#he is SO boytoy here. I need him SO bad
princemick · 5 months
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flower after his 300th win
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amysnotdeadyet · 11 months
Good Steve
Another! And then I have to go cook dinner. Stupid reality.
My darling @newtypeshadow asked for a somewhat complicated Steddie from Stranger Things plot, so she gets 555 words.
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If there was one thing Eddie Munson was known for — besides shredding on the guitar — it was being protective of his boyfriend. Corroded Coffin were big enough that when they got outed the subsequent dip in record sales didn't tank their careers.
The metal scene was all about people living their lives outside of social conventions, after all.
Eddie did a cover of Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law" to open every concert that tour. Steve came along the way he always did. Instead of hanging with the other WAGs, he wore a staff shirt and assisted everywhere backstage. He'd learned a ton of useful skills in his years touring with them, and was always happy to help.
It took new guys some time to figure that out, though.
"Why the fuck is he here?" asked the guy who would be known as Bad Steve for the duration of his employment. He was a lighting expert of some renown, but he'd been caught in traffic on the way to the gig, so Steve had started setup while they waited.
"You're late," said Nate through the headset.
Steve emerged from beneath the boards already talking. "They need to solder #17, it's just not connecting." He turned to Bad Steve with a charming, boyish grin. "Oh, hey! I'm Steve, happy to lend a hand."
"You're Munson's boytoy." Bad Steve, unfortunately, had not muted his headset.
A dark 'ooooh' went through the line from several sources.
Steve's expression shuttered. "Check it or don't, but don't blame me if it goes out. Chart's over there."
Eddie came crashing into the booth, looking like a hot mess. "Stevie, baby, I need your touch."
Steve rolled his eyes. "You need me to do your eyeliner again because you smudged it already."
"Yep," said Eddie. "Oh, and Bad Steve, do consider who might be listening, hm?"
Steve let Eddie put his hands in the back pocket of his admittedly small jeans shorts, not even bothering to glance back to where Bad Steve was fuming.
A few hours later, when #17 had been soldered and the show was underway, Bad Steve got to see why Eddie's Steve was the favorite.
A nazi punk managed to get onstage while security was breaking up a fight elsewhere, and Steve flew out of wings with fire in his eyes to tackle the guy before he got past the monitors. Long legs pinned the guy's back to the floor, and he palmed the guy's head like a basketball, leaning in to say something there was no mic to pick up.
The guy tried to get up and got his face slammed into the stage for his trouble, Steve clearly in control even when the punk tried to swipe with a switchblade. The knife clattered away as Steve brought his own arm down on the guy's hand, smashing it into the monitor with a crunching sound and the screech of feedback.
The rest of security finally arrived to confiscate the knife and the nazi. Steve let him up, holding his own hands out while they hauled him away.
At that point, no one could blame Eddie for the scorching kiss that followed.
"Well," said Eddie into the mic, once Steve was safely offstage. "That was fuckin' hot, right?"
The cheers that followed were almost as deafening as the music.
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cryingat300kph · 5 months
Pretty Thing
Pairing: Sebastian Vettel x Boytoy!Mechanic!Reader
(Bad) Summary: When Ferrari gets a new pretty boy for a mechanic a certain 4x world champion takes notice.
Rating: M Warning(s): Mentions of sex, but no actual sex. Cursing. Use of Y/N. Allusion to homophobia in sports. F slur (but in a self-descriptive and reclaimed way) -Not Proofread-
Length: 1.4K Words
A/N: This is Seb in his chaotic flirt Ferrari era, like 1st/2nd year at Ferrari vibes. Also the ending is kinda cut off because I lost steam, but wanted to put something out. Let me know if ya’ll want this continued, I have ideas ;) <3
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“Lewis look, that’s who I was talking about.” Seb says poking Lewis’s arm gesturing towards the bar. “Him?!” Lewis asks turning back to Seb. “Yeah.” Seb suppresses the urge to add Isn’t he pretty? “Damn I'm surprised they would hire a mechanic so-“ “so gay?” Sebastian supplies. “Heh-Yeah.” “Well he usually doesn’t look like that.” Seb says again gesturing towards the man.
The “that” Seb is referring to is the absolute twink uniform you are wearing. You might as well be wearing a flashing sign reading “I like dick! ;)” And Sebastian thinks you look completely and utterly delectable; more than usual.
He’d had his eyes on you since you joined the team at the top of the year. At first he noticed you because were young for someone not on the PR team, and far too handsome to not be in a more front-facing role. He was glad he was known to make sure to get to know all new members of the Ferrari family, because it meant he could satisfy this curiosity; finding out you had climbed the ladder at the factory quickly and had always wanted nothing more than to be in the garage track-side.
His interest in you only grew as he got to know you better. He knew obviously that as a mechanic you weren’t just a pretty face, but he soon found out you weren’t just either of those things. But someone who was extremely funny, kind and just as much of a nerd about racing as he was.
And so, a friendship slightly-beyond coworkers started to form. Now, at halfway through the season you two could be called proper friends, but your friendship is still very tied to work. Either way, you feel comfortable around Seb, comfortable enough to speak freely of your interests and life outside of racing. However, one thing he doesn’t know about you was that you don’t mind sharing a bed with a man.
Its hard being queer in formula one. It’s 2015 and huge strides have been made, but motorsports lags behind. Especially as someone who is involved in a more “masculine” job at Ferrari you keeps your more flamboyant tendencies under wraps. European ideas of masculinity help a lot, but it’s still a bit lonely, stressful and draining, to be closeted.
Hence why you’re here.
It had been a stressful race weekend, but Seb ultimately got podium and everyone was rightfully really happy and the team planned to go for drinks with the winning Mercedes team.
Seb had protested a bit when you said you thought you’d sit this one out. “I would, trust me, but I’ve had this headache all day and I doubt a hangover will make it any better.” You lied. He had seemed to come back to himself, like his earlier protest was a slip. Laughing it off. “You’re right, go, rest. We need your brain intact!”
You had chuckled at that saying bye to him and driving back to the hotel to get changed before heading out for your real plans. You felt bad lying to Seb but after this weekend a guy needed some attention damn it! But most importantly you wanted to dress how you want and exist how you want for once even just for a couple of hours.
Without you at the party Sebastian is more melancholy than usual. He's cursing himself for crushing like a teenager, but without you there he’s lost interest. “Dude is this about the guy you told me about.” Lewis asks seeing Seb is obviously down about something. “what? no- it” “Where is he? Go talk to him!" “He’s not here, had a headache so he stayed back.” “Well you don’t seem to be having fun so go after him, just ask to hang out.” “But the team, i should-.” “Kimi is enough of a party for the team, he’d probably enjoy the company.” Lewis nudges him. “You know why I can’t Lewis.” Seb says seriously. “Yeah.” Lewis agrees and they’re silent for a bit before he speaks up again, mischief in his voice. “But maybe we could find some other entertainment for the night. To quell the ache?” “What are you suggesting?” Seb asks suspicious. “There’s a bar a couple blocks from here. Heard its a discreet spot, good for cruising.” He says like he’s stating the weather and not suggesting the two biggest F1 drivers at the moment go cruising for gay sex.“What if someone sees us.” “we’re in America, no one knows who we are.” And Seb is just tipsy enough, and yearning to fuck a stranger and imagine it’s you, so he agrees.
“Let’s do it!”
And so, Sebastian now finds himself at a loss for words, staring at you. At you, sipping a cocktail, half sitting on a bar stool, your back slightly arched. Honestly the picture is so inviting. Lewis is just looking at him with a smirk.
Sebastian sees that a couple men obviously have their eyes on you too. He watches as the bartender hands you a drink gesturing to one of the said men. You look over and the man starts to get up. Seb feels his fists tighten, but he relaxes when you hand the drink back to the bartender looking at the man apologetically. He’s glad the man gets the idea and sits back down, Seb doesn’t want to think what he would have done if the man had persisted.
Wait, so maybe you’re just out for a nice night alone, he doesn’t want to disturb that. But dressed like that? He’s having a hard time resisting.
“Lewis what do I do?” He asks. “The flirt is asking me?“ Lewis scoffs, but when Seb just looks at him annoyed, he Chuckles; he’s never seen the confident man so nervous before. “Just, go get him tiger.”
He knows it’s now or never, so Sebastian goes to the opposite end of the bar and tells the bartender to get you a drink.
-- The bartender hands you another drink. It’s top shelf which catches your eye. A couple men have bought you shots and stuff throughout the night but so far when the bartender pointed to who they all weren’t your type. Or they quickly stopped being your type the moment they opened their mouths.
When you ask who, this time, the bartender cocks his head to the end of the bar. You look over and it’s Sebastian! Your eyes go wide, unsure of what to do. What is he doing here?! Here, where you are looking like a complete faggot and nothing like you do at work. But he’s your friend right, he would’ve found out eventually and he just bought you a drink?
You tamp down the flicker of hope that tries to spark. So you just smile and raise the drink to him raising your eyebrows. It’s friendly coworker shit right? He’s just being nice. Your brain is forced to stop working overtime when he approaches you and starts speaking.
“I could barely recognize you y/n!” He says smiling and friendly, but with a hint of something? And he is blatantly looking you up and down. Tongue between his teeth. Oh. You can’t help lighting up despite being nervous. “Well let’s just say the Ferrari uniform is not my personal style.” You joke. “This definitely suits you much better.” He blatantly flirts, which catches you bit off guard, but you try not to show it, excitement now replacing your nerves. “You think the boss will let me wear a crop top to work?” “Maybe I could ask him nicely.” Sebastian says and then leans closer.
“Having something so pretty in my garage can only bring me good luck right?” “Oh, I don’t think you need luck, Seb.” You laugh because now you are definitely blushing.
“Every driver needs luck.” He says low.
The way he's looking at you. It’s almost too much. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. In the span of a few minutes you’ve basically come out to a coworker turned friend, but also discovered that apparently Sebastian Vettel, Ferrari driver, four time world champion also likes men. And now said Ferrari driver and friend is flirting with you.
You can't wait to see where the night goes.
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talkfastromance4 · 1 year
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face--Jake Seresin (An Arrangement Series)
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author's note: thank you for your patience! As promised, this one is longer! and again, the dress in the photo is just so you can see what it looks like.
An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
word count: 8.6k
warnings: a brief interaction with police, break-in
Feedback, asks, comments/reblogs mean the world to me!
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It’s a few weeks before the Navy ball and you’re at the flower shop putting together an arrangement for Betty. She’s at a rehab center after her surgery and so far she’s doing really well so you’re hoping she’ll be out soon enough. Jake has also been gone for a quick mission, he told you about it just before the fundraiser he helps sponsor at the pier.
You weren’t sure what to expect at the pier so you put on a pretty sundress that Jake couldn’t take his eyes off of. You definitely didn’t expect him to show up in his service khakis but when you saw the fundraiser was for foster children and their home you understood why because the kids hung onto him and asked him so many questions about flying the ‘big airplanes’.
The raised funds were to help add onto the house they live in and to hopefully build a new jungle gym. Some of the children were selling tickets and ran the booths with other adult volunteers. Jake stayed by your side the whole time introducing you to everyone while also speaking very highly of your flower shop which made your cheeks warm.
You snip some of the stems of the gladiolas you are working on smiling at the memory of that day and one little girl who kept running up to Jake–she had to be at least eight years old–showing him all the prizes she won.
As the sun was setting, the kids were leaving and that little girl came up one last time. You found out her name was Zara when Jake greeted her by squatting on the ground. She whispered something in his ear, he nodded then turned to you.
“Zara wants to give you something,” he smiled.
“Me?” you brightened and knelt down to her height. She hands you a plush flower with a smiley face in the center.
“Mister Jake says you make flowers.”
