#he literally stands for everything padme
radiosummons · 1 year
With the absolute and most genuine of sincerity, I do believe that if Padme had survived Anakin force choking her into an early labor, she would have spent the rest of her life on the run from him.
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corellianhounds · 1 month
Amidala the Resilient
Media: Revenge of the Sith
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,942
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, pregnancy, Force-choking, blood and injuries, traumatic labor and delivery, death in childbirth, no happy ending.
Art Credit: Iain McCaig, The Art of Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Summary: In a universe where Anakin gradually descended into the Dark side of his own volition from the beginning— where his ambition and love were genuine and admirable, but the temptation of power too much— his turn is something much more destructive and purposeful. Amidala’s plan for retaliation is just as much so.
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Padmé Amidala can feel tension twinging in her back and thighs. The pit in her stomach has coalesced into a tight knot as she steels herself for what she must do; she’s bringing a mattock and salt to the ground where pruning shears should have been used long ago.
Anakin had been too far gone for a long time, and the fault lay in her and everyone in his life willingly turning a blind eye too often to his myriad of faults. In the past two hours she has seen actions the result of which came from an upbringing where his temper, jealousy, and ambition were allowed to slide because those who thought him destined for some great cosmic good were willing to overlook occasional— and often objectively justified— acts of wrath and ruthlessness. He had always been so good at justifying his reasons and putting his actions in a more favorable light, showing enough willingness for correction over the years people thought he was receptive to guidance and change.
What she’d come to realize with dawning horror was that the seeds of destruction had been sown long ago, and though the vines had borne occasional good fruit, they had always grown with selfish intent, inevitably choking out everything around them in an effort to keep his own desires hidden behind the barrier of thorns.
In the next hour, she will come face to face with the monster of a man he’s become.
The Jedi master doesn’t know. Kenobi knows she has some plan but wrongfully assumes it is to appeal to whatever mistaken shred of humanity might remain in Anakin. Obi-Wan— even now, even after what they saw— cares for him as a brother and would sooner cut off his own hand than see Anakin completely lost to the Dark. Padmé however has finally seen clarity of purpose.
For Anakin to be stopped, he must be killed.
The ship arrives on Mustafar. Padmé wrenches herself away from the viewport as Obi-Wan lands and she gingerly lowers herself to the cargo hold, donning a cloak. Obi-Wan hurriedly finishes the landing cycle, calling her name as she gathers her strength, but she’s hardly listening to him at this point and she knows she must conceal herself from him so he has no chance of stopping her.
A hand on her shoulder makes her flinch, and the Jedi lets go almost in surprise. “Padmé, you don’t have to do this. I will talk to him.”
“No,” she says, keeping her left hand secured across her waist beneath the voluminous sleeve as she cleared a path to the lowering gangway. “He’s made it very clear he’s past the point of reasoning with the Jedi. I will speak with him, and if I cannot convince him to come with us calmly, or I cannot ascertain his next move, I expect you to do what’s necessary to end this treasonous rebellion. That is an order.”
It was all false diplomacy, of course, for his sake. Padmé had no intention of believing Anakin was anywhere close to the realm of negotiation. They were far past that.
But she needed assurance that she could get close enough to Anakin to act decisively. She couldn’t have Kenobi interfering, not at this juncture.
Oppressive heat surrounded her as she swept down the ramp to the barren ground. Magma roiled and churned, flames flickering at the edge of the peninsula as Padmé approached the figure so cloaked in darkness an aura of blackened energy almost seemed to emanate from his form. The grip of the hidden dagger dug into her hand, grounding her as she approached.
Padmé’s eyes burned with a ferocity to match her husband’s. It was time for this to end.
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When Obi-Wan had seen her determination in the hold of the ship he had never for a moment anticipated what it would lead to.
Padmé steadily approached Anakin, cloak and hood protecting her from the blaze. He could see her speaking forcefully with him, her face hidden from view but Anakin’s darkening by the moment in response. His right hand, devoid of glove, clenched the hilt of an already ignited saber, the bloodshine blade standing in stark contrast to his own cloak. Its presence alone was alarming, but Obi-Wan had been subject to so many tragedies that night already, he merely assumed Anakin had readied it in the expectation of facing his master.
What Obi-Wan hadn’t known was what Padmé concealed until she tried to close the distance between them, her own blade in hand. What followed happened in the span of a heartbeat.
Anakin’s saber blocked it on instinct, easily halting the approach of Padmé’s dagger, his eyes widening in surprise. In the following moment his left hand raised and with it, so did Padmé.
Obi-Wan’s astonishment lasted only a fraction of a second as he yelled “NO!” Padmé’s feet left the ground as an invisible force clutched her neck in a crushing, intangible grip, and in the breadth of time Padmé scrabbled at her throat, Obi-Wan acted.
Anakin stumbled back from the force of the bolt hitting his shoulder, releasing his hold on Padmé. Padmé crumpled to the ground in a heap, and Anakin’s sights zeroed in on Kenobi, standing at the mouth of the ship with both blaster and lightsaber in hand. Snarling, Anakin stalked towards his old master and brought his lightsaber down, red clashing against blue.
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Padmé Amidala, heartbroken and dying, drags herself bleeding to the communication console.
Kenobi can hear her movement in the bay and yells her name, telling her not to move, that he’ll come to help her as soon as the ship breaches the atmosphere, and she stalwartly ignores him, cradling the underside of her belly with one hand and using the other to support herself on the railing around the sparse artillery deck. Her broken ankle protests at every movement, sending lightning arcing up the leg where she puts her unsteady weight. The cramps in her abdomen spread like bone-coral, sharp and hot and agonizing in her pelvis, sides, back— Every tendon and muscle in her body screams at their owner to relent, to succumb to the creeping darkness pressing around her vision, but she cannot allow herself peace until she finishes what she started.
Padmé staggers at the ship’s turbulent acceleration, her forearm slamming out against the bulkhead as the lights flicker, and she curses the unsteady pilot she thought was her friend. Perhaps if she’d been accompanied by someone more decisive, someone whose fatal flaw wasn’t a love too great for a brother that no longer existed, Anakin would have been dealt with and she’d have the wherewithal to fight against the added pain of a labor she was sure would tear her in two.
Sweat pours from her brow and forces her already shaking, slippery hands to scrabble for purchase on the blasted polished finery of a spoiled noble’s ship. Her muscles spasm and she gasps in abject terror as she feels something inside her snap; the membrane within her had ruptured.
Gravity pulls on her bones as her muscles betray her, and she collapses against the bench. Fingernails scrape vinyl and she chokes out a guttural, rending cry of pain in the effort it takes to haul herself upward into the seat.
Obi-Wan is yelling again. Traitorous coward.
Padmé punches in the covert frequency on the transmitter. Her other hand rests on her stomach, her infants moving restlessly under her touch. She forces the hot flashes of pain back, shoving down every instinctive response to curl in on herself.
“Sabé—,” she says into the comm, gritting her teeth and tasting blood once more; the contractions were stronger and with a strangled grunt she yanks the comm closer, ignoring the frantic waves of worry rolling off of the useless Jedi in the pilot’s seat.
“Sabé, if you find the man who was my husband,” she chokes, the creeping black at the edges of her vision beginning to overtake her.
“Kill him.”
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Obi-Wan sat listlessly on a bench in the hold, what bloodied clothing he still wore sticking to him like a second skin. His hand rested on the makeshift bassinet, a gun locker repurposed into a cradle.
He could only imagine what directive she’d felt necessary enough to strain herself to get across the sublight waves; he could only imagine because the message was encrypted and the recipient unknown, and her mind had been shielded from his probing. He didn’t know whether to blame his failed use of the Force on the heartbroken, distracted nature of his psyche being pulled in a thousand directions as he’d manually flown from Mustafar’s orbital pull in order to make the jump to lightspeed, or to blame some unknown energy stalwartly blocking him from Padmé’s mind. Reaching out to her had felt like hitting a steel wall.
The tumult of their departure had preoccupied him until he was sure he’d escaped whatever enemy fighters Anakin’s new master had sent after them, the maneuvering less of a dogfight and more of a half-cocked evasive prayer for the hull to remain intact long enough for them to break atmo. Klaxons blared and the astronav’s interface barked orders, warning him of too many systems he already knew were damaged enough that if they took even one more hit to the hull they would be obliterated; shields were failing, exterior panelling being shorn off, the pursuing fighters gaining on them— Until by some stroke of luck he’d found a slip in space to pull through and immediately jump to lightspeed.
Lightspeed jumps themselves were already hazardous to expecting parents’ health. He was terrified of the condition she had been in when he’d finally gotten her onboard, and the fact he could sense her moving with purpose somewhere below decks while he tried to shake the fighters had sent his heart rate skyrocketing.
Piloting had never been his forte. As soon as they’d hit hyperspace he’d slammed a hand against the autopilot controls and bolted from the dash, scrambling down to the hold below.
He swore under his breath, calling her name and skidding to a halt beside her. Her face twisted in agony, her hands clutching the underside of her abdomen. Obi-Wan knelt beside her, hesitant to move her and instead ran a quick check over her vitals, astonished at what he found.
Broken bones in her leg, fractured ribs, internal bleeding, damaged trachea— how had she even moved?! By all rights she should be dead and yet something had propped her up long enough for her to drag herself to the terminal and send a message.
And now she was in labor.
“Kenobi—” she spat derisively, grabbing his tunic. “Get— up—”
“Padmé, hold still, let me—”
He was cut off as a violent shudder wracked her body, her limbs curling in on herself with a gurgling cry. Panicked desperation lanced through him as he reached out and grasped tendrils of the Force, gingerly cradling her neck and attempting to delicately, swiftly mend ligaments he couldn’t see. If he was even a millimeter incorrect, she would die.
A misaligned vertebrae shifted back into place, and Padmé screamed.
Obi-Wan bit back a sob, carefully tracing his fingers on either side of the back of her neck with as much force as he dared in an attempt to still her and provide what pain relief he could as his own energy was leached from him. Padmé gasped, her eyes flying open, her expression stricken as she looked up at the ceiling. Her iron grip loosened as the tension dissipated, if only in one area. She gulped air as if coming up from the bottom of a lake, and Obi-Wan settled as he felt his strength wane. A concrete task was better than guesswork at unknown variables.
The reprieve didn’t last long; Padmé grunted in pain, convulsing as a contraction rippled through her torso again. Further assessment revealed her leggings and the floor beneath her to be drenched, and Obi-Wan’s panic flared again.
“I have to get you up—”
“If you move me I will kill you,” she spat harshly. She trembled despite the ferocity of her glare, her hand still twisted in his robe. “There is no time— Here and now, Kenobi. Make do.”
“Look around you,” she seethed. “There’s no level surface in this blasted ship big enough to work. There are no other choices. There is no one else to help. Sleeves up. Now.”
Kenobi’s brow remained twisted as he stripped off his outer tunic, knowing it was laden with silicate and volcanic dust. Padmé propped herself up on her elbows as he raced to scour his hands and forearms, coming back to remove her boots so he could work her outer garments free. Whether the blood seeping between her teeth was due to the injuries she’d sustained or because she was gritting them hard enough one had cracked, he didn’t know.
Padmé gasped again as the fracture in her shin shifted— He wanted to settle her, to fix this, but the contractions were coming more quickly and closer together. They were running out of time.
