced by him already moving. Feeling dizzy, she buried her face into his neck
Klaus couldn't suppress his satisfied smirk at her reaction, particularly aware of how she instinctively sought shelter against his neck. The scent of her perfume and the warmth of her breath against his skin caused an unexpected surge of... something he quickly pushed aside.
"What's wrong, love? Not enjoying our little adventure?" He purposely took a sharp turn, his grip tightening possessively as she clung closer. "And here I thought you'd appreciate my generous solution to your footwear crisis." His voice carried a mixture of amusement and something darker, more primal.
He slowed to a stop in a secluded area near the cemetery but didn't immediately set her down. "Though I must say, your current position is quite... compromising for someone who claims to hate me so thoroughly." His breath ghosted against her ear as he spoke, deliberately prolonging the moment.
Y/N stays in his neck a bit longer, head spinning before she lifts her head, “Put. Me. Down.” She demands, stumbling as he practically drops her.
Klaus watched her with amusement, noting how her perfectly styled hair was now slightly disheveled from being pressed against his neck. He made no move to help as she steadied yourself, leaning against a tree.
"No promises, sweetheart. Your reactions are far too entertaining." He straightened his jacket with deliberate precision, a smirk playing on his lips. "Though I must say, for someone so adamantly against physical contact, you certainly held on... enthusiastically."
He stepped closer, invading her personal space as she relied on the tree. "Take a moment to compose yourself, love. Can't have you stumbling into the witches' den looking like you've been thoroughly..." his eyes darkened with wicked intent, "compromised. Though the blush on your cheeks is rather becoming."
Y/N glared at him before straightening up, “let’s just go,” she huffed, walking ahead, having to be careful since the ground wasn’t even and she had heels on, “I’m convinced you brought me here as a form of torture”
Klaus fell into step beside her, deliberately matching her careful pace with an air of smug satisfaction.
"Torture? Now there's an idea." He caught her elbow as she stumbled slightly on the uneven ground, his touch lingering longer than necessary.
"Though if I wanted to torture you, love, I assure you it would be far more creative than a mere walk in heels. I have centuries of experience to draw from." His voice carried that dangerous blend of threat and flirtation that he'd begun using more frequently with her.
He guided her around a particularly treacherous patch of ground, his hand moving to rest on the small of her back. "Besides, watching you navigate this terrain in those heels while maintaining your dignity is proving to be quite... entertaining. Consider it payment for reorganizing my study without permission." His smirk widened as he felt her tense under his touch.
Y/N side-glances him before crossing her arms and looking ahead, “And you’re welcome for that. Organizing files by who’s most likely to betray you is not efficient, Klaus”
They finally reached the stone path of the cemetery and she was finally able to walk normally, though Klaus's hand didn't make an effort to move–not that she minded
“Who even meets in a cemetery? Not to mention, it's going to be dark in a bit,” She grumbles.
Klaus rolls his eyes momentarily at the mention of his previous filing system, before shifting to amusement at her continued complaints. He stepped closer, his presence deliberately intimidating.
"Afraid of the dark, sweetheart? Or perhaps it's the dead you're worried about?" His voice dropped lower, more menacing. "Though in this particular cemetery, it's the living you should fear. The witches here are rather... territorial about their sacred ground." He gestured to where several hooded figures were already gathering in the distance
"And my filing system served its purpose for centuries. Though I suppose..." he leaned closer, his breath ghosting her ear, "I'll admit - but only this once - that your method has its merits. Just don't let it go to your head."
That was the closest to a thank-you Y/N was going to get.
Creeped out by the hooded figures, she didn't have time to celebrate the milestone.
She whispers under her breath so only he can hear, “By the way, I don’t hate you. I don’t know where you got that idea from”
Maybe this would incentivize him to protect her a bit more...she hoped.
Klaus faltered almost imperceptibly at your unexpected admission, his hand tensing slightly against your back. His expression shifted through several emotions before settling on his characteristic calculating smirk.
"Careful with such declarations, love." His voice carried a dangerous edge despite its softness. "I might begin to think you're growing fond of your captor. Though..." he drew her slightly closer as they approached the witches, his body language clearly possessive, "your timing is impeccable. Nothing says 'don't touch what's mine' quite like a human who willingly stays."
His eyes scanned the gathering darkness, noting every shadow and movement with predatory awareness. "And for the record, sweetheart - I don't hate you either. You're far too entertaining for that." He leaned in closer, his lips nearly brushing her ear. "Now, shall we go make some witches nervous?"
Y/N lets out a nervous smile, “shouldn't we be nervous of them?” she takes the tiniest step closer to his side, “The witches are not particularly fond of you. You know…you did kill a lot of them”
Y/N has never been around this many witches, “are we supposed to...bow or something?” she asks nervously.
Klaus chuckled at her nervousness, his arm sliding possessively around her waist as the witches' attention fixed on their approach.
"Bow? To them?" His voice dripped with contempt and amusement. "You're wearing a Mikaelson necklace and standing with an Original Hybrid, love. If anyone should be bowing..." he cast a threatening smirk toward the gathering,"it certainly isn't you. Besides," his grip tightened slightly, "I've killed far more than just 'a lot' of them. Best not to dwell on specifics."
He guided her forward with grace, his presence both threatening and protective. "Just remember, sweetheart - you're under my protection now. And while they might hate me," his voice dropped to a dangerous whisper, "they fear me more. Stand tall. Show them why I chose you as my representative."
Y/N straightened up, pushing her shoulder back, and plastering a smile, “you owe me dinner after this” she whispers
“Hello, witches of New Orleans. Thank you for meeting with us. We hope we can come to an agreement…”
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A long meeting with the witches ensues and Klaus surprisingly lets Y/N do a lot of the talking–more than she expected.
As the meeting concluded, Klaus maintained his composed exterior, though his eyes gleamed with something akin to pride at how she handled the negotiations. He waited until the witches were out of earshot before speaking.
"Impressive performance, love. Particularly the part where you convinced them their demands were their own idea." He turned to face her, his expression a mix of satisfaction and dark amusement. "As for dinner..." his hand found its way back to her waist, "I suppose you've earned it. Though I warn you - my taste runs rather... expensive."
He glanced around the now-empty cemetery, the moonlight casting eerie shadows. "Now, shall we discuss your reward over a meal, or would you prefer another exhilarating journey in my arms?" His smirk widened as he noted her immediate reaction to the suggestion. "The restaurant I have in mind is quite a distance to walk in those heels."
Y/N massages get temples, “seriously?” She lets out a sigh, contemplating. One one hand, she hated the way she felt during and after the fast journey. On the other hand, she was wearing heels and the restaurant was far. Not to mention the way his hands felt around her as they— “Fine” she grumbled.
