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oparach · 5 years ago
by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 5 years ago
by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 5 years ago
Combined Series Parallel Circuit Example Problems by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 5 years ago
by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 6 years ago
04 របៀបតម្រង់នឹងចាក់បំពេញផ្ទៃរូបភាពដែលបាត់បង់ Straighten and Filling image with content aware in Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 សូមអរគុណដែលបានទស្សនាវីដេអូនេះ: Subscribe ដើម្បីទទួលបាន មេរៀនថ្មីៗ🍎: https://goo.gl/Vvsypw ចូលទៅកាន់ Facebook របស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/B0XsEm ចូលទៅកាន់មេរៀន កាត់តរូបភាពរបស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/DF1nht សូមស្វាគមន៌ម្តងទៀត សម្រាប់ការចូលមកទស្សនា ខ្សែវីដេអូដែលបង្ហាញអំពីការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធី កាត់តរូបភាពដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop. សម្រាប់បងប្អូនដែលមានបំណងចង់រៀន កាត់តរូបភាព កែកូល័រ (Color) រូបភាពឲ្យមានភាពស្រស់បំព្រង និងគួរឲ្យទាក់ទាញ និងជាទីចាប់អារម្មណ៍ អញ្វឹងកម្មវិធីនេះគឺសក្តិសមបំផុតដើម្បីសម្រេចគោលបំណងរបស់បងប្អូន។ កម្មវិធីសម្រាប់កាត់តរូបភាព Photoshop គឺជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានប្រជាប្រិយភាពបំផុត ក្នុងចំនោមកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាពនានា។ នៅក្នុងថ្ងៃនេះផងដែរ ខ្ញុំសូមលើកបង្ហាញរបៀបនៃការដាក់ Style អក្សរ ឲ្យចេញជា ស្តាយ៍ពណ៌មាសនៅក្នុង��ម្មវិធី Photoshop CC 2017។ថ្វីដ្បិតតែវាជាកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ប៉ុន្តែ Photoshop ក៏អាចឲ្យយើងធ្វើ Style ជាលក្ខណផ្សេងៗជាច្រើនទៀត ទៅតាមចំនេះដឹង និង ចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្ត របស់អ្នក និងចំនេះដឹង នៃការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop។ Photoshop ជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានសារសំខាន់ខ្លាំងមែនទែន សម្រាប់អ្នក ឌីសាញ Design។ វាអាចឲ្យយើងកាត់តរូបភាព កែតម្រូវកូល័រ (Color) របស់រូបភាពផ្សេងៗតាមចំណង់ចំនូលចិត្ត។ Welcome back to my online Video Tutorials course. This a Photoshop Tutorial training style in Khmer Language. I also have created a course, which is Photoshop Tutorials for Beginner in Khmer Language, which is for Cambodian People So Don’t Forget to Check it out on the links above this Description. And don’t forget to Subscribe to my Channel for new video tutorials. I spent a lot of time just in order to prepared this Photoshop Tutorial text effect, just want Cambodian people know more, and enhance their skill of using Photoshop. Each Photoshop Tutorial Video Course, I have prepared exercise file, which you can check it out the link under the video. For those who have passion about learning Photoshop, this is the right place for you to improve your skill and knowledge of using Photoshop. And don’t forget to Subscribe, Share and comment. នាងនាថបាត់ដំបង,មេឃកំពុងភ្លៀងហើយ,Khmer Knowledge Free Online video tutorials,Khmer Knowledge,របៀបធ្វើ,adobe photoshop cs6 for beginners,រៀនកាត់តរូបភាព,រៀនកាត់តវីដេអូ,រៀបកាតនឹងបងបានទេ,Adobe Photoshop,3D,Video Edit,Khmer Learning,របៀបកាត់តរូបភាព,អំបូរអាយធី,របៀបញ្ចូលរូបភាពពីររួមគ្នា!,Adobe Photoshop Design,និស្សិតit,cambodia news in khmer,vannet tygi អាណិតណាសស្រីស្អាត ក្លាយទៅជាមនុស្សមើលលែងយល់.,ស្រីស្អាត,khmer magic show Tags: khmer it,graphic design tutorial,graphic design,graphic design for beginner,creative design,khmer photoshop,adobe photoshop,photoshop tutorial,របៀបបង្កើត,khmer,muzik,របៀបបង្កើត 3d manipulation effect in photoshop tutorial | khmer muzik hd,okes khmer jokes khmer song,how to learn,cambodia,tourism,the x factor,x factor cambodia,cambodia x factor,rfa khmer radio news,cambodia hot news,30 june 2019,comedy,fixing danielle cohn photoshop fails,resize image, Adobe Photoshop, កាត់តរូបភាព by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 6 years ago