He finally seated himself before her, kneeling and shaking in just his undershirt and trousers, feeling acutely unprepared for what was to come. Battlefield triage and casualty care were the extent of his healing knowledge, and though he was adept at relieving or numbing acute nociceptive responses, it was usually with soldiers whose minds were open for him to assess areas of injury. A commander with a blaster burn would be focused on the point where his plastoid hadn’t covered. A civilian’s attention after suffering a fall would be turned to the joints and bones that took the brunt of the effects of gravity.
Labor and delivery were far too different from his experience in the medical field.
And Padmé was still blocking him out.
Her knuckles gripped bone-white to a ridge of floor plating, one knee bent and her foot planted flat. The other lay weakly to the side, and Obi-Wan grit his teeth as he raised it up to rest over his thigh despite the lancing pain he felt radiating from her, tucking a blanket beneath her and readying his hands for whatever instruction he prayed she could give. With him gathering his wits and her gathering her strength, they set to work.
The whole ordeal couldn’t have lasted longer than thirty minutes, and it was the longest and most arduous process of their lives. Between her strangled cries, his intuition, and the muscle spasms that told him everything about this was wrong, Kenobi’s concern grew with the pool of blood beneath her, and she forced him to focus on the children, refusing to allow him any modicum of time spent healing her injuries between her screams. Untended bone cracked further as she thrashed, her screams echoing back in the cargo hold.
By the time Kenobi had swaddled the two squalling— living!— infants in what sterile dressing he could find from the field kit, Padmé had gone a sickly pale. Her skin was waxy under the recessed halogen lighting, her hair sticking to her forehead. Dark circles rimmed her eyes and different muscle groups continued twitching of their own accord as if sparked by electricity. Obi-Wan was torn between ensuring the infants had been properly cared for, and wanting to drag Padmé to the captain’s berth to fully assess her wounds and heal her: Padmé kept stubbornly shoving him away, tears tracking unnoticed down her face as she continued to choke out instructions for the care and keeping of her children.
He’d finally been forced to stop when that iron grip returned in full force— Padmé grabbed his arm and yanked him down to where she had propped herself up against the wall. Kenobi lurched forward, her ashen face now level with his. She forced her voice to obey despite the strain in her throat, rasping the words she needed to say.
“Keep them away from him.” The venom in her tone was undeniable. “You keep them safe, Kenobi, get— get them as far away as you can—”
Kenobi grunted, refusing to let her continue her orders. He pressed a palm to her chest, willing those wisps of energy to sustain her just a few moments longer as he tried to haul her up into his lap, coax her arm around him so he could lift her— If he could just get her somewhere comfortable, somewhere clean, if he could focus—
Padmé shrieked in pain, clawing at his chest and arms, and the sum of their separate fights came crashing down on him as the Force dissipated from his mind’s grasp. His knees gave out, his strength sapped from the energy he had poured into her, and they lay heavily back against the terminal yet again. The children cried distantly behind them.
“Padmé, please…” Obi-Wan pleaded, tears streaking down his face, but she shook her head yet again.
“Keep them safe,” she coughed, begging for the first time. “Get them away f-from—”
“He’s gone, Padmé, Anakin is gone—”
She shook her head fiercely, squeezing her eyes shut. “No. He’s there. I can feel him.”
“Listen to me— Anakin is dead, I saw him—”
“You’re wrong,” Padmé said. Her breath rattled. Tears dripped from her chin. “If— If you won’t k-kill him then t-take care o-of them. Wh-Whatever it takes.”
Her chest hitched as she gasped around the liquid filling her lungs. Her bloody hand trembled against his neck. She hiccuped, her eyes went glassy, and her hand fell away.
And in the stillness of hyperspace, Padmé Amidala Naberrie passed from one life to the next.
It had been an hour since then. Only an hour since Obi-Wan had had to keep himself from buckling under the weight of his grief, an hour since he’d sobbed on the floor of a ship as one of his oldest and dearest friends died in his arms. The former queen of Naboo, dying in the bloody cargo hold of a stolen ship, her own life stolen from her by the one person the two of them had trusted beyond measure while her infant children cried out for comfort he felt wholly incapable of providing. Obi-Wan wept alongside them, digging his fingers into the cold, unfeeling floor, wanting to scream as the agony of heartbreak threatened to overwhelm him.
So many dead, or lost. There was no solace even in the Force.
But as Obi-Wan Kenobi found himself doing so often in his life, he shoved his feelings down into the furthest recesses of his broken heart, let go of another loved one returned to the Force, and turned himself back to the task at hand.
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The infants were asleep now. He’d shakily scrubbed at his face and arms with cold water and spared only enough time under the sanisteam to ensure he was clean enough to handle them before finding a spare undershirt for himself. He fed them, cleaned them up, and held both of them together against his chest as they squirmed, dissatisfied at their situation before accepting their present accommodations and falling asleep. By the ship’s chrono he had roughly two standard hours before the ship was due to drop out of hyperspace.
He sat unseeing in the captain’s berth with the ad hoc bassinet nearby. Padmé was still in the hold; he couldn’t be two places at once, and he couldn’t stay down there with the children.
Something bothered him about the infants in his arms, though. Once the girl had passed from Padmé’s body, it almost seemed like the barrier keeping him from sensing Padmé’s thoughts had broken. He was too drained and scattered to dwell on it as his last moments with her had been focused on her well-being, but despite his utter exhaustion he had a suspicion that had already begun to crystallize under the sheer openness of the twins’ young presences within hyperspace.
It troubled him.
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Whatever message she’d sent was evidently received by the people she’d needed it to. Bail Organa met him at the hastily assembled but covert rendezvous, his ensuing shock and horror upon entering the ship’s docking ramp turning to commanding resolve as he followed the trail of destruction to Kenobi’s station. Organa had to shake him from his stupor before Obi-Wan could tell him of Mustafar, of the newly appointed Sith and Padmé’s scheme, and of Padmé’s last words. The senator’s brow furrowed. He knelt next to the Jedi, looking over the sleeping children.
“What of Anakin?”
Obi-Wan shook his head tiredly. “I cannot sense him. I don’t believe Anakin is alive.”
“… Who else did she contact?” Bail asked.
Tears dripped onto Obi-Wan’s shirt. “I don’t know.”
Bail sighed, bringing one hand up to rest on his shoulder. “I am truly sorry, Obi-Wan. For everything.”
Obi-Wan couldn’t respond.
Bail’s team, handpicked and vetted by the senator himself, worked below decks as the men weighed their options. The aftermath of the despotic coup was rippling out and changing by the minute; the Jedi had been slaughtered and scattered, the clones had broken all communication, and the Senate had reached a fever pitch of chaos. Anything that needed to be done had to be done now.
The feeling of loss that bordered on consuming him was one he’d rarely felt in his lifetime as acutely as he did now. The comfort he found in the Force was absent. He’d felt like a ship unmoored when his master was killed. Now it was as though he’d been dropped into the middle of a hurricane.
Bail’s hands were clasped loosely together against his forehead, elbows resting on his knees as he bowed his head in thought. Kenobi could have been a corpse for how still and gaunt he was.
“Obi-Wan…” Bail began. “Are you certain Skywalker is dead?”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan said. “I cannot sense him at all.”
Bail was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. “… But you, of all people, couldn’t sense what must have been growing within him. Is it at all possible the body of Anakin remains, but the reason you cannot find him is because the man we knew is entirely lost to the Dark?”
A chilling fissure of clarity cut through Obi-Wan’s senses. His reaction told Bail everything he needed to know.
Even if it was only a suspicion, they could not afford to waste time figuring out the emperor’s next move. Anything that could be used to motivate Vader had to be hidden from public knowledge. They couldn’t leave a trace of his past behind.
Bail mulled over his thoughts, then stood, gesturing for Kenobi as his resolve hardened to steel. “Come. We have work to do. We will mourn when we are done.”
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Sabé trembled with the effort it took to control her breathing. She stowed her bag behind the seat of the starship and brought the engine to life, moving with purpose as tears streamed unbidden down her face.
The ship rose, coordinates locked in place to meet the others of her gathering retinue. These weren’t the orders of former nobility, of a governing senator— This was the last request of a dying friend, someone whose very existence was woven into her bones. Padmé Amidala’s death would not be in vain.
Sabé looked out beyond the stars, her breathing finding stasis despite the ocean of grief beneath it.
“My hands are yours, Padmé,” she said to herself. “For as long duty compels them.”
She wasn’t going to kill Anakin. Not until he felt every bit of the pain and suffering he deserved.
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The line “clarity of purpose” comes from Saw Gerrera in the Andor TV show
I wrote Sabé’s line before seeing that one similar was used in one of the books. Good to know I was on the right track with a character I know very little about lol
#Revenge of the Sith#Star Wars fanfiction#Padme Amidala#Obi-Wan Kenobi#Anakin Skywalker#Bail Organa#Sabé#Heed the tags#prequel trilogy#The Force works in mysterious ways#my writing#If you’re aiming to write a tragedy. make it tragic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#I think Amidala and Kenobi should have known there was no reasoning with Anakin given everything they find out prior to Mustafar#I think Kenobi’s lack of action at seeing his best friend strangle his pregnant wife is utterly baffling#Like that should have been the point Obi-Wan realized ‘‘OH’’ and pulled a glock on him#I also think it’s dumb to reduce Padme’s death down to just a broken heart because Anakin DID strangle her#(In case it isn’t clear here. Padme tried to stand and fight Anakin again after Kenobi started fighting too.)#I was nooooooot going to write out the literal longest swordfight in cinema history. It simply wasn’t going to happen 😆#The prequels needed more of a sense of urgency at every turn. Just from like a storytelling standpoint there were—#— way too many calm conversations being had about events or topics that needed to be paired with active choices and danger/deadlines#ANYWAY my point is#I only wanted to write this epilogue to revised prequel trilogy#not the whole thing#I’m already revising other stuff. Prequels would be too much work#TLDR: Anakin would have been better served as a character if he were the one driving the action instead of the story happening to him#He needed to be more impressive. more powerful. more loved by a multitude of characters.#More dangerous. and actively seeking out the power himself. He is otherwise uncompelling to me.#If he were written more like Boromir these movies would have been more of a tragedy#AO3 link in reblog
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I love it when pre Original Trilogy era shows how much effort went into making the Death Star. It took decades, literal decades, and it took so much money and so many people and it was such a secretive thing and it’s staffed by millions because it’s the size of a small moon.
I cannot express how much all of the added information makes it so much funnier that Luke blew it up.
Luke destroys literally everything Palpatine built. He blows up the Death Star, which was referenced in universe as early as the second movie. He blew up the weapon of mass destruction twenty years in the making. And he blew it up pretty much directly after it’s first and only successful attack. It was operational for fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes that Palpatine had the thing he’d been building for longer than Luke has been alive, and Luke blows it up. First day retirement, but first hour retirement.
Luke convinces Darth Vader to turn back to the light side, a feat thought literally impossible by literally everybody. Sidious clearly doesn’t see Vader’s betrayal coming. Vader’s betrayal was not in his plans, nor was it something he was prepared for. Sidious is a powerful Force user with all four limbs while Vader is a man in the tin can Palpatine put him in. If Palpatine had seen Vader turning coming, he would not have allowed it to happen.
