#he deserves credit 😢
jrwiyuri · 6 months
I hope Charlie sliemcicle logs onto the qsmp fully not in jail but finds the jail anyway and jails himself cause he’s so offended by the fact they didn’t list all of his crimes or try harder to jail him.
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puff0o0 · 3 months
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Hes so goofy I literally love him
(credits to @niktocallofduty for the image !!)
It pains me how underrated Nikto is, he's such an amazing character with an amazing storyline. AND HIS VOICELINESS??? AUUUGHHSHSHSHSHSHHDHD
So little content for a guy with such an interesting backstory. Like he was a CIA agent??? and he was captured?? escaped with his life and then became this brave soldier that never stopped fighting to protect those who can't protect themselves??? the torture is sad though :( my pookie bear did NOT deserve that
I love how they wrote his lines and I LOVE the voice they chose for him. It fits him so perfectly it's unbelievable, Gideon emery did such an amazing job with voicing him
His personality is hard to analyze (because he has many) and I really wish we got to see more of him so we could see more of how he's like. The only thing that is helping me is researching DID (which is what I belive he has, if I'm wrong please correct me) and colliding his canon personality with it
its so worth it in the end though
hes so pretty
his eyes are gorgeous
i sob everytime
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Not a single time where he looks bad in all these images
hes so perfect
I also feel like so much content can be done with him and it's not limited to one category. he is such a interesting yet complex character and honestly deserves the world for all he's been through 😢
☆ He is the type of man to distance himself from you when he's upset so he doesn't take it out on you. Most of the time it's him taking a long shower or spending time driving around.
☆ He doesn't really go anywhere except sometimes sports bars, but that's a rare occasion as he doesn't wanna leave you alone too long
☆ but he can't be perfect all the time, sometimes he snaps and it leads to him taking some of it out
☆ He understands when you don't accept his apology and that you were hurt by his words and he makes sure he does everything he can to make up for it and prevent it from happening again
☆ he never wants to hurt you nor does he mean to hurt you. He tries his hardest to be away from you while he's having an episode
☆ he adores cuddling but he will never say it outright. He doesn't even correlate it to the word, just seeing it as a means of showing affection. His favorite way is holding you at night on top of him, almost as if you were a weighted blanket for him. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
☆ You always wake up away from him or without him as he's already up
☆ He'll wake you up with breakfast in bed sometimes
☆ He makes you breakfast in the morning, usually he picks but if you want something specific he'll try to make it. He has to practice it if he's never made it before though 𖦹 ´ ᯅ ` 𖦹
☆ His favorite meals are Kasha or Blini ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ
☆ His nicknames for you are: Куколка (doll), принцесса (princess), драгоценная (precious), Родная (sweetheart), and ангел (angel) ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
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kierantierney3 · 3 months
Jude Bellingham/ Part 4
Part one two three. five
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judebellingham story
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liked by yourusername, user19 and 12,399 others
yourusername.updates Y/n spotted in Madrid airport early this morning. She hasn’t got a tour night here which means she could be here for someone else. 👀
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user28 We see you in the likes girlies
user29 Waiting for her to be spotted at Madrid game
user11 Not to burst anyone’s bubble but Jude has an away game he’s isn’t in Madrid 🫣🫣
^user28 Wait you are so right 😢^
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y/n updates
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liked by user, user819 and 22,839 others
y/n updates Y/n was spotted out in public with ex boyfriend Jude Bellingham. I really hope this is them back together. They miss each other very much. Follow for more updates.
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user11 She deserves to be happy
user09 I really hope this is it for them they deserve each other.
user11 No one remember they seemed to end in a bad way?
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham and 4,918,829 others
yourusername i ❤️ madrid
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jobebellingham Lovely first photo credit maybe?
^yourusername Sorry 😔 credit Jobe^
user Do you love Madrid because your boyfriend is there?????
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liked by yourusername, benchilwell and 1,191,929 others
judebellingham Past couple days
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benchilwell Follow back?
user Bf goalssss
user18 Man i’m so jealous of both of them don’t know who id rather be.
Last part coming soon.
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mins-fins · 6 months
should've been me.
&&. you're in love with him, that's great! all he's gonna do is use that to his advantage.
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pairing: lee donghyuck x m!reader
genre: angst yummy
warnings: um uh.. sexual content??? (like mentions), the stress of friends with benefits, mentions of drinking, this relationship is very unhealthy
word count: 1.3k
notes: stole fwb hyuck from jj im so sorry but hes so………😢 um anyway so yeah he kinda really sucks here but hes so sexy and beautiful and a hashtag #malemanipulator😂 and reader just kinda takes it cause they're pretty pathetic if im being honest 🙏 (im so sorry but its true) (i quite literally wrote this) anyway DONT deal with people who treat you like shit you deserve better than that 🫵 i also wrote this in like 30 minutes at 1 am and river kept pestering me to sleep so thats cool 😆!
