#he did it all but he doesnt deserve prison
ajthecrocodile · 1 month
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The clip of Bill saying YELLOW was all over my FYP and it inspired me…
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c-kiddo · 3 months
i try with all my might not to be a hater but i just got to episode 100 on my cr2 rewatch and i keep thinking abt this moment in ep99 when tmn straight up ask essek about how it feels to see that adeen (who he framed for his own actions) is in chains instead of him, and essek replies "honestly, freeing" ..... 😐
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ramons-elevator · 10 months
Im sorry, but I cant stop thinking about Ramon and Fit's conversation today. A mixture of a summary and analysis below:
Ramon tried to get Phil to talk about Fit and Pac, but Phil misinterpreted it as asking about something else. Then Ramon got frustrated and started to dig a hole to blow up TnT in.
Fit went down and tried to talk to Ramon, only for him to get more frustrated and blow everything up. Then when Fit realized it was about Pac, he tried to tell Ramon to be patient.
That made Ramon lose it. He started "yelling" at Fit that he knows him. He experienced it first hand of Fit saying he needs time to learn create, only to learn a lot in a short amount of time. Yeah, Fit needs time, but if he puts his mind to something he can do it.
Ramon then said how basically he doesnt know if he will even survive long enough to see Fit and Pac do anything. He just came back from being kidnapped the third time. Hell, Dapper has been kidnapped 5 times.
Ramon knows his life and his family can be ripped away in seconds. He knows his life is precious and wants to experience as much of Fit's life as he can. He saw what happened to Bobby. Bobby died and then Roier and Cellbit proposed and got married. What if Ramon gets the same fate Bobby did?
Then when Fit tried to say that its tricky, Ramon gets frustrated and starts putting down TnT which obviously get Fit's attention. Fit get Ramon to stop and listen to him.
Fit reminds Ramon about his mission. The mission that basically holds Fit's life on a string. He tells Ramon that he doesnt want Pac to get involved in it because Pac doesnt deserve that. Fit has seen Pac in prison, escape Prison, get kidnapped, have his best friend get kidnapped, have his son get kidnapped, etc. Fit know this can be dangerous and doesnt want Pac to deal with that again. (also confesses he likes Pac but anyways)
Then Ramon pulls out this fucking line
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"Dont you think a person that loves you would do anything for you?" "I would do anything"
Now this fucking breaks me. Because this is Ramon.
Ramon, who gave his only weapon to Max so Max could save his siblings. Ramon, who said he would do whatever Fit needs if it means completing his mission. The kid who trusts Fit no matter what and no matter what the cost. The boy who saved his siblings and family from an explosion that could have kill them. The kid who left his house and ran away with his siblings because he thought that Fit was in danger.
Ramon would do anything for Fit and Fit would do anything for Ramon. They are each other's halves. They complete each other.
And if there's a chance that Fit can be happy and loved just as much as Ramon loves him, then of course he wants Fit to take that opportunity. He doesnt want Fit to be alone. He doesnt want Fit to deal with all his trauma and problems alone. Yeah, Fit has his friends, but things happen.
Ramon then says that he knows theres a chance he might disappear again and that he wants someone who look after Fit if he isnt there. Ramon protects Fit as much as Fit protects him. If Ramon knew that there was someone to take care of Fit when he cant, he could be happy.
I could scream about these two all day. This conversation just showcases how much Ramon loves Fit, just as much as Fit loves Ramon. They want each other to be happy no matter what. Theres nothing the other would do. And if that means Ramon shoving Fit into Pac's arms then so be it.
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simplydannie · 2 months
Vaughn Montegue || Montegue AU
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Moments ago, the Trolls sang the perfect family harmony, releasing Floyd, inspiring Veneer to admit the truth…
Now the twins are on their way to “prison” in other words, the Rageous Detention Center for Troubled Youth… where the twin see a face they’d never think they’d see again…
The crowd booed and yelled, spitting slander and names as Velvet and Veneer were escorted to the vehicle. The Trolls remained behind on the yacht celebrating their reunion.
Tears of rage stung Velvets eyes. She looked at her brother, “How could you!” She spat. He frowned, his heart sinking to his gut. Velvet had left him no choice, he had to, she was going crazy…He didn’t want to loose her…or loose Floyd. Veneer turned around once more to glance back at the yacht…
The Trolls continue to embrace and celebrate…only one Troll stopped and looked his way: Floyd.
The small Trolls smile faded as he caught Veneer’s eye. The Rageon attempted one final smile before disappearing into the sea of raging Rageons. Floyd didn’t know what to think. He didn’t expect Veneer to admit their crimes so publically…it was bold of him…Floyd was happy to once again to be back with his brothers, but at the same time saddended to what he had just lost…
“What do you say Floyd?” John’s voice cut his train of thought.
He stared at his brother clueless, “What?”
“I said we should all retire back to Vacay Island, together, as a family again.” His brother smiled.
“….Right…Family….” Floyd murmured.
It was Branch who noticed the indifference that suddenly overcame his older brother, “Floyd, whats wrong?”
Fiddling his fingers, Floyd stared at the ground. It was over…it was all finally over… just like that. His years in the under-city with the twins, his months trapped and witnessing the twins abuse at the hands of the Mistress…it was all over. He was finally reunited with his brothers, just like he had wanted…but he had lost something too..
“…How…how long do you think they’ll be in prison?” He finally asked.
“For life hopefully.” John spat out. Bruce elbowed him and shook his head.
“Why do you care Floyd?” Branch asked.
“I just….Maybe, there is a way we can bail them out? Maybe strike a deal with Rageous? Maybe they can do like community service with us or something? I can teach them and help become better. I know I can.”
“Floyd, they tortured you for months!” Branch intervined.
“I know but…”
“No! What doesnt make you think they wouldn’t want to kidnap all the Trolls they see! I mean they did that with all you guys.” Branch continued.
“But Branch just listen…”
“No Floyd! You’re free. I have all my brothers back now. We arent doing this again. Please Floyd…I’m begging you.”
Floyd looked at Branch, his little brother’s eyes pleading for this. Floyd had abadnoned him, he had left him and their grandmother at the mercy of hungry Bergens…He was surprised that he had made it out of there. Floyd couldn’t do this to him, not again, his brother needed him… he was willing to give them all a second chance they really didn’t deserve. If their paths werent meant to cross again, then maybe it would bring the twins back into his life….right?
“…Okay Branch.” He finally smiled, yet he still carried a glint of regret in his heart….Was he doing the right thing?
They rode in silence in the back of the vehicle. Veneer casted a side glance to Velvet: her face was buried in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she continued to sob uncontrollably. He reached to touch her hand, but she winced and scowled at his touch..
“DONT!” Was all she said.
“Vels, just listen please…”
His face dropped as sorrow came upon him, “…okay.”
