#he doesnt even care at this pint
bigassmoonchild · 1 year
i like to think ghost have a partner that expresses love by biting { totally not me i wouldnt even think of chomping} but hes so used to it that he doesnt have a reaction when his wife is in nibble mode
everyone else loses their complete shit thinkin that a random person just bit ghost { i also love the idea that ghost doesnt tell soap shit jus to fuck with him }
i absolutely adore this bc i definitely do this 💀 (i've had this in my drafts for a few days now, but just finally figured out how i wanted it to go)
simon would sit in the mess hall, not just to show face but also to be with the rest of his squad. price had to push him to join, but now he came of his own choice. it was something he did, not too often, but often enough.
on this particular day, you had gotten back from a mission all but a few hours ago. simon had been gone for a few weeks prior to you leaving, so you hadn't seen him in nearly a month and a half.
you walked into the mess hall, simon could see you from where he was sitting. you grabbed your tray of food and looked around to find where you were going to sit. he saw you move towards your squad before spotting him, sitting in front of soap and gaz.
so you made your way over, shuffling between people who were standing around and having to take a few different routes to get to them. dropping your tray down, you sat next to simon.
soap went to snag some food off of your tray and you smacked his hand, giving him a face as you did so. the three of you were talking, about what simon wasn't entirely sure of. he was trying to look at you while not completely giving himself away.
god, he loved you. more than you'd possibly ever know. catching his eye, you gave him a slightly confused face and you could see his eyes slightly squint with a little smile.
smiling back, you dove back into your conversation with soap and gaz. '...didn't realize that was something he did,' you said as simon came back into the conversation.
soap gave a little laugh, rolling his eyes. 'oh, gaz is a real charmer. spilled his pint o' beer on a lady once in a bar. you remember that, right ghost?' and simon nodded, giving a little grunt as he did so.
he still watched you, the light shining in your eye and the color slowly returning to your face as everything began to go back to your normal. he knew how much you missed this during missions, and even with the bags under your eyes he still thought you were as beautiful as ever.
the conversation waned, soap and gaz beginning to argue a little. your knee pressed against his, allowing your legs to touch. the only bit of pda he would allow with other soldiers around. with his mask on.
even though gaz and price knew, he kept it a secret from the loud mouthed scot. he knew, as much as he (unwillingly) cared for soap, word would spread fast if he knew it.
and the two of you spoke often about possibly bringing him in on the secret. possibly even just coming out as a couple at the nearest milball.
as much as the conversations happened, that was two milballs ago. three years you had been together, and just six months ago he had popped you the question. he knew exactly where that ring lay, on a long chain sitting just on your sternum.
some nights, he would kiss it. long and hard as he prayed to whatever being would listen that the two of you returned safe from the mission you were next on. other times, he tugged on it to pull you in for kisses.
there would even be a few nights that he would just play with it, feeling the heat of the metal from where it would rest against your skin. he loved that you kept it so close to your heart, and kenw that once the two of you married you wedding band would sit just there.
his own would sit against his heart, as soon as he got it.
a sharp pain from his bicep pulled him from his thoughts, looking down at where you bit him. clenching your teeth a little harder, you finally released him.
'what the hell was that,' soap sputtered out. looking between you, then simon and gaz. gaz gave him a little shrug, looking away as you leaned for another bite.
simon pushed your head away from his arm. 'don't bite me, you little mosquito,' he huffed at you. you gave him a cheeky little smile, winking at him before digging back into your food.
soap gestured wildly. 'no, i want to know what's going on. what the hell. why the hell?'and you gave soap a little laugh.
pulling the chain from under your shirt, you dangled the ring and chain in front of him. 'technically, we are still planning the wedding,' and you grunted as soap kicked you.
'and why wasn't i told?' he hissed at the two of you. you gave a faint shrug, playing with some of the food on your plate. you faught like hell to tell soap, but respected simons decision.
'you've got a loud mouth,'
'i do not!' soap nearly shouted. 'i absolutely do not,' he then whispered. you laughed and tapped your knee against simons.
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pop-roxs · 2 years
i am verrrrry slowly getting through the manga now :} and I apologize bc this message is probably going to get long akjdsjsh I tried to be coherent somewhat I prommy
yeah, even being newer to this series I could feel the difference in characterization between the manga compliant and non-compliant portions. and for the most part the anime only is REALLY bad 💀💀 the ghost episode was such a slog to get through I totally understand why my roomie showed me this season last. but at the same time there’s some bits I really enjoyed??
Again, still working on the manga, so maybe some of my complaints will be addressed later. I dunno if this makes sense but in a lot of the non manga portions of season one Sebastian felt like he had more ,, character to him?? I don’t know the right word. But like, him yoinking ciel when ciel was in danger, despite that going DIRECTLY against orders was interesting to me. And then ciel getting angry at him when detective guy died protecting ciel bc Sebastian didn’t do anything was a cool bit as well (though detective death had like zero impact they tried REALLY hard to make us care but it was so rushed). Sebastian also just felt like he had more snark in general. I feel like in the other bits I watched he was more just another extension of ciel and just does whatever ciel says without question. whereas in the anime bits the whole the like, nature of the contract is brought up more and bc of that we get to see a little more into Sebastian’s character and how he really feels?? I don’t know if that makes sense sorry 😭 I liked (for the most part) the characterization he got though
Also I loved how many more supernatural entities the anime got. Like there’s more than one demon, there’s ghosts (even though the episode SUCKS), angels, a hellhound, whatever the hell might be going on with Lau- I was shocked when my rookie said that there’s like, nothing other than Sebastian and the reapers in the manga itself (though she also hasn’t caught up fully so???). Hannah was fun in the time she lasted and I’m weirdly interested on the triplets. Why did they seem to be serving Hannah in that one flashback sequence? Is there a demon hierarchy? What’s it like? Also- how do demons come to be?? At the end of two ciel becomes one via Hannah’s contract with alois in his body so like??!? Can demons just do that to anyone anytime or what? (Also, Can demons make contracts with beings other than humans? Can demons die? PLEASE I NEED LORE).
Im a sucker for Angel themed villains also so I was kinda excited for that in s1 but.. it was. meh. It certainly doesn’t help that the male form of the Angel looks EXACTLY like one of my fav characters from another franchise, Namely Joshua from (neo) world ends with you, who coincidentally is also an Angel. like that’s just a character I already like but written worse and much more annoying and I don’t like him at all actually. Josh solos
No Ronnie this season which :’) my roomie told me ahead of time but I miss him still. wish we had more reaper lore though. Why is will so opposed to over time. What does he even DO when he’s not working. do reapers have like.. anything to do outside their jobs? Do they even get paid? why did grelle’s chainsaw get stopped by a coat getting caught in it I thought that stuff could slice through anything (same for Ronnie’s lawnmower thing during that one time in his intro in 2- like guys ur scythes are kinda ass if they break this easy. undertaker had the right idea keeping a basic design 😭) WHY DOESNT EVERYONE HAVE A LITTLE GLASSES CHAIN THINGY LIKE GRELLE? Ronnie lost his glasses At one pint I’m pretty sure will lost his glasses at another guys just get the. Stupid chain pls yall rely on ur eyesight it’s so much more convenient to have that thingy so ur glasses don’t get lost. grelle girlbossing here she has the right idea cmon man
(sorry I fuckinh love the reapers head full so many thoughts on them SPEAAKING OF-) the books that wrote peoples lives as they were happening was such a dumb anime only inclusion. We paused the episode for like 20 minutes JUST to complain about it- it’s an ultimately stupid choice (the library is sick though just make it a film library) that feels like it was made purely for the stupid death bookmark thing- which also was a stupid idea because that’s way too OP and it was made to fix the DUMBEST possible problem the writers could’ve written. A locked room?? Really?? That’s the barrier we need to overcome? didn’t they TELEPORT TO THE LIBRARY OR SMTH I am going insane I hate the books so much. the film aesthetic is so much better the books are confusing and stupid I am glad they’re not canon. If it was a like, they used to use books but then film was invented thats be neat. It’s funny to imagine the reapers going digital as time progresses but the books being used at the same time as the cinematic record pisses me off SO MUCH
undertaker reveal was funny though. like. obv doesn’t live up to book of Atlantic but the writers didn’t even try to make it hype they just made it a heehoo silly and I think it was for the best, it was a good moment.
The writers were trying to squeeze in condensed versions of greater arcs and important moments where they could and I think for the most part they did ok. the doll guy was clearly just a Walmart book of circus and then undertaker reveal.. like it was fine. Them killing off Lau was .. odd. I don’t get that. That whole arc was confusing. I do not understand the butterfly thing- is that in the manga too? it perplexed me and my roommate didn’t seem to get what was going on either
ack. I’ve more thoughts on this probably I just can’t remember em rn. overall I liked the anime I think but I can’t wait to read the manga- sorry for the rambling I hope it’s fine sjdhshshsh
AGH THIS RAMBLING WAS SO FUN TO READ!! so happy to have you in my ask box again btw
i completely agree w you on your opinions of the anime and the different characters that originate from it. i hATEEEEE ASHHHH!!! SM. grelles characterization in jack the ripper was very nice, right? she was her usual simpful self, but she also was such a powerful maniac(and i love her for that <3). after that shes almost purely comic relief. they make her so weak(when she couldve most likely won against undertaker in bota if sebastIAN FOCUSED ON HIS GOAL INSTEAD OF SHOWING OFF). she barely does anything to contribute to the legit lore of the anime.
i can assure you, theres more non-human entities than demons and reapers in the manga. book of the atlantic happened, right? they had the bizarre dolls in there. i wouldnt consider them human.
im glad you love the reapers! id love to see you join the reaper side of tumblr. i adore them and their found family theyre so goofy. as for the glasses chain thing, i do agree it would be more convenient, but i like grelle bein a little more unique <3
dont be afraid to pop up in my ask box again!!!!
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famouslastwrdz · 4 months
its 7am and im still drunk from what i had at 9pm.
i cant write when im drunk we know this, all full of words that dont mean anything to each other, empty sentences in a crowded room of bullshit metaphor making small talk saying oh hows your mother where are those shoes from hey uhhh has anyone mentioned the elephant in this room haha
but still i open my little notes app and put some words down because hey if i cant write then i cant think.
so, i digress. im still drunk but hey at least i stopped puking 2 hours ago. and theres things i want to talk about but im in the corner at this word party and nobody wants to introduce themselves to me so i can start a damn sentence
so, ill go with so again.
so i nearly pass out and im laid on his lap, and he's stroking my hair, and we're under a tree at midnight and he's had a pint and ive had, what, half a bottle of straight vodka and an additional bottle of wine. and whatever painkillers i could find. shhhh on that one, keep it quiet, dont tell tim. not that tim would know or care, in his own lonely drunken stupor in red's spare room.
so you kinda get the gist of my plight there. ya boy was struggling.
so i stand up, and he puts a hand to steady my back, and it stings.
and i sit down on the ground and lean forward, miserablewhisper hey im gonna be sick. and i spit, and then some of the vodka comes up. great! cool. get it out of my system. and then some more comes up. yep, still cool. thats fine. its all liquid, nothing else in my system. nothin but alcohol calories and a dream.
he opens tiktok on the bench he's sat on and i cant speak for spitting and i know its awkward for him but all i want in that moment is for someone to hold my hair back. drunk enough still to admit to crying even when writing this but i dont want to hold my own hair back anymore. i do it every godforsaken day on this planet hunched over on the bathroom floor i dont want to do it anymore. i want someone to just grab my fringe for me, tuck the smaller framing pieces of hair away,  get the length out of my face. i want him to hold my hair back. i just want him to do that instead of messaging coworkers late at night he doesnt even KNOW i purge anymore he doesnt know.
he walks me home, though. and on the way back he asks if im drunk in the brian way or the okay way. and i cant even turn to him, spinning as the world is, but i laugh. what the fuck is the brian way. does he mean the brian way- nancyboytasteinmen? prettyboy wasted with my eyeliner down my face and easy? or the brian way- slowdisease stumbling home with a system full of slowwwww liquid suicide?
i just really hope he means the latter.
so i laugh, again, dry with gerd and dehydration, and i say no its the okay way. of course its not the okay way you blind fucking fool this isnt just social nicety type of drunk i cant see and nothing is real and youre ASKING me if this is okay. look at me. please look at me, take a real fat fucking look, theres sick in my hair because i couldnt raise my arms enough to hold it back and theres makeup down my neck and im actively using you as a crutch and im bleeding. theres blood down my back and its probably making your hand stick to my shirt and it hurts so much i cant reach to bandage it but no this is fine its the okay way. just please, can you look at me. i cant do any of this on my own anymore.
all i wanted is for him to hold my hair back for me and now i get a discord notification at the end of writing this and the lord in heaven can really time it, wow, if it aint a sign then im not a motherfucking believer.
and if youll excuse me, im heading to bed before the world's spinning takes me over.
