#he is the biggest troll in bleach
justakon · 1 year
I feel like writing gin tbh. Except, don't expect him to be nice :>
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fredwkong · 1 year
I have the biggest crush on my best friend. We're a great fit together. Unfortunately, he's a straight video gaming skater dude who's only into petite blonds, so no real chance of getting to explore what might be between us. I just wish he'd be into men and that I could be his type. It would be great, I bet.
The genie skates up to you. He’s skinny, covered in tattoos, and totally smooth-faced. “Okay, bro, here’s how this is gonna go.” He pulls out a bottle of hair bleach and some markers.
As he paints the bleach onto your hair, you feel yourself getting shorter, smaller. Your mind starts to empty out, and you stick your tongue out dumbly as your brain goes hazy. You wish the genie had thought to bring some weed, sitting still like this is so boring.
He starts drawing tattoos all over you using his markers, tongue between his teeth. With each stroke, you remember more and more days spent skating with your bro. When you aren’t at the skate part, the two of you are trolling each other on Fortnite.
As the genie finishes with your tatts and starts washing the bleach out of your hair, the door opens and your friend walks in. In a flash, the genie’s by his side, charming him, getting him to sit down in a chair while the genie draws a tattoo on the side of his scalp.
As ink spreads under your friend’s hair, you can see his gaze on you gaining an intent, sexual quality. You know that he wants to feel up your lean belly and stroke your bleached hair while fingering you. You can’t wait to share a bong with him tonight before logging into TF2 for hours of skater bro fun.
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Another wish fulfilled.
Got a wish you need twisted? Send an ask! Remember to say “I wish” so the genie hears exactly what you’re wishing for.
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mtgc858 · 9 days
Au lore time! So I looked at the movie Unfriended and thought of "What if it was my trolls instead" So boom! I also drew a Fnf concept with it!
Tw for attempted sui-, Body horror,Bullying and slight gore
Raven was exposed for a embarrassing video and went missing which others thought she...yeah or got taken so it's unknown what happened to her.
So Leroy,Chris,Pyro,Gabe,Twister and Legion join a group chat with a "glitch" in the background which later the "glitch" types to them and begins to expose them one by one.
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Starting with Pyro which later he was seen next to a thing of bleach and his phone as Leroy tried calling him only to see the phone move meaning the still image in front of them wasn't a image before cops and ambulance called and took him to the hospital
(one of the scariest arts I drew-)
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Then later Gabe is next and has a hidden camera in his room, he finds it and then the chat disconnects before showing that Gabe is attacked and killed by the "glitch"
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Next was the "Glitch" forced them to play Never have I ever and exposed there secrets, the biggest one was Chris was exposed for dating Raven after Legion confessed to him that he wanted to ask her out and loved her which Chris went behind his back which Raven didn't know at all.
Which Leroy and Chris got a paper saying that if they show it the other will die(there actual brothers in the au then being brother figures in the au) which Legion then tells Leroy that if he doesn't show it, Legion would expose Leroy about something himself which without hesitation he shows it and Chris gets attacked.
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Next is Twister as he hides in the bathroom which Leroy calls for help by calling random numbers which is to late as Twister gets strangled by the "Glitch"
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Next is the confrontation between Leroy and Legion as the "Glitch" is obviously revealed to be non other than Raven :] as she asks them in a text who posted the video as Legion had no idea about anything about it before Leroy goes behind his back and dm's Raven that Legion did it and he is attacked.
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Now Leroy being in hysterics trys to show her old images of there friendship and how he loved her(platonically) before she showed him the full video, They were at a party when all got drunk but Raven was out of it and on the ground being a mess, that's when it's revealed, Leroy recorded her in this state and posted it which when she begged for it to be taken down she was ignored which then caused her to go missing.
Which Raven found a company that made it were if you were bullied and needed help sign up, and in her desperate state she agreed only to be given ability to be a virus and a monster which unfortunately she did and her anger and depression got to her she became a monster and turned everyone else into monsters(there appearance and fates being unknown)
Except Legion as Raven learned Legion was completely innocent and had no idea which she made it seem she did but only did it to make Leroy confess which happened.
Now knowing the truth, Leroy's two faces personality shows as the real monster was him as Raven then confronts him and it ends with her jumping at the camera at him.
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The end of the au! LOL
Pretty dark but DANG this au was fun to talk about and draw!
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thecrushheb · 6 months
Finally finished Pathfinder Kingmaker! Clocked in at 158 hours. A full 20 more than Wrath of the Righteous. Unlike WotR I played on core difficulty and never had to drop it, more because of me than either game. I'm sure WotR gets spikier due to the epic levels thing going on, but I'd have to give it another go to see if it's actually that much harder. Biggest difference in difficulty for me was that this time I actually understood how to buff for each situation (on second thought, the 20 hour difference might just have been in buffing lmao, not really but, like fr).
Spoiler review below the cut
The story isn't quite on par with WotR, and the companions are nowhere near, but the diversity of the campaign was vastly vastly superior. From kobolds and trolls, to liches, to barbarian hordes, to fey, and really almost everything in between it felt like. I mean there were times where it really felt like peak rpg for me. Vordekai right into Armag was an insanely cool stretch. Compare that to WotR where its really one note, just demons and cults. From P:K to WotR there was a huge jump in quality basically across the board, except for that one drawback.
Speaking of characters, I didn't really connect with anyone except Ekun, Tristian, Harrim aaaand.... Kind of Jubilost? I liked others, Nok-Nok was good of course but had little depth, linzi I was sad to see die but she was a bit too earnest and glowing to not get on my nerves. I finished everyone's quest. ended up killing Jaethal at the end of hers (deserved, i was playing good). Tristians story was the best written, Harrims was compelling and how they let more and more depth to his philosophy drip in was good. Ekun had a great arc and good writing to his story too, probably the best actual positive change arc with how I played him. Have to say the voice acting on everyone was top notch. I'd be lying if I pretended Amiri didn't get old quick, and Octavia is not what I'm looking for in a relationship story and it felt like that's pretty much what she was only written to be so that got old too. Val was interesting but also felt like the writers were trying to say something but they weren't sure exactly what during the writing or they had a good arc and felt like it was too on the nose preachy so they muddled it idk, but it felt kind of all over the place with its point. Hated Reg, he was annoying and evil, Jubilost could have done with a more compelling story I didn't dig the bleaching and he also had no arc. The idea and arc behind Kalikke/Kinerah/Kaessi was awesome but underdelivered and i was kind of romancing them but their class wasn't useful enough to have them around that much or maybe I just didn't feel like putting in way more extra time figuring out how to get them to be great. I did like their story a lot, but then at the end I think there was a glitch and I couldn't recover them in the house and they didn't show up for the last battle. I loved how Tristian and Harrims plots made them seem mythical, Tristian tied into the main plot made him so awesome.
I played mostly with a party of Ekun (and Okbo! Got to be great friends with my panther) Val (fully buffed ended up with 68AC for the battle with the Lantern King) Octavia, Tristian, and Jubilost. Most substitutable was Jubilost because he was just extra DPS but his bombs not missing and being tripping made him indispensable at the end, plus great buffer. I played a Druid, the anti-Fey one, and it was great. Having 3 tanks was dope with my panther, Ekun, and Val.
To conclude, Pacing sucked and Kingdom management was the culprit it wasn't worth all that time for what it was. Companions were good enough with a couple moderately memorable ones. Main plot was good, might have been great with proper pacing because of how varied it was but it's impossible for me to give a better grade, definitely not top or anything because it wasn't really thematic or philosophical at all, but they weren't reaching for that. Mechanically it was absolutely top level. Got me to think deeply about my choices but play with some freedom, pushed me to try not to rest exactly the right amount, couldn't have asked for a better challenge - fun balance. Wont replay probably ever because I didn't feel like I missed anything and the kingdom management would be even more unbearable a second time. It felt decently reactive in the ending slides, but actively reactive... A little lacking compared to WotR or even something like Mask of the Betrayer and certainly not BG3 which is the goat in that regard. 158 hours well spent, didn't regret them, might inspire me to replay WotR but I probably should finish BG3 first at least once.
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bootlickerhawks · 2 years
I don't know if it is a bit too late but could you do AFO for the character ask game? I just want to hear your thoughts about him.
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/!\ 900 words of Pure Salt under the cut /!\
Hoo boy where to even begin...
AFO is a character that worked really well at the start of BNHA but now, the more time he spends on screen the more he drags the story down :/
AFO falls under the very hard to execute character archetype "all according to my keikaku" (i know there's an official name for it but shh) . These types of characters only work well when the plan is comprehensible and "simple". Allow me to elaborate with one of the best executed, imo, example: Sousuke Aizen. 
(spoilers for Bleach and more specifically the Soul Society arc, skip the orange text to avoid spoilers)   
Aizen completed 2 key steps that allowed the rest of his plan to run smoothly: he managed to hypnotize all the captains and lieutenants with his "shikai presentation" and he assassinated central 46 who serve as the judicial authority in Soul Society. So while the rest of his plan is complex it's believable for the readers because of the 2 key steps I mentioned.   
To the reader’s knowledge, AFO’s plan for the longest time was to troll All Might, recover and gather more quirks, and most importantly, to raise Tomura to be the Symbol of Fear. Now we know that raising Tomura was a facade in order to body snatch him because he needs “hatred” to obtain OFA. Also he wants to become the Übermensch Capitalist Demon Lord… cuz of Reasons. 
