#he has so much of it i struggle but i found sum that works for me nowee
grimstrawberry · 4 months
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how does it feel to have a face like that? (how does it feel to be replaced like that?)
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
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chapter 0 : top-ultra-super-ultra-secret-mission.
no quirk au, mentions of fighting and violence, the yakuza and my very little knowledge of it (msorry yall,,i know about the video games :>..!), gang violence, found family trope my love, crime syndicate boss daughter! reader, badboy bodyguard! katsuki x fem reader, sunshine reader, reader is a sweetheart but a little bratty, CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LUVERS TROPE MY STAR, almost polar opposites, you get off on the wrong foot at first so kinndaa enemies to friends, reader has a last name but it will be explained later, original characters, all might is a fictional character, one piece easter egg lol, food n cookies ! katsuki gets recruited into a crime syndicate at eleven years old, but he doesn't do any fightin till a years later !, lemme know if i missed sum (might add more in future chapters !)
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katsuki doesn't remember anything besides his own bloody and bruised knuckles.
it's all he remembers and all he's known his entire life. where he comes from you gotta fight to survive and every dispute was resolved with conflict. bloody fists and busted lips was all he grew up with until the age of 11 years old.
the orphanage he'd lived in for years didn't help in reinforcing that point : the place was neglected, faded and crumbling like a mansion in a horror movie. he'd heard so many rumors going around the halls that the place was haunted. none of the adults bothered to shut it down but they didn't bother to take care of them either, so katsuki didn't expect much from them. katsuki wouldn't be able to count the amount of times their caretakers, if you could even call them that, let him and his housemates run off without supervision on both hands and feet. their disinterested eyes occasionally glancing at the poor kid getting ganged up on by kids twice his size and age.
"if you don't pull your weight around here, you're deadmeat." katsuki remembers an older boy, his roommate at the time, saying to him. he hasn't seen the boy in years and katsuki is sure that wherever he fucked off to was miles better than the shithole he currently lives in.
fights weren't uncommon either. petty fights over pudding were often brought to the communal area, ranging from food fights to all out brawls. power struggles between kids where mostly for dominance, to show others who was the boss. it was all for the sake of a survival kids their ages shouldn't have known, one that they shouldn't have been desensitized to.
the disinterest of the staff members meant that the kids could run wild, running amok around the city streets as if they owned them. stealing and fighting, forming groups and alliances only for those who lagged behind to be betrayed and ganged up on by their pack members.
he recognized it whenever people where trying to get something out of him. katsuki knew he was strong and he knew others knew it too and it got him nothing but enemies and wannabe lackey's acting like errand boys in exchange for services. beating up some guy who had owed them money, some people simply wanted to be around him, hearing that his name had gotten notoriety around their neighborhood and simply using him to scare people off, like parents telling their kids about the boogeyman.
it worked out fine whenever they'd stay out of his way, but katsuki was a lone wolf through and through and didn't like people sticking to his heels, so after many more bloody knuckles, the sound of bones crunching and broken noses, people knew not to mess, or associate themselves, with the rage that was katsuki bakugou.
" i heard he beat some guys face in so bad he never left his house again.." "if you look at him for too long, he'll kick your ass !" "that little brat thinks he's the shit just because he beat some shrimp’s ass." he'd heard whispers like these for years. scared fleeting glances and nasty glares was all people offered him and he learned that striking fear into others was the only way you'd be respected. beating people up was the only way others would leave you alone. stealing from others was the only way others wouldn't steal from you.
being a monster was the only way people would listen. and just like how continuing to spread legends kept horror movie creatures alive. other people spreading rumors about how ruthless he was kept katsuki safe.
until that man showed up.
one of their caretakers had announced that someone would be coming to visit, meaning they should be on their best behaviour so they could find a new forever home. katsuki scoffs, the idea that anyone would choose him to bring home was laughable to him. all the grown ups that came by came for the golden boys: the push overs or the crybabies, was what they were called amongst the other kids.
the man that appeared infront of the line of young boys was anything but what katsuki could’ve ever imagined. tall, extremely so, with a long leather jacket draped over his shoulder, rings could be seen adorning his fingers when he cracked his knuckles. he was completely decked out in black : black coat, black pants, black belt and dark, hardened black eyes that had all the boys shivering. unconsciously having them stand up straighter by the heat of the man’s stare alone.
katsuki and his housemates had all gathered around the windows minutes before to see the man arrive in a big black cadillac escalade, peeking the curiosity of everyone in the room as they wondered what the hell this person could want from an orphanage like this one.
katsuki for the first time in years, feels a hint of fear wash over him when the man stops right in front of him. he feels the eyes of his other mates on him as well and feels himself sweating a little when he gulps.
the mysterious man offers him a large, friendly smile and katsuki doesn't know if he should feel threatened by the warmth he feels in his chest. the tall man kneels down until he's at katsuki's height and his deep, honeyed voice catches him off guard, because he thinks such a man shouldn't have such a..welcoming voice. especially with the multiple men he saw surrounding his car outside looking anything but welcoming.
"hey, kid." the man starts, sharp canines on display as he grins "how would you like to come home with me ?"
katsuki, wide eyed and mouth agape, can only think of one response,
"..huh ?"
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katsuki's shocked expression has not changed once. not since the grown ups had talked about boring grown up stuff he'd barely tuned into, only hearing the scritching of the pen on the paper when the mysterious badass man had signed the adoption papers.
and now, inside of the big black cadillac escalade surrounded by other huge badass guys, his expression has yet to change, though he’d managed to clamp his mouth shut.
katsuki is currently gripping onto an apple juice box, (frankly he prefers orange but he doesn't think he can form a correct sentence right now) offered to him buy a stoic man--who was introduced to him by another huge man, although not as scary looking as the other one, who told him not to be frightened by his straight-faced friend as he was "a scary lookin' dude, but a big teddybear once you get to know him ! " katsuki hadn't taken a single sip of the juice yet, juice that he didn't steal but was given to. without having to threaten anyone for it. a strange feeling grows in his stomach that he's not familiar with. and in katsuki's experience anything unknown is bad, so he doesn't like this.
the scary men all pulled a complete 180 from what they were like outside, going from being quiet and serious to extremely loud. so loud katsuki wonders how it's possible that four men in one car can be just as loud as an entire communal area at his now old orphanage. the thought of not having to step foot in that cursed building ever again has him holding back a little smile. he squeezes the juice box in his hands a little tighter.
the men who's names he doesn't know yet are cracking jokes. they smack his shoulder randomly, causing him to basically fly forward and he's sure that if he weren't wearing a seatbelt he'd have flewn right through the windshield. they laugh and tell him they're excited to start working with him. this has katsuki tilt his head in question.
" working with you ?" he asks, it's the first thing he's said and the two more expressive men in the car brighten up. one of the guys, who's squeezed next to him speaks. he has bleached hair with black roots still peaking through. his sunglasses are pulling his hair back and perfectly showing off the scar running over his left eyebrow.
"yeah, starting today you're a part of our clan, little buddy !" he grins. their clan ?
the boss man, he assumes, speaks up from the drivers seat " takashi, don't just jump that on him so suddenly," he reprimands jokingly. he looks at katsuki through the rear view mirror and smiles, katsuki simply looks away. he doesn't know how to react to situations, or people like this well. or at all. "you'll frighten him."
katsuki's head shoots up at that, eyes squinted and brows furrowed "i'm not scared of shit !" he exclaims "what do you guys even do ?" he glares around at everyone in the car. it's silent and he sees the ringed hand of the boss guy turn the radio down. then after a beat passes everyone bursts out laughing again and katsuki jumps despite himself, even the stone faced guy cracks a smile.
"you're a fiesty one, huh ?! you're perfect for the job !" the bleached blonde man, who is apparently named takashi, speaks. he wraps an arm around katsuki and doesn't notice how he tenses and growls, that or he ignores it. "you see, we have a very special job."
"what special job ?" takashi responds with a mischievous smirk.
"we beat up bad guys !" he chirps happily.
katsuki can't help the gasp that comes out of his throat nor can he control the sparkle in his eyes, yet he tries his best to sound cool " y-you beat up bad guys ?" he asks carefully.
"u--huuuuuh" he squeezes katsuki between his bicep tighter, apologizing when katsuki punches at his arm, loosening his extremely tight grip. he offers him a little apology that katsuki only graces with a stinkeye. "we find guys who mess with us or our turf, and we fuck 'em up good !" he makes punching motions at the air with his free arm " y'know, like all might !"
" all might isn't real." katsuki shoots back.
"well, yeah. but he's cool isn't he !" the bleached man whines, giving katsuki a slight noogie. he shoves at his arm and looks away with a huff and a pout. unwilling to admit that the tv show superhero had been his idol for years now. takashi chuckles knowingly at the boys pink cheeks before finally releasing him from his grasp.
katsuki suddenly remembers the conversation before he'd trailed off "so..you guys beat up bad guys ?" the young blonde starts "and i'm part of your clan now ?" he eyes everyone curiously and they all offer him firm nods.
"why me, though ?" he hates how..desperate he sounds, it reminds him too much of the other loser crybabies that he used to share a space with. he peers at the rear view mirror only to be met with the boss man's eyes already on him. he jumps despite the warmth in said man's eyes.
"i like you, kid. you've got this look in your eye." he explains, he focuses back on the road once he finishes " makes me think of myself when i was your age."
katsuki sits stunned as the rest of the men in the car start up again calling their boss superficial for "going for someone who reminds him of himself" they say, yet katsuki can't find it in himself to feel insulted. he's been told time and time again the looks he'd give people were rude, cocky, scary and every other adjective in the book, none of them being exactly positive one's.
but for someone to say they like the look in his eye is shocking. the lack of any praise besides about how much of a monster he was when he got into fights was something completely unknown to him.
during the entire ride, katsuki grips his untouched apple juice box to keep from smiling.
when he arrives into a large office like room, following closely behind the boss man, who's name he found out during the car ride was kento matsumoto, he's surprised to find the room empty once the door slammed behind him. katsuki's immediatly on his toes and ready, already in a fighting stance, his eyes zipping around the room ready to attack should any bad guys show up.
"what're you doing ?" the older man hums in amusement, slowly creeping towards his desk in the middle of the room. katsuki's too focused on a surprise attack to bother noticing.
"where are the bad guys ?!" the unruly blonde asks, adrenaline already running through his veins, a smirks growing on his features until matsumoto laughs and--wait why is he laughing ?
"there are no bad guys here, you can rest easy." he chuckles when katsuki's shoulders immediatly drop, a pouty frown etched onto his features. "you won't be fighting any bad guys today," the more he continues the more katsuki's eyebrows drop lower and lower. he finally realises how quite and gentle he's been and tilts his head in confusion. he walks up to his desk chair which is turned away from katsuki's eyes. mr. matsumoto walks up and kneels towards the chair and whispers softly. katsuki can hear someone whisper back if he strains his ears hard enough and his brows furrow harder.
after a bit more back and forth, the tall man stands back up, and limps a little as he has two tiny arms arms dragging along with him. along with two tiny legs following along at his pace.
"i'd actually like you to meet someone today." the man chuckles to himself lightly. he presses his hand to the back of the little person behind him. and katsuki finally makes eye contact with them.
the girl looks about his age, maybe a year younger. she keeps alternating her gaze to him briefly and longer towards the floor. her socked feet rubbing at the other as she grips the taller man's pant leg.
katsuki holds back the urge to scoff. she would've been eaten alive if she spent one day back at his orphanage. pushovers don't survive long before becoming someone's lackey unless they pull their weight. you mutter something under your breath and mr. matsumoto scolds you gently.