សូមអរគុណដែលបានទស្សនាវីដេអូនេះ: Subscribe ដើម្បីទទួលបាន មេរៀនថ្មីៗ🍎: https://goo.gl/Vvsypw ចូលទៅកាន់ Facebook របស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/B0XsEm ចូលទៅកាន់មេរៀន កាត់តរូបភាពរបស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/DF1nht សូមស្វាគមន៌ម្តងទៀត សម្រាប់ការចូលមកទស្សនា ខ្សែវីដេអូដែលបង្ហាញអំពីការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធី កាត់តរូបភាពដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop. សម្រាប់បងប្អូនដែលមានបំណងចង់រៀន កាត់តរូបភាព កែកូល័រ (Color) រូបភាពឲ្យមានភាពស្រស់បំព្រង និងគួរឲ្យទាក់ទាញ និងជាទីចាប់អារម្មណ៍ អញ្វឹងកម្មវិធីនេះគឺសក្តិសមបំផុតដើម្បីសម្រេចគោលបំណងរបស់បងប្អូន។ កម្មវិធីសម្រាប់កាត់តរូបភាព Photoshop គឺជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានប្រជាប្រិយភាពបំផុត ក្នុងចំនោមកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាពនានា។ នៅក្នុងថ្ងៃនេះផងដែរ ខ្ញុំសូមលើកបង្ហាញរបៀបនៃការដាក់ Style អក្សរ ឲ្យចេញជា ស្តាយ៍ពណ៌មាសនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធី Photoshop CC 2017។ថ្វីដ្បិតតែវាជាកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ប៉ុន្តែ Photoshop ក៏អាចឲ្យយើងធ្វើ Style ជាលក្ខណផ្សេងៗជាច្រើនទៀត ទៅតាមចំនេះដឹង និង ចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្ត របស់អ្នក និងចំនេះដឹង នៃការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop។ Photoshop ជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានសារសំខាន់ខ្លាំងមែនទែន សម្រាប់អ្នក ឌីសាញ Design។ វាអាចឲ្យយើងកាត់តរូបភាព កែតម្រូវកូល័រ (Color) របស់រូបភាពផ្សេងៗតាមចំណង់ចំនូលចិត្ត។ Welcome back to my online Video Tutorials course. This a Photoshop Tutorial training style in Khmer Language. I also have created a course, which is Photoshop Tutorials for Beginner in Khmer Language, which is for Cambodian People So Don’t Forget to Check it out on the links above this Description. And don’t forget to Subscribe to my Channel for new video tutorials. I spent a lot of time just in order to prepared this Photoshop Tutorial text effect, just want Cambodian people know more, and enhance their skill of using Photoshop. Each Photoshop Tutorial Video Course, I have prepared exercise file, which you can check it out the link under the video. For those who have passion about learning Photoshop, this is the right place for you to improve your skill and knowledge of using Photoshop. And don’t forget to Subscribe, Share and comment. នាងនាថបាត់ដំបង,មេឃកំពុងភ្លៀងហើយ,Khmer Knowledge Free Online video tutorials,Khmer Knowledge,របៀបធ្វើ,adobe photoshop cs6 for beginners,រៀនកាត់តរូបភាព,រៀនកាត់តវីដេអូ,រៀបកាតនឹងបងបានទេ,Adobe Photoshop,3D,Video Edit,Khmer Learning,របៀបកាត់តរូបភាព,អំបូរអាយធី,របៀបញ្ចូលរូបភាពពីររួមគ្នា!,Adobe Photoshop Design,និស្សិតit,cambodia news in khmer,vannet tygi អាណិតណាសស្រីស្អាត ក្លាយទៅជាមនុស្សមើលលែងយល់.,ស្រីស្អាត,khmer magic show Keywords: khmer it,graphic design tutorial,graphic design,graphic design for beginner,creative design,khmer photoshop,adobe photoshop,photoshop tutorial,របៀបបង្កើត,khmer,muzik,របៀបបង្កើត 3d manipulation effect in photoshop tutorial | khmer muzik hd,okes khmer jokes khmer song,how to learn,cambodia,tourism,the x factor,x factor cambodia,cambodia x factor,rfa khmer radio news,cambodia hot news,30 june 2019,comedy,fixing danielle cohn photoshop fails,resize image, Kon Khmer IT by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 6 years ago
