#he looks so much like grizzi on second one
bad268 · 2 months
I love you work oh my lord !!! Can you do another Pezzy x reader I adore them and no one seems to request them much !! Something fluffy !! ( established relationship if possible !)
Confess or Drink Pt. 2 (Pezzy X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (I also combinded this with @strawberrycheesecake3 's request of Confess or Drink pt. 2. Hope y'all don't mind <3)
Warnings: language, jokes of domestic violence (trust it's light-hearted)
POV: First Person (I/me)
W.C. 1283
Summary: The day after the infamous Truth or Drink stream.
As always, my requests are OPEN
<- Part 1
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The ride to the nearest iHop wasn’t bad. I had ridden with Pezzy before, and it wasn’t any different than the hundred other times I rode with him. When we pulled up to the iHop, Pezzy shut off the bike and held out his hand to help me off.
“Well, thank you, kind sir,” I joked in a posh accent as I stepped off the bike and pulled my helmet off.
“Oh of course,” He joked back, taking his helmet off as well before standing up and gesturing toward the door. “Shall we?”
“We shall,” I took his hand as he led us inside. There weren’t many people, so we got seated pretty quickly. We got to our table, ordered coffees, and sat quietly as we looked over the menus as if we both didn’t already know what we were getting.
“So,” I trailed off as I put my menus down and took a slow drink of my coffee. “Do we wanna talk about last night?”
“Let me just say this first,” Pezzy rushed as he put his menus down too. “I just need to know if it was a bit for the stream.”
“No…? What made you think it would have been a bit?” I asked confused. Everybody knows that alcohol brings out the truth in people, and I was certain he felt the same. At least, that’s what Grizzy told me, so I left loose for the stream. I decided before I started drinking that if I said anything, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
“It’s just,” Pezzy hesitated, looking anywhere but at me. “With our job, we like to exaggerate things, and I don’t know if that’s one of the things.”
“Max,” I stated, and his attention snapped to me. In all the years I had known him, I never used his name unless I was being serious. He was always Pezzy or Pez to me. Always has been. “I wouldn’t fuck with you like that. What I said, I meant. You don’t understand how long I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you, and when y'all invited me for the truth or drink stream, I thought I would just go with the flow. If I confessed, I confessed and we would figure it out later. We’ve always been a team, and I couldn’t stop myself from falling. I’m sorry if that’s not what you want.”
“I never said I didn’t want you,” Pezzy said quietly as he reached across the table to hold my hand. “I have waited years for my dream to come true, I’m just a coward and never took the first step. I would have rather been your friend than risk losing you altogether. Your confession was the best thing ever.” He stopped for a second and looked expectantly at me.
“This makes sense,” I laughed, leaning my head down to rest on the table for a second before looking back up at him, resting my head against my open palm. “Our whole friendship has been flirty because we were harboring feelings for each other. It’s no wonder the fans thought we were dating the first day I joined your stream.”
“No way the fans clocked us first,” Pezzy groaned as he smacked his face into his hand. Just then the waiter showed up to place our orders. We both ordered our breakfasts/lunches, and the waiter took off to put the orders in. That’s when Pezzy turned his attention back to me,” So where does this leave us?”
“Where do you want us to go from here?” I teased, taking a small sip of my coffee as I eyed Pezzy over the rim of the mug.
“I’d like to take you out,” Pezzy replied confidently as he also took a sip from his coffee, looking at me the same way I looked at him.
“I really hope you mean on a date,” I chuckled, causing Pezzy to choke on the hot liquid.
“Well, what the hell else would I mean?” He hissed as he leaned closer, confused.
“Take me out like,” I pause as I make a gesture of slicing my neck. Pezzy’s expression went from confusing to shock in seconds as I laughed. “I’m kidding just so you know.”
“I would hope so! I’d never take you out like that!” Pezzy gasped before smirking. “I’d use a gun.”
“Woah! Not even through our first date and you're talking about murdering me,” I said a little louder than the rest of our conversation as the few patrons looked over at us concerned. Pezzy frantically slapped at my arms to get me to quiet down. “Oh, and now you’re hitting me? This is domestic abuse!”
“No, no, no, stop,” He groaned with a small smile, knowing this was just how I liked to tease him. Everyone was still looking over at us, concerned, so Pezzy tried to remedy the situation. “It’s fine, we’re joking!”
“Um, your food,” The waiter said confused as he stood in front of our table with the food. 
“Oh, thank you,” Pezzy said, uncomfortable with the amount of eyes on us. 
“If we didn’t take the bike, I would suggest we take it to go,” I laughed as the waiter set our food down.
“We still could,” Pezzy offered. “I could drive slower than normal and we could head home. Or we could go to the park that’s like a block away.”
“I like that plan,” I smiled at Pezzy before turning my attention to the waiter. “Could we next boxes and the check please?”
Later that night Grizzy and Droid came back to the house, and we had Puffer over again. We didn’t plan on filming, but we were a group of friends who had nothing else better to do that night. We were all sitting in Grizzy’s recording room as the four of them played Mario Kart. I sat at Grizzy’s desk, so I could read chat.
“What happened after the stream? I need to know.” A lot of the chat had this or something similar, and part of me wanted to ignore it, but another part of me wanted to see what Pezzy felt.
“Hey guys,” I got their semi-attention because they were in the middle of a lap, “Chat wants to know what happened after the stream.”
“Pezzy got laid, that’s what,” Droid said immediately as all of the guys laughed minus Pezzy and myself. “Okay, not really. Grizzy and I stayed at Puffer’s place.”
“And we went to iHop,” Pezzy said just before cursing as he got hit by a red shell.
“Is that code for something?” Puffer whispered to Grizzy but their mics caught it clearly.
“No, it’s not code for anything,” I laughed at them. “We went to iHop, made a few questionable jokes about killing each other, and left to come home. It’s not that deep.”
“Not that deep! Pezzy never goes to iHop!” Grizzy pointed out as they all crossed the finish line with Puffer winning (shocker!). “He must really like you if you convinced him to go to iHop.”
“He took me there on his own accord,” I admitted as I put my hands up in mock surrender. 
“Because I know you like it!” Pezzy defended himself, and silence fell around the room. All of us looked between each other before I slowly turned my attention back to the screens. I briefly looked directly into the camera before leaning into the microphone.
“Pezzy and I may or may not be together now, so that also happened,” I whispered into the mic before glancing back at the rest of the boys who were not shocked at all.