“He’s right, I do. Thank you so much, I love it,” you smiled at her. “And I know the perfect place to put it, right in my display case.”
Zara giggled then ran off towards the other kids at the bus and the director of the house they live in, a big smile on her face and you could have sworn she perked her chest up just the slightest.
“Thank you so much for today, Lieutenant. Your donation will definitely help us in building a new jungle gym.”
“It’s my pleasure, Ms. Dawes. Let me know if you need help with anything else. You’re doing an amazing job.”
She was clearly flustered then headed back to the kids. Jake faced you with his hand held out but you shook your head.
“You shouldn’t charm people so easily like that.”
“Do I charm you?” he cocked his head to the side, his hand still extended. He wiggled his fingers clearly wanting you to hold his hand.
“I plead the fifth,” you sniffed but took his hand anyway.
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“So,” Serena hops on the counter next to you, pulling you from your recollection of memory. “Where’s your boy toy? Haven’t seen him since he brought us breakfast a week ago.”
“He’s not my boytoy, but he should be home tonight. He had a mission to do.”
“Okay, boyfriend then.”
“He’s not that either,” you sigh tweaking the flowers a bit.
“Then what is he?”
You’re not sure what to say so you shrug.
“He takes you out, right?”
“He helps you with Betty,” she starts to tick off fingers, “he buys you and your employees breakfast, drives you around…if it looks like a boyfriend and quacks like a boyfriend–”
“That’s not how the saying goes,” you giggle then turn serious. “It’s not like that. It’s…complicated.”
“What’s complicated about it? You like him, right?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, figure it out ‘cause he’s down bad for you.”
You turn away with your arrangement to box it up and to also hide your smile at her comment. The door opens with the bell jingling above it and Reynolds comes in with a basket of your favorite snacks and sweet treats, a sign that Jake is on his way home.
“Lieutenant Seresin is on his way back from base but wanted you to have these to keep at the shop. I have to pick him up…will you be all right getting home?” Reynolds asks.
“I can take her Reynolds,” Serena says peering into the basket.
“Thank you,” you tell him sincerely.
“If you need anything, give me or him a call. I’ll see you Monday Miss y/n. Miss Serena,” he smiles then leaves the shop.
“Jake’s a duck and Reynolds is a duckling,” Serena states taking a pear from the basket and taking a big bite.
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Jake sent you a text that he’d be leaving base the same time you’d be leaving the flower shop and asked if you’d like to go to brunch the following morning. After locking up with Serena, she drove you home and the whole way there you have this weird feeling in your stomach.
When you get out of her car you hear a loud crash from inside your house and you freeze. There’s more scuffling and you scurry back inside already calling Jake.
“y/n? What’s going on?” Serena asks in alarm.
“Hey Sugar, I wasn’t expecting a–”
“Jake, someone’s in my house,” you whisper frantically. Serena gasps then pulls out her phone to call the police.
“Where are you? Are you inside?” Jake asks.
“No, I’m still in Serena’s car. She’s calling the police.” You’re surprised at how calm your voice sounds when inside your heart is about to burst out of your chest.
“Drive away from your house, I’m on my way. Stay in the car, y/n I’ll be there soon.”
You gulp when the line goes dead, he rarely calls you by your first name. Serena drives a block away but still in view of your home and you’re freaking out because what if whose inside comes out and runs towards her car? What if they have a weapon?
“It’s fine, the police are on their way,” Serena soothes, “I’m on with dispatch. Someone is five blocks away on another call and they’re coming here now.”
Two squad cars show up without their lights and get out of the car. You watch them walk right inside, your multiple locks were clearly busted. It’s like a lifetime goes by and then you see Jake’s truck turn the corner. Without thinking, you escape Serena’s car ignoring her hissing your name and run towards him.
He slams on his brakes, puts it in park then jumps out as soon as he opens the door catching you just as you leap into his arms.
“y/n, I told you to stay in Serena’s car,” he reprimands but hugs you tightly against him. One hand holds the back of your neck. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m scared,” you whisper shaking your head.
“It’s all right, I’m here and it looks like the cops are too. Have they come out and talked to you yet?”
“No, they’re still inside,” Serena says behind you.
“You can go home if you’d like, Serena,” Jake says, he continues rubbing the back of your neck.
“You sure?” She asks.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay with Jake here,” you turn your head to look at her over his bicep. “Thanks for driving me.”
“You call me as soon as you’re done talking with them, okay?” she holds out her arms and you give her a tight hug.
“I will. Drive home safe, text me when you’re there.”
“Bye Jake, thanks for coming,” she says.
“Bye Serena,” he waves.
She gets back in her car then pulls away slowly. You fold your arms over your chest, feeling a breakdown coming but you can’t do that yet. Jake takes you in his arms again and you close your eyes focusing on his arms around you, his breath blowing on your hair and his heartbeat. It centers you and calms down your breathing, but sadly, your heart is still racing in fear.
The police finally came out to say the perp got out the back door and the coast was clear to head inside. They followed you around jotting down things that were missing; your small flat screen was taken, some clothes and the record player you saved up for was also gone. Your records were still there but some were smashed on the ground and your kitchen was a mess.
“They were probably looking for diamonds or other expensive jewelry,” one of the officers said. “People tend to hide them in their flour.”
“I don’t have any kind of jewelry expensive enough to be stolen,” you shake your head then gasp and run to your bedroom.
“y/n! Wait for us!” Jake calls after you and you look through your clothes again. The dress from Madam Floquet is gone.
“Oh no!” you groan and start to toss hangers with clothes on them behind you. It has to be here, it just has to be.
“Sugar, what’re you–hey, slow down!” Jake’s arms wrap around you, fingers latching around your wrists like a vice until you stop your frantic pillaging. “What are you looking for?”
“My dress! The one you got me, it’s gone! They took that too!”
The clothes in your hand fall to the floor and you bury your face in your hands, Jake’s arms circling around you even tighter.
“No, they didn’t,” he says softly in your ear, “I had Reynolds bring it to my house just for safekeeping.”
“It is?”
“Yes, it wasn’t stolen. Was there anything else missing from your room?”
“I don’t think so,” you whisper.
“Miss, could you write down your statement?”
Jake sat with you at the kitchen table while you wrote down the incident with a shaky hand. When the officers left, you stared around your small house now in a disarray and your door hanging from its hinges. Thinking of other possibilities that could have happened if you were here sent a shiver down your spine but makes you come to a decision.
You look at Jake, his green eyes alert even with the dark circles under his eyes again. Why does it seem like he never sleeps? Before you could catch it, a tear rolled down your cheek.
“What?” he asks, swiping it away with his thumb.
“Okay… I’ll move in with you.”
“Are you sure?” His eyebrows raise.
“I’m sure. This…was an eye opener. What if it happens again while I’m sleeping? You’re right, it’s not safe here but I can’t afford anywhere else. And you are closer to where Betty is.”
“Thank you,” he sighs taking both of your hands in his. “I’m so sorry this happened, Sugar. I’ll get you a new record player–the same one. And don’t worry about packing or anything like that, I’ll take care of everything.”
He brings your hands up, kissing the knuckles, and for the first time since meeting him, you fully trust that he will take care of everything.
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And he did. Within twenty minutes after the break-in, he had movers at your place and they began packing up all your belongings. You watched and listened while he instructed where certain things would go in his house. Reynolds was also there to help but he mainly stayed by you to keep you company while Jake orchestrated the moving process.
When all was said and done, he leaned against your broken door frame watching you as you walked through your now empty house. This was your first big purchase as an adult, as a way of freedom of living on your own. You chose the color of the walls, the decorations in the bathroom and now it’s empty, barren.
Jake held out his hand as you circled back. Seeing his hand outstretched felt like a new beginning, a second chance and you were finally ready to accept his help so you took his hand and followed him out into the night. Although, it was nearing five o’clock in the morning.
Although you’ve been here before, he gave you another tour and you saw more Texas decor throughout the house. There were pictures of his family everywhere, he had two sisters who were married and a niece and nephew.
“I’d tell you about them but you look like you’re about to pass out on me, Sugar. Let’s get you to bed.”
You followed him up the stairs and into your room. The fake tree you remembered from last time had twinkly lights that were lit up and you saw your belongings from your old room in here.
“I made sure your clothes were placed in the closet and the dressers, you can rearrange them however you’d like. If you need anything at all, my room is at the very end of the hall.”
“Okay. Thank you, Jake, for everything,” you tell him.
“You’re welcome. Now, get some sleep.”
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The first official night after the break-in was hard. You tossed and turned because you felt like a stranger in his house and bed even though you’d slept in it before. Eventually, you did fall asleep and that was the first time you dreamt of Jake.
It was like a dream within a dream, it felt so familiar like it had happened before. Can you have deja vu in a dream?
In the dream, you were at a wedding with Serena sitting next to you and a song came on. Jake appeared in front of you wearing a dark gray suit.
“Did you request this?” dream you smiled at him as he held out his hand.
“Maybe,” he grinned then pulled you against him. You danced to the song feeling complete and whole and just right in his arms.
Then you woke up wondering what song you could have been dancing to that was deemed special for you and him? He left sweet notes for you in the morning before work with a fresh pot of coffee and a muffin that Rhea would make for you who you found out was his housekeeper. She’s a lovely woman in her mid-fifties and talked about Jake like he was her own son.
He still hasn’t talked about his family yet but maybe he’s waiting for you to ask on your own.
Since you moved in with him, he made sure he was done with work so he could pick you up from the flower shop and you could both see Betty together. With Jake being out of state again for a few days, Reynolds has taken up his position of driving you around again.
This is the first time you’re seeing Betty without Jake and you decide to open up to her about Jake and what your situation with him really is about. So you told her about him paying for her medical bills, moving in with him, the break-in. You didn’t tell her these things in the first place because you didn’t want to upset her in her condition but she took it in stride, she’s a very resilient woman.
“Well, Dolly, it seems like he really has feelings for you.”
“But why have me sign paperwork and pay for everything? I have such a hard time understanding.”
“Maybe he grew up seeing love like that. Does he come from a rich family?”
“I don’t know, I just found out he has two sisters and a niece and nephew. We’ve never really talked about his family yet.”
“All you can do is ask. It also might be a way to protect his own heart, and I know you keep yours locked and guarded in a high tower.”
“You really think he has feelings for me?”
“Honey, I haven’t seen anyone look at you the way he does since your grandpa looked at me.”
“Really?” You’re blown away because your grandpa looked at your grandma like she created the universe. “Tell me how you two met again.”
She explains how she first saw John at an ice cream shoppe with her mother. He was the handsomest man she ever saw in her life and she went back to that ice cream shoppe day after day until he finally bought her a cherry cola. They then went to the drive-in a lot, other diners and was told his family had lots of money.
That part wasn’t true but Betty didn’t care, they loved each other like crazy and were married within eight months of first meeting.
“Give Jake a chance, Dolly.”
“But what about–”
“Stop thinking and go with what you feel. Don’t think, do what your heart tells you. Promise me?”
“I promise.”
“When does he come home?”
“Tonight I think,” you sigh looking at your Apple watch. It was a ‘Welcome Home’ gift from him that was placed on your nightstand a few days after you moved in. You appreciated the discreet way he gave it and it did come in handy while you were at the shop working.
“And when is the Navy ball?”
“This Saturday. I’m so nervous, grandma. What if I make a fool of myself in front of his squad?”
“I’m sure you won’t, and I’m sure Jake will be by your side the whole time.”
She dozes off after that. You kiss her cheek and then go home. You hear splashing as you get out of the car in the driveway and you notice Jake’s truck is parked in the middle garage. Your heart leaps knowing he’s home.
“Have a good night, Reynolds,” you smile to him with the window rolled down. He winks then pulls out of the driveway and you head inside.
