#roommate anon
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davidpastrsnack · 10 months ago
and story time. ty and i went shopping and he was holding my hand as we were walking. we went past a jewelry store and he tugged me towards it. i was like “what do we need in there?” and he goes “let’s just go look” and i asked “at what?” and he didnt answer, just walked walked in. ty was looking at chains that he was thinking about getting his brother as a gift. which i knew he was thinking about that so i thought oh ok. but then he moved down to where the engagement rings are and i was like 👀 i walked over and went “whatcha lookin’ at” and he goes “nothing, this one just caught my eye from over there, that’s a huge diamond” and i nodded and went mhmm. and then he goes “these are all silver” and i go “yeah, i see that” then the woman working came over and was like “oh we have gold over on this side if you’d like to see those” and she brought over some gold rings and asked if “anything caught my eye” i just looked over at ty. he goes “i know i catch your eye, but she’s not talking about me” the woman laughed. i glared at him. i was not sure what was happening and what i was supposed to do. like was he was nonchalantly taking me ring shopping or not. but i said which one caught my eye and the lady had me try it.
she overwhelmed me with questions though and ty noticed. so he went back to looking at chains and asking her about that. after we left i go “well, that was a lot” and he goes “yeah, she had a lot of questions” then we were silent for a couple minutes. and i was just waiting for him to bring up the fact that he just kind of took me ring shopping?????? hello!!! and then we went into another store and still did not talk about it 😭 so i asked “so are we going to have a conversation about what that was?” and kate. sometimes i wonder where this man gets the audacity. you want to know his response? he said “was it not obvious what that was?” boy 😑 i said “tyler” and he was like “of course we will talk about it, i actually did want to look at the chains and just figured while we were in there, i might as well start getting some ideas” but then we actually talked more about it at home. i can tell you that too if you want but this ask is already insanely long lol -roommate anon
i don’t even know what to say i’m just smiling😭 the way men just don’t think they need to acknowledge or explain some things never fails to amaze me. but that is actually so sweet and sounds like so much fun, i’m so happy for you🥹 (and yes pls you can always tell me more hehe)
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machveil · 4 months ago
Y/N: Simon what is that
Roommate!Simon, with a bite mark tattoo on his bicep: Thought it'd look cute :]
Roommate!Simon Riley that has a couple days left before he can return to your shared apartment, return to you. the bite marks he came to base with have all healed and faded, his skin clear again - well, as clear as his skin can be. he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he does mourn the loss of those imprints
Roommate!Simon Riley that feels utterly silly, they’re not— it’s not like they’re supposed to be permanent. but he adores them, knowing you had physically changed him for a brief period of time. he’s not usually one to get sentimental, not as though he has much to be sentimental over. you, however, reach that part if him, makes him… god, he hates the word, but he yearns to have a part of you with him
Roommate!Simon Riley that snaps upright in his bed the morning he’s leaving, eyes bleary but heart thumping. he feels like a moron for not thinking of it sooner - a tattoo. your teeth, your bite, permanently decorating his body. it’s not as good as the real thing, but it’s pretty damn close. as soon as he comes in through the door he’s waiting for you to nip, bite, mark him
Roommate!Simon Riley that steps out of the apartment, says he’s off to get something and’ll be back soon. you figure he’s off for groceries, maybe he needs to fill his tank up at a gas station. instead, Simon’s off to the local tattoo shop - his favorite, the one that’s made his arm a piece of art. a fresh bite from this morning prominently sitting just beneath his shoulder, he marches into the shop. when he comes home? to say you’re floored would be an understatement - still slick with tattoo jelly, Simon bites back a smile when you stare at the new addition to his tattoo sleeve
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readwritealldayallnight · 3 months ago
reader who is flexible / does yoga x simon who gets really flustered watching it? 👀
During those first few months of living together as flatmates, having gone from strangers who happened to have a friend in common to sharing a bedroom wall within 24 hours, you both learned a lot about each other
On your end, you learned that his presence in the flat was a rarity, gone for days if not weeks at a time before coming home. Even then, he usually was only back for short periods of time, most of it spent sleeping
You do discover that he’s an early riser however, much to your chagrin when the sound of his routine post workout shower wakes you up before the sun has ever risen
You learn that he’s a decent enough cook, but will always insist on helping in some way if he finds you in the kitchen working on something, no matter how simple or complicated the dish is
Over time you even find out how he prefers his tea in the morning and when you get the chance, try and surprise him with a warm drink waiting for him after his shower
When you know that he prefers to keep the flat a little cooler than you usually have it, you’ll turn the thermostat down a degree just before he comes home, just as he’s gotten into the habit of turning it back up for you on his way out, the gesture going unspoken between the two of you
Simon also learns a lot about you in the time since you’ve moved in
He learns all about your taste in music, a melody never not playing in the background of whichever room you’re occupying, often telling him the name of a song or artist you can tell he likes from the way his foot will tap or fingers will drum against his thigh
He discovers you’re a bit of a night owl, often hearing you in the kitchen baking some dessert or another at midnight, or talking on the phone with a friend. He never minds though. In one case he wakes up to sweet treats in the morning, and the other he gets to overhear your even sweeter voice chirping and giggling. And if one time a smile of his own graces his lips when he hears you telling your friend how you’re loving the new flat, and your flatmate “isn’t so bad on the eyes either”, then who’s complaining?