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avrmee · 6 months
Cuddle bug -Blarg
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Summary: Matt and his cuddle bug gf
Warnings: Fluff, some swear words
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It was currently 2am and Matt was in his office streaming with Grizzy, Smitty and Puffer. He has been in there for 6 hours now.
You understood that it was his job and you loved that he would put so much work and effort in his videos but you were tired.
It has always been a struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep for as long as you can remember, and being in Matt's arms helped a lot with it.
You quietly walked down the hallway towards Matt's office. You were in sleeping shorts and one of his hoodies.
Standing by his door you knocked on it , not thinking he would hear you but he did and told you to come in so you did.
When you walked in, he turned around in his chair with a confused and worried expression on his face. He obviously thought you were fast asleep in your shared bed.
"You okay,sweetheart?" He asked softly. You had his full attention. His headphones were off his head and on the table and his camera was pointed a bit downward to give a little bit more privacy.
"I can't sleep" You said and walked into his open arms. Matt pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"M'sorry for bothering you" You apologized as you layed your head on his shoulder.
Matt gently lifted your head to make you look up at him. "Don't apologize for that, it's okay. And your not bothering me, sweetheart" He said softly and kissed your forehead.
"Do you mind me finishing this stream or do you want me to end it?" Matt asked you, wanting you to be comfortable. "No you can finish the stream" You replied. "You sure? Because I will end it the second you say you want me too, sweetheart" Matt said ready to turn off everything and cuddle you in bed.
"I'm sure" You say with a soft giggle and cuddled further into his chest.
Matt just nodded. He positioned his camera in a way that they didn't really see you, maybe just a part of your hair but you were mainly out of frame.
He knew you liked your privacy and he always respected that boundary.
So Matt finished the stream with you fast asleep in his lap.
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Hii guys sorry I haven't posted in a while.
Uni is kicking my in the ass tbh
But I hope you enjoy and have a nice day <3
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vanosslirious · 7 months
BBS Dialogue Prompts #312
Vanoss Crew Dialogue Prompts & Sentence Starters: [ 8 ]
How the fuck am I supposed to do this?
Wait, hold up, let me get this.
I fell off the roof.
I was so worried for a second.
Boy, am I glad you’re here.
What else is new around here?
I thought my prayers were answered.
What about the bedroom, any upgrades? 
Just as I suspected, it’s terrible.
How are they supposed to see me in the dark?
As long as there's not a giant roaring fire next to me, I'm going to be fine.
We literally have a camera.
What have I stumbled across?
This feels so eerie.
I feel like he targeted me, did you hear that?
You can stay here, I don't care.
Please, don’t tell me you don’t have what you think you have.
I love this, this is great.
Back to where I belong, fuck my life.
Slow down, damn.
I have your problems.
It has to be done.
That's what happens when you get into my zone.
We're literally in a recession.
Wait, so did they make up for my back pay or what?
No, I can't buy anything, you bitch.
I don't have sound yet.
Shoutout to them though, they do good work.
I might say another thing here soon.
Are you spraying me, because I don't feel nothing.
Oh shit, that’s not the flint.
Oh, that’s convenient.
Are you going to throw a gravity grenade?
Oh, you think he’s good looking.
We’ll make a Tumblr!
I can’t wait, Mr. Googly eyes.
I’m sure he needs too.
I gave you a fucking chance!
Come here and find out.
I gave you a fucking chance when I asked you…
You mean A as in Available, because no one else is going to jump on that, I'm telling you that much.
It's fine, I'm used to it.
Yeah, that was the give away.
I don't know what we're doing, who we're doing it for, or why we're doing it.
Please don't die.
Okay, what atrocity am I being brought into?
I keep thinking that's like a duck quacking.
Yeah, I trust you…
Why did you do that?
I have twenty minutes.
Obviously, it’s a trap.
Oh, I think I’m good.
Well, I got two lives…
He’s telling the truth, I think.
That is really good, actually.
He's definitely not getting past that.
I wonder if we can break into people’s vehicles.
Maybe we can make our money this way.
I can’t believe I saw that.
I’m greedy tonight.
They sound close to me.
I can't tell you where he is.
They're trying to chase us.
Run towards me.
Why'd we get so much mail, all at the same time?
It is you with the ugly hat!
This is so difficult.
You shot a man grieving his dead wife.
Where did those bees come from?
Somehow, we all won, even though I died.
We all froze each other at the worst times possible.
You deadass do not know how to shut the fuck up.
Yeah, I spent money already.
You gave that shit away so fast.
You learn by failing.
We're gonna figure this out once the smoke disappears.
So, I'm not gonna do that.
Oh, you hit that, oh shit.
He can literally see you.
They're still not hitting you.
Don't look at what?
It's so fucking fast for no reason.
This is the only safe place in the kitchen, please help us.
This has never turned out bad for anybody ever.
I'm gonna land on him.
What if we just don't?
He's upset about something…
Wait, is this gonna be a laser, it's right next to me.
Hold on, let's commit a felony first.
I put it on myself!
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to-dare-is-to-do · 6 years
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Harry Winks and Fernando Llorente celebrating
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idiosinkrasies · 4 years
The Prince Bride pt2
Part 1 here
Night had fallen and the moon had risen, looking over the water in the channel that connected Florin and Gildir, the light from said moon guiding a small boat that sailed through the water. This boat, in particular, held four passengers, a woman with anger issues, an Italian who has a problem for getting high, a big man with a heart equal to his size, and a young prince scared and annoyed at the people surrounding him.
Tobi has her eyes in front of them with her hand holding a piece of bread leftover from their "dinner". She was leaning on the side of the boat casually on a stool, everyone on the boat in her line of sight with Smitty on the ground in front of her and Grizzy standing next to him. Eric was sitting at the stern of the ship, where he could easily steer the boat either out of danger and into where they were going.
"We'll reach the cliffs by dawn." The woman said smiling at the crew before looking sinisterly at their captive. Eric, the aforementioned Italian, nodded before looking over his shoulder and out into the black water. The smile on Tobi's face dropped. "Why are you doing that?"
Eric looks back to his captain to explain.
"I'm just making sure no one's following us." He said reassuringly.
"That would be inconceivable," Tobi said, annunciating the word inconceivable.
"You know, despite what you think," A voice speaks up from in front of the woman, she turns her head, annoyed, at the interruption. "You will be caught, and when you are the prince will see you all hanged." The words from the young man were confident and poised.
