#he and his family have lost all privacy in this mess i don't want them to lose any last shred of privacy they might have even now
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“i really hope he's safe, that everyone respects him and if he can have visitors i really hope someone dear to him goes to visit and hugs him really tight”
He can’t hug back, his limbs are shackled during all contact meetings. And only a brief hug is allowed anyway. I don’t know how his family deals with seeing their child in such horrible condition :(
yeah i know that!!! all inmates' hands are cuffed, altho they walk freely during any and all visitations. and hugging with family members during family visits is only allowed at the beginning and at the end, no long term being held by your momma because she hasn't seen you in months and you have the death penalty hanging over your head happening in custody.
#we also don't know for sure if he's getting visits from anybody other than his legal team#i mean i'm not blaming anybody for this#but for anybody to visit him he has to allow them first#there's papers to be filled by the inmates for their families to be allowed to visit them#we don't know anything about that and honestly i at least don't want to know too#he and his family have lost all privacy in this mess i don't want them to lose any last shred of privacy they might have even now#luigi mangione#free luigi#asks
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Inspired, in part, by this post by @mzminola but also something I've been ruminating on for a couple of years now.
Talking about pre New52 canon here mostly, though opinions about New52 or post Rebirth canon are also welcome to be added on, just specify it so we don't talk at cross purposes?
One of the thing that messes with me as an adult thinking back on comics is that you simply cannot put Alfred as the single member of staff who is dealing with all of the Manor.
I mean you can, comic logic, Alfred Is Not Of This World, whatever you want personally want.
Me personally, I cannot.
I need Harold to be down in the Batcave dealing with that part of the property until he dies in the 2000s at the very least, but also, consider how many hours there are in each day and how much Alfred has to do and how he's always serving dinner in time and laundry is done and everything is restocked and yet he also has the time to be personally chaffeuring the members of the family around and someone is also going to be having to deal with the household expenses and count balancing and -- and --
I cannot just accept that Alfred is doing it all, on his own, with the occasional WE-affiliated-and-vetted company called in to deal with, say, catering for a big event or whatever.
Especially not if Bruce is young and Alfred's supposed to be raising him, like oh god no, which is why the idea @mzminola talked about in their post (Bruce raised by his relatives) has taken root in my brain and is now my own personal very much cherished headcanon and a source of plenty of excuses for Bruce but also varied and eclectic skills and connections.
But okay, let's say that Alfred got left in charge of just managing things for Bruce until Bruce is of age and can take over things himself (in theory, in practice Bruce definitely pushes all he doesn't want to deal with about the house on Alfred and all he doesn't want to deal with about the company on Lucius Fox and sets up a contingency to get Tim to deal with shit for Bruce if Bruce were to be unavailable / unsteady / acting sus), while Bruce is being passed around from relative to relative.
There's still the staff that the Manor had before the death of Thomas and Martha to deal with. Gotta downsize that but you cannot just boot everyone and close shop.
I mean, yeah you can, but also, some of those people were probably there for a long time and Alfred wasn't just going to throw them out.
The way things work out in my brain is if Alfred is the "face" of the staff and the only one who, usually, interacts directly with The Family, while the others are in the background minding their own business, asking no questions at all.
They probably lost some people in NML during the Manor collapse, and the staff had to go through the harrowing process of getting new people that they didn't know nor trust in and then do their own version of vetting and making sure there was nothing hinky about any of them and that they understood the importance of the privacy of their employers, etc. etc.
Some of them must have retired at some point or moved on and were let go with more than fair compensantion and retirement packages and some stuff actually got outsourced a bit as technology progressed and things changed.
Especially after NML, actually.
Alfred is not going to hire someone just to come by to do all of the laundry, but he might have a trustworthy laundry service that is Bristol-based and is used to dealing with Rich People without asking questions.
And I am not say that they have to be In The Know life Alfred and Harold.
Actually, I prefer the idea that they aren't and that they just have this cushy job and loyalty to the Waynes and are all well compensated for being quiet and dealing with stuff on their own.
Sure, Alfred deals with the supernatural side of things, absolutely, and I am sure he has state of art machinery for, say, dealing with the costumes after patrol, but the Manor is huge and the upkeed is time consuming and exhausting and Alfred is too busy to do everything on his own.
So basically what I am saying is:
I have a might need for Alfred and his skeleton crew of long-time, trusted employees who keep the Manor running and stay out of the way of the bosses and everyone lives better like that.
I need Alfred's list of Trusted People who can deal with the family's laundry without messing it up and come do repairs when they are needed Upstairs since Harold won't leave the cave.
Give me Bruce's different childrens' different relationship's with said skeleton crew and Bruce's own distant relationship with them too and their reactions to things.
Allow me to have the skeleton crew sticking around and keeping the Manor up and running whenever Alfred is off around the world with Bruce for recovery / training / support purposes or who are still there and keeping things going when Alfred is too busy feuding with Bruce to look after everything else.
#meta#dc meta#my worldbuilding#things that haunt me#alfred pennyworth#running a Manor is not a one person job#The Skeleton Crew
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Any fun facts about Bell,Alix,Rasmus,and Gibby?
I'm shaking rn, why didn't I see this earlier-
*clears throat*
-His name is short for Bellamy. (Rasmus' idea) The nickname came first. (Tang's idea)
-The stuff he consumes is...questionable. MK and Mei constantly bet on what Bell drinks that morning, and whether or not it's matcha or battery acid.
-Bell lives with Sandy, so the others joke about him being a feral stray Sandy added into his collection of therapy cats. (Even though it's him that needs therapy)
-Despite his own questionable food cravings, Bell is a pretty good cook and baker. Unlike Pigsy though, he doesn't perform as well in a professional setting. Bell does it purely to unwind. Also he's a fan of Chang'e, no surprises there.
-Bell likes exploring abandoned places! It's been something he had been doing ever since he was young. He'd even pack his bag full of convenience store snacks for the trip. Sometimes he finds papers of family recipes in some decrepit houses, and would try to replicate them himself.
-Bell has this weird tendency that makes him unable to go anywhere without wearing something with pockets. Either his hands are in the pockets, or they're holding something like Gibby's flutes. He feels weird if his hands are just dangling out. Similarly, he feels weird walking barefoot inside (how un-Asian of him!) and walk with socks on instead.
-If he can't keep his hands occupied, he'd try to shake it off by crocheting little clowns for Gibby, carving linoleum stamps to fill space on his sketchbook with, or whatever creative outlet he can use with the materials available. (He prefers painting, but cleaning the resulting goliath of a mess isn't worth it, so he only does it in whatever abandoned place is nearest.)
-He usually makes Ronghua flowers instead, since it just so happens that silk and metal wires are the cheapest things he can buy in the handicraft store. Not like he can garden actual flowers without them dying anyway. So many chia pets have lost their lives to him.
-Recent events have left him physically allergic to the word 'd*stiny'. Instead, he refers to it as 'the D-slur'.
-The first time Wukong met him, he called him Blue Son. MK and Mei never stopped teasing him with that name ever since. But if we're talking about the first person he met in Megapolis in general, then it's Mei, who then proceeded to knock him out by throwing a pair of pliers straight to his face.
-Bell is pretty much the back-up hero by day, but is the one patrolling at night. Unlike MK or Mei, he keeps his identity a secret for privacy's sake. He does enjoy seeing people lose their minds on the internet when it comes to theorizing about his identity, and even spread false rumors from alt-accounts just to further stir the pot.
-Don't let Bell drive. Don't ever let Bell drive. It should be illegal to leave him unattended in a room with anything that has wheels without supervision from a responsible adult. (Tang does not qualify as a responsible adult.)
-Bell can't sleep without a pillow to cling on. He is touch-starved, your honor.
-He's deathly scared of bigger birds like eagles and owls (lmao Peng). The only exceptions are pelicans because of how goofy they are. Pelicans have Bell's upmost respect.
-Bell is a theater kid, specifically the musical breed. He can't actually act out non-song dialogue onstage because he's prone to forgetting his lines. Lyrics are just easier to memorize than spoken dialogue for him, so he doesn't have any interest in actual acting. He's good at ad-libbing though, and can definitely sing, while knowing how to play Gibby's flutes and the piano to boot.
-Alix' thing is makeup, but more specifically sfx makeup. It all started when one of her brothers used to jumpscare her, so she practiced using sfx gore makeup to jumpscare him back. (She still does that)
-Being a makeup artist isn't her exact main goal. Really, she wants to be a horror movie director one day. She already has an analog horror series in the works, even though it still needs some polishing.
-She also has a podcast channel about true crime, urban legends, and lost media, surprise surprise. Though she prefers to stay anonymous by wearing a fox mask.
-Her birthday is in Halloween, so she likes spooks in general! It gives her an excuse to dress up in costumes and look like a cosplayer without seeming out of place. She was definitely a creepypasta kid.
-Biologically, Alix is more Huli Jing. But she inherited more of her abilities from her mother's side. Lots of butterflies.
-Alix is recovering from a crippling bubblegum addiction. Most of her childhood and teen years was spent on her chewing gum. Occasionally, she'd experience bubblegum relapses and end up taking a piece without even realizing...until the vendor yells at her for not paying.
-She's somewhat interested in candy making in general. Once, she made a lollipop that would stain someone's lips for a long enough time that it made for a lip tint substitute. It became popular in her old elementary because of students being banned from actual lip tint. But when it comes to snacks in general, she's a sucker for tanghulu. Her handle is literally Tanghulu_Queen.
-She has a little online side gig with custom phone cases and keychains! She doesn't have that many people ordering, but it's decent enough for a side gig.
-She was in the commentary community before, but left after realizing that the toxicity wasn't worth it. It sometimes still shows when she's criticizing something.
-Her commentary phase was a byproduct of her mean girl era. Her old school's overall competitiveness fed into that, which Alix grew out of after graduating. She still tries to apologize to any of her old classmates that she come across.
-Alix doesn't just use makeup to make fake wounds, but also hide real ones as well. Bruises anyway, makeup on open wounds aren't a good idea. It's not the proudest thing she does, but sometimes a villain attack in the city ends up with her getting some bruises, and she doesn't want her parents to go back to having a bodyguard stalk her all of the time.
-Alix is the living example of a person's aesthetic not matching her playlist. Her playlist mostly consists of Sabaton.
-Alix also had a sporty streak in gymnastics, but quit after another competitor sabotaged her equipment during a competition, resulting in a leg injury that required her to be hospitalized.
-She likes koi. Growing up, she loved going to places with koi ponds. But ever since her parents caught her with a koi fish in her mouth, they never let her near a koi pond unsupervised ever since.
-She's a huge workaholic, to the point that she works to distract herself from anything bothering her. That usually comes with good results with her efforts, but also the added pressure to keep it that way.
-His real name is Rashmil Ranganathan. Erasmus and Rasmus are both just nicknames he got from his social media handle, Raspberry_Mousse. His Chinese name is Lan Muyang for convenience, but Megapolitans call him Rasmus anyway.
-He's Indian, but his mother's side of the family is part of the ten percent Indian population in Martinique! It's his father's side who's actually from India. He favors his mom's side of the family over his dad's though. Anyone would, if the latter constantly talked about them lagging behind while being compared to their cousins.
-His host family in his gap year in China is actually Bai He's, and she is the reason why Rasmus has memorized the extensive lore of Studio Ghibli films and the magical girl genre. So he basically doubles as her babysitter. Bai He would stir up all sorts of trouble, and Rasmus would just wave it off as a typical child's behavior.
-When designing an outfit, he tends to gravitate towards more traditional wear with a modern touch. It's why he takes cultural research seriously, to avoid appropriating any with his works. He takes advantage of his role as a junior photojournalist to consult artisans from those cultures, while also photographing their works to share it to the world. Whether in his socials, or the magazine he works for.
-It was actually something he did before he aimed for the fashion industry! His investigative streak had to come from somewhere. He was the former head editor of his school magazine, in an international school full of students from different backgrounds. It was actually how he met Alix who was an exchange student at the time, for a Chinese section of the magazine.
-Speaking of Alix, while under the apprenticeship of her parent Mx. Zixin, Rasmus is currently more of a tailor than a designer. So it's part of the job to take measurements from usually high profile personalities, given they can afford a custom outfit straight from the brand. This also means he sometimes ends up eavesdropping on private conversations that he wouldn't have heard otherwise.
-He's one of those types of people that like putting whatever herbs he can in his ice cubes. Mostly just because he can. It's not even for drinks most of the time, he just straight up munches on them.
-He has something called maladaptive daydreaming. Basically he daydreams a lot that he tends to tune out reality to the point of it being a hindrance in his day-to-day life. His triggers especially include music and the fantasy novels he reads. He can't guarantee that he'll read every book recommended to him though. He has an unread stack of shame that he keeps hidden for a reason.
-Rasmus sometimes pulls out the 'it's part of our culture back home' card whenever he does some questionable stuff. Alix can see through that, but gave up trying to stop him. She knows that he just wanted to mess with people. Yes, even his accent is somewhat fake. Well, the accent is real, but the speech patterns aren't.
-He's not just knowledgeable in a lot of health facts, but is incredibly good at first aid, and the necessary procedures needed for most emergency situations. His mom may be a surgeon, but if he had to be in the med field, he's better suited as a paramedic.
-When he came out as pansexual to his parents, they pretended to be surprised.
-Magpies love him. His hair is their nest. At first, it annoyed him because of how much time he puts on keeping his hair neat, and had to result to using citrus oil to repel them... only to find out it's too strong for his nose as well.
-He has this tendency to silently approach someone from behind, catching the person off-guard as if he just teleported. Everyone agrees that someone needs to put a bell on him.
-Rasmus is also pretty good at floriography, or the language of flowers. He can give someone a bouquet to insult them and their ancestors and they would never know.
-Rasmus doesn't have many strong opinions. But prepare for an hour long rant about fast fashion, toxic trends, and unethical practices when you bring up Shein and the like.
-Her full name, Long-armed Gibbon, isn't really a lie. There's just some shapeshifting shenanigans involved.
-Gibby hatched from a pearl! Once, she was but a pearl in an oyster sitting on the seafloor. There's more to Gibby's birth than that, but that'll have to stay under the wraps for now.