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you're not exactly sure what your problem is.
you're not exactly sure what donghyuck's problem is either.
maybe the two of you were simply meant for each other, he's a drunk mess in your house and your a sober mess beside him. although compared to him, your better at keeping yourself in check for long enough that it appears your emotionally stable, hyuck is like.. how would you explain it? a ticking time bomb.
renjun calls him that, he's a disaster waiting to happen, even with how much he tries to put on a stupid calm act. yeah, he's smart, much smarter than most people give him credit for, but he is also much more impulsive than he likes to say.
case in point, he's absolutely wasted in your home right now, whining about some stupid thing his seventh fling said or something.
he's absolutely reckless.
the two of you have been a bit.. off for the past few weeks, your very aware that donghyuck is messing with different people, probably trying to get you out of his head after you two yelled at each other like there was no tomorrow.
he just always seems to find his way back to your house, even after all the times you try to turn him away, he always slides his way back into your life, one way or another.
and you always just let him.
you now realize how you seem like a pushover. wow, chenle actually wasn't wrong for once.
your frustrated, he just decides to waltz into your house, after two weeks of ignoring your messages and going around with other people, messing around with other people, staying over at their houses, pretending that you didn't exist, he always thinks he can just get his way.
it's not like you two are dating or anything..
but you hate that it hurts.
"okay— stop screaming" you put your hands up, but donghyuck doesn't stop talking, just lowering the volume of his voice, he just continues talking faster. you close your eyes, taking a deep breath, sometimes you feel more like his mom than his 'friend that's more than a friend but not his partner'.
"donghyuck, you need to— be quiet" you say, you somehow find yourself walking towards him and place your hands onto his shoulders. he has to look up at you to glare at you, and you almost laugh at the fact, you always teased him about it before, but right now he's glaring at you, a look he's shared with you at only certain occasions.
"don't tell me what to do".
"you're in my house!"
"well where else am i supposed to go, y/n? your the one who opened the fucking door anyway!" he retorts, still glaring at you like before. he's not crazy drunk to the point that he's stumbling over his words and talking like a crazy person, but he's also not that sober either.
not like you don't have so many more other people willing to drop down on their knees for you, why don't you just go to any of their houses instead?
that's what you want to say, the words rest on your tongue, itching to escape your lips so you can finally talk about what's been bothering you all this time.
you two aren't dating, you aren't exclusive to each other, your not.. an "item" or whatever, you two just both found something you could use to your advantage, and it's not like there were any rules when it came to you two, you guys had no control over what the other did with other people.
you have no right to be jealous.
so you refrain from saying that, instead biting your tongue and choosing the first thing that comes to your mind. "i didn't let you in, i opened the door, and you stormed into my house, and now you refuse to get out!"
"you're just such a little— bitch".
you'd kiss him if he wasn't being so aggressive at the moment, you can't say that he didn't look absolutely.. well— irresistible in a sense. if you weren't so stubborn, you probably would've pounced on him already.
but you stand your ground.
for once he can't get his way, you'll make sure of it.
"actually, i know what your deal is!" he shouts, accusingly, he walks up to you and points his finger directly in your face. his expression is a mix of pissed off and absolutely smitten, as if he's in love with you and wants to punch you in the face at the same time.
"oh yeah? enlighten me?"
"you're in love with me".
donghyuck leans close to your face when he says it, spitting out the words like they're poisonous, it's like he knows just how much you feel, like he's taking apart the thoughts that have been constantly plaguing your mind one by one.
you laugh, true words, but your not gonna let him know that. you allow your expression to become one of humor, and you raise an eyebrow. "i'm in love with you? please, get over yourself".
donghyuck doesn't falter. "you're just so bothered by the fact that i'm in someone else's bed, that i don't parade around you all the time, you always say you don't mind than get so sad when i'm not giving you a hundred percent attention, you whine like a baby when i'm not here for just a minute".
his tone is a teasing one, he's making fun of you, like he's about to jump at you and destroy all that you love. he wants to see you break, he wants to see you give in, wants to watch as you slowly melt and encapsulate his words, digest them, he wants you to feel every single letter that comes out of his mouth.
it's like he almost finds you funny, in a sense—
but your not that easy to break, so you just let out yet another bitter chuckle. "okay then mr. know it all, why don't you sit down and let me help you sober up?"
"your a coward".
you grit your teeth, he just won't stop fucking talking will he? he just keeps going on and on and on and on, at this point your considering pulling out the duct tape above your cupboard and shutting him up for good, but instead you close your eyes and sigh.
"why is it so hard to say, y/n? are you really that afraid of commitment that the best you can do is friends that occasionally mess around with each other?"
"donghyuck" you drag your teeth against each other. "if you don't shut up i swear to god i'm throwing you out of this house and making you sleep in the freezing cold".
it's an actual threat, not an empty one, donghyuck knows you well enough that he can tell the difference. so, stubbornly, he sits down, arms crossed over his chest.
your not sure why you always end up taking care of him, he didn't ask for you to, he just wanted to stupidly sulk on your couch, attempting to "calm" his mind after he screamed at you, staying silent after he basically read out all your inner most thoughts to you, like he just reached into your mind and pulled out all the things you'd been thinking.
"you always get so talkative when you drink".
you've gotten much used to ignoring how much you hurt when donghyuck yells at you, it's all become a little thing between you two, you argue, you sleep with each other, you forget it the next day, then go exactly back to that.
it's not healthy for either of you, clearly, it's more of destroying you than anything, but you don't even try to negotiate with him, just let him sit there as you contemplate, standing at your kitchen counter.
"i hate you" you mutter, instinctively cracking your knuckles as you say those words.
and yeah— maybe you do say that,
but your always gonna end up right beside him in the end.
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
please please can we have a sneak preview of the next part of maroon? i need them to have a happy chapter soon it’s killing me 😢 (in the best way!)
well since you asked so nicely <3 <3
snippet below the cut
“Don’t be sorry,” he interrupts, trying to fight the grin wanting to spread, “I’m just glad it makes sense, since I was only… Well, it just sounded good, you know?” 