“………I hate you……” He heard the words escape her lips. Upon hearing them, tears came into Veneer’s eyes. Those were the words he had never wanted to hear from his own sister. She was always his pillar…it was always them against the world. Growing up, they always had each other when they had no one else. Through the schemes of the Mistrss, they still held on strong to each other…but if she hated him…then he had no one….
The vehicle arrives at the Rageous Detention Center for Troubled Youth. As they neared, a mob of angry Rageons were assembled outside…
The live feed of what happened reached everywhere around Rageous… and they were angry. The guards went around to escort the twins inside safely…
The slander didn’t stop, they kept being spet out left and right.
“Stop it please!” Velvet screamed as tears continue stinging her face, “We…We didn’t do anything wrong!” Cameras hovered over them as they made their way to the entrance. They were media cameras…but Veneer knew all too well who else was watching.
“It wasn’t us! It wasnt us!” Velvet continued to cry.
“Vels, enough.” He attempted to whisper
“It wasn’t us! It was…” She was cut off as Veneer wrapped his hand over her mouth. She fought and grunted as he continued to drag her along towards the enterance.
“Let me go!” She struggled. He ignored her and didnt release her until they were safe inside. “What the hell Veneer!”
“She’s watching. You know she’ll do something to you if you even mention her name in public.” Veneer warned.
“YOU were the one to rat us out! It’s YOU who should be in trouble traitor!!” She spat. Her word echoed in the empty halls…It was then she realized what she said…
“I know…I know….I’m going to get what’s coming….It’s what I deserve right?” He didn’t look her in the eye. Veneer stared down at the ground, tears dropping to the floor near his boots.
“Ven….I…..” Her words were interupted as a light skinned, dark blond Rageon entered.
“Velvet and Veneer. We’ve been waiting for you…Follow me.” He said. Each twin was taken into seperate hallways. Velvet turned over her shoulder to see her brother disappear farther within the emptiness of the hallway…
The live feed kept replaying…and replaying….and replaying….
“Listen up Mount Rageous: We. Are. FRAUDS!”
He kept replaying the clip over and over again. He looked at the time…This happened about an hour ago. So where were they now?
He rewinded the clip and zoomed into a small little figure standing on the ground looking up pop star Rageons. His lips curled into a snarl as he saw who it was: Floyd. He had a ditaste for that Troll…The one who escaped his clutches, the one who drove these twins up into Mount Rageous and away from home…
There was a knock on his door. As it opened, a giant, menacing looking Bergan walked in.
“We have news to where they were sent boss.” The Bergen said to the Rageon sitting on the chair. There was silence, no answer. The Rageon played with the wedding ring on his finger…a memory of his late wife… “Boss?” The Bergen said again. The Rageon stood from his chair: pale skin, tattoos going up his forearm leading into his torso, dark green hair slicked back…and steel ice blue eyes. He grabbed his black coat and put it on.
“Get the vehicle ready. I have a call to make with the bastards at the cloud line…Also, keep on eye out for that witch…I’m sure she is also watching them and waiting for her moment to strike like the vile snake she is.” The Rageon said.
The Bergens nodded, tilting their head in agreement to their boss, “Yes, Vaughn. We’ll be waiting for you.”…
As the hours went by, Velvet found herself alone in a waiting room. She had changed from her Rage Dome attire to an organge “prison” uniform. Her brother hadn’t been brought to her. She began to fiddle her thumbs as she grew anxious…Could she have already gotten to him? Is the Mistress somewhere she coulnd’t see? His words rang in her head: I’m going to get whats coming. He knew then…He knew that punishment would await him if he had told their secret…but he still did… to protect her.
“Ven….Where are you?” She murmured to herself. She startled as the doors opened breaking her train of thought. The dark blond haired Rageon entered. He signaled his guards in to cuff her. “Seriously? Hand cuffs?”
“Got to take precaution.” He smirked, “Follow me.”
She followed him out of the waiting room, “Where’s my brother?”
“He’s waiting for you. We needed to ask him some questions first, since he’s the more truthful one it would appear.”
She snarled at his remark. He lead her to the interigation room where Veneer was waiting sitting down by the table. She let out a sigh of relief…He was safe…at least for now.
“Sit.” He told her. Velvet took a seat next to her brother. He looked her way hoping for some sort of acknowledgement from her…but nothing.
“So…Your brother tells me about you two being the pawns of someone greater? Your manager.” The Rageon said. Her head snapped towards Veneer with a scowl on her face. You told him, her eyes seemed to say.
“We’re safe here Vels. We HAVE to tell them now.” Veneer replied.
Velvet pondered a moment for her next words. Mistress was cunning, sneaky, who knew if one of the guards were working for her. Veneer was already in a lot of trouble, she had to ease it up a bit, “Our manager? Sure, she was rough around the edges. Dramatic even…but the whole Troll thing was our own idea.”
“Vels!” Veneer stared at her mouth gaped open. Why was she covering up for the snake?
“Really? Youre manager had nothing to do with anything you guys had produced.”
“She didnt even know alright! We were doing fine keeping it on the low until blabber mouth here had to tell the world what we did!” She spat towards Veneer.
“No! That’s not true! You know that’s not true! She brought us up from the under-city….” Veneer declared.
“Wait, you two are from Under Rageous? From below the cloud line?” The blonde haired Rageon asked.
Uh oh. “Y-yes.” Veneer responded.
“Then this cant be possible. The powers of Mount Rageous do not associate with those in Under Rageous. No offence. It’s just a rule. How did you really sneak up here?”
“I- I told you! Our manager! She came to us…”
“I’m not buying it. Epsecially since the higher powers know the rules about bringing ANYONE from Under Rageous into the city. Look kid, do you have parents we can call?”
Both twins fell silence. Yes, they wanted to say, but in unison, they shook their head.
“Figures. A high percentage of the under-city has nothing but orphans and crime.” There was a knock on the door, a guard poked his head in.
“Sir. You have a call.”
The blond haired Rageon stood to his feet, “I’ll be back. I’ll need to have a talk with my boss now that I know you are from the under-city.” He walked out.
Velvet threw daggers at Veneer, “NICE GOING MORON!! Why the hell would you let that slip!”
“I-it was an accident! And why were you defedning her! Why on Earth would you defend Mistress after what she put us through!”
“Because she’s going to be after us Veneer! You already screwed up! We can’t trust anyone because we don’t know whose working for her or any of them! The higher powers? Don’t you think they know what goes on in the udner-city? Don’t you think they’re in it in dealing Trolls and illegal stuff too? God, Veneer why don’t you think!”
….She fell silent as the door opened again. A guard came in grabbing them both by each arm.
“Where are we going?” Veneer asked.
“We need this room. We’re moving you to another one.” He responded as he guided them out the door. He lead the twins further down the hall, way to back on the far left corner. Velvet took a glance at the guard, a feeling that something wasn’t right dropped to her gut.
“Wait..” But she had no time to protest as the guard shoved them into another interigation room, “Hey!” She called out. The door closed and locked.
Veneer began to hyperventilate, “Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Why did he lock us in here? What do we do?”