Since he already had a hand on her waist, she put her hands around his shoulders, “and I don’t care where we go. I’m starving so this place better have something greasy”
Klaus' smirk deepened at her voluntary embrace, his arms settling around her with possessive intent. "Greasy food? And here I was planning to introduce you to fine French cuisine." His eyes glinted with mischief in the moonlight. "Though I suppose I can lower my standards. Just this once."
"Hold on tight, sweetheart." He pulled her closer than strictly necessary, one hand cradling the back of her head to his shoulder. "And do try not to scream this time. Though I must admit," his voice dropped to a sultry whisper, "I rather enjoyed having you pressed so intimately against my neck."
Before she could respond, he tightened his grip with deliberate thoroughness."Now, let's see if we can't find something... greasy enough to satisfy your questionable palate."
“It’s not ques—“ but Klaus sped away before she can finish. Y/N closed her eyes, pressing her face against him.
Klaus purposefully took the longer route, savoring the warmth of her body against his and the way her fingers unconsciously gripped his jacket. He finally slowed to a stop in front of an upscale restaurant, but didn't immediately release her.
"Still with me, love?" His voice carried equal parts amusement and something darker as he felt her lingering grip. "Though I must say, for someone who protested so vehemently against being carried, you seem rather... comfortable." His hand slid from her waist to the small of her back, maintaining the intimate contact.
He leaned down, his lips nearly brushing her ear. "You can open your eyes now, sweetheart. Unless..." his voice dropped to a seductive whisper, "you prefer staying in this position? Though I should warn you, we're attracting quite an audience."
Y/N immediately let’s go, stumbling a bit, “yeah, I’m attracting the audience. Not the way you suddenly flashed us here” she quips sarcastically, adjusting her dress.
“You know, if I didn’t see your million dollar car collection in the garage with my own eyes, I’d excuse you using this as your main mode of transportation” she complains
Klaus steadied her with a touch that lingered longer than necessary, watching with unconcealed amusement as she tried to regain her composure.
"Perhaps I simply enjoy watching you cling to me in terror." He guided her toward the restaurant entrance with his hand returning to the small of her back. "Though if you'd prefer, next time I could always throw you over my shoulder instead. Much less... intimate." His smirk widened as he held the door open, clearly enjoying her discomfort
He leaned closer, his breath ghosting her neck where his necklace still rested. "As for my cars, love - they don't afford me the pleasure of feeling you tremble against me. Now," he straightened up, maintaining his taunting smile, "shall we see about finding you something appropriately greasy, or are you going to continue complaining about my preferred method of transportation?"
"That depends on how the food gets here. Food equals no complaining. So you better compel someone to speed this up.” I take a seat, crossing my arms and one leg over the other
Klaus orders some appetizers. As they arrived, he turned to Y/N, assessing her before speaking, "You know, love, one of these days I'd like it if you just...perhaps did as I commanded rather than complain about it" he said with amusement sparkling in his eyes, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
Y/N looks up from her salad, furrowing her brows, “Hey! I do follow your commands…maybe not as enthusiastically as you would wish but I do. I’m in debt to you.” she stabs the mix of spinach, lettuce, and arugula, “and…grateful” she adds in a low voice, not looking up at him
Klaus stilled at her admission, his usual mask of calculated control slipping for just a moment to reveal genuine surprise. He studied her intently, noting she you avoided his gaze.
"Grateful?" His voice carried an unusual softness before he caught himself, returning to his characteristic smirk. "Well, that's certainly a first. Though I must say, love, your definition of following commands is rather..." he leaned forward, his finger ghosting over the back of her hand, "creative. Particularly when it comes to my study organization."
His expression shifted to something more intense, more genuine despite his attempt at maintaining his usual dangerous demeanor. "Look at me, sweetheart." His voice was commanding but held an undertone of something else. "Your debt was paid the moment you managed to make those witches bend to our will tonight. Your continued presence is now entirely your choice - though I warn you," his smirk returned with intimidating intent, "I might not let you leave so easily."
Y/N's hand stills and she looks up at him quickly, “What?” she whispers, “So, you’re saying that…if I wanted to…I could stop being your assistant.”
Y/N didn’t expect this. Sheh thought he’d keep her around longer. She…was starting to enjoy her ‘job’
Klaus observed her reaction with intense scrutiny, noting every micro-expression that crossed her face. His hand moved to capture hers fully now, his thumb tracing small circles on her wrist.
"Technically speaking, yes." His voice carried a dangerous edge despite its softness. "Though I find myself... curious about your reaction, love. You seem almost disappointed." He leaned closer across the table, his eyes darkening with possessive intent. "Could it be that you've grown accustomed to our little arrangement? Or perhaps..." his grip tightened slightly on her wrist, "you've developed a taste for power? For danger?"
Y/N's brows pinch, looking down at his hand before back at him, “Disappointed? Maybe.”
She sighs, “It’s just that…this might sound silly but…for once I feel like I belong somewhere. I might have been here as a captive but I was needed. You know what I mean?”
He leaned back slightly, adopting his more calculating demeanor. "Careful with such sentiments, sweetheart. They tend to lead to messy emotional attachments." 
He released her wrist, reaching for his drink. "I'm offering you a position of power, nothing more. The choice to stay or go is yours, though I warn you -" his smirk turned wicked, "leaving might prove more difficult than you'd expect. You've become quite... entertaining."
"Of course, if you stayed willingly..." his voice dropped to a seductive whisper, "the dynamics of our relationship might shift rather... interestingly. No longer my captive assistant, but something else entirely."
“What do you mean by something else entirely?”
Klaus' expression shifted to something more predatory, pushing aside an unfamiliar warmth that her words stirred. He focused instead on the purely physical attraction he felt.
"Something more... mutually beneficial," his voice carried deliberate sensual undertones. "You've proven yourself useful, love. And I do so enjoy having someone who isn't afraid to challenge me, within reason of course." His eyes darkened with dangerous intent.
Y/M leans back in her seat, “I’m too hungry to make such decisions. I’ll decide later” she says before digging into the pasta the waiter just set in front of her
Klaus watched her eat with amusement, taking a sip of his bourbon. The way she deflected his implications with such casual dismissal both irritated and intrigued him.
"By all means, love, enjoy your... commoner's fare." He gestured to her pasta with mock disdain, though his eyes remained fixed on you with dangerous intensity. "Though I must say, your ability to dismiss life-altering decisions in favor of pasta is rather..." he paused, searching for the right word, "uniquely human."
He leaned forward, deliberately invading your space across the table. "Just remember, sweetheart - while you contemplate your future over carbohydrates, that necklace around your throat still marks you as mine. For now." His voice carried a possessive edge that surprised even him, which he quickly masked with his characteristic threatening smirk.
During the dinner, Y/N nervously drank a little too much wine, turning into a giggling mess
Klaus observed her increasingly uninhibited state with a mixture of amusement and interest, noting how her usual sharp edges had softened into something more vulnerable.
"Well, well... who knew a few glasses of wine would transform my defiant little assistant into such a..." he caught her as she nearly knocked over her glass, "delightfully uncoordinated creature." His hand lingered on hers longer than necessary, his eyes darkening with dangerous intent.