-Her gimmick is sand/stardust. Her clones are made of the stuff, after all. Anyone that inhales it immediately falls asleep. This is... also probably a good time to mention she can travel through dreams.
-Remember the secret base Sandy made out of pillows? It didn't go to waste, don't worry. It's been moved inside, where it is now Gibby territory. Her most frequent visitor is a Siamese kitten named Gibby Jr.
-She gets the zoomies at times, which means the gang has to deal with what is basically a comet bouncing off the walls. Not fun for anyone involved. She does make a squeaky noise every impact though.
-One of Gibby's biggest gripes with being tethered to Bell is that she can't write shipping charts and dirty fanfics about her friends. Bear in mind that her definition of dirty is holding hands.
-She hates hats. But really, that's only because they stop her from perching herself on someone's head.
-She loves durian! Although the smell might be hard to ignore, but she couldn't care less. It's better than that one time she ate a kidney stone (Don't ask). She hates jackfruit though, seeing it as the lesser durian.
-She hates it when immortals, demon or celestial, make comments about her wasting her potential. She couldn't grapple their reasoning that she should make a huge name for herself just because she was born powerful. She just wants to have fun, and having all of those responsibilities sound boring.
-She likes chalk! Drawing with them, and eating them. She's envious of her friends' drawing abilities, Wukong and MK's especially, but she doesn't realize how good she is at chalk, not understanding that it's an art medium too.
-Statues, mannequins, wax figurines, and the likes scare her to death. She couldn't understand how a non-living thing can resemble a living person so much, and it scares her to think that it can move whenever she's not looking.
-Gibby actually had a mentor in the past, in the form of Nezha's brother, Muzha. Long story short, Gibby lost control of her powers. But before the Celestial Realm could punish her, Guanyin instead offered to have one of her disciples train her to better control them.
-Where Wukong is See No Evil, and Macaque is Hear No Evil, Gibby is Speak No Evil. One ability she has allows her to mimic a past conversation that took place in the area she's in, with the accuracy down to voice. She's also a horrible liar, and uses technical truths if confronted by an enemy.
-Gibby is talented in many instruments. Just some of them include her flutes, the pipa, the accordion, the pan pipes, and the kalimba. But no matter the instrument, wild animals tend to be attracted to the music she makes.
-She likes animals, but especially bugs. She once went into a pet store with Bell and was completely fixated on an ant farm the entire time. Though if she had to pick a favorite, it's definitely fireflies. Her earliest memories on the Mortal Realm include chasing fireflies in a field.
Bonus facts!
-Bell, Alix, and Rasmus' trio name is the Lush Berry Trio! Why? Let's just say, Lush Berry Jungle is an important location in THE LORE™️.
-Bell and Gibby's duo name is the SeaMonkey duo! I know Gibby's an ape, but shush. I have my reasons.
-Rasmus and Alix's duo name is the Cosmopolitan duo, like the magazine. The blanks fill themselves lmao.
-Bell and Alix sometimes trade each other's unused clothes. They started doing it after finding out they're the same size when Rasmus was taking their measurements.
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I’m late haha I hope you’re still up for doing this!
13, what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
14, how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
18, Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
39, Share a snippet from a WIP
I'm ALWAYS up for asks!
13. Hmmm. I don't know if it's a common writing tip, per se, but I write to write a little bit every day. Even if it's 2-3 sentences, just so I don't get out of the habit and stop making it a priority (easy, when you have a career and a family and other hobbies on the side). I'm also trying to embrace "finished is better than perfect" but, as a perfectionist, that's been a rough transition.
14. Oh, I'm a hot mess when I write emotional scenes. I cry along with them, and it makes them take forever because when there's strong emotion, my ADHD comes in and tries to shut it all down. Good times, man. Now, I try when possible to draw off of my own experience when writing especially emotional scenes, but sometimes, that's not possible (e.g., I've never died or lost my humanity; thus, I can't fully related to Elain's trauma in a 1:1 way). In those cases, I try to put myself in their shoes and draw from how I would likely react to a similar situation, or something with similar themes (e.g., I've lost myself before - how did it feel to come back from that?).
18. It really depends on the fic! Of Swords and Sorrows didn't get a name until partway through the first chapter, and it came from a line Lucien says in the second chapter. Sic Semper Tyrannis, though, had a name just after I thought of the story at large. (Fun fact, I told a friend about it and they said "heh, sic semper tyrannis" in response - thus, boom. A title.) For City of Gold (which I really, really need to put onto AO3), I knew the title before I ever started the fic - because it was based off of an NPC's journeys to Maztica, and I'd just watched The Fountain, lol.) But yeah - I try to draw on general themes of a fic when I'm naming them, or song lyrics/titles/concepts that feel appropriate or hearken to a place or concept within the story. tl;dr: I come up with titles haphazardly.
39. Hmmmm. OK, it's rough still, but from Chapter 2 of Sic Semper Tyrannis:
She manages to regain control of herself quickly, though. “If we’re glamoured, then we’ll need a password,” she adds. “Or some phrase to use when one of us needs to get a hold of the other. Something like… ‘peas’.”
“Peas?” he snorts. “Who are you, Nyx? Very surreptitious…” His face grows thoughtful then, and she watches as an idea forms and he slowly worries his lower lip with his teeth. “I… actually have a more discreet idea, but I don’t know whether you’d be up for it.”
She merely raises her eyebrows at him as if to say, go on. “Tug on the bond.”
Elain’s reaction is immediate. “No.”
“But it-”
“I said, no.”
There’s a long pause. “You know, you can’t run away from it forever, Elain.”
Correction, she wants to say. Being immortal, I both can and will. And just as it seems they’ve made headway, they come full circle.
“We’re not here to discuss it anyway. Stick to business.”
Lucien runs a hand across his face. “No, not until I say this: I’ve been giving you privacy but if it’s the Shadowsinger, just -”
“It’s not - it has nothing to do about him. There is nothing going on between me and-” She falters for a moment and her cheeks pinken. “It doesn’t matter. He has nothing to do with this.”
“Fine - just answer me this, ok? Is it me?”
“We’re about to spend three days together confined to a yacht and this is the discussion you want to have?”
A faint whir sounds from his golden eye while the russet one bores into her. “I think I deserve to know whether I’m to blame for the hell I’ve been dealing with for the last five years, yes.”
Ouch. Elain winced. “Yes-” His face crumples in real-time. “-and no,” she added. He pauses, mid-breakdown, and returns his gaze to her.
Thanks, @olenvasynyt!
Ask Game!
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about freddie's privacy i remember louis wanted privacy and briana did too (idk if its real maybe i'm mixing up my memories cause its been 10 years) but she kept posting pictures of the baby, she kept fighting with other fans and i don't know how real the tweet to danielle of "you will never be his mother" is, it seems like i'm blaming briana but sometimes she just added more drama, i understand that it was her first baby and she wanted to share it with the world but didn't she see that the world was cruel to her newborn? and i know it's not her fault, she should be free to share whatever she wants about freddie but she literally had haters waiting for anything to attack and here goes my controversial part about louis, i feel like he did nothing real to stop the crazy theories the larries made up about freddie, i know they never listen to him and don't believe what he says but couldn't he and briana file a lawsuit? because they were messing with a minor, I remember I was 15 and I was just starting to use Twitter and it was the day Freddie was born and they were saying horrible things about him and Louis, I have this horrible feeling of saying he’s a baby, what is he going to feel when he’s 10 and sees all the things they said about him? I was 15 and my mind was like why are they saying these bad things about Louis? I remember very well the desperation of trying to write nice things to Louis for the birth of his son, but it was obvious that they were lost among so many malicious comments, but from the moment they saw what they were/are doing, why didn’t they give them a real consequence for their actions? I think we all know that they are never going to stop, no matter how much we tell them that Louis hates them, that he doesn't love them, that he blocks Larries on TW, that he says how much he loves his son, they are never going to stop, what I am saying is perhaps too drastic and I know that these were difficult times for Louis, but these people need to truly understand the consequences of their actions, how horrible people they are for having messed with a minor for almost nine years since before he was born, the ideal thing would be for them to grow up and leave their fantasies behind but they are not going to do that. I'm sorry, I'm not very good at writing in English, I hope you can understand my point.
Thanks for writing. I agree with a lot of what you say.
I don’t think it’s easy to “sue” Larries. The backlash and bad publicity wouldn’t be worth it. Louis would have to prove that a Larrie lied knowingly with intent to harm, which is difficult to do in court (Briana wouldn’t have the money to pay the lawyers anyway).
As I’ve said before, I think that anyone who has used Freddie for publicity has harmed his life, and that includes Freddie’s parents— Louis and Briana— and their respective families. Parading baby Freddie publicly to “prove the Larries wrong” showed poor judgment. Children cannot consent to being used in social media. The risk for consequent psychological harm is almost always uniformly high. Therefore, most celebrities rightly protect their children from public scrutiny.
It was always very clear to me that Briana was posting Freddie in order to gain fame and influence, and that she used Freddie’s parentage to climb the social scene in Hollywood, even at the bottom rungs.
The only thing I will argue is that Freddie’s family should be able to interact with him normally, without hateful comments. He should be able to spend holidays where he wants to. He should be able to go to his father’s concerts whenever he wants to (but Louis can also protect him more by letting him sit backstage or VIP, like the Tomlinsons do). As much as Louis wants a “normal life” for himself, the fact is that no celebrity at his level of fame can live a normal life, and his child needs more protection from the public than other kids. There should be a balance, but the priority should be Freddie’s safety.
You’re right that Larries will never stop. Nothing Louis says or does will discourage them. They would rather destroy him and Freddie before admitting that they’re wrong. At this point, Louis probably should ignore them and try his best to gain other non-1D fans, which means following Harry’s, Niall’s, and Zayn’s examples and blacklist 1D questions and stop covering 1D songs.
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I'm having bleeding heart empath problems and can't stop feeling guilty. I know it's because of the ingrained people pleasing, but it's messing me up.
My mom is not a people person. She does not like to socialize, she likes to be on her own with my dad and I and that's it. She doesn't like getting together or mingling with people or really spending time with anyone who isn't family because she likes privacy and anonymity.
My boyfriend (24) invited my parents and I over for lunch for Christmas with his parents, brother and two sisters. It's my first boyfriend (I'm 29) and our first Christmas together.
I'm wishing that I told him a little white lie that my parents and I were spending the day with my grandparents, but I didn't think of that until it was too late.
My mom made a lot of food, bought gift cards for his 3 siblings and filled out Christmas cards. She didn't want to and she's stressed, exhausted and unhappy that we're doing this because it's not the Christmas she wanted to have. She was looking forward to and hoping it would just be the 3 of us just chilling on the couch watching movies. That's what she likes to do with her time.
But because I have a boyfriend now, plans had to change and her Christmas is ruined. Because I'm so compassionate, sympathetic and empathetic, I can't be excited for myself when I should be because I changed her plans and I feel guilty that she's going through all of this work to be on good terms with his family and be "nice" and show them that we're nice people. She says she likes his family... but I know she doesn't really want to socialize with them, if she had it her way.
She thinks my boyfriend is "too controlling" for suggesting we all get together. I just think he's sweet and eager to spend time with me, but... what do I know?
I'm in a funk now and I'm feeling moody, sad and wrong. Is this normal? I don't know how to feel.I wonder if my mom thinks I'm wasting my time, or that I could do better even though she says she "loves my boyfriend to death". He's goth, he vapes and curses and she doesn't like that, but... he treats me well, makes an effort, takes me on dates, buys me gifts, texts me good morning every morning, makes sure I've eaten enough, surprises me, watches my favorite movies with me, remembers the little things, tells me how much he loves me (and insists he loves me more!), asks me how my day is going and fills me in on his. He's protective of me and looks out for me when I'm not paying attention, it's almost like our thoughts are telepathic because there's chemistry and we're a good match emotionally. He accepts me and pays attention to my emotional needs, he can tell whenever I'm not okay just by looking at me, even when I'm just sitting there putting on a blank face like a mask and lost in my thoughts without saying a word and he'll ask me about it later because he's so "in tune" with me. He's cultured, smart, artistic, can cook and build things, athletic, has skills. He's the most romantic guy I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and experiencing that's not a fictional character.
And yet, because I was raised to respect my parents and family, I care about what she thinks and sometimes I get unspoken "vibes" that she's annoyed with how much we spend together, even though because of our work schedules he and I only get to see each other twice a week. I know for a fact that she misses me when I go out with him instead of spending time with her after work because we're all so busy all the time and my mom gets to see my dad even less than me. I still try to spend as much time with her as possible on days I'm not with my boyfriend, accompanying her on errands, having movie nights. But I need to know she likes my relationship and she's happy for me in order to feel okay... suddenly it's just hitting me? Is this a trauma thing?
I should be excited about getting to celebrate the holiday with my boyfriend, my favorite person, but instead I feel like one big inconvenience, like a big, chaotic train running right through everyone's plans because it has to be all about me. My dad doesn't like socializing either, like my mom. No wonder they ended up together, they're a perfect match.
My mom did confess, tonight, that she secretly hoped I wouldn't ever meet anybody so she wouldn't have to deal with their family.
That's really gross, but still... this GUILT and almost self doubt is really getting to me, and I know it's irrational and I want everyone to be happy, but I don't want to feel like this. She says she's happy for me and that she loves him, but I can sense a weird unspoken energy and it's messing me up and triggering me.
Am I wrong to feel happy for getting to see my boyfriend today and be with both him and my parents at the same time? Am I wrong to celebrate Christmas with my boyfriend? This is the first relationship I've ever been in, even though I'm 29. It almost feels like my mom wants me all to herself. I hate that I have to choose between him and her and I can't have both because my mom isn't normal. And yet I feel so bad because I want everyone to be happy.
Advice? How can I cast all these intrusive thoughts away and have a good time today and truly enjoy it?
#christmas#toxic family#narcissistic mother#narcissistic parents#toxic parents#toxic mother#dysfunctional family#holidays#mental health#mental illness#neurodivergent#autism#empath#empath problems
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How would you describe Frank's relationships at home with his family even though he seems to be so messed up and lost in his mind. Do you think his kids probably notice it(a factor could be that his older kids (taking account that their mum is his ex) don't spend as much time with him anymore looking at social media.