"Of all the necks on this boat, Highness, the one you should be worried about is your own," Tobi states with a cold stare at the boy who turns away, sadness and pain in his eyes. Eric turned his eyes back to the waters, away from the scene in front of him. Tobi makes a displeased grunt and looks at him even more annoyed. "Stop doing that, we can all relax, it's almost over."
"Are you sure nobody's following us?"
"As I told you it would be absolutely totally and utterly inconceivable. No one in Gildir knows what we've done, and no one in Florin could possibly get here so fast," She leans her head back on the boat for a few beats before she turns back to the short man. "Out of curiosity, why do you ask?"
"Well I just happened to look back and someone was there." The Italian man shrugged.
"What?" The woman gets up from her seat and makes her way to the back of the ship to look over the side of the boat, seeing a sailboat that was probably about the same size as theirs, it looked very far away and was turned in a different direction than where they were headed. "It's probably just a local fisherman out for a pleasure cruise in the middle of the night in..eel infested waters..." She trails off, realizing how stupid that sounds.
Suddenly there's a splashing sound and the crew and captain all turn to see the prince making a getaway by the water, swimming like his life depended on it. Which wasn't far off from the truth.
Tobi, now looking even more infuriated than before runs to the side of the boat before turning to Eric and Grizzy and pointing at them.
"What are you doing? Go in after him!" She flailed her arms. Eric only shrugged.
"I don't swim." He said plainly. Tobi turns her gaze to Grizzy.
"I only doggie paddle." He says. Smitty is getting farther and farther from the boat when he hears a blood-curdling screech. He whips his head around looking for the source of the noise, but there's nothing around him.
"You hear that? Do you know what that is highness?" Tobi asks, looking off the side of the boat as the two men are nowhere to be seen. "Those are the Shrieking  Eels—If you don't believe me, just wait; they always grow louder when they're about to feast on human flesh."
The sounds start to get louder and louder, Smitty spinning around in the water, trying his hardest to stay afloat.
"If you come back now, I promise, no harm will come to you. I doubt the eels will give you such an offer." She tells the prince who looks terrified and seems to not want to move, no matter what she says.
Suddenly something brushes past his back, and his eyes widen and he freezes, still keeping his head above the water as he turns to see a large snake-like creature starting to charge him. The eel opens its mouth up as if to take a bite out of the young prince's body. Smitty's breath starts to speed up and he nearly screams, but nothing comes out.
Before the eel can reach Smitty, a hand comes down from above and knocks the water creature on the head, scaring it so that it would go back down under the water. The same hand then grabs the brunette out of the water and pulls him up over the side of the boat. The hand belonged to Grizzy and he had a towel waiting for the prince once he was settled on the floor of the sailboat.
"I think he's gaining on us," Eric says, pointing to the boat behind them, Tobi waves him off while grabbing a rope to tie Smitty's hands together.
"He's no concern of ours, sail on!" She says, finishing the tight knot on Smitty's wrists, making the boy whimper slightly. "I suppose you think you're brave, don't you?"
"Only compared to some." He stares directly into his captor's eyes, daring her to do something about the insult he just threw out.
The rest of the night passes uneventfully, and soon the boat reaches the shore, right next to giant cliffs. Eric looks behind them to see the boat from earlier, only now it's clearer and closer. The ship is completely black and seems to be flying through the air with its speed. It's captain looks to be a man dressed in all black with a mask on, covering most of his face.
"He's right on top of us! Damn, he's going fast, I wonder if he's using the same wind as us." Eric says, thinking out loud mostly.
"Whoever he is, he's too late, see," She gestures to the cliffs right in front of them. "The Cliffs of Insanity! Only Grizzy is strong enough to go up our way, he'll have to sail around for hours till he finds a harbor!"
The big man is hurried into a harness that can carry three other people in it at the same time. Next Smitty is put into the harness, his hands still tied and wrapped around Grizzy's neck to keep him safe. Once everyone is in, Smitty looks up to find a rope that reaches up to the top of the cliffs, and soon he realizes that they're going to be climbing up the side of the dangerous rocks.
Grizzy reaches up and grabs on to the rope, pulling them all up with him and starting to climb. Smitty gulps and hides his face into the shoulder of the man climbing.
Below them, the black ship had landed at the shore and the man in black leaped off of the boat, running up to the rope and looking up at the people who seem to be just a small blob on the rope. The man puts a hand on the rope and starts to pull himself up, scaling the cliffs in the same fashion as Grizzy. His hands move at a lightning speed, gaining of the others rapidly.
Eric looks down to see the man getting closer to them.
"He's climbing the rope and he's gaining on us!" He announces.
"Inconceivable! Grizzy, hurry up!" She says, poking the man in the back of his head, to which he nods and starts to pick up his pace. She looks back down to see the man getting closer and closer. "Faster!"
"I thought I was going faster?"
"You were supposed to be this colossus. You were this great thing, and yet he gains."
"I'm carrying three people, he only has himself!" Grizzy explains but Tobi cuts him off.
"I don't accept excuses. I'm just going to have to get a new giant, that's all." She says, shaking her head.
"Don't say that Tobi, please." Now his hands are moving slower than before, but the man below them seems to be going fine on the rope, maybe 100 feet below the 4 people. Above them, there are about 75 feet left to go until they reach the top.
"Did I make it clear that your job was on the line?" Tobi shouts at the man climbing, he starts to move a bit faster as they near the top of the cliff. Once they get to the top Tobi is the first off while Smitty falls to the ground, terrified and shaking. Tobi pulls out her knife and starts to cut the rope while Eric helps the young prince up. Smitty looks around and sees that they seem to be in some kind of castle ruins, rocks and torn down pillars and turrets surrounding them.
The rope starts to come undone, slowly getting thinner and thinner until there's only a single string that's keeping the rope up. Tobi slices the string and lets go of the rest of the rope, letting it fall down the side of the cliff, hopefully taking the man in black down with it. She looks over the edge of the cliff, seeing the man clinging desperately to the rocks, holding on for dear life.
"He didn't fall? Inconceivable!" Eric turns to look at his boss.
"You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means." She waves him off and he looks back down to see the man moving his arms around, feeling for something to grab. "Holy shit, he's climbing."
"Whoever he is, he's seen us with the princess, and must therefore die." She turns to Grizzy. "You, carry the boy." And she turns Eric. "We'll head straight for the Gildir frontier, catch up when he's dead. If he falls, great, if not, use the sword."
"I'm gonna duel him with my left hand." Eric thinks aloud, looking down at the man struggling to find his grip.