The problem with AFO isn’t his plan, that’s fine it’s boring but serviceable, the problem is that he makes decisions that work against his own interests. Let’s list some:
He refuses to take BJ’s quirk because it “wouldn’t suit Tomura” even though he planned on taking over Tomura’s body anyway. (I will concede that this one is nitpicky because it’s likely Hori hadn’t fully committed to the bodysnatch plotline and wanted to keep his doors open.) 
For some inconceivable reason he doesn’t take Overhaul (the quirk). This becomes especially bizarre if you take into account the theory that Chisaki was one of the kids in Ujiko’s orphanages. AFO wouldn’t have lost against All Might in the fight 5 years ago if he had had Overhaul! He would have been able to heal himself! And even if you disregard that theory, why take a risky gamble with Rewind now when he could have just taken Overhaul during the prison break?!!!!   
Hori is good at writing perceptive and observant characters (Izuku and Bakugou being good examples of this), but, and what I’m abt to say isn’t meant to disparage Horikoshi but uh… he’s not the best at writing smart characters. 
A good example of this is Hawks’ coded message to Endeavor. Full offense to Skeptic but if I was in charge of surveilling Hawks I would have known right away that something was up when Hawks kept insisting that Endeavor read the “highlighted parts” of the manifesto in chapter 245. Plus Hawks’ code was basic af but that could be explained away by Hawks’ thinking that Endeavor’s an idiot.  
Other examples include Deku’s revelation to start kicking instead of punching, and Endeavor’s advice to *checks notes* “learn to multitask”. 
Hori frames these instances as being a lot more clever than they really are. And honestly that’s fine, at the end of the day they’re just small plot points. But it does show Hori’s difficulty writing intelligent characters, which becomes a problem when writing a character like AFO. He's supposed to be smarter than the rest of the cast, he's supposed to have planned for every contingency and yet, as I’ve pointed above, he makes stupid mistakes which makes that hard to swallow.
But of course this isn’t where our problems end! AFO biggest crime isn’t murder, or kidnapping or grooming a traumatized child to be his sockpuppet. No no no no… his biggest crime is that he’s BORING AS HELL 😩
What do we know about AFO? 
He’s over 100 years old
He had a little brother and he still has hang ups about him 
He’s a petty manipulative egomaniac 
He won’t shut up abt a comic book he read with his brother as a kid 
This would be fine if he weren’t the Final Fucking Villain! 
And to add salt to the wound AFO’s continued existence has deprived us of the best character in bnha, Shigaraki, for over 50 chapters. 
This is the part where I feel conflicted. Because it does make sense for AFO’s character to refuse to relinquish his empire to Shigaraki. It makes sense for AFO, an egomaniac from a bygone era, to refuse to move on.  
I’ve seen people argue that it ruins the parallels between All Might/Deku and AFO/Shigaraki. And I can definitely understand that argument but it makes more sense than if AFO just gave everything away to an immature, at the time, kid that he groomed. 
So on a textual level I’m fine with the plot development of AFO Norting Shigaraki but as a reader it’s frustrating to watch because AFO sucks on all levels :/ 
AFO used to be entertaining at least, throwing All Might’s catchphrase to his face during the Kamino fight was funny as hell. But recently he’s just been throwing quips around like an MCU character 🤮 “iN tHe oLd CoMic I uSeD tO rEaD tHeRe WeRe JoBbEr ChArAcTeRs WhO oNLy ExIsTeD So ThE dEmOn LoRd CoULd ShOw WhAt He WaS mADE Of” Someone pls rip his tongue out I’m begging 😭
It's a shame cuz there are conceptual aspects of AFO's character that I enjoy: his opportunistic nature, his pettiness, "oopsie daisy" as cringe as it is could have been better if Hori leaned more into AFO's old-timiness, even his stupid comic book references could have been a nice subversion of the typical "villain monologues and quotes classic literature" trope if executed better.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
What comparisons can be made between renruki and Ichiruki? I often wondered about this.
This is such a hot button issue that as soon as I received this (perfectly polite) ask, my body tensed up and my brain went Am I being trolled?
It’s honestly a shame that there is so much bad blood behind this, because it is, in fact, a very interesting thing to talk about, and I am going to attempt to do so in good faith, because I love thinking about this kind of thing. Even though I am very openly a Renruki shipper, I love all three of these characters very much, and I think that Ichigo and Rukia’s relationship is very important! I am doing my best to be neutral, although I have not read very much Ichiruki fanfic/meta, so please give me a benefit of a doubt. Obviously, I can’t stop anyone from reblogging this and putting their own comments on it, but I have no interest in getting in debates over it, so don’t be surprised if I don’t engage.
This is both long, and I am sure some people don’t care, so I’m gonna put the rest under a cut. I have tried to hard to write this in a way that will not make anyone mad, but if you think it will make you mad, please give yourself the gift of not clicking on it.
So, what is the same between Ichigo and Renji? Lots, actually. Physically, they are both tall, strong, and have ridiculously colored spiky hair. They are outwardly grumpy, but secretly have soft, gooey centers. Neither one of them is dumb, but they are both dumbasses. They are protectors: they would rather take any amount of pain or damage onto themselves than see a loved one hurt. Their friends are everything to them, and that goes triple for Rukia.
How are they different, then? There are three major bullets:
- Ichigo is alive. Renji is dead. Perhaps this is a little flip, but Renji belongs to same world that Rukia does, and Ichigo does not. This is not a value judgment, it is just a fact: If Rukia ends up with Renji, she stays where she is. If she ends up with Ichigo, either Rukia or Ichigo have to make a huge change. I will get back to this.
- Youth vs. Experience. Ichigo is a 15-year old boy, as we are told about 1000 times. There is some mystery over how old Rukia and Renji are, but they have graduated from secondary education and are currently employed. I think it’s safe to assume that they are roughly close in age to each other, but I think Rukia may perceive Renji as seeming older than herself-- he graduated from school, and she didn’t; he’s on his third squad transfer, whereas she’s hasn’t budged from her initial, entry-level job, and he’s now middle management. However, the arc of the story we don’t get to see, is that over the timeskips, Rukia not only catches up to, but surpasses him. Also, not for nothing, but I think that in the same way Rukia is immediately drawn to Ichigo because of his resemblance to Kaien, I think she is also drawn to him for his resemblance to Young Renji-- a grumpy, prickly young man, leaking self-doubt from every pore, whom she is more able to be generous towards through the lens of age and experience. (And I think this comparison could support either ship)
- Ichigo is the protagonist. Rules don’t apply to him. Fate breaks on his sword. He represents the triumph of love or hard work or dreams or what have you over the cruel millstone of the world. Renji, on the other hand, is firmly bound to the rules of the world in which he inhabits. In fact, that is arguably the entire purpose of his character. Renji’s fights are often used to set the stakes of the conflict-- ah, Renji got mangled, this guy must be tough. In the Soul Society Arc, he is an antagonist because he is doing what he is supposed to. In the TYBW, Kubo literally throws the two of them in a pit to fight some asauchi just to make the point that Renji is a shinigami and Ichigo is something else.
Let’s jump over to Rukia for a moment. Rukia is a great character, one of my favorite characters in any media. Rukia contains multitudes. She is tough and strong, but often melancholy. She can be beautiful and elegant, but she also lies and breaks rules and tried to put Kon in a dead cat once. Emotionally, she likes to present a cool front, but she has a big, loving heart, and she feels deeply. As a character, all of this makes her very easy to project onto, which is why I think so many people OTP her with someone, no matter who.Some people choose to try to make her into one of these things or another, and some people try to keep her as the full bundle of contradictions that she is.
There is no romantic content in canon Bleach. There is no romantic content in canon Bleach. There are many, many scenes that can be interpreted romantically, but no one goes on a date, no one kisses. Ichigo gazes longingly into the eyes of all his friends, it’s just a thing he does. Orihime does explicitly proclaim at one point that she loves Rukia, although I suspect that in the original Japanese, it’s the word for “friendship love” and not the very-rarely-used “romantic love.” I have seen a scene-for-scene comparison of IchiHime “romantic moments” only it’s Chad and Uryuu (which I choose to believe supports IshiChad, rather than negates IchiHime, but we may all choose for ourselves!) My point is that shipping in Bleach is a DIY craft, which, when we’re all having a good time, is what makes it so fun.
So, bringing all of this together, given that Ichigo and Renji are fairly similar characters, why are the ships so different, and what makes one appeal to some people and be abhorrent to someone else?
I think about romance stories a lot. I actually took a class on romance novels in college and I just really like to think about the mechanics of stories. In the truest sense of the word, “romance” is about extremes-- about sailing the high seas and wearing ostentatious shirts and shouting off a cliff in a rainstorm. When we talk about romance as a genre, the characters tend to behave in a way that we would not prefer our actual romantic partners do, but the over-the-top nature of it makes us swoon and our hearts drop -- except when it doesn’t. What is heart-breakingly romantic to some people can be a huge turn-off to others. The biggest fight my husband and I have ever had was over a kdrama. The male lead was hiding his identity from the female lead in order to help her, and I found it all to be deeply, deeply romantic, and my husband turned to me and said “He is being dishonest with her and I think it’s morally wrong” and I almost died.