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evisconti · 3 years
today   i   thought   about   killing   you   ,      premeditated   murder you'd   only   care   enough   to   kill   somebody   you   love
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just   say   it   out   loud   to   see   how   it   feels people   say      “   don't   say   this,   don't   say   that   ” just   say   it   out   loud   ,      just   to   see   how   it   feels weigh   all   the   options   ,      nothing's   off   the   table
today   i   thought   about   killing   you   ,      premeditated   murder i   think   about   killing   myself and   i   love   myself   way   more   than   i   love   you the   most   beautiful   thoughts   are   always   besides   the   darkest
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i   think   this   is   the   part   where   I'm   supposed   to   say   somethin'   good   to   compensate   it   so   it   doesn't   come   off   ...   bad but   sometimes   I   think   really   bad   things really   ,      really   ,      really   bad   things and   i   love   myself   way   more   than   I   love   you
see   ,      if   I   was   tryin'   to   relate   it   to   more   people i'd   probably   say   I'm   struggling   with   loving   myself because   that   seems   like   a   common   theme   .. but   that's   not   the   case   here i   love   myself   way   more   than   I   love   you and   I   think   about   killing   myself so   ,      best   believe   ,      I   thought   about   killing   you   today premeditated   murder   .
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yersina · 4 years
okay, hear me out: blacksmith!jaskier.
like, maybe he’s the owner of his own shop (smithy? forge?), maybe he’s apprenticed to someone else—either way, he works in a little town, proooobably somewhere close to kaer morhen?
(sina, you may be saying that this point, jaskier loves to travel! he likes to see new things and meet new people and cause trouble! how could he stand to stay in one place his whole life? not a problem! shopkeepers aren’t confined to their shops, are they? especially if he’s an apprentice. i propose that he takes semi-annual journeys to travel to more far away towns and sell his wares there and maybe chase a few skirts while he’s at it)
so anyway, blacksmith!jaskier. he’s actually more of a jeweler sort of person—he likes beauty, likes art, and while he can see and appreciate the skill it takes to create a sword or a kitchen knife, he doesn’t really find his calling in creating chamberpots. but alas, see: small town, so this is the best place for something approaching an apprenticeship that he can find.
one day, he’s minding his own business in the back of the shop (smithy??), re-sharpening a knife for a nice old lady who dropped it off a day or so ago, when the master blacksmith storms in and gestures for him to get out. jaskier has long since learned that the master blacksmith is a man of few words, so he troops out to the front with no small amount of exasperation and confusion.
and lo and behold, there stands a witcher in his entrance.
“fix it,” he grunts (bc jaskier is, of course, cursed to work only around people who can’t be bothered to string together more than five syllables at once) and drops the literally shattered remains of a sword on the counter.
jaskier stares. dented swords, he’s seen. they’re close enough to a big city that they’ve occasionally gotten the odd knight looking for a cheaper alternative to city-internal smithies. but shattered? and in so many pieces? “i’d really just advise you buy a new sword at this point, good sir,” jaskier says slowly. “i could use this as scrap metal and make you a new one, but it won’t be the same sword.”
the witcher grunts. jaskier waits expectantly for any more input, but only several seconds of silence follow. “great,” jaskier chirps, injecting as much false cheer into his voice as he can. “i’ll just... take that as a yes.”
so he gets the witcher a new sword (a softer alloy this time, and one that hopefully won’t shatter at low temperatures like this one did), deducts the price of the scrap metal from the asking price of the sword, and sees the witcher on his merry (sullen, silent) way.
except the witcher keeps coming back.
jaskier has no idea why—it’s not like they offer services that any other smithy doesnt. all he does is sell the witcher (geralt of rivia, he eventually learns from town gossip) swords, the witcher grunts through jaskier’s admittedly meaningless chatter, and then he leaves. occasionally, he shows up twice in one month (once before a hunt to get his sword repaired, and then once after for the same), and then he leaves.
it’s utterly baffling.
but then theodore moore, the cheapskate bandit who passes through twice a year in order to spend all of his illegitimate money, drowns in the river while he’s stumbling through the forest drunk.
and then people start disappearing.
it takes until the little girl from down the road disappears while she’s picking flowers in the forest for the townspeople to seriously consider the idea of hunkering down and waiting for someone to take care of the problem. jaskier even rides to the nearby city and posts a request for help. maybe geralt will see it.
they spend half a year avoiding the river like the plague, but then people start disappearing from the town square—next to the fountain. then there’s talk of killing the beast themselves, but none of them know what it’s weak to.
when geralt shows up in the smithy one afternoon, white hair brown with dirt and skin smeared with mud, jaskier nearly cries. “thank god you’re here,” he says, and he’d laugh at geralt’s look of confusion if it weren’t for the circumstances. “we have a job for you.”
if he’d thought geralt was a wall to talk to before, it’s nothing when compared to how quickly geralt stiffens and closes off. jaskier didn’t even know that geralt had been slowly relaxing around him until right then, and a pang of regret echoes through him. “what is it,” he says flatly.
“a man drowned in the river last year,” jaskier explains. “and now six people are dead.” when geralt turns around without another word, jaskier has to scramble around the counter and tug him back. “wait, you can’t just leave—people are dying.”
geralt stares at him, unimpressed. “do you want me to kill it from in here?”
oh. jaskier laughs weakly. “of course, how could i have doubted you, master witcher.”
geralt turns to leave again and actually looks a bit annoyed when jaskier holds him fast. “what is it now?”
“i’m coming with you,” jaskier says firmly.
at least geralt doesn’t laugh in his face. “no.”
“look,” jaskier begins, and swears that he sees geralt roll his eyes. “i’m not—trained in combat, per se, but i can strike a few blows. i work with swords for a living! i can be backup?”
“this isn’t a game.” the furrow between geralt’s eyebrows grows the slightest bit deeper, like the world’s tiniest frown. “you could die.”
“i’ll keep out of the way,” jaskier throws in cajolingly. he’s not sure why he’s fighting so hard to join in on an expedition that will very likely lead to his death, but now that he’s started, he may as well go all in.
geralt just grunts and pulls his arm out of jaskier’s grasp, but he doesn’t do anything to stop jaskier when he grabs a sword and a scabbard and follows on his heels.
(this is where geralt wows jaskier with his fancy silver sword, and jaskier hardly needs to do anything other than gape on the sidelines as geralt dispatches theodore moore—a drowner now, he reminds himself—with brutal efficiency)
jaskier ends up arguing for higher pay for geralt bc of course he does, and manages to get geralt to sit down for a pint of ale in the tavern. jaskier travels but he doesn’t travel, and although geralt isn’t the best conversationalist, he does have some tales.
this ends with jaskier puzzling his way around making a silver sword and maybe getting a mage to imbue it with some magical runes or whatever it is that they do in their ivory towers, and he presents it to geralt the next time he comes by. geralt, being geralt, doesn’t do much else than take it with him while he’s leaving, but jaskier sees it strapped to his back the next time he stops by in the town, and geralt actually asks him to repair it at some point (!!) which is not smth that he’s ever done before.
geralt also starts bringing jaskier things which jaskier is utterly delighted by because it means that geralt has been paying attention while jaskier rambles at him the few times that they manage to sit down in the tavern together. this continues on for years and years and jaskier steadily grows fonder and fonder until he has a Realization one day when he’s looking at a sunflower and thinking abt how it matches the color of geralt’s eyes that goddamn he’s in love with a witcher.
(my Actual Prose runs out here but i’m envisioning jaskier putting those jeweler skills to use in fashioning geralt useful but also pretty pieces of jewelry as courting gifts until one day jaskier is just like “god you’re so fucking dumb” and just kisses him happily ever after the end)
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krisdreaming · 4 years
hi~ first time ever im sending in a request to anyone 🙈 i never thought i would but i just love your writing so much i tried to think of something even though im not very creative 😅 but no pressure to do this if it doesnt strike inspiration!! i was thinking of a scenario with iwaizumi where his wife wakes up in the middle of the night because of a pregnancy craving and iwa wakes up to find her rummaging through the kitchen but she cant find anything to satiate her craving so he (1/2)
(2/2) insists to go buy something and when he comes back they have late night munchies together and he feels the baby kick for the first time and gets really soft/excited :3 (bonus: if you want to sneak in a mention of oikawa/seijoh 3rd years in somewhere! ^^) thank you 💕
Hi bby!! Ahh I’m honored to be your first request 🥺 This is really, really cute and it definitely inspired me, I love all things domestic fluff but ESPECIALLY pregnancy fluff, so thank you for sending it ❤
fem & pregnant reader ahead!
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You’re gone. The realization is enough to jolt Hajime awake, sitting up and looking around the empty room for any sign of you. Midnight bathroom breaks are not uncommon, especially now that you’re almost into your sixth month of pregnancy, but when a minute passes and you still don’t return, he slides out of bed.
“Y/N?” When he taps on the bathroom door, it creaks open. You’re not there, either. He finally notices the pale light shining from down the hall and follows it to the kitchen. That’s where he finds you, on your tiptoes on the step stool stretching to the farthest corner of the top shelf of the pantry. He swears you’re going to give him heart palpitations. 
“Y/N, what are you doing up there?” The sound of his voice startles you, and you step backwards on the stool, grabbing onto the shelf so you don’t topple over. He’s instantly at your side, grabbing your elbow and half-helping, half-pulling you down from the stool.
“Hajime, you scared me!” You flash him a lopsided smile, unfazed.
“It’s 1:30. What are you even doing up?” He’s still holding onto your elbow even though you’re firmly grounded now.
“I was just looking for a snack. Don’t worry, everything’s fine.” Your hand comes to rest on your growing middle.
“A snack?” He echoes you incredulously. You nod.
“I couldn’t sleep. I’m just so hungry for... Something,” You admit sheepishly. “I figured I’d know it when I saw it, but so far, no good. I thought maybe we had some of those chips left.” You hum in delight at the thought. “You know, the limited edition flavor ones? But they’re not up there,” You gesture toward the pantry. “No ice cream, either,” You say sadly.
He shakes his head. These cravings of yours never fail to take him by surprise. He wracks his brain for anything else that you’ve craved in the past. “Well... I think there’s some pickles in the fridge?” 
Your nose instantly scrunches in disgust at the suggestion, and he lifts his hands in surrender. The two of you look around the kitchen in silence for a few moments before you both speak at once.
“Hey Hajime-”
“If I get you some chips can we go back to bed?”
“You’d do that?” He’s already reaching for his sweatshirt by the door when you fix him with your wide, puppy-dog eyes. He softens at the sight and cups the back of your neck for a few moments, his thumb grazing your cheek.
“Of course,” He murmurs, “Now go get back in bed, okay? You shouldn’t be up and about so late.” He leans in and presses a quick kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be back soon.”
The convenience store is only a few blocks from your apartment, so the walk in the chilly night air is short. He thanks the gods when he spots the right chips, and he grabs some of your favorite ice cream. For good measure, he picks up a few candy bars at the register. Even if you don’t want them now, they might come in handy later.
Back at home, he grabs some spoons and balances two glasses of water on his way back to your bedroom. You’ve turned on the lamp filling the room with a soft glow, and you’re all tucked in under the covers, propped up against your pillows. When he enters the room, a wide smile spreads across your face. He carefully sets a glass of water on the bedside table next to you and pulls the chips out of the bag. You practically snatch them out of his hands.
“Ohh,” You moan as you pop the bag open and draw in a deep whiff, “Get in my belly.” He crawls into bed next to you as you munch happily on the chips, watching you with a soft grin on his face.
“Are we happy now?” He asks, reaching over for a small handful of chips.
“We are,” You confirm, curling the chip bag shut and reaching across him to snag the shopping bag. “What else is in here?” You peer inside and make a small sound of delight when you see the ice cream. You hand him one of the spoons and pop the lid off, wasting no time in diving into the frozen treat.
“So good,” You murmur, savoring the sweetness as it melts on your tongue. Between the two of you, the ice cream doesn’t last very long.
“Thanks, Hajime,” You say softly when the pint is empty and your craving is satisfied. You give him a sticky-sweet kiss followed by a soft, tired smile. He can tell you’ll be drifting off soon now that your belly is full. “You take such good care of us,” You murmur. “You’re going to be a really great dad, you know?”
He reaches out and rests his hand on your middle, giving it a gentle, affectionate pat. “I love you,” He says warmly, tucking you in against his side. “Both of you. So much.” 
“Love you, too,” You hum back. For a few moments, you sit in complete silence, just soaking in the late night quiet. He’s just about to reach over and turn out the lamp so you can lay down before you nod off on his shoulder when he feels it.
He looks at you wide-eyed and you give him a slight nod with a quiet giggle. “You felt that, huh?” He nods in wonder, a smile breaking across his face as he feels your child moving beneath his hand. “Guess he wanted to make sure you know he loves you, too.” You fix him with a sleepy smile.
“I love you too, little one,” Hajime says softly, finally reaching over and turning out the light. He pulls you close and presses his smile into your hair. You’re soon snoring softly, but he’s brimming too full with warmth to fall asleep just yet.