It’s exactly as he saw you. You had the power to kill him, to let him back in. To lay your weapons down as you gave up the fight or set your aim directly on his chest.
Selfishly, he’s hoping for the latter. He’s hoping you paint a bullseye right across his sorry existence, make him your chosen once more, especially after tonight. 
“You used to do that a lot back in the day,” he forces out around a lump in his throat right as the realization hits. This scene is a familiar one; if you were to replace the small makeshift studio he’s built in his home with his bedroom back in Hawkins, Indiana, it would be a frame-for-frame reenactment of how many afternoons went between the two of you, “I think at this point, you deserve writing credits on half our earlier shit.”
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theproperweirdo · 12 days
( I totally forgot I had this screenshot from the whole Lord thing so here’s a fun theory time while I clean my camera roll and reformat my Bryon/Lorsan headcanons google doc to something manageable. )
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I always found this specific interaction interesting because on multiple occasions Lorsan brags about being the one to find Merlin. Which even Lyca points out he didn’t really do shit lmao.
When he has the ‘Lord Lorsan’ title thrown back at him he actively humbles right the fuck down. It’s weird
If you choose the alternative dialogue option and call Lorsan shameless he doesn’t have the same reaction. It’s only if you call him Lord.
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Why would a character who’s shown to be a tad bit conceited reject an actually well acknowledged, difficult to achieve, and revered title like that?
~ for your consideration ~
Lorsan hates the title of Lord because he never had to actually do anything to get it. He was born smart and born talented and was given his title off pure luck and maybe a mild amount of work.
Compare that to Lyca, who worked tirelessly to become captain of the dusk patrollers (and still doesn’t think she’s as impressive as her brother)
Compare that to Eironn, who’s entire character arch across two games is him striving to become a better swordsman and someone who wants to become worthy of being the scion of the lucent tree
Hell even Bryon had to work to become (in his words) “capable” as a wind whisper
Lorsan hates his title because he doesn’t actually feel like he deserves it
So much of Lorsan’s character arch is dedicated to him not feeling like he’s strong enough. And he’s not. And he knows it.
I’m gonna preface what I’m about to say next because it’s gonna sound mean but I do love this rabbit dearly
I got the angst potential bugs and they’re out for blood
In terms of the quest to save the Dark Forest Lorsan is practically useless
What’s the point of being the best of the perception faction when the decay and death of your home it’s impossible to miss? What’s the point in trying to fight back if Lorsan and everyone around him acknowledges he’s not a strong enough fighter to do much besides get himself killed? What’s the point of being the most gifted wind whisper if all it ever does is convince him to abandon his own safety and everyone who’s loved him in favor of seeing a cruel but beautiful world beyond the tree line? What’s the point in having a title if it’s just empty words that put him above those he desperately wants to stand besides?
How do you live with that?
He doesn’t take credit for his title because he doesn’t want empty praises. He does take credit for finding Merlin because that’s the one thing he actually did with his own two hands to save the forest. And even then it’s still someone else’s strength he’s hiding behind
Genuinely I think what drew me to Lorsan’s character is because he’s so desperately a person who wants to become something greater. He’s genuinely kind, and considerate, and tries to make up for some of his shortcomings. He still tries his best even when he knows it’s likely not enough.
(As a former gifted kid who outgrew all their talents but still wants to be something good enough the projection is real)
Also sry this really rambled lol. His character is so fun I love dissecting it :3c
I love this!!! 😭😭❤️❤️ you’ve written him out so well!
Do you think it’s also why he was a troublemaker in school? Maybe he knew that this was all too easy for him, and that everyone else worked so hard while he got the easy route. Maybe he didn’t want to stand with his peers and possibly bring them down, and so he skipped classes and ran around on his own. All his friends struggled and learned through their own experiences, but he didn’t have that.
Arden probably knew, and it could’ve also been an underlying issue he was trying to help him out with during their teachings together. 😢
Also here’s the end bit of Lorsan’s story because I think it’s really cool
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I love his last line there, “what can you tell me that the wind hasn’t already?” It’s so cool, and really emphasizes his close relationship with the wind (。 ́︿ ̀。)
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thegreymoon · 5 months
The Story of Minglan
I had a shitty week, a stressful problem that was (thankfully) successfully taken care of and a three-day headache. I have today off so I'm going to try to do some fun things and drama-watching because it will be work again tomorrow 😭
I want to finish these in-between episodes before we finally get to the Minglan and Gu Tingye relationship part and then I think I'll take a break to watch Judge Di before I continue this.
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But I wanted to watch them die 😢
Yes!! At least let me see her death!
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It is so richly deserved!
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Yay, for Gu Tingye!
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He accidentally allied himself with the right people, lol.
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She's a baby and the only one who stepped up!
By this point, I am actually quite bored of him conveniently showing up whenever she is in need of rescuing from pirates/bandits/usurpers etc.
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This drama is really strong when it comes to family relationships and in-house scheming, but I'm just not impressed with everything else.
At least she realistically broke down and bawled like a baby when he rescued her.
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The rest of this just obliterated my suspension of disbelief.
This is nice 💚
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LMAO, he's so unhappy 🤣🤣
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Poor guy just wanted to live his life out in peace, but no, the one possible Imperial heir who wanted nothing to do with this whole mess was chosen as the Crown Prince 🤣🤣
And I love how nobody else is even registering his complaints, he's the dianxia now whether he likes it or not!