He stood with fluid grace, moving to her side of the table. 
"I believe it's time we got you home, love, before you decide to reorganize this restaurant as well." 
He helped her up with deliberate thoroughness, his arm sliding around her waist possessively. 
"Though I must admit, drunk Y/N is proving to be quite... entertaining. Perhaps I should have plied you with wine weeks ago."
She giggles, turning her head to Klaus, “are you taking us back with your vampire speed? Are we going to go whoooosh!” She gestures dramatically with her hand, tilting her head back and giggling.
Klaus caught her as she swayed, his expression torn between exasperation and amusement. The scent of wine on her breath mingled with her perfume, causing him to tighten his grip instinctively.
"'Whoosh', indeed." He steadied her against him, his voice carrying both mockery and annoyance. "Though in your current state, love, you're more likely to empty your stomach than enjoy the ride." 
Despite his words, he found himself fighting back a smirk at her uncharacteristically carefree behavior.
He guided her toward the exit, his arm firmly around her waist. "For once, we're taking a car. Can't have you stumbling through the Quarter in this state - you'd ruin my fearsome reputation." 
He leaned closer, his breath ghosting her ear. "Though I must say, your current vulnerability is... tempting. Lucky for you, I prefer my conquests fully conscious and combative."
“Conquests” she repeats with a snort. “What are we? In the 1700s?”
They exit the restaurant and the chilly air hits them. “Can we walk? I want to walk. Please let’s walk”
Klaus watched her with amusement as she attempted to walk straight, his hand remaining firmly on her waist despite her protests.
"The 1700s were quite entertaining, actually. Though significantly less hygienic." He pulled her closer as she shivered in the night air, though he told himself it was merely to keep her from stumbling. 
"And while I'm enjoying this unusually compliant version of you saying 'please,' walking might prove... challenging." His smirk widened as she swayed slightly.
He shrugged off his jacket, draping it over her shoulders with unexpected care that he immediately masked with his usual threatening demeanor. "Ten minutes. Then we're taking a car before you decide to befriend every stranger in the Quarter. I have a reputation to maintain, and my assistant stumbling down Bourbon Street giggling would hardly inspire fear."
Y/N gasps, “Let’s go!” She says cheerfully, taking his arm and pulling him down the street.
The streets of New Orleans were still bustling this time at night. Y/N was looking around in wonder, “you know I’ve never been out in the quarter at night. My parents never met me and even when I moved out alone, I just never did”
Klaus allowed himself to be pulled along, noting how her fingers unconsciously tightened around his arm. He found himself oddly... protective of her wide-eyed wonder, scanning the crowds with predatory awareness of any potential threats.
"Probably wise of them," he remarked, smoothly steering her away from a particularly rowdy group of tourists, glaring at them with disdain.
"The Quarter at night tends to attract all manner of creatures. Vampires, werewolves..." his voice dropped lower, more dangerous, "drunk college students. Though currently, you're with the most dangerous creature of all."
He pulled her closer as someone brushed past too quickly, his arm moving possessively around her waist. "Perhaps we should make this your first and last nocturnal adventure. You're far too... vulnerable like this." He told himself his protective instincts were merely about preserving a valuable asset, nothing more.
Y/N gasps, “omg Klaus! A churro stand!” She lets go of his hand, and rushes over, getting in line, turning back to look at Klaus with a grin, gesturing for him to come over
Klaus watched her childlike enthusiasm with a mixture of exasperation and something else he refused to acknowledge. He stalked over with predatory grace, glaring at anyone who dared to stand too close to her in line.
"First pasta, now carnival food?" He positioned himself behind her, one hand returning to her waist as if it belonged there. "Your culinary choices are becoming increasingly concerning, love." Despite his words, he found himself oddly... affected by her genuine smile - a sharp contrast to her usual guarded expressions.
He leaned down, his breath ghosting her ear. "Though I suppose I should be grateful you're not suggesting we try every food vendor in the Quarter. The mighty Klaus Mikaelson, reduced to chaperoning his drunk assistant on a street food adventure..." His tone was mocking, but his grip remained protectively firm.
They finally get to the front of the line but the vendor apologize, stating he just ran out.
“Oh” Y/N say in a defeated tone, her shoulders sagging. “That’s fine. Thanks anyways” she turns back to Klaus, “let’s go” she mumbles, clearly affected.
Klaus caught the genuine disappointment in her voice as she starts to walk, something unfamiliar tightening in his chest. He shot a dangerous look at the vendor before turning back to her.
"Wait here." His voice carried its usual command as he stepped toward the stand, compelling the vendor in low, threatening tones. "It seems he miraculously found one last serving." He returned with the churro, his expression daring anyone to question how he acquired it.
He handed it to Y/N, quickly masking his satisfaction at her brightening expression with his characteristic smirk. "Consider this a one-time indulgence. Can't have people thinking I've gone soft just because my assistant pouts over street food." He guided her away from the stand, his hand returning to its now-familiar position at your waist. "Though if you breathe a word of this to anyone, particularly Rebekah, I'll deny it entirely."
Her eyes immediately light up, taking it from his hand and taking a bite. “This is so good” she says with her mouth full. She tears a piece off, “here” she says, offering it to him as they continue walking
Klaus stared at the offered piece with a mixture of disdain and something dangerously close to endearment, which he quickly suppressed.
"I don't eat carnival food, love." Despite his words, he found himself accepting the piece, if only to stop her from continuing to wave it in front of his face. "A thousand years of refined taste, reduced to street vendor churros. What would my enemies say?" His tone was mocking, but his hand remained steady at her waist, thumb absently tracing circles.
He watched her continue to eat with childlike joy, fighting back an unbidden smile. "I trust this sugar-induced happiness means you'll be more agreeable about taking a car the rest of the way? The last thing I need is you falling asleep on some random street corner."
Y/N finish’s the last of her churro, disregarding everything he’s saying, “Klaus, my feet hurt” she whines, sitting at the nearest bench.
“These heels are killing me”
Klaus rolled his eyes skyward, as if seeking patience from whatever deity might be listening. With supernatural speed, he was suddenly crouched before her.
"Of course they do. Humans and their perpetual fragility." Without warning, he efficiently unbuckled her heels, his fingers lingering longer than necessary against her ankles. "Though I must say, love, drunk you is significantly more demanding than sober you. An impressive feat I didn't think possible."
He stood in one fluid motion, tucking her heels under his arm before scooping her up without preamble. "Now, no arguments about vampire speed. You've lost all right to complain after that churro incident." His voice was stern but his grip was careful, adjusting her against his chest with deliberate thoroughness."Unless you'd prefer to walk barefoot through the Quarter? I'm sure that would do wonders for my reputation."
She giggles, “I thought you were getting us a car, huh?” She teases, closing her eyes and resting her head against his chest
Klaus stilled momentarily at her casual intimacy, an unfamiliar warmth threatening to surface that he quickly buried beneath his usual cold demeanor.
