#he just wants the chance to show you how loveable you really are
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had this saved in my drafts for awhile so here's s'more wholesome Eddie thoughts for ya'.
Eddie doesn't have a type.
like, at all.
i'll say it again: THE GUY DOES NOT HAVE A TYPE.
he tries to act like he does, but when Eddie falls in love with a person, he falls in love with them as a whole, for EXACTLY who they truly are.
he genuinely loves humans despite them hurting him and letting him down, and finds others truly fascinating when they trust him enough to open up to him.
prep? punk? shy? outspoken? short? tall? big? small? happy? sad? private? an open book? he will love you completely.
no matter what he says about others who aren't as "metal" as him. that self-defense driven attitude goes right out the window the moment you let him in, and he will see you fully, in a terrifying way that no one ever has before, and will just keep wanting to know more about you. because you love him. you love him, and he loves you, and that shit is the most metal thing to EVER happen to him.
even if you're the polar opposite of him and his lifestyle.
Eddie Munson will love you for the fact that you're you. the only version of you that has ever existed, or will ever exist. he'll look at you like you're made of magic and he'll treat you like you hung the moon. simply because you're you. and because, somehow, in all of space and time, he's lucky enough you call you his.
to be loved by Eddie Munson is to be truly seen. seen, and accepted, and cherished for every part of who you truly are, dark corners and all.
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dollypopup · 3 months
but can we talk about the fact that Colin really truly has NO IDEA Penelope loves him? It broke my heart when at the end of the episode, he was there basically going 'If you got caught up in the carriage and you change your mind, I understand' when she left for a while at their engagement ball and constantly said 'I have to tell you something'
like he's of the belief that what she wants to tell him may be that she doesn't reciprocate his feelings and that it's a love match just on his part. he thinks she's settling for him because he's the one who mucked up her chances for a different proposal but he cares for her so much he can't let her go
both of their sexual encounters so far have been Colin giving her pleasure partly to prove that he's worth holding on to, reinforcing his belief that he's only worthwhile if he can provide something. he truly doesn't believe he's loveable just for who he is, but for what he can do. in the carriage, he asked if she accepted Debling's proposal and she said Debling didn't propose at all because of the scene Colin caused, thus eliminating the choices for her. It was him or nothing, basically. Colin said he had feelings for her, but she said she wanted to be more than friends. It makes sense to me that, in part, his motivations in that carriage were threefoldfold: to show her he was serious, to revel in her pleasure, and 'let me prove how nice I can be to have around'. Then in the first time scene, they had sex after he stood up for her to Portia, providing a defense and informing he loves her and that's why he proposed. He complimented Pen, talked about how much he wanted her, and said aloud repeatedly that he loves her, but she tells him that no one else had defended her like he did before, and that she appreciates it. Not that she loves him back. He wants to be intimate with her, of course, but also he wants to prove himself a good candidate for her affection, because he doesn't believe he already has it. 'Don't you want to keep me around? Don't you see how good I can be? The good I can do?'
And it just gives added weight to his 'Then what good am I to you?' because he genuinely, from the bottom of his heart, doesn't know that she loves him for him, but that her agreeing to marry him is conditional on what he can provide for her
for Penelope, her love for him is a constant, like her heartbeat, something she feels she doesn't have to announce because to her it is so obvious and so strong, but for him, it's not at all obvious, and he knows she wants something more than friendship with him, but does not know that's because she returns his feelings.
I know she's got a lot on her plate right now but Penelope please come tell this man that you love him body and soul, I am crying
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tragedybunny · 1 year
hehehe~ perhaps a cute fic with reader and Astarion and he talks about all the parties he used to go to before he was turned- and he dances with you 😳
Anon - So this took on a life of it's own, it reminded me of some of my Tav's backstory, so I worked in some elements of it. I hope it's still good. 🥺
Rhythm Like a Heartbeat - Astarion x F!Reader
Astarion and Reader share a dance that reveals more than they planned.
Wyll was teaching Karlach to dance, of all things you'd seen on this journey, this was somehow amongst the most surprising. The Blade and the "Devil" he should've slayed, moving together along with the melody from an enchanted music box someone had picked up along the way. The two of them seemed to be growing closer, and you couldn't be happier for them. You took a long drink from a pilfered wine bottle while you watched, you were all blowing off a little steam, which was well needed. Digging around for Kethric's weakness was a daunting task and the clock inside of all of you was still ticking. "Not rethinking your choices I hope." 
You'd been so lost in thought you hadn't heard Astarion come up behind you. Or he'd intentionally snuck up on you. When he wanted to go unheard or unseen, you usually didn't have a chance of not getting ambushed. Mostly he seemed to enjoy the little jump you made when surprised. Tonight you didn't disappoint, exuding a high-pitched noise along with jumping. "Astarion," you scold, "honestly! And no, of course not, just impressed by Wyll's form." 
"Really," he scoffed, not hiding his jealous streak very well at all, "he looks like a gangly teenage boy at his first gala. Clearly, you haven't had much experience in the ballroom." Part of you wanted to laugh a little, the insult was obviously ridiculous, but you knew his jealousy came from fear that he barely held on to you and could still lose you. Maybe sometime you should use the tadpole to show him just how impossible that would be. If only the thought of it didn’t fill you with revulsion. 
“I didn’t know you were such an expert, love,” you know he feels comfortable with the playful banter, and you hope it pulls him away from that place of insecurity. 
A sharp laugh answers you, “I’ll have you know I had plenty of experience, both in life and unlife.” You shoot him a look, he rarely speaks of life before Cazador, you’re not even sure how much he remembers of it. “What? I had an important job, I knew important people. Or are you just trying to get me to teach you?” An outstretched arm beckons you to join him. For a second you freeze, knowing you’re risking exposing everything you’ve held back. But hells, if you say no, he’ll take it the wrong way entirely. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be a quick study.” 
Taking his arm, you let him lead you a distance from the tent, glad Wyll and Karlach are still the center of attention, and gracefully dip your knee as he bows. Gently, one hand takes yours, the other held properly tucked behind his back. The rhythm is an easy one, but you let him take the lead. Soft steps, elaborate turns around one another, your eyes locked with his. Gods, his eyes are breathtaking when he’s looking at you, when his guard is down, soft and shining with light. Tonight, they seem full of mirth, but you’ve seen them overflowing with his sorrow and tears as well. They’ve distracted you and you forget, he’s supposed to be teaching you, your form is too good. 
Step away, one spin, back to back, face each other, palms touching. Skin like ice presses against yours, heating up with the exertion and the emotions humming through your every nerve. One night he asked if it bothered you, lying next to the chill of the grave. You only hugged him tighter and told him not to be ridiculous because you couldn’t find the right words at the time to explain that it was part of who he was and you loved all of him, even the pieces that might not seem loveable. Thinking of it that way now though, you should tell him. 
Another turn, facing away from one another again, a chance to catch your breath. It’s madness how he still affects you, even after you’d confessed to one another, you’re still swooning nervously. He’s right when he calls you “silly girl” teasingly. The finale, one more elaborate twirl, you’re no longer even thinking of the dance, muscle memory taking over. His hand catches yours and you step close to him, closer than the propriety of a noble’s dance floor would’ve ever allowed. Cheekily, he leans forward, stealing a quick kiss. “It would seem you have more talents than you’ve let on.” 
“I…”, you really don’t want to lie to him. The silence stretches far too long. “It would seem so.” 
“Hmm,” you feel him studying you, and you realize his eyes are guarded again, his posture rigid. “So tell me one thing,” you nod, terrified you’re about to shatter that fragile bond you’ve built. Lies by omission are still lies. “Which noble house are you a runaway from?” His voice is cold and hard, the Astarion you met on the beach that fateful day. How fast he can change wounds you, just like that, he’s ready to be done with you. But it’s your fault, you know how years of horror have left him with walls he’s too quick to bring up. “Or do you want to keep lying to me?” 
You shake your head. “I wish I could say.” 
“And here I thought we really had something, but clearly,” he gestures wildly, unable to contain his rising temper. 
Stinging tears begin to prick your eyes. “No, no, I wish I could say,” you emphasize, praying he’ll understand. 
Suddenly, he stills, hand coming to your cheek, eyes wide. “Is this a warlock thing?” A thumb brushes away the tear that escaped and you hear agonized regret in his voice. “Oh darling, I’m sorry, don’t cry.” Arms pull you into his chest. “Please, I didn’t realize, it’s fine.” 