“Calm down!! We were going to have to face her one way or another!”
“You two put up quite the show…of course, not quite the ones they expected.” A familiar deep voice spoke to them. The twins froze: they didn’t know whether to be relieved….or frightend…. They both turned their heads at the same time to see a pale skinned, tattooed, dark, green haired Rageon sitting at the foot of the table, his piercing ice blue eyes shining through the dim lit room: their father.
“Dad?” Veneer was the first to speak out.
“What the hell do you want?” Velvet spat.
He was unbothered by her words, “Do you know how long I have been searching for the both of you?”
“We don’t care. We don’t care for you at all. Why do think we ran away in the first place?” She said. Veneer fell silent…He did care, secretly, Veneer had hoped their father would care enough to go searching from them…and he did…
“That’s another matter we can discuss another time. I am here to bring you two home.” Vaughn replied.
He stood up, towering over the both of them, “I didn’t ask. I am telling you: we are going home now.”
“No! We’re not going back! We would rather take our chances with Mistress.” Velvet crossed her arms…Veneer just stayed hugging himself.
Vaughn winced at her vile name. It was the Mistress who took them away and brought them up here…only to make a fool of themselves, make money off of them, to use them for their abilities.
“You have no idea what that woman has planned.”
“Oh and you do?”
“…Much more than you know.”
“Then freaking tell us dad! What the hell with all these secrets!”
“These secrets have been what’s keeping both of you alive! You’re lucky that bitch didn’t leak out that you two were MY children….but I know she has something much deeper planned. I have to collect you before she does, and take you both home.” He stated.
“Well good luck with that, cause we ain’t leaving! Right Ven?” She looked at her brother who had an uncertain look on his face. He casted his sister a pleading glance.
“Maybe….we can try being a family again?…Now that Floyd is out of our life…” He said with a sorrowful tone.
“….The Troll….All this time you still care for that Troll…” An anger began to fume inside Vaughn. Was it jealousy? Jealousy that the twins saw the rat more of a father than him? “Tell me Veneer, where is he now?”
Veneer was silent.
Vaughn continued, “He’s not here. But i am. And i am taking you two home.” He looked behind them and nodded. Bags were placed over their heads.
“What the hell!” Velvet screamed. Both twins kicked and struggled as their father’s Bergen guards carried them out a back door.
“…I was not going to take no for an answer.” He stated simply, “That vile woman wont get her hands on you again….or anything with our families name.”
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aegoneggon · 2 months
could you write a quick summary of what’s shown in the leaks for those of us who don’t have tik tok access 😞😞
Helaena and Alicent are talking. Helaena doesnt understand why the small folk hate them and Alicent tells her that unhappy people look for someone to hate. Alicent then offers her acup of tea (moon tea????????? we don't see her drink it tho) Helaena says she was happier before she was queen and then Alicent asks her how she would feel about leaving KL and Helaena considers it before asshole Aemond barged in the room. Aemond says he needs Helaena to fly with dreamfyre /to battle/ and helaena refuses saying she wont burn anyone. Aemond then grabs her by the wrist in a super aggressive way and starts leading her. Alicent pulls him off her and aemond says something about how this is the consequence of alicent's weakness lol alicent says that helaena is the most gentle and deserving of protection and that aemond shouldn't corrupt her. aemond seems annoyed and then leaves. The next scene is alicent asking orwyle if could help her get passage to somewhere.
Alicent has a scene where she goes to dragonstone and confronts rhaenyra [again]. i honestly couldn't make out a lot of the dialogue because the clips are super super super silent but alicent essentially says that aegon still heeds her and she could maybe convince him to bend the knee to rhaenyra and rhaenyra says that isn't good enough and she would have to take his head (she doesn't sound thrilled tho shes just being honest). it seems that the talk goes no where and alicent leaves.
Aemond and helaena have a scene outside. this time he's a lot more calm and he's def trying to sweet talk her. he says that they share the same blood and he understands she doesn't want to hurt anyone he says alicent isn't a dragonrider so she doesn't understand/know what shes talking about. he tries to convince her to go with him to harrenhal. she says "and if I refuse? will you burn me as you did aegon?" GAG! he doesn't react and says she is lying. she replies that she saw him do it. "you burned him. and you let him fall." he says that what she says is treason lol. Helaena says that Aegon will be king again and he will have a throne of wood and that aemond will be dead and swallowed up by the gods eye. aemond responds by saying "I could have you killed..." and helaena says it wont change anything.
another scene shows aemond watching a burning castle/village while on vhagar. he seems pleased about it. he flies vhagar closer as we hear the screams of the people being burned :/
next scene is aegon in bed. he talks to orwyle and tells him that he is a good man. aegon takes a sippy sippy of some milk of the poppy before larys comes in. larys tells aegon they must leave KL and aegon seems confused. larys says that rhaerhae has more dragonriders now and larys says aemond challenged one of the riders but was rebuffed. aegon says that his brother deserves no less lol larys says aemond is now laying waste to a town and aegon calls him a fucking mad cunt OMEGALOL aegon asks what was the fucking point of all this and that he is the king so why must he run? larys says aemond is going to kill aegon because he is angry and out of control and that is why they must leave. aegon seems sad by this info but wants to go to his throne in hopes he can push aemond out of being regent and he wants to take aemond prisoner. larys says what will he do when rhaenyra comes to KL with 7 dragons and no vhagar. larys says that when he moved harrenhals gold he left some in braavos and that is where they should go....lol aegon is like wtf? you want me to go live with the goatfuckers? (his words not mine) larys says its better to /live/ and aegon says "is it? my dragon is dead. i am burned and disgusting. and alone. and I'm a cripple." larys tells him he isn't alone. aegon says that his cock is destroyed lol and larys ignores that and goes back to talking about aemond he says let aemond and rhaenyra destroy themselves and then he and aegon can return and the smallfolk will rise up to meet them (lolwhat?) aegon goes back to talking about his dick and how he cant even piss properly now poor guy. larys tries to keep him on task and says people will hail their returning king, his fathers /true/ heir Aegon the Victorious, risen from the ashes. Aegon the Peacmaker. Aegon the ReBuilder. Aegon says "Aegon the Realms Delight..." I LOLED
let me know if you want the rest I think this is the bulk of the TG scenes I've seen so far.