Oh, shut up.
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The most irritating aspect of this drama so far.
You and him are one and the same, so it's a moot question.
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Also, it's about time you started getting busy with that. Please pacify the rebellion quickly and let's get things moving!
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I'm so glad you know! Finally! Let's do it! I'm so tired of all these losers and their opportunistic mothers and grandmothers sniffing around her.
LMAO, Gu Tingye has no time for his bullshit 🤣🤣
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I love that he resolved this with one arrow to his chest. I'm not particularly enjoying this whole sequence and would prefer to move on to other things.
And hopefully, Gu Tingye will now also get an apology for that exam fiasco. Why, yes, as an eternal student, I'm still mad about it. If I passed my final exam with flying colours and some petty Emperor decided to bar me from getting my diploma because he was butthurt? I would assassinate him myself!
LOL, he never told them his real name?
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At least he has the self-awareness to look embarrassed, smh.
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Oh, so it took you a whole five minutes to turn on him.
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After he saved your miserable life how many times now? And practically handed you the throne! 🤬🤬
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RAGE. 🤬🤬
OMG, the injustice of this!!
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Fuck the reputation.
Also, Gu Tingye would marry her with or without a reputation.
Aww, so he died.
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Also, what happened to Consort Rong? We never saw her die, but I imagine she must have either killed herself or been executed.
Oh, so he was an actual historical figure?
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I thought all of these characters were fictional. Interesting.
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halliescomut · 10 months
No Subs watch of My Personal Weatherman Ep 5
There will likely be spoilers but not about any of the dialogue because I don't understand what's being said.
-Talking to....editor I guess?? Not good news 😟😟😟
-Opening credits. God these men are so pretty!!!!
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-Being depressed on your living room floor- relatable.
-Being depressed on the floor in front of your washing machine- slightly less relatable.
-The lighting in this scene is gorgeous though. Reminds me of the aquarium.
-Daddy's home!!! I mean....nah that's kinda what I meant. 😁
-As much as he adores Yoh, I know this silence is bothering him. Were Segasaki a lesser man he would get (visibly) frustrated, but he stays very gentle. 🥺🥺
-Now Daddy's cooking .... the feelings. The hand close ups. 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 (Sometimes I worry I'm a little too honest on this site.)
-Ooooohhhh. Yummy 😋😋😋
-Anyone else feel like Yoh was like a little bit pissed that Segasaki's food is so good? 🤣 That look just felt a little bit like "Goddammit! You got to be good at this too?!"
-Ooohhhh what did Segasaki say to get that response?? (Edit after continuing- I'm going to assume he was 'asking' Yoh about taking a bath.)
-That smirk 😏😏😏😏
-Segasaki's hand on Yoh's cheek. *Swoon* That deserves its own compilation I think.
-Now we're in the tub 🛀 and Segasaki wants to know why Yoh is so sad. (Remember these are guesses, I can't understand unless it's one of about 15 Japanese words I know...or their names.)
-Yes more affection via hair drying!!! One of my favorite things!!! (Surprised it's not a Dyson blow dryer. I keep seeing them in so many shows, even ones where characters are poor and it makes no sense.)
-We've never seen Segasaki's room have we??
-Yoh instigating kisses 🤭🤭🤭🤭 And more than just kisses??🫣🫣🫣~~~Okay I did have to at least Google translate that interaction, because the vibes were very odd to me. Totally makes sense with the internal monologue Yoh had going. He wants to forget....and that would help him forget. But Segasaki knows what his game is and he's not going to let him hide, literally and metaphorically.
-Yoh the sad little homemaker is depressing me.
-There's something so weird to me about drying a shirt on a hanger. I live in a clothesline household, & line dry clothes all the time, but this is just odd to me. It arguably makes more sense, since clothespins will mess up your clothes sometimes, it's just a bit jarring.
-That is why we have clothespins.
-Yummy ramen. I had that for lunch yesterday. Homemade is yummy, but instant hits different sometimes.
-I think I hate the newscaster lady just bc Yoh does 🤣. (sub solidarity)
-Man-san...Yes I still adore her. Her fashion is a VIBE!! Also her eyebrows are so dynamic. I love it.
-OMG she drew them!!! That's so cute!!!
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-IDK what she said, but I imagine it's something along the lines of "See, you make a perfect couple."
-Yoh is so cute. There's a plan for something, though I don't know what?
-They put Segasaki in all of these softly cuddly sweaters at home and I just don't know how anyone is supposed to resist cuddling him.... ykwim?
-I don't know what this conversation is about, but it feels a lot like Segasaki is saying "I can tell when you're lying to me my guy." 😬😬😬
-Did this man just bite him???🤣🤣Well I certainly saw that one, bite confirmed, and it was not a gentle nibble.
-The way Segasaki rubs his head on Yoh like a cat. 🥺😭
-Ope.....well that ended... violently.
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-I have mixed feelings about the keychain 🫤 (attempting to minimize spoilers). I understand it, & based on the dynamic of the relationship, I'm okay with it, but I fear it may cause more trouble in the future....😬
-Segasaki looks so sad. 😢😢😢
-Well the preview for next ep includes more Man-san and Mr. Man-san, which I like. According to the Twitters, we're getting complete backstory of the college stuff, which looks very interesting. Also it looks like next ep. will be two weeks away instead of one 😩😩😩😩
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ghosthorse-tracks · 1 year
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Aw, Michael Rapaport is sad about not being nominated for an Emmy 😢
I think he strikes a great balance between funny and menacing, especially in the boxing scene. He deserves more credit for his performance ❤️
(Also it’s wild that Steve Martin and Selena Gomez didn’t get nominated either. Congrats to Martin Short and Nathan Lane though!)