“I wanted to tell you,” you sniffle into his shirt.
“Hush love, you can tell me what you’re able to, when you’re ready. Although I must insist you consider us even for any prior deception of mine. Even ones you haven’t realized yet.” He laughs that awkward, nervous laugh that happens when he’s upset, but he’s trying so you let yourself giggle a bit. “There’s my girl. Now how about we dance again and no holding back? I need to know if I can actually keep up with you.” 
The music box is still playing but you’re no longer aware of anyone else in the camp. There’s only the two of you, softly and slowly moving together. Gone are the thoughts of the elaborate courtly show, you move by instinct, bodies responding to one another as you press close together. Then you still, let yourself be wrapped in his arms, your lips brushing the hollow of his throat. “I can at least tell you that you’re the best dance partner I’ve ever had.” 
“Never doubted it my sweet,” you feel him kiss the crown of your head before resting his cheek against it.
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keruimi · 5 months
Hey! I think your requests are open, but if not please feel free to ignore this!
I was just listening to Too Sweet by Hozier and had the idea of a reader who has a crush on (or is dating) Nishinoya and feels like she doesn’t deserve him
Falling In Love With Him
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Pairing: Nishinoya x Reader
Warning: Comfort
Note: To write an angst story, I need an edit of them but I can't find anything so writing this is quite difficult but I seem to manage. My apologies if I decide to use another song for your request. But Thank you for the idea!
Admiring one of the best players in the school sports club is much more difficult than what I have thought. No matter how friendly he is to the people around him. Approaching him is like a damn challenge.
When a timid girl like me is the one who started to like him.
I was hopelessly in love with Nishinoya. Because I can put so much effort for him.
From the food I secretly give to him through Yachi. The notes I put on his table before he arrives back on class.
The nights I stayed awake just to think what I could do for him again.
Yet confessing was never one of them.
I once thought of it until I accepted that I am not deserving of him.
I can't taint a loveable man like him.
My mind is full of negativity. It feels like there's no positive things around me unlike him.
I am just an average student who is only good at one thing.
And that is my studies. The thing that made me feel like I am no one without it.
I keep chasing the academic validation I needed that I thought I shouldn't be in a relationship with anybody.
It was one of the reason why I never pursue the libero further.
I knew I couldn't give more than he deserve.
I'm Kazue Y/n, an average girl who can't have a leading man like him.
Until Intrams arrive. The time I feel like God showed another sign that I need to believe in.
A chance to move so I can obtain my happiness. And that's him.
A long week of Intrams gave me another chance to see him play in the court without getting scared that he would find out about it.
My eyes during his matches were always in him that I started to think...
Can I go closer to him? Can I close the distance between the two of us?
Can I take this secret admiration further?
"I'm so lost" I muttered while letting my body move on its record as customers piled up in our booth.
I sighed in annoyance with how timid I am in his presence yet can't stop thinking and even blabbering about my admiration for the libero.
It feels like all of my classmates knew how much I like Nishinoya. One time, they almost used Takeda-sensei so I can just enter the gym.
But it didn't happen because of the panic attack I had that day.
Yes, I really couldn't face him and I'm not even joking.
It feels like I prefer to move behind the curtains.
I want him to know me, love me like I did.
But I can't dream of it. It was simply impossible for me.
Because I'm scared on the way he would see me. Even though he is not the type of person to judge somebody.
I slap both of my cheeks to focus on the orders placed on the bulletin board.
I can't slack off because this is our test in another subject.
"Y/n!" I heard a male friend of mine call me from the front that made me peek on the curtains to look at him.
"It's time to switch" he told me as he stood up that made me go back behind the curtain to remove the apron I was using.
I planned to be an accountant that's why on this entire activity we are having, being a cashier is what I love the most.
In other words, I love Intrams week.
I sat down in the chair near the cash register to start taking orders when my hands halted the moment I looked up and saw him in front of me.
It felt like my heart dropped from my chest.
I just snapped out of it when I heard chatters behind the curtain that made me take a deep breath to calm myself down.
I can't hate them for this.
"Good Morning! What would you like to have?"
Those were the first words I uttered to him.
The first time we properly met and face each other.
And the reason why I decided to move up my game.
Because I want to feel the same happiness I felt during that time.
I found myself running to the gym where his match would be held the moment I heard their team was up next.
Until I felt like Yachi dragging me to a much better view when she saw me.
There I saw his skills that made me like him more.
I didn't regret admiring him at all.
There are times I urge Yachi to take videos of him so she can send it to me. Times when I couldn't prevent myself from cheering when he received a ball.
Those are the moments I confirm that this is not some puppy love or infatuation.
I did start liking him more than I thought.
I leaned on the wall behind me to catch my breath after all the screaming I did out there.
It feels like I'm more tired than the players.
I heard Yachi chuckling beside me as she lent me a bottle so I could take a sip from it.
"You really like Nishinoya-san" she uttered that I can't help but laugh.
"Yes" I admitted without any hesitations. Because it was true.
I don't know what I saw on him but I can't explain how my heartbeat skipped the times we walked past each other in the hallway.
His cheerful voice never made me get tired of hearing it.
The Man who I want to be with me.
In my eyes, he is my motivation to keep going.
But for him, I am just one of the many who admire him.
If he is just aware of the way I look at him. That wherever I go, he never left my mind. The way I hold back just so I can have the freedom to like him from a far.
Somewhere within me, wish he felt the same way. That no matter how hard I try to abandon my feelings, it just came back stronger than before.
But I don't deserve the love he is giving. Not even a percent of it.
"But he doesn't like me. He doesn't know me, nor look at me"
The same way I did to him.
"I should have been a manager" I joked but we both knew, I wanted more than this hopelessness of watching him from afar.
"But right now, I'm just his fangirl"
I stood up properly from my position and the girl I am with didn't waste any second and just started dragging me without informing me where we were heading.
But I feel like my world slowed down the moment I saw his figure among the crowd.
He was talking to the other players as Yachi dragged me closer, nearer to him who halted from drinking his water when his eyes laid on me.
Is this a dream?
Do I deserve this kind of chance?
"Nishinoya-san!" Yachi called for him and made me decide to stick my feet on the floor beneath me.
I don't dare go further...
Yachi looked back when she noticed I stopped. I took my hand from her as I hid it behind me so he wouldn't see how much it was trembling.
She didn't even give me a chance to bring anything
"Hello to you ladies!" He beamed and I felt how my cheeks warmed from his voice.
The voice I thought I would just eavesdrop from. I never dream that his words would be directed to me at all.
"What did you thought of the game?" He ask us but I knew he was talking to Yachi after noticing how I seem to preserve myself from them.
They could at least give me a warning so I can prepared myself.
"Miss" I flinched when I heard his voice louder and saw he is now in front of me.
Now my feet are also trembling from nervousness.
"Yes?" The stutter from my voice didn't go unnoticed that made him scratch his head.
"What did you think of the game?"
No matter how much I made it awkward for him, he still managed to lift a beautiful smile from his lips.
"You did great..."
I have a lot of things to say but I don't know where to start.
I bit my lips when I felt his silence as I closed my eyes shut.
"So great that I didn't regret admiring you at all"
And then I felt his eyes on me. I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes.
"Please stop staring at me" I mutter in embarrassment when I notice his gaze seems to stay in my trembling figure longer.
"Wow..." He whispered that made me look up to him and saw the shock he plastered on his expressions.
"You like me?" He ask again that made me took a deep breath before giving a slight nod.
Never have I dreamed that I would confessed, especially in public.
He was silent like it feels like he is trying to process everything before a grin lift from his lips and out of nowhere, I felt him twirl me around.
"You don't know how happy I am right now"
His words made my fear disappear as those thoughts that keep preventing myself from admitting my feelings also diminish from my mind.
The only thing that I thought that my feelings were the reason he is happy.
I made him happy.
And a smile finally lifted from my lips.
How did I get so lucky?
"Excuse me everyone, my girlfriend is coming through" his cocky words made me hit his shoulders before I took a seat on the end to not disturb the team more than I intended.
My boyfriend just love boasting me around. Especially to his best friend, Tanaka. Who is now glaring daggers at him.
I didn't mind them anymore and started preparing the first bento I made for him, which I already inform him yesterday.
But it seems like his antics is still not stopping.