He finds out what your favourite take out food is, often surprising you with something on his return home, definitely not blushing under the mask if it earns him a hug or peck on the cheek as thanks
But one thing Simon learns about you early on, something that he thinks about not just at home but on base, in briefings, on missions, on helis and jets and trucks, is how part of your daily routine, is doing fucking yoga in the living room.
He’s been in countless situations most civilians could never even dream up, let alone withstand, and Simon under the mask that is Ghost always stays as cool and collected as any seasoned vet would
But seeing you in sweatpants, or leggings, or even worse when you’re wearing those shorts of yours, strolling into the living room with your yoga mat tucked under your arm, his pants instantly tighten every single time, knowing what’s to come (or rather who’s to c-)
Following along to your instructional video playing on the telly, paying him no mind as he sits in the adjoining kitchen as you bend into position after position, simply doing your nightly routine as you have for years now, unknowingly putting your flatmate through a torture he’s never endured before
Every time he’s lucky enough to witness you stretching your limbs, contorting your body into poses he couldn’t fathom doing himself, he finds his dreams that night filled with the very same images of you, though wearing far less clothing, and in his bed instead of a yoga mat, though he would take you anywhere let’s be honest
He always waits for you to finish your routine, be it a quick 15 minute stretch or a nearly hour long session, he remains and watches you until you leave, before he dares to stand with his arousal on full display through his pants, rushing to his room or bathroom to take care of business
He learns that he’s never felt more intense pleasure at his own hand than when he thinks of you, when he has has your face and body freshly imprinted on his mind as he finishes, imagining the heaven that it must be to have the real thing rather than his calloused fist
It’s interesting you see
You really like Simon, and you like when he’s home, like getting to know him and spend more time with him
And if you happen to learn that when you do your yoga routine out where he can see you, that he suddenly spends a lot more time in the flat than on base, coming home more and more often, no matter how short his stay is… well, who’s complaining?
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ozzgin · 2 months ago
First unhinged thought of the year…😜
I was thinking about how monsters may not understand human culture and linguistics, and how many things may get lost in translation 🧐
For example…a rooster may be called a Cock, and shouts “cock-a-doodle-doo.” A monster learns that a “Cock” wakes up humans, and is also a name of male genitalia 🐓
And so to make the human more comfortable in their new home with monsters, the monster commissions a dancing genital alarm clock that moans “cock-a-doodle-doo” while ejaculating on the bedside table. It’ll stop till it’s spent and flaccid 🍆
If I had to imagine this, so do you now. I can’t be the only one to suffer this thought. I had to share it with the world. You should draw this to help our visual learners 😘
NSFW content!
Honestly, I immediately thought of the monster roommates who are convinced that what you need in order to wake up is a good dicking.
You slowly open your eyes to a bunch of genitals surrounding you, so you have to blink a few times and process the bizarre reality you've awoken to.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Isn't it a human custom? The morning cock?"
You consider their words. They stand before you, completely undisturbed and shameless, their raging erections glistening in the early sunlight.
"...It's about a rooster. The bird."
With an irritated yawn, you sit up, pushing one of the phallic behemoths away from your face.
"Ah. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking, after all," one of them confesses with visible disappointment.
Well...it'd be a pity to waste such a convenient setup, don't you agree?