Another question is where do you think it went wrong for Frank with his relationship between him and his ex?
Sorry for the specific questions but I just wanted to hear a different point of view as I'm doing research for a fic 😅
Thank you and I love your writing btw!!!!
great question!
i have to say, i hope this part isn't projection because i am so weak for a footballer being a Good Dad, but from what i've seen (and i might have read him saying something to this effect, though not in these therapy language words) he made a conscious effort to Break the Cycle with his daughters and not be a complete controlling dick like his dad. i don't think we know anything at all about him + his younger kids (except for, where the fuck did they get curly hair from lol) so i'm talking about the older girls.
it's interesting, because my dad had an actual abusive and cheating father, and before my dad had kids he said he hoped he only had girls because he would have no clue how to teach a boy to be a Man and would probably fuck it up. luckily, he has two "daughters" so that worked out for him, and he's an amazing dad. i wonder if frank was the same, it could be?
as for the girls i don't know if they just are older with their own lives and don't want to be pictured online anymore, and he respects their privacy, or what. he does reference them in the diary of a ceo interview if you have watched it (if you haven't, and you're writing a fic, i totally recommend it--the two hours fly by i swear)--that now they're at high school graduation age and he's been giving them advice about the future and sometimes they have Disagreements where he agrees to disagree (i bet they're about politics lmao). it also could be that he's sort of depressing to be around right now? like, on instagram JT and Jody Morris and that crowd are always hanging out and playing golf and going to chelsea games and shit and frank is never there which makes me feel he's sitting around in a depression cave lmao.
as for the home life in general it's hard to know but the shit he and christine used to say about each other was cringeeeee. these days they just seem like they're kind of quiet and mind their own business and other than all their money they seem kind of normal? like "dad complaining about women Shopping all the time and facebook wine mom" vibes instead of nouveau rich celebs vibes.
elen! that's an interesting one. i'm not a fan of their relationship. like i feel like he and christine make sense as a couple/(marriage of convenience)in a sense but he and elen didn't make sense to me as a couple. if you read the parts about her in his book idk they're just...weird feeling? it had a very Wow a Hot Spanish Model is Interested in Me??!?!?!?!?! vibe to it and it was sweet i guess but weird. i can't see this dude being married to elen at all really. i think, and i actually think he says this in diary of a ceo as well, it really went wrong when his mom died :( as he said he spent the next year in a complete numb freeze state, was full of random anger, trying to repress his emotions etc, and many things suffered from that including his relationship. i think that could break a relationship up easily, especially if maybe it wasn't that solid to begin with?
(**it's VERY interesting that with both of the Ladies frank had insanely long periods of being...together but Not Married...HMMMM)
these are just my thoughts--let me know if you have any other Discussion Topics, omg. and i'm very curious about this fic 👀
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Izak had checked on his wife and children, concluded that they were safe, but as he left, something bugged him. It ate at his gut, and as he climbed into the saddle, he glanced behind him at the house. Inside, his wife, though maybe a bit scared, was happy, and his children were none the wiser. But, he had to go into town, go into work, and tinker with the guns in the shop. He needed to get his mind off what was brimming at the surface, and it was only a matter of time before the town's secrets aired.
He hurried the horse along the path to the main square, pretending with all his might that he wasn't worried. He knew it was wrong of him to be more fearful of his affairs over the deaths in town, but hubris was one hell of a placating effect.
As he moved closer to the shop, he noticed Father Matthew in the road, and his brow furrowed. He stopped the horse and stared, unblinking and unsure. He knew Matthew's name filtered through the pot, and he wondered if the expression the other was making was more related to the possibility of his own queer oddities. He should turn around, leave...go back home to his wife and children, but he was dismounting from the horse mechanically. He couldn't stop himself from watching the preacher, eyes narrowing as if asking him to start the conversation. He lead the horse into the small stable near the shop and began pulling the bit and saddle from it. "Hello, Father," he finally said, peering over the gate. He hung the reins on a nearby peg and then headed to the front door to unlock it. He gestured inside. "Do you want to come in? You look parched."
~~~~~ "Mr Voros," Matthew looked relieved when he managed to catch Izak returning to his shop. "I was just passing by..." He was not because he had been milling about the area for awhile now.
"I suppose I could for awhile. It is very hot today," he said and followed after Izak to enter his shop. The town's preacher radiated nervousness but he was able to sag his shoulders in relief once Izak closed the door behind him to give them some privacy.
"I haven't seen you in some time. How have you been?" Matthew asked as he turned around to look at Izak and took a few steps towards him to close the distance between them. He felt much calmer in the presence of the other man and he was thankful for it because the morning had been such a mess. "How is... your family?" It was only polite to ask despite what Matthew and Izak were doing together behind closed doors.
~~~~~ Izak made a noncommittal noise, and he did his best to act nonchalantly as he closed the curtains tighter. He knew this was asking for trouble. In the middle of the day, in the middle of town...anyone could have been watching. How fast would word travel to his wife, especially when rumors and noses were being drug through the dust and muck.
His worry drifted away when Matthew came closer, and a deceptively doleful smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. "Despite the situation, good, I suppose," he replied, tongue thick with his native accent. He reached up to brush Matthew's cheek with the back of his hand, noticed the warmth and the sweat. He could be so easily fooled that it was just the heat of the day that caused his skin to be so, and he was just about to bend down to kiss him when the final question stung him. He dropped his hand, and the smile faded on his face. "Children are well. Unbothered. My wife...she is worried." His lips pressed together in a fine line. "I heard they suspect you."
~~~~~ The touch against his cheek was calming and caused the corners of Matthew's lips to turn upwards, but that lasted for a mere moment because Izak dropped his hand soon after and the moment was lost between them. Perhaps he should have been selfish and not asked at all...
"As she should be..." Matthew said with a knowing nod. His own smile had vanished from his face as well. "They do," he said with a frown. "I don't know what I've done to deserve such scrutiny, but I cannot stop them from speculating..." The preacher looked down at his own hands. "I can barely even shoot a gun and they think I could cause such violence?" he put the question out there with a small laugh.
suspect | izak & matthew
for: @izakvoros location: a distance away from the vörös home
Matthew had watched with growing horror as the townsfolk voted for to put someone to death in the Town Hall earlier that morning, and all this coming just the morning after Luke and Emily's passing. It was a lot and he could understand why people were angry, but calling for the death of another was horrific to witness -- the death of someone who might have been innocent.
He had done all he could to settle Luke's children after that dreadful event before finally managing to tear himself away. He did not feel like returning to the church after all that, not when he did not feel like he could counsel anybody with a sound mind. The town's preacher soon found himself milling about the part of town near a certain gunsmith's home, hoping to catch a glimpse of Izak. Matthew vaguely wondered if the man was with his family after that stressful ordeal and his thoughts turned to Joanna, but his own selfishness pushed Izak's wife from his mind. Surely he deserved some form of comfort too even if he sought it from her husband?
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So is Tae similar with jk where he too loves/romantizises love or is he the real deal? 👀
hmm,,, it's similar but they come from very different places.
They both have an 'ideal' of what love is "meant to be like", yes. Like we all do.
While jk is more of the type to be like 'i want love to be this and this and that and it'll make me feel like x, y, z' but at the end of the day he's like 'one day, maybe, but that day is not today get away from me love ew what is that???'
Tae is more the type to be 'i want love to be this and this and that and it'll make me feel like x, y, z' and get hands-on and make it fit his description.
Here's the thing, you know I love the boys, all of them, and I sometimes have to tone some readings down, adapt it a little bit because at the end of the day, reading without explicit permission and getting it. on the internet is a type of privacy invasion (I feel like I've talked about this, there's some stuff that comes out that I just don't mess with) the thing is we're all human, you, me, BTS, other celebrities, and we are all on personal journeys filled with personal growth and tons of baggage of all sorts, some info that we might pick up on is heavily charged by past experiences, cultural assets, family values, etc. and specially when it comes to kpop idols readings its- so so touchy in terms of love readings because some of them have very traditional views on romance that might get lost in translation when I put them up for view for you guys. (It's like wanting to equate a reading on Harry Styles' idea of love and Kim Seokjin's idea of love, tho close in age and huge talented artists, their cultural approaches, past experiences, the environment in which they have to develop their relationships, are going to inflict their understanding of the matter)
What I'm getting at is that JK will not get on a five mile radius of an actual practice of romance, not because he's scared or anything, but he's focused on other things, while Tae has these rather drastic and traditional views on love that he yearns for that he thinks are a deal breaker for him. As all humans do, they've got their darker shades of grey in their lives and as they continue to expose themselves to other things, to keep their minds open for other stuff, they continue to develop and adapt their likings and ideals of romance. For example, when I first started reading for Tae, his love energy was very focused on being in control, having a family, now tho, it does have some tints of traditionalism and patriarchy-oriented but his energy when reading for him feels lighter, more accepting.
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I’m Cold
“I'm cold"
"Can't you give me your jacket or something?"
"Can't you accept my proposal and marry me already?"
In which Prince Donghyuck's parents are forcing him to get married and he decided to propose to the first girl he sees to shut his parents up
Genre: Prince!Lee Donghyuck x Maid!Reader, Angst, Fluff, Arranged Marriage (kinda), Slowburn
Warnings: Curse words, Suggestive (I'll add more if there are)
Notes: Chapter 3 of Im Cold. Sorry this one took longer, hope you guys enjoy
Prev / Chapter 3 / Next
Y/n was screaming in frustration o to her pillow, Damn the Prince's good Looks, Damn the Prince's words, Damn the Prince's Kindness, Damn it all!
Y/n sighs after screaming on to her pillow, she flips over back against the soft covers, she couldn't help but think about how the evening end up like this. How could she say yes? After Prince Donghyuck has asked for two Weeks what happened?
"No" Y/n replied and stood up
Donghyuck grabbed her by the wrist, it wasn't forceful nor was it tight, Prince Donghyuck gave her an opportunity to pull away, to take her wrist away from the Prince, But why didn't she? "Please" He pleaded and Y/n's eyes widened "At least think it over, if you are still determined to tell my parents I will gladly assist you but please, at least until we're done eating dinner, think it over"
Y/n was shocked to see the prince pleading, asking her to think about it, was this that important to the prince? She nods, fine after dinner she'll reject him, she was getting fed up with how stubborn he is, it wasn't just messing up with the royal family's values, it was also bothering with her life, her own private life, how she is being seen, how people address her whole life went upside down just because the prince lost his temper
Donghyuck nods and stands bowing towards her, "I'm sorry, I know I have troubled you" He confesses and Y/n grabbed him by the shoulders to make him stand straight but he wouldn't budge "I know that by making you do this I have placed you in a hard position" she shakes her head and tears start trickling his eyes, it was all overwhelming, her feelings and the Prince' words being all too heavy on her conscience, the tears weren't necessary nor was it intentional but before she could realize, a sob leaves her lips and Prince Donghyuck's reaction was quick, he stood up straight hands out to hold her as she starts wiping her face
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying" she whimpers and keeps wiping her face with her hands, The prince pulls her hands away and uses his handkerchief to wipe her tears, no words were exchanged, not until she calmed down
Neither noticed it but the Prince'd hand always hovered near the girl's as if waiting for the right moment to hold her hand. The Prince looks at her and she was staring at the cloth in her hand, it was simple, laced in golden thread "Do you like sweets?" The Prince suddenly spoke making her look at him and she nods, he smiles softly and takes her hand in his "Let's go get some ice-cream"

Morning comes and Y/n wakes up to the sound of Prince Donghyuck's voice "Hana, which one is better?"
Y/n opened her eyes to be greeted by Prince Donghyuck looking through her closet "Goodmorning" he greets and moves to kiss her forehead, Y/n still freezes at the action but smiled "I've chosen your outfit for today so we can match" Donghyuck pats his thighs to show off the color and smiles, standing up to hold her hand and help her out of bed, "Wear this" he shows a pretty blue floral lace Bardot dress, pattern adorned with white and pink roses while lace covers the edges the color matching the Prince's blue-ish dress pants "Get her dressed Hana"
And at the Prince's words, Hana leads Y/n to the conjoined bathroom, helping her clean up and get dressed fixing the way it hugs her curves, and Hana smiles, applying a bit of touch-ups on her skin and fixing her hair. She was done and Y/n looked into the mirror, Hana has fixed her hair into a half-up bun style making it look messy yet classy, the hairstyle complementing the dress
They both left the bathroom only to be greeted by the prince facing away from the bathroom door looking at his phone "Done? Can I turn and see?"
Y/n blinks, the Prince purposefully turned away to give her space and privacy, she smiles softly "Yes you can turn around now"
The prince turns around and he smiles at the sight, but then he wrapped one arm around his waist as a support for his elbow where he places his chin on his palm eyeing her "Something's missing" he mumbled
Y/n blinks and tilts her head as Hana turns to look at Y/n "Jewelry?" Hana offers and the Prince nods, with the Maid immediately reacting walking to get the Jewelry box from the vanity, "Milady has a wide assortment of jewelry here, my Prince" she says and turns only to gasp at the sight
The Prince had invaded Y/n's personal bubble, him being so close their chest could be flushed against each other, her hair was out of the way while the Prince had his arms around her neck as he tries and clasps the necklace. In all honesty, if he wanted to help her wear it he could've done it from behind not doing it while almost hugging Y/n
Y/n could feel the Prince's breath fan against her neck at the close proximity, she blushes and moved to hold on to the blazer in front of her until finally, the prince locks the necklace tracing a cold finger against the chain, she tried, she just couldn't help but feel the goosebumps rise against her skin where he had touched "There, you look pretty" he smiles his finger stopping at the pendant only to return tracing against her collar bones and down her arms. Y/n would be lying if she says the prince didn't have an effect on her, cause, oh how her heart raced at the action, silently willing them to stop, he traces lower 'till he holds her hand looking at her wrist "Let us get you a bracelet" he lets go of her only to look through the jewelry box
Hana stood there in shock, cheeks a shade of red at the display of affection, standing off to the side, knowing that she shouldn't react unless Y/n or the Prince might need her
The Prince would take time, looking through the wide assortment of bracelets and looking at the Y/n to look at her wrists and then dress, only to resume his search. Y/n on the other hand had examined the pendant of the necklace, it was a flower, a white flower pendant with delicate details on to its petals, making it look as if it is blooming "It's called a gardenia flower"
She looks into his eyes "what?" she blinks a bit surprises
He points to the pendant "That a gardenia flower, do you like it?" he asks and stands up fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves
She nods shyly "It's a pretty flower" he nods and takes his watch off, it was a simple watch, it had a golden chain strap along with its case, a black tint on the watch itself "You have a pretty watch" she murmurs and the Prince smiles
"Good, cause you'll be using this today" he replies and walks up to her so he can hold her wrist, placing the watch on and locking it in place "Its a bit big on you," he laughs as if finding the whole ordeal cute "Remind me later, lets go on jewelry shopping ok?" Y/n nods silently and he examines Y/n, nodding in approval at the sight he smiles and locks there fingers "Lets go, lets have breakfast together then we can go out to my schedules ok?" he says as he leads her out of her room and into the dining hall
Letting him lead her out, "I'm sorry, My Prince-" she starts but the prince cuts her off
"You should get used to calling me Donghyuck for the next two weeks" he murmurs and turns his head to look at her and smiled "What were you saying?"