សូមអរគុណដែលបានទស្សនាវីដេអូនេះ: Subscribe ដើម្បីទទួលបាន មេរៀនថ្មីៗ🍎: https://goo.gl/Vvsypw ចូលទៅកាន់ Facebook របស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/B0XsEm ចូលទៅកាន់មេរៀន កាត់តរូបភាពរបស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/DF1nht សូមស្វាគមន៌ម្តងទៀត សម្រាប់ការចូលមកទស្សនា ខ្សែវីដេអូដែលបង្ហាញអំពីការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធី កាត់តរូបភាពដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop. សម្រាប់បងប្អូនដែលមានបំណងចង់រៀន កាត់តរូបភាព កែកូល័រ (Color) រូបភាពឲ្យមានភាពស្រស់បំព្រង និងគួរឲ្យទាក់ទាញ និងជាទីចាប់អារម្មណ៍ អញ្វឹងកម្មវិធីនេះគឺសក្តិសមបំផុតដើម្បីសម្រេចគោលបំណងរបស់បងប្អូន។ កម្មវិធីសម្រាប់កាត់តរូបភាព Photoshop គឺជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានប្រជាប្រិយភាពបំផុត ក្នុងចំនោមកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាពនានា។ នៅក្នុងថ្ងៃនេះផងដែរ ខ្ញុំសូមលើកបង្ហាញរបៀបនៃការដាក់ Style អក្សរ ឲ្យចេញជា ស្តាយ៍ពណ៌មាសនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធី Photoshop CC 2017។ថ្វីដ្បិតតែវាជាកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ប៉ុន្តែ Photoshop ក៏អាចឲ្យយើងធ្វើ Style ជាលក្ខណផ្សេងៗជាច្រើនទៀត ទៅតាមចំនេះដឹង និង ចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្ត របស់អ្នក និងចំនេះដឹង នៃការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop។ Photoshop ជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានសារសំខាន់ខ្លាំងមែនទែន សម្រាប់អ្នក ឌីសាញ Design។ វាអាចឲ្យយើងកាត់តរូបភាព កែតម្រូវកូល័រ (Color) របស់រូបភាពផ្សេងៗតាមចំណង់ចំនូលចិត្ត។ Welcome back to my online Video Tutorials course. This a Photoshop Tutorial training style in Khmer Language. I also have created a course, which is Photoshop Tutorials for Beginner in Khmer Language, which is for Cambodian People So Don’t Forget to Check it out on the links above this Description. And don’t forget to Subscribe to my Channel for new video tutorials. I spent a lot of time just in order to prepare this Photoshop Tutorial text effect, just want Cambodian people to know more, and enhance their skill in using Photoshop. Each Photoshop Tutorial Video Course, I have prepared exercise file, which you can check it out the link under the video. For those who have a passion for learning Photoshop, this is the right place for you to improve your skill and knowledge of using Photoshop. And don’t forget to Subscribe, Share and comment. by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 7 years ago
Khmer knowledge Free online video tutorials;Khmer knowledge;Autocad Khmer for Architecture;មេរៀautocad;Autocad Khmer Book;Autocad Speak Khmer;Autocad speak;Khmer;Autocad;structural;detailing Khmer;Autocad 3d speak khmer;Autocad Khmer;Autocad 2d Khmer;Khmerknowledge;Operacy Khmer;It Khmer;Khmer Book;Autocad 2019;Autocad2018; by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 7 years ago
សិក្សាជំនាញគូសប្លង់ autocad 2019 ពីដើមដល់ចប់ នៅក្នុងមេរៀននេះខ្ញំុនឹងលើកបង្ហាញមេរៀន គូសប្លង់ In this video, I will introduce to Autocad 2019 for all combodia people who are willing to learn new skill by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 8 years ago
ទាញយក Crack រីក៏Activator របស់ Adobe Creative Cloud ទាំងអស់ ទីនេះ https://goo.gl/xJKdyK មើលវីដេអូរផ្សេងៗទៀត: កាត់តរូបភាព របៀបធ្វើStyle អក្សរពណ៌មាស ក្នុង Photoshop CC 2017 Rendering Letter in Gold in Photoshop 😍👄https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPa2V7Td0kU Adobe CC Collection គឺជាបណ្តុំកម្មវិធី ដ៏មានសក្តានុភាព���ំផុត សម្រាប់ធ្វើការ រចនា នឹង Design ផ្សេងៗ។ វាជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានប្រយោជន៏ និងមានសារសំខាន់សម្រាប់ធ្វើការរចនា កាត់តរូបភាព កាត់តវីដេអូ កាត់តសម្លេងកម្មវិធីមួយចំនួនដែលកំពុងពេញ និយមរួមមានដូចជា: - Adobe Photoshop ប្រើសម្រាប់ការកាត់តរូបភាព និង Design Website ផ្សេង - Adobe Muse ប្រើសម្រាប់ ការបង្កើត Website ដោយមិនចំាបាច់សរសេរកូដ - Adobe Illustrator ប្រើសម្រាប់ការគូស និងបង្កើតរូបភាព