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lewis-winters · 4 years
some bob trios:
Harry, Lip, Speirs: Harry, The Third Wheel
Dick, Speirs, Nix: Weirdly Competent Trio? they get shit done really fast and with minimal corrections-- which is weird, considering how goddamn chaotic their work system is
Dick, Speirs, Lip: Dick, The Third Wheel-- only he doesnt always know it. sometimes it's Dick, The Cockblock and when it is, he ALWAYS knows it, does it on purpose, and it pisses Ron and Lip off immensely
Dick, Nix, Harry: Classic Officer Trio, but also: you'd think Harry's the 3rd wheel-- you're wrong. Harry is the Oblivious Cockblock Offering Booze & Poker, Dick is the Third Wheel with Blue Balls, and Nix is the one who can never turn down a good game of poker
Dick, Lip, Nix: the familiar tableu of a spouse impatiently waiting for his husband to stop talking to their friend at the grocery store-- in this case, Lip is the friend, and Nix and Dick are the husbands but whoever does the impatient waiting depends entirely on the day they're having
Nix, Speirs, Harry: the "Our Braincells Are With Our Spouses" club, aka: the "Most Likely To Be Arrested" trio, aka: the "Someone Always Ends Up In The Hospital" gang, aka: the "Leaving Them Unsupervised Is Illegal and Punishable By Law" squad. surprisingly more chaotic energy than the classic mortar squad, ESPECIALLY when drunk
Skip, Penk, Malark: Classic Mortar Squad
Skip, Penk, Bill: Mortar Babies + Proud Daddy Bill
Skip, Malark, Babe: "Babe, no." "Babe, YES!"
Pat, Frank, Grant: XoXo, Gossip Gang
Pat, Bull, Johnny: Bitch Face Trio
Webster, Hoobler, Van Klinken: God help them they have 1/3rd of a braincell each and none of them know how to put it all together to make it work
Babe, Lieb, Grant: love causing mischief, but it’s pg-13 mischief at most bc Grant exudes calm and control. but also: the bane of Ron Speirs' existence. the three of them aren't scared of him so to have them all in one room together infuriates him to no end.
George, Pat, Frank: Let's Bully O'Keefe
Toye, Bill, George: a weird cross between "George, shut the FUCK up!" and #WillDieForGeorgeLuz
Bill, Ralph, Babe: Philly Gang, also: the bane of Eugene Roe's existence
Ralph, Babe, Eugene: too soft, cuddles galore, will probably die for each other if given a chance so maybe don't give them that chance
Babe, Reneé, Eugene: Let's Bully Eugene Into Taking Care of Himself
Babe, Reneé, Ralph: Let's Bully Eugene Into Taking Care of Himself 2.0, but also: #WillDieForBabeHeffron 
Eugene, Dick, Lip: Worried Mama Gang
Bill, Babe, Julian: Bill suddenly finds himself the single father to two teenagers with 0 self-preservation and a #DoItForTheVine attitude
George, Ron, Lip: Ron and George respect each other deeply because they are both willing to die for one Clifford Carwood Lipton. Lip, otoh, would like the both of them to be fucking normal for once in their goddamn lives.
Bill, Johnny, Bull: Exasperated Uncles Too Sober For This Shit Squad. pretty chill, actually. a deep friendship over pints of beers. surprisingly 0 chaos energy
Dick, Nix, Tab: two gay dads and their himbo son
Frank, Penk, George: oh my god who let these three clowns congregate this is DANGEROUS think of Lip's blood pressure for crying out loud-- chaotic energy ×100000000
Skip, Buck, Toye: the Don Malarkey Fan Club
Buck, George, Malarkey: have scammed all of Easy out of their cigarettes, money, and dignity
Webster, Nix, Lieb: Web and Lieb WILL find something to bicker about and Nix WILL find way too much delight in playing devil's advocate just to see how far these two will go to contradict each other
Lip, Speirs, Nix: Nix and Speirs get along too well and Lip is like 99.99% of their impulse control
Pat, Webster, Janovec: Janovec and Web are surprisingly petty and salty together and it feeds Pat's wine-aunt soul to hear them talk shit about ppl who annoy them
Janovec, Tab, Skinny: Horny(TM)
Speirs, Moore, Toye: Feral(TM)
George, Frank, Tab: the instigators of the Easy Company pillow fight
Webster, Lieb, Cobb: have you seen Web and Lieb team up just to bitch at Cobb? it's GLORIOUS
Smokey, Webster, Pat: Cultured Warriors capable of creating some serious masterpieces together... if only they'd stop bickering for five seconds
Hoobler, Shifty, O'Keefe: smol beans who somehow? always manage to pick up smol animals? befriend stray kittens???? disney princess energy?????
Shifty, McClung, Eugene: they don't need to say much to each other to understand each other. in the silence, there is meaning, so in silence they stay. unless of course they have something to bitch about that these city dwellers they're surrounded with can't understand, then it's fair game.
Smokey, Skip, Lip: Let's Bully Lip-- even if Speirs is around because Smoke and Skip are just so unbearably charming in their ribbing even Speirs can't resist cracking a smile
Dick, Tab, Buck: just guys bein' dudes, jocks bein' tough. they talk exclusively in sports analogies
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c4-weeb · 4 years
Obey me boy head cannons!
Skater!Mc x the demon boys + undateables!
Alright so background! Human mc had invited one of the boys to go to a skating rink with her in the human world, since she is one of the main racers and a very frequent attendee at the place since she was 10. She knows the regular skaters and owners pretty well. Shes held with high respect there and is pretty talented. She has skate races and a whole team of great skaters, so what happens when one day she invites one of the boys to go on a date/ support her during a competitive roller derby? Also please do keep in mind I'm taking inspiration off the monster high roller derby cause that race was pretty cool and difficult to do so make it more modernized and human. You know... no swinging axes or kraken's trying to grab you as you skate. Though in reality that sounds like something Diavolo would put together for devildom roller derby's...
When he heard you beg him to come support you for your first race back in the human world he was a little taken aback. A roller derby? Him? I mean he wasn't going to be the loudest but he did find the thought of watching them succeed and wanting his praise amusing nonetheless....
....in reality he missed the Mc dearly and would appreciate the time with them, but he'd never say so out loud.
When you looked up to him from the stands he smirked at you, the pressure was on... that smirk was the one of judgement and "let's see how you do" which wracked your nerves with enough anxiety that it helped fuel the fire to make sure you succeeded.
When the Mc took off, being shoved by people bigger than her on each side, he was surprised when you fell back and the two idiots collided and she hopped over with ease and sped towards the front with amazing speed.
When The Mc and their team won, she came speeding to him and hugged him from behind and thanked him.
Later he took you out to eat in congratulations, the smile on your face from getting praise and food? All the stress from the day was relieved by that small gesture.
"I dont know why I thought I had finally found out everything I could about you, yet you just keep surprising me...."
When the you asked for his support during a casual race at your local skating rink, with just your team mates going against eachother in a regular speed skate with a few obstacles, he wasnt so interested, saying he wants money in return for his support, when in reality he would have went anyways. But when you told him that since it was a casual race, people could bet on the racers, he agreed so fast and even begged to be summoned right then and there.
Expect him to be screaming at the top of his lungs for you to win
Isnt against calling you baby this loud in public
May or may not have tried climbing the fence when you got pushed
Definitely bet on you, and a huge sum of money too. So much faith 😭❤
Once you've won expect him to come flying at you, poor baby forgot you where on skates tho so you'd end up falling backwards to your friends amusement of your cuddly demon.
Tried threatening the owners to do another race so he could get money and failed
Sulked till you dragged him by the hand to skate in the neon lights since most people left it was just you two
Later he would drag you to either go to bet on races with him to gain more money or go to shower you in gifts, really depended on how well you could convince him to not go gambling, which had a 50/50 success rate.
"If I'm not going to get more money I might as well shower you in what I have, make you the prettiest gem for the whole world to see!" "Mammon you only won 200 dollars not a mil-" "sh, sh, shhhhh, shhh, no arguing! The Great Mammon is going to treat his treasure right tonight, ya' hear!?"
Now getting this otaku outta his room was an absolute struggle. So like a cat trapping their preh, you had to summon him to your house and put a blindfold on him for a special surprise.
Dragged his unsocial ass to the car and road down to the skate rink and took off his blind fold once you both got inside.
It took a lot of coaxing, but you finally got him to calm down enough to get a pair of skates.
If your skater friends said hi to him he'd hide by your arm like a scared 5 year old
The jealousy he felt of everyone in the room was unbelievable, because the poor boy has no balance for skating. On wheels or ice, his body just refuses.
You offered to help him learn and the poor boys face was fuming red, thankfully the neon lights and darkness hid it well.
He held onto your hand for balance throughout the whole date, only stopping to eat some pizza and play some arcade games.
After a few hours you headed back to your house to binge some Starwars, wanting to watch something different with him.....which eventually led to the both of you getting bored and going back to the new ruri-chan movie you guys binged countless amount of times on the phone together.
"H-hey! Hold on you're going t-too fast! No now you're so close I-....um... ack everyone can see us...so many people... but its worth it to show that your mine!"
Now Satan isnt much of a skater, nor a loud supporter, but with enough coaxing you finally got him to at least try and relax with you, doing a nice small couple's night at the skate rink
Really wanted to try human customs with you so there was little resistance
He would hold their hand as you'd skate
Even think of skating away from him and he will chase after you
This man's rage in his bones makes him a natural speed skater
Will tickle you when he catches you, starts a very one sided tickle war tho
If you wanna sit down, it's going to be in his lap, no rejections.
Will find it adorable if your friends make fun of how blushy you're getting as you hide in his chest
"Come now kitten, dont run away or I'm going to tickle you so hard that your face will hurt too much to smile at anyone else but me"
This sweet baby was already dragging you to your room to glamor you up before the race.
Honey no need to say anything, he will make you the most gorgeous skater just tell him the vibes you wanna give off and he will hit the nail straight on the head and match your aesthetic.
Best expect victory photos.
Will record your victory and show it off to the group chat with the brothers.
Absolutely head over heels for you, hanging off your body in a hug and then going for a really close skate together
Might try to convince you to have some celebratory seggs but will 100% be making it known how much you excited him.
"Sweetheart look at all the likes our photos are getting! Everyone's congratulating you! Awe look at how viral my baby is! That was a VERY thrilling experience watching you, and you do need to take care of that body....shall we take this home and undress you so I can congratulate you the right way~♡?"
Immediately agreed when you brought it up that you wanted to bring him to the skate rink, someplace you enjoyed going.
He knew skating was like a work out but was worried about finding skates his size there so he brought his own customized skates.
You better have snacks cause baby is gonna be starving.
Thankfully since you also work there and know the owners, you where allowed to hop over and take his order, putting it on your tab. 4 pizzas 2 Turkey legs 7 hotdogs and a pint of water (remember to stay hydrated)
If you bumped into a few of your friends and he WILL get along with them. He wants to be apart of your life, all of it, so he'll make it a point to get along with everyone in it for your sake.
If you ever look like you're going to fall he will be so close behind you it would be like slipping and falling back onto a brick wall who grabs you before you hit the floor.
If you fall forward he will grab your shirt but try not to choke you in the process
(If you do choke poor baby with be hugging you apologizing profusely)
You two try racing eachother but no matter what you dont win cause hes just too fast
Finds you challenging him over and over endearing and adorable.
"You're so adorable when you're chasing after me trying to win, but I'm hungry now...can we go eat again?"
Will complain once you ask him to go skating for date night in the human world
Wont stop till he finds out it has a sunroof along with the neon lights so he can look at the stars while skating with you.
Will only skate for an hour or two then passes out on your lap
Will not help at all when you fall, just laughs cause he is probably the reason you fell in the first place.
When hes skating he will take your hand in his the whole time and sorta lean on your shoulder while skating from behind you.
You two will stop periodically to sit at the small felt covered benches in the rink to look up at the stars (may or may not fall asleep on your shoulder so you're stuck there with him sleeping for 20 minutes)
You will be the last ones out
Must grab some food for Beel cause belphie promised to bring him home food.
Skating (more like you dragging him by the hand while hes in skates)back to your place and looking at the stars together at like 3am
Wont go back till he can officially cuddle you till the morning and leaves at 11am
"Hey look...theres Ursa major...*yawn* come on let's sit down again, I'm tired..."
Luke (only as siblings you take him skating)
Doesnt know how to skate
You end up teaching him and hes the happiest little boy ever.
If you take him to a race he'll be all worried that you got a scratch and starts to get protective over you when the person who pushed you comes near
Definitely eating cotton candy
Playing claw machines and you win him a stuffed piggy and he holds it near and dear to his heart cause it's from you
"Mc! Mc! Look I'm doing it! I'm skating! Sir oinkers and me are skating together! Thank you so much haha!"
Happily joins to cheer you on during your races everytime. Got a race? Simeon will be there.
