#he does this a lot. one time he brought his pet chicken in. one time he spent 15 minutes talking about how hats make people
faaun · 2 years
my (neuro)psych professor is fucking hilarious i love him sm
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Hi! I've been thinking about this for awhile but how would slashers survive an zombie apocalypse with or without a s/o?
Slashers in a zombie apocalypse
Omg I had sm fun writing this!!
Michael Rz
•Terrified. Undoubtedly. Terrified. But! Would do remarkably well! He’d dig a hole somewhere and call it home.
•he’s a big man so food is an issue. But he manages.
•would have constant adrenaline if he has a s/o. He wants to protect you and keep you safe. If you die, especially if it’s because of him, he’ll…. He’ll walk unarmed into a swarm of zombies and fight them with his bare hands. Once he is inevitably turned, his body will wreak havoc while his mind is finally put to rest.
Michael Og
•lil man would be fine. He’d pick a house to make a base in and board it up.
•if the zombies are drawn to noise he’ll be totally okay. Dude doesn’t speak and is so quiet walking around. There’s no way he’d gain their attention…. Unless his unbathed stench brought them…
•I think he’d kill a bunch of zombies…. and eat them. Therefore turning into one. Unlike someone else on this list, he wasn’t trying to fuck around, he just needed food and went nom nom.
•Now this one’s interesting! Are we talking about zombie Jason? Or living?
•Zombie Jason is a fucking unit and would turn the most people. The only drawback is he kills extremely violently, he rips his victims apart, aka he makes a lot of crawlers or immobile zombinos.
•Living Jason I think would get very overwhelmed. He’d use his machete and or some sort of long ranged weapon that isn’t a gun.
•He’d do well for a long time, but Pamela would call to him from the other side, but only if he was alone or if y/n had been infected/died. He’d cradle his mom's head and possibly his s/o or a belonging of theirs and bury himself in the earth.
Hewitt Family
•Thomas goes into sheer panic. But less panic when he remembers how far from civilization they live.
•Thomas, Hoyt, and Monty if it’s before that even cut Thomas gave him will work together to make huge scrap metal and wood walls on the perimeter of their property.
•Luda Mae goes up into the attic to find scraps of cloth, old guns, and other helpful stuff. She’ll be handling the house and cooking as she normally does, while Thomas, Hoyt and again, maybe Monty, will patrol the perimeter.
•The tea lady moves into the Hewitt estate, and Henrietta brings her trailer into the encased property.
•they’re very stressed about how they’ll be able to provide food for everyone. They’ll turn one or more of the fields into crop land. Luda Mae, Thomas, Monty, and Henrietta will work the fields as well. Not Hoyt. Never Hoyt. I think he’s worried about breaking a nail.
•Long story short, I think they’ll do very well for themselves.
Sawyer Family (-choptop)
•Almost a complete disaster. Nubbins has a zombie chained up outside, he’s been calling it his gross dog. Drayton and Bubba tried to build a wall around the house, but couldn't do it by themselves. Bubbas panicking because they’ll have to eat his pet chicken. Drayton is taking his stress out on everyone. Grandpa is god knows where, no one’s remembered to check on him.
•Yeah they don’t make it.
•he would either do amazing or instantly get turned, no in between.
•I think he’d bite a zombie- “how ya like that bitch” and then turn…. Like an idiot.
•Undead Freddy is far more nightmarish than living Freddy. Yuck!
•or on the other hand would kick some undead ass.
•his powers wouldn’t really help him? If my memory serves me well, the more people fear him, the more power he has. Zombies can’t feel fear, there’s only one thing they think about nom nom. Hence he’d have to use his claws or another weapon.
•100% fine. Out of all of the boys, he’s good. Like- he’s going to be completely fine. Bruh doesn’t even live on this planet.
•He’ll make sure there’s not a scratch on his s/o, and gods forbid you get infected he can easily cure you with yautja technology.
•they can’t infect him, cus he’s, ya know, a fucking alien. So even if they do bite him, he’ll just be more pissed off then anything.
•He’s not worried about it, he can hop in his ship and just leave. Depending on your mate, he might let you bring family or close friends with you both. He’s not going to be happy about it. But he’ll allow it. Will also allow pets…..hesitantly….
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mezzy-1 · 1 year
A Bunch of WHOLESOME Valorant Headcanons
Damn I shoulda posted these a week ago but here goes. Also thank you to @eviethelesbian for coming up with the prompt. Gotta give credit yknow.
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Is always challenging people to race her or beat her in some way.  Competitive as hell but just likes the thrill of it
Misses her old home, but brought a lot of her mementos along and has a story behind every one of them in her room
She’s worried about her powers acting up, but Sage and Reyna helping her out has given her a little more confidence.  She’s grateful to both of them
Sleeps like a rock after a hard day, to the point where it's usually impossible to wake her and not get shocked in the process
Has big sister energy with most of the other young agents and lightly teases them if they lose to her.  Always lets people rechallenge her and may or may not let them win 
Complete menace to the fridge because of the calories she burns running so fast, but shares the food she preps.  
Gets excited when she meets dogs and will absolutely lose her mind if someone lets her pet their dog
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Despite being the leader and ex-military he’s not really harsh on any of the younger agents
They still hate him for the PT he makes them do, especially because he knows how to bring out the best of them.  
Usually it's reminding them about not letting someone close to them down, but other times it’s about proving themself
A lot of personal records have been set thanks to Brimstone, but the aches and pains from intense exercise are the price of hard work
He is always there for agents when they have self doubt or regret.  A hand on their shoulder, giving them some time to themselves, or a quick story from his ‘younger days’ that manages to provide some guidance
Him and KAYO sometimes take a few extra minutes after a briefing to go over ‘potential strategies’ or ‘advanced tactics’ but everyone knows it's for them to talk about something pleasant before getting back to work.  
When agents return from a successful mission and are unharmed, the look on his face is of pure relief
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A lot of her ideas come from something someone says or suggests, she’s always listening to people intently because of this
The chicken design on the turret was in reference to a chicken she kept after her school did one of those agriculture/biology programs.  She named it ‘Gelbie’ and the turret shares the name.
She may build her gadgets, but she prefers to have people weigh in on the colors (hence Raze helping her out a lot).  She lets people pick out some of the colors of things
She’s the tech support for a lot of people and likes using it as an excuse to get to know people.  Also has left notes for people who don’t understand tech as well, signed with little doodles 
Can and will outdrink other agents, and loves dragging people to go clubbing.  If whoever she brings isn’t the most social, she’ll keep close if they need it and encourage them to try dancing with someone
Huge nerd for everything and somehow part of every fandom.  Will definitely rewatch or replay things with fellow agents.  Enjoys talking about the nerdiest stuff with anyone 
While working for Kingdom, she’d hack the coffee machines and vending machines to spit out free drinks for her favorite coworkers.
Absolutely loves her jacket, and it was a gift from one of her friends back in Germany and she does her best to keep it in the best condition she can, despite the firefights
If an agent is a little shaken from the last fight, she’ll lay her jacket on them if they need it or if they’re sleeping.  She sees it as extending a bit of good luck.
Blushed a lot when Raze joined the VP and stayed up late to help her with any kind of work.  She’d make excuses for it too and try to avoid letting people see how red her face was.  It made it even more obvious
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Didn’t realize how serious she seemed at first and used to scare some of the younger agents, much to the amusement of Viper.  Apologized a lot after she realized it
Has moments where she drops her formality and everyone kinda stops what they’re doing.  When she isn’t restraining herself to monotone or quiet it’s really noticeable
Nobody knew she could laugh at first but it came out once.  It’s one of those really loud and tearful ones that she can barely breathe through.  Borderline snorting laugh
On occasion she’ll tell people how they remind her of her ‘sisters’ 
Will sit in with the other agents while they watch dramas and whatever else, despite her obvious confusion.  
Is blunt, but tells people what they need to hear to get things done.  Never leaves any room for miscommunication or anxiety at all
Understanding and observant with the other agents, and is often able to bring an element of calm to tense situations
Kept the tags of her Staljaeger unit and has them in a locked box in her room, along with a group photo
Enjoys doing her weapon maintenance because she can sort of lose herself in the work, but doesn’t mind doing it with others
Wears a ton of sweaters, like absolutely lives in those ultra-comfortable ones that are constantly warm
Gekko (+ Wingman)
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Wingman will grab people’s hands and try to lead them to things.  It’s always the fridge cause he isn’t tall enough to reach the handles
Wingy will bring things to his favorite people, and most of the time its things from Chamber’s room cause of how shiny they are
Neon loves that Wingman steals from Chamber and lets him into Chamber’s room for the hell of it
If asked to grab things by anyone other than Gekko, he brings the wrong item most of the time.  Cypher once asked for a soldering iron and Wingman brought back a minifridge that let cans and food everywhere
Dizzy passively floats in Gekko’s room like a helium balloon and is usually found on the ceiling.  All curled up and sleeping like a cat.
Thrash will follow a laser pointer around and yes there’s a video of it 
Gekko may not have a lot of battlefield experience but he’s always ready to charge in to save someone.  
He also gets along great with everyone by keeping things light and throwing compliments around.  Phoenix and him brighten up a room, and behave like brothers
Loves having dinner with the protocol, it feels like the dinners his familia would have 
Will attempt to do challenges from the internet with other agents.  Most of the duelists are usually game but getting Brimstone to try something makes his day
Discussed working with the protocol with his mom before leaving, and sends her little postcards from the places he’s visited.  The radivores sign them with paw prints
Will help people dye their hair no questions asked and knows all the places to get tattoos and dye in LA.  Loves showing his home to the agents.
Loves getting together with people and hitting up food trucks, doesn’t matter what kind of food either
Protocol Wide Headcanon
One time someone (Neon or Jett take ur pick) put a Jalapeno in someone’s (Harbor’s) food as a prank.  When he ate it no problem, that’s when some other agents chimed in saying that Jalapenos aren’t spicy.
This began a debate as to what is and isn’t considered spicy, and to test their theories more chiles, peppers, and habaneros were eaten.
This led to almost the entire protocol having a contest to see who could eat the spiciest food.  A lot of people were either trying to prove a point or show how tough they were
It got so heated that Brimstone stepped in, and decided to make a point as to who knows spicy food the best
He made a chili the next night that had people turning red, downing milk and chewing ice, and generally rolling around in pain
Undiluted spice hell
Brim said he used a family recipe and that nobody would ever be able to handle the chili his grandpa came up with
Viper had poured straight capsaicin into the chili the night before, she just wanted to stop the contest and since capsaicin is a neurotoxin she had a ton of it lying around
Brim still thinks it was his cooking
Now from time to time, small contests of spice tolerance break out over dinner but not enough to get the attention of the higher ups, fear of the chili haunts them
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mugzymiik · 9 months
my tpc headcanons bc why not :D
[last updated: august 20, 2024]
main chars:
trans FtM
he and Lythorus have absolutely been down bad for each other in the past but they never brought it up at all (until really recently now they kis!!!! they kiss!!!!! they kissy k)
REALLY likes cats
has a pretty good tolerance to the cold. all cubes do (in my headcanons anyway) but his is especially great
used to have really bad control over his strength (he and Lythorus HAVE had a pillow fight in the way past and Lyth got smacked into the wall on complete accident)
back when he and Lythorus started dating he tried to rest his head on top of Lythorus's as a way of affection and he proceeded to get stabbed by the spike
has a really deep voice. but at the same time he somehow also sounds like a really tired teenager who works retail
has a british accent
also knows a frightening amount of very unsettling fun facts
shes the tallest out of the non-monster caretakers (so herself, Iris and Cube). why? fuck you. fuck you is why /HEVJ/VSILLY
he "talks with his hands" >:] i stole this hc from a friend btw/hj/lhj (hi Tea /silly)
he and Ketches are close friends i also stole this hc :3
he has pockets in his robe and its like a "time-out area" for Gold (but sometimes Gold chills in there anyways)
he named Barracuda and Gold after his pet fish. like, genuinely. with how big monsters are, barracudas could practically be goldfish and actually goldfish could be like guppies or something to them
likes to follow people around!!! and also doesnt like being left alone for long periods of time
he and Cyanide somehow get confused for each other a lot???? literally nobody knows how but it very much happens
eepy lil guy :D
Tsavorite and him are each other's impulse control. ofc its mostly Orange whos keeping Tsavorite from walking straight into a landmine (/j ofc) but they keep each other out of trouble (most of the time at least)
if bored enough, he can and will find ways to fit into places that will have everyone wonder "HOW THE FUCK DID HE GET IN THERE- HOW DO WE GET HIM OUT???" and he somehow manages to squeeze out flawlessly every time. he has never gotten truly stuck
will drink straight mayo (<- stolen headcanon (hi Tea /SILLY))
genderfluid and uses any pronouns. :3c he? yes! they? yes! she? yes! literally any neopronoun(s)? HELL YEAH!!!