She clears her throat and avoided eye contact "Why do I have to come with you on your schedule?"
He hums as if thinking of the right words to answer her question "well, It would be great to show my parents that I am 'serious'," He makes air quotes with his free hand "about you, a plus to make them believe that i need time to heal when we do break up. And, it gets lonely when I'm the only one going"

"Where is this meeting being held exactly, My Prince?" Y/n asked as she turns away from the car window to look at the Prince only to get a raised eyebrow in return "Donghyuck" she corrects and he nods in approval
"At a café, we'll be meeting with someone, he claims that this project he proposes will help a lot of people"
"Then why must you be the one to interview them? wouldn't it be better for the King and Queen to address that matter themselves?"
"Well, Yes. But not everything will go through the King and Queen, first they have to go through me to make sure its worth seeing by them and then the decision is ultimately theirs"
"Ah" she hums softly and nods "I understand" she smiles and Donghyuck couldn't help but smile back
Once they arrive, The Prince leads Y/n by the hand to a man dressed in a fancy suit he stands and bows towards the new arrivals "My name Johnny, thank you for giving me a chance to speak to you your highness"
Donghyuck bows and smiles "Of course,. I'd like you to meet my Fiancé, Y/n this Suh Johnny, a dear friend and at the moment a benefactor" he smiles informs and Johnny bows in her direction with her mirroring the action, "Please sit." They all obeyed
Johnny was very convincing and honestly, the Prince liked his proposal but as Johnny excused himself to go to the bathroom, Donghyuck turned to Y/n "What do you think?"
She blinked in confusion "Sorry?" she tilts her head slightly and Donghyuck had resist the urge to grab her by the chin so that he can adjust it "But why are you asking me, my Prince?"
He frowns "Donghyuck, Y/n, please call me Donghyuck, you earned the title of being my friend in this predicament you and I are in" earning a nod from the girl and he hums "but to answer your question, its because you might know what's best" she watches him as he spoke "I have not once tried living as if I wasn't a prince, I've never went to the market or done house chores, but you have and you do, compared to me you know what can help improve the way my people work and move, so I'm asking you, what did you think of his proposal?"
Y/n lets the Prince's words sink in as she looks down at her lap, she never thought that it'd come to this, The crowned prince asking her opinion but here she was "Yes, It'll be of great help" she started and started explaining the points on why and how it could improve, stating facts and sharing little stories along the way with her explanation as the Prince attentively listened and nodded
After she spoke, the Prince nodded and smiled at her "that is great Y/n" he moves to hold her hand cupping them "Thank you" he beams he opens his mouth to speak only to be stopped by Johnny returning and the Prince drops her hand
"I'm sorry" Johnny says and sat down "May I continue?" and the prince nods "As I was saying adding homes, giving the people their own job that is cleaning up our parks can lessen our rate of jobless citizens and also lessen out the homeless-"
Johnny was cut off to the prince swerving to the side and looking at his Fiancé "What's your favorite cake flavor?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Cake flavor," he repeats and nods towards the different displays and grins "What is it?"
She looks at Johnny who smiles at her "Mocha" she answers and he hums "you really do have a sweet tooth hmm?" he raises a hand to flag down a waiter "and coffee?" he turns to look at her then stops "No, Sorry you hate coffee... One Mocha cake and," he hums going back to when he bought ice cream for her and smiled "two cups of Hot Chocolate please, would you like anything Johnny?"
"Just coffee" He replies
"Black Coffee for him" Donghyuck says and the waiter bows, "Sorry, continue" and with that Johnny continues
Donghyuck is now to make a decision, if he says yes, Johnny will speak to his parents about his proposal and he hums, giving his and Y/n's words to careful consideration, his eyes drifting to Y/n as she took a bite "feed me" he says out of the blue making Y/n and Johnny look at him surprised
"I can't think without sugar and I drank my milk, just one bite" he coaxes and, Y/n offered him a bit which he happily accepted, looking at Johnny he grins "I hope my parents like your idea as much as we did Johnny"
#7dream#donghyuck imagines#donghyuck x reader#chenle#haechan smut#jaemin#jeno#jisung#lucas#nct#nct127#donghyuck smut#prince au#royal au#royal nct drea#prince lee donghyuck
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"What toast, who was toasting? Which thought, there's so many thoughts, swirling around all the time... some louder than others, some breaking the calm silence... do you know what she's talking about?" Raspberry Tart asked looking over to the other, a bit confused by the wording. "Beats me... I'm kinda lost myself." Blueberry Pie replied, as that same girl from earlier, was giving him a glass of pure water with a little lemon wedge, and a fancy umbrella that he choose to gently tuck behind his ear, like it was a little decoration for himself.
"Human is more empathetic and chooses to try and give people the benefit of the doubt even when they don't deserve it... and he's never thought ill of you in any way, Sweet Pea." He replied, gently humming a bit. "Fusions are different... they can be an elegant blend of two people like a lovely milkshake, or a kind of chunky peanut buttery jammy mess that's barely holding together by two slices of honey wheat bread... blood is concerning to see when it is real blood... and Steven's had his moment in childhood seeing someone's blood spilling out of them, seeing how the town reacted to him, he'd never wish that on either of you or the collective you that Cherry is."
"..." Human Steven held himself, his fingers gently grazing in the water and huffed softly. "Yea... that time in his life was really rough... and too be fair I was telling Eris to go get washed up before we accidently fused... simply because I didn't want Eris to get looked at that same way.... but I guess I neglected to mention my reasoning why other than it would look bad and smell even worse."
"Of course, of course." Raspberry Tart sipped from his drink. "We can understand a fusion being excited to exist... even if it hurts to be kinda put on the back burner... again." He looked over. Human Steven looked up confused at the word again, there was a time he was put on the backburner before, maybe it was the exhaustion on his mind and body from being fused for so long without another round of food... but he felt like maybe that was something important some underlying reason, but he couldn't put his finger on it.
"One, a lady is entitled to her own privacy when that blood is from her time of the month, then you don't need to explain why there's a crime scene in your room, all you need to explain is you need pads, chocolate and anything else that would help you through the roller-coaster of emotions during said visit from aunt flow. But this wasn't a simple womanhood problem, this was you being covered in blood, that was more reminiscent of a violent video game's fatality animation... its not a lack of trust... it's a worry... a worry that someone from your past came back to hurt you... and he wasn't there to help... to keep you safe... but if that is the case, and you handled it yourself then he'd be happy and so proud to know there's no one else who wishes to harm any part of his family." Raspberry Tart replied, taking a long sip.
"Good, I think that'd be nice... everyone having a nice relaxing sit down and talking things out because god damn it you all need to air your dirty laundry..." Raspberry Tart replied, opening another portal in the shape of a butterfly, the tunnel was long and dark... twisting and winding as if it was his own knotted stomach before there was a light in the at the end of this tunnel, and it lead to a moonlit beach??
Continued | @erisdiamas
Blueberry Pie was continuing his downward spiral mentally as if he was counting down to the very second that his only remaining family from his original world would stop loving him. His fingers intertwined with his hair as Eris' hand left his grasp, entirely unaware that he was clutching his hair rather than holding her hand.
Human Steven was unsure of rather to leave Blueberry in the state he was in in favor of checking on Eris who he noticed saw leave out of the corner of his eye... or continue reassuring a part of himself... a part of his brother that they wouldn't just stop loving him over a simple mistake, no matter how big that mistake seemed. He was unaware of the butterfly now fluttering off his head and headed toward the goo to lie in wait.
The memory continued with Smoky Quartz throwing quip after quip during the fight, pissing off Jasper more and more, despite the fact the Quartz solider was holding her own. The fusion's own recklessness of the environment around them, had caused them to let out cluster experiments and corrupted gems from their makeshift jail cells. Jasper shouting in frustration about her army, frustrated about everything that's happened ever since she had gotten back to Earth, before she was flung against the rock face behind them, the fusion to busy cleaning up their mess to even worry about Jasper.
"I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY A FUSION AGAIN!!" Jasper shouted heading toward the nearest corrupted gem, an Ocean Jasper. Smoky Quartz was frustrated trying to poof the gems that they had accidently let loose. After hearing the scream, paid more attention to the fight at hand, turning to see the bright flash of light seeing Jasper fusing the corrupted Ocean Jasper. There forms melding together into some centaur-esque form, laughing maniacally. Smoky Quartz looked somewhat disgusted by the form.
As Eris felt herself be thrown into the tar, Human Steven via fusion felt that same feeling of being tossed through the air "Eris!!" Human Steven picked up Blueberry Pie to head over to Eris seeing the black tar start to bubble around her. The panic in Human Steven's eyes evident as he was a form bubbling up from the inky black goo. The goo despite it's appearance spelling out danger felt warm, comforting, cushioning her fall as it held her close, protectively. A pair of glowing red eyes, forming in the darkness gave her a good look, seeing how she had grown. A soft look of pride played out on the gooey face before, hearing the familiar sounding memory play in his ear. The form looks out seeing the memory playing out before the look of horrible recognition is clearly solid on his now fully formed face. His eyes shift toward the movement real Human Steven, and the visage of Human Steven, were heading toward him.
The once gooey now solid Raspberry Tart had taken his full form, holding Eris in his arms as if she weighed less than bunch of grapes and with a single snap stopped the memory while Smokey Quartz was in the middle of using their weapon to create a sandstorm that was lifting the semi corrupted Jasper fusion off the ground.
Human Steven worried more about Eris' safety stopped his punch from connecting with Raspberry Tart in his face. Raspberry Tart with a warm smile, or a shit eating grin, snapped using his swarm of butterflies to warp them some where more pleasant. A pool at the waterpark, their outfits changing accordingly.
"Well, well, well, look at who I have here... Steven... Steven... and Sweet Pea. It's been a hot minute since you've been nosing around in places where you don't belong. You've grown up so much..." Raspberry Tart replied, gently gathering some remaining goo from her cheek. "So what do I owe this lovely visit?"
"You've gotta be kidding me... this is not the time for joking Gem Steven's in mental anguish and you're just pretending like it's a nice, happy unplanned reunion... where is he!?" Human Steven yelled back.
"... Oh! Just because I'm the embodiment of his negativity means I've always gotta have something to do with his downward spirals..." Raspberry Tart didn't need to look to feel the judgmental stares at him. "Okay, okay, yea... I know how that sounded when it came out of my mouth, but this whole shit storm wasn't on me... not this time at least..."
#cheeseburger backpack ~ [ human steven rps ]#the silver lining ~ [ blueberry pie rps ]#why now ~ [ raspberry tart rps ]#erisdiamas
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You Bring Me Home — Chapter One: Flightless Bird, American Mouth

a/n: I've been working on this story for mooonths now and I'm so excited to finally share it with the world! It's heavily inspired by Harry's Behind the Album mini doc, except I changed the setting to Hawai'i because I've personally spent some time there and as they say, write what you know! YBMH takes place in the period between One Direction's hiatus and Harry's first album/tour, but with that being said, this is entirely a work of fiction and some events don't follow the true timeline. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my little story, I hope you love it as much as I do! It will be updated every Friday at 5 PM PST. My inbox is open, so feel free to talk to me once you've finished reading! I'd love to hear from you :) Much love, Mel <3
Pairing: Hawai'i!Harry x Original Character
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 5.5k
May, 2016
Harry watches LAX get smaller through the airplane window and visualizes all of his worries stuck at the terminal gate, their magnitude also diminishing as he takes flight. He sinks lower in his seat and skims through playlists on his phone when a nagging feeling at the back of his mind pulls his attention away from the screen. Looking up from the song choices, he spots a cell phone quickly lowered from his line of vision and a girl with flushed cheeks who quickly averts her gaze. Harry shoots a tight-lipped smile in her direction and goes back to his phone with a sigh. The days when he could roam the streets freely without fear of recognition—or worse, harassment—feel like an entirely different lifetime. He sometimes imagines that he’ll wake up back in his childhood bed as if the past five years had all been a dream, but he never does. In fact, his privacy and anonymity seem to dwindle with each minute of radio play that One Direction receives. It’s a bittersweet pill to swallow, but one he hopes will go down easier with some time in the Hawaiian sun.
His close friend and new manager, Jeff Azoff, had suggested the vacation as soon as the band privately agreed to take a hiatus.
“You’ll go home for a few weeks,” his voice had crackled through the speakers of Harry’s phone. “Visit your mom and Gem, lay low for a while until the smoke blows over,”
Harry mulled it over in his mind, eyes flickering over the rolling landscape outside of the tour bus window.
“Then what?”
“Then you go for a little vacation. The label offered to cover a house in Hawaii so you can start working on the album,”
Jeff chuckled lightly on the other end before responding. “I mean, if that’s what you want,”
“No,” Harry corrected. “You and Tom should come. Mitch and Bhasker, too,”
“The dream team,”
“And there’ll be a studio there?”
“Yes,” Jeff started, almost hesitant. “But I don’t want you to think about that too much,”
“But you said the label—"
“I also said vacation. Look, Rob said ‘it will all happen in due time,' did he not?”