"The car was when you could still walk straight, love." He adjusted his hold, one hand curling possessively around her waist while the other supported her legs. "Now you're just giving me excuses to..." he paused, noting how your breathing had already started to even out, "Are you falling asleep on me, sweetheart?"
His voice carried a dangerous edge, though his grip remained surprisingly gentle. "I suggest you hold on tight. And if you drool on my shirt, I'll make you reorganize my entire library... alphabetically." Despite his threatening words, he found himself moving with unusual care, telling himself it was merely to avoid dealing with a nauseous assistant.
In a flash, they were back at the compound. Y/N opens her eyes, “yay, we’re home” she says with a yawn as he sets her down.
She’s only event called it ‘the compound’. She’s never called it ‘home’
She suddenly frowns, “where was my room again?”
Klaus caught her slip of the tongue, something dark and possessive flaring in his eyes. He kept his hand at her waist as she swayed slightly, telling himself it was merely to prevent her from stumbling.
"'Home,' is it?" His voice carried a dangerous blend of amusement and something more possessive. "Careful with such declarations, love. I might start thinking you actually enjoy being here." He guided her toward the stairs, his grip tightening as she nearly missed a step.
He let out an exasperated sigh that didn't quite mask his amusement at your disoriented state. "Your room is upstairs, though in your current state, you'd likely end up wandering into Elijah's study instead." 
Without warning, he swept her up again. "Consider this a one-time courtesy. Tomorrow, you'll be back to navigating these halls on your own, preferably less... intoxicated."
Klaus makes his way up to her room and Y/N was being surprisingly quiet the whole way up
He sets her down on the bed, as he turns to leave. He hears a sniffle coming from behind him
Klaus froze at the doorway, his shoulders tensing at the sound. He turned slowly, his expression a dangerous mixture of irritation and something else he refused to name.
"Now what?" His voice carried its usual threatening edge, though he found himself moving back toward the bed despite his better judgment. "If you're about to become emotional over churros, sweetheart, I'll have to seriously reconsider your position here." He loomed over her, studying her face with puzzlement.
When Abe didn’t say anything, he crouched down to her eye level, his hand gripping her chin with careful force. "Out with it. What's causing this particularly human display of weakness? And do make it quick - I have far better things to do than comfort my drunk assistant."
Y/N’s eyes well up with a fresh set of tears, “I don’t want to go, Klaus” she blinks, the tears falling.
Klaus was confused. Go where? It took him a second before he realized. He stilled completely, caught off guard by her raw honesty. Something unfamiliar twisted in his chest, which he quickly suppressed beneath layers of calculated control.
"Then don't go." The words came out more commanding than intended. His thumb unconsciously wiping away a tear before he caught himself.
 "Stay. Continue being my insufferably efficient assistant. Though these tears..." his thumb traced her bottom lip with dangerous intent, "they stop now. I don't tolerate weakness, even from you."
He stood abruptly, putting deliberate distance between them. "Sleep it off. If you still want to stay when you're sober, we'll... discuss terms." He moved toward the door, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "Though I warn you - once you choose to stay, there's no going back. I don't let go of what's mine easily."
Klaus leaves the room, heading to his study. 20 minutes layer and his vampire hearing still picked up on the grunts, huffs, and sighs of frustration that were coming from her room. And honestly…were driving him crazy
Klaus gripped his bourbon glass tighter with each sound that filtered through, his jaw clenching in growing irritation. The noises were becoming increasingly... distracting.
He stalked to her door with predatory grace, throwing it open without warning. "What precisely are you doing that requires such an impressive array of frustrated sounds?" His voice carried dangerous annoyance, though his eyes darkened at the sight before him.
Y/N yelps, spinning around to the door when Klaus walks in. “You startled me”
He leaned against the doorframe, taking in her obvious struggle with what appeared to be her dress zipper. "By all means, continue. This is proving far more entertaining than the contracts awaiting my attention." His smirk held equal parts mockery and interest. "Though I must say, love, for someone so capable of reorganizing my entire study, you seem remarkably challenged by basic clothing removal."
She rolls her eyes, hands dropping to her sides, “well, I don’t exactly have the mobility to bend my hands behind my back like mobility I have to carry books”
She goes back to trying, “now…if you’ll excuse me…I don’t care to be…judged right…now” she grunts in between words
Klaus watched her futile attempts with amusement, his gaze tracking every frustrated movement.
"Oh, by all means, continue this entertaining display." He pushed off the doorframe, stalking toward her with deliberate slowness. "Though at this rate, you'll still be struggling when the sun rises." Without warning, he was suddenly behind her, his breath ghosting her neck.
His fingers brushed aside her hair, lingering at the nape of your neck. "Hold still." His voice carried its usual command as he gripped the zipper. 
"Consider this payment for having to endure your incessant noises interrupting my work." He drew the zipper down with deliberate thoroughness, his knuckles grazing her spine. "Though I warn you - next time you need assistance undressing, you might want to consider asking before the frustrated sounds drive me to violence."
“Oh…forgot you can hear me. I apologize”
Y/N steps over to the closet, “though in my defense, almost everything drives you to violence” she grabs a tank top and shorts from the cabinet, “you almost daggered Kol because he was chewing too loud”
Klaus' eyes followed her movement with interest, his expression darkening at her casual mention of his violent tendencies.
"Kol was being deliberately provocative. As are you, with your... observations." He remained where he was, making no move to leave despite the clear indication that she were about to change. "Though I must say, love, for someone who claims to fear me, you're remarkably comfortable discussing my homicidal tendencies."
He tilted his head, studying her. "Perhaps the wine has made you forget exactly who you're talking to. Shall I provide a reminder of why even my siblings tread carefully?" His voice dropped to a threatening whisper, though there was a hint of something else beneath the menace - almost like amusement.
“Oh please, if you wanted to kill me you would have by now.” She plops on the bed, facing him while keeping a hand on her chest to keep the dress from falling over, “but if you are feeling particularly homicidal tonight, then by all means, go ahead. If I'm sober, I won’t go down as silently”
Klaus moved with vampire speed, suddenly looming over her, one hand planted beside your hip on the bed while the other gripped her chin with dangerous intent.
"Careful, love." His voice was a lethal whisper, his eyes darkening as they fixed on hers. "There are far worse things I could do than kill you." His thumb traced her bottom lip with deliberate slowness. "And your current state of inebriated defiance is making several of them rather... tempting. "He leaned closer, his breath ghosting her ear. 
"Now, while I do so enjoy this boldness of yours, I suggest you get some sleep before you say something that makes me forget why I find you useful alive." He pulled back slightly, his smirk turning predatory. "Unless you'd like to continue testing my patience? Though I warn you - drunk or not, there are limits to my tolerance for insolence."