also has a british accent
constantly compares Orange to an actual orange (teasingly ofc)
very alert, but "backwards". like. he'll be able to notice a cool beetle from 5 feet away but wouldnt be able to tell you where Orange headed off to despite being right next to him just a few seconds ago
shows affection thru hugs and pokes. basically just. physical touch
adding onto the last one!!! if he cant be physically affectionate they will just give random ass gifts :D
knows a lot abt physical weapons to the point where its honestly a littol unnerving because hOW DOES HE KNOW ABT ALL THIS-
the shortest out of all the Heroes once theyre all matured. and theyre so pissed abt it to this day /silly
actually really likes horror elements in media
can hold intense eye contact for extended periods of time without blinking (and has intimidated multiple people with it on complete accident)
can and will fistfight someone over chicken nuggets btw
HATES the snow. and all the other Heroes tease them (/aff) abt it ever since they all found out bc "we thought you loved EVERYTHING"
owns a shitton of pins i dont take criticism on this one sorry /vlh
does NOT care for formalities. like. at all. like say if he met a "King Guy" he wouldnt say "King Guy" hed just say "Guy"
he has been caught eating weeds from the front lawn on multiple occasions
REALLY doesnt like mayo. its literally the ONLY thing they wont eat and if he even SEES it she straightup gags
knows PSL (Paradisian Sign Language). this is a hill i will die on/j
has bit Tsavorite multiple times for holding him BUT Tsav didnt really care so he eventually just got used to it and now theyre besties :)
tall. tall fuck. everyones confused asf bc hes not physically related to Pyrare so he couldnt get those kinda """genes""" but hes still REALLY fuckin tall (when matured ofc)
does NOT like water AT ALL (self-projection beam GO/j)
VERY SNAKE-LIKE!!! he can hiss. he has fangs. and hes more sensitive to chilly weather and the cold than most other shapes
despite his sensitivity to cold weather he does love snow
whenever hes nervous and/or anxious he just starts singing random songs but in a purposely bad way (haha what do uou Mean im self projecting um)
back when he was saying Literally Nothing he WOULD speak occasionally but in only one word sentences. those single words were unintentionally very vaguely threatening 9 times outta 10
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i know its literally not possible in any way BUT that fluff on his jacket? whenever he's angry/frightened/defensive/whatevertf, that fluff poofs up like a cobra's hood
he would start a mass extinction event if anything happened to the other Heroes /j
his bandana used to be around his neck like Cyan's, but it was moved to his leg a little while after he was birthed because his leg got hurt. anyways yeah the bandana was the only thing that could potentially be used at the moment so it was moved to his leg by Pyrare as a makeshift bandage or smth. and afterwards he just kept it there, it was fucking w his sensory issues anyway </3 that leg is a little more fragile because of the past injury
has multiple songs pirated on herself. i do not take criticism/j
tall for an unmatured hero :3c
gets attached to people very very easily, but mostly people who show her even just an ounce of kindness :(
whenever she's trying to "hide something", she uses very detailed language,,for example, if she did something like sneaking out or smth she'd say "greetings" instead of just "hi" or "hello"
"lags" more whenever its hot out
being ANYWHERE around her at ANY point in time is a BIG fuckin risk because she can play Never Gonna Give You Up/Whistle/that stickbug gif on herself on command /SILLY
sometimes she gets so angry that she starts yelling and her filter kicks in BUT she is so angry that it gets kinda fucky and. instead of her yelling. funky town or smth like that will just start playing at full volume and in microwave quality
i dont have any for her as of rn D:
really likes chicken nuggets. its really random but she LOVES chicken nuggets
is CONSTANTLY called short by Purpex and Marcle + everybody in all the other groups (teasingly ofc)
Round <3
is absolutely dating Circumsphere
bisexual and also polyamorous :D if he was given the choice between getting his dead wife back or staying with Circumsphere he would choose both with ZERO hesitation
i dont have any rn :[
danimal cannon:
very strong for a pentagon (once when she n Hexagram were younger she hit him and he had a big ass bruise for a few days)
has a very bad obsession with vikings, which is why his corrupt form has a "viking"-ish look
i got none rn :<
big giant circles:
doesnt swear very often so when he does its a shock to everyone/lhj
a big softie! to those he deeply cares abt tho
he has to be gentle whenever he hugs someone bc hes gonna break someones back someday if he isnt/lhj
IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF CIRCUMUSCLE SWEARING-WISE if she is given a single chance to say Fuck she WILL absolutely take it with zero hesitation at all/lhj
they and Circumuscle have an "older brother + younger sibling" dynamic
has a british accent as well
i dont got any for her either D:
very distractible
also said in Cube's section; he and Cube were absolutely down bad for each other in the past but never actually acknowledged it (untill recently now they smooch)
aquatic flower (explained further in the world-wise "shape related" section)
has a VERY bad fear of insects
hes 6ft. and he and Cube have a running joke with this using his name as a measurement. something's exactly 12ft tall? its 2 Lythoruses tall actually/j/lhj
nonbinary!!! and uses he/she/they pronouns :D
he and Ketches r like,,partners. take that in any way possible
has the ability to form a body beneath her, buuuut she prefers to fly
a sweetheart through and through. but when/if they do decide to get silly and start teasing people sometimes he accidentally takes it way too far
absolutely has a "pirate" accent r u kidding me/lhj
also has the ability to form a body like Heli
is an uncle figure to Gold
can honk. not like a duck i mean like a boat. "WOOAOAOAOAORRRR" <- that kinda honk
he can purr. i dont take criticism sorry/hj/lhj
he and Barracuda were gay as FUCK i will DIE on this hill istg/lhj
took guitar classes before he and Cuda went pinksauced
left a seat in the tower's "main room" just in memory of Barracuda. little does he actually know--/lhj
is actually a ghost rn!! after Dub escaped from the seal he just roams around the tower and also occasionally chills next to Dub (even if Dub cant see him at all + has no idea he's even there)
he and Lycanthropy have BEEF for some godforesaken reason
Cube HAS tried to stick up to him once in the dreamscape(??? is that whats its called???) but Cubic IMMEDIATELY shot him down using a threat against Cyan
idk rn D:
his spikes are different from other flowers'; most flower's spikes are pretty sharp, but his never sharpened from childhood, and thus are a little "dull-ended"
idk for her either rn
manipulative as FUCK. the only person he hasnt ever lied to is Circumcannon
speaking of which. he and Circumcannon still kiss/lhj
no ideas,,again😭😭😭
same as all the others
the only thing keeping he and Cubic from fistfighting each other every time they see each other is that they both know that 1) Dub WILL somehow find out and WILL get their asses and 2) Cubic is strong enough to actually kill Lycanthropy if they fight too hard. and Cubic doesnt wanna fling himself into boiling hot water (not literally ofc) + Lycanthropy doesnt wanna die to THIS bitch's hand
a lot of the other corrupted flowers see him as a "general"/"commander" due to Lythorus being leader of the (uncorrupted at least) flowers
should NOT be trusted with any kind of powertools ever
he can go fuckin insane on the drums
pretty close friends with Macabre
would absolutely dj in his spare time
world-wise hcs:
shape related:
spheres are the speediest out of all the shapes
cubes have a natural resistance to the cold
some flowers have the ability to live entirely underwater, its kinda like a "subtype" for them; theyre often referred to as "aquatic flowers"
flowers have fangs :3c chompers even!!!
spheres are the most likely out of any other shape "species" to be able to grow hair
flowers are naturally tall as shit!!!
flowers' spikes arent as "sharp" when theyre young- they "sharpen up" quite a bit as they get older, though
adding onto the last one, aquatic flowers' spikes are a little more on the duller side
other/unrelated to anything else:
some shapes dont have a "combat ability"
all of the group members of a certain area have meetups sometimes, and occasionally ALL of the groups meet up as a whole (pretty rare considering the size of Paradise, but it still happens at times!)
all the heroes have an odd obsession with going in and out of windows instead of doors. there could be an open door right next to a window and any one of them would still open the window and go right out of it
after Dub is defeated, every year on the anniversary of that day the Heroes get in a circle and chant "its not over til its over" to each other for exactly an hour straight. the caretakers were VERY worried initially, and debated calling an exorcist or something- but theyve grown used to it after like the first 3 years. but it still scares the shit out of anybody else who's unfortunate enough to witness it
in terms of the Trees creating the Heroes, creating and birthing them are two different things. initially, the Tree creates the Hero BUT they aren't immediately taken out of the Tree– instead, theyre in a kitten-like state for like a week and then they lose that state afterwards. and a week after that they are FINALLY taken out of the Tree by their caretaker
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Any Fowlham or just Theresa headcanons? Very interesting to know :-)
HIII, so to start- thank you for the ask! I'm actually going to write this as a special treat because honestly these two are worming their way into my heart and without much further ado, here's your headcanons!
Theresa Fowler Headcanons
Apart from baton twirling, Theresa has a couple other hobbies: one was mentioned in a previous ask which is space/constellations! It felt fitting for her character; the second I want to say is one of the following (poetry, flowers, or music)
Theresa has siblings! I'm not sure who they'd be if I'm being honest- I want to say one of them could be one of the background characters from Norrisville High, but I feel Theresa is the youngest!
She loves animals- all of them. She has a few pets including chickens because I thought that would be cute. Theresa just seems the type of gal to live in a spacious environment and knows how to take care of herself
In honor of pride month, I have the following headcanons! I feel Theresa is bi (or she doesn't fully care about gender), but she used to have a minor crush on Debbie Kang! She used to get a little bit flustered around her
I found this one through another post and unfortunately I can't find it right now, but Theresa also has? had a crush on the Ninja! After he saved her, it was more akin to a puppy crush than anything else but she never could ignore the fluttery feeling it brought
Theresa hopes to one day either become a professional baton twirler! She has also considered working for the local observatory due to her love of space and the constellations
She loses herself in her daydreams sometimes
Theresa has such a kind soul but she also worries extremely easily- it's not completely in line with social anxiety
I feel if she had been given the mantle of the Ninja, she would have been exceptionally well with long-range attacks! This is just a vibe I get, but it makes a lot of sense when you think about it
She loves sweets! She's not a big fan of sour foods, but Theresa does enjoy baked goods and certain candies
I also feel she would've protected the Ninja's identity if it had ever come down to her figuring it out- this would've been an amazing episode to see because honestly, Theresa is a very kind girl
She is best friends with Debbie Kang and Heidi Weinerman! The trio are exceptionally close, but Theresa sometimes hangs out more with Debbie since Heidi is a bit busier (considering that Heidi is a little older-)
Now, time for the other part of this ask!
Fowlham Headcanons
Randy was the one who confessed. He would've gotten flustered to hell and back, and he is a mess when he first asked her to be his girlfriend
Theresa found him absolutely endearing- (what Randy didn't know, because he's just a tad oblivious, is that she'd been crushing on him for a while)
At the start of their relationship, Randy doesn't tell her anything about him being the Ninja. As much as he trusts her, he fears putting Theresa in danger (she ends up finding out anyway, sometime down the line)
They use constant pet names. Randy especially, but he manages to get flustered each and every time that Theresa uses pet names on him
They enjoy leisure strolls at the park, down the sidewalk. They're pretty domestic for a lot of things!
Randy finds himself doodling them in his notebooks, even without meaning to. He's the hopeless romantic sort, and he smiles softly to himself at the thought of her
Once Theresa finds out Randy's the Ninja, she does her best to tend to his injuries. She's not an expert by any means, but she tries as hard as she can
She has daydreamed about the life they could have! They're still young, but honestly they're pretty healthy together
Randy frets a lot when she gets too caught in his battles. He doesn't want to break up with her and fears Theresa could get mind-wiped if he isn't careful, but the Nomicon doesn't seem to mind
Let them be prom king and queen together! This would be so cute- I'd draw it if I could actually
Randy is absolutely terrified of her chickens, but he does visit her anyway which Theresa finds endearing. In turn, she keeps the chickens inside the coop when he comes over so he's more comfortable
I feel he was given some version of the shovel talk by Randy's brothers, but because he is a bit charismatic- they relent after a while!
Howard sometimes gets jealous because he's become the third wheel, and Randy does try to treat him when he's not swamped with dates and being the Ninja
Randy and Theresa definitely cuddle! On long days after he's had to deal with McFist or the Sorcerer (pre-season two finale), he kind of crashes at her house- curled up on her lap like a cat- and in exchange, when she wants to unwind they also cuddle!
Unfortunately, I've seem to run myself ragged with headcanons but I am always happy to write more! I hope you come to enjoy this however!
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astaldis · 5 months
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May I proudly present -
My Witcher Monster MAYhem Masterlist:
Geraskier fic:
A Lesson in Prudence
"Jaskier, don't open the ...!" Geralt shouts, but it is already too late. The cast iron padlock still in his hands, Jaskier's eyes grow wide as the heavy wooden lid rises an inch by itself. Then, many tiny fingers sneak through the gap. The lid lifts several more inches into the air ...
Jaskier spends some time at Kaer Morhen. Being his usual curious self, of course, he gets into trouble and Geralt has to save his bard. (words: 854) (Jaskier Angst)
Prompts: Day 1 "Don't open the ...", Day 3 "Tiny monsters", "Pointy Teeth" and Day 7 "Isn't it cute?"
Kaer Morhen Witcher fic:
Die, Monster, Die
"Die, you mother-fucking monster! Will you finally die?" Lambert roars, yet the monster seems to have other plans. For the umpteenth time it reassembles its scattered fragments and attacks again. Damn!