Harry twisted the rose ring around his finger, tracing over the silver petals and thinking back to his conversation with the CEO of Sony Music, Rob Stringer. Upon the proposal of his debut solo album, Rob had told him that the most important ingredient for a successful debut would be patience. The singer had agreed in the moment, but every day not spent in the studio felt like a test he hadn’t studied hard enough for.
“So you take the free vacation,” Jeff suggested. “You go out, live, get some writing material. Maybe mess around with some tunes. And then we come back to L.A. and get to work. But until then, I just want you to focus on taking it easy.”
So take it easy he had. Or at least he had tried to when he was back home in England. Harry quickly grew restless after what felt like the millionth awkward conversation with past friends and acquaintances, all of which eventually led to the topic of One Direction and it’s unexpected hiatus. After one month at home, his mind and journal were full of ideas for songs, things that he wanted to say before he lost his nerve. One night as he tossed and turned in bed, he shot Jeff a text, just two words that would kick off a three month getaway to the Big Island of Hawai'i:
I’m ready.
“Sounds great, I'll go put in your order.” Alani offers sweetly, trying not to overdo it with the customer service voice. After waiting on the family at her designated table, she heads back to the kitchen and finds her younger sister, Pua, crouched in the corner taking what appears to be a serious phone call.
“I don’t know, I just saw it!” Her sister cries in a hushed tone. “Where do you think he’s going?”
“Is everything okay?” Alani cuts in with concern.
Pua whispers into the speaker before bringing the phone to her shoulder.
“Harry Styles was just spotted on a plane this morning,”
“The guy from One Direction,” her sister explains with a hint of irritation in her voice. “The band who sings that song you secretly like, ‘Fireproof,'”
Alani vaguely recalls the melody, but she waits expectantly for Pua to elaborate. “And this is news because…”
“Because the band just broke up, so where could he possibly be going?”
"The unemployment office?”
Pua rolls her eyes and returns to her phone call while Alani envelops her in a tight hug.
“I’m just kidding!” Alani apologizes, squeezing tighter despite her sister’s attempts to break free. “I’m sure he’ll be living off of royalty checks until he’s, like, eighty,”
“Get off me, freak!” Pua cries out, finally breaking the embrace.
Alani clutches her chest and pulls out an invisible knife. “Ouch. I’m telling Harry you said that,”
“This is exactly why I don’t tell you things.” the younger sister huffs, storming out of the kitchen through the employee entrance where Alani’s best friend, Maleah, has just arrived.
“Looks like someone forgot to eat their Cheerios today,” she remarks, tying her curls into a high ponytail.
Alani shrugs and leans against the counter. “She’s going through something. Just discovered that boys in pop bands are, in fact, just regular boys.”
“Poor thing,” Maleah frowns. “We all have to learn eventually.”
The sky is a blend of cotton candy pink and burnt orange when Alani returns home from the café with a strawberry smoothie in tow. She empties the mailbox and sorts through the various bills and advertisements, but her stomach drops when she sees a familiar return address label. After a quick greeting to her excited dog who waits at the door, Alani bolts up the stairs and quietly shuts the bedroom door behind her. Breathe, she reminds herself before tearing into the envelope and discarding it onto the wooden floor.
Dear Ms. Hale,
We are very grateful to have received your submission to Rolling Stone magazine. However, we regret to inform you—
She doesn’t read the rest, slumping to the floor in defeat. The sixth rejection letter from Rolling Stone lies crumpled at Alani’s feet and she kicks it across the room with a frustrated grunt. She had worked for over two months perfecting her analysis of Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi and its allusions to the environmental impact of urban development in Hawaii. As part of her initial research, Alani had even traveled to both the Royal Hawaiian hotel in Honolulu, which is the famous Pink Hotel mentioned in the song, and Foster Botanical Garden that Mitchell referred to as “the tree museum.” She was certain that her effort and persistence would result in at least a consideration. The second third time's the charm! Maleah had joked watching Alani submit the piece. Six articles in the span of two years, each one facing the same rejection despite the increased effort Alani had put in over time. The fact that the rejection letter hadn’t changed over the course of the two years brings an incredulous smile to her face, and her stomach turns when she considers that the editors probably hadn’t even read her work, anyway. All that effort, she thinks to herself, all that time, for nothing.
“It will take time,” her favorite professor, Dr. Hudson, had reassured her three months after the Joni Mitchell article was submitted. “Every great writer faced countless rejection until that one piece. Yours will come. Keep your eyes open and your pen ready.”
Alani sighs and lifts herself off the floor, choosing to crawl into her unmade bed instead of slumping onto the hardwood. She hears a soft scratching at the door before her King Charles Spaniel, Freddie, pads into the room.
“Come here, bubs,” Alani whispers. He obeys and burrows into the duvet, giving her temple a gentle lick before nuzzling into the nape of her neck.
“You still love me, right?” she asks, voice cracking. “Even if I’m a failure?”
Freddie sniffs her ear in response.
“Right,” Harry says, his tongue peeking from the corner of his mouth as he reads the map. “No, left, sorry,”
“Do you actually know how to read a map?” Jeff teases, correcting the turn.
Harry pouts in response, his brows furrowing. “In my defense, we’re literally in the middle of fucking nowhere,”
“There are worse places to be,” Mitch pipes up from the back seat. “England, for example, where they say things like ‘litchrally’,”
“Very well said, Mitchell,” Jeff Bhasker adds with a fake British accent of his own.
Harry turns to his friends in the back seat with a finger pointed like an agitated mother. “If you lot don’t shut up, I’m gonna lead us to a volcano and push you in,”
“Where are we even going? I forgot,” Tom complains.
“To get food,” his manager responds from the driver’s seat. “I think,”
“Why can’t we just stop there?” Mitch asks pointing to a café pulling up on their right.
Jeff merges into the turning lane quickly without a second thought. “Good enough for me, I’m starving.”
“Sorry, H.” Mitch pats his friend on the shoulder.
Harry scoffs. “You’re the one who wanted poke.”
The Aloha Nui Loa Café is much more spacious than the exterior suggests, yet it still feels cozy. The walls are painted sage green and adorned with various local art pieces, as described by the plaques that accompany them. A skylight fills the center of the room with plenty of warm lighting, leaving the space along the walls in a bit more shade for an intimate feel. In one corner, a hanging disco ball leaves freckles of sparkling light along the walls where the sunlight hits, making the whole image very idyllic in Harry’s mind. As if he couldn’t enjoy the setting more, he hears the beginning of an Otis Redding song that he’s had stuck in his head drift through the restaurant speakers.
“Welcome in!” a voice calls, which pulls him from his survey of the room. His head whips to the source—a girl around his age with wavy, dark hair and honey skin. “For here or to go?”
Harry takes a hesitant step up to the counter. “For here,”
She smiles warmly and pulls some menus from under the counter. “How many in your party?”
“Great, follow me.”
Harry and his friends follow the waitress to the corner of the room under the disco ball and take their seats at the round table.
“My name is Alani,” she introduces herself, setting the menus down. “I’ll be serving you today. Can I get you started with some drinks?”
Harry continues scanning the restaurant while his group orders. His eyes land on the shirt that Alani is wearing, a white tee with the words “Enjoy Health, Eat Your Honey” in blue lettering that surrounds a picture of a cartoon bee.
“Harry,” Jeff says gently, catching his drifting attention.
The singer turns to his manager, who nods to Alani waiting with a pen pressed to her notepad. Harry feels a rush of embarrassment creep across his cheeks and he clears his throat to cover it.
“Just water,” he says, eyes glued to the menu. “Thanks.”
“You got it.” Alani nods, flashing a toothy grin at the rest of the group before turning back to the kitchen. Harry. Her mind repeats, finding a hint of familiarity, though she doesn’t know why.
When Alani arrives at the drink station, she finds her sister staring at her, mouth agape, while Maleah unsuccessfully conceals her laughter.
“What?” she questions, checking herself for any embarrassing stains or smells.
“You were—and he—” Pua stammers. “He was—and then he—”
“That’s Harry Styles,” Maleah translates, her voice hushed as she peers over her friend's shoulder.
Alani turns to steal a glance at the table she just seated, but Pua and Maleah latch onto her and shake their heads frantically.
“Don’t look!” her sister hisses.
Alani smirks, amused at their reactions. “No shit. That’s One Direction?”
Maleah snorts, clasping a hand over her mouth as Pua huffs. “No, dumbass! It’s just Harry. I don’t know who the other guys are,”
“But the blonde guy? That’s not—?”
“No!” Pua and Maleah giggle in unison.
“Okay, geez,” Alani relents. She manages to steal a quick glance at the table over her shoulder, immediately searching for Harry. Her eyes scan over the long, curly hair kept out of his face by a pair of white sunglasses that she had seen on Kurt Cobain once. All of his features are sharp and striking, from his pointed nose and defined jawline to the bright blue eyes. Or maybe they were grey? Alani wonders, trying to remember the exact shade. He doesn’t look anything like the fresh-faced teeny bopper she’d had in mind, the one from a music video her sister had shown her a long time ago. She would have never guessed that the What Makes You Beautiful singer had so much dark ink trailing down his bicep and forearm, though her knowledge of One Direction was very limited.
“What did he order?” Pua questions, her eyes wide.
Alani quickly snaps back to reality and resumes filling the drinks. “A water,”
“Oh my god,” Maleah swoons. “I’m never drinking anything else ever again,”
“I didn’t even know you liked him,” Alani teases with an eyebrow raised.
Maleah sneaks another peek at the table and catches her lower lip between her teeth. “I mean, I didn’t really think so either but look at him. What a fucking dream,”
Harry was objectively handsome, this Alani could admit, but she personally didn’t see the appeal and had a strong feeling that he was just like every other male celebrity. The fact that he hadn’t even bothered to make eye contact with her only served as further proof of what she knew to be true.
“Okay, well, your dreamboat is waiting for his water. So excuse me,” Alani winks, making her way back to the table.
The singer spots Alani returning out of the corner of his eye and the sight of her causes a strange flutter in the pit of his stomach that makes him want to duck for cover. Instead, he pulls his phone from his back pocket and pretends to be occupied with something on the screen.
“Okay,” she greets, setting the drink tray down. “I have a Blue Hawaii, a Mango Mama, two Loco Cocos, and a water,”
The group graciously accepts their drinks with a chorus of “thank you," but the only one under Alani’s scrutiny is Harry. He still doesn’t meet her almond eyes, and though she figured he wouldn’t, she can’t help the inkling of disappointment that washes over her. After taking their meal orders, Alani heads back to the kitchen, checking on her other customers along the way. Harry’s eyes follow her and he observes the way customers light up at her presence, indulging her conversation with laughter. He watches as she lingers by the jukebox in one corner of the room, a detail he had missed in his initial scan, and waits anxiously to see what song she chooses. Baby I’m-a Want You begins softly and Harry feels the corner of his lip curl ever so slightly. Good choice, he thinks.
“He’s still here,” Pua muses, peering through the tiny window in the kitchen door. It had been nearly two hours and the five men were still seated around their table cracking jokes and doing a lot of talking with their hands.
Alani doesn’t look up from her bowl of sliced kiwis, offering a hum in response. “And what do you want me to do about that?”
“Nothing,” Pua shoots back. “Don’t bother him,”
“What kind of girls do you think he’s into?” Maleah asks, attempting to peek through the window.
Alani shrugs, bored of the conversation and of thinking about Harry. “I don’t know, but I’ll bet he’s a real sucker for the ones who stalk him while he’s eating,”
“How does he make eating a salad look hot?”
“Can we talk about something else now?” Alani whines, poking holes in a lone kiwi with her fork.
Pua tosses a wet dish rag in her sister’s direction and cheers when it lands in her face. “Go see if he wants more water, he looks thirsty.”
“I already refilled it,” Alani defends. “Twenty minutes ago. I’ve refilled it a hundred times, I’m surprised he hasn’t peed his pants.”
I’m gonna piss myself. Harry thinks, his right leg bouncing to distract himself. He really wasn’t all that thirsty, but he couldn’t stop himself from finishing each glass of water that Alani placed in front of him. He really wasn’t all that thirsty, but he couldn’t stop himself from finishing each glass of water that Alani placed in front of him. Like clockwork, she would return to fill his glass almost as soon as the last drop had been drained, and so what began as a little experiment slowly turned into a bladder hazard. But if the trend was to be trusted, she would be back any minute and he wasn’t going to miss it; afterall, there were only so many ways to casually linger in a small café without making it weird. Unable to bear it any longer, he heads to the restroom and hopes that Alani doesn’t clear their table before he has a chance to see her again.
Harry pads down the back hallway with his eyes cast down at the floor, which proves to be a mistake when he walks directly into another person.
“Sorry!” they both apologize quickly, Harry’s palm taking purchase on the other person’s upper arm.
“I wasn’t paying attention,” he offers, finally meeting the dark, mocha eyes already looking back at him.
Alani presses her lips into a tight smile. “Me either,”
Harry’s heartbeat picks up when he realizes it’s her, and he isn’t aware of how close they’re standing until he detects the faint scent of kiwi on her breath. He takes a step back and rakes a hand through his hair.
“So I guess I’ll just—”
“Yeah, sure.”
Green. Alani notes to herself. His eyes are green.
Shortly after Harry returned from the restroom, him and his friends settled their bill and headed out. Alani cleared their table and her eyes nearly fell out of her head when she saw the hefty tip left behind. The word mahalo was also left behind on the receipt, underlined twice, and she wondered if it was his handwriting.
Later that night, she settled into bed with her laptop and hesitantly typed his name into Google. As she expected, countless articles about the split of One Direction emerged, most of them speculating what was next for each member. To her surprise, however, Harry’s name seemed to be mentioned more than his fellow bandmates as various sources labeled him “the next Justin Timberlake” and rising star of the group. Upon further investigation, she learned that the demand for information about the elusive Harry Styles was high, especially concerning any possible solo music. No news had yet been confirmed by Styles himself, nor anyone claiming to represent him, but she still wondered if his presence in Hawaii had anything to do with a possible solo project. Almost as soon as she thought it, Alani dismissed the theory in favor of the idea that he was most likely just taking a vacation. And from the buzz that she saw surrounding the news about One Direction, she couldn’t blame him.