"How lucky I am for my girlfriend to prepare my lunch. I don't deserve this"
I started to wish to melt there right now when he keeps pulling the trigger of his senpai's patience and the jealousy of his friend.
I hit his shoulder harder to shut him up and just start eating which he obliged when he notice how red I was already.
"Oh?" I heard him let a small sigh of confusion on his first bite that made me halt from taking my first bite.
"What is it?" I ask him as I put down my chopsticks and saw how he slowly chewed the food.
"Taste Familiar"
I smiled from his words before I started eating my lunch.
"Why does it taste so familiar?"
"Because she is the one who was giving the food to you after practice" Tsukishima's nonchalant statement made my boyfriend look at me.
"How did I get so lucky?"
Oh how much my chest warmed from his words.
I really did win him over
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oonajaeadira · 10 months
For the Love of Fic: December 9
I'm doing my best to get through my massive reading list by the end of the year, so buckle up, fam, you're about to get served a buffet of fic. There's so many tasty morsels here, even Mama Flores has to appreciate this feast.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation Fics!
Sheer Desire by @the-blind-assassin-12 Okay so imagine you're Frankie's +1 to a Millerboy wedding. And there's dancing and yearning and flirting involved. And the knowledge that after the reception, you're going to have him all to yourself. Now add in black thigh-high nylons. And the desire to see them in his hands. And his desire to have those lacy tops pressed against his ears.... IT'S HOT LIKE FIRE. DID YOU THINK IT WOULD NOT BE. GO GET IT.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #2: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Hammock by @something-tofightfor I mean, who doesn't want to be cuddled up in a hammock with Frankie? Who doesn't want those soft curls and soft lips and warm arms all pressed up against you?
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #12: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Dark / Break Up Kiss by @something-tofightfor A little angst and a lot of love are on display here. Frankie's here to show his responsible and protective side, and while there's plenty of hurt, he does it oh so softly and I'm just glad we are left with hope.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #14: Frankie Morales - “I miss you” Kiss / Angry Kiss by @something-tofightfor So remember that hope I just mentioned up there? Same pairing here, and the hope pays off. It's not without some real talk, but perhaps that's what makes the love even more deliciously sincere.
The day Frankie both loves and loathes the kitchen counter by @undercoverpena This is such a wonderful domestic Frankie POV piece. The way he wants to be better for reader, to provide more, to keep promises...the way he adores everything about her, including how she loves to bundle up in his clothes... Getting a peek inside a man who is sweet and loving and seeing the motivations there is such a treat. I really got swept up in this one.
The Thing About Second Chances by @artemiseamoon 🪐 This is exquisite. The pain of walking away really hurt. But then, when they met again it is so masterfully done...there are all these little impulses of his, wanting to do everything for her that could easily be overbearing except that he's just so damn loveable and it's hard to watch two people who clearly live each other be denied. I'm not sure he can really change all that much, but I am really pulling for them. Sometimes a little time apart can really drive home how much you can miss someone. Beautiful.
The Moon in May - Full Moon by @hopeamarsu Alpha Marcus. and. sitting on lap. purring and. teasing and soft and spreading you open but requiring go slow. is a tasty treat. brain mush. purring chest at my back. yes please.
Something Wild and Unruly by @ezrasbirdie Okay, remember when I said that there was a fic that was so beautiful it made me want to quit writing? This is it, and I mean that as a high compliment. Like, I finished it and just put my head in my hands and stared out the window with a big smile on my face. It's outlaw!Joel and old west sex worker!reader with a heart of gold and a good attitude about what she does. It's got so so so much feels and yearning and softness and bathing and the ending is beautiful and full of hope...this fic is up all of my alleys and making all of my jams and is my entire life mood. It is my new official Fave Birdie Fic™️ and I need to sing that to the world.
Small Joys: Wheelbug by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 The whole point of Lyr's Small Joys series is just that--joys. So it seems antithetical for Ellie to have found a bug that's big and bitey and for Joel to freak out about and try to bat it away. But the joy part of it comes from reader's reaction--to the wonder at finding a wheelbug in nature where it wasn't expected--and Ellie's, who of course will always find wonder in something new. Simple and beautifully done.
Small Joys: Leaf Pile by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Yes, the joy here is jumping in a leaf pile, but the joy I got from it was being able to hear Joel and Ellie perfectly in this. I also love the process Ellie gets to have in collecting the leaves and talking to a neighbor. It's really delightful.
The Sun Will Shine Again by @foli-vora I can't imagine dealing with crippling depression during the years after the outbreak, how hard and crippling it would be. And yet, I think I'd be able to manage if Joel was on my side, telling me he'd carry me as long as he could just to make sure I made it through. This is just such a beautiful piece. I want to curl up in it like a blanket.
Tangled Triumphs by @planet-marz1 I think my blood sugar levels hit an all-time high with this one and I ascended into the heavens. Joel learns to do Sarah's hair and it's so sweet and precious and I love them. Please read this. I need other people to share my squeals.
Cast Iron Sunshine part 1: Think I'll Call You Sunshine and part 2: Daisy by @blueeyesatnight Color me intrigued. We got ourselves a cocky cowboy in the wild west and a female doctor reader with some determination, sass, and willingness to sport a revolver, and I want more of that push and pull I'm sure is coming. The first meeting is just enough tingle to rub my hands together with glee. HE'S SUCH A SHIT. But then comes Daisy and she's here to lay some hearts open...
What Happens in Vegas.., ...Never Really Ends in Vegas, and Forever by @wildemaven A beautiful drabble trio that encompasses the realization that you've accidentally-in-Vegas married Jack, trying to quit him, and being unable to do so. Do yourself a favor, don't think about it too hard, and give into your cowboy.
Remember Me by @toomanystoriessolittletime This twisted my little heart and melted me in so many ways. When Jack is brought back and can't remember his girlfriend? Can I just cry a river? No worries though, the ending's a happy, hopeful one.
Thought That I Was Dreaming by @haylzcyon Salty, spicy, and sweet all at once...this may just be my dream Dieter smut. I very much love a "did he really say???" but then the reason for her not asking was perfect. How does Haylz make the very filthiest filth the sweetest sweet?
Sleazy Santa by @morallyinept This what happens when Dieter's not an actor, just a tremendous sleezebag working as a mall Santa (he's respectful to the kids) and you can't stop wanting that scummy D and go bang dirty in the Grotto. There's candy cane action. It's real nasty. And written like a fkn gourmet meal. The sweatier Jett writes this slimeball, the more I want. I don't know how. It's like Christmas magic. Delicious.
Crawling Back to You by @prolix-yuy This fic is a feast and all of my favorite dishes are on the table. Monsterfkn. Demons. Blasphemy. Sexy contracts. Dieter being a menace. And softness????? This is smut and it is hot hot hot, but there's enough here that's sweetness and fondness that it's going straight to my forever faves list. HE RUINS HER SO NICELY. UGH!
Rendezvous in Reno by @theywhowriteandknowthings A Dieter with small-dick insecurities? Please and thank you, this is super cute. I'd love to get called out for describing his junk wrong in my fics and get a personal correction.
It's Never Over by @pennyserenade We don't get enough exes-to-friends fic around here, and this one is really nice. As much as I hope for them to connect again, I respect their love for each other and their need to just let themselves be special to each other. There were moments here that were bittersweet, but I really loved that about it.
Birfday--Din by @writeforfandoms Listen. Is it so wrong that I want to cook a nice breakyfast to show Din how much he's loved? Is that too much to ask? Thanks, Jen, for something soft and sweet.
Then We'll Find Out Together by @missredherring A lovely little drabble about settling down in a new home with Din, getting used to the slowness and softness and niceness of everything. And when reader can't sleep, the one thing that's familiar--Din himself--is what calms her down. A lovely little drabble that I would like to live in.
Bounty and Hunter by @never--doubt 🪐 A soulmate fic wherein soulmates can't hurt each other. How interesting then that one of you is being hunted...and makes quite a game out of it?
Significant by @softlyspector He's been calling you riduur for months and you still don't know what it means. Once you find out, that's when the fireworks start. I don't know that I've read dialogue for Din and his sweetheart that affected me the way the last two lines of this fic did...... *swoons*
Watercolor by @iamskyereads I mean, give a sellsword a bath and you may be in for trouble. But not this man. This man just needs a little care, and while he may not say much, he make good on all kindnesses. I would do anything to give this man a bath and have him speak kindly to me.