So, let’s break down some of the themes of the two ships, which I think gets at the meat of what you were asking. Now, like I said, shipping is very participatory, and anyone may have their own ideas of how these relationships would be, and I am a big fan of “a great writer can get away with anything”, but in broad strokes, I think that these are the themes of the two ships:
Love conquers all/ Love is enough to overcome differences of class, age, lifestyle, geography, etc.
Instant connections/Love at first sight
Love is a force of the universe that cannot be denied or defeated
Young love
Grand gestures
Your partner changes you (in a positive way)/You effect change in your partner
Your partner is the center of your world
Your partner is the one person who can get through to you/You are the one person who can get through to your partner
Love takes work
Best friends to lovers
Second chances/Broken things can be repaired
Love is a choice
You improve with age
Shared experiences build love
Working together with your partner to create a mutually satisfying life together
Your partner enriches your world, but your independence is maintained
There is also some degree of character interpretation at work, too-- there seems to be a huge degree of disagreement between fans as to whether:
a) Ichigo enjoys his normal, human life, and even though he do anything to protect what he loves, he would prefer to live a human existence with his human friends and family. He credits Rukia will helping him realize his strength and powers.
b) Ichigo is unsatisfied with his human life and that meeting Rukia opened the doorway to a life of excitement and adventure, on top of being given the strength to protect his loved ones.
As far as Ichigo pairings go, I think that most IchiHime people fall in category (a) and most IchiRuki (and GrimmIchi) shippers fall in (b). In both cases, peoples’ ships align with their view of what makes Ichigo happy. Most IchiRuki content I have seen  seems to feature Ichigo moving to Soul Society, rather than Rukia moving to Karakura. Rukia pretty explicitly indicates at the end of the Soul Society Arc that she wants to stay in Soul Society, plus she’s got a pretty established life there. Contrast that to the story of Isshin and Masaki-- Isshin seems pretty flippant and disaffected about his life in Soul Society; it doesn’t seem like it was a particularly hard choice for him to give up being a shinigami. Also, it’s pretty clear that what Isshin did was illegal, and I’m not sure there would be an easy way for Rukia to just say “WELP, I’m off to live as a human, smell you jerks later.”
To try to wrap things up, I think the actual dynamics of an IchiRuki or RenRuki relationship would be very similar, actually. They would banter a lot and dive headfirst into danger and support each other no matter what. Byakuya would treat either guy with the vaguest, most grudging amount of respect. The primary perpetual, unresolved argument between Rukia and Ichigo would be “The Living World is dumb/Soul Society is dumb”, whereas with Rukia and Renji, it would be “Squad 6 is dumb/Squad 13 is dumb wait no I didn’t mean that Captain Ukitake is an angel.”
Personally, I headcanon Renji as being more able than Ichigo to step back and be the support person in the relationship (see that bullet about Ichigo being the protag), so I think that RenRuki could manage to run a functional household, whereas Ichigo and Rukia would just go on adventures until they got arrested for tax evasion.
*For the record, I am very pro-IchiRenRuki, except that they would be even worse at running a household. It’s just Renji trying to explain how a chore wheel works while Rukia and Ichigo walk out the door on him.
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snowtimeisbesttime · 4 years
Thoughts and questions (remix) on Friendsim Volume 16.
-We’re getting close to the other side of Thrashthrust, huh? IIRC, Outglut (where Xefros and Dammek live) is close to the outer edges of the city… // Sadly we did not even get to KonMari the heck out of Dammek's hive...
-Fozzer gives me kinda Disney vibes?? I think it’s his eyes.
-He’s also a lot less gloomy than I expected. Considering his route, has he always been like that? And will he? // oh fozzy what awaits you beyond what you've already gone through?
-Wouldn’t Fozzer know that ghosts are indeed A Thing because of burgundies’ ghost communing abilities?? Literally the only ones we know that have them are the Megidos, Xefros (and he hasn’t used it on screen yet) and assorted arena stickball players, but anyway you’d think he’d know that… On a related topic, none of the Troll Call burgundies seem to have telekinesis.
-How does Alternian cheese even look?? hopefully not very maggot-y…
-Let’s get to the meat of the route: the scratch-y (as in the universe reset) bois out there in Fozzer’s backyard. Like what are those. Fozzer says he’s been seeing them the last few nights, so either they appeared recently or he started digging the Happy Absence Pit Park recently.
-Trolls do bury their dead, if only to not have random corpses lying around. As HAPP is still under construction, we can’t tell how exactly is it meant to be more respectful to the dead yet. // how does this gel with aradia's corpse parties?? does the party start before, during or after the burial??
-Fozzer’s opinion on Alternia basically flipped after we peeked into the weird spacetime gaps and got a faceful of scratch energy- what did it do to the MC? And perhaps most importantly, has it happened before? (what else did it change?)
-(at least one version of fozzer is not there anymore. heart is identities, so…) // alas, poor fozzer. Who might you have been and what could you have achieved in a fateful timeline, that it had to be obliterated? Also, if scratch Really is trying to murder boldir because she's a threat to him, and considering her abilities... what was Fozzer capable of?
-Is the world of Friendsim somehow… falling apart? Is its non canon nature going to be resolved by it just ceasing to exist? // it... kinda didn't? This did happen in pesterquest and was resolved by MSPAR acquiring the power of extreme fix-it fics, but we don't know if they were able to reach the guys from Friendsim in their Locked Timeline...
-Davepeta: *establishes a relationship between Time and Heart with the whole Ultimate Self talk* Boldir & Fozzer: hold our beers (Tirona did have like 3 bad endings as well iirc???)
-The Good Cloun Streak continues. Thank fuck. (then again we were told he was a liar back when his Troll Call came out…) // His route gave him very good vibes, but what we've seen of him in Hiveswap proper looks pretty ominous... though ironically his new Troll Call bulletpoints tone down the ominousness he already had by removing “midsummer nightmare”. One of the new ones is just Friendsim Characterization Stuffs, but the other one (Mirthful idolatry)... might match the “faker” vibes he gets from the meaning of his last name, or might mean some other thing...
-Clowns confirmed not to be as dumb as they look, re: the blacklisting.
-featuring the most efficient vehicle in the entire multiverse: Hover Segway Thingy
-Marvus feels like a Blood, Light or Void player. I’m leaning towards Blood (the capricen vs lelo spiral thingy, also he’s pretty ride and die) or Light (literally attracts everybody’s attention (and other things) once they see him, like a lot), but there’s also an interesting quote: “He leaves a bloody void in his wake.”
-He could also be Heartbound or Timebound, considering Fucking Shit Up Timewise seems to also be a Heart Thing now. // it was Time, all along.
-Was the Caprist sign on his hat actually not a bamboozle? Does he instead bear Capries, the Dick Sign Extraordinaire? // he does not, as he isn't a dick (so far...)
-Re: Blood stuff: either he didn’t see the MC’s crimson blood, or he doesn’t have the same compulsion to murder anyone with that blood color.
-Play of the Game (Lifesaver): Rapsta Slamzy for changing topics away from the concert diapers. Thank you so much, one-scene-wonder clown. // never forget (rapsta's feat. apply copious amounts of brain bleach to the other thing.)
-What’s Marvus’ reason for saving us, besides the fact that we were with Zebruh? The fact that he tried so hard to save the MC from the literal doom of a timeline and what he said about the Ultimate Timeline makes me think he Knows Shit. // this extreme amount of ride-or-die leads me to believe he might not be an antagonist in Act 2, or perhaps not the biggest one...
-The clown church is impervious to the natural means of correction of a doomed timeline, except for its literal ending. Perks of having a Lord of Time as one of your Messiahs, I guess.
-Will we have a clown uprising against the seadwellers in Act 2?
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talltalestogo · 4 years
Trolling Trump
Opinion by
Dana Milbank
Columnist, The Washington Post
Oct. 20, 2020 at 6:43 p.m. EDT
When President Trump was in the hospital battling covid-19 two weeks ago, he devoted one morning to making the case for his reelection in a series of 15 all-caps tweets, such as:
It was mostly nonsense, of course, but it had an appealing, playground-style brevity — a feverish, steroid-fueled closing argument of sorts for Trump.
Now, less than two weeks from Election Day, Americans are voting in almost every state. At least 33 million have already cast their ballots. What better time to borrow Trump’s literary device and deploy it against him? Here goes:
Our Democracy in Peril: A series on the damage Trump has caused — and the danger he would pose in a second term
There’s more — much more. But to list all the damage would take more than a column. It would take four years, and who would want to relive that?
Had enough? VOTE!
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unohanadaydreams · 4 years
Guess who’s been reading more Bleach today? (I once again remind you to block ‘mars livespeaks’ if you don’t want these posts today lmao. There are multiple coming).
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This is a woman too used to being a rich bitch. What do you MEAN take it back, Ichigo? What could it cost? 10 dollars???
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Fucking impeccable, Yuzu. This is the kind of girl who would meet characters like Mayuri and Kenpachi and Komamura and go “ah. a horrifying person. a repulsive figure. someone who would scare off literally anyone. (: i love them.”
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Isshin is the BIGGEST troll in this series. Instead of telling his children the truth about who they are, where he comes from, who their mother was, or literally anything involving their blossoming powers that will increasingly bring danger into their lives, he hypes up fucking Don Kanoniji.