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habeascorpseus · 10 months
thinks about qquackity and the phrase "life's a bitch and then you die." how he lost everything and received nothing and never won a single time in his life on the island. his child was only a few days old and he had no time to understand the responsibility of parenthood, no second chance afforded to him like charlie and mariana. he, like charlie, died with her, and grieved the same. he seethed and twisted himself into something monstrous to achieve the impossible and when that failed he tried to play by the rules and still ended up being drowned. disappeared for weeks on end, replaced by a clone everyone knew wasn't him but didnt bother to look for the original anyways. came back with no memories of love or loss or pain or happiness, his spanish stripped away from him, unable to read, to write, to move in the way he did before. a second death, this time somewhat more literal, his mind the ship of theseus with no comprehension of the loss of its own pieces. he got angry. he grieved some more. he hurt people in a desperate attempt to understand what had happened, who he was, what was done to him. he was kidnapped and shot point blank, his body discarded and replaced again by a clone who everyone knew wasnt him and yet nobody questioned where he was or where his body lay broken underground. a third death. he wakes up in hell with all of his memory. his daughter tells him to give up, to stop asking for mercy he doesnt deserve, that she hopes he rots, that he's just as useless as he was in life. its probably not his daughter, but the words still torment him, following her to his prison within a prison within a prison within the prison that is his own body and his own mind. there's something tragic about how the pain meant nothing in the end. how it wasnt about a man crawling through hell and emerging dirty and harrowed from the depths to see the setting sun. how he fought alone for so long, a rabbit caught on a snare, kicking and gnawing at his own caught limbs in desperation while the rest of the forest beasts were uncaring enough to notice he was even trapped. his pelt is stretched on the hunters table and abandoned. there will be no rescue or reprieve. he's been forgotten entirely with no legacy but the inconvenience at most that he was to the lives of everyone around him. life was a bitch, he died, and he doesnt deserve even the slightest amount of mercy.
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homestuckconfession · 5 months
TW mentions of s_xual harassment
Yall ever think about how Crockerteir Jane sexually harassed Jake in the prison cell, telling him that he’s stupid and that she’s happy at least her kids will be hot, implying that she will force him to have kids with her?
And then you see fics that completely ignore that and instead make Jake apologize for something HE ALREADY APOLOGIZED FOR IN-COMIC?
Like, y’all, I love Janey, don’t get me wrong, and yes I know she was mind-controlled, but also she still remembered what she did in that state. She remembers and does nothing. Does nothing despite the fact that her friend was a sobbing mess beneath her and is now very traumatized because he was told and threatened awful things.
Jake English shouldn’t need to apologize again because he already did in-comic. He already apologized. If Jane doesn’t want to accept it, then she’s allowed! THAT DOESNT MEAN HE NEEDS TO APOLOGIZE OVER AND OVER AGAIN BECAUSE CLEARLY HE’S COMPLETELY IN THE WRONG FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO READ HER MIND.
After what happened, I think Jake actually deserves an apology from Jane if anything. Because between accidental boundary breaking and actual threats of assault, I think one is MUCH worse then the other.
(Again, I don’t hate Janey in the slightest, girls are allowed to be flawed, but that’s the thing, y’all keep ignoring her flaws and treating her like a sweet lil angel when, I’m sorry, but that’s not Jane. If you actually like Jane, you’ll acknowledge her flaws and like her regardless, not throw away her actions and pretend that none of that happened. Girls are allowed to be flawed, but that doesn’t mean that they’re exempt from facing consequences. Girls are allowed to be flawed, SO ACTUALLY TREAT THEM LIKE FLAWED CHARACTERS.)
Sincerely, a girl who is done with all of y’alls bullshit.
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hostilemuppet · 6 months
you think it would’ve been better if creek did get eaten in the first movie? At least legacy wise. Everyone would mourn him as the last victim of trollstice, and the few who did know what an ass he was couldn’t really mess with that memory. Like my man would be better dead than alive
i think thats why i find "creek somehow survives" aus so funny. bc him surviving is literally the worst case scenario with him no matter which route you take.
did he save himself from the monster the same way poppy did while chef died, so he had to wander the woods for ages until coming back to troll civilisation, like presumably happened in the cartoon? even if he is genuinely accepted with open arms he was still LIVING in the WOODS. he probably ate MANY poisonous berries. he probably also ate special mushrooms and had the worst trip of his life several times over. he could only wash himself in lakes/puddles, and convenient rainfall, and MAYBE if hes a quick thinker and finds a pointy stick he could make a shower out of dew on leaves like branch does in the cartoon. even if after returning to the village everything is back to normal he still HAD that experience. plus, yknow, bergens are friends now. and hes one of two trolls alive who have the experience of being in a bergens mouth. he probably has to relive that whenever hes forced to be nice to a bergen. i think its awesome hes traumatised
did he save himself, wander the woods, come back to pop troll village, only to be met with disgust at his betrayal? sure, they let him stay, but its mostly because he cant sell them out anymore. hes harmless. but that doesnt mean they like him. they hate him. they might go to his yoga classes, its his one contribution to society, but no ones friends with him anymore. dj suki only invited him out because he forgot it was prank day, and he REALLY thought they were hitting it off! i mean, POPPY only even acknowledges his existence when hes annoying branch and cries to poppy like shes a preschool teacher. POPPY! the happiest troll of all, and they used to be so inseparable, and even if they werent "official" poppy at LEAST had a crush on him and he KNEW ABOUT IT! but now its nothing! he has no one. he was willing to kill everyone he ever knew and loved, and as a result, he is dead to all of them.
did he and chef NOT get eaten by the monster, and were just banished from bergentown, and chef used creek to wash her dishes like in the books? he cant escape her, shes on top of everything! like, literally, she towers over him. hes a tiny little rodent and she is studying him like a labrat. maybe she doesnt even keep him in a cage, because she knows he knows theres no way hes even getting out of the RV, let alone getting back home alive! which adds insult to injury, doesnt it. he has walking room but it doesnt help him at all. he may be freeroam but shes still his captor. hes held prisoner and borderline tortured for the rest of his life
did the previous happen, BUT he somehow got away from chef? whether he escaped, or she died, or maybe she gave up and let him go but i dont think that ones likely. he would, again, have to wander the woods before returning to civilisation. he no longer has the trauma of being eaten by a monster 500x his size, but he DOES have the trauma of being tortured by a monster 20x his size, on top of being almost eaten by a monster 10x his size. hes been through a lot, and he deserves every last bit of it
did any of the others happen, except instead of being allowed back into the village (whether they actually wanted him back, or they tolerated him because hes no longer dangerous) hes still banished? they dont let him back into the village, into his old pod. maybe they give him a tent, theyre not heartless, but they send him back on his way. maybe branch gives him an old book of safe forageables, not out of the goodness of his heart but to gloat, that now CREEK is the lonely ostracised hermit and BRANCH is beloved by the community and the queen. HIS queen. good luck, buddy. from the looks of how youre faring after one month, youre gonna need it!