"You know how much of a hurry we're in," Tobi says.
"It's the only way I can be satisfied. If I use my right hand, it'll be over too quickly." He explains.
"Fine, have it your way." She starts to walk away as Grizzy walks up to Eric.
"Be careful, people in masks can not be trusted." Eric nods.
"I'm waiting!" Tobi shouts, staring at the big man with the prince from behind them with her hands on her hips. Grizzy nods and hurries off after the woman who started walking to Gildir. Eric stays watching the man climb for a few seconds before moving farther into the ruins and pulls out his sword, practicing some of his fencing skills that he's honed over the years of training.
But after a few moments, Eric starts getting impatient and walks back to the edge of the cliff, looking down at the man below him who was closer but still a few feet from the top.
"Hello there." The man looks up slightly and grunts at the Italian above him. "Slow going?"
"Listen, I don't mean to sound rude but this really isn't as easy as it seems. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't distract me, thank you."
Eric makes a small 'sorry' gesture to him and walks back to pull out his sword and stab the air before resheathing and peering over the edge again.
"I don't suppose you could speed things up?" He was getting more and more impatient as the seconds passed.
"If you're in such a hurry, you could give me a hand or a rope, make yourself useful, you know." He said, looking tired and ready for a break.
"I could do that, I do have some rope up here, but I don't think you will accept my help seeing as I'm only waiting around to kill you."
"That does put a damper in our relationship." Eric takes a step back and thinks for a second.
"I promise I will not kill you until you reach the top."
"That is very comforting, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait." The man in black says with sarcasm in his voice but also a bit of strain as he pulls his body up closer to the top.
"I hate waiting, I could give you my word as an Italian." Eric tries to reason why this man he just met should trust him with his life, but Eric was in the mood for a duel and this man looked and acted like he was good.
"Not good enough, I've known too many Italians." Eric thinks hard before he freezes and realizes what would let the man know that he was serious about getting him up.
"I swear on the soul of my father, Patrick Matthews, you will reach the top alive." His voice is quiet but firm and steady, showing no signs that he was lying. The man stays quiet for a second and the short man worries that his promise didn't reach his ears.
"Throw me the rope." The man says looking into Eric's eyes. Eric smiles and nods, running back to the rock that had the rope tied around it, uncoiling it and making his way back to the edge, tossing the rope off the side, where it lands next to the man in black. He grabs on to the rope and starts to climb again, this time with Eric helping to pull him up, using all his strength to get him to the top.
"Thank you." He says once he gets to the top. He starts to pull out his sword but Eric stops him.
"I can wait until you're ready." He gestures to the rock that was holding the rope for the man to sit, which he does, pulling off his shoe and letting a few rocks fall out. "I don't mean to pry, but you don't by any chance have six fingers on your right hand do you?"
This question seems to throw off the man in black, making him look up a bit baffled.
"Do you always start conversations like this?" He questions but holds up his right hand to show that he had the normal five.
"My father was killed by a six-fingered man. He was a great swordmaker, my father, and when the six-fingered man appeared and requested a special sword, my father took the job. He slaved for a year before it was done." He pulls out his sword from its sheath and presents it to the man next to him who takes it to hold and examine.
"I've never seen anything like it." The masked man said, clearly impressed with the detail and craftsmanship that very obviously went into making the sword.
"The six-fingered man returned and demanded it, but at one-tenth of his promised price. My father refused. Without a word, the six-fingered man slashed him through the heart. I loved my father, so, naturally, I challenged his murderer to a duel...I failed." He let his head fall, thinking back to the day that this all went down. "The six-fingered man did leave me alive with the sword made for him, but he also left me with these."
He pulled down his balaclava to reveal two scars on either cheek. He pulled the mask back up to cover his mouth.
"How old were you?" The man in black, now invested in the story of this Italian's life, asked.
"I was only 11 years old. Once I was strong enough, I dedicated my life to the study of fencing. So the next time we meet I will not fail. I will go up to the six-fingered man and say 'Hello, my name is Eric Vivian Matthews, you killed my father, prepare to die.'."
"You've done nothing but study swordplay?"
"More pursuit than study lately. You see, I can't find him. It's been nearly 15 years, I'm starting to lose confidence. I just work for Tobi to pay the bills, there's not much pay in revenge." The man in black hands the sword back to Eric, nodding sympathetically.
"Well, I certainly hope you find him someday." He says, standing from where he was and stretching out his back.
"You're ready, already?"
"Even if I wasn't, you've been more than kind." He pulls out his own sword while Eric stands up, showcasing their height difference fully for the first time.
"You seem like a decent fellow, I hate to kill you." Eric states, griping his sword in his left hand as the other man does the same.
"You seem like a decent fellow, I hate to die." Both of them get into a starting position with their hands that held their swords out in front of them pointed toward the other.
"Begin," Eric says quietly, and they start to fight. Only, they don't immediately move, Eric making the first attempt to hit the man in black who easily blocked the move and dodged a swing at his right side. The two move in a slow circle around one another, arms still out and ready for an opening to attack, or for an attack from their offender to dodge.
The next move made comes from the man in black who uses a similar technique as the move prior, making Eric dodge the sword at the end. Now Eric has a broad smile that's covered by his balaclava. And now it when the actual fighting begins, no more evading. No more teasing.
Eric steps in closer to the man, using staggered like steps as the man does the same thing, only backward, their sword clashing against sword, as they move in a sort of dance. This back and forth motion goes on for a few seconds more before Eric sees an opening, slashing his sword across his body in an attempt to hit the man. The man, in turn, ducks down and forces the Italian to do a spin move before going back to the same dance as before. The masked man starts to get backed up into the ruins, finding steps that started to raise him up, giving him the high ground.
"You're using Bonetti's defense against me, huh?" Eric says, still focused on the moves of both himself and his opponent.
"I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain." He replies, able to hold a conversation whilst still fighting.
"Naturally, you must expect me to attack with Capo Ferro." He states as his fighting style shifts slightly, only a swordsman would be able to tell you exactly what had changed.
"Naturally, but I find that Thibault cancels out Capo Ferro, don't you?" The man in black now stands at the edge of the castle ruins, having nowhere to go, he jumps down into the sand feet below. Eric looks down at the man with a smile on his face.
"Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa," He leaps off the edge of the ruins and does a somersault in the air, flying over the man's head and landing behind him. "Which I have."