If you dont win he will comfort you and make the best of the situation by taking you to the food bar till it turns to a free skate again.
If you're injured he will pamper you and be ready with his first aid. Little angel kisses on every scrap and bruise.
So many forehead kisses of encouragement and praise 🥺😭
Can speed skate, so if you want to practice he'll help but if you want to relax he'll do that too.
Inlines? Regular skates? No matter what hes great at them.
Somehow he has great luck and every stuffie you showed interest in or every candy or prize there was that you would even look at, he would win on the first try.
"Dont worry! I'll carry it all. You just relax alright? You got pretty bruised from that fall."
Getting this man to stop working and go on a date will need a ton of patience, even Lord Diavolo has to convince him the little d's will do their jobs right while hes away.
Will take care of every scrape and bruise you get.
Man has glowsticks prepared to cheer you on
When it turns back to a free skate he will try his best to impress you and teach you little tricks he's picked up in his many years.
You try to convince him to eat some of the food there and he will politely decline and proceed to take you out to a nice fancy, but quaint restaurant.
"You were really quick to dodge them back there, yet you still got a few bruises, truly amazing for humans to get to that speed and dodge so fast. You're really a fascinating one arent you?"
Lord Diavolo
This man.... he made SIGNS
WILL be hollering when you win
The loudest in the stands
Glowsticks, glowing necklaces, bracelets, man is even wearing a glowing necklace around his head for you, glowing head to toe
So happy and proud 🥺😭❤
Definitely brought barbatos to help hold up the glittery signs him and the little d's made
Barbatos will leave with the signs after congratulating you and leaving you two to your date.
He will be a little off balanced when first skating cause the man went straight for the inlines 😂
Will be smiling the whole time, nothing can or will ruin it.
Absolutely in love with the skate rink because of you and even wants to add a few to the devildom so they can hold tournaments like the one you where in
Can get sad if he cant get you a stuffed animal while you're in the bathroom so he summons Barbatos again to help him while you're away.
Sends Barbatos away so you wont know he helped him get the prizes
Ends up getting you 6 stuffies and a phone case that doesnt fit your phone but it's the thought that counts right?
You win him a medium sized dragon from the claw machine and he sleeps with it every night and loves it like it's your guy's kid.
If he meets your friends he will find out just how much you've missed him as you get embarrassed, makes a mental note to see you once a week after that encounter.
Will eat 2 Turkey legs as you eat a slice of pizza and share a pitcher of soda with him
(He makes a mess of his face so you clean it off for him)
Will not want to leave and go back to the devildom so he'll insist on staying the rest of the night and walks you home
Will. NOT. LEAVEEEE! Master of excuses for why he should stay.
"But I dont want to leave! Theres still so much to do!" "Can I at least see your house?" "I wont leave until I see you're safe at home!" "Please can I stay the night, I miss having you wake up in my arms." "I want to see the morning sun rise with you before I go back"
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brelione · 4 years
Have You Ever Been In Love (JJ Maybank X Reader)
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Warnings:Smut,fluff,mentions of really gross jellyfish stings
This is the first smut ive written so dont judge me pls
JJ Maybank had never been in love.He never wanted to be in love either.He had never seen it or understood how people could die for it.He had heard the story of Romeo and Juliet hundreds of times.How it had ended in a beautiful tragedy.Love was an illness that killed people.It was like a parasite that ate away at your heart and brain until there was nothing left.It sounded painful and he’d rather be set on fire then fall in love.He had convinced himself that he could never love anyone in such a way.He convinced himself that he’d only ever love someone like a sibling.He could never really fall in love.He had tried lying to himself over and over and had gone as far as to write it on paper over and over again.Nothing worked.He was sick with the plague of love.The first time he ever saw you he couldnt understand the feeling within him.He had been working at a gas station.That job had only lasted two weeks.His shift was from 12 am to five am and he hated it.It had been three in the morning when you walked in with your wet hair,slightly bloodshot eyes,bikini top and shorts.The terrible gas station lighting should’ve made you look like shit but you looked fantastic in his eyes.
You had waved to him quickly before heading to the back into the freezer section.You were limping ever so slightly,your flip flops echoing through the building.He kept staring at you,trying to figure out if he had ever seen you before.He saw the bright red lines across your thigh and shin.It looked gross and painful but you didnt even care as you grabbed a pint of ben and jerry’s icecream.You went over to the counter where all the coffee,syrup,sugar and cream was.You made yourself a caramel iced coffee before limping up to the counter.His eyebrows were furrowed as he looked down at you. “Hey,do you have like a band aid or something?”You asked.He frowned. “What for?”He asked,pretending he hadnt noticed the bright irritated injury.You grinned. “Um...jellyfish stings.”You answered.He shook his head. “Youre gonna put a band aid on a jellyfish sting?”He asked.You nodded,sipping the coffee and putting ten dollars on the counter.He leaned across the counter,glancing down at your leg. “Yeah,no.That’s pretty bad.You should clean that off and wrap it up.”He suggested.You bit your lip,shaking your head. 
“Nah dude,i’ve got ice cream for a reason.It doesnt even hurt that bad like its fine.”You answered,grabbing the icecream.He handed you two dollars back,telling you to wait a minute before putting his hand under the counter and grabbing the box of rainbow bandaids and handing you one.You smiled. “Thanks,JJ.”You took the band aid,holding it up to the light. “Ooh...a yellow one.”You mumbled,putting the band aid in your pocket. “Do I know you?”He asked.You shook your head. “But you knew my name.”He squeezed the counter,trying not to blush at all.You pointed to his name tag.He had completely forgot about it.He nodded,biting his lip hard and looking away from you. “So what’s your name?”He asked.You grinned,grabbing your coffee. “Wouldnt you like to know,pretty boy.”You smiled before walking out.He watched as you left,letting out a loud sigh.He let out a laugh,not understanding the feeling that was taking over his body.He stared down at the counter for a while,scolding himself for falling apart like that.Flirting had always come easy for him.He’d never met a girl that he couldnt charm with his looks and his words,except Kie,of course.
But even she had blushed a good amount of times when they first met.But not you with your jellyfish sting and your ben and jerrys icecream.It wasnt until about a month later that he had seen you again.He had lost his job at the gas station because he was caught smoking weed inside.He wondered if maybe you had come by the gas station looking for him since he had left.He kept thinking about you,wondering your name or if you had ever cleaned off your jellyfish sting.He had been at The Wreck as he stuffed his face with french fries and listened to John B. and Pope’s rambling about something scientific.The fries nearly fell out of his mouth when he saw you walk up to the counter. “Hey,hoe.”You grinned at Kiara.She gasped. “Dude-oh my god its been like three months!”She exclaimed,coming out from behind the counter and hugging you. “Hey.”You repeated,pulling out of the hug.She said something quickly to her dad before literally dragging you over to the table where your other friends sat. “This is (Y/N)!”She told them excitedly,shaking your arm.You grinned at JJ before saying hi to the group.Kiara explained that you had been staying with your father in Massachusetts for the last couple of months and that you two had been friends since like seventh grade and whatever.
JJ hadnt been paying attention to her,only focusing on you.The overwhelming desire to laugh and hug you was almost scary.He even knew your name now.It fit you quite well.You looked like a (Y/N) for sure. “JJ,what do you think?”Kiara asked.He frowned a bit,trying to figure out what she was asking. “What?”He asked.Pope laughed. “Dude,pay attention for once.”He sighed.Kiara rolled her eyes. “I asked if you think (Y/N) should join us on the boat today.”She repeated.JJ nodded. “Yeah,yeah definitely.”He blushed,trying not to look at you.You grinned. “Cool,I’ll see you guys later then.”You winked at JJ before getting up and walking out of the restaurant.Kiara snorted in a laugh as JJ smacked his head down. “Have you two met before?”She asked.JJ nodded,picking his head back up.Kiara gasped. “Oh god-did you two hook up?Please tell me you did not hook up with my best friend.”Kiara waited nervously for his answer.JJ shook his head. “I wish.”He replied.He ignored the feeling,telling himself that he was just too high for social interaction and that was the only reason he felt the way he did.
He hadnt smoked in hours.His mind wandered back to a month ago when he had seen you the first time.He had been getting dressed at John.B’s that afternoon,trying to make himself look nice for when he saw you.He had changed his sleeveless shirt for the first time in two days.He had taken a quick shower,brushed his hair and stared at himself for a good five minutes.He wasnt in love.There was nothing wrong with wanting to look nice for someone.Kiara had basically yelled at JJ on how to get to your house. “No-no you gotta-OH MY GOD JUST LET ME DRIVE!”She had shouted and ended up driving the boat.She pulled up to your personal dock,waiting for you after sending you a text.Your house had chipped paint and six chickens roaming around your backyard.His heart sped up,breaths getting a bit fast as he waited for you to come out.When you did he couldnt look away from you.Your hair was tied up,a yellow highwaisted bikini tight on your skin.You walked past your chickens,down the hill and towards the dock. “Hey,loser.”You grinned at Kie.She held out her hand to help you on to the boat,pulling you so you were sitting next to her. “Hey (Y/N).”Pope greeted. 
“Hey.”You grinned,fist bumping the boy.You leaned back,raising an eyebrow at JJ.He hadnt noticed that you were staring,to busy looking down where his eyes shouldn't have been.He licked his lips,looking back up at your face.You winked at him,causing him to blush and look away.He spent the whole day sending glances your way,glancing down at your thigh every once in a while.There was only some scratches left and a small patch of peeling skin on your thigh where the awful sting had once been. “So why were you in Massachusetts?”Pope asked,leaning his head on his folded shirt.You laughed quietly.That was a fun thing to explain to people when they had asked. “Well,you see,my half sister’s step mother’s cousin was getting married so I got invited.Obviously I decided to go but then like I got stuck up there because there was like a tropical storm or some shit and the wind was going ninety miles per hour and there were flash floods and the power went out and full as buildings like collapsed
.It was a huge mess and then like a couple days later it was negative ten degrees and all the water froze and I couldn't drive out cause of it and it sucked and I think someone like manifested bad luck on me.So it kind of sucked but then I got boba coffee in boston and I went to an aquarium and all these museums.There are so many hospitals in Massachusetts like it's kind of crazy.But then I ended up somewhere in the suburbs on my way back and I slept in my car for like four days until I got my car fixed and then I got here like a few days ago.”You explained,looking over at JJ to make sure he wouldn't say anything.Pope nodded. “So what museums did you go to?”He asked,continuing your conversation.JJ felt a bit jealous that you weren't paying attention to him like he was paying attention to you but he couldn't really be mad about it.He just wasn't your type.He wasn't in love.He just wanted you to like him.It had been two in the afternoon when they stopped in the middle of a clear bay.
JJ had watched to see if you were going to go into the water.He watched as you pulled your hair out of its tied up mess,nudging Kiara’s arm.She nodded,jumping off the side of the boat with you.JJ watched as you swam away from the boat around one hundred feet with Kiara close behind you.He watched the way your body moved in the water and how you kept purposefully splashing water into Kiara’s face.He listened to your giggles as you got back to the side of the boat,declaring that you had won.Kiara groaned,lifting herself onto the boat.JJ held out his arm for you to pull yourself up.He blushed a deep crimson as you squeezed his forearm lightly and thanked him.He watched as you and Kiara laid on your backs,basking in the sun while you had a small conversation.He had ended up jumping in the water with Pope,racing John.B and JJ to a buoy a few yards away.He had swam as fast as he could,saltwater splashing into his nose and mouth.He hoped you were watching.For eight months you had been part of the close knit friend group,officially being voted in in favor of everybody after a month of hanging out with them.While they all went to school you had just spent everyday at your house doing whatever you felt like doing.
You’d still swim and surf during the winter because the water wasn't even close to cold.You’d come around John.B’s house when he and the others were out of school.Sometimes you’d even spend the day at his house.Little did you know that JJ would skip the last half an hour of last period pretty often just so he could spend time alone with you.He’d announce himself as he walked in,his heart beating fast as he stood in the doorway.You’d always hug him tight and ask him how his day went and if he wanted to go surfing with you.He’d say yes every time and change into his bathing suit quickly.You’d get so excited to finally see everyone after they got out of school.Kind of like a puppy with separation anxiety.JJ would tell you everything about his day from what he ate at lunch to any jokes he had heard that he thought you might find funny.He’d tell you about a dog he’d seen walking around during P.E or an explosion in the teacher’s lounge microwave.He told you everything he could think of and made it sound as dramatic as possible just to see your reaction.You never questioned why he got back before the others every single day but it didn't really matter.You surfed for hours together before laying on your stomachs on your boards and floating across from each other. “JJ.”You sighed,putting your head down on your folded hands as they rested on your board.