It’s dark in the house except for the underlights of the cabinets in the kitchen. The back door is slid open and you hear more splashing. You find Jake doing laps in the pool, his body aglow in the aquamarine lights. You watch him glide under the water fluidly for two laps, coming up halfway each time to catch a breath then descending into the water again.
You kick off your shoes, stepping carefully to one end of the pool while he’s at the other and wait until he comes to the halfway mark for air.
“Welcome home,” you call as soon as his head pops up. His eyes open and he smiles widely at you.
He swims to you quickly then stops in front of your legs that you’re lightly kicking in the water. He grabs hold of your moving ankles rubbing the inside of them with his thumbs.
“You’ve no idea how much I like hearing you say that, Sugar,” he pants, catching his breath from the swim.
“Feels like home when you’re here. When did you get back?”
“A couple hours ago,” his fingers tickle up and down your calves now. It gives you goosebumps. “Were you with Betty?”
The tickling of his fingers feels nice and it’s taking all your concentration to focus on your breathing.
“How is she?”
“Good. Still in pain and tired. She says hello.”
“I’ll come with you when you go see her again.”
“She’ll like that. How come you’re swimming?”
“It helps clear my head,” he lowers his head into the water and blows bubbles. “You can join me if you want. Birthday suits are highly recommended.” He wiggles his eyebrows playfully.
“Yeah?” you laugh then scratch your nose. “I don’t think so.”
“Can’t blame a man for trying. Do you want a pedicure?”
“Are you offering?”
“To pay, yes,” he nods, then tickles your toes.
“Jake! That tickles!” you shriek, jerking your legs but he keeps tickling. The quick movements of your legs makes water splash on your shorts and shirt then you’re both laughing.
“Okay, okay, I’m done,” he chortles. He stops tickling but keeps his grip on your ankles, his thumbs returning to the soft circles between your feet and along the arch.
He cocks his head to the side gazing up at you. Whenever he cocks his head that means trouble.
“Do you make those sounds just when you’re being tickled or from…other activities?”
“Other activities?” it’s your turn to cock your head.
“Nevermind, Sugar,” he shakes his head, lips quivering into a smirk. Then he rests his chin on your knee. “You’re just tempting me, that’s all.”
“Tempting you? How? I’m not doing anything.”
“That’s the worst part. You don’t even realize…I can only imagine what it’d be like if you were actively trying to tempt me. I’m already a goner.”
He’s staring at you with those hypnotic green eyes, he rolls his head so his cheek is pressed to your kneecap. His breath is warm on your skin and his hands continue to dance up and down your legs, going higher and slower each time.
“I know what you mean.”
The words were out of your mouth before you could even think to stop. You clap your hand over your lips hoping he didn’t hear it but of course he did because now he’s smirking.
“Yeah? Are you saying I tempt you, Sugar?”
“I’m saying…I…” you suck in a gasp when he presses his lips to the inside of your knee. His eyes still laser focused on you as he did so. “I-I understand what you mean.”
“That’s all?” he moves to your left knee, kissing you there as well. “Is this okay?”
His hands are on your calves and he pulls your legs apart a bit. You nod at his question. So with his lips still pressed to your knee, he gives small kisses around the circumference. They feel like little fish kisses, small pulses of his lips on your skin. He does the same thing to your right knee then he’s pulling himself out from the water to his full height.
Water droplets cascade down his body, your eyes follow one that rolls down his cheek and jawline onto his neck then over his chest and toned stomach before disappearing into the waistband of his swim trunks. You gulp, this is the first time you’ve seen him shirtless and what a sight it is. He’s standing between your opened legs and you feel his hip bones, your toes grazing against his calves under the water. This is the closest skin on skin contact you’ve had with him ever.
“Give me the word, Sugar,” his voice pulls your gaze back up to his eyes. He steps closer, crowding your space with his arms. His fingers slide up your thighs then rests his palms on the concrete beside you. “And I’m all yours.”
His pelvis is pressed against yours now, you can feel the coolness of the pool water but also the warmth radiating from his body and your head is spinning. Being this close to him is making your clothes wet and you clench your thighs.
“Remember what I said at our first dinner together? How I said I could have pleasured you in your pretty flower shop?”
All you can do is nod because of course you remember it.
“Good. I gotta get out now, though. I’m all pruny, see?” he holds his hand up between you, his fingertips grazing the side of your breast as he does so.
You don’t even have time to look down and see because he’s backing away. A braver version of you would yank him back between your legs and kiss him, asking–no–begging him to show you exactly what he meant about pleasuring you. But you’re not at that brave version yet so you watch him walk through the water and use the steps to get out.
You have a nice few of his back muscles flexing as he runs his fingers through his wet hair. Your stomach flutters and you’re wondering how he could be so damn attractive. Jake pads across the concrete until he’s in front of you, his hand held out. You take it, feeling the water run down your arm as he helps you stand up.
“Want to watch a movie and order takeout?”
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Will you be home for dinner tonight?” Jake asks Friday morning while you’re gathering your coffee and muffin. He’s sitting at the island with his tablet reading the news.
“Probably not. I’ve still got a bunch to do for this wedding tomorrow,” you sigh. Rhea hands you our lunch bag. “Thanks Rhea.”
“I added another muffin for dessert,” she smiles then picks up her cleaning supplies and heads into the dining room.
“You’ve been coming home late every night, last night I didn’t hear you until almost one a.m….” he frowns and crosses his arms.
“Yeah, it’s a big order. Me and Serena are working around the clock with Dom and Brynne helping out when they can. They’ve been working on a funeral arrangement.”
“Do you have to set it up for the wedding tomorrow?”
“Nope, they’ll take care of it. They know I’ve got the Navy ball with you tomorrow,” you smile then try to stifle a yawn but it escapes. You feel even more tired when the yawn finishes.
He stands up from his side of the island moving in front of you, bending a little to peer at your face more closely. His palms cup your cheeks as his thumbs brush under your eyes.
��How much sleep have you gotten?”
“I dunno,” you shrug and try to suppress another yawn. “Maybe five hours?”
“Five hours all week?”
“No, five hours last night. My mind kept me up on what I all needed to finish today.”
“You need your sleep, Sugar,” his fingers thread in your hair massaging the base of your neck. You let out a contented sigh.
“I’ll get it when the wedding’s done and Betty’s out of rehab. I told her we’d see her tomorrow before the ball, she wants to see my dress.”
“I’ll make sure we head there first before we go to the party,” he smiles and continues massaging your neck. “I set up a mani pedi for you tomorrow at eleven. Would you like me to call someone to do hair and makeup for you or would you like to do that yourself?”
“You have a hair and makeup person?” you tease but you’re feeling so relaxed with his neck massage.
“Yes, I do,” he smiles.
“Sure, that could be fun. Then I know I won’t look like a clown.”
“You never look like a clown. Promise me you’ll take an hour lunch today?”
“I’ll try.”
“You drive me crazy,” he sighs and removes his fingers from your neck.
“You do give good massages,” you turn your neck from side to side.
“That wasn’t even the full experience, darlin’. Have a good day at work.”
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At midnight, you heard rumbling outside and then seconds later rain was downpouring on the windows. You sigh as you mark down on your clipboard a final count of the centerpieces in the fridge. You sent Reynolds home hours ago telling him you’d catch the bus promising you wouldn’t be too late. You broke that promise but you wanted to make sure the wedding arrangements were perfect because it was a shotgun wedding and the couple was desperate.
They insisted on paying double for the short notice and thankfully their request wasn’t anything too crazy. Lots of roses and lilies with pearls added throughout. Serena called it at eleven and you let Brynne and Dom go home early since they’ll be up early to set up for the wedding.
Being alone in the shop was your favorite because then you could crank your music up to as loud as you wanted without disturbing anyone.
Your watch started to vibrate and when you looked to see who was calling, an instant smile appeared because it was Jake.
“You’re up late,” you answer when you pick up your phone.
“Because you’re not home. Are you almost done?”
“Almost, just have to finish cleaning things up and I’ll be home. But it started raining and I don’t want to walk in the rain to the bus stop…”
“No need for the bus stop.”
“What do you mean?”
“Can you open the door? I’m getting soaked.”
Your mouth opens in confusion and you look to the front door where sure enough, Jake is standing there getting drenched by the onslaught of rain. You run to the front of the shop and unlock the door, Jake rushes in.
“What are you doing here?”
“Reynolds told me you sent him home and when I saw the forecast I didn’t want you walking in the rain at midnight. Especially after what happened at your house. And,” he holds up a wet to-go bag. “I brought you dinner.”
“Wow, you didn’t have to–I mean, thank you,” you smile taking the wet bag from him. “I have some towels in the back, I’ll go get them so you can dry off. Alexa, turn the volume down to three.”
You set the bag on your desk then open the door to the bathroom where you have fluffy towels. You wash your hands so much throughout the day you want to have a soft way to dry them off.
When you walk back out, Jake has lifted his hoodie off and because of the rain, it caused his t-shirt to cling to it. You got another great peek at his tanned and toned stomach, a happy trail disappearing into his jeans.
Pull yourself together, you scolded yourself.
“Here you go,” you hold out the towels to him. He uses it for his hair immediately, scrubbing at it fiercely. His hair is sticking up in all directions when he’s finished and you giggle.
“You finish cleaning up and I’ll put the spread out,” he says.
“Okay, the bag is on my desk in the back. There’s a mini fridge with soda and water.”
“I actually brought some wine. Thought you might like it after your busy week.”
“Wine sounds wonderful,” you smile.
He sidles past you behind the counter, your chests bumping and he pauses.
“Hi, by the way,” he says, green eyes glittering. He has a boyish grin and it makes him even cuter.
“Hi,” you giggle. “I have a comb in the bathroom if you’d like to fix your hair.”
“You don’t like my crazy hairstyle? I was thinking of wearing it like this tomorrow.”
“You’d turn heads for sure, but I like it like this.” You reach up to comb your fingers in his hair, pulling it down over his forehead. With his hair being wet it makes it more manageable to move it how you want it to. “There.”
“Thank you.”
His voice is sweet and his eyes are soft staring down at you. You’re caught in his green eyes, anticipating some kind of moment happening but then a loud crack of thunder jolts the moment away. He clears his throat then moves back into your office.
You’re humming along to Dean Martin as he sings From the Bottom of My Heart while you finish cleaning up. You sweep away fallen petals and thorns then start to dance a little with the broom when Frank Sinatra’s That’s Life starts to play. This is Betty’s playlist you play for her whenever she’s in the shop and when you spin around you slam into Jake’s body.
“I’m a better partner than a broom.”
He takes the broom out of your hand bringing you into his arms in one quick sweep. His hand is warm on your lower back and then you’re dancing, following his footwork easily.
“What about the food?”
“The food can wait, let’s dance for a moment. Practice for tomorrow,” he smiles.
You dance around the small front of your shop, Dean Martin transitioning into Roberta Flack’s The First Time Ever I saw Your Face plays and you can’t help thinking what a magical moment this is.
Moments like this don’t happen to you; dancing with a handsome man while it’s raining outside to old music? You must be dreaming.
“I like this playlist,” he comments, spinning the two of you.
“It’s for Betty. This was my grandpa and her song. They would dance all the time and I always loved to watch them.”
“Did they ever dance in the shop like this?”
“All the time,” you smile, “there’s a picture of them dancing on my desk.”
“Sounds like they had a great love.”
“They did.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Have you had any great loves?”
“I thought I did but…it didn’t work out.”
“How come?”
“He found someone else, someone better.”
“I highly doubt that, there’s no one better than you.”
“You’re just saying that,” you shake your head.
“I’m not. You’re the kindest, sweetest person I’ve ever known. You work your ass off with no recognition even though you deserve it and you always exude this…lightness. Like you have a shine of happiness radiating from you.”