Date or Inseminate by @sirowsky Now listen. You're gonna have to read the warnings on this, because I for one get really squicked by dub-con mixed with medical malpractice. I didn't read the warnings and it came out of nowhere....but I'm telling you my eyebrows shot up and then I just giggled through the whole thing like WHAT IS HAPPENING. Sometimes fic is just there to be fun and slap you silly. IRL? No please. But this? Go in with the right mood and it's just strangely and shockingly delightful smut.
Formula 101: December to Remember Part 2: Take What Comes by @littlemisspascal There's a lot to love about Rae's F1 media fic. Even outside of the easter eggs in the worldbuilding and the lovely way Javi and Oddball's relationship develops, there are the delightful media interludes--emails, texts, instagram posts complete with character comments--that use pictures and dialogue to move the plot along in a unique way. I love how a short text chain not only sets up a later story locale, but illustrates a history and relationship between two characters so fluidly. Every chapter is a delight to see how the media enhances the storyline...a storyline that is moving in a very interesting direction...
Hiding Away from the Galaxy by @ghostofskywalker 🪐 I love a good reunion story. Here, you're an ex-Jedi who has a past with Bo and come to find her when all the wars are done. I'd agree that it's worth the wait when she takes you in her arms....
My Knight in White by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 Jey's been doing a year of protectiveness, and you know I don't mind that AT ALL. I would love nothing more than to have Marc follow me home and protect me. And then, yeah, if he let me follow him home...and into his bedroom....I wouldn't complain..... *swoon*
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
Hello! I just wanted to share a few thoughts after seeing the Takeomi hate come back once more. Feel free to ignore it :)
The whole Takeomi debacle is kind of fascinating to me because on the one hand, it's definitely in part because he never really got to shine in the manga (I do wonder if Wakui was rushed to finish the story and chose to make him worse in the character book to more or less wrap things up).
On the other hand, however, I often wonder if it isn't a case of the fandom getting attached to their initial expectations, only to get sorely disappointed down the line. I remember the rain bringer chapter, when he was introduced: at the time the fandom was getting really excited to see new (and older) characters and it gave birth to a lot of theories, based only on these few lines and his design. It might be a bit caricatural to put it like this but it seemed at the time that many people expected him to be some kind of sexy mafia boss with a complicated backstory, so when he was revealed to be kind of a ''loser'' / mostly a normal dude with a different kind of complicated backstory, the expectations took a serious blow.
Anyway, this is just my two cents on the whole thing. I remember I was also disappointed to see him (and Sanzu) pushed to the corner and never brought back again, I would have loved to explore their characters a bit more.
And obviously, everyone's free to like or dislike any character (to each their own after all) for any reason. Takeomi's example just periodically invites itself in my mind 😅
I think the main reason is as you said, he never got a chance to sign or any kind or redemption for what he did. Even in the good timeline, it's shown he works with his siblings so must be on good terms with them but we don't get to see him actually interact with them and we don't know what exactly changed or how it changed for that to happen.
I remember the hype of when he showed up and thinking he was going to be a really cool character but he just never had his moment and his character suffers a lot from the whole telling and not showing thing. Like we know he was very important to the first gen black dragons but we don't get to see him in action or know what he did besides come up with good strategies. The rest of the first gen black dragons don't have this problem because we either see them fighting or they have loveable personalities/ have done a lot of good. Unfortunately Takeomi doesn't really get this, instead we get told he's important, have a panel or two of people cheering for him, see how he got corrupted then see how bad he was towards his siblings.
Speaking of his behaviour towards his siblings, the other issue he faces is that we never get to see the other people at fault. His dad and seemingly his grandmother are arguably a lot more at fault for what happened since they forced a child to raise his siblings. Takeomi didn't want to be "like a father" and he shouldn't have been forced into taking responsibility for them. This 100% doesn't excuse Takeomi's actions and he is still at fault, but I think the adults in situations, who should've been the responsible ones deserve some blame too. But because we never see them, it's harder to really hold them accountable.
Then we have the character book, Takeomi was already hated before that released but that's what really cemented him as being bad. Most of the character book profiles are light hearted, they either give us some funny moments or they show a softer side of the characters. Or they just give some basic info that we kinda already knew. But Takeomi's? (And somewhat the other black dragons) it just paints him as being so much worse then I assumed.
So I don't think it matters if anyone likes or dislikes him, as long as they don't harass anyone over it or be rude to anyone with the opposite opinion.
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Valentine’s Day Would Include…
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- Darry’s a romantic, probably one of the most romantic out of the boys if you were to give him a chance. He’d get you flowers, take you out on a date, make a chocolate cake just for you. Steve won’t be allowed to touch your cake, fret not my dear friend. Your date might not be on Valentine’s day exactly? Mainly because you or Darry have to work, not everyone gets a special schedule and there are plenty of other days to go out with each other. When you guys do? It’s probably to the diner, or out to the drive-in.
- Oh and Sodapop, sweet and loveable Sodapop. His plans for Valentine’s might be a little all over the place, but he’s gonna make sure you know how much he cares about you. A cheesy handwritten note, with spelling mistakes and messy handwriting you can barely read. A little stuffed animal from the corner store holding a heart. A date to the drag races or the drive-in where he keeps your hand in his all night long, snagging kisses when he can. I promise you, with Sodapop, you’re not gonna feel unloved on the romantic holiday of the year.
- I don’t think Ponyboy would go really crazy for Valentine’s Day, he seems like more of a low-key romantic. Like he’d love on you a little more, make sure to sit with you in class and link your ankles under the desk. Slide you little notes in class with hearts doodled around the edge, promising that he’d try his best to take you out to the drive-in that night. He’d probably write you a sappy, romantic poem? But I don’t think he'd show it to you without any prompting. You’d probably have to ask and bat your eyelashes a bit, but he’d give in.
- I can’t promise you’re gonna have the most romantic Valentine’s day if you’re spending it with Dally, but y’know, it’s gonna be a good one anyway. He doesn’t think much of the holiday, calling it cheesy and an excuse to spend money on someone who already knows people care for them. But if you’re into it? He’ll greet you with a mumbled, Happy Valentine’s Day, doll, as he kisses your cheek and pulls you in for a short hug. Don’t expect gifts unless you’re gonna be okay with them being stolen in some way? He is romantic though, don’t forget that. He can sweep you off your feet if he wants to.
- I don’t know what exactly he’d do for Valentine’s, but Johnny would definitely be a secret romantic. Maybe the two of you would go out for a dinner at the dinner, just hang out in the lot and wait until the sunset, but whatever it is, it’s soft and sweet. I just- Johnny’s would probably show up with a little bouquet, maybe picked from somebody’s flowerbeds, and offer them to you with the shyest little smile. He picked them just for you, y’know. The ones that are your favorite colors. Kiss him, you fool, do everyone a favor and just kiss him already.
- Steve would be that guy who makes you something heart-shaped during shop class and then presents the chunk of metal to you with a proud grin. If you don’t take that heart-shaped chunk of metal and thank him with a kiss, you’re incorrect. Try again, do it over, take the scrap metal and say thank you and kiss him because he worked hard on that. He’d take you out to dinner too maybe, heading out to the races afterward. Either way, Steve would shower you with love and attention on Valentine’s Day, he’s a simp dudes, trust me.
- Kisses. That’s it. Two-Bit loves kissing you and he’s definitely going to kiss you a lot on Valentine’s day. Maybe you’ll go out to dinner, hang around town with each other for a while, or maybe you’ll just find yourself at the back of the drive-in, kissing instead of watching whatever romantic movie is playing on the screen. He steals his little sister’s Valentine’s cards, the kind she was going to give to her classmates, and gives one to you. He’s scratched out her name and replaced it with his, a little heart next to his name. You’ll want to chide him for taking his sister’s stuff, but he’s gonna look at you with such a cute smile, you won’t be able to.
- For Tim? I’m sort of torn. Because it could very easily go two ways, I don’t know which one I like more. He can be that guy who thinks Valentine’s Day is stupid and doesn’t like to go wild on some random day to show you love. He can do that any day he wants. But then like, the thought of him surprising you with a rose or something, kissing you nice and slow as he wishes you a happy Valentine’s Day, I just really, really like that. Bonus points if he tells you he loves you in Spanish. We support Spanish-speaking Shepards here.