While the "Girls" are not at home, the Witchers are attacked by a very strange monster, one they have never encountered, heard of or read of before. A monster that stubbornly refuses to die. (words: 1,623) (Lambert Whump, Friendship)
Prompt: Day 6 "Die, Monster, Die"
Cahir/Gallatin fic:
Yet Another Save
Finally spring has come and Gallatin is out hunting. Alone. Not a good idea in these times of contempt ... (words: 2,689) (Gallatin Whump, Friendship)
Prompt: Day 3 "Necrophage"
Hansa fics:
Smelly Goo Loves Company (or: Lucky that the bard brought plenty of soap)
While collecting firewood, Angoulême has an encounter with a creature that could easily have gone wrong. Fortunately, she is not alone. (words: 847) (Adventure, Friendship)
Prompts: Day 1 "Paralysed", Day 2 "Run!", Day 5 "Swamp Monster" 
Something In The Water:
It is spring and Milva wants to have a bath. Yet, something goes terribly wrong. Lucky that she has her Hanza, and especially one Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy. (words: 1,875) (Milva Whump, Friendship)
Prompts: Day 2 "Bulging Eyes", Day 3 "Necrophage", Day 5 "Fuck, there's another one" and Day 6 "Surrounded"
Not A Good Place To Stay The Night ...
Forced off the main road south by advancing Nilfgaardian troops, Geralt and his weird company find themselves inside a dark, eerie forest, and night is falling soon. (words: 5,530) (Cahir Whump, Friendship)
Warning: Better do not read if you are afraid of spiders!
Prompts: Day 1 "Paralysed", Day 2 "Vampire", Day 4 "Hairy Legs" & Picture prompt, Day 5 "Too Many Limbs", Day 7 "Creepy Crawlies", Alt. "Bat out of Hell"
What would you do if ...?
One day in the fairytale Duchy of Toussaint, while Anarietta and Fringilla have to attend the bachelorette party of a relative, all the members of Geralt's Hansa are spending a rare evening together in the kitchen of Beauclair Castle, playing games and having fun. Well, at least some of them are having fun. (words: 666) (crackfic)
Alt. prompt: "Flying Spaghetti Monster"
This Is Not A Chicken Egg!
On their travels through Riverdell, Jaskier finds a strange egg. It is just about to hatch, but what the hell is it? And what the fuck does it have to do with Emhyr var Emreis? (words: 1,356) (crackfic, Pikachu/Emhyr mentioned)
Prompts: Day 3 "Tiny Monsters" and Day 7 "Isn't it cute?"
Pikachu/Emhyr fics:
Electrical Attraction
Emhyr's sexuality is a very secret secret that not even Dijkstra has been able to uncover. Maybe it is better for the spy master's mental health that he hasn't. Caution: Mental health hazard. Uncover Emhyr's most secret secret at your own risk. (words: 100) (crackfic)
Prompt: Day 2 "My Beloved Monster"
A Weighty Decision
Ciri and Emhyr have to make a weighty decision that might forever change the fate of the Empire. For the better or worse? Who knows ... (words: 600) (crackfic)
Prompt: Day 7 (lyrics) "Cheerful, cheerful/Furry, happy monsters feeling glad"
Witcher Geralt fic:
A Pet For The Witcher
Geralt happens upon an old acquaintance of his who is doing something he does not like - at all. He does, however, like a lot what comes of this unexpected reunion.
Prompt: Day 4 "Were-"
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List of Tmnt fics I love (not writing the descriptions myself because that is where I chicken out every time):
You’re a pet shop employee and have two regulars that buy worms for their pet turtles way too frequently. That’s it, that’s the fic.
There wasn’t anything more precious than raising a child. But some people never were afforded the privilege of family. And some never think of those under their care as children in the first place. This is a small look at the Shredder raising his personal little monster.
Lost and alone in another reality, one turtle must try to find his way home. All while trying to forge a place amongst a family who lost one of their own under horrible circumstances and seemingly resents his very presence. No OC's. Set: 2k3 up until 'Good Genes'. 2k12 up until 'The Good, the Bad and Casey Jones'. 
Based on the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mikey was captured by the kraang when he, his brothers, and Splinter were mutated. While splinter was taking the turtles to safety the krang got ahold of Mikey.
He shuts the hologram off before it has the chance to turn back around. He knows how it ends: it'll shrug and then smile sadly and then say goodbye. But this wasn't a goodbye. Not at all. If anything, it was a hello. - - - Or; they lost. the kraang led out a full scale invasion. casey jones is only one in a few left.
It is despair, for lack of a better word. It is desolate emptiness. It is numbness and static and nothing. - - - Or; Casey loved Splinter too
Michelangelo is killed by the Newtralizer. He comes back roughly twenty minutes later. What's he doing in between those two moments? Turns out, the astral plane has a familiar face for him to speak to before he goes home.
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo wake up in a maze, a 'fun'house, a jungle, and a cage. They're surrounded by three other turtles— that aren't their brothers. Or at least not the brothers they know. Each group has a Leonardo, a Raphael, a Donatello and a Michelangelo, but none of them are from the same universe. Pitched together with counterparts of their brothers, the turtle teams have to figure out how to survive the tests their mysterious captors are putting them through. Easier said than done, for some groups. ('03 Mikey is realizing he is going to have to be the responsible one. Why does he have to be the responsible one?) With many questions, and not a lot of answers, four sets of mixed-up brothers set their sights on goals they can all agree on: figure out what's going on, stop it, and make whoever brought them here pay. And try not to strangle their brother's counterparts while they're at it.
(Warning unfinished amd only 5 chapters but still one of the best crossovers I have ever read)
Leo was never lonely. Sure he has his pops and his brothers and his best friend sister April, but he also has someone else he's known almost all his life. He's a mutant turtle too, and for some reason, only he can see him. It's alright, it's not like he wanted to share him anyways. AKA A rewrite of some of the episodes where 2012 Leo is connected to Rise Leo's soul and acts like a weird imaginary friend [Part of the Mama Leo Series.] [Really fucking need to stop making projects while I have a bunch of unfinished ones and school]
Leonardo may have beheaded Shredder, but that doesn’t mean he’s gone. In fact, his soul is still very much alive, just trapped in another dimension, and now he’s a different turtle’s problem. (Rise and 2012 crossover. Mostly the Leos, because there’s not enough of those two.)
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fayeandknight · 2 years
In depth thoughts on today's outing at the Car and Truck Show. For context - it's an annual event held as a memorial for my cousin who died young in a tragic accident. So even without my disabilities it's an emotional event.
There were lots of people that Forte knows in an off duty capacity and in the beginning he did struggle with wanting to say hi. Staring at them with puppy dog eyes, wagging his tail, and inching forward to sniff people while he was in a down. Probably made harder for him because every single one of them greeted him directly, some crouched down, and lots of 'oh I wish I could pet you' and longing stares. I redirected with very basic obedience and chicken to help remind him of where his focus should be.
After about 30 minutes he stopped looking for attention from the people he's familiar with. I wish he'd have focused sooner but given the staggering amount of attention he received I think he did a good job. So many people came over to talk to or stare at him. I was asked lots of questions about him and his training. We were pointed out to people's kids/had kids sent over to us to say hi. And the majority of these people stood nearly on top of him, very close to me, while doing this.
Forte did a really good job of ignoring most of this and even offered auto blocking for about half of the interactions. He didn't get over aroused at the screaming and running kids, which is painful for me on a sensory level.
There was a live band playing, huge trucks of all sorts, engines being revved, food stands, and just so many people.
I did take him back to my car after about an hour to give him a small break. I took his gear off and let him potty, played a little tug with him, and let him roll around in the grass. During this one of my cousins just happened to be on his way in from the parking lot so I let Forte say hi. Forte poured on all the affection he hadn't gotten to dole out.
When we went back he was much more focused and calm. Which was good because I could feel myself getting more tired and less tolerant of people. After the third dead dog story with some guy looming over me while telling it I was feeling pretty worn out. Forte did alert to an hr spike (111) so I found a place to sit down and have him do DPT. Thankfully no one bothered us during this.
Once I was in the clear (hr below 100) I got a soft pretzel in the hopes it would make me feel better/more grounded. Forte held a settle at my side the whole time I was eating it, no begging at all.
Then a family friend of my mom's/aunts' spotted us and had lots of incredibly rude things to say about Forte and my "parading around a dog like that". I am proud of myself for remaining neutral in my responses. Forte alerted (hr 117) so I excused myself and went back to the quieter area for him to do DBT again.
After I was feeling better I rejoined the group (comprised mostly of my parents, aunt's, cousins, and their kids). While I was listening to the conversation it turned to a super triggering topic. I grabbed Forte's pull strap intending to use the braided texture to ground myself until I was steady enough to walk away. Forte apparently took it as a cue to get me out of there and brought me back to where we'd done DPT previously.
Once I was okay enough I said goodbye as I passed the group and headed back to the car.
I really have to acknowledge Forte's brilliance on this. We've only fairly recently been practicing FMP and the only light guiding he's done is find the car once we're already in the parking lot.
I've never asked him to lead me to a quiet spot before. But he patterned that my getting a certain level of distressed ended with us doing DPT in a specific spot and just acted upon it unprompted.
For all that I call him dinky and make jokes about him being not that smart, he does understand the core of his job and does his utmost to fulfill it. I am so grateful to have him in my life and am proud of him and our training. He's such a good dog and I appreciate himself so very much.
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turtlemagnum · 10 months
so, quick summation of today's thanksgiving:
family didn't mind me wearing my noise cancelling headphones! i could still hear em just fine because they're loud and i wasnt listening to music, so that's fine
my grandpa got mildly upset when it turned out the clearly already opened and drank out of 2 liter of mtn dew wasn't brought for anyone but me (the guy who drank out of it with his mouth), but he stopped caring when the guy who owns the house was like "dude, we've got mtn dew". i knew they'd have drinks of their own which was why i didn't bother to bring something for them (aside from me fully expecting for the mtn dew to be what keeps me sane), but i wasn't expecting them to also just straight up have mtn dew
i don't like turkey, it's one of two meats i've had that i actively dislike. but sadly, it's the one bird our shitty founders happened to eat, so it's some harebrained fucking tradition, but whatever. the thing is, parts of my family also insist on having fucking ham, which is literally the only other meat i dislike!!! i like pork, chicken, beef, all kindsa fuckin fish, but they just surgically fucking target the two meats that i dislike!!! my aunt noticed this, and we talked about it a bit and she said she might get some chicken next year for me, which was nice. still, the rolls were decent and dessert was pretty alright, so it's not like im starved or anything
maybe it's just that i'm soft spoken, but i definitely felt like i got talked over and unheard a lot. wasn't nice! still, i managed to make people laugh a couple of times, so that was nice!!!
my uncle had a spacex hoodie on. i didn't wanna ask but i was mildly disappointed in him, albeit not remotely surprised
my aunt and uncle (different ones than the other ones previously mentioned, these are the ones that i'm close enough to actually consider to be family) kept asking if i was coming over to christmas this year, for god knows what fucking reason because the only reason i didn't go last year was because they weren't hosting. no fuckin clue what was going on there
i made a crack at my grandma (which is fairly typical for the entire family, pretty much everybody present also made a crack at her (to be clear the entire family does this to one another, but my grandma is rancid and is the one that usually starts shit so to me it's moreso retaliatory but eh)), but my mom specifically calls me out for it for some fuckin reason (my aunt said that what i said was a good one, at least, made everyone laugh)
got to pet puppies and a kitty!!! the cat used my balls as a place to put his paws before jumping, so i experienced something adjacent to getting kicked in the balls by a cat, so that sucked! didn't hurt that bad though, cat was about as gentle as one kicking you in the balls could be. cat liked being pet under his chin, younger dog was fairly energetic and loving, old man dog was slow and relatively immobile but still affectionate. overall, good time with the animals!! had to take a benedryl when i got home, but i didn't take enough to meet the hat man so i should be fine
all in all, not as bad as i was expecting, the animals were nicer than the last time i came! decent thanksgiving, even if i wasn't able to truly commit to the sin of gluttony
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cannibalkissies · 1 year
Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Peppermint Patty, and Franklin for all three of ur fellas :o) -hamsterwife
THANK YOU !!!! I answered some already for Butch so I'll just omit those ^_^
Charlie Brown: How do you and your f/o comfort each other when you're down?
(X) When Howard notices Bill is having a hard time emotionally, he tells him he's there for him and then gives him space. Bill usually comes around and hangs next to him, striking up small conversation to distract himself from his issues.
When Bill notices Howard is upset, he tries to calm him down with a pet on his back, which prompts Howard to crumple into him. </3 Bill knows that it's going to happen every time and as they get closer it breaks his heart even harder than the last time. When he's all cried out, he and Bill have idle conversation about this and that to try and life his spirits.
(X) OUGHGHHTIGU!!! Stefano definitely observes Scott from afar before he goes over and tries to confront him with what's wrong. He talks it out with him and gives him soothing rubs on his shoulder and listens to him. It usually ends in a hug ;; <3
I feel like Scott is the same, but more attentive. Stefano just got out of a crappy relationship, so that would definitely make him hesitant to approach Scott, but Scott is more open because he's had the freedom to be his loving and caring self without judgement.
Snoopy: What kind of pet do you and your f/o have?
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(X) Oh Howard would so get them a pet rock. OR a pet lizard. One of those little ones that just hang out in your garden. Bill would initially be like "what the fuck are you doing?" when Howard makes the little lizard do a dance on a rock and then he goes on after a few weeks suggesting that he gets the thing a little doll hat.