និង រូពត្លុកផ្សេងៗ - Adobe After Effect ប្រើសម្រាប់បង្កើត ឆុតខ្លីៗរបស់វីដេអូរ ដូចជាការដាក់ចលនា លើវីដេអូ និង គំនូរជីវចល លើវីដេអូ - Adobe InDesign ប្រើសម្រាប់Design លើទស្សនាវីដី ការសែត និង បង្កើតសៀវភៅផ្សេងៗ - Adobe Premier Pro ប្រើសម្រាប់ កាត់តវីដេអូរ - និងកម្មវិធីផ្សេងៗទៀតជាច្រើនដែលមានសារសំខាន់ក្នុងការរចនាតាមតម្រូវការ ថ្ងៃនេះ ខ្ញុំសូមលើកបង្ហាញជូន នូវរបៀបដែលយើងអាចនឹង ទាញយកកម្មវិធី Adobe CC Collections ទាំងអស់យកមកប្រើដោយសេរី និងឥតគិតថ្លៃ។ របៀបទាញយកកម្មវិទី Adobe ទាំងអស់ដោយសេរី និងឲតគិតថ្លៃ How to Download All Adobe CC collections for free Adobe CC Collection is the most powerful software that used most in the Design industry. These are the list of the most popular of Adobe CC that is popular and most used in the Design Field Industry. Weather you are a designer Photographer or Enterpreneur you might need these software in your Design Work Flow. Adobe Photoshop is the most powerful photo editing software now a day it not just only used to edit photo but also Video Clip such as cinema-graph. Adobe Illustrator is the most powerful Vector Editing Software and it used alots in the for web design and character drawing. Adobe Muse is the Software that used for Creating website without coding, unlike Adobe Dreamweaver is also for creating website but we have to code in dreamweaver. Adobe after Effect for creating effect for short scenes of the video clip and Adobe Primer pro used for Editing Video. adobe In-design used for creating document such as magazine book it it more powerful that Microsoft words. Aside from the list above there are many more software from adobe company that is usedfull for different purpose. In this Video I will showing you how to download those software and install it in your machine for free and you can update everything Adobe company release new update for each software by following the step in the video want to know how Let's begin. by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 8 years ago
សូមអរគុណដែលបានទស្សនាវីដេអូនេះ: Subscribe ដើម្បីទទួលបាន មេរៀនថ្មីៗ🍎: https://goo.gl/Vvsypw ចូលទៅកាន់ Facebook របស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/B0XsEm ទាញយកលំហាត់អនុវត្តន៍ទីនេះ🍎: https://goo.gl/5hEozj ចូលទៅកាន់មេរៀន កាត់តរូបភាពរបស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/DF1nht សូមស្វាគមន៌ម្តងទៀត សម្រាប់ការចូលមកទស្សនា ខ្សែវីដេអូដែលបង្ហាញអំពីការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធី កាត់តរូបភាពដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop. សម្រាប់បងប្អូនដែលមានបំណងចង់រៀន កាត់តរូបភាព កែកូល័រ (Color) រូបភាពឲ្យមានភាពស្រស់បំព្រង និងគួរឲ្យទាក់ទាញ និងជាទីចាប់អារម្មណ៍ អញ្វឹងកម្មវិធីនេះគឺសក្តិសមបំផុតដើម្បីសម្រេចគោលបំណងរបស់បងប្អូន។ កម្មវិធីសម្រាប់កាត់តរូបភាព Photoshop គឺជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានប្រជាប្រិយភាពបំផុត ក្នុងចំនោមកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាពនានា។ នៅក្នុងថ្ងៃនេះផងដែរ ខ្ញុំសូមលើកបង្ហាញរបៀបនៃការដាក់ Style អក្សរ ឲ្យចេញជា ស្តាយ៍ពណ៌មាសនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធី Photoshop CC 2017។ថ្វីដ្បិតតែវាជាកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ប៉ុន្តែ Photoshop ក៏អាចឲ្យយើងធ្វើ Style ជាលក្ខណផ្សេងៗជាច្រើនទៀត ទៅតាមចំនេះដឹង និង ចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្ត របស់អ្នក និងចំនេះដឹង នៃការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop។ Photoshop ជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានសារសំខាន់ខ្លាំងមែនទែន សម្រាប់អ្នក ឌីសាញ Design។ វាអាចឲ្យយើងកាត់តរូបភាព កែតម្រូវកូល័រ (Color) របស់រូបភាពផ្សេងៗតាមចំណង់ចំនូលចិត្ត។ Welcome back to my online Video Tutorials course. This a Photoshop Tutorial training style in Khmer Language. I also have created a course, which is Photoshop