- I am a firm believer, and I mean firm believer, that Curly is one of those guys who absolutely dotes on his partner. And Valentine’s Day is no exception. He loves you every day of the year, but he’ll go a little more on Valentine’s Day just for you. The boys have something to say about him being such a sap? Curly’s unbothered, he’s the one with the happiest partner on the 14th, so who’s really winning here, huh? Flowers, chocolates, kisses, holding hands at the drive-in, Curly doesn’t hold back for you, alright? He’s pretty great.
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vestaclinicpod · 5 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 28th April ✨
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I started two new shows this week and fell in love with both of them!! 
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E8.5) ohhhhhh I’m so emotional. The end of this series is going to make me cry so many happy tears, I can just feel it. 
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (149) With the description this week, I think I truly realised just how scary-looking the pig man is 😰 Things are looking decidedly down for Shelby and Clem. Eek. God, Valerie!!! She’s such an interesting character because you can literally connect the dots of her trauma but still be slightly disappointed by the consequences on her behaviour! And the poor Mr Greenstreets ☹️ Raj is very Syrensyr coded?? Vincent as a grief counsellor makes me wonder… about who or what Voltaire is…. 
Also, I want the Auditor to be Polly so bad and I want Nikignik to get out of the interrogation by bargaining to reunite him with Yaretzi and Mort - PLEASE. 
🧳 Travelling Light by @monstrousproductions (19) I loved seeing our Traveller stand up for themself!! It’s always so fun to see characters who are usually soft gain a backbone of steel because their core values are tested. And the discussion of the nanobots was so interesting!! The laws on nanobots elsewhere when they are literally required for survival makes the entire person illegal. And we all know that’s not right!!! 
👁️ @malevolentcast (41) I’m thinking that maybe Rafters was an exception that proves the rule… Alexander the owl was creepy as anything and I hated the way he seemed to be guiding them towards the crack in the wall. Now we’re in a possible parallel universe, it feels like all bets are off and I’m scared to even consider what might happen to John and Arthur now! 
⚔️ @camlannpod (8) OUGH. Oh my god. Can’t they just have FIVE MINUTES to RELAX?? I actually snorted out loud at: ‘you’re good with an axe, right’. Pere is a little shit and I love that for them. Morgan!!! 🫨 And Dai!!! I’m so hopeful that starting down this path will lead to good (or, at least, a whole load of shenanigans for S2!) 
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (13) It’s very interesting to me that we were able to listen in on Sam and Cecilia’s date… how did that work? There’s something here about gambling and chance with this story and the previous one about the dice rolling?? I’m connecting the dots (I’m not connecting shit). 
🌞 Small Victories by @wgc-productions is so good, I wish I’d started listening years ago. I love the 90s sitcom vibe and the intro/outro are so unique. I absolutely love shows that centre around character studies. Marisol’s story is so gripping and I love how the writing takes us right inside her brain as she justifies every decision (good or bad). It’s so clear how loveable she is and how much people around her want her to be okay (mostly), but don’t know *how* to get her to that place given the shit they’re dealing with themselves! I got up to 1.09 so . . . bit of a cliffhanger there!! I’m very excited to see how the story progresses. I’m rooting for you, Tiny!! 
🧋 I started @hinaypod and it’s safe to say that I’m in love already! Listening has given me the same amazing feeling of listening to Desperado - the sensation that the creators have opened up a door to a brand new world and I’m so happy to be in it! I adore Mari. Even from episode one, she has this quiet self-confidence in herself and her skills which is so refreshing. I also really like the horror writing here and I’m really looking forward to delving deeper into this story! 
Hope everyone has a good week! 💙
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Greetings Miss Overlord; I'm a follower and enjoyer of The Radio Demon's show and he seems to hold a lot of respect for you. How long have you known each other, and is there anything you care to tell me about him? He's such the mysterious figure, after all.
Oh my little Alastor, isn't he just the most darling fellow in all of hell?
Well I didn't know it at the time but I met him early on when he arrived in hell, before he was even the radio demon we know him as today. He stopped by in Cannibaltown and felt so in place with the rest of my people's, but he had bigger plans.
We formally met during his rising power. One day at an overlord meeting about how best to deal with this man picking off demons and overlords alike. Surprisingly just a few moments into the meeting did none other than the radio demon himself walk in. He took an empty seat across from mine, flashed his signature smile, and told Zestial to proceed.
After the meeting I pulled him aside, and we talked. We spent the whole day and the whole night chatting. My life has been infinitly better sense meeting him
He taught me of the radio. We shared time talking of being an overlord, shared our live stories, discussed the optimal way to cook a body. I've taught him modern slang, there's always new cannibals in town teaching me these sayings, or these policies.
He certainly likes to keep himself guarded up, and his wants can be confusing to others, but all he really wants in this death is entertainment. Entertainment and power I suppose.
I've known him for so much of this hell and I've never once seen the man fall in love, he seems repulsed by the lust and porn sectors of hell, really the meet idea of sex is enough to shut him down. But he is a quite loveable and friendly man if you truly get to know him and keep a smile on your face.
Sorry for such a long response but I rarely gat the chance to gush about my bestest friend.
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threadbaresweater · 7 days
All the Arlin lore I could scrounge up (for now):
When we first move in together, we live in a little single wide trailer on a massive plot of land in the middle of nowhere at the end of a long dirt road. There's meadowgrass and trees and wildflowers everywhere, some horses and a dairy cow and chickens. We make/hunt a lot of our own food and live a very simple, off the grid kind of life. Sometimes I'll go with him on his work trips, sometimes he'll take a break and we'll stock up the old winnebago, load up the dogs, and go driving somewhere on our own. We've seen all of the lower 48 states, but the west is our favorite. He always brings something back for me when he's gone for a few days. There are trinkets all over the house that I have to rotate out now and then. As much as I love his thoughtfulness, he's also very much a packrat and it would break his heart if I ever got rid of anything he bought for me. A lot of our furniture is vintage or hand-me down stuff. We rarely wear shoes. Arthur cuts the grass on his riding lawnmower in cutoff jean shorts and his hat with a marlboro hanging from his lips. We love having friends over for weekend long get-togethers (think swimming in the pond, barbecues, beer, and lots of cheap lawn chairs). He teaches me to shoot a gun, I teach him to play his favorite tunes on the piano. It's a comfortable, intrinsically happy existence that brings me SO much comfort.
And then we begin to build our family. We wait about 3 years, then we talk about me going off the pill. I'm pregnant within the first month.
Our first baby's name is Beatrice, after his mother. She has bright blue eyes like her father and a fiery temperament from day one. Arthur can't believe his eyes when he holds her for the first time. He didn't think he'd ever get the chance to live a "normal" life, let alone start a family with someone who found him worthy and loveable enough to marry and settle down with. Beatrice is meant to be an only child, but the moment he meets her and experiences firsthand what it's like to be a father, he wants more. Not to mention, he loves to see his woman barefoot and pregnant, swollen and waddling around with his child cooking in her belly. Rumor has it he also likes the idea of getting her pregnant just for the act itself, but that's between him and his wife.
So then, we have Charles, a calm and peaceful little boy with big hazel eyes and a sweet disposition. Less than a year later there's Margaret and Mason, the twins, and two years after that, Jenny is born. Strong, handsome, smart children. They have mama's heart and daddy's resourcefulness. Arthur is a stern but loving father. Teaches them about respect and hard work, but also how to have fun when the day is done. Together, we teach them about love and teamwork and what family and loyalty to a cause really means.Years pass, and life is happy and full– total balls to the wall insane sometimes, but a ton of fun. We're well into our 40's when the last child- Leah- is born. She is tiny and fragile. Our miracle baby, against all odds.
On his most lonely nights when the need for each other is mighty strong, he'll video call from the bunk, but not before making sure all the windows are covered and he's tucked away from any prying eyes at the truck stop. When he does come home I make him go straight to the shower and I'll put his clothes on a heavy duty washer cycle while the kids are running feral through the backyard. We sit down to a family dinner and end the night with a little bonfire and smores in the backyard, and after the kids pass out he shows me just how much he missed me. He sleeps like a rock- well past noon the next day. and then he's on the road again the next day before the sun comes up.