Luke literally should not even be alive. Palpatine almost definitely got Padme out of the way on purpose, and he almost certainly was trying for her unborn child as well (there was way too big of a risk that a cute liddol bebe would bring some humanity back to Anakin, and Palpatine did not want Anakin to have any humanity) Luke living is literally the first step in Palpatine’s ultimate downfall, especially once Vader finds out that Luke is his son. His very alive son. His son that is not dead, despite Palpatine claiming Anakin killed Padme. Implying that Anakin killed Padme and she posthumously gave birth. But, she didn’t give birth on Mustafar, which was the last place Anakin interacted with her. And once the mother dies, you have to get those fuckers out fast or they die too.
I imagine Darth Vader piecing all of this together is that meme with all the math floating around his head, because how could Padme have died by his hand and then given birth like two hours later?
Luke killing Palpatine is what ultimately leads to the dissolution of the Empire as an omnipotent entity. Luke killed the Empire. Luke spends a good amount of his adult life killing Empire remnants. We see that in the Mandalorian, since he’s so recognizable that Gideon immediately knows he’s fucked just by seeing an X-wing. We read it in Legends’ continuity, where Luke terrifies Imperials because he can walk into their changing room and stand in their for a minute and they don’t even notice.
Luke destroyed Palpatine’s life’s work. Everything Palpatine spent his whole life working towards, and Luke kills all of it. He blows up not one, but two Death Stars (he may not have pulled the trigger on the second Death Star, but without him, it never would have been destroyed). He convinces not one, but multiple Sith and Dark Jedi to return from the Dark Side. He is the only reason that Obi-Wan Kenobi, the biggest pain in Palpatine’s ass ever born, lives long enough to make it to the Death Star.
Palpatine went through so much effort. And just when he had finally won, when he finally had a weapon capable of destroying entire planets with a single blast, making it impossible for any planets or peoples to go against him, Luke shows up nineteen years late to the Jedi party with space Starbucks and a droid twice his age and almost singlehandedly destroys everything Palpatine ever had a hand in creating.
Luke manages to become even worse than Obi-Wan Kenobi, the ultimate thorn in the side of politicians, and Luke doesn’t even understand any politics. He wasn’t trained in diplomacy like Obi-Wan and Leia, no, he’s a farmboy who left home for the first time in his entire life, just this morning. And he is the one to destroy the Empire.
If they rewrote Star Wars and had it entirely from Palpatine’s perspective, Luke Skywalker would be his greatest foe. Luke Skywalker would be the final boss. Luke Skywalker is the antithesis of everything Palpatine believes in and he is the one character that Palpatine cannot predict. He isn’t as moldable as Anakin, he doesn’t respond to threats very well, he’s apparently impossible to kill via Force lightning (still the funniest scene of all times, the progression of Palpatine’s face falling and him looking like “what the fuck??? Is this kid rubber??? I’ve electrocuted him eight times???”), his unwavering faith in his father’s goodness makes Darth Vader want to be a better person, Luke Skywalker is the big bad of Palpatine’s story and—
There is nothing in this world that is funnier than someone’s biggest antagonist being Luke fucking Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, who saved the galaxy with the power of love and who shouldn’t exist, by Jedi rules and by Palpatine’s own attempts, and whose best friends are literally droids, which Palpatine canonically hates!
Everything about this is hilarious, this is the funniest thing in all of media, Palpatine loses absolutely everything to some backwater farmboy who fucking likes droids.
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aestariiwilderness · 3 months
Bad Batch -- Actually Probably Not Spoilers?
But Just In Case:
Like, for plot reasons, I see why they couldn't do it. But my biggest (and possibly the funniest) peeve I have with Bad Batch is this: Canonically, Tech is some kind of master hacker. Can forge chain codes after learning about them five seconds ago. Hacks battle droids -- presumably, you know, SECURED in some way -- on the regular. Masked a ship's signature or whatever. Calculates percentages of plans' successes on the fly while hanging upside down from a screechy flying reptile. Has zero fear (except when Omega is driving the Marauder or someone is doing the Wikipedia entry who isn't him) ("it's not affecting life support. We're fine"; riot racing; everything he's ever done). The moral heart of the Batch pre-Omega ("the systematic termination of the Jedi was a big one for me"; "I understand. I do not agree with you"; "of course we are a family"; "we have not always seen eye to eye with Crosshair but he is our brother and we do not leave our own behind"; but has no issue being pragmatic when it's called for (see: Cid, riot racing again, missions for Rex, interruptions thereof, etc.). Seriously. Wack job of a man. Crazy. Strict moral code arranged almost solely around his family that absolutely nobody sees coming and that, specifically, does NOT preclude massive destruction, property damage, and lethal measures. Ridiculous man. Homeschooled. Genetic Mandalorian. COMPETENT. (Usually.) Bona fide, literal, genetically-engineered test tube genius who is also biologically nine years old. Has no concept whatsoever of overkill. Point being -- he is EXACTLY the kind of person I would expect, once it sunk in that: 1. They are no longer Kaminoan/Republic property 2. They are, in fact, on the run with fam + new baby and - cranky but nonetheless beloved sniper bro who picked a terrible time to be stupid And 3. that "money" is now a thing they must Account For.... Give him two days to study finances, economy, and the various mafia; send him on a weekend trip to Nal Hutta to observe gangs, and hey presto -- the Hutts? overthrown in a year. Black Sun? Under new management. Pykes? A thing of the past. The Senate? Convening emergency sessions to discuss Where All the Money Has Gone. Palpatine's Secret Slush Fund #43? Drained. Hemlock's Science Budget? Currently funding the clone rebellion. ISB 401ks? Being used to pay someone to "retrieve" (read: kidnap) Crosshair from Rampart. Cad Bane's baby-stealing revenue? Currently outfitting the Marauder with gold plating. My point: WHY ISN'T TECH HACKING STAR WARS ATMs Story would have been over six episodes in. Tech would have foreclosed on the Palace; the Death Star would have fallen prey to insurance fraud; Omega would have grown up with more gowns than Padme. The Banking Clan bows to their new and, uh, eccentric overlords. Wrecker has thirteen new Z-6 cannons. Echo has thirteen natborn employees and is thoroughly enjoying himself. Hunter took an actual shower (still didn't get a new bandana). The Empire is turning over the empty coffers and shaking them out, wondering if they have rats. Mas Amedda is standing on street corners with an upturned hat. Crosshair is happily occupied with suing the Kaminoans for emotional damages. The end
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zapernz · 4 months
guess who’s back (back) back again (again). OK SO IMMA SPEAK MY TRUTH FOR YALL ANI SUB TRUTHERS (aka the ones who are always right)
he would literally get annoyed or mad and try to dom but YALL seen the way his was looked down when padme havé him a look like … 😭😭🫵 YOU SUBMISSIVE WHORE!!!
He would def top sometimes but literally whine and whimper. Cry. And when he’s mad 🤭 hot as fuck but he would NEVER (And I mean NEVER) be a hard dom. Most likely a switch leaning sub and have his brat moments as always (it’s Anakin we talking about). HE NEEDS TO BE PUT IN HIS PLACE. Also thanks for everyone for agreeing OR responding with ur views, if you think he’s a Dom that’s fine! (Even tho ur wrong and the truth hurts 💔🤫) lol no ill intent btw. But sub ani 🔛🔝 (literally. Imagine how hot. HIS TEARS FALLING ON YOUR CHEST HELLO ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️)
save me sub anakin truthers … save me
I’m pretty sure I’ll be back cuz I stalk you so I’ll just say to make my tag smth dumb or funny like #slimshadyanon cuz I stand on business like Eminem when he hears his name in a diss
he is such a submissive little bitch, even if he tries to dominate he needs your permission for everything, to touch you, to cum, to even fuck you in the first place.
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palfriendpatine66 · 6 months
Actually. Also. 19.
Choose violence ask game
19. Best canon example of good parenting in Star Wars
Ah yes. You know me well. Buckle up everyone
In no particular order because I don’t think there’s a winner here:
Shmi “He Deserves More Than A Slaves Life” Skywalker. Anakin was literally the only thing she had in the universe. She taught him to care for others and stand up for what’s right. And she loved him enough to let him go. If Anakin had been able to follow her example regarding love the Galaxy would have been a different place.
Owen “He Is My Own” Lars and Beru “We’re Enough” Whitesun Lars. I could write an essay on them. They knew the risk, they knew the danger, and they took him in. More than that: they loved him. They taught him to work hard and do what’s right. They, too, loved him enough to let him go. Prolonging the inevitable as long as they could, sure, but weren’t going to hold him back from the life he wanted and squash his spirit by keeping him safe on the farm forever either (one more season!) They protected him and gave their lives for him.
Bail and Breha “You Are An Organa In Every Way” Organa.
In this house we stan Bail and Breha Organa. Far more than Owen and Beru could even begin to fathom they understood what was at stake. Bail witnessed the attack on The Temple with his own eyes and knew exactly what would happen if Leia was found. But he and Breha had already been fighting for what is right - been fighting the Empire before it was even formed. They were committed. And they raised Leia to continue that fight even after she had lost everything herself. They are the true embodiment of family being far more than blood and ironically, raised a daughter who would carry on the legacy of Padme and (Clone Wars General/pre fall)Anakin: Leia spent her life dedicated to the service of others and democracy and fiercely defended what is right.
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The Bond Between Us ~ 31
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,255ish
Summary: Healing and recovery is a waiting game with obstacles around every corner. (This literally may be the summary for the next three chapters.)
Notes: Sort of a filler chapter. Hope it’s okay all the same.
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Obi-Wan was on the floor outside of the med center, elbows resting on his knees as his hands held his head. He was trying so hard to connect his signature with yours, to no avail. He was replaying the moment he severed the bond over and over in his head, regretting it more with each replay. It had hurt him too, greatly, but the vital suppressers that he had to take didn’t allow him to cry or groan about the pain.
Padme had arrived, having been called by Ahsoka, and had ushered Anakin away to get cleaned up. This left Obi-Wan alone in his remorse briefly. He was pulled out of his guilt spiral by footsteps.
“Master Obi-Wan,” Mace Windu’s voice was coming from above Obi-Wan. 
Obi-Wan took a deep breath and stood up to look Windu in the eye. “Master Windu, my friend,” he greeted. “What can I do for you?”
“I came to tell you that you are needed on an assignment.”
“What? I can’t—“
“Why can’t you? Y/N was not your Padawan. Yes, I know about the bond between the two of you but I am concerned that it’s verging on an attachment.”
“I just finished a hard assignment. I should be allowed to—“
“We are in the middle of a war, Obi-Wan. There is no time to rest. I expect to see you in the war room in ten minutes.” 
Then Windu marched off, leaving Obi-Wan reeling. He had already done what the Council had asked of him, risking everything he had with you. Now, they wanted him to leave you while you were critically injured and in surgery to go on an assignment. Yes, the galaxy was in the middle of a war and the Republic needed every person it could on its side. But your life was on the line. If he left and you died, Obi-Wan would never be able to live with himself. But, him refusing this mission would make the attachment more noticeable and risk both him and your standings in the Order. 
Turning toward the med center, Obi-Wan pressed his hand against the window and closed his eyes. He pushed his signature into the room. He let out a breath of relief as he could sense you alive, though your signature still was refusing to interact with his.
“I’m sorry, little star,” he whispered. “I will be back soon. I promise.”
Padme and Anakin came back to wait outside the med center again. Anakin was confused when he noticed that Obi-Wan was no longer there.
“Where did Obi-Wan go?” Anakin asked, looking around and checking the med center door to see that it was still locked.
“Perhaps he got called into a meeting with the Council,” Padme suggested.