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(X) Oh oh oh, Stefano has a cat! He brought it from his old house into Scott's and they love him very much <333
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Peppermint Patty: Is your f/o clingy? Your s/i?
(X) Howard is SO clingy. Bill loves how clingy he is, but he won't admit it. <3 :3
(X) Stefano is very clingy as well as Scott. They love each other so so much you'd have to surgically separate them.
Franklin: What kind of hobbies do you and your f/o enjoy together?
(X) For Bubba and Butch ? Crafts for sure! Also cooking. :))
(X) Howard does a lot of survival stuff so he gathers a lot of material. It's not really a hobby, but Bill likes to help him gather things. I guess you could qualify that as hiking or going on walks!
(X) Stefano and Scott love watching TV or movies together. As well as cooking. They also just like going grocery shopping. Spending time together in general I guess ^__^ Doesn't really matter what they're doing!
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Someone on a Skyrim Discord recently described Inigo as 'an inactive mod that hadn't been updated in seven years' and my first response was total jubilation.
Thank the gods someone finally said it. They're absolutely right. The mod is unfinished, hasn't been updated in years, but people treat it as the be all and end all of follower mods. It truly isn't. I know Inigo brought a lot of joy to a lot of people's lives and the mod was excellent for 2015... but it's not aged well.
Turn away now if you don't want to read the specifics of what I find off putting about the mod.
8000 lines, including ones focusing on trivia like how much of a given item you have, or what day of the week it is, or the weather, but nothing whatsoever on any DLC content.
Inconsistent characterisation - he comes across as comforting best friend and occasional source of wisdom but his backstory isn't conducive to that at all. He's a recovering skooma addict and former bandit, that's the guys who waylay travellers and kill them for their stuff, and he killed the last two companions he had. He thinks you're the last one who's survived somehow. This should not make him a lovable bestie, this should give you the creeps. And yet we're supposed to believe he's worked through all this in weeks and healed. I'm all for a former bastard getting redeemed but the redemption seems to have happened offscreen which is unsatisfying.
Backstory infodumping - modern mods have the backstory revealed organically over time. Like how a person would do it. Not one conversation where thirty years worth of backstory gets dumped on you at once. And you have to sit through this in order to unlock the summon spell and personal quest. Which involves meeting the Most Annoying Man In Skyrim and you're not allowed to kill him. You are in fact expected to take it on trust that your mentally not well bestie is actually the saviour of the world from some unknown threat. No evidence of course beyond the vague psychic visions of the aforementioned Annoyance. You just have to take it on trust. And because no updates in years, you never get to find out what happens next.
And finally a lot of the backstory just feels more like a children's story than an actual adventure. Inigo falling into the clutches of an evil wizard who turns people into chickens and rabbits to act as spies. Mr Dragonfly. Inigo's adventures with his brother. Just could have been a lot better executed. You're infodumped on and told how to feel and if your feelings don't align with that, it's clearly your fault. And that's not good storytelling. How much better would Inigo have been if you'd come across the campsite where they killed Fergus and couldn’t save him but you could save Inigo? And then later adventures happen and you get to find Mr Dragonfly together. Have that adventure with Chicken wizard together. Langley's attempts to reach you just start happening without needing to unlock the tragic backstory. An opportunity missed.
As it is, the next generation of followers have clearly learned from all this. Remiel does better on the weird pet front and personal quest that lets you kill the annoyance. Redcap does better at lovable goofball who's ferociously loyal no matter what. Gore does better at the redemption arc and traumatic past bit. DLC commentary is treated as a valid item for the to do list, not something for the creator's moderators to all wonder why so many people want that. And the next gen followers all talk to each other!
Inigo could be that too... but it was never to be.
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aiglesperch · 9 days
Go Out With a Fight
Fandom : Project Zomboid
Word count :
Summary : As the zombie population swells to its peak, Jean decides to go down with a final fight after a helicopter descends down Arizona.
Content warnings : Apocalypse, zombie, blood, burning inside a car, death
The days run by, the nights are spent with chill in one's spine and in a half-awake state as one awaits zombies to ambush at any given point. More people are turning day-by-day.
The morning news is getting worser and worser. Well, it'd be damn a surprise if they were still alive and breathing with the turmoil taking place in the USA.
And Jean?
Let's go back to Jean. What does he do when such a world-wide crisis takes place? He sits in his home and reads. He learns a lot about driving a vehicle and making emergency rations.
Wounds are no longer a problem for him provided he blindfolds himself when it bleeds. Well, what could a hemophobic do otherwise? The zombie crisis is a nightmare, indeed.
Hemophobic : Someone who has an abnormal and persistent fear of blood
He partakes in the duties of a ranger - chopping down branches, clearing out alternate routes for him to dash into when the shamblers come onward to the highway road, striking flint together to create a billowing fire.
His heart is steeled in resolve of surviving this horror. Him being an introvert would advantage him by a large margin.
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At times, zombies do come. All sorts of them. Florists and hairdressers from the shopping strip, prison wardens from the bashed-open prison entrance, police all around the highway road, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters - all united in this perverse relationship fulfilled solely by a hunger for human flesh.
The books left behind by his beloved did prove useful enough to teach him jiu-jitsu, moreover his axe-wielding skills weren't rusty yet. He continued staying alive as the lone human wanderer for a few days.
When he was hungry, he raided the abandoned kitchens barring the zombies. Canned food was a luxury during these times. He had to store cooked meat and lentils in the ground, salt chicken, pickle the vegetables. It seems the world's gone back a few centuries behind with the death of electricity and water supply.
Then he did remember
It was the year 1982. Kentucky was a pleasant place to live in. Jean, born to a Québécois father and a Irish mother, was brought up in rural Rosewood. Being the child of mixed parents ensured that he was bullied frequently at his school.
He also did recall his parents' insults when he was rumoured to have kissed a boy, such was the thinking back then (and even now in 1993). Ah, the joy of having to hide bits-and-pieces of yourself until you are but a false image to please one's own loved ones. Such was life...
...Until it wasn't. He went to serve as a ranger. Wasn't a honourable job given the amount of people who'd purposefully dump waste on the shrubs and let their pets poop everywhere. Not to mention the children screaming, adults getting themselves in danger for a mere selfie.
He then met this man at a bar. Unlike the others, he didn't drink and rather chose to busy himself in strumming an ukelele.
It didn't take much for Jean to be interested in him, though it did take long for him to date and eventually marry him.
A thudding sound fills the air
It attracts the zombies from all around Arizona. Brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers - all formerly unrelated, now lumped into a single category called 'zombies' - shamble onward to find the source of this noise.
Jean peeps from the heavily covered window.
A helicopter.
And it's attracting everyone close-by, okay, zombies close-by.
This was bad news to Jean. Oh dear, he can already here a couple of hands banging on the doors and windows in desperation. The helicopter has the gall to lower to his location, shine the brightest light available on his house, and leave as if nothing happened.
Wait. If there was someone operating it, it would mean there still are humans!
Rescue, or was it?
Everything's going to be okay
The helicopter was fluttering over like a dragonfly
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Then the vehicle hit a few gasoline drums on the way. Sparks ensued and soon the whole vehicle was on fire. Jean bit his bottom lip as he steered clear of more obstacles that may disturb his movement. His lip was bleeding and fire is catching up to his seat quick.
Arizona's heat wasn't helping it. It spread its fiery tentacles into the backseat, the bonnet, etc.
"Everything's going to be okay" he whispered to himself repeatedly as flame licks the back of his seat.
"Everything's going to be okay, indeed" he whimpered. At least, the zombies won't get him now.
--- THE END ---
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109moons · 10 months
This Thanksgiving, I have so much to be thankful for. I cannot help but think of my Dad around Thanksgiving, it was his favorite holiday and the last one we spent together before he passed away. The holidays lead to depression and a lot of self induced isolation in the years following him leaving this earth, but I refuse to do that this year. It is not what he would have wanted for me.
Someone told me in the years after he died how he would be ashamed of me for not following a traditional path, whatever that means. How he would be so disappointed and embarrassed at my mistakes, at what I struggled with. I spent a long time carrying those words and believing them, down to my core. I punished myself. I cried more than any person should probably cry. I realize now how deeply untrue that statement was — my Father would never feel any shame for my failures. My Dad would just be proud that I had the strength to stand back up, and that now, I have learned to ask for help and let people love me again. I am not letting those cruel words dictate how I feel about myself anymore. I am worth more than that.
This year, I am grateful for my family. That sentence does not begin to cover how I feel - but yes, to put it minimally, I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for the community that rallied beside me at my weakest point and helped take care of my fur pets, my at home family. I am grateful for my health - and most surprisingly, I am grateful that my health went to hell and a hand basket. Previous to this, I did not comprehend the strength it takes to rebuild after hitting the bottom like I did. I thought I knew pain, and knew trauma. I didn’t. This isn’t meant to be a pity party for me - I just simply was faced with the fact that I had to make the decision to either be miserable and sick leading up to me dying, that was a really real possibility before my transplant, or if I wanted to see the beauty in the everyday and remind myself every day that the pain would pass. That I was made of tougher stuff than any diagnostic test, than anything my liver or lungs could throw at me. I looked at a framed picture of my Dad, a lot. And I was stronger than anything that was thrown at me, and I attribute that strength to my family that helped keep me strong.
I am grateful for the chance to talk about my experience in the hospital. I am grateful to be a voice for those with liver disease, diagnosed or undiagnosed. I am extremely grateful for the platform to talk about sobriety in an approachable way. I am so proud of the people who have reached out to me about their path with sobriety. I am grateful for 87 days sober, and a lifetime to go. I am grateful for my Frankenstein scar and all of the staples (61, I counted) that pieced me back together. I am grateful for the people I love sitting next to me through the night while I talked to them in my sleep about soup or tried to argue that I wasn’t sleeping, for braiding my hair, for advocating for me when I couldn’t speak up for myself. I am not grateful for grey hospital chicken, but I am grateful for Cracker Barrel French toast. I am so grateful for every damn mistake I have made to lead me to where I am today. I am grateful I tasted death and that brought me a passion to be an advocate for those people like me.
Upon being admitted to the emergency room on September 14th, my oxygen saturation was only 54%. I needed an emergency thoracentesis to drain my right lung, immediately. When the needle went into my ribs and into my lung, I saw my Dad sitting in a chair across from me. He told me he was here, it was going to be okay, and to breathe. I am grateful for that, I am grateful I saw his blue pen stained shorts, with his shirt sleeves rolled up, a hanky hanging out of his pocket, and New Balance shoes. My life is forever changed from September 14th, but I have gained so much more than I possibly could ever lose.
Happy Thanksgiving Eve.
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universecorp · 2 years
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⤷ cat hybrid!huening kai x owner!fem!reader
⤷ w.c: 8k
⤷ summary: when one random meeting turned into multiple, you couldn't help yourself when you impulsively made the decision to stick together. however, falling in love with the hybrid wasn't a part of the decision making.
⤷ contents: slight slight angst i guess, fluff, mxm mention between members, dom!reader, sub!kai, kai is a voyeur, oral (receiving, giving), use of a toy (receiving, giving), breeding kink, lots of c–, praising, nipple play, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, ummm
⤷ ♪ : "good days always sunny inside. good day living in my mind." – good days by sza
⤷ author's note: long black hair hyuka ruined me so i had to spit it all out on here. also, my fics from now on are going to have a lyric from the song i based it off of.
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“oh my god!” you jumped in shock when you saw a.. human(?) sitting on your porch fast asleep with their clothes soaked, possibly from the huge storm that happened last night. the person jumped from your sudden voice looking at you with their eyes dilated sharp like a cat. “you’re a hybrid..!” they stared at you eyes still widened in fear. they slowly moved backwards pondering on if they should run away or not but you stopped them before it could move. “are you hungry? wait right here..” 
you remembered that you cooked salmon last night and there was still half of it left in your fridge. you placed it on a paper plate and warmed it up before you gave it to the hybrid who was surprisingly still there. “here, just for you.” you placed the plate in front of them, earning a slight growl from your closeness but you continued to move slowly, making sure not to scare them off. you closed the door to give it some privacy but you stayed, looking through the peephole in your door to see if they were still out there. 
and they were. 
moving slightly with their back facing the door. you smiled a bit and decided to wait a bit before leaving since you had nowhere to be. 10 minutes had passed and you decided to look outside again only to find that the hybrid wasn’t there but the plate was empty.
then, a week passed. 
the figure looking so familiar making a smile creep up on your face, “hi again.” the hybrid opened its eyes with its pupils in a natural state. “there’s no salmon today, but i have some chicken. how does that sound?” the tail that you didn’t see during the first meeting waved around slowly while it’s face continued to be straight. the tail had a white blotch on the tip while the rest was black. yeah, they are definitely a cat hybrid but.. you didn’t see the ears. but you brushed by it and went back inside to get the said meal. and, just like last time they left with an empty plate on the porch.
suddenly, the meetings became more frequent. you supplying it some leftovers but if you didn’t have any you gave them sweets and snacks to hold them off. you wondered if they were a stray hybrid but by the looks of it they had a change of clothes each time and still freshly kept. then you began to assume that it was just an escapee who liked to leave the house but since it was a hybrid, it would be hard to not notice, right? 
after some days and weeks of seeing the same hybrid, it started to enjoy a more physical connection. “do you like chips?” the hybrid bit down on the potato chip and waved its tail like it answered your question. you realized if hybrid didn’t like something it would hiss and/or growl like a normal cat would do but it never bothered you, you’ve owned a cat before it died long ago from age. “can i… can i pet you?” the hybrid’s eyes grew a little in size as he looked at you with its tail wagging once again. you brought your hand up slowly to its face hoping it would sniff you to see if it was comfortable which it did. your left hand approached the top of its head, softly caressing the long puffy black hair. unintentionally, the hybrid brought its hands down and leaned into your hand, shivering at your menstrations. sweet purrs came from them, its hand placed softly on your thigh as it learned in further begging for more. their eyes closed while their lips turned up into a smile making yours contagious as you formed the same sweet smile. “you’re cute.” 
as you pat their head, you could feel some bumps making you slightly curious. you moved their locs a bit only to find folded ears twitching from your earlier pets. “your ears are so cute! i wonder what breed are you? are you just special and born differently?” 