She shakes her head almost immediately, “I’m sorry, I’ll go to sleep now”
She lets go of the dress, letting it fall into her lap, sitting there in a bra, reaching for the shirt she took out of her closet
Klaus' eyes darkened dangerously at her casual display, his grip on her chin tightening fractionally before he abruptly released her. He stepped back with deliberate control, his expression shifting to something more predatory.
"Playing with fire, sweetheart." His voice carried a threatening edge as he moved toward the door. "Best be more careful with your... state of undress. Even my legendary self-control has its limits." He paused at the threshold, his back to her.
He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes conveying dangerous intent. "Sleep well, love. And do try to keep the frustrated noises to a minimum. Next time I might not be so... gentlemanly in my assistance." With that, he pulled the door shut behind him, telling himself his quickened pulse was merely from irritation.
𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚
Klaus went back to his room, sitting a smug-looking Rebekah sitting on one of the chairs, noting her presence with irritation. Her knowing smirk only heightened his annoyance.
"Not a word, sister." He moved to pour himself another bourbon, his movements deliberately controlled.
"Oh, come now, Nik." Rebekah's voice dripped with amusement. "I just witnessed my fearsome hybrid brother playing gentleman to a drunk human. How could I possibly stay silent?"
Klaus turned with dangerous speed, his expression darkening. "She's a useful asset, nothing more. Though if you're so interested in her welfare, perhaps you'd like to help her undress next time?" His grip tightened on the glass.
"Please," Rebekah scoffed, standing with elegant grace. "We both know why you rushed to her aid. Though I must say, brother, denial looks rather pathetic on you." She moved toward the door, pausing with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Just remember - the last time you had a human assistant, didn’t end so well. Careful history doesn't repeat itself."
Klaus hurled his glass at the door as she disappeared.
Later on, Klaus stood on his balcony, nursing a drink as he thought about his previous assistant. He stares out over the Quarter, his fingers tightening around the glass as unwanted memories surfaced. Camille - the brave human who dared to psychoanalyze him, who saw past his darkness. Who died because of her connection to him.
He drained his glass with brutal efficiency, his jaw clenching as he heard Y/N’s steady heartbeat from her room. No, this was different. Y/N was merely useful - her efficiency, her boldness, her irritating habit of challenging him while somehow making his empire run smoother. Nothing more.
His knuckles whitened around the glass as Rebekah's words echoed in his mind. Love was a vampire's greatest weakness, and he was not weak. He would not make the same mistake again. "She's an asset," he growled to himself, though the words rang hollow in the night air. "Nothing more." Yet even as he said it, he found himself tracking her heartbeat, telling himself it was merely to ensure she hadn't choked on her own drunken stupor.
𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚
Finally got part two out.I think the story is coming along well. Let me know what you think!! I’ll definitely have three ready a lot sooner.
Part 3
Taglist: @ariesandwolves @holyredemption @s-a-v-a-n-a-34
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carlsangel · 5 months ago
you owe me (g.i.t.w, ch.7)
carl grimes x fem!reader
tags: normal jazzzzz probably fluff
masterlist here!
read chapters 1-6 here!
(if you want more chapters send a req! well… when they’re open again LMAO)
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After everything you chose to move into Alexandria. It was a new adjustment, that’s for sure. With everything that’d just happened, Alexandria’s walls being breached you never really got the opportunity to see it in its true form. The first week you stayed there it was all about cleaning. Getting rid of the bodies and putting them all down. It wasn’t necessarily ideal, but you had shelter.
During that week and extended into another few, the community focused on rebuilding. The wall was put back up soon after it all but things like houses needed to be fixed and refurnished. A lot of houses were covered in things like human blood, walker blood, walker guts, etc. Everything needed a nice scrub. Not to mention the newly infested pond.
Between all of that, you’d actually sort of interacted with the people of Alexandria. Or tried to at least. Everything was always awkward; every conversation you had made you wish you never spoke to Carl. Not because you don’t like Carl, but just because it was so embarrassing. You didn’t realize what it was like to interact with people again. Not everyone was going to be like Carl or your sister, Paige. You learnt that the hard way.
Regardless you met almost everyone. The most intimidating was Carls family. They knew you and appreciated you. They thanked you for saving his life but it was still terribly uncomfortable for you. The thought that you might mess it up terrified you. Your sister did her best to help.
Speaking of Paige, you actually were able to stay in an apartment with her which was something you never imagined possible. You dreamed about living together and what it’d be like when you believed she was dead, but you never thought your dream would come true. You got your own room which, again was unfathomable. You didn’t have much to decorate with but you did have Carl over for some inspiration. After PT of course. He couldn’t get up for a while after losing his eye.
“I think it’s nice.” He tells you, looking around the room and swiping the dresser of its dust. You’re sat at the edge of the bed. “I dunno…is yours decorated?” You question. He lingers by your bag in the corner, sort of just staring at it. “Not really. It had some posters before we moved in. Ron gifted me some vinyl…you know before everything.” He explains. You’re not sure how to respond, so you just nod. “Some of the records have posters in them. If you want them.” He looks down at you and smiles a little. “No it’s alright you should have them.”
You’re so comfortable with him but also so awkward. You couldn’t explain it. “I think…I’ll give them to you. You can get them tonight. At dinner.” The way he says things makes them sound so set in stone. Like he’d planned this and it was a sure and definite plan. “Dinner?” You repeat. He sits beside you and nods, still taking in the empty space of your room. “My dad invited you and Paige for dinner. Since everything is settled down, he thinks it’d be nice to get to know you. Since you saved my life and all.” That’s true. You did save his life but regardless you didn’t think you were ready.
You shake your head. “N-No I don’t think I’m ready, I mean-” You put your hands out almost defensively which he sees as a good opportunity to comfort you. He takes your hands in his and closes them together, squeezing them together. “It’ll be okay. I’ll monitor my dad almost to know what and what not to ask. Besides he always liked your sister. You’ve started on the right foot.” You process what he says but also at the same time you’re equally focused on how warm his hands are.
You trust him, however.
─── ⋆⋅ ꒰ა 𐚁 ໒꒱ ⋅⋆ ───
That night you got ready in the nicest clothes Alexandria had to offer. Paige had left a couple minutes before you since you had some extra tasks to do before you left, but you were incredibly tempted to just ghost them. No pun intended. (get it? cause she’s the ghost in the woods—yeah ok.) You took one step off the stairs of your apartment and you turn to walk left to go to Carl’s house.
The walk there was almost hell. You overthought every scenario, every sentence you planned on saying, etc. It really was dreadful, you almost didn’t go. Until someone stopped you. Aaron. “Hey.” He stopped you from the porch of his house, you didn’t notice he’d been sitting there watching you contemplate going or not. Aaron knew you, he knew some of your interests and would bring you supplies when you lived in the woods.