Tutorials for Beginner in Khmer Language, which is for Cambodian People So Don’t Forget to Check it out on the links above this Description. And don’t forget to Subscribe to my Channel for new video tutorials. I spent a lot of time just in order to prepared this Photoshop Tutorial text effect, just want Cambodian people know more, and enhance their skill of using Photoshop. Each Photoshop Tutorial Video Course, I have prepared exercise file, which you can check it out the link under the video. For those who have passion about learning Photoshop, this is the right place for you to improve your skill and knowledge of using Photoshop. And don’t forget to Subscribe, Share and comment. by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 8 years ago
សូមអរគុណដែលបានទស្សនាវីដេអូនេះ: Subscribe ដើម្បីទទួលបាន មេរៀនថ្មីៗ🍎: https://goo.gl/Vvsypw ចូលទៅកាន់ Facebook របស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/B0XsEm ទាញយកលំហាត់អនុវត្តន៍ទីនេះ🍎: https://goo.gl/5hEozj ចូលទៅកាន់មេរៀន កាត់តរូបភាពរបស់ខ្ញុំ🍎: https://goo.gl/DF1nht សូមស្វាគមន៌ម្តងទៀត សម្រាប់ការចូលមកទស្សនា ខ្សែវីដេអូដែលបង្ហាញអំពីការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធី កាត់តរូបភាពដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop. សម្រាប់បងប្អូនដែលមានបំណងចង់រៀន កាត់តរូបភាព កែកូល័រ (Color) រូបភាពឲ្យមានភាពស្រស់បំព្រង និងគួរឲ្យទាក់ទាញ និងជាទីចាប់អារម្មណ៍ អញ្វឹងកម្មវិធីនេះគឺសក្តិសមបំផុតដើម្បីសម្រេចគោលបំណងរបស់បងប្អូន។ កម្មវិធីសម្រាប់កាត់តរូបភាព Photoshop គឺជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានប្រជាប្រិយភាពបំផុត ក្នុងចំនោមកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាពនានា។ នៅក្នុងថ្ងៃនេះផងដែរ ខ្ញុំសូមលើកបង្ហាញរបៀបនៃការដាក់ Style អក្សរ ឲ្យចេញជា ស្តាយ៍ពណ៌មាសនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធី Photoshop CC 2017។ថ្វីដ្បិតតែវាជាកម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ប៉ុន្តែ Photoshop ក៏អាចឲ្យយើងធ្វើ Style ជាលក្ខណផ្សេងៗជាច្រើនទៀត ទៅតាមចំនេះដឹង និង ចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្ត របស់អ្នក និងចំនេះដឹង នៃការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធីកាត់តរូបភាព ដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Photoshop។ Photoshop ជាកម្មវិធីមួយដែលមានសារសំខាន់ខ្លាំងមែនទែន សម្រាប់អ្នក ឌីសាញ Design។ វាអាចឲ្យយើងកាត់តរូបភាព កែតម្រូវកូល័រ (Color) របស់រូបភាពផ្សេងៗតាមចំណង់ចំនូលចិត្ត។ Welcome back to my online Video Tutorials course. This a Photoshop Tutorial training style in Khmer Language. I also have created a course, which is Photoshop Tutorials for Beginner in Khmer Language, which is for Cambodian People So Don’t Forget to Check it out on the links above this Description. And don’t forget to Subscribe to my Channel for new video tutorials. I spent a lot of time just in order to prepared this Photoshop Tutorial text effect, just want Cambodian people know more, and enhance their skill of using Photoshop. Each Photoshop Tutorial Video Course, I have prepared exercise file, which you can check it out the link under the video. For those who have passion about learning Photoshop, this is the right place for you to improve your skill and knowledge of using Photoshop. And don’t forget to Subscribe, Share and comment. by Sophea Jun
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oparach · 8 years ago