"you don't wanna be rude to your new friend don't you ?" he encourages. both of your eyes widen and while a grin breaks out on your face. katsuki's mouth drops in near horror
"huh ?!"
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"bakugou, stop moving !"
katsuki doesn't know where that old roommate he had fucked off to, but if it's someplace like this, he feels bad for him.
he'd found out that you were mr. matsumoto's daughter, which was shocking news by itself but you can imagine how much more shocked he was when the older male had asked him to spend time with you.
"i'm not a babysitter !" katsuki stormed "i thought i was fighting bad guys !" mr. matsumoto raises his hands up in surrender from where he's knelt down to diffuse tension.
"you'll start your training soon enough, and then you'll be able to fight as many bad guys as you see fit." he compromises. katsuki's somewhat satisfied, but still crosses his arms across his chest, awaiting further explanation.
"i'm just asking you to keep an eye on her. spend some time with her, stuff like that..you'll be like her bodyguard !" he offers.
"more like babyguard." katsuki scoffs. the older man chuckles nervously.
"my job's real dangerous, so a lot of people wanna hurt me, and my family. i can't have that, you get what i'm sayin' right ?" he speaks sincerely. katsuki's eyes soften the slightest bit as he readjusts his arms. "i want her to be able to spend time with kids her age. not some old guys in suits, you know ?"
katsuki doesn't say but he thinks that reasoning is stupid. he thinks constantly being around men like your dad would be cool as hell, but he digresses. the unruly blonde stares at the pleading man pensively, mr. matsumoto had gotten him out of the wretched orphanage, he owes it to him to atleast help him with this easy sounding request.
katsuki heaves a long, deep sigh and looks down at the ground.
"fine..i'll do it."
he wishes he could punch his past self in the mouth for agreeing to this torture.
he grabs your wrist when you try to sneakily press a tiny flavored lip balm stick to his lips. you pout and whine at him and he growls and furrows his brows at you in response.
"c'mon !" you whine. straining your arm still tightly clutched in his grip to press the lip balm to his pink lips. “it tastes like peaches !” you try.
"no ! i already let you put these shitty braids in my hair, m'not putting your stupid makeup shit on." he throws your arm to the side and you gasp. before crossing your arms,
"swear." you mumble grumply. you shake your head and lean towards him with new found vigor. you’re stubborn and usually he’d at least give you that, but you’re the annoying kind of stubborn, so you’re not getting anything from him.
"it's not makeup, it's just lip balm ! dad let's me put it on him all the time !"
"yeah, well i ain't your dad."
"yeah you're not. cus my dad's not a jerk !" you stick your tongue out at him and katsuki scoffs at you, looking away from you. he bets you wouldn't act all cool if he shoved you once, you look like the type of wimp who'd cry about tripping over your own shoelaces.
"i'll tell my dad you're bein' mean to me." you announce. katsuki's head whips towards you and he feels a vein on his forehead when you turn your nose up at the sky with a 'hmph !". you make his head hurt.
"don't go lying on me !" he fumed.
"but i'm not lyin', you are mean ! i asked you nice an' you won't lemme put the chapstick on you !" you bite back. katsuki inhales through his nose in anger.
"you didn't ask me sh—anything !" he stops himself mid curse, your father doesn't like him swearing around you for some reason and he'd rather you not snitch to your dad about his cursing habits.
you suddenly stop, then roll your eyes like the brat you are. "well, i'm asking now..please ?" you bat your lashes at him and give him, what katsuki assumes, are your best puppy dog eyes.
you're so much more different than when he'd first met you two weeks ago and he definitely doesn't mean it as a good thing. he almost wishes you stayed the quiet, meek little mouse you were. that would've been way less annoying than the bossy bratty princess you are, despite being a few months younger than him.
katsuki groans, loudly to himself, than turns to you again. gripping at his criss crossed legs to control his nerves.
"make it quick, princess." he spits, glaring at your bright smile, obviously pleased you'd won the argument even though you didn't play fair at all. katsuki had won every fight he'd ever been in but you were making yourself out to be his toughest opponent yet. he grits his teeth and sucks his loss in for another day. you make a happy noise and press the sweet stick to his lips. it tastes like peaches when he briefly licks his lips to get a taste. he let’s out a quiet pleased grunt.
"it tastes good, right !"
"shut up."
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katsuki looks at you strangely when he sees you sneaking around corners.
he's stuck on babysitting duty again while your dad and the others get to do fun stuff like beating the shit out of people. from what he'd gathered from mr. matsumoto and when he 'accidentally' listened in on his passing conversations with his coworkers, your father was the boss of an underground yakuza organisation. the men he'd sat in the car with being his most trusted companions.
they all bore a similar tattoo’s somewhere on their body : some had them on their arms or hands, others were more showy and had them on their necks or on their backs like your dad did. katsuki was bummed to find out he wouldn’t be able to get one yet, he scoffs at the memory of your dad ruffling his hair and telling him to wait a few more years.
he was dreading having to put up with your whiny tantrums and sticky flavored lip balms, although he guessed it was kinda fun to guess the flavour. but today you surprised him by beckoning him over and telling him you needed his help with something. at 9 in the morning.
“a top-ultra-super-ultra secret-mission ”, you’d called it. and from the moment you’d pushed him out of the huge spare room he was currently using as his bedroom, you’d been sneaking around corners even though katsuki would look ahead (he has to take some risks, he is your bodyguard after all) and see no one there.
the prospect of a secret mission did peak his interest, it was the reason he had followed you without making a fuss. but even though ‘patience’ wasn’t an unknown word in katsuki’s documentary, it wasn’t frequently used. so it shouldn’t have been a surprise when he started complaining.
“what are we even doing ? and why the hell are you sneaking around like that?” he asks, the urge to go back to bed still clinging to him as he rubs at his eyes sleepily. katsuki doesn’t know how you can navigate this huge house so well and he feels like he’s been following you through a maze.
you quickly, after peeking around another corner, shush him. “shhh !” you hiss, placing a finger over your lips. if katsuki weren’t so tired he would’ve rolled his eyes at you but he simply decides to narrow his eyes at you.
“i told you, it’s super secret ! i’ll tell you when we get there !” you huff “swear, by the way.” you chide playfully, giggling when he grumbles at you.
if katsuki could compare you to anything, he’d compare you to rubber. it’s weird because it’s an object rather than a living thing, but he thinks it’s pretty fitting. he pokes and prods, throws snarky comments and mean names at you, pulling at you like rubber, yet all you do is snap right back into place. like that rubber man you like on tv ( he prefers the sword guy better).
you pout about his mean spirited ‘princess’ nickname after he tells you he doesn’t mean it as a compliment because to him it means your snobby, bratty and spoiled, but you never let him get you down. often just saying that princesses we’re super pretty “so therefore, you’re just calling me pretty !” you’d grin. he thinks your reasoning is more than stupid and rolled his eyes hard when you’d first told him that, but you intrigue him in ways he doesn’t wanna admit.
you’re so annoying and bubbly it puzzles him, he wonders how someone like you could exist in the same world as his. the world he was raised in was cold and unforgiving, quickly stomping and crushing pretty bright flowers like you under its heel before they were even given a chance to fully bloom.
you’re something he’s never seen before and you piss him off. but that’s mostly because you’re annoying though.
after sneaking around for a bit more, you get to what katsuki recognizes as the kitchen. katsuki hears the sound of chopping and sizzling before he rounds the corner and the smell of food fills his nose and his mouth waters.
you put an arm out to hold him back from rounding the corner and point towards something, katsuki looks up at where your looking to see..
a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies.
his eyes widen like he’d just seen a stack of gold. back at the orphanage, they were barely allowed to have any sweets besides during holidays, two for everyone. katsuki didn’t really mind much, since he doesn’t really like candy, but your home chef nakazawa really knew how to cook and katsuki would gobble up anything the man cooked.
the long white haired man never commented on his table manners and messy eating, only smiling brightly and always telling him it made him happy to see people enjoying his food so much.
katsuki would never say it out loud, but he would sometimes sneak around to watch mr. nakazawa cook. he’d never had any time to be interested in..anything back at his old hell hole and it’d taken him a while to admit he’d taken a liking to not only nakazawa’s cooking, but also cooking in general.
he bets those cookies would be fucking delicious. he gulps.
“those are our objective !” you whisper, turning back to him with a determined grin “your job as my bodyguard today is to help me snatch up those chocolate chip cookies mr zawa made.” you explain.
katsuki almost exclaims before begrudgingly remembering this is supposed to be a secret mission and you were supposed to be inconspicuous “huh ?!” he hisses. you nudge him away from the opening and place your finger against your lips to shush him again, katsuki growls at you.
"just cus i'm your bodyguard..or whatever," he grumbles, rolling his eyes "doesn't mean i'm your errand boy. i'm not anybody's errand boy." he spits, glaring at you. you don't look the least bit scared, instead your eyebrows furrow and you pout.
"but you're not my errand boy, we're doing it together ! you're helping me out !"
"i don't help anyone." he shoots back "what am i getting from this anyway ?" he scoffs, shuffling on his feet.
" you don't like sweets, right ? so the least you could do is help me get some cookies !" you declare, crossing your arms." but if you want, i guess i could share the booty with you." you say with a roll of your eyes. katsuki wants to be surprised that you remembered something he’d mumbled to you in passing once but he ignores that to sneer at you, eye twitching at your brattiness.
"gross. don't call it that." he snarks, you roll your eyes again "don't be a baby, bakugou." you quickly flip around and sneak towards the main kitchen doors. bakugou glares at your back as you slip away and throws you one last snarky comment under his breath before following you "you're one to talk."
mr nakazawa’s back is to the both of you still, he seems to not have noticed you both yet. even though katsuki hates being ordered around by you, pointing at where he should go so as not to be seen, he ignores it in favour of the giddy feeling in his chest. you're holding back a laugh too, he can see it on your face and as annoying as you are, he can't help but hold back a snort with you when the cook stops in his movements to scan around the kitchen, you both still going unnoticed.
he hasn't been allowed to go out on missions with your dad and his squad yet, simply undergoing training starting from every wednesday, to going monday through thursday for a few hours and though it was fun, it was pretty irritating seeing the grown ups do all the fun stuff while he's stuck carrying you around on his back and watching dumb disney channel original movies with you (he won't admit he enjoys most of them, though. never.)
but right now that's all been forgotten, adrenaline is pumping through him but it's different than the adrenaline rush he gets from when he beats up some no name kid that wanted to start a fight to prove he was some type of big shot, surrounded by the choruses of cheering kids and screams. instead, he's simply sneaking closer and closer to a tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. accompanied only by you, who's covering your mouth trying not to make a single sound so you don't get caught and scolded for getting to the cookies early.
it's different, it's unknown. but katsuki realizes it's not bad.
it actually feels really warm, and nice. and good. it's good to have fun with you. it's good to be able to bicker and playfight with you without it leading to his knuckles being bruised up. he hates to admit it but he has to hold back a snicker at your dumb jokes and antics. and maybe he can admit that some of the movies you pick out are kinda fun.
he doesn't have to fight for the remote with you because you let him pick whenever he wants. you've set up a system where you pick one night and he gets to pick the next night and you hadn't broken your promise, always handing him the remote when it was his turn to pick a movie, though you huff about it sometimes, but that's cus you're a brat.
but when katsuki finally reaches the tray of cookies and you silently cheer for him with a smile so bright you could rival the sun itself and two thumbs up in the air, katsuki has to admit you're not so bad to be around.