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ellsieee · 10 months
Thai QL Favorites!
Tagged by: @benkaaoi (I miss our watch parties bb! 😢)
Credits to: @thatgirl4815 for the Thai BL Favorites Tag Game!
Favorite QL: 
My Tee. It's hard to quantify what exactly equals favorite, so I'm going with the Thai ql series I've rewatched the most. My Tee is my comfort series. It has its issues, but it's not boring or as confusing as the people on mdl would have you believe. I enjoyed the low key, humorous, slice of life, coming of age story. The ending admittedly leaves much to be desired, but the Mork/Tee parts of Our Skyy make up for it.
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Favorite Pairing: 
As in acting pair or CP from a series? For established acting pair it's a toss up between EarthMix and KhaotungFirst. Both acting pairs seem to genuinely be good friends which is probably why they have great chemistry. I might have to give the edge to KT and First because I think they're both better actors individually. For a couple from a series it's gotta be Fighter/Tutor. Why R U was one of my early forays into "spicy" Thai bl so Fighter and Tutor have a special place in my heart. Many spicy Thai bls later, I still think their UST/physical chemistry is one of the best. Honorable mention goes to my favorite fluff couple RamKing who was just barely edged out by Tutor's obsession with Fighter's adam's apple.
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Most underrated actor: 
I don't follow Thai ql closely enough to know who is underrated or overrated. I'm just going to say Drake Laedeke because I wish GMMTV would stop doing him dirty and give him some lead roles. He was decent in My Tee and has been great in his supporting roles, so I think it's about time he got another shot at ml.
Favorite Character:
This one is really hard. I'm going to cheat and say it's a tie between Noey from I Will Knock You and King from My Engineer. Does King count as a main character? I adore Noey for his quirkiness, loyalty, and (over) confidence. The way he bossed Thi into falling in love with him. 😅 I love King's curiosity, persistence and patience with Ram. I also find his spacey, plant loving, dog fearing self very cute.
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Favorite Side Character:
My poor long suffering Gap from Triage. 💙 I loved his friendship with Tin and with the rest of the hospital staff and while I am still salty about being robbed of seeing SingGap become bfs, I still love my sweet, exasperated Gap.
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Favorite Scene in a BL:
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This scene healed my soul. I Told Sunset About You was such a heavy series that I needed this scene so much. It felt like all was right with the world and I believed in true love again.
Favorite Line in a BL:
My mind is totally blank and I cannot think of any profound lines. Instead, the only thing that comes to mind is Praram's "Brother that isn't a brother. Just like how daddy doesn't really mean father" from This Is Love Story. 😅
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Most Anticipated BL (and why): 
I waited too long to do this, all of my anticipated bls came out already (Laws of Attraction & I Feel You Linger In the Air). I guess now I'll pick Sunset Vibes because I am ready to watch MosBank play assholes that deserve only each other again. I am anticipating a most wonderful trash watch. 🧡
Healthiest Relationship in BL:
Saen and Aii from You're My Sky. Saen took it slow with Aii and respected his boundaries. They talked about their problems and tried to meet each other halfway. And they were just all kinds of adorable.
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Most Toxic Relationship in BL:
Pok and Tong from Gen Y/Gen Y 2. Threats? ✅ SA? ✅ Manipulation? ✅ I remember thinking damn these bitches are so toxic when I was watching Gen Y, but I was also a bit mesmerized by their toxicity. 😅
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Guilty Pleasure Series: 
Guilty pleasure implies that the series needs to be bad, but what's bad? One's trash is another's treasure. A lot of people rag on My Tee, but I like it, so does that make it a guilty pleasure? It doesn't feel like it. I guess I will go with Big Dragon. I can understand why people think it's awful, but I loved it.
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Most Underrated Series: 
I really want to pick You're My Sky because it was a pretty well done uni/sports bl that got very little attention, but I'm picking He's Coming To Me because it's a very good series that doesn't get enough love. The ghost story part of it was both touching and funny and the investigation/non-bl plot was interesting. Ohm's acting was great too.
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If this wasn't restricted to Thai QL, this would have been a lot harder and a lot of my answers would be different I think. I never know who to tag for these things. If you see this, consider yourself tagged. Edit: I tag YOU @victooooorious
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youre-ackermine · 1 year
Replying to @luvjiro but unfortunately I had to cut the lovely fanart manga panels because I couldn't find the original source to add credits [f*ck Pinterest🖕]. Too bad because I love this fanart so so much 😢
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Hey Zen 💖💖
Of course I remember you Sweetie!!! How are you???
I love your art & your humor, so please keep being yourself 😘
Sorry to "love attack" you in my tags lmao I had no intention to make you cry 😢 But you deserve every word I wrote 💖
You're so enthusiastic!!! [I love that btw] Yes I'm a huge & shameless Levihan shipper but I tend to enjoy more Levi ships lately, mostly pairing him with Erwin or with Hange & Erwin at the same time, because he deserves all the love & attention in the world 🥹
I came across huge spoilers as I started to watch the anime so I already knew how it ended at S1 E4 & I read the manga because the damage was already done 😭😭 Nevertheless I couldn't resist & dove into shipping Levi with Hange, their dynamics are so enjoyable, their bond is so strong, both personalities are so interesting & reveal themselves best when they interact imo.