http://skl.sh/2mvAtPN Thank You For Watching! Special Offer: Access All SkillShare Course For Free Click on the Link Below: http://skl.sh/2mvAtPN If you Link this Video Please Give a comment, Like and share: Please Subscribe my Channel: To Learn More! Want to learn how to add some cool Photoshop effects to your photos? Photoshop is a great way to edit your pictures to make them look professional. It is also very fun to edit the pictures to add all kinds of cool effects. If you want to learn how to add some cool Photoshop effects to pictures, there are a couple of good tutorial prgrams available. If you are new to Photoshop, then you need to begin with the basics. "Photoshop Fast Track For Newbies" is definitely the best option for beginners. It has lessons with videos to show you how to use the toolbar and learn the basics of Photoshop fast. You will learn how to edit backgrounds, adjust lighting and colors, and how to fix red eye. There are also tons of other cool Photoshop effects you can learn. That is the best program for beginners, but if you want a cheaper option, you could check out Tutorials 4 You. It isn't quite as detailed, but it still has a lot of great information for beginners. You can pick which version of Photoshop you have and get a tutorial for that specific program. This is another good choice for newbies who want to learn some cool Photoshop effects. But what if you aren't a beginner? Perhaps you are an experienced Photoshop user who already knows the basics and you just want to learn some advanced techniques. "Photoshop Fast Track For Digital Photographers" is a similar program to the one mentioned above, but it is geared toward the pros. It doesn't begin with the basics, and instead jumps right into advanced techniques to show you how to add some really cool Photoshop effects. No matter which of these programs you get, I'm sure you will be happy. They are all great tutorials that help you learn some cool Photoshop effects. If you are a beginner who needs to learn the basics along the way, there is a program for you, but if you are a pro, there is help for you too. If you are interested in learning more about how to add cool Photoshop effects to your pictures, you can check out THIS WEBSITE for a more detailed review of these products and how to order. by Chou Si
0 notes
oparach · 8 years ago
http://skl.sh/2mvAtPN Thank You For Watching! Special Offer: Access All SkillShare Course For Free Click on the Link Below: http://skl.sh/2mvAtPN If you Link this Video Please Give a comment, Like and share: Please Subscribe my Channel: To Learn More! Want to learn how to add some cool Photoshop effects to your photos? Photoshop is a great way to edit your pictures to make them look professional. It is also very fun to edit the pictures to add all kinds of cool effects. If you want to learn how to add some cool Photoshop effects to pictures, there are a couple of good tutorial prgrams available. If you are new to Photoshop, then you need to begin with the basics. "Photoshop Fast Track For Newbies" is definitely the best option for beginners. It has lessons with videos to show you how to use the toolbar and learn the basics of Photoshop fast. You will learn how to edit backgrounds, adjust lighting and colors, and how to fix red eye. There are also tons of other cool Photoshop effects you can learn. That is the best program for beginners, but if you want a cheaper option, you could check out Tutorials 4 You. It isn't quite as detailed, but it still has a lot of great information for beginners. You can pick which version of Photoshop you have and get a tutorial for that specific program. This is another good choice for newbies who want to learn some cool Photoshop effects. But what if you aren't a beginner? Perhaps you are an experienced Photoshop user who already knows the basics and you just want to learn some advanced techniques. "Photoshop Fast Track For Digital Photographers" is a similar program to the one mentioned above, but it is geared toward