Anakin shook his head. “He would not allow anything to come in between him being here for Y/N right now. Except…” He scoffed and shook his head again. “Except I also thought that he wouldn’t keep at least her in the dark about that Hardeen stunt and he went about acting more like a Council member than a person.”
“He is a Council member, Anakin.”
“It’s different. He’s different when he’s with Y/N. And I’ve heard the way she’s been taught to go about missions and have heard snippets of Obi-Wan’s thoughts and frustrations about the way Y/N’s been treated and trained. Yet… Obi-Wan treated her like all her other Masters have.”
“I’m sure Obi-Wan has a reason. We will ask him when he returns.”
“That may be awhile,” Ahsoka said, coming toward the secret couple. “Obi-Wan has been called out on assignment. I just saw his starfighter leave.”
“And my concern was right,” Anakin said with a scoff. “She is no more than the Council’s precious Padawan to him as well.”
It was a total of six hours since you had arrived back at the Temple before Master Yoda was allowed into the med center to gather intel on your condition. When he came out of the med center, Ahsoka, Anakin, and Padme had been joined by Masters Windu and Plo.
“Out of surgery, Y/N is,” Yoda stated, stopping in front of the awaiting group. “Still in critical condition as well.”
“Do we know when she will wake?” Windu asked.
Yoda shook his head. “Uncertain her outcome is. Patient, we all must be.”
“Master Yoda, are we allowed to sit with her?” Padme asked, knowing that Anakin would be crossing a line more than he was already if he asked.
“Yes. But touch her, we must not.”
“Of course.”
“Leave you three with her, we will. Matters to discuss, we have.”
Anakin didn’t miss the look of disapproval that he was given by Master Windu for staying behind as the Masters left. His eyes focused on the doors that would lead him to your side. Anakin had felt emotions like his before when his mother was dying. You were his twin, the one person who had truly been at his side throughout his life. Even when you were separated for all those years, you were by his side. You had sacrificed your life in more ways than one for him continually and he had barely done anything good for you. Anakin took a deep breath as Padme’s hand slipped into his own and gave it a light squeeze.
“Would you like me to come in with you?” She quietly wondered.
He nodded his response before stepping forward, with Padme staying at his side. He shot a look at Ahsoka who nodded comfortingly as she stayed in her spot. Taking another deep breath, Anakin led Padme through the doors. Both of their breaths caught at the pain that hung in the air. Anakin knew it was your Force signature. It didn’t know what to do without the Force bond, didn’t know what to cling to. His eyes then found you. 
You were laying on one of the hovering med stretchers. You had a short sleeve medical gown on that stopped just before your knees. Anakin’s eyes quickly scanned the screens connected to the stretcher only to note that your vitals weren’t great. Padme gave Anakin’s hand another squeeze before letting it go. Anakin took that as a sign to go up to you. The closer he got, the more he realized that your skin tone was much lighter than normal, signaling the amount of blood you had lost. There were a few tubes connected to you, one of them running under your nose to give you oxygen.
“Hey, sis,” Anakin whispered. He branched out his signature in hopes that yours may react positively to it. “You’re going to make it, okay?” His hands came up to grasp the lip of the stretcher, trying to stop himself from touching you. “You have to… you don’t get to die for me… you don’t get to do that and leave me here as the Chosen One. Everyone knows you’re the better fit.” He took a shaky inhale as his emotions began rushing to the surface. “You’ve got to stop doing this, Y/N/N… you’ve got to stop sacrificing yourself for me. I can’t take that burden.”
Anakin could feel your signature study his but not touch it in any way. He knew that it wasn’t his signature that you wanted—or needed.
“I’m not going anywhere, Y/N, okay?” Anakin continued. “They’re not separating us again.”
For the next week, Anakin spent his days in the med center with you. He busied himself with mediating and fixing droids as he waited for you to wake. A few of the Jedi Council members expressed concern over Anakin being by your side, but Anakin ignored them and was surprised to hear that Master Yoda was also on his side. Obi-Wan kept reaching out through his comlink, but Anakin refused to respond to his own Master. He was angry at him for the way he was treating you and how he just left for another assignment while you may be on your death bed.
Your signature still wouldn’t fully interact with Anakin’s, no matter how hard he tried. It was frustrating that you wouldn’t allow him to help you in the only way he really could. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to keep being at your side. 
Padme had come from the Senate to the Temple to watch over you while Anakin refreshed himself. Ahsoka was, unfortunately, unable to take this shift since the Council had busied her with small assignments with Captain Rex while Anakin was unavailable. Padme had pulled up a chair and was looking through some of her Senate documents when you groaned. She quickly stood up to hover over you. This was the first sound you had made since the surgery, and she was unable to tell if it was a good thing or bad. You groaned again, your head moving to the side this time.
“Y/N,” Padme called. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
You groaned again, mumbling something incoherent under your breath. Your head turned to the other side. You were still too tired to open your eyes and you could slightly hear Padme’s reassurances.
“It’s okay,” Padme repeated. “Anakin will be here soon and you can tell him what you need.”
“Obi…” you breathed out, barely audible. “Obi…” Padme leaned closer as you continued. “Obi-Wan…” Her eyes closed at the realization of whom you were calling for. “I need Obi-Wan…”
“Obi-Wan’s not here right now, Y/N. I’m sorry.”
“Where…” your breaths labored as your signature branched out in search of him. “Where… is… he…?” Your eyes slowly peeled open to look at Padme.
“He’s…” She sighed. “He’s on a mission.” You let out a pained breath, closing your eyes again. “But I can get him here as soon as possible.”
“No… if he… wanted to be… here… he would… be…” You began retreating your signature back into yourself.
“Y/N,” Anakin gasped, rushing into the room. He looked at Padme. “Have you called for a medical droid?”
“Not yet,” Padme responded. 
Anakin’s focus went back to you. “How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?” A tear slipped out of one of your eyes as you barely nodded. “What is it?”
“My incision… and… my heart…”
Anakin looked back up at Padme in confusion. She motioned him over to the side of the room with her head. Quickly, he met her over in the corner.
“What’s going on?” Anakin whispered.
“She woke up and she was immediately calling for Obi-Wan,” Padme answered, matching his whispering.
“I told her that he wasn’t here but that I’d get him here as soon as possible but…” She shook her head as she paused and looked back at you. “But she doesn’t want him here anymore.”
“Good. He doesn’t deserve to me here.”
“You both may believe that, but he might be the best thing for her.”
“No.” Anakin shook his head adamantly. “Obi-Wan didn’t have to leave on assignment and he severed their bond. There is nothing more he can help her with.”
Padme sighed as Anakin spun around and went back to your side. She waited until the medical droid came into the room before slipping out.
This separation was going to kill him, Obi-Wan was sure of it. Each time he would be close to coming back to the Jedi Temple, something would go wrong. He was currently standing with Commander Cody around the holo table on his star cruiser, discussing an incident from the assignment when Senator Amidala appeared as a hologram on the table.
“Senator?” Obi-Wan questioned in surprise. “Is something the matter?”
“Master Kenobi, I know that it is not my place to request or demand this of you but, you need to return to the Jedi Temple,” Padme told him.
Obi-Wan’s heart crashed to the floor, at least it felt that way. “Is Y/N okay?”
“That is still to be determined but she did wake and she…”
“She what?” He stepped closer to the holo table.
“She asked for you.”
“I’m heading back right now.”
“Obi-Wan. You have to know that because you weren’t there when she woke, she no longer wants you here.” Obi-Wan didn’t know his heart was able to break any further. “I am calling because, despite her wishes and Anakin’s beliefs, I believe that you are what she needs to get better.”
“Cody, turn this cruiser around.”
“Yes, General,” Cody responded, quickly doing as he was told.
“Thank you for calling me, Senator. We are en route to Coruscant and I will be there as soon as I can.”
Obi-Wan ended the call. His hands gripped the holo table as he leaned into it with his head bowed. He should have never left. He shouldn’t have let the Council bully him into leaving your side. You asked for him and he wasn’t there for you. He would never forgive himself for that.
“We are headed to Coruscant, sir,” Cody stated.
“Thank you, Cody,” Obi-Wan said.
“We are entering hyperspace so we will arrive there quickly.” Obi-Wan nodded. “I’m sure that General L/N will forgive you, sir.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes went wide as his head snapped up. Cody clearly knew. “How…?”
“The way you watch her, sir, and protect her. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
next chapter >
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antianakin · 11 months
Do you think Riyo would have made a better partner than Padme for Anakin
No, not at all. Dear lord, I would never subject poor Riyo to being Anakin’s partner haha.
For one, regardless of Riyo’s personality traits, she’s still a sitting senator and so all of the same problems regarding the relationship between a senator and a Jedi Knight would still exist. We don’t have enough information about Pantora’s rules regarding its senators’ relationships (Riyo’s never seen in a relationship but that doesn’t mean it’s forbidden necessarily), but it doesn’t change that relationships between Jedi and senators is probably discouraged and frowned upon even if it isn’t outright forbidden. It’s just a bad idea still, no matter what.
But if what you’re looking at is more of a personality thing, whether Riyo would maybe stand up to Anakin more or not enable his more evil actions more, I still don’t know if Riyo would necessarily be any better than Padme. Certainly I don’t think Riyo would change anything fundamental about Anakin, his selfishness and his greed and his struggle with attachments. Quite honestly, even if we assume Riyo would have higher standards than Padme and less tolerance for Anakin’s bullshit, she’d probably just dump his ass and that doesn’t fix or save Anakin. 
And that’s sort-of the point. Everyone around Anakin does everything, effectively, right. And it doesn’t fucking matter. Padme is his obedient little wife who strokes his ego and never leaves him and does the secret romance just the way he wants, and it doesn’t stop him from turning on her and destroying everything she cares about. Obi-Wan supports him and is there for him and teaches him kindness and compassion and it doesn’t stop Anakin from turning on him and destroying the Jedi. Ahsoka loves him and believes in him, Rex trusts in him, and it doesn’t stop Anakin from throwing both of them to the wolves when it comes down to it. 
So no, throwing in Riyo instead of Padme would change nothing because, while Padme holds a certain responsibility for what happens as someone who lied for Anakin, the relationship is not ultimately what causes Anakin to fall. If it hadn’t been Padme, Palpatine would’ve used literally anyone else. I’m relatively convinced that Palpatine was probably aiming for it to be Obi-Wan initially, before Padme re-enters the picture. He could’ve just as easily used Ahsoka if he’d wanted. And if Anakin had been in a relationship with Riyo, he’d have used Riyo. The reason Anakin falls is because he is selfish and greedy and this would be true no matter who his partner is, no matter who his Master was, no matter who his Padawan was, etc etc. Changing his partner is like addressing a symptom rather than a root cause of a disease. 
And honestly I just don’t see any real connection between the two of them. I don’t think Anakin has any reason to fall for Riyo, she comes off as very young and very sweet and I don’t really think that appeals as much to Anakin as Padme’s stronger personality. And I don’t see Riyo being attracted to Anakin’s very blase attitude towards life and her work or as enamored by Anakin’s really saccharine romantic gestures like offering her his lightsaber. Riyo seems completely happy to be a senator, she’s fully invested in her work, while Padme sort-of dreams of something else and THAT’S what pulls her towards Anakin. Padme is making a sacrifice in order to do what she believes is her duty, but Riyo never seems to be doing the same. She’s not sacrificing anything, so Anakin has nothing to offer her. 