You duck your head and stare at his dog tags hanging over his shirt.
“Don’t do that.”
“Look down or away whenever I compliment you. One day I’m going to have you see yourself the way I see you.”
You don’t know what to say to that so you continue to stare at his dog tags, your eyes tracing the letters of his name.
“Hmm?” you force yourself to shift your eyes up to look at him and he’s so close.
So close that you can see little freckles on his nose and speckles of yellow in his green eyes.
“Do you…” he swallows hard. “Do you want to–”
“Do I want to…what?” you ask slowly. His eyes are hypnotic and this is the moment where a kiss is supposed to happen.
Will it?
“Do you want to–” thunder cracks and you both jump –”um, do you want to go eat now?”
“Oh, uhh, yeah. I could eat.”
You stop dancing, grab the broom and move back to your office. You eat the takeout and ask him questions about what to expect at the ball. Even though a kiss didn’t happen, it was still a very good night.
It wasn’t until you were laying in your bed that you realized why he didn’t kiss you. He said the ball was in your court, you were in charge, and he was waiting for you to say the words.
Or, a little voice in your head whispers, is he waiting for you to sign the papers?
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You woke up at eleven Saturday morning and found a note from Jake stating that Reynolds is waiting for you when you’re ready to get coffee and take you to your nail appointment. Next to the note was a peach begonia in a small vase with a couple inches of water. Another small note lays under the vase and read ‘found this on the floor in your shop. It made me think of you.--Jake’
You quickly got dressed in comfy clothes and found Reynolds waiting for you in the kitchen. You’re completely relaxed while your nails are getting done, the hand and foot massage really felt wonderful especially after being so busy on your feet at work.
When you get back to the house, a woman with red and orange hair plaited in a French braid is waiting in the kitchen. Tattoos are scattered on her arms in a random way but they look good in their placements and she has a septum piercing.
“You must be y/n. I’m Inez and I’ll be doing your hair and makeup!” she smiles.
When you get closer you see she has purple contacts in and she’s easily the coolest person you’ve ever met.
She gushes about your nails then has you sit down in her chair.
“Don’t worry about Jake taking a peek, I banned him for a few hours until it’s time to go. This is so exciting, I’ve never met any of his girlfriends before. And I like you, you have a good vibe about you.”
Your cheeks warm at the mention of being called his girlfriend but you don’t correct her. You don’t think she needs to know this is all part of an arrangement. You listen with intrigue as she fixes your hair in an elegant style about the many celebrities she’s met in her job. Who her favorites were and who she’d rather not work with again.
She wouldn’t let you look at yourself in the mirror until you had your dress on so she helped you put it on. As Inez did the buttons you suddenly got very nervous about going to the ball.
“How’re you feeling, toots?” she asks doing some adjustments to your hair.
“Nervous. What if I don’t fit in?”
“You look like a bombshell, and who needs to fit in? He’s bringing you for a reason which is big for him, he usually goes stag to work events.”
“Really? Why’s that?”
“Never had the right person to bring,” she smiles. “Okay, I’m ready to have you look at yourself.”
She takes you into your closet and you don’t even recognize yourself in the mirror. Inez made your eyes look somehow fierce and delicate at the same time and your hair! You’ve never felt this good about how you look before.
“Wow,” you breathe and turn around to see the back of the dress, the diamonds cascading like frozen water.
There’s a knock at your door and Inez goes to answer it. Reynolds appears behind you in the mirror, a big smile on his face.
“You look incredible, Miss y/n,” he says.
“Thank you,” you smooth out the front of your dress. “Is it time to go?”
“Almost. Jake is downstairs waiting for you whenever you’re ready.”
“I think she’s ready,” Inez gives you an encouraging smile.
You follow her out of your room, Reynolds’ trailing behind, and the butterflies are back in your stomach because Jake is going to see you now. You chew on the inside of your cheek as you descend the stairs, eyes on your feet so you don’t miss a step and take a tumble. When you’re finally on a flat surface, you look up and your breath is taken away.
He’s wearing his Navy dress blues and this is the first time you’ve seen him in something other than his khakis. His wings glimmer in the light and he’s clean shaven with his hair styled perfectly. He’s so very handsome.
“Sugar…as I live and breathe,” he drawls, his voice like honey. “You’re breathtaking.”
“Thank you,” you reply shyly.
“I have something for you,” he says then reaches into his jacket pocket. He pulls out a Tiffany blue box.
You’ve never seen one in real life and now he’s placing one in your palm. With shaking fingers, you undo the white satin bow and lift off the lid. There’s another small blue box and when you pop it open you see earrings in the shape of leaves with small diamonds embedded.
“I thought earrings would be best since a necklace would be hard to wear with the neckline,” he says.
“Jake, these are…wow. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” you shake your head.
“I have,” he smiles at you. “Would you like to try them on?”
You nod and he holds the box in his palm so you can remove the earrings from the cushion. They’re cold on your lobes and feel a bit heavier than what you’d normally wear but they fit nicely.
“How do they look?” you ask him.
“Stunning,” he smiles. “Come look.”
He moves you in front of the mirror in the hall and they really complete the look of your dress.
“I love them, thank you so much,” you tell him.
“Are we ready to go?” Reynolds asks.
“Here’s your clutch, it has your phone and ID,” Inez hands it to you. “Have a great time! I want to hear all about it over lunch next week, okay?”
Jake guides you outside to Reynolds’ car with his fingers brushing the small of your back. He helps you in the seat being careful not to sit or place his foot on the slit of your dress. Which, now that you’re sitting, has fallen away from your thigh and you’re a little more exposed. Not too much but just enough to be promiscuous.
True to his word, you visit Betty before going to the ball and when she sees you she starts to cry. Tears prick in your own but you don’t want to ruin your makeup so you blink them away as best you can. She wishes you both to have a wonderful time and can’t wait to hear all about it when you visit again.
Nerves settled in your stomach on the drive to the venue but Jake took your hand, easily guiding you to the entrance. You saw all sorts of good looking people waiting outside, both in uniform and not and you wondered if it was a prerequisite to have good looks in order to join the Navy.
Some greeted Jake as he walked by, using his callsign or just his last name. Some of them were lingering their stares on you and you touched your face in case you had something on it.
It wasn’t until you were waiting to get inside to the main hall that you asked Jake why people were staring.
“They’re staring at you,” he murmurs. “You’re the most beautiful person here.”
“Jake, there’s tons of beautiful people here, including you.”
“But you’re a new type of beautiful, everyone knows everyone here already. They’re jealous you’re here with me, that’s all.”
He pinched your cheek affectionately.
The ball is literally being held in a ballroom and it’s a beautiful space with a grand marble staircase. Circular tables are set up at the bottom of the stairs where waiters and waitresses are walking around with trays of champagne and appetizers. This is a very fancy party.
You chat and mingle with people along the way to your table, Jake making you feel included every time. He pulls out your chair before you sit down and you read over the menu in its looped script. There’s seven courses, each one sounding better than the last.
“Hey Bagman!”
There’s a commotion to your left and two people are standing behind Jake. One is a woman in a beautiful red gown and the other is a man with glasses. He’s in Navy dress blues too.
“Is this Bradshaw’s date?” the woman asks, indicating to you.
“Bradshaw can dream. No, she’s my date. This is y/n,” Jake smiles when he says your name. ‘y/n, this here is Phoenix and Bob.”
“Nice to meet you,” you reply politely.
“You can call me Natasha. Sorry, another one of our friends has been bragging about how hot his date is so I just assumed. We’ve heard a lot about you, sorry you got stuck with Bagman as your date.”
“I thought you were called Hangman,” you look at him quizzically.
“I am. Phoenix has her own nickname for me,” he side eyes her and she just smiles.
“I bet Rooster’s date doesn’t even exist,” Bob says. You note his southern accent and wonder if he’s from Texas like Jake.
“You’re probably right, Bobby. He can’t land any woman with that atrocity on his top lip. Is Coyote here yet?”
“Almost. I bet he and the missus got stuck in traffic,” Natasha/Phoenix laughs.
“We’re gonna grab some drinks,” Bob says, “you two want anything?”
“Moscato for her and whisky for me,” Jake says.
“Be right back,” Bob smiles.
“Are they together?” you ask Jake when they’re out of earshot.
“Nat and Bob? No, Sugar, they’re just co-pilots.”
“How’re you feeling?” he asks, placing his hand over yours on the table. His eyes show slight concern.
“I’m okay, still nervous to meet all your friends.”
“They’re harmless. They talk a big talk but don’t mean anything by it. They’re going to love you.”
He lifts your hand in his so he can kiss the back of it, his lashes fluttering.
As the night goes on you meet more of his friends, Coyote, Payback, Fanboy and Rooster. You met some of his commanding officers, Hondo and Maverick included, who gave you warm hugs, amongst others that you tried to remember. It was a lot of people but they were very friendly and had plenty of jabs towards Jake. He took them in stride but it made you wonder if their jabs did sting him a little bit.
Dinner was full of conversation, questions mainly pointed at you and about your flower shop. Then Rooster remembered you were the florist for Maverick and Penny’s wedding. Drinks were flowing so you assumed his next question was due to the alcohol being consumed.
“How much did Hangman pay you to be his date? He’s never brought a girl to one of these before,” Rooster jokes.
“Rooster,” Jake’s jaw ticks. He rests his hand on yours under the table, threading your fingers together. “Don’t.”
“What? I know there’s dating services if you need a date. Like if you don’t want to show up to your exes wedding alone, or a family reunion. No way she’d come here willingly with you.”
“Clearly you didn’t pay yours enough because she’s not here with you, is she now?” Jake arched an eyebrow, his tone steely.
You’ve never seen him like this before but the table laughs quietly. This must be routine for Jake and Rooster.
“She’s sick,” Rooster insists, then shifts his eyes to you. “How much did he pay you to be—“”
“Bradshaw! That’s enough,” Jake’s voice is severe and the table goes quiet.
“All right, all right,” Rooster rolls his eyes and leans back against his chair. “I’m only teasing.”
You remained quiet during the whole exchange. Did his friends know this wasn’t really real? What has he told his friends about you? Do they know this is fake, that you’re fake?
“Let’s go dance, Sugar.”
Jake stands up and you follow him with your hands joined together. You follow him to the dancefloor and he takes you in his arms. You can feel him shaking slightly in anger.
“I’m sorry about Rooster. We’ve always had a tense relationship and sometimes it goes too far. None of them know. I promise,” his eyes are serious but you see sadness there too.
“Why do you let them talk to you like that?”
“I’ve said way worse to them, trust me. It’s how we are, always has been,” he shrugs.
“Do they think you’re not good enough to date or something?”
“They’ve known me for a long time and have seen me when I was at my worst.”
“We’ll, I don’t like it,” you squeeze his shoulder. “They make you sound like a bad guy and you’re not.”
“I used to be. They’ve seen I changed but old habits die hard.”
“Hm,” you grunt.
He smiles at your distaste then spins you away from him. He catches you in his arms then dips you which makes you smile and laugh. You see his friends staring at you upside down before Jake pulls you back up.
“They’re seeing how you bring out a different side of me.”
“Are you showing off?”
“Maybe,” he shrugs then winks.
He dips you again and you fall into him laughing, this time people around you clapped at the move. The song changed to The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face and you stare at him in shock. You had an odd sense of deja vu then remembered your dream and you gasped.
“What is it?” he asks, gliding along the floor.
“Um,” you move your hand up behind his neck, fingers clinging to the short strands of his hair. “Nothing, just…did you ask them to play this song?”
“I might’ve suggested the DJ play this after I dipped you twice,” he nods. He tightens his hold on your lower back, his hand is warm on your bare skin. Then you feel the gentle circle of his fingertip on your skin and it only prompts you closer to him.