"may i ask what you kids are doin' ?"
both you and katsuki stiffen at mr. nakazawa looming over him, he doesn't look the least bit angry. he's trying to, but he can't fight off the smile on his mock dissapointed face.
"mr. bakugou is a newcomer, so i can't really be mad at 'im" he starts, katsuki gulps when the white haired man's frosty blue eyes land on him, then zero on you "but lady yn should already know what happens to misbehaving children.." he slowly stretches his arms out towards you, making a grabby motion and you start uncontrollably giggling, eyes widening as you slowly stand up and back away.
"they go...into the oven !!"
"mission complete, cookies obtained, get outta there !" you exclaim, hightailing it with your laughter trailing down the hallway. katsuki starts up and dashes for the door to follow you. mr. nakazawa barely makes any effort to catch both of you and katsuki knows he's stopped following you but he doesn't bother telling you about it.
he's having too much fun right now.
he's holding the tray of cooled off cookies to his chest to keep them safe and he can't stop laughing especially because you're basically hollering next to him, cheering loudly and katsuki mimicks you. it's probably still around nine in the morning and you're running around like headless chickens, screaming around the hallways, but katsuki's having too much fun with you to care.
you get to your bedroom door first and katsuki would usually blame it on your hands being free, but he doesn't care about being first right now. you quickly wave your hand around, signaling for him to run inside before you slam your door shut and fall to the ground, helplessly snorting and giggling with your fluffy pyjama pant legs kicking in the air.
katsuki sits down next to you, placing the cookies down between you both slightly above your head. he's calmed down more than you have, but he's still buzzing, chest rising and falling. he snorts and giggles some more looking at you and after you finally calm down you sigh. you take a deep breath before looking up at him with stars in your eyes.
"that was so fun ! we booked it outta there so fast !" you giggle. katsuki sits more comfortable, cross-crossing his legs. he hums in response "mr. nakazawa always says he's gonna put me in the oven when i sneak a cookie, but he's super nice, so i knew he wouldn't do anything if he caught you !"
katsuki scoffs pridefully, turning his nose up in the air "he wouldn't have been able to do anythin' cus i woulda kicked his ass !" he smirks. you giggle in response.
"that's expected of my bodyguard !" you chirp. he rolls his eyes but doesn't complain. you sit up and look at him all starry eyed and katsuki's eyes widen in turn.
"you were awesome, bakugou ! no wonder dad likes you so much !" you beam. it's too bright, you're too bright. katsuki wants to look away, wants to go back into his shell and pull the curtain shut on the sun that you are. he wants to be scary and feared by all and yet for some reason he likes that you're not scared of him. he wants it to stay that way. he knows he shouldn't and yet,
"..you can just call me, katsuki. i don't mind.." he mutters, looking away from you and towards the wall. he doesn't dare look at you or he'll have to acknowledge your expression, acknowledge the fact his face is burning alarmingly hard and fast. "i don't care..if you do." he rephrases.
a beat passes and he feels the cold metal of the tray against his hand, he looks down to see your hand pushing the cookies towards him.
"since you did the most work, you can have the first one." you say shyly, fiddling with your soft sleeves.
katsuki feels his heart beating and thumping hard in his chest. he can faintly hear it in his ears, can feel it softly bumping in his head. he's never felt this before.
he doesn't like the unknown. but he can't find it in himself to care when he reaches out and takes a big bite of a cookie. it tastes heavenly and his eyelashes flutter as he munches away, his eyes snap open when he hears you giggle.
"s'good, right ?" you grin, leaning towards him to grab a cookie before popping a piece into your mouth with a hum. katsuki gulps a bite of his cookie down.
"mm.." he hums in agreement. that's enough for you, so you lean back more comfortably and you both continue silently munching away at the slowly dwindling tray of cookies. until you speak up again.
"usually i eat all of mr. nakazawa's cookies on my own. dad and my other uncles are always gone before i can share with them." you explain, katsuki sees your puppy eyes shining with sadness. they're the same as the pushover's at his old orphanage who'd cower in corners and cry as the bigger predators of the institution prey on them.
"they're really good.." the happy tone in your voice is gone and is instead replaced by a more bittersweet one. "but whenever i eat too many, my stomach hurts. and that's not fun at all." katsuki feels his chest tighten at your words, and it tightens harder when you look up at him and send him the sincerest smile he's ever seen.
"but today, i ate a lot of 'em and i'm completely fine, cus i shared them with you !"
katsuki only remembers the feeling of fighting. of bloody and bruised knuckles and the rush of adrenaline that eventually fades away and all he feels is the stinging pain in his body. and that's not fun at all.
but sitting here with you, he hopes and he hopes with all his might that the way he feels when his chest blooms with warmth never fades away.
"yeah..." is all he says, looking down at the ground. tugging at the carpet.
"y'know, you're my fifth bodyguard." katsuki's eyes widen "fifth ?" he parrots and you nod, stuffing the last bit of your cookie into your mouth.
"why so many ? you go out on missions or something ?"
you shake your head "no, but dad says it's safer because a lot of people could wanna hurt me." you say simply, wrapping your arms around your knees, wiggling your socked feet " 'i wouldn't let anyone hurt you, but you can never be too careful.'" you mimick, deepening your voice best you can to copy your father's tone.
"all my other bodyguards were super old, and they never talked, or played with me. no fun at all." you mutter bitterly, grounding your heel down against your soft carpeted floor.
"you're kinda mean, and very aggressive. especially for someone your age." katsuki scoffs at your doctor like tone like you'd just done an analysis on him. he kicks at your foot with his and you giggle and stick yout tongue out at him. katsuki wants to hold back the smirk growing on his face, but he can't. maybe because he isn't trying very hard to hold back at all.
"but you're funny..and you can be really nice when you wanna be." he hears it again, the thumping and beating of his heart at your words and your smile. "you're definitely my favorite bodyguard, katsuki !"
the thumping of his heart gets so loud he can feel it in the tips of his fingers, rhythmically beating away. he gets that feeling of adrenaline from when he wins a fight. when he's got a nasty bloody nose but people are inching away from him. whispers of his name and strenght all around and he feels like he's on top of the world for a while.
but this feels nicer. it's foreign, but katsuki feels like he can get used to that.
"'f course i am, i'm the best !" he exclaims. the warmth in his chest still present and burning harder when you smile at him brightly with a giggle.
katsuki unfamiliar with these kinds of burning feelings that aren’t accompanied with pain. they’re unknown and foreign, but he thinks he likes them. and, maybe, he can admit that he thinks he likes you a little bit, too.
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soooowww...whatre we thinkiiinnnn..personally i like this alot and would love to hear whatyallthinkaboutthisconcepttttquestionmark... i was inspired to post this after getting back into akabane honeko no bodyguard, and my love for delinquents mixed w some childhood friends to lovers and i HAD to write this, i rlly like this and i hope yall enjoy !!
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creativity-deficient · 6 months
Anywayssss I genuinely think this is one of the most important creek scenes we have so far and I don’t see a lot of people talk about it so let’s get into it
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So it all goes back to this scene-
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I know it’s generally agreed upon amongst the fandom that Tweek and Craig were only fake dating/doing it for the town at first, but at some point their relationship became real, and it’s easy to see why, I mean, it is left pretty vague in all fairness.
I, however though, don’t believe this to be the case? Like YES, the town shipping them together is absolutely what brought them together in the first place, and they did not seem to have any interest towards each other before that, that’s indisputable. HOWEVER I don’t think that necessarily means their relationship was “fake” either. I do think it took time and work to get to where they are now, but I also think that the whole situation, as crazy as it was, not only helped them both to be more open and honest with themselves about their sexualities, but also in the end, DID genuinely bring them closer together.
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One thing I have always found super interesting about Tweek in this episode (and this could just be me) is that unlike Craig, he doesn’t seem to struggle as much with accepting his sexuality but rather, how he will be perceived because of it. His first thought when finding out about all the yaoi art is “what if my parents find out?” He’s afraid and anxious of what others will THINK of him if they know.
But in this scene, it’s clear that he’s no longer afraid, and I feel what he says to Craig here sums it up pretty well-
“I’m so sorry Craig, you made me believe in myself in a way I never have before. I didn’t think it had any of that in me but, you were right! I can do more than I think. You CHANGED something in me and I want to fix whatever’s hurting you now.”
It’s because of CRAIG that he now has this newfound confidence, and I truly believe it changed his perspective of him. Obviously I don’t think he full on fell in love with Craig right there and then, but I DO think that Craig being the first person to ever really make him believe in himself has made him start to see him in a different light, acting as the catalyst for what was about to come (in more ways than one, but that’s another rant)
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It’s no secret that Tweek lives a pretty tough life. He’s abused, neglected, and no one really takes him seriously
But Craig?
Craig is the first person who has actually made feel Tweek SEEN. Like he’s MORE than what others, including himself, think that he is
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It’s such a brief scene, but I feel like it says SO much, because even just being there, sitting together on the couch and being able to talk about WHATEVER without feeling like he’s going to be judged because of it is probably WAY more than anyone else has ever done for him
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And you can tell it means the world to him
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rainbowolfe · 8 months
God there's so much to analyze in Alastor's and Lucifer's duet that reveals. So much about the inner workings of Alastor. He's so worked up, I believe we are literally seeing his "true colors". And while he covers himself in a layer of Prideful Red, he's truly fueled by Envy and Greed.
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Buuut he clearly embodies Lust and Sloth too. Mimzy does say he was a heavy drinker.
But what I found extra interesting was this shot, of how Alastor seems to perceive the guests at the hotel. He even draws Angel with four arms.
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And naturally he draws them all with a smile 😌
Pentious and Husk are blue, Vaggie is green, and Angel is a shade of blue-green. The colors sum up what he likes about them.
"Lust" has the obvious meaning, but it also encompasses pleasure-seeking behavior as a whole. Which is what Alastor does, he does what's fun, and surrounds himself with those he finds amusing. The reasoning he gives for wanting to be at the hotel is because he takes pleasure in watching others struggle and fail anyways. His torture of souls on a live broadcast is pretty vouyeristic too.
So, he finds Pent and Husk amusing/fun to be around, that tracks. Greeds a bit harder to interpret when directed at another person. Maybe there's something Vaggie has that he wants, physically or otherwise. Though it's not as if Vaggie has much.
Perhaps it really is Charlie's acceptance and attention. We see Alastor seek out validation from other Overlords, but he only ever gets it from people he doesn't want it from. He may see Charlie as a sort of equal, and thus values her praise (and therefore takes her criticism more harshly, note his annoyance only shows when Charlie gives notes on his commercial and not Vaggie).
Angel's color is interesting then, because it means he's both to Alastor. Angel has something he wants, and Al enjoys the "entertainment" he brings.
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cynthiav06 · 6 days
Percy is a dude from the category of screaming "what the hell did you do!" and solve all the problems in 5 minutes. Everyone would have been dead a long time ago if it wasn't for him.
I have mixed opinions on this. On one hand, Percy is the type of person to wait about for the problem to disappear by itself just so he doesn't have to deal with it. Cause even before he found out he was a demigod, he was 100% done with everyone's shit.