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writtenbymoonflower · 10 months ago
Heyoo! How are you dove? Can I request more roommate!poly!marauders x shy!reader pleasee! Your fics have a special place in my heart
roommate!marauders is my drug <3 thanks for requesting hunny! fem!reader x roommate!marauders
cw: thunderstorms, poor boundaries with roommates
659 words
You didn’t realize the sheer volume of the downpour outside until the chatter of your roommates in the sitting room couldn’t be discerned over the pounding of raindrops reverberating off your window panes. You weren’t complaining, though. You were cozied under a multitude of soft blankets and fluffy pillows, your reading lamp emanating a soft glow onto the pages of your book, the smell of rain wafting into your room. 
That was until your lights slowly flickered a few times, before shutting off completely, leaving you in pitch black darkness. This was shortly followed by a shrill scream, then a crash, making your drop your novel. You untangled yourself from your covers, setting your book back on the bed, before venturing out. You held your hands in front of you as you stumbled around in the dark. You felt around for your doorknob, swinging the door open. You didn’t make it far before you tumbled into a tall torso and lanky limbs. 
“Shit, dove! Sorry! I didn’t see you there.” Remus blindly reached a hand out in an attempt to steady both of you. 
“It’s okay! I think that only raccoons can see in these conditions.�� You attempted to joke. He rewarded you with a small chuckle. 
“Are you okay, though? You didn’t fall or anything?” You could hear the worry laced in his tone. It made your heart weirdly warm to know that he was concerned for you. 
“No, I’m all good.” You reassured. “Are you okay? I heard a crash.” You stepped further into the living area, carefully watching your footing. Remus chuckled again. 
“You wanna tell her what happened, lads?” His tone filled with unusual mirth. You could vaguely make out the forms of the other two boys in the dark. You heard Sirius grumble, though it was James who spoke up, much more timidly than typical.
“Well uh- we didn’t expect for the lights to go out, you know? Pads got a little spooked and screamed.” You could feel Remus shaking beside you with nearly-silent laughter. “And uh- Sirius spooked me, I guess. And then I dropped a plate.” He trailed off. Remus was now laughing loudly at his friends’ expense, but you could tell that there was no malice given or received between the boys, with them also joining in. You weren’t laughing, though. You resisted the urge to flounder over to James and check him for injuries. 
“Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” 
“No we’re okay, babydoll. It’s in the kitchen, we’ll worry about it later. Come over here, though. You’re gonna trip.” Sirius’ hand circled your arm gently, pulling you towards him and James. You weren’t sure what you were in risk of tripping over, but you let him maneuver you as he liked. You were startled by the sound of sparking, making you jump back into Sirius’ chest. 
“Sorry, lovely. Candles.” James set the soft, flickering light onto the coffee table. Remus appeared right beside you again. 
“You’re all jumpy, dove. Are you sure you’re okay?” Remus cooed as James lit another candle. You jumped again as another hand grazed your back. 
“Y-yeah.” The dark was very unsettling. Purple light flashed through the house, quickly followed by a loud boom! 
“EEK!” You weren’t the one who made the sound, but you were pulled onto the settee, tumbling on top of Sirius’ frame, face landing in his inky curls. 
“Christ, Pads.” James flopped down next to your tangled forms. He pulled you off to settle you between him and the high-strung boy. “You’re gonna kill her before the lease is up.” Another wave of thunder clapped through the house, this time Sirius only flinched. James pulled you closer to him in response. 
“Oi! I can’t help it. You know storms make me flighty.” He argued, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you back against him. “It’s okay though, I’ve got this dolly to keep me safe.”
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poughkeepsies · 11 months ago
hey guys. the people on twitter are COOKING I fear
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paulmescalsbiceps · 1 month ago
heeey can ask for a roommate James in which the air conditioning ends up going out and it's unbearable hot and the reader ends up going to sleep in James' room (which in the end doesn't solve her problem because James is a human heater that gets stuck with him) - 🍓
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 ☆.。.:* roommate!jamespotter x reader wc: 1k
The heat is unbearable. The late July warmth is flooding your small apartment, only managing to be endurable with the work of a shitty floor fan, stolen from James room, now placed in front of your couch. Your luck ran out this morning when the air-con decided to terminate itself on the hottest day of the year. Of course.
You nurse a cold bottle of water head laid back against the pile of pillows resting on the couch. You hear the familiar click of a lock but don’t bother to look up, the movement alone could make you sweat in this weather. “Hey” James said, voice cheery as he took in your exhausted figure laid sprawled out on the couch. 
“Air-con’s still broken, won’t be fixed till Monday” You groaned, still not moving. The thought of even just a weekend stuck without it is too much to bare. “Well I brought you dumplings if that makes it any better?” James confesses placing the plastic bag of takeaway containers on the bench before pulling off his gym bag and throwing it towards the door. 