and theres probably OTHER options i havent even THOUGHT about! that are even WORSE. and he brought it on himself! because he valued himself more than his entire species! his massive ego, the way he fancied himself the next stage in troll evolution. i know its hard to accept your death, but if youre to the point you think you are worth more than everyone you have ever known, ever loved, you deserve what happens
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okay eclipse thoughts here we go
first of all: subz
bitch is soooo soldier coded it's not even funny anymore. his inventory is always too full of fighting materials for him to take his armor off during discussions. he stands around silently until directly spoken to and even then he usually turns the conversation to someone else. when i picture purple duo in my head i get subz standing just in front of vitalasy in full armor with a sword. after vitalasy was killed on the prison subz immediately took off after the assailant saying 'this shit doesnt slide'. his first thought was 'no way zam betrayed' no way the man he swore to protect would turn on him. no way. he didnt stop to question whether mapic and ro were in on it, they were there and attacking him and he wanted a fight. this man is a bodyguard and solider and knows nothing except build pretty base fight fight protect grind fight protect fight. he trusts zam still. he isn't sure about vitalasy. he pushed vi towards being the villain. villain arc was his original plan. his morals are a grey area molded into whatever shape is convenient for whoever hes attached himself to. im not sure he'll be able to hurt zam when the time comes. im not sure he'll be able to leave vitalasy.
next on the chopping block: vitalasy
what a fucking conman. knows his way around words and USES it. hes not very good at talking on the spot and kinda works himself in circles but he knows how to press buttons and get people either on his side or secure an enemy he wants to have. he'll tell you hes not the leader he has no power over people but his power is more subtle than a crown on his head. when things got heated in the zam discussion he rose to the challenge, yelling right alongside zam and bringing up all the ways zam had fucked up to get him to see reason. when it didnt work he switched to victim coding himself until jaron killed him and he realized zam had betrayed. the acceptance (defeat) in his voice when he asked if zam had done that haunts me. he didnt want revenge like subz. he didnt immediately go for the attack. he just wanted to talk. after he died he kept swearing. he said fuck live on twitch.tv multiple times because of the emphasis it would give to his anger. he typed it in in-game chat to show zam how angry he was. hes stuck unable to stand up for himself against zam because of the tyrant label hes surrounded himself in. he used subz's gum under their shoes metaphor at the end to loop in back around and told him they were gonna be great villains. terrible, awful, amazing villains. what do you mean he was supposed to be good? this was the point all along. all roads led here. trust him.
and lastly: princezam
this motherfucker makes me so angry right now i swear. mans is so traumatized it blinds him. he sees so much bad in all people he hides the good from himself. everything is black and white with him. these people are bad, these people are good, these things are bad, these things are good. he didnt have to betray. he couldve just left and things would've ended differently. but thats not right. thats not the princezam way. if he doesnt want to be on their team they must be evil. and doesnt evil deserve to be killed? after the betrayal he was joking with 3ht. he was laughing and joking and had already moved on from eclipse. the attachment ended when he decided they were evil. there was no more love. no more care. black and white. good and evil. imagine a man who is so so traumatized and scared of being alone that also has to always be so so morally correct. are any of his decisions going to be logical? are his conclusions going to make sense? he said himself that he wants to push vitalasy and see if he reacts. if he reacts hes obviously been evil all along and zam was right. he still trusts subz. he thinks vitalasy has been lying and manipulating him the whole time. he did exactly what mapic said he would do because mapic knows zams betrayals. how long until 3ht do something he deems wrong. will he be willing to go on alone?
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kramaku · 7 months
I've heard people say that Izuku is too naive and annoying with his will to save Shigaraki. Let me tell you he's not. (Manga spoilers)
First, he will never ever try to befriend Shigaraki or even just forgive him for all the atrocities he has done like Izuku did for Lady Nagant. He knows that Shigaraki is a monster that needs to be stopped at all costs, so no he won't use "the power of friendship."
Second, when Izuku says he wants to save Shigaraki, he's talking about his soul, not his body. The heroes have already decided that All for one is such a powerful villain who tortured and killed thousands, probably millions of people, that he needs to be killed. Pulling him in prison like they did last time won't do so you think they'll simply keep Shigaraki, who is stronger than All For One, locked up? No way. Shigaraki needs to be killed too. There's no doubt about that. Now, Izuku saw a crying child (Tenko) in the vestiges and will try to extend him a hand, to save his heart before he dies.
Before talking about what I mean by that, let me analyze Shigaraki- no, Tenko's trauma a little.
Tenko killed his entire family with his quirk. After that, he ended up as a homeless starved sleepless kid who needed help but didn't get any. Until All For One arrived and saved him. Tenko was so traumatized by the events that he even lost his memories, but he did remember one thing: feelings. The anger he felt when he was abused, and that feeling of pleasure and peace he felt when he finally got rid of his dad. All for one being the manipulator that he is, he understood that Tenko's brain voluntarily suppressed his memories not to feel guilty toward himself and told him to direct the anger he had for his dad towards the society of heroes, who is apparently all faked and hypocrite, full or selfish people, people who abandon their families. Tenko here is putting the blame of his trauma on the heroes (like Nana bc she abandoned her son, who abused his own son, Tenko, because he wanted to be a hero) because blaming others is always easier than blaming yourself. Now, All for one also told him to become stronger, encouraged him to kill the people that hurt him, and so AFO fed Tenko's addiction for destruction. Since he's so obsessed with the rage that keeps growing, he never feels any positive emotion which is very self destructive for a brain, so as a coping mechanism, he searches for that satisfaction he felt when he killed his dad (since it was mixed with rage, it's a pleasure that became compatible with his anger), killing again and again: his quirk became his own source of serotonin. (that's also why he often smiles while decaying)
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Shigaraki doesnt have plans for the future. He doesn't care what will happen of society or anyone, even himself. He even said the league can just do whatever they want.. he just wants to destroy. He only lives in the present moment for that feeling only.
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What he needs is someone (Izuku) to tell him that heroes aren't all "bad" (nana had her reasons so she's not really a bad person :/) but more at the source of the problem, that he didn't deserve any of the abuse and that it's not his fault his family died. The accident wasn't the heroes fault, it wasnt his own fault, it was nobody's fault (okay it was AFO's fault since he actually transferred decay to a quirkless Tenko but the awakening of a violent quirk could've totally happened naturally and Tenko wouldn't have the blame either).
Tenko doesn't have to feel guilty about that accident. He needs to hear that.
Now I dont know how things will go on, and even how Izuku may possibly adress Shigaraki's trauma, but in my opinion the best death Shigaraki could have would be after Izuku managed to save the sad, scared, guilt rotten child in the vestiges, as Shigaraki would finally feel at ease, relaxed, kinda comforted. No anger for a very long time, I imagine his death to be very peaceful. He could even chose to be the one to kill himself actually with decay, the quirk that started it all and would end it all. He would give up on life because he had been so filled with anger for so long that he'd just feel like there's no point in living anymore if he doesn't destroy. He'd just feel like an empty shell. His peaceful death would kinda remind me of a certain demon's towards the end of demon slayer, if you read the manga you know who I'm talking about.
So yeah, I really want Izuku to reach Tenko. I'm sure he will. But he'll definitely put an end to Shigaraki's destruction at the same time.
thanks for reading, I love mha so much
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
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my gif proposition 🤞🏻👀
Jimin does not get enough love in this household and I'm not gonna have it.