But I do agree that he would be able to solve all problems because through so many books we have seen that no matter how much prior planning Annabeth or the Seven or anyone else does, Percy always does his own thing at the end. And it works out mostly for the better than whatever initial situation anyone else had in mind because Percy thinks almost too well on his feet. Every time.
But Percy has such low self esteem that he sees the fact that he has to make so many improvisations more so as his plans never working as less so as an exceptional ability to adapt. Especially when at times he can easily sense that some titan/giant is too powerful so he maneuvers around a direct fight and ends up defeating them by pure strategy and still ends up thinking of himself as "Oh shit I seriously had no plans. I am so reckless and stupid".
His whole character arc could have been evolving into a more confident and self assured but still the usual sarcastic laid back version of himself who no longer doubts his own abilities and becomes the great leader he showed many signs of being. But no, Rick had to ruin it all because, for some reason, 10+ books later and almost all the characters are still the same, just decorated with even more trauma. Rick being Rick, and instead of showing characters working out their traumas and insecurities, he just slaps a relationship on them, and lo and behold, all is better again somehow.
I am kind of disappointed that we never got to see Percy or any other members of the Seven do any solo missions(aside from Annabeth in MoA) . She almost had the very quintessential realization about she needs others and how her hubris will ruin everything if she doesn't keep it in check only for whatever she was doing in the later parts House of Hades and all of Chalice of the Gods to take away even that little bit of character development.
And cause solo missions working out perfectly well for Percy while most other demigods struggle a bit to make it work might finally make him realize that his plans don't suck and he is actually a really really good strategist and somehow an even better manipulator. (Though more on that and his observational skills later).
Or make characters like Frank and Leo whose unique abilities and perspectives on combat could have been shown off more, making them all become more self-reliant.
And even so we could finally get proper idea of limits of certain characters like Piper (cause charmspeak isn't going to get her everywhere) or Hazel (we so need more scenes of her surprising demigods and monsters with not only her unique jewel abilities and her magic.) Plus Nico's combat limits, Jason's stamina limits (no I am not considering that part of canon, you can't tell me it's true, I refuse to stand by it), Thalia's character development as well as her honing her powers and combat abilities more.
So yeah, we really should have gotten a few solo missions instead of so many short stories and all. And a bit more cross-over highlighting the power levels between the Norse, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian demigods/magicians/Valhalla residents/Valkyrie and so on.
To sum it up, tons of missed opportunities by Riordan and even more tragic and terrible progression of previously great characters who just needed a well-made character arc or even some favoritism. (I am looking at Grover and Rachel, who both could have done so so much if Rick had only realized the awesome potential they had).
I have said it many times that it's #percy jackson supremacy. So hell yes everyone would be dead without him, and he is arguably the best protagonist out of any other fantasy action book series. All hail Percy Jackson, the master of sass, and the most beloved but somehow still the most misinterpreted character in the fandom. Really liked this ask, would love more of these regarding Percy or any other characters.
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lo-toh-takes · 4 months
Lily: "Hunter is a boring white boy who takes the spotlight from the other poc characters!"
"Okay, that's...that's not really a sound argument, but whatever, if you dont like Hunter, why don't talk about the other poc characters in the show? Why don't you talk about Luz?"
Lily: "Luz has become an angsty teen, I mean, I get that she found out she accidentally helped a man who's literally planning to commit a g3nocide of witches and take over the human world, but seriously, why is she sooooo annoyingly depressed ? 🙄 The only appropriate response is to be angry and hungry for revenge, or work on the portal tirelessly and neglect her friends and family, only THEN it's appropriate for her to be upset and sad."
"That's....that's not- whatever, then why don't talk about Gus or Willow? You said they've been sidelined in the show a lot-"
Lily: "Gus has been sidelined a looot, he's such an interesting character, I love him he's such a cute kid, but I'm NOT making a video on him, or really talk about him much unless it's to mention how sidelined he is. And Willow should've been Luz's girlfriend instead of Amity. Willow and Luz had more groundwork for a relationship! *shows one pic of Luz and Willow holding hands*
"Wha- No, they didn't! And what's wrong with Amity being Luz's girlfriend?!"
Lily: "Oh, nothing, they're both so cute and lovely! This is the gay rep in cartoons that I've been waiting to see for years!....buuuuut, the only reason why Amity's popular and liked within the fandom is because she's white. She doesn't have a real personality. Her only trait as a character is just abusive parents and being Luz's girlfriend, that's it. And whenever people show art of Lumity, it's ONLY focusing on Amity, never Luz, and theyll think shes the main character instead of Luz, and when I found out about the show cause I saw a clip of Eda, and i thought she was the main character, only for it to turn out to be Luz. That was my experience finding out about the show, therefore EVERYONE will think Amity is the main character instead of Luz and will be surprised that Luz is the actual protagonist."
"....You do realize people like Amity and Hunter because of their personalities and struggles, right? Heck, some people find Amity's struggle with abusive parents relatable. Same thing with Hunter, a lot of fans, and me personally, love Hunter because of his arc of growing up indoctrinated and escaping the cult he was raised in -"
Lily: "No, no you don't."
"Do...do you not have no counter argument to what I'm saying? You do realize you can't just say "no you don't" to arguments with people?!"
Lily: "Yeah well, the only reason you like Hunter is because he's an angsty white-"
"I'm literally black."
Lily: "You're brainwashed"
Ya this pretty much sums up Lily's TOH takes in a nutshell.
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adyophene · 6 months
Hello ! I just have a little question, how do we start drawing ? I want go draw but idk how to start- any suggestion ? Or, if for starting it's better to do it with tutos, any tutorial to recommend ?
Have a great day !
Oooh, this is a tough question to answer! I suppose one the best pieces of advice I have is to figure out, before anything, what you are hoping to draw. What style, what tones, what media.
I have a feeling this might get long, so I will throw the rest under a readmore.
For me, when I started taking my art a little more seriously (I never went to art school or anything) I just focused on finding both tutorials on the fundamentals, and finding tutorials that focused on the aspects of art that interested me, which were animation and cartooning!
They go hand-in-hand, after all, and you'll find you end up honing in on the tutorials that coincide with your interests! IE- I ended up doing a lot of figure, and expression drawing because they would help me express emotion and movement better! I also spent so, so long just training my hand to be a bit more confident with drawing steady lines just because I loved the look of clean line-work!
So try to identify what your personal draw towards art is! By doing both something you like, as well as focusing the basics, I found that, at least in my personal experience, it put me in a positive feedback loop where I could keep seeing results in exactly the type of art I was interested in! And, once you start to feel confident, that is when you start adding in little bits of study from fields you might struggle with! A 90/10 split on what you're comfortable with and then what is new is usually a good way to go about it! Weirdly enough, though I don't watch him, I saw that the youtuber pewdiepie actually had a really good set of videos where he started from being a complete beginner and improving his art over 100 days. I believe its an absolutely great watch for a new artist, because he really does a great job in showing what a brand new journey into art can look like, and explains what he thinks each day. I think my favorite line was, 'after 24 days, I was finally having fun' because that can really sum up the new artist experience. It will absolutely be a slog at times, and can be really disheartening, but when you start to see progress, becomes so, SO fun.
Here is the link to the first vid, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMLEudGbxQk and his second https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJDtQTTAogk
ALSO- this was just the first video that came to mind because I watched it recently. I would recommend finding other videos about people learning to draw, or doing 30-100-365 day challenge videos. As for my personal favorite channels for art tutorials (though keep in mind, I haven't watched them in a few years ;-;, I need to study again);
There were a number of others that I wish I could link as well, but I am struggling to remember them. I hope any of that is helpful. My own art journey has been very long, and non linear, and I have to say, I'm not even satisfied with my own art! Its a endless mountain to climb, but it is so worth it to do! And lastly, I want to say thank you so much for sending this ask, you've made me dig back in to artists I used to study, and made me want to really focus back in on my own improvement!
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Second Base.
rating: 18+
pairing: max phillips x f!reader
word count: 3712
summary: you try out second base; hand stuff only, but it changes things between you two, as much as you don't want it to.
warnings/tags: cute little outfits designed to drive max nuts, hand jobs (m and f receiving), more blood, fangs, one emotionally unavailable vampire
a/n: this contains one of my favorite lines i've ever written!
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Second base.
Because you aren’t actual sadists or masochists, after the first bite, your sex life with Max went back to normal. Well, as normal as sex with an immortal creature of the night ever was in the first place. Okay – as normal as sex with an immortal creature of the night who is Max Phillips ever was in the first place. Which is to say, often, hard, and loud. It had been weeks since you’d seen that worried look of consternation, that sweet vulnerability he expressed, as if feeding on you might be the thing that kills you and not being railed against your couch for the better part of an entire day. Sometimes you wished he had much respect for your ability to walk upright as he did your jugular vein. 
On some level, you were aware that his recent overexuberance was in part due to that vulnerability. As if you might lift the curtain and find that the man behind it all might leave you wanting. Truly a frat boy at heart, Max struggled to express anything that couldn’t be summed up with the three “ings” – licking, sucking, and fucking, obviously – but now, he had been exposed as someone capable of those deeper feelings, as if he had been the one to split open a vein for you. And despite the heavenly glow you indulged in after the first bite, you really weren’t quite sure how you felt about it all. You hadn’t started dating Max with any illusions about who exactly he is. In fact, you might have started fucking him in the first place because it seemed wildly out of character that he or you would get attached at all – to anyone or anything. The dating thing just sort of happened, when you both came to the same conclusion at roughly the same time: no one else was really doing it for you, so why not? So what if you only directly referred to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend in the privacy of your own apartment, or his? So what if half of the office was entirely clueless about your relationship and the other half was actively placing “secret” bets about how long you two had been fucking? Annoyingly, Tim had been the one to be almost right: “six months ago, I’m telling you, man. That’s when he stopped eating secretaries and she got so much nicer.”
Technically, he stopped eating secretaries about a month into your relationship, and what Tim accidentally overheard was not him “eating” a “secretary”, but you weren’t about to correct him. But Max found it all hilarious: “he’s right, you’re so much nicer when that pussy has been taken care of. But I like it when you’re mean.” 
You actively choose not to think about what he meant by a “deep emotional connection” last time.
Fine, Phillips, I’ll show you how mean I can be.
“Nope, no, uh uh.” 
You put your hand just over the frilly blue lace on your hip. “I’m sorry, I don’t see the problem.” 
It had been about a month since first base and while Max had gotten notably more relaxed around you seeing him eat – he now occasionally walked around your apartment with his food in an opaque smoothie tumbler with a straw – he was still very strict about moving onto second base. 
Which, if left up to him, meant you’d be wearing a straight jacket and thick flannel pajamas. 
“Max, if we’re ever going to do this thing for real, you’re going to have to get used to seeing me naked. I’m not letting you fuck me and bite me while I’m in riot gear.”
“Okay, but, baby,” he whines and he can’t help himself from rubbing the satin bow above your crotch between his fingers. “You look like a birthday cake.” 
Is the baby blue lingerie with a strapless bra that catches around your biceps with white lace a bit overboard? Yes. But last time was ridiculous.
Max frowns, his visible pout morphing into something subtly dangerous as he realizes he can unpeel your bra with a string in the back. “Can’t I just fuck you normally in this and then we’ll try again later?”
You swat his hand away as it sneaks across your ribs. 