The two men are nearly flying across the terrain, neither of them falling or even so much as stumbling. They fight with finesse, one getting the upper hand, but losing it just as quickly. The battle has become more than just two ordinary swordsmen dueling, this is two of the best swordsmen fighting, anyone would kill to watch these two battle. As the two get more and more comfortable with their opponent's skills and abilities, they start to speed up.
"You are wonderful!" Eric praises, admiring the other man's style with his fighting.
"Thank you, I've worked hard to become so."  The man says, pushing Eric closer and closer to the edge of the cliff, though the man still keeps a smile on his face.
"I'll admit, you are better than me."
"Then why do your eyes smile?" The man points out, only making the smile grow.
"Because I know something that you don't."
"And what's that?" Eric is just barely on the land, though he doesn't stagger or even lean back.
"I am not left-handed." He says, and with that, he skillfully switches hands while also keeping up the fighting. The tide of battle turns, now in his favor, he pushes the man back up the ruins that were next to them. The masked man tries to keep Eric at the cliff edge, to no avail, and he ends up retreating further and further on to the ruins. The man is pushed back up the ruins until he can go back no further, being cornered at a wall that faced the ledge.
"You are amazing!" He says, still trying to evade every attack and even attack the man in front of him. Nothing works.
"I ought to be after 15 years!" Eric blocks the sword and holds it against the wall, crossing his arm over his body and starting to press the man off the cliff, though he uses the wall as his last line of defense.
"There's something I ought to tell you." The man in black grunts out.
"Tell me." The man smiles at this.
"I'm not left-handed either." And thus, the man shoves Eric off of him, tossing the sword from one hand to the other and showing off using fancy techniques. Now the real fun can start.
Soon the man has Eric being forced down the steps of the ruins, each time he tries to use a new style, it is canceled out by the man in black. Eventually, the sword is knocked out of his hand and land lower in the ruins. Eric puts his hands up as a way of saying "time-out" to the other man who only threatens him as he turns and leaps off of the stairs and over to a bar covered in moss. He lets go of the bar, unceremoniously landing with a bit of a stumble in his step. He grabs the sword and turns around.
The man in black stood high above the Italian before throwing his sword which landed perfectly in a mound of grass. He then jumped from where he was to the same bar that Eric had jumped to, only this time he swings over it and dismounts it with a backflip, landing on his feet with no wobble in his stance, right next to his sword, which he pulls out of the ground with a smirk on his face.
"Who are you?" Eric asks, completely in awe of the man before him and what he just did.
"No one of consequence." He says plainly.
"I must know." Eric is not one to like secrets, and this man has proven to him that he is someone that he needs to know, perhaps he already does know him, just not personally.
"Get used to disappointment." The man is smiling.
"Ok," Eric trails off as he starts to attack again, both of them using the best of what they know, sometimes ducking and other times stopping attacks from behind the back. Both men fighting fast. Finally having found an equal gives them the chance to test how far they can go and what they can do under pressure.
Moving up more of the ruins they continue their battle, Eric losing his grip on his sword and letting it fly up and out of his hand before he moves back and catches it with one hand, continuing to fight the masked man. It's clear to see the fear threatening to surface behind the Italian's eyes, he's done all that he can do in this situation and yet he still fights on. They come to a deadlock, where the man in black is fighting, one hand on his sword and one hand behind his back, barely breaking a sweat, while Eric is using all his energy to try and counter the attacks, two hands on his sword.
The man in black starts to move his sword in a circle like motion, making the shorter man follow the movement with his eyes, which dizzies him to the point that the taller can use his sword to nearly strike the man's cheek, but he only just misses, purposefully confusing him and making him reach up to touch his cheek leaving his arm that held his sword open. He knocks the sword out of Eric's grip and holds his weapon merely inches away from the man's neck, circling him and forcing him to kneel on the ground.
"Kill me quickly." He says, not wanting to endure a long and suffering death, and wanting to be reunited with his father.
"I would sooner throw a rock into a stained glass window then kill an artist like yourself," He pauses, thinking for a moment. "But, since I can't have you following me either..." He trails off and uses the handle of his sword to knock the man unconscious to which he falls to the ground. "Please understand I hold you in the highest respect."
And with that, he's off. Towards the prince and his other two captors, who are there waiting for Eric to come running across the meadows with news of the death of the man in black with him.
"Inconceivable!" Tobi looks over to the big man who was holding the much smaller prince in his arms who was also watching the scene unfold. "Give him to me and catch up with us quickly."
"What do I do?" Grizzy asks, clearly confused at what his boss was eluding to.
"Finish him. Finish him your way." She states, ready to walk off with the prince in tow.
"Oh yes, my way, that's good Tobi," He pauses and thinks for a beat. "What's my way?"
"Pick up on of those rocks, hide behind that boulder, and in a few minutes, the man in black will come running around the bend and once his head is in sight, hit it with the rock!" Tobi shouts at him and turns with the prince being pulled behind her.
"My way isn't very sportsmanlike," Grizzy says to himself, grabbing one of the rocks and hiding behind a boulder, just like Tobi instructed him to do.
Soon the man in black comes running up the mountain trail noticing the bend in the path that could hide someone waiting to attack him, so he pauses and listens. Once he is confident in the silence he makes his way around the bend only for a rock to come flying over his head and crashing into the nearby boulder. Grizzy makes himself known and steps on to the path, picking up another rock as the man draws his sword.
"I did that on purpose, I didn't have to miss." He says, both of them in a defense-like stance.
"I believe you—so what happens now?" The man in black still apprehensive about the big man with a boulder in his hands.
"We face each other as God intended, sportsmanlike. No tricks, no weapons, skill against skill alone." This makes the man's eyes widen, very clearly noting the obvious size difference between the two.
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?" He questions.
"I could kill you now." The big man brings the rock up behind his head in a way to show that he could throw it at any moment, though he still has a smile on his face. The man in black starts to speak while slowly putting down his sword.
"Frankly, I think the odds are slightly in your favor in hand fighting." He says as the sword is placed on to the ground.
"It's not my fault I'm this big and strong, I try to exercise when I can, ok?" He tosses the rock over his shoulder and the two get in a ready stance for combat.
The man in black tries to charge his opponent but is stopped by the man's hard chest, making him let out a grunt and pulls away, rubbing his shoulder. He tries again to wrap him in a bear hug and pull him off the ground to no avail.
"Look, are you just fiddling around with me or what?" The man is ready for this embarrassment to be over.
"I just want you to feel you're doing well. I hate for people to die embarrassed." He started to charge the masked man, but before he could reach him, the man fell to his knees and rolled through the big man's open legs.