“Why?” you’re whispering now, your faces are close.
“Because the lyrics fit well with how I feel about you. I see the sun rise in your eyes everytime I look at you.”
You want to hide your face at his sweet words but you remember what he said at the pool and fight your inhibitions. So instead, you bite your lip. Jake brings his hand that’s holding yours in between you so he can tug your lip from your teeth.
“What are you thinking?” he asks softly, thumb still rubbing over your lower lip.
“I…I’m thinking I want…” you search his eyes as if the words you’re trying to say are there. Then you heard the lyrics of Robert Flack and it gives you the courage to ask, “Kiss me, Jake?”
He smiles softly, and when he moves his head down you close your eyes. You feel his soft breath first then his lips touch yours so delicately it instantly has you craving more but he kisses you slowly. You’re not sure how your feet are still moving with him but your lips are doing a new dance and when his tongue slips inside you sigh. You bring both hands into his hair while he grabs your waist.
You press yourself against him, loving how his lips feel. You feel it all the way down to your toes, nevermind you’re in a crowded room of people watching you. Kissing Jake is thrilling and new but also feels like home. You feel like you could fly.
You faintly hear a throat clearing but you keep kissing him, smiling a little as he nibbles on your lip. Then the throat clearing is a bit louder.
“Beat it, Phoenix,” Jake murmurs and continues kissing you.
“y/n’s phone is blowing up and I think it’s an emergency,” Phoenix says.
That causes you both to tear away, his eyes mirror the worry in yours and you’re running to the table. It’s missed calls from the rehab center Betty is at. It starts to ring again but you’re frozen.
“Let me,” Jake takes the phone from you easily. “Hello? She’s here with me, she was scared to answer the phone, what’s going on?”
You watch his face for any sign of your worst fear coming true but as he listens to whoever is on the phone, his face relaxes. He gathers your clutch and his phone from the table.
“Do we need to take her? Okay, we’ll be there shortly,” he hangs up then cups your cheeks in his hands.
“What–what–” your voice is shaking.
“An ambulance is taking Betty to the emergency room,” he says very slowly, his eyes steady on yours but you pull away in a panic. His hands are strong on your cheeks and you remain in between them. “Listen to me, Sugar. They found blood in her stool and that’s why they’re transporting her. The hospital will be able to help her faster. Okay?”
“Okay,” you whisper. You cling onto his wrists.
“Do you want to go home and change or go right there?”
“Right there,” you continue to whisper.
“I’ve got you, all right?” He kisses your forehead then grabs your hand. “Let’s go.”
You rush out of the ballroom with him, leaving the precious life-altering kiss on the dancefloor and head toward another life-altering moment.
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fetishfairytales2 · 7 months
Besties 4 (Story)
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This was originally written as a continuation of a story by @wittlesissyb4by called Besties. Check out all their fantastic stories on Tumblr and SubscribeStar.
Besties 4: Mommy’s Going on a Date!
“Ooh, speaking of pegs, I forgot to mention what Connor got me for our one-month anniversary!” Heather excitedly left the room and came back holding a massive 8-inch strap-on! I couldn’t believe this thing; it was flesh-colored with bulging veins and even pubic hair! "Wow, girl, talk about a detailed replica!” I laughed as she held it up. She wobbled it by the harness with a wink: “Get this; it's modeled after Connor's cock!” Heather was beaming with pride as she showed it off to me. "It's my favorite way to mess with Brandon," she boasted. “Imagine being fucked by the same cock that stole your girlfriend, who’s also the one fucking you with it!”
Brandon was literally screwed once Heather had enough of his crap. She was totally in her element, totally ruining his life. And honestly, I was so here for it. The best part of it? When she told me, she made him moan Connor's name while she pounded his sorry ass with that big fake dick. Like, could he be any more pathetic? I almost felt bad for him.
“Aw…” Heather cooed in her mommy voice again at the trembling sissy, “Isn't that right, Brandi? Don't you just love it when mommy helps you practice how to get ready for daddy-sissy time? It's just so precious and fun, isn't it?” She turned to me and stuck out her tongue; She just loves when I make her beg for Daddy's cock to fuck her deeper, trust me!” Tears of humiliation were flowing down the sissy's flushed face. "And watching in the mirror while Mommy stretches his little sissy hole? It’s just her favorite!”
Heather's phone buzzed, and she practically flew out of her seat when she saw that it was Connor. "Oh my God, it's him!" She exclaimed, her voice dripping with excitement like a teenager on her first date. I couldn't help but smile at her excitement, glad to see her so happy, replacing Brandon’s worthless ass. 
"Answer it, girl," I urged her on. Of course, the minute her phone hit her ear, she tried to sound flirty. She was using the ‘sexy voice’ I always tease her about. Ugh, she was so typical. "I can't leave; I have a girlfriend visiting me," she continued, emphasizing the word "girlfriend" with a smirk and a wink. "But I miss you too, she sighed, clearly missing her new boytoy. "But like, I also really miss that dick," she added with a laugh, earning an eye roll from me. But hey, she got rid of the fuckface, so who am I to judge?
Heather was clearly loving her new life with Connor. "Sweetie, you better hope you ride dick better than you flirt over the phone!" I laughed. “But if you’re so desperate for a good time, why don’t you just go over there and throw yourself at him?” She stuck a thumb at Brandi. “What am I going to do with this loser if I go out?”
Brandon was hating every minute of this, and I really wanted to make it worse for him. "Girl, don't even worry about it,” I said with a smile. “You need some good dick, and I happen to know just the person who would be thrilled to take care of your little sissy cucky baby while you're away," I teased Heather, winking at Brandon, who was now looking terrified. Heather couldn't contain her laughter. 
"And who might that be?" Heather asked, raising an eyebrow, clearly interested in wherever I was going with this. "Babysitter Lyndsay!" I giggled. "I could take care of Brandi all night long if you'd like. Maybe even until the morning." Heather turned to Brandon and mockingly asked for his opinion, knowing he had no real say in the matter. "What do you think, Princess? Should Ms. Lyndsey be your babysitter while Mommy goes and has a 'playdate' with Daddy?"
I couldn't help but smirk as I watched Brandon's face turn a bright shade of red. Heather owned him now, though, and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. "Aww, are you not sure, sweetie?" Even with a gag in his mouth, he was clearly very pissed. But Heather just continued to mess with him. "What's wrong, little man? Feeling frustrated that Daddy gets all the attention while you're stuck in Pampers?" 
I had to stifle a laugh; Brandon looked so sad he might cry. She turned to me, her eyes lighting up, and shrugged. "Ms. Lyndsey is very kind to want to babysit, so make sure you behave, Brandi! Maybe Mommy will have a special surprise for breakfast tomorrow!"
"Surprise?" I asked, knowing that whatever it was, it would be fun for us and terrible for Brandon. Heather just winked as she headed toward her bedroom. "Brandi's on a special, uh, 'protein only diet'. You'll see what I mean." 
As she disappeared down the hallway, I was left alone with Brandon. I put on my sweetest baby talk voice. "Aww, whose a cute sissy baby? Is it Brandi? Yes, it is!" I said as I grabbed his chin and brought our faces close together. "Aww, go ahead and cry for Ms. Lyndsey, sissy baby. No matter how much of a bitch you think Heather is, I’m going to fuck with you ten times worse.” The worthless loser looked like he was going to dirty his Pampers right there. He was so scared.
"Oh, honey," I cooed as I pushed his head back and stood up, my perfectly manicured nails tapping against my chin in fake contemplation. "Heather never mentioned my college boyfriend, did she? Brad was quite the catch, not like you at all," I sneered, relishing in the sight of Brandon quivering with fear. 
"Brad knew how to handle a strong woman. I can't say the same for you, sweetheart," I taunted, taking a sip of my 8th glass of wine for the evening, feeling giddy and like a bad bitch. “He was a real man, but he loved being told what to do in bed. I learned all about fun kinks—teasing and denial, chastity, you name it!” 
Fuck, this was getting spicy. Who knew my best friend’s loser boyfriend dressed as a sissy would do it for me? “Oh, Brandi, you sweet sissy girlie,” let me tell you it was hot!” I placed my index finger in front of Brandon’s face. “I had him wrapped around my perfectly manicured finger. I'd tease and please him, but never let him have all the fun. And he would just beg and plead with me to let him cum. But you know, a girl needs to get her fill too, and I wouldn't keep him waiting too long; I'm not that cruel...to real men.”
The wine was clearly helping me loosen up, and the scared look in Brandon’s eyes was definitely giving me a rush. "You," I snapped, grabbing Brandon's hair and pulling him closer to me. His eyes were fixated on my tight, short skirt. Wow, I was turned on just thinking about the night I could spend ruining poor Brandi. "You, though, will never, ever think about touching another woman as long as I'm around! Unlike Brad, I don’t care how much you beg; I am that cruel to worthless sissy losers." I growled, giving his hair a rough tug to make sure he was paying attention.
"And of course, there will be a lot of teasing for me and begging from you, I promise,” I said with a wink. Brandon's wide-eyed stare showed me that he knew he was fucked, and I couldn't help but smile. Sure, Heather had the strap-on, but I had this sissy by his caged cock.
My fun was interrupted by Heather calling to us from the bedroom. "Ms. Lyndsey, would you mind bringing Brandi in here? I want him to see my outfit for Daddy tonight!" I rolled my eyes and smirked at the pathetic little sissy kneeling before me. “Aww, sissy, are you, like, totally stoked to check out Mommy's sexy outfit?" I sneered at Brandon, enjoying his embarrassed blush as he shamefully looked down at the ground. I had to laugh at the pathetic sight of him standing there, afraid to even make eye contact with me. 
“Come on, Brandi, a sissy cuck like you must love thinking about your girlfriend getting fucked by a real man!” He was crying again. What a loser. “You're such a lucky little sissy girl; you even get to watch her get all dressed up for her date," I taunted, playfully poking his chest. He tried to shake back tears and just stared at the ground. "Fine, let's go see Mommy then, little crybaby." I rolled my eyes and firmly spanked his diapered bottom; “stop throwing temper tantrums. No one actually cares about how you feel."
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noctvrnal9999 · 8 months
Got a private message asking me to comment on the whole Neil stream thing so I guess here goes. Excuse my thoughts, they are never coherent.
What I liked about the stream is not what Neil said, but what he didn't say. I'm not big on watching streams, his or anyone's, but I watched some and I noticed Neil is very very careful when discussing Astarion. If anyone is aware how deranged the fandom can get - it's definitely him. I saw him dance around the topic multiple times either in streams or in clips I've seen all over the internet. I highly respect him for that because unlike someone (cough cough) he's not telling people what to think or what narrative they should take for any reason. A true professional unlike someone (cough cough).
So while he addressed operatic vs theatrical and there's no arguing that he delivered it wonderfully, what we really have is Larian saying "yeah, AA is still same Astarion, just with his most awful traits amplified" and then we have Neil saying "oh yeah, the mask is off". And that's... extremely important. I said this in tags before - what Neil doesn't say, to me, is important as well. He doesn't tell that Spawn is maskless just as AA, he just... skips over it, emphasizing that AA is the complete mask-off version of Astarion. I'm not going to cling to this because this is just something I immediately noticed and might not have been intentional on Neil's part, but... I don't know, I personally think it was done for a reason.
But this is what I've been saying too. Astarion is a bad person from the very beginning. I got people insult me over this take, I got told I'm a horrible garbage person for this take. But I stand by it. And even without personal interpretation you have proof of that within the game. You have a very good-aligned character (Karlach) and Astarion is at the opposite end of that spectrum. Every other companion (sans Minthara) fall somewhere between the two.