He hummed,looking at you to give you his full attention. “Yeah?”He asked,waiting nervously for you to ask the questions you had.There were so many things you could say.Perhaps Pope had let something slip out.He had ranted to Pope about his feelings for you and how he couldn't understand.Pope tried to explain to him that he was in love with you but that wasn't possible.He wasn't capable of loving someone the way he loved you.He didn't love you.He just loved everything about you and wanted to be around you all the time.He wanted you to lay on his chest as he played around with your hair while you told him about your day.He wanted to take you on late night walks along the beach and collect seashells with you as you giggled about random things.He wanted to sing you silly songs as you whined for him to shut up.He wasn't in love with you.He just wanted you to love him and date him and be his.But that definitely didn't mean he was in love with you,right?You sighed as the sun beamed down on your skin,the water twinkling almost blindingly. “Have you ever been in love?”You asked him.
He bit his lip,glancing out at the horizon.He didn't know how to answer you or even how to react.You knew about his random hookups with tourons and how he was known as a bit of a man whore.He knew that you knew.But you didn't know that he hadnt hooked up with anybody since he had met you.He licked his bottom lip,looking back at you.You were looking at him,only your nose and eyes visible because the rest of your face was hidden by your crossed arms.He gulped. “Um...no.No.No i’ve never been in love.”He cleared his throat.You giggled,the sound echoing off your surfboard. “That was not convincing at all.Girl or boy?”You asked,interested in his story.He shook his head,grinning. “Nobody.”He answered,avoiding your gaze.You reached out,grabbing his arm. “Come on,J.Tell me about it.I’ll tell you first if you want.”You offered.His stomach churned at the thought of you loving someone.He didn't know why.Well,no,he absolutely knew why.He knew it was because he had a thing for you.
He didn't know what that thing was but he didn't really like it much.He nodded,waiting for you to tell the story.You sighed. “Alright.It was eighth grade and his name was Ryan.”You began.His eyebrows furrowed. “Ryan Field?”He asked.You nodded,making a look of disgust come across his face.You giggled. “You know what?Shut up because I was twelve,okay?So,anyways,he sat next to me in Geography and this was before I dropped out and I was barely paying attention.We’d pass notes back and forth and then I had his phone number and we’d text all the time and then we ended up dating.It was my first serious relationship and he broke up with me because he thought I wasn't like mentally stable enough for a relationship and I couldn't handle it.I guess he was right and it definitely hurt when it happened but thinking about it now I don't even know if I actually loved him or if I just was trying to like….convince myself I was happy,you know?I don't even know if love is even real because I used to believe in it when I was little but then I got into the real world and shit kind of just hit the fan.Its all just messy and it's probably all bullshit but it's nice to think that maybe there are people that we’re meant to be with.I don't even think I have someone im supposed to be with cause like,everyone i've ever cared about leaves me so now i'm constantly paranoid that you’re all gonna leave me so that's fun.”You spoke quickly and held up a peace sign.
His eyebrows knit together as he stared back at you. “You-you shouldn't feel like that about us.You know-you know that we'd never leave you.You know that we-that we all love you,right?You know that I love you and we all love having you around and that things wouldn't be the same without you.You know that,dont you?”He asked frantically,his hands tightening on his board.He couldn't believe everything that you just said.The atmosphere completely changed.It felt tense,the giggling and teasing from before had completely faded and was now replaced with nervousness.The clouds covered the sunlight,the air was cool and the small waves had calmed.You sighed quietly,sorting out what you wanted to say.He could've been lying about it.They all probably talked bad about you behind your back anyways. “We should get back to the house,looks like it's gonna rain.”You spoke quietly,paddling back to the shore.You sniffled as you walked on the sand,JJ jogging close behind you.
 “We should seriously talk about this.Why wouldn't you tell anyone that you felt like this?”He asked.You let your board fall to the sand,turning around with tears in your eyes. “Because I'm scared,okay?Im scared that he was right about me not being mentally stable enough for relationships and that i'm a bad friend and a bad person.I don't even deserve happiness or relationships or love,god,i don't even know if im capable of it-”You ranted,tears coming from your eyes when he smashed his lips against yours.It was rough and desperate as your shaky hands made their way around his neck.You couldn't even wrap your mind around what was happening.His arms draped around your hips and held onto you like you were a life line,pulling away for a moment to breath before kissing you again. “JJ.”You whispered,still holding him close.He panted,eyes still closed as his forehead leaned against yours. “JJ,what the fuck are we doing right now?”You asked,out of breath.He licked his lips,knees weak and his bottom lip quivering. “I dont-I dont know it seemed like a good idea.”He whispered,still holding onto you.You didn't know how to react or even what to say.You just stood their,hands on the back of his neck with water dripping onto your fingers from his hair.
 “Sorry,I shouldn't have done that.”His hands fell from your body.You pulled him back for another kiss,his hands on your waist as he pulled you impossibly close to him. “I meant it.”He mumbled before pressing a small kiss to your lips.You bit your bottom lip,letting out a small shaky breath. “What?”You asked.He gulped. “When I said we all love you...that I love you.I meant it.”He spoke quietly.He bit the inside of his cheek as he waited for you to respond.He was in love.Thunder rumbled loudly,the sky darkening as rain pounded down on the two of you.He didn't even care,only worried about what you were going to say.Your finger traced his jaw slowly,dragging your warm finger up to his temple and slicking his wet hair back.The rain sent shivers all over your body as you pulled him back down.He bit down on your lip,tugging it lightly before practically shoving his tongue down your throat.A moan ripped from your vocal cords as you pressed up against him.His lips traveled down your jaw and to your neck,kissing,sucking and biting.The rain became heavier and the air became colder. “JJ...J-we….we need to go-go back to the house.”You whispered,hand tugging at his hair.He let out a small sigh.
 “Please-please-I need you now.”He whimpered,pressing himself to you so you could feel how hard he really was.You bit your lip,looking up at him. “You can last five minutes.”You told him.He shook his head. “I cant-I cant do it-im so hard it hurts.”He whined.You picked up your surfboard. “Then you’re gonna have to run back if you can't last.”You smirked,jogging back up the hill.JJ ran after you with his surfboard under his arms,tossing it down in the backyard. “Hurry,please.”He told you.You grinned,seeing the van wasn't there yet.He dragged you into the guest room while you closed the door and locked it.He pressed you up against the door,kissing you hard and untying your bikini top.He let it fall to the floor before moving downwards.Your breasts were cold from the water but he didnt care,leaving deep purple marks all over them.You let out small moans as your fingernails scratched against his scalp.
You pushed him down on the bed,straddling him and pressing a kiss to his lips.You sucked hickeys along his jaw and collarbones. “Please…”He whispered.He had never been this desperate before.He had never let anyone be on top before either.You began to roll your hips slowly,grinding on him.He let out a loud,raspy moan as he gripped your hips to make you go faster.His mouth fell open as his head fell back.You leaned down to create a dark hickey on his neck.You slid his bathing suit down,licking your lips.He bit his lip as he waited for you to do something.He let out a loud gasp as you ran your fingertip along a pulsing vein. “You like that,JJ?”You asked.He nodded quickly,making you grin. “Words,baby.I need words.”You taunted.His eyes closed tightly as he let out a whimper. “I like it-I love it so much,princess.”He squeaked out as your hand moved faster. “Please-please-just-”His sentence was cut off by a loud moan ripping through his throat. “Please what?”You asked innocently.He bit his lip hard,trying not to let anything else slip out. “Please just-please I just need you.”He moaned,back arching slightly.You loved having this power over him as you watched him fall apart in front of you.
 “What do you need,J?Tell me what you want.”You spoke softly.He swallowed hard,sweat and water drops coating his forehead. “I-I want you to fuck me hard and-and I want to make you-make you feel good.”A half scream half moan left his mouth along with a string of profanities.You leaned down so you could whisper into his ear. “You wanna make me feel good?Oh,thats cute.”You whispered before sinking down onto him.He nearly screamed,eyes going wide. “Let it out,baby.No one can hear you.”You whispered to him.He let out a loud scream that was so loud it could break glass.You began to move at a hellish pace,letting out small moans. “Moan for me.”He told you,guiding you up and down on him.You let out loud moans,glad no one else was home.You were going so fast and so hard that you knew you probably wouldn't be able to walk properly tomorrow. “Im so close.”He whined.You went even faster than you thought possible,grinning as he let out a shout as he reached his high.You kept going after that,making him a bit confused but he didn't complain once he glanced down and saw as his member went in and out of you,your head dipping back as you let out a long,high pitched moan and squirted.He smirked,holding on tight to your waist before flipping you two over. “You’ve done so much for me today,baby,Let me help you out.”He spoke softly before kissing your forehead.His fists went onto the mattress next to your head as he began to pound into you ridiculously hard.Your fingernails dug into his back as he sped up,determined to make you come undone again.
It barely took two minutes for you to cum again,the juices leaking out and coating your inner thighs and his member.He pulled out,laying down beside you. “God,you feel so good.”He moaned quietly,arm around your waist.You grinned. “I know,baby.You’re so good for me.”You kissed his forehead.He leaned into your touch,burying his face in the crook of your neck.The storm was just calming down when you heard the door to the house open.You got up quickly,grabbing your wet towel from the beach to clean yourself out.You grabbed a random long sleeve shirt and slid on a pair of shorts,tossing JJ his pajama pants before tying your hair up to fix its messy state.You unlocked the door before sliding under the covers and resting on JJ’s chest. “Pretend to sleep.”You whispered to him when you heard footsteps coming down the hall.He nodded,placing his arms around you comfortably before closing his eyes.He heard the door open and a small gasp that had obviously come from Kie.He tried not to smile when he heard the loud click of a photo being taken before the door closed again.
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evening-primroses · 3 years
Okay yea I think the scene preceding the piano moving shows that Maurice is bored and fed up with being around rich people as he sits on the couch not interacting with anyone and just staring at the ceiling dripping lol like he’s totally indifferent to everything around him. He doesn’t even bother to help everyone move the pictures and stuff off the piano until alec shows up and he’s suddenly like LET ME HELP U THERE lmao.
skkfksjhdhj exactly like the idea of maurice just sitting in a corner by himself and not interacting with anyone until alec comes and he’s like omg wait i have to be Mysterious i have to look Hot and Elusive is just so funny but also so human bec its like one of the many examples in maurice of people being people yk like wanting to be noticed by someone they may or may not be attracted to and doing or saying stuff that doesnt rlly have a point but still doing them to make someone see you, which i think is so cool of forster and merchant-ivory to weave in 
but yeah before the piano has to be moved, you can just see maurice so disconnected from the place he’s in, like pippa and mr borenius and everyone are playing bridge i think and clive is working in another corner, while maurice is just by himself, which shows how he’s bored of that whole crowd like you said, and i noticed it too how he sees the ceiling dripping but just watches it and smokes and its only when someone else points it out that everyone knows abt the dripping, which again rlly highlights his indifference like you pinted out like he doesnt care about the ceiling or the ornaments or anyone at this point (until ofc alec comes in and he wants to move the piano)
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caps-clever-girl · 5 years
god marvel did us dirty by having 2 of the people tony could best get along with on the opposing side of the civil war so that they never had any oppertunity to develop what could have been super good friendships and instead just became Immediate Enimies without even really having exchanged more than a scentence or so first
like bucky and tony? would have been fuckin GREAT together. same ‘i am a shit’ sense of humour, Much Mischief bois, used to steve’s patent brand of bullshittery, and very sarcastic. bucky’s a big believer in sticking together and credit where credit is due and accepting help, and is interested in tech. tony kind of has the tech thing, you know, covered - i wanna see tony explaining improvements or ideas for buckys arm and bucky actually following along.
i also wanna see tony stick fridge magnets to that arm and bucky follow up by putting pudding in tony’s pillowcase, or hello kitty magnet’s on the suit’s ass. c’mon giys think of the prank wars.
bucky moving things around in the lab and driving tony fucking bonkers.
discussing hair care
constant comments about how hot the other one is because they are both Massive Flirts and oh god stop. stop guys please.
bucky: you cant stop love sam
sam: bucky no
tony: bucky yes
sam: tony no
bucky: tony yes
i want some reporter trying to one-up them and tony and bucky sharing a Very Specific eye-roll before teaming up to seamlessly oblitterate the guy with the smooth and smart fast-talk, just absolutely bouncing off of eachother.
i want them coming to trust eachother, culminating in bucky letting tony work on and eventually replace his prosthetic arm. unexpectedly, tony repays him by letting him suggest ideas for his suit (and others) and letting him take a deeper look.
i want them bonding over experiences with ptsd, trying to help eachother out with tips for panic attacks and grounding methods. i want them to talk about howard and maria, about how they were good friends with bucky but how howard wasnt the best dad, and about their death, and i want them to bond over their mind-controll experiences.
and scott - come on. that sarcastic little shit? if they’d have met different ways you can fucking garentee that he and tony would have gotten along like a house on fire. i mean:
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ah yes, first instinct. lets just have a sit down in an abandoned car. these two tired dumbass/smartass dads could be on SUCH the same wavelength. PLUS THE STARK/PYM RIVALRY???? absolutely DELICIOUS and you cannot tell me that scott wouldnt absolutely delight in it.