The more Alani read, the more she wanted to know, and something deep down told her that his was a story worth telling. Of course, the only problem was that she had hardly talked to him, and there were only so many things she could say about the fifteen glasses of water he downed. There was no way of knowing if she would ever see him again, either, or if he was merely stopping in Hilo on his way to another island or somewhere else entirely. Alani sighed, thinking back to her most recent rejection from Rolling Stone. She knew that there was no possible way she would ever see or talk to Harry ever again, and even if she did, why would he bare his entire soul to a stranger? Still, she let her mind wander through the possibility.
Dear Ms. Hale, the letter would read, we are very grateful to have received your submission to Rolling Stone magazine and are pleased to inform you that your piece on Harry Styles will be featured in next month’s issue. Additionally, we would be honored to have you on staff, effective immediately.
It was far-fetched, Alani knew this, but she dozed off that night with endless ideas swimming in her head.
By the third day after his visit, the only trace of Harry is in Alani’s search history. She would have completely forgotten about him if it weren’t for her sister’s constant reminiscing and multiple attempts to rename the house salad to the “Harry Special.” As a result, a part of Alani’s thoughts periodically linger back to that day and the subsequent hours spent on Google that she’d rationalized as research instead of stalking. Somehow the knowledge that she’ll never see him again only adds fuel to the questions still burning in her mind, but a customer clearing their throat while she sorts menus below the hostess podium interrupts her thoughts.
“Welcome in!” She calls, standing. “What can I—”
She stops in her tracks, unable to believe her eyes. Harry blinks and waits for her to continue.
“What can I get started for you?” Alani tries again, hoping that he hadn’t noticed her shock. Luckily for her, Harry had been too focused on choosing his next words to register her mistake.
“What’s in the Honu smoothie?” he asks, mentally kicking himself for asking such a stupid question when the menu just inches above her head clearly spells it out.
Alani hums, thinking back to the times she had made the smoothie herself. “Kiwis, spinach, mango, avocado, and a hint of lime,”
“I’ll take one of those,” Harry says, reaching for his wallet.
Alani punches in the order with trembling fingers and nods. “For here or to go?”
“To go,”
Disappointment fills her chest. Sure, she hadn’t planned on seeing him ever again, but the fact that she did felt like a sign. If she wanted to take the chance, she’d have to do it fast.
“Anything else?” she asks, weighing her options while he skims the menu.
“No thanks.”
Alani makes the smoothie quickly, head spinning. She had spent most of the night after their initial meeting planning out exactly the type of questions she hoped to ask him and what kind of article she would write. She was used to writing about what she knew—artists and music she’d admired for years— but she figured that starting fresh with someone she hardly knew would be a good challenge. Not to mention that it seemed like just the thing Rolling Stone would jump for. Alani finally works up the courage as she finishes his smoothie, but when she returns to hand it to him and hopefully strike up a conversation, his ear is pressed to his cell phone. She holds out the drink and he graciously accepts, giving her a small nod as a “thank you” and rushing out of the restaurant.
Two days later he returns and is seated at the counter, typing away on his phone. Alani feels both a rush of optimism and annoyance at the universe for dangling his presence so unexpectedly. She starts heading over to him, but Maleah cuts in.
“Trade me?” she proposes, eyes wide.
Alani blinks. “Oh, I would but I—”
“Please,” her best friend pouts. “I’m leaving to see my grandparents in stupid California for two months. Who knows when I’ll get the chance to see him again?”
Alani sighs, but gives in, reluctantly exchanging Harry for the family of four seated by the window. A strange feeling settles into the pit of his stomach when he sees that she heads in the opposite direction after a hushed conversation with another waitress. He doesn’t know why she traded him for a different customer, but he takes the hint.
A week goes by without another sighting of Harry and Alani has permanently taken on the role of greeting hostess in hopes of seeing him again. Her heartbeat temporarily speeds up when she sees a long haired customer approach the door, but her spirits quickly fall when the face doesn’t match his.
Another week brings another disappointing realization that Harry might be gone for good. One rainy morning when the restaurant is quiet and only two customers huddle together in a booth near the back, Alani hunches over the hostess podium and doodles on a stray receipt— a sunflower, a crescent moon, and two hearts. The bell above the door jingles but she doesn’t look up, too absorbed in her scribbles.
“Do you serve coffee?”
The familiar accented voice stops Alani’s pen dead in its tracks. She lifts her eyes first to confirm, and then straightens up when she sees that her ears haven’t deceived her.
“Yes,” she swallows.
“Great. I’ll take it to go,”
She slightly deflates, but Harry thinks he’s reading too much into it.
“Actually,” he corrects anyway, just in case he isn’t. “I think I’ll stay for a while,”
Alani flashes a warm smile and nods in the direction of the counter. “Right this way,”
Harry sheds his windbreaker onto the back of the seat, revealing a black and white Rolling Stones t-shirt that makes Alani’s blood pressure rise. A sign, she thinks.
“What do you want in your coffee?” she questions carefully.
“Nothing,” he responds, shaking out his damp hair gently. “Or actually, uh, butter...if you have some,”
Alani blinks, not sure if she’d heard correctly or if there had been some transatlantic miscommunication.
“Like the—”
“Spread, yeah,” Harry confirms. “It’s weird, I know,”
She lets out a light-hearted laugh and nods. “It’s a...unique request,”
“I thought the same thing at first,” Harry confides. “It’s not bad, actually. But maybe I’ve just been in L.A. for too long.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
She offers a polite smile and heads to the kitchen where the cook and two other waiters talk amongst each other. Alani is grateful that the restaurant is slow this morning because she knows that it means minimal interruptions to her time with Harry. To ensure this, though, she asks one of the other waiters to cover the podium and returns to Harry with his coffee.
“One butter coffee, free of judgement,” the waitress announces, setting it down.
Harry grins softly, stirring the drink with the spoon Alani provided. “You can judge, it’s alright,”
“I just wanna know why,”
The coffee had been part of a fad diet while on tour in order to boost Harry’s energy on stage and stay trim for the hundreds of photo-ops he would be a part of. He doesn’t know how to communicate all of this to Alani, however, not sure how much she knows about that part of him, so he shrugs and tells a simplified version of the truth.
“I read about this trend a while back, it's called bulletproof coffee. Supposed to get your energy up and I needed it for my job,”
“Which is…” Alani trails off, downplaying the knowledge that she had acquired from Google.
“I make music,” is all Harry says and he takes a sip of the drink to avoid elaborating.
“Anything I would have heard?”
He swallows hard and listens to the faint rumbling of thunder outside before replying. “Possibly,”
“Try me,” Alani challenges.
He narrows his eyes and takes another sip of coffee. “Why don’t you tell me something about yourself first?”
“What do you wanna know?”
Everything, Harry responds internally, though he reigns it in. “How you got into waitressing,”
Alani sighs, resting her elbows on the counter across from him. “There’s not much to tell, it’s a family business. What I really wanna do is write,”
“Articles. I’m studying Journalism at UH,”
Harry hums in response, filing the detail away in the back of his mind. “Sounds interesting. You ever publish anything?”
“Not yet,” Alani shakes her head gently, toying with the sleeves of her green University of Hawaii crewneck. “Hopefully soon, though,”
Harry racks his brain for something else to say, but before he can, Alani speaks up again.
“Is it my turn to ask something now?”
He offers a curt nod and stirs his coffee.
“What kind of music do you write?”
Harry chooses to be vague again. “Different stuff. Pop, usually. Been messing with some classic rock, though,”
“Explains the shirt,”
He peers down at the design on his tee and agrees. “Yeah, I guess so,”
“Do you like it?” Alani asks, her eyes begging to make contact with his again. “Writing music, I mean,”
“Yeah,” Harry confirms, tapping his spoon against the rim of the mug. “I really do,”
Alani’s heart pounds. This is her chance, a moment to finally secure her breakthrough piece. She doesn’t know how to approach it, so she opts to dive right in without looking back. The worst he can say is no.
“Can I ask you something else?”
“That’s cheating,” Harry teases lightly. “It's my turn,”
She pouts playfully, but obliges. “Fire away,”
Harry doesn’t know which question to ask first, but when he glances down at the crescent moon inked on her wrist, he decides to start there.
“What’s with the moon tattoo?”
Alani isn’t sure what she expected him to ask and wonders what purpose such a detail could possibly serve him, but she answers anyway.
“Oh, well,” she begins, tracing her index finger over the outline. “It’s kinda the meaning of my full name. It’s Mahealani, Hawaiian for ‘heavenly moon,'”
Fitting, Harry comments to himself. Every detail he learns about her makes him want to learn that much more, from her favorite foods to the last thing she thinks about before falling asleep. Studying her expectant eyes, he suddenly remembers that it’s his turn to respond.
“That’s cool,” is all he says.
Alani doesn’t know what to make of the faraway look in his eye, but she decides to pose her most burning question while he appears to be in good spirits.
“I know this is gonna sound totally out of the blue,” she starts, working past the lump in her throat. “But when you mentioned how you write music, I was just reminded of this assignment I’m working on in my class,”
Harry waits for her to continue, nursing his now lukewarm coffee.
“I’m supposed to write a piece about someone who I don’t know that well,” she continues. “You know, to practice our interviewing skills. And, well, I was just kind of wondering if you might be interested in helping me out—being the subject, I mean,”
Alani had every intention of telling Harry the truth, about how she really planned to submit the article to Rolling Stone in hopes of securing an internship before her college graduation next Spring. But as she started speaking, she quickly realized how it would come off: a complete stranger asking for personal information to submit to a well-known publication. She knew that there was a chance he would shut down and never return, so she lowered the stakes and hoped that this route would be less risky. Was it ethical? Alani hadn’t decided yet, but she would work out the details later. After six failed articles and two years of rejection, she saw a ray of hope and wasn’t going to let it slip away.
Harry ponders her offer for a moment, which confirms that she had recognized him. Normally he would be off-put by such a request, and to a certain extent he is, but there is something sincere in her voice that he trusts deep down. Before he agrees, however, he decides to fish around a bit to test her reaction.
“You know who I am,” he says gently. “Don’t you?”
Alani’s heart drops into the pit of her stomach, not sure what to say next. She hopes with every fiber of her being that she hasn’t upset him, or worse, ruined her chances, so she decides to offer some truth to throw him off her scent.
“My sister recognized you,” she explains. “That day you came in with your friends. I thought they were your bandmates at first,”
This lets Harry know that she isn’t a total stalker, which is comforting, but he wouldn’t have been minded if she were a fan simply engaging in conversation.
“Oh,” he laughs weakly.
“I totally understand if you say no,” Alani offers quickly, trying to smooth things over. “I just thought it was worth a shot. And that it might be more interesting than interviewing our produce guy,”
Harry decides to give her one last scan for any sign of insincerity. He’d always felt that his gut instinct was strong and it hadn’t led him astray thus far.
“An interview?” he clarifies.
“Just one,” Alani promises. “An hour, tops. And you can proofread all of it once I’ve finished, too.”
Harry waits a beat, already knowing his reply, but he wants to see how she will react to his silence. She doesn’t budge, almond eyes set and determined.
next chapter
#harry styles#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles writing#harry styles x oc#harry styles fluff#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fic#ybmh#she's here she's here she's here!!!!!
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♞Pairing: Steo ♞Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken ♞Warnings: / ♞Words: 1350 ♞ Writing Prompt: “Please say something. Anything at all. Just talk to me.”
for @jimmy12427
"You know, I came to this country because I had the chance to give my family something other than heartache." Stiles stares at the ceiling, watching shadows walking past. This story is neither a secret nor anything new, but Stiles can't stand this silence. It's suffocating him. "I had hope. I had something good. Family. Friends. Here and in Poland." He closes his eyes, trying to remember their faces. "They're all dead now because the world kept turning without me." Their voices. "Sometimes, I wonder if they were looking for me." Anything other but their names. "Sometimes, I wonder if I should keep fighting, or if it's better to give in. I don't have anything left because the only person I give a shit about stopped talking to me."
Stiles turns his head to the side, studying Theo’s back as he had done for the last three days. He never understood how he could remain so awfully still when Stiles is filled with all this restlessness. "I still remember my mission. His face is haunting my dreams." And every waking thought. They spoke about killing before, but Theo doesn't move or talk. "This is probably my punishment for acting up." They haven't been entirely successful yet. He doesn't go under. Not entirely, at least. But it won't take long until he does. Then, he's never going to wake up again. "Maybe the next time I will forget everything. Even you. I don't want to forget you."
Theo remains silent. Stiles knows he's awake. He can feel his thoughts. They made sure that he cannot read or mess with the minds of the other chimeras. Not after what happened the first time he did. Still, there is something left that resembles a waking thought. Sometimes, he clings to that feeling because Theo's silence is the worst kind of punishment. His voice is what keeps him sane.
"Please," Stiles whispers, crawling across the little cell to press his hand against the reinforced wall of glass separating them. "Please, say something. Anything at all. Just—" he lets out a breath, leaning his forehead against the wall "— just talk to me." He closes his eyes and curls his arms around himself.
"Your accent is almost gone."
Stiles' heart leaps in his chest, and he looks up. He hasn't even heard him walking over, yet here he is. Close enough to touch if not for the glass separating them.
Theo sits down opposite him, a smile curling around his lips that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "It's a shame." Theo folds his arms over his bent legs. "It's so you."
Stiles twists his lips into a smile. "Time is the worst weapon." Every fiber in Stiles' body yearns for Theo. They've been together since the moment Stiles woke up for the first time. Theo is the only person left in his world. Without him, he'd be lost. "Why didn't you talk to me?"
Theo frowns and looks in the direction of the hallway. Everything surrounding them is glass. They don't have privacy because they're not expected to need it. Stationed in the hallway are two soldiers. They are no match for them. Stiles learned that not too long ago. "I have enhanced hearing, remember?" Theo's expression darkens when he turns to look at him again. "I know the mission went wrong. I know you didn't run."
"I couldn't leave you."
"Stiles!" Theo slams his hand against the glass. Stiles has seen him turn stones to dust, but their little prison withstands them both.
One of the guards looks in their direction, hand brushing over the gun. He doesn't do anything else.