If Anakin/Riyo is your ship, I’m sorry lol, to each their own, but I think it’s a fundamental misunderstanding of Anakin as a character and the themes of Star Wars as a story to assume that Anakin would be saved by being in a relationship with someone who wasn’t Padme.
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weixuldo · 2 years
Never Forgotten// ch 6
Vader x F!Reader
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(a/n: ngl idk how long this story will end up being but i hope u all continue to read !! also idk what other things to write about so you can submit requests if u want!!)
you and vader separately explore your feelings for eachother
Warnings: cursing, medical descriptions
Wc: 2591
About a week had passed since you first saw Vader out of the suit. Since then you had continued to apply different creams and salves to his skin and monitored his blaster wounds. The two of you spoke more often when you were in the med bay, but outside you remained formal. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about him. Anakin, Vader, whoever, you were drawn to every version of him. You knew it was wrong, after all you were just another worker bee to the empire and he was a crucial player, but you couldn’t help but feel let down when he would barely speak to you outside of the bay. 
Even alone in your room you couldn't get him out of your mind. In his suit he was  domineering with his deep modulated voice. Such authority, he demanded an audience wherever he went. And his body in the suit. So tall and dark, so strong. You wondered how it would feel to walk by his side as his equal. As his partner.
But you also dreamed of him out of the suit, just him. How you would hold him tight and give him all of you. Only if he wanted you as much as you wanted him. All of him. 
During the later hours of the night your mind often wandered to less than professional thoughts about him. Yes he was your patient, but he was also your first love.
You imagined being with him the way lovers would. Soft caresses, whispers of love, embracing each other, passionate love. You wanted to make him feel good. So good.
You scheduled a bacta soak for Vader, which he was grateful for. As he floated in the tank his mind wandered to you, as of late he could only think of you. Your soft palms resting on his body throughout his appointments. He found himself looking forward to the daily check-ins with you. He could lower his defenses, at least a little, with you.
You never criticized his body or pried him for information about the past. There was a silent understanding between you two, you once knew each other, but now circumstances were different, though you still saw the good old days in each other.
The more time he spent around you, the more he was feeling like the little boy who had a crush on you. He knew he shouldn’t feel that way, he was a leader of the Empire after all. He was not a good guy. He killed his own wife, how could he allow himself another chance at love when Padme was lying in a grave. Plus if his master ever found out, he would try to use you as collateral, and Vader would not have that. 
He loosened his muscles in the soothing bacta liquid, mind wandering once more to Padme. He held her in a deep regard, but the fact she could not love him unconditionally, pained him deeply. She was an amazing woman whom he loved, but was he still in love with her?
He had years to ponder their relationship, but the older he got the more he realized he had moved on. He still felt guilty for her death but he just couldn’t get past the fact that everything he did was for her, and yet, she could barely even stand in his presence. She was a memory of the past now. 
Oppositely, there was you, a memory of the past, resurrected. Truly you were his first love, but he was discouraged since it seemed you did not reciprocate his feelings. You were the reason he called Padme an angel in Watto’s shop. It seemed he couldn’t have you and being a naive boy he was, he wanted to make you jealous. He didn’t know how much that small action impacted you.
It wasn’t absurd for his feelings to grow back, literally your whole job was to take care of him. But he didn’t realize how many years and how much his subconscious longed for you.  
He opened his eyes as he heard the door to the tank room open. He drew his brows together, ready to punish whoever dared disturb him. Instead of a trooper or diplomat at the entrance, it was you dashing in and closing the doors behind you. You weren’t sporting your standard empire uniform, instead you were in some type of loungewear with a silk kimono over your shoulders. He felt he shouldn’t be seeing you like this. He averted his gaze as he felt his cheeks heat up. He was glad he had on some bottoms today.
“What possessed you to run in here?” he spoke to you through the force.  
Your head snapped towards him and eyes widened, you forgot you scheduled him a soak today. At least he was covered, you laughed.
“U-um…. So it's not really that important” you nervously giggled. 
“I asked you a question, F/N.” he said, more like a concerned friend than a command.
“Heh .. kinda embarrassing actually… I was in bed then I remembered I needed to prepare something for tomorrow…and I kinda wanted a snack…” You trailed off at the last part.
“So I went to the lab and got it set up, and I wanted to bring a fern back to my room so the aloe plant could have a friend when I'm gone.”
You were so cute.
“Sadly the fern is still in the med bay… on the floor. So I was walking out and some stormtroopers were patrolling the hallway and started shouting at me. I’m not really used to the whole soldiers around every corner yet, so I just ran. And I know they can’t come in here so I was just going to hide in here for a while.” 
“Why did you not just go back to your room?”
You didn't think about that.
“I WAS PANICKING!! I was in straight fight or flight mode.”
“So I guess we know what you will do in battle. Run away” he said.
You straightened up and stalked towards the tube in the center of the room. You could see his eyes now.
“Actually I’m a good fighter. But I was unarmed and dressed like this”, you motioned to your nightwear. “I’m a pretty good shot, Mr. I-have-a-fancy-glowy-stick” you quipped.
“Seems I touched a nerve, Ms. F/N” you quipped.
You rolled your eyes and looked at the clock. His soak was about to end anyways, so you began to drain the tank. Once the water was all out he was left suspended by the holster that adorned his chest. Instead of using the air vents to dry him you pressed some buttons to lower him closer to the floor. You grabbed some fluffy towels from a cabinet. 
“What are you doing?” he asked.
You yawned. “Those air dryers can't be pleasant. They blast cool air for galaxy’s sake. I’m gonna dry you off.” 
You came up to where he was, now face to face, the absence of his cybernetics allowed him to still be off the ground. You helped him take the oxygen mask off. You began to dry his face, neck, and shoulders. You took careful time drying his chest and back, for…personal reasons. He felt a little embarrassed still, but he was more used to you seeing him like this. He had to keep certain thoughts of you from his mind, at the moment there was too much of him that could give away what he was thinking. 
You knew the ends of his limbs were sensitive, so you gently dried around the ports. Every once in a while he would flinch, and you’d apologize. Once you dried him you let the droids connect his limbs. Once they were on, you handed him the towel to finish drying as you looked away. 
“That was….pleasant. Thank you F/N” 
You smiled at him, “thank you for allowing me to do it for you, sir.”
“F/N, we agreed titles were irrelevant when it is just us”
Your heart skipped a beat. Was this him letting you get closer? This showed he wanted your relationship to be more casual. “Right!”
“Did you at least get your snack?” he asked. Oh! Your snack! Was he really paying that much attention to you? 
Your face lit up as you pulled a mini space waffle, you showed it off to him. “Yepp! Oh! Was there anything you needed to attend this evening?”
“No, there is nothing scheduled, why?”
“Could you stay here for a while?” you asked, “It’s kind of lonely here.”
His eyes softened, he hadn't thought about how difficult these past weeks had been for you. 
“As you wish.”
You got up quickly to grab two blankets and an oxygen mask. You placed the mask beside him, “Here if you need it later”, then proceeded to wrap a blanket around his shoulders as you took the other for yourself.
You were adorable
You opened the mini waffle’s packaging, as Vader watched you. You got to the waffle and broke it in half, “Do you want some Vader? I know you normally don't eat solids, but it’s so yummy.”
At this moment you could ask him to take a blaster shot to the chest and he would do it simply because you were the one who asked. “That would be adequate”
You gave him the piece and you two ate the snack. “Sorry I barged in here”.
“Do not concern yourself with that, F/N” he spoke as he finished the waffle.
“To be honest, I was hoping to see you. I missed you today.” you said. You scheduled a soak for him since he was too busy to fit in a normal appointment today.
“Is that so? I also feel as if today was missing something”.
Your cheeks were starting to get red. “May I ask you a question?”.
Vader nodded.
“Do you ever miss our childhood?”
Vader thought for a moment before responding. “I spent many years trying to forget my past. Though, Recently I find myself pondering those times more often.”
“Me too.”
The next day you opened your door to two stormtroopers on the other side. Your eyes widened. Oh shit. What did you do?
“We are terribly sorry for last night’s incident, Ms.” they spoke in tandem. 
“What made you two want to apologize?” you asked.
They turned to each other then back to you, “Lord Vader orde-asked us to apologize for our impudence.”
Huh. Vader hunted them down just so they would apologize….to you? Wow.
You nodded and thanked them, once they walked off you made your way to the med bay. 
You entered the room, half hoping Vader would already be in there, much to your dismay, he wasn’t. You sighed and went to run some labs on a new pill you created, the pill contained natural healers and infused with bacta molecules. Hopefully Vader would be able to use the pill and over time it would begin to heal some of the extensive damage to his lungs. 
After a while you heard the doors open and the sounds of familiar breathing flooded the bay. You turned towards the entrance and smiled when you met Vader’s gaze. He closed the doors with a simple wave of his hand. Slowly he walked towards you, “There is something we need to discuss, F/N”.
He placed a mechanical hand on your shoulder and breathed a deep sigh. What was going on? Did you do something wrong?, “Yes?”.
“It has come to my attention, I have not been the most accommodating of your transition to life in the empire. My apologies.”
What was he talking about? “Oh, ok thank…you?”
“I never intended for you to feel alone. I…deeply care about your quality of life here.” He spoke, turning his helmet away from your face.
You smiled, he cared about you. “May I hug you?” You asked, you needed to let him know how much his words meant to you.
Stunned, he nodded as he slowly began to open his arms. You practically ran into his chest, being weary of his chest box. You nuzzled your face into him and held onto his top, this is how it should be.
He found himself relaxing under your touch, tenderly he reciprocated your embrace. Placing a hand on the back of your head and one on your back, he felt something deep inside his hardened heart stir. 
“Thank you, Ani. Really, thank you for everything. I can’t even begin to tell you how I felt when you told me it was you. I know you’re Vader now, but I just wanted to let you know, I care about every version of you.” You looked up at him with glassy eyes. You were overcome with emotion as you were finally in his strong embrace. “You don’t know how much last night meant to me. I really missed just talking to you. Honestly, I just miss you.” 
His heart swelled. Hearing that from you, meant the galaxy to him. He wanted to tell you how he felt too, but something told him to wait a little longer. He wasn’t quite sure if you were missing just your friend. What if you only wanted to be friends? He didn’t have much experience with these types of feelings, so he was bad at reading signals. 
“F/N. I appreciate your words. If you would like, you may call me by my name when we are in private.” 
You pulled away and beamed up at him. He was becoming more comfortable, he was letting you in. “Thank you, Anakin”. 
He nodded, “Shall we begin today’s examination?”
“Hah! Of course! Sorry for getting sentimental so early, let's get to it!” You said, kind of embarrassed you dumped all of that onto him. He had more important matters to worry about. 
“There is no reason for apologies, F/N. You do not need to feel embarrassed around me.”
You sat him down and began the normal routine. You checked his vitals then at the blaster wounds. They were healing nicely, some of the ointment you whipped up sped up the process rapidly. 
“Your concoctions have been working well, F/N. They smell nice…like you.” Vader spoke.
You were re-wrapping the wound on his thigh and without looking up you teased back, “ Oh, so you think I smell nice? I must be on your mind a lot then, with the inside of your suit smelling like the creams.”
“You are often on my mind. Regardless of the fragrance.”
Shit. You had to stop what you were doing. Your heart skipped a beat and your face was definitely red. He was just teasing you, right?
He let out a hoarse laugh, “You seem…unsettled?” He said with a smirk.
There. There he was.