At that you pull your sweaty body off the sticky leather and make your way to the kitchen. You take in James' figure standing tall before you. Beads of sweat fall from his curls, either from the heat or the gym. Both probably. Heat was kind to James, unlike others. Summer made his skin turn tan and glowy adding to his already god-like presence. Sweat never made him smell bad, instead it made his enticing scent even more notable making it hard to be around him. Just like now.
James serves himself a hefty portion from each container, still leaving enough for you. You take your serve and move to sit on the couch next to him. God, just sitting next to him has your skin rising in temperature even more than before. Your cheeks feel flushed as you try to distract yourself with the meal in front of you. 
You can feel his hazel eyes examining you closely. “You okay lovey?”. Ugh, that stupid nickname that always has you melting at the knees. “Yeah, sorry James. It’s just the heat is making my brain all fuzzy” You sputter out. “I guess I’ll just have to go to bed early.” You joke with a nervous laugh. 
“Wanna take the fan tonight?” He offers, spooning the last mouthful from his plate into his mouth. “No no it’s fine” brushing off his words as you take his plate along with yours and flee to the kitchen to busy yourself with washing up.
The evening winds bring the heat down from unbearable to unfavourable. Even in your thinnest pyjamas with the sheets brushed off and away from yourself, it still feels like you're sleeping in an oven. You should have just taken that fan. You make a mental note to go out and buy one tomorrow, there's no way you can survive another night like this. 
James walks past your door, a maroon towel wrapped securely around his trained waist. “You going to bed?” he asks, holding another, smaller,  towel in his hand to scrunch at his damp curls. “Trying too, might end up in a puddle by the morning” You croak. Warm eyes take in your frame, tracing your hips before making their way back to your flushed face. “If you get hot you're always welcome to come to my room, there's plenty of space in my bed.” James says almost nervously, like he was anxious for your reaction to such a bold offer.
The thought of James beautifully bronzing skin against your back is enticing. But the thought of not being able to control your thoughts with him asleep beside you is less ideal. “Thank James” You reply, offering him a polite smile. “Goodnight”. 
"Goodnight, love” He speaks with a wink, usual demeanour back, before turning away and leaving you with flushed cheeks and weak knees.
Lifting your head you peer at the alarm clock resting on your side table. 3 am. Your brain is bone-tired and exhausted. You’ve been internally battling yourself on forfeiting to James' offer and just slipping under his sheets. Instead, you wander to the kitchen to grab a cool glass of water to occupy your thoughts.
Setting your cup down by the dishwasher you decide to just bite the bullet. Feet softly padding on the floor, you are met with the front of James door. Knocking softly on the hardwood, you twist the knob open and peek inside. There lay James fast asleep, hair spread across his pillow and chest very much bare.
He’s clad in nothing but his boxers, arms clinging to the pillow in front of him. You step towards his bed, taking the pillow carefully from between his arms and slip in the space left behind. His sheets are significantly cooler than yours, thanks to the fan facing directly where you now lay. Resting your head on the pillow, your body finally feels as if it can sleep.
Seconds later, muscular arms wrap around your torso pulling you flush to a warm chest. James' warm chest. His hand reaches down to hold onto your lower stomach, digging into the fat, not letting go. His body was like a human furnace, one you can’t pull away from either due to his iron grip on your waist. 
But maybe it’s a sacrifice worth taking. His heat pulls you to sleep as you breathe in his delicious scent, eyes falling shut and breath falling soft as you sink deeper and deeper…
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davidpastrsnack · 11 months ago
i get that. being open like that is hard! but i see that yet in there 👀 pls keep me posted! i know its gonna happen for you tho. omg i guess i should explain myself lol. nothing serious. ive had insane baby fever recently. then ty and i went to a cafe one morning and there was this couple there with their baby who kept looking over and waving at us. and ty was waving back and played peekaboo and it was so cute. i was literally like ok i wanna have his babies rn. but we’re not married yet so our parents would kill us if that happened lol.