“Oh.” You pause in your steps and let your hands fall away from each other, you hadn’t realized you’d been picking at your skin. “Hi.” You say shortly, not mentally prepared for the conversation. “I heard you’re scheduled for a dinner.” He tells you, almost smiling. Although he’s trying to contain it. “I just…I want you to know how often I looked for you. It seemed I was always looking in the wrong places. But I’m glad you came out of hiding.” You tilt your head a little at his explanation, something you sort of got from Carl. Although you watch him for a moment and realize how nervous he seems.
“I care about you. I understand that may be weird since you don’t even really know me…but I do.” You try to process his words, you didn’t quite realize what that felt like in the moment. All you can do in that moment is nod. “Thank you, Aaron.” You obviously have manners though. He gives a content smile and pats your shoulder. “Well don’t be so nervous. The Grimes family, well they’ve been through it all as you can tell. Michonne, well she’s a civil woman. You’ve got nothing to worry about. Except maybe Rick. He’s a bit aggressive. He punched me the first day we met.” He says in an amused tone, although that kind of makes your nerves spike.
You sort of give him a strange look. “Oh..he’s not gonna punch you or anything—you’ll be fine.” He smiles. Right, you’ll be fine. Plus Carl will be there.
Although when you got there and it came to knocking on the door you were frozen. Carl saw you approaching before you’d even got there so he opened the door regardless of whether you were ready or not. “Hey.” He seems so excited, he practically drags you inside. You hear a bit of commotion from the kitchen but Carl makes sure you’re okay first. He faces you directly and takes your hands in his. “It’s gonna be okay. They’re glad you’re here.” He explains, soon dragging you over to the kitchen. You see Michonne with Judith, just keeping her busy while your sister and Rick grab plates.
“Oh there you are. Thought you got lost.” Paige teases, drawing the attention of both Rick and Michonne. You sort of just stare, unsure of what to do. You’ve sort of met them before, when helping around you took instructions from them, but you’ve never spent real time with them. “We’re glad to have you.” Rick smiles and nods, something you’ve learnt is a Grimes thing. You remain silent. “Jesus say thank you or something. Did the apocalypse make you forget your manners?” Paige remarks.
“Right. Thank you. For inviting me.” Rick smiles a bit at your response, glancing back to Michonne who had the identical smirk on her face. It was so obvious how nervous you were. But that didn’t matter. It was dinner time now, you helped set the table with Paige and be for you knew it, you were sat down in awkward silence with the Grimes family.
You poked around your food and took bites, completely unaware of the fact that everyone was glancing your way every so often to see if you’d actually make eye contact with any of them. Which you didn’t. So, Michonne took initiative.
“Rick actually has something he wants to say to you.” She forces a smile and looks over to Rick who finds it amusing. You look up at him and he waits before explaining. “I know we didn’t really get off on the right foot.” He starts, Carl and Paige already know where this is going so they look at each other and smile. “I sorta…you know—”
“Threw her to the ground?” Michonne interrupts. He chuckles. “Yeah, I did. I guess I should apologize, but I need you to know where I was comin’ from.” He explains. But you already knew, therefore he didn’t need to say anything else. “That’s fine. I get it. A strange girl who lingered in the trees is a bit alarming. I don’t blame you. But you owe me.” You smile. You can hear the others giggle at your claim and Rick raises his eyebrows. “I owe you?” He says unserious. “You know what, you’re right. How can I pay you back?” He sets his fork down and rests his arms on the table to take you seriously.
“Well, when yanking me to the floor I fell back on a lot of my belongings. My walkman being one of them. It basically shattered and I’d like a new one.” You propose. Rick looks to Michonne who nods. “Sounds like a good deal. Her forgiveness for a walkman?” She says. Everything about this conversation seemed so playful to you. You knew they were being serious, but they were acting so official and it was funny. You were comfortable.
“Well I guess I should since you helped us. Not to mention you’re of great importance to my son over there.” He smiles. You look over to Carl who was already looking at you. Your sister would tell you later when you got home that he’d been staring at you this entire time. But anyway, back to your deal. You both shook on it and the dinner went on.
Real soon, you’d have your walkman back. With it, you’d get a mixtape from Carl.
Since he’d be the one you’d be using the walkman with.
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a/n: yall gotta forgive me for being absent for so long IM SORRY MANNNN I AM I PROMISE look i just simply have been incredibly busy with school, being a senior is not for the weak trust <//3 also writers block has me in a chokehold BUT IM ON IT I PROMISE
tag list: @zomb-1-egutzz @lunarnightt @ilikestrawberriesandwomen @hiro--aoki @h00d-tr4sh @callsignwidow @smollbean42905 @deadgirlwalkingx @txrasbae @lalaloopsie12309 @crusadecherryblossom @violetashfall @zombiigrll @amanita-raine @prettylittlevampire12 @shadowybasementmiracle @junkyard-juno27 @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n @sophiaatwdluver @baileebear @tabathastan @sstar-ggirl
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firestorm09890 · 26 days ago
hi can you tell me about limbus company specifically about don quixote and sancho. i’m trying to piece it together from context clues but i’m not doing well. basically as you may know i’m a huge mili fan and i’ve just been wanting to understand the context behind the song hero so i can appreciate it better
OMG I WOULD BE HONORED TO so the first thing you need to know is that Project Moon worldbuilding is a massive beast. There will be stuff I leave out because it's not entirely relevant to Hero, but I'll do the best I can to both explain everything and keep it "short".
...Not short enough that it can stay without a readmore.
The first thing you need to know is that most of the time in fandom, the name Don Quixote refers to this person
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She is extremely passionate about justice and is described as someone who appears to be playing the role of a righteous knight.
Other important information here is that every playable character in Limbus Company has an icon
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an associated emoji (🎠), an associated color (Oblivion Yellow; it's just the yellow above but the word Oblivion is important), an associated phrase ("To reach the unreachable star!"), and this thing called a personal EGO, which is basically a special attack that comes from the self or something. Don Quixote's is called "La Sangre de Sancho" and consists of her shouting "Onwards, Rocinante! Justice will prevail!", running at the enemy and stabbing a lance made of blood into them. Rocinante is the name of her shoes, but it was also the name of Don Quixote's horse in the book. This is what the art for that EGO attack looks like.
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Lots of posters, she's playing dolls, you can ignore the barbed wire and bars on the windows because that's part of every personal EGO but you do not have to ignore the scary skeleton horse shadow or the fact that outside the window is a carousel where instead of horses, there are people impaled on sticks. This will all make sense later.
This is Sancho. She is the same person as the Don Quixote from above.
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With Sancho, you might see someone else named Don Quixote, who looks like this
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This white-haired man is the Don Quixote I will be referring to up until the yellow-haired girl takes his name.