“You know, if I wasn’t already dead, I’d think you’re trying to kill me.” Smirking, he drops his hands down to your waist and, not so subtly, curves them around the mold of your ass. Distractedly, he slips one finger under the seam of your panties. You press your hands against his chest and blink up at him coyly. 
“Whatever gave you that impression.” 
He shakes his head, squeezing your ass once. “And I’m supposed to be the soulless demon with a heart of darkness.” 
“So you’ll do this?” 
With a sigh and his eyebrow jumping, he nods. “Yeah. Fine. Go get on the bed.”
Trying desperately not to squeal, you tear away from his arms and all but run and leap on top of the white towel. Max slips out of his shoes, and starts unbuttoning his shirt. You bite your lip, nerves humming in anticipation, as you sit up on your knees to watch him. To your enormous dismay, no matter how hard you worked, no matter how much spit or cum you used, you could not make him purr again. You’d had wet dreams on the idea alone of putting your head against his chest as he vibrated but he swore it was involuntary. “And,” he added as a way to soothe your ego, “I’m pretty sure it can only happen when I’m feeding.”
“Does it happen every time? Like with blood bags or back when you hunted people?”
“No,” was all he said about that.
Max slips his shirt off over his shoulders and goes to work unbuttoning his pants. When they slide off his hips, you frown. 
“The boxers with the hole in the waist? Ooh, baby, I’m so turned on when you make such an effort.” 
He rolls his eyes as he climbs in next to you. “Look, I didn’t think you’d be seeing my underwear and I need to do laundry.”
“You didn’t think I’d see your underwear in a situation where we’re going to specifically jerk each other off?”
Attempting some version of contrite, Max’s gaze falls from your face to your throat, to your clavicle, to your tits, pillowed up for him beneath the blue lace. He leans in as if pulled by magnets. 
“I’m sorry if I thought we’d both be a little more preoccupied.” 
His broad palm smooths across your thigh, around your hips, to just above your tailbone, his nose drawing indistinct lines from your shoulder to your ear. You sort of hate how quickly he can make you not irritated with him. You shift to take him into the cradle of your thighs, when he winds your panties up in his fingers and tugs. The gossamer material tightens just over the seam of your pussy, teasing your clit, you choke. That heated, teasing Max Phillips smirk spreads like hot butter across his lips. 
“What are the rules again?”
“Max,” you whine as you drag your nails over his chest and up his shoulders. But he hesitates, his hand knotting your underwear in his fist. One move and it’ll rub against you again.
“I’ll stop,” he murmurs in a half-sing-song voice. You huff.
“Silver. Bad touch, on your skin. Lightheaded or dizzy, I use the safeword. And,” you sigh. He’s so painfully handsome sometimes it hurts. He’d set out candles again, as if he needed any help in his seduction of you and he just sort of glows. You don’t know if it’s your anticipation or some vampire illusion, but every line on him is blurred. Soft, as if he doesn’t have your pleasure literally in his hands. There it comes again, that small bit of light in his eyes, the emergence of the early morning sun over the horizon. The way he looks at you makes your chest heavy. “And . . . only hand stuff,” you grumble. 
He chuckles, pouting at you in faux-sympathy as he reaches out, other hand wrapping around the back of your neck. “Only hand stuff, she’s so sad about it,” he whimpers into your cheek with a high, mocking voice. 
Your fingers dig into the skin on his chest, daring to hold him away as he goes for your mouth. “I swear to god, Max –,”
In one single fluid motion, he pushes on your tailbone, and swings your hips forward as he tackles your mouth with his own, effectively yanking you under him. You huff in surprise, before pulling away to find menace and glee in his eyes. Grins again as he nips with flat teeth on the curve of your neck. 
He plants wet, hot kisses across your chest, heat blooms against your ribs and tunnels down between your legs, as he tongues the softer places along the hollow of your throat, then up the other side of your throat, teasing your earlobe. 
“I’m sorry,” he breathes, “that was mean. What can I do to make it up to you?” 
Pressing your chest up against his, knowing he can feel the squish of your tits, you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him towards you. His hard cock rubs up against your seam and he lets loose with a muffled groan into your mouth. You roll your hips once with him between you and he turns his head to your jaw, as you both pant at the sensation. 
“You know exactly what I want.” 
His teeth graze you gently. This is an exercise in restraint for you as much as it is him. Given any other night, you’d have his pants off by now, on his back, or behind you, but you refrain. You can’t squeeze him like you want to and that only frustrates you more, makes you heated and ruffled, makes you want more of his skin on you, around you, as if he could smother you. You want to merge your bodies. Your knees dig into his ribs.
He whispers something, too low and fast for you to catch it, but it ends broken and uneasy as if you’re touching something delicate within him. Bending back with one hand, Max reaches between your legs and cups you, one finger barely pressing the wet material back inside you. 
“Was this waiting for me under all those layers?” You nod as he pushes deeper, your mouth dropping open. He kisses your chin, before tucking his head under your jaw again. “No wonder you were burning up.” 
He inhales as if his face was pressed right up against your cunt, two fingers rubbing up and down over that sodden material. It scraps against your clit and it burns. “I could eat you. Just like this.”
“Max, c’mon–,”
“I know, baby, I know.” 
Smearing that pink little bow with the smell of you, he dips his hand under the line of your underwear, past your damp curls, and soothes your overheated sex by filling it with two thick fingers. You arch, brow furrowing, mouth open, fingers clamping down around his shoulders, arousal crawling up your spine, higher and higher the deeper he goes. Max likes the build up, the tease, it’s why his thumb only hovers above your clit, the heat doing half the work for him, as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, the wet squelching almost embarrassing. Behind his hand, his hips swing in time. He groans, deep, into your ear, breathless. 
“Could come like this, baby, could come right like this.” 
The bend of his cock bumps the back of his hand as he thrusts against nothing. You hitch your pelvis up, opening wider, pussy easier within reach, and you forgo any teasing for him, hand sliding right past his boxers, molding your grip around him. He’s hot and leaking all over your fingers. 
“‘Ngh . . . shit, baby.” The arm holding him up shakes. You want to lick the salty precum but there has to be a rule about that, right? If you aren’t so desperate for that final fuck, you would have been a bit more careless. His fingers inside you press up into the places only he knows can send you into oblivion, as if grateful for tearing him apart. His wrist flicks quicker, faster into you, fingers plunging deeper, up to the knuckles, bouncing you as if you were on his cock. You match his speed with your own hand and Max hums, a dark sound verging on distressed. 
You bite your bottom lip, eyes drooping, the rocking motion scraping against your pleasure again and again, like a match scratching against the box one stroke at a time. “Maaax –,” He adds a third finger and you keen, high-pitched and desperate, the width stretching you out for a cock he won’t let you have. You grind against his fingers, the bounce knocking loose every sane thought in your head. 
Opening your eyes, you realize he’s been staring at your tits this whole time. His chest warm and glowing with sweat, his eyes track every bounce and jiggle, the cups of your bra putting them more on display than if you held them up yourself. 
“Where do you want it, darling?” His voice is strained, softer than it should be with your cunt sucking up his fingers. 
Max Phillips doesn’t do cutesy nicknames. Not during sex, not ever. Your his slut. His monsterfucker. Not – 
Your already unspooling mind struggles to grasp at darling before it slips away. 
His cock is throbbing against the palm of your hand. If you could see it, it would be flushed red, the vein at the base protruding. You pump him faster and his hips stutter. He’s so close and so are you. 
But he’s not talking about that. 
“On my tit, Max. Bite me on my tit.” 
With a groan that is all growl, all tension and feral hunger, his arm collapses and he sinks his weight against you. He manages to get his hand out, but yours is still trapped there, pinned between your tender cunt and his painfully hard cock. You writhe. “Max–,” 
His kiss against your lips is a starving sort of one, one that steals the breath from your lungs, wiping any lingering ache temporarily from your body. He licks the inside of your mouth, swallowing the moan that races from your throat into his. It’s all need, desire, a blistering familiarity that you didn’t realize existed between you two. He’s trying to say something with this kiss. 
He doesn’t give you long to read into it, as he pulls back, sinking more into his knees as he mouths the skin under your neck, above your clavicle bone, and in between the valley of your tits. His weight shifts off you, enough to pull your hand out. You arch, pushing your chest deeper into his mouth, using the back of his neck to pull you higher, he groans and licks, and you yank the tie of your bra behind your back. 
“Max, you can –,”
His hand claws at your cups, mouth consuming yours again, the ropes almost stinging your back as they are ripped so fast across your heated skin. Before you lie flat, his hand cups under you, fingers pressing into where the threads burned and forcing you to maintain that bend in your spine. 
The moment is coming. You can feel it. It’s different from a rising orgasm, or the first time he ever sucked your nipple into his mouth. Your lizard brain is sending off warning flares, but you ignore it once again. Those flares arc and bend, your arousal now fire hot. 
His tongue pressed flat, Max draws a long stripe of spit from under your breast, over the weight of it, and up your nipple, where he swirls it between his teeth. Whether Max Phillips was an ass or tits man depended on the day of the week, or whatever was blowing in the air, but he laved attention onto yours like they were the first pair he’d ever seen in his life. The skin on your other breast shines from where his fingers mold around it, smearing your wet juices all over your pebbled skin. He switches over and laps up that smell off you. 
He’s wavering, caught between drawing it out and doing it so instantaneously he might black out and miss the whole thing. Your heart racing, skin almost too sensitive, you feel like you might shudder apart.
“Max, please –,”
He chooses the second approach. 
Without warning, his fangs spring out and he latches onto the skin near the valley of your chest on your right breast. 
You yelp in surprise, pain and pleasure zigzagging like rough scissors from his bite out through the rest of your body.
Okay, that hurts. 
You gasp, bucking, yanking on his hair. “Baby, baby, gentler, be gentle–,”
He swallows and the ache lessens. Hot blood pools out of the spot where his fangs punctured you. It runs warm then cold, teasing like a feather, as it rolls down your stomach. It’s not a lot, but it's more than last time. It stains his chest too.
Slowly, that same sort of miraculous fog sinks down into your bones. The grip on his hair eases, softens, and soon you are petting him against you.
You swear you feel his fangs scrape your heart. 
“That’s good, Max, that’s so good.” Your eyes roll lazily in your head and you nuzzle his hair. “God, how does this feel so good?” 
As though determined to remind you he is more than just fangs, his hand pulls away from the mattress and slides back between your legs. You feel only one finger brush against your folds through your underwear – you’re almost disappointed, go back to using three, Max –
His finger plunges deep, deep inside of you, and you gasp, feet scrambling against the towel, as a swell of pleasure almost smothers you in an overwhelming wave. You nearly choke from the force of it. You were so overly sensitive but the gooey haze didn’t let you realize it until it was too late. You come hard, harder than you thought possible, seeing eons of galaxies and stars behind your eyes, with just one of his fingers inside you and his thumb distractedly circling your clit. 
He feels you gush around his hand, wetting his wrist, and with a moan you can feel in your ribs, he spills in his boxers, the spend running down his thigh and smearing on yours. 
Your entire body goes slack, as if someone had made all your bones disappear. His hips jerk slightly as if his orgasm is still trying to wring him dry before he stills and plucks his head from your chest, unplugging his fangs from the holes he made.
Blood immediately bubbles up from the wound and without his fangs there, it spills freely and violently over your tits, your ribs. The whiplash between your orgasmic high and a full-body weakness sends hot nausea swooping into your stomach and the room spins.
“M-m-ax,” you murmur, barely opening your mouth, your voice weak and thick as if stuffed with cotton balls. 