hank: tony stark is a bastard and his technology is SHIT
scott: he got me a starbucks yesterday actually i think hes pretty great
hank: you whore
breaking in somewhere together??? iron man 3 tony and scott going balls to the wall to gain access to some dickwad’s secret base? do u send in the 2 master spies? no, u send in the booby trap boy and the catburglar. the Big Brain moments they would have with their cool ass tech and pure Skills sneaking in and also simoultaneously knocking over something very expensive because they are so stupid!!
scott introducing tony to every ant he knows and tony keeps pretending he doesnt give a shit but that one is called ANT-onio Banderas and its nuzzling him oh god babies
these two smart dudes trying in an absolute PANIC over something their kids have done like scrape a knee and the kid listens to twenty minuets of them hyperventilating before going ‘i put a plaster on like quarter of an hour ago, its fine’. tony making something Cool and New and Better Than Pym’s Bullshit Ain’t That Right Langy and scott having a reasonable idea of what it does but still managing to both use it to hide steves shield somewhere dumb and also blow it up ten seconds after shouting ‘hey tones i think i got the hang of this!’ tony and scott working together on a new project, surrounded by paper and plans and bits of wire and covered in dinosaur and princess plasters from all the little electric shocks they keep getting, getting hours deep into conversations about tech and ideas.
ant-sized scott accidentally flipping tony over his shoulder and across the room when tony offered him a finger to shake instead of his hand. tony accidentally smacking a pint-sized scott into a ceiling light.
teaching their kids how to prank the other avengers and how to Suddenly And Conveniently Dissapear afterwards - and to make IMMEDIATE BAMBY EYES if caught. scott basically using tony as a sugar daddy and wanting to get bagels or ice cream or starbucks and whining like a child until tony gives him ten bucks. (scott knowing tony’s preferences by heart and always getting him something too.) the two of them lovestruck by super cool women who can and have handed them their respective asses on multiple occasions. verbally oblitterating anyone who opposes them and also being able to absolutely bullshit their way out of any situation because they are Liars and Good At It.
bonding over the heavy responsibility of using powerful technology for the greater good that they kind of inherited from people they want to live up to but also be better than, and scared of what would happen if that trusted tech fell into the wrong hands. taking that tech and making it theirs and only theirs. concepts of identity. and bonding over wanting to be the best example for their kids and give them everything, and trying to make sure they dont make the same mistakes as they did. i mean, scott understood why tony wasn’t willing to help at first in endgame - sure it fucking killed him, but the most important thing to him is cassie, and he gets that tony doesnt want to risk basically making morgan never exist. if the roles were reversed then could he make the choice? could he face up to the posibility of dooming cassie to get hope and her parents back? like these guys have so much to Talk about. theres a level of insintric understanding that just wasn’t explored.
like look at all the cool shit we could have had, but no, just Outright Hatred.
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whumpbby · 5 years
Okay, so what about a furious Omega Jason confronts Alpha Bruce about the joker, who's about to start a rut, which bring him closer to his instincts and makes him emotionally honest for once. Bruce admits that the joker doesnt deserve to live but he cant kill him because then he'd spiral into killing other rogues and ultimately end in his own suicide due to guilt and Jason realises just how broken Bruce is and his own instincts push him to try to help this Alpha by fixing his pack.
I think that they both know this... and I like to believe that once Jason stopped being a straigh up villain, they DID have this conversation like normal people, not whatever DC is trying to portray them as. Bruce explained t Jason why he couldn’t kill the Joker and Jason, while he wasn’t yet at the pint of forgiveness, understood. It didn’t fix things between them, they were always more complex, but it helped them reach an understanding of where to set their expectations. Jason won’t expect of Bruce to slay the dragon and Bruce will admit that Jason has the right to be resentful and has to find it in himself to forgive his father for not stepping up to the role (I am firmly of the opinion that Bruce failed with Jason pre-death as a father figure by failing to realise his real emotional needs and then being terrible at acknowledging that fact). 
NOW ANON, this may happen like this exactly;] 
Jay isn’t aware that Bruce is on the verger of the rut, Joker escaped Arkham and they’re both stressed and Bruce dares to demand of Jason that if he wants in on the action, he WILL NOT KILL and Jason just snaps. He rounds on Bruce and it all spills out - extra points if the Batfam is listening in on the comms - and Jason spells it all out for Bruce that this isn’t about him wanting to kill, it’s about him wanting the monsters to be done with, something that Bruce could never understand because he was never threatened by these monsters. Apart from losing his parents the monsters never scared him, were never danger to him, he can’t possibly understand how it is to live under threat every day of your life, unprotected, with no means of defence, with no police to come to the rescue, because you have money to pay them off, how it feels to be the silent victim no one ever mentions or notices, because his tragedy was so wide-blown, as was Dick’s, as was Tim’s... none of them was ever a victim alone int her corner, forced to take up arms to protect themselves... how can he understand where Jason is coming from when his own monsters were always fangless and theoretic! 
And Bruce, so close to rut, with his brain half-scrambled by hormones and his stoicism wavering on unsteady legs - admits that Jason is right. He tried not to think about it, because it was always painful in many ways to turn on introspection like that, but Jason is right. His tragedy happened in a bubble, it was a pin that his life turned around from that point on - but the one terrible moment that changed his life was one and done, and he was never alone. He had the cushioning of a dedicated carer, of a fortune and therapists, and a life where he could make his own choices, because Bruce was always fiercely independent - he can’t even imagine what he’d do if he didn’t have these. How can he relate to the victims that never received proper help. How taking in Jay and giving him a place to sleep and food to eat wasn’t even the beginning of that he should have done for the boy... how mourning him and self-indulgent guilt wasn’t enough in the wake of his death. B had failed, kept failing him, because he didn’t step outside of his own experience in time to understand Jay’s needs. 
But he can’t do this thing. Maybe if Clark didn’t stop him in the beginning, if he offed the Joker in the cloud of rage and despair it would be easier, it would mean something else, but not now, not like that... he can’t plan to murder someone in cold blood, even if it would be seen as a good deed, because - he just can’t. He panics internally at the idea of witnessing death - at the thought of causing it! He’s not brave enough to do it and - if he managed to force himself to kill, he doesn’t know which way it would break him. He likes to play omnipotent and sure and has contingencies for everything, but he doesn’t know what would happen - and it scares him to death that.... it could be easy. That he may be someone who finds killing easy. He’s terrified of it, always was. And he can’t let Jason do it either, because he doesn’t want Jay to find it easy either... because Jay always had so much stacked against him, that this one thing would be enough to break him completely... he just wants Jay to heal and how can you heal with the weight of lives on your shoulders? Maybe it’s possible, but Bruce can’t comprehend it and so he will never risk it. 
If someone else killed the clown? Someone outside of the family? He wouldn’t care, he doesn’t care for the Joker - but he cares about his own peace of mind and his family’s and he will never risk them like that. Never. 
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cr0nu5-archive · 5 years
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the prompt is halloween which i should’ve just done something more related to the holiday but who doesnt love some vampire action and since its the last day and i missed two days i decided to write something to accompany the art so uh no plot drabble under the cut i wrote it in a few hours be gentle
 "You gonna help me out or what?"
 "I'm already helping you out by not gathering an angry mob to run your freaky ass out of town."
 "Come on, Tomura. Don't be like that."
 Said man huffed in annoyance. The vampire never had trouble getting "food" before. He doesn't understand why he needs his help this time. Tomura half expects this is an excuse to make an attempt on his life.
 "I promise not to drink more than a pint. You have my word. Cross my heart." The vampire ran his finger over his unbeating heart, playful smirk on his face. The scowl on the other's face showed his distaste for that last bit before he processed the first sentence.
 "Wait. A pint?! A fucking pint, Dabi?! I thought you got your fill just the other day." He raised his voice just a bit, thinking the blood sucker was just fucking with him at this point.
 "I went out looking for a snack but I never said I had a successful haul. Just help me out this once. I already feel so weak." With an exaggerated emphasis on "so" Dabi put on a show by staggering closer to the human before throwing his body against the other's. Tomura did his best to try to push the prick off of him but it was clear the undead monster was not lacking in his normal strength.
 "Get off. Do you even know what losing a pint of blood could do to someone with my body type? I know I'm not anemic but come on." He was still struggling to shove the other away, unsuccessfully.
 "I'm not stupid. I know it's a lot to ask of you." The vampire finally stood up properly, taking his weight off of Tomura fully. "Not just the amount of blood but you'd have to put your trust in me. But, I promise I know my shit. I've been in the game a while. I'm not some rookie that's gonna accidentally bleed you dry." Dabi's demeanor was more serious.
 "... I do trust you." They both stood there quietly for a moment until he spoke up again. "Fine. But don't make a habit of it, I'm not a fucking juice box." Tomura grumbled as he pushed his hair out of the way to reveal his neck.
 Which earned him a slap upside his head from the vampire.
 "Hey! what the hell was that for?!"
 "Only a complete idiot offers their neck to one of my kind."
 "But you-"
 "I want a meal, not the entire buffet. Had you offered your neck to anyone else, it would certainly be your last moments of life."
 "Okay, what should I offer you?" The human hoped the cause of his flushed face would be mistaken for his anger instead of his embarrassment.
 "Your wrist is fine." Dabi held out his hand as if he just asked for a stick of gum.
 Tomura hesitantly pushed his hand at him, which Dabi took a hold of. The vampire pulled Tomura's wrist closer to his mouth. He made eye contact with the other while he ran his tongue across the dainty wrist, strengthening his hold so his food source wouldn't escape.
 "Gross… What the hell are you doing?" His words didn't carry a tone of disgust.
 "What? I can't play with my food?" Dabi couldn't hold back a grin.
 "You're an asshole," he scoffs. "Just get it over with."
 Dabi let out a huff of laughter. He opened his mouth, showing off his fangs, then bit down on the human's pale skin. Blood immediately filled his mouth. His eyes slipped closed as he enjoyed the flavor and comforting texture.
 Tomura winced when his skin was pierced but the pain quickly faded and was replaced with a calm and soothing feeling. It felt like the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders, like all his worries drained away with each drop of blood. He hadn't expected getting his blood drained by a vampire to feel so relaxing.
 Some blood couldn't be contained by Dabi's mouth and dropped down the other's arm, leaving a trail of red. Tomura watched, almost mezmorized, as the vampire continued to have his fill. After a few minutes Dabi reluctantly pulled off and licked his lips, trying not to waste a drop, before wiping the rest off with the back of his hand.
 "Thank you, Tomura." He thanked him in probably the most sincere voice Tomura has ever heard from him. "We should head to the bathroom to get you cleaned up. Think you can walk there?"
 What kind of a question is that, Tomura thought to himself. He took a step forward and the calm feeling faded rapidly as a dizzy spell hit him. He stumbled forward and immediately felt an arm pulling him close.
 "Nevermind. I'll take care of everything." With that, he hooked his arm under the human's knees and lifted him up with his other arm around his back. He made his way down the hall to his destination.
 "Why hasn't the bleeding slowed down?" Drowsiness soaked every word.
 "Our saliva is like an anticoagulant. Keeps the blood flowing so we can bleed our victims dry. Of course that adds complications to those of us not looking to kill every time we need to eat." They reached the bathroom and luckily the door was open a crack so Dabi just nudged it fully open with his foot.
 Once inside, he sat Tomura on the toilet seat. His attention turned towards the cabinets under the sink and shuffled stuff around till he pulled out what he needed, peroxide and bandages. He rolled up some toilet paper and uncapped the peroxide.
 "You need to disinfect it? You got weird vampire diseases?... Do you guys have vampire herpes?" A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
 "I will leave your ass here to bleed out." He wouldn't.
 The blood sucker poured some peroxide on the paper. He gently took Tomura's arm and lightly dabbed the fang wounds. Once done, he tossed out the bloodied up toilet paper and got some more and wet it slightly with the faucet water. He then cleaned up the blood that covered the other's arm as best he could. Tomura's eyes were slowly closing before Dabi got his attention.
 "Hey, stay awake for me for a little longer." Tomura did his best to comply.
 Lastly, Dabi unrolled the bandages and tore out the amount that was needed with his teeth. He tried his best to wrap the wrist not too tight but not to lose either. He wasn't exactly a professional but did a pretty good job nonetheless. He looked at the other's face to see him still clinging to consciousness.
 "I'll take you to bed now."
 "I wanna walk there." Tomura stood up and leaned on Dabi.
 "Fine, fine."
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10boys · 5 years
MLQC : Oral (receving)
♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡
-Ugh ok so Gavin is 100% a giver
-He loves you more than life literally and theres nothing he wouldn’t do to show you.