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Orihime: ): do you not get it? Ichigo: !!! Orihime: (:
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He’s a puppy--a kicked puppy. And he needs emotional pets. Also, go figure that the woman who almost got herself killed for you, when you were stranger, CARES now that she KNOWS you, Ichigo!
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Remember when we could’ve had Karin and Tatsuki with powers? I DO. Also the fact that Karin having such visceral physical reactions to negative energies just never goes anywhere? The fact that she’s not trained to be a soul reaper for the sake of her own safety? WHACK!
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Ah, to be a reckless 15 year old intent on kicking a hollow to death.
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Honestly value the fun little nod to Tatsuki having a passion for singing VERY much. Also Rukia’s like “it’s rukongai rules, Ichigo. Shouldn’t have gotten caught.”
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Imagine the holier-than-thou disdain Uryu is vibing with right now while hearing this exchange. Incredible.
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How long did you stand in the background preparing what to say, Uryu? Ten minutes or so?
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Can I just say: Peak comedy.
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Remember soul ribbons??? Remember when that shit was a big thing???
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Not to say that Soul Society probably didn’t give them as many chances as they could of or that the sort of language they use to describe what happened sounds very “we tried our best to not annihilate an entire group of people wink wink” BUT.  Especially later on when it’s revealed how most SR have a blatant disgust for them, uuuuuh seems unlikely they cared much.
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evilkitten3 · 5 years
The biggest lie in BLEACH is when Matsumoto and Kira fights and Kira asks if she knows what his zanpakuto does and she answeres "You don't tell people about that." EVERYONE tells their enemies what their zanpakuto/special ability is! Yes, even Gin, he just trolled a bit first. But seriously, everyone goes "let me tell you about my power..." or "so you figured out that my ability is...". They're not very good at keeping it secret.
how that scene SHOULD have gone:
“Can it be?” Kira asked. “You don’t know, do you... Matsumoto? What my zanpakutō can do?” She gave him a hard look in response.
“No, I don’t.” She said coolly. “Does anybody? You don’t tell people such things.”
“That’s not true.” Kira was about to bring up that almost no one in the entire Gōtei 13 was capable of keeping their mouths shut about what exactly their zanpakutō did, but since he was about to blab about his own abilities, that seemed like it would be a bit hypocritical. “My classmates Hinamori... and Abarai know, I think. But that’s all right. It can’t be helped now. I’ll show you as well.” It was fortunate that he’d been able to resist the urge to ‘do the explain-y thing’, as Captain Ichimaru had put it.
Kira lunged, but his zanpakutō somehow missed her altogether. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice. “Matsumoto!!” The two clashed, blade meeting blade, the sharp cries of steel ringing out around them. “Good reactions!” Kira called, hoping to throw her off her guard.
“Don’t talk down to me!” she spat back. Hindsight – Matsumoto had been a lieutenant for well over fifty years, had served under two captains, and had grown up with Captain Ichimaru. Kira was beginning to wonder why he’d thought he could win this. He wasn’t on her level, and he should have known that already. Captain Ichimaru certainly knew it, but then again... he’d told Kira to be a distraction, so perhaps he’d expected Kira to be prepared to lose. Trying to figure out what was going on in Captain Ichimaru’s head was just a shortcut to a headache, though, so Kira turned his attention back to the fight.
“Just now...” he began. “How many times did you block my sword?”
“What?” Matsumoto was clearly caught off-guard, but the reason for the question soon became apparent as her blade was dragged down into the roof of the building they were fighting on.
“It doubles the weight of whatever it strikes,” Kira said, doing the explain-y thing. “And with each successive blow... the doubling continues. So... finally the defender can bear the weight no more and grovels on the ground, his head bowed in penitence.” Or her head, in this case, but he was pretty sure she understood that without him telling her. “Hence the name... Wabisuke.”
Kira began to explain this further, although a part of him wondered why he was bothering, as Matsumoto was a grown woman who had certainly mastered basic multiplication by now.
“So what?” She asked once he was done dragging out the explanation of her sword now weighing around 225 pounds (weird - he was pretty sure he only knew the metric system). “I don’t intend to twirl it like a baton... I’m going to hit you with it.” Her smirk threw him off-guard. “Growl, Haineko!”
All Kira could do was stare in shock as her sword turned to what he assumed was ash. It occurred to him that he’d had no idea whatsoever what her own zanpakutō could do, and realization struck him to his core. Matsumoto rolled her eyes.
“Hate to break it to you, kid,” she said with the grin of a woman who’d won the fight long before it even began. “But I grew up with Gin. You think you’re the only one he taught that trick to?”
As if to prove her point, Matsumoto proceeded to soundly kick his ass, without ever bothering to say a word about her blade. Somewhere, Kira was pretty sure fate was laughing at him – or maybe it was just Captain Ichimaru.
(for the record, Matsumoto doesn’t say shit about her abilities until her fight with the Tres Bestias, which is her third actual fight in the manga. She’s almost as good at not telling people about her Zanpakutō as Gin is, and she’s certainly better at it than Kira.)
((also most of the dialogue here is taken straight from the manga, with the exception of Matsumoto’s last line and all of Kira’s internal fourth-wall-leaning))
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yellowmagicalgirl · 5 years
Looking Down at the Scars that Remain
After the Eternal Night, Mary and Darci are owed an explanation.
No one expected the explaining to go this badly, though.
Or, have a fanfic where no one goes to New Jersey, Darci uses they/them pronouns, and the POV character deals with dissociation and panic/anxiety attacks.
This may have been an excuse to practice writing in first person.
Thank you to Hagar for coming up with the Tales of Arcadia Timeline; that helped me write this.
I sat in Darci's room. I'd been here before, and not much had changed about their room since we were in middle school, though I could see that one of their Harry Potter posters has been replaced by the Papa Skull one I gave them for their birthday.
Unlike their room, us three inhabitants of it had changed. I'd changed the most, and Mary and Darci were expecting me to explain everything. I owed it to them. Jim, Toby, and I had been doing a lot of explaining, especially Toby and I because we were still human.
"What about those weird bugs?" Darci asked. "Was that troll-related?"
"No, I'm pretty sure that was Aja," Mary said.
"Mr. Strickler's a troll, though, so she might be one too!"
"Are you talking about the pixies?" I interjected. "And no, I saw Aja after all the familiars got rescued, she's got to be human."
Besides, I would have expected a different reaction to the massacre at the Janus Order had Aja been a changeling.
"Wait, fairies and pixies are real, too?" Mary asked.
"Fairies and pixies had a war, and the fairies lost," I said. "Pixies, though, they look like fireflies and can crawl inside your head to make you see your worst fears."
I pushed the thought of le Fay, the fairy, being more like a pixie away from myself.
"Remember how back in February everyone seemed to really trip out on hallucinogenic drugs?" I asked. My friends looked uncomfortable and nodded. "A troll assassin entered the school and released a bunch of pixies to act as a distraction. That way, he could corner Jim and try to get Jim to steal his soul back for him."
I should have never suggested that we keep Angor's soul away from him. That's an agony that...
No, I would still wish that fate upon her.
"That would explain why they never figured out where the drugs came from," Darci said.
"What about when Señor Uhl ate Toby's breakfast burrito and was sick for most of the day? Was that secretly troll poison?" Mary asked.
"I mean, it has given a troll the size of a volcanon GI issues, but that taco is entirely human-made. Toby just has a stronger stomach than our Spanish teacher. Though a troll did attack our school that day." I looked away; it hadn't been that long since Draal died, but because of Gunmar taking him over it felt like longer.
"Was it the assassin?" Darci asked.
"No, it was another troll. He had been mind-controlled by Gunmar." I looked back at the two girls who had been my friends since we were kids. "Other than that, he was a friend."
Mary and Darci shared a glance as they realized that the troll I was talking about had died. They probably thought he died when Jim killed Gunmar, and they were only off by a couple days.
"Did he know how to use spray paint?" Mary asked in a softer voice.
I chuckled, pushing away my grief for now. "No, that was Steve. He and Eli were already trying to help from the sidelines."
"Like when Toby tried to kill our flour baby?" Darci asked.
"Yeah," I said. "Like then." Good, Toby had explained some stuff to his girlfriend. Maybe he had explained the whole double date that I didn't want to think about. Good for him, I'd have to stop by his house with tacos some time soon.
"Was you acting weird on the double date troll-related too, or was it just stress?" Darci asked.
Pressure wrapping around my skull, behind where my eyes were, was the only warning I had.
"Though I guess some of your stress has been troll-related lately," Darci said.
I had had an actual out-of-body experience. It wasn't this. The feeling of not being quite real was just as terrifying.
"As if getting sick right before finals wasn't enough," Mary commented. "The black blood was creepy." Her voice got slower with each word, like she was trying to figure out if something was off.
Everything was off.
This was real. This wasn't the Shadow Realm. This was real. This was real.
Convincing myself was harder than it should have been.
I tried to count the amount of stuffed animals on Darci's bed to slow my rapid breathing, and it only helped somewhat.
"Claire?" Mary put a hand on my shoulder. It didn't startle me into a fight-or-flight mode, which was good. It didn't startle me back into a sense of reality, either.
"Are you okay? If you want to talk about something else, it's fine," Mary said. "We can talk about boys..." She trailed off, either remembering that my boyfriend wasn't human anymore or the fact that Darci asking about "my" behavior on our double date double date was what had set me off.