“Um, definitely not. I was just wondering why I would be occupying such a powerful man’s thoughts?” The ball was in his court now.
His smirk quickly fell, now it was his turn to be flustered. “I forgot how quick you were F/N.” He looked away. “Why would I not think of my prized medic? The one who runs into my chambers with a space Waffle?”
Your turn to blush, “fair enough.”
This “friendship” with Lord Vader was comforting but you really wanted more, you wanted all of him. With each encounter you felt yourself falling for him all over again. If only you knew,
he was too. 
taglist: @dokoni-mo, @the-official-memester , @wizardofrozz , @guinea-pig16 , @jar-of-moondust , @stxrrielle , @katsukiswrld , @eskel-adores-lilbleater , @yvette-ace , @lordfishflakes , @venus-armote , @emuxmu , @msblazer , @organasith , @loversjoy , @khaleesihavilliard, @sxoulchvn, @abby-22 , @astra-1780, @hyojin-2579, @lollaa-puff, @ayothatsano, @alexandra900925,
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
I love your ff sooo much 🥰
Can you write a Anakin x Reader x Padme ff were the reader and Padme are sick and Anakin take care ?
sure, super fluff! ALSO AAAAA THANKYOU FOR SAYING THAT, I LOVE YOU FOR SAYING THATT *plants kisses all over your face in adoration
Sickness spreading--!!!
Anakin x Reader x Padme
summary : you are sick, Padme tries to help, ends up also sick, now Anakin standing on the door panicking..
warning: typos, bad grammar  
attention! please do not try to repost my works, I only post my works on Tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!
“Padme don’t touch me! You’ll get sick- Achooo-!!!!” that’s what you said when Padme tries to bring you all kinds of warm foods, tea, and even medicine by herself because she’s worried about you, and she doesn’t like it either when maids are the who’s responsible for taking care of you, she like it better if she’s doing it by herself.
“Oh gosh I’m sure I’ll be fine, I was once a maid for the previous Queen of Naboo, I can handle this!” Padme replied to your complaint, rubbing your heated face with a warm smile on her face, also filled with confidence.
“Are you sure...? you have plenty of maids, you’re a senator, I don’t think you should be taking care of me-”
“Shh, rest my love, nothing’s going to happen..!”
Padme on the whole day gives you infinite rest, warmth, food, medicine, and all her attention also plenty of cuddle time, you want to resist because you’re worried about her condition, but in your condition now, you can’t do and say anything beside thankyou or your complaint about your sickness.
“Padme... I think you should rest too, Anakin will be worried sick if you taking care of me all the time, I don’t want you to be tired and catch a cold...”
Padme had heard this from you countless times, now she thinks since it’s night already, she should take enough rest, she felt tired already and you said that in the most adorable and teary eyes due to your fever.. she quickly puts herself on the bed that you’re in, wrapping you around her arms and kiss you goodnight, her eyes feel so heavy, maybe she could take a well rest for this night, hoping that tomorrow you’ll feel better and all fine.
“Padme? I’m home!” a man stepped into the room, looking everywhere, searching if there was any sound, no sound, no one was found to be in his eyesight, but he can feel that you and Padme are safe, probably because you both sleep.
He sneakily tries to surprise you and Padme, but he quickly stopped the moment he finds you and Padme holding each other, with teary eyes and a heated face, trembling.
“Oh, my lord.. Padme? S/o?” he’s panicking, he rushes to both of you, checking both of you, pressing his warm palm hand to both of your foreheads, realizing that it’s a fever.
“I heard it’s only S/o’s the one who’s sick, well well, now there’s two of you?”
He doesn’t complain about how both of you are sick, but he complains about how Padme keeps trying to take care of you even though she’s also the patient that Anakin needs to take care of.
“You should- *cough cough* eat! come on, just one bite”
“Padme, you should be the one who’s eating first”
“S/o is right, you should also worry about yourself as well, many people need you as soon as possible”
“fine, but you also need to ensure that they’re eating twice as much as they usually eat.”
“Calm down Padme, now rest and let me prepare another food for both of you”
Anakin loves to take care of both you and Padme, but the moment sleep time comes, he wants to switch places with Padme so bad
Because every time it’s sleep time, Padme always holds you tight around her and shares warmth with each other, well Anakin wants to hold you so bad too, but Padme always says that he can’t get sick otherwise everything will be more difficult.
“At least don’t show off about it Padme”
“What do you mean to show off? I literally just want to make sure S/o is fine, now go sleep in another room, otherwise, you’ll get sick too”
“urgh fine, it’s the second day you slept with them, after you get better, I’ll be the one who’s holding them through the night for two days.”
“fine, I don’t care, since the chance to wipe S/o’s teary eyes and calm their whines down is a rare one, I would even let you sleep with them for one week or so”
Did you see Anakin right now? cause I only find an angry German Shepherd...sitting on the couch, silently spinning on the couch due to jealousy..
But even though Anakin likes to take care of you, he can’t lie but feels sad every time you refuse to eat because everything felt bitter, or how you almost fall to the floor when you try to reach the dinner table to get water, even every time he could hear your whining because of the fever, it hurts their heart.
So for the next few weeks, Anakin and Padme watching you all the time to make sure what you eat, how long you take your rest and making sure you’re taking your medicine and vitamins well.
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shadowspellchecker · 2 months
<p><h1>8. 7. Timer AU</h1></p>
<p><h1>9. 8. Star Wars meets the Roman Empire </h1></p>
<p>For Rogue One, it is well-suited to a pretty direct one to one translation of circumstances. </p>
<p>Galactic empire = Roman Empire</p>
<p>Coruscant / Imperial Center = Rome</p>
<p>Palpatine = the Emperor</p>
<p>Stormtroopers = Roman footsoldiers</p>
<p>Core worlds:</p>
Alderaan =
Naboo =
<p>And the alliance? Assorted resistance groups and enemies of the Roman Empire from within and without. </p>
<p>I'd like to use the period around the reign of Augustus. 1st century. </p>
<p>There wasn't really a Civil War where you have clear Republic and Separatist groups on the scale of Star Wars until late in its lifetime, but the Roman Civil War between Caesar and Ptolemy and that other guy stand in pretty well. </p>
<p>The setting is Roman Palestine, Jedha being Jerusalem. So… 0BBY is 70 CE. </p>
<p>Let us begin there. </p>
<p>Chirrut is a Pharisee who contracted cataracts in his youth. He is a master of oral tradition with a brilliant memory. </p>
<p>Baze went off and fought alongside Judas of Gamala . He left them when Chirrut became blind, and they've been on the run from both the zealots and the Romans ever since. </p>
<p>Chirrut, given the period, was probably literally Pals with Jesus. Or at least a pleasant verbal sparring partner. </p>
<p>Bodhi Rook, not a Jew, is also from the province. Perhaps one of the Greek cities, or the son of an immigrant from Syria. Seeking a better life for his family after his father's death he took work as an animal handler for the Roman Army in that province. Swift and light, he eventually became a message carrier. </p>
<p>Saw Gerrera and the Partisans are Zealots. </p>
<p>Galen Erso is a Romanized Greek; Lyra full Roman by parentage but raised alongside Saw. </p>
<p>Cassian is from Hispania. Specifically, Kenari and Fest are both Basque country. Need to do research on the specifics, see Cantabrian wars, but he's taken in by a couple living in the west of Spain after their death. The big economic trade of hispania is olive oil of course, and other kinds of farming, but let's assume he didn't get such a connected life. Perhaps first a mining village or something, yes they had those, or brickmaking. Something that could lead to a village being destroyed and all the adults killed. After that some sort of blacksmith thing. Then foster parent gets executed (not crucified, just hung), foster mom and him are stuck salvaging and odd jobs in their new community. FYI, he was raised speaking proto-Basque. So… yeah. Language barrier from hell as a child, which in fact led to his sister being left behind in the mountains when he was nabbed. Then he gets in trouble with the authorities, debt slavery as a kid, then later prison, hard labor again, being voluntold into the Roman Army and desertion, etc etc etc. Most of it is a one to one correspondence although Narkina IV is probably mining tar, because I figure that Greek fire would be the equivalent to the death star here. </p>
<p>Or perhaps orichalcum as an equivalent to kyber. </p>
<p>Really, the clone wars backstory is likely multigenerational. So Palpatine wouldn't be just one, no, it would be two … or three! </p>
<p>And Anakin Skywalker. </p>
<p>Born a slave, to a slave woman in Tunisia. A couple of Roman elite soldiers or augers come along and buy him. Ani is an amazing horseman, natural jockey, and an intuitive sailor. Really a genius at everything. They buy his freedom and adopt him. Qui-Gon dies, Ani joins the Roman legions. Excels. He climbs the ranks (see Miscellany) as a soldier and politician. Eventually he saves enough and gets an opportunity to find and free his mother, while accompanying a noblewoman to Egypt, only to learn she was killed and died. He goes, finds the nearest people who match the description, kills them. </p>
<p>The noblewoman is of course Padme Amidala of the house of Ptolemy. She is a Greek Egyptian, see? This is relevant because it allows Luke and Leia to have coloring that conceals them where we put Alderaan. But that's later. </p>
<p>Out in Egypt the two marry. But then Ani is called away to quell a "slave revolt" on the other side of the empire. Yah.</p>
<p>And things go downhill. </p>
<p>By the way, the Chiss? They are the Picts. Blue man group solidarity, dudes. Hehehe. Actually, I'm thinking that the Chiss would be the Han Dynasty, or perhaps even the New World. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Active rebellions between 1 and 70 CE:</p>
<p>Passive resistance groups </p>
<p>With the end of the period of civil wars (44–31 BC), Augustus undertook the conquest of the Alpine valleys (from the Aosta Valley to the Arsia river in Istria) from 16 BC to 7 BC completing the conquest of the Italian geographical region. </p>
<p><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iapydes">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iapydes</a></p>
<p><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquileia">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquileia</a></p>
<p>Sardinia: The last organized revolts were repressed by Marcus Caecilius Metellus in 115-111 BC and Titus Albucius in 106.[19] However the Sardinians living in the impervious mountains of the interior resisted the Roman colonization well into Imperial times.</p>
<p>Social War (91–87 BC): The Roman clients in Italy the Marsi, the Paeligni, the Vestini, the Marrucini, the Picentes, the Frentani, the Hirpini, the Iapyges, Pompeii, Venosa, Lucania and Samnium rebelled against Rome.</p>
<p>73bc Third Servile War: Some seventy gladiators, slaves of Lentulus Batiatus in Capua, made a violent escape.</p>
<p> Siege of Jerusalem (63 BC): Pompey conquered Jerusalem and entered the Holy of Holies of the Second Temple.</p>
<p>2nd Invasion of Britain: Julius Caesar's second invasion of Britain.</p>
<p>31 BC 2 September Battle of Actium: Forces loyal to Augustus defeated Antony and his lover Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, in a naval battle near Actium.</p>
<p>30 BC 1 August Final War of the Roman Republic: Antony's forces defected to Augustus. He committed suicide.</p>
<p>The province of Egypt was organized. Augustus took the title pharaoh.</p>
<p>Cantabrian Wars: Rome deployed some eighty thousand soldiers against the Cantabri in Iberia.</p>
<p>19 BC Cantabrian Wars: The last major combat operations ended. The Cantabri and Astures were pacified.</p>
<p><h1>10. 9. Cohortes Urbanae</h1></p>
<p>CU Lucius Racilius recruits deserter Andor, last known survivor of a village in the West, as informant in exchange for legal protection and clean slate (backdated paperwork). Lucius eventually is killed. His adopted son Draven takes over his position in the CU, metaphorically inheriting Andor as client. Eventually you find a plot equivalent to Rogue One. Whether Cassian and Jyn survive, eh. 50-50. I'd give them the live option myself though. There's no death star, and even though the ancient world didn't really do handrails and OSHA, they also didn't have blasters. They had slings and arrows…. Which… </p>
<p>Actually…. </p>
<p>Well, they wouldn't build ludicrous towers in random tropical islands. That's something, right?</p>
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ahvore · 9 months
what if i said that “making the bed” from guts aligns very much with anakin skywalker/darth vader’s life and experiences. very surface level but i have examples:
(poor grammar and i’m also a casual star wars watcher so it isn’t as deep as it could be but i just had this idea and needed to write about it. also if i got anything wrong don’t yell at me. very long btw)
from this first verse we have the lyric “another day pretendin’ i’m older than i am”. this stands out to me because all through his jedi training into his time as darth vader it seems like he is always having to be older. from having a padawan at like 19 and being general to him dying quite young in his early 40s, he had to act older than he actually was. its so heartbreaking too because he was forced to grow up so fast and take on so many roles.