ty’s family is great. they always make me feel so welcome 🥺 winning over his younger siblings seemed so scary at first. but i see them like my own younger siblings now too. lol dont worry she heard it from me. and she got the older sister “youre beautiful and you need to start acting more confident” talk. she literally facetimed me a couple weekends ago to ask what she should wear bc she was going to the last basketball game with her friends lol. she was just chatting with me while doing her makeup when ty came home. and he asked her where she was going. she said to hangout with friends and he said “no boys though, right?” and she goes “tyler, stop being annoying” 💀 i was like no, i’m not mediating a facetime sibling debacle. you guys can have your own call for that. ty rolled his eyes but kissed me and said he was gonna get started on dinner. a smart man. he is so protective of her though. its so sweet bc you can tell its just bc he doesnt want her to get hurt, but he does want her to be happy. which does not help the i want to have your children feelings lol. -roommate anon
i will hehe. omg okay okay we can handle some baby fever lol. stop that’s adorable tho and not fair
oh it’s so scary, but that’s amazing that they love you sm🥹 hahah okay good glad you told her that. stop she called you?? she loveeesss you. aww that’s so sweet!!
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urhoneycombwitch · 7 months ago
Ok ok hear me out I have a different idea now after reading your phone sex blurb
What about after Eddie comes back from his tour they're out with friends and some other girl is chatting him up, trying to rub up on him in front of reader. And she wants to stake her claim but she can't because he's not hers, not technically; and he isn't into the other girl's attention because he just wants reader, but he can't be too earnest about that bc it'll scare her off.
Do I want them to grind on the dancefloor or have sex in the bathroom? Yeah maybe
foreword: more roommate!Eddie x reader filth. secret situationship fucking at a party style. ty anon <3
wc: 1.8k
cw: secret FWB, Reader with breasts + vagina, femme pet names used, fingering (R receiving), the return of Eddie Cums-In-His-Pants Munson, wee bit angsty, lots of hidden longing
This party is the most sound your apartment has ever heard- speakers thrumming bass lines through the floorboards, drunken friends’ laughter echoing off walls.
You and Eddie planned ahead, started plotting weeks ago to bribe various neighbors in the building to avoid catching a noise complaint- scratch brownies for the floor below, some pre-rolls handed off across the hall, party invites extended to whoever was in earshot.
Informal karaoke kicked off around midnight, as the room rose in heat from extra bodies and alcoholic flush; Robin and Steve are bringing down the house on the other side of the bathroom door, charming the crowd with a belligerently intoxicated rendition of a Beastie Boys hit.
Eddie’s got you pressed against the sink, your ass to the unforgiving marble of the counter while he teases his teeth over the skin of your neck.
“No marks,” you whisper, fist seizing up at the root of his hair, tugging. He stifles a moan into your skin while you continue to tell him off, voice just under the protective layer of music. “It’s bad enough there’s only one bathroom in this place. Someone’s bound to notice we’re both gone-”
Eddie suddenly drops to his knees, nosing at the strip of skin above your jeans that he lifts your shirt to reveal. Your breath stutters, and he grins before popping the button with his teeth, chocolate eyes eclipsed by the black-lust of his pupils.
“No one’s gonna hear you, ‘cuz you’re not gonna make a sound. Got it?”
The gush of arousal that meets Eddie’s fingers is invitation enough. You rock into his hand, and he angles his fingers up- you take two of them like a dream, as if your cunt had just been waiting to be filled by those long, dexterous digits, cold rings quickly warming to the skin-temperature of your thighs.
“That’s it,” Eddie mumbles, never more mouthy than when he’s face to face with his favorite pastime. And then, as if reading your mind- “Been waitin’ for me all night, hm? Poor thing. So wet…”
Outside, the song rises into a fast guitar solo bridge, quickening along with your breaths. Hoping there’s enough sound barrier, you brace yourself with one hand on the counter while the other buries itself into the heat of Eddie’s scalp.
Soft, dark curls slip between your knuckles, your thumb brushing gently under the layer of bangs to touch the bare skin of his forehead. It’s too tender, too endearing for what the moment calls, in direct contrast with the way Eddie’s plunging into you, the insistent, budging slope of his nose near the pounding apex of your thighs.
“Becca’s gonna notice.” Your thumb tracks a path to Eddie’s temple, so now you’re just cradling his head as he fingers you into oblivion. “You know- ah- Becca? The girl from down the hall that you invited, specially?”
If it wasn’t for the public setting, you’d take more time to calculate which buttons of Eddie’s to push; as it stands, you’re sort of flailing around in the dark, hitting random ones and seeing what lights up.
Seems to do the trick, though- in one fluid motion, Eddie shoves your jeans the rest of the way down and takes one of your knees over his shoulders, giving himself enough room between your legs to dip forward and latch onto on your clit.
His plush lips suck, fervently, in time with the rhythm of his curled fingers, managing to hit into that gummy spot that buckles your knees.