"I can't."
"I want you to have the life you deserve."
Stiles scoffs. "What if I told you I deserve this?" He killed his mother during childbirth, causing his father to spiral into an addiction he never got out of. His grandparents took him in, but Stiles caused nothing but trouble. Stiles doesn't remember specifics, yet he can't shake the crushing guilt he feels when he thinks about them.
Shaking his head, Theo tugs at his sweatpants. "You deserve the world."
"I don't want the world." He wants to touch Theo. He wants to kiss him, just once, just to see how his lips feel on his. It's the one thing he'll never learn before they succeed.
Theo seems to understand every word Stiles didn't say out loud. "Then I'll break us out." When he smiles this time, his eyes light up. They had these conversations in the very beginning. Years and years ago. They're one of the few things Stiles tied his mind to. "We can take them."
"Jesteś głupcem, Teodor*." Stiles smiles anyway, no matter how foolish his words are. "They will shut me off before we're out of this cell, and then they will make me kill you." No matter how much Stiles fights it, no matter how often he wakes up, the sequence of words puts him under, and then he will do whatever they ask of him. For a little while. For long enough to kill someone. Maybe even Theo.
"They won't make it to the third word." Theo's expression darkens again.
Stiles chuckles. There's no harm in imagining they have a chance. They deserve a few minutes of happiness. "What would we do then? Everyone in this country will be hunting us."
"We'll leave. Maybe go back to Poland."
"They'd come after us anyway." Stiles runs his fingers through his hair. "We're too important to them." They've never come this close with anybody else. Stiles might be their first success. He's not as strong as Theo. Not even close.
Theo curls his hands into fists. "Then let them come."
Stiles raises a brow. "I never knew you were such an optimist."
"I never had a reason to be." Theo smiles again, nudging the glass with his foot.
It hurts so much to know that they could be if not for the prison they’re stuck in. "You are sweet, Teodor, but we both know how this story ends." With his spirit crumbling beneath his fingertips, Stiles raises to his feet. He brushes invisible dust off his clothes, giving himself some time to regain his composure. “I will be their first success, and my first order will be to put you down because you are too strong for them.” He smiles and hopes it doesn’t look as fake as it feels. “There is no happy ending for the two of us. But it is a nice dream. I will treasure it as long as I can.”
Theo hits the glass again, causing Stiles to turn around. It’s surprising. Theo isn’t usually overly demanding. “What if I told you this isn’t just a dream?”
“That would give me hope.” Stiles curls his hand into a fist, blunt nails biting into his skin. “And I would hate you for that.” And yet, his heart clings onto this possibility; the chance of a life in a world he doesn’t know anymore with Theo by his side.
But that’s not going to happen.
Maybe he cannot read the chimeras’ minds, but he doesn’t have a lot of trouble seeing what the guards are thinking about. They’re probably not important enough.
They’re coming to get him.
“I told you,” Stiles says, turning his back on Theo, “I’m not as strong as you.” He takes a steadying breath and looks down the hallway. Another test. Another mission.
Theo slams his hands against the glass. “I need you to trust me.”
Stiles turns to look at Theo as his door slides open, and Stiles raises his hands, kneeling down, but never breaking eye contact with Theo. “I will try to remember your pretty face as long as I can.”
Theo rushes to the corner of his cell. He hits the glass once more, leaning his forehead against it. “I just need more—”
“Time?” Stiles smiles as the guards pull his shackles tight. “Kocham cię, Teodor.*”
The guards yank him to his feet and drag him out of the door. It shuts almost soundlessly behind him.
*Jesteś głupcem, Teodor - You're a fool, Theodore.
*Kocham cię, Teodor. - I love you, Theodore.
#steo#steo fanfic#stiles stilinski#theo raeken#teen wolf#teen wolf fanfiction#yes this is inspired by the winter soldier#yes i'm a little obsessed with it atm#no i am not ashamed to admit that#you guys just have to deal with it#lol#prompt: 11/37#*tv:teen wolf#*w:complete#*s:steo
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Ok so hear me out—
Shouta and Inko as relatives AU—
What if...
It comes from Inko's side family genes instead of his DAD.
That would also explain why he WAS quirkless in the first place (bcz of shouta's quirk)
Inko and Shouta's Genes are really strong but their quirks are a bit weak in some perspective.
Ok so why I had this headcanon—
Let's have a little backstory to this—
So I'd like to imagine that both of them were really close when they were young but they got seperated and lost contact of each other throughout the years.
(Maybe they were disowned or their remaining family dies or idk)
They lost contact of each other since they got to highschool and stuff and Inko got married and is trying to get a divorce while Shouta realized he was gay and dated Hizashi.
Fast forward to when Izuku got in UA. Shouta thought he looked quite familiar but didn't realize it was his nephew bcz of the surname (coz at this time, Inko is still trying to divorce his deadbeat husband so the surname is still there—)
And Inko didn't know it was Shouta bcz he changed his surname too, for privacy reasons.
Shouta became a little bit softy for his problem child bcz of how similar he acts to Inko, like the crying waterfalls and all that.
So timeskip to the parent-teacher conference and they were shocked when they saw each other again for the first time all these years, and pulled out a 'how have you been all these years' liner and for the rest of the hour they talked about how they were.
Inko was surprised to learn Shouta had a boyfriend and a secret little student he was training from Gen ed(his son—*cough* Hitoshi *cough*)
And Shouta listens to Inko's on going divorce and how she ALSO has a boyfriend (*cough* YAGI *cough*) now.
And they both exchanged numbers (personal numbers, not the school or work ones) and Inko went out as Shouta called the next parent.
(right on cue of the realization when Shouta has the most reckless nephew in the world struck in his head and he's starting to have a migraine because of it)
Soooo Inko told Izuku and Izuku freaked out ofc and the next day he awkwardly asked "should I call you Uncle?" And Shouta, who is suddenly feels like being crushed to death by a noumu doesn't seem so bad, replied ".... Outside of school grounds only."
And Shouta feels the need to vent to someone about this so he vented this to Hitoshi while he's training him bcz he doesn't want Hizashi to scream at him for not telling him sooner and how many gifts does he need to buy and give to his relatives and all that.
Oh and Hitoshi is dating Denki.
And Izuku is also dating Katsuki.
And Inko doesn't tell any of this to Toshinori bcz it would be awkward to for him to have one of Inko's relatives where he works.
Goes the same for Izuku and Hitoshi. It would be weird to tell their boyfriends about how their teacher is related to them. (Hush let me indulge in my Hitoshi is Shouta's secret love child theory)
So when Inko wanted a Christmas get together with all of them, they know it would become a mess.
Shouta told Hizashi about going to his Relative and Hizashi snapped his head to look at him so fast, you'd think he had whiplash because he did NOT know Shouta had any relatives. And Hizashi is all like "WHAT." and Shouta is all like "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you about that I just recently got in touch with my remaining relative, also tell Hitoshi to come along to meet us in this location—" lifts paper with address"—and to bring his boyfriend with him, it's about time for him to introduce us to his 'special guy'." And Hizashi is all like "WHAT." but louder coz how did he not know his little Toshi was DATING?? SHOUTA HAD RELATIVES THAT WERE STILL ALIVE??? SHOUTA WHAT THE FUCK—HEY DON'T IGNORE ME SHOUTA—
And they bought lot's of gifts (Hizashi insisted, Shouta could not resist his boyfriend's cute puppy eyes DAMMIT)
And on Inko's End, she called Toshinori to come over this Christmas and meet the rest of her family and Izuku's boyfriend. (Izuku did not revealing about him dating Kacchan with is dad mentor yet oop—) and Toshinori, the clueless idiot that he is, happily agreed.
Izuku said that Katsuki was also visiting for a bit and he told Katsuki that he'd meet his other family too and Katsuki also wanted to come bcz he wanted to visit his boyfriend for Christmas and to eat some of Auntie Inko's most delicious spicy curry. (Oof Izuku KNOWS this is gonna be a mess.)
So when the day came.
Everyone was already going. Katsuki arrived early and went up to Izuku's room, after a little while Toshinori arrived as well and went to the kitchen to help Inko.
Then while Hizashi and Shouta were walking they saw Hitoshi and KAMINARI(?!?!?!) waiting at the door of Inko's house and Hizashi screamed, making Inko go outside to see all the ruckus, Toshinori following, Izuku and Katsuki looking out from Izuku's window above.
Their whole interaction went like this:
Hizashi:*whips head to the sound of the door opening * *sees Toshinori* ALL MIGHT?!?!
Toshinori:*looking at Shouta, Blood spilling* AIZAWA?!?
Shouta:*sees Inko* Hey Inko.
Inko:*smiling and nodding* Shouta.
Katsuki from the window: DUNCE FACE?!?!
Denki, looking up: B-BAKUGOU??!?
Izuku, happily waving: Shinsou!! :D
Hitoshi, smiling lightly: hey Midoriya.
And when they went inside it was hella awkward until Denki said that he didn't knew that Katsuki and Izuku were dating until now and it all went downhill from there and they all started screaming.
Inko, from the kitchen preparing food: oh my.
Shouta, helping Inko with the rice: yep.
Izuku, preparing the table, whispering to Hitoshi: our boyfriends are really loud.
Hitoshi, who just went there bcz he didn't wanna deal with the loud screaming: yep... Hey Midoriya.
Izuku: hm?
Hitoshi, looking at the screaming people: we all have the same type.
Shouta, who overhead this comment: what do you mean Hitoshi?
Hitoshi, pointing at their boyfriends: Loud Blondes.
Inko laughed and wheezed.
(hope you enjoy this shitty headcanon I made lmao, it's unedited and I didn't reread it but I hope you like it!!!)
dudeee this is so cute ;-; me reading this was just like
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Summary - Dean Winchester rescues you from the Djinn. Some hard truths are learnt when you wake up and find him arguing with his brother.
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings - Fluff-ish, Angst, too much angst, Swearing, Verbal Altercation.
Word Count - 2.1k+
Square filled - Domestic!AU ( @spndeanbingo )
A/N - Thanks to @miss-nerd95 for giving this a once over because I was nervous that it got too dramatic (damn you Bollywood)
This is also a submission for @winchesterxfamilybusiness' Make Me Swoon Challenge. Prompt is in bold.
Series Masterlist
“Are you sure this will work?” Dean hesitated.
“Well, we gotta try and we have to hurry. Clock’s ticking,” Sam said, as Dean swallowed the herb.
Five hours. That's how long you were unconscious. Dean had carried you back to your room, placing you gingerly on the bed. His heart clenched at the sight. You were home, but this was not how Dean wanted things to go. He had pushed you away in hopes you will be safe from the supernatural but the universe had other plans.
Dean wouldn't admit, but he was terrified at the thoughts of invading your dreams. ‘What was your happily ever after?’ That question was haunting him. The Djinn always lets you see your heart's desire and Dean was scared to find out the answer to that, but he had to take the step because this was the only way you could be saved.
Sam had agreed to take the African dream root, but the older Winchester had stepped in, saying, “She's in that state because of me. Let me take those.”
The herbs worked their magic and soon he found himself in your dream.
“Happy birthday, baby,” your husband wrapped his arms around you, “I have plans for tonight.”
“What about the kids?”
“I have asked your Mom. She will take them for one night. The kids are excited to spend time with their Mee-maw and Paw-paw,” Dean said.
“Hm, I see you have planned everything,” You smirked.
“Uh-huh. Down to every last detail. Even the things I will do to you in bed tonight,” Dean’s eyes darkened at the thought, “I bet you never got such a gift. You won't be able to walk properly for weeks.”
“I may or may not have a return gift planned for you too,” you winked, “something I bought from the Victoria Secret.”
“Fuck me,” Dean breathed out.
“Gladly,” you said, “but you gotta wait till tonight.” You gently patted his chest and walked over to the kids’ room to get them ready for the evening, unbeknownst to the fact that the real world Dean Winchester was watching the whole interaction with wide eyes, heart breaking into a million pieces.
“Y/N,” you saw your husband jogging up to you, with horror in his eyes.
“What? Baby, you okay?” You asked, your movements coming to a halt. Dean's breath hitched as he heard you call him ‘baby’. “Okay honey, you're scaring me. What's wrong?”
“This-this is not real Y/N,” Dean said.
“What?” You chuckled.
“This is all a dream. You need to snap out of it,” Dean insisted.
“What is this? Some kind of stupid prank?” You crossed your arms, “I gotta go check on the kids honey.”
“Kids?” He frowned.
“Yeah right, Mister. What, next you're gonna ask me if we are married or not?” You said, clearly getting annoyed.
“Marr-wha-no….Y/N, y-you don't understand. This is a dream. Y/N/N, you are dreaming! You don't have any….kids.”
“Dean Winchester, don't you dare say that,” you crossed your arm and gave him a once over.
“Sweetheart, you gotta believe me! I know this all seems a bit strange but your husb-that Dean i-is not real. He is just a figment of your imagination. I-I'm real,” he pleaded.
“Did you hit your head somewhere, honey?” You were now genuinely concerned about him.
He shook his head and grabbed your hands, dragging you back to the kitchen. You cocked your head in confusion as you kept looking at Dean rummaging through the closet.
“Dean! If you dare to mess up my kitchen, I'm gonna kill you,” you warned. He looked at you and grabbed a knife and made his way towards you. “Dean? Babe, what is it?” You asked with the frown on your face deepening at his actions.
“See, I-I can show you this is not real,” he said and stabbed himself in the chest
“Stop it Dean!” You gasped in horror, “Wha-”
“I'm not dead! I am not even bleeding. Look at this,” Dean exclaimed. You looked down to see the knife sticking out of his chest but he was alive and there was no blood.
“What? I-I don't understand. This is not-all this while I-I've been dreamin’. But it all felt so real. How can this be….De, what's happening?” You were on the verge of a mental breakdown.
“Sweetheart, listen to me carefully. You are in a Djinn-poison induced dream state. They mess with your head. I know; I've been there.”
“I'll explain everything but first you need to wake up, Y/N/N,” Dean begged.
“How?” You cried out.
“You need to kill yourself,” he said.
“Yes. If you kill yourself in your dreams, you will wake up. Now come on,” he said and handed you the knife.