moving onto the chorus we have a few different lines first one is “well, sometimes i feel like i don’t wanna be where i am”. very obvious but he felt this way during his time as a jedi and i’m pretty sure as vader so it speaks for itself. next up is “pushing away all the people who know me the best”. again obvious but he pushed away directly or indirectly his wife/children, obi-wan, ashoka, and his mother which helped lead to his downfall. directly followed by “but it’s me who’s been makin’ the bed”. this line is a reference to the saying which is “you’ve made your bed, now lie in it”. this saying very much applies to anakin/vader’s decision which was made at the end of rots. he self sabotaged himself and now has to deal with the choices of which he has made. the line after that which is “every good thing has turned into somethin’ i dread”. i won’t dive too much into this line considering how obvious it is. “and i’m playing the victim so well in my head”, while yes he very much is the victim of many different things he does try to pull the victim card in situations he definitely should not.
second verse starts off with the line, “and every night, i wake up from this one recurrin’ dream”. it fits perfectly with the dreams he had of padme dying in rots and everything else that comes after it. a few lines after, we hear “i read somewhere its ‘cause my life feels so out of control”. this lines up well with how nothing in anakin/vader’s life is in his control. he was always the puppet or prawn in somebody’s game; republic or empire. next line is very literal as it says “they’re changin’ my machinery, and i just let it happen”. palpatine literally destroyed anakin/vader’s body even further than it already was to have a hold over him. the last line of the verse is “i got the things i wanted, it’s just not what i imagined”. anakin/vader got the power and knowledge of the sith, but it wasn’t what he thought it was going to be like. he assumed that padme was going to be with him and he would have his family. that clearly never happened though.
there are of course other lines in the song which apply to anakin/vader, but this is already very long-winded as it is. if there was another song from guts that is very anakin/vader it would be “logical” so i might analyze that but i’ll see. well thanks for reading :)
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
I had a crazy idea for a Star Wars AU, featuring Dusk (cause he's my baby)
So, in this AU, Dusk is able to pretend thay he has any idea what's going on when Order 66 goes out. So he doesn't get shot at by his brothers. And when hrs finally able to slip away to the Jedi temple it's after everything.
General Kenobi and General Yoda both end of threatening him with their sabers, but he's able to talk them down by completely disarming himself and stripping off his armor, and is just like, "weird shit is happening, what the actual fuck?"
Dusk get dragged along to Mustafar, but while Kenobi and Skywalker are doing their damnedest to kill each other, Dusk is playing medic for Senator Amidala. Luckily he does have some experience with traumatic injuries, and he's able to stabilize her.
So. Amidala gives birth to the twins (which is so traumatic for Dusk, decanting is so much less violent for clones than nat-borns), and Amidala is injured, but alive.
Yoda and Kenobi are like, "we should separate the twins, for their own good." Amidala is barely conscious. Organa is like, "I'll raise the girl!"
And Dusk is standing there, monitoring Amidala, and is just like, "are you fucking stupid?" It's been a long day. His brothers are literal slaves to the new emperor and the jedi are dead and these people are deciding the fate of children who don't belong to them.
And Dusk's latent Mando genes spring to life and he quietly cusses them out in every language he knows.
Yoda tries to talk Dusk down, but Dusk's so angry that he's vibrating, and he snatches Leia out of Bail's arms and tells them that the only person aloud to decide the fate of these children is their mother, and he can and will fight them on this.
Long story short, Padme Amidala survives to raise her children in a Rebellion that she created. And Luke and Leia end up learning how to fight under the gentle guidance of their Uncle Dusk and Padme's very competent handmaidens.
Luke learns how to fight like one of his mother's handmaiden. Leia preferred fighting like a Clone. The first time Dusk watched them win against their training droids he was so proud he cried for an hour.
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callipraxia · 7 months
So, I’m done with S1 of Clone Wars, and have watched the first two discs of S2. Seems like a good time to check in with some Opinions.
1) this stuff is good. It’s the kind of good where, when there’s a moment that’s obviously written to cater to children and/or executives, those moments actually stick out noticeably. It’s a bit like GF: so good that its flaws stand out more than they should due to all the goodness around them, but in a way, the fact I’m bothering to point these little things out as flaws kind of highlights its excellence.
2) Padme’s design and animation weren’t nearly as awful as anticipated
3) Despite my strong appreciation for the writing and mild compliment to Padme…every other creature and thing on the screen has its moments where it looks almost real. Why, exactly, could they animate literally everything else so well (yes, there’s some moments of blatantly cheap or rushed background animation, but considering the sheer number of backgrounds…see my comments in Remark One) but not avoid making all the human characters look just…off, somehow, without exception, even in the best cases? And why, if they had to choose one actor’s face to be extra-insulting to, did they have to do…that…to Christopher Lee? Forget looking like his actor, Dooku doesn’t even look like a person!
4) more on that awesome writing. One thing I admire about it is how willing they are to let the protagonists fail. Yeah, there’s certain losses we know will be losses ahead of time (any time they think they are close to capturing Dooku or Grievous, for instance), but others run circles around the mains/at least take them to breaking even rather more often than they get ahead, and there was no narrative necessity to those characters. It’s tricky to balance letting your protagonists even partially lose regularly with preserving the audience’s respect for them, but they do it well, especially in such traditionally nuance-lacking genres. It’s quite the accomplishment to pull this off and actually convey the intended theme (that war is tedious and draining and damaging and you lose at least as much as if you win even in the best-case outcome) at all, but especially given the format.
5) It would have been a tad more effective had they started building up a few specific clones more as individuals earlier, but the inclusion of individualized clones and Ahsoka, along with recurring secondary characters (ex. Luminara and Barriss) was very clever - they add *some* tension to those episodes where the outcome is predetermined. Any of them could die, and anyone familiar with Revenge of the Sith knows that it’s very unlikely that Ahsoka will end the show in top form - sure, they *could* have just promoted her to Jedi and pretended she was just still on the Outer Rim when Obi-Wan and Anakin were called back to Coruscant, but considering how unstable Anakin is by the beginning of RotS, it seems more likely for her total absence to be explained by her being dead, MIA, in prison, in exile, turned traitor, or otherwise Not Okay. Separatists killing her in particular could have gone a long way to make it more sympathetic that Palpatine found it so very easy to convince Anakin to take up that job at Decapitation Station.
6) on Anakin’s mental health…knowing the future makes the ending of “Senate Spy” so much sadder. He was a bit of a jealous psycho in that episode as per usual…but it really did seem like all his Issues were firmly oriented in his own insecurities and/or pointed at Mr. Gropey McGroperson there, and he sounded sincere when, at the end, he assured Padme he never doubted her at all. Compare to him at the very beginning of RotS, where he almost lashed out at her because he could sense she was afraid of something and instantly drew the conclusion she was cheating on him. I…do not think he would have had the presence of mind, come RotS, to look past her hugging Rush long enough to notice the disc in her hand that she needed him to retrieve. He’d have just killed them both on the spot.
7) continuing on that theme…possibly an unpopular opinion, but I think Anakin and Padme were always doomed. Probably from the start, all things considered, but definitely after the war started. I started writing an essay here, but realized after I started getting into the ways Padme was in almost as bad of a place as Anakin for getting into a serious relationship when she did that I was exceeding the scope of this list, so I’ll make that its own essay, but…yeah. They were very intense personalities, were very intensely attracted to each other, and their mutual need to save people did less to unite them than to further divide them because of the ways it manifested. They’d have almost certainly divorced even under good circumstances, and the very best-case scenario would have been one where they managed to do so before having children and also managed to do so amicably enough that Padme didn’t feel the need to get a restraining order. Nine times out of ten, even without the war, I suspect she’d have ended up needing the restraining order.
8) on the subject of doomed ships…my gut says that Ahsoka/Barriss was/is a popular one. The part of me that produces things like Interproximal Gradations chapters 11, 12, and 15 also has a feeling there was a General Grievous/Obi-Wan Kenobi fandom at one time, and that not nearly enough of it was strictly limited to hateshipping. If I ever go temporarily insane and stick my toe into Star Wars fic, then I will try my very best to forget that suspicion of mine and, if I slip so far into temporary insanity that I read ship fic there, just stick to Barriss and Ahsoka, thanks. No way they realistically work out either, but as far as I can tell they probably had a better chance of than any other ship in this show.
So yeah. There’s some thoughts on Clone Wars Seasons 1 and 2A.
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cypanache · 2 years
4, 7, 12, 13, 22, and 27 of the ship ask game (because these were too cute and i couldn’t pick between them) for obidala. :)
Yay new ship asks! I’ve been working on Trap and they’ve been so cute in this section. So I will continue answering on behalf of that version. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to imagine more of their alt-happy ending before I have to break them:
4. What’s their favorite sleeping/cuddling positions? Padme is the big spoon. I mentioned this in the last post but by the time they get together Obi-Wan has almost died one to many times for her comfort. So she likes to shelter him with her entire body. And woebetide anyone who tries to get through.
7. Who is the more romantic one? They are each fairly romantic in entirely different ways. Obi-Wan is thoughtful and service oriented. He knows exactly what’s going on with Padme and when she’s been pushing herself to hard. He’s always the one to get her to step away. He’ll draw her a bath, bring her tea, rub her feet. Little things in the ordinary course of their days. Padme is all about the gesture. She’s preoccupied most of the time and she knows it. But she also never wants Obi-wan to doubt how wanted he is. So she goes big and difficult. A rare force text she had to negotiate two treaties just to purchase. Nine kinds of tea from across the galaxy which may have required reopening a trade route. She wants him to know it took effort so he’ll understand how worth the trouble she finds him.
12. Who gets up the earliest? Who has the worst sleep schedule? Who is the sleepiest?
Obi-Wan gets up earliest to meditate but then he’ll slip back in bed afterwards to spend it cuddled up with Padme. Padme cannot stand to stay in bed once she’s awake. So she’s usually the first one fully up. Padme had the worst sleep schedule after years of flipping back and forth between Coruscant and Naboo plus all those political gatherings. Neither of them are particularly 'sleepy' people. Though Obi-Wan can sleep literally anywhere, and Padme despises him for it. On the other hand Obi-Wan had basically crossed over into a state of exhaustion so deep he didn't recognize it for what it was until he started to come out of it. So Padme's murderous impulses whenever she sees him sleeping while she's still trying to get comfortable and turn her brain off are usually tempered by this wash of gratitude that he's finally getting some rest, and everyone stays safe.