“Well Becca- isn’t- here, right now,” Eddie says, around lapping mouthfuls of you, hand on your hip near-bruising with the force it takes to keep you upright. “Besides, she invited herself.”
“I dunno… you seemed pretty excited to see her.” The muscles of your abdomen clench, then release, your head tipping backwards to thunk against the mirror.
There’s an arch in your spine, now, enough space for Eddie’s hand to migrate from your hip to low back, pulling you more insistently onto his tongue and fingers.
In response, the spot behind your navel tightens again, pleasure swelling with the music. It’s irritating that Eddie thinks you’ll drop the subject in favor of an orgasm, so you aim for another button, lashes fluttering at the ceiling, voice stretched thin as your resolve- “She gonna stay the night? Use the same bathroom you’ve finger-banged some other b-”
The wet, hot pressure on your clit disappears, a whine of protest crawling from your throat before Eddie can smother it with his palm. Luckily, the living room speakers are kind of shitty, crackling with feedback as the song reaches fever pitch volume.
Eddie’s fingers still within you, stretching to depths that make your eyes roll back as he rises to cover the length of your body with his own. His hand is big and warm over the lower half of your face, breath an angry huff by your ear as he growls, low- “It’s probably in your best interest to not finish that sentence.”
It’s some consolation that you have the option to bite. Tempting as that is, you let your glare speak for itself, brows knitting together as Eddie draws back to look at you.
There’s a bead of sweat running down the side of his jaw, disappearing into the curls he’s let loose for the night. The eyeliner you’d carefully applied for him pre-party is blurred from the humidity and exertion, a rosy flush in his cheeks to match.
Eddie crowds your vision, close enough for you to note the tiny freckle under his left eye twitch, and for a moment, everything is just him- all you can see, hear, touch, smell, dopamine flooding in a head spin of hormones that respond despite your best efforts to tamp them down.
The background noise fades away, and it’s just you and Eddie, panting and straining against the other. A squelch, as he adds a third finger, your breasts pushing into the solid expanse of his chest as you squirm up, mindlessly seeking release.
“Be good and come ‘fore this song is over,” he’s saying, thick fingers scissoring, your resounding moan stifled by his palm. “Then I’ll kick everyone out and let you come again.”
It’s the promise of another that undoes you, thighs shaking with the growing wave, lashes tickling Eddie’s knuckles as your eyes slam shut.
He keeps all the points of pressure that you need, plus more- hips pinning the frenetic rolls of your torso, tips of his fingers coaxing bright spasms from the channel of your cunt, forehead pressed like an anchor to your own as your body sings.
The whole time, he’s talking you through it, deep timbre just for your ears with rasping praise and encouragement. “Oh, fuck, sweetheart, that’s it. That’s it. Good. Let it all out. S’just me here, yeah? Just you and me. Fuck…”
By the time your hearing returns, Eddie’s dotting soothing kisses up the curve of your neck, apparently trusting you enough to let his hand drop from your mouth. You take a few deep, shuddering breaths, hand still buried in Eddie’s hair like a lifeline.
He doesn’t seem to mind, taking his sweet time pulling out of you, disentangling himself with lingering touches to any remaining bare skin.
While he tugs your shirt back into place, you turn to face the mirror, smoothing over flyaways and making sure you look somewhat presentable. You let Eddie’s hands roam as your heart rate stutters, working itself back down to normal while he refixes the button of your jeans.
His chin settles on your shoulder, arms twining around your middle; you let him take some of your weight, relaxing into his hold, eyes catching his in the mirror as you ask, quietly, “You want me to wingman for you? She seems nice. And it’s never a bad idea to sleep with someone who lives in your building.”
Eddie snorts, your dry attempt at a joke working wonders, grin on its way to devastating greeting your reflection. “You seriously think I’m the one who needs help? After the time I just showed ya?”
“Well based on my limited data-” your hips grind backwards without warning, and Eddie stiffens, smile slipping from his face as your own wicked grin takes over- “-I’d say you’re the one who came in his pants just from touching me.”
You wriggle in his arms to turn around, noses bumping, lips hovering in a not-quite-kiss as you whisper, “Say please and I’ll run and get you some new pants. Hand-delivered.”
Even with the wall of party noise, there’s a distinctive click as Eddie’s jaw ticks. He acquiesces, though, stopping somewhere just shy of grateful to grit out, “Please.”