"Or we can go grab some chips from downstairs?" Darci asked, a mix of nervous and guilty.
I shook my head. "You know that staff I had?" My voice sounded so far away, like it was coming from something other than my body.
Darci and Mary nodded.
"The one you made portals with, right?" Mary asked.
"Yeah. The Monday after we had Saturday Detention, I made a giant portal. It was the biggest portal I've ever made. I nearly died, and my hair turned white. I thought that was the only lasting effect."
"Oh," Mary said, quietly enough that she wouldn't be interrupting. She had asked me why I had bleached my streak to white, and I had lied.
"I didn't think my getting sick had anything to do with the portal, even though it started right after I made the portal. I still didn't think they were related when I started bleeding black; I just thought there was something weird going on. That there was another reason."
I turned to Darci. "When I ordered that steak, I didn't choose to order it that way."
They looked confused. I didn't want to say it, but I owed them an explanation.
"I... Toby and Jim said that you went to check on me after I went to the bathroom. Had you been a couple minutes earlier, you would've seen me get my soul ripped out of my body as a woman who called herself the Eldritch Queen forced her own soul into me."
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alroma1 · 6 years
Gintama 697 Review
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Why it is ending like a movie even though it is not a movie?
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Some deep self-analysis from Shinpachi.
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If I remember correctly in databook Sorachi said something along the lines that he loves use Otose like deus ex machina but isnt she a bit too chill?
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Is this a joke about All Might?
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Friends will be friends.
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Kamui lol. I just want to know if he taught Kagura age techniques who taught him if they killed master Son together?
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I get that Gintoki is great but to develop other plot points dont sound like bad idea to me. 
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It is nice talk but is this how you spent you preultimo chapter? Oh, Sorachi...
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This is just a second movie right? 
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I just wonder is Sorachi realizes that with new hair he gave her, Tsukuyo leterally can not have that hairstyle
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Zenzou is who? So this is it. Next week ( officialy next week since jump shall go on sale on Saturday ) we are either going to have the worst manga ending in recent years ( yeah, worse than Bleach, stop pretending like not) or one of the biggest ( might be the biggest ) trolling in anime manga world. See you next week.
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screamingintp · 6 years
more about my mc
this is a mess, please don’t read it unless you’re interested in what i come up with when i’m sleep deprived and creating my first rp character
https://character-resource.deviantart.com/art/Big-Ass-Character-Sheet-Updating-167182524 but i cut out a buncha shit
welcome to hell(or the place in which I can’t capitalize for shit and curse too much and am vague but that’s honestly my personality in general)
Full Name: Mark Knox
Meaning: Mark, derived from Martkos(Roman), related to the war god, Mars. Knox, derived from cnoc(Scottish), meaning hillock.
Origin: made it up on the spot because planning is for cowards
Signature: illegible letters - MKX
Gender: male
Orientation: pan(i wrote pam and don’t regret it)-aro
Blood: three-quarters pure, half blood father
Birthday: 6-6
Deathday: (May not have one yet)(oh gee, did you not expect me to have a day of death?)(well, i don’t)
Astrological Sign: Gemini(fun fact: Draco’s the only Gemini on the wiki)(why is this relevant)(astrology is weird as all hell)
Immediate Family: Jacob Knox(brother)
Distant Family: Shay Knox(mother), Clark Knox(father)
Parenting: non-existent
Upbringing(morals and ideals): considering he was raised by a person only a few years older than him, during the period of Voldemort’s rule, he is less screwed up than he could’ve been. However, he still possesses a rather vague and undefined sense of right and wrong - using his logic to bypass any sort of regrets if it blocks him from his goal
Infancy: (dropped at birth is an option and i’m living for it)
Childhood: that one kid who lit ants on fire and was ‘rebellious’ (you know that post about america being the asshole kid with neglectful parents? That’s the one)
Adolescence: canon
Adulthood: never. He hasn’t even gotten taller
Species: hooman
Preferred Hand: ambidextrous(he keeps injuring his hands)
Facial Type: like a face, why is this - oval, i guess
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair Color (Self Explanatory)(it isn’t when his hair is grey/silver/white)(the kid probably bleached his already pale hair)(he probably likes the smell of bleach)
Hairstyle: fringe-up
Complexion: blushes easily, relatively smooth unless you look at the cuts and bruises and scars on his arms, back and legs
Body Type: ectomorph
Build: skinny arms and legs, he isn’t the most physically fit and regularly damages his body due to his complete lack of care for his own safety
Height: 65 in
Weight: 120 lb
Shoe Size: (Shoe size doesn’t matter)(goddamnit i forgot this was an innuendo)(keep it pg, please)
Birthmarks/scars: no birthmarks, and has tons of ugly marks all over him, none of them particularly remarkable
Distinguishing Features: the contrast between his eye color and hair color - but other than the hair, he doesn’t have a memorable face
Health: as healthy as a wizard without impulse control and emotional support could be
Energy: swings from highs and lows without any pattern
Memory: remembers the small stuff, the negative parts - forgets about major ideas or lessons
Senses: heavily relies on eyes, can’t taste for shit
Allergies: (Self Explanatory. May be optional.)(i mean, i would put animals, but we have transfiguration)
Medication: needs some, doesn’t take any
Phobias(irrational fears):
Symmetrophobia(fear of symmetry, an unnatural-looking but normal occurrence, which isn’t debilitating, but causes him stress and uneasiness)
Siderophobia(fear of the stars, the idea that there’s so much out there that he doesn’t know of is pretty awful and, again, while it isn’t going to freeze him up, it will cause him to become upset)
Addictions: none yet
Mental Disorders: undiagnosed
Style: couldn’t care less about appearance  - he wears the school robes most of the time
Mode of Dress: doesn’t have a particular taste, as long as it’s passable, it’s fine - tends to wear a size or two larger
Grooming: somewhere in between messy and neat
Posture: he displays an air of aloofness and confidence - almost condescending in stance
Gait: quickly and efficiently - it’s brisk at his slowest
Coordination: not physically fit at all, he’s too reckless for that - exercises to the point of exhaustion without realizing that it’s detrimental to do so and has limbs flying all over the place
Habits and Mannerisms: taps his foot or fingers when excited, nervous, or anything that deviates from his usual ‘cool’ facade
Scent: earth, smoke, and grass - faint but noticeable
Mood: ‘calm’ - probably plotting though
Attitude: he’s charismatic and charming until you dig deeper
Stability: hA
Expressiveness: can act like he’s wearing his heart on his sleeve but can never fully give his true thoughts
When Happy: smirks - invades personal space and slows down
When Depressed: smiles - talks louder and speaks faster
When Angry: (trolls online is an option and if that isn’t Mark, i don’t know what is) smirks - wide eyes and tense hands
Friends: Rubeus Hagrid - but not really
Enemies: Rita Skeeter - but not really
Bosses: Filius Flitwick - but not really
Followers: not even himself
Heroes: Filius Flitwick - “short people are closer to hell and he’s gonna whoop my ass if I do anything stupid”
Rivals: Ismelda - “for most edgy teen”
Relates to: Dumbledore - impersonal but seemingly close, full of contradictions and ulterior motives
Pets/Familiars: does his jar of bug bodies count?
Wardrobe: mostly consisting of Hogwarts robes, formal robes, and the identical grey-blue sweater and jeans
Equipment: carries a wand and a pencil(but not paper, because he has problems)
Accessories: a single dangling silver piercing on his right ear(family tradition)
Trinkets: carries hair ties on his wrist all the time(why? He doesn’t even know)
Funds: his family is relatively well off, being a respected branch of purebloods
Home: almost like his personality, warm and nice on the outside, cozy on the inside, but dead silent and empty when no one looks - not large but not small either, seeming normal by all accounts if you don’t look into any of the rooms(jacob’s windows are taped shut and Mark broke through the locked door that connected their bedrooms)
Neighborhood: the woods
Transportation: running because stamina apparently is infinite in this world
Collections: bug bodies, herbs, and lighters
Prized Possession: his wand, after seeing Jacob’s broken one
Lovers: yeet
Marital Status: yeet
Experience: works in the three broomsticks in his off time to get experience and money, nothing serious
Organizations/Affiliations: changeable, he doesn’t plant many roots or make any long-term promises
Education: i mean, Hogwarts. But is it even ‘education’?
