#he is my son I love him so much
sicc-nasti · 1 year
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On this episode of: It’s always Sunny in Tuefort
The Mercs Make Scout A Dating Profile
Its going as one might expect
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signanothername · 26 days
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Nonexistent mercy
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louthelost · 3 months
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Lothal is my home
Ezra Bridger, the character that you are...
(progress shots under the cut)
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arttuff · 2 months
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redrew an old pic i did of little jonno ruining his dinner <3
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littlebitofdnd · 3 months
Sandra-Lynn and Sklonda are having a "What Do We Do About Kristen" phone call as we speak
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h0nkshroom · 3 months
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Ref sheet for my Lamb and Narinder!!
Amir (The Lamb), was born and raised in the realm of Anchordeep. Love to think there were many villages both above and under the water, my Lamb would have lived in one of the above ground ones. The back marking is what many in Anchordeep were given in order to thrive in the water, a symbol of aquatics for those who bare no gills or fins. Making so beings like Amir could traverse waters with ease.
In short.. He's a silly guy who loves swimming, fishing, harpoons <3
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five-of-cr · 7 months
wylan textpost because i love him
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fujobritta · 2 months
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he was so pretty in this episode . i love him
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"i'm not a five anymore . im a one like everyone else … im like everyone else … :)"
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sirmanmister · 5 months
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The MacCready family deserves the literal whole entire world and nobody can convince me otherwise.
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
if you want actual like on god for real actually exist you can see the papyri/tablets very incredibly cute egyptian letters absolutely go read translations of the amarna letters between king amenhotep III and his absolute bestest best friend in the whole wide world king tushratta of mitanni
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deerest-deer · 1 month
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆hannibal nbc as littlest pet shops⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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fishalthor · 2 months
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he captivated all left in his wake. (insp)
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fure-dcmk · 10 months
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osaka police department's golden boy
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ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: this scene between splinter and donnie.
i debated cutting this clip down but i couldn't bring myself to not include the entire thing. donnie's reaction to being lied to by his dad is so raw and splinter actually fuckin apologizing to him without turning his feelings into a joke - this show is a downright masterpiece.
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hallaburger · 2 months
my biggest dracula movie/tv adaptation gripe is that they never. Ever. get jack seward right. and they seldom get arthur and quincey right. but nobody does jack the way he should be: young, handsome, charming, smart, deeply observant, driven by curiosity, and devoted to a fault.
the hero boys commonly feel like an afterthought by directors and screenwriters - like they're interchangeable, easily omitted or substituted, swallowed up by abraham van helsing's significance. it's really unfortunate, especially since they each feel, in the book, so lovingly created and characterized. they each have importance and i wish more people understood that.
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royalarchivist · 3 months
Pac: Oh, Nenê... How cute... 🥺💕
After dying to an atomic creeper in a cave and stressing over potentially losing all his items, Pac returns home to set his spawn and receives a sweet surprise:
His cat falls asleep on top of him and purrs when he goes to bed :')
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