“you don’t know?” 
a deep voice rang in your ears causing you to pull your hands back fast, startling the hybrid a bit. “i’m sorry! i didn’t mean to scare you…” you mumbled. the hybrid’s eyes reverted back to its normal state after shifting into a tight slit from your fast movements. “you..you really don’t kno—“ “you talked!” your eyes big with excitement, finally being able to hear its voice for the first time since they have been coming to your porch. your sudden outburst made the hybrid smile at you once more, appalled at your ignorance to its breed but also how your only focus was how they sounded. 
“huening kai,” he stated “i was given the name huening kai by my owners. i’m a cat male hybrid and i’m 20 years old. my breed is a scottish fold.” you blinked at his words but a giggle fell from your lips uncontrollably making you cover your face. “w-what?” 
“nothing,” you smiled “you’re just so cute i couldn’t help it. also you’re a what now? you were born in scotland?” a laugh erupted from kai. his cheeks red hot from embarrassment but from how hard he was laughing, his head feeling like it was going to pop. 
“what’s your name?” he asked, pupils large with fondness as he stared at you. 
the corner of your lips turned upwards as you read his eyes and tail like a book. “i’m ____.” 
“____….” your name rolled off his tongue warmly, making the pretty hybrid wag his tail some more. 
“huening kai right?” he nodded at you in approval. “how about i call you hyuka.” 
later that day, you two decided to take a walk. you started to look more at the boy, studying his features as he talked to you and asked you random questions. the moles that kissed his smooth skin, his sharp features, the pretty bump on his nose bridge that looked so pokable, his cute smile, everything about him screamed angelic. too cute for his own good literally. 
“how did you come across my house?” the question that dances around in your head since the very beginning finally came out for him to hear as well. 
“well… for starters it was disgusting outside. the rain started to come down extremely hard, soaking all of my clothes, leaving me with nothing left to do but stay on a porch which so happened to be yours. you also have a soft ‘welcome’ mat and i loved the small lanterns that hung up on your house making it more relaxing.” 
“why were you outside in the first place?” you asked kicking the large rock on the sidewalk, “are you a stray?” 
“oh no,” he declined. “i would much rather be a stray. i live with my owners who aren’t that far down the street from you. i tend to ‘escape’ from there at times because they don’t truly love me..” he let out a nervous laugh as he too kicked a rock on the sidewalk while he was walking. “my breed is extremely valuable and since i’m also a scottish fold hybrid, that makes me even more valuable. i was bought intrusively because of those known facts which made my owners just attention hungry. showing me around like i’m at some auction. honestly, they might end up selling me to others because they suddenly can't take care of me anymore.” 
your heart ached for him, pissed at how his owners neglected him. his tail hung low as he finished telling his story, resulting in you coming up with an idea you would never regret. 
“live with me,” you spit. his eyes large at your sudden suggestion. “it’s lonely in the apartment all by myself. you don’t even have to pay rent, just clean up and i’ll take care of you.” the hybrid blankly stared at you waiting to see if what you said was all a joke. 
but it wasn’t. 
“will you allow me to be the best owner you’ve ever had?” you reached your hand out in front of him waiting for his answer. pushing away your hand, he got closer to your frame bringing you into the biggest hug, his face in the crook of your neck inhaling your scent that he would never forget. the hug alone was a great enough answer for you. 
and that was the beginning. 
it has now been 5 and a half months since kai became your roommate and pet. your closet now being filled with both yours and his wardrobe, the bathroom with both you and his toothbrush, towels, toiletry, everything. while you went to work, he stayed, of course, playing video games that he brought from his past house without the past owners knowing. a month after moving in, kai has blocked both of his past owners, destroying anything related to them and that house. he truly felt love from you and within you, not wanting to lose that feeling, that warm and drunk feeling of you loving him and him loving you. 
every night, you two slept in the same bed. his either on top of you or his head resting on your stomach as you both laid down fast asleep. one time, he had a bad dream of you leaving his side, abandoning him like his past owners so you made a promise: “you are loved, you are safe.” every night before you two fell asleep, you would play with his ears, hair, tail, whatever you got your hands on that night and say that phrase, reassuring and reminding him that wherever you were was home. then, he would purr softly onto you and drift you both into a slumber. 
“hyukaaa, i’m home!” you turned around to lock the door only to be greeted by the said hybrid with a tight back hug. “hi baby.” a smile came across your face once you felt the vibration of his purrs tickling your neck. 
“i missed you,” he said in a pout. his tail wrapped around your waist comfortably rubbing his face against yours. you scratched behind his folded ear feeling his tail move a little in excitement. “i missed you too. i’m going to the mall in a bit, would you like to come?” he answered in a small nod and went to the room to get changed. you stayed on the couch and watched tv while you waited for him to finish getting ready. once he did, he came back out with his tail and ears covered. honestly, it saddened you to see him cover himself up knowing it’s because he didn’t want anybody to know his breed. “hyuka..” he looked at you with normal dilated eyes and his head turned to the side. you sat up and placed yourself in front of his tall figure bringing your hands up to ruffle his hair back into place so his folded ears would show. you also lifted up his shirt to see his tail wrapped along his waist, blending in with his frame underneath his clothes. “you are loved, you are safe.” his feline teeth showed as he smiled at your words, being reminded that he was safe everywhere with you. “it’s gonna be okay. so come on, let's go.” 
“let’s get some pretzels, i’m hungry.” you grabbed kai’s hand dragging him to the top floor of the mall to look for the closest pretzel shop you could find. you bought both you and him something small to last you two for a while before dinner. “for ___!“ the hybrid stood up to go grab the order but was stopped by the worker at the register. you watched their interaction seeing the worker smile and kai blush uncontrollably. once he came back he grabbed your hand and left with the food in the other. “hyuka? what happened?” 
“they called me cute… i got embarrassed andi didn’t know what to do so i left. why would she do that in front of my owner that’s so weird..” he mumbled the last bit although it didn’t slip past you. you laughed at his childlike ways while your thumb stroked his hand to calm him down. “you are cute. now, give me some pretzels. i’m hungry.” 
what did go unnoticed was the big smile that creeped on his face once you reassured him that he was in fact cute. 
you two walked into another store that distributed clothes and accessories, housing essentials, and much more. you told kai that you wanted to spice up the apartment a little more and he needed his help since it wasn’t just your apartment anymore it was his as well. 
“what do you think of this, ____?” kai pulled out a rug and a mirror to go into the living room space. “hmm, maybe not the mirror but a picture frame would be cute? or orrrrr what if it was a string of pictures of us attached to the wall above the tv with some cute led lights?” kai’s pupils dilated larger than before, his tail unintentionally quivering with excitement. his head ran with thoughts of you two, the pictures that you already had of them, the pictures taken in the future, everything about you and him being together flooded his mind. “then maybe we should find a polaroid?” he suggested. he grabbed the rug and placed it into the cart. you both headed towards the aisle with cameras and film, finding both the lilac camera and the extra polaroid film. thankfully, you found the batteries right beside it, opening both the camera and the batteries while kai’s attention was on something else. taking the opportunity, you took a picture of the hybrid boy playing with a ball of yarn that he found in one of the aisles. “huh..– ____!” the polaroid came running out of the machine, making the boy flustered. “couldn’t help myself.” 
“that’ll be $77.54, ma’am.” the cashier rang up all of your items, placing them in the bag gently while kai put the finished ones in the basket. “here ya go.” “well i’ll be damn,” you and kai turned your attention to the old man passing by with his wife on the other side of him. his eyes scanned kai’s frame looking at his relaxed tail and his cutely folded ears on top of his curly head. “it’s a scottish fold hybrid. i heard they are extremely valuable.” you helped kai finish putting the bags in the cart to try and speed this up so the man wouldn’t go into a full conversation but due to you and kai’s luck, the man proceeded. “he is mighty pretty and well kept. how much was he? who’s your breeder?” the audacity that flew out of the man as he tried to touch kai, his hand raised above the pretty boys head making kai crouch a little with his tail tense and tight against him. 
“i would appreciate it if you didn’t touch him,” you spit feeling the anger flow through your blood seeing this weird man touch kai. the old man blinked and brought his hand back down to his side. you grabbed kai’s hand, pulled him and pushed the cart out of the store and made your way to the car. “the audacity of that fucking man, does he not know anything about common decency?” your head was fuming with irritation, and kai could feel it. his hair continued to stand, feeling anxious about the situation that occurred, remembering why he hid himself and why he didn’t like the breed he was. “___… it’s okay i’m fine,” he lied. he's never seen you this upset before, the cursing and the static breaths. he would much rather lie than to see you like this. “hyuka don’t lie, i know you’re upset.” kai pouted as his tail stayed still beside him. he played with the tip of his tail to calm himself down while you drove home. 
“you know what i just realized?” still staring at the street as you drove, you dawned upon a thought that possibly could help the sad hybrid. kai let out a hum waiting for your statement. “you’ve never been around other hybrids huh?” in your peripheral you could see kai’s tail shivering and his big eyes watching you. a smile fell upon your lips as you brought your phone up to call your closest friend.
“hey soobin!” 
“i’m scared to ask what you want.” you and soobin have known one another since junior high, two completely opposite people yet so close. “but what do you want?” 
“oh shut up. anyways, are you and yeonjun busy?” yeonjun is soobin’s fox hybrid but also his boyfriend. long story short, soobin adopted yeonjun from an adoption center and they lived together for about 4 almost 5 years now. within those years, soobin realized that he had fallen for the hybrid, same for yeonjun. 
“nope, we’re just laying do—“ 
“hyuka and i are 5 minutes away, see you soon!” you hung up and sped up towards your friend’s house. 
“welcome… i guess.” soobin opened the door and let you and kai in. the feline hybrid held onto you tightly as he walked into the house looking at every furniture and every painting up on the wall. he also came across pictures of soobin and who he believed was yeonjun on the living room table making his chest strangely warm. one picture was them at the beach together, one was them at the carnival, and the other was them kissing in front of a museum. “they’re together?” kai thought to himself. seeing the ears standing tall on yeonjun's head showing that he was in fact a hybrid and soobin being human made his face turn pink with embarrassment, but he didn’t understand why it was making him blush so much. 
so lost in his thoughts, he didn’t realize that the fox hybrid was standing behind him with his nose sniffing away at the smaller one making him jump. “you must be hyuka,” yeonjun’s curled and fluffy  tail swished side to side while his ears stood in curiosity. “____ was right, you are super cute.” kai’s face became redder, trying to curl up towards you but you were too busy talking to soobin. “come on, let’s have fun.” 
which they did.
you and soobin sat on the porch while kai and yeonjun played badminton in the backyard. “you kinda suck at this game hyuka,” yeonjun laughed. “shut up.” 
“they got along pretty fast,” you said to soobin, sipping some fruit punch that he got from the fridge. “i’m glad hyuka isn’t thinking about the situation anymore.” before you all went outside, you explained what happened in the mall to soobin and he was furious. the audacity that some people have is concerning. 
“yeah, they’re super cute,” soobin responded while watching— no staring at yeonjun like he was going to devour him. 
“you’ve been staring at yeonjun’s ass the entire time, soobin.” the boy’s face flushed red once he directed his attention to you. “no i’m not!” “don’t worry,” yeonjun yelled, still playing badminton with the younger hybrid “it’s nothing new. he does it all the time.” a burst of laughter fell from your lips as you felt tears well up on your eyes. you could’ve sworn you saw steam coming from soobin’s head. his ears were blood dark red while his cheeks showed the same color. he fanned his face while trying to deny yeonjun’s words. 
kai on the other hand was laughing as well but he wondered if you did the same to him, watching him as much as soobin was watching yeonjun. you took a sip of your juice when your eyes made contact with kai who’s face showed a bright red. your eyes shrunk in a smile when you saw him but the hybrid jumped and turned his attention back towards the sly fox. at first, you blinked at the sudden action but shrugged it off and continued to talk to soobin. 