Tags/Warnings: Royalty AU, infiltrator?Jimin, Maid!Reader, imprisonment, implied murder, arson, I blame my writing-playlist for giving me this idea
The cold floor of the prison below isn't what you'd hoped yourself to be found in tonight. But even so, there's no way you could've let them treat the poor stable boy like that just for an accident. You know Jungkook. He always puts his everything into any task he's given- he didn't deserve any punishment.
So instead, you went down the pit for him.
It's fine.
You've not been happy anyway. In this kingdom, there is no romance novel worthy love blooming, no prince that's kind, no heroes that save life's. It's the cruel reality of money and wealth placing them who own such things above the weaker, nothing else. You're not a heroine either. You're probably just stupid.
But it's okay. You've saved people prior to this - the royal advisor, a man who doesnt belong here either, for example, from being poisoned. You'd been punished for that, too, as you'd spilled his wine all over the table. There had never been a thank you or an apology directed at you - even after it was revealed that the wine had indeed been tampered with.
You know why this happens. It's because you refuse to be the king's amusement.
You've chosen this for yourself, chose faithfulness over a man long left behind in the land deep up inside the mountains where the snow never seems to melt and the horses still running freely, ready to be tamed. You can't forget him, even after all these years and even after realizing, deep down, that you'll never go home. It's alright - there's nothing you regret. "Huh." A guard says, walking back to where you sit. "Seems like the stable boy vanished. Ran off, that rat, and took one of the horses, too." The old man chuckles. "You saved him just for that?"
You don't answer. Internally, you're happy about it. Jungkook is a very able young man, taken from his mother at a young age, from far away, too, where the waves crash against the edge of the world, it seems. He will be fine on his own, away from the castle walls.
Maybe he will get to go home. See his mother and fish again with his father.
You're busy braiding the pieces of straw into something you're not sure of, when you notice smoke rolling over the ground. The blue-ish waves seem almost hypnotic in their act of curling over the floor like water that's not bound to gravity- it makes you quiet, doesn't let you call out in fear.
You don't have to. The guards are all suddenly running off, leaving every prisoner by themselves in their panic.
Standing up you can see a glimpse of the hallway far away- orange glow signaling a fire, panic now growing outside of the underground levels you're kept in. You don't want to die this slowly, painfully. You don't want to die in general.
A man walks into the prisons, a damp rag pressed to his face as he looks around, opening all the iron cages as the prisoners all flee. "What happened?!" One asks in a hurry.
"Run. Don't look back. Tell the world the king is dead." The man says, and you're almost sure you know exactly who he is.
As soon as he finds yours, your eyes widen. It is him.
Park Jimin. Royal advisor.
He says nothing when he opens the bars, just looks at you until his eyes soften, his lips curl upwards, and his arms open. You fall into them, hold him tightly, close, because that's what you haven't been allowed for so long now. "What did you do?" You ask quietly into his chest.
He feels like home.
"I gave you my word when they took you here." He tells you, before taking your hand and running out of the lower levels and through already burning hallways, until you're both in the massive courtyard, castle lit aflame.
You can't help but stop and stare.
"I told you I'd burn it all down if I had to." He explains. "I told you I'm gonna get you back and change all of this."
"The King is dead?" You ask, quietly so as a large window breaks from the heat.
"The king was never one to begin with." Jimin darkly answers, before a horse catches your attention.
The same Jimin came here with years ago. The same Jungkook had nurtured fondly the entire time. The same kind that runs with veins full of freedom through the mountains back home. The same that will take you back to your freedom now.
Back to your home, with the only hero, this story will never reveal to those who will read about this in history books one day.
But its fine.
You know that he exists.
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lightningonatether · 2 years
So much for Sam beginning to see Dream as Not A Monster, lol.
But maybe Punz changes up his revenge tactics and starts being nice. Maybe he realizes that he’s vindicating Sam, and giving him his martyrdom position just as Sam secretly craves. Maybe he starts being good to him after that realization out of spite, to rob him of his desire to be a victim.
Maybe it works.
you're right, Sam flips right back to being angry at dream. how COULD he, he's letting Sam get hurt, the hypocrisy, isn't this what dream was complaining about??? the fact that Sam let HIM get hurt??? so why is HE doing the same thing now?? but dreams also somewhat of a safe haven. dream hasn't ever actually put a hand on Sam outside running a few experiments but none of that was painful, just like. humiliating and uncomfortable. and the few times sam's actually gotten badly hurt dreams begrudgingly taken care of him. so he's a guaranteed respite. dreams Literally been nothing but nice when they interact. first before when dream thought he was just a creeper and even now, when he dresses any wounds, he pets over Sam, and he's gentle.
plus, dream...
dreams having a Very Uncomfortable Experience watching it from the outside in. he even tries to tell himself sam really deserves it. taste of his own medicine and all that. but somehow watching.. punz.. take quackitys role. and hurt sam because he did something "bad". doesnt sit right with him. for multiple reasons.
first, dream knows that the way he's trying and failing to justify this to himself is exactly how Sam justified his mistreatment in prison. he did something bad, so he deserves worse. he's mine to control, so I can let punz hurt him. he needs to be put in his place, he needs to be trained into obedience... dreams spent Hours picking apart every reason Sam had for letting quackity in and telling himself exactly why every one of those reasons is just stupid. he knows how it feels to be on the losing side!! and he honestly doesn't think he can do what Sam did and just stand by and watch it happen.
plus, again, the situation reminds him Too Much of pandora. it makes him Nauseous. at first he thought he'd be okay with punz taking his anger out on Sam cause- well, punz *does* need to take his anger out somewhere (see the attack on LN in canon- u can see just how worked up punz gets, he's finally applying himself to something instead of sitting by, he needed that), and punz is an ally, and hurting Sam doesn't hinder the plan, and it's not like sam's going anywhere, and it's not like sams done anything to earn dreams favor, so why not like... just let punz have his chew toy, or whatever....
but the problem is dreams Trauma tee em. he can't work with punz if he's afraid of punz. and seeing punz take revenge on something that can't really fight back? OHH TOO MANY PARALLELS. dreams basically having a weeks-long Pandora's flashback post reveal because Too Many Goddamn Things triggered Too Many Goddamn Memories. when he starts flinching back from punz is when he knows he needs to stop it.
and like. Sam notices all this. he's not blind to dream having some sort of second thoughts. and then dream proves him right by telling punz to back off? dreams like, actually an angel, or whatever.
dont think Sam can ever Stop viewing himself as a martyr or a victim without like. professional intervention. which is severely lacking on the smp sooooo... that's here to stay until someone gives me an idea otherwise I guess lol
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springcatalyst · 1 year
something about merle and daryls relationship to religion (particularly christianity)
oops this turned out long. readmore time for yalls sanity and my dignity
it's never actually mentioned, but they both seem to have had a rather christian upbringing. it's safe to assume, because they're in the deep south, but its evident in the ways they interact with the presence of religion and with themselves.