You're so right, Hange is a unique character, deep, endearing, lovable, well written, whose singularity lasts until the end of the story, someone true to their words, beliefs & heart, true to their inner self no matter what other may think of their acts or of them. I love them so much 💜💜
Of course I cried so so much reading chapter 132, a pain renewed when I watched it animated [I cried for 3 to 4 days, even at the office in front of my boss, ok I'm not insane I swear, I was devastated]
Fun fact : when I received your ask, I was looking at the same panels!!!! I knew these already but found them again on Pinterest & added them to my gallery the day before lmao!!! [There are more than those you sent, did you see them all??] This fanart manga is so so sweet, the way Levi takes off Hange's glasses as they sleep is so soft, yes yes yes I love this forest Levihan moment so much, the softness, the intimacy, everything is perfect there & the drawing style is beautiful 💚💜 It gets me sentimental too & it fills my heart with warmth & love for Levi & Hange even more than usual ❤️❤️ They really deserved better 😔
Thanks for dropping by & brightening my day Zen ❤️❤️❤️ Yes I can feel your heart [BMTH playing in the distance] & I hope you can feel mine 🫂
Sending lots of love 💖💖
[As I had to cut the fanart you sent, here's a lovely Levihan kiss drawn by my friend Ash @ashh-ketchup original post here. Enjoy 😀] [I miss you & I love you Ash ❤️❤️]
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andorerso · 2 years
Andor episode 12 thoughts:
finale here we go 😭 I’m not ready
Paak’s holo of his father 😢
okay first of all, why are they talking about Cassian so loud on the streets? second of all, Nurchi?? I’ve been on your side this whole time, don’t betray me now
Cinta outspying these losers, you love to see it
Mon framing Perrin is actually happening oh my god!! it’s what he deserves
Vel and Cinta make me so conflicted, I love them, but I’m really starting to feel like they’re not compatible right now... Vel wants more than Cinta can give but Cinta was very upfront about that so idk... I sympathize with Vel but she’s not really being fair to Cinta who was honest with her, and if this isn’t enough for Vel, she needs to end it imo because that kind of resentment will only fester
CASSIAN’S WEARING THE LONG COAT HELL YEAH!!! and the scarf around his neck, the fingerless gloves, he looks so good
CLEM FLASHBACK 😭😭😭 and the tears in Cassian’s eyes.....
“whole armies, battalions that have no idea they’ve already enlisted in the cause” THAT’S CASSIAN!!
so Blevin’s the one spying on Mon.... I would have preferred rebel spy Blevin but ok
I feel like Luthen is taking a huge risk coming to Ferrix and it’s kinda flimsy for me... he gave the assignment to Vel and Cinta, he doesn’t really need to be here himself in person?
“he will be an unstoppable force of good” I can't y’all, I’m sobbing
"I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong” I’m literally crying so much
giant Maarva is kinda scary actually
Brasso in that uniform looks so cute 🥺
Brasso going ham and using brick Maarva afgdsgdgfdhg
leave the time grappler alone!!
Pegla dragging Bee to save him 🥺 thank you king
“you were in trouble” Syril STOP! he’s so creepy, thank god they didn’t kiss here
Bee’s entire being lighting up because he sees Cassian 😭😭
“I never got to see you again” STOP IT!!!
“I’ll find you” he says in that tone while looking around at them like it’s the last time... yeah, I don’t think Cassian’s gonna see them again and he knows it too
Mon, I thought we were gonna frame Perrin?? why do we still need Davo 
so Cassian’s already gonna be on the ship, right.... right
“kill me or take me in” Cassian and his suicidal tendencies, and realizing that he is willing to die for the rebellion..... yeah
I can’t believe so many people survived.... Vel, Cinta, Brasso, Bix, Bee ALL made it!! I expected more heartbreak but I’m not mad
my criticism though is that I don’t like what they did with Nurchi, and also Luthen’s presence on Ferrix felt pointless, he was only conveniently here for Cassian to be able to join at the end
how am I supposed to wait two years now? I already miss Cassian so much 😭 come back to me sweet prince
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m1ckeyb3rry · 6 months
i just finished the chapter AND OH MY GOD. it was so cute and sweet but absolutely heartbreaking at the same time. toge and panda broke me☹️☹️☹️ i love hana sm and i love the way you portray her bc she seems like such a sweet person and i really love how y/n tries to befriend her and not make her feel unwelcome
yuta just continues to raise my standards, that man is the greenest flag to exist and the way he loves y/n so much makes me bang my head against a wall. they’re everything to me and they’re literally the definition of what love is
maki is my baby, her and y/ns relationship is so pure and you can see how much they care for each other. i feel like their love for one another doesnt have an explanation, its more than just platonic love, they’re literally soulmates
TULLIA UGHHHHHHH everytime shes mentioned my heart drops to the ground and i miss her so so so so much. it shatters my heart the way she never got to confess to toge herself, they deserved so much better ☹️☹️
and gojo omg. y/n and gojos relationship may be my favourite in the entire series. i love how much they care for each other and the way they’re literally siblings. the photo album ABSOLUTELY killed me, it was so thoughtful and so sweet and fr the best gift you can ever give someone. it makes me really sad that its probably the last thing she’ll ever get from gojo (if the story goes there (PLS DONT IM GONNA SOB AND SCREAM))
all in all, i absolutely loved this chapter but it felt like the calm (if you can call it that really) before the storm and im so not ready for the next chapter. it kills me that pi is ending so soon, i’ll miss it so much and i’ll miss all the characters and inside jokes of the book, but im still really excited to know what happens and see everything get revealed (im gonna be screaming crying shaking and dying on the floor)
toge and panda the forgotten favs 😫 i’m like 99% sure that’s the last time we’re going to see those two and they’ve been there since the BEGINNING so it was so bittersweet writing that chapter 😔 but HANAAA i love her sm she deserved sm better from the fandom and from gege as a whole i will always defend her. the whole trend of female characters obsessed with the male main characters that dgaf abt them is so annoying and disappointing to me tbh especially because hana had so much potential to be such an interesting character given her powers and dynamic with angel. so i tried to expand on her just a little bit!! maybe in another fic i’ll focus on her more because she really is so cool.