“You sure?”
“Do you trust me?,” he asked you.
You were frightened and confused but you believed Dean. Nodding your head at him, you took the knife and looked at Dean one more time.
“It's gonna be fine. Trust me, sweetheart.”
Your heart was beating loudly against your chest as you tightened the hold on the knife. You sucked in a breath as you stabbed yourself in the stomach.
Gasping loudly, you sat up straight in the bed.
“Y/N,” your eyes met with Dean’s worried green ones.
“Dean?” You asked, your head filled with various questions. Dean pulled you into a tight hug.
“I-I thought I lost you sweetheart,” he croaked, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
“It's okay. I'm here,” you looked around, “where am I?”
“In the bunker,” another tall man came into the room and said.
“Who-who are you?” You asked, as Dean let you go, “I-I'm so confused. What happened? Dean, how did you-I was….was I married?”
“Y/N you….uh-you were attacked by a Djinn. They are supernatural beings and we hunt them,” Dean said, “you were in a dream state and you dreamt of things like….m-marriage and uh-kids. Djinns usually show you your heart's desire.”
“Are you kidding me? You hunt them? You hunt monsters? What next, are you gonna tell me that Drac is real? And he runs a hotel for freaks in Transylvania?”
“I know it's a lot to take in but it's true, not the Dracula part but me and my brother, Sam, we hunt them. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, everything is real,” Dean said.
“Sam?” You looked at the other man in the room who was staring at you silently.
“Hey,” the man who was standing patiently at the foot of the bed, cracked a smile at you.
“What is this place?” You asked.
“This is the bunker. Our home, workplace, everything,” Sam said, “You also-”
“You should take some rest now,” Dean interrupted his brother, getting a side glance from him.
“S-sure but why didn't you tell me about this the night we met?”
“Our job is not a conventional one. We can't go around, telling everyone that monsters exist,” Sam said, “It's better if people don't know about things like this.”
“Okay,” you looked around the room again, fear seeping into you which faded quickly as Dean placed his warm hand on yours, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance.
“You're safe here, sweetheart,” Dean gave you a chaste kiss on the forehead.
“I never thought I would meet you again.” Your heart fluttering in your chest at his touch.
“Neither did I.”
“Thanks for saving me. Thanks to both of you,” you said, and the brothers smiled at you before stepping out of the room to give you some privacy.
Even though you were living in a dream for the past few hours, you were exhausted so sleep came easy to you.
You didn't know how long you were asleep before you were woken up by some muffled screams coming from outside the room.
Your ears perked up when you heard Dean's voice.
“No I can't!” He yelled.
“You have to tell her, Dean!” The other voice, probably Sam’s yelled back. You winced as you got up from the bed and went out of the room, the voices getting louder and clearer. Your whole body screamed in protest with every step you took.
“I-I can't,” Dean let out a defeated sigh.
‘What are they arguing about?’ You wondered as you finally made your way towards the brothers. The halls of the bunker felt oddly familiar to you.
“Do you think she is safe like this? She is a huntress Dean!” Sam exclaimed, “This-this is her home. She doesn't even remember the bunker! She doesn't remember me!”
“What am I supposed to say?” Dean asked.
“The truth!”
“She won't believe me and telling her the truth means sucking her back to this goddamn stupid life!” Dean shouted at his brother, “And I won't let that happen.”
‘Were they talking about you?’ You wondered and moved closer to the brothers.
“How can you be so selfish, Dean? You are only thinking about yourself! You are not the person I looked up to as my brother!” Sam shoved his brother hard.
“Well people change with time,” Dean said in a bitter tone, “and how is it selfish? I won't let her die because of me.”
“They do, but their feelings remain the same amd you're scared. You still love Y/N and it would be stupid if you let her walk away!” Sam scoffed. Your eyes widened at Sam's words.
“You don't understand,” Dean gritted out.
“At least she will understand!”
“No she won't! She was married in her dream - she had kids; that's her happily ever after! Not with me-”
“She was married to you, Dean!” Sam retorted, “that's her happily ever after - with you. With us, in this bunker. She is family and we don't give up on family then how could you push her away? Don't do anything that you will regret later on. This is probably your last chance to fix the mess.”
“I-I can't. She is gonna hate me. It's better this way. It's not like she remembers being married to me,” Dean mumbled.
You gasped in shock grabbing the attention of the brothers.
“Y/N?” Dean asked.
“I thought I was only married in my dreams but I-we were married?” You asked him.
“I-uh….Y/N you should go re-”
“Don't tell me to go and rest!” You exclaimed. Dean glared at his brother, taking a deep breath.
“Stop running away from the problem for once,” Sam muttered in a low voice but loud enough for his brother to hear him.
“Y/N, you are….we are married,” Dean said, squeezing his eyes shut.
“But I don't remember it. Dean? Sam?” You gulped.
“How can you do this, Dean Winchester?” You asked, your blood boiling in anger.
“I did it to protect you,” Dean calmly stated.
“Great fucking job with that because last time I checked I was almost monster food!” You shouted.
“You don't understand!” Dean retorted.
“Then make me, asshole!”
“You got almost killed, because of me! I almost killed you!” He yelled.
“Shut up! Just fucking shut up!” You said, as you sat down in the chair, trying to wrap your mind around the new facts you just learnt. You were married to Dean Winchester. You were a huntress. Then what about your friends, your job, your life in Idaho? What was true? You didn't know what to believe.
“Y/N, sweetheart, say something. Please.” Dean begged.
“I'm not your sweetheart, Dean. You lost the right to call me yours the moment you took a life-changing decision for me and pushed me away,” you said, tears forming in your eyes.
“I-I….I did it to protect you. You mean everything to me,” Dean said.
“Then why did you push me away? Why did you erase my memories? We could have dealt with this together. Why, Dean, why? I can't even hunt anymore! I don't even remember the basic ways to protect myself. You made me helpless. Tell me Dean, how did you protect me?” You asked. Dean kept quiet.
“Y/N, maybe we can fix it. Maybe Cas can fix it,” Sam said, who all the while stood in the war room as a silent observer.
You scoffed, “I don't-I don't even remember Cas. Great job, Dean! Great fucking job! You think you are so great, trying to protect me, but all you are a selfish asshole. You destroyed my life, Dean. Destroyed it! Congratulations, Winchester!”
“I thought-”
“From next time, don't think because your thoughts always destroy something good just like it destroyed us!” You were angry and sad. You couldn't believe Dean could do such a thing.
“I loved you, Y/N, I still do and I-”
“Well newsflash Dean, I don't love you anymore,” you scoffed, “Because in case you didn't know, I don't even remember us - what we used to be.” Turning on your heels, you went back to your room, leaving behind a heartbroken Dean Winchester.
Let me know if you want to be tagged in this!
Feedback is highly appreciated!
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(Wano AU) Tagged::Regrets
If there was one question that had began to annoy him it was any in reference to the one piece or laugh-tale island. Those were his secrets to keep and if any desired to know then they could go themselves in their own stride and pay their own prices but he would still always be the first. There was no easy path for the questions they asked and Roger could not help but play musical chairs in attempts to get away from the never-ending questions and conversations. A quick smile and wave was given until his presence brought more attention than he bargained for. Nope! The captain commented before rising from his seat slapping the payment on the counter. Under the influence, the Captain after two battles now staggered down the street in hopes to find a quiet bar to relax in. He wasn't tired or hurt just to the point that he was too drunk to speak properly. This was not how he often carried himself but he had gone too far in his search for booze. Little did he know with the fame, even while despised, he could manage to find regrets in making such a bold testament to the world. Peace was rare and priceless, this was his first lesson as King. His best bet was to buy his drinks and head back to the Oro Jackson to disappear into the grasp of the sea once more. There was one place he could go to and not have to worry but they would despise him too. It would be certain that his sails were the ones that kept Oden away for so long and Wano had began to fall into a grim era. As the thoughts crossed his mind he remembered his first statement not to rule a thing and tried to cast aside such concerns. But Oden?....he was there, or so he had presumed. Was it selfish for an entire country to have fallen for his cause? These type of thoughts came to mind to counter his protest of little cares. Pressing a hand to his forehead he lifted the gourd to read the label in question. Sure enough it was Rum. He didn't do too well under the influence of Rum and steered clear of the drink as a whole. No wonder his mind was processing too much in irritation. That still didn't change the fact that the thoughts were in fact truth as ugly as it appeared. For every action there was a reaction and many would pay the price even more than he could have ever imagined. It was heavy and one of the few regrets he carried with the new crown. When they had brought Oden back in celebration they could not help but acknowledge the price they had all paid when Wano came into view. Should he have stayed behind to assist in such matters? Should he have left Oden to his affairs the first time they returned for the Polygliff. Either way it was done and now he had but one choice at this point. He had gotten wind that Kaido had schemed something up for the entire land of gold. This was the cause of his stop for drinks in the first place. The news that Wano had closed off everything in attempts to conceal the secrets he had found out. Yep! This was definitely the work of Kaido and Roger could not help but feel a pull at his heart in thought of what that monster could do with his hands on an entire country of innocent people. Seems some of the Rocks had found a way to rule even while broken apart and disbanded. Such thoughts were beginning to bring a headache and he could not help but sigh slinking away into an dark alley to sober up a bit before heading back tot he Oro Jackson. Roger had left behind his crewmates for extra security to their vessel and even selfishly because he required the time to think. Once on board, he through a drunken sway gave the order dropping the canisters of alcohol on the deck before dropping to the wooden floor hopelessly trying to fend off a drunken slumber. ☠"Go!....We are going.......Wano, to Oden, head for Wano."☠ The drunk captain had finally spat out the order before the snores commenced. The king was content to face his consequences alongside Oden. He couldn't just leave him there to handle Kaido alone in good conscience. Newgate wouldn't let him live it down if something happened to the man or his family. Too add Kaido was NEVER
ALONE, but if he were then he was a force to be reckoned with all the same even for Oden. Rayleigh only paused studying the drunk captain with a raised brow shaking his head in disapproval. This was unlike Roger and surely his visit could not have been so bad. "Political affairs are not our forte, Roger!" The other screamed with a mind to knock him upside his head. Even as he protested the captain continued his snores the order standing without the dispute. If he were awake he would tell his number two that they could not rule the seas and not address and situation like this. They owed Oden for everything and could never turn away even if the man had told them to go. Oden had promised that he would be fine and would reach out when he was finished with setting order. The roger pirates were supposed to celebrate together with him, it was the promise given before they agreed to leave. That was how it was supposed to go and even then Roger had a bad feeling in his gut and still left as requested. When they arrived in Wano things were not as they had found it the first time around. The drastic changes already shifting the finical and economical stance of Wano. The caste systems had tilted for greed and plots. This was real bad and to make matters worse he had found out that ODEN WAS DEAD? This hurt his heart and Roger had no idea how he would even tell Whitebeard of such a thing. He had left the other there and now knew he should have stayed to address the situation directly with him. As Oro Jackson pulled into port he studied the smoke filled skies a grim chill pushing down his spine as he took in the view. None on board the ship could speak as they viewed what was left of the Kozuki family shrine, it was now nothing but ash. They knew it would be bad but never anticipated Wano would end up in such a state. To correct, he should have known but at the time he was not aware that Kaido was directly involved with Wano. Deciding against porting the Pirate king opted to hide the vessel and leave out on foot. Hours later he found himself in much need of a drink as he made his way through the lands under disguise. They had opted for masks since they were so common these days. The Red and blank kimono he wore was constraining and layered to blend him in with the noblemen. He could find out anything he needed to know with time in patience. The drinks they shared weren't festive in the least. The captain babysitting the bowl of sake that had been poured by request. He gazed into the liquid his reflection dancing back, or one of the mask rather as he sunk back into his thoughts. When he had found a voice to speak he finally swallowed the lump in his throat. Roger forced up a cracked voice before he took in a few labored breaths to hide the fact he was very upset. Rayleigh in whom set beside him had no sarcastic comments to add nor did he instigate the situation that was obvious. There was no humor to be found even as they tried but the silence had to be broken. He was certain Rayleigh didn't offer many words only because he too didn't know what to say or he was simply waiting for the captain to lead off in discussion. During times like these it made the captain very thankful for his friend. ☠"Rayle-O, I-I, don't think we did the right thing here. I-I feel like this is my fault and I am almost scared to inquire anything further. This is so wrong!"☠ The captain explained as he lifted the bowl to his lips the sake being a much calmer choice for the male. He couldn't help the sting of tears that forced forward. Roger was very thankful for the mask he wore at this moment and lowered the bowl not even in the mood to drink. This was so messed up, he had assumed that when Oden returned that he would be able to handle the situation at hand. THAT WAS WHAT HE HAD TOLD HIM! And here Roger was fool enough to believe him even despite his own two eyes and the odd gut wrenching feeling they all had when they sailed out. ☠"We are far too late and we have to fix this!"☠ He choked out as he struggled to catch his grip for the moment being. He
needed food and more drinks, something that could put him down until he could process all the grim news and address it. No wonder they were hated by the many, if they left messes like this for the world to clean up. Thoughts like this came forward and had the King already wanting to retire from the game before he even started. It was then Roger made up his mind that when they fixed Wano's grim tale he would retire and head home to start a family. ☠"I-I didn't want to rule the seas...I just wanted to find the answers. When this is over......."☠ He paused remembering that he was intoxicated and that this was not a conversation to be had in a place like this. Instead Roger paused patting the other on his shoulder before heading to put in a another request for food. Leaning over the counter with his mask in place he glanced back to the curtain that had concealed them from view by design. The place was known for privacy and small gatherings much like a lounge so it was a good option for peace. What peace was to be had in Wano when the entire land was suffering? Immediately, Roger lost his appetite and headed out for a fresh breath of air. Ensuring that the mask was pinned into place he slid the door open gently so not to draw attention as he snuck out for a moment to figure out his best course of action. Who needed a plan? At this point he'd love to get his hands on the supposed strongest beast and anyone else involved. His eyes burned with fury behind the mask as he leaned against the wall allowing a much needed breath to escape him.
#goldznuts#landofwano#au#King Roger#Regrets#@xtherfriends#brb crying#FIX IT ROGER#king of the pirates#onepiecerp
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