“Fuck, sorry –,” you can’t quite see him clearly as he moves and suddenly there’s a warmth over your chest, comforting and heavy. The blood trickles to a stop and you breathe deeply. The darkness of the room stabilizes as you fully open your eyes. The room spins but this time pleasantly. 
“Hmm, whoo, wow, ah, okay . . .”
You don’t realize he’s gotten off the bed until the mattress sags again and he’s cleaning you up with cold cotton balls. 
“So, I’m going to take that mindless babbling as a good thing.” He smiles gently, but he’s holding something back. He keeps his head low like he doesn’t want you to see his face.  
You wiggle your shoulders, as he delicately wipes you down. “What, you don’t wanna clean me up with your tongue? And why do you even use disinfectant – there’s no open wound.” You poke him in the shoulder with your toe. “And you didn’t even purr that time! I demand a refund!”
“Next time, okay?” 
You frown. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. Just let me–,” 
You sit up, the dried blood pinching your skin, and he pulls away. “Max, what is it?” 
He pulls away so much, he’s on his feet by the dresser before you can touch him, the back of his arm tearing at his mouth to wipe it clean. Max is a lot of things but cold when you need aftercare is not one of them. 
“It’s nothing.” The line of his shoulders is taught, tense. But he cracks his neck and takes the Gatorade from the dresser. He finally sits back down on the bed in front of you, offering the bottle to you. You take it, unease mounting, your fingers brush his, but this time he doesn’t retreat. Instead, gently, his fingertips ghost over your wrist, down the fine hairs on your arm, drop from your elbow and settle delicately on the blue material covering the crease of your hip. Where your blood had pooled, wet, and stained the blue to a deep magenta. 
“I ruined your pretty underwear,” he says softly, forlorn. 
You move closer to him, your knee touching his hip, but you refrain from seeking out the warmth of his hands. 
“Max, I can get new ones, I don’t care about that. Please, talk to me. Did I do something wrong? Did I push you too far?”
His fingers flex around the towel, now also appropriately ruined. He shakes his head, more firmly this time. He snags his shirt off the floor, over his head, then moves towards the bedroom door.
“I don’t wanna talk about it. I’m sticky. I’m gonna take a shower. You wanna come?”
The invitation, it’s something, an encouragement you genuinely feared he might not give. Maybe it’s not you he wants to part from. 
You didn’t enter into this for the emotional connection and neither did he. You have to remember that.
“Y-yeah. Of course.”
He invited you. He still wants you around. 
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The Pacino Variant
Since I found out that JAW got inspiration from Al Pacino to play some of Carmy's layers I immediately started thinking about Frankie and Johnny's dynamic and how it was all so messy in their relationship before it got to the good part. Granted, JAW was not inspired by Johnny, but by a different role Al Pacino played, but still. It got me thinking about how this very Austenian love story, of course, very realistic and bittersweet had certain points in common with Sydcarmy and once I started I just couldn't stop drawing parallels between the sydcarmy dynamic and the frankjohnny one because F&J was a very atypical comedy, just like The Bear and that's why many viewers now don't even understand how The Bear is a comedy, which it is, of course: A noir one. Back then, something similar kinda happened with Frankie & Johnny, it flopped as a rom-com but it became a cult movie and was critically acclaimed.
Here's a clip:
Context: they met while working together at a diner.
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The main characters were described as: "lonely little people struggling to find love."
Rolling Stone's review back then read the following:
"Somehow Mr. Marshall, Mr. McNally, and their superb leading actors are able to retain the intimacy of their material. They also retain the story's fundamental wariness about romance, even when everything about Ms. Pfeiffer and Mr. Pacino has the audience wondering why they don't simply fall into each other's arms."
See? Sounds very Sydcarmy to me, building intimacy while NOT dating, Frankie (Michelle Pfeiffer) is all business-no love, a tough cookie, she's been burnt before so she doesn't let any new guy into her life
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and Johnny has to do the hard work to convince her (which Carm is not doing bc he rather denies his own feelings and deflects onto Claire as both this amazing meta by @Chefkids and my own humble opinion point out). In Johnny's case, there's no Claire but there is a rather complicated past that also conditions his choices and Frankie doesn't make it any easier on him, etc.
So my point is that the whole Sydcarmy back and forth before it actually happens, which I already mentioned here I think is gonna be more of a cliffhanger kinda thing bc before we get to that part they need to be at each other's throats, Carmy's relationship with C has to crash and burn, The Bear needs to win a bunch of awards and hopefully get out of debt, which will be S3's main focus, along with Nat's baby that's gonna be a total game changer in terms of the Berzatto family's dynamic, etc... when all of those boxes are checked ✅✅✅ then we will venture into Sydcarmy territory on Storer's terms. And I can't help but wonder if that transition from friends to lovers is gonna be kinda like F&J's, I think it might, because it sounds Storer-friendly. I'm not talking about the endgame per se, just the transition.
Would love to know what you all think about this theory.
If you haven't seen the movie and now feel curious about it, here's a playlist, and those short clips pretty much sum it all up.
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minimorgana · 1 year
Rambling about Ace Hardy:
To me, Ace saying "I believe in being true to yourself, even at the risk of being misunderstood" is one of his most character defining lines in the series. It's cool to think about this quote after finishing the series and knowing everything we do about Ace.
Even though at the point of him saying this we haven't seen the full extent of the conflict with his dad, in retrospect, we can understand that Ace is likely thinking about his dad in some sense when saying this. Yes, he is saying this to Laura and in response about leaving Horseshoe Bay, but it extends to so many aspects of his life and character.
Ace is well aware that his dad doesn't understand or respect where he currently is in life, but he doesn't try to change himself to make his dad understand him. No matter how much he wants his dad's approval, he doesn't compromise who he is. He knows that will only lead to him living a life that isn't really his. What his dad sees as laziness is Ace having not found his purpose and not wanting to force himself into a box before knowing if he will fit.
Ace values being true to himself, and he values this trait in the people he surrounds himself with. This is at the heart of the conflict between him and Nancy in season 2, and I think it might give some perspective to why he struggled to find a solid group of friends before the Drew Crew.
We all know that high school is a difficult time for self-identity and finding yourself, and this has been affirmed through Nancy's character and her high school friends. So I think Ace struggled to make meaningful friendships with people who weren't necessarily being true to themselves (speaking from experience, this is something I struggled with in high school, and it was aggravated by questioning my own sense of self and hiding parts of my identity).
But for the most part, once the layers of secrecy at the beginning of season 1 are removed, I think Ace realizes that this group of people try their hardest to be true to themselves, despite some slip ups.
Nancy could easily leave the mystery solving to the police and stay out of trouble, but she values truth and justice, and she knows it is her responsibility to find those things. Bess values family, whether it is biological or found, and she strives to do right by the people she loves, even if it costs her. George has been known as the town screw up but for the most part, she ignores the labels others put on her and works hard to build a life for herself and her sisters. She knows she is more than their labels for her. Nick is driven by his desire to help and protect people. We see him stay true to himself most clearly when he tells his mom he's staying in Horseshoe Bay, that he has a purpose in this town and he's been planted there for a reason.
That was a long winded way of saying that Ace has finally found people who try their hardest to push away the opinions of other people and stay true to themselves.
For a moment, I was thinking about this quote in line with him telling Nancy he isn't lacking anymore after getting his apartment and starting to work at the morgue. Because if this is the code he lives by, then why would he do these things just for someone else's approval? But then I realized that he isn't. He's had an interest in medical and forensic examination since season 1 when helping examine Lucy's bones. And I think he's been ready to move out of his parents house for a while. He just needed a push to do those things and his insecurities tell him that he has to prove to Nancy that he is good enough for her. But the things he chose to do are still true to who he is.
So yeah, I really just love this quote and think it sums up who Ace is and we can see it reflected in everything he does throughout the series, even up to the very end.
P.S. Another good example of him living by this code is when he visits Mr. D and tries to understand why he made the choice he did. Part of him knows that if Nancy ever found out, she wouldn't be happy about him befriending her dad while she is very mad at him. But he does it anyways, even at the risk of being misunderstood. Because to him, he's doing what is right.
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firsttarotreader · 30 days
Thank you. ☺️ But I think he needs validation so badly that if someone gives him that attention and validation he craves, he won’t care much about them being questionable or not.
Hello! I’m new to this blog but I found your response to this anon ask very interesting. I too can perceive his need for validation and attention, as well as the fact he seems to dislike being alone and always needs someone nearby. Maybe this was asked/answered before, but why do you think he craves so much attention and validation to the point of not caring about having questionable people around! Is it abandonment issues? Is there a way to ask cards for this (im a newb with tarot, dont know how it works 🙈)
Hiya! I asked the cards about why he might possibly need validation so badly. The first pull was the 9 of Swords reversed, 6 of Swords and 4 of Coins.
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9 of Swords reversed means he could feel intense anxiety, a lot of insecurity and worries to the point where it might be difficult to sleep or cause nightmares. Feeling like having some type of attention and validation from people may be a way to reduce some of his anxiety. 6 of Swords points to him needing this support to go through troubled waters and finally be able to relax for a bit, leave all that struggle and stress behind. 4 of Coins shows him clinging to what he has achieved, what he’s got, holding it tightly, close to his chest. He is so scared of losing what he has, what he worked so hard to get, to the point of being a bit selfish.
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The second pull was the 4 of Wands reversed, 8 of Swords reversed and 4 of Swords. 4 of Wands reversed means he might feel unstable, lacking any roots or support, sometimes even feeling unwelcome and conflicted. 8 of Swords reversed could be pointing to him feeling so restricted and paralyzed, with his hands tied, trapped in his own feelings of insecurity, BUT having the attention and validation might help him get rid of these chains for a bit, untie his hands and make him not feel so hopeless. The 4 of Swords shows him feeling so overwhelmed and tired, physically and emotionally, that he needs to rest and relax, take some time to retreat, for self-protection and recuperation. Having that support with the validation could help him stop and get that rest.
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The card to sum it up was the 7 of Swords reversed. Well, he might feel like a fraud, like an imposter in an imposter syndrome, like he doesn’t deserve what he is getting, he is just “sneaking away with it.
I would say, from these cards, it all comes down to his intense anxiety, fear of loss and imposter syndrome.
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Happy 3 year Call Me-Versary to me 🍑
Prequel to the journal fics, so can be read as a stand-alone.
Heaven, he’s found, exists within in a precocious brat with a penchant for classical music and obscure French novels, and Oliver can’t help smiling as he props his chin in his palm, the tips of two fingers tracing reverently over the rose-bud pout of Elio’s lower lip. 
A lip his malakh then bites; a too-knowing trait that drives Oliver half-wild with wanting each time he does it.
Breathless, he continues his explorations to the freckled constellation behind his left ear. Sweeps the pad of his thumb along the smooth curve of Elio’s jaw. It’s a familiar journey that somehow still feels like a discovery, and Oliver commits the details of Elio’s face to memory as he drops a kiss to his bobbing Adam’s apple, earning a heart-felt moan when wandering digits slide southwards to the waistband of his bathing suit.
Oliver’s bathing suit, technically, and the possessive thrill of seeing Elio in his clothes has yet to fade.
The cords at his naval are tied loosely, and recent experience shows that one sharp tug will bring them to Elio’s knees, exposing his secrets and eager manhood alike. That’s not what Oliver craves right now, though - flanked by gnarled olive trees and stunted pines - and the lean grooves of Elio’s stomach tense as he picks at the knot slowly. 