the pros. It doesn't begin with the basics, and instead jumps right into advanced techniques to show you how to add some really cool Photoshop effects. No matter which of these programs you get, I'm sure you will be happy. They are all great tutorials that help you learn some cool Photoshop effects. If you are a beginner who needs to learn the basics along the way, there is a program for you, but if you are a pro, there is help for you too. If you are interested in learning more about how to add cool Photoshop effects to your pictures, you can check out THIS WEBSITE for a more detailed review of these products and how to order. by Chou Si
0 notes
oparach · 8 years ago
http://skl.sh/2mvAtPN Thank You For Watching! Special Offer: Access All SkillShare Course For Free Click on the Link Below: http://skl.sh/2mvAtPN If you Link this Video Please Give a comment, Like and share: Please Subscribe my Channel: To Learn More! Want to learn how to add some cool Photoshop effects to your photos? Photoshop is a great way to edit your pictures to make them look professional. It is also very fun to edit the pictures to add all kinds of cool effects. If you want to learn how to add some cool Photoshop effects to pictures, there are a couple of good tutorial prgrams available. If you are new to Photoshop, then you need to begin with the basics. "Photoshop Fast Track For Newbies" is definitely the best option for beginners. It has lessons with videos to show you how to use the toolbar and learn the basics of Photoshop fast. You will learn how to edit backgrounds, adjust lighting and colors, and how to fix red eye. There are also tons of other cool Photoshop effects you can learn. That is the best program for beginners, but if you want a cheaper option, you could check out Tutorials 4 You. It isn't quite as detailed, but it still has a lot of great information for beginners. You can pick which version of Photoshop you have and get a tutorial for that specific program. This is another good choice for newbies who want to learn some cool Photoshop effects. But what if you aren't a beginner? Perhaps you are an experienced Photoshop user who already knows the basics and you just want to learn some advanced techniques. "Photoshop Fast Track For Digital Photographers" is a similar program to the one mentioned above, but it is geared toward the pros. It doesn't begin with the basics, and instead jumps right into advanced techniques to show you how to add some really cool Photoshop effects. No matter which of these programs you get, I'm sure you will be happy. They are all great tutorials that help you learn some cool Photoshop effects. If you are a beginner who needs to learn the basics along the way, there is a program for you, but if you are a pro, there is help for you too. If you are interested in learning more about how to add cool Photoshop effects to your pictures, you can check out THIS WEBSITE for a more detailed review of these products and how to order. by Chou Si
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oparach · 8 years ago
http://skl.sh/2mvAtPN Thank You For Watching! Special Offer: Access All SkillShare Course For Free Click on the Link Below: http://skl.sh/2mvAtPN If you Link this Video Please Give a comment, Like and share: Please Subscribe my Channel: To Learn More! Want to learn how to add some cool Photoshop effects to your photos? Photoshop is a great way to edit your pictures to make them look professional. It is also very fun to edit the pictures to add all kinds of cool effects. If you want to learn how to add some cool Photoshop effects to pictures, there