School: (What was their school like?) bitch this is Hogwarts
Social Stereotype: “least favorite cursed student”
Intelligence: mostly interpersonal, linguistic and logical
Extracurricular Activities: would do theater if given the chance
Morals: don’t exist - but he honestly has a problem with reasoning his way into committing seriously wrong deeds
Crime Record: hasn’t been caught yet ;)
Motivation: adrenaline, change - nothing truly meaningful or satisfying
Priorities: knowledge, humans, self
Philosophy: gen z nihilism
Etiquette: usually practices ‘correct’ etiquette - does not give a fuck if his behaviour offends someone though
Influences: everything and anything he finds intriguing
Traditions: tries to run away from them, always moving and staying ahead of the past
Career: spell-inventor or wand-maker/seller
Desires: uncertain
Accomplishments: undetermined
Biggest Failure: failing Jacob
Secrets: his manipulative side, his genuinely mean streak and the fact that he regrets having those traits
Regrets: a shit ton of things
Worries: Jacob, being nothing in the grand scheme of things, being a hypocrite, betrayal, a shit ton of things
Best Dream: having a greater purpose
Worst Nightmare: dying alone and being left behind as a ghost
Best Memories: finding his brother’s secret room, meeting Billingsley
Worst Memories: losing his brother, lying to his teachers, accidentally calling Chester: Jacob
Hobbies/Interests: explore the wilderness, identify flora and fauna, observing other people
Skills/Talents: pyromancy, charms in general, debating, acting, singing
Likes: mint, sharpies, fire
Dislikes: himself, close-minded people, pity
Sense of Humor: sarcastic, self-deprecating, relatively dark
Pet Peeves: the guy scratching his quill the wrong way in the front row whenever they write essays
Dreams/Nightmares: doesn’t dream usually - when he does, it’s usually flashes of color and abstract black and white shapes
Quirks: can’t sit on the fucking couch correctly
Understands: how people think, the reason they fail, mistakes
Can't understand: quidditch, values, structure
Closet Hobby: burning shit(though that isn’t really a hidden thing with him)
Strengths: charismatic, diplomatic, quick-witted, inwardly caring, able to understand his flaws, patient, logical, able to read other people
Flaws: lies often, manipulative, lazy, lenient, passive, harsh, inconsiderate, enjoys pushing people’s buttons, doesn’t understand people
Perception of others: beautiful, incomprehensible, vast
Instincts: wants approval(deems it irrational)
Lures: leadership roles, secrets, problems
Soft Spot: innocence but not ignorant, optimism
Ability: capable if he puts his mind to it - employs unpredictable and risky techniques instead of having a fear of consequences
Weaknesses: stubborn opponents - he expects change and gets caught off guard when someone seems set in their ways
Patronus: non-corporeal
Boggart: fire(irony i guess is easy to use when you don’t have anything else)
Wand: spruce, phoenix feather, 12”, springy
Amortentia: lime, smoke, sharpies
House: Ravenclaw(that post about the kid wanting to be put in Ravenclaw since ppl will trust you but got in Slytherin)
Favorite Color(s): grey, blue
Favorite Animal(s): swedish short snout
Favorite Drink(s): coffee and soda(probably together because he can’t function like a normal person)
Favorite Genre: mystery or myths
Favorite Subject(s): charms(Flitwick is the man) and divination(where you can bs your way through anything)
Least Favorite Color(s): black, white
Least Favorite Animal(s): flies
Least Favorite Drink(s): does soup count? Because he does drink it in a cup
Least Favorite Genre: manuals and biographies
Least Favorite Subject(s): flying(impulsive idiot) and care of magical creatures(he’s a screw up around animals)
Languages: english and he taught himself some Latin
Voice: average in tone, a bit nasally, rather forgettable except for the speed
Greetings and Farewells: doesn’t
Ask your character "how are you": yes.
Character tries to compliment: you have eyes, your name is ___
Tries to insult: passive-aggressively drags a person
Expletive: damn(dam)(loopholes, my friends)
Laughter: snorting, definitely not normal
Tagline: ___, yeah?
Reputation: other than the whole ‘brother’ problem, is relatively well-liked
First Impressions: charming, confident guy
Stranger Impressions: a bit loud but not strange
Friendly Impressions: goddamnit Mark, shut up
Enemy Impressions: please keep talking so we’re allowed to punch you in the face
Familiar Impressions: ah yes, the hair pops up from time to time
Compliments from others: bright, energetic, optimistic, honest
Insults: dangerous, unstable, chaotic
Self-Impression: am shit
Compare to: forest fire(destructive and necessary for change)
Symbols: flames, ashes, duality
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Headcanon Meme please! (Going to go ever so slightly left-field.) The Shibas: ♦ ☯ ▼ and the Shihōins: ☮ ▼ ♒
Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  
♦ - Quirks/Hobbies
I think that Shiba Love the Outdoors. You know how in Jane Austen novels, there’s always That Guy who wants to go shooting all the time, or otherwise just tromp around? Or Mustrum Ridcully from Discworld? Anyway, that was the Shiba back when they were noble, and now that they are Disgraced, they are just outdoors, all the time. They used to have an Elegant Rukongai Estate, but Kuukaku sold it off and now just builds various Arm Houses.
They love campfires. They love fishing. They love riding boars. It is Shiba tradition to know various kinds of trees and the constellations and how to orienteer. Isshin has tried to take his kids camping many times and generally comes off as an incompetent fool because all his knowledge in this area only applied to Soul Society.
The Kurosaki kids are very much city dwellers, but I feel like if they got to have a lengthy visit to the Rukon, they would just absolutely thrive running, jumping, climbing trees. Yuzu would attract a Totoro within hours.
Miyako was Seireitei born-and-bred, and the first time Kaien had her out to the family estate, she was up to her knees in the lake, trying to catch frogs, and Kaien fell double in love with her.
☯ - Likes/Dislikes
Shibas like: Loud things, also being loud. Parties. Food, and lots of it (with a special affection for breakfast foods.) THEIR FRIENDS. Working really hard and then chilling a well-deserved chill.
Dislikes: People who talk big and then fail to live up to it. Doing things based on societal pressure. Dressing in a way that does not match their personal preferences. PEOPLE WHO HURT THEIR PRECIOUS FRIENDS. The Central 46.
▼ - Childhood
Hi, are you ready for Sobbing Hours? I think that Isshin was an only child and that he hung out with the main branch a lot when he was young. I think Isshin is somewhat older than Kaien, and often treated him as a younger sibling, both good-naturedly bullying him, but also teaching him About the Heart and other important Shiba values. In other words, I think that the way Kaien treated Rukia is based on the way his favorite cousin treated him and what goes around comes around.
☮ - Friendship, ▼ - Childhood, ♒ - Cooking/Food
I’m gonna kinda do these one go, but I’ll touch on all of them.
For all of Yoruichi’s freewheeling independence, I think that the Shihouin is a very strict clan, and even though she has a lot of power, she was raised with a lot of high expectations.
One of the nicknames for the Shihouin Clan is the House of Godly Gears, a name I would have dropped approximately 100,000 times if I were writing Bleach, and one of its duties is to be the caretakers of various artifacts and relics of Soul Society. We know that the Fon Clan is one of their vassal families whose duty is to support the Shihouin with regards to the Onmitsukidou, but I like to think that the Urahara are a different vassal family whose duty is to be artifacers and experts on the use of magical objects. At some point, Yoruichi describes Urahara as a “childhood friend”, but I think they probably met more toward their late childhood, like tweens or early teens. I don’t think Urahara is particularly high ranking in his own clan, but I think he was regarded as very talented, and was selected at an early age and groomed to be Yoruichi’s Chief Science Advisor of sorts, and they became besties (which was not necessarily looked well upon by Yoruichi’s family and more senior retainers, leading them to them building secret hideouts and such).
I think Yoruichi found her own parents very cold and strict, and wanted to be a different kind of Clan Head. I think she struck up a friendship with Kuukaku when they were adolescents, and she was really influenced by a lot of Shiba values-- namely putting your own ass on the line for the things you care about, rather than hiding behind the secret forces but also sucking the marrow out of life. I think this is also part of what was behind her constant trolling of Byakuya, and even if not as much sunk in as she hoped, a lot more sunk in than Byakuya hoped (see: Byakuya’s penchant for getting attached to Rukongai dirtbags)
Since Yoruichi was the Clan Head when she vanished, I assume that means that her parents had died, and so she was a parent figure to Yuushirou. I think she tried to raise him with close family bonds she saw at the Shiba, rather than what she herself was raised with, and that she took a personal hand in his upbringing-- playing with him, reading him bedtime stories, etc. I think that when she was banished, leaving Yuushirou behind was her biggest regret (sorry, Soi Fon, but at least you’re old enough to take care of yourself).
Eating! I think that Yoruichi has tremendous spiritual energy, and she needs to eat a lot to maintain it, but she was constantly criticized for eating in an ignoble/unladylike fashion, and she ended up with some disordered eating in her youth, in that she was often hungry, but wouldn’t eat enough because she got very neurotic about being watched. Urahara used to bring her snacks when they would meet. After she gets banished, she starts eating a lot as a comfort mechanism, because using one trauma to fight another trauma is a time-honored tradition. Both she and Urahara are just pathetic at cooking. They both love Tessai’s cooking, but he cooks very healthy stuff, so sometimes she and Kisuke have secret junk food binges. She will not admit it, but her favorite food is really cheap, corn-based cat crunchies (eaten in cat form).