Already, his erection strains beneath the yellow cotton, and Oliver knows he’s just aching to be free of the netted material. But patience is a virtue, or so they say, and still he takes his time. Stretching out Elio’s desire and need. Feeding it. Rewarding him with a second kiss to his nipple when slender fingers wrap around his wrist, flexing repeatedly in silent entreaty.
“Look at you,” Oliver murmurs, angling up to sample that tortuous bottom lip for himself.
The way it plumps and swells in his mouth holds him in thrall, and Oliver nibbles playfully as he squeezes the jut of Elio’s hip once, twice, three times deliberately. His cheeks ache from an unstoppable grin. Blood thrums at his temple. Happiness spreads through every corner of his being, and it’s only when Elio’s breathing picks up that he finally, finally, eases the bunched material from his pearling crown.
“What about me?” Elio asks belatedly - squirming to kick the borrowed trunks from his ankles - and Oliver allows it, struggling to focus with so much beauty laid sprawled in a canvas of aster and cornflowers.
He’s hard himself - uncomfortably so - but his focus is otherwise engaged as it flicks from Elio’s wiry forearms to his heaving chest. His tapered waist to the dark curls at his groin. Monet himself could paint no better masterpiece, and put together the sum of his parts leaves Oliver desperate for more. 
“Sometimes,” he murmurs, removing a leaf that’s gotten snagged in Elio’s hair. “...I can’t help thinking I wasn’t real until I met you.”
Elio hums. Soft and playful. “That’s funny,” he says, draping his arms around his neck. “Sometimes I think I dreamed you into life.”
There’s a quiet moment of understanding. Gentle as the ocean waves lapping the cliff’s edge below. They might be a secret to the rest of the world, but the pair of them know what they mean to one another, and Oliver’s eyes burn with unsatisfied tears as he slips a still-clothed thigh between Elio’s, pinning him down as the steady push-pull of stimulation drives them ever higher. 
Elio goes immediately pliant - content like always to be naked before him - and Oliver pins his wrists above his head, wondering if love always feels so overwhelming. So electric. So gut-wrenchingly painful. There will never be enough time to slake his longing, and loath as he is to admit it, Oliver’s already preparing for the day he can’t quite recall the sound of Elio’s pleasure. 
The specific point on his side that makes him giggle and squirm. 
The sense of utter completion he’s discovered nowhere save the sanctuary of his arms.
He knows who he’s supposed to be. Who he needs to be. And despite his deepest wishes Elio Perlman will soon be lost to the relentless march of time. The burden of family responsibility is Oliver’s only option, and in following the path of least resistance he must consign his first love - his forever love - to some tchotchke-ridden corner of his consciousness.  
A sun-bleached chapter of freedom and candour, when if he were just a little braver, it could be an entire book.
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owlsandwich · 5 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks so much @verba-writing for tagging me in this!
I wasn't sure which of my 2 WIPs I should answer for, so I'm just going to do them both :P
I'll tag @pb-dot @teacupsandstarlight @eccaiia @stits @ahungeringknife @mundanemoongirl and leave an open tag (please jump in! This one is a lot of fun and I want to read about other's WIPs!)
The Mechanics of Magic:
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
A handwritten draft of what eventuall became chapter 3, written back in 2010
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'm not sure about a theme song, but I wrote most of Mechanics while listening to Portugal The Man, so something by them!
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
Oliver is my favourite character - I love how stressed he is, under the weight of his responsibilies, and I put a lot of myself into him. The character I love the most though might well be Morgan. He really sums up that question of what if a good person did something terrible? What is enough to earn redemption? I don't know if there is a clear answer on whether he deserves happiness, but I believe that he does, and because of that, maybe I can believe it for myself as well.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
I'm not actually sure! My stories aren't particuarly marketable.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Defining the genre. I have been told that it's not possible to create a new genre, but Mechanics doesn't appear to fit into any existing fantasy sub-genre.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
I wish there were more! Roy has a betta fish named Mr Shinysides (named after my friend's fish).
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
The word is very similar to the UK in the 00s, tech-wise, so usually cars and trains, though I think they might have air travel as well.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
Going through all the changes the editor made and signing off each chapter for the final edition.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
Tropes... maybe found family? I love how they all come together, despite being from very different walks of life. I have canonly autistic characters as well, though even the ones that I didn't intend to be autistic, probably are (it's hard to make characters that don't share some of my fundamental way of thinking).
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
I hope it can find the people who need it, and that they might love these characters as much as I do.
Burning The Darkness:
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
I imagined chapter 1 a month or so before I wrote it down, and played with the scene over and over in my mind. I have a diary note somewhere musing on whether I should actually write it.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Surely it would have to be Darkness At The Heart Of My Love - The Ghost song that inspired it!
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
I love Julian. His character allowed me to explore so many of my own feelings about being raised in someone's image, purged of kindness and softness, and the conditional love that comes with being a golden child (though I'd say he got more of that than I did). I smile when people say they dislike him.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Again, I am not sure! People who like queer paranormal romance, but with layers of metaphor? This really is a story about discovering you are queer, even though it's about vampires.
Maybe Buffy fans!
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Overcoming the shame of having written a romance. It being paranormal with a bit of smut in it, makes me feel like people will think less of me and that no one will take the deeper themes seriously.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There is a blackbird singing in one scene, but again I need to add more animals into my work!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Vampires are fast walkers, so they mostly just run around the place. Darkness is set in basically Eastbourne or Brighton though, so they have all the usual transport methods.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
Wondering what I should do with it really! I need to edit out the smutty scene in chapter 2, if I ever want to self publish it.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
There's a lovely bit of enemies to lovers in there I think. Also Oren's arc is basically a direct metaphor for me realising I was trans and starting testosterone, so I'd love if other trans guys read it and related.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
Kinda what I said before - I hope it can find its way to people who will love it. Particuarly I'd love to find a queer audience who might relate to the themes.
One day I would love to be traditionally published, but so far I haven't written anything that has stood a chance, so that's a dream for a future WIP!
Blank Questions:
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
What part of your wip are you working on rn?
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
What are your hopes for your wip?
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lewisshipsthings · 2 years
Top Ten (Or So): Bakugou Fanfics
I’m a multipshipper–especially, for some reason, when it comes to Bakugou from My Hero Academia. I just love to see him put in such an awkward and completely-out-of-his-comfort-zone situation like Romance.
So without further ado, here are fanfiction recommendations arranged by Bakugou couple:
(Edit: I added a reading break, because this was a very long post to scroll through on my mobile.)
Bakugou/Iida: Breakneck Speed by chiropterology. This is the fic that made me make this list. Because I never, ever would have considered BakuIida as a ship if I hadn’t read this fic. I thought it would be cool to help others discover the delight of a previously unconsidered ship, and decided to make this list. The story is unfinished, and looks like it never will be finished (the author hasn’t been active at all in more than two years), but for me it was worth it for how hilarious and awesome it was.
Bakugou/Momo: My favourite fic with these two isn’t romantic at all, but still has great interactions between the two of them. I’m not gonna write the whole fic name because it’s extremely long, but it’s You know that thing where an orchestra swaps instruments…? by Sif.
There’s not that many great fics that are romantic out there for this pairing, and the one I like best I actually put in the Poly section below (“Love like a common cold”). But Leaf Water by smol_bird is a sweet little one-shot for these two, and I liked it quite a lot.
Bakugou/Ochako: I used to be into this ship a lot, but not so much anymore. It makes it difficult to recommend fics properly, because I don’t reread them anymore. That said, there is one Kacchako fic I still read whenever it updates, and that’s Seeing Double by knifekirby. This is one of the best (*the* best?) fantasy AU I’ve read (but mixed with the original MHA world! And yes, at one point you get two Bakugous at once). The world building is fantastic, barbarian Bakugou is epic, and the dragons are so awesome. It’s unfinished, but updates keep coming after long breaks, so there’s lots of hope.
A runner up could be A Different Perspective by House_of_Pixels. I quite like mind-sharing and soul-bond type fics, and this is a really cool one of that genre.
Bakugou/Deku: I have the opposite problem as with Ochako here. I’m a big bakudeku shipper, and I’ve read so many and have so many favourites depending on my mood that it’s hard to pick only a couple to recommend. But still, if I had to pick one, I think I’d go with (may the bridges i have burned) light my way back home by Chrome. It’s slow burn (my favourite), and the romance is subtle and difficult. Quite beautiful, in my opinion. It’s unfinished, and I had thought it was going to remain so forever, but it recently updated after a long, long break this year, so there’s hope!
For a one-shot (and thus finished) fic, try Do Not Disturb by surveycorpsjean. I’m a manga reader, and there have been so many developments between Bakugou and Midoriya recently, but the fics haven’t caught up. This story takes place after Ch. 322, and Katsuki is SO in character–caring for Izuku in the way he does in recent manga chapters, while still retaining all his amazing strength and gruffness.
And finally, a runner up: for a long and finished fic that I don’t think is getting nearly enough love, try zero-sum game by roadtripwithlucifer. It’s dark and angsty and adult and there’s lots of sex (one of the tags is “Sex as a Coping Mechanism”), but it’s fantastically written, and man do you get all the feels with this one.
Bakugou/Todoroki: I tend not to seek out todobaku, but will enjoy it if it’s in the bookmarks or works of an author I really like. So I’m not aware of the full breadth of options for this pairing, but there are a few I’ve found that I really enjoy. cruel to be kind by shaekspeares would be the first one I’d recommend. It’s a very long, slow-burn one-shot, and the first section is devoted to Bakugou struggling with PTSD (something I personally really like reading fics about) and has almost no Todoroki at all (an indication of its slow-burn, and a point in its favour for me).
Another would be and even the cake is in tiers by supercrunch, which I also mention in the poly section below. It has multiple endings, one of which is todobaku, and it’s one of the funniest fics on this list.
And finally, as a runner up, I have to recommend A Real Fucking Problem by Ellessey. It has, um… a LOT of masturbation, lol. I read fanfiction more for the romance than the sex (not through lack of horniness, but lack of interest in written word to deal with horniness). But this fic has such good characterization for Bakugou, and is so, so funny, that I don’t even mind the mammoth amounts of sexual content.
Bakugou/Froppy: All the Same Broken Parts by Seeress. There’s not many fics for this ship–it’s quite a rarepair. But I happened on this one, and I'm very glad. It’s so sad (though happy in the end), but I found it quite lovely and excellently written.
Bakugou/Camie: The Freaky Friday sitch! by orphan_account. Like with Momo, my favourite fic with these two isn’t romantic, but it’s hilarious, and these two are a fantastic duo. Bodyswapped Camie in Bakugou’s body is just *chef’s kiss*.
For a runner up that is romantic, you could try our friendship goes beyond your average kind of bond (but not because we’re gay) by wonhaebunny. I could actually see it happening something like this in canon, plus there’s a lovely bit of Bakugou & Kirishima friendship on the side.
Bakugou/Kaminari: My favourite BakuKami is actually in a bakudeku fic, Permanent Ink by Maxime. Fortunately, the little bit of BakuKami in that fic was so delightful, that they wrote another pure BakuKami fic, Tango for Two, Electric Boogaloo.
Bakugou/Shinsou: letting it linger by Ramabear. Nosy classmates, early-morning Shinsou staring, demi-sexual Bakugou (my favourite kind of Bakugou). It’s super cute and I really enjoyed it.