-Naturally , hes a super bashful guy and gets a bit embarrassed when its time for he himself to be taken care of. He’s so used to being responsible for others that showing his vulnerability is something that took time, which you gladly gave him. You and Gavin have such a comfortable bond now he could do anything infront of you but ya know only things that make him look cool infront of you
-He came to your house superr late at night since after being on one of his week-long missons, still in uniform and smelling of “outside” to his airborn location
-after quick ilys and imys you offer him a shower to wined him down of his journeys
-The moment he stepped in and left you alone with your thoughts, they went wild
-His thick body fit into his uniform so well, his chest heaving from fatigue of his flight. His masculine smell filled your nose when you first embraced, the same one emanating from his steamy shower. Your thighs twiched as you imagined his body elongated and streached out to wash himself in the shower. His musclier arms reached above to rub the conditioner into his hair, the white bubbles dripping down his muscles coming together in the creases of his back. They’d dip into his V-line , as if showing your eyes where to go. Just as your were getting to the most delicious spot..
-“Babe..what are you looking at?”
-Actions speak louder than words......
-He layed beneath you on the bed as you kissed and sucked at his neck and ears. His fresh wet scent was tantalizing, his skin was soft and delicate beneath your fingertips. He held a tight grip on your waste, seemingly trying to keep you close as possible to him.
-Feeling your breast smothered onto his chest , nipples supply poking into his skin made the heat rush to his dick at an unbelievable speed
-Gavin has a very...active imagination. A small peak at your collar bones or the back of your lower thighs and he already has a saucy full-body image of you in his head. Saying something vaguely suggestive to him is the equivalent of your whimpers in his ear. You’ve ever wondered why those cheeks are always red?
-Plus the boys just super horny in general lol he always wants saucy times when hes with you. You don’t even have to ask and at the blink of an eye he’s shirtless ( he loves being shirtless for you ‘baby pls look at my hot bod pls love me the most’ )
-He poked you from beneath his navy boxers, hips slightly bucking into you as you continued to grope as suck at his neck and chest. His face flushed pink as his head started to cloud in his light waves of pleasure.
-As you began to kiss him lower, golden eyes poured into your own. He watched the way your lips connect and parted with his skin, leaving sheen pelts of spit his torso. Your tongue danced down his happy trail as you sucked light purple circles onto his lower abdomen.
-Gavin is a grunt and groner. He’s still shy, so he’ll be quiet at the beginning, but its hard to keep his cool when your figure is present to use at his leasure. Heavy breaths and pants will escape as he lets himself roam. His hands will never stay in the same spot when you’re around...They’ll start on your thighs, then to your waste, then your chest, then behind your head, then back to your chest, then to your ass, waist and chest, thighs and chest you get the idea
-Actually, most of the moans you hear from him are simply cause he failed at holding them in
-Btw Gavins v gentle with you but his ass grabs are superr hard. He probably just gets carried away at the sensation of it filling his palm but you usually still feel his grip long after he’s let go.
-He just wants to be everywhere, to take and claim all of you.
-You kiss and smell along his length, palming him over his briefs. The smell was so intoxicating you couldn’t help but clench your thighs, trying to create a heat of your own. You quickly disregard of his boxers revealing his beautiful fully erected cock. Pre-cum dribbes down as the cold hair hits his tip, or maybe cause the view of your face so close to his cock is just that hot.
“Mmm Babe stop looking” srry baby ur just so beautiful. Ofc you can’t look for long without him getting bashful.
-He has a large vein ranging from ball to tip and it feels amazing when you run your tongue across it. Like Victor, Gavin loves watching you play with it. Its almost too much for him to watch. Lick him all around with as much spit on your tongue as you can get, kiss his tip with his balls in your hand. And for the sake of our boy make alllll the dick-sucking noises too- They’re his favorite. He even trys to stay quiet to hear them better.
-You don’t tease Gavin as much as you do the others. Although he would take it for you, hes way too impatient. He’s got great stamina from his daily workouts and could fuck for years, but his first nut usually comes rather quickly. Like i said, it doesn’t take much to rile him up.
-A wet mouth and hollow cheeks get the job done for him. His grip in your hair is kinda massage like, he rakes along your scalp in un-rythmic patterns. In other words, he totally fucks up your hair everytime.
-In usual circumstances, your body is usually draped over him in the 69 position while you suck. Gavin absolutely, and i mean absolutely loves the smell of pussy. He is 100% a panty stealer. He loves to have your backside smothering his face as he thrusts up into your mouth. The smell is absolutely engulfing to him, he can’t help to suck at you from over your panties.
-But for sessions created just for catering to him, he likes to sit on the edge of the bed with your naked body quivering below him. He likes watching the liquids from your mouth dribbling off your chin to rest on your bouncing chest. But his favorite part is your legs spread wide for him exposing your opened heat. His tongue often peaks out in in-voluntarily licking motions before he can bite his lips. Your clit is his eye candy as he thrusts himself closer to his release.
-Typically lf hes layed across the bed he uses his forarm to hide his erotic faces from you he must not know how orgasmic you find them
-Gavins orgasims come on strong, erupting a deep growl from his throat as he shoots his loud into your mouth. His tense face softens , eyebrows rising showing his state of complete bliss. He stiffens, holding you down on him until his very last wave.
-Once he’s done, he releases his grip resulting in an erotic view of his white semen spilling out from your mouth, it drips down onto your breast piling up with the rest of your liquids. Your wattering eyes look up into his sending an intense blush across his cheeks
-If Gavin were in an anime he would be the boy with massive nose bleeds when he see’s you
-ooh no he’s horny again
-yes he will clean u up first
- Kiro is also a giver in theory
- Now dont get me wrong- this bright bubbly ball of sunshine loves to give his acts of service to you, but he is , very much so, a boy. He loves when you go down on him, he loves being the center of your attention and all your gestures.
-Kiros definitely a pint up boy- going from show to show and interview to interview, he barley has enough time to sleep let alone relive himself. When you two first got together, he was very modest and a bit shy to show his manly desires for you. He respects you for being such an important person in his life, having ungodly thoughts about you made him feel like a nasty boy. But as time passed and you escalated in your intamacy, he is absolutely shameless in letting you know what he wants or if he’s ‘in the mood~” “babee.. stop working..i wanna play~” “Those shorts look very good on you miss chips...so... short”
-Kiro doesnt talk much to let you know what he wants anyway, in fact, one glance into those ocean blue orbs and you know his intentions. He’ll act super cutesy at first, slowly inching his body closer to yours for ‘innocent cuddles’. Kiro is a very hands-on affectionate, so this part was normal. But soon his hands will start to wonder and grope while a devious smirk spreads across his face he knows you see him as a sweet little angel and he will play that role to his advantage
-He’ll nuzzle his head into your chest demanding you take notice to his actions like a freaking puppy, And once you lower your gaze to find his figure latched around yours, his seemly sensual orbs pour into you, sending you notice of his want for you. When kiro uses his cuteness to fight for dominance he will always win.Always. And you’re okay with that.
-Kiros not necessarily shy about his noises for you , especially after all the praises you’ve whispered to him about how good they sound. He’ll moan and whimper to you as your hands massage his length over his boxers, peppering kisses down his neck and across his chest. Your kisses feel like heaven to him, leaving small waves of heat at every peck and nibble left on him.
-With that said, when you start kissing and sucking at his lower abdomen , his mouth immediately hangs releasing a steady breathy moan for you. The view when you looked up at him was godly..
-Kiros pleasure face is absolutely erotic. His pleasure state in general is mouth watering. His eyes are dark and low, his face twists and contorts, he grabs at everything; His hair, the sheets, the pillows, you, anything that might fall into his grasp is being pulled and scratched at. As much as you would love to spend all your time planting kisses on his skin, you quickly relocate to different spots making sure not to leave any marks. Kiros shirt lifts a considerable amount of times from him jumping around on stage, so its better not to ruin any of his fans’ day by new-found knowledge of his intamacys. This service is for you but that is fan-service for them.
-Kiro loves being teased :)
-Blow your heat onto his head from over his boxers for a easy and quick way to wake up little kiro. Kiss him around the spots he wants you too, and make sure to keep eye contact. He gets super off from you watching him he just loves attention
-Please pay all attention to his balls. Lick them up and down for a while with his legs spread wide, nibble and suck at them. This will make his hips a thrusting mess as he trys to create more friction for himself.
-He’ll use his own hand to push his dick in your mouth, but first, he’ll watch as you lay there mouth wide and tongue hung for him. He’ll press his tip against your face, letting it roll over all your features. He lets out a soft giggle before letting the tip roll over your hot wet tongue. The wave immediately made his cock twich infront of you, a dribble of pre-cum leaking from his tip.
-Kiro is def a hand holder. Pls expect him to want your fingers interlocked to bring a loving gesture to your vile actions. He’s internally lovey-dovey during sex. Even if he’s not verbally spitting soft phrases at you, his mind is filled with fluffy thoughts of you “ahh.. so pretty” “she uses her mouth so good..” “she’s so lovely” “im so lucky” “..m-more there...ah...perfect” “i love her so much”
-Kiro nuts very well <3
- The boys orgasims...are mighty. His hip thrusts might get a little rough as his head fills with waves of pleasure, subconsciously bobbing your head down a little harder than intended. Short moans tumble over eatch other as his breath quickens considerably. He trys his hardest to keep his eyes open, the view of you teary-eyed engulfing his length is enough to finish him and it does .
- A few more deep sucks and his back arches, his body stiffens as waves of hypnotizing pleasure take him over. His moans were as pretty as his singing coming close, but as the shocks of heated kisses reminisce through his nerves , he sits silent, mouth hung open only to release small high-pitched gasps and a maybe dribble of drool.
-As he comes down from his high he’ll wipe your face and spit beautiful praises at you. He’s a fluff after sex so expect lots of mushy gushy cuddles and pillow talk <3
“Wow...that was the best one...”
“you said that the last time...and the time before...”
“Yeah !!! Until next time too~ !!”
Yayyy the continuation is done! Pls lmk what you think, and my ask is currently open ! Gavins is a bit short cause he’s my fav, so im a perfectionist in representing his image lol. Will add the links once im off work -Myk
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Pairing: Johnny x Original Character
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Established Relationship
Summary: Being headstrong and different in a superficial world is challenging even more so when she’s dating someone from the said world. 
“Should we do our annual celebration at your place tonight?” Johnny mumbled as he watched her concentrate on getting his misaligned hair back to its spot.
“Mhm” Hannah grunted as she stuck her rat-tail comb in between her lips as her brows furrowed. Johnny needed to stand still so that she would be able to finish her job but at the way he is standing, one push and he could very well tumble and ruin his clothes.
“Maybe I should gift you a stool next time” He groaned as he  stood up and massaged his inner thighs for being in an awkward position for too long.
“Stop being a baby. I thought you workout for hours on end for a healthy body. All of us were actually thinking of suggesting you to move into the gym” Hannah teased as she shoved him to his place for the continuation of the shoot. He merely shook his head and continued to take his place and pose as directed.
Hannah wasn’t his designated stylist but she had to take over since his actual stylist had to give birth. Being a creative director who was trusted for her ideas does not give her the credentials to do hair but they were desperate. They were lucky that the muse of this shoot was her long-time friend who was kind enough to go with it and gave his input on how his hair should be. The dynamic works and thus the shoot went uninterrupted.
As she directed the interns on how the set should be, Johnny started to wonder how did she get so good at what she does. They have been friends since they were 15 years old but he never saw her creative brain been put into use at such a scale. It was intriguing to see this side of her as she took it upon herself to call the shots.
With his eagle eyes, he watched her every move and strangely enough, he could detect when her creativity was in motion as her eyes light up when she thought of something and a hint of smile came to her face when her imaginations come to life.
Being an idol for almost 10 years now, he knew how brutal it was here. He never wanted her to be part of this world, his world. She was never safe from the eyes of others. How they would talk about her appearance and what they would want her to do or what they would want to do to her. Time and time again, he would have to get his emotions in check whenever he hears them but it never really affected her. Well… at least he didn’t think it does.
“Stop hogging all of the ice-cream. Seriously. You’re supposed to be on a diet, your manager told me” She complained as she repeatedly smacked his hand that was clenching to the pint of ice-cream.
“What about you huh? I thought you wanted to go on a diet” He argued, mouthful of vanilla ice cream as he used his long limbs to get her as far away from the ice-cream as he could.
“Stop using your height and strength on me. Give it to me” She reached out as his feet was pressing on her tummy and his arms were out stretched away from her reach. He couldn’t help but to laugh and the sight of her short arms trying to overcome the challenge.
“Stop being so short then” He giggled as he continued to taunt her.
“Not fair, you know how short my parents are, I have no choice” She huffed. While they squabbled, his phone dinged. With his feet still at its position, he picked it up and looked at the message.
“Hey, I didn’t want to alarm you but, you have to see this” The message read. He clicked on the link and scrolled through the tabloid towards the comment section. Slowly he let his guard down and she snatched his ice-cream away with a triumphant cry.
He wasn’t concentrating on his best friend stuffing her face but rather what was sent to him.
“What are you reading?” She looked over at her too quiet of a friend. She leaned over and peered. He felt her presence and quickly turned his phone away and quickly locked it.
“Its nothing, don’t worry about it” He cleared his throat and held his phone close to him.