@pastelle-rabbit and @wifesuguru tagging you because you asked 😘
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bubble-popping · 18 days
day 19 and omg it's the cupid au i talked abt literally months lmaooo
Dream pulled back the already taught string just a smidge further. His aim was perfect, sight locked on, bow deathly still; contact inevitable. He would hit his target this time, and he was determined to make sure it stuck. He let go with a decisive huff, watching the arrow soar to its destination. This was it. After weeks of failure after failure, he'd finally-
Miss. The target moved at the last possible second.
The fingers that held the arrow's nock trembled. His jaw hung open, eyes wide.
"He dodged it. Again. He fucking dodged it again!!"
"Geez, some Cupid you are, Dream," a british accent quipped behind him.
"I thought you were supposed to drop this case, dude," another complained.
"No, you guys don't understand!" Dream whirled around, facing his two dearest friends that, recently, were really getting on his nerves. Last he checked, friends were supposed to be supportive. "I have a perfect fucking record. Every case I'm assigned, they fall in love by the end of the week. I don't miss shots, I don't make mistakes, and I don't drop a case just because it's hard!"
"Look, Dream, we get it, man. We've had our share of Unlovables too." Sapnap shrugged.
"But I've even made Unlovables fall in love! And I feel it, Sap. This one is absolutely loveable! I bet my wings on it!"
"I really don't see the big deal. You getting so wrapped up on this one case is only gonna affect your other cases."
"Ya know, George," Sapnap murmured in his ear as he leaned against his shoulder, "maybe if you were this passionate about the job, you wouldn't have so many cold cases."
"Oh, yeah, like you're any better. You just got your wings a few months ago. I've solved more cases than you've ever worked!"
"Sorry I didn't have a hundred-year head start, old man!"
"Would you two shut up!? Don't you both have your own cases to deal with?"
"I finished mine earlier, but Boss said he wanted to talk to you. Sapnap just kinda followed me."
"Boss wants to talk...?"
For some reason, Dream got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Your actions have shown clear disobedience. Such behavior is unbecoming of a Cupid, of an angel at all! For the crime of insubordination, you shall have your wings stripped."
Dream's face fell. A haunted expression took over. He felt like crying.
Before he knew it, angelic guards had grabbed him and began strapping him down to a wooden board, back exposed. He heard a third approach, a flaming holy sword in hand: the only weapon capable of completely removing an angel's wings.
The heat got closer, like a guillotine descending toward his neck.
"No!" He struggled, fighting against the shackles but they didn't budge. "I'm sorry! I'll drop the case, I swear! I won't disobey again!"
The high angel showed no sympathy. Neither did the hundreds of others that watched him, a spectacle, an example of what happened when rules were broken.
"You've already had your chance, Dream. Sever his wings!"
Dream fought harder to no avail. He sobbed, pleading for mercy that never came. With a single sweep of the fiery blade, his wings were sliced clean off. Bloody feathers flew up. He screamed. Dream felt the thud of his wings hitting the floor reverberate from his feet up to to his chest.
The crowd cheered. He liked to think he heard a few wails of agony too, but it was hard to tell over the sounds of his own.
Finally, the guards undid the restraints, pushing the board out of the way, and he promptly collapsed to his knees. Pain swept in waves over his back like flowing lava. He rested his forehead on the floor, vision blurry with tears, whole body shaking.
"Without wings, you cannot remain in the heavens. Guards, cast him out."
A fear like no other struck him in his very core. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Questions of how this all happened, how it got this bad swirled in his mind. They didn't last for long. Not when once again hands grabbed at his limbs, dragging him out of the large room, causing panic to course through his veins.
Though it had no effect, he still begged for forgiveness, tears rolling down his cheeks. The faces of his best friends came into view, held back by more guards. They looked angry, confused, terrified. They called for him, apologizing as if this was at all their faults. Dream hated that this would be the last look he ever got of them, the people he cared about so, so much. He forced a watery smile, mouthing his love and goodbyes.
The gates arrived sooner than he expected. Without a second thought, the guards tossed him out. The soft, pillowy clouds didn't catch him like they used to. He went right past them.
Then, he was falling, wind rushing by, whipping at his exposed skin. A chill tore through his body. He hadn't felt temperature before. His body instinctively adjusted for flight, but, of course, that didn't happen. Never again.
He just kept falling. The ground rapidly got closer. This was it.
This was where he died.
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lattexalmond · 2 years
🎩Top Ten Shows of 2022🎩
I decided to make this post for fun.😜If you haven’t followed me all year then you may be surprised by my opinions here. This took me a long time to think about. Thank goodness for mdl. Also thanks bestie @gunsatthaphan for making the gifs for me so it’s not boring 🥺
Without further ado,
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I couldn’t not give the number one spot to this show. It may have lagged in the middle, but by the end it was a 12/10 for me. JimmySea deliveredddddddddd. I loved it so much I bought their plushies. 
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This was the surprise of the year for me. I did not like Tae in Paint With Love so I was hesitant. I saw gifs all over my dashboard mostly courtesy of @laowen. I decided to give it a try, and it quickly rose up in the ranks for me. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoyed the feel of Manner of Death since it is by the same author. TaeTee had some amazing chemistry!!
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Did this show have the best plot? No, it did not. What it lacked in it made up for in the three couples. All three couples were loveable and the cinematography was really nice. I have watched this show probably at least 4 times now. ZeeNunew are kings. They carried that show. I am so excited for Cutiepie 2 You. Also how can anyone hate Nat Natsit? He is so cute I just want to put him in my pocket. 
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I don’t know what it was about this show. I loved the main character so much. I was so excited each week to watch it. I would scour the internet looking for the episodes. Akira was so lovable and adorable. 
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I am most definitely in the minority here. This show had me dying of laughter the entire time. All the couples were adorable. BillySeng killed it with their chemistry. If you want to laugh then you need to watch this show. I watched episodes multiple times because it was so entertaining. The subtitles even explained all the inside jokes for me and that was just such a nice touch. 🥺
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I was one of the few that preferred this show over Star In My Mind. Were Joongdunk adorable? Yes of course, but the story lost me and I was very irritated by the end. I identified with Fah’s character so much. I really liked FahPrince. They were so cute 😍
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This show was so so so good! The chemistry was unmatched for a Korean bl. I was so impressed. The story was a great enemies to lovers trope. It was excellent! Jaeyoung was my crush of the year 🙈
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I enjoyed the original. It was interesting, but this version was so real. They tackled the relationships and explained everything so well. I really felt what the characters were feeling. YinWar have an insane chemistry. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. VeeMark messy endgame 😝
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I feel like this should have been higher purely based on how adorable all three couples were, but the plot was a little frustrating at times. It made it in to the top 10 though, They were all disgustingly sweet. ParkLee, 💣and 🐻, MekKim 💙
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I was sooooooo against this show. I blocked the tag because I was so irritated by seeing it on my dashboard. Someone told me to just give it a chance and I ended up enjoying it. Was I as crazy about it as everyone else? The answer would be no. The action scenes and entire production as a whole were fantastic. I felt it deserved the last spot. I did not like VegasPete and never will. I am honestly here for Jeff Satur’s Kim being the badass protecting Porchay. 
Honorable mentions: P.S I Hate You, Old Fashion Cupcake,  Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai!, About Youth, First Love Again, Blueming and Happy Ending Romance.
Also Between Us, My School President, and Never Let Me Go need to be mentioned because they’re all my favs right now.
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tewwor · 2 months
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🧍 you know how long that'd take me to list out??? anyways, i'll limit the ones that have made me the most feral over the years —
@huntershowl + litho : yall want to talk about slow burn? that moment where we both clapped and they mushed faces together will forever be ingrained in my brain. 4 entire years worth of waiting....
@hnjwn / @cordoliae + chanyeol : insane. they're insane! the sheer depth they somehow fumbled into is just.. outstanding tbh. even though they're both hibernating, i had to mention them
i'm personally only comfortable with romantic age gaps of around 10ish years. and, yes, i'll admit that does bleed into my characters a lot.
just before sexual foreplay + more. not that i really delve into that a lot anymore. but hey! if the stars align and the mood's right, then it still might happen.
with mutuals? no..... god no........ granted, chemistry is still a very big thing. not every random pair of muses will stick and that's okay! but if you have even an inkling of joy with a romantic ship between our muses, i'm almost always on the same exact boat. so please never, ever be afraid to voice that!