You hum, pleased and thoughtful, leaning out of his space to lift a brow- “I think Becca’s into blue-collared boys.”
This fact, you’re basing off the one time you saw a UPS guy at your neighbor’s door. Sounds a lot better if you act like you know what you’re talking about, though, as if the list of things you know about Becca is longer than black hair and occasionally receives packages.
Distance, safety, one and the same, even though what your body begs for is to get closer, to soak all your senses in Eddie again. You wind a particularly pretty curl of his around your index finger. “Those khakis you wore once to Robin’s grad party and then never again- bottom drawer?”
When Eddie nods, he fixes you with a glare, nostrils flaring like he’s about to tell you off.
Before he can, though, you’ve wriggled from his grasp, reaching for the door handle with strict, hissy instructions about locking it after you’re gone and only opening for your special knock.
He obeys, deadbolt sliding into place, door swallowing the noise of the party in your absence.
It’s just Eddie now, leaning into hands over the sink, breathing hard like he hasn’t already blown a load three minutes ago.
The entire length of his middle fingers shimmer in the light, still coated with your arousal.
Eddie’s mouth waters. He thinks about you; how for a second, you were the only thing on his mind, how rare that is, for him to be so singularly focused.
Then he thinks about Becca. And stupid tight fucking dress pants.
The sink water gushes to a start as he jerks the handle on, sudsy hand soap scrubbing away at the smell of you, carrying it down the drain.
By the time you’re back, dreaded pants in hand, Eddie’s fixed an easy smile on his face, bickering at the ready. Almost normal, and certainly familiar.
It’s just simpler to keep some distance. Close quarters aside.
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captain-hawks · 7 days ago
i wish you would write a proper follow-up to reader and roommate!kuroo's aphrodisiac fiasco because i MUST know what happens next !!!
(continued from)
>>: kuroo........
groaning in frustration as your vibrator dies a pleasureless, low-power death between your legs, you text kuroo before you can think better of it.
your roommate answers faster than you were expecting, the message hovering on your lock screen as you rifle around in your nightstand for a charging cord. kuroo: .........yes
the tangle of miscellaneous cords in your hand falls onto the carpet, and you groan at the hot, swollen ache that pulses below your navel, sending your ability to think straight wholly off kilter.
>>: what >>: the fuck
the typing indicator pops up and disappears several times before he finally answers.
kuroo: am i politely pretending i don't know what you're talking about or are we making this weird
>>: we accidentally ate viagra chocolate my vibrator is checked out and i need you to talk me out of pathetically relapse texting my ex we are past weird
and yet it only occurs to you after you hit send—
>>: wAIT are you >>: nvm
something inside of you burns hot at the thought that kuroo's probably got a hand wrapped around his cock right now. he hightailed it out of the living room before you, after all. he's got to be just as affected—
the typing indicator dance ensues.
kuroo: chances are very high i will punch him if that asshole sets foot in our apartment
>>: bokuto's been replying to all of my selfies with fire emojis lately >>: should i text him
kuroo: this is really effective at killing my boner actually keep going kuroo: but also please don't
>>: i heard lev's back in town
kuroo: please no more have mercy on me kuroo: i'm doordashing you a vibrator
you choke out a laugh.
>>: my knight in shining armor<3 >>: but it probably won’t come charged though so >>: square one
dots. more dots. more dots that appear and disappear.
>>: wait are we sexting right now
the door to your bedroom swings open suddenly, and for a brief moment, you forget that you're lying in bed naked from the waist down, tits spilling out of your tank top, your purple vibrator slick with arousal sitting forgotten on the sheets beside you.
you forget, because kuroo's standing there in your doorway shirtless, hair askew in every which way like he's been running his hands through it repeatedly, face and neck flushed, sporting an erection tented at the front of his gym shorts that leaves your throat dry.
kuroo's eyes go a little wide at the sight of you, but he recovers quickly, approaching the foot of the bed and placing his hands on the edge of it, leaning down to meet you at eye level.
"you're not calling your shithead ex-boyfriend."
you nod.
"and you're not calling bokuto."
you nod again.
"or lev."
you have to stifle a laugh at the last one—you weren't going to fucking call lev.
"you're going to look me in the eye and pick one of two options."
you swallow, a sharp swell of arousal cresting inside of you at the intensity in his gaze as he holds up two fingers.
"you can sit here waiting for your vibrator to charge. and i'm going to politely act like i don't hear you whimpering while you fuck yourself with it once it is—like i do most nights, by the way. like a good rommate. and then i'm going to put my phone on do not disturb and jerk off in peace."
he puts a finger down.
you might pass out.