“he is a cutie, i can see why you got so attached,” soobin watched the hybrids play some more slowly but surely, tiring themselves out. “i’m surprised you don’t have feelings for him yet.” you almost choked on your spit when you heard the words fly out of him. “hey, i’m just saying. being all close and personal with him might make you gain some feelings but maybe it’s not true in your case.” 
even on the way back home you thought about it. there was no way you liked kai like that. you only viewed him as your roommate, your best friend, your pet in a way, not anything more. 
but at times you would glance at him. his sharp features showed as he rested in the passenger seat. the pretty boy was so worn out from his play date, it was dangerously cute. you didn’t even realize that you were smiling, teeth showing as you watched the hybrid sleep peacefully. his face glowed a dark red as you both waited at the stop light. his beautiful nose and his succulent lips enhanced with the lighting. and his pretty neck, moles that kissed his skin before you coul– wait. why were you thinking that, why were your eyes so glued to his features. the light that was once red now green making the car behind you beep their horn. you snapped out of your trance and continued to drive home. 
“wake upp, we’re home,” you whispered. you slightly shook the boy making him jump at the sudden movement. your tired and heavy steps loud as you were making your way up into the house. kai was the first one to take a shower, him too tired to wait longer to get in bed. you chuckled at him as you directed yourself to your room to get your clothes ready. 
“hyuka, are you done?” the shower has turned off a couple of minutes ago so you assumed that the hybrid was done. you took a couple of steps towards the bathroom only to see it was dark and left open. “hyuka?” you made your way towards the living room to see the pretty boy curled up on the sofa fast asleep. you felt your cheeks get hot as you watched him sleep comfortably. you tried your best not to make that much noise as you made your way back into the bathroom to shower. the hot water rolled down your shining body making your muscles loosen up. 
you washed your tired body letting random thoughts and songs run through your head to pass the time. it was all but distracting until a certain somebody found their way into your head once again. you cheeks burning up while images of hyuka flipped in your mind: how cute he was during the play date, his tail down and ready to pounce on yeonjun, him drinking his cold water with his adam’s apple bobbing up in down with a slight drop of water trickling down it. even the small smirks he would have while he looked at you. a loud gulp came from your throat as your stomach started to churn at the thoughts. “you’ve got to be kidding me,” you thought to yourself, already feeling wet but not from the water. part of you felt guilty thinking about kai like that but you couldn’t control these sudden images that flew through your mind. the wetness between your legs was becoming unbearable. it has been a long time since you had time to yourself, being around kai all the time you couldn’t please yourself when you were having one of those days, especially like now. you finished showering and dried yourself off to see if kai was still asleep. 
which he was. 
he was still curled up at the corner of the couch fast asleep, probably worn out from playing with yeonjun. you bit the inside of your cheek as you thought about your next move. the thought of approaching your high made your core ache impatiently. your feet led you towards your room and into your drawer to find your toy. the purple stick waiting patiently to be used again and still fully charged. your spine shivered once you looked at the object, ready for it to take you into another world. you closed your bedroom door slowly before you carefully climbed into bed with your panties and t-shirt on. your nipples hard as they showed through the shirt once you got yourself into position running two of your fingers slowly across your lower lips feeling a wet patch seeping through. you turned on the quiet vibrator and placed it gently onto your clit making you suck in air through your teeth. it felt so foreign yet so familiar as you rubbed it in circles. “fuck..” the foul word fell from your lips softly feeling the wet patch begin to grow, sticking to the purple toy. you wanted to just give up and put it inside of you but you waited just a little longer, the teasing too intoxicating for you to care. you push it harder against you, your hips following it as it moves up and down. god it was addicting. you haven’t felt like this since you got kai, going months without relieving yourself. you wanted to cum, fuck you really wanted to, not caring enough to put it inside of you, you just needed to release yourself. 
so you tried. 
your whimpers becoming present in the room, forgetting your situation completely; forgetting that kai was in the living room asleep. ‘please’ fell from your mouth multiple times as your slick fell onto the bed. you wanted to cum so bad, begging to nothingness as your high approached quicker and quicker. 
your body froze. you were completely still while your body broke out into a cold sweat at a certain someone’s voice that has obviously entered the room. “..huh..?” you turned the toy off immediately, sitting up with your face hot and red with embarrassment. kai’s big doe eyes looked at you with his cheeks red as well, taking in his situation and reading the room. you wanted a lightning bolt to strike you in the middle of your room just to end you and this embarrassment. 
“hyuka i—“ the boy made his way over to you and sat down right in front, his eyes not leaving your face at all. 
“are you in heat?” 
you swear your head exploded when you heard the question. an uncontrollable giggle came out of you making kai’s folded ears perk up slightly. “what’s so funny..? no i’m so serious are you in heat? are you a hybrid too?” his cute voice showed concern as he continued to ask you questions. you wiped the small tear from your eye while you pulled the comforter up to cover your soaked panties. “no hyuka, i’m human.” 
“but,” he continued, “i’ve only heard of hybrids acting like that… i’ve heard it also hurts a lot when hybrids are in heat, needing a partner to help them…” he blinked as his face became more red. he was so cute you couldn’t help but smile at the naive hybrid. 
“i’m not hyuka, i promise i’m not.” 
“then why were you… why were you sounding like that? and why were you touching yourself like that..?” your habit came back to you, biting the inside of your cheeks trying to find the best choice of words for him. but before you could say anything kai just started rambling again. 
“d-do you need help?” 
your heart dropped all the way down to your ass. your mouth went dry and your voice was pulled right out of your throat. you could feel your cunt clench around nothing as the thought of him helping you get off travelled from your mind all the way down to your toes. “it’s painful for hybrids when they’re in heat.” his eyes wandered away from your eyes to your disheveled hair and clothes. he tried his best to keep his emotions at bay but his tail was an open book. 
“i’m not a hybrid, okay hyuka? i’m gonna be fine it’s oka–“ 
your voice got caught in your throat again. a small gasp coming from your slightly open lips as you felt digits rub against your covered cunt. you didn’t realize that his hand made its way under the covers. his other hand pulled off the covers, showing him your soaked panties and his finger pads laying softly against your swollen clit. “h-hyuk…a..” 
“you’re loved…” the pads of his digits pushed harder, your sensitive button sending waves of shock throughout your body, “you’re safe..” the pretty boy's eyes were lidded, staring directly at your lower lips seeing them almost engulf his fingers even though it was clothed. your eyes fluttered shut while a moan escaped from within you. your mouth was slightly open as his digits rubbed circles against your clit, resulting in your hips to match his movements. “please can i help you..?” 
you nodded your head begging for him to do something… anything to you. he slid your panties down and his fingers instantly connected to your clit, swiping side to side making more pretty moans fall from your lips. you were so pretty to him, everything he wanted. you’ve helped him with so much and he always felt comfortable around you even before he joined you in the apartment. his days always sunny when he was around you. he also wondered how he could return the deed, wanting your praise and approval. he was going to let you do absolutely anything to him no matter how filthy cause in reality…
he wanted this too. 
he thought his images of you were just signs of his heat approaching but he still had a couple of more weeks before that. it had to be because he liked you—loved you. 
his fingers sped up making your hips try and rise up off of the bed but only being brought back down by the devil himself. the noises from him just rubbing your clit was already enough to send both of you into utter shambles. kai’s eyes were blown, wide and dark as he watched your breast move under your white shirt. your body trembled, stomach rising at uneven tempos when you tried to catch your breath only for it to keep leaving you. 
your scent was driving kai insane. he wasn’t a dog hybrid so he couldn’t smell it from the living room but once he got super close to you the smell hit him like a brick wall. the aroma was still comforting like you but it was also addicting, almost a sweet smell that was made just for him. your eyes opened slightly instantly making a connection to the hybrid who’s eyes were on your throbbing cunt. “you smell really good, ____.” his voice was soft but his words came out with a whine, trying to fight the urge to smell you more. he stopped his movements and brought his coated fingers to his tongue, lapping up your sweet nectar. his tail shivered as he moaned at your taste, still licking around his digits for more. your chest became tighter at the lewd sight, almost pushing the wind out of you. he pulled away and a trail of saliva refused to leave his fingers. his pupils surprisingly bigger as he looked back up at you, cheeks red and lips wet with you on them. 
he was definitely going to be the cause of your death.
then, he brought his attention towards the purple stick, his tail moving with curiosity. he picked it up and brought it close to him to see what it was. your eyes widened causing you to bring your hands to your face to hide yourself. “cute,” he chuckled, taking his other hand to yours, bringing them down so your face could show again. “what’s this?” you bit your lip before you answered the pretty boy, sitting up just a little so you could nicely take it away from him.
“it’s a vibrator.. and a dildo,” you choked out, “it’s supposed to make you feel really good.” the hybrid blinked at the toy with his face still but his tail and ears moving. his ears twitched like an idea popped in his head. 
“i wanna see you use it on yourself.” 
“huh?” your hands began to shake. his words flew out so nonchalantly but his red cheeks made him look so cute and embarrassed, letting his curiosity get the best of him. the devil on your shoulder told you to do it, show him what he asked for. you gulped loudly, holding the silicone toy in your hands correctly and holding down the power button to start it up. 
the vibration was quiet but not silent, the noise making your hands shake more and your heart beat faster. “y..you first turn it on of course. and then… you place it right here.” your swollen bud kissed the toy, sending jolts into your body. deep breaths came from you, the toy pushing on you harder moving up and down to build up that feeling once again. your head fell back as you continued to please yourself, the feeling being better than ever before. maybe it was because you haven’t pleased yourself in a while or maybe it was because he was watching you. he watched your entrance blow him kisses, waiting to be stuffed. his lip was stuck in between his teeth, his fangs digging hard into his lip as he tried to control himself, feeling his heat build in his head clouding his mind. but, he wanted to learn, he wanted to see you please yourself so he could do the same, maybe even better. 
“shit… hyuka, gimmie your.. your hand.” your pretty voice broke him out of his trance. he did what he was told and gave you his hand. you wrapped his large hand around the toy. in the process of it, the hybrid accidently clicked on a settings button making the vibration go faster. “ooh mygodd..!” your moans became louder and fucking prettier making kai’s heat cloud his mind more and more. he’s never been this horny before, his dick standing tall in his shorts precum leaking profusely. “yes yes… like that fuck.. so good hyuukaaa…” his name spilled from your lips making the pretty boy moan.
you positioned yourself where you raised your body up just enough to have your weight on both hands and feet. you humped the toy, sliding your clit slowly against the silicone object. “a..and then…” you choked. you slowly brought yourself up higher until the toy was positioned at your entrance. your lips opened up for the object, slowly pushing the toy inside of your tight walls. “i let it fuck me…” you moved your hips up and down, riding both the toy and his hand. 
his heat has completely clouded his mind. 
he began to thrust the toy inside of you, matching your pace and making it hit your spot every single time. curses fell out from your lips as your juices ran down the toy and his hand until it dropped onto the bed. the pleasure was overwhelming, feeling like you had already came but you knew the rope didn’t snap just yet. “you’re making me feel sooo fucking good hyuka..” he moved the toy faster, fucking into you like it was him wanting to see more of you, wanting so you feel his hand become drenched with you. his lip began to bleed, his fang penetrating his skin as he continued to moan out. 
“i need you..” he took the toy out and placed his other hand on your stomach to lay you down. instantly, his face in between your plump thighs and the toy was back inside of you. his tongue gave your clit a kitten lick before flattening it out and swiping it up. 
fuck it felt like you were going to scream. 
your hand found his pretty long black locks and gripped them, humping his beautiful face while he slurped you. his pretty eyes looked up at you, his tongue still lapping against you and the toy still fucking inside of you. god he was so pretty, he looked so obedient while he made you feel good. you held his head in place as you continued to hump him, unintentionally playing with his ears earning purrs from the boy. the vibration of his purrs adding onto the power of the toy made you lose it. your walls convulsed around the toy, cum dripping from your entrance onto the bed. you slowly bucked your hips into his face a couple more times before you became overstimulated. he took the toy out and replaced it with his tongue, sucking up every bit of you moaning at the taste of you. 
he lifted himself up, his chest thumping and his mind still cloudy. he didn’t know what to do. he’s been in heat before but it’s never been this suffocating, his mind only running with thoughts on how to become closer to you, how to make you feel even better, how you would feel around his aching dick. fuck his dick was begging to be let free. he tried his best not to pounce on you and fuck you right there but he only asked to help you. 
not fuck you. 
he tried to distract himself, his eyes still catching glimpses of your puckering cunt and the leftover cum seeping from it. he moaned into his palm, trying harder to calm himself down but it just wasn’t working. the moans turned into whines, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. 
“awe baby come here,” you cooed as you crawled over to the hybrid. his skin glowed with sweat, hair sticking to his forehead making the sight delicious. you could feel shivers running through you at the thought of corrupting this poor kitten. you kissed his cheek and carefully brought his hand down away from his mouth. “lemme make you feel good.” 
he looked down at you with teary eyes and red cheeks. your lips turned up into a smile as your hand made its way into his shorts and pulled out his throbbing dick. the tip was red and hungry, wanting to fill you up completely. your thumb collected his precum and rubbed it around his aching tip causing the hybrid to purr and moan. you then climbed off the bed and grabbed the silicone toy and turned it on, vibration quiet once again. “let me take care of you, baby.” your wet lips placed a soft kiss on his tip, taking your tongue out licking from the base all the way to the top. 