when merle is handcuffed to the roof, hes crying about how he deserves this, about how hes being punished, hes been bad and this is what he gets. he pleads with god for mercy before ultimately telling him he doesnt need his help. this is something we can imagine he is familiar with. hes used to the concepts of divine (or otherwise) punishment, violence and pain as something deserved, a consequence of behaving badly. he seems very used to "this is what you get." and ultimately when he pleads for mercy his prayers go unanswered. this is a familiar script, or at least it was. god never helped him before. hes been punished before. he'll get out of this one on his own, just like all the rest. (he uses the exact same line "I ain't gonna beg" with the governor before hes killed: this is something familiar to him). merle quotes from the bible with hershel in season 3: he knows it. not only knows it, but remembers it. he's held onto it
and then daryl. who is so averse, so mocking of christianity and those who follow it. his casual snide remarks whenever hes in a church, making clear his distaste for the whole affair. his disdain with gabriel for a long while after they meet him. ("the word of god is the only protection I need" "sure didnt look like it.") he sees the lie in it all, while it seems like merle still buys into it, even if he doesn't try to follow it anymore, he knows the punishment that will catch up to him and to others. merle frequently damns others to hell. he inflicts punishment, or the deserving of it, as easily as he understands it for himself. daryl, though, has been disillusioned, at the very least. he sees it as nothing more than a tool to manipulate and lie to the people that believe in it. best case scenario, religion to him is a false hope that will never reach fruition. worst case, it's a manipulative power play meant to keep people in line where 'in line' means subservient. its foolish: a waste of time, to him.
theres a deleted scene where he finds a man dead in a prayer room, and he mocks him for all the good his prayers did. for all the answers he found for his trouble. in season 4, after the prison falls, he says something along the lines of 'faith never did anything for us.' he and merle, though their reasons are different, both see prayer and faith (and as a tangent, hope in general) as a useless tact, nothing gained, nobody will ever answer, you're just fooling yourself. nobody is going to save you but you. and when you say it like that, you know exactly how they got there. these are two characters who frequently have been only out for themselves, only able to rely on themselves, anything outside of that is bound to let them down, to variant degrees of harm. plenty of their own prayers must have gone unanswered. nobody saves them but them.
I legally cant talk about the dixon brothers' relationship to christianity without also talking about carol. she has a lot of similar perspectives as the two of them, but we see her in both sides. when the show begins she still appears to believe in god, and when sophia goes missing she takes that time in the church to pray to him. she says god can punish her however he wants as long as he doesnt hurt sophia. she, too, expects punishment in the form of violence and grief when she behaves badly or, in this case, even thinks things she supposedly shouldn't. here, she had a similar relationship to religion as merle does- she still believes in god: more specifically, a wrathful one. as the seasons progress, though, we see her lose that faith and shift to something closer to daryl's perspective. we see her disillusionment in real time as she sees worse and worse things and is subject to worse and worse environments. but she never really stops behaving as if she is deserving of punishment.
her and Daryl are similar in this way: while merle outright says it, accepts his supposed punishment, and then continues doing whatever he has to and whatever he wants to, carol and daryl operate under the same kind of threat but they dont really realize it. when they do things they deem worthy of punishment, whatever harm comes their way as a result- or even unrelated but soon after (and it's the walking dead, things always happen)- they kind of accept it. daryl allows himself to be treated the way he is in the savior compound, yes because he had no immediate out, but also because he felt like he deserved it. dwight gives him that photograph to really hammer home how he got here, and daryl lets it happen, to an extent. after Henry's death, carol goes off the deep end and doesnt care what happens to her. if not for lydia, she would have gone right over the edge of that cliff because it's what she felt like she deserved, like a righteous end to a life shes been leading poorly. they live under the same eye as merle, but it's more abstract with them. rather than being punished by god, they're being punished by fate, or karma, or luck. it's very 'you get what you deserve' with them, because their disillusionment prevents them from blaming an entity, so in its place they blame themselves.
I think that's the only other option they see, and its part of the reason they are both so different from merle. merle can still blame this outside force, can shove all his problems onto something out of his control that isnt his fault but can be resented for it, so he becomes this hateful, violent person because the one thing hes really angry with is untouchable. daryl and carol lack that, and cant blame anybody else because they are the only common denominator, so it instead turns inward. they hurt other people less because of this, but it's still not healthy, and so in their place they're hurting themselves more.
I have to think they are all intimately familiar with god as a reason. as a justification for damage or an unattainable perfect form that when fallen short of, is punished for. merle still operates on this warped justice system, on punishment for bad behavior (reinforced by his many experiences with prison and the military), while daryl has rejected it entirely. merle still buys into it, but daryl sees it as nothing more than that justification, than that false sense of security. neither trusts god, or religion, or christianity, but the difference I think is that merle still feels the eye of it, while daryl feels the absence.
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saltwatersweets · 5 days
How did you get into dsmp, when did it start, who are your favs, who do you dislike, any hot takes, what did you think of the finale, what species do you hc the characters
1. i started watching dreams content early april 2020, at a little before 3 mil subscribers! i started watching dteam clips not too long after and so knew about the dream smp’s existence early early on, before there was lore. however i only used youtube at the time and didn’t even know there was lore at all until i saw sad-ist’s first dsmp animation (i have been a fan of hers since i was around twelve or thirteen; its funny that the dsmp introduced a lot of people to sad-ist but for me sad-ist introduced me to the dsmp!) a couple months later when lore started really picking up i started posting more about it on social media.
2. i think youre asking for fave characters, in which case im pretty basic. top five are likely gonna have to be 1) c!dream, 2) c!quackity, 3) c!sam, 4) c!tommy, and then i’d say c!techno, c!niki, and c!tubbo are all tied for fifth!
3. i wouldnt say i outright dislike any characters. i personally never really cared for c!schlatt and i especially havent really cared much for c!wilbur since like, the election arc. nothing against them personally, or fans of those characters, they just dont really interest me personally. that might change soon though!!
(this ended up being so long so more under the cut 💀)
4. i suppose my only real hot take is that again, the justification for what c!dream went through during prison arc can easily be used to justify what c!tommy went through during exile arc; i believe there are certain things that no one can deserve to go through and torture/manipulation like that are two of those things. i’ve already said that before but its really my only lore hot take i’d say i can word well (i have a lot of thoughts in my head and never have ANY idea how to word them 😭)
as for any hot takes regarding ccs, i wouldnt say i have any big ones either but they might put me in hot water with some people anyway LOL. i believe that everyone should be given chances to change for the better and that a person having bigoted views in the past because of how they were raised and no longer having them in the present is a Good Thing!! no one should be expected to be perfect for their entire lives. positive change is always good i think and it should be encouraged, for any cc and person in general. finally regarding any friendships in the dsmp that are broken now, i dont want to blame one single person in any friendship. we don’t know what fully happened behind the scenes and nor should we ever - its private.