**please know that i probably missed a ton ( rip my work shocked brain ), but these are just the first ships i can think of where we've had in threads or yapped ooc!**
currently established:
@huntershowl / @icarusplunged + seph/litho & seph/jie/ricochet & seph/adal/lior & rusa/ricochet — need i say more? the original marked dating sim hard launch tbh OHGAWOIGH anyways, doesn't matter how long either of us go on hiatus. one of us keeps crawling back
@miidnighters + bella/jie & hartley/cruor/iris — the way both of them just stuck? it's amazing, jaw dropping, heart warming!!! every aspect of a robust, well rounded relationship can be hit in either, i love them both so, so much.
just starting ( and super excited for ):
@xinxiins + jie — don't get me started on how many times my heart's ached already. there's such a cultural connection that guts me Every Time 😭
@chth0nia + cruor — every time i think of them, i think of that crying dog pic you sent. exactly how i feel about them!!!!
@bloodykneestm + whoever you want lbr — i've yet to write those starters for iggy and alastair but just you Wait……
@interxstitial + literally anyone — like, okay yeah there's ravi sure ( i do love them though ), but if there's anyone else that piques your interest... you just let me know and i'll fedex express ship them over. i'll even cover the cost dw
@temporalobjects + botan/clarence/pildo & iwai + chanyeol : i don't think i've ever had a canon latch onto a ship so quickly before? and the fact that it's technically post canon and he's lumped with two sunshiny loveable dorks! then there's... yknow.. the other two that keep dancing around each other. shed many tears from angst and laughter over both ships, drawn at least 1 or 2 things for each ♡
@womanlives + mercy/jie & dez/clarence : my 'missing you' letter. i hope you know that those two ships have brought me such immense joy and tears at the same time. truly have a special place in my heart ♡♡♡
more like showing interest, i feel like? asking can be sooooo anxiety inducing ( i know it can be the same with just mentioning it ), but there's a very good chance i'm already jumping up and down in glee with the exact same thought so! just let me know!!
it's toned down a bit ( barely ) ever since i've been overtaken with how dear and important other types of connections are. but yeah, still love ships with all my heart
just let a clown know. yall know where to find me in my lil' clown corner. if you're more plot heavy, then hell yeah! we can chat up a storm! if you're more 'throw things at the wall and see what sticks' intensive, then hell yeah! i love punting these idiots out and see what happens in the weirdest ( or saddest ) situations. applies to both monogamous and polyamorous ships!
tagged by : i was tagged... in it so that counts right? ( thnkx @huntershowl muah muah )
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The Nanny has everything Lore Olympus wishes it had.
lovable background characters
employer-employee romance in which somehow there isn't too much of a power imbalance
a girlboss with great hair and fashion sense (i honestly can't stand her clothes but it's not meant to be ugly either, just flashy)
a bitchy, yet still loveable second female lead who actually has no chance with the guy she's trying to seduce but is convinced she's the first lead.
i know i know it's a reach but i was watching the best bits of The Nanny on youtube and there's the running gag of how Fran Fine can't admit to her real age (at some point a classmate of hers reveals her own but Fran protests that said classmate was held back multiple times so they're not the same age, even the FBI couldn't find her real age when doing a background check, at the beginning of the series she says ''yeah right what a loss to be lodged on the grounds i'll miss being er... twenty-fivee, and living at my parents house" with the butler snickering and saying "yeah right, twenty-five" -might be another age can't remember-) and the whole point is that... it works because we know that even if the male lead is older than her, she's a grown adult and also they might be closer in age than we know because we don't really know how old she is exactly. And that doesn't turn into a "bitter older woman doesn't want to age" like some in lore olympus do, because it's a running gag, it's not a drama subplot.
And C.C. is a much more gracefully written second female lead than Minthe, despite being the live-in friend and associate who's trying to seduce the male lead, because 1) she stays friends with him even when he doesn't show any reciprocated feelings 2) she's constantly ridiculized when trying to seduce him, but so is the main female lead, Fran, at least in the beginning 3) she has her own character arc beyond being a golddigging woman who doesn't want to age and 4) she has her own banter antagonist, Niles, who she has power over while simultaneously not (he's a butler but not hers, so she's higher in the hierarchy but has no direct power over her) and in summary she has her own friends, ennemies, family and character arc.
And we may not know a lot about what Maxwell (the male lead) does at work, but we constantly see him working over files, or discussing work with C.C., and we know what his work is precisely (producer of musicals) and we know he despises Lloyd Weber and there's a running gag of him wanting Cats to close down, etc. He has a life outside of the female lead, she has a life outside of him, they both have jobs, although she works for him, and neither hesitate to call out the other on their flaws, pre and during relationship.
In summary, if RS had written Lore Olympus as a goofy office/nanny&employer sitcom instead of some huge-stakes political thriller with twenty plot lines that she abandonned halfway through, it would have been way better.
Come on, if you've watched The Nanny and read LO, don't tell me you wouldn't want Hermes and Minthe banter a la Niles and CC, or Leuce in the role of Sara (Maxwell's late wife), or even Persephone and Hades just... having a discussion other than sex talk.
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lemotmo · 4 months
Let's watch 911 7x07
All right guys, let’s do this. I’m finally able to sit down and watch episode 7x07. I'll type out my thoughts and feelings as I'm watching.
Disclaimer: This is a fictional show with fictional characters. These characters go through some of the wildest things. This time we have a cheating storyline for Eddie and while, in real life, it would be a big no no, on a TV show like this it’s a narrative I can get behind. These people need to go through dramas to come out on the other side as reborn. It’s what TV is for, an escape from reality. None of it is real. So yeah, while Eddie cheats on Marisol, I will still watch this show and I’ll still be intrigued what this means for him and his narrative. Ultimately this part of his story will serve a purpose and I’m here for that.
So, let’s go!
That first call going to Maddie. She is so damn good at her job.
Oh no, they crashed!
2. No no no, Chimney! An explosion! Stay away Eddie! Oh no, she’s burned badly, isn’t she? Inhalation burns.
Where is the baby?
Why is Athena the only police officer working these cases? There is never another police officer on call.
Where is the baby? Please don’t hurt the baby!
That poor lady.
Where is the damn baby?
3. That’s right, no screens during dinner. I have the same rule at home. My son is used to it by now.
Mara! Denny knows about her baby brother, Tyson. Oh that poor sweet girl.
4. Oh, the ice cream Marisol scene. I’m afraid now! Christopher really seems to like her. That poor kid is going to go through it, isn’t he. Another woman who will eventually leave him, for good reason I know, but still…
Ooooh, fake Shannon! Cue Eddie having a flashback of Shannon. Man, grief can be so hard sometimes. The moment you think you’re doing better, something happens to throw you back in the middle of it. Imagine seeing a döppelganger of your deceased wife. That has to be hard on anyone.
5. Hen is such a great mother. I love how she talks to Mara and really understands what is going on with her.
That’s right baby! Denny is nice. Of course you miss him.
Has he been taken by the foster system?
6. What do you mean her husband is in Alaska? Who is that guy? And where is the baby???
Oh Maddie, this has to be hard for her. All of those memories. That’s right Josh, talk some sense into her.
7. Foster families are important, but it sucks how siblings are separated.
Oh… Mara’s mother had an affair. Man, there is a theme running through this episode.
I don’t think the system can do a lot in cases like this Hen. Sometimes hands are tied.
8. The burn unit. Oh, that is Amir huh? 'The only one responsible is the driver, the rest of us are left to clean up the mess.' Auwch! This is the guy who is going to go after Bobby, isn’t he?
Side note: Theo Huxtable was my favourite on ‘The Cosby Show’. I know, I know, we’re not supposed to watch it anymore and shit, but I grew up with that show, so yeah.
He seems like a nice guy. Are we sure he’s going after Bobby?
Maddie, you’re a nurse… mask up when you visit a burn victim!
9. No no no, I don’t want to see this scene! No Eddie, don’t do it!!!
Of course fake Shannon would walk out to talk to him. I would! I mean, the guy looks gorgeous.
A candle? Instant stimulation. Noooooooo, don’t do it babe! On the beach with Shannon.
Ryan, the actor that you are. Your eyes speak to me!
Nooooo, you aren’t single babe!!!! Have you forgotten about Marisol without a last name? She was right there in the beginning of the episode, eating ice cream with you.
Edmundo… really? This harkens back to Ana times.
Fake Shannon is called Kim.
But really, Kim is the spitting image of Shannon. How can he resist this? All he’s ever wanted was to be enough for Shannon and now he has another chance. Of course he’ll take it. The loveable idiot!