"You're quick," Grizzy commented.
"I better be."
"Why are you wearing a mask? Were you burned by acid or something like that?" Grizzy asks, genuinely curious about why the man covered his face and only let his blue eyes show. He goes in for a punch which the man dodges easily.
"Oh no, it's just they're terribly comfortable." He dodges another punch. "I think everyone will be wearing them in the future."
The man in black then jumps on to a rock that was behind Grizzy, jumping onto the big man's back and wrapping his arms around his neck. Grizzy stumbles forward a bit as he tries to reach the man on his back but his arms are just out of reach.
"I just figured out why you give me so much trouble." He says, walking back towards a rock, where he slams his back against it, making the man in black let out another grunt, though he doesn't let go.
"And why is that, do you think?"
"Well, I haven't fought just one person for so long. I've specialized in groups. Battling gangs for local charities, that kinda stuff." His voice was starting to get more and more strained due to the lack of oxygen to his brain. He makes his way over to yet another rock which he turns his back on and lets the smaller man take the pain for him.
"Why should that make such a," He's cut off from his back being slammed against the rock again. "difference?"
"Well, you see," His voice is now weaker and he starts to fall to the ground. "you use different moves when you're fighting half a dozen people than when you only have to be worried about...one." And with that, he drops to the ground unconscious. The man in black lets go of his neck and gets off of his back, rolling Grizzy over to check he's still breathing.
"I do not wish upon you the headache you will have when you wake up, but for now, rest well...and dream of large women."  And with that, he's off again, after the prince and his last remaining captor, picking up his sword and running off to where he saw them leave and where he knows they're heading.
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shivae · 4 years
Short story excerpt, overprotective Bog trying to make his mom stay at home to avoid catching the current virus going around, ends up falling right into her trap to make him interact with his neighbor, Marianne.
Griselda sat on her bed with a phone in hand, listening to her son and the neighbor girl talking. There were hurried footsteps, then the door opened again and closed with a bang. “And they’re on their way. I know it’s a rushed plan, but I’m sure it’ll work.”
“This so not nice, Grizzy,” one of the three other women on the phone laughed. “But we’ll do our part.”
“I can’t believe you’re doing this,” added the second.
“I can’t believe he didn’t look for you,” finished the third.
“Once my boy gets something in mind, he tends to move in a straight line,” chuckled Griselda sliding off her bed. She glanced at her shoes, jogging shoes. Well worn ones, because she kept in good shape by jogging in the mornings, often with Marianne. “I’ll let you know how it goes! Talk to you shortly!”
With a laugh, Griselda grabbed her purse, tossed her phone inside, and set out to follow her son and Marianne. At the least, this would be fun.
Marianne easily kept up with Bog’s long stride as they hurried down the street to Old Town. It was close enough they didn’t bother with a car, and Bog was too annoyed to even think about it. Everything looked normal as they kept to the sidewalk, at least, the traffic was normal. The streets that typically had a large number of people walking and visiting were empty.
Every store was closed to anyone coming inside, with the restaurants open to people coming in to pick up food, and that was it. The lack of people was eerie, and Marianne stuck close to Bog, unconsciously reaching out to grab his hand to remind him she was with him, and he shouldn’t walk too fast.
Bog didn’t even seem to notice when she took his hand, his eyes focused forward, jaw tight with annoyance, but he curled his fingers around hers and slowed down. Marianne glanced at him with a smile. How long had she wanted to do that one simple thing? Just touch him, and she had because she wasn’t thinking about it. She just wanted a little security.
They reached New Grounds to find one of Griselda’s friends, Sugar, sitting there. The little old lady with coffee dark skin and a head of white hair was on the phone with a cup of coffee in front of her and a half-eaten cinnamon roll. There were two other cups of coffee in front of her and a second massive cinnamon roll sitting on the table in front of her.
“Sugar, where’s my mom?” Bog inquired gruffly, stomping up to her, grinding his teeth.
“Grizzy went to the flower shop with Clover and Rose,” grinned Sugar in response. “She said you two would be along and bought you coffee and a cinnamon roll since you hadn’t had breakfast yet.” The older woman gestured to the table.
Bog made a face. “Why in the world did she need to go to a flower shop?”
“I have no idea.” Sugar shrugged as Marianne picked up one of the coffee cups, the one marked with an M, and sipped it.
“Oooh, Snickerdoodle.” Marianne promptly took another sip and sat down to pick off a piece of the cinnamon roll.
“We don’t have time for this,” groused Bog, picking up the second cup and sipping. His eyes widened. “Double chocolate peanut butter,” he groaned, licking his lips.
“These are the best cinnamon rolls!” Marianne looked up at Bog. “Come on, I can’t eat this all by myself,” she giggled. “Well, I could, but I shouldn’t!”
Bog sighed, looking down the sidewalk, tapping his fingers on the cup. “I suppose we have a few minutes.” He sat next to Marianne and began picking apart the roll with her, smiling as she started going for the gooey center piece. “Don’t eat it all. I like that part too.”
“Half?” Marianne grinned at him, picking at it and making delightful noises as she popped it into her mouth, then licked her lips. “No fork?” She glanced at the table, noting they only had napkins.
“Who knows who’s been touching those plastic forks,” giggled Sugar, her face crinkling up around her eyes and nose. “Just lick your fingers.”
Bog glanced at Marianne, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he observed her doing just that, sticking her fingers into her mouth and licking them. Suddenly, finding his mother quickly wasn’t as much of a concern. For a moment, he stared, the smile taking over his face, then she looked at him, and he cleared his throat, looking away and picking up another piece of the roll.
Marianne giggled, a light blush tinging her cheeks. Bog was looking at her! She hadn’t intended to do anything remotely flirtatious with him, but now, she couldn’t resist. Only she made it a point not to look at him as they finished the cinnamon roll. Licking her lips and fingers deliberately, Marianne lingered on it, knowing he was watching her while trying not to make it obvious.
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bad268 · 7 months
Could you do another pezzy fic? Maybe even the rest of the boys too (puffer, droid, Grizzy) something like a faceless streamer getting like made fun of and the boys help them?
Agoraphobic (Pezzy X Faceless! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous
Requested: Clearly (You caught me in a Pezzy mood, so I tried it lmk if it's shit)
Warnings: Online hate, agoraphobia
POV: First Person POV
W.C. 1291
Summary: When chat takes hate too far, the reader quits only to return for more hate (and loosely based on Agoraphobic by Corpse Husband).