are a couple of good tutorial prgrams available. If you are new to Photoshop, then you need to begin with the basics. "Photoshop Fast Track For Newbies" is definitely the best option for beginners. It has lessons with videos to show you how to use the toolbar and learn the basics of Photoshop fast. You will learn how to edit backgrounds, adjust lighting and colors, and how to fix red eye. There are also tons of other cool Photoshop effects you can learn. That is the best program for beginners, but if you want a cheaper option, you could check out Tutorials 4 You. It isn't quite as detailed, but it still has a lot of great information for beginners. You can pick which version of Photoshop you have and get a tutorial for that specific program. This is another good choice for newbies who want to learn some cool Photoshop effects. But what if you aren't a beginner? Perhaps you are an experienced Photoshop user who already knows the basics and you just want to learn some advanced techniques. "Photoshop Fast Track For Digital Photographers" is a similar program to the one mentioned above, but it is geared toward the pros. It doesn't begin with the basics, and instead jumps right into advanced techniques to show you how to add some really cool Photoshop effects. No matter which of these programs you get, I'm sure you will be happy. They are all great tutorials that help you learn some cool Photoshop effects. If you are a beginner who needs to learn the basics along the way, there is a program for you, but if you are a pro, there is help for you too. If you are interested in learning more about how to add cool Photoshop effects to your pictures, you can check out THIS WEBSITE for a more detailed review of these products and how to order. by Chou Si
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oparach · 8 years ago
សូមអរគុណដែលបានទស្សនា វីដេអូមេរៀននេះ ដើម្បីទទួលបានវីដេអូមេរៀនថ្មីៗ សូមចុច Subscribe: You Tube Channel: 🍎https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCcNawZa5k1IsNo5P07lCQ?sub_comfirmation=1 🍎Twitter: https://twitter.com/Oparach_Kung ក្នុងខ្សែរីដេអូមេរៀននេះ ខ្ញុំបានបង្កើរលំហាត់អនុវត្តផងដែរ ដែលអាចឲ្យបងប្អូនមិត្តអ្នកសិក្សា និងទស្សនាវីដេអូនេះមាន ការងាយស្រួលក្នុងការអនុវត្តតាម។ ដើម្បីទទួលបានលំហាត់អនុវត្តសូម ធ្វើការ Download: 🍎http://ift.tt/2nkSa3C បើស្រលាញ់ និងចូលចិត្តមេរៀននេះ សូមធ្វើការជួយ Share Video នេះ ដើម្បីឲ្យមិត្តភក្តិដទៃទៀតបានសិក្សាផងដែរ។ យកសៀវភៅធ្វើជាមិត្ត ស្មើនឹងមាន បណ្ឌិតជាទីប្រឹក្សា។ ស្វ័យសិក្សា គឺជាការរៀនដោយផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន ក្នុងមេរៀននេះ តម្រូវឲ្យមានចិត្តក្នុងការអនុវត្តន៍ កាត់តរូបភាព។ ខ្សែរវីដេអូមេរៀនកាត់តរូបភាពនេះ ខ្ញុំបានរៀបចំលំហាត់អនុវត្តន៍គ្រប់មេរៀន គឺតម្រូវឲ្យអ្នកសិក្សារៀនសូត្រ អាចនឹងអនុវត្តន៍ នឹងពង្រឹងចំនេះដឹង ថែមទាំងមានជំនាញកាត់តរូបភាព ដោយប្រើកម្មវិធី Adobe Photoshop CC. This is a series of Photoshop Tutorials, I made this course just to teach Cambodian People to enhance the skill Of Editing Photo, By Using the Most Powerful Image Editing Software "Adobe Photoshop CC". This Video Tutorial, will enhance your image Editing skill from zero to hero.And after each Video, I provided the exercise files which you can download it from the link above. This make learner student more easy to learn, you can practice while learning. and Don't forget to subscribe for new Video to come. Practice make perfect. In this Video I'll show you how to use the layer composition to create the frame of the photograph. I included many shortcut and technique of using Photoshop just want you to learn well. Don't Forget to Subscribe to get more new video! by Sophea Jun
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