Once upon a time, probably hundreds or even thousands of years ago, there was this vampire (henceforth called a "bloodfiend") named Don Quixote. He pulls inspiration from the literary Don Quixote but only some. He lived in a castle in the middle of nowhere by himself until the weight of his bloodthirst got to him and he went to go make some kindred to alleviate the pain (bloodfiends can each turn two people max into other bloodfiends, after that they kinda just become shambling zombies made of blood; the more generations a bloodfiend "family" has, the more spread out the collective bloodthirst gets, so it's in a bloodfiend's best interest to turn others). The first of Don Quixote's kindred was a woman named Sancho, who he found kinda just letting herself die in a ditch. He asked her to join him, and she accepted.
In Don Quixote, Sancho was Don Quixote's squire, who got roped into it by the promise that he would get an island to be the governor of. There's this whole thing in the book about Don Quixote's delusions becoming slightly more realistic as the story passes, while Sancho's ideals trended the opposite way. This will be important I promise.
Don Quixote made another kindred, and that kindred went on to make a bunch of other kindreds until there was a whole huge bloodfiend family living together in that castle in the middle of nowhere. Sancho was unusual for a bloodfiend, having no interest in making kindred herself and being far more skeptical of Don Quixote's whims than any bloodfiend (or squire) should be (they have an instinct to never go against the bloodstream). She was cold and distant from the rest of her family, except for DQ.
One day! A human knight appeared at the door! In the beginning Don Quixote didn't want her there but then she sparred against him to a draw (bloodfiends are EXTREMELY powerful, more powerful than humans) which made him gain a little bit of respect for her. This knight, Bari (not a character in Don Quixote, she has other shit going on), started regaling Don Quixote with tales of Fixers, humans in The City (Limbus Company's main setting) who are... essentially mercenaries but with class- once again a whole thing but essentially she got him thinking about knights and adventurers. She did this to inspire him to take the side of humans in a war against bloodfiends that was happening elsewhere, which he does. Sancho, who thinks Bari's stories are stupid and this interest is foolhardy, stands by his side in battle.
...But wait! Over time, Sancho too grows interested in Bari's stories, though she refuses to admit it. At one point Bari tells Don Quixote about amusement parks, which gets him thinking "waow maybe if we make an amusement park, my family of bloodfiends can coexist with humans!"
It was a lovely idea, and DQ and one of his lower kindred crafted this cool new thing called "hemobars" which were like a little bit of blood mixed with a bunch of other stuff to make a brick bloodfiends could eat to satisfy their need for blood. Guests would pay at the door in blood, and they would be made into hemobars to distribute to the bloodfiend family, who runs the amusement park.
Surprise surprise, the hemobars were not enough, and the family was getting restless. They wanted to drink blood so badly, but they couldn't go against Don Quixote's wishes because he's the patriarch. So, knowing that he was really into collecting cool artifacts, a few of the bloodfiends came up with a plan to even the playing field. They told him about the Helm of Mambrino, which makes anyone who wears it be perceived as being on the exact same level as those perceiving them, so they would be able to rebel against him (they did not tell him any of this aside from it being a cool helm). A wonderful adventure! And due to Sancho's interest in the knight stuff, the family did not tell her about the plan, and Don Quixote took her with him as his squire.
They did adventure stuff, at some point Don Quixote turned a pair of shoes he got into a powerful artifact named Rocinante that will be important later. Don Quixote wants Sancho to get into the spirit of things, Sancho says it's ridiculously juvenile but tries to speak like she's in Shakespeare anyways, it's all great. They get the helm.
And then when they get back to the amusement park, everything's in shambles. Bloodfiends eating people. Don Quixote, who presumably can't take off the helm because it's cursed or something, seals the entirety of the park off (he can do that because he made it out of his own blood. it's normal), trapping everyone inside so they can't hurt more humans, but...
He orders Sancho to leave first. She was wearing the shoes at the time and those shoes take her away even though she doesn't want to go and there's lots of screaming and crying and it's horribly tragic.
Super depressed, she asks Bari to take her to Lethe, the River of Oblivion, a magic river that will wipe her memories. There's this whole thing about how drinking from the river hones some of your thoughts into a mad obsession which is only a tad relevant (correction: turns out this is a different tributary of the one big river. Lethe is also a tributary. she just glanced at this one, mirae-mirae, and actually drank from lethe) She loses her memories and goes to live alone in a lighthouse in the vast outskirts surrounding the City.
I'm so sorry this was entirely backstory so far.
Cut to 200 years later, Sancho has been basically playing dolls by herself this whole time. Her obsession focuses entirely on Fixers, the sorts of heroes her father (oh yeah that's how bloodfiends work, the guy who turned her is her father now) used to love. She's silly now! She's believing the posters are talking to her! She doesn't know about the unglamorous, "hired mercenary" part of Fixer life, believing everything they do is for justice. After 200 years, this guy shows up to recruit her for Limbus Company and she accepts- at this point, she's forgotten her name, but she also hasn't taken off Rocinante, and who's name is written on Rocinante? ...Why, Don Quixote, of course! So she takes the name Don Quixote for herself.
In Limbus Company (company) she's extremely loud and passionate and will rush forward to fight for justice which causes problems for the team more than once. But the thing about Limbus Company is that everyone on the LCB team has to face their past for their mission to collect these things called Golden Boughs, and her turn eventually comes up. Coincidentally, the amusement park her father built has reappeared in the middle of the City, and it's luring people in.
She goes into this mission completely unaware of its connection to her, even as people recognize her and one guy actively tries to remind her of her past. In fact, she's extremely enthusiastic about vanquishing bloodfiends for their evil deeds. Eventually, though, there are circumstances that lead her to a point where she can't turn away subconsciously anymore, and she dismounts Rocinante (read: takes off her shoes)
The thing about Rocinante is that they have been binding her bloodfiend traits this entire time, and because she was wearing them when she drank from the river, taking them off means she remembers everything. And then she sees her father, the original Don Quixote, who, at this point, has been stabbed with thousands of stakes and is sort of merged with the ferris wheel and the Golden Bough that Limbus Company seeks is stabbed into him as well, which is a whole nother can of worms we don't need to get into
Okay at this point Sancho declares her 200 years as Don Quixote to be a dream that has ended. She fucks off to go be with her father in the center of the dungeon that's formed due to the Golden Bough, and the LCB team, the rest of our protagonists, chase her. A few other things happen but she's mostly bitter and sad.
Old Don Quixote, in his 200 years of being trapped with his starving bloodfiend kindred who have stabbed him a thousand times, has decided that his dream is dead too. There is no way humans and bloodfiends can coexist. The amusement park would have never worked. What's important now is that he feeds his family.
Unfortunately, the LCB's other objective aside from obtaining the Golden Bough is to apprehend the creator of the amusement park- Don Quixote. Sancho, ever loyal, stands in their way. There's this really long battle and whole sequence where they eventually break through to her- they remind her she's never been alone (Bari, the knight, was answering every single letter Sancho wrote to her Fixer idols. don't ask how she's still around), they remind her that the dream is still alive, and even though her father no longer believes in it, it really did become hers. Sancho struggles with the idea that the past 200 years was just a dream- even though she remembers everything from before that now, she can't just forget what she did then. That was also her. There's a cool part of her battle theme where her introductory line from the beginning of the game is incorporated into the music but cuts off before she can say her name. Anyway eventually she decides she'll give moving on with her new friends, the LCB, a chance.