What Ascension allows Astarion is not only to live his life fear-free - it allows him to be himself. As Spawn he's constantly acting. To either get protection or simply not to turn into a mind-flayer. And Tav can take the route of trying to convince him to be better and he starts aligning his views to Tav along the road but he's still the same person. Just going to say this - nobody changes this drastically in just couple of months without pretending (which is presumed timeline for entire BG3). And people don't immediately get all better from major mental trauma in 6 months only (just sayin').
Point I'm trying to get at is this - to me Neil confirmed what I have been saying all along - Spawn is coping and still lying. Because he has no choice but to adapt. Maybe he's not lashing out or yelling, but seeing the epilogue he came off to me as grieving for things he will never have.
And then we have Ascended - a fully unleashed Astarion, who's confident and not apologetic for being himself.
That is true Astarion.
Astarion who isn't guilt-tripped or chastised into needing to change, Astarion who does not need to listen to people telling him how he's awful, Astarion who can do as he pleases without needing to explain himself to either his master or houlier-than-thou Tav.
Astarion who he was always meant to be.
Because he's a vampire. There's a reason why vampires in every single media piece are portrayed as evil. As a Spawn he's evil, as a Vampire Lord he's just doing what vampires do best - gain power and exploit that power for his own benefit. He's not just some cute boytoy with fangs, he's a vampire and he will never not be a vampire in BG3 (you can headcanon whatever you want in what happens after but that's not relevant here).
Ascended Astarion is true Astarion not because it's one of the routes we can take and headcanon that way, but because he's a vampire, and as Vampire Lord he's his own man at last, not needing to rely on anyone or to be defended by anyone. He has power now, to be whoever he wants and be true to himself while he does it. Without the fear of judgement, without the fear of being discarded if he's "too much" or not "good enough".
And with Tav at his side - he has everything he ever wanted: vampiric power that has never been witnessed before and a beloved who vowed themselves to be by his side forever, giving him ultimate assurance that there's someone there for him and will be there for eternity.
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ruishusband · 5 months
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᧔ ˖ ࣪ 🪞 ࣪ ⤹thanks princess
⤷Velvette (hazbin hotel) is beyond stressed, so her gf!reader decides to help her out<3 (making out at the end)
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"UGH, VOX! COME DOWN HERE AND CALM DOWN YOUR LITTLE BOYTOY, I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!" Velvette was already having a bad day, the last thing she needed was Valentino being a pussy because of something to do with Angel Dust, 'it's always that goddamn Angel Dust, isn't it?'.
But whatever, Vox will calm him down, he BETTER calm him down unless he wants another broken screen to repair. She had more important problems to focus on, like her best model being late and giving her attitude. 'I HAVE to put this bitch in her place' she thought to herself, a mixture of annoyed and angry. Dealing with her was easy as to be expected, as she's all bite no bark. Velvette thinks, scratch that, KNOWS it's absolutely pathetic all she had to do was yell at her about how she's under contract to get her to behave.
Even though she truly wishes that was all, it wasnt, her day was actually testing her patience, which is saying something considering she's never had any in the first place. After a long, excruciatingly painful day of dealing with every type of jackass who can't pull their shit together to save their life, she just wanted to rest. Did she have a migrane? Not sure, but it sure felt like it, but maybe she only thinks she has one because of everyone and their bullshit. She went to her room, rubbing her forehead, clearly irritated.
You walked into Velvettes room, speaking gently "Whats wrong Vel? Is it Valentino again, cus if it is I'm gonna beat his ass-" "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE, it's not just Val it's EVERYONE, so could you just leave me the fuck alone" "Im afraid I can't sweetheart, I know it's important to give frustrated people some space, but you tend to be terrible at getting your head clear. So I'm going to try and help," you took a pause in your speech, sitting beside her on the mattress "-tell me what happened, you don't have to tell me everything and you don't have to tell me right now, take your time and tell me the most important things" you said, reassuring her by holding her hands.
Velvette sighed, acting annoyed, but in all honesty she appreciates that you care, and knows you're right, she needs someone to listen. So, she started ranting to you, and you made sure to not interrupt her. As she signals you to start speaking, you open up your mouth, using a soft tone. You rubbed circles in her knuckles, making eye contact. You're not sure if it's the loving look you gave her or the words you whispered softly, but it worked, she calmed down a bit, taking a few deep breaths. "Thank you princess, I need someone to listen to me" she said, giving you a soft kiss on the lips "You know, I would be even more calm if-" you cut her off, kissing her "I know, more kisses" she didn't reply, continuing to make out with you.
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t4tozier · 2 months
share ur sb truths with us kodie t4tozier anything u want
yay barking at u. also isn't it so funny. natalie beeprich roeswater is the reason i go by my actual name here y'all should not know this. u have too much power. anyway entirely unrelated let's talk about fucking. i'm fully jimmy neutroning here just like neurons firing as i think about everything and anything starbreaker
i love them so bad bambi. i'm thinking about intox kink rn bc ofc i am. but also fukcin. pool boy porter. so u get both
since jacey is a trophy wife time of day doesn't super matter to him. he will be drinking a vodka tonic with lime at 10 am. but typically he'll just drink lemonade or like a seltzer or something but towards like 5ish he'll pour himself a glass of wine and start telling porter that he doesn't need to be working so hard, he's been. i feel like this isn't right but working himself thin. ykwim. and he tells him come in, darling, let me get you something to drink, you've been working so hard you deserve a break.
and porter's actually very polite and respectful in this au. crazy ik. but he's just kind of like sure mr laniidae whatever you say. and jace just laughs and says please if you have to be so formal you'll call me stardiamond. that man doesn't own me any more than you do. and porter gets a little shiver at the thought of owning jace like that. but jace insists on porter calling him by his first name.
and he asks what kind of liquor porter likes and he's like i honestly mostly just drink beer but i suppose whiskey works fine. and jace makes it his mission to get porter some nice ass whiskey and always has beer in the fridge if porter wants one while he's working. he's sweating as he pops the top of his bud light and jace truly could not give less of a fuck about beer but he just likes that porter is drinking what he buys him.
but jace and zara get day drunk on mimosas one sunday when they have their little brunch get together and jace starts being really touchy with porter and kind of showing him off like look zara isn't he handsome? look at his biceps, he goes to the gym even though he works so hard here, i wish he didn't work so hard, he does such a good job for us here, don't you, sweetheart?
and porter actually flushes a little bit and shrugs and is like "i just do my best, mr--jace. anyway can i refill your glasses, since i'm out here? and jace grins and coos over him and tells zara what a good boy he is, going out of his way to make sure jace is happy. and zara grins as porter pours them more prosecco and tells jace that he got lucky with his boytoy. and porter stammers out some excuse but jace just grins and is like "i know, right? he's just the sweetest, look at him, he's perfect" and porter carries himself a little taller that day
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jazzyderaoz · 1 year
This is a strictly 18+ blog
You must have your age stated in your bio to follow/interact. I will block minors instantly + add you to ban list for the foreseeable future. In addition I will block and permanently ban any nasty little pisstakers. I don’t engage with human slimes of any kind; inc but not limited to: radfems, lgbtq+ exclusionists (any variety), phobes, maps, abusers or anyone I take a disliking to inc boundary stompers.
psst…. (Deraoz is pronounced /Dee-ray/os-z/)
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Hey I’m Jasper, (but Jas, Jazz or Jazzy works too-if you’re feeling brave.)
My pronouns are he/him. I’m a queer transmasc guy from the UK.
Some stuff about me:
I’m 26, been dominating for around 5 years now, but topping a little longer. I almost exclusively top, but I have and do make exceptions to that rule when I’m in the mood, though it doesn’t happen often.
I’ll be posting mostly t4t content here, I’m bi, though I’m especially attracted to transmascs/transmen.
Physically I’m masc-presenting. I’m genderqueer and male-aligned. I still possess my natal genitals. My personal style tends to be jeans/t-shirts/denim or leather jackets. I’d call myself a guy, a boy, a queer, a mess, a dumbass-
I’m a kickboxer, it’s important to me to maintain my strength and stamina (😏) and it’s euphoric for me as to maintain a masculine build. Know that when I talk about manhandling my subs, I am usually more than capable of doing so whatever their size.
I love to dom but outside of that I’m soft as anything, love to cuddle, love taking really good care of my subs. Love being a protector type x
If you send me an ask I’ll almost certainly flirt with you, can’t help myself tbh - but I’ll take the lead from you as to how nsfw your ask is. Totally sfw question, fair enough I’ll be real with you. Tell me you’re wet and want me to fuck you? My reply gonna be horny as hell so be prepared for that…
I’m big on pet names. If you don’t want me to call you something in particular (in an ask for example) please let me know. Pet names I use most often are baby(boy), honey, sweetheart and darling - I also like to call my subs lovely/little___ etc.
My aim here is to get you as hot and bothered as possible. I love to get sent asks, any dirty little fantasy baby, I want to hear it.
Keep Reading for Kinks / Hard Boundaries etc.
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🟢 Kinks & Turn-ons: 🟢
-> Praise (me@you)
-> Hair Pulling / Bruising / Rough Play
-> Size Difference
-> Desperation/Edging
-> Humiliation
-> Manhandling and Restraint
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🔻Some Boundaries:🔻
🔸 Please don’t send any asks/prompts trying to top me unless you’ve asked first, I’m picky about it lol.
🔸 No petplay - related asks in my inbox pls. I won’t block you but I won’t reply to them either.
🔸 Hard limits resulting in me blocking you should you feel the need to try to include me in them; - -> noncon, piss/scat, ageplay, high intensity masochism/sadism (verbal abuse/HI spanking esp) - (lower intensity/softer I'm occasionally up for - I'll spank you with my hand just not a riding crop lmao)
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🔸Content Masterlist:🔸 (🔞)
Writings: 💛 - longer writings || 🧡 - shorter thoughts
💛 on my lap, riding my cock
🧡 want to suck on tdick so bad
🧡 get on the fucking bed
💛 desperate little mess
🧡 tiny little boytoys
🧡 aftercare (softjazz) - sfw
💛 messy little plaything
💛 manhandling + semi-rough use
🧡 humping, pinned against the wall
💛 pull my hair and fuck my mouth
——— ——— ——— ——— ———
#tag:softjazz - (For yearnings/soft postings)
#tag:jazzyrealtalk - (For actually saying shit/opposed to just straight up hornyposting lmao)
——— ——— ——— ——— ———
Anon Tags:
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Credit for dividers here
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riolu4 · 7 months
Ok This idea came to my head is headcanon, if Branch is hit by the beam But because Branch is a Rock Troll, no one knows. So what Do you think about.
I think, that Does not affect him except for his clothes, He pretends to be Zombie Rock Before he does anything Poppy destroys the Strings After the Song, Branch Ask Barb "is it possible to restrain from The Beam without noise cancelling" Barb "WHAT!?!??! That is impossible, wait wait wait minute are you adapted???" "ah hmm Yes?.." before he asks More Barb Run off to Carol and bring her to branch, Barb Ask Carol "Is he?" Carol Look To Barb and Look at Branch, Carol Look at him again and again "No, it can be can it." And Poppy awake Close to them and asks "what's going on?" "I don't know" Branch Said to now Girlfriend, Barb Said "We need a DNA test right now" "Barb What is going on" Poppy Said "oh your Boytoy Is maybe Rock Troll" Barb Said "Wait WHAT?" Branch Poppy Scream at the same time and all on the stage here. "Ah hmm Guys what is going on?" Guy Diamond Said Before anyone said, Barb Took Hair from Branch and ran off To somewhere with Carol, Poppy Said What Barb Said to them Silent"it's Bad that I Believe Her" Smidge Said Break the silent no one knows what to say, But no worries Barb and Carol Are Back and Carol Hugging Branch very heart And Barb seen Poppy the Paper Everyone is Surprise and Branch Be like "Help I cannot believe" Said.