13. What’s their opinions on PDA?
They are very much in favor of it. They just are very bad at it. Like seriously these two waited so long to just really touch each other with any sort of intent, that everything feels like PDA to them. (They're also very good at intense eye sex, and explicit silences, or the ever popular 'not safe for work' touch that doesn't actually happen). They'll go to parties and Obi-Wan will put his hand on her low back for like five seconds, and this is basically foreplay. Padme will apologize profusely to her friend later for them being so obnoxiously handsy . . . her friend will just look at her like she's insane.
22. How do they apologize after arguments?
Mostly they don't, simply because while they're both passionate and resolute in argument, they're not cruel. Neither one of them are the type to lash out with the specific intention to hurt and both of them can take a hit. So even when their arguments get heated, they usually are doing so from a place of respect for the other and they can see that. They're both confident enough in who they are as people to accept that they will not always agree and handle that.
But in the rare cases emotions run high enough that they need to step away and come back they're pretty matter of fact about it. No gestures or gifts, just a simple sincere apology and being prepared to listen to the other.
27. Who would propose? What would their wedding be like?
Obi-Wan does. Padme wanted to. Almost did about ten times and stopped herself out of a desire to respect any lingering qualms he might have from his Jedi upbringing. Then one evening Obi-Wan's watching her get ready for bed and he just asks, almost shyly "Would you ever consider marrying me?" Padme nearly falls out her chair at the realization that she's gone and fallen in love with such an idiot.
There is the wedding Padme plans and the wedding they actually have. Padme plans the most elaborate damn wedding Naboo has ever seen. It is the galactic event of the year. She intends to invite the entire order, and the gungans, most of the senate (not Palpatine). Every handmaiden who has ever stood with her will give her away. She has four wardrobe changes and they all mean something. People are going to remember and know that she went married this Jedi. He's hers.
The wedding they actually have after she sees the look of unmitigated horror in Obi-Wan's eyes when he sees the sketches. Is cliffside in the palace gardens where she sat with him after Qui-Gon died. The council does attend, as well as Anakin, and all of Padme's handmaidens. Bail and Mon come but she leaves the rest of the senate off. She's flexible and willing to compromise while she keeps working on his aversion to spectacle (she's seen him fight, there's a showman in there somewhere she knows it). And she plans on there being many many many anniversaries to work with in the future.
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gaypanic97 · 2 years
I’m about to get on a tangent here, but I’ve seen a ton of hot takes on Anakin and Obi Wan’s relationship since Kenobi came out. Be warned—spoilers for the prequels, A New Hope, and slight for Kenobi ahead.
The major take, of course, focuses on how, since his fall in RotS to A New Hope, the Emperor always felt threatened by Obi Wan. Hence the whole “your feelings for your old master cloud your judgment” comment. Anakin spent most of his life with Obi Wan. He learned from him, looked up to him, and sought his approval. He loved him.
And, while I guess I understand where the ship comes from, I don’t think it was a romantic love or a crush. Padme was always Anakin’s true love, but Obi Wan was something else. Not quite a father. Not quite but close. Think of Anakin’s childhood. A mother who loved him more than anything but was helpless to save him from the circumstances they were both entrapped by. No father. The closest thing to a male role model he had as a boy was Watto, which obviously doesn’t count because he legit owned Anakin. There were no heroes for him to look up to as a kid.
Enter two Jedi who are everything he’s ever idealized them to be. Qui Gon seems to instantly connect with him, sensing his Force sensitivity, and steps in as something like a paternal figure. Obi Wan’s first impressions are different. Now, I haven’t read the Phantom Menace book, so I’m going solely of the film here. Obi Wan is suspicious of the whole situation at first. He knows how the Council will feel about Qui Gon attempting to take on Anakin as a Padawan, and he warns him against it. Considering he currently is Qui Gon’s Padawan—and, if we follow the Jedi Apprentice storyline, we know all that he went through to become his Padawan and how much he values that title—it might stand to reason Obi Wan could feel just the tiniest bit envious. After losing his previous Padawan, Qui Gon did not want to take on another. Obi Wan had to beg and prove himself to get his Master to agree to it. And here Qui Gon is not just desiring to teach Anakin but insisting that he will. You can imagine Obi Wan’s emotions were extremely conflicted during this period.
By the end of TPM, though, that source of conflict is tragically and brutally removed (I have a special place in my heart for Darth Maul, but I’ll never forgive him for killing Qui Gon Jinn like that). Obi Wan grows substantially in that time, and he learns exactly why Qui Gon wanted to train Anakin: he is the Chosen One, and he will bring balance to the Force. So, with or without the Council’s permission, he chooses to fulfill his Master’s dying wish and train Anakin. Not wanting to lose Obi Wan, the Council allows it, despite Anakin’s clear inner turmoil.
So, now Obi Wan has the large (literally) shoes of Qui Gon Jinn to fill, and he has only just be promoted from Padawan to Jedi Knight. Not only is his apprentice older than most, he’s also the Chosen One. A prodigy by all accounts. That’s a lot of pressure on one approximately 20-something year old. Even while Anakin’s initial training takes place at the Temple, Obi Wan must feel that long oppressive shadow looming over him. And yet he prevails. By Attack of the Clones, he is older and wiser. Anakin has grown as well, but he is still headstrong and cocky. He displays everything a Jedi is not meant to be, in spite or perhaps because of his raw talent in the Force. There is tension building there between them throughout. The feeling of a young man teetering on the precipice of adulthood and seeking to show his mentor he is ready.
We see this in their arguments in AotC, but we also see it in the flashbacks in Kenobi. Anakin knows he’s good. He knows he’s strong in the Force. He knows he’s an excellent lightsaber duelist. He just wants Obi Wan to acknowledge that as well, and he will go so far as to dive into a battle with Count Dooku—a Sith Lord three times his age with extensive experience killing Jedi—to accomplish it. Consequently, he loses his hand but not his Master’s respect.
For his part, Obi Wan knows how powerful Anakin is. He believes in Anakin, and he loves him. But he can also sense the Dark Side’s power within him. He loves Anakin very much, but he also fears what he could become. He worries over him. I imagine that, each time he sees his Padawan displaying passion and brash anger and even violent hatred, Obi Wan hears the words of the Council echoed in his mind. Of the dark power within him. Couple that with his obvious strength, and Obi Wan fears everything he has taught Anakin could be used for the enemy.
He is hesitant to give praise. Mindful to reprimand. Quick to discipline. In the end, this is the way in which Obi Wan fails Anakin.
This is not to say Obi Wan is to blame for Anakin’s fall. He isn’t. That is clear in RotS. When we meet the pair then, they are no longer Master and Padawan. Yes, there is still a level of reverence for Obi Wan from Anakin, but they are equals. Two Jedi Knights, renowned for their skill and success in the Clone Wars. Obi Wan turns to Anakin for help during their missions as often as Anakin does him—maybe even more. They are friends. Brothers. This is where the change comes. Obi Wan was never Anakin’s father figure. He was his older brother, his confidant and his most trustworthy friend. Even when Anakin didn’t know it, Obi Wan was always on his side. Always fighting for him.
So, how did Obi Wan fail Anakin if their relationship was so great? Well, as I said earlier, Anakin is nothing if not desperate for approval. He always has been. When he was a Padawan, Obi Wan was not quick to give that. Not necessarily his fault—that appears to canonically be the way most Masters behave with their Padawans, barring a few. However, when Anakin achieves Knighthood and shows such promise, such devotion to the Order and the Republic, those fears are muted for Obi Wan. He loves Anakin so much. He has known him so long. He cannot conceive that he could fall. Anakin overcame his anger and hatred back on Tatooine. He has learned to accept loss of his loved ones. His training is complete.
With this change of relationship, though, Anakin’s issues do not magically go away. As we all know, the treatment we receive from those we look up to as children follow us throughout life. He still wants to prove the doubts of Obi Wan and the Council wrong. Enter Sheev Palpatine, the creepiest Senator in the galaxy. Seriously, rewatch RotS. Tell me he does not look at Anakin like a slab of meat. Unlike Obi Wan, Palpatine is always quick to praise Anakin as the best and brightest of the Order. He befriends him at a disturbingly young age (i.e. their interactions in AotC) and gives him the positive attention and reinforcement that Obi Wan does not, albeit with sinister intent. He slithers his way between the two and drives a wedge there. A wedge he then spends the next two films and, say, 10-15 years building. He tries to become that role model Obi Wan is to Anakin.
But he can’t. Not for a while. Not ever, one could argue. When they rescue him from Dooku in RotS, Palpatine tries to convince Anakin to leave him for dead. Anakin refuses, accepting possible death with Obi Wan over abandoning his former Master. He can manipulate Anakin against the Council. Against Mace Windu and Yoda and the Republic itself. He cannot manipulate him against Obi Wan.
The only person who can do that, coincidentally, is Anakin himself. His self doubt. His fear of losing Padme. That is what turns him against Obi Wan. It’s clear that he thinks something is stirring between Obi Wan and Padme. He gets angry when Padme suggests telling Obi Wan about her pregnancy earlier in the film. He is jealous of his Master. Because, deep down, Obi Wan is the pinnacle of what Anakin longs to be. He has looked up to him almost his entire life. He has seen how the Council interacts with Obi Wan versus how they interact with him. And he knows that, without Obi Wan, he wouldn’t even be a Jedi.
Obi Wan is Anakin’s hero. Why wouldn’t Padme choose him? Why wouldn’t she let him convince her that Anakin is evil? Why would anyone choose him over the man he holds above all others?
And we all know what happens after that. The two battle and, even in all his dark strength, even with his hatred, Anakin cannot defeat Obi Wan. He is beaten and must be reassembled by Palpatine. In the end, he loses the woman he loved to the very power he thought would save her.
But Kenobi gives us another perspective here. A new lens to view this through. Yes, we see the turmoil between the two through their cat-and-mouse chases as well their confrontations. However, I think Palpatine’s words say so much at the end. He knows that Anakin couldn’t kill Obi Wan. But Darth Vader should’ve been able to. He is the greatest terror in the galaxy. One of the strongest Sith Lords to ever exist. Obi Wan should’ve never defeated him again. Unless there is still some Ani Skywalker inside of him, buried under all that rage.
That is Palpatine’s greatest fear throughout the original trilogy. That is the only thing that concerns him. Not the Rebels. Not the few remaining Jedi in the galaxy. The only thing that could stop him is if he was wrong about Anakin. If he wasn’t able to squelch out all of Obi Wan’s lessons after all.
And you know what I’ve been considering lately? What if Obi Wan knew this, too? Maybe not at the end of Kenobi when he walked away from Darth Vader. I think he really was crushed and hopeless at that point. But maybe it came from the only two pieces of his old friend that he could see. Maybe it came from reflecting on his time with Leia. Maybe it came from watching Luke grow from afar. Maybe Obi Wan could sense that the goodness he’d known in Anakin was planted in those two kids. And maybe he even knew that, one day, it was the goodness in Luke and Leia that would redeem Anakin Skywalker and bring him back.
Maybe that’s why, when he finally allowed Darth Vader to strike him down willingly, there was a little smile pricking at Old Ben Kenobi’s mouth.
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