YUTA IS SO SWEET he is THE boyfriend of all time like the biggest gentleman ever i love him sm 😢 he’s just so kind and loving and ugh i can’t
maki and y/n really do escape definition tbh. like i couldn’t tell you WHAT they are but whatever it is it’s a very very pure form of love and they are so dear and important to me. their relationship (along w y/n and yuta’s ofc) definitely exemplifies the core of pi and idt the story would be the same without it at ALL
the tullia mentions are so sad for me too because i’ve actually never killed her off before so it’s weird to write something without her there in some way shape or form. her and toge deserved sm more than they got fr.
GOJO AND Y/N. that’s it that’s the sentence…as much as the romance in pi is central to it i think the bond between gojo and y/n is just as important. they kill me every time because they didn’t get as much time as they deserved together (#l/nclanslander) but they still love each other more than anything. the photo album had me sobbing especially describing all of the pictures from the first half of the story 😭 it felt so end credit scene if that makes sense?? and just reminded me that this entire ridiculous journey is almost over ☹️ no spoilers for what will happen to everyone hehehe you will have to wait and see
THIS CHAPTER TRULY IS IT. the calm before the storm the last time we see everyone…it truly will be the end of an era once pi is over (which is so so soon) i’m going to feel so empty for a bit and it’s going to be so odd to not be able to write more adventures of the pi crew (but at least that means asftd and h/h can get back to being updated regularly again!!)
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awesomenessg · 1 year
I know this post is pretty late considering that the episode came out last Saturday and I apologize for that, but I still wanted to just make a nice quick and easy recap giving my overall thoughts.
But in short, omg this episode was fantastic! The entire time I felt like I was on a crazy roller coaster ride of emotions. I went from laughing, to crying, to laughing again, to being on the edge of my seat, and so much more. The deep emotional moments hit so hard for me. And it feels like the animation keeps getting better and better with every new episode. The fight scene near the end where Millie went off on a full-blown killing spree was the top tier highlight of the entire show's animation for me, even topping the fight scene from S1 E6 Truth Seekers imo, and that's saying a lot. What I also loved about that scene was that it shows just how powerful and a badass Millie can become when you anger her enough. You do not wanna be messing with her! >:) She is so protective of her husband, and you do not dare touch him or she will unleash her full fury out on you. And that scene really drove the point of the whole episode home that Millie and Moxxie's relationship is just so healthy and strong and not a force to be reckoned with. Not a single thing in Hell can tear them apart from each other.
And don't even get me started on this episode touching on Moxxie's backstory! When I said I was crying at one point in this I was not joking. I already had a feeling that his dad Crimson was not somebody to be trusted before this episode came out, but holy shit, I was not at all prepared to see just how evil and vile this character truly is. He is not only homophobic, sexist, and abusive to his own child, but the fact that he had the gall to straight up murder his own wife??!! Yeah... he's officially at the top of my list for worst Helluva Boss character now. Geez and I thought Stella was horrible, but Crimson has got even Stella beat at this point. And poor Moxxie did not deserve having to grow up in such a hostile environment and go through all that trauma. By the looks of the very end of the episode it seems like this won't be the last time we'll be seeing Crimson. This seems to be a set up for him to be a returning villain and I am all here for it.
As much as I didn't like Chaz because of him being an f-boy who sleeps around and just a really cringy character overall, I have to give credit where it's due and say that he was written very well and I do love his design and voice actor. Though I'm gonna be completely honest, part of me was kinda relieved that he got killed off at the end lol I just did not enjoy watching this selfish arrogant horny dude who was all talk and no show try to interfere with M&M's precious marriage.
Oh yeah and one other thing, why is nobody else talking about how Moxxie is such perfect bisexual representation? 💗💜💙 Being bi myself I just couldn't help but feel so seen the moment he confirmed it. Loona has always been my favorite character since the very beginning, but after this episode, I think Moxxie might just be a close second (and also because he's voiced by my all-time favorite voice actor Richard Horvitz).