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Athens 2006 - Semi-Final
Host: Greece Slogan: “Feel The Rhythm” Participants: 37 Voting method: 12-point system (36 televotes / 2 juries) Format: 1 Semi-Final / Grand Final = the top 10 of the semi + the top 10 of '05 + the Big 4 General Overview: So, the 2006 contest must be the beginning of Eurovision's “WTF” era of the late 2000s. Because some of this year's semi-final entries are so extra. Lithuania and Iceland decided to outright troll the contest, while several other countries opted for bizarre staging choices. Including the eventual winners. The televoting era is all about making a big splash! This year sees Armenia debut, expanding Eurovision's scope into the Caucasus. Azerbaijan and Georgia will join in the next couple of years. Meanwhile, Serbia & Montenegro withdrew in the midst of national final controversy. The country still retained their voting rights, however, which was unprecedented. I believe this is the only instance where the EBU made that exception. Incidentally, Serbia's withdrawal allowed Croatia to advance to the Grand Final. Furthermore, Austria and Hungary skipped this year, reducing the number of participants to 37. The semi-final opens with a medley of Eurovision classics, performed by a ensemble dressed in classical and mythological Greek outfits. The medley concludes with a group singalong of “Love Shine A Light”, lead by the co-hosts. Said co-hosts are future WWE superstar Maria Menounos and “Shake It” singer Sakis Rouvas. Maria notably misses several cues throughout the night. While Sakis sings the tepid ballad “I'm In Love With You” during the interval. Which is followed by the usual traditional dance and music. Also, similar to 2005, two Greek gold medallists came on stage to commence the voting. This time by flipping a sand timer. I'll take it over a gong and wind chimes. The results segment is presented the same way as the 2004 and 2005 semi-finals. A montage of the 14 auto-qualifiers is once again show before the reveal. And there are ten envelopes opened in random order to determine the running order slots for the qualifiers in the Grand Final. However, this year sees the envelopes transferred from the scrutineers bay to the stage via a chain of human volunteers. Also, there was a mixed reaction to Lithuania qualifying.
✓ Armenia: André - Without Your Love Armenia's debut makes a strong first impression by landing in 8th place at the Grand Final. Their entries usually attention-grabbing, and “Without Your Love” is no exception. The staging is clever on this one. It involves André tugging and being tugged by tethers, which symbolizes his state of confused limbo expressed in the lyrics. His mind goes back and forth over whether this relationship can be salvaged. It's also a smooth visual. Furthermore, André displays desperation quite well, especially when he gets down on his knees ontop of a 4-foot high box. The song's bouncy chorus melody is a bop as well. The biggest flaw is André's messy vocals, but that could be his lack of proficiency with English. × Bulgaria: Mariana Popova - Let Me Cry The bursting chorus on “Let Me Cry” is fantastic and powerful. Mariana's soaring vocals express emotional intensity, while the strings and percussion convey melancholy and distress. However, the arrangement outside the chorus lacks cohesion. The opening verse and the bridge are clumsy, as if the writer forgot to add more words. The screaming person with the bleached haired is a distraction as well. The backing dancers add a layer of elegance to the performance though. × Slovenia: Anžej Dežan - Mr Nobody The Slovenian entry is one overproduced song. It begins as a pensive vocal ballad, then jumps into breakneck dance/pop, where the production becomes noticeably busy and chaotic. It keeps throwing in new elements, such as the strings, the growling sound, and the piano notes. And the post-chorus further increases the intensity. Although the arrangement does convey a sense of panic, which is Anžej's reaction to being ignored. But it's excessive. × Andorra: Jenny - Sense tu This year's last place slot belongs to Andorra, proving that micronations are often semi-final cannon fodder. Indeed, all 8 of their points came from Spain. “Sense tu” is a sufficiently dramatic ballad. The constant assertiveness in both the production and Jenny's vocal delivery provides a sense of foreboding and angst. It's a reflective post break-up song where she is figuring out how to move on. I also like the “sense tu... sense tu” hook. But the provocative staging – which involves the backing dancers wearing lingerie and posing on steel chairs – is a huge misfire. And the melody doesn't stand out enough. × Belarus: Polina Smolova - Mum Polina serves so much bratty, youthful, in-your-face attitude for three minutes. The choreo routine features Polina and the backing dancers jumping around the stage nonstop. While the production is equally hectic. The electric guitar rhythm is aggressive and it's reminiscent of Tone-Loc's “Wild Thing”. There's also a fake finish. The lyrical content, meanwhile, stays true to teenage mentalities, where Polina begs her “mum” to approve of her boyfriend. It's an overwhelming experience with excessive instrumentation, but I don't hate it.  × Albania: Luiz Ejlli - Zjarr e ftohtë Albania supplies a smooth and catchy Balkan song, with a dosage of traditional instrumentation. The song flows naturally. The chorus melody (“da-da-DA; da-da-DA”) is highly infectious. There's a positive, marching onwards and overcoming vibe to that chorus. And the bridge builds up anticipation nicely. The lyrics, meanwhile, portray the messy dwelling involved after a painful break-up. While Luiz exudes confidence and professionalism on stage – his smiles are charming. Otherwise the staging is oddly basic. Albania's first three entries have impressed me so far!  × Belgium: Kate Ryan - Je t'adore Belgium goes the route of recruiting a recognizable name – Kate Ryan. She attained several chart hits on mainland Europe in the early 2000s. Indeed, her experienced stage presence is noticeable during this performance. There's also a wind machine to highlight her mystique. The staging in general is uniquely quirky, thanks to the neon microphone stands. While the backdrop uses calming colours. And there's a pyro bit during the song's climax. Unfortunately, the accompanying song is admittedly too... ordinary to qualify. Although it did come close. Still, “Je t'adore” is endearingly bubbly and upbeat (and that mood is expressed well). ✓ Ireland: Brian Kennedy - Every Song Is a Cry for Love Ireland returns to their trusted ballad formula after last year's mess. And it works! Not only did this qualify, but it was their best result in 6 years (10th). “Every Song” is a sweet and heartfelt song, where Brian advises embracing one's emotions instead of holding a defensive stoic exterior. He presents it as a personal message to the listener. While the orchestral backing and the choir offer a soothing texture. It's a decent offering from Ireland, but it's still quite mushy in its sentimentality. Also, the green colours on the LED screens are too obvious. × Cyprus: Annet Artani - Why Angels Cry In “Why Angels Cry”, Annet's vocal performance is divine and pristine. She aims for those big notes and screams with conviction. The song is a tear-jerking ballad inspired by 9/11, where Annet is upset over the needless suffering in the world. But the arrangement is such a snooze. And when it isn't being a snooze, it's inserting messy tempo changes that don't transition well at all. Meh. × Monaco: Séverine Ferrer - La Coco-Dance This is Monaco's last appearance to date. “La Coco-Dance” is a tropical beach party song, starring Réunion native Séverine who partially sings this in Tahitian. The vibe is very sunshiny and carefree. The instrumentation mixes South Pacific Island music with a Euro-dance/club beat. While the backing dancers wear bikini tops and grass skirts. But yeah....this is one limp vocal performance. It causes the song to flatline. And that “coco dance” bit at the end is dumb. ✓ F.Y.R. Macedonia: Elena Risteska - Ninanajna BOP! The Raggaeton-inspired rhythm is straight fire. The stomping bass beats are potent, in the sense that it commands the audience to dance along. The pacing is perfect as the song remains in constant motion. And I love how, in the latter half of the song, the beat stops/starts and stutters to keep things fresh. Elena, meanwhile, rides the strutting, flirtatious rhythm well. The “nanani nananaina” hook is instantly catchy too. The staging doesn't involve anything extravagant, but the casual dance moves are intriguing. Fun fact: Elena namedrops Beyonce and Shakira in the same line, one year before they collaborated on “Beautiful Liar”. × Poland: Ich Troje feat. Real McCoy - Follow My Heart Poland delivers an outlandish performance this year, thanks to the return of Ich Troje, who also represented them in 2003. This time the song features Real McCoy of "Another Night" fame. The ensemble are dressed like 1700s aristocrats, accompanied by masquerade party props. There's cutaways to Real McCoy rapping in the audience as he pronounces "Gas-o-liii-na" in the same cadence as Daddy Yankee. There's a throaty singer with bright green hair. There's a wind machine to portray the overwhelming force of love. There's sparklers. Oh, and there's a surprise baby bump reveal at the end. ALSO, the song switches between 5 different languages. There is SO much going on here. It's wild. I could do without Real McCoy though. Musically, "Follow My Heart" has a journeying atmosphere, which expresses the surge felt when following one's heart. I'm kinda surprised this didn't qualify. But I'm not sure whether I like it either. ✓ Russia: Dima Bilan - Never Let You Go This staging is inventive without being too crazy. The statuesque, white-painted ballerina that emerges from the rose petals on the piano is such a striking visual. It exemplifies purity. Meanwhile, Dima is the embodiment of seductive charisma during this performance. His undershirt and mullet combo are memorable. And he injects plenty of passion and despair. The lyrics are tragic, where Dima can't let go of his lover despite the spark fizzling out. “Never Let You Go” is a catchy pop song too. The “Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone” part leaps out effectively. While the lead into the chorus (“can't stand no more”) escalates tension well. There's nothing I really dislike about this?! ✓ Turkey: Sibel Tüzün - Süper Star This song is somewhat messy, and the excessive star imagery is tacky, but I enjoy the contrast between the subdued verses and the frantic rush of the chorus. And how the final chorus doubles down on that. Sonically, “Süper Star” heavily channels the disco era. It evokes a nighttime club vibe of the 1970s. Although the belly dancing breakdown feels out of place (where the instrumentation briefly switches to an Eastern sound). The song also involves several voice “cracks” from Sibel, which act as a hook. Lyrically, she confidently declares herself a “superstar” in her ability to entice her love interest. Which might be self-indulgent, but the execution is fun.  ✓ Ukraine: Tina Karol - Show Me Your Love “Show Me Your Love” is such a fun bop! I get Ukrainian Shakira vibes. The hopping accordion beat is unique to the contest, and it provides a summery, breezy aura. There's also enough divergences to keep it fresh. The bouncy rhythm is infectious and dance-able. While Tina displays enthusiasm and charisma, as she craves affection from her lover. She injects her quirky personality into this performance. There's also a jump rope spot, a huge note from Tina, and jingle bells at the end. ✓ Finland: Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah (winner review in the Grand Final post) × Netherlands: Treble - Amambanda This is such an annoying song – the melody and the lyrics just run in monotonous circles. So “Amambanda” channels African and flamenco styles. The staging showcases plenty of hand drumming and lively swaying. The girl group injects tons of enthusiasm, but the hand drumming is so forceful. This entry is notable for the majority of its lyrics being in a fake language, in order to emphasize the messaging of communicating beyond language barriers. “Amambanda” at least has life compared to Monaco and Portugal, but it’s more irritating. ✓ Lithuania: LT United - We Are the Winners No... just no. In 2006, Lithuania straight-up trolled the contest with a self-congratulatory sports stadium chant. Their demeanour makes it clear that this is an intentional joke entry. The group proclaims “we are the winners of Eurovision” several times, which comprises most of the song. They also “dick around” by pulling out a megaphone, and later a serious CEO-type dances like a maniac. The televoters were amused, however, as this managed to land in 6th place, Lithuania's best result to date (rip “On Fire”). While I can recognize the humour aspect, I find this song's existence infuriating. The call-and-response chant is especially irritating. × Portugal: Nonstop - Coisas de nada This is utter nothingness... were Portugal even trying at this point? “Coisas” attempts to be relaxed and retro. But the girl group sounds bored and the brass interjections are so bland. The ugly mismatched outfits don't help matters either. ✓ Sweden: Carola - Invincible It's surreal seeing Sweden without an automatic spot in the Grand Final. And judging by this performance, they were determined to qualify! This is one overbearing and relentless entry. “Invincible” is yet another Schlager-pop offering from Sweden. But this time, the instrumentation and Carola's vocal projection are cranked to 11. The staging is also visually busy. But, the execution is SO forcibly uplifting that the grandiose nature succeeds. The invincibility is convincing. The song is a triumphant anthem, where the force of love is so strong it's a hurricane. The wind machine complements this illusion. As does the giant rippling bed sheet and the victorious flag marching. Meanwhile, Carola is an expert performer here. This is her third Eurovision appearance after all, following 1983 and her win in 1991. Also noteworthy is the Thomas G:son writing credit.  × Estonia: Sandra Oxenryd - Through My Window The Estonian entry delivers a barrelling, triumphant chorus that's brimming with positivity. The bell chimes and the guitar responses in the chorus are decent hooks too. The song captures the catharsis felt by going on a long drive. The baby blue outfits are aesthetically pleasing as well. The lyrics, however, have some awkward grammar. And the song was probably too basic to qualify. ✓ Bosnia & Herzegovina: Hari Mata Hari - Lejla Unless Bosnia ever returns, this will remain their best result in the contest (3rd place). The song was written by Željko Joksimović of “Lane moje” fame. And his influence on “Lejla” is obvious. It's another smooth, carefully constructed, majestic Balkan ballad with a Medieval feel. Each bit of the (traditional) instrumentation is meticulously placed. The opening verse is remarkably gentle, but the latter portion of the song climactically soars. Overall, “Lejla” is fairly melancholic and lyrically poetic. The night sky backdrop and the dark lighting are a highlight too. It's a captivating entry. Fun fact: Hari Mata Hari was supposed to represent Bosnia in 1999 but they were disqualified.  × Iceland: Silvia Night - Congratulations Iceland defied the conservative standards of Eurovision with this eccentric/troll entry. And the audience responded by booing. In “Congratulations”, Silvia plays a bratty, conceited, childlike character with an annoying high-pitched voice. She declares herself as the inevitable winner and the saviour of the contest. She also screams like a banshee every time she's “violated” by something unexpected (like the raining glitter or the wardrobe removal). The childhood motif is complemented by the shoe slide, the candy cane towers and the pink aesthetic. I can't decide if this entry is a genius risk or just terrible, but I lean towards the latter. The piano-lead strutting groove is enjoyable though.  My Ranking: 01. F.Y.R. Macedonia: Elena Risteska - Ninanajna ✓ 02. Bosnia & Herzegovina: Hari Mata Hari - Lejla ✓ 03. Russia: Dima Bilan - Never Let You Go ✓ 04. Ukraine: Tina Karol - Show Me Your Love ✓ 05. Sweden: Carola - Invincible ✓ 06. Albania: Luiz Ejlli - Zjarr e ftohtë 07. Finland: Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah ✓ 08. Armenia: André - Without Your Love ✓ 09. Belgium: Kate Ryan - Je t'adore 10. Bulgaria: Mariana Popova - Let Me Cry 11. Turkey: Sibel Tüzün - Süper Star ✓ 12. Ireland: Brian Kennedy - Every Song Is a Cry for Love ✓ 13. Estonia: Sandra Oxenryd - Through My Window 14. Poland: Ich Troje feat. Real McCoy - Follow My Heart 15. Andorra: Jenny - Sense tu 16. Cyprus: Annet Artani - Why Angels Cry 17. Iceland: Silvia Night - Congratulations 18. Belarus: Polina Smolova - Mum 19. Slovenia: Anžej Dežan - Mr Nobody 20. Monaco: Séverine Ferrer - La Coco-Dance 21. Netherlands: Treble - Amambanda 22. Portugal: Nonstop - Coisas de nada 23. Lithuania: LT United - We Are the Winners ✓
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bluethepaladin · 7 years
You asked for headcanons so;
• Lance has made it a personal mission to figure out what he can get the other paladins to sing w him (pidge= ensemble songs but as one-woman-shows, specifically he knows make a man out of you, bohemian rhapsody and this is Halloween, Hunk= duets after breaking him down through many attempts throughout their long time together as friends, shiro= doesn’t know yet, technically, cuz shiro does sing songs, but usually as a way to bond w pidge cuz their songs that Sam’s gotten them to listen to a bunch and lance claims he wants to find it out for himself w/o pidge’ help when it’s rly just so they can have smth special btwn the two of them on their own, Keith= purposefully resisted once he realised Lance shifted his repertoire to more pop-punk/emo stuff, but actually it’s anything from Disney movies made before the switch over to CGI… lance did get everyone to join in while singing teenage dirtbag once tho… it was awesome.)
• Lance actually only has one male relative from his generation of his huge ass family, a young cousin who looks up to him v v much…until said cousin meets Shiro that is…
• Hunk has a younger sister a couple yrs younger than pidge who rly likes dancing, they are each other’s biggest and first supporters when it comes to them reaching their dreams. She actually looks up to Pidge after meeting her, much to pidge’s initial surprise. Also she haa a purely aesthetic based crush on either Lance or Keith at one point but it fled the moment whoever it was, opened their mouth for the first time in front of her lol
• pidge is totally the name of the family dog
• pidge is v strict w which Disney princesses she actually likes. Cinderella, Tiana and ofc Mulan are at the top of her list, tho not in specific order. She does not appreciate princesses w no initiative.
• Keith actually really likes Snow White for some reason, even tho many hardcore Disney stans don’t even like her… she still can’t beat out his favourite… which is to no ones surprise, Mulan.
• he is also actually a giant Trekkie, has only had the chance to watch the first of the new movies but now appreciates Spock in that, way more than he did before,,, his appreciation for Chris Pine as Kirk has not dulled w time in the slightest
• Lance found out abt Keith being a Trekkie because lance yelled at him for being reckless and Keith’s only response was that he was a red shirt, so he can’t help it.
• Lance has sorted everyone on the team and all of their allies into their hogwarts houses. When asked, he says he’s a ravenclaw but tbh, he doesn’t believe he’s actually smart enough for it, even though if he were asked to explain the traits of the house, he would make a point to say being smart wasn’t enough.
• Lance is v protective of hufflepuffs even before he met Hunk, who he sees as being a bit of a ravenpuff hat stall.
• secretly all of the paladins are indepentally weaboos but only Lance&hunk and shiro&keith know abt each other. Until one day lance slips up and makes an ouran reference at pidge and every one of them gets it immediately cuz even though they all primarily stick to different genres, Ouran is one of the only ones they’ve ALL seen. (The others are all classics like cowboy bebop and NGE)
• everybody’s first “proper” anime was Sailor Moon.
• Super Smash Bros. mains: Keith: Marth, Metaknight and Link who he switches out for a lot so he can perfect playing as all three of them Hunk: Kirby, King DeDeDe and the Pokemon, but particularly Jigglypuff Lance: switches between every character, particularly jokey ones like Olimar and Mr. Game and Watch but is actually the best at Luigi and Peach. Shiro: mario, metaknight and Snake Pidge: characters that troll easily like Pit… also she’s a witch who can play the ice climbers unnaturally well.
•Overwatch Mains: Lance: McCree, Hanzo, Ana Keith: Genji, Hanzo, Pharah Hunk: Mercy, Lucio, Ana Pidge: originally Mei to troll ppl but switched to Sombra when she was released Shiro: soldier 76 around other paladins, but reaper when the only one around is Keith because he is always a tired dad but he can’t be edgy like he wants to be when he’s reaper when the other paladins are around.
The last couple I would still consider pg but toeing the line a bit: •Matt is actually super TMI w v little of a filter so he says things he prob shouldn’t a lot, Pidge simultaneously has a lot of blackmail and a lot of things she needs brain bleach for.
headcannons sent in by @chibigikochin
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