Polyamorous: Love like a common cold by supercrunch. My two favourite Bakugou ships, BakuDeku and BakuMomo, with a side splash of Todoroki. It’s a fantastic and very funny bodyswapping fic that you should definitely try out. The same author also wrote and even the cake is in tiers, which has an ending with todobakudeku, and is hilarious.
Gen: I’m always on the lookout for good Gen Bakugou fics, but I find it surprisingly hard to find ones I like. Here’s a couple I really loved:
A Little Demonstration by AnonymousTwit. Bakugou’s epic fights are one of my favourite parts of his character, and this gets at that glorious feeling exactly. It’s like the Joint Training Arc, but *more epic*.
Social Media: 101 by WindsChild8178. If you’re ok with Mistuki being abusive and a whole lot of angst and PTSD for Bakugou, then you really should try this fic. WindsChild is a fantastic writer, and this is one of the few fics that I remember vividly no matter how far between updates. It’s unfinished, but WindsChild puts a lot of work into each chapter, so it tends to be a long time between updates. I still have lots of hope it will be finished.
Note on Bakugou/Jirou: I love this ship, it’s probably in my top 3 Bakugou ships, but I haven’t yet found any fics that really, really stand out–enough to put them on this list, at least. Feel free to recommend one!
Note on Bakugou/Kirishima: My shipping is a mystery even to me, and it always has been. Why do I not like KiriBaku when I like almost every other Bakugou ship under the sun? I have no frickin clue. I have no rational reasons against it–it’s cute and sweet and there’s more canon moments with them than almost anyone else besides Deku. I do not blame anyone for liking this couple, I just happen not to myself, so I have no recs. If you really like kiribaku, feel free to reply with some recs of your own. :)
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neatfrog · 4 months
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my oc Boldizsár for @alexfeelyx, since you said you wanted to see him lol
(ignore the shitty minigun I didn’t feel like adding a bunch of detail for a sketch)
character info below the cut for anyone else interested
Boldizsár is a character I created roughly 8-9 years ago when Fallout 4 came out. He has a twin sister named Petra, and in my Fallout canon they are members of the Gunners. (*realized I forgot to add his blood type tattoo here, but he’s B+ and Petra is A-. I have no clue if twins can have different blood types like that so correct me if I’m mistaken, I genuinely tried to google but couldn’t get a solid answer)
He likes big guns and explosions, and sometimes talks himself up, but spending more than 2 minutes with him will reveal he’s an absolute cinnamon roll. Less prickly and more compassionate than his sister, he has a particular soft spot for animals and children.
They both joined the Gunners at the age of 15 - Boldizsár because they “looked badass”, and Petra followed only because she couldn’t convince her brother not to go.
(at the time of Fallout 4’s events, they’re both 19, but now that I’m almost a decade older than I was when I made these characters I might bump it up some more)
He and his sister are both of Hungarian descent, and their last name is Zsoldos (which I chose purposely because it means ‘mercenary’ and I thought it was funny as fuck. still think it’s funny tbh)
brave (sometimes too much for his own good)
outraged by injustice or mistreatment of innocent people
sometimes serious situations make him uncomfortable so he often compensates with humor to try to lighten the mood
struggles with guilt over past actions that harmed people
when young, he always listened to whatever Petra told him, and obeyed whenever she instructed him not to do something, but as they got older he became frustrated with her controlling behavior and started to make more of his own choices (which causes a good deal of the conflict in their relationship)
likewise, he has trouble telling her how he truly feels sometimes because he doesn’t want to hurt her (and also doesn’t want to deal with her being angry)
he has trauma from childhood events, but doesn’t realize it (and is somewhat ignorant of how bad it actually was, since Petra shielded him from most of it)
can be stubborn when he feels really strongly about something
very curious about the world and wants to explore (their upbringing was very closed-off and sheltered, they were basically raised in a cult)
is good at logic games and puzzles, and can strategize well
throughout time spent in the Gunners he became familiar with the inner workings/mechanics of explosives and large weapons (idk if it’s possible to dismantle a minigun and put it back together, but if so he could definitely do that)
the thing that would make him happiest is having a family of his own
he’s an aquarius (I gave him and Petra my mom’s birthday so it would be easy to remember lol)
can be pretty oblivious to certain things when they aren’t said/shown explicitly (yes he’s autistic why do you ask)
he’s naive about certain things in the world due to his sheltered upbringing, but is open-minded about new information and experiences
does his best to see the good in people even when they’ve done bad things (but also doesn’t tolerate purposely cruel people)
he wears that Coat all the time (he found it on a skeleton)
(during fallout 4 timeline) becomes deaf in one ear due to a bad injury (this is my reminder to give him some headphones bc the weapons he uses are loud af)
phobia of radscorpions (can we blame him? fuck those things)
There’s way more I could say but I think this is enough to sum up his character for now. I guess I should make a post for Petra too 🤔
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initiumseries · 1 year
Across the Spiderverse Review
Okay! I will preface this saying, I want to see it a second time because there was SO MUCH STUFF, and it was beautiful and amazing and I just think there was so much detail in all of it that I need another watch so I can absorb what I missed in this pass. That being said, this will mostly be a stream of consciousness kind of thing but I will try to keep it into pros and cons. Naturally, there are **SPOILERS** here.
I’m going to start with cons because there were so few and I want to end on a good note. 
Con #1: We start with Gwen’s story. I came to see Miles Morales. The last movie we spent a lot of time with Peter too, and I just don’t like that Mile’s really interesting story is split between these secondary, less interesting, white characters. Miles is going through this huge crisis of identity, and I’m wasting time sitting here watching Gwen lamenting her own issues, only for her to turn around and betray Miles the way she did? Pass. I’m not interested in Gwen’s interiority, I don’t care how much she’s struggling with trying to do the right thing or whatever. This is Miles’ story. Let me get into Miles’ interiority. I felt like most of the time we were watching Miles instead of getting into Miles’ head, and going through those rollercoaster of emotions with him, and watching him struggle. Gwen gets a voice over about herself, her life, her best friend Peter, a LOT about Peter and a little of her friendship with Miles, Miles’ voice over is weighed down by his feelings about Gwen and rehashing what we already know. Like, a whole sketchbook full of Gwen? Really? Ugh. 
Now onto the pros: 
Art Pros: This movie is fucking beautiful.  
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I LOVE that every universe has its own design style, and I LOVED how they made sure every web slinger had his own way of slanging them webs. Such amazing detail. I saw a storyboarder on twitter talking about how his approach with Gwen, since the note was that she be more like a ballerina, was having Gwen swing like a gymnast and use banned gymnastic moves in her webslinging. LOVE. 
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I found out from a friend that Miles is animated on 2s and Miguel is animated on 1s and some other characters animated on 3s and 4s and that means nothing to you if you aren’t in animation, but again, the care and detail? Miguel being animated on 1s means his movements will be sharp, precise, piercing and fast. Which sums up his personality (barring the unhinged element). Miles being animated on 2s, how we normally would animate classically, means exactly that. I just think that’s SO WONDERFUL. *full geek out mode* 
I’m OBSESSED with the fact that you can see Spot’s construction lines?? 
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I geeked out SO HARD when I saw these because it’s SO cool and fun, and construction lines are something you usually hide, so to include it I was like...oh this is ART art. 
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This kind of animation???? 
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The bowed legs, the reach in and wiggle?!?! The wiggle!?!??! THIS children, is what we call character animation. 
His hand just...flopping off the shelf? The impact of his weight as he leans on the shelf? GUYS. GUUUUUYSSSSS. 
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These are small details but oh my god do they elevate a scene. These animators deserve ALL the awards. 
Hobie. Now Hobie...he’s gonna be in both story and art. Because omfg. 
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When I found out he needed a hidden secret rig underneath his actual rig, before I saw the movie, I was like...why on EARTH would you do that? And then I saw the movie and was like...oh. YEAH. Sometimes you do that. And the results? Fucking phenomenal. Hobie said he was inconsistent and his style kept changing. BRILLIANT STUFF. 
 I love a tasteful meme jokey joke. 
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Okay! I have to cut myself off, onto story pros: 
I love that Mile’s crisis of identity isn’t just rooted in his being spiderman and Miles. His mother being APPALLED he has a B in spanish, and then trying to talk to him in spanish and not just spanglish was such a nice additional layer to everything else going on with him. I love that when he finally works up the courage to tell his mother he’s Spiderman, he’s in the wrong universe (which I’ll get to). 
Miles wanting SO badly to be a part of something, and then finding out there’s a whole universe of spider folks, and just the successive disappointments in Gwen as he found out more information was good. I also like that because he wants so badly to be involved, he’s not being critical, and it’s Hobie who keeps trying to help him gain some perspective despite him being jealous over stupid Gwen. 
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I love that Hobie says, I hate the AM and the PM (I did NOT catch that the first time! Hahaha brilliant). Him stealing throughout the fight over the collider? Then seeing the pay off later with Gwen? AMAZING. Him quitting when shit hits the fan? Perfect. Hobie is a fave.
THIS moment. 
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The fact that when Miles finally figures out that Miguel means for him to let his canon event of his father dying go through without interruption, and decides he doesn’t actually want to be a part of this new crew, it’s Hobie’s advice and Spider Byte’s  choosing to not stop the machine, that helps him. After the serious disappointment of the white people around him, it’s Black people he just meets that step up to the plate to support him, young Black people on top of it. That wasn’t an accident and is a very typical experience. I am already shipping him and Spider Byte and i NEED that to be a thing in the final movie. 
I actually really like the idea that Miguel is a villain. He’s so rigid in his thinking, and so myopic, he refuses to see there’s any other way to do things. So while he thinks he’s the good guy, and is leading the good guys, he’s leading them astray, and I think it really speaks to how sometimes you can live long enough to see yourself become a villain and have to stay constantly vigilant and interrogate yourself a lot and not be closed to a new way of doing things, like Miles. MAN did that fight scene where he rips Miles to shreds about being an anomaly HURT. So good. 
Miles’ father struggling to relate to him, only for us to realize that he has a bigger impact on Miles than we think, especially with the way it seems like Miles is pushing him away. But then, we meet, fucking PROWLER MILES?!?! SO. FUCKING. GOOD. 
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I noticed right away, when Prowler!Miles started talking and the way he rolled his Rs, even how he’s wearing his hair. With his father gone, Miles’ mother’s influence on him culturally is very clear. Not a bad thing, just a beautiful detail. His uncle’s influence on him leads him to be the prowler, where his dad kept him on the straight and narrow. I LOVE THAT. I love the possibility that Miles meeting himself in this other universe could solidify for him that saving his father is the right thing to do, the necessary thing to do. Or it could shake his confidence. I guess we’ll find out. 
Miles being sent to another universe was SO FUN. They’re very clear this machine uses your DNA to send you where you belong!! Why did it send him there? The theory that it’s because the spider that bit him was from another universe and that it altered his DNA so he ends up here, and I think that’s a salient theory and I love that idea. I think it’s so perfect and thorough. 
I loved that there were so many little moments in this movie that were subtle, but making a clear, progressive statement. This movie was so CLEARLY made by artists, for artists, but also for fans, for the average movie goer, and people who just like good stories. To be able to fold all that in together is amazing and fantastic, and there’s more I’d like to say but this post is already really long and I’ll be seeing it again and will be gushing about it then too. But if you haven’t seen it, or are on the fence, SEE THIS DAMN MOVIE. 
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