5. this question ended up being perfect timing because i JUST caught up on the finale like two hours ago 😭 havent watched all the full streams but have seen the major clips so i could understand what happened. i was actually just about to post about it, but i loved it!! i’m a big c!discduo apologist and enjoy how it handled both their characters. c!tommy did do bad things (though that doesnt mean he deserved the bad things done to him)!! c!dream did a Lot of bad things (though that doesn’t mean HE deserved the bad things done to him)!!
i thought the way it handled their characters was pretty good for a minecraft roleplay and i find the fact that it caused so much discourse (especially about someone who from what i know wasnt even a main writer for it?) pretty stupid lmao. especially when i see tommy fans saying the finale sucked when from what i know tommy was one of the people who had a huge part in writing it?? lmao 😭 (not hating on tommy or his fans i just think its funny). i think that expecting a perfect and neat story of abuse on a MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY full of a bunch of minecraft streamers in their teens/early twenties was asking for disappointment.
i think the finale ended up being really profound especially with the irl stuff going on at the time (and what was to come in the future). how broken friendships played such a huge role on the server and just a year or so later many of the irl friendships would be broken. one thing that especially got to me was how much of a point was made that immortality wasnt right and it was important to live your life and enjoy it with the people you love while you can; that the best things are temporary because you can appreciate them. it was a natural evolution of c!dreams character of course (a necromancer who wanted his world to go back to how it used to be) but the fact that the finale streams happened only a few months after techno’s actual passing was not lost on me.
as for the final couple minutes themselves, i am a little conflicted. i would have loved the story to end with everyone keeping their memories and the idea that they’ll have to figure out how to live after doing everything theyve done; how to make peace with everyone WITH their memories. i’m not sure how season 2 would have gone but the fact is that we’ll never get a season 2 and that this is the ending we’re left with. especially how in a way c!dreams plan to “reset” the server seemed to come to fruition; i think it would have been a better ending for his and the other characters if again they had to live with their memories of what theyd done and try to move on like that. it wasnt really the type of ending that i was hoping the dsmp would have, but i think it served its purpose well. love the c!discduo being friends though!! and i also love seeing fics that take place during “season 2” and after the nuke went off, those always end up being super interesting to me.
6. any of my species headcanons are EXTREMELY basic lmao. duck hybrid c!quackity, creeper hybrid c!sam, goat hybrid c!tubbo, etc etc. i have no big headcanons i’d say - i totally see c!tommy and c!dream as both being 100% human though. i’d say thats my only real headcanon regarding hybrids and species. ive got a lot of headcanons but not too much about that specifically.
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thenixkat · 25 days
and you punched the metahuman victim because?
Batman's a bigot let's just say it
like, asshole you coulda punched Luthor instead of Luthor's victim Batman claims he only joined Luthor to figure out what Lex had been doing with Captain Marvel
Batman's group was plotting to double cross the villains
hmm maybe knocking Billy the fuck out while you explained to the room what Luthor did to him wasnt the best idea Bruce
especially teh part with you chasing with a gun while revealing everything that he knows is a lie
ah the dehumanization of prisoners who are only prisoners b/c a bunch of unsanctioned vigilantes kidnapped them for not bowing to their top vigilante
oh no how dare the people you kidnapped and put in a reeducation camp kill one of the guards keeping them locked up. The savages
meanwhile the regular people, the US president decides to drop nukes on the brawl at the Kansas gulag of course SUperman's the only hope. Also its nice to see someone acknowledging that Captain Marvel can match Superman
Wonder Woman attempts to kill Batman for talking shit. B/c we need someone to make the bad guy, and that's clearly what they've been trying to do with wonder woman here
just trying to murder someone who is there to help quell the revolution and keep teh prisoners in this illegal reeducation camp just cause they have an attitude is the best behavior from a superhero
Batman and Wonder Woman decide to stop fighting eachother and take on the planes carrying nuclear bombs. Granted i doubt either of them considered what the president might do is the heroes stop him from bombing them and their illegal prison camp
its probably not the best thing to say that all metas need to die for the sake of the world company that's bread and butter is selling stories about super people doing shit. But go off, which yer shitty shitty morals
The SPectre plans to punish who ever survives, the humans or the metas for the genocide that occurs either way, b/c teh Spetre is a shitty shitty superhero and an even more shit angel
and it picked up the narrator cause it cant tell teh future and needed help with teh judgment call cause the only two options the writers have decided to railroad shit into is either the metas get genocided or the metas take up humanity with infighting nevermind any other potential options
and the narrator chews teh Spectre the fuck out for simply being an all powerful observer and doing shit for dick to make shit better
so Superman decides to murder the UN for deciding to bomb his illegal prison camp and all of his friends who'd kidnapped people from all over teh world and were fighting all out to keep those prisoners from escaping that could have resulted in countless regular people casualties
teh narrator talks Superman down from murdering the UN
again with the people seeing superheroes as gods thing. I assure you that it'd be more normal for the average person to think of superpowers folks as just some asshole rather than a god
man i dont like this story
but also i love how solving problems along side the common folk doesnt involve like stopping being vigilantes and working through official channels. And it definitely wont mean doing shit that reduces crime in general
Batman rebuilds Wayne manor and turns it into a hospital to care for the people harmed by the radiation but he's still got multiple death robots just in every room watching people and he continuously patrols said hospital
why the fuck does Wonder Woman deserve to regain her crown when she tried to st
art a totalitarian regime?
fuck her and Superman and Wonder Woman hook up b/c they cant just leave a woman unattached
I dont care for the story. I didnt even find out the info I fucking read it for
I will say that its well painted and that painting a comic is an ordeal, too bad its wasted on this story
and Wonder Woman's fucking pregnant! Of course b/c that's the only way to heal and move forward hook up and have babies
of course other heroes breeding is a problem b/c they just spawn amoral wild animals but its ok for Wonder Woman and Superman to breed
they want Bruce to be a godparent to the baby. Bruce is shitty parent thank fuck its over
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enlighten3d · 1 month
i think parrot deserves to go on a villain arc
then again, he already kind has?
i really love abt uu that no one. no one is perfectly good. esp not the pov characters
spoke is.. spoke. duped stuff, did insane shit, CHUNKBANNED WIFIES OFF THE SERVER FOR SICK REVENGE, BUT- thats it. it was some sort of revenge at parrot bcs spokes only friend is dead (or so he thinks). hes motivation. hes just trying to make things up for duping a bunch of shit and messing stuff up
parrot is.. hes also just a guy! hes doing his best, he does ANYTHING for his best friend (wifies). and that means literally anything. that means unbanning spoke just to get wifies back. that means undoing all of zam and wemmbus hard work and breaking all those prisons just because he wants wifies back. (and bcs he doesnt want to die, but thats a newer motivation now that ppl are Actually trying to kill him)
and wemmbu!! love wemmbu. he is ALSO just doing his best. yeah sur ehe built an orbital strike cannon or two. and is Strange. and also fucked up in many peoples eyes. but he followed zams orders out of sheer loyalty - which massively fucked him over in the end.
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