Which means now she's standing against the original Don Quixote. This is the battle where Hero plays. I wish I could get into battle mechanics but that would make this explanation wayyyyy too long. He fights them all, and he's so powerful that eventually he almost kills all of them (including the narrator, who revives all the others; if they die, it's over for good), but Sancho stands in his way. They do an awesome anime clash, with Sancho using an upgraded version of her personal EGO (there is a qte. this game does not do qtes. it's supposed to represent her no longer galloping alone on Rocinante, but together) and Sancho wins. Everything that happens after is no longer relevant to Hero but I'll tell you anyway, as Don Quixote lays dying, he dissolves the amusement park (literally. into blood rain), Sancho cries over him, decides to put back on Rocinante and become the "new" Don Quixote, the one the dream will live on within.
Also the boss fight itself is long as fuck so the mix made to emulate the in-game experience is 23 minutes long but I can show you the cutscene featuring the final clash (only 2 minutes long), which starts from the line "Stand up, gallop on" and is so fucking awesome and imo seeing what's happening during "I am my biggest fan, I am my biggest fan" is peak
This is the in-game mix if you want it lmao
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altocat · 2 months ago
How do you think Angeal rationalizes war with Wutai his thing about honor? (Not trying to shit on him. I like your character analysis)
I think, at least for a while, Angeal bought into Shinra's propaganda. He's from a small town and was presumably groomed from an early age to accept Shinra as a benevolent force of power. Hollander might have even manipulated Angeal and Genesis into eventually joining SOLDIER in order to demonstrate the measure of their abilities as Project G specimens. So I think that Angeal really fooled himself believing that what he was doing was RIGHT. At least at the beginning.
I think the added responsibility of taking care of Genesis and Sephiroth probably diverted a lot his attention, too. It's easy when you're fighting alongside "war heroes". You're the good guys. You're the first thing on every screen, a figurehead in fan clubs, merchandise, and propaganda posters. Being a teenager, it was all so perfect, all so glorious and infectious, a kind of rapture. For the first time in his life, Angeal felt appreciated, SEEN.
But the brain grows wiser as you get older. And by the time Angeal starts to reach his 20's in earnest, his perception starts to shift. He starts to remember weird things that Sephiroth said or did, unnecessarily violent actions committed in the name of justice. Shady dealings between the higher ups. Secrets. The growing rift between Sephiroth and Genesis, the latter's lust for approval exploited by hungry executives stirring the pot. Families ruptured. The growing stink that radiates around the reactors. Haunted faces in your dreams, the eyes of every warrior on the battlefield you killed, the vague nightmares that chase you.
By the time Angeal deserts, he knows the whole score of what Shinra REALLY is. It isn't just that they MADE him, it's that they deceived him, painted a pretty lie whose oaths and revelries he clung to for meaning, identification. It's too much. Angeal has ever so slowly begun to loathe himself. Not just for being Shinra's monster, but for being Shinra's MURDERER as well.
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raayllum · 3 months ago
Was considering making this a ficlet (and I still might) but a tiny meta for day 3 of Snake Boi Callum week: Your Deepest Truth / Complicated.
But I really steadily appreciate how arc 2 builds up Callum's deepest truth, not only in regards to the Knowing motif or the full set up (explored in further detail here), but also in other indications throughout the season. Season 4 starts small, with Ezran's faith ultimately being what Callum 'sees' clearly in 6x06:
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Then season 5 takes this same idea — of enduring love, of deep love, of love being knowing and presence in contrast to absence, uncertainty, and lack of / repressed love — and builds on it.
[To love is simply to] know this: the tides are true as the ocean is deep. It means I trust her. Unconditionally. (5x01)
Rayla. We've been through a lot, and a lot has changed. Well, some things have changed, but not everything. I would do anything for you. (5x04)
The Ocean arcanum is accepting there are depths you can't see, parts of yourself you can't understand, and things you can't control. (5x08)
So 5x01 and 5x08 take that idea of love having untold depths, and link it to the ocean arcanum (and Callum's understanding of the arcanum). Said arcanum is also scaffolded on Callum's experiences on Finnegrin's ship, specifically his choice to do dark magic again, which is also lampshaded by Finnegrin's dialogue throughout the episode referencing Callum's vow(s) to Rayla in 5x04 ("You'll do anything for them" / "I hope you know—" "I know" / "To love is simply to know this").
Then we get to season six, which uses other characters and dynamics to build up to Callum (and Rayla's) connection in 6x06.
Viren's "The path of freedom is the path of truth" in 6x01 sets in motion the — at the time — subtextual notion of Rayla being in opposition to Aaravos and the embodiment of Callum's freedom. Janai says to Amaya in 6x02 that "You are my heart and my truth. If I ever start to doubt you, I'll know that I am truly lost." When Terry encourages Claudia to make her own choices in 6x04, he cites, "Only you can see your own deep truth. Only you can decide the path you’re going to walk. [...] You have to choose the way. What do you need to find your truth?"
So in quick succession, we have truth associated with 1) something deep and inherent, 2) the subsequent path of / to freedom, 3) someone being your heart / that it can be someone in your life. All of these concepts are reaffirmed in Rayla's lullaby in 6x05 with the added bonus of identity:
RAYLA: "Though the sky is dark tonight, I still shine for you my dear. The moon is more than just her light, I am near; my love is here. Though you feel so much alone, oh, my darling, do not fear. Hold to what you've always known, I am near; my love is here. Though my face cannot be seen, the answer in your heart is clear. I am the moon, the silver queen. I am near; my love is here." I know who you are. Esmeray.
Callum goes into the darkness in 6x06, and it's all he can see. He's literally blindfolded and can't see Rayla's face. Yet he sees her — Rayla's love for him, and his love for her — as his Light. As his heart and path and truth. His deepest truth. What seemed so complicated in her absence and confusing upon her return is eclipsed by the sanctity and assuredness of what he knows down to his bones, and thereby knows himself through in his own sense of identity as well.
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I would tell you that you all my choices were nothing and you were everything. (6x03) KOSMO: The truth is complicated. VIREN: Life is complicated. But if it's love, nothing else matters. (6x06)
(This is also reflected in Claudia's assertions in 6x08 that Viren "needs to show [her] the right path. You taught me who I am and how to love myself" though we'll see if those hold.)
This also, as noted in the above metas, link to Aaravos' stances on truth. He never lies because he never needs to. Sol Regem accidentally killing his mate is a "deep, dark truth." The tagline for his S7 poster forewarns, "Lies hide in the shadows, but the darkest truths hide in the light."
While Rayla being Callum's deepest truth isn't complicated, the direction his love for her may steer his choices could be truly, temporarily awful, and I for one can't wait.
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