Ok For the First movie and almost all the second movies, Branch does not know except He was adopted so For the third Movie is more drama with them, The Not Blame branch, but he blames himself.
In the arguments scene there is more drama then in the movie.
Branch will say "So You will abandon me again hahaha Why I am not surprised? I'm not really your real Brother am I" He holds tears "None of You care .... except My Grandmother .... I let her be Eaten ... So I will walk at you like you did to me ... I will Save Floyd Is Troll Not A Brother ... So Goodbye stranger's" He throws the plan for the Bunker. All the same is in the movie except for some Talk there and here and the end will change to Carol anger at the is the Big Sister that she is. And the Brothers are afraid of Her.
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irritablepoe · 8 months
what do other people get wrong about poe?
YES MORE POE QUESTIONS!! :D thank you anon, you're really given me all the excuses to ramble lmao
tbh there are not many people on here that get him wrong, at least i haven't seen much? though ofc there are other websites *looks at tiktok with squinted eyes* that reduce him to being a sugar daddy boytoy, which... i mean it's funny. but it's also not everything that he is obviously, especially bc i don't think poe really has a concept of money tbh? like i think he has ridiculously expensive essential things (i say essential but i mean i don't think a mansion is particularly essential lmao) and he also buys things he considers important to show off his abilities, like for example the manuscript, but looking at the anthology (which isn't canon but lets pretend it is for a sec) he only has limited clothing and other than many other rich people would he doesn't just hire someone to get them for him yk? (he also lets mori pay i think right? lmao) in conclusion - he spends his money, yes, but he's not throwing it out the window (debatable tho, i'd call 20 mil a waste but he can do it ig?), nor does he spend it much on his own needs.
many people also forget that yes, he is whiny, but he is also extremely dangerous! his ability could trap nearly everyone and make them defenseless! even chuuya spends a while in poe's book and he's highly capable and intelligent! ranpo was near giving up! this is extremely important to his character and a severe bruise on his confidence! i think many forget that
he is a skilled snipper, can replace a car engine (bro watched one yt tutorial and rolled with it i'm so sure about this) and ofc he is a detective and a writer that impressed ranpo (and can also write a mystery in around 15-30 minutes) and is ALSO the architect for the guild. so. yeah. he's multi-talented as shit, i think people should appreciate that more
also (this list is never gonna end lol) i think people mistake his anxiety in social settings for being shy and i just.. don't think he is shy per se? he's quite boastful when it comes to his writing and his ability that comes with it and on the perfect crime trio case he had no problem at all speaking in public and even with the police. i mean an anxious person that would be worried about how he was perceived he would be worried that he'd be found out to be a criminal which he IS, but he just is so sure of himself that he's left no traces that he's just like "*shrug* yeah that happened, anyway, how are you officer? :D" not quite like that ofc but yk i just think he's more anxious in the way that he hates groups of people bc they overwhelm him quickly in regards to noise and conversation (especially small talk i'd guess) and that he just thinks many people he doesn't take interest in are annoying? that might be a lil controversial opinion tbh but i'll gladly remind you of this panel:
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(i couldn't find the official translation help)
tho i also have to say that he calls himself shy here so could be both idk:
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hm, yeah i think that's it for now. in relations to ranpo i don't like how people sugarcoat them a lot tbh, i know i've said it before but this really bugs me, like yes they're getting along quite well but i wouldn't call their relationship healthy at all? at least not yet, though i can see that it could work very well eventually. i think poe is doing all these things gladly for ranpo but ranpo has to open up way more and tell poe that he appreciates him, like please, this man is so down bad for you. also pls communicate so that poe doesn't lose himself in his obsession, this can't be healthy come onnn, bro has isolated himself for yearssss
yep, i think that's it, ty anon!!!! <33
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valend · 4 hours
You know, I did expect something like that. Kind of a social experiment — how much can burrites last without getting butthurt after someone dares to imply that burr is not the most attractive male in existence. The results aren't flattering — 20 minutes only and I am already getting threats. It's like watching animals in a zoo. Makes me horrified for the future of this country. The world. What has happened to America? Is this the peak of human intelligence? Talking about Burr's cock? I believe Thomas Jefferson had foreseen something like this, and he warned us. We didn't listen. Now the last sane people here have to pay for it. I'd ask you to think about what you're doing, but that'd imply you having something which can be used as a thinking instrument — and burrites commonly lack in this area. Moving on. You claim Hamilton wrote a pamphlet about cheating on his wife — congratulations, you can do simple reading and comprehension of the text presented. Want an applause? You're so talented, honey. Don't thank me, I'm just trying to make up for your childhood a bit; clearly you haven't heard that phrase often. Or gotten attention at all. Maybe that explains your next lack of critical thinking skills — yes, I am attracted to Hamilton even despite him cheating on his wife, because I can actually see people as multidimensional, and not as only black and white. One questionable deed does not make a man, especially when that deed is done in a state of unwellness and your mind clouded by seduction of a beautiful woman. Hamilton had countlessly made up for his unfortunate misstep, and if you fail to see this you should take some logistics classes you failed at school. Elizabeth Hamilton did not possess any "trust issues" towards her husband — quite on the contrary, she had done the right thing and forgiven him, setting us an example of true love between a man and his wife. Too bad in modern times we had strayed so far from it not even God can always guide us back on our rightful path. Lastly, I'd like to comment on how you call Hamilton a "pretty boytoy" as always, completely disregarding his intellectual capabilities and achievements. Typical. You also imply that he is not even pretty — a blatant lie, if you ever seen one. Maybe stop staring at at Burr's dick through your magnifying glass and look at Alexander's actual portrait for a change. If that isn't too hard for you. In addition, Hamilton can definitely throat more than your oh so beloved Burr. I'd bet on at least two cocks. Though, you can stay in your bubble still and refuse to admit that I'm right. May you find comfort in your ignorance. As long as this country stands.
Anon do you by any chance need a lithium prescription?
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quixotical-lymbo · 1 month
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Pairing: Party!MK x fem!Reader Rating: SFW-ish Warnings/Tags: Toxic relationship/dynamics, implied substance abuse, suggestive themes, implied manipulation and gaslighting, and yeah. Word Count: 1000+ words
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🪩 Let's all assume MK allowed Party!MK, Party or DJ for short, to roam around as long as he doesn't fucking hold people hostage again. Because of this, Party was able to meet you at the arcade.
🪩 After the whole song and dance of 'does he/she want me or not?' the two of you got together after making out in a janitor closet at the arcade. 
🪩Did he make the first move or you? Surprisingly, you did. Granted with a little help of liquid courage, you managed to grab his attention enough to step away from his equipment and dance with you. 
🪩 The relationship was definitely in it's honeymoon phase for a while, the two of you being somewhat awkward around the other until y'all grew comfortable enough to the point you two became the couple that others would cringe at whenever they did PDA. 
🪩Dates? 99% at the arcade, 1% at some burger joint.
🪩Nicknames? He's a clone of MK, ofc he'll use some cringy ass nicknames; angelcakes, babygirl, sweetcheeks, and ofc, apple butter biscuit. You'll entertain his theme of nicknames and call him stud, big daddy, hot stuff, and your personal favorite–boytoy (he doesn't like this one as much). 
🪩Gifts? Expensive shit for his little apple cinnamon biscuit, even if it's tacky large gold chains or faux fur coats to match his own, he'll splurge on you from money he made from DJ-ing.
🪩First Kiss? Within ten minutes of dancing with each other, you two took the 'party' to a janitor's closet and kissed there. 
🪩How he would be with a partner: Definitely possessive to an obnoxious degree, not the edgy cool bad boy way, but more of a 'will slap your butt and force you in his lap to make out' if someone even thinks about putting the moves on you. He'll encourage you to come out of your shell and try out new things the arcade is trying to promote to others—alcohol, desserts, junk food, etc. 
🪩 You don't mind the extra attention from him, but sometimes you get tired of the random bursts of love bombing especially after he ghosted you a few times in favor of preparing for another bash at the arcade. 
🪩 Any complaints go out the window the moment he hits you with 'Aren't cha having fun though?' 
🪩 Ghosting aside, I think Party would try to be a good bf on the surface before convincing his partner to go with the flow of how 'busy' he is and convince them his top priorities aren't always going to be you. 
🪩 How he acts around them vs others: Party can be dismissive and not romantic at times, but his love language is physical touch and he'll have his hands on you regardless if you're in public or not. 
🪩 However, without the prying eyes of others, he's still his 'wild animal' self but toned down a bit—teasing you here and there, cuddling, and maybe allowing you to drag him on another shopping spree around the city. 
🪩Around others, his main priority will always be to keep the party going so you're invisible until he needs you. Whether that's to sit on his lap, display an image of 'power couple' to others, or be a dancing partner to hype up the rest of the patrons in the arcade. 
The hand on your waist slipped past the waistband of your skirt and gripped the round of your backside, giving your cheek a few squeezes before you felt two fingers attempt to travel lower. You swatted the shoulder of the man whose lap you were currently perched on. The aforementioned man snickered as his smirk grew. 
"Why are you gettin' shy all of a sudden, angel cakes?" Party's pink shutter glasses slipped down the bridge of his nose enough to reveal his raised brow. You furrowed your brow and looked off to the side. The blinking multicolored lights shining down on the many bodies, either floating or moving their bodies along to the beat, gave you more than enough excuses to not answer him. 
Party stared at your side profile for a moment, his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head before he pushed his glasses back against his face and rose from his 'throne' with you in his arms. You squeaked at the abrupt movement and clung to him, your head whipping around with a questioning expression on your face. 
Party's wide grin revealed his sharp fangs as he exclaimed, "I know! You're getting bored! If you wanna dance-" 
"Baby, wait-!" You were raised above Party's head and couldn't latch onto him as he did. 
"-LET'S DANCE!" Party shouted as he chucked you over his equipment and jumped off of the perch to join you. 
Cue the montage of the two of you twirling around the arcade's dance floor. Passing the initial fright of being thrown off of a high place, the anti-gravity calmed the cardiac arrest brewing in your chest.
You felt dizzy as Party dipped you for the nth time before raising you to spin around him. When your back hit his chest, a pair of hands greedily clutching your hips to grind them against his own. 
Party's face halfway buried against your neck, you felt overwhelmed. Party must've noticed how tense you were because you heard a sigh from behind, and then you were pulled along to the bar in one of the corners. You were placed on a stool, and not long after, a drink slid in front of you. You squinted at the brightly colored liquid before glancing at your boyfriend who wiped the sweat off his brow. 
"Whew, I'll let ya have a break before we move onto the climax of this show! Don't forget to rest your pretty muscles, sweet cheeks cuz I'm not done with you yet," Party smooched your cheek before dashing back to his equipment. 
You watched him run off, exhaling as you dropped your face into your hand, and pushed the drink away from you. The thought of drinking your feelings anyway tonight didn't sit well with you.
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🍜 - I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. banner(s) by @dollywons !!
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ludiharambasha · 4 months
Here are my two cents on the Full Moon episode.
I hate Stolitz as a ship, and as much as I was dumbfounded when I first saw this episode, I actually... don't hate how the conflict between Stolas and Blitz turned out?
I've seen many people criticize this episode because the show is victimising Stolas (which is true), but...how the whole thing played out is very realistic and in tune with Solas' character. I know that Viv did not intend Stolas to come off as selfish in this scene, but she still kept Stolas' previous characterization intact (although I would argue to a very different effect from what she had in mind).