“___, i…” his breaths were uneven as he watched you, heart beating rapidly. spit fell from your lips onto his standing dick, hand spreading it all over making sure it was lubricated just enough. the vibrator then made contact with his slit, his dick twitching immediately and his body jolting at the feeling. your plump lips kissed the sides of him before you stroked him, feeling every vein on each side. “it feels good, right?” you stood up high enough where you and his eyes made contact, his eyes lidded and his mouth agape trying to hold back every noise he could. his claws ripped holes into the sheet, trying his best to restrain himself and not devour you. you brought your mouth close to his, licking his swollen lips before you kissed them. the kiss was sloppy, absolutely gross but so fucking hot. his fangs carefully bit down on your bottom lip, moaning into the kiss wanting you to suffocate him. he was craving more and more. your tongue down his throat while you turned up the setting on the vibrator. you pulled away looking down on him not even realizing you brought one of your hands up to his throat, choking the pretty hybrid. grinning, you brought your tongue out causing him to do the same. they danced together before your lips could follow, teeth clashing like you both wanted to connect with one another. 
“mm.. ‘onna cum… want to cum please..” kai begged. 
you wanted to taste him. wanted him to fuck your throat just so his cum could run down it. you brought yourself back down, face to face with his pulsating dick. you looked up at him and gave him the silicone toy making his head tilt in confusion as he waited for directions. “lift your shirt up,” he blinked at your demand, embarrassment showing on his face only making you want to embarrass him more. “do it.” 
and so he did. 
his nipples perky once they became visible to you. god you wanted to suck them, wanted to play with them until he was too sensitive but the urge to taste him was stronger. “now… put it on your nipple.” and he listened again. he hovered the toy over his bud before he pressed it fully against it. the hybrid gasped at the contact. you smiled at him and brought your wet tongue to his tip, and then your lips followed. you slowly went down on his length, preparing yourself to gag once you engulfed all of him. you pulled off of him with a string of saliva still connecting. you grabbed his hand and placed it on your head before you gave him another demand, “don’t hold back..” 
and he didn’t. 
his hips jolted into you, his dick hitting the back of your throat with his hand still tight on your head. his moans were beautiful, loud and whiny just like you imagined. you grabbed one of his legs, making sure to maintain your balance as the big hybrid abused your mouth. the other hand found its way to your clit, rubbing it at an amazing pace causing you to moan onto his length. “aahh.. please ____..” his pace became uneven once he felt his high approaching once again. “pleaseplease.. wanna cum pleasee..” you smacked his thigh twice as you sucked harder, itching to feel his cum travel down your throat. finally, he came. it filled up your mouth to the point it overflowed, trickling down your chin and your throat. the taste was amazing, addicting even. you swallowed around him before pulling off with a satisfied look. kai grabbed your arm pulling you up from the floor smashing his lips against yours. his tongue licked up the remaining of his release before forcing his tongue back inside of you lips. noises erupted from your throat as the he gripped your hips and pulled you onto his thighs. 
his face was in the crook of your neck, licking and biting every part of your neck until it left marks. “i want— i need to breed you..” kai was gone, head fuzzy as he continued to sniff and taste you. you felt his dick grow, slowly rubbing himself against you as he continued to mumble. “want you full.. please can i fuck you.. wanna feel you around me..” you lifted your body up, grabbing his length and letting the tip press against your entrance. 
“fuck me then..” 
his dick slowly slid into you, walls tight as they took the shape of him. his arms wrapped around you in a tight hug as he tried to control himself, wanting to ram inside of you until you cried. you placed your index finger under his chin, forcing him to look up at you with his pretty eyes. you started to move, the pace agonizingly slow but he didn’t break eye contact, listening to you like he should. you started to move faster, your hands on his shoulders for leverage as you bounced your ass on top of him. he moaned your name out, voice high when your gummy walls clenched around him. you turned your head into the crook of his neck, licking the sweat right off of him. god he was so fucking big, hitting just the right spots with each bounce. you felt your eyes roll back as you bounced faster on him. 
“hyuka please..” you breathed. you grabbed one of his hands and placed it on your ass. “i wanna feel good baby, i want it to hurt, please..” he could’ve sworn you were a demon. the differences in how you talked before and then now. everything you said now was so filthy, so vial and it made him go insane. small growls left him and his palm smacked against your plump ass causing you to groan. “mmm fuck yes..” his core churned at your voice. his hand made contact with your ass a couple of more times, too afraid that he was actually hurting you. “please hyuka more..!” his hips pushed into you, fucking up into you like some rabbit. your walls clamped around him once your release came washing through you. cream running down his dick as he continued to make a mess out of you. 
you felt like you were cumming for minutes, juices splashing out of you as he continued. you bit onto his shoulder still bouncing on him at the same pace of his hips. “ins– nmm inside of me, hyuka..” his cum painted your walls, also overflowing causing it to run down him and onto the bed. 
but he didn’t stop. 
more kept coming out. 
his dick still large inside of you. he stopped his actions only for him to flip you over so you were on your hands and knees, back arched for him to properly breed you the way he wanted. one of his hands twisted his sensitive bud while the other gripped onto your shirt so he could thrust into you. “i love you so much, ___” he whined. your face was flat against the mattress, eyes rolled back while more of your juices spilled from you. “so so much… so so so much.” his dick grew larger and larger, making you grip the sheets and moan into the mattress. “fuck.. i’m..” his seed released into you once again, spilling and dripping down your legs onto the sheets. 
he pulled out and brought his tongue to your abused cunt, cleaning you up as cum continued to spill from you. he then went to the bathroom and got a washcloth and wiped you up. 
“im sorry!!” he yelled, covering his face as he sat on the bed with his shorts back on. you were under the covers giggling at the cute hybrid, sleep festering through your body as you felt your energy leave. “it’s okay baby! i promise.” kai felt like a terrible person, wearing you out and tiring you like that. he truly thought you were a hybrid or something, only knowing so much about humans. he climbed in bed with you, cuddling up beside your warm body, kissing his neck softly and nicely. he saw the marks he left on you and wanted to ease what he thought was pain. “i’m truly sorry.” 
you turned over to him and cupped his puffy cheeks bringing him back down into a heated kiss. your tongue penetrating his lips and dancing around with his, causing the boy to moan. you pulled away seeing kai’s eyes lidded again and his cheeks red as he watched you. “did you like that?” you asked, your hands still on his cheeks with a big smile. he nodded a yes making you peck his swollen lips one last time before bed. “so did i. i promise you it’s okay baby.” you smile contagious as it made the pretty boy’s lips turn up into a smile as well. you turned over telling the hybrid good night and he followed, his arm around your waist. 
before you could fall asleep you decided to text soobin: 
you: you wouldn’t believeeeee what just happened 
scooby snack: my god you fucked him, didnt you?
you: …. maybe… 
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getouswh0re · 3 years
❤︎ forever is a long time, but I won’t mind spending it by your side ❤︎
an; how Tokyo Revengers characters realise they have fallen in love with you; warnings: none, slight angst, fluff, slight manga spoilers
characters; mikey, draken, chifuyu, baji
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For as long as you could reminisce, MIKEY and you have been thick as thieves, doing all sorts of shenanigans (with most of them being his idea of course) and enjoying the time of your youth together. How you wish good times could stay like this forever; just the two of you running through the labyrinth of streets without having a single worry about what the future has to offer, the thrumming of footsteps echoing against the asphalt pavements as chime-like chortles reverberate in remnants of the dwindling sunset.
The two of you have been through ups and downs throughout the years, yet you and him would always seek for solace in each other’s company. The one incident, though, which brought both of your hearts closer than ever — was Emma’s passing. In the dingy bedroom, it was the first time you saw Mikey’s walls collapsing as he leaned into your chest, raw cries laced with heart-wrenching pain reverberating through the solemn midnight air. It broke your heart to witness the tough blonde in such a state of despair; he had lost way too many people already, and the light that was long lost in his hollow eyes now bore semblance to an impenetrable void — devoid of life, and the will to live.
“Hey, y/n ...” A meek croak cut through the lingering silence. “What does it feel like to be left alone ... before you get to realise all of the people you’ve loved is gone?”
Hearing that, your eyes were glassed with a layer of tears that was threatening to overflow. Nonetheless, you held it back, leaning forward as you pulled the blonde into your arms and gave him a tender hug.
“I know how it feels, Mikey ... it’s painful, you’re left alone, you want the agony to stop ... but you’ll not be shouldering this on your own. I’m here for you ... when you need me, okay? So please ... don’t bottle up all of these feelings by yourself. We’ll share the suffering and live on. Promise?”
People came and go in his life, yet the only one who stayed with Sano Manjiro until the very end was none other than you — his first love.
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DRAKEN’S instincts have always been spot-on, and this is the same just like any other time — the only thing special is you being in the picture. From the day you become acquainted with the gang’s vice commander, Ryuguji finds himself gravitating bit by bit towards you. He would look forward to seeing you at every meeting, feeling his heart sink whenever you can’t hang out with him, Mikey and the others; initially the blonde only thinks that it is nothing more than a measly feeling — friends would look forward to hanging out with each other, right?
But it is soon proven to be wrong when an unintentional comment from him reveals his feelings towards you to everyone.
“Where is y/n? It feels a bit different today —“
As if everything is in slow motion, his friends swivel their heads around — stares burning into the back of his skull with their jaws dropped.
“Dude, you’re totally into y/n huh.”
Oh shit.
Before the blonde realises, everyone starts to bombard him with questions; not that they aren’t happy for him who finally manages to find the one, but rather — how do polar opposites like you and Ryuguji attract one another.
“Dude, you’ve totally found the right one!”
“Man I feel jealous that you have your eyes on them first! I would’ve shoot my shot if I were you.”
“If you don’t man up and confess, don’t blame me for stealing y/n off their feet —“
“Hold on!” A yell from him is all it takes to make the gang quiet. “How do you guys know it’s love? I mean it can be anything —“
“Just how dense can you be, idiot?” The others chime in unison.
Someone save him, boy is hopeless sometimes.
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To pinpoint how he has fallen in love with you would be immensely difficult for CHIFUYU, there are way too many moments where he just finds himself diving headfirst into love! But if he has to choose the exact instant which kindled the flames of adoration, it would be every little bits about you which make him lovestruck.
He loves how your gaze softens at the sight of pets running around every time you come and visit him at the pet store he works at, cooing over how endearing you look as your eyes crinkle when kids wave to you on the streets, admiring your patience and kindness towards everyone you meet — the list goes on and on. Falling in love with you (to him) feels like a typical romance troupe which he has read ad nauseam in shoujo mangas, yet experiencing it firsthand is definitely a first for him.
And of all the attributes he loves about you, the one which makes Chifuyu ascertain his feelings is how you could see the good in people whom you hold dear to your heart — him included.
The sky fades into a myriad of pomegranate pink and indigo as the two of you hang out at the park after the gang meeting has ended, each of you eating an ice cream. With you finishing yours first, you turn over to look at the blonde, only to discover that he has some smudged on his cheeks. Seeing this reminds you of your childhood years together where Chifuyu also had ice cream smeared over his face — the nostalgia of it making giggles roll off your tongue, earning a perplexed look from the vice captain of the first division.
“What are you laughing at y/n??” It only make you laugh harder as his whining reaches your ears.
“Nothing! It just reminds me of how we used to hang out at the same spot when we were younger, also eating ice cream whilst watching the sunset. You also had ice cream all over your face back then. I can still remember that cute ass look on your face ~”
“Come on, it’s in the past! Stop mentioning it y/n, I’m going to die from embarrassment before long. You better attend my funeral —“
“Cute and dramatic as ever Fuyu.” You give him a tap on the nose. “But you know what? I feel so glad that fate brought me to this adorable kid with ice cream all over his face back in the days, and I’m grateful for having you in my life Chifuyu.”
Poor boy almost suffers from a heart attack.
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BAJI adores your duality; whether it is watching you coo over street cats or casually firing comebacks at his occasionally snarky remarks, he embraces both sides of your personality, thinking it is what makes you unique to him. Other than that, the teen finds himself drawn towards you for another reason. Being the motherly figure of Baji and his friends, you would always make sure they take care of themselves, chiding them gently whenever they neglect their health; it is something in which he values a lot — he might be known as one of the toughest fighters in the gang, but Baji is also a teenager at heart.
Whenever he needs to vent, you would be there to lend an ear; every time he falls ill, you would rush to his house with warm chicken soup and all the necessary medications to take care of him until he feels better (despite him telling you that he is capable of taking care of himself, which he isn’t). Occasionally Baji would show up outside your bedroom window bartered and bruised, and you would put aside the things you are doing at that moment to dress his wounds, giving him a nag on how he should prioritise his safety over anything else.
You are like a pseudo parental figure to Baji — his solace and anchor whenever life doesn’t go as what he expects; he could never ask for more from you, but deep down — the teen knows that people would eventually drift apart someday.
And a part of him wished this would last forever, that he could let down his walls and be the middle school Baji that yearns to be taken care of by nobody other than you.
The longer he’s spent time around you, the more the queer sensation in his gut stirs. Baji could feel his heartbeat becoming frenzied each time he is hanging out with you, and his usual confident facade would drop as the teen stutters over words. And being rather dense at the beginning, nothing dawned upon him until Mikey and the rest almost have to withhold the urge of bonking Baji in the head for not realising how he’s fallen head over heels for you, did he realise all of this is love after all.
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Takes place about a month after Diego receives his new pet
Part 1 | Previous
Cw’s: vampire whumper/dubious caretaker, accidental whump, pet whump, it as a pronoun, fear of punishment and death, very mild gore
“Three more bites. I’m not asking for much.”