The S keychain… I mean, Eddie babe, she isn’t Shannon. She’s another person. You can’t just replace your deceased wife with a new copy. It doesn’t work that way. She looks like her, but she’s a completely different woman.
10. Mommy and me classes. Hen and Karen stalking yet again another parent of one of their foster children. Well, not the real parent, but you know what I mean. They’ve done this before. This isn’t healthy ladies. I understand your motivation, but it just isn’t healthy. You’ll end up being kicked out of the system if you continue like this.
11. Maddie, stop obsessing babe. It isn’t healthy. Where is Chimney?
Aaaah, that’s right! He’s her husband now!!!! YAY!
Oh, Chimney, you are the best husband. You get it. You understand her so well.
This scene is gold! GOLD!
Oh, this guy isn’t connected to the lady at all, is she?
12. OMG! He’s the neighbour! He has to be.
That poor mother.
13. Wait… is that Shannon or Kim in bed with Eddie? Please let it be Shannon! I’m not ready for a full-blown sexual affair.
Side note: it is so weird that the women on 911 always have their bras on when they have sex. Meanwhile the TV-shows that get made in my country have full-blown nudity and very explicit unapologetic sex scenes, and no one bats an eye over it.
What is going on? Is it Kim? It can’t be!
Whose room is that? That isn’t Eddie’s bed, is it?
Oh, it’s a memory… or is it? I don’t think he slept with Shannon before she saw him at Christmas, did he? I remember that scene where they had sex upside down on the bed and then she quickly had to leave because Chris came home. This is so different.
O_o Dude! No! Marisol is right there. I have no love for this women, since I hardly know her, but this is a big no no! Not in front of her salad.
14. Oh, he was a handyman. A real stalker.
Maddie is calling the sister? Isn’t that against protocol? This show just throws every single rule into the bin.
Kyle had to make a fresh start from what? Oh no, his wife left with the baby. This guy is full on psychotic, isn’t he? He’s living in a delusion where the victim and her baby are his own wife and child.
What is he feeding that baby?
Oh no, this guy is crazy! A new mommy?
Maddie, you genius you!!! I love you! You understand creepy guys like no other.
Someone save that baby!!!!!! Nooo!
Chimney knows!
Oh Buck tackled that guy! His back has to be broken! That dude is massive!
The woman is safe!
15. Oh no, Amir’s eyes! He knows Bobby. Such a great actor.
Bobby is in trouble.
16. Tyson, yes. So happy that Mara gets to see her brother again.
Of course he remembers here. Kids always do.
17. Buck is cooking. I don’t want to watch the next scene, because I know what is coming. But okay.
This is so homey and cosy. The three of them together.
Smoke though? Foreshadowing?
Good cologne? We won’t wait up for you? Oh Buck… if you only knew what your best friend was up to. You could have stopped him to talk some sense into him.
This scene though. They’re a unit, the three of them. One day…
But first Eddie needs to deal with some of his demons. Let’s go.
18. Thank God, some Madney first. I need a little break before disaster strikes. Jee is sooo cute.
No more bad dreams tonight? Yeah, maybe not for Jee. I’m about to have a full blown nightmare in 3... 2... 1... and there it is...
19. Pffff, Eddie Eddie Eddie. I’m so disappointed in you right now. Don’t get me wrong, I still love you to bits and you’re still my fav on 911, but what are you doing? Not only to yourself, but to Marisol, Kim and Chris?
If you wanted to date this woman so badly, why didn’t you break up with Marisol first? It would have been the most decent thing to do for everyone involved.
Do you think this will bring Shannon back? It won’t you know. Kim is a different woman. Next to that, you are idealising your marriage to Shannon. It’s blinding you and stopping you from moving forward in life.
You need to let go of Shannon. Lay her to rest.
But I can see that you aren’t planning for that.
This is all going to come to a very messy ending and you’ll be left in the dust my friend. I just hope Chris doesn’t get pulled into this. I don’t ever want him to know.
Wait until Buck finds out. Not looking forward to that scene. It’ll be hard to watch.
I wonder if they are going to make this in a full-blown sexual affair, or an emotional cheating affair. And how long will it last? One episode? Two? What will make him see that what he’s doing is self-destructing? I’m convinced that this man is hurting deeply and he just wants to feel happy again, no matter the cost. He has this illusion that everything was perfect with Shannon, but it wasn’t. All of this will come crashing down and he’ll be left in the dust, alone.
If we have to believe Ryan’s interview, he’ll eventually crawl out of the pit of despair as a new man. Which is a good thing. But he’s going to go through it first and I’m here for it. I'll gobble up every single scene and the gut-wrenching heartbreak Eddie will go through the moment he will realise that he has f*cked up so badly.
Side note: We have now seen three people of the 118 cheat, in different ways, on their partners by now. I wonder if there’s something in the water?
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jemmo · 3 months
ok ive had a day to sleep on it so here’s my thoughts on the his man 2 cast after the first two eps:
seongmin: he seems sweet and very loveable. everytime he gets nervous or shy is just the cutest, it’s giving teddy bear vibes. it hit me in my heart when hwi gave him flowers after he said he’s never received them before. im excited to see how him and hwi play out bc they’ve instantly clicked and have such a nice, calm but still flirty dynamic which i love
hwi: speaking of, again, much of the same as seongmin. he’s also a lot more forward than I expected and defiantly the more forward of the two. and I think he is so head over heels for seongmin, even if seongmin feels the same it’s just so much more obvious with him, like everytime their hands touched he got so giddy about it in the cutaways. I defiantly see the chemistry and can’t wait to see where it goes.
youngjoon: i dont wanna speak to soon but omg am i obsessed with him. just. AGH. this is how you do it. this is how you enter this show and make a great first impression. he’s so not what i expected just from looking at him but that goes to show dont judge a book by its cover. he’s so cute, so sweet, so loveable, he’s giving such puppy energy, and i can just tell he’s so easy to get on with bc he helped everyone get through awkwardness at the first meeting and even afterwards he’s the one trying to break the ice between everyone and it’s working amazingly. hes putting in effort and making sure to talk to different people and omg im just a little bit in love with him. and that’s not even touching on his date bc he was so just having a friendly time with minseon but as soon as hanmin walked in he just went in. the flirting went up to 100 and god i feel like aside from junseong last season we dont see anyone on this show flirt that obviously but it’s so fucking good. like he just caught the vibe and went for it and gah i just know he’s gonna be a fave and i only want the best for him now.
seungjin: this little kitty. the way I vibe with this dude bc i too would not be good around strangers and jump at the chance to sleep in my own room bc i need control of my space. i was initially worried for him bc often shyness holds you back in this show but after the first meeting and settling in i feel like his personality comes out more which is great. he just does what he wants and vibes and is observing for a while before he goes for anything which is smart. and i can’t not mention the fashion, what an icon. im intrigued to see who he’ll go for and who will go for him.
jaeseung: now this guy im struggling to get a read on. i can’t quite tell what the vibe is. he seems confident but also a bit reserved, and he’s clearly got people he likes but hasn’t had enough time with them for me to see what his vibe is in a couple. his date with seungjin was sweet tho bc I wasn’t expecting anything but they really got on and were comfortable whether it was friendly or more idk. but i also have this sneaking suspicion he could be messy. he’s already had the scheme to put the two people he liked together which backfired but i need more time to see if it continues
minseon: again I can’t quite get a read, idk if it’s bc I feel like I saw him less than the others or he was less chatty or whatever, but I can’t catch the vibe yet. he seems so sweet and cute, like he said, a big dog that’s actually a puppy. im just not sure about this initial attraction to jaeseung bc jaeseung called him for his second call bc he didn’t want to call seongmin bc hwi was in the room with him, so the call was just gratitude, but idk if that’s clear to minseon and i dont want him to stay focused on jaeseung with that misunderstanding. i did really enjoy him stirring that risotto tho, comedy gold. and he’s so cute in his glasses. a backseat fave maybe but I need to see more
hanmin: can’t speak a lot on him bc we didn’t get a lot but i get good vibes from him and am excited to get to know him more.
myeonggyun: i can speak about this one even less, and i know how reality tv works, i know they want their storylines and bad guys and drama, but this guy seems to be the messy one… whether it’s mess I’ll be annoyed by or mess that I’ll live for, we’ll have to wait and see
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