He always was incredibly selfish and self-centered, and unable to to truly self-reflect. In Ozzie's he also was completely unaware about what it is that hurt Blitz; he cowered before everyone and refused to hold Blitz's hand when the whole club turned on them. It was confirmation to Blitz that he was right to believe he's just a boytoy for Stolas to have fun with behind closed doors, but to deny affiliation in public because of their respective class. But Stolas, right before Blitzo flips him off, asks Blitzo whether he would like for them to do typical couple things, as if he didn't just confirm (from Blitz's POV) that they are not an item, and that Stolas does not intend to change his ways or treat him differently. Everything he says to Stolas is but a continuation (a take 2 if you will) of the Ozzie's conflict. And it is very in character for Stolas to superficially understand that their relationship is transactional and exploitative and that he ought to let Blitz go, only to make everything about HIS feelings and to try to shift their rs according to his whims and not what is actually best for Blitz. He is being very manipulative, as per usual. The rest of s2 felt like tonal and thematic whiplash, with Stolas' background and character being recontextualised in a way that did not make sense when we regard s1. But not this episode-we see Stolas' manipulative nature once again on full display.
"I want you to stay with me because you want to--only if you want to" is what he concludes his romantic speech with- I find it incredibly interesting. Had Stolas truly understood that what he was doing was wrong or fake or bad for Blitz because of the position it put Blitzo into, he never would have said that, or reacted the way he did to Blitz's response. When you understand, as he claims he does, how awful it is to be "tethered to someone in such an unfair way," you don't have to state the sentence "I want you to stay if you want to". It is redundant when taken literally - if Blitz is not obligated to him anymore, then Blitz staying is predicated on him wanting to do so. It goes against conventions of dialogie in fiction; things are not to be restated or reiterated but for aesthetic purposes (emulating natural speech) or because the statement pragmatically holds a different meaning. There is no logical need to utter that sentence, yet Stolas does it anyway, because it is meant to be taken as an implicit request - "stay with me". It may seem on the surface as if he is considering Blitz's feelings on the matter and giving him a choice, but he really isn't - he is actually imposing himself on Blitz again, hence his subsequent reaction when Blitz demonstrates that he feels Stolas can't be earnest.
And in a way he really isn't earnest- to Stolas it's my way or the highway - no compromise. Why not explain himself when he sees Blitz doesn't think he genuinely means it? And it is realistic that he doesn't when his feelings are hurt in this way. Realistic, but cruel, childish and manipulative. "I have my answer- you needn't say anything," is exactly the way a scorned lover would respond. It is shifting the blame onto Blitz for not understanding something "obvious"; this is something people say when they want the other person to feel guilty. Why would someone who wants to make a clean slate say and do that?
Because that was obviously not what Stolas was hoping for - he was not really ready to be rejected and confronted. He was in fact, not ready to see that Blitz does not love him. His delusions are finally shattered - and his first instinct is to shift the blame and become defensive and avoidant instead of truly coming to terms with the choice he gave Blitz. Because he was only giving Blitz a choice because he was assured, or at least hoped, that Blitz's choice would align with his.
And while I think Viv is unable to truly grasp the class conflict (as she proved in HH) and implicature of Stolitz, she often stumbles when writing Stolas, but not Blitz (and this is I think because of Brandon or Adam being on the team). Blitz consistently lands and is characterized really well when it comes to their dynamic - and it is his reaction and final confrontation with Stolas that makes this scene so compelling - he calls Stoals out on exactly what he is and lays the nature of their conflict bare. Blitz understands everything and is the one carrying the weight of this scene. Yet, Stolas is surpisingly compelling in this scene also - his s1 nature shone in this episode.
I know they are going to be endgame, but I am going to celebrate the fact that finally someone on the writing team decided to at least address the conflict from the s1 finale.
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could you please do a continuation on sugar baby Alec?
here we go, I hope you enjoy!
Magnus reaches over and plucks Alexander’s drink away with a frown.
“He doesn’t drink martinis.” Magnus draws and levels the bartender with a serious look, “unless I order them myself. I suggest you ignore any other drinks offered his way.”
Alexander laughs and leans over to pluck the fruity drink Magnus ordered for him and he takes a long sip.
“Thanks babe.” Alexander says sweetly, like the only reason his boy is sipping daiquiris in the first place is because of Magnus. 
Magnus eyes his gorgeous shadowhunter with vague amusement, because his boy isn’t paying attention to a single thing beyond Magnus.
In fact, Magnus doubts he even realizes he was ordered a drink from someone across the bar. However, as cute as Alexander’s grimace of distaste is, that doesn’t mean Magnus wants their night off to a bad start. And it would have been a bad start if Alexander got gin first thing, which means Magnus is going to need to keep an eye on his boy's glass. Alexander gets incredibly pouty when he gets alcohol he doesn't like.
“Something wrong?” Alexander asks and Magnus smiles and cups Alexander's face.
“Nothing you need to worry about, darling.” He assures because Alexander isn’t interested in mundane things or people enough to care, so it's not a lie.
Alexander takes his words as truth and his attention goes back to the large screen playing sports.
“And they just… hit things until they go where they want them to?” Alexander asks and Magnus sighs, because they continually have this conversation. 
“Yes, darling. Or they throw or kick them. It’s quite the process.” And by process, Magnus means that while impressive displays of mundane strength, it’s quite boring to him personally. 
“Unimaginative.” Alexander mutters as he watches the American football game, “complete lack of instinctual skill. All they’re doing is battering each other around for a ball.”
“Yes, well mundanes love their crowd sanctioned violence.” Magnus tells him and he keeps an eye on the end of the bar where Alexander’s admirer still sits. “So, what do you think of sports bars?”
The man two stools down cheers and his beer sloshes onto the counter and Alexander grimaces. 
“I think it’s very mundane.” Alexander is attempting to be diplomatic and from the way he’s eyeing the crowd, he knows he’s failing. 
“Shall we go somewhere more your taste?” Magnus offers and Alexander nods in clear relief. Alexander’s tolerance for the mundane is based largely on what they do, and Magnus is slowly learning what he actually likes.
Which means that when they portal out of here, Magnus is going to take Alexander to somewhere without mundanes.
Jess is trying hard not to pay too much attention to the men next to him, but he can’t not pay attention, especially when they don’t seem to care or notice when they’re being looked at.
And everyone is looking at them.
They’re beautiful and bold and they’re both big, in an intimidating, presence kind of way.
Especially the one closest to Jess, with his coifed hair and smirk that should have seemed friendly but this close was terrifying.
A drink arrives even though Jess knows neither of them has ordered and he breathes a sigh of relief when it’s directed to the man closest to him, though he doesn’t know why. It isn’t until the second and third drink are both sent to the second man that Jess knows why.
Jess instincts are screaming at him to run, and he’s not even involved. However, the entire man’s body is bristling and he’s radiating hostility towards the other side of the bar. Jess swallows and tries to shrink into his chair, his hands sweating more than his beer bottle as he tightens his grip on it.
Jess doesn’t listen, he doesn’t want to know what’s being said but he understands exactly what’s going on here.
The man next to him is clearly dangerous, wealthy, and is spoiling his boytoy, sugar baby, whatever you want to call it. That much is clear from the way the guy is ordering only top shelf liquor and the way he’s snubbing every drink sent their way. It also means that Jess gets to feel how furious he is — as if anger can actually radiate off a person — when drinks are being sent to his boy.
It isn’t until they leave that Jess realizes while the man, he focused on what a hot, vibrant presence, like an inferno, he didn’t really notice the other man. It was as if they were a cold and hollow statue, noticeable only after you look to find it and realize it’s gone.
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catchyhuh · 1 year
breakfast facts
must eat as soon as he wakes up or he’s fucked. not even like fully a physical stomach thing its just mentally he Must start his day with food
kellogs commercial table. the cereal, two slices of toast, one butter, one jam, apple, like bacon and eggs n shit
scarfs it down in two seconds. as a result no one else will make his breakfast for him becuase its kind of annoying spending 2 hours cooking at 7am so the princess can inhale his perfectly crisp bacon like the poltergust 3000 
yes he complains when he has to do it himself. so every day yes. it just wasn't practical to do the whole shebang every day so he whittled it down to his toast and eggs. but you know if he could,
the king must feast. he gives himself a stomach ache damn near every day he gets his food the way he actually wants it
eats what’s provided honestly. you could say that about every meal but he just doesn’t care too much esp with his breakfast
he’ll complain (he’s particular about waffles and pancakes needing to be a certain amount of savory to justify them existing in a MEAL meal and not just as a dessert) but not too a huge extent. honestly he’ll eat whatever
doesn't have a huge appetite early in the morning, usually balances it out with a big lunch and even BIGGER dinner. he's gotta ease into those heavy hitters man he's delicate bro
cawfee. cuppa joe. He hates it. jigen doesn’t like it despite dressing like a keurig machine gijinka and having the symphonic cadence of a coffee grinder. it just doesn’t taste good to him (it's that deceptive scent dude) that said {sleep hcs incoming soon} sometimes he needs some to jumpstart him like an old car. again, complains, but goes through with it
special k commercial table. the cereal. the side bowl with random dollops of peanut butter and mixed other nuts and oats (?) i guess it’s oats, the GRAPEFRUIT oh i know she’s a grapefruit bitch!! pb honey spread on an English Muffin too. like some. idk there’s a cinnamon stick involved YOU GET THE VISUAL
funny thing is she doesn’t even eat half of it. she just goes with the muffin, bowl of mini wheats, maybe two pieces of grapefruit ingested as she leaves the table. whoever passes the table next is expected to handle leftovers. breakfast leftovers. that's an insane concept now that i type it out
cawfee. she either drinks it with a thousand disgusting artificially flavored creams or she chews the beans raw. presentation vs functionality is a key aspect of ms mine's internal struggle
complex relationship with fast food coffee shop chains as a result
another guy who loves the Big Breakfast by tom cardy but unlike lupin (who loves his beauty sleep too much to wake up early) and fujiko (who usually gets her non-lupin boytoy of the month to make it for her) goemon actually gets up asscrack of dawn early to prepare a meal fit for a king
perfectly fluffy rice. hand squeezed juice. absolutely decadent vegetables. impossibly picturesque omelette. but just normal ass sara lee bread though he doesn’t have THAT much time on his hands
funny thing is he's definitely the most normal about it. goemon just. eats his breakfast. he might raise his eyebrows in slight surprise at how good the eggs taste today or something but really its just. food. all these other weirdos either take 10 years to eat a piece of toast or just inhale their food but the guy who dresses and talks like its the 18th century wins the normal award here
has emphasized the importance of eating breakfast to others before despite easily functioning without it. wake him up at 4 say “no time for brekkie dude we gotta go steal the fire hydrant of the louvre” and he’ll be like Done no problems
zenigata: i know i mentioned it before but NOT HEALTHY BEHAVIOR DO NOT FUCKING EMULATE
he’s very bad about it VERY bad about it always getting yelled at by third parties. they go “what’d you have for breakfast” and he shrugs and they go "oh god did you even eat" "ONE BOILED EGG HAS PROTEIN IN IT!!"
its amazing the stature you can get while still being the guy who eats half a protein bar for breakfast and doesn’t actually sit down for a meal again until like 1 am. really i cannot emphasize enough don’t try this at home
HES JUST SO DAMN BUSY! but if he could he’d take anything. unlike jigen, who just doesn't wanna start a fight THAT early in the morning, zeni just loves every breakfast food! muffins eggs potatoes pancakes cereal the random ass fruit he LOVES it 
god help the hotel with a free breakfast when this guy comes in. or that is, if he didn’t sleep until 11 AM because he was up lupin-ing all night.
in conclusion: they would all love a trip to the mcdonalds breakfast menu drivethru. they all get a hashbrown. would you believe me if i said i only remembered the mcdonald’s commercials after typing that
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