Micah wasn’t sure if it was physically possible to obey with the way his stomach cramped at those words. Mr. Diego stood across from the table, hands shoved loosely in his jeans pockets. He dressed so differently than Miss Silva, the latter who always wore the finest and styled clothing no matter the occasion. But despite the relaxed stance, his eyes bored down on Micah in a way that offered no argument. 
Not that Micah would ever argue. 
Even if sitting at a table on a chair of all things, eating bits of what looked like diced chicken and carrots with an actual fork (Micah hadn’t seen human utensils since—since—) went against everything Miss Silva had trained into him, Micah would not dare argue with this new owner. He’d lost track of time for awhile, and it wasn’t until Micah had heard Mr. Diego mention something over the phone that Micah estimated he’d been in this new place for at least a month, if not more.
All this time, and Mr. Diego hadn’t hurt Micah. 
Micah certainly wasn’t about to give Mr. Diego a reason to. He clenched the utensil tighter in his hand, still amazed that Mr. Diego even had one to give Micah at all. The next bite went down like a stone, but Micah breathed through it. Mr. Diego had been training Micah to eat on his own for the past couple weeks. Micah only threw up a fifth of the time, and Mr. Diego hadn’t punished him for it despite his owner’s obvious annoyance. Unless he was waiting for a better time and counting Micah’s mistakes for the right day, well. Micah could do nothing about it. 
“Good. Two more,” Mr. Diego encouraged once Micah had swallowed. The first time they did this had been…less than pleasant. Now, while Micah didn’t expect imminent danger with every meal since Mr. Diego had made it more than clear that Micah was expected to eat, he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
The fork shook in his hand. He clenched his thumb tighter over the metal. 
“One more, Doe. I don’t have all day.”
Doe. That was another new thing. Mr. Diego had taken to calling Micah that ever since the first day Mr. Diego had taken Micah out of his enclosure. Once Micah had realized Mr. Diego had not planned on draining him of his blood just yet, Mr. Diego had wiped away Micah’s tears and commented on his likeness to the deer that often got trapped before the headlights of a car. 
It was still a better name than Chow. 
“See? That wasn’t too hard. Maybe one day I’ll teach you how to open the fridge door and make your own plate.” Mr. Diego laughed. He seemed to find a lot of what he said amusing, putting Micah on edge when he wasn’t sure if he should pretend to understand. 
But Micah lingered on something else Mr. Diego said. One day. If Mr. Diego planned to keep him, what was he keeping Micah around for? In the time Micah had already been with him, Micah had yet to see any signs of other humans or even those like Mr. Diego. Miss Silva had always had something going on: parties for the other vampires to show off their pets, social dinners where Micah had to wait patiently as Miss Silva and her friends took their fill of the humans they’d shipped in. After, Micah was tasked with cleaning whatever mess the nights brought in. 
But Mr. Diego never seemed to have anyone over. If he ever left the house, a much smaller one than Miss Silva’s but with more open spaces to see across, it must have been when Micah slept, locked and leashed in his room. Nor did Mr. Diego ever make enough of a mess for Micah to clean, though he did once task Micah with helping hold a ladder in place while he replaced the burnt out light bulb in Micah’s room. 
Micah had never felt more determined to not screw up such a simple command that he’d feared he’d somehow misbalance Mr. Diego from sheer terror alone. But Mr. Diego completed the task without a misstep, and had even scratched behind Micah’s ear in thanks after. 
Micah had nearly preened. Mr. Diego almost never pet Micah like Miss Silva used to. Other than the rare times he’d held Micah those first couple weeks, Mr. Diego almost never touched him unless it was to put on or take off the leash. 
It felt like a punishment, the lack of touch. But if the trade off between getting to eat more than once a day and speaking—though Micah struggled with the first, and the idea of the latter still petrified him—was never feeling his owner’s hands card through his hair or lay his head in their lap, well…that was still better than the whip, or the wharncliffe, or, god forbid, the fangs. 
Micah would do anything, anything at all, to avoid that fate. 
“I have a little more work to do today,” Mr. Diego’s words brought Micah back to the present, “But when I’m done, I want to work on your speaking. Maybe today you’ll tell me a little about yourself, yes?”
Micah realized he was still clenching the fork and made himself put it down with a small clang against the plate. Every now and then, Mr. Diego wanted Micah to practice talking without a prompt. Micah tried his best. He wanted to believe his owner that he was allowed, and sometimes he thought he did, it was just…the right words never came. 
“I want to know your name,” Mr. Diego would say. Or other times, “Will you tell me what I should call you?”
And Micah would try. He’d press his lips together and try to push the air out, but every time, he felt Miss Silva’s nails at his throat, or his eyes, or his tongue, daring him to disobey and give her a reason to drain him like all bad animals deserved. 
Maybe he had been Micah once. 
But he wasn’t supposed to remember.
So like always, Micah could only nod for Mr. Diego and whisper a quiet, “Okay”. He’d try tonight, and he’d probably fail. And Mr. Diego would either choose to discipline him or keep Micah on edge, waiting for the day that all his mistakes added up into one final punishment. 
“Alright,” Mr. Diego sighed. He walked around the table to take away Micah’s plate and empty glass of what had held water. Micah wondered if Mr. Diego had ordered the dish ware specifically for him. Miss Silva had a few bowls for Micah’s water, but most of the time she didn’t bother with human tools and hand fed him herself. “I’ll take that for now.”
Micah hated hearing the frustration in his owner’s tone and an idea occurred to him. He could make himself useful for once. As Mr. Diego reached down to take away the plate and glass, Micah moved to grab them instead. He could wash them, and Mr. Diego might even be proud of—
Micah gasped. 
“Shit, what the hell?”
Distantly, Micah realized he’d never heard Mr. Diego curse before. But the significance was quickly forgotten with the pain flaring in his right arm where Mr. Diego’s nail had torn through.
Micah remembered a night, years and years ago, one he never allowed himself to think about. A fight between abandoned alleyways, silver bullets flying, a vampire dead at his feet. But not before the Vamp had taken a chunk out of Micah’s leg with its claws, skin and veins butchered near to the bone.
“Ohhh.” Micah other’s hand flew to the wound, breath coming in fast. It hurt. So, so much. Just like back then, he was stupidly surprised by how much a claw wound burned.
Red was already coating his left hand and it wasn’t until Micah realized how close Mr. Diego was, how close those teeth were to him, how impossible it would be for Micah to fight back because he didn’t fight anymore, he wasn’t a rebel, he was a pet, he was a dog, he was property that was no match for his superiors— 
Micah lost it. 
“Oh god. Oh god, please n-no, please don’t, I didn’t—“ “Hey, hey. I need you to calm down.” 
His owner started to reach for him and Micah sobbed. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I won’t-I didn’t mean to do anything—“ 
Mr. Diego was still right there and Micah was trapped in his chair and he couldn’t run and he couldn’t breathe and he was bleeding so fucking much—
“Please don’t hurt me, please-please—“ By a miracle, Mr. Diego took a step back from the table. He raised his hands in front of his chest, a universal backing-off gesture. Micah didn’t know whether to cry harder or make a run, even though he knew from experience he wouldn’t get anywhere. 
Instead, he did the only thing he was good at, praying to every god he didn’t believe in that Mr. Diego would have mercy. He slid out of the stupid chair he knew he didn’t have the right to sit in anyway and fell to his knees, hand still clutched around his bleeding wound. He couldn’t stop apologizing, the words somehow torn from his mouth when in any other case they’d have been sunk to the pit of his stomach. 
He knew Mr. Diego’s patience would come to an end. But he had hoped, so damn foolishly, it wouldn’t. 
But he had not forgotten how deep those claws could go. So similar to human nails, but tough as a steel blade and just as unyielding. 
“Look at me, Doe Eyes,” Mr. Diego said. “Come on, hon. I need you to stop crying for me.”
The problem was, Micah couldn’t. He couldn’t stop crying, he couldn’t stop disobeying. Maybe Miss Silva had been wrong and he was a bad dog after all no matter how well she tried training him. 
Maybe he deserved this. 
He just wished he didn’t. 
Diego was quickly becoming disenchanted with the idea of a human pet.
It wouldn’t stop fucking crying. 
It’s your own fault, he wanted to tell it. You saw me reaching for the plate. Why would you have put your arm in the way?
But Diego knew his frustration was misdirected. It wasn’t the human’s fault that it was so damn stupid sometimes. Granted, Micah had only been around a few human pets and they didn’t normally seem as slow as this one. Even Faria’s and Jonah’s pet could hold a decent conversation without breaking down every five minutes.  
“Give me your arm, sweetheart,” Mr. Diego tried saying as careful as he could. The pet always seemed to respond best to affectionate terms. “I need to stop the bleeding.” That quickly proved to be the worst thing he could have said. The human reared back as if punched, its back hitting the chair behind him when he tried to scramble away. The chair screeched across the floor but the human didn’t seem to process it. It held its arm tight, but blood still stained the floor where it’d fallen and smeared across the tile. Diego was actually thankful, for once, that Andres had convinced him to tear out the carpet last year. Talk about a devil to clean up.
“Please,” the human was still crying. Pobrecito, it was inconsolable. “I’ll do anything. Please, sir, I don’t-I don’t want to die.”
Diego frowned. He didn’t think he’d heard wrong, despite the harsh sobs breaking up half off the pet’s words. “Why would…Hon, I’m not going to hurt you.” The current state of the human’s arm might argue different, but it wasn’t as if Diego had meant to practically tear a hole in the flesh. It was the human’s fault it had put its arm in the way!
I told you to cut your nails, he could already hear Faria reprimanding him. Human skin is too fragile.
“But the-the blood,” his pet choked out.
“Exactly.” Diego didn’t move any closer, but he did squat down and hoped he came across less threatening at eye level. “I need to close that wound. Give me your arm, it’ll be alright.” When the human only cried harder, Diego tried another tactic. 
“What do you think I’m going to do?” He asked. 
The pet shook its head, tears only serving to accentuate its already large eyes that Diego grudgingly agreed with Faria reminded them both of a children’s cartoon. 
But by a miracle, or maybe thinking it had already dug itself too deep a hole to climb out, it answered.
“You’re gonna…” it broke off on a wet sob. “You’re gonna bite me and-and drain me, and…” 
Diego tried to keep his voice level. “And why would I do that?”
“‘Cause I’ve been…I’ve been bad.” Another sob that quickly devolved into a racking cough. Blood was now on its shirt. Perfect, Diego thought. That called for another load of laundry. His water bill was going to be ridiculous. “Bad dogs get drained.”
He’d never admit it, but Diego wished he could go back in time and bop Gabi on the head for whatever ridiculous threats she must have made it. 
“I’m not going to drain you or bite you,” Diego assured it. “But I need you to answer something for me.”
“Any-anything,” it hiccuped. 
Diego weighed his options. He could ask what he meant to: Why do you call yourself a dog? It wasn’t the first time Diego had picked up on the human’s particular word choice, and he wondered if the self-perception had anything more to do with its relatively dense behavior. 
But on the other hand, Diego could use this opportunity to finally learn the human’s name. As soft-hearted as Faria could be, even she didn’t understand Diego’s obsession with knowing the human’s actual name. She had renamed the human she and her partner had adopted and by all accounts, Diego agreed it was the practical thing to do. He didn’t know why he cared so much to know this human’s, but he did regardless. It was probably his own stubbornness, the very thing that drove he and Gabi apart in the first place. But watching this small creature cower in fear away from him, so obviously looking like it wanted to run and hide while blood continued to coat its own limbs, Diego couldn’t be bothered to care so much about the name. He’d rather the human tell him on its own terms, not when it feared literal death if it didn’t answer. 
Diego could have laughed at himself. When had he become so soft?
“Never mind,” he finally sighed. “We’ll figure it out later. I need you to trust me, little one. Give me your arm and let me close the wound. No biting, I swear.”
“You w-won’t feed from me?” Doe Eyes wondered. If doubt could kill, Diego would be six feet under. Ha. 
“Not today. I want to enjoy you when that time comes, but we’re not there yet.” Diego meant his words, even if his body was on a different level. There was nothing, nothing at all, like fresh blood. The pre-packaged bags didn’t come close to the real thing. That was why pets were so damn expensive these days, what with all the rules and regulations mostly set by the blood banks.
But Diego had gone more of his life feeding the cheap way than the right way, so this wasn’t going to break him. He knew the taste of the human’s blood, of course. When he’d taken off the human’s shirt that first night for Faria to stitch its wounds up, he’d ignored her unimpressed look and swiped a drop to sate his own curiosity, if anything. And a couple weeks ago, when the human had scratched its wrists in the old ties, he’d licked the small cuts closed, the scratches small enough to heal with saliva alone. 
That method certainly wouldn’t work now with the depth of the gash his nail, more like claw to the human, had taken out. Venom would do the trick, but Diego had already made a promise. No biting, no matter how easy and painless he could make it for the human. 
Diego held back another sigh. Never mind his own work for now, it looked like he was playing at vet for the day. 
A towel and some gauze it would be, then. 
Taglist: @mylifeisonthebookshelf @thecyrulik @deluxewhump @melancholy-in-the-morning @pumpkin-spice-whump @cicatrix-energy @nicolepascaline @whumpy-writings
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