Now the only thing that disappointed me about this episode was that Loona was barely in it at all. I was really hoping for more Loona moments, I missed seeing my baby wolf girl so much! 😢
So to sum this all up, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. It was definitely worth the long wait. This show has not yet once failed to impress me. I hope it continues to head in the right direction and I cannot wait for the next episode! ❤️🖤🤍😈
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thelvadams · 2 years
a creation for every month of 2022
tagged by @jimmymcgill, @vindicia and @mikaeled (thank you all!!) to post my favourite and most popular post from each month this year! looking back, i made more sets than i realised this year. all of the regulars are here of course. try to guess at what point in the year sonic movie 2 released 😶
most popular: star wars - halo in the book of boba fett
my favourite: final fantasy - the price of freedom is steep...
most popular: klonoa - phantasy reverie series reveal (as he deserves)
my favourite: destiny - savathun’s true origin
most popular: sonic - sonic x/sonic movie 2 parallel
my favourite: halo - master chief unmasked
most popular: sonic - sonic and tails in movie 2
my favourite: sonic - sonic movie 2 set
most popular: sonic - sonic movie 2 post credits scene
my favourite: sonic - movie super sonic scene
most popular: final fantasy - crisis core reunion reveal
my favourite: star trek - spock and chapel playing tonsil tennis 😘
most popular: devil may cry/bayonetta parallel
my favourite: klonoa - 25th anniversary
most popular & favourite: predator - prey set
most popular: assassin’s creed - codename red reveal
my favourite: halo - halo 3 15th anniversary
most popular & favourite: doctor who - every regeneration 😢
most popular: sonic - tikal in sonic frontiers prologue
my favourite: halo - halo 4 10th anniversary
most popular: ace attorney - almost christmas means it wasn’t christmas!
my favourite: favourite reveals of the game awards
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tagging @mistress-light​, @apocalypsekid, @knightwayne​, @rivensbane​ and @marogarreh​ - only only only if you want to!​
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
28, 35
28. Are they jealous/possessive of each other?
Eric, moreso than Donna. It stems from his insecurities about his self-worth and deserving her.
In S1xE20 "A New Hope", Eric is possessive of Donna when she starts spending more time with their old friend David Milbank. He ends up confronting David about this, upsetting Donna. Even though it is ultimately revealed that David did have romantic interest in Donna, Donna was hurt and disappointed in Eric's jealous actions and says,
"You know what Eric? You don't trust me and you don't respect me,"
before storming off. That was intended to be the S1 finale - which explains the weird cliffhanger we got with Eric and Donna. How that storyline would have ultimately been resolved, we will never know. But this is a conflict that continues to crop up for Eric and Donna throughout the show - Eric being possessive, and Donna needing to push back or assert her boundaries with him. To Eric's credit, after he screws up, he mostly listens to her and learns from his mistakes.
In S2xE26 "Moon Over Point Place", Eric doesn't like that Donna's shown her ass in the yearbook. It's a whole thing. He's worried that "once the guys with the firebirds see it, they're gonna totally want you". Donna assured him that other people finding her attractive won’t change her loyalty to him.
In S3xE14 "Radio Daze", Donna gets a new job at the radio station and he's bothered that it cuts into her "Eric time". He's also (rightfully) hurt that she announces on the radio that she doesn't have a boyfriend. Donna has to have a conversation with him reminding him about her priorities, and that she has things that are important to her outside of their relationship.
Eric's behavior contributed a lot to their break-up in the season 3 finale, and that was a catalyst for change for the character in many ways. He's better, moving forward. But even in the second half of the series, Eric's possessive behavior slips through at times. Like during the Mitch storyline in season 6 when he forbids Donna from going to the wedding with Mitch as friends, and then shows up at the wedding to "make sure Mitch keeps his tiny little doll hands to himself".
Donna isn't really possessive. Like in S3xE15 "Donna's Panties", she didn't mind Eric and Shelly being lab partners and working together. She trusts Eric.
Although, when she thought Shelly had messed around with her boyfriend at the end of that episode she was ready to throw hands in the middle of The Hub. 🤣 She also called the girl Eric danced with at the Pricemart Ball (Connie) a "Skank", and called the girl who sells Slurpees who Eric went on a date with "the Slurpee Slut". So I guess she does have a history of being hostile towards other woman who have made advances towards Eric.
35. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
I think season 8/Africa was really hard for both of them but they dealt with it in different ways. Eric like... buried it.
Donna knew it was going to be hard. In S7xE23 "Take It Or Leave It", she tells him
"I don't care - I don't want you to go. I mean you've always been like 20 steps away from me for my entire life. What am I supposed to do without you?"
She tells him again that she doesn't want him to go in the next episode. Eric just deflects with humor in both instances. 😬
So Eric leaves - even though Donna asked him not to. And we can see how she misses him during season 8 - she's sending letters and voice recordings with his mom, she's waiting up all night for his calls. But Eric starts avoiding her. He's calling Kitty but not her, he's making excuses to get off the phone when he talks to her. And then the letter comes. 😢
This is some season 8 bullshit, because obviously Eric didn't fall out of love with Donna. But his way of dealing with being away and getting through this year must have been to just block everything out. Like, 'every time I talk to you on the phone it's just harder to say goodbye'. That's a rather... selfish way of dealing with the distance when you're in a relationship, however.
But in true Eric Forman fashion, he comes back in the series finale to apologize for his dumbass ways one more time. He's seen the err of his ways. When he sees Donna on the driveway they have this exchange:
Eric: "When I left, I was so sure I was doing the right thing. But now I've been gone so long - "
Donna: "Eric, things are a lot different now."
Eric: "I know. It's just, Donna I thought about you like every day."
[She nods]
Eric: "And you know what? It turns out Red was right. I am a dumbass."
[She laughs]
Eric: "Donna... I'm sorry."
[She kisses him]
He's apologizing for... going to Africa in the first place when she made it clear she didn't want him to? His lack of communication once he was over there? The still-unexplained decision to break her heart via a letter? Who knows? 🤣
And then he goes and gets her pregnant like :30 seconds later, so that's super helpful. 🤣
OTP ask game
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