"or, i fuck you until you're satisfied. with my fingers, my mouth, my dick. whatever the hell you want. until we get this out of our systems. and then we don't have to talk about it ever again."
he puts his other finger down, and your own fingers clench the sheets painfully tight. your cunt aches.
four orgasms later, you're too fucked out to think too hard about the way you're more than satisfied, but you're still curled up beside kuroo. still slotting your spit-slick lips against his, whimpering and moaning into his mouth between slow, deep kisses as he lazily fingers your oversensitive cunt, teasing your wet hole until you're trembling through yet another climax.
(he pretends like he's not aware that this is far beyond whatever the chocolate's done to both of you, that every desperate, needy sound you're making now is for him and because of him—and him alone.)
and you're rubbing your slick folds up and down his shaft until he's hard again, climbing into his lap to straddle him and gasping as he slides right back into your messy hole, fucking his cum right back inside of you.
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allpiesforourown · 3 months ago
Wait, are we bringing up perma-pregnant Shizun again? Sorry, I died in October, but seeing Shizun being bred without wanting to deal with kids resurrected me.
So, last I gave a list of AU's of how you could breed Shizun without children being involved, but you have made a few new AU's since then, so what could we do with them?
I suppose for Hat Man SY, once Binghe catches SY, he needs to find a way to make him more corporeal, right? He tries using his own human genes to generate SY something akin to a body, but it goes wrong and instead Hat Man SY can't even be punished by his supervisors, because even they don't know what to do about the thing growing inside of him (Plot twist, Binghe's machine made it so Hat Man SY is preggers with his own human body)
Or we have the roommates AU, and like hell Binghe isn't investing all his money into sex toy drugs mean to copy the experience of pregnancy. Without SY noticing, Binghe slips it into his tea and can excitedly watch as SY swells with time, getting cravings and full of hormones, and every time SY tries to get checked by a doctor, Binghe paid them off in advance to say he shouldn't worry and it will pass by itself (Which it will once Binghe stops administrering the drugs)
For Shizun Binghe it is simple, his strong demonic alpha hormones may turn beta SY into an omega, but he can't create body parts that aren't there. No womp, no children. But newly omega SY's body doesn't know that, so once he is filled with enough *AHEM*, it just goes through the pregnancy stages, because what else is it supposed to do?? Don't worry SY, your shizun will take care of you every step of the way!
Well, I think that covered your recent AU's? I still don't have time to actually write these fully myself, but maybe in the future. Please take care, I will return to the hole I was buried in.
~~ Perma-Preggers Anon
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WELCOME BACK KING. Also are those pregnancy craving pills real or are they just a wife plot.. I'm asking for a friend...
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egregiousmeme-art · 7 months ago
I think you should draw Odile more, i think Odile in your style would be soooooooo cool : >
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Of course anon, anything for you (smol kiss)
iSaT Daily Doodle until I post my fucking animatic™: Day 12
Now with more Odile
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megalomaniacz · 11 months ago
and if i asked for more chaotic roommates 🤲🏻…
you can have some…as a treat
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nart-is-a-monster · 5 months ago
Petition for more "And They Were Roommates" au fanart?
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ooowyn · 2 years ago
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i keep reading fics where akira is scared of scary movies and i love that for him. ryo’s not impressed by the inaccuracies of blood splatter.
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paulmescalsbiceps · 9 days ago
idk but I really love acts of service james 🤕 either because she's sick, drunk or he's just taking care of her like making sure she has breakfast ready - 🍓
roommate!james x sick!reader headcannons ★ an: doing this as a hc list but honestly might write a drabble soon 🌝
roommate!james who’d give you the world if he could. He won’t hesitate to hold back your hair if you feel like you’re going to be sick and he’s not against helping you blow your nose either
roommate!james who cooks for you when you can’t muster the strength to do it yourself. He teaches himself how to make your favourite and is willing to attempt anything to make his baby feel better
roommate!james takes the day off work so he can sit with you on the couch watching your comfort show. Warm arms wrapped around your body pulling you to sit on his lap to keep you warm no other reason….
roommate!james who moves you into his room so he can monitor you at all times. Even if you protest that he’ll get sick he refuses to let you just rot in your room
“Don’t worry lovey i won’t get sick. just need you close to me so I can take real good care of you :)”
roommate!james who immediately gets sick as you begin to recover because he has an inability to keep his hands off of you
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