As always, my requests are OPEN
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My whole career started by accident. The pandemic shut down everything, including where I worked, and I got laid off. Streaming became a sense of normalcy in the craziness that was the world. Games were what I did best given that I was a game designer and tester. 
It started one night when my boyfriend, Pezzy, talked about it. He said his friends were thinking about it, so the next day, I logged onto Twitch.tv and streamed my favorite game for the moment, Among Us. It was a low-IQ game, and the fun graphics were interesting to look at. I joined a random lobby, and the rest was history.
I blew up from my imposter plays and impeccable detective skills. My viewers went from 10 to 100 to 1,000 and before I knew it, I was at 250,000 viewers. Through this time, I never care about a camera. Mainly because I knew they would tear me apart, and I would not subject myself to that torture. However, recently, it seemed that people did not even need to see my face to trash me.
“If you guys can’t behave, I’m going to either get more mods or just quit,” I said one day on stream when it seemed like the hate was never-ending. Every other message I saw was a comment about how I am probably ugly, I can’t pull anyone, or just flat-out calling me degrading names.
It never stopped.
I put up with it for nearly four years before calling it quits. Despite the support from Pezzy, telling me not to listen to anyone else, it was hard to be berated every second of every stream especially when it seemed like everyone used the highlighted texts or text-to-speech to shout at me. 
It really took a toll on my mental health. I became so self-conscious, and the fact that I had severe social anxiety did not help my case. I retreated into myself as I got bigger, and the bigger I got, the more paranoid I got. It got so bad to the point where I retreated into my house, and I could barely function without antidepressants.
One day, I was feeling spontaneous. I wanted to stream. I wanted to game. I wanted to interact with people. I asked Pezzy if I could join him for a Mario Kart stream, but play off-camera in the same room. 
The stream started off fun. I won a few, lost a few, and had some fun battles in the game against Pezzy’s friends. Then, it turned south.
Ex-fans and haters filled Pezzy’s chat and his friends’ streams. Their mods could not keep up either. It was becoming the only thing we could see, and it was getting in the way of their normal conversations with their chats. 
“Mods, do we need some backup? Where did these people even come from?” Puffer said as he looked to his moderators for help, but noticed they were doing as much as they could. “There’s so many of them!”
“It’s like they spawned out of nowhere,” Grizzy laughed before getting serious as well, “but for real guys, knock it off. They’re not doing anything wrong.”
“Yeah, if it doesn’t stop, I’ll end stream right now,” Pezzy gave an ultimatum as he looked over at me to see how I was reacting. I was pretty numb, but my mood was visibly ruined. “You know what, guys. I’m gonna end the stream anyway. I don’t know when I’ll stream next, so look at my Twitter. Bye, guys.” 
The other guys did not need to be told twice as they followed suit and ended their stream as well. They each sent reassuring messages to me as I left the room once the camera was off. 
I walked outside to sit on the patio. Since we just moved to the new house, we had not had the chance to get patio furniture yet, so I took a seat on the concrete. I was still under the cover, but I sat right on the edge. It was pouring rain, something that rarely ever happened, but it was my favorite weather. Rain was always so calming for me, and it made me feel at peace despite the thunder I read online. 
After a while, Pezzy joined me. He sat beside me with a blanket that he put over my shoulders and pulled me into his side. The serenity of the rain combined with the comfort from Pezzy helped calm my racing heart.
“I love when it rains” I broke the silence, looking out into the yard as I refused to look toward Pezzy. I let it hang in the air for a beat before I sighed, “I can’t do shit right. I can’t learn my lesson. They don’t want me online, but they give me shit for not streaming. I can’t even play with your friends without them finding me.”
“It’s not your fault they’re assholes,” Pezzy consoled as he rubbed his hand up and down my arm. “It’s never been your fault.”
“It’s my fault I subjected myself to it in the first place,” I pointed out. “If I had never streamed in the first place, I never would have been in this situation. These people are taking the piss out of gaming, and I’m sick of it! I can’t go outside without thinking someone will find me! I am so paranoid about my privacy. It’s like I’m on house arrest.”
“You know the odds of someone recognizing you are slim to none,” Pezzy tried to intervene as I spiraled.
“No, Pezzy, you don’t understand how I think,” I pressed, turning to look at him as I grabbed his hands. “Pezzy, they’re always asking questions about my face, and I can’t stand it. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. I lived in three apartments before I agreed to move in because somehow, someway, someone found out where I lived, or at least they found my P.O. box and said they knew my address. I live in fear every day that someone is going to find me.” I stopped for a second to let Pezzy absorb what I was saying. I could see the recognition in his eyes. I continued, “Pezzy, it has been 1000 days since I had the first threat. I have not been able to function for 1000 days. I love you, Pezzy, but you will never understand how I think. It’s just too complicated.”
“Listen, I may not understand it completely, but I’d like to. I love you too, and I never understand you fully, but I will always be here to support you,” He leaned in to kiss my forehead before leaning his forehead to mine. “I don’t want you to fight your battles alone. I’m here for you. I do not care how many people I gotta fight to tell you otherwise. I’ll fight from the trenches if I have to if it means I get to help you through anything causing you pain.”
“You don’t mean that,” I dismissed, looking away as I felt tears fill my eyes. “You really don’t, Pezzy. As much as I know you care, there is no way you’d be willing to help me in that way.”
“I do! I’d do anything for you,” Pezzy consoled as he put a hand on my chin to turn my face to look at him again. “I’m with you till the end of the line, remember? We’ve known each other our whole lives, and I’m not leaving your side. I don’t care how dark or difficult it may seem. You are my person till the end of the line, and I’m here for the long ride.”
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vanosslirious · 2 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts #211
BBS Dialogue Prompts & Sentence Starter: [ 8 ]
Did you just jump through the fucking glass?
I didn't think it could get worse, but sure enough, it got worse.
I don't love it, where is he?
He jumped, he's over here somewhere.
Let's get the fuck out of here, get back in!
You wanna go fight that?
Get me a better angle!
Can you guys get the fuck in here.
Stop trying to throw up in my face, bro, I'm just trying to read.
Is that a dagger, is she going to stab us?
Get it out!
I don't like this, boys, this is really uncomfortable.
That's fucking great, thanks for telling me that.
Does anyone have any bananas? I need food.
I don't trust this, nobody touch that, it's cursed 100%.
Don't tell us we're going to fight him.
Where'd he go, did I miss it?