“Are you looking at naked girls again?” She poked his arm.
“Mhm” He curtly replied earning a slap on his arm.
Throughout the movie night, he was trying to calm himself as the comments he saw kept replaying in his mind. He was boiling mad but he didn’t want to ruin their night. He was busy trying to concentrate and appear normal that he didn’t notice Hannah doing what he did earlier.
She slowly placed the ice-cream down as she swallowed her cries in. No matter how many times she has heard those words from the people she has worked with, she was never prepared for the public to say the same in writing. Not when it involves him. Her hands started to shake as she locked her phone trying not to stay stoic. She gripped tightly to her phone as she pulled her hood up and closed her eyes. She focused on her breathing to appear as normal as possible but somehow it was failing her.
“Hey, I’m kinda hungry, wanna get some chicken? I mean, it’s never complete without it right?” He broke the silence. He looked over her and saw her hood up. She was curled up on the couch, appearing smaller than she was.
“Hannah?” He touched her shoulders and immediately felt her shaking. He grabbed her, trying to get her to turn towards but he was met with resistance.
“No. I don’t wanna eat anything” her voice cracked and appeared so timid.
“Shit” Johnny cursed in his head.
“Hannah, sweetheart. Look at me” he cooed as he tried to get her to face him. She shook her head as she didn't trust her voice.
Johnny pushed the coffee table to give him space for him to sit in front of her.
“Come on, love. I thought you were never affected by those things” He slowly pulled her hoodie back. He was met with glassy round eyes looking back at him. Her lips were trembling to fight off her whimpers. The sight pierced his heart as he continued to wipe her tears.
“You’re perfect. They don’t know what they’re talking about” He tugged her messy hair behind her ears. She looked away as she wiped her tears with her sleeves.
“They are right. How could anyone believe that we’re an item. Look at me” she whispered. She bit her lower lip as she felt a wash of emotions coming at her like a tsunami. Her tears were flowing till no end.
“I am looking at you babe. I’ve been looking at you the same way as i did when I was 20” He tried to calm her as he took her hand.
“NO JOHN! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT US!” she screamed as she yanked her hands away from him.
All he could do was stare at her outburst. Seeing how this was her pent up emotions finally succumbing to what others thought of her.
“I am fat. I am short. I am ugly. I don’t have legs that went on for miles. I don’t have paper white skin that glowed to the Gods. I don’t have a body that is envied by the masses. I don’t deserve you John” He winced as she listed down all the things they’ve said. He felt apologetic that he couldn’t protect her from the unruly world of the internet. He felt sorry that the world is so superficial. That the place they’re involved in cares too much about how you look.  
“Why did we ever think this was a good idea? Why did i ever thought i could have you without repercussions?” She shook her head as she stared at her trembling fingers. She sniffled as Johnny ran his fingers through his hair.
“Should we just say we’re just friends and move on? Shouldn’t your company set you up with some actress or a model or... or an idol?” She rambled on the possibilities of helping his image.
Johnny head snapped back at her as he looked at her in confusion.
“Break up? That’s your answer to this?” He was bewildered. Livid even, to know that the love of his life was suggesting nonsense.
“John.. think about it-“
“What’s there to think about. Hannah, listen to me. No amount of stick skinny models, actress or idol could stop me from thinking that you’re less than perfect” he held her head firmly as he forced her to look into his eyes. Hoping that she knows how sincere he is being.
“I’ve been chasing you for so long and i’m not gonna let some stupid matter get in the way of us. I love you too much to let go. So please for the love of God know that when i say you’re perfect. You are. Every thing about you is perfect” She looked back at him with rounded eyes as she listened to what he said.
“You love me?” She croaked. Johnny chuckled as he nodded while combing through her hair with his fingers.
“Yeah. I do” He grabbed her tiny hands and kissed her fingers.
“I love how small your hand is, it sometimes made me feel like im sort of a giant. It doesnt help when you said your hands look like a babies hand next to mine though” Hannah giggled as she recalled those memories of her calling him the parent in the relationship.
“I love how big your forehead is, how your eyebrows never grew fully, how your eyes are so small that it disappears when you smile or laugh. I love your small buttoned nose, your chubby cheeks” he kissed every part of her face that he described and finally he rested his forehead against hers. She felt his warm breath feathering her lips.
“You don’t know how i almost lost my mind trying not to kiss your perfectly plumped lips when i was trying to hide my feelings from you” he slowly wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips against hers. He nibbled her lower lips and slowly attacked them. Hannah gasped as she felt his large cold hands creep underneath her large hoodie. She pushed his away gently as she grabbed his arms to stop him.
“John, I can’t” she whispered, feeling uneasy as her self-esteem took a huge hit lately.
“Hey, I’ve made love to you before and I’m gonna do it again. This time, i’m gonna show you just how perfect your body is” he whispered as he peppered her face with kisses. Johnny slowly kissed down to her jaw and slowly, her neck towards the spot that weakens her. As he felt her grip loosen up, he smiled into the kiss and grabbed her legs and wrapped them around his torso as he slowly lifted her up from their position earning a surprised squeak from her.  
“You gotta hand it to me. That was pretty difficult to pull off” he winked as she giggled, pulling his face closer to hers as they kissed their way into her bedroom.
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c0untb00z · 5 years
I would just like to clear, I don't hate the BBC Dracula 2020 Show. In fact, I actually like the idea of Dracula being set in modern times like in the show, but I would like it a lot better if it wasn't written like a fucking reader insert fanfiction.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some reader inserts every once in a while but they're meant to be on Wattpad. Sometimes, you can find really fucking good fanfictions that could genuinly be movies, but this really just feels like someone wrote an erotic fanfiction for Dracula. It almost reminds me of a worse version of 50 Shades of Grey with less kinky sex.
First and foremost Agatha Van Hesling. I actually kinda liked her personality, how driven she was and determined to never give up, but she was literally created for a love interest. In Dracula by Bram Stocker, Sister Agatha is a nun that nurses Jonathan back to health, claiming he was 'sick in the head' as he ranted of what he had seen and warning others of Dracula. She doesn't even have a last name.
However there is a Dr. Van Hesling in the book, hes dutch(???) Professor that mentors and taught(????) Jack Seward who was in love with Lucy, who was fed off of and eventually killed and eventually undead by the means of the one and only Dracula. Dr Van Hesling plays a large role in the plot of the book. He has an open mind and was able to draw connections between things that some others couldn't, as he had access to more sources and could speak to most off the charecters involved. He's the first person to present the idea of a vampire, and Lucy turning into one. Thanks to Jonathan he was able to identify the vampire feeding on Lucy as Dracula and finds out how to kill the vampires.
So basically Agatha was literally fabricataed for the sole perpose of being there, to fall in love with Dracula or something.
I know we all are horny for Dracula. I'm horny for Dracula. Vampires are fucking hot but the sexiest part of vampires is that they ya know. Kill you and are mercily and heartless. The show does show that in a lot of parts and even decapiates a nun and yeets it into a gaggle of nuns which i fucking died at. But it also, humanizes him way to much, hes literally a monster. The scene in the boat with lord whats his name really portrayed that. It was really,,,, weird cause me being a kinky fucker I don't find the particular phrases of "you're going to need to be quiet now," and " youre doing so well" that creepy and if anything a little hot but looking at the circumstance and the look on that kids face, it was like r e a l y fucked up. Which is why i liked that scene. It showed just how fucked up Dracula is.
To be fair i did like Cleas Bangs acting and casting as Dracula. He had a certain charm that was ever so s l i g h t l y off. I heard people say he just 'made up an accent' but fuck you guys its a fucking danish accent you incolent twats anyways. He could be really funny at times and i actually apprecited it.
However the casting AND acting of the modern parts is absolute shit. Ep.3 is where i kinda gave up on the show and finsihed it for the sake of torturing myself. FIRST OF FUCKING ALL LUCY i cannot fathom how P I S S E D i am about Lucy. Why did they have to make her a phone obsessed basic asshole with no regards to anyones emotions besides her own and the extent of her personality is 'getting likes on socail media is all i care about because it makes me feel validated so im gonna wallo in self pity because i was obiously written by white man in his 50s that would have made me white if he wasnt forved to throw in diversity points" like shut the fuck up steven king.
Also lucy and mina never meet??? Theyre in different fucking time lines??? Theyre friendship and love for eachother was fucking golden how dare you rob that form me and give me a garbage bag full of shit with a shiny little bow on top in its place jesus f u ck.
The cemetary scene was o k ay i gues?? I liked the little nod to the book with the bloofer lady and the concept of random sprits being undead because of unfinished buisness. But this really just felt like it was slapped in the show for the sake of going on a date with Dracula in cemetary. I actually kinda apperacted it but it just felt awkward.
Also who the f u ck is Lucy's friend? The gay one??? Like,,,, is that supposed to Arthur???? His chatecter was so fu king weird and offset he just didnt feel like he should be in there. Hes literally just there for a-50-year-old-man's-interpretation-of-young-women-now-a-days verson of Lucy to have a gay best ffriend.
Ok i not even sure if i want to talk about Quincy. It just hurts. It physically hurts me to think about how d i r t y they did my baby. His charecter is the defination of american chivalry, just as great as regular chivarly but with a little extra cowboy vibe. Quincy is jist the biggest,,,, sweet haert,, like he asked lucy to marry him in his cool american cowboy voice cause he knew lucy loved it and it always made her laugh. And even when she turned him down becayse her heart belonged to arthur, he stayed. All he wanted was for lucy to be happy and all he requested was that they stay frirnds. Hes also invovled with taking fkwn dracula although hes not a main charecter percice ly as he doesnt have any entires in the book he still has an amaizing precence and sometimes while reading the book ill be readying one of dr sewards passanges and think "huh i wonder what quncys doin. I hope hes dooin good. Cowboy vibes n stuffs" amd boy dles he do that. Everh dracula film adaptataion robs us. R O B S U S of quincy morris best scene. In the middle of dr van helsing ranting about vampires( thats basically what half of the book is. I could write a 4p minute mono louge of his rambling jesus how does sweard take note of all this) quincy litterally just walks out. And nobodg really pays any notice beside glancing ag his leave and shrugging at one anouther and going back tl listneing tl van helsing explaining his vampire fan theories quincy moris , the quincy morris from texathe untited states of the amerkca the land and the free and also cowboys.stands outside of the bouilding and pints his gun up at. Dracula whos in the shape of a fucking bat eves ddopping outside the window and just fucking,,shoots it. Now he doesnt hit it cause thatt wouldnt be as fun as brutally stabbing the fucker witja wooden stake. But S T I L L. And the fucking bullet hits the window that everybodys in anprobably causes arthur to shit himself the ppoor boy. Can you belive that theh didnt fucking flim thatfor any dracul? Now i i under stands why not put in this adaptation because quincy is only mentionsed like three god damned times. And when theh DK mention him jesusnshit they literally jsut made him some popular jock from amwrica just to conter jacks white twinky ass and then they had him propose to lucy in the middle of a fucking night club and she says yes???? Lile ok jut throw Arthur out a window then cause cause fu c k him i guess. And then after lucy dies he jjsy fucking moves ?? The only thing thta makes this version of qincy quinccy is the fu king name and fact hes from america
Ok now jack fucking seward. He reminds me of when ylu forget you had a pb&j in your back pack so in the bos after school you pull it out cause yoyr hungry and yoyr mom put WAY to much jelly on it so now its like. All obsorbed into the bread and joggy and squished. Just sad and really white. They even had some kid call him whate bread and they werent fucking wrong. His obly personality traits were ' omg i love lucy but shes a hoe ;,,,((' and being connected to Zoe.
Now last and definately least the god forbaden ending. Just thinking about it gives me a fucking head ache. So , jesus, zoe, who is agathas great niece or someshit, a d looks exactly like her (its literally the same fucking actress) is a detective lile scitist reasearching dracula. So dracula is illedatly attracted to her becasue he thinks shes like agathas reincarnation or soenshit. So he tries tk drink her blood at one point and spits it all out and pukes and sjit cause her blood is poisonous bevaise she has fucking c an c e r. So later we find out that draculas weaknesses ( the sun crucifix) arnt actually real hes just afraid of dying so he has like irration fears or some shit so for some fucking reason. They deside. Its a good iea to end the show with this:
Dracula fucking drinks all of zoes blood killing her and himself because her blood poisonus. And ghe fucking emd scene is them like,,, in the sun???? Or soemt hi ng??? And theyre naked and like presumably fucked and dracula says some shit like " its doesnt have to hurt" and i almost tore my wrist open wiith my teeth because of how shitty this ending is.
Not lnly is it disrespectful to zoe but agatha, agathas whole thing was K I L I N G. dracula she wanted him fucking D E A D she woULDNT FUCK HKM
anyway if anyone actually goes through the effort of reafing my god damn eS S A Y about Dracula that i finkshed typing (im not gonna bother editing tbh) at 4 fucking am. Then thank you and please get a life
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