Parallel park that motherfucker.
We're all separated!
Drop your money right now!
You look like you're gonna break my knee-cap!
I mean, it looks better than you.
Can we get out of here, I'm stuck.
Got real there.
You can't make me…it was mom's dying wish.
What's this flashing light?
What'd we miss down here?
Get up on top of my head.
Why are you tryna jump?
Okay, I'll do it for you.
That was so fucking stressful.
I know you missed me so much.
I almost banned his ass.
That's a valid reason, bro.
I'm going to fucking shoot them in the back of the fucking head.
Bro, I just got here.
Take my cards, I know you want them.
I had to close my eyes for a second.
Which one is the lung? I want to rip it out.
Leave the mustache alone!
Butter me up, baby.
I'm interviewing you.
Ow, the trap does work on us…
Just slightly off center, do you like that?
Dude, I didn't even get to see it explode, you sick fuck!
Why are you like this?
He's rude.
Look at this guy's knife, he's fucking poor.
Boys, we're sleeping nice tonight.
Murder him.
I'm not a fan, actually.
Are you sure you want to go?
I got pages of the whole Bible here, this shit long...
Actually, I kind of wanted those.
Ah, shit, that's the only one I don't have.
That's me, baby.
I don't think I made it to the end once.
No, I don't think so.
I am simply a bottom dweller.
Am I getting murdered, why?
Don't worry about it.
You breathing is a waste of time!
That's one person, that's all I need, I only need validation from one person.
We're getting shitted on.
This is a horror game.
I'm being shot through the fucking smoke, bro.
He's gonna catch up and you're gonna regret it.
Oh my God, so close, we can finally end this.
This is the last one.
Are your fish fingers edible?
Are you gaslighting me?
We always get hackers on this map.
Well, I mean, smoke's not bulletproof, I don't know if you knew that.
I actually didn't know that happened.
Shut up, and burn in hell, both at the same time.
I think you're in a spot that doesn't matter.
I don't think I should.
Don't get greedy.
Why do you have to say it?
You should just let it be subtle, and let it happen.
I'm stuck in the truck!
Oh, I did not want these.
I didn't say anything.
What happened to us?
That hurts my eyes.
Oh, you broke my spine.
I'm not making it, I don't think…
He's not here.
I'm afraid of what his fantasies could be.
Are you doing pull ups on the bridge, where are you?
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vanosslirious · 2 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts: #217
BBS Prompts & Sentence Starters: [ 11 ]
These guys are really bad at parkour.
Oh, jumpscare, so scary!
He’ll do anything for candy.
Why are we buying pants?
I feel like I’m just hanging out with you guys in a random basement.
Where did this guy come from?
That sounds awesome.
Does that mean go, that means go, right?
You know what this is, a perfect opportunity to order food.
What did you do?
Sorry, I should’ve healed earlier.
I wish you died…
I discovered that eight hours ago.
You’re a poet, and you’re not aware.
Someone describe what the hell is going on.
I didn’t say I wasn’t enjoying myself, I just said it was really cool.
Yes, my hero!
He was actually still alive.
What is this, some kind of sick cult?
I'm not even hungry, I just want to make sure I have something for a victory munch.
Don't go for him, he's dangerous!
I'm hiding in the goddamn bathroom.
And we both accomplished something today.
He's just way better.
How is he not dead?
I did not do that, I just want to clarify, I did not do that.
That’s for killing me, you fuck.
Oh, wow, alright.
What’s it doing, it’s so shit.
It did nothing for me.
I’m ready to go where you guys are.
You guys ready for this adventure?
I told you not to do that.
Why does he want me?
I didn't take anything, swear to God.
I think he's gonna run the same deck.
I hate that so much.
I'm betting on the demon, and I don't know what it is yet, bitch!
We're not very good…vampires.
Oh my God, come here.
No it wasn't, you're lying to yourself.
I'm gonna throw up to the sound of you playing harmonica!
You're not worth it.
Do I look like I bought the lobster?
Someone distract him.
I hate when dad drinks.
You guys look like a shitty high school play.
You know you’re wearing a lobster suit, right?
Sorry guys, my car alarms going off.
I'm all bricked up with nowhere to go.
My teams really letting me down here.
You fucking rat!
He’s digging straight down.
I don’t think he’s working on it.
I almost fell.
I would’ve found it within seconds.
Not even fifteen minutes of footage, and he’s the one who died.
We should go on an adventure together.
Whoever shot him, thank you, you're doing the Lord's work.
What in the holy fuck am I getting into?
What happened, I'm coming back.
We're also missing a door.
I'm gonna drink my problems away.
I wish my screen wasn't so fucking blurry.
Bro, what the fuck is going on here?
Can I have the hat?
Don't shoot him, just tie him.
This is all your fault!
That's not good.
Oh, that's probably what I was doing.
Does anyone want to hear about my tooth?
Don’t take your mask off!
Can we just agree that no one gives a fuck about the story.
You ain’t going to see me in person, you ain’t never going to see me in person, you never leave your house.
That gave me a migraine, am I dead?
I made my friend rage quit.
We did, that was the first switch we hit.
He’s the guy that haunts the house, didn’t you read the story?
This game is a little too complex for us.
Stop, I don’t know how this game works.
Can this thing even catch up?
What, that killed me?
What the fuck do you mean 'good luck?'
How did you get him?
How the fuck did he live?
It's the same fucking guy, he keeps coming back.
Sorry, I audibly threw up.
Ooh! Don't revive him, it takes you in there!
How do you blow these things up?
Wait, is it in?
Wise words.
Are you freaking kidding me, holy crap!
Why is that your comeback to everything?
So comfy.
Maybe not punch all my animals.
At least I didn't do that.
Let me get back in this!
Oh, that's unfortunate for me.
Nice little warm up.
You guys don't know all the lore?
I don't think it really matters, I don't think it was going to do what we needed it to do, anyways.
No, it was so close!
If I turn the wrong way, I'm just fucked.
Is this getting thinner?
Oh yeah, blame it on me not playing.
This is where I catch up.
What the fuck, I'm dead!
I got ahead, and you guys suck.
Help, help, hold my hand!
That's good, that's good, keep it going.
Oh, that door opened down there!
Yeah, go fuck yourself.
He didn't choose it, but he's happy to keep it.
Did you punch the screen?
Where the fuck am I?
Spit on your hand.
What's this thing in the middle?
I feel like there's more in here and you're not telling us.
What the fuck is chasing me?
It's invisible on my screen!
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